CAROLIStAS w a singie copy, if pafd in awl?ance,per annum, $2 0 '-at tlie end oftt months, '-Jf 00 S' V I ic UPTIOJt TO THE' JNO. subscription wJl be received for a uhort'er period w-!?e year UIllosa Pail l advance. : V '.'. -' With the vievjjof extending the circulation and en V ttte asefalaes8 of the paper, the proprietor 5of- St8 tne following remarkably low .-. c --::. . GLirj TJVVJIIIIAB L. Y IJYAD VJUSTCE: 5 copiesof the CaroHnian, 1 year, S8 00 10 7 " " - - - 15 00 ; :-: -r t ; : . -:- . -- - Bate f AdTertfeInt"JE;;:; ' ' Sixty cent!1! per- sqaare of 16 lines, or less, for the first ?na 50 cents ior each subsequent insertion, unless the ftdvertist-rant is published for more ;than two msntbs, fheait will be charged' . - ... V . . f"""; ' For three months,- - -: - - : - J $4 00.1, For twelve months, - - - - 10 00 "All advertisnmonts must have the desired number of in sertions marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special attention is directed to this requisition. , ' "; WM. F.;WIGHTMAN & CO. CIjKHKST a. AVllIGIIT. Jlttoiiicy at Iv,J,Ka.j'elieville;ar.C. Ofhce at the corner of Bow and Green streets. ; FeVy 3, 183G. " - . - yi J. A. SL'KA US. ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, , ATTENDS the Oourts of Cumberland, Ila'rnet ttTake andtTohnston. r Ad Ir, To n ;r, Harnett Co., X. C. ' Feb. ial8j0! 85-y ' : : FULLER, at Law, v Attorney P Y E T T E V I !j I, E , TV, C, May be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shep herd, Esq., on Green Street. ' July 19, 1S5. 7-tf JOHN D.. SHAW. ATTTOlt.YEY AT LAW. - , Rockingham, Richmad County North Carolina will practice in the Courts of Richmond, Ans maud Robjson. All b:nitvi entrusted to -his care will re ceive strict attention. July, 11, Jy-58 Five seveaths of the FARMING AND TURPEN TINE LAND in Harnett county, known as the Parker aud McNeill lands, joining Wm. Harrington's land on Uppjr Little River. There' is sothe "200 acres ;f the bestquility oflo.v grounds o:i theRrer:" The up lau ls xxi-ii hoavily timbered with' pines, and -within six - -For pretrttrf3---app1y to -Dvre.RTIIUR. .s.- '' JP. ROPERi Nov. 18( 20, 2G-tf A. M. Campbell, Al'CTIOSEER &. COMMISSION MERCII1XT, East side of Gillespie street, Fayetteviixk, N. C. October 1, 1S55 f 31 V It It L E PACT O IS. Y, BY GEO. L.-VUDER. Nearly opposite to E. V. Wil livings" - Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 1. 1S5G. '"' v Auction Store Fall Stock, 1857. B F. PBAltCE & CO., RE now receiving-a larss and well seloeted stock of ISX-tSL&T 'T!LBa;J!iSai9 Consisting in part of : Black and Figured Silks; Knglish ami Fremrh Meiiiioes Plain and Fig'd DeLaues; French all vaol Plaids; Alpacas of all qualities; Black Bombazine; V , English, French ainJ American Prinfj - Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns';) Ladies' Cloaks of every'description ' Jaconet Edgings and Insertions; ' Collars and TJnuersleuves; Hosiery, Gloves, -"fielts; , Ilibbous, Trimmings' Sic; Cloths and Cassiinercs; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinefs; AVhite and (Colored Flannels: Bleached and brdwn Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting Bleached and Brown Drillings; Plaid Linseys a?hd Kerseys; MarlUfcro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown..and Bleached Tabic Cloths , -TowelQngs of all kinds; Negro Blankets; ' " . Extralquality Bed Blankets;. Spiral, Brass arid Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee Notions of everyariety, kind, and qualfly ; " Silk, Lieghorift and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassiraere and Wool Hats; . Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. ALSO A large and fashionable stock'of All ot which will be sold low for CASH, or. onour ' usual time to punctnal customers either at Wholesale or Retail.. All persons are. respectfully, iuvid to give us a can. B. F. PEARCE. Sop. 12 18o7 J. W. PEARCE, Jr. 67-tf w. W. TURLI.V.TON, .. General Commission Merchant. NORTH WATER STREET, IVil ninglon, iV. C, Will give personal attention to the sale or shipment of all consignments of" Naval Stores or other country produce, and any other business entrusted to his care, will be nromptly attended Jo. April 18. 1837v Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for Sale by Au jr. S.J. HINSDALE. 63-tf 15, NOTICE. yfXED Three nrst1 rate, Workmen, for which tbe besbf prices will be given, and study work. The price for making Boots, 3.75; for footing, 2.75; Shoes, 1 50. Wanted immediately. M. FAULK. Dec. 31. 82-tf - A CARD. THE undersigned would respectfully inform his old friends and. customers that he can be found . at the Store of C. E. Lee.te, where he will be glad 'to see thf m. " . " -. j. r. McDonald. Jan. 17, 1857, 33-tf '-THE MAGNOLIA RESTAURANT. . They jsay the Magnolia Tree is the handsomest growth south of Mason and Dixon's linw. and it is evi dently a faetf Jt is also said the Magnolia Restauraat en Green Street, between Dr. B. Robinson '8 Medical Establishment, and Mr P. Taylor's Store, and nearly opposite the Shemwell House, is the Fingst and best kept of any other establishmi the SotrHr. - Persons wishing to flnd-carfnnt welt nifss is the YELLO W BUILDING- v V ' -rM-4-il..AA.;. - ... ,Thosubscriber .would take this method of thanking the citizens of this place and the surrounding cour - r for thanTrctSEafifited Wberauiafaihi He has always on hand the VERY BEST LIQUORS, WIXES and CORDIALS, that can be found in the United Stat-s, either by the quantity or otherwise. Also, Cigars', Pickles, Sardines, Cheese, Preserve Fruits, Lemon Syrup, and many other good things and flatters himself that he has the most polite, obli ging, accomplished ai..: FRjIJVK, vender to attend to hvs-establishment, that can be found either North or South. Temperance drinks put up at the shortest notice. He would call attention particularly to his private rooms upstairs, which are large, comfortable, and in good order. : . R. JONES, Yellow Building, Green St.. Fayetteville, N. C. Jlay 16, 1857. 50-tf ; IR,- IE HEIDE, DEALER IN C o nfection aries, Perfumer ies, TJread, Crackers of all kinds. Ffuits Nuts, Faucy Ar tides, and a vari ety of arti clea in the GROCERY LINE. Foot of Iluy mount, Fayetteville, N..C, Oct. 24. 1857. 13-y FOREIGN DOMESTIC. C. E. LEBTE has on tffffW$4JL ' ' HAND at present a SELECT ASSORTMENT OF LIQUORS3 Consistins: in nart o -ifc -..wkj mict Bbls do OLD NASH BRANDT PURE old Rye Whiskey Seuppernong AV'ine; yintjige l855 50 Bbls 5 do - - - Damestic Whiskey ------ N. E. Rum ". - HOLLAND GIN 73-tf 5 do "LOOK l'OB THE liOtOJIOTIVl.' . - J;.-XV. LETT HasjustceiveA a large and general'STOCK OP GOODSjjiited tit th'eFall :nd Wintertrade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple Faucj' DKY GOODS, Boots and .SVioe's.'Xvith ajjnost evry thing desirable in that line. . PRIME FAMILVGROCEIJ.IES always to be had AT LETT'S. cnan'ed for couatrv.uroduce. Sept. 2G. 18n7. iy-pi. NOTICE.' ' Persons indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as Guardiab of the he irsot John Morrison, dee d, .are hereby re spectf'uHy informed, 'that said guardian has in a great majority of instances endorsed .and transferred then notes to the undersigned." Also, that our urgent, ue cessities, apart i'rora'the reqi irements of the e'lidorser compel collect as..geedily as possible. All those indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue' where tRe money is not forthcoming.. A. D. MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON N. A. MORUISON. Laurinburgh, N. C., MaTch 7, 1857. 40-tl J. S. B.VXKS, C03I.1IISSIOX AD FORWARDISG MERCHANT, WILMIJYG'IOjY, JY. C. January 1, 1850. " " lj-pd - TROY & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors AT LAW. LUIBESiTOX X. C. - RODER'T E. TROY &, JOHN P. FULLER, have formed au association for the practice of their profes sion in Robeson'co., only R. L. Troy will also at tend Wie Courts ot IJIaden aud Columbus, auu J r Fuller those of Cumberland. Their Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. - - January "J, 1858. 83-tf James C. Smith. " Miles Costix C. SMITH & CO., Commission Alerchants, Have removed their office to the second story of the building rormeny occupied by the Telegraph Companv where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctnally. attenuea io. Wilmington, October 1, 1856 y GOND STOCK! ARE now-receiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS SEASON, embracing, "Lry Goods, . IlatsBaots-, Shoes, and Made-up Clothing, To whicb they invite the attention of Wholesale ' buyerseuerally. J. B. Starr.-"! - " J. M. Williams. Oct 10. 71-tf FAYE'Ffi:LI;E HOTEL. FRANK N. lOBERTS.-& CO., having leased this Ilotei, will be pleased to see their former patrons,aud friends, assuring them that they wik use every exertion to please F. N. Roberts. - f J. G. Smith Jan .'!, lSS3. 83-tf PROSPECTUS or : THE NORTH CABOUNA PUBSBVTERIA The Presbyterian Church in North CarolH has lonr labored nitder a serious disadva&taft. J from the waivt of a journal to advocate - h, claims and represent her interests: It is est v. mated that only 1000 Presbyterian -WeekliC J are taken in the fcounds of oor three. PresbytC 1 ries. We have 13.UUU uonimapcanisr hiiu is safe to infer tlrat there are" 30,e00;;'Presb terians in principle ia. the State.A'Oar ffijuC stands Gfth rn the Union hi poiat:of;tnutube ; and her eTfjberfiiriSa atert tt th- -WafeTStates'on tlie North aiTg neither of -luch has a membership soJpl'ge fS ours, publish the Central, and the. Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit of theirpeojjue. . The- time has come when the Prisbvterian Churchill North Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a conceded arid important fact, that hundreds of our .members will take a State paper who will taTio other The Paper is needed to be the ovan . of our Synod and Presbyteries to elevate and ea lighten the piety of oar membership by diffHsinc evangelical knowledge to promote the cauie of Education to develope the talentstipf otjr Ministry, and to strengthen the aitachififent 4f our peojde to the soil and sanctuaries o their jowntate. JA - 1 " If our Church in other .States, and othej Churches in this State, can 'sopply their mem bers with a religious.journal, why may not wej Are North Carolina Presbyterians.inferior ir talent, energy and patriotism'ta their neighbors on the North or South, or to Christians of other denominations at home? ? With Jtlie same or better opportunities of r accomplishing this work, shall we leave it undone? In the language of one of our , most . able and ?nseful Ministers, an adopted sou, of our Statfe, "t ought to have been uuder.takeu 20 years ago, but it is not too late to begin to do right.'. ',' In the last two or three months, a fund of al)out $5000 has been subscribed as a perma nent capital. At a meeting of the contributors held at Greensborough on the 14th of-May, Rev. A. Baker, Chairman, the Paper as un animously located at Fayetteville, .iiinder the name and title of the North Carolina ' Pres bytekiAn. Rev. Wm. N. Meban'e andj Rev. George McNeill were elected Editors:.' Rev. Messrs. George McNeill, Wm. N. Mebane, A. linker and C. IT. Wiley, and Messrs. George MfNei'.l; Sr., John II. Cook and DaviJ Mur phy were appointed an Executive Committee, tQiestablish the Paper and mauagg its buaicss. ll'tl'U If a r - . " .' ' . - - ; It is bur wish and design to make the North Carolina Presbyterian a journal of the "first class, ecpuai to the best in the country in typo graphica: appearance and in adaptation to the wants of our Churches. Its coluris will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domes tic, and special care will be taken to give a full and accurate summary of State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be an- expo nent of its character and contents. From con viction, it will advocate the conservative, or thodox, Old School doctrines and order of the Church.. Our first appeal is to our own people to N. C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidently upon their favor, we trust that the native sons of North Carolina who have found homes in other States, and the adopted citizens of our State who form so important an element in our Ministry and membership, will take a deep interest in this enterprise, and give it their hearty support. Terms: $2 per annum in advance, or on de livery of the first number; $2 50 in six months ?o at tne end ot the year, lo cluws ot or more, paying in advance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount ot .10 per cent, .will be allowed. Our Ministers and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will please assist in procuring as many subscribers as possi- Die, and torward the names, by August 1st, to this Office. As soon as 1500 subscribers are obtained, the first number will be issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those Hho take a lively interes in this work, we will without doubt, be able to begin the publication at the end of that time with a paying subscription list of at least.3000 Address, Editors of the North Carolina i'resbytenan, Fayetteville, N. C. Fayetteville,, May 20, 1857. 7 FOR SALE. . r Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Tarn, Warp and Filling, Nes. 5 to l6. ALSO. Belt, Picker, Roller and' Lace LEATHERS Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. ' Winter strained. Sperm. Lard aKd Linseed OSs Shutthe-9 I.iuglass, French Gliio, Emory, Roller Cloth aud Glass Steps. - I'res.B. CM. Co. July 2fi. 1856 8-t.f 10,000 U$. Tallow ' anted ror which tue-iugncsicasn price will be paid Oct. 1. 1851- A. M. CAMPK15 15LT.. A. A. McKctlian respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he 0 uilt up large substantial Brick Buildings at his jld Stand, expressly for raanufacturin3 Carriages. 1 hankjulfor the very liberal patronage he'b as received or the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in .each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in theUuitedStates, forneat nesf? and durability. ' He is determined to sell and do any work ia his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock of CARRIAGES,BAROUCHES,ROCKAWAYS AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low for Gash, or on short time to punctual custom ers. J5-He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and in course of con struction. ;7A11 work made byhim is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy wonld do well to call and examine fo themselves. ' Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on yery rea sonable terms. Fayetteville, Oct 1,1855. 'NORTir CAROLINIAN. A YETTEV1LLE, N. C. February. Ilr -S 'S the shoitest njouth in the year, ami as , introduced into the Itoroan calendar . by , bome saJ il derives iti name from the iUn verb februo, which i-mfieo purify, be cause in i this month the Romans were accustom- 1 io oner saenhcoa of contend that the name isferived from t!i Wlh f vford Cioetyr, which means violence oreveritr hecweather at this time beingenerally rou'h .miu coih. isut it matters little new whence it in in nus inoiir.n inn rr..n!;...j i ,n, 3 tax 11.111 - uiuua.mcu ucimi..ureat "lintniif. nft.l claimea between Great Britai,rfand the u njteu otaies; . vaaiiieo, Washington and Har rison were born in thjs inomh ; whereas Luther died and Queen Victoria'got married. In this month occurs St. Valentine's Day, the only one among' the numerpus anciejit festivals which modern society "takes notice of. Being the day on which Cupid sets lovers' hearts ablaze, there isno fear of its neglect, "For love will still be lord of all. The following view of the temperature of past Feb bruaries, vve extract from the Philadelphia enivg Kew: " - Ev The old Februaries since 190, have been those of 1809, 1815,,183I,: 1836, 1838. while last year, the atmosphere was by no means mild. We will take them up in order 'Tor--dc-tails.,1 : . ,": "- : '" In?iS09, the medium temperature was twenty-six degrees ; the Delaware clo-ed with ice during the first week, and for several miles below-the City. The mercury was several morn ings hi succession several degrees in some ca ses eleven and twelve degrees below . zero. On, th 2.7th of the month, the merchants em ployed a great number of men to cut the ire from Pine street wharf to Gloucester Point, in order tdet out of port several vessels that had been for sime time loaded, and awaiting a break ing up. Severe weather continued until nearly the close of March. - " In February .1815, tho medium temperature was bejow that of 1809, by twenty-four degrees. Almost the entire month wasuiflnsely cold. On several mornwigs the mercury was twelve de grees belo zero There was also considerable snow on the "Earth, when the month opened, while several storms occurred before its close. The sii0w was deep everywhere, North and East as welPas West. The Delaware river, which closed for the second time in January, remained closed all through. February, and even until the second week in March." Fuel was very scarce and deain Oak' wood sold? in Philadelphia at 14 a cordTwhile hickory "went np"toU and w' t'o.' " " sr" "7 : " - .... -in .u em-nary -lea I, the medium temperature as ivto uegnees nigner.uian in laib; but the month was trequentlv intensely cold- Tliors - wfre several deep snows in Pennsylvania, and 1 all through the Western, Middle suid Eastern States, as also, in Maryland, and the Western , pans oi v lrginia. onow even tell in the Caro linas and Alabama. Tlie Earth, hereabouts was robed in the wintry white mantle, from the first week in March. It was abroad pretty ! Ireely. too.dunng the whole of that time, from X. sine to Maryland. In some places between these points, it stood in banks of from ten to twenty feet in depth. There was great suffet ing among (he poor, not only for fuel, but for the common necessaries of life. During the month there were also many melancholy ship wrecks. During February 1836, the medium temper ature was twenty-four degrees, down, as will be seen, to that of 1815. From the 2d to the 6th of the month, the mercury ranged from one to ! four degrees below zero. There were besides this, from twelve to fifteen intensely cold days during the month. There was good slei"-hiu- i from 1 :ll HP to irnvnifl I lifrf imn. .'.-t-it heavy snow storms : indeed, it was estimated at the time, if the snow had fallen on a level and remained to the end of the last snow, it would have been from eight to ten feet deep. T . ,. .11 1 1 . . I .i ii, if i -. i ,i 1 1 1 . i . 1 1 iiit . i 1 . . i , . I - . . ... . five and thirty feet in height. j A lit: unguium icuiiuuin; 111 ooo, ellao twenty-four degrees. During the mouth there was a great deal of very severe weather, and had it not been for the Iceboat, which had then just been introduced, the Delaware would prob ably have been closed the whole month. The average temperature of the month at sunrise was eighteen and a half degrees, which is thir teen and a half below the freezing point. As we have said, February of last year was ah intensely cold month, but it is of too late Occurrence to require any details. I lie most if our readers remember its exact character, Ltiabtfijs. I ' urn (. i . n w n r nr i . , 1 . -1 1 Ti ..1 .nil .1 , 1. , ,11 1 TOO r;xv iui nuiuu ntiiti;inii - uui utii i&dohiv.i: and we have done. Those of 1828 and 1840 are all that we find which particularly demand notice ; we mean, of course, up to the year 1846, later than which period we did not propose in the onset to examine. February, 1828, was au extremely mild one. The weather was indeed more like that of April titan a winter month ; the medium temperature was forty degrees. Apricot and peach trees were in blossom on the 20th, but some frosty nights in March destroyed much of the prom ised fruit. From the 1st to the 6th of February, 1S40, it was intensely cold, the mercury ranging, indeed, from "zero to fifteen above, and the Delaware being closed below Pine street. On the 6th, the wind changed to the South, and the weath er suddenly became very mild. This warm puff from the tropics broke up the ice, and the month continued mild. The present February, as we have said above, opens most brightly, and we .trust it may be a happy mouth for all. The chances are that wc shall have some considerable cold weather. "We can hardly expect to get through the win ter with such a mild atmosphere as has thus far blessed ns. We believe, whatever may come, our people are prepared for it. 2"he times are' a shade better.aud there are many organizations in operation for the relief of the really deserv '."o poor. It is astonishing how little money will answer to help a great many, when this little is judiciously expended. This fact was clearly demonstrated at a meeting in favor of the Episcopal Aid Office, which occurred on Tuesday week at St. Stepheu's Church. Hard ly $900, it appeared, had been appropriated !he present year, and jet it was marvellous to wear ine amount or good flone. Uur otner re lief A ssTQciatlon s are conducted" in the same inanner as the one we have noticed Incidentally, tand, " we rer?at... the flpRirvinw rionr wilHiiid tfiem readj torespond to evy-rS3wlicb iMey may mafce. AnedAt'e of nrrl lattiutnl '', r toiie of the Indian campaingsV which is not recolected pr materia to oar storyycArhikt the arniy was on its march, still in Tennessee, ou its w&y to the scene of war in Alabama; H draf ted company was e?pected daily to . overtake th(Cn.ain body 5f tfoops. , ,This -coipancy at feiiglh reached- the rear of the traiu I a for matioii of their opniroach ?. jimolitiw.;- - K fact t! at this OroiJarlTrti- cim, any were wifcl.out arras having 'left their guns at borne. wiHImade knowrtalonr tl io whnlf linp It. wiii Iriiann tOjtheentire army before it reached Jackson's ears. Curiosity was on tiptmvto know how the irascible commander would act under such circumstances. Soon the General was observed making his way rapidly to the rear, and to the surprize of all parties, seemingly-in a smiling mood. Finally, ho met the company. He saluted them. They looked for vr.nD .,r icurscs an iipmediate dismission home the j very thing they - desired. Not so however. uicKory puueu oil his h at and with tho poiiies,i anu lowest bow expressed his gratifi cation at their arrival and especially at the fact that they had no guus. They were the very men ne wantea just trs he desired them 1 without amies. Forming them for rapid motion at double quick step under his own lead, they marched on till a baggage wagon was reached then halted, and each man. was furnished with an ax. .Forward march again was the word. As they passed along the line of marched the General's object was seen and laughter loud and uproarous, saluted saluted them as they made their rapid way to'the front. There these axmen were at once initiated into tuetr. cam paign duiiis. They chared : the . roads, they bridged the brooks or carried the wagons piece bv piece the ' baggage, , ammunition, etc., over on their backs, when bridges were inipassable fhey were ever in .a post of- danger, bearing the burdens of the campaign, c smaring none of its honors, they were the laughing' stock of the whole army. Mobi&Merdiry...... .'?.''"" ' Dccks of Woman. Dickens' , Household Words relates the following: . . - The Siamese spend three-fourths of their ex istence in the water. Their first "net on . wak ing is tobathe; they bathe at eleven o'clock they bathe again at three and again at sunset; there is scarcely , an hour in the day when bathers may not be seen in all the creeks " even I Ithe shallowest-ahd muddiest. Itoys ero to ln- tit me streets, i once saw a - Siamese, woman. Siamese, woman sitting on the low sten af a landim? nlaee whilp I a girdle she held in the water her infant of a f.nv mnntlis old snlns'iin-r nml HIrlnn- nh with evident eniovinent. Were . not th people expert swimmers ntany lives would be lost for the tide flows so swiftly that it needs great skiu ana care to prevent toats runing-1 foul of one another, aud of course they are frequently upset. On one occasion our boat (an English built gig)ran down a small nat've canoe containing a woman aud two little chi dren. Inan instant the were all capsized j and disappeared We were greatly alarmed i aud C. was on the point of jumping in to their rescue, when they bobbed np, and the lady with the first breath she recovered, she poured ; forth around volley of abuse. Thus i-e'eived f in her mind she coolly righted her canoe which had been floating bottom upward ladled out ! some of the wafer and bundled in her two j children, who had been meanwhile composedly ! swiming around her, rej ird iug with minjcled ' fear aud curiosity the barbarians who had occa sioned the mishap. .A Raixy Night in the Cars. The editor iof l" N,ew Yrk Courier thtia discourses upon one of the advantages of civilization " We have tested the comforts of a night ride of rain, gloom, wild wind, and all that the cause could devise to impress upon a traveller what an invention, what a charniof civilization, thrice refined, it was to roll securely through all this gloom, and in the face, in the scowl of die storm; and while the rain dashed over road aud river, to be borne rapid!y and safely iii a lighted room, and where the thoughts could glide into indo lent perplexity, the very threshold to sleep. " A rainy night in the cars ! That it is which lifts this century high, if not dry, above all others. Where else but in our times, and where else but in lands of the civilized, could the traveller smile at the storm, and find rath er more pleasure from its contrasts than hin drance from its power ? The wanderer over the.jeartli a century or a half century since, would, 'on such a night as this,' have been the personification of a dull despair. lie would have been saturated at the first mile, begrimmed ! at the second, and been introduced, with every prospect of a close acquaintance to consumption and rheumatism at the close of his doleful jour ney. " - . . Duties of Daily Life. Life is not en tirely made of great evils, of heavy trials; but the perpetual recurrence of petty evils iind small '.rials is the ordinary and appoint ed exercise of the Christian graces. To bear with the failings of those-, about us -with their infirmities, their bad judgment, their ill breeding, their perverse tempers to endure neglect when we feel we deserve attention, and ingratitude when we expect thanks to bear with the company of disa greable people whom Providence has placed in our way, and whom lie has provided on purpose for the trial of our virtuethese are the best exercises of patience and self denial, and the better because not chosen by ourselves. To bear with vexation in business, with disappointment in our expec tations, with interruptions of retirement, with folly, intrusion, disturbance in short, with whatever opposes our will, contradicts our humor, this habitual acquiescence ap pears to be more of the essence of self deni al than any little rigors or afflictions of our own. imposing. These constant, evitable, but inferior evils, properly improved, furnish a good moral discipline and might in the days of ignorance. Hannah Moore A Case, of TTnexpocted ZZeccgniticii. : "The following: story, thoiigli shoirt.-U sorje" what,pitbyand its ro-ril,conTeysii cl to- , ry tb'the yoaiifj; -eiitreiweit iho select Vwitt y girls out of a lar-re erowd "r ' r - On Satordayrasd -nlt iMri r M-ry,S."JRiclir ; agent ot me. " w ooian roicoiio.j- ?.- . ; Society arrirea at the weste-sn depot from N,iK.Yprk, in charge of between, seventy., and eilitxyoBiig women twebty-fivei.or thirty of. whr-were iutewfed for thlsv place: Early iu C the Sing a married moa this city went to KJ tr-- V ami i natii red for Mrs Bit h. TheO i lian t0ia;AU8v:iviewieu J,triVjt 1work'.v-Xr'IiafW:tlie married -. rn-kc -f 0,- MfsTTllcftttat he was all right, and that- the servant girlwoHld be well .treated in his Tamily, ilrs. Rich tlieii asked the married inan to walk into'tlie room where the young women were. The married man walked into the room. Mrs. ' Rich told the young ladies that the married man .i ... i'l- On rif tliM young ladieshen jWaled up to married man and said' I'll go with this gentleman ; I've lived with him before j lie s my, nusonnu i Somebody was very much astonished when the . young lady found her husbaud", and another somebody, looked very pale when the married ;; ? man found his first wife. When the young lady -saw her husband enter the Toolii . -' ".With wild sorprtfo, - ' -r As if to marble stuck devoid of sense, A stupid monument motionless she stood ; ' And wlv'otv ctin rrtcrT"( (lis mnrn anil Sflltl "He'lJ my husband,'? - t ' ;;'- : " :, - -.-. i S They Tnoved not t ' ' , ' But,, like dum Btatutes", or breathless stonefff Star'd on each other, and looked deadly palo. , But when the young lady saw her husband was too lnnt-h astonished to articulate a single . , sentence, she said, in tones of melting tender ness," My dear what made you leave me five years ago without saying 'good by ?' and why didn't you let me know you were living in such a beautiful place a Bloomington ? ' If I had only known you were living here, I woold have come long ago. " .'Tradition says that at tins stage of the game the married man " adjourned the meeting, " and that he mwde better time? from the-western depot than Colter did on the , banks of the. Yellowstone, when, five hundred . Dlack-feet Indians were after his scalp - We do not feci at liberty fo .publish, just at, present, the sequel to the above interesting and . powerfully written story ; bm if the plot ripens into evehts of extraordinary interest,, we shall ehdeavorV to impart all facts bearing upon the case to "our readers, , ; ' 7" - ,.' ' ' ) ' Bt&oiningtort Pantograph. - The so of a Prophet. The Smith Family at Nacvoo. A correspondent of the Missouri RepnJtlicau writes that last summer he was at Naufo-and conversed with Mr. Bitoman, who is m irried to Joe Smith's widow He says: . I siU at the table with the family, consisting' xdBitortran-and wife, and three sons of Joer bmith; the eldest about twenty-three or twenty four; the second about twenty; the third a lad of some twelvq or thirteen years. From Mr, Iiifoaian, I learned that not one of the family beleived in Mormonism and, that his wife for merly Mrs. Smith- -had always been opposed to it as well as-the boys. I was told that Joe Smith prophesied some two years before this young lad was born that a sou was to be born to him at or about a certain time; that at the time stated his wife did give birth to a son. At tho same time, he also stated that his son's name would be David, (not Joe)and that is the name of the lad for I heard him answer to it Joe also said that his ir untie of greatness aud prophecy would fall upon his son and lineal heir David who he stated would be as wise and pow erful as David of old. The fact of the birth of this child, following according to Joe's proph ecy, strengthened the belief that . had already so strong a hold upon his followers. Mrs, Uitoman isji masculine, intelligent looking lady of forty-five or forty-seven years. She is a na tive of Xew Yo:k. She has a splendid farm some four miles from Xauvoo .which ia managed by her two eldest sons, while David goes to school. About the two eldest there is i. othing remarkable to be seen. They are intelligent men of largo size, but have nothing in their appearance betoken ing them to be prophets, or sons of a prophet." To their mother, they are said to be very much attached and very kind. Pavid is au uncommon ly intelligent lad, of massive forehead, and bright expressive eyes His stcpt-father intimated that he cares as little about Mormons and Mormonism, as one that never heard the names, notwithstanding that thousands of the followers' of his father believe him to be a great ; high priest, a prophet and seer,(in embryo,)&c He knows that they worship his name equal to that of Jesus Christ; and yet, I atn told, the lad is too intelligent to allow it to make any impress ion apon him. Probably the fact of all oi tne family being uubelievers in it is the cause. The following incid nt I learned from a gen tleman residing at Nauvoo: That when. Joe was killed in jail, pome fifteen miles from his home, his wife and son took possession of hi body, and to prevent the rabble fnm getting it they raised the floor of the dining room, and digging a grave, hurried his remains there, where they still remain. This story, whether Lrue,-or not, is generally believed in Jvauvoo. ApotooY Making. Dr. Franklin, we ore told, once lvnd-a servant who was never in the wrong. At last the devices to which the ser vant resorted to cover up his deficiencies Le- for the ohilosopher. " My go.-d friend. " was his final reply, "you and I must pari. jk ncvc w" " , . i an excuse to be good at anything else. t fz-rtAfv a man who was good at A Novel. Party Dress. At a -fancy dress party" in Hartford Ct., the past week, one lady appeared in a dress ornamented with iundreda of little bells, not much big--o-er than rain drops affording music of the fairy kmd in the dance. In some of the eastern countries, dancing women wear bell on their ankles which tinkle in time witli the music of the dance, and, perhaps, thitf custom suggested the more conspicuous di plsjy of this, musical ornament.

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