X -5 , i r m H THE I iiEELOU OF TH 1 FIIESS IS IVSEPEUABCE P.IOM TtfE? RIGHTS FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. SATURDAY, APl.IL 24, 1858. AS.- e -t,:. , v r -r I ;- T E R-M S OF Sl'nSCKIPTIOS FOlt TUB C -V HOTiri I AN Foradiagle copy, if paid hi advance, per annum, 2 " at the 'ja-1 of J inontu?, 2 1' " at th'i end of H ta mtam, 3 ... " at tilts ea-1 of t'ae yjr, 3 5') No subscription will be received tor a dliortcr period than outs year ualjss paid in advance. , . With the viiw of evt.-nding the circalation and en hancing the mefalaess of the paper, the proprietor of .. u. f.,i in.viii ,r tp. narka'dv low club Rims, tViriniiBLVi inrivcE: 5 copies of the roliiuan, 1 year, 3 00 10 " " 15 00 Rates of idvtrtlslnfft i!.Tt ,pnts ner sniiira of 16 ln ;s. or le, for the first: nd 30 cents for e ich subseq-ieat 'neriion, unlow the , i lvertis ;m:nt is pnblia'ied for more than tvro- months, vhen it will be charged i For three raonxus, - - - " . i r .j. Pop six Diontas, -. .. r 6 no Jmf. For twelve months, - XT - - -. i" ' '"Vuadv-n-tis'imentani'isthave-the deirei nura to. iu. JerVons marked on them, orth -vie h"y will be m. ; ,ertei till rorbiil and charged aocorlinzly. Special attention in directed to this requisition. I WM. P. WIOIITMAN & CO. CLRMEST G. WRIGHT. , Vttoiucyatlvv, PayettvlUe,.C. , OiTice at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3, lfeoti. .1. A. SPEARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATT BND.s the Courts of Cumberland, Ilarne Wake and Johnston. Address, Toomor, ltarnett Co., N. C. Feb. 10. 1830. 85-v BARTiriV FULLER, Attorney at Law, p VETTE VI LIi Pm W c' May be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shop fierd, Esq., on Green Street. July 1, 18.)G. 7"u ATTOaF.Y AT LAW. Uo.-kin-ham, Richmond County North Carolina, will nrictice in the Courts of Richmond. Anson and Rjr All bn,in,ss entrusted to his care w,U re vive strict attention. July, 11, ly-f -rrnr-rrrnv tx "r--Jf "f "THI! BOAR!) I.N (J HOUSE. Sulrscrioer is now prepared to accommodate T liK p.HSons with board, tn u.ldit.on to the uun.oci she tto v has. The builtliug whch he occupy . c nveni-ntly situated on ibo Loualou i.oi, ll-O" L uut and is u iood h.tton torn bummer a d VvintJ; resilience, pa.us will be M.uieito make bSr.CW'U,'rta0le- MARTHA liARTMAN. A. 31. Canipbi-il, ACCTIOSBBIl &COM UKltCU-lAX, East side of Gillespie street. FvKrriivit.i.ii, N. 0. October 1, l"'- ?l X 11 ISLE P A O T O 1S.Y. nv GKO. LAlJDIiii. Zaarly opposite to E. WiUWr.xs Fayeitevtlle, N. C. Auction ;-i- ay Oct. 1. I8"fi. IV- II. T U 'i - '' ' ' f . General Commist ',Ik-iiit. NORTH WATER STRKEt. Wd n.'.i"tn, N C, VTill 'H-e n-rsivl -itte.ition to the sale or h;tvn.mt of alliWi-'imnof Mivd to-ea or othef cott-iiry pro Ho... a 1 1 a-iy it!nr b isi i.;ss entrusted to bus ear-.-, will be pro-nntW attended to. April IS. iS.7. ly lO.OOO li. Tallow nntoi5 For which the highest cash price will be-paid. O.-t.. I. 1S5(: A. M. OMI Ub.lil. White Lend and Linseed Oil, for S. J. HINSDALE. G3-tf sale by Aug. 15, Bolting Cloth. A constant supply of arrantcd Genuine An ker liolting Cloth all Xos., kept on band and for sale at tLe lowest prices by JAMES MARTINE. Jan 30, 1833. lm 5 m af e 2r o o x- RECEIVED A iS 1 FO li. S A L, rJ l'lantingPotatoes Pitik Eye) and fine Apples Also, a fresh supply of liaisins, Figs and Oranges. r fi Oct. 24 13-tf foot of Haymount MKS. G. EL AM prepared to aceominodate boarders at the McGuire House, near Eecles' Bridge. The location is very con venient to the business part of the town. Fayetteville, March 27, 1853. 6t FRESH TURNIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARflE GLOUE, RUT A BAGA, Just received and for sale by S.J. HINSDALE. July 11. 1857. tf (STATE OP XORTH CltlOLINASAJIPSOS COWTV. Court of Picas and Qitarter Sessions FeVy. term 1808 C R. P. Matthis vs. ( Wm. L. McGary ATTACHMENT. Notice is hereby given to Wm. L.. McGary, that the monies now in the hands of Almond A- McKay, for him, has been attached or levied upon at the instance of Rice P. Matthis. the Plain tiff, and you are hereby notified to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said County, and plead, answer or demur, or judg ment final by defalt will be taken against him and the monies levied upon be applied to Plaintiff debt and cost. J. It. BEAM AN, Cl'k. March 27, 1338, Cu The following valuable real estate, the property E. C i . i i Ul :c d. is ottered for saleand consists of the following tracts : . That desirable place known as Rome, containing abnut 2(10 acrs wtlt all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the host business stands in the country, ami is very 1 -wrable to those wishing to entecthe mercantile business. NT2. Consists of a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene ments,) in Cambleton, on Bridge Street near Claren don Bridge, rnd is a very desirable stand for business. No 3, s 3 acant lots inCampbftllton, known ia City plot. asNos 09, 111. 112, an half of lot 113. - No 4, Is dwelling houseand lot on Haymount, corner of Plankroad and Adams St. A very desira ble residence for the whole year. No 5, 13 a Corn Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 1 5 horse power. This is well -worth tbe .at tention of those living where water power is not avail able, and will be sold sit a great bargain. . J For terms apily to J . H.. tI.AL.Liy Assignee August 1, 1857. 61-tl IR E. HEIDE, DEALER IN C o nfcetion aries, Perfumer ies, Bread, Crackers of all kinds, Fruits' Nuts, Fancy At tides, and a vari ety of ati cles in the GROCERY LINE. Foot of ITuymount, Fayitteville, X. C. Oot. 24. 1851. 13-y NOTICE. Persons indebted to Jas. C McEachin, as Guardian of the heirs of John Morrison, dec"d, are hereby re spectfully informed, that said guardian has in a greal majority of instances endorsed and transferred then notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent ne cessities, apart from the reqt irements of the endorser compel its to collect as speedily as possible. All those indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A. D. MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON N. A. MORRISON. Laurinburgh, N. C. March 7, 1857. 40-tl P liilts, Oils, Varnish, Crushes, for S-ile by S.J. 63-tf HINSDALE. 15. NOTICE. WANTED Three first rate Workmen, for which the best of prices will be given, and study work. The price for making Boots, 3.75; for foxjting, 2.75; Shoe I 50. Wanted immediately. M. FAULK. Dec. 31. S2-tf TROY & FUIiliEIi, Attorneys and Counsellors AT LAW. C. ROiJEKT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have forui.-d an iissociatioii fur the practice ol their p rotes .si on m iiobe.-o.i Co.. only li. E. Troy will also at tend the Courts of Llladeu aud Coiumbus, and J 1 r uiier those ot'Cumberlaud. 1' heir Ui'tice iu Luiubertou will be kept open at ai.i. times. January 9. 1858. 33-tf James C. Smith. Iiles Costin JAJIKS C. SMITH &. CO., Co m m is .lion IIercia n t s , Have removed their oltiee to the second story of tin; buil ling formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company where they are prepared to attend to all business in the himm ission line. Vll business entrusted to them will be punctually .tf.'ii l.-d to. Vi'mhigton. October 1,18." y FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. FRANK X. ROBERTS. & CO , having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that thev will use evefy exertion to please F. N. Roborts. 3. G. Smith Jan. 9, 1833. 83-tf O lap 3 a BdiicIs for Sale The Western Rail Road Co., have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. C?lfl Oflfl f the Coupon Bonds of the ? County of Cumberland, bear ing 7 per cent, interest, payable smi-annuaily on the 1st June and the 1st of December, and run ning 20 years. " S'JD.OOO of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st January and the 1st July-, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co , to pay tho County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons bavins: money will find these bonds (at the price the Co is selling them) a better invest-I ment in any Hanfe fetocK in ine otaie. For terms apply to C. B. MALLETT, Esq, Pres't. or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. March 6, 1833. 92-tf CHOCKKUY, GLASSWARE & LOOKING GLASSES. I HAVE a good stock in my line. Country Mer L chants supplied at low prices. cnants l4 W. N. TILLTNGHAST. March 20, 93"2m STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY. Scip'r Court Office, 15th March 1858. IN pursuance of direction of His Honor Judge Manly, Notice is hereby given, that tje Regular Term of the Superior Court of LAW AND EQUITY, for the County of Harnett, will be held at the Court House in Toomer, on the 8th Monday after the 4th Monday in March 1853. Witnesses and Suitors will take notice accord ingly. Witness A. D. McLEAN, )4-tc Clerk Superior Court. FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp aid Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. - ALSO, Belt, Picker, Roller and Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strained. Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils, Shuttlie8 Isiuglass, French Glue, Emory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. J. H. HALL, Pres. B. C. M. Co. Jalj 2, fi,-tf FRESH SPRING GOODS J. A. PEKIBERTON, IS now receiving his stock of SPRING and SUM MER GOODS, embracing all of the latest styles for the season. A few very handsome ROBE A QUILL.E, LA BAYADIERE, & SIDE STRIPE DRESS GOODS. LACE AND SILK MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS AND SCARFS, Any quantity of the latest Patterns of HOOPS. A large and beautiful selection of EMBROIDERIES, HONETON COLLARS, KID GLOVES, SEWING SILK. MITTS. &c , &c. HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND PARASOLS A very superior assortment of LACE, STRAW & LEGHORN-BONNETS, also a few very band- I som Crfipe do ; FRENCH FLOWERS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH CRAPES, RIBBONS, 5"C, fyc, 4$C. A very desirable stock of Mens', Youths', & Boys READY MADE-CLOTHING, of the Latest Styles, workmanship warranted. The public are invited to call early and examine the above goods; they will be sold cheap for cash, or on the usual time to those who pay occasionally. March 20. . 93-tf The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Fayetteville & Western Plank lload Company, will take place in the Town Hall, on the 29th inst., at 11 o'clock. JNO. M. ROSE. Cl k. F. & W. P. R. Co. April 10 185S, 2t BACON" A-ZLSTID LA.RD Wm. Maclntyre, offers Bbls prime Lard, 93U0 lbs prime Bacon Hog round, large sides, ' 390 Sacks Corn Fayetteville, April 3, 1838 tf SPRINGS- IMPORTATION. WE are now receiving our Spring purchases of Staple and Fancy. DRY GOODS, HATS, BONNETS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac To which we invite the attention of Buyers in this Mar ket. STAttlt & WILLIAMS. March 20, 1858. - 93-tf JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Spring supply of ZDJRTSr GOODS- Anione: which are Priats, Lawns, and Brilliantes; Cot'd and Black Silks; ".. Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen. Twilled and Plain; Cashmere and Merino Twills; White and Col'd Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Slik and Straw Bonnets; A'c. With almost ewry article in the Dry Goods line;" all of which has Itcon purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will he ottered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers. March 20, 93-tf tu u ' ut in ui 'iw -k m a 'uiit iu 4 u jw Graduate of I he Baltimore Dental College. .;-, HAVING sev- u years practical experi SL ence in his rrofessioi, hve of which have -'-QZCt37 been spent in this place; Dr. B, would simply state that he is permanantly located hvre. that is from the 1st of Oct. to the first July each yea during which time he may be found at his pleasantly situated rooms, near the market in office hours. His terms are STRloTLY CASH, no inducement will be held out to the community to call upon him other than that he flatters himsef that in future all operations shall compare favorably v ith those previ ous! v performed by him. J an . 2 3. 85-tf "COOK. OUT FOB THE LOl'OMOTIVb' .J. W. LETT nas just received a large and general STOCK OF GOODS suited to the Spring and Summer trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple and fahty DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirablein that line PUIME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or changed for country produce. March. 20. 18."8. ly-pd ex- Si a ni r . TAKEN UP by the Subscriber on the 30th March, a Grey HOUSE, supposed to be 10 or 12 years old, has marks of gear. Said Horse wlipn taken ud was comma: from the course ot up Rockfish Factory. April 10. PHILIP McliAE. 2t A. A. McKethan resDectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large suosiannai diich iuhui6o Old Stand, expressly lor manuiaciuring 'iibSm. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he nasreceieu for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his worK to dc made of the best material and by experienced worKmeu iu each branch of the business. Mis woric win compile favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ness and durability. . He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms a s any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, tbe largest stock of cXrriages,barouches, ROCKAWA 1 S, AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this place, and a very Iare stock of work nearly hmsneu, wnicn win uC um very low for Cash, or on short time to P ers -He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and in course of con- tlSi.,?i wort mad? hvhim is warranted 12 months . I.'.. . V . ' . 1 j j jair usage, auu tuuuiu . . j or material win c Fntu , Persons wishing to buy wontu ttowen iw cn u etamine fo themselves. . - Orders tnanKiuny receiveuauu pruuipuj .n,c....v. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea onable terms. Fayetteville. kjci i.ioov. RESH SPRING GOODS. H.& E.J. LILLY ARE now opening a large and general assortment of SPRING GODS. embracing a great variety of STPLE A FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, BON NETS, UMBRELLAS Ac. -" Also about J50 Cases BOOTS & SHOES well as sorted, all of which wepropose selling at reasonable prices for cash and to prompt paying customers op che usual time. P. S. We E.MxesTir request all persons in arrear itn' u s to pay up or in part at least. fl. 4r E. J . L March 13,158. 6 SMALL STORES." CANDLES," &c. 1858 '59. NAVT DKTMRTMEJTr, - - Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. April 13. 1858. I PROPOSALS, sealed and endorsed "Offer for SmaltStores," or ''Offer for Candles," or '-Offer for -ialt-water Soap," or--'Offer for Mustard seed, Black Ppper," fcc.. as the case may be. will be received at this bureau until 9 o-'cloak. a. m.. on the 18th day of May next, for furnishing: and delivering: (on r ceiving twenty days' notice) at the United States navy-yaTds at Charleston, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New lork; and Gosport Virginia, such quantities only of the following articles excepting the salt-water soap aud tbe candles, for each of which separate proposals and contracts will be made as may b-j required or order ed from the contractor by the chief of said bureau, or bv the respective commanding officers of the. ! navyvyards, during the fiscal year ending 30th Jjfesjjp Bos, sM vTafj Brushes, shaving Brushes, scrubbing Brushes, shoe Brushes, clothes Bvttons, navy me dium Buttons, navy coat Buttons, dead eye Beeswax, in i lb cakes, Combs, fine, India r&boerl or gutta percha. Grass for hats Jack knives Razors, in single cases Razor straps, Ordway's Scissors Spoons pure Blacking, boxes of Cotton, spools of Nos. 12 and 19, 900 yards each, 3 cords, equal parts. Handkerchiefs, cotton, fast colors, 32 by 30 inches, weight not less than 2 oz. each, texture 8 by 8 to i inch. Needles, sewing, Nos I. 2, 3, and 4, drill eyed, be tweens Ribbon, hat, best French black, 12 yards to the piece; widt i. 1 k inch Soap, shaving, in cakes; each cake not less than 2 oz Silk, sewing, blue-black; wrapper not to exceed 2 oz to the pound Thread, black and white, Marshs!l's besi quality, and in such proportions as may be required Tape, white linen, 4 yards in length, i inch wide Tape, black, twilled cotton, 6 yards in length, i inch wide Thimbles, 8-10 and 9-10 diameter. . White salt-water soap separate bid for 100,000 pounds. The soap must be manufactured from cocoa-nut oil, and of the best quality denominated '-white salt-water soap," and be delivered on sixty days' notice, in good strong boxes of about 75 pounds each, and after in spection, the boxes must be hooped at each end, at the expense of the contractor. The price to be uni form at all the yards. Candles separate hid for 30,000 pounds. The caudles must be "sixes," of prime leaf lard stoarine. 8 1-10 inches in length, exclusive of tip. six candles to weigh not less than 14 ounces 50-10 0, nor more than 16 ounces, and be paid for according to the actual weight, without reference to commercial uage, the melting point not to be less than 140 de grees Fahrenheit. The wick must be braided, and composed of 8 cotton threads of the best quality of No. 27 yarn. The caudles to be delivered on sixty days' notice, in good boxes containingabout 30 pounds each, and the box to be marked with the contractor's name and the weight of the candles. : Separate bids for all that may be required for the Use of the navy, to be delivered at New York only. 'I Mustard seed. American brown Pepper, b ack. Malabar Bottles, octagon, for mustard and pepper. Corks, for bottles. : All the foregoing articles must be of the best quali ty, and con; ormable in all respects to the samples deposited at said navy yards and in this bureau, and subject to such in.-pection at the navy-yard where de livered us the chief Oi th bureau may direct, the itir speetiug oflieer to be appointed by tbe Navy Depart ment All the articles to be delivered free of any inciden tal expense to the goverui'ie it, in proper vessels or packagts, and the price of each article must be the same at the respective places of delivery. Packages iu which the above articles are delivered must be m.u ked with their contents and tbe name of the con tractor, aud be sutlicieut to ensure their temporary safe-keeping. The contractor must establish agencies at such sta tions other than his residence, that no delay may be required; and when the contractor or agent fails promptly to comply with a requisition,, the Chief Of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be au thorised to direct purchases to be made to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in the contract; the record ot a requisition, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisions and Cloth-in"-. or at either of the navy-yards aforesaid, shall be evTdencc that t.ucli requisition has been made and re ceived. Two or more approved sureties, in a sum equal to the estimated amount of the contract, wilt be required and twenty per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of all payments on account thereof as collateral security, to securu- its performance, and lirtt in an'v event to be paid uutil it is in all respects oomolied with: eighty per centum of the amount of 1 ' . i ...Mi t : .i i I . .. . ; alj deliveries made will be paid by the navy agent within thirtv days after bills, duly authenticated, shall have been presented to him. Blank forms of proposals may be obtained on appli cation to the navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire; Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Pensacola, aud at this bureau. A record, or duplicate of the letter informing a bMder of the acceptance of his proposal, will be deemed a notificatiou thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1819, and his bid will be made and accepted in conformity with this understanding. Every offer made must be accompanied as directed in the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service of 1846-?47, approved. 10th August, lfi4fiYby a written guarantee, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that he or they un dertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within ten davs. with ffood and sufficient sureties, to furnish the suonlies croposet: I. ine Gureau wm noi oe oongateu 4 mi m v I 1 i i. II" . uane required bv lawVlh compete df ihe miartoo in ho pprtififld h' the naw asrent. district attorney, or the collector ot the port. The attention of bidders is Called to the samples and description of articles required, as, In the inspection before receprion, a just but right comparison will be made between the articles offered and the samples and contract, receiving none that fall below them; and their attention is also particularly directed to the ioint resolution of 27th March, 1854, and be the act of the 10th August, 1846. April 17 97-4t &.......U.v.U 7 REMOVAL. H. GRAHAM, Has removed his stock of Goods to the Store for merly occupied by t Uaxiki. Clark, East on Market Square, and would Solicit his Customers and Friends to give him a call. ':' He has got a flue lot of CLOTHING, HATS. SHOES, which he will sell at low figures. All those who wish cheap and good BARGAIN'S will do well to give him & call. Also, all those who wish Garments cut, cn have them doue in the latest fashion. " AprH 17, 97-4t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED Proposals will be received at the Office of the Western Railroad Company, in Fayetteville, until the 20 of April, at noon, for laying 11 miles of Track, commencing at Fayette ville. Specifications can be seen at the Engineer's Office in Fayetteville, on and after the 10th inst. W.A. KUPER, " Ch. Eng. W. R. R. V AjrrH 10, 2t i '-Vj anriC of fit his exertic-ns. however, he had falleifin arrears about a foot, of the necessary length, and con- sequently stock that far through his inexpres- sibles. Higcropof hair was surmounted Ly the funnies little seal skin cap imaginable, After takin : a position, he indulged in a long stare at thai man opening me oicaives, auu siow- Iv eiaculatai 'isters?' 'Yes, sir responded the attentive operator, 'and fine ones they aretoo.' 'Well, f ve heard of isters afore, said he, 'bat this the fust time I've seed 'em. and per haps I'll kiiow what thar made of afore I git out of towai.' llavin7exnressed this desperate intention. he cautiously approached the plate, and scru- ! tinized th uncaseu shell nsn, wun a gravuy and interest which would have done honor to the most ?lustrionS. At length he began to soliloquize the difficulty of getting, them out, and how qneer they look when out. 'I never seed anythin' hold on so takes an aniazin' site of screwin, hoss, to get them out, and aint they slick and slippery when they does come? Suooth as an eel! I've a good mind to give that idler login, gist to realize the effects, as uncle Jtss used to say about speculation.' Well, sit,' was the reply, 'down with two bits, and you can have a dozen ' 'Two bita!' exclaimed the Sucker, 'now come, that's stick in' it on rite strong, hoss, for isters. A dozen o 'em aint nothiu' to a chicken, and there's no gettin more'n a picayune apiece to them. I've only realized forty-five picayunes on my first venture to St Louis. I'll gin you two chickens for a dozen, if youil conclude to deal' A wag who was standing by, indulging in a dozen, winked to the attendaut to shell out, and the offer was accepted. 'Now mind,' repeated the sucker, 'all " fair two chickens for , a. dozen you're a witueps, mister,' turning at the same time to the wag; . iaico, 4f-JZgq han.rd . that you city fellows are mighty slippery coons.' The bargain being fairly understood, our Sucker squared himself for tbe onset; delibe rately put off his seal-skin, tucked up his sleeves, and. fork in hand, awaited the appearance of No. 1. It came he saw and quickly it was bolted. The wag dropped his knife and fork, and with a look of mingled amazement and hor ror something akin to Shakespeare's Hamlet on seeing his daddy's ghostburst into the ex clamation: Swallowed alive, as I'm a Christian!' Our sucker here had opened his month with pleasure a moment before, Hut now it stood open. For a horrid dread of he didn't know whata consciousness that all wasn't rigiit, andjgnorant of the extent of the wrong the uncertainty of the moment was terrible. Urged to desperation, he faltered out What on earth's the row?' 'Did you swallow it alive?' inquired the wag. You're a dead man,' exclaimed his anxious friend, 'the creature is alive, and will eat right through yon,' added he, in a most hopeless tone. 'Get a pizen pump, and pump it out!' screamed the Sucker, in a frenzy, his eyes fair ly slitrtihg from their sockets 'O, graciousj what'il I do? It's got hold of my innards al ready, and I'm dead as ft chickenl-do some thing for me, do don't let the infernal sea toad eat mc afore your eyes.' Why don't you put some of this oh it?' in quiring the wag, pointing to a bottle of strong pepper-sauce. The hint was enoiigh--the Sucker Upon the instant seized the bottle, and desperately wrenching oat the cork, swallowed half the contents at a single draught. He fairly soueuled front its effects, and gasped and blowca and pitched and twisted, as if it were coursing thvou.rh him with cclectric effect, while at the same time his eyes ran a stream ot tear. At length, becoming a little composed, his Wag gish adviser approached, almost bursting with suppressed laughter and inquired 'How are you now, old fellow did yoa kill it?' Well, I did boss' ngh, ugh, o-o-o my in- n ft a inards. If that tslcr critters dy in- agonies didn't stir a bruption in We equal to a small use savin'- it it i earthouake then lamt no 1 squirmed like a sarpent, when that killin stutl toichcd it; hut' and here, with a counte nance made op of suppressed agony and pres ent determination, he paused to give force. to his words, and slowly and deliberately remarked i-.e . n.n .i.irtpna from me for that live animal, I'm d d!' and seizing 11 VUll I U I v iv- . , I - U uis seai-sui c The shout of laughter, and the copt-n6 of the company at this finale would have made a spectator believe that they had all been swallowing oysters avte- ? . -.r... r.v Attfvtiov! Don't be a lOCXG iA, " - . . .. loafer don't call yourself a loafer, don't keep a loafer's company, don't bag about loaGng pin. ces. Better work hard for nothing and board yourself, than sit around day after day, or stand at corners with your bands in yonr pockets. Better for your own mind, better for your pros pects. Bustle about, if you mean to hare any thing to bustle about for Many a poor physi cianhas obtained a real patient by riding bard ottond on an imaginary one. A quire of blank paper tied up with red tape carried un der a lawyer's arm may procure hyn his first case, and make his fortune. Such is the world. To him that hath, shall be given. Quit dro ning and complaining, keep busy and mind your chances. 7T" iiSnt Witnesa 7 T Jigt) a criminal case was 3BifttetMl ?nesT'for the fgejras . tliat.-'lpster made 1 iieS.vwith a fnur pound a stout, Btjorg man 'jt itU Wit in the Habit of efirsing: Fit-ll a. friend. He tvaa only Catuted . fellow when he l5!s CiC and feasted on the ticiiffVfU great relish. Ben p iy,tne State and TJ.oIftelyre .U i)llie knew about ifMter v?4tt?jro a time or tw o, and lr-hfjBPan in his peculiar " "'S TT W8 "Ttt' ,JudSe C bo myself. v ell, Aoel Hales ras thar trymto bay -Xvn . old spotted sow that run closto4rim.t Noel . " is A good fellef, Judge, but heaih't smart: ne went to .Jackson on&t and his daddv eot out of sight, and he went about axinjr every man he met, 'Mrhar's daddj?" 'Go on Mr tell us all about the fight. "Well, I was saying, Noel wanted the sow and he was afeard he could'nt buj her without gettin some body to stand for him, ana i ioiu ilqi ei ne a make me sale i u ro it or die; and he said he'd pawn his mm, but. hlfc wag at Winfrate'g shot) to be fixrd. I , .... . . told him "all right JNoel, shan't break squares with us, no how. Well Noel he bid three dollars and a dime, and a quarter, and I can't say which, in the pjre" "Go on, sir, if you please, about, the fight." Well, give me time to bring it round right Well, Noel didn't git the sow, bekaso John Wall bid more'n she was wuth. Well then a cow was put up and Foster bid ten dollars and a quarter and she was knocked oil' to him. Foster said he only bid ten dollars, and S. said he bid ten and a quarter. They got to disputin and I thought enough was said for a man to fight on, but Foster tuck it. They kept on jowcrin and at last S told Foster he'd be - ef he'd scrnpulate. Fos. said he'd be- ef he'd combolicate from what he said. Well, about this time I felt dry and went over to the doggery with several and we all took a stiff drink. I tuck mine with sweetnin, Judge, Well Noel llailea seemed hurt about not gittin the sow, so I says, JNoel, lets have some music to make us feel better. ... Sez he, Uetl, I know you arc a friend to me, and ef you'll trit Abe Lard to play "Cotton eyed Joe," 111 treat to half a pint. Well in this' time we hearn the fuss over the way and went out, and who should we see but S. lying down on the piezzcr, and Foster as pale as skimmed milk Sez I men let's have a fair fight. Some one said. Ben they've already fit." "Mr.- , did you see the fight?" "Well, I can't say as I did, nor I can't say -I "didn't. I mought, and 1 mought not, then again I mought." Do you recollect anything abrut it, or were you in a condition to recollect?" 'Well, Squire, you rather got mo thar. The fact is, I sometimes git discombobolated and my demembrance ain't very clare; but one thing I'm sure of, Judge, and that is, Noel treated; if he didn't I'll be !" Here the State informed him that he could stand aside, and the court not happening to hear the oath the witness was permitted to retire amid the suppressed lauo-hter of the whole oourt room. Editors. A good editor, a competent newspaper conductor, is, like a General or a poet born, not made. Exercise and ex perience give facility, but the qualification is innate, or is never manifested. On the London daily papers all the great historians novelists, poets, essayists, and writers of travel, have bt en tried, and nearly all have failed. We might say all; for, after a dis play of brilliancy, brief but grand, they died out literally. Their resources were exhaus ted. "I can," said the late editor of the Times, to Moore, "find any number of men of genius to write for me, but very seldom one man of common sense." The "thun derers" in the Times, therefore, have, so far as we know, been men of common sonso. Nearly all successful editors have been men of this di?cription. Campbell, Carlyle, Bi;I wer, and D'Israeli failed; Barnes, Sterling and Philips succeeded. In England editors rarely write for their journals. They r;ul select and "cut out the work." In this country, with a few exceptions, editors have not only to read, select and "cut out the work," but do the writing too. On the whole, American editors are the hardest writing men in the world. The Power of thk Press. Lord Stanly the new British Secetary of the Colonies, in l is speech to the electors ot Kings Lynn, on his re election to Parliament, thus spoke of the prtes: '.'Fifty years ago, Parliament had an almost exclusive power of forming public opinion upon all qiestions or the time. That state of things has changed. The vast aevelopment of the power of the press during the last qnnrter of a century has introduced into modern polit c : n entirely new element. (Hear, hear.) It is impossible to sit in Parlimeut without seeing how far and to how great an extent modern journalism affects even our parliamentary de baters, ine power of the press is in itseit a rpresantation, (hear,)as I believe of the poor and the humble against the powerful. It is a protection which no legislation can take away; and it is not of the least subjects of satisfaction to me, looking back at the few years which I have passed in public life, to think that I was one of those who took part in a measure---I mean the removal of the stamp dutywhich has given an increased devlopment to journal Ism, and of which we have seen as ytf only small potion of tbe effects, (her, bear).