- -V. c o 4 4- ;..r- ' ,vH r 4 . I) i-"M)rnii-i'' i iiiiif- - THE f HEELOi OF Till: -A -i 3" ? ' TERMS 40P SUBSCRIPTIOS FOR TUB CAROLINIAN For a dingle copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 OO " " " at the end of 3 months, 5 50 " at the end of months, 3 00 " " " at tiie end of the year, 3 50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period "than one year uuless paid in advance. With the vi!w of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkably low . CL UB RA TE S , I.YVA RIAB L V fJV A D VAJStCE: 5 copiea of the Carolinian, I year, $8 00 10 " " " " 15 00 Rates of Advertisings Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first tnd 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, unless the tlvertisam ?nt is published for more than two msnths, vjjen iwill be chiJrn;M , . . .. , ' : For three-months, - : - J S4 oft For six mrttttn-'-'-.;- f:'y.;.5:.:e-fld' K i or tw -ive KU.ttns, - , - - - -..-. w uy AU advertisements must have the desired number of in ffton3 marked on them, orthrwise they will be in erted till forbUl and charged accordingly. Special nltention u directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGHTMAN & CO. CLEMEXT a. WRIGHT. Attorney at Law, Kayetteville, N C. . Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3. 1&5(I. J. A. SPEARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATT R NT). 3 the Courts of Cumberland, Harnet Nrake and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Ilarnett Co., N. C. Feb. 1C. 1850. 85-y BARTirW FULLER, at Law, Attorney V Y K T T E VI T TZ , , C ., -May be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. lierd, Esq., on Green Street. July 19, 185(5. 7-tf Shop JOHN B ATTORE IT LAW. Rockingham, llic!imond County North Carolina, will practice in the Courts of liichmond. Anson and llobeson. All business entrusted to his care will re ceive strict attention. July, 11, ly-58 ItllOllf he Subscriber is now prepared to accommodate six persons with uoaru, in auuiiion to nuuintr lie now lias. The builuaig which she occupies is Conveniently situated on the Dou-al't.-vi L.ot, iiay inount, anH is -a good locution lor a Summer a d Winter residence. o puins will be t-parcu to make her boarders comfortable. February, 0. MARTHA 1IAKT.MAN. V. .31. Caaipbeil, .ItCtlOSEEIt t COMMISSIOri' MEllCHAST, East side of Gillespie street. F.VYKTTEVIL.blS, October 1, 18.5 N. C. M AUBLE BY GEO. F A C T O II Y, LAUDER. .earlv opposite to E. SV. Will kin rs" Auction Store Fayettuvillo, N. C. y Oct. 1. 1856. Fall Stock, 1857. B. F. Pi'URCH & C RE now receiving a larg . of jajfcHL'&r sr und well selected ;tock 9 eonsisting in part of : Black and Figured Silks; . ncrlisli atnl French Merinoess; Plain and Fiufd DeLanes; French all vraol Plaids; Alpacas of all qualities; Black Bombazine; English, French and American Prints; Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns;) Ladies' Cloaks of every description; Jaconet Edgings and Insertions; Collars and Undersleeves; Hosiery, Gloves, Belts; Ribbons, Trimmings, &c; Cloths and Cassimeres; Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets; "White and Colored Flannels: Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached and Brown Drillings; Plaid Linseys and Kerseys; Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleached Table Cloths; "Towellings of all kinds; Negro Blankets; Extra quality Bed Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; Good assortment of Hoop Skirts; Yankee'Notions of every variety, kind, and quality; Silk, Leghorn, and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassiruere and Wool Hats; Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. ALSO A large and fashionable stock of All ot which will lie sold low for CASH, or on our usual time to punctual customers either at Wholesale or ivcu.il. ah persons srive us a call. are respectfully invited to B. F. PSARCE. j tv Sop. 12 1857 7-tf " PEARCE, Jr. AV. II. T UIILI VGTO x General Commission Merchant. ' NORTH WATER STREET, ril nington, JY. C., Will sive personal attention to the sale or shipment of pro luce, and any other business entrusted will he nromntlv attended to. to his care. April 18. 1857. ly 10.000 lbs. Tallow " anted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. Oct. 1. 185i; A. M. CAMPBELL. White Lead and sle by AuS. 13, Linseed Oil, for S. J. HINSDALE. 3-tf ble real estate, the property o ered for sale and consists of the followine tracts : 9 That desirable pla known as Rome, contaijing all the inlprovements. Thjs or divided, to suit purchases, aoout ZbO acres wit place will be sold sa-i': it beinprobablyone the'country, ,nd isVe: fthe besrt business Btands in enter, themercantile 1 desirable to those, wishing to siness. , . - No 2, Consists ef a and Brick Store (2 tene- meutsj in Cambleton, n Bridge Street near- Claren- uon tsrme. r.nd is a Jso 3, Is 3 vacant lots ViCampbelltori, known in City desirable stand tr Dasmess piot as rsos 109, 1 II.. ll an half of lot 113. - No 4. Is a dwelling hSuse and lot on Jlaymount, corner of Flankroad and fcdams St.' A very desira ble residency, for the wholyear. " m No 5, Is i. Corn. Mill and,Steam Engine and. Bdile of 10 or 1 5 horse power, llbini? well worth the at tention ot those livi 5Me, tesOmiiL be oH Aagust 1, 185 - til-tl JR. IE HEIDE; DEALER IN Co nfection aries, Perfumer ies, Bread, Crackers of all kinds, Fruits' Nuts, Faucy Ar . tides, and a vari ety of erti cles in the GROCERY LIXE. Foot of Haymount, Fayitteville, Is. C. Oct. 24. 1857. 13-y NOTICE. Persons indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as Guardiab of the heirs of John Morrison, dec Vl, are hereby re spectf'ully informed, that said guardian hys in a oreal majority of instances endorsed and transferred theij notes to the undersigned. .Also, that our urgent ne cessities, apart from the reqt irements of the endorser Compel us to collect as speedily as possible. All those indebted will therelore oblige us, and themselves too by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A. JJ. MORRISON. J. M. MORItlSCN N. A. MORRISON. Laurinbivrgh, N. C, March 7, 1857. 40-tl P tints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for Sale by S.J. HINSDALE. G3-tf Aug. 15, WANTED Three first rate Workmen, for which the best of prices will be given, and study work. The price for making Boots, 3.75; for footing, 2.75; Shoe l oj. Wanted immediately. M. FAULK. Dec. 31. - 82-tf TROY & FULLER, Aitoiu s and i'oustnor AT LAW. LUMCK ,iT() X. C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice of their prof'"S sioii in Robesen co., only R. E. Troy will alo at tend the Courts of Ltladen and Columbus, and J 1 Fuller those of Cumberland. Their Ortice in Lunibertou will be kept open at all times. January 9, 1858. 83-tf James C. Smith. Miles Costin JAMES C. SMITH & CO., Commission Merchants, Have removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. Wilmington, October 1, 1856 y FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. FRANK N. ROBERTS. & CO , having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see tlieir fonner patrons and friends, assuring them that they will nse every exertion to please F. X. Koborts. fj. Q. Smith Jan. 9, 1858. 83-tf Coupon Bonds for Sal The Western Rail Road Co., have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. &fl OHO of the Coupon Bonds of the p")""" County of Cumberland, bear ing 7 per cent, interest, payable somi-aniially on the 1st June and the 1st of December, and run ning 20 years. $!XM)00 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually 011 the 1st January and the 1st July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co , to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co is selling them) a better invest ment in any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C B. MALLETT, Esq, Pres't. or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. March 6, 1858. 92-tf C HOCK K BY , GLASS WAR E &. LOOKING GLASSES. a HAVE a good stock in my line. . Country Mer-- chants supplied at low rrices. W. N. TILLTNGHAST. March 20, 03-2m STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTYv Sup'r Court Office, 15th March 1858. IN pursuance of direction of His Honor Juclge Manly, Notice is hereby given, that t.ie Regular Term of the Superior Court of LAW AND EQUITY, for the County of Harnett, will be held at the Court House in Toomer, on the 8th Monday after the 4th Monday in March 1858. Witnesses and Suitors will take notice accord ingly. - Witness A. D. McLEAN, 94-to .Clerk Superior Court. FOR SALE. ITeavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Ns. 5 to 10. ALSO, Belt, Picker, Roller and Lace LEATHERS. O1I3 and Manufacturer's Findings Winter strained Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. "cKgiS; 5? G1U6' ory, Roller - July 26, 185. UALL' B..II.Co. The folldwiirg val e v J ctv no where, water iDtKtMTSjrvi -"r ISnTytiU,. - IS now recei-ing hiltoc JL ? -. MER-GOODSP1 sty for thp -asiK ''i-Tlr Vl a A few very handsHftnRCD' r,ACE axd sirjc hastu: t ' - shawls and seA:r;; Any qnaTjtity of the' latest Pa,Sr A large and beautiful ei: E?IBRiDE RIS, HONETOV ' HATSl :3KAPfl- lIMRftP" - " 5 u-av vt ijr FLOWEltS, . FRENCH AND fejTGLISH CRAPES, RIBBONS, ... fyc., 8fV. - : A Verv desirablfi Rtnc-r nf Wens' "Wirit1' Xr Ttrx READ Y MADE-CL O THING. X of the Latest Styles, workmanship warranted. The public are invited to call early and examine the above goods; they will be sold cheap for cash', or on the usual time to those who vsxj occasionally. March S(h - 93-tf Dissolution cf Copartnership. faLTE business conducted tinder the firm of M- B. F. PEARCE, & Co., was this day dis solved by mutual consent. Those indebted ; to the late firm will please make immediate navment as longer indulgence cannot be given.. Either of the parties are authorized to receive payment and grant discharges. -; To close the business, the large and well selec ted stock of goods, comprising u very general as- sui uacni oi . - DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES,&fC. Will be sold at Auction. The sale will commence on Thursday the 25th last., and contimie from day to day, until the Stock is sold. Terms at sale. B. F. PEARCE. JOHN W. PEARCE, Jr. March, SO, jj. SPRING IMPORTATION. WE are now receiving our Spring purchases of Staple and Fancy. D R YGO ODS, HA TS, E OXX'E CLOTHING, liOOT.S, SHOES, &c. To which we invite the attention of Buyers irr this Mar ket. STARR & WILLIAMS. March 20, 1858. 93-tf Is now receiving his Spring supply of ILOIFLr GOODS- Among which are . l'l inls. Lawua. nrwV UiB)K" - - Co I'd and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen. Twilled and Plain; Cashmere and .Merino Twills; White and Col'd Outiou Hose; Bolting Cloths. No. 0 to 10; Slik and Straw Bonnets; &c. With almost every .article iu the Dry Goods line; all of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will be ottered cheap for cash or ou time to paying customers Mach 20, "93-tf ni ' "mi- la 'ti:a u '-i '''iu ju ;A G-raduate of Ihe Baltimore Esntal Co i lege. ITAVINti seven years practical experi ence in his rrofcssio-i, five of which have oeen spent in tnis place; Dr. 15, woitkl li ZVr l?J rreTriXtrV unring wnicu lime lie may i;e tound at his pleasantly sitnated rooms, near the market in office hours. His terms are STRICTLY CASIJ, no imlucement will be held out to the community to call upon him other than that he flatters hunsef that in future all operations shall compare favorablj v ith those previ ously performed by hitn. . - r Jan. 2a. S5-tf " iOOK. OUT FOB THE LOfOMOTIVt.' .1. W. LRTT liasjttst received a large and general STOCK OP GOODS suited to the Spring and Summer trade consisting-of a choice selection of ' Staple and Faucy DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirablein that line. PlilME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had IT LETTS. Goods scld at the lowest prices fo'r'CASll, or ex changed for country produce. - March. 20. 185S. ly-pd . . WANTED. flff! Bbls. Turpentine at tiiy Distilery jrWlF on peraoll street at the halfway Iiridge the highest cash price will be paid, march 20 l),J-3m J li McDUFFIE. . .- j 7.: "iV A. A. .Ylclvclliiiii respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has b;iut up large suOstantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriages. Thankful for t he very liber?.l patronage his has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants Jiis'work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ness and durability. - -He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, ROCKAWA YS. AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, whieh will be sold very low for Cash , or On short time to punctual eastern ers. j--IIe has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND tit 11 Vehicles finished and in course of con- sstruction. - . ;Z"A11 work made byhim is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material win De repaireu tree of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine fo themselves. - Orders thankfully receivedand promptly attended to. Repairing execuiea a snori notice and on very rea .-onable terms. Fayetteville. Octl.l85P. . . .. tit- '"Awsigaee. w bomo Crape do., FRENCH FRESH SPRING GOODS. II. & E. J. LILLY ARE now opening a large and general assortment of SPRING GOODS, embracing a great variety of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, BON NETS. UMBRELLAS Ac. - Also about 250 Cases BOOTS & SHOES well as sorted, all of which we propose selling at reasonable prices for cash and to prompt paying customers ' ot the usual time. P. S. We earnestl,y request all persona in arrear ith u to pay up or in part at least, n. r E. J. I Mircn 13, 1858. tiat' havri't I, v oti r h o n o r ;f r e f ti rh erf P 'Why, therefs roast an' biled, and stewed an' fried, sni' the murphies to the back iv thai again; an' its seldom the likes iv them crasses a Frenchman's muzzle iu his own country,' he ad- ded tnentallv. . J 'Vat you have manager?' quoth the French-; iiiau. ' .. - - Arrah, be aisy, iyour honor,' replied Pat, e uivu resave the taste iv mangy" , meat is der the same roof vvid ye, barrin the ould an' she is neither here nor there in a tin you know. Misricorde!, ejaculated Monsieur some-1 ivhat discomposed, and not comprehending the intent of Pat's phraseology, .'Manger, 1 say Jlanger.' " j 'Yen need not be callin' a body names in ! g-iberish, for ail that,' said Pat, 'an I'll take toy Bible oath in the bargain, tliat the sorrow tut of rnangy or meazly mate is under the same thatch wid ye.' 'DiableF cried Mosieur, nearly out of pa tience, 'for dinniere, I say diuniere!' 'Och, regarding the dinner, is it!' said jPat ; 'mesha-, sure I told your honor all about ; that long ago.' Wev'e -roast, an' biled, an' stewed, an' fried; but if you want to know all the inns and outs. iv the business, why, here's the bill and your Jionor may pick and choose for the inatter iv that. Pat lugged" ont his bill of fare, which had been prepared for the occasion by his better half, and the contents of which he was as ut terly igrrorant of as his guest, before he had perused them. In fact it is n matter of specu lation, Whether the sum total could at any pe riod have been made out within a circuit of sonvo miles he placed it however before his guest. , - - . 'Ros bif?' inquired the Frenchman, as his eyes caught the first item. 'Thunder an'oun's!' thought Pat, 'I'm dished now altigither iniiiely Roast beef, your honor! troth thin, I would recommend it, bekase you see its long killed long enough he added, tetiaHfalla , .?&cmHrah lytArj Wad ttitk Id 'the Caste iv a dead cow, stared me in the face since ould Moileen's leg last Christmast.' 'Veal !' rejoined INlonsirnr. '.Nor that "neither, '49a id Pat; 'it's only slink, yonr honor slink, uidred hecontiuued to him self, 'for. it s not dead vet.' 'Pigeons,, enumerated the Frenchman, the true uaval twang, annulling the fiua wi th !s. 'Och sure that's not in it,' cried Pat; 'what the dickens does he mean at all, at all, wid his pushong.' Pigeons,' reiterated the guest 'Och bother, your honor, sure it's not game You are making iv me?' said Pat. 1'igeous, rejoined the Frenchman, raising his tone. "R'v the hnkiv T bnvft it orirwl P.it ftft.pr 51 of his carroty pate-'au' US inyseu mat can snux your nuuor 10 a lair the pusheens! Faith its luck I thought iv it vvhilleluh!' And he made his exit in high glee with hrs successful interpretation. 4 It happened that'upon this identical morning Pat's doinestic cat had achieved her accouch ment; the event of which had been an increase to his family to the extent of five fine thriving comely kittens, orpursheens, as Pat would term them in his native parlance. One of those was in accordance, as he imagined, with his gnest's directions, brought to the knafe, dismembered, fricasseed, and in proper time duly served up for dinner. The dish proved savoury; Monsieur smacked his lips, and on the ensuing day, a repetition of the precious article was ordered on the next day ;m en core on the next" a de c'lpo; and so on until the sixth, when Pat's 'pnsheens' were exhausted, he made his appear ance before his guest with an unusually sombre cast of visage. :l 'Pigeons? said the Frenchman - 'AH gene your . honor,' honor,' returned Pat; an' the borrow obb more in trie parish tor love or money, barrin the ould cat, that's been inousitv here theJ;e four years come nfext Patrickmas.' ... 'The ". ieatl' ejaculated the Frenchman. 'What else?' cried Pat. , 'Cat!' re-echoed tlie Frenchman-, with a visi ble emotion of the stoniach and countenaBce. Pat opened his mouth, scratched ''is head, and looked. aghast. Monsieur stormed, spat, and raved by turn's Pat scratched, and scratch ed againand at length an edaircissemeJit took p!ace. - . - : . AVc canh'ot cay precisely whether or not the stomach pump had been invented before - this period, and consequently whether it wr.S put in requisition on this occasion; bnt it is certain, that sonnds and symptoms would have evinced that such an instrument had been used effectu ally upon the interior of ilionsieur Frenchman" who had been luxuriating tipon and did not fnil to recollect, to the last day of his life, Pat Durkan's' pigeons. 7. - - :. A Western Judge" recently gave vent' to his detestation of bad liquors, in the folio w ing charge:; " ''Gentleman of . the Jury': Pure, unadulterated liquor is a wholesome and pleasant beverage, and as far as experi ence of the Court" extends,' conduces to health- and longevity;" but a bad article of liquor, gentlemen, or, what is worse, a drug ged article, cannot be tolerated; and if deal ers from below will send up into this beau tiful country, so blessed with the smiles of a' benignant Creator, such a miserable quantity of liquors, as the proof shows this to be, in this.Court, Geentlemen of the Jury Dan Tucker, who has so often been informed ful eye. looking down upon it, aid. "Doc to "get out of the way," has been at last run ther, docther, dear, it strikes tiie it's a dale over by thenars. mustard for to little matil ': er we have had a the silence by asking; 'MufSnow, did you order that coal I spoke to yoitbout?' 'What did you say my dear?' he asks, after a few momenta' silence. - 'Did you order that coal I spoke td yoii about?' - , - ' 'Indeed, my dear,I am very sofrf , but 1 forgot all about it. It shall come to-morrow.' . Another hour's silence, which is relieved by the baby's crying, hd riither liking to hear a noise of some sort, I make no effort to quiet him. 'My dear,' said Mr Show, after he cried a minute or so, 'hadn't you better give the baby some catnip tea to quiet him? he trou bles me.' The baby is still, and another hour passes away without a breath of noise. Becoming tired of silence, I take a lamp and retire for the night, leaving Mr S. so engaged with his papers that he doe3 not see me leave the room. - ( Towards midnight he comes to bed", and just as he has fallen to- sleep the baby takes a notion to cry again. I rise as quietly as possible, and try to still.him. While I am walking the room with the small Snow in my arms, our next a boy of three years be gins to scream at the td of his- lungs. What can I. do? There is no course but to call Mr Snow; so I call out: Mr Snow! Mr Snow! Mr Snow! The third time he starts up and replies: 'What, Tim more copy?' As though I was Tim that little devil " running about his office! I reply, rather ! coolly, 'No, I don't want any more copy - I've had enough cf that to last my life time; I want you to see what Tommy is crying I about.' , . 'j Mf Snow makc?CTOetttie effort to rouse himself, as Tonnes t ops'to take breath he falls to sleep agaxxi, leaving me pacing the room in as much vexation as I can com fortably contain. The next morning at breakfast, when t give Mr Snow an account of my last night's adventure, he replies: 'Indeed, my dear, I am sorry the children troubled yotu' That is always the way. If I complain, it is, 'indeed, my dear, I am sorry,' but should the very same thing occur the subsequent n'ghti directly before his eyes, very likely he would not see or know anything about it, unless it happened to interrupt the train of his ideas. Then he would propose catnip tea, but before I can get it into the infant's stomach, lie will be far away in the -realms of thought, leaving me not a little vexed at his apparent stupidity. Mr Snow knows the name of every paper, published in England, France and Germany but he can't, for the life of hirii, tell the names of his own -children. He knows just the age of every American journal, but he. does not know the age of his ovvn babj'. He knows just how orie'of'his contributors looks but I don't believe he can tell whether my eyes are black or blue. . . The world says Mr now is getting rich; all I know about it is, he gives me money to clothe and feed our boys, and that, too, without a complaint '6f poverty, I hope the. world is right in opinion; and when t am Fully satisfied that it is, I shall advise him to resign his editorial honors, and spend a few months in becoming acquainted with his wife and children. The little ones -will feel much nattered in making the acquaintance of so literary a gentleman; ma j jgait seems that Mr. ."Jones loaned Mr. Smith a horse, whieh died while in his (Smith's) possession. - ilr Jones brought sjiil to recover the value of the horse, attriiittting his deuth to bad treatment, thvririg the course of the trial, a witness (Mr Brown) was called to the s'and to testify as to how Mr.. Smith treated horses. Lawyerr-( with a bland, and confidence in voking smiie) , Well, sir, how does Mr. Smith generally," ride a horse?' Witness (with a very nicrry twinkle in' his eye, otherwise imperturbablei)- A straddle, I beleive sir.' . . 1 - ' T,flwver--fwitii a senrccly perceptible, flosh ' of vexation upon his cheek, but still speaking in his smoothest tones)' But, sir, what gait does he ride?' - . : Witness- 'lie never rides any gate sir jlis ' by ri?es ail t!f f f ' Lawyer (his bland smile gone and his voice slightly husky) but how does he ride when in companey with others?' , -ryitness Keeps op if his horse is able; if not, he goes behind. - Lawyer(triumpbantty, and in perfect fary,) 'Ilow does he ride when he is alone, sir?' Witness' Don't know never was with him when he was alone.' : ' 1 - Lawyer- I have done with you, sir.' A poor, emaciated irishman, having call ed a nhvsician, in a forlon hope, the latter spread a huge mustard-plaster, and set it on " Cfr.fi noor fellow s breast. - rat, wnn a iea.- iu give ineone i"or fore or Six mouths as it will 8aTe"mc of some (roul.'le to Come ngnb" I Received one"Surtificate in this State bohl three jears a go and Toot one quarler Since that Have Bin Teaching in Iowa until iast all, Then went to School at Ohio One Quarter, and a Header of Ohio Journa with" his Little Experience Would feel Verv Sorcv if should fail withith Success Please Rite as as yon get this to ,, O. Yours Very Respectfully MOI But upon a. certain otlier examination, the" following sentence was given him to parse: 'ueorge Washington the lather of his coun try t' He commenced by saying that 'George Washihgfbh was an irregular, active, transitive verb, indicating mode, and present tense, and was governed by the father of his country,' and closed with the declaration that 'it had been a long time since he had looked at his grammar. and hoped that if he rliade any mistake that the gentlemen would excuse him ' At a recent examination, the written ques tion required the applicant to nnme the several States intersected by the parallel of 3G 30 'oith latitude. The prompt answer of onegentieman gravely informed hs.that there was no such line existing as it was repealed by the Kansas Nebraska Bill! Observing his ahswei1 marked as erroneous he scornfully referred ns to the New York. Tri bune and left, evidently impressed with deep commiseration for our ignorance. Ilonesty the Bet Policy; Nothing is more essential to the business man for success in his mercantile pursuits, than the establishment upon a substantial basis, lite business position and his character for honesty and straight forward dealings. This position once attained in the community, success is al- ways sure to follow his business operations; Without it he becomes like the Consumptive pa ttentj always ailing; and subject to the atmos phcriovttaHes'of the hour. -Irt the - morning" he lives is known; in the evening, dead for gotten. He is only, referred to as a warning to " others, avoid his mistakes and Steer clear of his errors; while the honest merchant prospers from day to day, becomes beloved and respected by the community in Which he moves. Success crowns his labors, and Wheh th hour of his earthly departure come3 he dies tegretted. and his memory ever remains green hs a monument of worthy of honesty, and the three elements of success. The old proverb that "honest is the best policy," is verified over and over again throughout ths world, and no man who has adop ted the principle from the love of it, has ever repented for his choice. While thousands upon thousands have too late seen the mistake of negle'cting its adomonition, and there by pur sued the shadow for the substance. Honesty is the best policy and the more thoroughly it is brought into evtery- minute transaction of life the greater the success, both in worldly as well as spiritual gains. -Foufcb His Match. We saw a good thing yesterday. In the Court of Quarter Sessions; a petty .case was being tried. A well known Criminal lawyer, who prides himself upon his skill in cross-examining a witness had 'tin odd looking genius-upon whom td operate. 'The. witness was a boss shoe ma ker. "You say, Sir, that the prisoner is a thief?" - 'Yes, Sir, 'cause why sue confessed it." "And you also swear she bound shoes for" you subsequent to the confession?" "I do, sir." "Then" giving a sagacious look to the Court "we are to understand that you em ploy dishonest people to work for you, even "after their rascalities ate known? "Of course, how else Could I get assis tance from a lawyer?" i Not much mjade out of that witness. Philadelphia Northern American Answering Letters. . There are few things so much neglected4. in the so-called polite world as' answering letters. This arises from an indifference in some people, and a dislike to write in othersi. The latter feeling is often so tnucli indulged in, cr allowed to mlluencte the possessor to such an extent that a : letter requiring an answer will be left for days and weeks, a constant and ever-recurring source of an-- noyanfce and reproach, on account of tht unpleasant reminding it " gives from time to time of the neglect it meets with. This re-4 pu"-nance to writing might soon be over- -come, by observing the following rule:" It is simple to answer a letter at the very firf t opportunity that offers; if looked upott as a disagreeable task, the sooner it is got rid of the better; but its odvantage Vould not , rest here, for this practice, if resolutely pur sued, would break down thd barrier, and the difficulty would vanish , , Mctua v Disctcst.'t have brought yott this bill until I'm sick aid tired of it,' said ,r a c dlector of ft debtor, tipon whom he had called at least forty times. . ' . You are eh'.' coolly f epUfeil the debtor. YesIam. waa the response. Well, then you had better not present it again. There will he two of us pleased it you do not; for to tell the truth, I'm tired and wck of seeing that iztdsntical bill myself.1 Jr"' E

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