3 . PIC03I Tlia RIGHTS OP THE PEOPLE. ;- "v - : -' : : iVCtitillE XIX NO i i - - l I If T r 7 V, - THE IUEECOM OF TI- ?Krj p ;IfiRABLE , :vy s LAYETTE VILLEr.: - - I .11 I , - ( . 4 "...: ....' 1 y. - r- - A' P. s n b s c tClvt ioj TO THE CAIlOLUTIABf or a sintrlft ennv if J..; A in advaace, per annum. $2 00 " at the end of 3 months, 2 50 at the end of 6 months, 3 00 at the end of the Tear. 3 5,0 No subBCriotlnn LnT l? received for a shorter neriod than one TarnEs naid in advance. fA Wth the. if extending the circulation and en hancing the Aess or the paper, the proprietor oi" - fers tbe fojW remarkably low " . Ci.UX.JUTf f, IJVP-.1RIABLTT JJV ADVANCE: , . "S dopier if the Carolinian, 1 " wpier a toe oaroiinian, t year, ; 5 uu 15 00 J ftatea If liflllhfcl I .V ' . v. " R!t f " . ' i.P-or any other establishment in the soutn. - rersons ..T'T er.aofl61orles?for.tnefi'sy! wishi itisti.? yellow 3k - - . f , . for each subseauent insertion, unless tne HAir- iinlW IUC fi is puoiiBnea lor more- man .two nwuiu fbe charged w - i-. ... . i i 1 4.V.. V r V ,.hree months," - : - $ 4 00 - - i V-l bt months, - -r i.: : 6 00 ' . ' . twefv months. - . - - - ,10 00 9 " AD .ti?ements mast have the . desired number nf in- narKea oij tnem, riherwf5iney nn De in-i J TVtT,, TITTrlTTm,V..-' nn ' EiEOAIi HOTIOES. CLKSIRIff G. WRIGHT, V MtomcyatLsw, Kayettevllle.Sr.C. OSte at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb3. 1856. J. A. SPEARS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, VTTEXp'i the Courts "of Camberland, Harnet V ko an 1 o ton. . - VdJress, ToYa.'r, Ilaractt Co., N. C. Feb. 16. 1856. 85-y BARWIV FULLER, Attorney at Law, May be consulted at t'a Law Office of Jese G. herd, Esq., on Green Sttsct. July 19, 1856. . ' 7-tf Shep- JOHN D.SHAW. ITTTOaXET VT LAW. Rockingham, Richmond County North Carolina, will practice in the Courts of Richmond. Anson and ivooeson. All .business entrusted to his care .will re ceive strict attention. July, 11, ly-58 Five sevenths of the FARMING AND TETRPEN- I TINE LAND in Harnett county, know;i as the Park r , and McNeill lands, joining Wm. Harr niton's land f, Upper Little River. There is some 20utcres cf tffss,, -j " - . . ' , 1 - 1 " i A lnds are heavilv timhpnil with ninpa au" u-ii)iin sih7 miles of the Fayetteville and Western Railed. For particulars apply to J MoA Jr J. V. MiICAY. OVv 1856 29, 2G-tf A. Campbell, AUCTIONEER. c COMMISSION MERCIIAXT, East side of Gillespis street, Fayette vili.e, N. C. October 1, 1855 MARBLE FACTORY, BY GEO. LAUDER. Vearly opposite to E. W. walkings Auction Store Fayetteville. N. C. Oct. 1. 1856. T Fall Stock, 1857. B. F. PBARCE & CO., RE now receiving a large and well selected stock Consisting in p9rtf : , . Black &nd Figured Silks; . n(rj;sl, and French Merinoes; Plain and Fig'd DeLanes; French all vrool Plaids; Alpcas a-' qualities; Black Bombazine; igoglish, French and American Prints; Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns;) i.adies' Cloaks of every description; Jaconet Edgings and Insertions; Collars, and Luidersleeves; Jfosiery, Gloves, Belts; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; ' , Cloths and Cassimercs; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; . White and Colored Flannels: v Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting: 5'j - Bleached and Broiyn Drillings; V i'laia ijinseys ana jverseys; ' Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleached Table Cloths; Towellingsof all kinds; 'Negro Blankets; Extra "qnality Bed Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality -Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Koleskin, Cassiraere and Wool Hats; Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. -ALSO A lare and fashionable stock of All ot which Ul be sold low for CASH, or on our : usual time to punctnal customers either at Wholesale; or Ite ail. All persons are respectfully invited to i give us a call. I B. F. PEARrjR. - J. W: PEARCE, Jr. j Sop. 12 157 67-tf H. TURLIJrGTOiV, General Commission ' Merchant. NORTH WATER STREET, WU-Kinelon, JV. C, gl Personal attention to the sale or shipment of ; u consignments of Naval Stores or otner country , produce, and any othur bnsiness entrusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. ' April 18. 1857. " ly' Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for, Sale by s. j. HINSDALE. Aug. I5 63-tf t NOTICE- I tv.ATf1)"rThree f'rst rato Workmen, for which l.t.be.8t of Pn8 will be given, and study work. Th e I V 50 NnS B,K)tf' !'75' footiJS, 2.75jShocS 5 Dec. 31 A CAQD. THE undersigned would respectfully-Infor? old j ' - , . : :'' ' MfliCUl friends and customers that he can be fonn at.theiTHK SOUTH CAROLINA MSB' - Store of C. E. Leete, where he will be glad o, see them. J. R. McDNAU. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf , . THE MAG NOLTA RESTAURANT. Thev say the Magnolia Tree is the handsomest growth south of Mason and Dixoj's line, and it is evi dently a fast. It is aso-sid the .Magnolia Restaurant ci ween oireei, Deiwcfinur. u. y . Boomsoa t meuii Establishment, and MrP. Taylor's Strire, and nearly j 8 oaemreu noose, is int J inew u onDosite the Shemveiionse. is the Finest and best 1- i . . i . i . . . r, . n ' ntouUV kU UUCi , RTrTT.rTxri t UTrir . - uiJiWHU.: J ' : . . . r , . ine subscriber would take this metnoa or tnanKing the citizens of this place and the surronndg conetry, for the unprecedented liberality "they havwbestowed V nim.and wonid solicit a continuation, - '-fie has khrant on hand the V EliY WINESp CORDIALS, that, can Unite.! Stav:4 either by ..the quantity'. i flatters himself that he hs the most polite, obli- ging. accomplished and FRJIJVK, vender to attend to his establishment, that can be found either North or South. Temperance drinks put up at the shortest notice. He would call attention particniariy to nis private rooms upstairs, which are large, comtortabie.j UI1U 1 U. twu viuv-i . R. 'ONES, Yellow Building, Greer ,St Fayetteviue, N. C. " May 16, 1857. 4J-if IB. KkrDE, DEALER IJV C o nfection- aries, Bread, Crackers of Fruits' Nuts, Fancy Ar tides. ' r and a v, ; civ of arti ele-! in th? all kinds, - y GROCERY LTNE. Foot of Ifavmonnt, Favttevi)!' Ot. 24. 1851. l:i-y 2 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC. C. E. LEETE has on HAND at present a SELECT ASSORTMENT 'OF LIQXJOKS, Consisting in part o o Bb!s - ,5 do OLD NASH BRANDY PUKE old Rye Wliiskey ., . "O Scupperpong Wine; Vintage 1855 ALSO 50 5 Bids do do Domestic Wh,se, " -l1-'. XUm HOLLAND GIN 73-tf "LOOK. OUT FOB THE LOtOMOTIVK' J. W. LETT TTas just received a large and general STOCK OF GOODSsuited to theFalland Wintertrade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple una Paikcy DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirablein that line. PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. Sept. 26, 1857. - ly-pd NOTICE. Persons indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as Guardian of the heirs of John Morrison, decd, are hereby re spectfully informed, that said guardian Las in a greal majority of instances endorsed and transferred theii notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent ne cessities, apart from the reqt irements of the endorser compel us to collect as speedily as possible. All those indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A. D. MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON N. A. MORRISON. Laurinbnrgh, N. C, March 7, 1857. 40-ti J. S. BANKS, COMMISSION AKD PORWAUDIXG MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, JST. C. January 1, 1856. ly-pd SELF-SEAtmG Jars.- For presarving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pints Quarts and Half-Gallons, at $2 40, $3 40, and S5 25, per dozen, respectively. For sale at the Crockery Store. - W. N. TILLINGHAST. Also, Fresh Supplies of CHINA, GLASS WARE and Table Knives. June 20, 1S57. 55-tf James C. Smith. . Miles Costint .JAMES C. SMITH &L CO., Commission Merchants,. Have removed their office to the second story of 1 e building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Compa iy j where thoy.are prepared to attend to all business in 1 je I Commission line. All business entrusted to 1, hem will hp nnnrt.nsillv aften,ei to. Wilmington, October 1, 185? y - O ' f) H M 11 S T fl P 11 ! . . i t m . .. . ... . . STARR & WILLIAMS ARE nowreceiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS SEASON, embracing, Dry Goofls, Flats, Boots, SJioes, and Made-CP Clothixg, To which they invite the attention of Wholesale -buyers generally. J. B. Stark. J. M. Williams. Oct 10. " 71-tf FRESH TURNIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, RUTA BAGA, Just received and for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. July 11. The Presbyterian Chnrch inorth Cafplina ha long labored onder a serion rq.sadvftnwge from the want of a journal to advocate ft er claims aud represent hfir interests. . I t v . - mated that only 1000 Fresbyturian ""'' are taj5en jn the bonndsof Our three "rresoyw- . have 13 000 CommnnicaniS, ties.- VV e nave IdOU V0Ja' . . . . . - ni AAiV PrMhu , is safe to' inter that tnere are a.v-' . J . .... r , - tenans in principle in me otakc. , l Cf.,j. firti : the TTnmn in noint if namber. ' ni1 lmr niAmhRrshin is irreater u.v. . - 7 1 - . . - !and her membership is greater than thf o; , v, r tit - TnnevaftM. iny oynod gonth or VVst Of ennsyiT'. - n, ..SMu tb Mnrth and 'Booth. ----:-r" t - ; come ITen TKe iTe: , Church in North C Carolina should" like wise wo l)er duty to her children. It is a conceded dhid ; iraportant fact tuat hundreds of our memblrs ; .f. . R ' nanor . ... . J- - i-"f- - ""T". fjg paper js needed to be the orjran of inr Synod and Presbyteries to elevaf e and lighten the piety of our membership bydiffaang evangelical knowledge to promote the canse of Education to develope the talents of Irur Ministry, and to strengthen the attachment! of our people to the soil and sanctuaries of tljeir own State. If our Chnrch in other States, and otAer' Churches in this State, can supply their ni lers with a religious journal, why may not Are. North Caroliua'Presbyterians iiiferic snt, energy and patriotism to their neigh! on the Aorth or bouth, or to " Christians other denopjinat'ons at home? With same or better opportunities' of accouiplisV this work, siiall we leave it undone?. In ''ti i language of one of our most able and . ns Ministers, an adopted son oar 5late, years ! ouaiit to have been undertaken 20 but it is not too late to beinu to do right.' 1 1 t j In t!ie hist 1 o or three months, a fund . about $5000 bus been snbserilod as a perrn.' I nent capital. At a meeting of tke:ontrih.iici' , held at Greensboroiii'li on tlie 14th of May,' I Rev. A Baker, Chairman, t he-Paper was uu I anioiou.il located at Fiiyette ville under the i name and title of ths North Carolixa I'iiES I bvterian. Rev. Wm. N. Mebane and'Rer j. George McNeill were elected Editors: Rev iMessrs. George McNeill, Wm. N. Mebane, A Baker and C. H Wilev, and 'Messrs. Geonrt j pjjy were appointed an Executive Committer, 1 -'Xlp.Pill. r. .lohn II I nnk unrl ll.ivnl M nr. to establish the Paper and manage its busiue;s affairs Carolina Presbyterian a ioorual of thef r a : r t .i 3 a .1 ' ol:ss rnimi in t.ll lioet. in tlif rnnnlrr in trrvo. j graphieai-appearance and in adaptation to the wants of our Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and special care will be taken to give a full and accurate summary of State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be an expo nent of its character and contents. From con viction, it will advocate the conservative, or thodox, Old School doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to our own people to X. C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely conCdeully upon their favor, we trust that the native sous of North Carolina who have found homes in other States, and the adopted citizens of our State who form so important au element in our Miuistry and membership, will take a deep interest in this enterprise, aud give it their hearty support. Terms: $2 per annum In advance, or'on de livery of the first number; $2 50 in six months $3 at the end of the year. To clubs of 25 or more, paying in advance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount of 10 per cent, will be allowed. Our Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will please assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi ble, and forward the names, by August 1S( to this Office. As soon as 1500 subscribers ' are obtained, the hrst number will bs issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those Ilho take a lively intprest in this work, we will without doubt, be able to oegin tne puoncauon as ine ena oi that time with a paying subscription list of at least R00O BS? Address, Editors of the North Carolina Presbyterian, Fayetteville, IS . C. Fayetteville, May 20, 1857. t Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. 4 . Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10.j ALSO. Celt, Picker, Roller and Lace LEATHERS Oils and Manufacturer's Findinss. Winter strained. Snerm. Lard and Linseed Oih. Shuttlie?s Isinglass, Frelfbh Glue, Emory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. J. H. HALL, Pres. B. C. M. Co July 26, 1856 - 8-tf j 10,00a lbs. Tallow Wanted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. Oct. 1,1851' A. M. CAMPBELL. A. A. 31eK.etlian ' es.-octfnlly informs his friends and the public, that he ' puilt.up large substantial Brick BiuiUing , at his Old Stand, expressly for manulacturing an-.uges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage lie u r ' ;ci ved for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict a.teutloa to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to m,-.rit a continuance of the same. HT warrants his h ors to be made of the best material and by experienced "orkmcn in each branch of t he business. His work svi.l sompare favorably with any made in the United Stat, lor neat ness and durability. ix & ,-0 nionniniui tn Kll and do any work. his line 'uat is as on as good terms as any work done elsewher stock of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BOtllAWAv S, .ii ,i n. .,1 ii'im iin:snt- ' 'argest a vn -nnnmvM ovaf rtflfprpfl in this place m-i. vi viiLik;. v, t - . , 1 be sold - CI V very low " 1 v.. ' - . . , . H...r,n " ra ,MS-1T, hK on band more than O-Ni- f 'JDRED i r r'-.oi. r chort. time to DUii'"t'" custom J .. , ..,,i; , and FIFTY Vehicles finished and in course of con rtrnction a 11 ,irir Tiin'e huhim is warran itedlj montho withfair usage, and should it fail by bad praanship or material will be ropaireu iree 01 r material wm uc rupn li Persons wishing to buy would do well call and 'examine fo themselves camine 10 ineiuBcivco. iittQj JA . , .1 ,-.. ii., anfl nrompy """ended to. Repairing executed atsaori nonce a ( - sonable terms. Fayetteville, Oct 1, 1856 K H OWMi DISSOCIATION. A Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the sick and distressed afllictedvWith Virulent and epidemic diseases The Howard Association, in view of tbe awful des truction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several yeai ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARI TABLE ACT worthy of their name, to opuu a Dispen sary for thtf treatment of this class of diseases, iu'sll their forms, and to give -Medical -Advice Gratis, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and n euso? of extreme poverty, to furnish Medicines Frer of Charge. It5s needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, ami m lurnibn ine most approved modern treatment. ''V ajreetow, vu a'review of tbe past, feel -assured mat tneir lanors in this snhere of benevolent effort Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, and other M.v eases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon which will be sent by mail, in a sealed letter enve lope, Free of Charge, on receipt of two Stamps for postage. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. George R. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon. Howard Association No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. -'i. By order ol the Directors. G. F AIRCHILD, Sec'y E. p. HEAR TWELL, Tres. Jan. 9, 83.31 pd CAMP IIli.L Utii 2&f is& i 1 rtlHK first Session of this Institute w.T comme nc on e.' J. the 2d Monday in Januarv. 18;8. This Academy if located in the lower portion of Moore 'County, :.i the neighborhood of kick Creek The settlement i I -wedinaIv healthy. the citizens moral and intelli i p-iit. Being a "er;' Uesirable locality, the. subscriber I n pes to merit a iilieral patronage from abroad, as 'vi. Il as from iK aeebhorhootl. Parents and guar- ust":ti:te"miiy rely upon his un- .viaad altc:i!i'a to advance -t'.io sttu'eiiis in their xi !")'. Anothrr cipef djfigri a moral training ha school wtli be eohdiicted'iu-tlie wheel bouse at I'ophtr .Spriags imtiLtiie'new Academy is in aeon itifi:; to go into ivhifh is now being pushed to a -e tr cciujiletion and supposed will be finished i vuks. As many as iaav eome from abroad can C.t board within a mile and a halt" of the Academy in ;i' most respectable families. Hoard of the best ilia"7 not higher than S'i per month. . Terms of tuition per session of 2'J weeks, S7 50 for f-Lglis?! elementary; $10,00 for reading, writing and Jmersou's 1st '. rt; S12.50 for English grammar, geo graphy and Emerson's higher arithmetic ; S15,00 fur Latin. Grut k and Algebra. S,e. For information address the subscriber, Lons Stivcl. Moore Coimtv, N. C. WILLIAM. RHODES. Principal. . oJan. 10, . - 84-5t TROY & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors AT LAW. .' LU31BEUTOX.N. Q. " - ROBKRT K. TROY!LOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for ilie practice of their profes sion in Robeson Co., only K. K. Troy wiH also at tend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus, aud J P Fuller those of Cumberland. Their Oflice in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. January 9, 1S58. 83-tf ' -J . C'JLGJEj- ALL persons indebted to the Estate of William I Blonnt, deceased, by Notes executed to said William! Blount in his life time, to Joseph Thompson and Char- ; ity Blount his Administrators, at the sale of the Per- j sonal Property of said Estate, made on tbe liith and: 20th March last, and to Joseph Thompson. Guardian j for the hire of slaves; are notifled that 1 am directed i to bring suit on all remaining unpaid on the 20th mst. J It. S. r iiiijdl. i Lumberton, Jan. 9. 83-4t VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. THE Subscriber under authority of the County Court of Cumberland, Will offer" for sale at the Court House in Fayetteville on the Monday of the Special Terra of the Superior Court in February next. A valuable tract oi iana containing one uuuureu ,. it-;n,r n tlm ra t. side of the Oiino Fear River ?v' . .? . . " i , . xi ioininff WauulllS oc otners aoout a nine uum tue rUiiremlnn liridere. aaiu lana Dciongs to luu estaie of Kinon Branch deceased, and is well wooded and 1 convenient to market. Terms at sale. U. tx. aicKAli, Aam r Jan. 9 83-ts. FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. FRANK N. ROBERTS. & CO., having leased this Hotel, w ill be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them-that they will use every exertion to please F. N. Roborts. ' f J. G. Smith Jan. 9, 1858. 83-tf ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAT from the'subscriber, on ihe 23d Nov. 1855, his boy DRED. He 's 31 or 32 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, complexion light (rather copper colored.) he has but little beard; was raised by llarbord Spencor of Montgomery County, N. C, and afterwards belonged to Noah Smitherman, and was brought to South Carolina by Mr James Page. I will pay the above reward for the delivery of . aid negro to Mr T II Tomlinson, Cheraw S C or if lodged in any jail in North or South Carolina, so that I get him. He has some relations in Chatham co.. N. C. and may possibly be lurking about in that county. J. A. BKOWM. Mars' Bluff. S.C. Jan. 23. 85-4t HOUSE .A-TsTTO LOT FORSALH Pursuant to a Deed of Trust to me executed by Mr WiihamTavlor., and for Purposes therein men- tionetJ, I will sell at public sale at the Market House on Wednesday the 27th Jan'v, the House and Lot on Haymownt, at present occupied by Mr William lujlor. lerms made known at sale. E. F. MOORE. Trustee. C. E. LEETE, Auct'r. ' Jan'y 32. 85-ts. G-raduate of the Baltimore Dental College. .Vlt... 1. : j . , c, ( : c . . i -,. i. i 'been spent in this place; Dr. B, would simply state that he is permanantly located here, that is from the 1st of Oct. to the first July each -year, during which time he may be found at his pleasantly situated rooms, near the market in office hours. His terms are STRICTLY CASH, no inducement will be hel d out to the community to call upon him other than that he flatters bimset' that in future all operations shall compare favorably with those previ- Iously performed bv him. - JSVU.23, north cahocinian: FA TETE V1LLE, N. C. Report of the president of the Boston .. Matrimonial Association. ' This is emphatically an aie of progress and philanthropy, both practical and speculative. Tardly an object of human sympatlrjfut has ome wise and beneficial provision fot its - alle viation. . The bonds , of common brotherhood r daily strengthening and - the-:; links" of - tLg. golden chain of benayolence which binds soci- j together, are'kepbrightf Xor is this pliil tutliropy centracteji in Jts sphere of action;, Its sphere is not boandedby the metes of anyjotoe ccunt: v, bnt o'rtTn'E'vf. in Its cirpmQrima iti labors ; m fine wtiereveci httmffff necessity or human misery calls for relief, philanthropy responds in the universal language of human-' ity. "It has become tosmopolitJyi in its minis-j terings, world-wide in its influence, and nniver sal in its' application. " But the objects of phil- j anthropy 'are far from being all provided for, and its resources far from being exhausted. In truth Its "labors can scarcely be said to have more than commenced. - New associations are being formed daily for new and important char ities. Charity seems" more than half disposed to clip the wings of philanthropy, and to invite Jier home. She 1ms. been recently engaging her 3itter.tion towards the amelioration, in many in- sta,nces,of the condition of the female sex in onr society. With" all our boasted enlightenment many undue burthens are sustained by the weaker vessel. A philanthropy at once fearless aud investigating seeks'them out, and aims to relieve them. What a field has it foundin opening new sources of employment for poor girls in-the cities? How many has it taken from the disease-inviting sewing-stool, and placed in the factory and printing office? It has not shrunk from prying into onr domestic economy, nor been frightened by the legal visage of onr sage legislators. It has sought to elevate wo man from marital nonentity, and to softAi the hard conditions of the civil contract, which at once deprives her of personal liberty and private property. Among these efforts of associated philanthropy one class of suffering females seem entirely to have escaped the search the humanitarian. Why is it that th Comtp'ned effort -to tshcr ncglectrd iwi the bonds of that relation, which in some sort constitutes their real andonly life? The whole country is studded with charitable institutions: the deaf, dumb, blind, insane, orphan, and in digent, all have asylums, and their wants, as far as may, be supplied. The blind have sight from the magic tone, the dumb converse, with manual speech ; the orphan finds parents in at- i. u . .1 ,. jit iculuc auius, uui !,UTwui uuueimues Jiuslands for, "for single ladies cf a certain nsev . , . . Is this not a legitimate object of philanthropy? Who can listen unmoved to the recital of Strugles ; , . . ' , , Lyiu aim uiisj tupaiuuiug lawful uutuc- lors; the taunts and jeers of gay an thoughtless mothers; and the crushing, grinding "weight of hopeless celibacy! What bosom does not bleed at the thought of ardent hopes and. bitter dis appointments, long and 'patient watching and waiting, with no record but the prospect of lonely and indefinite maidenhood? What u:t .1 : i.l.l.l 1 4. : 1,. 11 rib hum i ill iiu u l ill uimsi tan ucuuiu uiiiiMiicic- . 'p :.i tt. : : .:.u vancy of nature, an old maid, the virgin with her lamp extinguished, mourning in the dark over the tomb of her lost beauty, and withered hopes, and refuse a helping hand to lift her to her proper sphere and seat her on the, throne of the domestic circle? . -Hew" strange that there should not be in the broad limits Of our land a single -institution private or public, whose direct object is to ' af ford relief to these acknowledged objects of sym pathy. There are some it is true whose . nlte rior object it is to effect this relief, nor would I be understood to depreciate their laudable efforts in this direction; such are the,., "Boston Society for furnishing1 female; teachers' for the. South," The American Woman's Educational Association," (of which Miss Beecher is presi dent,) "The Woman's Rights Society of Uti ca," and some others all bearing onward in a career of usefulness, and effecting much towards the regeneration of old maids. -But yet their efforts mixed up as they are with other meas ures of reform, have not that extent and efficien cy of design which the importance of the sub ject demands. Associated effort needs promp ting in a directer line towards the accomplish ment of its object. The reformer who is to fill the largest space in the eye, of the nineteenth century, will be he who cures that anomaly in our society involuntary' celibacy? The an cients struggled against this evil by legislative effort, and the great American utilitarian phil osopher, Benjumin Franklin, looked to that source for a cure of the evil among ourselves Rome had her Poppaean law, by which. the hon ors of the state were graduated according to the number of a man's children, and which exclu- bolf the nrivelges UCU b lie uuuiuiiivu v " i '-' - of citizenship. "Cajsar gave rewards to those who had many children. AH women under forty -five years of age, who had neither hus band or children were forbid to were jewels, or to ride in litters; an excellent method," con tinues the historian, "thus to attack celibacy by the power of vanity." Bui a most nnreas enable one, he might hare. added, thus to run- ish in woman tlTat vrliich al! pvneri .- nsis utirrerer niibiuriune man Her lault. wtj''i Franklin understood the principles of t'!r na- ---7- - .tjsi..vf. f tiivrri jugia . . mt now soon to be dveip;J pt"---4; -rT expressed the wish tuat-"j.hT L.--.'..' "-p Id order an tleet ricaljnuelugff, V" kill a tuiKey-cofk, it ipyi, ' I'gi t L osopny, ne esprcssea me wisn tuat'Viie lature wou enougii to kill a tin Key cork, ut ieai, ' piaccu m vvcij -luvv ii"' i'.v -'m, i: benefit P tuit us to rely apotf leg evifs.of onr secret j;' As liamanitamimr fgg Douna to i4 c - u-ure eiiwi extensive ,Yeja5 onefitionan- lKit of ind lifiaar' -HHr sfcrvtfdi'py plulnnthroplc.r3ot(l destitry ofTina:Ilow' Vi,Wi snccfeij eution of any project to' provide husfcaudaor. single ladies of an uncertain age affect the ad- '. vancingc interests of onr civilizatioif? -.'What ' tale will it tell upon future generations? - It was such a train of reflection as the above which led the writer of this report to the de termination to set on foot a project for the ac complishment of a long cherished idea of effec ting something in the behoof adverted to. He claimed no exalted rank in the scale of human itarians, ut simple position asan humble but ardent member of the universal. brotherhood of Philanthropioal Reformers. Accordingly early in April last, he- set h-melf to working out the outline for the plan of "The Marriage Promoting Association, for the bene fit of Middle-aged and Elderly Single Ladies.". Having satisfied himself of the eligibility and feasibility of the plan, he collected around him a band of chosen and tried confidential friends,, and with their a id Completed the details of the plan, and opened the way clearly for its execu tion, ile has to thaBk P.rovideice that the germ he so anxiously cultivated is now firmly established in fruitful vigor, and that his novel experiment is now a brilliant success. The Association have founded an "Old Maid Asylum," the details in the plan and conduct of which are simple, but effectual. We have a large and commodious building in the heart ot (Boston) city, with chambers, and drawing r&oms, elegantly, and fashionably furnished. tee. This committee is subdivided into 'the Matrimonial and Bachelor committees, with duties assigned partly Separate, and partly con current. The Executive Committee consists entirely Of married gentlemen and ladies, to whom is entrusted the whole conduct of our institution; while our sinecure members consist exclusively of bachelors and widowers. Tlie separate duty of the Bachelor Committee, is to hunt up bachelors and widowers of good char acter and standing, candidates for matrimony, and induce' them to join our Association. .Up on doing so, they record their names, connec tions, professions, and fortunes in the appro priate register, and then, upon performing cer tain initiatory cerenii n'e?, the principal of which (as in uiost sockt us), is a pecuniary formality aud promising to "conform to our regulations, and faithfully to peiTorui the duties -imposed, they are "entitled to all the privileges of racni bership. These privileges aud duties iu;c the following: they are bound to visit -the asylum regularly, and as frequently as their business will permit: they must attend all parties, and entertainments given at the Asylnm, unless prevented Dy reasonable necessity; they must be polite to the ladies, and particularly atten tive to those recommended to their notice, and thrown in their company; they must cultivate an internal marriageable disposition, and a lively sentimentality, r and endeavor to make themseives good conductors of animal magne ingTeye of j t ji"" Association is classified into Workiug and ' ' erj is no linejure -V, embers, the lormer class being com- -l S'ca-iutos what we 'style The li.xecntive ComPM ai J tism: -in fine, we liind our members over in a .1 sort of matrimonial recognizance to use all lion- , I est endeavors to get married, and select a bride . f from some of tbe ladies whose compaajr they TiP joy our jnsuiuiiuii. i - ... A--y" - , -r.:i.;-.; - -7:.,. " . mrw -x.l vu t 1 s nlMA TrC t t ttl i Jfe 1 "-' our mode of selecting bcneficiar Among the almost overwhelming nuinbIr applica tions, the" Matrimonial Committeeperform their duty h)nes:!y and fearless'ly, bj.se lee ting only such as come up to our standard of educa tion, position, age, &c. The Asylum is inten ded solely for the relief of old" maids, and hence the applications of widows have been uuiformly rejected, long expcriene having tanght us that they are abundantly able to take,, care of. themselves. And here let me, once for all, re mark as to the term old, maid, which to some has, in its homeliness and familiarity, something of offence; the committee after mature delibe ration, determined not to discard it, nor to sac' rifice a term without a synonyme to silly preju" dice. But our chief difficulty was in fixing upon the proper age atfateti ''this advanced stage of female single-blessedness should be said tolcommence. The various views entertained on this interesting" point were really surprising. Jf One thought twenty-five the proper chronolog- ' ical stand-point; while another contended that 1 woman'slife bad onfy properly commenced at jJ that age, and cited in support of this view the I laws of European nations iolatitndesnot more'r J northern than ours, which only allow ladies be marriageable at twenty-five years of ageX I 3' .Kjonclnded on 3d page. i 3, - "if - Hf - f - 4-

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