tea li US!.; SHE FLOWERS COLLECTION THE f UKEIJ03I OP Tfl hi FKRSS IS IjTSEPJ jjfuoji the rights op the people. FAYETTEVILLE, W, C, SATURDAY,, .5.(1858. j VOLUME XX NO. 1.CC4 ft ..-.-r 'TERMS CT STinirniPTIftSPOa TilE CAROLIXIAS For a single copy, if paid iiiadvaaee, per anauui, $2 0- " at Hie cu;i i iiuunn, at th3 eiil of ij mouths, 3 00! t tiie ead of tue yr,'. 3 o0 . No subscription will be-receivel for a shorter period " thaa o ie year u.il3ss p:iil in advance. . With the viiw of e t :n ling tiie circulation and en- hancin" th-j mef il.iess of th; paper, the proprietor ot- V,. F..iiyv;n w.,n.rt-,M low . v " . .." . . . r. r ir r .1 n rr a e . 5 eoni'is of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 15 00 R at rs of Ad i crt isln g t Sivty cents per -qi ire of If lm n. or less, for the firft an l 3 1 cents for each subso '.eat insertion, unles the advert'3jnt -nt is p.kb'is'iel for more than two months, when it will be charged 4 . For thr ;e m" iths, $4 00 For it m-inths - - - 0 00 For twlve mi nt'is, - - - - - 10 00 All adv irt'ts'n n's m i't hare thi dftur?i nnmb r of in jsert'ois Tivrke l oi thn, or'h Ti ;e hey will h .tn 'aerte l till forb'd aril chargod -ae -oinly. :. Special " atttntiorfil dlrettrd (a ihi-r requaUiouf I WM. F. WIGUTMW & CO. CMJIKVT Ci. AVltlOIIT. AHornry at Iav, PayellevlIl'cW.C. " Office at the corder oF Cory and Green ttreets. Feb'y 3. lS."(i. .J. A. SPEAKS, ATTOIIXC Y" AT LAW, TF"NtIm fie TJvirts cf Cumberland, Ilarue Wake-art I Jchnstcn. k I lress, Too n :r, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. 10. 1 8.1 o. 8.1-y BAIITIVW FULLER, Attorney at Law, 1" A V K T r K V I !i r, V, , 3f , v ilay be consulted at the Law Office of Je'se G. Shop !ierd, Escj., on Green Stieet. July I'd, ISO'S. 7-tf ' BOAUUbNG HOUSE. tUe Subscriber is now prepared to aocouimcdate I six persona with board, in addition to the number ishe I1U.V has. The building which she occupies is 'conveniently situated on the Donaldson Lot, llay "iiiouut. and is a good location for a Summer a d Winter residence. No pains will be spared to make iier boirder-i comfortable. February, U. MARTHA IIARTMAN. A. M. Vnnxiilivll, AUCTIOSEKR & COM.1IISSIOS MEUCHAST, East side of Gillespie street. i F vi?rru vru.n, N. C. October 1, 1855 Jt A U B ti G FACTOR V, ' BY GEO. LAUDER. . Nearly opposite to E. V. Wdlkings Aiiclicn Stcre Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. I. 1850. v y. ii. t ur m v a t 6 General Commission Rfcrcliant. NORTH WATER STREET, Wil ning'on, JY. C, vv"ill 'ive prsi'vil att-vition to the sale or shipment of 'ill co nig i-n-i its of NTv.il Stores or other country j rol 103. a 1 1 aay otii M- r isni'j-s.s eatrasicu to ins care, ! 7ill b'i oro n'ltl V attended to. ,. April 18 187. ly iO.t) )t 15-. For" which the highest cash price will bo paid. Oct. t. i s.)i; A. M. CAMPBELL. White LeAtl and !instcd Oil, lor sale by Aug. 13, S- J. HINSDALE. i-tf Bolting Cloth. A con? tan t supply of arra ite l Gopuine An ker Ilolting Cbtli all Nos., kept on hand and tor sale at the lowest prices bv JAMES MARTIN E. Jan 30, 16o8. lm o in at e uuoi KBC3IVUD AM) FOR SALlli I'lantingP.itatoe's ( I'ink Eycaud due .Apples. Also, a fresh supply of llaisins, Figs and Oranges'. R. E TIEIDE. Oct. 24 13-tf foot of Ilaymoaat. FRESH TURNir SEED. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP. BNGlAsn NORFOLK!, LA It (J E GLOUE, R ITT A 15 .VGA. just received aid feir sale by S-J. HINSDALE. Julv 11. 1S57. tf 1 FAX TED. 'L4'fh4 Bbls. Turpentine at my Distilery OF4.? ou Person Street at the halfway Bridge the highest cash- price will be paid. V.ireh 2J Vi Sm J R McDUFFIE. EG II SALE. Heavy 4-4 Peaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp aed Filling, Nos: 3 to 10. ALSO. , . Belt, Ficlt.sf, Roller and Lace LEATHERS. Oils an 1 Manufacturers Findings. Winter strained. Sparm. Lard and Linseed Oils. Sliuttlie's Isiagla-s, French Glue, Eniory", Ucller Cloth aud Glass Steps. J. II. HALL, -Pres. B. CM. Co. July 2G. 185 6 fi-tf . - . . --V 1 ir 1 i- 1 P mOc llils: Varnish ti rn ih tc f f gale by ..Aug. 15, S.J. HINSDALE. 63-tf CAVE FEAIl NAVIGATION" CO. TIIE Annua) Meeting of the Stockholders will be Leld in the Town ot b ayettevnie, ca rriday tUe 4th Jan e next. MayS, lOO-tm D. A. RAY, Pres. 1 - : OLD BILLS. 1 LL persons indebted to the concern of FRANK & JERRY and J. II. ROBERTS it CO., are requested to cum forward and settle their bills. If not settled by the l ist of tins month, they will hnd them 1:1 tue hands of a Lawful Collector. J. II. ROBERTS & CO. May S, lfcSS IPOtf xue 101 lowing valuable real estate, tiie pror-e,;.-v ; E.'C. ILUl d-;c"d. is od'ered for sale and consist.-, cf the j j lunuwing iracis That desirable hla'ce known as -'Rome, coatainin j about 260 aens with all the imuroveuviats. 1 place will be .Hold eat'. re or divided- to suit purchase i it being probably one of tha lust business t-tams ; the country, and is v -ry I -sirabie to those wishing in , to , enter the mercantile business I Xo l . ( n i i i s t a f f . - a n I - T? r i ck Store (2 tene: , i : -. i... . r. ..: i t tm-i r t 1:' l en- i con liriiie. r,nu is a very a ;s;ra ie -a.m -i ......... ... . No 3, Is 3 scant lots in Canip't !H':i. known in Uity plot. asN'os '(!). 1 1 1. 112. an Iialfot lot 1 -- No 4. Is s. 'dwelling houseaiid lot on Haymoiint, corner of Plankroad and AdamsSt. A very d;s:ra- b,( resklence lV)P t,. wllole yt.:ir 6 5, I a Corn Mill and Steam i-.ngincnuu ii".iu, Of 10 or 1 5 horsepower. This is well worth the at tention of thoe living where wafer power is not avail able, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. II. I1ALL, Assignee. August 1, 18.-.7. . bl-n DEALER IN C o nfection u ries. r uts, Fancy Ar l'erfumer- Z ieS' l'-'-?:'''' B read , -'C''--' i -V!- tide's, and a vari Crackers of j;3:A;i ety of ai li all kinds, cjC!j ju tj1Q GROCERY LINE. Foot of H lvmoniit, Fayetteville, X. C. Oct. 24. 1851. 73-y NOT ICR. Persons indebted to Jus. C. McEachin, fiS Guardiaa of the heirs of John Morrison, dee d, are hereby re spectfully infVji med, that said guardian hits in u greal majority of instances endorsed and transferred theii notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent ue cessities, apart from the reqi irernents of the en iorser compel us to collect as speedily as possih All thos lnileoted will tln-relore oi.lige us, a.id themselves too. by paying up immediately. Wc mist and will sue where the money is not ferthcijiii'nsj. A. i). MORRISON. i M. MORRISON N. A. MORRISON. X. C. If arch 7, 1S57. 40-tl Laurinburgt WANTED -Three lirst rate Workmen, for which the best of prie.js will be given., and study work. The price for making Boots. :).7r; icr looting, "2.75; SiiOe I o). Wanted iiiiaijdiate'y. . . M. FAULK. Dec. 31. 82-tf rr 11 0 r & FULLEU, Attorneys nn:I Counsellors AT LAW. I a U .UBMJiTO Ti X. C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN F. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice ot their profes sion in Robeson Co.. only R. E. Troy will nlso at tend the Courts of Bladen and Celuuibus, and J F Their Cilice in Lumbertou will be kept "open at .inn times. Jar.urryD.l8o8. S3-tf YAYLTTEYILLE HOTEL. FRANK X. ROO-URTS. & CO, having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and fiiends, assuring them that thev will use every exertion to please F.N. Roberts. fJ. G. Smith Jan. 9, 185S. 63-tf The Subscriber lias on hand and For sale. . . . Coffer, 8a;o-?-s, Tea ,AIol.asscs, S yntp, Salt, Iron , Steel) Natl ) Ilirse Shoes t" Nails, A ces, Ilocs, S.'iorels, S tades, Forks, Trace chains, 13,'ack Smith Tools, liroicrf soap, Ca miles, Can das, Sole Leather, Negro Shoes, Hats, Blankets 13 Kersein, . Saddles, 11' hips', Collars, Glass 0 Ptnfij, Cotton Bagging, Manilla Hope, JVhitc Lead, Common ..a id fine. C'gars, A' Tohacco, Poicder, and Shot, and f'iagar, and many articles not enumerated: all in wiint can smmiteu ascuean as can ue oougiu. in 1111s market-. U. W. 1. GOLDoTON. Oct. 31, 74-tf n vin ! I il " b" L"l L' I A S AClk. JL I J a. 1 IS K 1 ' BRICK MASOX ASI PLASTUKKi:. i NY PERSON desiring work done in .the best style in the above department, can secure my' services by addressing me at FayeUevilie, . C. I 5Ii D. McD., will take contracts anv where in the country, within loo miles from Fayetteville iroii'pt.attention will be given to the same. Sep. 12, lso?. jy NOTICE. I The Subscriber having at ilarch Term is.38', of the County Coart of Cuioberhmd, taken out let ters of Administration upon the Estate of ti e late IFhi. F. Wightman, hereby notifies all persons in debted to said estate to make l'ayini nt, aud those having claims against the same to present them within the time required by law "er this notice will be pleaded in Bar of their reeoverv". G. W. WIGHTMAN, Aenunistrator. March G, 1858. 94- A. A. i'K Jian respectfully informs his friends and the public, that h has Oailt up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for maun tactr.rin r Carriages Thankful lor the very liberal patronage he lias received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to 1 business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a contiuuance of the same. He wa.rrsn.ts bis work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neat .J . ...-r.. ' uess and duraVdlity. He is det'ermineil to sell and do any work in his line on its good terms a-s any work done elsewbere that is as well done, lie now lias on hand, finished, the lnr-ert stock of CAR R I AGES, B A IIO ITCHES, ROCK A WAYS. AND BUGGIES, ever ottered in this place, and a very large etock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low. for Cash, or on short time to prtuctnal custom- .H.. 1 1 . 11. I I V I 1 ITITVI.nnr. AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and iu course of cou- ;vr ;.r. " :r.:x :"Vrr :".r.'. struction. ) Z35- work made byiiim is warranted 12 months Willi litll u.-ai;e, fti;u .ii.uuu u iai 1 m 1. v yt 1 iv 111 aiisii I U or material will be r- paired free of charae. 1 e,.,-ann wishimr tobnv wonbl do we'll tn p.uli i..ii examine fo themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and ou very rea sonable terms. Fayetteville, Oct 1,185?. ! , e ?) .at S3) A'aK5iiv Wni. Maclntyi-e, offers "H U'ols prime Lartl, - 95U0 lbs prime Bacon Hog rouud1 larrrp iue?. - 39a Sueks Corn Fayetteville, April 3. 1S53 tf Is now receiving his Spring supply of' noiRrsr goods. Among which are , Prints, Lawns, and Brilliantes: Col'd and filack Silks; . ' Irish Linens ami Diapers: ; '''" Farmer's Linen. Twitted and Plain' . Cashmere and Merino Twills; White and Col'd Option Hose- Citiny:-C!o.tbs, No. 0 to 10; ' Slik and Straw Eonnct.sr . 4 With almost, every article in the L'rxGdWSif Oiterea cheap for cash or on time in rapinn Mnv..!, ;t ' 1 " "T 93-tf Gr uate of the Baltimore Cental College. TIAVrXG scv( n vtars oraetieal pvnor?- tja,-,"- ! iuie!! i. me ot Miucu tiave oeen spent in tins piiiee; Dr. B, would simply state that he is nt'rmauautjy loeatcd here, that is from the 1st ot "Oct.. to the lirst July each yea- operations shall compare favorably v ith those previ ousiv jii-i ioi loeu uy mm. FftR.. JAMES D ATI S , having dec ided on lieiuiaTientlv locatinc: in the , Tow-, of Fayetteville, respect fullj' offers his servi- cos to the citizens of this place and surrounding j country. In all the various 1. ranc hes of his Pro I fession, iaclauhipr the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi j ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa j tion. that he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases d" the mi uth', - None hut I the proper foctasir? 'made use of in the various operation.':- Charges wih be inooerate, that tiie hem fits in' the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. OOtiiee over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1553 tf "l.OoXi. OUT IOH T55E bOtOSlOTIVt' Has. iist received a large and general STOCK OP GOODS uiteil to the : Sorhig and Summer trade. , i -f sit:v.l .-viitl t ai.cy BayCOOns, - B iot sand Shoes, with almost everything desirablein thai line. - - ... .... r . I IITT -l' , ..,-.T...T..,. . . rauiii v -xjiiL. I oiiuotiiits always to ne liau AT LETT'S. Goods scld at the lowest prices fGrCASil,or ex clianged for country produce. ' March. 20. 18.".8. ly-pd BACOIT, LARD, AND FORK, IIIIIM. BACON, well smoked. 2.) Bids. Leaf Lard. ?." " Mos; I'oit. S" Sacks Coa'ec. 25 Dbls Sugar. 4 I Boxes Caa.dy., 3 ) ' No 1 fcap.. Oranges, Raisins. &c. The above goods were bought of Commission Mer chants, a id very cheap for Cash, and will be sold cbap for Cash caly. . E. F. MOORE. Atjl 3. I .S,"8 tf W2H3HE'5r AITD BRANDY. G&.G&gZ BBLS Corn Whiskey, ti ) Hbls Apple F.randy, lo " Domestic do, 1.3 " N. E. Rum. The above ""Vhikey is the pure Corn Wlnslcey selected by myself with care, and equal to any made in the State, and will be sold at the .lowest market, price for Cash. E. F. MOORE- " A;.rl ;3, i$r tf :Ooodoh 'Bands for tBale- The West rii Rail Road Co., have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. 3! 0Kfi of t!, Coupon Bonds of the V v'9jrt1' County of Cumberland, bear- 4. l. i. 11 - 11 ino j ik4"i Pinr i:irro-jr n:i v:iMa mi 11 11 1 1 xr the 1st Ju ie and the 1st of December, and run. uing 2'J vears. !).).);)) of the Connon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville. bearing 1 per cent interest, payable .,,,,,,,.,11,. 4-', it- r.,n.i.,r.o,i.Olio L t.,i.. on;l running years. These. ! :i Is were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail R ia l Co , to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persorfs havin.g ni :iey will find these bonds (at the prica the Co is selling them) a better invest ment in any Rank Stock in the State". For terms anplv to C. B. MALLETT, Esq, Pres't. or JXO. M.. -ROSE, Treas'r V estern R. R. Co. March 0. 1353. f)2-tf NOTICE. The undersigned Building Committee . of Cape Fear Church, will receive sealed bids, for said ! building until Saturday, the 6th of June, 12 o' clock, m. The Basement of said building will be 4.) X 63 feet. For particulars address tho Com mittee. DANIEL BUTLER, W.M. BUTLER, JAS. BUTLER. ED. SPEARMAN, T. W. BE VANE, 4 . Committee. Mi- 5 ad A A . W.TX m 'TT.T.. WE are now receivinsr our Secone Stbck of Sp ring and Summer Good, consisting o. pacy and domestic dry goodx. HATS, SHOES, BONNETS AND UMBRELLAS. j 1 1 tT ti - i AlI.of wlh "ct rsonally witn care. ' nud a:e oftercd lor sale on tUe usual terms. ouriug wnscii time ue may oe touniiat Ins pleasantly GAITERS; INDIA-IiUCBEIl SHOES, and every 'the lawyer to liuGalo, and be was glad to see i JJeimonico .s sbail kr.ow us lio more, and at S! It-insa, 'stNmtTy oisHfline 'T J article in his line. , , l r' ' j his old fried, but X , engrossed in bu- ! Mataran's shall X never again comfort our- Jl.h teiin.s.ue S I Mul L LASH, no inducement His stock is choice and carefully selected by him-' j.;,. ni. fnP nuKmie f n-n i,.,, , ,,.!, 1 tC ,. , ... wilt be held out. to the community .to .!! imn if a,i h,, u-iii h,, it t tfiniu s,i vv.Vi siness. oi toi leasons ot .lis ow u, bad not n.utii self u-ltIi my innl-dav snerrv, wmcli did su I other than that he natters Inmsef that in future all before wircliasinir elsewhere. " Td. FAT7l.lv j time to talk over O.d times, and without intend-J lmK.h r,.fr0Kh us. 1 )rr.;n i Vr, ;m .r.nlil' ; II. & E. J, LILLY. - May 8, - ... 4t . N. B. A good supply of Yarns and Sheeting? now on. hand. H. cfc E. J. L. Town papers please copy4. -DRY GOODS. vJiii.M ACINT YRE " . tct,iTed and offers for. Safe'. V0mt satinets. Kentucky -o i'weedi, Denims', Linen Drilling, Irh ra, Shirbnp, Sheeting, Bodtieks. Bril Glnbamoi-Fancy Print Cambrick, iirfo, wif '"arjton Nantook Muslins, ' ; i tU-IMu?Kn Collars, Capes", .4. rr--' and Under Sleeves. 3,.p&OVZ3. GATJNLETS, i rrUuche, Artificiab-. Ribbons F.,Tape, Coats Spool Cotton, r '.. apojitaa Btaid, , Straw .i - i onntptoi Moleskin & Loebora Hats: fuue' "re, Matting lyd & r - hj - !. . -""Eft Call soon Kernro n rA vo,-.u;n uui:aiu null n.iit; in u.i'v. I - ; - j ' ,-J-lJ-?- Uiie or tiie largest, hand- '".C-frr soniest and cheapest fWO BOOTS AND tVfKVi ilOLfc, Ladies' GAI- mmm 5L""Lts,. Ladies' GAI- Gm2 JERS, sitiVi and bolorx-d; pi'S?" '-S?aUtDAN" CIGoHOEfe, ofanew : YOU and beautiful ; pattern: YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S BQ()TS, SHOES and rAII who have lost their soles come fa-. ward, and -hev will be renewed for Seventv-firp epi t and upwards. M. F. 1'OWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned wishing to remove from this places offers for sale the following property viz: One House & Lot in which he liow resides in pood repair One Lot acre cast of above. One do 1 do fronts on Franklin & Mump ford Streets ou which is a very comfortable House. Also the Blacksmith shop on Mumpford St, Persons wishing to purchase can obtain any infor mation by calling cu G. W. I. Goldstox, Esq.. or the undersigned if mere convenient. L. WOOD. April ii, 0-?m FOR SALE OR RENT. The dwelling House and Lot on Hay Mount, near the Donaldson Academy joining W J Yates and others lately occupied by Hector McMillan Esq., with a weU of good water & Garden in front. It will be sold a bargain or rented to good tenant on reasonable tt rms 'spplyto JAS. MARTINE. Also tiie two Sory Ware House ou Church St. near Presbyterian Church. . April 24, 92-tf WASTED. L to work on the Fayetteville and Western 1 Roal Sections 10 11 & 18 milos from Fayettevi le i ot whom the highest price will be paid by calling on I . 1 . ... . . 1. . . 1 , '" ou wuiu. d. g. & av. Mcduffie. Marca 27 94 tf Congress Water, for sale bv Aug."l5 63-tf . J. HINSDALE. .... REMOVAL, STA!t5l At WII.IIAIS, HAVE removed to the two brick Stores in the West ?nd of ti? Fayettevilfs Hotel building, where they are acw opening their . . SECOND STOCK. Xsf GrOod for this Spring, recently selected by one of the flrm in the Noi tliern markets, which will be offered for sale to their reglar customers on the usual teraj : .--All persons who wish to buy Goods cheap at WHOLESALE, are respectfully invited to call, and examine this stock, at our new stand, West end Of Fayetteville Hotel building. J. B. Staru. J. M. Williams. May 1st 9D-tf rHE Subscribers haying associated themsicves together in the practice of Law, under the name and style of CAMERON AND SHAW, will attend the County and Superior Courts of Mooi'e, Mcritgorh"eiy, Anson, Richnio'Ad, anil it obeson. All business entrusted to them will receive their careful and prompt attention. Address Cameron and Shaw, Attorneys at Taw, Rockingham, Richmond ounty, N. C. Joxin W, Cameron. John D, Shaw. May 1, 1858. ly BUSHELS OF CORN for sale by ST ED MAX & IIOIINE. 5t May 1. FOR RENT. muiuuia :e on uaj treei, ociong nig to Mrs L Ilyhai t ind recently occu oied bV B F iiZ,- k-n n-H-...,i .v.,. i. . - . . 1 . -- vu 10 uu uiiv,ii.u iui irui. Also Miss E Hy hart's town Residence is offered for rent. For terms apply to April 23 Wm. BOW FOlt UKXT. LKASE OIL SALE. fi. m a a 1 nut ucMiauie resilience on AifcCK r..: 1.. x' .1 i - 1 iiiti iiiaiueii ijiiiie, lieariue liai'.roaa 17T&-" "Lsf and at. nrt-spnt -rin,ir.1 U.. -. '""'tiii i.i.iiun imiutu tiiner ior iwent, Lease or Sale, rossessi ewirh?niif lresTU b &iV Vt0 wishing it, at any time they may de- Dwelling, Out-houses and Stables are 'ti. .. !. iny person dre. The .11 : ,1 r rtL . ... in joou lrpair. x ne siuianoii is very conven- iof t.x u,,.i : " f...-: erms apply to JAS. M. VAXX. b ay etteville. May 8, 1858. 10-tf ! The whole World is invited to take a ree ride 011 the Western Hail Road, on the 4th of July i5S. We do not know precisely the hour wLeu the rata will move: but na feersona will be admitted to ke a seat in the Ladies' Car unless they are neatly tressed. ..Old and youBg gentlemen, will you not icel adly disappointa-wben you attempt to get a seat ia ae Ladies' Car and you will tie refaW? WOODWARD'S CLOTHIXG EMPOKltM .. a convenient and for a.few dollars, you can procure v sait whica will give you a free ticket in the Ladies' :ar. Call sooa and make your selection. - . . , A. J. WOODWARD. Market Souare, two doors below S. J Hiasdale. May 8, l00-4t NORTH. CAROLINIAN. rr- V1LLE, N. c. A Country liawyer ca hasd for his City Friend. Five and twenty years ago. when the West ern region senretly settled when the country bar room was the place cf common resort, situ! before those old fashioned bar room stories had degenerated into the gossip uow generally heard in every drinking saloon, there was a J certain set -of good -humored, free and easy in dividuals whose custom it was to "forgather at theiii,r," of Old , in EHicottville, Ca- ! taraugns County. Conspicuous among t!se set was Counselor G whose roily.!), vet teady wit has spread his fame far and near ; j throughout that region of country. Another member was a geuusman wnom Ae will call , .- ' .... fe.jniiwAiTiajCI!np j nwnr nmnv . wfn. 3 aua q'l!aig mugs oi uoi uiu, a -iiinu UilUOit fnrirotten. I , uut nine M a leu i m jm vuiji.i , .is n does others, and the subsequent history of the . counselor and worthy Mr X , was as di- verse as their fortunes. G , plodded on i verse as their fortunes. G , plodded on with his "caprises" at Elhcottvilie. X : i fine time became engaged in respectable du- . .. fa 1 . tii s 1 ere Legal business, at distinct intervals, called ! ia it. probably, gave him the cold shoulder. The man of the law noticed this iii'lifiefeiice, and possessing in wit what the other did in rhina determined to ascertain whether A. - really meant to cut him or net. Meeting him i'n the street next l ay', lis said "X , my old iriend how d'do?" "Very well, how are ybu?" "I say, X , I've noticed several times lately that yon have rather avoided me than othewise, and I ain't goin' to stand any such gammon .' Why, wlidt ' 'We used to be mighty good friends up in EHicottville, and I don't know why we should not be here.' 'But my dear Sir.' 'Oh, it's no use talkin'; just go in here now, und treat, as you used to ' 'Why, I've just had my breakfast, and don't want anything; besides 1 am in a hurry to get to my business; but 1 ii treat you it you want me to.' , . . 'Well let's go in.' .... , And they entered a small 'one horse grocery' where the 'cheap and nasty' was dealt out by the small. X gave a, nod to the mixer, behind the bar, and said: Just give my friend here some beer, and wi it. crackers und cheese he wants, and change it to mi l' 'uiidng to G , he remuiked, , 'von must excuse me now, I've a irree mu.i v ml things to aiienu io, anu qui siay any iu;.gei , after which he left. Well, if that isn't cool,' says G .t .... l 11 I X ill iitj jm.t, Having dispassionately imbmea ins Leer, be stopped a moment to consider. 'I say bar keeperl' r 'What'li you have, sir?' 'Have you got plenty of crackers and cheese?' 'Yes, sir.' 'How much will the cheese weigh?' 'About sixty pounds apiece.' 'Full sixty? . ., , 'Sixty, and no mktahe.' Well, just send over to the Farmer's Hotel, where I stop four cf these cheeses, and three barrels of crackers, and charge them to Mr X , will yon! You heard him say I was to have what, crackers and cheese-1 wanted?' 'Yes 'Sir ' 'Well, send them down son, because I ex pect my team'll be there in a little time, and I shall want them all ready.' Certainly7, sir.' -I'lie iVnV clieenes and tftre.c.bsr.rels of crack ers were sent down, and in the course of time, Mr X. was presented a bill for the same, which he said, confessing at the same time, that al though rather.expcnsive, thr- joke was, neverthe less, a gooil one. lie never afterward gave the cold shoulder to Councellor G. KEMARKAnLE Ksc'ArE Fkom Death. A num- I ber of boys were playing ball, in the Borough on Monday last, w hen the ball falling into a well a little son of. Mr. Samuel Campbell, about ten vears old. went to look for it and loosing his j balance was precipitated to the mot tin, a it,s-.l"1" p auopiorcu ucnotalntg s!,.-!!i inten taiiee of 45 feet, their being 15 feet of water '; ding to keep it as a relic, bu U.iding it rather in the well. The bucket attached to the wind- ''avy, threw it down, wheu it iustaatiy exp'ir less rope, was sunk quite to the bottom, at the ;0d, and killed, him a'tu.t ?--'.e:ihg the iiei:d. time, and as the little fellow rose to the . niy- I !'!'"-,J1 body, completely cutting of hi right face he caught hole the rope witli 0113 hand, ', h'g. The remains were brou.-;ht to the pi n' and with the other, reached for and secured Wnelu;e they were haned Jlis eo'!p.imo:i e--the ball which he deposited in his pocket- thci ;"'Pcd w ith a slight scratch upon the bp. O 1 seizing H13 rone with the other hanel" also sang;1'1- following day two R.jsshins were kdl-d out to those above, "Pull me up, boys, pull n;e 1 Up!" They commeccd turning the wmdlas, thr ; 1 1 1- 1 1 1 11 1-1 1 i boy Holding on by his hand, bv w hich alone 1 - - ' . ; . ... he was supported during the w hole distance i f his fearful ascent; the bucket hanging some way. he-lew hifeetj .When a JWt the way u, his father arrived in a state of great excite ment, and looking over the curb, and the little y.aelter, catching his eye, cried, out, "lie! the boys, Pap, "help the boys pull me tip." ; Arriving safely or. terra firma, witu but a vv slight bruise on the head probably y biniviui ' the bucket at tile bottom of tiie well, as strung, ; 0,.nl111fri'.l nothin"- i fs t "lay appear, he v ' h-s decent till lie struck the watei ue u' ' Iitq d neon f till tie stl T p " ", . , ., 1 ;n,,,,,.,li itev hnm lamrpd his clothes, ajic ..inimeuijit ly commenced his ball-pbiymg sport wo h h; S com . L .. -V-.. I Jo lifiil lm imeiied ! panions, asn nounn;Teiuaittau.w , v Brownsville Clipper the fbltowins Pithy correspondence rcecnt! naRpA between a Baptist and a Methodist ; , . . . , . ...,, clergyman, it is sate, in a cuy v...e..i. a- reviTa l)as been in progress: , Mtbndkt lerrrvmaii "De;i' Baptist to Method st clergyman le.i IJrotiier: 1 suan . .irajuiic omt .wn.vvo morrow; if any of your converts prefer to bi baptized in our mode, I shall be happy to oup tize them, as candidates for your church " .. Methodist to Baptist clergyman "Deai Brother: Yours received. I prefer to wash my own sheep." 'Dcestick3 Gets X.Iai-risa. Vfe'v taken a partner for Y,i nrd I've got a wife. In my room a pair cf hrovv g-ahers rccupy the con.ef where ct.r boot jack used to hnnc;, jumI we Hatter onrse.vea th;jt I've r. nde a good burg.-iin in the ex change. 1 now t::ke a rei ev.ed interest in the ju ice of beef, a::u we bully tiir butcher vith the v.lr of a res-.ect.-sble i ; Vv.nri. We buy my. potatoes now DiVic 'i'und we are not to be bauibooik d (-ut cf 53V niTV change by anybody. Bbt 1 a:n rot "a 'malefactor,' ami x urn not co on a 'train 1 T ,i: i i ' We have finished all mv 'trains,' and I hence-fortli claim for oursejf the name of a correct and sober inuhiduaJ. . Ueer we will not take in to my mouth, and our lips shall be scaled when the festive 'cocktail' would tempt me to niuuie- social 'cobbler.' 1 6r th jsreui il ';,de:,' or the sednctiv e 'siiiaslw' J, jVCri!EMM? .our r seir 13 T Sf (r uXi- ww - iiIc-uOl rov nmpsfic Iiti. my 'domestic life. Triangle, uv'aunt! -Jci ret theo be- hind me! ifarcweight, arlnt iliee! Tying, my jolly" joker, u;tv?n with thee will 1 take '" - J : ' . , ; ; ' Vv ! ;,r aCCUSt0m1 jU' ' 1j" V'' see ! ee s niyniend and onrjoeose contnbat( I but thou and I, Henry, have ta ken our la our accustomed 'nip.' 'ilW. 1).,' we esteem or lot 'swig' from your little private wicker bottle temt me not. . ' Vr.e are not r, her.ediet, and I am deter mined to. hecet.-io respectable, steady and se rious. I have invented nn anti-b iehelor'cj niultiplication.tisLle, which we have learned by heart, und which I commend to the c;u . ful coiifideratioii ci' the ri !t ni .- : Twice two 'siaashes' buys a box of hair- , Twice three 'colliers1 buys a pair of ear rings (cheap.) 1 wice four 'lap-ers' buys a pnir of irlovca (ieinale.-) Twice live jit4ep3' bavs a breast pin (fe m.'iie.) Twice six 'punches' bays a linin cellar (fe male.) Twice seven 'ales, Ir.iyes a pair of shoel (feinaie) J. v tee esjrnc- 'touuies. uys a. caneo tiiCii, with ch-tli enough for ;i bas.pie and panta lettes. , Twice nine 'bitter?; bny., a summer boii? net, (and leaven a t-vifie towards the veil anc. trimmin'rj;?. Twice teir 'sangarees' buys a pair of stayi (machine-stitched, with patent eyelets and : embroidered 'down the i.eck.S Tivice flevea s7iii?-. Jriva ' rnlTnr alut um er-sh eeves. (ami leaves ,-i b il a balance to- ' Wir';5 1 frie.) ! r . . J .vice twelve Urandy st-raij,- it. 4" are o-ood looped :irt, ('i-ldhen-se m?.o twj And pairs or lone: scoc-kiay,-s and ii lairasol. v so on throuivh, ending up wilh Twelve tinierf twelre ba.s.'iet'S 01 chnm-paig-no pttys house rent fer a year, aad leaves a. mar;iii. . It's astonis .ir.o- how much I've learned of the mysteries of female apparel in ten da vs. I know that the (h-.-ir creatines trim their bonnets with foundation muslin; (hat it takes throe bredtlm and a half to make a dress, and that, the lower ed:eof t?n :r white skirts 's always hem-stitched v ith laee-werk. Lood-)ye, bacneiorouai. We ar ried individual, thouo-li !,1, a.-, ovc a ma r- w ltil a con-uera OiC reservation, youis, Ol.D SrlEI.T.S is .S'ta.A.ToPOb Ib.nWIVG Ur. - A corcspoa.lciit writing froai Scbat,,j,0 s:;ivs- " Tiie bonil-'Sliells stl'eWil ;;!). ". tU. (.jty roig toe siege a te siiii loing the work of death' No less than eight dealhs,' I tlot.k, ha v . bee r cans d by expiosions of theso imss'des since my arrival, hardly a y-i ir since. O.dy a few d iv og', two seaiiicii belonging to" t he J'i-.. ;"U slcamcr Beyrout, can.e ou siio.-j m-ai (..:; ship yard, and for a few moment--, were convei-ing witli .Mr Ooivin. I'iuy then storied for a walk to the Redan, qmte near our reshb-nco and ou reavhbig t he lireastwM k. one of then. " ' siinu'ar niiini.cr, while pickhig out tho stopper of a s'o 11, Cr !".!': L'S :-J';i!Ni; IN Ai 1 The Tii Watchtow er, in an i.Meiv.-rteiir review of Rrof. Tnomey's last rejiort on the Gcuiiv.v t Ai' iba ma, states t'eit near the line befueeu 1 1 ;i acoel,; and Lawrence, there is a sj rieg f ipiid hi a men or mineral tar, which hs sa'.l to be -i iac .vhat remarkable f"f its cuiniivc pt-; . ; t'c-.': indis'said to n known cure for fcrofnia, can cerous son s, rheumati.-i'i aud other d.'sea yes ii which alteratives are rerjuireff. The wafci runs out Jro:n a seam or crevice in ?to:ie aud tar of biliiiiien floats en" tl luC fUno ic r.r:rf;:cc a oiaciv mam, veiv couesive anu insoluiiic! u . ii..?. . 1 , . , 1 -vater. The tar eairbu collected, und patients' visiting the springs frequently take it in the I'orm of pills. Hcwto Cooi. WATrif If it is desired to Ce-or' vater for drinking io warm weather stud ice. aunot be obtained for this uriiose, lit it be; iept in an ungbized earthenware pitcher, wrapt round with two or three f'oid.i oi" course- cot to:i, loth kept censtaiitly wet. The tltcorv of ooling water 4n this manner; is the absorption if heat from it, by the evaporation of the utoist ire iti the cotton cloth expansion producing cold and couipressiou neat ; , .

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