From the N. C. Planter. Irish Potatoes. The following, mode of planting and. rais ing'Irish Potatoes, we clip from the Christian Sun, written, as the Editor" says, by one of the best and most succe3sfulraisers of this favorite esculent in Alamance County N. C. a section wliere they make as fine Pota toes as can be produced any where in the world. The Avriter says: I propose to give yon my mode of plant ing, which has for several years, proved eminently successful, without a single failure. . I select a friable soil, inclined to be san dy, if convenient, if not already rich I make it moderately so, by a dressing, broad cast, of well rotted manure, the scrapings of the kitchen yard prepared, but aWy wel rotted mnniirn 13 irnotii nrmarfl tin Mrninin t.imi oughly by repeated plowing or spading-s if necessary. This done, make furrows or trenches two feet apart and four inches deep. Then make a compost of 20 bushels wood mould or partially decomposed vegetable , matter, 1 bashel No 1 . Peruvian Guano, and 1 bushel fine charcoal, (such as can be had about the Railroad stations or Black Smith shops) or instead thereof, i bushel ground Potash, thoroughly incorporate these in gredients and spread at the bottom of the furrow at the rate of one lare handful to two steps, about six feet. Cut and drop the potatoes in the ordinary way about nine inches apart, then fill the trench even full of earth, leaving the sur face perfectly level, and if at diging time von are satisfied with the vield your success will not equal mine. I have raised from this mode of culture over 400 bushels from 8 b'ishels of seed. "When the grass makes its appearance, I put, with the hoe or plough, a sufficient quan tity of earth ub ut the plant to cover the grass, and this ends the cultivation, except to go and pull out the large weeds. This pl:i:i of planting is (for our latitude) founded on common sense. Our climate is warm, and soil hot and dry in summer, hence, the potatoes in rid ges scald and b-gin to rot, soon after, often before maturity; if we dig them so early they will not keep, but when the plan now described is adopted, the Guano compost hastens the growth, the ground being bare, is more easily shaded and kept cool, and the potatoes will b'e found sound and remain in the or round until frost,, whon von msiv An , ""O an I put them away for winter use, as well in v a. and Carolina, as in Maine or Con necticut: Some may think their land too moist for this mode of planting, to such I say the Irish potato delights in a deep mellow moist soil, but if your ground is truly to) damp for such a crop, it needs ditching, and will not grow anything well until this is done. 1 CRAVEN. Planting Peas. As this is the season when our lady friends are planting their "green peas" and Irish potatoes, we give them the following curious experiment, which we take from the Agri cultural Gazette. The writer says: Sjnle' twelve months since I saw a letter from a farmer stating the great success that had attended an experiment the writer had made in tlu previous season. It consisted in inserting a pea in each potatoe set, and planting the potatoe in the usual way. The result, he stated, was a large yield of peas, anda splendid crop of potatoes; but the most important result was the entire free dom of the potatoes so treated from any disease while all those planted in the usual way in the same field were extensively de teriorated. I was led by this statement to try the experiment on a small scale in my own garden this season. I planted no"t quit half-a-peck, only fifty sets, in six ranks cutting a piece out of each, and putting a pea firmly in. The pea grew up and flour ished well, and last week I dug the potatoes. They were perfectly free from the slightest taint or speck of disease, and very fine and large; while in the same close to them was another lot planted in the old style, nearly half of which were rotten. SlAR FROM WATLRHELLOSS, We cup from the "American Agricultu rist," he following: "A friend has shown us ji piiwiLu letter tuated Sep'.. 4,) trom a brother in San Francisco, California, from wncii nouiiiKu uieiouowmg extract: 1 in tend (says the letter writer) presenting to Mechanics' Itstitute of San Francisco, some specimens t Syrup and Sugar made from the V atermellon. I consider the mellon as the best source of syrup that has ever been tried far more convenient than the best of cane. All that is necessary is to press out the juice and bail; then strain it thro' flan nel, and evaporate to a proper consistency. 0.1-3 gallon of j ui -from the pulp yields one pint of syrup," or three quarters of a pound of surar. spend a drove a 'un but IICQSES' 0VTS. Lately going to the country to few weeks with a friend of mine, I very handsome horse, and a o-ood " - , . ins coat, as it was more like a lot of bristles than a horse's smooth skin, mid all the grooming he could get "would'nt do him no good." My friend who is a great horse breeder and fancier, made me try giving him a few carrots every day out of my hand, saying that he would have a good smooth coat in three weeks and he was right, for in that time my horse had a bcautuul, sleek, glossy coat, and all from eating a few carrots daily. He tells me it is infallible. Poller's Spirit. Weevil. -These troublesome pests may be kept out of rrrain by usinar salt. Sprinkle a little fine salt on the bottom and around the sides of the bin as you fill up, and over the top when full. Wheat kept in old salt barrels v, ill never b? destroyed by the weevils. THE FEARFUL CALAMITY AT ST. LOUIS. Burning of the Pacific Hotel Terrible f: Incidents and Scenes The Loss of Life and Wonderful Escapes. We have already had by telegraph many of tlie main facts connected with the burning of the Pacific Hotel at St. Louis on Saturday morning last, together with a full list'of the names of those vvlic perished in the flames. The St; Louis papers, however, brings us many thrilling particulars and details, which we sub join : ' ' . Origin- of the Fire The origin of the dis astrous 'conflagration is at present not known with certainty. The prevailing' impression is that the flames broke out in 'he rear of the drug- store of Dumoiit C. Jones, one door from the corner of Seventh street, bnt how has not yet been explained. The clerk, who had only been three days in the establishment, and who slept in the b.iek part, states that when he was awakened by the glare of the light the who'e of the western portion of the building was in flames. . This was from half an hour to three-quarters before the steam ' engines ar rived. He had not previously heard any alarm. There was half a barrel of turpentine, a barrel of oil and some other combustibles in that part of the store where, report sas, the fire origi nated. Froai the best information tliatwc can igathtfrT there were aboct one hundrti persons sleeping hi the hotel at the time of the occur- " ....1 . ' I'll renef. It appears that the enure uuiiuing was enveloped in the raging element before scarcely any of the lodgers were awakened to the full sense of their danger. And when the inmates were finally aroused it was only to find all opportunities of egress closed to them, for the staircases i:i f-o it anl behind were already go::e, or so nearly so that an attempt to es cape by these means would be only rushing into the arms of inevitable deatii. Tlf KILLING SCENES AND NARROW ESCAPE. The scene that ensued baffles any. effort of description. The rushing of men, women and children to and fro to avoid the blistering heat, and to search for ways to reach the streets the shrieks of the terror-stricken and the groans of those bound to -their rooms by walls of scorching fire the shouts of these who had been called to the spot from the surround ing neighborhood the clambering over sway ing and reeling joints the falling floors, with their loads of heavy furniture and their dear burden of human lives all this and more that was intensely terrible and fearful, it is not given to our pen to adequately describe. The stirs gore, the roof and floors inch by inch giving way, and the lurid flames shooting up momentarily thicker and hotter, many sought to escape the impending hazard of being burned to death through the scarcely less dan gerous prospect of jumping to the ground from the windows Ot those who endeavored to save their lives in this way, we saw six at the Sisters' Hospital. Mr II. Hubbard, who ar rived at St. Louis, from Boston, about eight weeks since, was occupying, with his lady, a room on the third floi r. Mrs. If. was aroused and awakened her husband. Hardly had he come to be conscious of the cause of the surrounding confusion before he saw his wile leap headlong out ot tiic window on l'op- lar street. Seeinir no other visible means of saving himself he followed her, and both fell, r . , - M fit i not tar apart, on tne pavement. .mis. jiuo- bard had one of her legs Fractured in two places, and had the knee cap cf the other dislocated. Be iJes thi--, her lower jaw was broken in two places. It is not expected she will survive. She has since died. .Mr Hubbard had the ankle joint ami hip of his left leg displaced, and received a severe contusion on the forehead. He is not thought to be in a dangerous con dition. .Miss H. Hunter endeavored to leave the building after having been badly burnt, by jumping from the second story. In the fall one of her legs was broken, and her head was severely cut. She was placed in a furni ture car, to be ta!cn to the Sisters' Hospital, but before arriving there she was a corpse. James F. Geary, local reporter of the Lead er of this city, in attempting to escape with his wife and child, fell to the cellar. Resides receivinsr some bad burns on the face, head n"d legs, by some means his right foot was cut to the bone from bout the middle to the heel. Since dead. Sliarpe, night clerk at the hotel was awfully burnt in the face, head and extremities. His hair is all singed off, and his face blackened and blistered. It is expected that he will recover, though considerably disfigured. Elihu Hayes has a broken thigh, and is very much injured on the head. One of his eyes is burnt and swollen exceedingly, and he is other wise hurt. When we saw him he was in much pain and labored under concussion of thebrain. He was unable to answer questions. As far as we can asscrtain from various sources, he is a stranger in the city, from Wisconsin There is little or no hopes of his recovery. Three men were seen to pimp from the second story of the back part of the building at the same time. iwo of them got off without much injury. The other was taken on a plank to a fruit store on Sixth street, below Poplar, where he died at about 8 o clock. 1 he latter we un- j derstand to be T. Hart Strong, a lawyer of this city. ... ....... At King's Hotel we found the family of Dr. White, whose escape was indeed miraculous. I)r W. himself leaped through the window of I h room, and jumped to the ground, whence encouraging his wife, three children and nurse, they, too, followed his example, lie breaking their fall, and all reached terra Orma in safety, have only the record of danger perceptible in a e i. l 1 lew Mvui ueep wounus. The dead bodies recovered, as yet, from the ruins, so charred, blackened and burnt that their nearest relatives could not identify them by the ordinary means, number six, which have been taken care of by the coroner. All these, or nearly all, had their clothes on. Five of them were found on a piece of floor in the sec ond story next to the front of the hotel. They appeared to have been all sleeping in the same room, and were litterally roasted in their beds. The. only means 'of identification of these bodies will be by the papers and other articles found upon them. On one there was a letter addressed to Ephraim Doane, at Chicago. Also, a patent right issued to Ephraim Doane and William S Farmer. Below the shirt bosom of a second was written the came of It M. Gregg. On a third was . a lot of letters ad dressed to Evan J. Watkins, one of which con tained an Odd-Fellow's travelling pass. The wife and child of Joseph Jones, of Birch's Minstrels, are among the wounded. They were let down out of a window of the third story by Mr jones, who enveloped tnem in a sheet, hav ing first thrown a matrass on to the balcony to break there fall. The sheet slipped, and moth er and child, the latter only eight or nine months old, striking the edge cf the mat trass, dropped to the pavement and were dangerously injured. ik)di;:n rouxr aiioxo the kuixs. On ( n? of the IitFco so rcrerely burnt as to be wholly unrecognizable by featnrcs, height or doming, or any one cu. r -For the North Carolinian. fication, a silver watcn atiae.. . . g.UiuHin DejUo:- onrt n small amount Ol suci s-v, -uric found, in the back part of the oullding. He was grasping a small valise. - . Four more bodies were taken ont of fie rains on Sunday, from among the tricks, ashes and other rubbish. All four were horribly mu tilated. Legs, arms and hands were .off, and in one cane' nothing was left bearing a trace, f humanity except a special column; with, a few lind hnnrslvin? around it; Another was a mere trunk, with a part of the neck attached, around which was found a gold chain and' a string of beads the remains, doubtless, of a woman. , I ' of Mb. .trader. Myru St rai der, one of the lessees of the hotel, jfnakes the following statement: Meeting in Montgomery"- ... ..A meeting of the Democratic party of Mont gomery County, held in the Conrt House, in Troy, on the 25th day of Febr'y 1858. On motion, Dr. H. G. McEachin was called to the Chair, and Jno. and Malcom 3ur ehison, were requested to act as Secretaries. After the object of the meeting was explained by the Chairman, the following gentlemen were appointed a Committee to draft Resolntions for the action of the Meeting "viz-. William 4? Coggiii, Col. D. R. Cochran, Xeill Mclnnis, F. Martin and Alcx'r McKay. ". While the Committee was out, Malcom acting as a watcn lor me um cu numoer of years. TTe has, when passengers have arri ved at night. r when any noise has been made in or about the house, always given the alarm; This morning he barked very lpud ;. a little after he came to the door and continued his noise, whereupon I got up and went to sec what was the matter. The flames were then coming from" the back ent ranee of the house, up from ; the drug store, I think. I tried to get to the- fire r.ln but secinsr that the fire had madeidoo creat headway for that to serve .apnnS(- pose, 'T-van toktne inira- uoor uuu .-iwj thron"-h there as loud as I could. Mr Tavi who has been sleeping with me, also came ;fip4 stairs and assisted me to waken the people. I then, supposing I must have awakened every body, went through the dining room and '. got my children out through the window, which I broke through, on the balcony. i , I suppose there must be between twenty" and' thirty lives lost. A Miss Hunter was j-keping in No 11, a room adjoining the corner;, she jumped out and was killed, William .Torrance, a young man, was badly burned.. George Crane a "brother of Miss Crane, of this city, -was un doubtedly burned to death, and Charles Davis and a boy who was with him were burned Op. They slept in room Xo 23. Mary F. Morris had, when about to escape, $300 hi money. Her aunt called to her tosife a chi'd of Mr Tjvons'. whereupon sne. dropp?u the mpnej'. My f;imily consisted of mjself, wife, sister-iii-1 iw and three children ; all were saved, but with the loss of everything. From the Fotorsbnrg Express. ! Extraordinary Suicide. From the California papers we learn thai Adolph F. Uranda a native of Forfolk, Ya and employed as confidental clerk by the house of Macondray & Co., of San Francisco, -com mitted suicide on the 20th January. He hirei of Sampson that he held at the last election when they roHed op their whole strei-gth to his support. ,.v .- - Resolved, That our esteemed representative the Honf Warren -Wfnslow, still retains our confidence undiminished, and we are gratified to find bis name among the committee men on the Kansas question believing, as we do that upon the discharge of that duty hangs, in a more or less degree, the peace aud quiet of our country. The chairman in accordance with the second resolution appointed the following delegates: Dr. Isaac Hobbs, Isbam McLam, Hiram Cooper. J. B. Herring, William J. Dudley! Kilbee Lassiter, Han dy Warren, G. II. Danghtry, S. I. Faison. Henry II. Hodges N. Jones, Dr. E F, Shaw. 14. Bell. J. B. Lane, J. Fason, G. W. Hobba, W. Bowdeu, L. M. White, I have a dog that has boen in the habit, of i Murchison and John C. Nichols, Esqr's, being called cn, addressed the meeting in an appro priate manner. The committee which was appointed to draft Resolutions, throngh their Chairman, F. Martin, reported the fol lowing which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Democratic party of Mont gomery deserves to be represenfed in the State Convention to be held in Charlotte, on the 4th of April next to nominate some snitable person -a candidate for the office of Governor. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the chair1 man of this meeting appoint eight delegates to represent ns in said Convention. ? Resolved, That our confidence in the princi ple of the democratic party ns embodied in the Baltimore and Cincinnati platfofm continues unchanged. 1-esolvcd, That wo heaetily approve and cordially endorse President Buchanan s Ad ministration. Resolved, That John W. Ellis, of Rowan county, by his talents, patriotism and fidelity to the best interest of the State, merits the nomination of the Convention, and suggest his name to their consideration, for the office of Governor of thisState. Yet, while exercising this preference we pledge our hearty support to the nominee of the Convention In acccrdance with the 1st Resolution, the Chairman appointed the following delegates: John J. Leach, John McLennan, B. T. Coggin, D. R. Cochran, M M. Leach, Hiram Allen, Timotho Lucas, E. F. Howell and Malcom Murchison. On motion, the proceedings of the Meeting re oniereu to oe pnniisneo in me iorui M. W - A. Faison. D. Thomnsou. J. M. Moslev. J. Burden J. S. Parrish. II. Matthis. 1. Murphy, W.-U. Thomson, J-P. Treadwell, O. H. Johnson. II. Boykiu, H, Hobbs, Dr. J. V. Owen, L. Riche, Sen.. O. P. White, F.Cooper, W. G. Fowler, Blaman II Orumpler. J Herring, D. Smith. A. A. McA'oy, T. II. Holmes. W. S. Devane, S. Boy kin, J. S. Hiues, E. L.. Faiso j II. Moore. J. W.Brown. Isaac Bovkin. C. Sessotfl. J- Fowler. Dr. W. McKoy. II. C. Holmes, I. McPkail, H. L. Spell, O. P. Matthis, A. Harriug, R. D. Mosley Resolved, That the Secretary forward a copy of these proceedings to the Wilmington Journal, with the request that the jNortn ! .Carolinian, Raleigh Standard, and other Democratic papers copy. On motion, the thanks of the meeting were tendered to the Officers, and the meeting ad jouwied. . THOMAS BTJNTIMG, Ch'm. James A. F err all, Secretary. How to make a Horse Dbaw. I once knew a man that bought a fine-looking sorrel mare that was as false as a horse could be but be finally cured her to perfection in the following mannerr'He geared, her to the cart, and went to the corn-field to get a load of pumpkins. After he had got some ten or a dozen on, she ( thought she had too much load and refused to pull. He coaxed and petted her for some time, but all to no purpose; he next got a stick and thumped and thrashed with the same, success, aud then thought he would try another plan. He got a wheelbarrow and wheeled pumpkins enough to make a full load, and put them in the cart when he took her by the head again but it was no go. He then started home aud concluded she might either pull the load of pumpkins or stand there till the day of judgment. But when the sun began to get low she began to think about her supper and started for home passing skillfully through three sevs of bars, and arrived at the barn in safety with her load. He nut her in the stable and fed her as if nothing had happened. She refused to pull at two other times but she feseived the same treatment each time so' she found it was no use for she had to null the load in tho end. lifter that she became as good a beast to work as ever was hitched. in is4 a horse, went to the Lone Mountain Cemetery,' wrote a letter, directed it to Mr. Macondrnyj' placed it together with a -ten dollar piece in a handkerchief, and tied the bundle to the horn of the saddle. He then turned the horse loose and it returned to the citv, where the bundle' was opened, the letter found and sent to Macon dray. In it he confessed he had wronged his employers by embezzling the funds and avowed his intention to commit suicide. His body was afterwards found in the Cemetery. By his side I was found a small vial containing about four I "'a ins ot strvciiiuno, and seattercuon Jli I around wyre scraps of papjt-r torn ?romfanT ornndum book.' On these pieces of paper d censed wrote disjointed sentences with a pen- . -11? . l it Ui! expressive it ins leenngs ana nis inougnts uppermost in his mind sifter swallowing the deadly substance. The character of his hand writing th? time passed and as the poison operated on the system grew more tremulous and indistinct. Both sides of the paper are written on, except the lost scrap, which contains only these words, " I am dy" probably put there at the momeat deceased fe'l into the first paroxvstn. The sad fnte of Branda presents one of the most singular cases of suicide on re cord. On the first piece of paper the deceased wrote Yet the thoughts of my poor mother keeps my heart warm, or rather hot, for I feel I am her murderer. God help me ! How slowly time passes ; it seems to me nearly half an hour since I t ;ok the fatal dose, vet I do not suiter. How- chilly it is. I feel stiff from cold! Nnmhc two : " It is fearful to die thus aloni; to look around, see the hills, hear the roar of the ocean. See your fellow beings moving in the distance, yet die alone." "Just after my third dose a man passed and told his friends I was crazy. God for-o-iv-e me. I hope I am. What terrible sus pense this waiting for death!" Number three : " For conscience half of the bottle I have taken, four doses of the starch at in tervals of about three minutes, yet do not suffer. I feel nervous, but will note the time on the back of this." " I ihink it has been fifteen minutes since I took the first. I am cold and chilly. May some good result from my deatlvj',. , On the fourth piece the writing i.3 without any order. The words are spread irregularly over the paper lengthwise and diagonally. They are as follows : " fully half an hour. I am God heln me. A. T. C" Number five : " I am dy " Decisions of the Supreme Conrt By Pearson, J. In Brevven v 7'ysor, from Chatham affirming the judgment. Also, in Rogers v Wallace, from -Mecklenburg,- affirm ing the judgment. Also, in Osborne v High Sfioal M fc AZ Companv, from Mecklenburg, judgment reversed and venire de novo. Also, in Kesler v Kern from Rowan, affirming the judgment. Also, in Me Michael v Moore, in equity, from Rockingham, affirming the decree. Also, in Simpson v Armfield, in equity, from Union, decretal order affirmed. Also. in State t John, from Caswell, directing a new trial. Battle, J. In State v Ramsay, from Darke, judgment reversed and venire de novo. Also, in Chaffin v Ijawrance, from Davie; judgment affirmed. Also, in Williams v Alexander, from Mecklenburg: judgment reversed and new trial granted Also, in Watson v Watson, in equity, from Wake. A'so, in Becton v Becton, in equity, from Jones, directing a reference to the Master. Also, in State v John, from Caswell, directing a new trial. Also, in Bank of State v Fowle. Trustee, and others, in equity, from Wake, declaring the rights of the parties. Per Curiam. Manly v City of Raleigh, in equity, from Wake; injunction dissolved. Also, in Gillespie v Sholeberrier, in equity from Rowan, directing a decree for-a specific per formance according to the prayer of the h. The Supreme Court closed its session in this Oi!y on Wednesday last. Rat. Standard. wc Carolinian, and that other Democratic papers be requested to copy. On motion, the meeting adjourned. DR. II. G. ATeEACIIIN", Ch'n. .John McIjenxax Mal. McitcmsoN- fi6a-cur neignoour or tne tieraia in its yes terday's issue has a pretty long article down on Senator Biggs because he was not willing to go for a corte blanche to pay for the enter tainment of aturkihh officer who comes or is. to come to this conatry to get a vessel of war built for the Turkish Government. It may look unfashionable for us to say that we agree with Mr Biggs so far as lie goes but think that he does not go far enough. If the Turkish Govern ment wants a ship of war built and desires to have it built in tlie United States, it is the business ot that uovernmeut and oi tne con tractor.who may get the job. The Govern ment is not the contractor for such jobs. It has no more to do with them than it has with any other contracts. The Turkish officers is not accredited to the Government in otlier wav and we cannot but look upon any money spent upon him because he comes to have a ship built here as so much of a premium given to encour age one private enterest at the expense of the general fund. We would go for treating Mr. Mehemcd Iiasha with all due courtesy aud no more. We think the whole matter of paying his expenses wrong. If New york or Boston ship-builders want his job, let them treat and honeyfuggle him. We think every body is ashamed of the Kossuth humbug, and this is a dozen times worse. If Mr Biggs finally voted against the whole thing, he was right. There may be and there are courtesies which See's Iress- Can't Catch Him. They have some men California as well as in thcEast. Here what a Sacramento paper says: In Kin's town we have a rnfin whom we have? been trying to get rid of for a long while, but he is so crooked that the "King of Terrors'' cairt get to windward of him. First we set' five to him, but he wouldTnt burn; then we fixed a dead-fall, canght him in a deep shaft half full of water. We thought we had hirhr certain; but no-he fell astride a 'shin fib-bolt ana noaiea right side up. At length vVd fel- led a tree on him. We had him sure this time without mistake. But it Was a mistake. for as soon as the dust had cleared 'away, the ob noxious fellow was found standing in the crotch' straight as a hicory pole on tax-day. We now think of setting a log trap for him, baited with a crooked picayune. In our court room a woman was testifying in behalf of her son, and swore "that he had1 worKed on a lafm ever since -he was borne." The lawyer who cross-examined her said: "You assert that your son has worked on a farm ever since he was born?'' "I do." "What did he do the first year?" " He mi led." The la wyer evaporated. - -liar l ford Conrani.- dying. Rcmrrratle Jlceiinj in Sampson. A t a meeting of the democrats of Sampson held at the Court House in Clinton on Satur day the 27th day of February, the meeting was organized by calling Dr. Thomas Bunting to the Chair, and appointing James A. Ferral, Lq-t. Secretary. . .,. x . e Chairman upon taKing the .sent sdd ed the meeting, setting forth its object clear and torciuie style, and impressing upon the democracy the necessity for activity, energy and -determined action in the coining campaign. On motion of Allmand A. McKoy Eq , the Chairman appointed a Committee of five to draft resolntions for the action of the meet ing. In accordance with said motion, the Chairman appointed the following Committee, viz: Allmand A. McKoy, Richard C. Holmes, William G. Flower, Thomas II. Holmes and Arthur Brown, who submitted the following resolutions through their Chairman, Allmand A .VcKoy, Esq., which preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted, viz: Whereas, It is proposed by the Democratic State Committee to hold a Convention in the town of Charlotte, on the 14th day of April next, for the purpose of nominating some suita ble Democrat as our Standard bearer in the next Gubernatorial contest: Therefore be it Resolved, That we heartily concur in the call for the State Democratic Convention, and that the time and place both meet with onr approba tion, and that we do pledge ourselves to the active and zealous support of any worthy Dem ocrat who is nominated by that Convention, believing as we do, that the assembled wisdom of the Democracy of North Carolina will avoid all sectional predudice, and partialities, and looking alone to the good of the country will unite on some true and tried Democrat (who is wholly opposed to distribution, whose ability will bear aloft our glorious insignia in the com ing campaign. Resolved, That the Chairman of this meet ing appoint fifty delegates to represent the county of Sampson in said Convention, and that the Chairman Secretary be added to the list. Resolved, That we approve of the policy as recommended by some of the Democratic jour nals, viz: that each county cast its vote in the Convention, in accordance with the vote given by said county to Gov. Bragg in the last elec tion. Resolved, That the public lands should re main as a source of revenue from which to sup ply our National Treasury, or as homes for those patriots who have served their country in time of need, and that we still adhere to our settled and determined opposition to the schemes of distribution. Resolved, That we still cherish the same attachment to the well defined principles of the Democratic party, as laid down in its Na tional and State platforms, and that we still have an abiding confidence in the administration of President Buchanan, and believe he has ful filled the pledges made for him by his friends, and hasvso far, proved himself a statesman and a patriot. Resolved, That we heartily approve of Presi dent Buchanan's message, and particularly that portion of it which relates to banks and banking and we do recommend to the party at large to make some move on'the subject, in order that the currency of our State may not be subject to the deppessions which it has hitherto been; and we do earnestly appeal to the feiw making powers to direct and control, as far as in their power lies, the monied institutions of our State believing, as we do, that at the termination of a crisis is the proper time for reforms such as the times demand and the wants of the people require. Resolved, That the administration of Gov. Bragg commands onr most hearty approval. We are proud of him as our fellow citizen and as the fearless and faithful executive officer of onr State. He has already shown that he will stand by the rights of the people and protect the constitution : a'nd he still holds the same high place in the estimation of the democracy ought to be extended to distinguished strangers ami the salary of the Chief Executive ought to bi large enough to permit him to extend these courtesies, at his own option and as a matter oF course, but this congressional appro priation in such a case is a bninbiig. What is Mehemed Pacha to ns? What to us if he does give Mr. Webb or some other northern shi; .--builder a job? We cannot see for the life of us Nor can we see wlijf we oi. rrorth Carouufci should hem nay lor . ... drumming custom for northern ship-builders. .Let then pay ther own runners The report says that when it was proposed to make an indefinite appropriation to pay the expenses of the Turkish person while superin tending the building of a ship of war, Mr. Biggs proposed to limit the expense to five' thousand dollars. So far as the principle is con cerned one dollar is just as bad as one hundred. This amendment we presume Mr. Biggs pro posed in Committee of the Whole, with the intention of voting against the whele bill when it came before the Senate. JVil. Jtsurnal. Fre in Kenans ville. Kenaxsvili.e, N. C, Feb. 24th, 1858. JHessrs Editors : At about half-past 10' o'clock lest night, the citizens of our quiet little town were suddenly aroused by the cry of 'fire,' when the the beautiful residence of Dr. C. W. Graham was seen to be in flames, when all efforts to extinguish them were fruit less, and in a very few minutes the whole buil ding was in a b'aze and entirely consnmcfl. The most of his furniture was saved, but in such a condition as to be almost worthless. TIuj Dr. and his family had just retired, and so rn. pid was the conflagration that they were only able to save a smnll portion of their clothing. For some time the dwelling of Col. John J. Whitehead was in imminent danger, and but for the providential change of the wind, it too, would have bteii burned clown. There was no insurance fi,nd the loss is not less than four thousand dollars. How the fire originated is yet a mystery, it was certainly not the work of. !an incendiary, as the fire, when first discovered was inside of the house. Wil. Jncrmtl. One hundred and seventy-fonr revolu tionary soldiers, and seven hundred and eighty eight widows of revolutionary soldiers, have died during the past year. 2'otal number of deaths of all classes of pensioners, 1,451'. The' whole number ot pensioners on the rolls, June" 30, is as follows : 34G soldiers: yearlv amount $20,241 85; 4,702 widows of do., $385,582 f3;, 2.854 half-pay widows and orphans, $270 902 Eeath of Judge Kane. Hon. John K. Kane, Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennyslvania died about 9 o'clock last evening at his residence. Fern Rock, on Green lane, twenty-second Ward. He had been suffering for some days from a very severe at tack of pneumonia, the fatal termination of which had been anticipated by all who attended him.' Judge Kane has so long been promi nently before the public, not only by force of his own position, but as the father of the late Dr. Kane, that his decease deserves more than the ordinary paragraph notice. John Kintzing Kane was born in Philadel phia about the year 1795. He was a son of John Kane, whose father emigrated from Ire land in the year 1756- His mother was a Miss Van Renssellaer, of New York. He was educated at Yale College, and then studied law in Philadelphia, in the office of the late Judge Hopkinson. On the 8th of April, 1817, he was admitted to the bar, and soon took rank among its members as one of the most promis ing of their number. He was originally a Fede 45- G.2G6 invalids, $468,017 37; 18 privateers-- A u l. til, f 1,1011,300 -o. men. fi-ST On Su Vlay evening, last a man by the' name of Jesse Allen, of Ashe county -N. C, while on his way from Abington with his team, was instantly killed near Mock's Saw Mill on the Laurel. He was sitting upon the saddle horse when the team took fright, when he was thrown over the horse's head, the wheels of the wagon passing over his neck and head He" leaves a wife and five children. Tub Bcrxixg of tiik Pacific Hotel HorribXe Suspicions Chas. Taylor alius Sanders has ben arrested on the terrible sus picion of being the cause of the dreadful disas ter at the Pacific Hotel in St. Louis. He is charged with firing the hotel after murdering Ephraim Doane one of the inmates I Dr. Daniel W. Strader, the landlord, and Chas. Waldrup, the watchman of the hotel, have also been arrested and will be examined on Saturday. Theatre, amounting to thirteen hundred dollars. The Managers of the Theatre acted most handsomely in not charging one cent for the use of the house. The proceeds of Mr. Everett's " Wash ralist in politics, but in the Jackson times gave' ington Oratiou" on Tuesday, at the Richmond in his adhesion to tne Democratic 1'arty, and was elected by them several times to the State Legislature. He was also at one time their candidate for Mayor, and held, too, for a time, the office of City Solicitor. In 1845, he was appointed, by Gov. Shunk, Attorney-General of the State. 2his office ho resigned in June, 1846, when, on the decease of Judge Randall, of the United States District Court, President Polk appointed him to fill the vacancy. This ofik'fc he continued to hold up to the time of Ids death. Mrs. Kane, who survives him, was Miss Jane Leiper, a descendant of Thomas Leiper, of the Revolution. A daughter and three sons oiso survive, i he latter are Col. Thomas L. Kane, who is now in California, R. Patterson Kane Esq., a member of the bar and of the Common Council of this city, and Dr. John K. Kane, who accompanied the searching ex pedition sent out in quest of the second Arctic expedition of the late Dr. Kane, aud who is now in Paris. Judge Kane was a gentleman of fine abilities, a good lawyer and a learned Judge. He was also an accomplished belles-lettres scholar, and an adept in the graceful accomplishments of society. Few men of our acquaintance were more courtly in manner, or better calculated to impress upon the observer the idea ofa perfect gentleman. Whether at the bar, on the bench, in political life, or in society, he never for an instant lost his self-possession, or was betraved into a. rude word or a display of tember. He was a member of various artistic and scientific societies, such as the Musical Fund Society, the Academy of the Fine Arts, and the American Philosophical Society, and exercised high in fluence in all of them. However men may have differed from him on political questions, there are- none that will deny him the possession of most winning social qualities and of great firmness and tenacity of purpose in everything that lie undertook. Phil. Taper, " JEST The five new steam sloops of war have been named by the president as follows: the one building at Fensacola, " Pensacola," the one at Norfork, " Richmond," the one at Phila delphia, "Lancaster, "the one at New York, " Brooklyn," the one at Boston, Hartford." "My wife' said a wag", the other day, "came near calling me honey last night." "Indeed ! how was that ?" 'Why, she called me 'Old Bees Wax V " A young lady, whose mother had charged her particularly not to play Scotch Ramble, returned home late at night, about a week since, with holes in the bottom of her shoes. Her Mother. "Didn't I tell you not to play Scotch Ramble?" Girl. Ma, I didn't." Mother How came these holes, here?' taking up the shoes. jGirl. "I wore 'em out ma trying to keep otrt of the way of those who did play Ramble. The old lady appeared satisfied, but the young lady was not, for she was troubled with the consciousness of having told a falshood. Three prisoners escaped from the Guil- DO the logs com- fnn AT n it n Tupsda V Illffht. Jt... IHII V.. - J . was effected bv sawinff out a tv.A e nrh;h cheeked posimr the body of the house, and then bursting offthS It is i.Keiy uiej re ceived outward assistance. One of these prisoners was recaptured on ednesday, hav in returned home, a short distance in the coun try, to get warm, the jail being rather cold He' was imprisoued for passing counterfeit money.