: ; . .- . -t - -;..frTn'' . - - : . " " r "rr" ' . . "" " TTTj THE 1111000 7 r$ 1? AWP.TT"RVTT.T. K TVT ( NAT K AV JUL 1U, LQOO. ? i 4 VOLfl E XI NO. 10,09 : : : , ... . :. J I I " ' TWTiTr B A Trm ! JAMES KYLE 4 Va T K il M S OP V itscitu no.v KUll THE CA Kor a dingle cjpy, if paid in advance, per a " " at the cud of 3 mo- at the end of 6 mc " ' at the end of the j -N'o subscription will be received for a 8 '.ha a one year u-iL-w nii.l in idpance. With the vi-w of extending the ciroul fob and en jaachig ihs u efalii:S3 of the paper, the p etor of fers the following; remarkably low j? 'LITR RITES, I.Yl'ARIABLY I.Y J.DVAJS CE: ." copies of the Carolinian, I year, f8 00 10 i. it u jl5 00 $2 00 2 50 3 00 , 3 50 ter period Kate of Advert telnet ,iixty eent per square of 16 lines, orles? ji'l SO cents for ench aub.-equent insertioi i-ertisein'-nt I published for more than it will be charged .- i-t,r three mouths, '- - - -For ir months. - - - ? . Iw -ive months, - - - -' - i9;00 vll Auveruai 'its mast have the desired l;?W,er? Vrrts iT.-fr:':- f rhrm, on&er..7-?B "Ttic mil b' in- j-'i-ted till forbui and charged accordina j'- Special i I n I ion is ilirtctetJ to this requisition. for the first unless the twro me nth 9, 00 00- tm t ni. F. WICiHTMA1 k CO. ri,KMKXT (i. xvmoin l lonicy at Ia-, h'a ycl tevi 11 OHice at the corner of I'.ow and Grec !-'el)"v .'i. 1S5C. -streets. If .1. A. SrRARS, ATTORNEY AT LA1', Vl'TKVDS t bo Courts of Cnmberl ad, Harne V-.tke and .rohtiston. ildre-ss. Toomer. !I: l-eb. 111. l.Sjll. tt :o. N. C. 85-y FULLER, Attorney V A V K r T K V I I, I, K , BT ,fay be consulted at tlie Law Office of ireen Street. 7-tf herd, 12 -q.. .Tulv 10, on (Jreen Stre lS5(i. c . ese The following valuable real estate, the property o j E. C. Hall dee'd. is offered for saleaud consists ot tne following tracts : That-desirable place known as Rome, containing about 260 acres with all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or dividedto suit purchasers, it being probably one of the best business stands in the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No 2, Consists of a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene ments in Cambleton, on Bridge Street near Claren don Bridge. rnd is a very desirable stand for business. No 3, Is S vacant lots inCampbellton, known in City plot asNos 109, 111, 112, an half of lot 113. No 4, Is a dwelling houseand lot on Haymount, corner of Plankroad and Adams St. A very desira ble residence for the whole year. No 5, Is a Corn "Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 15 horsepower. This is well worth the at tention of those living where water power ia not avail able, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H'. HALL,, Assign.. August 1, 1857. ... -'l:- Is now receiving his Spring supply of ZDZRTZ- GOODS- Among which are Prints, Lawns, and Brilliantes; Col'd and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen, Twilled and llin; Cashmere and Merino Twills;'1 White and Col'd Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Slikand Straw Bonnets; &c. With almost every article in the Dry Goods 4ine; ill of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia-: Will be offered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers, March 20. 93-tf 7T TTr 1 i t O AbU Negro Men wanted by the Subscribers Ot) to fork on the Payetteville and Western Rail Road Sections 10 1 1 & 18 miles from Fayetteville of whom thhighest price will be paid by calling the Subscrilirs on the work. t d. g. & w. Mcduffie. March 27t 94-tf NORTH CAROLINIAN FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. on Story of R SALE OR RENT. The dwellffc House and Lot on Hav Mount, A Romantic and. Pathetic . 'keal Life. The'Cleveland Herald relates the follow ing affeeting narrative, which is represented tive home, with which he io Communication since his e. On learnino; the sad M occurred in the meantime 75 accompanied the sister to tojs.and after the necessary re made he started with near j to be no less true than strange: the Donaldsoi Academy joining W J Yates and others of good watefrk Garden in front. It will be sold a nient ot a paintul story, equal to the most "We yesterday learned the denounce- E ''IS '-3SS ''4-5 '-35 ;-S 5 c : 1 V3 S I ' Graduate of the Baltimore Dental bargain or rajtod to good tenant on reasonable terms apply to I . J AS. MARTIN E. Also the tf Sory Ware House on Church St. near PreebyterianShurch. April 24, E s?-tt E HEIDE, DEALER IN C o nfectioii; aries, Perfumer ies, Bread, Crackers of all kinds, Fruits' Nuts, Fancy Ar tides, and a vari ety of arti cles in the GROCERY LINE. Foot of Haymount, Faytteville, N. C. Oct. 24. 1851. 73-v NOTICE. G. Shep BOARD! aG Persons indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as Guardiau of the heirs ot John Morrison, decd, are hereby re spectfully informed, that said guardian-has in a great majority of instances endorsed and transferred then notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent ne cessities, apart from the reqeirements of the endorser, compel us to collect as speedily as possible. All those indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately: We must and will sue where tne money is uui lurHitiwuiug. A. if . i J n. iv i a yj . J. M. MORRISON N. A. MORRISON, Laurinburgh, N. C, March 7, 1857. ' J 11 mi. H01SE. whiei Douald Subscriber is now prev-weA to - , i i .... 1 : .... A a; -iix ni'i'snna wun ooaru, m nm siie no.v has. 1 lie imuain; vtii,'ntlv situated on ih ..,,.4 ,i .rood location for: ivn,.t..r r,.sidencc. No oains will be s-ired to make her boarders eomtortaun Fetruary, . accommodate a the number ha ooo.upies is 'vi-.ot, Hay ivi tti tne r a d MARTHA IARTMAN. A. I. Caiiipbel i UCTIOSEEH & COMMISSI9 ERCHANT :a of -i"sft at ee. T A R II I, R PACIORV. BY GEO. LAUDl early opposite to E. W. Willkin fayetteville, N. ( TO Wj PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undertened wishing: to remove from thife tdae College. fe?iwn-ii(iwitnr nronprtv viz m. " " " Vk I 1 1 f tt a .wn wars nractical cxw'xi One Hnns j-yni.ijivipica ne now .resides aw1 ittOOa eiice in 1 r-mi , I'vt,- oi wuicn na been spent in this place: Dr. B, would simply state that ho is perrnanantly located here, that is from the 1st of Oct. to the first July each year, during which time he may be found at his pleasantly situated rooms, near the market in office hours. Histermsare STRICTLY CASH, no inducement will be held out to the community to call upon him other than that he flatters himsef that in future all operations shall compare favorably with those previ ously performed by him. Jan. 23. 83-tf IZS AO 3 v2 DR. JAMES DAVIS, decided on permanently locating having in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his servi ces to the citizens of this place an.l surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including fcthe manufac ture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi- to which is added a tnorougn aw .i that he can give entire satis tion as far,, as it is in the power of Dentistry, irregularities of the Teeth treated in a.propi. and careful man- as well as disease , tne " jsone nur maclo uss oi in i in.: vanours n - moderate, tl-at the fc One Loti acre east of above. One do do fronts on Franklin & Mnmp ford Streets on which is a very comfortable House. Alfo the Blacksmith shop on Mumpford St, Persons wishing ti purchase can obtain any infor mation by calling on G. W. I. Goi.dstox, Esq., or the undesigned if more convenient. L. WOOD. April 17, 97-3m T enee, tion, TROY & VIaS Attorneys and c,lor9 AT LAW rilMBEUTON N. C. K JOHl i t -t tu; Trov will also at tend the Courts of Bladen . -t , Pi 11 ty nprii . , t b utler iD08euiw--- , a will tje neptopen ai aia Their Office in la"" .,fKT K. TROY rnrmed an association for the praq tice OJ weir proics- an 'i rOV will aiw sion in koocsou .a Columbus, anu j x times 1858. loniii-irv J7 1 ICS. . - 83-tf ct. 1. i8oi; t Auction Store V. II. TUItLli ieieral Ciimniisslon BI NORTH WATERTl.Mj Wil nlasrl.on, iVL.1 GTO.V, ner the proper metals irt operations, cnarees rna benefits of the.ffio may i'el an iutc the reahoh'of the Teeth. PrOftice (er Houston's Jewelry ire, he will be found at all times. May 15, 1858 , tht where 44 LOOK OUT FOB THE bO(nOTvli, A BAR GAIN CAN BE HAD. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE The Materials of the North Carolina Argus Printing Office. The establishment consists oj two first rate Washington Presses, one fcr news paper and job type. The newspaper type are but very little worn and the largest portion of job type are new. It is unnecesavv to enumerate, the se lections were made by persons of much typograph ical experience and taste and are as complete as any. in the Sto. Any perjj wishing to purchase can get a bar gain by-" --i Application to rAyetteville, June, ltnID MURPHY. LOCO J. W. LETf n-ocniKtrfieeived a large ana g GOODS suited to the Spring c;!tio- of a choice seiecior.-of L,U113" - - " tnle nd Pauley OU A- al al STOCK OF umme.- trade ODS, Bootsand SAoes.with alrnHt evf fsirablein tbpRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always be had AT E T T S. -! - ArlTJ.E HOTEL -rr-- JrrewilJ be nle tb see their former patrons and friends yisuring them that they will use every exertirto please F. N. Roberts. J f J. G. Smith Jan. V, Jo8. Goods sold at the lowest prices forC il, or changed fot country produce. -March. 2Q. 1858. ly-pM ex FIRST PUFF OF Tin: MOTIVE. The Subscribe? is happy to announce the arri val of the Locomotive, "George McNeill" on the Fayetteville and Wes-rn Railroad. Said Iron Horse actually cam, yesterday from the River to the Railroad Station across Hay Street. I wish to wform the citizens of Fayetteville and the country generally that I have just received a fresh supply ot goods in my line. tor sale at low prices.- The Stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries Crockery, Shoes and Confec- ,,Se wishinS to obtain good bargains, had better call at once for the Locomotive will not wait for them long. J. w fayetteville, June 26. LETT. 0 83-tf rekaiii. Will give personal attention tir 'e or shipment of ill eo'isigntneiits of V:ivai S6res rjf ther country produce, and aav otlior unsiness enti i0d to his care, will be nromplit attended to.- f Anril 18 I-7. iy !0,OJ0 lhs. Tallow j'Vanted, For which the highest 6ash price "-ill be paid 0,-t..l. 18.".-' A. M.1 CAMPBELL. White Lead and Lins sale by Aug. 15, S 63-tl )d Oil, for HINSDALE. Bolting A constant supply of Iter Uoltmg Cloth sale at the lowes Clojth. arrantei sQenuine An- ti all Xos., kepi .Tpliand and for t prices by f-t- . - Jan ao, lm JAME ARTINE. 5 m "2w Subscriber h as on hand and Plantinir Potatoes (,Pink Eye) : ,cV fine Apples. Also, :i fresh supply of Rgifts, Figs and Oranges. , f 1 R. 1. HEIDE. Oct. 24 f3-tf foo Hay mount. FRESH TURNIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH. UKD TOP. K.VGLISII NORFOLK, .wLARGli GLOUE ii J ust ri'oeivol and t or sale by vl The for sale. bteel, JSatls, liorse 0hae Nati , Axes Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, TraZ chains, Black Smith -Tools, Brow?, soap, CandUi, Cajidieole Leather, Negro Shoes Hats, Blankets f . ' Kerseys, . ' Saddles, Whips, t . Collars, Glass Putty, - Cotton Bagging, Manilla Rope, White Lead, Common and Jine , Cigars, Sf Tobacco, , Powder, and Shot, and Vinegar, and many articles not enumerated: all ia want-can be supplied as cheap as can be bought in this market - G. W. l.GOLDSTON. Oct. 31, ' t 74-tf NOTICE. The Subscriber having at .March Term 1858, of the County Court of Cumberland, taken out let ters of Administration upon the Estate of the late IFin. F. Wightman, hereby notifies all persons in debted to said estate to make Payment, and those having claims against the same to present them within the time required by law or this totice wiU be pleaded in Bar of their recovery. Gr. W. WIGHTMAN, Administrator. March G, 1858. 94- A. A. 40 HHDS. BACON, well smoked? 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard. 75 " Mess Pork. 35 Saeks Ccffee. 25 Bbls Sugar. 0 Boxes Candy. 30 ' No 1 Soap. Oranges, Raisins, Stc. The above goods were bought of Corns chants, and very cheap for Cash, am cheap for Cash only. E. April 3, 1858 tf m. 1 - a 1 ff ould reswertfiill "1 i 1 n Z 7 e absent until the first of ntK- A 1 1 . 1 . : . 1 iiitiL ins lenns navo hopn r.Dil, ..:ii Still thorn ;UJ Z- , '-"y I " . , ; '""cuwu lu mm ana ne wants j p suui ui piease settle immediately. Money is in thrilling romance in interest, but with the circumstances and actors of which we were personally well acquainted. Some twelve years ago, two young- men named Clyma and Paull, lived in a small village not far from the sea coast, in the ex treme west of England. Both were miners and workers the samemine-iiear thd vil Jge.. Botli:naid jfcjbcir addresses to the same maiden, but not with equal success." Clyma prospered so in his suit that a' day was appointed for the nuptials, and in due course the bands of marriage wtre asked in the village church on the first of the three Sundays prescribed by the English canon law. "Before the second Sunday came round, the rivals met at a wrestling match in the village, and it chanced that the turn came for them to wrestle together. Paull was excited, and endeavored to give his-success- full rival in love a 'wicked fall,' but his ea gerness worked his defeat. He was thrown to the ground amid the shouts of the villa gers. On springing to his feet, lie swore that he would be revenged,andthat Clyma should never marry his intended bride. From that day he took to drinking deeply, and hurled imprecations rival. "The day before that llxed for the mar riage, Paull told all his acquaintances that he would be at the wedding, and would find means to prevent its taking place. Know ing his determined character, Clyma ap peared alarmed at the threat, and got some fiends to intercede with Paull, but in vain. 'Late that night, Clyma left the house of hb intended bride for his own cottage. The way lay across a patch of barren moor, where there were several open mine shafts, which had been deserted, und the bottoms of whose black depths were now covered with several fathoms of water. About the same hour Paull was seen crossing to the same patch of moor from another direction. A miner, who passed a little later toward the mine where he worked it being his turn for night work averred the next day that he h,eard a noise as if of a dispute and u$ way to his? had maintain! abrupt depart events wliich he immediate her home in X jfi , arrangement f .. ner tor lngljf J in order to repail.f as far as possible, hfc mischief which had been none. They sed through Cleveland last evening on thej way ensC and, happening accidently to iri ?t them at the depot, we learned the sqi el to the sad story, with the. earlier portions vith which we were already acquainted. 'They go oa .joyful yet mournful errand. The good uai f the unhappy condemned can be reclaif 4; I Jjut none -can restore his shattered real Y&jfleue the broken-hearted dead from) IrJtly o-rave." 1 i 1 June 12. lm. 1 ission Mer-' will be sold I MOORE. NOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. rip HE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, A. and the Widows of Soldiers who nren WHISKEY AND B BBLS Corn' Whiskev' HO Bbls Apple Brandy, 10 " JJomestic do, T 15 " N. E. Rum, selected byv Whiskey is the pure Cori made in the State. an? mark At irmn.of. r..i." " Sold Aprils, 158 tf ' rDY. Whiskey il to anv i lowest j N service in the war ot 1812, can hav. 1;- j .Kiisiuua cuuimueu Dy caning on the undersigned j Congress having made additional provision foi them. Give me the management of. your claims the money shall come at once, or no charge ' JXO. M. ROSE. w 4.1 11 t , f"r Pensions. 1 ayetteville, June 19, 1858. tf sion for and .J nl v 11. 18.V7. tf HINSDALE. roi sai e; iL-Mvy 1-1 Ib'iiver Creek She ;.ittnii Yarn. Warp imd Fillii ALSO, : !t. Pi'-ki'i-. lioller and Lace ings. Nos. 5 to 10. Oils and M ami fact 11 rer's Find Wint -traiin'd. Spuria, Lard Slnittli's liaglass, French Cloth and Class Steps. f- II. HALL fulv 2;. 1S." iSATHERS. ind Linseed Oils, lae, Ernory, Roller Pres B. CM. Co. 8-t.f tints, Oils, Vami h.! ;tle by Aiiir. 1 5 fi Bruslies, for HINSDALE. s:j 3-tl OLD BILTS2 VLL persons KRRV and J. indebted to the oaeern 0 FRANK Ar JKRRVandJ. H . KOUI-JKTS i JO.. aro rW,iJ .,..,., .,,.1 t..fiioii,n;. .., j-..u TO CUIll : '".hi anu .-- 1 l 1 v. 11 jllip. f not bv the last of this month, they.w n : them hands of a Lawful Collector. ;5 T TT - May . is "0-tf iJcKellian respectfully informs his friends and the public. that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing tUarriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received hllci nifc ... : 1. .. .1 . . . ' . . " i'- ' ! il l Slve satislaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to bp made of tht best mater-io 1 k , . ue ;.. 1. , 1 V.. , . Afcr";ucea worKmen 111 each branch of the business. His work will compare .,....., mouciuiucuuiieuatates, forneat- He is determined to sell and do any work in his lin 1T1 -n"" aauv ivoi-k uone elsewhere that is as JI , tt ""a naQ1' "nished. the largest aivniAiiMJAKUUUllKS, ROCKWA VS AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this place, and a very uv,. wum ueariy nnisneu, which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual custom- cib. JbB3 ne ims on nana more than ONE HUNDRFn .T.i.x j.i tcuiciim iiinsneaana in course of con- L1 UCMUil. .159-A11 work mude byhim is warranted 12 mnnii. with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy wonld do well to call and examine 10 meinseives. lr j i,-v,i.,..uuu yi uuipujf Aitencied to. rvepau iug e.iecuieu ai snort notice and on very rea sonable terms. J Fayetteville. Oct I 185P tLdi i nun nnnric tn . AT J.UX fc.JLJ, '1 he Western Kail Koaa Co., have for sale in i amounts to suit purchasers. S20 000 of the Oonpon Bonds of the .ju,iuv County of Cumberland, bear ing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi-annually on tne 1st June ana tne 1st. ot December, and run ning 20 years. v k rx j-v , i fx r . - s 4 I SpyUjUUU or tne i coupon Jjonds ot the Town oft EayetteviJle, bearing (j per cent interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st January and the 1st July, and running 20 years. 1 These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively!! 'T Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co is selling them) a better invest ment in any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to ' C. B. SlALLETT, Esq, Pres't. or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. March fi, 1858. , 92 -tf. OP THE f Pv. THE' Secon e J bh SECOND VOLUME journa; tercial & Family ort, N. C. Ueauiort Journal " Uomraenceu - its olume, on the 12th of April, 1858. urnal beingtlie oidy:paper publisliedon rt Harbor, and the only one devoted to interest, the jeditor.appeals to all .who feel interest iir thartocality, to. give their sup rt to his pater." 'The Editor-makes no hol- w promises that bis paper shall be the best (tne couhui mi me price, or mat there wiJJ iany extraLspiay of talent in its Editorial dlunins, as frequently the casd in issin"- r country papers, but he does to publish a good naner one eral support from the people of settled in the CO. BACOX, COPiX, HAY MOLASSES, AND SALi?3855 On consignment and for sale cheap for cash. Send in your orders and I will rill them cheap. A good supply of the above articles, will be on hand at all time Bacon equal to any made in X. C. For sale by PETER P. JOHXSOX. July 3, -2t ASSETS 230,326,28. This Company has been in operation more than fiveyearc. and has paid its losses, amounting to SI 9.125 85, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about i per cent. Policies issued to 1st of May, I S58, 2769. ' Amount of property now insured, S 1.474,922 34. Amount premium notes now on hand, $ 224,9fi8 23. Cash premiums received, $32 317 41. DIRECTORS. S. T. Hawley, W. Nr. Tillinghast. A. A. McKetban. J. D. Williams, Jas. G.Cook, A. W. Steel; JasKvle. J. G. Shepherd. K. 1 . Brown. Wilmington CT T TO RENT. For the balance of the year, a Dwelling Houe situated on Old Street, the late residence of M-s lieze Perry, decTd. WJI. WARDEN, Ex'r July 3, tf A Ul'Fli r- Ii KICK MASON AND PMSTRrpd NY PERSON desiring work done in the best style in the above department. services by addressing me at Fayetteville. N. C tfr D. McD., will take contracts any where in the country, withiu 100 miles from Fayetteville and prompt attention will be given to the same. Sep, 12, 1857, iy , Ifespectuses .e uimse thy Ola 1 he State nake h,e to give per is the design of the EditoBto nal a first class Couimercial Pa- oorts ot the iliarkets, Foreign Geo. McNeill. D. A. Ray, II. L. Myrover. S. W. Tillinghast, Henrv Lilly. N. A Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm.McLaurin. A.E. Hall. Wilmington. OFFICERS. Qo. MfEILL. President. D. A. Ray. Vive-President C. A. McMillan, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 29, 185S 1-y FOR RENT. ing to Mrs E Hybart and recently occupied by B Pearce & Co. is now ottered for rent. K?;ari ii'riinriiiirii 1 iimii'i utiuu F Also Miss E Kvbart's town Re: rent. For terms applv to April 28 idence is oft'&red for Wm. BOW Congress Water, for sale by Aug. 15 63-tf S. J. HINSDALE. f I ju.wii.il rt 111 c-O.TTMie as ncrfitofnro i. eDerirlent. nn nil enl j . . j-'--"- 0 "111 iaKe sides wun no political party, but will advocate such measures as are thought best calculated to pro mote the interest of the country and of our fetate. As to the . different localities in tb,v ........... ,t uv urn- oojeci to sliow partiality but to advocate the claims of Beaufort Huor aim ieuv oeaurorr, Morehead and O-olina Cities, to stand on their own merits- Relieving hum. mule go mi cijn ue- accomplird in this way, than in discussing the cJaVns or advan tage of locji?iu"es;-and we appeal to the citizens those interested, and to tJre friends of these places, to give us their support. The completion of 'the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad is near at band, and it: is very important that the onlv oaner nnhlished on this Harbor should be widely circulated, io order that ijts Commercial advantages may be come better known. Persons at a distance. who feel an niterest in this Dlace will find the any one.' "The marriage was to take place at at 11 1 ji . , . ciocit in me morning at tne villao-e church. X 1 t .tit .1 23 j-iono; oeiore tflat nour the vi ao- tv-i.c b and and Dscriptf bftfJ Towns of -Utah. Salt Lake cUj7 contains about a third of the population of teD Territory, and has a great "many fine, ar&fc JOme elegant buildings, the principal of wKfi are the Tabernacle, where all religions ne tings are held the Council House, the EuMi s-ment House, the Temple, now in course oei action, Court House, Young's two mansions, I riheteen public school houses together with ht costly houses erected for the elders. The next settle nent, north, is called Sessions. eight miles from Salt. Lake City, and contains several fine hofcse . It is situated on the main road; the houses .re not compactly built, but extend nearly fir. miies. This scttlernet con tains the richest hndsin the Territory. FarniingtonMD ;y. comes next, a vt-ry pretty little town, tlic unty seat of David county; it contains abouf'T, )00 inhabitants. Eight miles nt rth is Keysville containing about the sami n umber of inhabitants here is some excellentauble land, and a fine stock range. : Weber river Is about 8 miles ftirther north. On it has beeni b ilt two forts, called Enst and West Weber fprti, containing about five hun dred inhabitants ;ach. They are very pleas: ly situated, Ogden City'oie of the principle cities of the 7'erritoiy,jls .bout three miles from Weber. It has many cfest y buindings. North of Ojjdti City, about two miles, is a large well-built frt. It has about 7,000 in habitants. y: Northeast bf this, three iiiles, is Ogdan Hole a verjT leasant locality, surrounded on all sides Lyfm untains, with the exception of the entrance It contains about 500 in habitatts. ; North of the ' Sole," about twelve miles, is a well located fo;t called Willow Creek Font. . .In. this vicini y there is tine agricultural as scene ot great excitement. The hat neckerchief of Paull the latter torn mites north 1 Kn' . - ..i- ...,. ;i K t . : W1 -"ui a -" '"g aui eign.t miles south of Bear riyY Ihis city is very -handsomely situated. xl ? unit upon a plain about two hundred uuove ,ne level ot Ucer II v.r if feet inliabi- bloody had been found near the deepest of ltcPr Jcipally by Danes and Welsh, whose the abandoned pit-shafts, and of Paul him- hoi( exhibit considerable skill in their con- sell nothing could be found, nor had he been seen s;nce he went toward the moor on tho preceding night. The o-round where ih article had been found bore traces of a scuf fle having taken place, and to wnu-., fho whole, two buttons recognized as belonoinc n, aim ui.-ie 111 arrangement. Jeer river there are two small settle- -nd further north two others. These acne and JVIalad valley, where the stock to the Church" generally were Journal to be very interesting, as ri' shall be careful to give all local news of any tinnortance $2,00 8,00 15,00 TERMS : One Copy one year, Five Copies " Ten ' " Advertisements fnserted at the' n;nal tiitpe A liberal deduction made for yearly advertise ments. til . i ah comrounications must be addressed ' Jl III x FfIirkT O fjl e- ri tu. a x ro. Beaufortf-N C. Juae 26, 1858. tf . io vtyma s coat were discovered anion the earth and stones. To these ominirnm fiw- Clyma could only reply that he had met rami at the place mentioned, durino- th. night; that high words were followed by a scuffle: and .W he had beaten Paull. who had iJi.M.- vliii'si nor him. "This account was not considered satis factory, and Clyma was taken into custody to await further developments. Severn I days passed away an examination .was made of the pit and the surrounding locality butno trace could be found of the body. It was argued, however, that if a stone -was attachedxb the body before it was thrown into the pit; so as to sink it, there would be no probability of itsever being found. Af ter several examinations before a magistrate the abused was released ' from -custody, but onlyo be shuiAied a3 a murderer-, by the whefe community. In the meantini thorn. . j .1 i - j i .... tenaea onae Decame sick; thrauo-h excite nient, a violent fever was succeedpil l.v . 4.: ;n i p, ,. - . J naatniir lmifss, ana alter iins-eriT uiuiibus, iie uiu oi a DroKen heart. i. i - . . -. . "fyj omecti otD-eneral suspicion, and in less than twelve months after what should have been his wedding day, he became tH inmate a an insane axvh r-erer he still remans a V""93 lunatic. '4iotig the relatives of Clyma .was a sis ter, married to a farmer, who, two or three years after the unhappy occurrences related above, removed to this country ami settled down on a farm in Northern Illinois. About ten day ssince this sister, while about tuluno the cars in Chicago for homesuddenly; en strait On me Otis are in kept.58 All hese cities and'forts are to be laid ashla r ; the command of the church, und iuic p upie nave given themselves tot! oi 0.v ruction with all tlic tirrnne:, of faith which ligipas fanaticism ves to the wor coii.'ideni-e and ever characterizes re- Cor Aiiu Cal. SEROUS ElTKl-TS OK A SUlllEI. UlTK. lr. ..... i- J. ,. .A ,1 , . . Mt "u o uiat while a vouiio- lady resiii .inLlandford, was playii.o- witlt " petjti irrel, the little animal bit her on tl,o Imig. -NMhjng serious was apprehendo.i of ef ne, but in a tlu. ihoYltlful meifce'siyellino-, and contimwd to . iuci ea.-.- ..3l.' t "i - ji ' in imiie me sul ,.... i. 4. i r l"o fc,w great tears were entertained of lockjav. .JUedicai aid had bo.-n called i uug nij , so tar, been able to icnde relief.- -Smith side Dr-morrat h : littb i; tiuarenno; some These and" Lzv Ladies. Jn "A Woman's Thou-h auuu i umaii, we meet will) this true ot most ot the bad domestic families - "Tah hoBse-ruot lifr Imc Lr.r iiv,.,i.i ' - ... , . . . . "u.in;ii avj tJe solution UKigcnieiits in she efi gifted with that blessed qua! ;Uk.ii light 8 and quality cneerlulVj.: :Jj ot U- i s i i tm I ... . . . i i-- r i " i 'J " " 'I 1UI I III t i n t.H'Ift. hi, hc i - ".lie i va ouui uy sixpences, to put 'ii oaianciii.r ..,.,.;...;....!,. aiKl. expenditures: nor lor wcnlrlv -engrossed ladies to rouse thetnlr ys recoiifd down cin-li man countered, the supposed murdered Mer excitement was.intense. Drawing him on one side, she made herself kno wn to Panll. and was immediately recognized -by him . , A ue uxpianar4on given by him of his disap pearance was that he had met Clyma. ort eventfid: night with the purpose of beat ing and disfiguring him so tha he could not be married on the succeeding-day, - but that his rival was more than a t jflatcli - for him. Burning with rage at his"-discomfiture, had rushed off without ' khwla'gVoririg what became of himself, 'ftndroii'irchit.. tX friP Wanh"haAj?ya an nlrf lga.lfv Knnf" q.l to . . ivTlo-n' tVta t'An f " m'no 1 ; Zfiif , - picked.iip by an outward bound ship, which took him to New. Orleans. "Since then he had resided several years in California and in the United States, had become moderately rich, and -was now on a hoi unrit their item rece ttij vousTe ... . 1 . ..... sumcttft JJ loput.iiieir house in order ami keei !l Gil htM4t-t bV fll'Msiflll'll Coc.. i: . . ... ' ' .'V. W. --f-.--w.v..... .-.I. cl 111(11 ll duTtlt.... 4. . . ii 1 C . . - . -.'.11,11." IU n',l 'Kranctljodal ovcrlookinK Ot altitt.a;g5liig,on theriK ,Yet, unU-ss all this i t?Pej s in vain to insist early rising or gr about waste, or lecture upon neat ness; and order. The servants get to le j that -Jinissis is never in time!' 'Mii is ite i never knows about anytit onje may lecinre till she is aboo head quali abov ient from the ft ; M may lectnre till she is weary .atlMK and cleanliness 'Just put your berJ-oomDd. seel' For. all moral Md city-( for tne n kciuiicr, viiruin. . kindiiocc .. a tiriienliousness. if these H'eMMStress it is idle to fvn(.,t i. i - 't-,. i.icm PBor cnimien, or anv members of iy cefcle." , " . . i BYghtnixg. It issatdthat elfctri oot'to bn applied to music A uvr. . rated before a pia'no, const, u. ted for lowiiu ijoiiaoiiiivioscow si i. ffplay a niorceau. evci v niii .r ii.f. . . ... . -..---'."..Tit ii uymeans ei the electric wire, will ,e reiicuted by anofht-r instrument intone of the concert rooms in Paris. We already have music bv steam; now we are to have music, by electrici ty. Lungs are, therefor, menaced with beHi" ruled oflt of fashion by the lovers of music N Y. Daily News.

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