JTfl Vv I- t i J WeleamlivtiiH KnJZitrh -,c;!TO tffat A MeRae intends visiting -this plof on tlie 9ta of Feb'y, and will addresses fcikfcitizens on the evening of the same.- jtris alledged that his object is-to defend himself from the attacks of certain of the Press. ' He-will also speak at Goldsborough on .the 1st, Raleigh the 15th, and -Hillsborough the 23rd of February. r Come, brother HoMen, yon must out with it. - What have yoti been doing to raise . the knap of "the Squire after this fashion? Or is it your neigh bor Syme of the Regksy working at the wires of distribution, who is uing the Squire to take this tour in serf defence -and thereby throw out feelers ..as he tfuveld to see "whether it will do to thrust Leak aside and stump it over the State, in oppo'si-. tion to our next nominee for Governor! Perhaps out brothers Fulton and Price of Wilmington have been rather nauglity towards MeRae as ho set apart the 23th inst., to visit that -city. Letr "us know; gentlemen .of-the Journal, what lack of focir- tesyhavQ you been-guilty of towards him? "Pos sibly yoa can make the amende honorable Fh time i . - -- tojstop a tongue-lashing if it has not already" been admiiiisted to vou! Tn0 Tribune at. Goldsboco1, certainly mnst be at fault too, for tho Squire in tends being heard in that region as sure as the sun Shines, on tlfo 1st "of February, and as sure as he is a living man! Wo do not know what the Hillsbo rough, domocracy have been saying or doing against the Squire, but they had better "fess the corn as Pompy did just afore ho received 39 on his bare back," for as sure as the 23J of Fobr'y rolls round, so sure will they catch it.' Wo thought" our j frjentl Yates of the ClidTloUeJDenXvcrai I was rather ejicy uguuisL mu oquire, uui wtj ce a'" ''wmi meut made for his quarter of the State. Friend Yates, however, had better look out, for if any man ver deserved to cateh"tho ash from the Squire, e tlrnk he richly deserves it, for he laid it on rath rt thick a mouth or so ago in liis columns. The Winston Sentinel must also be on the alert, for if '. v mistake not it has been rather extensive in its briu!es against friend McEac's (Dancy ) letter Tht.?.lisbury Uanner, too, unfurled its ample and graced folds in a hostile position to said letter, it therein, had better be prepared to make pnlper acknov;nents to the Squire before it is too late. As for t. W.irrenton AVmw, it should commence at once t nt on sack clotlrand"u-dies, for'its sins of commis.- n against-the letter havo been enor mous. Th'A-hoviile At n-s, too, has been rather guilty with b ust of Mr Mcllae's democratic op ponents in pu.-' his letter of distribution to pie ces. We forgi -.hether the Giraffe occupied a hostile position c- . t but as well as we recollect it came down like a..usand of brick on the docu ment. As for our-'.?, we have becrl quiet and peaceable towards '.:tcRae, we know, therefore, be cannot mean us a- e of his marks to shoot at. Yet, lie understands opposition perfectly well He knows that we are ti-i-l opposed to the doc trine of distribution and are e.;: ..y ns hostile to disor- ganizers in our ranks. S'u ..Id Mr MeRae ever go before the people (as it is Miiked that he may do j between this and August) au Candidate favoring the heretical doctrine containti in his Danev let ter, then we will be prepared, litieally speaking to "welcome him with bloody hauls and a hosp'ta tie grave." We do not know that -such is hi.-7 tentio.is which ai I itit the fact even of his 'caching tei -'reel would be e hostile to the d ik:n ora(i' eriorzrHj fo ci'll fort!i tho thituni-ifiti, of vi-rv democratic Press m (.'i.risti-ncc.i.i an i ni that event our columns will be i-mp'oyi-d in defence of our faith in opposition to Mr MeRae, or any other, in diviJuul whomav ser-ni disposed to deviate from the good old democratic paths. We w.onld much ll. Tin t, r thnt MV Mci;. wmil.1 consider his Wavs ami ,1,,;,, n,t l,,...- r., ., .;tion ot that km.l -;il curry liim off from the democratic foht when in the j outset he may never have intended it. We do not j wish to see a man of his superior talents and tine accomplishments, politicly Juried as it were here in North Carolina, whe hc might bo of o much use to her in various has noed of tll free and full exercise "-he talents of all her sons. Ihit what arc Miperi,r 'af'"ts and exulted accom plishments worth. when they are directed in the wrong way. W1 hope Mr MeRae will show by his course that lie determined to adhere to the true democratic fa''1 am that he will abandon all bis foolish idea "all litribution and go for that policy whirl' '3 a,lle S!lft for us whether in a State or Xation.d point of view. We are aware that men 0frrrpf ,i)iiids are often led astray fro-.n a right COltrsp Jasi iui mi; wuiil oi i lime t oiisiieriiLion, and wbcn they have taken a calm and dispassionate view of their course they are as ready and willing to rcrrace their stops as they were eager at first to pMrsuethc rong path. Vrc are partial to Mr MeRae, from the fact of lils being a native horn, son of Fayetteville, and reared up and educated in our midst, and we be lieve he has the welfare of his native State at heart. These considerations together with our knowledge, as we have before said of his superior talents aud i. l. i . r t. ..1 . r i a: fine accomplishments are the reasons why we have been induced to exercise patience towards his de- viations from the old democratic policy on the land question.' We always feel a State pride for any and all of her talented sons and would much prefer to hold them up before tho world than to aid in burying them in the grave of oblivion. But if they will persist in their obstinacy and take a hostilo position to that party on the success of which, we believe depends the prosperity of our State and Union, then we are bound to buckle on our armor and fight against them, "not that we love Cassar less, but that we love Home more." STWe received this week through the Post Office, a letter from Gray's Creek, containing two Marriage Notices, with the request for us to pub lish them. It being contrary to our rules to insert either Marriage or Death Notices in our paper, without tlie name of some responsible person is attached to them and as there is no name signed to the Grays Creek letter we cannot depart from our usual rule in such cases, and therefore the Mar riages are not published. Persons , sending such communications ought to be more particular. They must sign their names ia full in order to justify an Editor in inserting such Notices. We wish to be : obligmg, but cannot be so when we are compelled to run all the risks of the law of tho land ourselves Our friends must not, therefore, blame ns for any omissions of this kind when the fault -s with themselves entirely. CThe County Court of Duplin, on the 21st inst., elected Thos. J. Carr, Esq.. to fill the oflice of Sheriff of said Countv, in place of J. D. Aber nathey, deceased until next August election. L.B -Mr John A. Wierman has l ifeigned tle oflice of Postmaster nSalisbiirv, N 1 and .Mr Moses A bmith has been. 11 B1. lr Our Northern exchanges inform vis that the pros pects of having rfgeocl erop of ice in that direction- are rather slim as the weather has not been -cold enough to bring about a good freeze. . The.Boston folks are talking about fitting up Steamers to tow to that place some' of the ice-bergs which are to be found in abundance in a more northern' latitifde. This is a good idea: We are afraid our. 'part of the country wiK pot be visited at all with this lux ury.- Our folks here will find it rather , tough to pass off a hot summer without it. . The weaker has been so warm up to this 'time rthat it is doubtful whether we shall have a freeze at all. It feels more like-the latter part of spring than winter. '-'.. OTLate sales of X.. C. State Stocks are jeported in New York at 94 an3 93. - -. '"''.-.;. . The VAuitoTlndependeiil is offered for sale... If not disposed of privately it will bo sold at public auction 6n Saturday next. " .Fire "in Fayetteville. ' TVe learn by priyato communication; thut ' the house of a Mrs. Johnson, iu'Fayetteville, occupied as .a hotel or boarding bouse, was destroyed by fire a few nights since, together with the "Catholic Church which was adjacent?' Ascertained to be the work of an incendiary, a mulatto fellow, who is now in. prison. -HUhborq1 Recorder, ' ' The abov is a piece of intelligence to our citi zens, which "they were; not made cognizant of be fore: its. appearance in the Hillsborough paper. lour information Mr.-Recorder -is not correct, as rio such firo has vet taken place. 1 Mrs. Johnson's HoteI.and the Roman Catholic Chapolare still sceii erCC4hgqatfMi&MaPCt"la. Will nrmmddbV-it-g5 Letter writers should be more careful than this. for if they mislead in one particular, they may do so i.n others; and the public can have no confidence in their communications, and besides that the Press might be seriously injured thereby. SWe return Jour thanks to the Hon. Warren Wiuslow for a copy of tho "Congressional Direc tory" for the present Session, which he sent us tliis week. - STFWe are informed that a Justices' Court con sisting of Joseph Arey, John Waddill and Robert Mitchell tsqrs., was iicUl in this place, on tur-. day last, for the examination of Job tlie property Mr. Johnson, of .Tennessee, from the Com of Konald McMillan ami Quash the property uf I niittee on Public Lands, to whom was referred Mr; William L. Hall, charged with themurde'- tf j the bill to grant to every person who is the Hatcher a free man of color, on the Gth"Tnst., and i head of a family and a citizen of the United which wo announced two weeks ago. ' The examination consumed the larger portion of fa day, and after argument and a partial investiga tion of the ca;c, the Court adjudged that Job be discharged, and that Quash be committed for trial at May Term of our Superior Court. John Winslow and M. J. McDuflie, Esipr's for Job. W. II. Ilaigh and-B. It. Huske, EsorV, for Quash. ZTWThe II ash i n r ton Litton learns t'.iat it is i!i i contemplation at the War Department to despatch 1 Scott to iho Pacific coast with a view of arraMghlg for military operations against v. from tbt side. This imj.ortant -movement has not, however, at this time, been defi nitely decided on. r3The Communication from M of Robeson Co. came to hand too late to be inserted in this weeks paper. It shall appear in our next. nna;v.it -of tue TciRs-iEE. tiexico is a stite OF AiHCMY! Xew Okleaxs. Jan. 25. The steamship Tennessee, from Vera Cr.12, arrived to-day. Sha brings news that the whole of Mexico is j reporiCU to oe 111 a fuimaiuii ui anai ni . condition of i Xearl v every State and town was pronouncing 1 airainsi v..oinonioi r. The President had 2,000 troops and artillery under command. lov. Youloaga. holds the citadel and barracks. Gen. Youloaga was taken prisoner and released on parole. " Santa iimi was favored by various parties for the presidency. FURTHER BY THE TE"ESSEE. New Orleans. Jan. 2G. caily all the man stages between Vera Cruz and the Capitol, had been robbed. , On the 11th, Gen. Zuloagans' lyigude, which was the first to d -clnre in favor of the Dicta - lorsinp pi oiiijiiiie-trn - ii.iiii3u v.... .... brigade holds the citadels and UarracKs at ban Augustine and San 'Homings. Comonlort had attacked the latter, but was repulsed. All the foreign residents in the city hoisted the Hags of their respective nations for protec tion The whole city was in a state of great confu sion.' j IJLBB IUi" Later From Europe. ' i Arrival of the Kangaroo. New York, Jan. 21. The steamship Kan garoo arrived this evening, with Liverpool dates to the 12th. The launch of the Leviathan was still progressing. Would be accomplished soor. Sir Colin Campbell had evacuated Lucknow. Outram Aluinbagh, with a a strong division of Oudc insurgents, was pressing southward. The Englsh fleet had gone up the Canton river. An attack is expected on the arrival of reinforcements. Canton is reported.to .be mined. ' " J ",. """." ''?'" The Spanish Cortes had opened. The Queen's speech refers indefinitely to the Anglo-French mediation for Mexico. It is said that the Russians have ceased to interfere iu the navigation on the Circassian coast. COtf.nERCIAL. Liverpool, Jan. -12th. Sales of cotton for the three days 14,000 to speculators 1,400, exporters 1,400. Prices generally unchanged. Closed quiet and steady, Middling nominally declined 1-1 6th. Manchester advices unfavo rable. Consols 94 3-8 a 94 . ilouey slightly easier. Richardson, Spence & Co., quote flour dull. Western Canal 23 a 24. Southern 24 a 24 Gd. Ohio 25s. Wheat dull and declined 2d. a 3d. White Is. 3d a 9d. Corn dull all unchanged. Provisions quiet. Rosin dull at 4d. Sugar coffee, tea and rico quiet and unchanged. Spirits steady at 32s. Further from Kansas. St. Louis, Jan 27. The Democrat has ad vices that the people of Kansas have decided not to memorialize Congress for enabling them to act, but will pass one for themselves, and frame a constitution like that of Topeka, and submit it for the acceptance or rejection of the people. Clarksen passed through Boonville yesterday, with the constitution and official re turns. Cotton in Algeria. The French govern ment is making great efforts to encourage, the crrowth of cotton in Algeria. A prize of 5,000 francs has just been awarded by the province of Constantinople to a successful cul tivator oi this usetul plant. : . - Thursday, Jan. 2 1 185S . ' '.' '-SENATE. ' Mr: Houston presented the petition, of Ra-. dall Pegg, praying to be allowed the Alffjgjg between the pay he received and that a!0 to the other watchman who were eropoyetj t tlie public buildings during the time he .sejrjet as a watchman at the Fa-teat Office o''d"'?; which was reQpid to the Cosjmhittee on rlu t-! ii 1 1 t T t no li'lr :.- PiirrW nenterl the memorial 01 til lie- board of trustees ;0f VT6Xiti V: at Cincinnati, 0n6; pray in- that that .1,,s"l tion ma-y be endowed by a grant-of public U'l; which was referred to the Committee oa i lic Lands. - ., Mr. Jones presented the petition of ciueiis e t. , r.;, for a o-raut or lamt rant or lanoiof to aid in the construction oi a . . some point oh the Missouri "river westwaruljriu the direction of the Southwest Pass m tlie Uocky mountains; which was referred, to ine Cemmittee on Public Lands. . T ' Mr. G win presented the memorial ot y u liara C. Pease, a ci-.ptaiu in the" United btates revenue service, praying to be reimbursed au amount of public money tost by him while On deposite in bank.'aiid which he has been obliged to pay out of his' private funds; which was referred. to the Cominitte on Claims, Mr. Seward submitted a resolution, which was referred to the Committee- to "Audit and Control the Contingent Expensesof the Senate, providing for the payment of the amounts ciii to Seuators Bell, Butler, and TC,usk, at theratt of three thousand dollars per annum, from tht 4th of March last to tho time "of tliuir dece 5l'.'iJ.ik 1" itzpatr-ics; sutMnittea"-eaolv,:"S31 referred to the Committee to An;t JrffiWftHy - returns, and asked that i might be was Coutiol the Contingent Expenses of the Semite, providing for the payment to Cornelius Wen dell of the sum of fifteen cents per one hundred pages for twenty thousand copies of the Pr3d fccott decision On motion by Mr. Yulee, a resolution wa3 adopted requesting the Secretary of War to furnish the Senate with estimates of the appro priations necessary for such parts of the volun teer force operating in Florida during the past year as remain unpaid for want of appropria tions applicable to the purpose, including such companies as may have been mustered or re- ti d b d f , i..es;je,lt States a" homestead of 1 GO acres of land out of the uiblic domain, oa condition of occupancy and cultivation of the same for the period herein specified, reported it without amendment, and recommended its passage; and, on his motion, it was- made the special order for the secAiiJ Monday iu February, at 1 o'clock. ! Mr. Stuart, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the bill granting a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of tlie public lands to actual settlers, asked to he discharged from the further consideration of the same, as the bill just reported covered the sub ject; which wus agreed to. Mr. Yulce gave notice of his intention to morrow, or on some early dy thereafter, to ask leave to introduce a bill ceding to the several States the lands owned by the United States within their respective limits Mr IJayard, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the protest against tlie election of lion. J. I). ISright pd lion. G. Fitch, as senators from ludif.i-i, together with other papers in relatiou toc same subject, submitted a report, aecompnnic?V,,:-l-"" " Printing, to whom had been rojurr0 by the following resolution Resolved, That in the case of tho cantcsted election of the Hon. Graham X. Fitch and the i Hon. Jesse D. Rright, senators returned a:,d i , ... ........ 0 . V .... ,. admitted to ineir seats irom tine t.iieoi in-.: .an", the sitting members and all persons protcstiiip; against their election, cr any of them, by them selves, or their agents, or attorneys, he per mitted to take testimony on the allegations ff tha protestunts and the silting members, tcuc'i iuji all matters of fact therein contained, before any judge of the district court of the United States, or any judge of the supreme or circuit courts of the State of Indiana, by first givin , ten days' notice of the time and place of sued proceeding iu some public gazette printed at j Indianapolis, j At one o'clock the Senate proceeded to the 4 cousiuei a i ion oi ine special oruer, bene- tlie luiiuwiiig juini resolution uireciing me presen tation of a medal to Commodore Hiram Pauld ing : . Rc it Resolved, &c, '7hat the President of it : i...: .1: ..- . .. .1 j the United States be, and he is hereby, requit ed to cause to be made a medal, with suitable j devices, to be presented to Commodore Hiram I Paulding, of the navy of the United States, as a testimonial 01 tlie tiigli sense entertained by Congress of his gallant and judicious conduct on the 8th day of December, 1857, in arresting a lawless military expedition "set on foot" in tlie United Statjs under the command of Gn. Walker, and in preventing the same from carrying on actual war against the feeble and almost defenceless republic of Nicaragua with which the United States aie at peace. Mr. Clay suggested that the joint ' resolution ought to be referred to the Committee of For eign Relations, and it would be premature to discuss it at this time. It would seem like prejudging the question uow before that cifn- mui.ee on me reference ot lue i reia-r--r . , sage ou the subject of the arrest of Gen.pVal ker... After further remarks from Messrs. Doaptle, Brown and Fugh, Mr. ' Pearcc obtained the floor; and after the consideration of executive business", the Senate adjourned until Monday next. f HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Daniel W. Gooch, of Massachusetts, elected to fill the vacancy caused by the re signation of Hon. Nathaniel P. Banks, having appeared, was duly qualified, aud took his seat Lupon the floor of the House. Mr. J. ulancy Jones, ot Pennsylvania, irom the Committee, of Ways and Means, reported the following bills; which were severally read twice and committed : . f A bill making an appropriation for the pre servation and repair of fortifications and other works of defence, barracks and quartersifor the year ending 30th June, 1859. J A -bill making appropriations tor tle naval service for the year ending 30th June, S59. A bill making appropriations for sunBry civil expenses of the government for the yeaF ending 30th June, 1859. Mr. Phelns' of Missouri, also from fie Corn- mitten nf Wavs and Means, reported 4 bill to appropriate money to supply deficienc f 3 in the appropriations tor paper, printing, nnrl pntrpuvinnr ordered bv the S"l and o o Umica rf Ronpucon t n 1 1 ves for the A "I R-third and Thirty-fourth Congresses. Mr. Phelns explained that, nponexamina. tion, the committee found that there pas a de ficiency amounting to $795,000 forjtbe work ordered by the Senate and the HoasJ of Rep. resentatfves for tf4e two Receding ft" , was not the intention of the ngresses. committee to put the bill upon its passage, but to have it re ferred to the Committ-e of the Whole; and, when it should be considered in committee, he should bo willing to explain why the cominit- -va nao reported rt. ''Me. Quitman, of Mississippi, from the Com mittee on Military Affairs, reported a bill for the relief of suttlers of the United States army; which was read twice and committed. Mr. Winslow, of North Carolina, from the vommittee on Naval Affairs, reported a bill for the relics of Doctor Charles Maxwell, a surgeon m. the United States uavV: which was. read "twice and committed. Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, from the same com mittee, reported a bill for the benefit of the cap tors rf t)ia.R;t;.-.U :.. t. ... . .1812:: which" was rend t Also, from-the same committee, presented an adverse report on the memorial of James Pern oer; aud itivas laid on the table. Mr." Hawkins, of . Florida, from the same committee, reported a bill for the relief of Win. Heine, .artist in the Japan expedition; which was read twice and committed.. Mr. Clingman, of North Carolina, from the omimttce-oii I.oreign Affairs, presented an ad verse report in the case of Lewis Lafittee; and it was iiiid on the table. . ' Mr. -Ilickman, of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, presented adverse reports iu the cases of Daniel Mandigo, Joseph II. Irval. and Jacob Jeho; and they wci'e "severally laid on the table. .Mr. I&iRlish,"- or Indiana, trom tne uoramu tee'oi"! the Post Office and Post Roads, reported ra. bill to prevent me iiiuouvcuieui nucuiinimioju put upon us passage. This bill provides that the Postinnster General may dinpose of any quarterly returns of postmasters, reserving the accounts current, and use such portion of the proceeds as may be 'ry iu uc, uy u.e. expense o. separating a j c r uuu "'N'"3'" - - ""c t.L.L.UUUL Ollblll lCCl t CU tLI;U lib 1- years This bill was also ordered to be engrossed; but, not being engrossed when its reading was ca'led for, it was passed over until to-morrow. Mr Houston, of Alabama, from the "Com mittee on the Judiciary, reported back a bill to alter the time of holding the courts of the United States for the State of South Carolina; and it was read the third time and passed. Mr. Uocock, of Virginia, from the Com mittee on Xaval Affairs, reported back Senate resolution to extend the operations of an act approved January 1G, 1857, entitled "An net to amend an act entitled An act to promote the efficiency of tiie navy.' " This resolution extends the time limited for the restoration of officers of tlie uavy affected by the action of the naval retiring board to the 10th day of April next, provided that the time within which examination by the naval courts of inquiry may be made shall not be extended. iUr. Uocock, of Virginia, moved to amend the resolution so as to extend the time for ex amination by the courts of inquiry to such cas 'S as were pending and undetermined before any of those courts at the expiration of the law. The amendment was agreed to, and the reso lution as amended passed. Mr. Winslow, of Xortii Carolina, from the same committee, reported a bill to amend an act entitled "An act granting a pension to Ansel Wilkinson;'' and it was read three times and passed. Mr. Nichols, of Ohio, from the Joint Corn- the proposition to print extra copies of the re port of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, reported the following resolution : Resolved, That five hundred extra copies of the report or the Commissioner of the General Land Office be printed for the use ot said office. The resolution was agreed to And then, ou motion of Mr. Ritchie, of Penn sylvania, at three o'clock the House adjourned. Washington, Jan. 22. The Senate is not in Session. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Zollicoffer asked, but did not obtain leave to in troduce a resolution calling on the President to com nmnicateall the information which gave rise to the Utah expedition and the instructions to its leaders, and for all the correspondence shedding light on tie question to show how far Hrigh am Young was iu rebellion or resistance to the Government of the United States. Tho House then went into Committee of the Whole on the private calendar. . " . I Without coming to any conclusion the Com mittee soon rose. Mr. Davis of Maryland, introduced a bill for the improvement of the Patapsco River and to render the port of Baltimore accessible to ships of war and steam frigates. I The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the state of tlw Union. Tho Invalid Pension bill was taken up. Mr. Billinghurst, argued against tho practica bility of the Southern and in favor of the Northern Pacific Railroad route. Mr. Warren asked him whether he would vote for the ' Southern route if the Committee should report it as the nearest, cheapest and most practi cable ? Mr. Billinghurst emphatically said he would not while tho talk of a Southern Confederacy was so rife. Ho wanted to know whether the South was to remain in the Union or not ? Mr. Warren replied that there were no such thing talked of in his country as a Southern Con- tederacy. Me was a national man, and as a, Sou therner attached to " Southern institutions, and woul.l ' vote for any road connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific. Mr. Billinghurst said that he did not hold 51 r. War ren responsible for disunion sentiments; when the gentleman denied that he was in favor of a Sou thern Confederacy, he must believo it, for a Sou thern Confederacy was not meditated, but a con solidated Government, a regal Empire or something like it. The Committee then rose. The Speaker appointed Mr. Purvianco on the Special Committee to investigate Lawrence. Stone oc Co.'s disbursements, in place of Mr. Kunkel of Pennsylvania, wlio was excused, and Mr. Dawes on the Committee to investigate the conduct and accounts ot the late Doorkeeper in place of Mr, Purvianco, excused. The House then adjourned until ATonday. Washington, Jan. 25. In the Senate. Mr, Mason, of Va , from the committee on t oreigu Relations, reported on the subject ot Central American affairs. 'Ihc report reviews all the facta iu the case. I.' .. .. MM. . . . . - . j. irzi. mat uo mruier provisions or law are necessary to confer authority on the President to cause arrests and seizures to be made on the high seas, for offences against the neutrality law of 1818, such power being necessarily iin- 1 - T " .1 .1.1 . ' rt.. pneu in me oui seciion oi mat act Second. That the place where Gen. Walker was arrested, being out of the jurisdiction of ine uuitea otates, his arrest was without the warrant of law, but iu view of the circumstan ces and results, the act does not call for cen sure, except by Nicaragua. The further consideration of the subject, was postponed until tlie ytu ot February. A bill accompanies the report authorizing the arrest f T.':i:i . i. . i " of Filibusters on the high Co teas. r Mr. Douglas, as a member of tBe Committee disseuted from the report. .. - - A bill tw increase the army of th ITB-iteai States was made the order of the day tor to morrow. Mr. Harlan nw.le an antirLecompton Cons titution speech. 5 F ii the ITnnaA th Rne.aker nnnointerl & i5elect Committee to report ou the Pacific Railroad part of the Message. . The consideration of Matteson's case WOS nosi nntieil in pnnpnncncp of hij necessary lib , j - . sence. " "i A resolution was adopted to close the; de bate on the bill making an appropriation for invalid pensioners to-morrow. I he House then went into Committee oi tne Whole on tlm Central American affair. A debate ensued, and -the financial policy of the Administration was condemned by Messrs. Granger and Washburne, of Wisconsin. The Special Committee on public printing, engraving aad binding of the House, author izes the opening of a correspondence with the principal establishments of. the country, with a view of economizing this branch of the public expenditure. The Committee propose that Congress either establish a printing office, or dispose of the work, by contract. J Washington, Jan. 26.. Senate. Mr. Douilas. from the Committee on Territories, introduced a bill for the admis sion of Minnesota as a State into the Union l lle Paulding medal bill was postponed until iiie bill to increase , the army by adding a.YP.ut S8Ve" "'thousand soldiers, was -discussed t jt. i. isj, us as uui tlie Liouisiana Territory, we should permit no foreign interference; aud declariun farther that Congress should condemn tlie Coolie system. Washington, Jan. 27 Sen ate. Mr. Wilson introduced a joint reso lution for the appointment of a committee to inquire into the difficulties with Utah, and to negotiate a settlement. Tabled." The resolutions of the Legislature of Ohio denouncing the Lecomptpn Constitution, were j ordered to be printed. . j The army increase bill was brought up ' Mr. Gwimi moved a substitute providing the addition of five new regiments. Defeated. The original bill was discussed till adjournment. House. A resolution was passed, after close debate, deferring the deficiency bill until Fri day. The House then Went into a Committee ou the whole on the printing bill. Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, denounced all free soiiers and abolitionists, and said that the for mer were the greatest rogues of the two. The latter were to be pitied, but the former were not ed tiled to respect. The right of Jie peo ple of Kansas to govern themselves, was a mere pretext of the free soiiers. The South must resist by force, A discussion ensued on slavery, Kansas, IT. .1. P. TV- u tan, ivc. x o action. Sat a Truc BUU T New Orleans. Jan 27. The Grand Jury refused to find a true bill to day against Gen. Walker. MARIIIKD. In this vicinity on the 28th inst, bv Rev. Adaia Gilchrist, Mr. JONATHAN "EVANS, Jr, and Miss. ISABELLA DOUGLASS, daughter of Wm. B." Wright, Esq. In Carthage on the l-lth inst., by the Rev. W. L. Miller, Mr. MURDO M. McltAE to JENNET C. MelNTOSH, at the residence of her father. DIED. In this countv, of Consumption, on the 2Sth ult., Miss ELIZABETH JANE McLERAN aged 38 years, daughter of the late Archi bald Mc Leran. GAIiUB.V-SEED. W.lRRlr THE GROWTH OF 185T. The Subscriber has just received a large supply of Garden Seeds, comprizing every variety, from the celebrated Gardens of Johnson, Bobbins & Co. Wcthersficld. These seeds have been sold here for the last five years and always given perfect satisfaction. JAS. X. SMITH, Druggist. Catalogues will be furnished gratuitously upon application. Jan. '39, 852rn STATE OP XORTH CAUOL1XAROBESOS COUNTY. Superior Court of Law- Fall term 1857. PETITION FOR DIVOCE. Afurtha Ann Price vs William Price. It appearing by Affidavit of the Petitioner, that the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of his tetatc and that personal notice cannot bo serv ed on him, this is therefore to notify the said Wm. Price, to appear at the next lerm of the Court to be held for tho co., of Robeson at tho court House m Jjumberton, on the fourth Monday in March next, then and there to defend his said suit, Or the prayer ot the Petitioner will be heard Erpdrte and Judgment jendered accordingly. itness Alexander. McMillan clerk of our said court, fiioffice in Lumberton the 2t)th day of Jan. A. D. 1358, . - . ' A McMITjIAX : . R. - Jan. 3), pr. adv. $3 90 - BG-Ct LUTTERLOH'S FREIGHT & PAS3E2T3-3R LINE. MIE UNDERSIGNED Informs the pub lic that he Boats of his ine are running as follows: STEAMER MAGNOLIA leaves Fayetteville Monday aud Thursday Mornings," at 15 minutes atter Sunrise; and Wilmington on Tuesdays and t naays, at o clock. STEAMER FANNY LUTTERLOH leaves Fayetteville Tuesdays and Fridays, at 15 .minutes atter bun-rise; and W llmmgton Veunesd-ys and Saturdays, at o'clock. STEAMER ROWAN, with a full complement of Flats, will make one trip a week or oftcuer, us circumstances may require. TAll goods consigned to me at Wilmington will be torwardeu with, despatch. T, S. LUTTERLOH. Jan. 30 86-2m Bolting Cloth. A constant supply of Warranted Genuine An ker Rolling Cloth all Nos., kept on hand aud for sale at the lowest prices by JAMES MARTINE. Jan 3'3 1858. lm 5 m af e 2w A concert of vocal and instrumental music will be given by the Choir in the Baptist Church on Thursday February 4th at 7 o'clock P. M. the pro ceeds of which will be appropriated to the purchase of THE ORGAN in the Church. Admission 50 cents. Tickets can be obtained at tho store of I . Taylor and at the Book Store or of George Sloan, G L Johnson W B Shcinwcll and at the door. Jan. oO, 86-lt sioirbfm wcre-paased. . - ' T T '.YhoT tfchave noegnfa"r system ot$$iZZ Mr. Clingman asked but did not obtain leave f?nnot attributed to 'kit? 'want; of. materVat. to offer a joint resolution, declaring that the Th5re are 'argc amounts of valuable and "uit'ei-'" CIiiyton-Bulwer trsaty ought to be abro-atd esMng information scattered through our Legis-- i A and tnat Uentral America, standing tnw,i-.is a'u rxecuuve uocuments and jiecorusv . THE .TWO bfORY rr TTnnw, Clmrere street opposite th8 Presbyterian Church. YoK 50 N. 1 1 . 25 No. 5o .i. -- "- 25 No. oo " , .. ' r .-ALSO-- ilfonld Hoards-, Bars ana poitf-Ssaru n jnt Jan. 30, 88- I'm. 3"ET . COMMON" SCHOOLS.. THE examination of Teat"iCrs. - the -a. mon Schools, and those desirous r 0- teachimr vjoirr-- Will ue neiu on me tur jiu i-jth ot Febra- ary 1858r at tin Office of the CTtrann: , J. T. AVAKijpv yi. a. iiussiEr r - " ;' Goaimjltcc- Jan. 30 8C-lt Tit HI NOKTH-CAROUNA in 4tt 3IA GA ZIKE OF U&EFUL. 5' INFORMATION , . . The nndjrsiwiited; proposes to publish in tho; City of Rafe'igff, 8 saHiannual JoVR.VAt, of tb& auove line, aevoteu. eacmsiveiy uus uiitou- nation of sta'sticall . .information-. ; a J A- The wa't of such a Journal is felt by iritellitrtfut citizen, who desares to become :it acoaaintfed with the resoureea of tli e State, onr present contton,. future orospects,'&Tc.r and bj - which, in their present situ ition. for all practi-. eal purposes, might as well be in the Chinese language. Besides what our Legjslative archives contain, our newspapers often publish valuable statistical information, which is either lost, or if preserved by a very few, is so incon venient to find when wanted, that the facts arc soon forgotten.- 21ie same may be said of the Reports and Statements fi om time to time made by our incorporated companies" and other engaged in Manufactures, Mines, Commerce-, &e. To collect these various items of informa tion, and give them to the public in a shape easy of reference and for perpetual preservation, as well as to gather from all available resour ces, everything bearing directly or indirectly on our wealth, prosperity and industry, is the , design of the Journal now offered for public putroaage. So far as the plan for conducting the same has been matured, the pages of the STATIST will be devoted to the arrangement of such tables relating to oar Population, Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Public Improvements, Manufactures, Fisheries, Mines, and Social Sta tistics generally, as will preseut their condition and our progress in each. It is also designed to contain the Reports (condensed) of the Public Treasurer, Com missioners olthe linking r nnu, oupenntencicni of Common Schools, and all other State Offi cers and I5oards; as also, Statenients and Re port, of the condition and progress of the vari ous Railroad and Navigation Companies. The Statist will be put to press as soon as a, sufficient number of responsible names are ob tained to pay tho expenses of publication. Th( numbers will contain each, not less than 150 P--o closely printed matter, making a book of 300 pages, or more, to which will be added a full and complete index. Terms: THREE DOLLARS pep. annct.i ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, for six months; payable when the first number is ready for publication, which fact will be duly announced in tho public Newspapers. EFThose persons intending to patronize tho Journal, will send their names to tho undersigned without delay, as it is desirable to issue the first number as soon as possible. QITENT. BUS BEE, Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 1, 185S. . AGKICl'LTCHAL NOTICE. The Uolcson Count7 Agricultural Society will meet at Red Springs oii Saturday the tith of February next at 11 o'clock. This Society cannot fully aec jin plisli the grand olyoct of its organization without the co-operation of all the members. The punctual at tendance ot1 all the mentors is, therefore earnestly solicited. Agricultural topics generally will he dis cussed; also an address is expected oa the occasion. By order of the Society. V, J. STEWART. Sec y. Jan 23. ' 8j-2t COMMON SCHOOLS. TIIE following Districts have made no return of tho Xuniiier of Children, for the vear 1857: Nos. 17. in, 19. 24, 31. 32, 33. 34, 36, 37, 41, 4:1, 4i!, 48,50, bl.S. Without these returns the tunas cannot he disttiliu ted. The Chairman would uru ou the committees tu make the returns according to law. without delay. ED'W-LEE WlXSLOiV. Curia. Jan. 2", , -i ti5-2t CONSTABLE'S ELECTION. DAVIS announces himself a Candidato for Re-election in the Cross Creek Dis Electiou on Feb'y 6, 185 8 30, .. 89-2t J. trict. Jan. CONSTABLE'S ELECTION. J. T. MUbLIMS presents himself as a candidate for Constable to the votera of .thj' Town District. Election February 6, 1853. - . Jan. 16, : :V-.-.;.- : ' ITjr We are . -authorized''' tv ' a nurice S. A. PHILIPPS, as l a candidate for Constable iu the Town district. The election will be held at tho Market House ou the Gth Feby. next. Deo. 31, . 82-to T? vi.m ni.nr rr r.i ir 11 Tfr Corrected weekly for lAo JVortAirolinian January 30, 185!tfi v' , Bacon 13 ;Lard IS Coffee 11 al3 Molassaeir.' 'k33 Cotton - 10 a 101 Salt . .' -.'1 25 Flock. DTni.. Family Sup. Fine Fine Cross Grain'. Corn Oata Peas Flax Seed 5 10 PeajfyBrandy ' 1 25 4 85ApihS ri ioo 70 4 35 ibo. northern. 45 r-TcRJENTINB. 80 fellow dip, 50 V irgiu. 1 90 1 80 90 ' 35J lOaHlard lfSpIr Irita C '- REMARKS. But few changes to nqiice, Spts TumaMtnL v vaaecdlcent. Cottoa no chanKeFhH,r nM (U kct is well supplied-eales have beC J i tbe mar Icwer than quo.atior.. Corn and PeaT r CCnU Pork 84 o 10 cents, .i 5a8 are ?-"- WILMINGTON mTrkkt since our It review. Vi,; .V".1?.' TarnentiBe at S 2,50 Ihfrd 1J0 for hh,:-e--u -eUew.Dfn Rrm 'JISV tor bhl.V, S.!DiP at 40. Nr I nna crt morn -TO r.w Mini" I'.mri al ta rsr j ' aJ . . w quoted at 1An ; X 1-t t , I0. z. t 10 io t 09. - i Comma-. per bbl Brands K-d-Ufife 1 ' Tunber the market ralM . cKmon 2 21 ordinary to inforl -,?,f!La.ulf' mill trime 7 nn ..;..' T " Art- f :' - 0 - ' V

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