T5 'A'Yf SISiS IE Th S C0n:1;:l"i 1 hi id iJ losses, amount 1 Cvej.-u. l V,';. lssuieni: insurance ihat flu ?! I' ll eri;irr itS II H l"' "policies Issued to 1st of May. i58,27C. An,,tnrnropevty now ilisur d. SI. 474,922 34 $224,SC8 23. 5)32,17 41. notes now ou hand, A mount orciniimi f'ash i.teisiiums received, DIRECTORS. Geo. McNeill, J). A. Kay, 11. L. Myrover. S. W.'i iinnghast, Henry f-iny. N. A Stednian, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Liitteib-h, S. W T. Hawlcy, N. Tilliii:bast, A. A. Mckethan J. D. William?, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel; Jas Ky le, ' . ci. Miepneru, Win. McLaunn R. F. Brown, Wilmington.. A.E. Hall. "Wilmington. OFFICERS. E(h Mr.VLlLL. President. D. A. Lay. Vive-Pies. dent C. A. McMillan. Seen tary. John Collins and C. C. McCrummcn, Traveling As"iits. "The Company invite applications. May 21), 18."8. 1 J PLOWS! PLOWS!! PLOWS!!! ,.t roooivt-n. Nos. C. 10. J, 50 and l0 Plows. J Castings to inat'-h C. E. LEETE, May Z'J, 2t FARMERS TOOLS. DOZ. GRASS CRADLES; i C 12 li 2 JO Scylbo Blades; Stones; Collins' Axes; Broad do. St ei Ilni's; N'o. 10 Cotton Cards. 10 Just received by May 2'J' C. E. LEETE. 2t COOPERS TOOLS. 1f DOZ. HAt.Jviitij; DOZ. 1U 5 " Scrapers; 5 " Pullers; 2 " Cooper's Adzes: ALSO Clue. Truss Hoops, Hacker Stones, D"owlinV Bits, Ac. For sale by C E. LEETE. May 29, 2t ALE! .ILL 11 ALi: 12 DOZ. ALLSOPP'S ALE For sale bv C. E. LEETE. .May 21), 2i 3NT33T GOODS .1 7' US I O xV JILL E. TFIE SulMT'.b(rs :ikv! this method of informing iln-ir friends A- Customers that they hare just received and cvp'-c i k"cp o :i.-t.a:itiy on hand, a genera! assorlin 'lit (if Dry (Juods, Groceries. Boots & Shoes Hardware V Ciitlt-ry. Ready .Made Clothing Ac. and every other a.-'icle 'h it is 'irn:lly kept in u country Store. ti whi- h tli- y would call the attention of the trading comiiiu.iit v. FULMORE & THOMPSON. Union vilie X. C.May 22 l.'.s tf Observer coj y 1 times weekly. tu k in : o n t u -c a n ( ) 1 1 : a AMJ MAGAZINE OF USEFUL INFO It MA TION. The r.naorsigned jropO-cft to publish in the Oity of llaleij;!;, si foni-fiilAfiat J ovrxm,, of the nlxjvi; title, devoted exclusively to the dissemi nation of statistieall ini'iTmat ion. The want of such a Journal is felt bv every intellizeiit citizen, who desires to become at all acquainted with the resources of the State, enr present c r.idition, future prospects, &c, and by no?ie so much Jis by nr J ejiislu tors. That vve have no regular system of statistics, cannot be attributed to any want of material. There are laro amousits of valuable and inter esting i liforma tion scattered thioim-!i our Iie.1'3 lative ami Executive Documents and Records, which, in their present situ ition, for aii practi cal purposes, mijjht as well be in the Chinese lamzuaire. Besides what our Legislative archives contain, our newspapers often publish Valuable statistical information, which is either lost, or if preserved by a very few, is .o incon venient to find whet, wanted, that the facts are soon forgotten. 1 he sa me may be said of the lleports and Statements from time to time made by our incorporated companies" and others engaged in Manufactures, Mines, Commerce, Sec. T collect these various items of informa tion, and give them to the public in a shape easy of reference and for perpetual preservation, as well as to gather from all available resour ces, everything bearing directly or indirectly on our wealth, prosperity and industry, is the design of the Journal now offered for public patronage. So far as the plan for condtictirig the same lias been matured, the pages, of the" STATIST will be devoted to the arrangement of such tables relating to our Population, Agriculture, Commerce, Ivlueation, Public Improvements Manufactures, L isiieries, Mines, ami Social Sta tistics generally, as will present their condition and our progress in each. . It is designed to contain the Reports (condensed) of the Public 7Vea surer, Com missioners of the .Sinking Fund, Superintendent of Common Schools, and all other State Offi cers and Boards; as also, Statements and Re port? of the condition and progress of the Vari ous Railroad and Navigation Companies. The Statist will be put to press as soon as a sufficient number of responsible nanes are ch ained to pay the expenses of publicaroj. The numbers wjil contain each, not less tfian 150 pages closely printed matter, making a book of 800 pages, or more, to which will be added a full and complete index. Terms: THREE DOLLARS per annum ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, for six months: payable when the first number is ready for publication, which fact will be duly announced in the public Newspapers. OPThoso pprsrtn intending to patronize the Journal, will send their names to the untlersip-ned without delay, as it is desirable to issue the first b umber as si on as possible. QUEXT. BUSBEE, lla e'gh, N. C. Ja:i. 1 1858 CAN EPiLIPSY BE CURED We think the follow ing letter from a respectable citizen of Misisipr-i will answer the question, am remove all doubts from every unbiased mind; GaKXADi, Miss, June 5, 1S55 Dr. Sath S. llance. Baltimore .M !. Dear Sir: I tak; great pleasure in fc'laliug a case ofspasmsor fits curei Lyyo.irinvalual.de Pills. My brother J. J. Ligon. has loir? been a.Ricted with this awful disease. lit was iirstattacked while quite young, He would hav Ouo or two spasms at one attack at first; but as h grew older, they seemed to increase likewise. Up t the time he conVmenCed iakiug yonr Pills.he had then very often and quite severe, prostrating him body in mind. Hi mind ha 1 suffered seriously; but now; am happy to s iv he is cured of those fits, lie ha enjoyed ii.ie health fo'r the last five months past. Hii ini'ui hasalso returned to its original sprightliucss All this I take great pleasure in communicating, as i may be the means of directing others to ths remedy hat will cure them. Yours respectfully, &-. U W. P. LIGON. No person who is sv.iTering from Fits., or Spasms 8hom.i neglect sending to Dr Uance, after this fore supply -rf'b.is inestimable medicine. His price Pre a follows: on box $''; two 5, twelve $24- -.e;it Ly -mail free on rt- receipt of remittance. Addrct.' frith 5. ltooce 10 EtltiaiFe, lid ritorosALS for naval surrLiES. . jSAVY DEPARTMENT. Bureau of Constructioa, Equiplineiit, v.c, TiRiy, 13. lf)58. p3 EaLED PROPOSALS to fui -nUh navil supplies ij lor the liscal year ending Kuth June, Ibdj, will uc x-iuci ved at ibis iiuicau until 3 o tiocis, p. ia., 01 ilic loih June ue.v.t. "1 bese proposals must be en uorsed -Propoals for JNavut buplies, .bureau 01 woustructioii; Ac," tiiat they may be distinguished iiom oiher Ousiutss letters. Ttie male rials and. At t.cles embraced in the classes named are particaiaj-iy Uecriled iu printed schedules any of w uicu will be lurni. htd to such as desire to oiler, on application lo the commandants of the ;re--pective yards, or lo the uavy-ageut nearest thereto, iid those of all the yards upon application to this oiireau. '1 his ttivisiou into classes oeuig- lor the con veiiience of dealers in each, such portions will be fur-ui.-hed as are actuai.y required lor bids. The com mandant aud uavy-ajjeut 01 each station will have a copy of the- scnedules 01 tue other yards, for txamina tioa only, Iroui which it may be judged whether it will be desirable to make application lor them. Otters must be made for lue wt ole of a class at any yard upon one of the' printed schedules, or iu strici corformity therewith, cr they will not be consiueivd The contract wilt be awarded 10 the lowest bona fide bidder wlio gives proper security for its fuliil- nieut. The Uuited tiites reserves the right to reject ail the bids for any class, if deemed exorbitant. Ail articles must be of the very be.-t quality, to be delivered iu good order, aud in suitable ves-els and packagee, a-i the case may be, at the expense aud risk of the contractor, and in all respects subject to the inspection, uiesureineut, count, weight, A.c. of the yard where r. ceived, and 10 the entire satisfaction of 1. be commandant thereof. Bidders are referred to tha commandants of th-i respective yards for samples, instructions, or particu lar deser ptiun of the articles; and, all other tiiiugs boing equal, preference will bo given to articles of A 111 e r i c a u in a u u i'ac t u r e. Every oiler, as required by the law of 10th August, 1S4K, must be accompanied by a written guarantee, the form of which is herewith given. Those only w hose offers may be accepted w ill be notified, and the contract will be forwarded as soon thereaf ter aa practicable, which they will be required to exeene wilhiu ten days af ter its receipt at the post oiliee or navy agency named by them. Su etiesintlie full amount will be required to sign the contract, and their respoiisibilit- certified to by a United Slates disrUet judge, United States dis trict attorney, collector, or navy agent As addition al security, twenty per centui'i will be witi.hi Id from the amount of the bills until the contract shall have been completed; and eighty per centum of each b ll, approved iu trip.icate by the commandants of the respective yards, v. ill be paid by the navy-agent at the points of delivery within thirty days after its presentatian to hitii. It is stipulated iu th$ contract that, if default. ba made by the parties of the lirst pait in delivering ali or any of the articles mentioned in an' class bid 1" r in the coatraot, of the (iiial.ty and at the time and places above provided, then, and ill that case, the contractor and Ins sureties will iorlett ml pay to the United Slates a sum of money not exceeding twice the amount ot such class, which may be recovered f'-om tim to time, according to the act of Co igress in that case provided, approved March 3, 183. C asses No?. 1, 2. 4, li. 7, to bo delivered one-fourth part on or before the 1,5th May. one-fourth part 0:1 or before the 20th July, oae-fourrii part by the 2.1th Sep tember, and the remainder Ly the ll Decciidier. lS."y Classes j and !). the whole by the loth May. The remaining classes to be delivered one-fourth part on or before the 1st September next, one-fourt'! part on or before ihe 1st December next, one-fourth part on or before the 1st April, and the remainder on or be fore the iJUth June, 18511, unless earlier required with a notice of twelve days, comprising at each delivery a due proportion of each article. Class li) and all following, il additional quantities of any of the arti cles named therein are demanded, they are to be fnr nifhed on like term and conditions previous to the expiration of the fiscal year, upon receiving a notice ot liiteen days from tae the yard, or navy agent, b.'.icau, the commandant ot Form of Offer: I. -, of , in the Slate of . hereby agree to furnish and deliver, in the respective navy yard?:, all the articles named in the classes hereunto annexed, aureeably to the provisions of the schedules therefor, and in conformity with the advertisement of th- Bureau of Construction, &c. of the 12th of liar, ISoS. Should my offer be accepted, I request to be addressed at . and the contract sent to the navy agent, at , or to , for signature and certificate. Date Signature. A B. The Schedule which the fodder enclose must lie pasted to his offer, and each of them signed by him. Opposite ouch article in the schedule the price must be set, the amount carried out, the aggregate footed up for each class, and the amount likewise wfitteu in wolds, Form of Guarantee; The undersigned, State of of in the and of in the State of case the foregoing bid of hereby guaranty that in - tor any of the .he or they will, clashes therein named be accepted within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the posi omee nameu. or navy-a-geiu uehiguaieu, e.xe- ra . .... 4-.. .i 1 . .i .... ii I . l . v ...... ...... .. . I.,.: cine me couiraei ior iae sitiiie. nuu gw uuu u:i- ci in surenes: im in case in etiiiT lriLO t:ouiiiici. a.- aunt biiu. e uuAiaiuv tu j i make cood the ddi'erence between th-" oiler of the said and that which may be accepted. Signatures of two guarantors C D E F Date: Witness. I hereby certify that the above nrimed are known to me as men of property, aud able to make good their guarantee. Date. Signature. G II To be sigrifcd by the United States district judge, United States distridt attorney, collector, or navy agent. he following are the classes required at the re spective navy yards: KITTERY, MAINE. Class No. 10, White pine. Class 1 1, Asln No 12, Black walnut aud cherry. No 21, Iron Spikes and uails. No 23, Lead, zinc, aud tin. plank. No 22 No 27 Paints, oils, fcc. No 32. Leather. No 3:. Hose: 3. .Pitch, tar, and rosin. o 38, Tallow, toap oil. CH ARLESTOWN, M ASSACIIUS STTS. No aud Class No I, U nite oak logs. iNo 3. White-caj: miscus timber. No 10, White pine. No 11, Ash ev press. No 11. Hickory butts, elm timber, pro aad and white wood. No 15. Staves. No 1(5, Black spruce. No 2 1. Iron. No 22, Spikes aud nails. No 23, Lead, zinc, and tin. No 24, Pig iron. No 25. Hardware. No 27, Paints, oils, &c. No 2S. Flax canvas. No 2. -Cotton caavas. No 30, I lax and cotton twiue. No 31, Glass. No 32. Leather. No 33, Hose. No 34' Brushes. No 35. Bunting and and dry goods. No 37 Pitch. Tar. rosin. No 38, Tallow, soap, oil. No 40, Stationary. No 41, Fire wood. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Class No 1. White oak logs. No 3, White oak pro miscus timber. No (i, Yellow pine plank stock logs. No lo, White pine. No 11, Ash, cypress, white-oa boards. No 12. Black walnut, cherry, &c. No 13, Locust. No 14. White ash oars, hickory bars, and butts. No 15, White oak staves and bea liog. No I (i Black Fpiuce, No 18, Lignumvita?. No 21. Iron. No 22, Spikes and nails. No 23, Lead, zinc. tin. No 24, Pig iron. No !5. Hardware. No 27, Paints, oil , Ac. No 28. Flax canvas. No 29. Cotton canvas. No 3 ). Flax and cotton twine. No 31, Glass. No 32. Leather. So 33, Hose. Xo 34, rushes. So 35, Blunt ing and dry goods. So 37, Pitch, tar, rosin. Ifo 38 Tallow, soap oil. Ho 3D. Ship chandlery. Xo 40, stationary So 41, Fire wood. PIIILADEPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. Class No 1, White oak l?gs. Xc 2, White oak plank. Xo 3. White oak promiscus timber. So (5, Y'ellow pine plank stock logs. So 7, Yellow pine beam. So 10 White pine. So 1 1, Ash, cypress, white oak boards. So 12, Black walnut, cherry. So 13, Locust. So 14, White ash ores ami hickory bars. So 16, Black spruce o 18. Lig.iumvitas So 21, Ifon. So 22, Spikes and r.ai'.s. So i 23", I-rea-d. ziue. and tin. So 25. Hardware. So 27. Paints, oils. Ac. So 28, Flax canvas. So 29, Cotton canvas. So 30. Flax aud cotton twine. So 31 Glass. So 32. Leather.- So 33. Hose. So 34, Brushes, So 35, Bunting and dry goods. So' 37, Pitcth, tar, and rosin. So 38. Tallow, soap, oil. So 3; Ship chan dlery. So 40, Stationery WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Class So 10. White pine. So 11, Ash, cypress, white oak boards. So H, Black spruce. So 21, Iron. So i2 Spikes and nails. So 23. Lead, zinc, and tin. So 24 Pig iron. So 25, Hardware. So 27, Paints and oils. So 29. Cotton canvas. So 30. Flax and cotton twiue. So 31, Glass. So 32, Leather. So 37. Pitch, tar, rosia. lo 3Sr Tallow, soap, oil. So 39, ship chaa- dlery. So 4.5, Tank and galley iron. So 44, Chain iiou. So 45 Ingot copper- fto 47, Miscellaneous 5 OO.Si'OUT. ViUOlXIA. rinss No 1, Whiio oak logs. No 6. Ye-Uiwr pine plank stO'-'i Iocs. Nolo. V. Lite pi;. Noll. Ah anj ovt.nfu.. Noli Bi -.ck wnli.ut.cLiir?. ui:tina.iiy butts. No It' i; h.tr ash oar h!c..-y lmr. imi i.i i l.ii -.its. No IS. i.i 'nu:nvite No ,l iT?U..- 2- NpUtM ni nail. N, Si Lcl.l. ziu.nU tin a iTi - ,rn , Utflwarf. Soil. 1-aiutn. &e No ii. V lax can van. No 3a. Cotton canTas. iSoSO. Klax and cot ton tw.ne. No 31. Ola,!.. No 32. Leather: No 33. Hose No it. Jirus-hes. No 35. Buntirii; and dry goods. No 37. Pitch tar. rosm. No38, Tallow. soap and oil. No 39. ship chandlery. No 40. Stationery. . T - WARRINGTON, FLORIDA. . Class No 1. White oak logs. No 3. White ok promisoui. titn N 5,Hhiuoiik M pii-cua and rudder stocks. No 10. White pine No U. iilack wtluut and ch.rry. Nol-J Locust No 14, WTiite ash oar. hickory bars and butts. No 18 Liunuiu Nofnts!, 35, Hard-are May 29. IS J3. 4t HOUSE, LOT, AND NEGRO. THE undersigned w ishing to c?ose r.p their oli busi ness, offer for sale the HOUSE & LOT on Ilaymount formerly occupied by M'a.jr.r Xliinrore. Also a NE OUO BOY 14 years of age; having tried him 'for the last five months, we can recommend him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out doors, sold for no fault, but to close old business. F. N, & J. II. ROBERTS. -Mjy 8 loo-tf nEiRQl illTERS 2 DZVISfO, r. C. Mfr itia. if iayet eville, May li, ifejg. To the Field and Commissioned Olacers connected with the Foiwtb. Brigade of the Second Division K. C. Slil itia.: YOU are hereby ordered to appear at your usual place of Regimental Parade, ou Saturday- the li'th of June next, for the purpose of electing a Briga dier General, in place of Brig. Gen. - A. D. Mijlieau, resigned. JNO. WINSLOWl - Maj. Gen. 2d Div. N. C. Milita, lancers noining elections w:u report in ten day ac cording to law. May 15, te LAND FOR SALE The Subscriber wishing to remove from tb now offers his valuable tract of Land for gale. '-.-..raid tract contains about I OH acres, has a good Dwelling, necessary out. houses and a lirst rate Well of vater. there is also a Young and old Orchard of apple and peach trees on it. The Land is on the RailjEoad 4 miles West of Favfctteviile. For terms npnly!to May 8, 100-tf ET1IELDREDGE PUTTER. MKDICAL C0LLEGK OF GE0UGIA, AT AUGUSTA. The Twenty-Sixth course of Lectures in this Iasti- tution, will cemmence on Monday next. Emeritus Professor of Anatomy Anatomy. II F Campbell. M. D. , the 2d November .G.M.Newtcn, M.D. Surgery, L. A. lHi-as. M. I). Ia-titutes and Practice of'Me licine. L. I). Fdrd.M.D. Materia Medica. Therapeutics and Medical Jurispru dence. I P Gravin. .M. D. Obstefrics aud Diseases of Women and Infants, J. A. Eve. M.D. Phvsiology and Pathological Anatomy. II. V. M. Miller. M- !. Chemistry and Pharmacy, Alex. Means, M D. Demonstrator of Am-tomy, R Campbell. M.D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, S. 15. Simmons. M. D. Clinical Lecture's will Tie delivered in the City Hos pital and at the Jackson street Hospital. Fee for whole Course, 3105. i Matriculation Ticket (to betaken once.) 5 1 For further particulars, apply to any member of the Faculty-, or to " I. 1'. GRAYIN, Dtan. Sept 5th, le"57. GG-tf FUPUURE! FURNITURE!! FOll TUB TK.UU-: Oil l'KIVATK USE. 2s YfTVTTJi Furniture M a u n Hi c 1 n r c r s , q OO B i iVF.liY NEW YORK, Terms ash. O c lr;cc Only. Heretofore we have maun aciured and soid' exclusively at whob-inle. We are now prepnrul tn oiler a well assorted st c.v at retail, at a -vinar of from twenty to tLirfy per cent, to tLe - 3 Consumer. ' ! We have now' for sale fa Mahogany Chairs, -pring seals. upnoistereu m hair ci from ,th, S2 25 to 6 00 er.. Mahogany Sofas, spring seats, ej upholstered in hair cloth, from 13 00 to 26 00 l Mahogany Rocking chairs. t3 spring seats, upholstered Q iu hair-cloth, f rom 5 00 to 12 00 S Mahogany easy Chairs, a on castors or rockers, up- ?M hol-tered in haircloth. 11 00 tc 18 00 " W Mahogany Tete-a-tete, up- fZ bolstered in huir-Cloib. 15 00 to 35 00 " 3 Magogany Tete-a-tete Sofas. 3 upholstered in hair cloth 25 00 to 45 00 " I A St HL K A X I) ! A I O G A X X TO P Tables, ftl In great variety or styles, qualities and prices. jt j BUiKUS ll ilf Marbl and Wood Top. with i-. fdor without (Ha os. with Wi-s-h -stands to match. M 4 Also, Wardrobes-. Bedsteads, Sideboards. Hull r Stands, Book Oar.es, Lounges, Lteyeres, Corner .. Stands and Bock Shelves; fy OFFICE FURNIfUIlE. Desks, ; Tables aud Ej M Chairs. j pi All the above goods in black waluut-or oak atp, ri the same prices. v-J PARLOR SUITS, in Rosewood, upholstered UJ rin French Brocatelle. Satin Damask, Satin and M H Plush. ' 1 The same in Black Walnut, the frames ofh which are stained in varnishing, making a "oeiui-lg 1 1 f n 1 imitation, and upeolsfeted iu the same j" goods, make a sliriwy appearance at a much low-k er drice. r1 In our establishment can be found a great va-Li riety of Fancy Chairs, in Rosewood. Mahogany. "1 and Black Walnut. Turkish Smoking Chairs. Re-g .Wcilning Chairs, Hall Chairs, Voltaire Chairs, "J M 'Jane Chairs, and abo the Celebrated g SPRING BED. H Known as Tucker's Patent This article weL M would particularly recommend, it having beeuq 3 fully tes e I, and found upon trial to be the best m r 'Spring Bottom ever inventtd. , U CONCLUSION. , P Parties who are not ib'.e to personally select pi , the goods they may want. can depend upon hav-'lj mg their orders nncu wun as mucn care, ami yj their interest studied, as though tney w ere pre sent; and to such we also otter our services for PTn elfftirm of mi v TTonseliold Goods ITiptt mn v iwant. and as we sliould purchase from First 7 Hands, a saving will thereby be made which the'fe j customer would have the benefit of. R Aug. 1, 1857. 61-ly : V SHEPPARB'S CHEAT CEF.FACT0H TUB GREATEST I r2 15 I O I) 1 C A I j UEMEDY EVER DISCOVERED. 1 .000 bx.s, Rktaii.ko Moxihlv TliE BENEFACTOR IS INFALLIBLE for tbe im mediate removal of Obstructions lrrigularities, Pro lapsus Uter (falling of the womb) Lenchorrhea ot Whites, and all the disea cs peculiar to females. f . - This remedy has never in a single case failed in producuig the Menses. I have received many letters of recommendation, which all say, '-It is "the bet renvMlvwehave ever used." Sickness at stomach, headache languor, debility, painsin the head, side and back, loss of appetite, costiveness. &c., are some of the symptoms which attend irregular menstration. This remedy is certain to remove one and all of these symp toms Be sure and get the genuine, which has my signi turc on each box. This remedy may be had br ad dressing J. S. SIIEPPARD, West Fourth street Cin cincinafi. and enclosing SI, and the remedy will be sent by return mail. - N. B. Ladies who are pregnant should not rise this remedy, as it is sure to bring on miscarriage, though no injury to health would follow. One box $1 three boxes 52. All lettors of inquiry rr.iist Contain'a pos tage stamp to ensure an answer. J. S. SHEPPARD. Sole Frfcprietor, Cincinnati O. Auznst 1, 1R.57. 61-ly HDr. Or-ager, Baltimore, m,!, s he Sole Agent for Dr. Winder's celebrated Matri monial Series'S Books. Xo. 1, "A Book for Toung Men designed to prep ire them lor Female Society;" No; 2. "Errors in Courtship;" No. 3. "Reproductive Control." Either of which will be mailed to order pt6t paid, upon receipt of 25 cents. . jif ' r i GESIOE PHEPAKATION , of niGflLY COSCESTR1TED COJ1POUSD FLUID ESTttACT BUCHU. . For Disease f th- Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, ' Dtopsy, IVe ikness, Obscrudions, Secret Ltiicases, Fem ite Compaints, and all IHseaiies of the Sexual Organs, Arising from Excess and Imprudence in lite, and re moving ail Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing iu MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long stanfiiiig giving Health and yior to the frame, and bloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED !!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and re moves all the Symptoms, among which will be foun I Indisposition . to Exertion, Loss of Pow er. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis ease, Weak Njrves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death. Night Sweats, Cold Feet. Wakefulness, Dim ness of Vision. Languor, Universal Las situde of the Muscnlar System, autf often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms Hot Hands. Flushing of the body, Dryness of the Skin. Palled Countenance and Erup tions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, frequedtly Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, With Temporary Sulfiisioh and Loss of Sight. Want of Atten tion, Gleat Mobility, Rest lessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Patients than Solitude, and nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one ' question to ' an other. ,-' These symptoms, fallowed le go oii which this medicine invariably removes Soon follows Loss of Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fits in one of which the patient may expire. Whe can say that these ex ercises are not frequently followed by these direful diseases Insanity and Consumption? The records, of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Sonsuniplion. bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sod den and quite destitute neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should o sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.'' Debility is most terrible! and has brought thou sands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blast i i"-the ambit on of many noble youths. It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suiiering w ith any of the above distressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buchn will cure you. Try stand be convinced of its efficiency. Beware ofQnack Rostrum, and Quark Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know at.d avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money, and Exposure, by sendingor calling for a bottle of this Popular and Specific Remedy. ft allays all pain and infiamation. is perfectly plea sant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its action. nelmJoli,!s Kxtracl Bitclm Is prepared directly according to the Rule of Pharma cy and Chemistry." with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combina tion. See Proscssor Dewees' Vain able Works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. One hundred Dollars will be paid tt riny Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa tient; and the testimony ol thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. , Caes cf from one week to thirteen years" standing have' bScn eiTect.ed, The noiss of Voluntary Testimony in possession ot the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative pow ers, is iinetis-, embracing names well known td cience and Fame. X'i'ii'i) Sotiirs itavc bson SrL1 and not a single instance of a failure has been reported! Personally appeared before me. an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, II. T. H ELMBOLD. Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation con taiusno Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. . H. T. HELMBOLD. Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No vember. 1854 W. P. HIBBARD. Alderm'n PRICE: SI per Bottle, or Six for S5, Delivered to any Address, accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from ProLssorsofMedic.nl Colleges. Cler gymen and others. Prepured and sold by. 11. t. II ELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. No 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly Buibl'ngs. Phila. .7raBew!-,r- of Counterfeits. Ask for Ilclmbold's Take no other. (hires Guaranties!. jnro 1 S. 1K57. ly DU. W. It; Gp.ikfin, Ga., 1856. All persons afflicted with Cancer, Tumors, Wens, Scfbfula, Scald-Head, Tetter. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Otorrheeb Ulcers of all kinds, together with all other chronic diseases, can avail themselves of Dr. Mosely's services at Griffin. Ga. Ollice on 8th st. J6S2?TELtM8: All persons are required to pay their tees iu advance, or give with references. No case will be unless it can be cured or admit of their notes undertaken relief. Mv mode of practice in Cancer and Cancerous affec tions, is without the use of the knife or caustic, and is both local and constitutional, causing but very little paiii, ill most cases. All cases of CANCEIl are required to be under my immediate care and supervision from one to six weeks. ComihiinicatibnS Strictly private and promptly answered. Address W. R. Mosely, M. P., Gr'llin, Ga. S C 1 11 R H I S BREAST CAW BE CURED!! s LET THE PUBLIC READ. In mercy to the otllicted. and the gratitude and high opinion I en, tertuin of Dr Moseley, as a Surgeon aud Physician, 1 deem it my duty to mention the case of my wife, hoping at the same time that all personssimi larly afflicted may be benefitted -by it. In the fore part ot this year, my wife had several small lumps to triake their nppoarance in her breast ; they continued to increase in size, until the whole breast became a diseased mass, and very painful. I procured the best medical aid in the city of Rome, and n Jtwitbstanding the earnest and faithful attention of the most skilful physicians, she continued to grow worse and worse until they gave the case up as iucur'able, and advised amputation. I was advised by many of my friends, to yisit Dr. W. R. Moseley, of Griffin, Ga., which I did, and, astonishing as it may seem, be had her entirely cured within one month! and she is now in good health!! t would ad vise all who are afflicted with Scir rhus and Cancerous affections, to visit the Doctor with out delay, as I am satisfied by experience and .ebser vation, that he is the moft skilful physician in the Southern States, in the treatment of that horrible, dis ease Cancer WM. If. MITCHELL, M. E MITCHELL, Daughter of J. W.Bradbury, R6me. June 20, 1857. ly The Appkoachixg Fourth. Everybody is making preparations of some kind for the proper observance of the "Glorious Fourth." Some will go abroad, end ome will stay at home, others will remain sober ; some will don military uniforms, while the great majority will wear such plain clothes as are 1 ecoming to respec table and patriotic private citizens. Of course the great mass of these people will get their garments at the Brown Store Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson. JTos. 603 and (?05 (new irtyle) Chesaut street, above Sixth. July 11,1857. tf-58. " READ THIS! a h of.Tj a x r er' s testimox.t. .... Jacob Rinskes. living in the Holland settlement! of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. says: "After suffering for some m'! the misery attending an utter prostration of mind and body. I have been restored, by using Bcecrhave's Holland Bitters, to perfect bralth." .... The fact of this remedy being in such high repuff mong t"i Hollanders in Wisconsin. Miclrgan. New fork, in fact iri every Holland settlementin the United States agues much in its favor. Try P -for Chronic or Nervous Debility, or aoj Nervous oa Rheumatic, Neuxalgie affection HKLJIBaiiD'iS iKj-.i'HE (tr&at Female Pill. Dr. J. P. Creager is tbe.General Agent, wholesale and retail for Dr. -'WheatiDgs" celebrated Female Pills, lheee.yills are truly valuable for Ladies, lor they willrestcre the Monthly Co-irses where they may stop trout any cause whatever. They never have failed iu any ease where the directions around the box contain ing the Pills feave been strictly followed; indeed, there has uo ca.-e cr failure ever come to our know ledge. Being purely vegetable they are perfectly safe. Mail--'a p order, post paid, ttpon receipt of one dollar by J- P. Creasrer. Baltimore .itnr m.i a ltknr.i Aa count to Druggists. 72-tf J3- Why I .abor. sa Hard when Washing? I have a chemical process, for cleaning clothes by the ise of which the clothes cau be washed very clean without boiling, afd, with very . little rub bing. By this method much hard labor 'can be saved: the washing is done in half the time, and the clothes are very white and clean, and last much longer., for they are not worn out by rubbing as by the old way tf washing by machines. Ap.,. The articles used cost but little, and are .easy to obtain. 1 mail the ret-eipt lo order, postage paid, upon receipt of $0 cts, three cents postage stamps good as money. Address Dr. J P Creager. Baltimore city, Md. 72-tf. A. J,, A RC II A M 1$ A IJ PORTABLE STEAM EXGISU BClLDEh, S. E. corner loth and HamUt.tn fs., Philad., Pa. Portable Steam Engines, on largo( wheels, with a tongue for a team t o be attached to move them about. These engines have two cylinders, making 10 to 30 horse power. Orders are filled in from 3 to 5 weeks. Engines always on hand for salei ( These engines have been in use seven years, and in 'every instance have givengeneral satisfaction. Descriptive circulars will be sent when applied for. Jan. in. 1R57. 32-tf Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER, . At the Quaker City Publishing House ofDuahe Rulison. Philadelphia. By buying a book for $1, or more, you are at once presented with a prize, worth from 25 cents to S100. consisting of Fine Gold Jewelry Watches. &c. All orders by mail will be promptly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany tbe books. Our list contains all of the most popular books of the day. and will be sold at the usual retail prices, taany of them lor less. Persons wishing any particu lar book can order at once and it will be forwarded witq a gift. A catalogue giving full information., with a list of books and gifts, will be sent post paid by ad dressing DUANE RULISON. , , No. 33 S. Third Street. Phila. i-A-Rents Wanted. one Dollar a year Circulation' oVor 1 00,000 Copies Weekly ! 25 W 'TNES&E&i FORGER C0NV JOHN S. DVE IS THE or the i C T E D Author. as a Banker Who has had 10 years experience as a Banker and Publisher and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle when for 10 successive nights, over pS 50.000 People-?, greeted him with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and the surest aud shortest means of detecting them! The Bank Note Engravers all say that he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING C0OTERFLIT BAXK NOTES. Describing every Genuine Bill in existence and ex hibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that reference is easy and detection instantaneous. No index to examine ! No paes to hunt up! But so simplified and arranged. that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see at a glariCe. ExoLisn, FnExen aud Gkemax. Thus each may read the same in his own native Tongue. Jo it perpit Bank N'ot'e List ptillUhtd. Also, a List of all the Private Bankers in America. A complete summary of the Finance of .Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the important News of the day; Also, a series of tales from an old manuscript found ititbe Eaet. It furnishes the tnbst complete bistbry bf ORIENTAL LIFE, . describing the most perplexing positions iri which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the inbst entertaining ever offered to the public. Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at $1 a yeat. All Letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and proprietor, 10 Wall Street, New York. April 25, 1851. ly. PROSPCETUS dF THE SOUTltEItk LITERARY MESSENGER For the Year 1856. July to December. . IVBV'f V-THIRD VOLt'ME. In issuing the Prospectus bf the Twenty-Third Vol ume of the SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER, commencing with the July No., the Proprietors rely solely on the encouraging letters and promises of the friends of the Messenger to aid them in extending its circulation, and they beg to assure the public that no exei tions will be remitted tin their part tl maintain the high character of the work, and to challenge the patronage of all who vnltse. MeHintr litbfary merit. For Twenty -One Years, the Messenger has endeavored to reflect faithfully Ihe Southern mind, while disdaining all narrow and sectional views, and has been alone among the monthly periodicals of America, in defence of the PECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF. THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon tbe South, whether they come under tbe specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form of anti-slavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture, while our enemies are employing literature as their most potent weapons of attack, the Southern people will surely not withhold their encouragement from a work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in their de fence. The Messenger will, as heretofe, present its readers with Reviews, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Novels, Tales, Travels, Essays Paeitis, Critiques and Papers bit the Army, Navy and ether National Subjects. With a view to.ensfere & lgfgBr cireulJrtibn of the MESSENGER, the Proprietors th'cugh they intend greatly increasing the size of tbe work, have reduced tbe price of Supscriptioa, which is now only Three Dollars per. annnm, in Advance; OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT PAIDBEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAti. CliUBS Remitting us Fifteen Dollars in one letter, will be entitled to Six Copies. Tbe Editorial and Critical department or the Mes senger will continue under the charge of JOHN R. THOMPSON, EfqM And will em'b'ra'ce copious notes on current literature and reviews of all new American or Foreign works of "enefal interest and value. The Editejr's opinions will be always fearlessly anil honestly avowed. The Business Department is conducted by the under signed, to whom all communications of a business ua ture mustbe. adafessed ,.. . . , . . if ACFARLANE. FERGUSSON & CO. Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmond. Va. June 1. 1856. GOOD NEWS FOR tiADIESI ANY Lady that will send heraddresstoMrsCreageP Baltimore City, Md., with 3 cent postage stamps en closed, will receive by return mail information of im portance to her. Woman KnowT bysel f, and be happv. Oct-17. 72-tf ITr Honey the Best op Honey. T b;ve a valuable receipt for making Honey, which w!il send to any person upon receipt of 50 cents. We make and use it in our family at half the cost, and consider it as pood as the best article of genuine bee made honey. "from which it cannot be told." Any persons who will m'aie or.sell it can clear froin two to three dollars a day, it only requires 4 articles to make it. and tbey. can be. had at any store for 50 cents. Every family may have this delightful luxury, for any lady can make it in IS minutes at any time, .3 cents Sostage stamps as good as money. Address Dr. J. P. reegerj Baltimore citf , Md. 72-tt L. SCOTT & (JO.'S REPRINT OF THE , BRITISH PERIODICALS AJill TUB FARMLU'S guide. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THE LATTrEE PUBLICATION. L.SCOTT & CO.. NEW YORK, eeiTinue to pub lish the following leading British Periodicals,; vis: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (ConerTatiTe5 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW OYLig.) 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church. 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) 5 BLACKWOOD S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) These Periodicals ably rt present the fLrce great political parties of Gnat Liitain-W Lig, loiy. und Radict.1, but polities- ltrnt tr.ly c-r.e fttture cf their character. As Organs of the ir.cf-t prolciiLd writers on Science, Literature, Morality, ai d Religion, tley stand, as they ever have stood, unrivaled in tie woild of letters, being indispensible to iLe tcl.olar ei:d the professional man, w Idle to the intdictnt render of every class fhey furnhh a more correct and satif fac tory record of the current liteiatnre ot tic day, throughoqt the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from f he Brit ish publishers gives additional value to thtfe Ifr print? inasmuch as they can now be -plard in tLe lands of subscribers about as scon as the original editions. TLUHS. Ter ann. $3 00 For any one of the four Reviews For any two of the four Reviews For any three of Ihe four Reviews For all foiur of it-he Reviews For l!lackweod7s ftupazine For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackwood and the four Reiews 5 7 3 9 10 00 0 on 00 00 00 Payments to be nWe in all cases in advanrt' Money current in the State ichere issued ivill be -cei'vtd at 'pur. CLlEIXC'. A discount bf twenty-five per cent from tbn -i,,. prices will be allowed tot'i.ti s ordt i ing l,)Ur or more copies of any one or mote ot the above vorks. 1 hua Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be seui iy one auoress lor t:i; lour copies of tLe Reviews and Blackwood for S30; ai.U so on. lour POSTAGE tn all the principal Cities end Towns; these worl v. will be delivered. FREE OF POSTAGE. When tTiit uiun, iiic j uriutit; u illlj illl Ul H.C States will be. for Blackwood Lut and 1 ) ENT-i -FOUR CI-.N1 S a yea.-; but 1-CUR'lLEN CENTS a veai for each of the Reviews. 1 N. B. The price in Great Britain cf the five Periodicals alcve-ituwed isalcul $'dljer annnm', THE FAfiMEll'S GUIDE. To Scientific and rr-u-fical Aricultui e. By IKnry Stephens, F. R. S-. of tdii.1 uigh, and the late J. P. Norton Professor of S-'cit-ntif.c Agi ieul ture in Yale College. Nt w Haven. 'I vols Loyal Octavo. J 000 pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings. , ( This is, confessedly, the most complete work o! Agriculture ever published, and in eider to ghe it a wider circulation the publishers Lr.ve ret'eii ed to re duce the price to live Kcircrs for lire two frliins!! When sent by taail (post-j aid) . to California atuT Orepon the price will be 7 dollars: To tvtrv ether part of the Union, and to Canada (post-paid t dollars.' "S&fs., This w oik is not the old "Lock of the 1 aim." Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed post-paid, to lie I u hl crs, LEONARD SCOTT V. CO., No. 51 Gold-strict. New York. NATIONAL POLIl'13 CAZLT'if This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in it-. Twelfth Year, and is w idely circulated Ihrcugboul tl ej country. Jt containsill the great Trials, triniinii Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the san.e. to gether wi'.h iiilormotioii on Criminal Matters, not tu Le found in any other newspaper. Ssq, Subscriptions, $2 per Annum; $1 for Six Months, to be remitted by Subscribers, (w ho should write their names and the tow n, county and state wLere they reside, piainly,) To R A SEYMOUR, Editor end Proprietor of the Natioual Police Oazitte. New Yoik City June B, 1857 ly tnlialaf ion in CcnMiiHpUon. BRONCHITIS, LARYNGITIS, and other Di. eases of tbe Chest and 1 hroat. successfully treat ed by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Pow ders, by absorption and constitutional treatment, as practised at the Stuy vesaut Medical Institute, New York City. The ubprccedenteel sficcess which ha-s attended this method of treating diseases of the Lungs and .'Throat has induced us to depart from our usual course, and burselvcs of the columns of the press, in older td bring it to the knowledge bf such us n a'y be lal oiinj under or pf disposed to such afieel ions". The dawn of a brighter day Las at length an id for the Con sumptive; thedoetiine of the incurability of ccnsY.n p tion having at length passed away. We l.ae iudubi. table proofs in bur possession that Consumption in all its stages tan be cured! in the first, 1 y tubeicular ab sorption; in the second, by the treusloi mations of the' tuberciile into chalky and calcareous concretions, in' the third by cicatrices, br scars. Those weeldoel to the opinions of the past may assert, that even now, consumption is incurable, such are behind the age. To aH, this great truth niwst Le apparent, viz: that the medicines inhaled in the loim ol u or br i'owiii r di rectly into the Lungs, must be n ueh moie effective than that taken tnto the Stomach, where the disease docs not exist. The advantage bf Inhalation in Con sumption and Throat diseases is. Ilia! mtdieine in tLe form of Vapor is applied directly to tie Lungs, where the disease exists: the stomach is thus lilt fre lo aid in restoring health, by adnrnisferii g to it a lucllhy, litegmng loou. mere is no case o hopeless that Jn baitft'Oii will not reach! The means, loo. me liorght within the reach of all. the manner of administt i ing the Vapors being so simple that the invalid is never required to leave home, where the hand of friendship and affection tends so much to aid the physician's effortt- The Inhalation method is soothing, safe ard rei.dy and c6nsists in the administration of r.itd.cine in such manner, that they are cenwyed into the Lings in the form of vapor and produce their action at il.e st?.t of the disease. Its practical success is deslintd (o reT vblhtibnite the opinions oi tLe nitd:eul world antf eslablish the entire curability of Com i:mj lion. I earnestly appeal to the common sense of all r.fflic fed with Lung diseases, to eipLruce at oi.ee Ihe adi an tage of Inhalation, and r.o longer apply irdioine to the unoffending stomach. J claim for ; Inhalation a place amongst ihe priceless pills that nature and art hath given us. that -'run day may Le lor:g in Hie land." and as me only arK oisaie'y JOrtbe cotifuirp- live; a method not only rationI. Lut s,n jilt- ai d fii cacious. Such of the profession H at Lave side r feci Inhalation have found it tfi.caciens in the higl tst tie gree. arresting the progress of the disease aid vcik ing wonders in many desperate cases, in veidily a. signal triumph of our art over this fell Qctlroj or " of oiir species Note. Physicians wishing to make themselves ac quainted with our practice, are. infoined that, our time being valuable, we can Only rtplv. os to ingre dients fist fl, f osneh letters as eoi iain The fee. The fee in all cases of Pulmonary afiectirns will be $10. on receipt of which the necessary medicines and ipftrutnei.ts will be fbr-w arflefl. Applicants will state age. sex, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, and the symptoms generally. Lot tfee caire' town and State be .plainly ..writtenr I'r.Fttf re turn answer must be enclosed. Leflers. " tered will be at our risk. AH 'e-tfrrs muff edto. WALLACE MERTnrA S, M. Institute, New Nov. lz, la-tm wHisr :,AMt): : Warranted to force i, , urtache and Whiskrrs to grow strong and luxuriaat ia One month, where there was none before. ..Itwill not ftain or.injure the tkin $1 per bottle. Sent to all parts of the ccuntiy on re ceipt of price. Receipt for making $5. Da. P. SHELBON. , ug.' 8lh, 1867; NewYort

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