' j ' .!'..: ,v-, 'f 1 ';i Vf i ':f"J ' ' ' ' ' vf . . - r?:": j-U-'&lf'VC. ' - ; .- t .. ; - " '-." v- - , . I, " : - 1 1 " I 1 . "X ; jj Ltl .v . .- r ir -- : w.TT 1 ' , - ' fAYETTETlLEE, -11.. '! --h';'m- ' '' ' K-'- ' " " -s " K - Si ; 1 i -' OP SUBSCRIPTION FOR TUB OAROLIMAN - . - f 'I- . I i -.!-.-- For a atogle copy, if paid ia advance, per annunij $2 tDU 44 at toe end or o months, T2 50 Y - H at ithe end of moaths, 300 y 1 at the eod of the year, ". 3 50 No fcttbscriptionwrill; be received for a shorter period than one year nalea$ pad in advance, s f i :-;:j.:;, 'With the view of extending the ; circulation and en- hancLgg the usefulness af Ihe paper, the proprietor of fers the following - remarkably iow. -CLUB RATES, LXKi RlAB LY IJT AD IT A JVC Ei : 5 copies of. the Casrolinianl year, $8 00 io ; " I " , . " 15 oo Rates sof Adrrrtislnt v V "5" ?ityjent3 per sqnafe 6f l6 lines, or less; for thefiret ind i) cents for Svch Subsequent Insertion, unless the live1rtls3in ;ht is published for more than twomonths," f;r ! :Por three months, 1-' -? --.C'-$"-0i 5 , For sit tnitU-r-vs .rr-:,t , . ;e.cj 1A.U 'adrertisftmsnts mast have the desired number of in. Jtcrtcd till forb'd andf qliarared, accordingly, j Special nlfention is directed to "this requisition : - WM. T. WIGHTMAS & CO. CLBJIEXT O, WRIGHT. Attorney at PayettevIlle,N.C OiTice at the corner of Bow and Green streets. FeVy 3, lS56t ' J , - 4 .'S V E! A ItS. V AT LAW, : V ATTRIXS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnet Wake and Johnston. ; i ',- Address, Toonie.rJIarn'ett Co., ; N. C. - Feb. Kn8.T6j! 85-y BART IP IV FlfLLEfl, at Law, : .v v 1'i t -v k. v i u 15;, 19, 3 - May be consulted at th,e Law Office of Jese G. Shop herd. Esq;,-on-Green Street. July 19,-1856. ; ;j 7-tf Rock ;kjihham,.' llchraond County North Carolina, will practice In the Courts of Richmond, Anson and t i. "1 A 1 . 1 I Rolcsoh. ( All business entrusted to his care win re- ceivestrie;t attention,. July, 11, ly-58 BpAIlUlf HUUsE f II he Sibscriper is now prepared to accouimotlate M t six -pcjrsoas fcith jboird, in addition to. tliei&uuibtr she - nowl has, .The builuiug which she xiccupics is cOnvenicritly .sttuuted on the Dou-alui-on Lot, liay tnVuitr: ftiiH ;s: . gtiSffd location lor a Suniiner a d Winter rtisLdene.V No-paiiife will be t-paitu to make h u r boarders cuitor table. February,. C-. 3IAKT11A lIAliTMAN. " '. .1 ' - if . -U ir -A I'C TIONKEU & COM3I X SSION M K RCIIAST t f ;East idefo Gillespi street. . . .1 I tfAYKtTEYTLLB. N. C " October 1.18.S5 M ARBLE F ACTOR Y, , i BY GEO. LAUDER. early opposite to E. W. Wfillkings Auction Store r ayett(T'iiio, 3. k... Oct. 1. 1&36. 1 Fall :B, iP. Qtock, 1; RE now receiving a large and well selected stock 9 consisting in 'part 01 ; Blacky and Fiirurcd Silks .npt um aou, r renc Merinoes - P I a i n ' a 11 (1 j F rg'd P e La u es ; FrcitciraU wtjol Plaids; ' Alpacas of alt qualities; Black Bombazine; I , Knlish, Frenchrand American-Prints; - Qlien'iil'e : 5$hawls;" (beautiful patterns;) -Ljadies' Cloaks of every description; -JaCQiiet'Edgings'nd Iiisertious; Collars aiid Ludersleeves; f, J j Hosiery, Gtoves; Belts; ltibions, Trimraingsj &c.j, Cloths and Cassirares; . : Twectls, Jeans and Sattinets; AVliitc and Colored Flannels: Bleached and brown Shirtings; Allendale! 10-4 Sheeting; Bleached and Brown Drillings; ;. Plaid Li nseys and Kerseys; "J Marlboro'; Stripes and Plaids; y Brmvn and Bleached Table Cloths; A. ... . . . ' : 1 1 t 1 1 1 uoweliinffs 01 an Kinasj - Ne?ra Blankets? " . Extra lnAlity j Bed 'Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; ; 'Good assortment of . Hoop Skirts; YankecNotions of-every variety, kind, and -ff!':.-; .quality; f ;'J . : . , ' ' . '.-..: Silkf Legliiorn and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cassimere and Wool Hats; 4 Boots, Shoes, itlmbrellas, &t I " .M':tfi --AZSO-- y ; -f - A1 large and fashionable stock of All ot Which will be' sold tow; fori CASH, or on our usaal,time to puictnal customers either at Wholesale or Re wail.. All persona are resneMfnii ;nrii a gut U3 van. ; - 1k1; .1.. no . .oil :V p.. . v B. PEARCE. JW. PEARCE, Jr. Sop. 12 1657, 7-tf 11. T UUL1.VGT0 v j General ComnUitlon Mcrchaut, ;. iNUUTll WATER STREET, , Vii h,mront -jyu c. ' ; iWill give personal: attention to the sale ot shipment of nil c.oasignment of Naval Storfei or other ctnintrv pro luce and uny otaer onsmess entrusted to hia car. will ue pnuaun.v; musuvi ! April 18. 1857. -'J Jy "f f . ' v;i ; lO.OOO lbs. Tallow V antert, For 'wiich th& highest cash price will be paid, f Oct. V. 185? 1 f ;! A.. M. 'CAMPBELL; White Lead arid Linseed Oil, for le by S. J. HINSDALE. 3-tf it ;;;;.-:vfv: Au;. ;1J, '-The following val ble real estate- the property o x..p.. naii aec'cL is followinjr tracts 5 - ered tor saieana consists ot,in jred lor known Jhat desirable pla4?khown as R.omeV containing about : 260 acres writ! "nl I tK tmnrnvements. This place will be sold ensile r divided; to suit purehasgf s, lfc D?iogipfobablyonepj he best? business stands in: thecountry, nd isYeAr esirable to those, wishing' to enter, thenerjcantile lisijoess; j ,' . - ; -r No 2, Consists efaioii and Brick Stoe (2 tene ment8 In Ca&blet6nynBridge Street near-Claren-uon Bridge, r.nd is a veiyj desirable stand for business; No 3,-Is vacant lots WCampbelUori,'knpwn in City plot asNoa 109, UUt lan half of lot 113. - . , -No 4; Is a dwelling htise and lot on tlaytnount, corner of Flankroad andSdamsSLr! A very desira ble residency for the $vhoV year. " N6 5.' Is ti, Corn Mill adRtefi.in "Ene-fHB and B6iler- i of 10 or 1 5 horse power.: libir's "well wr-r tie r f- f tentfon of fie It' 1 wbr. witir "r"'"" E3 Co nfection 4 aries, Perfuraer " ; ,es, Bread, ' Crackers of all kindsv ' Fruits' K"uts, f Fancy Ar .tides, and a Vari ety of erti cles in the GROCERY LINE. Foot of Ilayraount, Oct. 24. 1857. Faytteville, N. C. 73-y NOT Fersons indebted ; to Jas. ICR. C. McEachin. as Gnardiati of the heirs of John i Morrisbn, dec?d,r are hereby re spectfully informed, that said guardian has in a great uiaiorny 01 insiauces euuuiseu ana iransierrea taeu notes to the undersigned. . lAlso, that 'our ursrent ne ' cesslties, apart from the reii irements of the endorser Compel us to collect as speedily as possible." All those" indebted will therefore obi ge us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately v e must and will sue where the money is not torthcoming A. D. J. M N. " A. MORRISON. MORRISON MORRISON. 40-ti Laurinbiirghy N. G., Martah 7, 1857 P tints. Oils, Vd rnish,- Brushes, for Sale by- i f S. J, SlNSDAtE. :; 63-tf 1 -i ; Aug. 15, WANTED Three first date Workmen, for Which xne uest or prices will be guven, and study work. The price ior maKing tioots, lor looting, 2.75; Shoe I 5 J. Wanted immediately. 4 M. FAULK. Dec; 31. 82-tf TROt& ' Attorneys an Cvaoseliors AT AY. OS X. c. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have brmcd an association for the pfadtice of their profvs T ;.!-- 1 . 1 1 1.1 m !i 1 sion in Robeson co., only- t. t.. lrov will also at- tend the Courts' or liladen jind! Columbus, aiiu J P "uller those of CunrberlandJ Their Office in Lumbertoh will be kept open at all times. January 9, 1858. 83-tf James C. Smith. : J A DIES Miles Costin & CO., C. SMITH Commission Metchants. Have removed theit office to the second storv of th building tormerly occupied iy tlie Teiejarranh Company where they are prepared to sittedd to all business in the Commission line. ; : All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. i, Wilmington, October l,,lfe56 . y -T ' ,'. ' - -4 FAYETTEVIIjLE hotel. FPvAXK N. ROBERTS. & CO., having eased this Hotel, I will He pleased to see their onner patrons and frien Is, 'assuring them that they will use every exer ion to please: ; . fJfGf. Smith F N. Roborts.j i Jan. 9, 1858. 83-tf J Coupon Bonds for Saile. The Western Rail RoadJ Co., have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers, i ' i . j - Q VII -Of III of thd Coupon Bonds of the TV " VM Countiy of Cumberland, bear ing 7 per cent, interest, payable smi-annually ion the 1st Juho and tlio 1st o: j Deccniber, and run ning 20 years. f f t yu,000 of the Coupon I onds ;of the Town of Vayetteville, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st Jj niiary and the 1st July, and running 20 years. ; ' ;.'.,-'- Tliese bonds were issuec in accordance with Jaw to the Western Rail Road CoJ, td pay the County and Town subscriptions -re pectively. ".' f ; Person having money v ill jfind these bonds- (at the-price the Co is selling hem) a better invest ment in any Bank Stock in the; State. f . For terms apply to ; ; 1 ! ' f ' C. B. MALLE IT, Esq, TJres't. , ; .or JNO. J I. ROSE, ' Troasr Western R. R. Co. ! I .. ' ..V:.. 92-tf March" (,, 1858. CKOCKEBK t' 1:4 GLASSWARE & LOOKING GLASSES. HAYEa good stock in my line Courf try Mer chants supphed at low prices. , .iUf- v, . w , I W. x: TILLINGIIAST.. March 20, STATE OF NORTH GAKOIHNA EtARNETT COtTNTY. Sup'r Court Office, 15th March 1858. IN pursuance of directic . Manlyf Notice is hei q of His Honor Juclge eby given, that t.ie Regular Term of the Superior Court of LAW AND EQUITY, for the County of Harnett, will be held at the- Court House in Toomer, on the 8th f Monday after the 4th Monday in Jilarch 1858, witnesses and Suitors will take notice accora ingly. . - Witness ' 94-to . A. D. McLEAN, Clerk, Superior Court. FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver ereek,Shetin'rR. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Ns, 5 to 10 ' '.' : 5 AL.SU, :-" ' - - : Belt, Picker,Roller and Lice LEATHERS. x tills and Manufacturer'sFMino-s . ' -Winter strained Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils, f CSh -ory, Roller HA.LL, Pres. B.-C. M. Co: July 26, 1851 8-11 . DEALER IN IS now re6eivxnff hi - rto MEK GOODS, stya for thj-as5n: -A few very bandsoLr A: r: BA YA'BUiliE, If ' '' f MESS GO XACE aSd siur j:a: f " " " J SHAWLS AND t : Any quantity: of the' lat f i t I : ' A l&fge and bcar.t'f E?IBRIDEKIES, Iior: ; kid GLorES3sErv-i;;a IIATr , some Crape do., FKENCII FEO WEiiS V 4, FRENCH AND feNGLISIT CRAPES, EIBBONS, Ayejy desirable stock of Mens XouthsS .& Bo. READ Y MADE-CL O THING, of the Latest Stylos, worlanship warrate The public are invited t6caU earlV:ahd' eatnin the above goods; they will be sold cheap for casbf. orna the usual time to those who pay occasionally. ' AToK tin- : .t ! - .voir . f Dissolution' of Copartnership TpHE business cbnd;qcVedViridiBK:the''Vfi'rm . ju. x ;riAtt.l..-- IO., was tnisrtav dis?- solvpd by mutual consent. Thoso Indebted 'to the late firm will please make, immediate payment as iuu xnuuigeiice cannot oe giveh. lither of the parties are authorized- to .receive payment and111- J,D,e oaln ln-the bargain, that the sorrow grant discharges. f ' . -y ; . it of mangy of meazly mate is under the same Tt close the business, the'larfre and woll splorr- ted stock of goods, comprising a very general as sortmorit of ; : - , . - RY GOODS, JIATS, CAPS, SHOES, Sfc. Will be sold at Auction. " ' : . ' The sale will commence on Thursday the 2Sth mst-V and continue from day to day, until the Stock is sum. xermsatsaie. : - B. F. PEARCE. - JOHN W. PEARCE, Jr. March, 20 - . 93. . SPRING-IMPORTATION. "WE are now receiving our Snrinfr Tnrcha?ps Vsf Staple and Fancy. , - - t ' DR Y GOODS, HA TS, B ONNE T$ . I CLOTHING, BOOT.S, SHOES &c. A ' To which we invite the attention OfBuyers irrthm Mar sex. . -- isTAKli A; WIliT.TAMS Marcb-20, I8084 93-tf Is nowreceiviiig his Spring supply of DRYGpODS- Among which are ;,f ''-f A-'fifif r 'tf Col d and Black Silks; - Irish Linens and Diapers; 'Parmer's Linen, Twilled' antt Plain :- f Cashmere and Merino Twills; 1 . ', . White. and ColUl Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; ' Slikand Straw Bonnets; Ac. With almost every iirtiple in the Dry Goods line; all Of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will be offered cheap for cah or on time to paying customers." March 20,. ! , , 93-tf , - 1H W sm ?s uurf HUu) - 'Hm m h wi & Jj2 !X G-raduate of the Baltimore Dental f College. : HAVING seven years practical experi ence in his rrofessio-a, five of which have been spent in this blace: Dr. Tt. wmil.i simply state that he is permanantly located here, that is from the 1st of Oct. to the first July each year, during which time he may be found at his pleasantly situated rooms; near the market in office hours. His terms are STRloTLY CASH, "no inducement will be hel d out to the community .to call upon him other than that he flatters himsef that in future all operations shall compare favorablj ith those previ ously performed by hira, - " k . Jan. 23. ' h ) - ' ; - S5-tf " -'' - : '-' "LOOK OUT FOB THE LOtOJIOTlVL' .x. wry j i;rtt lias jttst received a large and general STOCK O? GOODS suited to the Spring and Summer tradi consisting Of a. choice selection of Staple and FaKcy DRV GOODS, - Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirablein that line. - 1 1 ' - -. i PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had ' - '' ; ' IT LETT'S . .Goods sold at the lowest. prices for'CASll. or . ex changed for country produce. I ' . - : March. 20. 1858. ly-pd . : - . j . wanyted. - ; JftftfhfBbIg. Turpeiitiue at my Tiistilery wyv; on .peraon Street at the half way Bridge. the highest cash price will be paid. , . march 20 i);3-3ni j el J It McDUFFlE. A. A. 3JcKeiluin respectfully informs hisfriends and the public, that he has bailt up large substantial Brick Buildings at bis Old Stand, xpresslyc for mauufacturiuj Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage hb has received for the v last 21, years, he hopes by 'strict' attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to, merit a continuance of the same. He warrants Jlis work to be made of the. best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare lavoraoiy witn any mauein tne United States, for neat ness and durability, a . . ;.-- - - r He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that isas well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock or AKitiAiTiijSjiiAuuiJUllKS. IiOCKA WAYS: AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this olaee. nd a verv larse stock of work nearly finished, whieh will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual eastern ers. 'T-IIe has on hand more than ONE IITTNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and itt course of con trnction. - , . - i - - . i'-3. All work " made byBim'is warranted 12 months with fair usagej and should it fail by bud workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. ' Persons wishing to buy wotild do well to call and examine fo themselves.' - - ' ' r - - O rders thankfully received and pf omptiy attended to, -- Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. - " t- it ." . . ' Fayettevllle Oct 1.185? -V , ,.f, ' FRF.SH SPRING GOODS, . - f ; H. & E. J. LILLY ' ' t''v"-! ." ; i :-s :;- ; .-",-1 " v - .ivH'W-'S''- " ARE now opening a large and general assortment of SPRING GOODS, embracing a great variety of STAPLES & FANCY DRY GOODS, HAtS, BON NETS. UMBRELLAS Ac - '; Also about 250 Cases BOOTS SHOES well a sortedfall of which we propose selling , at reasonable prices for cash nd to prompt paying customers ' o the usual time . J i . - ! P. S. We EiRKESTr.T request all pecsons in arrear ith u 8 to pay up or ia part at least. H. tf E. J. L March 13, ISWi . W . - ' . v ti. !f F &hi , 1 ; rr vI. t ha v ji' 1 1 ; t oti 1 b n or .V-; ret lir h ef : friedf ar the tfmrpHiei to the back jy thai again; ah Its seldom tne 4ikes iv them crasVes d French m in ozzl e in" h is o wn country he ad ded meiitally.u: vf , f- ;y? y-u-;'- 'f f -f . 'Vat you. have manager?' quoth the French-?! maiif f U X'v-: -. sj j :&ff .. r ,. 1 f 'Arjahir be; aisyyouiv honor f replied - Pat he divil; resave t h e taste Iv m a i igy meat is , 8 der the sanvj roof wid ye, b.arrin the ould sly dogv an' she is neither here nor there in ajb you knowv . . . -: ' . 'Jklisncprdei,V ejaculated jNIonsieur, some- f whit discom nosed. andnot comnrfhebdiner" tlie OIuihtent of Pat's i phraseoloirv' JManrer.. 1 sav Hanger.;f - f " V " -f :' - ' ' Y E 'Yen need not bei callin'la'f bddyitnames in gi her ish , for ,all th at sa id Pa t, a. i ll take . 1 T t 1 t- . a . ' " thatch wid ye. V . : :" '-' - f 'Diable!' cried Mosieur, nearly put ,of pa liencej 'for' jdiiHiieref I say diimiere!7 1 . . .. . 'Oeh, regarding the dinner, is-H!f said .Pat ; 'me hay sure I tojd your-honor ajl about ; that long ago. Wfev-'erroastiinf. blied, anfstewed, an' tried; but if you want to know all the inns bill the and 0nts.1v the business, ; why, here's" the and yourhonor may pick and choose for iualter i v. that. f : . : " ii ixPat !uggcd"out his bill. of fare, whichl-had been prepared, for. the occasion by his better half, abd the-con tents "of j which he was as ut tqrly iniorant ol as his guest, -before he had perused them. In fact it is a matter of specu latioivXvhether the siiim Itotal could at any' pe riod: have 'been Biade lout within a circuit of some miles hfe placed jt however before his gne-st... ' !.'..u'-V-0'!'- 1 -"' ; 'Ros bif?' inquired the Frenchman, as his eyes caught Jhe first item. ; fi . 'Thunder an' oun'sl,' thought Pat, fl'ra dished nov aUigitherAntirly-lloast beef, yonr honor! j troth thin,-! would reconHuend it, bekase you ste its fong ;.. killedrllong f enpngh be added. iv a dead cow stared mc in the face since ould Moileen's ler last Christmast,'- --!.'-eal V '.rejoined Monsieur. . - ; ,1 Is'or that 'neither.'aid Pat; 'it's only slink, 'your honor sl.ink, indfed' he coiitiuued tbhim selfl ffor its not dead yet.' ; j ..'Pigeons,, enumerated the Frenchman, with the true Ua'sal twang, annulling the finals, f" fv.'Ocir sure that's noil in it,' cried Pat; 'wiiat the dickens does he mean at all, at alliwid his pushttn 'Pigeons,' reiterated the guest t ; - 'Och bother your honor, sure it's not game you are makfiVg iv. me?' said pat. f . S 'Pifreous,' rejoined (he Frenchman, raising his tone. : ; .' j f : . f f, - 'By Uie hokey, I have it,' cried Pat, after a vehement scratching of his Carroty ; pate 'an' its myself that can shui your honor tof a fair the pusheensl Faith its luck I thought iV it whilleluh !' And he made his exit in high glee With hh? successful interpretation. ' It happeijed that upon this identical morning Pat's domestic cat had; achieved her aicoHch- xncut; th(e event of whtcl) natl been an increase to his family to the extent of five, h.ne thriving comely kittens, orpurs!ieens,as Pat would term ttietnin u.is .native pai:iut-u.; uucui uigseas in accordance, as he imagined, with his gtiest's d irec t io nSj brought &o the k ii a fe, diimein biered, fricasseed, and ill proper time duly served fnp for dinner. The.dish prpved savoury; Monsieur smarked his lips, and. on ,the -ensuing- day, a repetitfonfof the precio article was ordered on the next day aii.f?r core on ifte .next si';-ae cipo; and sof oj juintif .j:hd- sisth wlinf Pafes pnsIieens'-werfeiVx.haqsildyvhe made his appear ance beforp hjstgueSt with an unusually tsoinbre cast of v isage. : f fJ-if T f : r- -f f iff - 'Pigeons' said the Frenphmam f 7:p ': v.'-tf f; f taJl ne yrhonS' f returned Pat an' the borrow otfe. more, in .the parish for-, love - or money, barrin the ould cat,; that's, bceit- mousin lfcre thee- fcrar years come nfextf Patrickmas .Tbu tat If ejaculated the Frenchmali. . f ' ;f . .. VV hat else r cried 1'aw. v' V '"f 'Cat!' re-eoKoejl the Frenra ble emotion of thstpmach; and - countenaace; ;Pat.5peiiedhis moutHff scrahed hisj head, and looked; aghast. - M onsieur storhid j spat, and raved by turns. Pat serateVed. and scratch ed again, and at .1 e ng t h ' an eda ircisien&nt'tq6i. place.,;f "wfv-f v-f. -:y- p t'-? X v WeT canhbt say "preti efy whether or nbt- the st omach primp h ad been i live n ted befoi'S : this period ahd conseiquent!y;whethrljt'w req.fidno:j$his.baonf but itf is, certain; that sotfrids ;afifeymtiarti8';wbntd ha vef evinced that siich'an instrument had been used eiFecta ally upon the. tnteriof !onsieurf Frertchmari who had-been loxuriating-apdn hud : did-vnot fil to recollect, to the last day of his life, Pat DarkatiVpigeons. - -jV ,S , - I : 'AVWestern Judge recently gave'' vept to his detestation of 'bad liquors,1n thefollow- i .---' . - ..t ii ' - s mg' charge! r'Grentleman -of.the "Jury: Pure, nriadulterrted liqiior-is a "wholesome , : - - - , ; . , - ... and pleasant beverage: and as far as expefi- f e it .- : .....' V.- j , - r i . pnpe of the , Court - extends, conduces to ir i v u is' ' x it , ers from below will send up into this rbeau; tiful country, so blessed -with the smiles of; a- benignant .- Creatorr such a miserable am - r v Ii - 1- - quantity of liquors, as the proof shows this i1- zt .:-ri.li. r x j i.i - - .lfa. . .1 . . . - n. . tneycannot recover, , - - : ; Dan Tucker, who has so often.been.ififormed to "get out of the way," has been at last run: oVenby therars, ' I . , 1 j . f ' j- . 1 .cojitndtpantalponS y&it,vik. have had" a qakcr inecting of anhonr's jenp-tb, I tirVa'k' prd that coal'Iokeo yoibbut?' f - fi r 4 What did you say my: dear? he asks, after a few' moments' silence. - . f i v ;- .,' Did you order tfytt coal 1 spoke tqf yoh about?' - &fV -f i- k.- W y 1 v Indeed; iriirH am'verrr; fbiit I forgot all abodt it J It shall come to-m orrow. 't . Another hour's silence, which is relieved by the babys cryjngr Xnd rather liking to Lear a noise of some.sozi, I make ;no effort to quiet him,- - - V f . " -' V My dear, said Mr Snow, after he cried, a minute or so, 'hadn't yoV better give the baby some catnip tea to uiet him?: he traS- bles me'.'., --'f'li Vvv'::" v:Vf f cvi - The baby is still, andnothcr hour passes The baby is still, and,nother hourpasies ! away wituouii a Dreatn.oi noise. ' becoming tired of silence, T take a' lrrip and retire ibt the night, leaving Mr S. ko . engaged with his papers that he doe3 not' see me leave the rooni. ff ..-f Y'r Y r- J'i . , ' ; f-... ----- Towards midnight he comes to berl, and -. .- ' w - i - ' . i " .1 ' w ti r I just as he has fallen ta slep the baby takes a notion to cry again.: x rise as quieuy as possible, and try to stillfhim. While I am talking the room :with th(f small Snow in my arms, ournext- a boy off three y ears begins- to scream at the tog of his " lungs; What can 1 do? There U no. course but to call Mr Snow;, so I call out: Mr Snow! Mr Snow! Mr Snow! ". f7 The third time he starts up and replies: tAYhat, Tim more copy?':.;', ,: . r . As though I was ..llm- tnat. iitt-ie aeyil. r'unninjr about his office! I replyf rather i coolly, : No, I don't want any mre copy I've had. enough of that to last my lite ume; I want you to see what .'tommy is crying about.' , . - " . , ' Mf5noV ' malc(V.rTraie- effort to rouse himself, as .ToK . yjBtops'to-take breath he falls to sleer ag,ileaviDg me f pacing the room in as much rexation as I can com- fbrtably contain. 1 . f" -. ' "The next mornins: at breakfast, when rr'ivc Tt finnw nti i'norviTtk nfmT last, nitrht.'s i. l'i,l ' .'t'nl adventure, he- replies; Indeed, my dear, I am sorry-the-children troubled yo'u;' ; ; f f That- is always the way. If I complain, it is, indeed, my dear, I am sorry, but should the very same thing occur . the" suVisequent night i directly before his eyes, , very likely lie would not see or knpw anything about it, .unles3 .it happened to interrupt the train of his ideas." Then he would propose catnip tea, but before I can get it into the infant's stomach, he will be far; away in the -realms of thought, leaving me not a little -exed at his apparent- stupidity. - ' ' - ' - : ' " - ' Mr n'dw knows the name of every - "pap'ei published in England, France and Germany but he can't, for the life of fhiin, ' t'elL the names of Ins own children. He knows, just tne age of every- American joiirnaf but he does notknbw the age of his dwn Viaby. tie : knows iust now "onedf'his '"'contributors' looks i butTldori't believe .ne.!caht:-"wheth'eir'ftay. eyes are bladk or blue. " ' , -. - r . " f f The .world saysMr Snow is getting inch; all I tiiow about it is, he gives me ; money tqxlothe and 'feed ourboys, a;id that, top, .witlidiitja cdmplainfof- poverty, I hbpetne wor Idas right m opinianjanfi when - 4 . am lullysatised,that, itfis, IOshatl advise;; im lo. resign his editorial honors', and pend -a few months in becoming acquainted with 4 bis wife and children; ; he little onei 11 ffeei much flattened ia making i tho acjquaintancb rjtf so uiterary a gentleman; : .f " r f . :'iit;WBffltfthat ; Mrffbnes loahed Mr Smitha liofse, whiehdied while jn his (Smith's) possessiottiMrj Jones brodfcht sjiii to'rccovet the value oifthtj horse.attributing.bis death to bad treatment. )t)drihV the course of the trial, a witness' (Mr. Brown) was called to thesfand to testify as. to J10W Mrijmitb treated horses. . ;f iiawytjr(ith:a blandahd cDnfldencehin vokinVshiile) Wellrsir how does Mr Smith generally",";-ride;ftj horse ?'..jf"--5f -f Witness-4-(with a very Wrrry twinkle in his ev otherw ise imperturbable3) A straddle, ; I , fcawyerCwUh a scarcely pefcujptible.; flush hf vexatioiunon his cheek, but- still speaking in his smoot h est t'ones)-' But, sir what gait . fw he ridf esHe"nrideI angato oy ndes LawyerChis bland je ono and his voice cijrrhtlv huskv)- but now does he riae when "1T "fth Others? v f -r, k- -vfe- in jomPa J - -: . ?f f P ' i- 'Witness - Keeps op u bis horse is aolc; 11 ' "p iuihA -. s - - f. .t not. he goes benind.: .: - ; 5 - b . . j-a 4,,. ftinr when hevwas aione. - .-- , yer--I hate done withiyonsir, -f " , .''' ' ' " " " ' ' f - :; : . , v . tf i5w A boor,' emaciated Imnman, having call- : , Y :h ? --J , - -wof Arlftohvsician. ma forlon hope, the, latter - cntUada huf?e mustard-plaster, afad set it on .Tf: 7 - rxtwt-1atf fVW'Wi - - . . . ' -i - , ... t fal Je looking down upon it, said, ther, docther, dear, it strikes the it s of fflustard'or io ItttU motif ' ' t : a dale will gi vefeie' one For fore or Six raoutf s ns it will 8aveme of som trouble to Co roe ngnhi" I Received one'SurtiGcate in this State AU4;i M.reP Jears "a go andTont one quarter 8in that Have Bin Teaching iif Iowa until fit Fall, Then went to School at -Oliio Ont Quarter, and a Reader bf Ohio Jouriia1 with his Little Experience Would feel t erv Sort v If should fail withith Success Please Rite as as ypu get this to ,. O Yours Very Respectfuliy, ' But upon a. certain bther examination, the" lollowmg sentence was given him to parse: f j 'Geofge Washington the father of his coun try?; j He commenced by saying that .'George Washihgtbh ivas an irregular, active, transitive verb;; indicating mode, arid present tense, and was governed by the father of his country, arid closed-with the declaration that 'it had been a -long time since he had looked at his grammar. and. hoped that if he rhade any mistake that the gentlemen would excuse hitn ' , . At a recent examination, ithe written ques tion required the applicant to name the several States intersected by the parallel of SO SO' xCprth latitnde. f : - : ; sThe prompt answer of one gentleman gravely informed us.that there was no such line existing as- it was reiealed by the ICahsas Nebraska Bin: j , . f . Observing his ahwei1 iharked as. erroneous he scornfully referred ns to the New Ywk.Tri bitne and left, .evidently impressed with deep commiseration forour ignorance. . ' , Hbnesty the Bet Policy; -Nothing is more essential to the .business man for success in his mercantile pursuits, than the establishment upon a substantial basis, his" business nosition and his character for hohestv andtraight forward dealinGrs. This rjositiori once attainedjn the Conimnnity, success is alJ wayajstrre to follow his business operations; Wtthoutit he becotiiesiike Ihe tansuraptive pa tisntvkhvays ailing,and subiect to the atmos- fphrisifeaHgs of the f hour. Ji the ccrr.f: he IiTes--fi3 known; in the eveuinr, dead fcr gotte. He is only. referred to as a warning to other$! avoid hia mistakes and Stecf t-lear oi his errors; while the honest merchant prospers I from day to day, becomes beloved atid respected lFby the" community in Which he mbVes, Success nanmnn l,tal,, ... A .1, ll I - C I crowns uis laoors. aim wnen los nonr or n earthly departure comes he dies t-egretted. and his memory ever remains grfeent hs a monument of wort hi of honesty, and the thfee 'elements of success. . The. old proverb that "honest is the best policy," is verified over and over again throughout th6 world.andntnuah who has adop ted the principle from the love of it, has ever repented for his choict. While thousands tion thbuands have'too late seen the mistake of neglecting its adomonition, -and there by pur sued the shadow for the substance. : Hoijesty is the best policyj and the more thoroughly it is brought into every- minute transaction of life the greater the success, both inworjdly as well as spiritual gains. Ji : f otb His "MATCn.We saw a good thino yesterday: In the Court of Quarter Sessiohs; a petty 4case was being tried. A well khowrr criminal lawyer, who prides .himself upon 'His fekill in 'cross-examining a witness had' 'ail p'dd looking geniiisiupon whom td operato fhb. witness was a boss shoe ma ker. f'You . say,"Sir, that' the prisoner is a thief?t : , - V ' 1 Yes, Sir, 'cause why. shc- confessed it." ' 'Atlfl-you.hlsO swear she bound shoes for you subsequent- to the confession?" - -tt;$QYni' y . tTllenf' giving ia sagacious look to the , Courl4--"we are to understand that you em ploy dishonest people io work for you, even after ibeir rascalities are 'known?' "Of course, how else could Iget assis tance 'jfrom a lawyer?'' " . ' ' 'Noi much mde out of that witness. ; 7sfjpAiladelphia . Northern American tvy j Ajiswering Letters. . f;Th(?rc are few things so much neglected in the so-called polite; world as; answering letters " This arises from an indifference in someipeople, and a dislike to write in others; Tne latter ieeirng. is 01 if 11 so mucu mamgeu in. or hliowed: to' influence the possessor to such an- extent that' a letter rcouirinr Btx answer will be left for days and weeks, a constaiiivand cver-recirrring source, of an- noyapce and 'reproach, on account of the unpleasant reminding it.'gives from time to time oj: tbe neglect: it meets with. Tlris-rc-pugnahce to - writing migbt sbon be over coTrief; by obscmng. the following rule: It is siiupie to answer a letter at the very firt opportunity-that oilers; it -looKea upon .as a disagreeable task, the sooner it is got rid of, tejoetter; but iU.bdvantage would not rest jhere;, for this practice, if resolutely pur suedf- Would break down the barrier, and the lifiiculty would ramsb "- fj-'f- ' '. JcruAiijisd brought yon tbisbiH nntil lm sick nd tired of it,' said a c-iteVtor of a debtor, tipoh tvhoin he had called at least forty times. Job are eh! coolly tejtied the debtor, f 'Yes I am, was tbe" tesj5oiise. - - Well,' then you bad better not present it agaln H There will be two of us pleased if you! do 'Hot; for to tell tb"e truth, I'm tired andf etk of 'scefeg that ia dsniical bill cj - s If -

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