is-" , . " t . --. -fc V5 4 - "OF ai;S8CRXPTIO!V FOB. 7IIBu(?Arv f; otasingle coy;if paid iaavaaeeevW . " - a " -'. I: aftleend ot'Slripat; ' ' J ? 'jittkeead of6monU " - r V f . " - at the ead of the u 'inscription "- will be received for a ahoi - s J v-ae year oalessaid in advaocc. !, , - -j . SyWith the,, view of. extending lae. eircolatit r haaciag tbe uefidaQss.of .the paper, the prop' v. es the followiag remarkably low OLVB--RATB8t IJVrjlRMBLV IJy AD . ' - : ' 5 eopies of the Caroliniaa, 1 year, . 1 - -.- io " - - 1 . - - -5 .i Rates of AdTcrtlelnf t Sixty cents per sqaare of 16.,Hries, drles, ,4 -9 y1- and 30 cents, for each subserrueut insertion advertisement .ia pablislied for more thaaiwe ,vhe a it will. be. charged j J. i For three mouta - -- - ' AH adv'ertlsffmeats ni'at iiav?- t'ast' lc sired ntlm Vof . Rerttoas marked a them, orttttrwise they wilt, be '.serted till forbid and, charjred(-ac,corlin2ly. lSpe '"attention i directed to this requisition. I?, F.WIGHTMAN &U0. tlbllowt" ".oJ16ringraSUi'"" r ' " ; K -Tha4e8iral f!aee'k.r-' ";ie,.-titfiS-? boat2eo ererVt"J; w:xii.. TU lr llace wiU be : x ta kj. . . . li t f reaser, k jritbelrjrolmtly ene r f tt v'jeBfet; r radr ia thccouatry-ad UrSr iila t j vv.c, e .pater the nxercai " . !..;,' .Tj-llaifei A few vet CLBJIEKT G. WRIGHT. Attorney tUw, Kayetevlll,N.C, -c Office at the cornet ofcBow and Green streeta. .Feb'y 3, 1656. : . 'c ' -2 , - . . J.: A. SPEARS, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, ri N'S.-l8 acaatlot- -bellton. knovai CltV ploiaaKp 0f, llllli.'ar tlfof loV113. .. JKo A-fs s dwelling iiouse ' lot n .-HynionB corayrof Ptankroad ad-AC Sfe. Jkttf deuira- toie-iaenee Tor xne wnoie t -R.- - - - " , . X 6..ia a:CrtLMHt aa'i S '-'pi X3!?aand Foifep, ' 10 ol 5 horse twer;SL a, j vr l forWi Je at- ution of those Jtvin here tr poftiayot ayaJr Any aatityx tA A Jarre, ar tee. DEALER!!? Co nfecticya aries. Perfumer- "... iesj. Bread, ': liCrackers of K 1 1 i- j 1 an Kinus, 't ' ATTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, "Wake and Johnstoi. !- Address, Toomer, Ilarnett Co., N. C. IIarnsi( i Fruits' 1 Nuts, Faucy Ar Feb. 16. 1856. 85-y 'tyJffWlV FULLER, ' Attirnejr at Law, piTETTEVILtE, V. i Way be consulted at the Law Office of Jcse G. Sht herd, Esq., on Green Street. July 19, 1856. 7-tf ATTORNEY At LAW. A- ROykinghr.'n. Uichmond County North . Carolina Vill-. practice in the Courts of Richmond. ..Alison anc jftobeson. All business eatru.sted to bis. care will jte-feeW-strict attention. July, 11, ly-58" iiiiiiMf B0AIU)Ls(i 1I0UNE f . ... : i. 1 . .... . QSS- w ot artl . - v clcs in toK Foot of llayraourit, Fay.tteville, N.. C. Oct. 24. 1&57. - 73-y ' ' NOfifJE. Persons indebted to Jas. C. McEaeliin, rs Guardian f the heirs of Xohn Morrison, de'e'd, are herOv re tpectfully intbrrffed, that said guardian has in a greal Ibajority of instances endorsed, arid transferred then Aotes to the undersigned. Also, that our urjr'ettt, ne jessities, apart from the reqi irements of ihe endorsed mpel us to collect as speedily as possible. All those debted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too paying up immediately. We must and will sue nere toe money is not lortncoming., ' . v A. D. MORRISON. J- J. M. MORRISON -S - N. A. MORRISON. Laurinburgh, N. C March 7, 1857. 40-tl I runts; Oils, Varnish, Brushes .for lc by ' t e , . . N OTICE. WANTED Three first rate Workmen, for which e best of prices will be given, and study work. The ice for making Boots, 3.75; for footing, 2.75; Shoe 5U. Wanted immediately. . , , M.FAULK. Dec; 31. 82-lf Dissolution of, Copartnership, fipHE ,biiineas conducted under thefifm -of M- B. V. & Co., wa& this day dis solved by mutual consent. Those indebted to tho late fiCwill please make immediate , payment longer indulgencb cannot lie ivm-. Either of the parties are aythonzed to receive tiayment fend Lxnrant discharcres. i j. ." vvy wuomca, i ny large BJ1U well rt ted stock of goods, comprising a- vergenjeriU DRY GOOJ3S, HATS, CAPS, SHOJSe.Z Will be sold at Auction. ' . . - The sale will commence on Thursday' tne 25tU inst., and continue from day to day, untiHfle tfck is sold. Terms at sale; ' 4- ' B. F. PEARCE. . . JOHN W. PEARCE, Jrl & Marcln ?0; . - J3- i S.J. HINSDALE. 63-tf TVS he Subscriber is now -prepared to aceounnodate six persons witlt bOal;d, it;i(lutioA .ta.Uji; . iUf -l3("aTlaT!- TTtiWu fill e..cC u 5 conveniently sit'uated ou tlK! Dou!tluon Lot, Hay-V mount, and is a go'.d U calion lor a Summer aud Winter residence. No puiis ill be mhke her boarders comfortable. February, ii. MARTHA HARTMAjf, TROT&FULLEHj ' LAWi LtT VI BE it TON JVi C. A. 31. Ca:iibeil, UCTl6.El2ll & COMMISSiOS ME JfCII AXJJ, . Eiist side of Gillespie street. . Faye rrE vili.e, N. C. fc October 1, 18oa f; :RpBFRT K. TROY S; JOHN P. FULLER, have fJi tneil dn association for the practice of their profes sljbii i(i.Robeson co., only R. L Troy .will also at tid the Courts-of Bladen and Columbus, ami .1 P filler those of Cumberland. Jl'heir OSfice in Lumbertou will be kept open at aix tilifis. . . , January 9, 1S5 3". 83-tf 3i A Im K GEO early opposite V A C T O it V, Aucticn Oct. 1. 1S50. LAUDER to E. W. Walking luiyet'teyille, N. C. Y Pall Stock, 185Y. B. F. PUARCG & C ).. RE now receiving a large and well selected sto RE of Consisting in part of ': , . . Black and Pisrured Silks; j.Hg!i?li ami French Merinoes Plain aiid.Fig'd DeLaiies French all wol Plajds; Alpacas of all qualities; Black Bombazine; . , .. English, French and American Prints Chenille Shawls, (beailtiful patterns;) toadies' Cloaks of every description; fTaconet Edgings and Insertions; Collars ajui Uudec?l.eeves; Hosiery, Gloves, Belts Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; Cloths and Cassimeres; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; 4 White and Colored Flannels; Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached nnd Brown Drillings; Plaid Linseys and Kerseys; Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleached Tabje (loths; Towellings of all kinds; Negro Blankets; Extra quality Bed Blankets Spiral, Brass and Whalebone' IToons? Good assortment of Hoop Skirts Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, quality J Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin', Cassl mere and Wool Hats Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c ' ALSO . A large and fashionable stock of JJjies C. Smith. Costin JAMES C. SMITH i CO. Commission JIzrcha' Salve removed their office to the second story of the ..Holding formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company iv&jpre they are prepared to attend to all business in the Jottimissicn.lin.-.. ; v ..? .. i All business entrusted to them tviii be punctually i-IMnded to. - . 4 .Wilmington, October 1, 1856 . 7 , . , . ' ' THANK leir aul FAYETTE VILLE HOTEL. ." tr r t- m .t o BL : J.v'jnriiiio. & tju., Ii ay in eaed this Hc?el, will be pleased to see ihei grier p'atf diis arid friends, assuring them that he will use every exertion to please - - . .,'jlf. Roborts. i fj. G. Smitil ijan. 9, 1853. 83-tf Obupon Bonds for Sale ! ;jjfhe Western Rail Road Co., have for sale in mfurits to suit purchasers. Cvft flflfl ot the Coupon Bonds of the J)4UjUUV County of Cumberland, beac- per cent, interest, pr.yHbjo smi-annually ,on st Jiine and tho 1st of December, and run- 20 years. 3,000 of the Coupon Bojids of the Town of ttevijle, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable s mannually on the 1st Jantiary and the 1st July, a id running 20 yearsl , ;. Tese bonds wero issued iii accordance with law t- jtfce Western Rail Road. Co ; to pay the County a 11,51. own suoscriptions respectively. 1 g"rsqns having money yill fad tbese bonds (at fe'j fciirice the Co. is seliiifg them J a better invest t, eidt in any Bank Stock in the State. ! Wdt terms apply to J. t. MALiLtil I, &q, fres'Jt, or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. rcli 0. 1358. 92-tf t.ef whbb do., FEEtir&iX&r - FitESCH A&D ENGLISH CRAPESjuJsbX 8, ! . - 4'c. - V" ' . A very desirable stock of Mens', Youths', & Bovs READY MAD1-CL O TIDING, -' of the latest Styles, workmanship warranted. -; .. .-v.. . ". ' : : ':-' " The public are invited to call early and examine the above goods; they will be sold cheap for cash, or on the usual time to those who pay occasionally. March 20. 93-tf ! 6W& CvW , f -1 "aw:y P- loirs' of the most rf?: t-1-'?-tts -'" . prPica.n; The foil i Ka1! TanVee stamp, arrived at a mafr ifm ut 1 rb "z: U tUt rrt. pcf c to". U meaning, i - ier lton; ana waited the Jwidterd ta ndlr" AJ . V-,Kr- -lt:'i - w-lhe verv.a - S I . " - -..-y , . - . .g.vv uun, , : . . v . - . . iplC'--r" - ' --r . , , mae ?i .9 Cartel r :&n' vi-r. u: -w --. -'.rj. 'I" r ' rnrtlJWlth tli in4rDiat.H Anf mrnin itAnin.AniMidV I V JiiX-i; Jif4XI Yori will ninncft inlih trt h,,H v - ' f-'ont M turov n ontrffti f- j--;t - t - (... I tZc-'i wUI W Very, al Jt'taiislators of 1 irs 3-:- SPRING IMPORTATION, . WE are now receiving our Spring purchases of Staple and Fancy. DR Y GO ODS, HA TS, B ONXE TS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, &c. To which we invite the attention of'Buyers i nth it; Mar ket.. . . STARR & WILLIAMS. Vs March 20, 1 858. 93-tf JOSHES 3EEVX.E Is no.w receiving his Spring supply of . -rtTnTSTllaAils'. aii(T HrillianTP.i - Pol'd and Black Silks; lrisa liinens auci Diapers; ' Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; -Qashmere and Merino Twills; White and Col'd Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No, 0 to 10; Sljkund Straw Bonnets; &c. With almost every article in theDrv Goods Hi ot wnicn Has oeen purchased by the packae late sales in. New .York and Philadplnhia?0 l Offered clieap for cash or on lime to paying cus March 20. 93-tf lhe Yankee stood up with his . lady love, and seized Jier fervffntly bv the hand. " lou promisef Mr 'A 'to take this womau' - said the parson; .t the U be mers. Yaas!' fiaid the bridegroom. . " " .'To be your lawful and wedded wife?' T 'Yaas, yaas!' . 'That you will love and honor her iH all things?' ( - 'Sartin yaasj I tellyef.'i :. s 'That yoti will-cling to her, and her only, as long as both shaW live?-? m is 'Yaas, indeed -nothin', else!' continued the Yankee, in the most delighted and earnest manner. . , . But -here the reverend clergyman halted, much to the surprise of all preseut; and to the especial annoyance and discomfort of the ardent bridgrooui. . v ' " 'One raome'nt, my frienH responded the min ister; slo.wly; for it oceifrred to him that the taws of his State did notermit th;2 perform ance without the 'publishment' of the bans for a certain length of tittie: . ' " 'Wliat what what in time is the matter? Con't stop here? Put her thru! What's split parson? Anything gin eout?' 'Just sit this moment-, my friend, I have re membered that you vau't be married in Massa chusetts, an the law' 'Can't! What in nature's the reason? I like her she likes me what's to l ender?' 'You have not been published, sir, I suspect.' . 'That's a fact ain't agoin' to be, nutlier vf thdt's the reason why we crossed oyer into your 'little lxhody, (the scent" Was oil the border of Khode.Islaud) on the sly, you see, p.yso-n.' '1 really sir ' said the rninisttr. , 'R-e-a-l-l-yl wal, never "mind go ahead 'Tain't fair. don't you see 'taint! YouTve A rnarried me, and haint tetclted her! Now don't ston nereL Muuit the fair thing by gracious 'I will consult said the minister,-Hesitatingly. 'Nu vuu won't--no yoa don't. .You don't same square, ou the opposite side of .the Street, , a building that was erected for a b'lacksmith shop, partly brick, but which was riot in use, had the front wall blown flat. But the great est damage was on the north side of Jliain, at the cdrnfe.r of Tefith, where stood a four story bfick house, used as a grocery and dwelling by Mr Carryll. It tvas more exposed to the violence of the; storm 4han any other building. The entire fourth story, which was fortunately unoccupied, with he foot, wa blown o clear even with the fioor, and. thrown over into the neighboring yard, falling upon a frame cottage and crushing it to the earth, leaving only the front wall standing. 'vThis cottage was the property of a lady m Efansyille, Ind ,' and was occupied at the time by a man and a boy, who strange to Say, escaped entirely unhurt, being Gear the front wall at the time. The entire house, with the exception of that " portion used as a kitchen, was crushed flat. a . ' k, The nextolgect of attack was the bid steam er Belle Shridan, lying .at the wharf, now en tirely dismantled, her machinery liaving been transferred 6 CaptaiH Gould's, new, boat, the Imperial The cabin was blown on, and the huli injured .very considerably. Some of the other boats felt the effect?, but only to a slight extent. - - , We heard i rumor Hie last night that two men shoe makers and a boy had been tilled, - ; ' -T ' ; --r An old offender was - lately brought before a learned justice of the peace. The constable as n preliminary, informed his worship, that he hnd in custody, John Simmons, -alias Jones, alins Smith. "Yery well," said the magistrate "I will try the two women first; bring in Alice Jones." ' - . i xr'rr i And the'ininist "ic ..iit ii ma Uelr In rj r 'niSiiiiuni3:.'-'--'-'"- XHti apparent- ' b."Mhieh. ha---a", ?e B.V'iotlieea . Jer?.i''- " - e ha. ..ft the - Wcur qn th , e E.tjW Tea-... ' Wd 'i v. 'most -fbr ribe- '.- tto We the ver; jLtiiL riTuii .i.. n sim levateMtiiVTU r I r. Stiia-jic . : -' fy ;i&t trapslaieir J Lregar3evIt ijf - .J L . Ta& MlKkX$ A 'lender "i-og&?fi.j - 1 Eli ilia" Jf, W. LETT Hasjust received a large and general STOCK OT GOO.DS suited to ihe Saring and Summer trade, - 1 ; I - , - - HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHlIApKIPIllA. A Bfcevolent Insiitution, esiabliwhed by special en " do ment for the relief of the sick and distressed V fjlfllic'ted with Virulent and epidemic diseases Howard Association,' in.view of the. awful des tt icnoii of human life, caused by Sexual diseases . t . -, a. : ... ...i.i iii.iMi , in , ............ v TT l-rtm f rl a Bie Uecepnuus . atnoivx up-J" umuiiuiwre ttnUfi8L-2JS yS&ViriUWlf ;3fa c? diseases Dy yuacKs, several years . Jt . , ... . -J1 J iBIilJilW. a firected their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHaRI- AU oi wnicn A iu Je sj.iu low for CASH, cr on ouf BLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispen usual time to punctnal customers Sitlii.i: i't Wi,ifilf ?Sw: ,.. nfthis a! nf in oil or iceman, ah persons are resnecMniiv li,.T'i nA yiif fpiijal Arfvi firatia t riVe us a call. B. F. PEARCE. Sop! 12 1857 67-tf J. W. PEARCE! Jr. I , W. H. T U It I. I c T o x General Commil i Mercbaut. NORTH WATER STREET, Wil Kington, JY C., till give personal attention to the sale or shipment of ill consignments oF Naval Stores or other country jrxiuce, and any other business entrusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. pril 18 1857. Jy - , MRS. CATHARINE J. WARD will open her fc-,hool in Arch St. on Thursday, April 1, 1353. Madi G 4t. ltfood lbs. TalloVv T anted, For wL.h the highest cash price vill be paid. ikl wo aonlv bv letter, with a description-of their iec idttion. (asre. occupation, habits of life, c.,) and fa cafes of extreme poverty, 10 xurnisn Aieuicines t ree t Rl&rre. It is needless .to add that the Association o Brands the highest Medical skill of the age, and - 11 furnish the most approved nfodern treatment. 1,1 Phi directors, on a review of the past, feel assured iQth.t iieir labors in this sphere of benevolent effort Irtelieen of sreat benent to ttie atnictea, especially to hAvounz. and they have resolved to devote, them- sveii. with renewed zeal, to thi3 very important but HP Cftuespisea cause. . . - . , . Vndb Published by the Association, a Report on irAatorrhosa, or Seminal Weakness, and other Dis ea esof the Sexual Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon lopeTJ FRESH SPRING GOODS H. & E, J. LILLY Alitu now opening a large, and eeneralJtttssorfcenb of SPRING GOODS; embracing a great rariif of. si ai Lt, a unx UUUU3, HATS NETS. UMBRELLAS &c. Also about 29 Cases BOOTS & SUOES wei Re sorted, all of which we propose selling ajL reKile prices for cash and to prompt paying ciStomeftm the usual time. - ... P. S. We EABXESTLYeTfaest all persois in arfears with u a to pay up or in part at least. H. Sf E. j?L March 13, 1858. . 1 6t . K 1858 GARDEN SRED. ..... WIRR WTED THE GROWTH OF 18& The Subscriber has just received a largupply of Garden Seeds, comprizing every varictjt .from the celebrated Gardens of JohnsonJ RohbinlA- r"r Wethersfield. " These seeds have 'been sola Aere man Put asunder. tor-the last, uve years ana always given pvfj satisiaction. I .Catalogues will be furni: applicauo.n. Jan. ao, 85-2m A- consult nothing noi; nobody until.this here busi-' ness is concluded!' And with this he turned the key, and (amidst the titterings of the witnesses whom the land'ord h id called in,") in his pocket: Seizing the hand of his trembling bride, he said; 'Go on, now, straight from where yu left off put us through, and no dodging. It'll be all right -'if it ain't right we'll make it right in the morning.'as the saying is.' After reflecting a moment, the parson con cluded to run the risk of the informality so he continued: . - . .w " "You promise, madnrri, to talie this man to be vonr lawful husband?' . "Yat." suil the Yankee, as the lady boweftl. ' VTUat you will love, honor and obey hitn?" "Them's 'en;" said Jonathan, as the lady "Andthat you will ci to him so long as yon both live?"' - "That's the talk! stick to One another alters and the lady said "yes" again. ; . ."Then, in' the p'rebence of these vvithesses, I pmnoliiice you man and wife " ''HooraT' continued Johuathan,. leaping all the way to the Ailing with joy. : t "'nd what God lias ioined togatwr let no ; " ... ii .-ii rul (ii1 ' Pntcliman Coot moryer, Patrick, how you ve.-wiir. Wfi fit iiiir ratnf ." o j " . . . . .. - . ' Dntchman I guess not: we never-has much rain in ferryjry dime."-' Irishman- An, ye're right there; and thin, whiniver, it jrits in the way of ranin not a bit o' dhrv wither will we git as long as the wet spell fever, "jtUt r Ziv&L .u i c as a iiidicatmor a. iikknixe ;ti': Jitatlic-, a's a ..ueaUnt(t-fquii '"' Urb,'to word, re jeat.- .Accofa in li means sneacej viessu ''tet-: tbev, ihtritiletits stopf W pche? regards Funi coroB--up' mi -j ijig all the. seventjfoar wor occurs, Wcooizeft j appeai or summons iO ti p -".J L a i.dll ii' ior aiu anu jiraycrs w r i with entire direcine9 0. tire. VHeaf,'3thovah!f i anu i lie iih.e sui earuuo lie would remember laiid itself he regards, ns iiidi trumpets by. tbe prlet. j an abridge expressionu! II igga ibii i udica tmgr t ed instruments, a'nd Sela irumpe is.- jiuiu.iMc DuriDir the late corom ci(ty i t . wast.fect frik'li nine comment a tne in and places oT ainusemgii niiea oryieiued suca ajj mjinngers. xi was an mind depressed tnd wro through the difficulties ail great mass of the people! occasioned by severe' Jisse ing of fortunes: tlif vlc toil arid application, V In the present state p we find the same pecul howlds. Elder Jones was not remarkable for 1iis elo qnenop, nor was he a remarkable good reader, especially among the-hnrd names. Butheshid "all Scripture is profitable,"-and therefore -he npver selected anv portion, but read the firs chapter he orened at, afte.r h took th stand to preach. One dav he stnmbled in this - way npon a chapter in Chronicles; and read, "Elea zer besrat Phinehies, . and Phinehies .1-Mat Abishna, and Abishna beirat tinkkie. nnd Tiuk k?e beirat TJzzsi," and stiimbline worse and worse ns he proceeded, he , stopped, and rnnnitver his eyeahead,T. and seeing : nothing -better in prospect, he cut the matter short by saving ' And so they went on and, begat one another to the end of the chapter." ' : ": daiiy. -and almosS hourlv'wit and those wbo would becohi tres, opera house, and in. facl lie amufement are nightly t seeking for an hour's amuse these places is-universally I val of religiou" extends thr lher and otbyre,1 x ns t' to Ujaiu. tr.e sivjic, valent to' isnr- after exaiu! hlthe e. '.'an actual heyrnreti iresfscd euS-1 .. tr rind that. tV W Ihe word ' . blast, of the Jf; he thinks - - of the string-. rous blast -of realties in this' encitea nv, our tb.tatres i ever so. weii tarns to the fount 'for this Sof relief to the Jon- as Jt . was, rassments" the iboring . uuder le rapid wast-.. Eon of years of as excitement listing. 'Xot (usChristiar.s kit or thea- Iaces of pub- with those iTJie rush to lid if a "revi- the city, a theatrical revival is equaB T, Jble and re riiafkable: . . , . ; I . this to be accounld fc, , We shall not . mate the attempt, butMe :y. Ithe subject for the of tho h. he" V'ek to fath- inIJ-'.Wl only dea orii the mysteries Of the trii in facts' .The receipts at. il iptS at. tha tetrl.or twelve theatres," and ether places of; k inarn.cnt inclu ding the museums, nigger nil its relaperformun- re or mi re- ces, lectures,. and &c., amoim-.w twclv fourteen thousand dcI!a,T, .nirA ly&hc sun ceived ftt the Upera . Iiou sionf., averaging about $4,D0Ci. , Here i.s soile 60,000 or $70, 000 paid weekly for flmhrism nts. A great country this. N. Y. IZscianee jjk Th2 Sister. There H sOBlc hrn jovely in the nae, and its utterance ,rft ejr, JJails to call up the waj'i a5eytion bf t.J, feffiitle heart. :hought3 that circle rod a '1 are nuict jilac-e with rs of love. The tho beautiful and pure-.. its associations. lhehoncala ; i .... " rod Passiof these .strong cmo,tionsy F jwt nu always given p-feit N. SMITH, DruggiJA lished gratuitous FOB TIIE LOtdJIofiVI.' onsffeting" of a choice selection, of Ststplfc and Fdt2cr l3 II V GOODS, Boot and Shoes, with lnoe4 nuj ilitua hat line. ' PRIME FAMILY, GRQCEEIEI& always to be hadf AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. March. 20. 18o8. - ly-pd "lloora?" continued Jolinatban. "What's the price?" . .-(The parson seemed to, hesitate.) 'How much? spit it . but. , Dou'X- b'a afeared. Tou did it like a book. Here's a Y; never mind the change. Send for a back landlord. -Give us your bill; I've got her!. Hail -juiumuy: i bp hnf.r tp iow seemea to oe-entireiv unaoie lo control his joy; and ,teu minutes . afterward he was on his way to the railroad depot with his wife, "the happiest man out of jail," said the eye-witness who described the scene. What Katlroaos Have Dove. According to the estimate, "theUni.tid . Sta-tes have in creased in wealth full. a thousand ..millions of dollars by railroads.". " They have certain contnbnten more to the prosperity of the conn- trv.thjn tW have proved renuraerative to their Bha,tei 'd distinguish life, owners. vv unouL ranror.os we- oru.n never tlere- The bride is the sta nave neen ine w-ne extenaea repuonc that we. the iieaft, the diamond abo usivc imuwu vriiii unfiii wo chh eniuro our territories still .fjirthcr, . , tt .is a fortunate con junction of events that heloeomotive and the magnetic telegraph, two"of the most "pofential contrivances for, annihilating gpace, should sprinaTiinto existence jnstas. a new republic was extending its power oyer aontmentp and blazing in the noon-day light calm as the mellow md coronet of pearls. It m h to ta" eiiongh t3l rjnd iio home fc iiValisman of There is said to be an infi to discover whether the red are natural or painted, nattj'ra.! ' tbe eafs will be o artificial, the ears will be pa rIfut suppose the ears also! ' WANTED. : 4 b t b Bbls. -Turpentine at my DistHery ""M,ori Person' .Street at the hatf way Bridge the highest fash price will be paid, march 20 93-3m JR McDUFFIE. A. A McKefliaii v. resoectfully.informs bis friends and the public, that lie has b tilt up large substantial Brick Buildings at hi Old Stand, expressly ior manatactaring Carriage!. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a d,esire to give satisXactipn, to merit a continitanc.4 of jtfi.'e.Same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen iu each branch of the business. Mis work will compare favorably with any made ia the United States, forneat- ness and durability. ., , He is determined to sell.and do any w.prk in his line on as good terms as any wotfe done elsewlfcre that is as well done. He now has ou hand, finished, tbe largest stock of CARRIAGES.BAROUCHES, ROCKAWAYS. AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this place, and aLvery laree stock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual efcstom- ers. ..r-iie nas on. nana more man uUtluJNDKtiU AN It Jf xr x i venicies uuisueu auu iu course, 81 con Nice Point of LXwJ I heard thu an- ecdote from a gentleman long resident iu Phila delphia. Two Quakers, in that place applied to their society, as they do not go to '.law,' to ciecide in the following difficulty: A isiAun- x?asy about a ship that ought to have arrived, meets B, an insurer, and states his wish to have the vessel insured. The matter is agreed upon. A returns home, and receives a -letter inform ing him of e Toss of his ship. What shall he do? He is afraid that the policy is iiot filled up., and should B. hear of the matter soon, it is all over with him; he therefore writes to' I?.' thus; "Friend 13 , if thee hasn't filled up, the policy, thee needn't for I've heard, of the sliip." The following is a..litf ral-cnnr. f a lifst hand ed to the nsswesors.-nndrr-the laws of Conne- ticnt.'-requiring a shown list f all property; To 35 akevf-oflnd worth t400.00. - Hotise and born nothin ntal-onley a where thenfes j Imfortant to Physicians. and Ttobcrs brakes into and steels all I put in j a t, . exneriracilts in flPITI - .... . , - , ? ' . ' - "j . Mv head which pron'e - Res ,T rilnRt. -nut in which is so weake a.nd nothin atal. Mv wife is of no nse to me atal. - 15 Shea ne , - 32.00 Alf.;Ton Oat, - ', . '; 25 The Kitne half price ... 12 truction. , poli "Oh, oh!" thinks B. to himself, ' cunning feJr low; he wants to do me put of: the premium." ?TiV Vio wrilps t'lina tn A " "Friend A. thf e be'es too late by half an hour, the policy is filled.". A, rubs Ijjs hands with delight; yet B.' refuses to pay.,. tV elf,' what is the decision? The loss is divided between them. Blackwood's Magazine. vaccine virus by solution iii solution instead of the solid successful Iy.: conducted b Chicaso. Ine solution w or three months, in warm w cases wero vaccinated withoi The scab, should be broke pieces and thrown into a lit is to be occasionally ..shake care it aissoives siowiy, Cecexptorwo stamps for ope.j c ftisi ui yuigH Address, for Report er treatment, Dr. George . R. Calhoun, Consulting Sugeon. Howard Association No-2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . , By order of the Directors. G FAIRCHILD, Sec'y E. D. HEAR TWELL, Pres. Jan:4 83-3ia pd with fair usage, and or material will be rcpaireu tree ot charge Persons wishing to buy wonld do well to call and examine fo themselves. . 4 Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. .Repairing executed at short notio and on very rea sonable terms. 1 Fayettevllle, Oot lj 189f. Be charitable towards those who. may. differ from von as all humanity is liable to err. it best to ascertain who is erring before prononn-J Facts ix Hcmax Life. B is about equal to the numbei average of human life is 32 ter die before the age of, 7-h age of 11.,' Of every 1,00 reach 100 years. Of eren 65. ' and' not jiiore than on age of 80 years. There, is 066 of iuhabitants. Of th every year, 91,824 die ever hour, and 60 every miriu' ; second. These losses " are em .milder set in a st by wldjrti of a lady redness is nie color, if ?ifi 01 (TO uldXe painted ? ii-stern pater preservation of jjcerinyl, using this I Uteri have been drews, of sefl up ior i wo em when seven, fcingle failure. fqt ..three or four fyriiie, which 'VfjtLout other ; lHHnber oi me.i f women.' The One .'before the to. eJS. One quar- iirsons, cue only )0bnly 6 reach 500 reaches the yrtiV;:i,,-" '33,o33,o33 die r'KS80 every. forcie for every )alanced by Ihould it fail by bUworfaailFonder wel thc Past and drawnsefoj lessons . yon Whenersecuted and troubled be sare to paired free of charge. Ftherefrom. Find out the causes wnieh. have sustain him in his adversity. produced misfortunes, embarrassments, CvC , ..iri 1 mftrribrl , longer- lived ' th&lrHfil jlugie,' and abo e all ' those who observe a sober and iriduitriona conduct.. AYometf kaye more chances of life the year just ended, and avoid them in future. There is a lady down east so high-minded 1 previous to the ige ot 00 -fears' than men, but If to accumulate wealth be an object, remem- ' that she .disdains to' own that she has common V fewer after. The number of ttarriaoes iSi ber "time is money" and if to acquire gold sense.' . There are a great many of the same I proportion of T5 . - laere is nu surer way iuau iu sbtc it. sort in, the werldv A. M. CAMPBELL.

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