r ' - . , fr- -.7T'' X NO THE rHEEC03I OP TH K PURSS IS UfSEPERABLE ?Pli031 THE IlfGllTS OFTHIS PEOPLE EAYETTEVJLLE, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1858. ' VOLUME XX KO. I,C03 i '- - i tmmi. I..-. i. in i ii i i in i niii. i wi i ITU . . IMJli ; w v AJJLSM JXJ. Al. TERMS OIT SUSSCIIIPTIO-V FOR THE C1ROU.VI.O For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 ' " " at the en 1 of 3 months, 2 50 " " at thj end of 6 ra mth, 3 00 " " " at tut-en l of the yr, 3 50 No .jii'jscriptio will be received for a shorter period thaa one ye.ir u.dess p ill in advance. With the vi;w of ext'su ling t!ie circ il tfion and en hancing tin ini;fil mss of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkably low CLUIi Rl.TES, l"ir.iril A ULY ADVANCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, I year, 88 00 10 " " " 15 00 Uatcs of AdvcrtWn t Sixty cents per squ ire of 16 lin -s, or less, for the first -K.nl 30 cents for e ch subsequent insertion, unless the adrert;a ;in -nt 'n published for more than two menths, when it will be charged For thr.'e months, ----- $4 00 Fop ix months, - - - - 6 00 For tw .lea mo'iths, - - - - - 10 00 &,H mlV frTts'tunts m it riae tne iie--trTra7mmTfr of in sert'ona -narked oi them, orfh -rw-ie they will be in serted til forb d and ch-irjred accor linrly. Special Attention is directed to this requisition. W.M. F. WIG HTM AX & CO. It EG-Ate NorXCnS. CLEMEST G. WRIGHT. Attorney at Law, Kayettevi Ho , C. Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3, 1&5G. J. A. SPEARS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, VT rE"TD"3 the Courts of Cumberland, Ilarne Wake and Johnston. Al Iress, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. 16. 185C. 85-y BlRTiriV FULLER, Attorney at Law, V A V 13 T I' 13 V I 1. J. K , , C , May o:is'.iltcd at tle Law ORice of Jtf,e G. Shep her I. K-.. on (irccn Street. July 18, 18."6. 7-tf W0 o A T T O 11 N K Y A T Ij V W. Ca b i"o-r.!id at the Ofiice foimt riy occup ed ly Dr. 'Gilliaiii, on How Street. i F 1 1 E T T E T I . L C , X. . Jii: IS j Lf BOAIiiJI.xU Hi J USE. TO he Subs-jribr is now prepared to accoinmodate t ix per sous with boanl, in addition to the number ahe 'lo.v Ikh. TUe baluui whic'u r-bit uccupks is Coav:iie:itly situated on tl'e Iouulisou Lot, ll.iy- iiuiit, aufl id a goo.l location tor a iiiiuner a 1 i Wi.iter re-iidenee. Xo puns will be spared to make j her l i ;rs c j :i: irt.iblc- Fibr-.i irv. G. MARTHA HARTJI VX. A. -"!. O.iiUijheJI, iUCTIO.-VEEK &, COHI.MISSiI.' MEUCIIAST, E.ist side of Gillespie street. FwErrKvii-i.E, XT. C. (") tuber 1. IS5 5 21 V It II Ta K V A O T O It V, BY GEO. LAUDER, em.-'v -)puoIte t E. W. W. likings7 Auction Store Fayetteville, X. C. ).:. 1 s " r, . v ,V. II. T U i I V C TO S, X 'IT;I .VATEll STREET, IVL'ni. ngfiti, X. C, '.V;il ';V' ; ir ) vil att Mtlo t to the sale or shipment of all rnut- of Xi,-.il Stores or other country jr.j 1 i- ;. ill .it ,- oth-jr b'isi;ie?s entrusted to his care, will ' '"" nut.l v attended to. A:ril M 1S.")T. ly lO.ODD 1?)". Tallov " anted, V r which thJ highest cash price will be paid. et. 1 . iHt? A. M. CAM1M5ELL. V!ule Lead and Linseed Oil, for sale by Alig. IS, S. J. HINSDALE. C3-tf Bolting Cloth. A constant supply of arrante l Genuine An ker Bolting Cloth all Xos., kept on hand and for sale at tho lowest prices bv JAMES MARTINE. Jan 30, 1S53. J m 5 m af e 2w uuox- KBCEIVED A.MJ FOB. SALI'J PlautingPotatoes Pink Eye) and Gne Apples. Also, a fresh supply of Raisins, Figs aud Oranges. R. E IIEIDE. Oct. 24 ?3-tf foot of llaymount. FRESH TURXIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, RUTA BAG-A, j ust received and for sale by S.J. HINSDALE, July H. 1857. tf FOR SALE. Ilejtry 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheetings. Cottoa Yarn, Warp ami Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO, Belt, Picker, Roller aud Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strained. Sperm. Lard aud Linseed Oils. Shuttlie's Isinglass, French Glue, Emory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. J. U. HALL, Pres. B. CM. Co. July 26. 1856 8-tf P lints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for Sale by Aug. 15, S.J. HINSDALE. 63-tf OLD BILLS. LL persons indebted to the concern of FR WK .fc JERItY andj. II. UOUEltTS & CO., are requested otconai forward an 1 settle their bills. If not settled by the last of this month, they will find them in the bauds of a Lawful Collector. J. II. ROBERTS &CO. 8, 1853 :00-tf FOB OJULB & o The followinz valuable real estate, the property o E. C. lla!l dee'd. is oJered lor suleund consists of the following tracts : That desirable place known as Rome, containing about 2(i0 acres with all the improvements. This place will be-.sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, :t heinsr nrobablv one of the best bu.--'.;os stands, iu the country, and is very desi lesirable to tiioof lishing to unit" tVii mnri'riilti;' , I S i n ( No 2, Consists of a Lot and Brick Store (2 tenc ments in Cambleion , on liride Street near Claren don Bridge, r.nd is a very desirable stand for bu.-inoss. No 3, Is 3 acant lots in Carnpb :lltou, known iu City plot asNos 109, 111, 1 12, an half of lot 113. No 4, Is a dwelling houseand lot on llaymount, corner of Plankroad and Adams St. A very d:sira ble residence for the whole year. No 5, .Is a Corn Mill ami Steam Eugineand Boiler, of 10 or 1 5 horse power. This is well north the at tention of those living where water power is not avail able, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. II. HALL, Assignee. Auaaat . llSiiZ - - r -i-ri IR, IE. HEIDE5 DEALER IJY C o nfection aries, Perfumer ies, Bread, Crackers of all kinds, Fruits' Xuts, Fauey Ar tides, and a vari ety of urti .clea in the GROCERY LINE. Foot of Ilaytnount, Faytteville, N. C. Oct. 24. 1857. 13-v NOTICE. Persons indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as GuardiaD of the heirs of John Morrison, dee'd, are hereby re spectfully informed, th"at eaid guardian lias in a great majority of instances endorsed and transferred then notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent ne cessities, apart from the reqt irements of the endorser, compel us to collect as speedily as possible. sAll those indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A. 1). MORRISON. J. M. MOUULSCN N. A. MOilUISOX. Laurinburgh, X. C. March 7, 1 857. 40-tl TROY fc FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors AT LAW. L.UJIBE24TOX X. C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice of their profes sion in Robeson Co.. only R. E. Troy will also at tend the Courts of Bladen aud Columbus, and J P Fuller those of Cumberland. Their 03ice in Lumberten will be kept open at all times. January 9, 1858. S3-tf FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL FRANK N. RO HERTS. t CO , having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please F. N. Roborts. fJ. G. Smith Jan. ), 1633. 83-tf The Subscriber for sale. lias on hand and Coffer, Sugars, Trffjra.tsseSiSyrip, Salt, Iron, Steel, JSaih, Horse Shoes i" Jts , sixes, lines, Siorcs, Sjates, 'Forks, 1 race chains, lilack Smith Tools, Iiroivtt soap, Candl s, Candi'S, Sole Leather, 2egro Shoes, Hats, Blankets 4" Kersei, . Saddles, il'hips, Collars, (ilass t'nfy, Cotton Bfisjr r, Manilla lloje, Jl hlte Lead, Common and line Citsars, A" Tohacco , Poicder, and Shot, and liiugar, and many articles not enumerated: all in waut C".:i be supplied as cheap aseau be bought in this in:irV-. G. W. 1 . GOl.DSTUN. Oct. 31, 74-tf NO TICK. The Subscriber having at Jlareh Term 1333, of the County Court of Cumberland, taken out let ters of Administration uon the Estate of the late I'Fin. F. Wightman, hereby notifies all persons in debted to said estate to make Payment, and those having claims against the same to present them within the time required by law or this notice will be pleaded in Bar of their recovery. G. W. WIGHTMAN, Administrator. March G, 1836. 0 1- A. A. 3JcKclliau respectfully informs his friends and the public, that h" has bailt up large substantial Brick Buildings at hi3 Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriages Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ness and durability. . He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock ofCARRIAGES.BAROUCHES, ROCK A WAYS. AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work uearly finished, which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual custom ers. 0-He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and iu course of con struction. 9All work made byhim is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be r' paired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine fo themselves. Ordersthankfully receivedand promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. Fayetteville, Oct t 185P TO BENT. For the balance of the year, a Dwelling House situated on Old Street, ti e late residence of Mrs. Beze Perry, dee'd. WM. -WARDEN, Ex'r. July 3, tf DAVID McDUFFIE, BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER. ANY PERSON desiring work done in the best style in the above department, can secure my services by addressing me at Fayetteville. N. C. Mr D. Mel)., will t.al-p contracts nnv whpre in the country, within 100 miles from Fayetteville, and prompt attention will be given to the same. toep. 12, ly JAMES IL7.S Is now receiving his Spring supply of IDDRTST GOODS- Among which are Prints, Lawns, and Brilliantes; (l'd and,Black Silks; ; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; Cashmere and Merino Twills; White and Col'd Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Slikand Straw Bonnets; c. With almost ever' article in the Dry Goods line: all or which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will be offered cheap for cash or on time to paving customers March 20. 93-tf decided on pwin.n.inilv l.,f,,.tniL la the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including: the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa tion, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the mouth, None but the prop'er metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. COnice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1858 tf "LOOK" OUT l'OIt THE LOLOMOTIVL' J. W. LETT nasjustreceived a large and general STOCK OF GOODS suited to the Spring and Summer trade, consisting ol" a choice selection of Staple ami Faucy 1) 11 V GOODS, Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirablein that line. PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always :o be had AT LETT'S. Coods sold at the lowest prices for CASE, or ex ci.aufin; for country produce. M.-.rch. 20. 1H58. ly-pd Sa'iscr.bers having associated themselves ) i j i i together iu the practice of Law, under the name n,,J style of AN 13 W'U attend the County and Superior Coirts t" Moore, Montgomery, Anson, Pichmond, and Robeson. All business entrusted to them will receive their careful and prompt attention. Address Cameron and Shaw, Attorneys at Law, TI'H-kinghani, Pichmond ountv, N. C. John X, Camkuhx. Joirx D. Shaw. Mav I, 1636. ror SaJUj. ... 4 The Western Rail R ad Co., nave tor sale u amounts to suit purchasers. :n Olifi f the Coupon Bonds of the V5VWLf County of Cumberland, bear ing 7 per cent, interest, payable smi-anuually on the 1st Juno and the 1st of December, and run ning 2!) vears. $'JiUMM of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetioville, bearing per cent interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st January aud the 1st July, and running 2) years These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co , to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co is selling them) a better invest ment in any Bank Stock in the State. For terms applv to v C. B- MAhLETT, Esq, Pr-es't. or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. .March o. iDoc. 9 fK-f rrTini rphis Company has been in operation more than 1 Live year . a:id has paid its. losses, amounting to G10,l'-o S), without any assessment: insurance aver aging its menibers about i percent. "I'olicies issue d to 1st of May, 1858,2709. Amount of property now insured, $1,474,922 34. Aii'ount premium notes now on hand, $224,908 23. Cash premiums received, $32,317 41. DIRECTORS. Geo. McNeill. D. A. Ray, 11. Ii. M yrover, S. T. nawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. 1). Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel; Jas Kyle, J. G. Shepherd, R.F.Brown, Wilmington, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A Stedman, S. J- Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. MeLaurin. A.E. Hall. Wilmington. OFFICERS. E0 .TlcXLII,!.. President. D. A. Rav. Vive-President C. A. McMillan. Secretary, John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 20, 185S l y FOR TUB FALL AND WINTER 1858: JUST RECEIVED. (Call soon, secure a good bargain and save money,) One of the largest, hand somest and cheapest stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' GAI TERS, satin and Colored; Ladies' and Gents DAN CING SHOES, of a new and beautiful pattern; YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S BOOTS. SHOES and GAITERS; INDIA-RUBBER SHOES, and every article in his line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyers will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. M. FAULK. JGgg-All who have lost their soles come for ward, andthey will be renewed for Seventy-five cei.ts and upwards. M. F. DISSOLITTIOX, The undersigned have this day by mutual consent dissolved Copartnership in their Contracts on the Western Railroad, J C- LALEY. July 1st 1853. 3t-pd JAS. BRANIN. Please call and. Settle- Mj Notes and Accounts are all due and I hope my cus'omers will call and settle them, aS we need the money July 10, lm. J. C. POE. 3Pirjp sails NAVY DEPARTMENT- ' Bureau of Yards and Docks ' July?838 CSEALED PROPOSALS for each class separately 5 endorsed "Proposals for class No (nape the class) for the navy yard at (name the yard,), will be received at this office until noon on the second Hay of August next, for furnishing and deUveriaglat th several navy-yards named, the materials and articles embraced in printed schedules, which "will be fur nished on application, and sent by mail, if sofequesu ed, to persons desiring to offer to contract forany cir all the classes named therein, by the commandants of the several navy yards, for the clashes for th yards under their command, or by the nary ageotL-jnearest-thereto, or by the bureau for any or all the fJds. io prevent contusion ana mistaKes in aertng me offers, no bid will be received which eaotafV tiaescs InP mtftA than afia S-a n n n n i iTl mil, i" .i' tsiaaers are hereby cautioned an4 part icularlv tified that their offers-must be in the form herein?' ter prescribed, and be mailed in time to reach their destination before the time expires for receiving tbera; no bid will be considered which shall be received af ter the period stated, aud no allowance will be made for failures of the mail To guard against offers being opened before the time appointed, bidders ar requested to endorse on the envelope above the address, ''Proposals for class Proposals for class No (name the class) for the Navy-yard at (name the yard)." To the Chief of the Bureau of Yards nnd Pocks, Washington, D. C. Form of Offer (Here date the offer.) I, (here insert the name or names composing the fiim,) of (name the town.) in the State of (name the Stte,) hereby otftr to furnish under your advertise ment dated (date of advertisement,) aud subject to all the requirements of the same, and of the printed sched ule to which it refers, all the articles embraced in class No (name the class) for the Bavy.yard at (name the yard,) according to said schedule, viz: (here paste on the printed class from the schedule, and opposite each article set the price and carry out the amount in the columns for dollars and cents, and foot up the ag gregate amount of the bid for the class) amounting to (here write the amonnt in words.) I propose as my agent (here name the agent, if one is required by the schedule) for the supply under the classes miscellaneous, by a non-re3ident of the place of delivery and should my offer be accepted. I request the contract may be prepared and sent to the navy agent at (name the agency) for signatures and certi ficates. (Here the bidder and each member of the firm to sign.) Form of Guarantee. The undersigned (name of guarantor) of (name the town) and State of (nme the State) aud (name of second guarantors, &e,) hereby undertake that the above named (name the bidder or bidders) will, if his or their offer as above be accepted enter into coutract with the United States within fifteen days, after the date 'of notice through the post office, of the accept ance of his or their offers before mentioned. Witness: (Signature of guarantors.) I certify that the above named (here name the guar antors) are known to me to be good and respoasible guarantors in this case. Signature To be signed by the district judge, district attor ney, navy agent, or some person known to the Bureau to be responsible. Class No 1, Bricks; class No 2, Granite, cTssNo. S, Yellow pine timber: class No 4, Yellow pine lumber; class No 6, White pine and spruce timber and lumber : (white pine seasoned); class No 7, Lime and hair; clas- ' No 8. Cement; class No 9, sand; cla-s No 10. slate; class No 11, iron and nails; class No 12, steel; class j No 13, augers; class No 14; files; class No 15, paints, ' oil and glass; class o 16, ship chandlery; class No j lti Sperm oil; class No 17, hardware; class No 18, sta- : tiouery; class No 20, hay; class No 21, provender; ! class No 22 charcoal; class iN j 24, copper and compo sition nails; class No 25, Iron castings. BOSTON. Class No I. Bricks; class No 2, stone; class So 4, yellow pine lumber, class So 5, oak and hard wood; class No 6, white piae, spruce and juniper timber and lumber; class So 7, lime and h,nr; class No 8, cement; class No 9, gravel and saud; class So 10, slate; class No 11, iron, iron spikes and nails; class No 12. steel; class So 14, files: class No 15. paints, oil and glass; class No Ifi, ship chandlery; class No 16J, sperm oil; class So 17, hardware; class No 18 stationery; class So 20, hav and straw; class No 21, provender; class No 22, oharcoal; class No 23- packing; class So 25, iron castings; class So 2", augers. NEW YORK. Class So 1, bricks; class So 2, stone; cKss So 3, yellow pine timbers; class So 5. oak and hard wood timber; class No 6, white piue, spruce, and juniper; class No 7, lime and hair; class No 8, cement; class So 9, gravel and sand; class No 10, slate; elass So 11, iron, iron spikes, and nails; class No 12, steel, class No 13, pig iron; class No 14, files, class So 15, paints, oil and glass; class No Hi, ship Chandlery; class So 16i, sperm oil; class No 17, Hardware; class So 18. stationery ;class So 20, Hay aud straw; class So 21, provender; class So 22, charcoal; class So 23, belting, packing and hose; class No 24, copper; class So 25, iron-works and castings; class So 2ti, machinery and tools; class No 27, augers. PHILADELPHIA. Class So 1, Bricks; class So 2, stone; class No 3, Yellow-pine timber; class No 4 yellow pine lumber; class So 5, white oak and hard wood; class So 6, white pine timber; class No 7, lime; class No 8 cement; class Ho 9. travel na sana; class io 10, slate; class No 1 1, iron, iron nails, and spiies; class So ' ?. iteel; class So 14, files;.class No 15. paints, oilv and &-iass; class So 16, ship chandlery; class No loj, sperm Oil"; class So 17, hardware; class So 18 stationery; class No 19. fire wood; class So 20, hay and straw; class No 21, proven dar; class So 22, charcoal; class So 23, belting, pack ing and hose; class No 37, augers; class No 28, Iron floats. NAVAL ASYLUM. Class No i, clothing'; class no 2, hats, boots, and shoes; class no 3, provisions; class no 4, groceries; class no 5. dry goods; class no 6, bread, fcc; class no 7, tobacco; class no 8, miscellaneous; class no 9 hard ware: class no 11, paints, oils. &c; class no 14, lumber; class no 15, provender; class no 16, firewood WASHINGTON, Class no 1. bricks; class no 2, stone; class no 3, yel- ! low pine timber; class no 4, yellow pine lumber; class no 4, oak, hard wood, timber and lumber; class no 6j ' white pine, spruce, juniper, aud cypress; class no 7, ' lime and hair; class no V, cement; class no 9, gravel j and sand; class no ll. Iron, iron nails, and spikes,- class ho 12, steel; class no 13; pig iron; class no 14, ; files; class no 15, paints, oils, &c.; class no 16, ship ; chandlery; class no 16J. sperm oil; class no 17, hard i ware; class no 18, stationary; Class no 19, firewood; ' Class no 20, hay and straw; class no 21, provender; ciass no 22, charcoal; class uo 23, bolting, packing, and hose. NORFOLK. Class no 1. bricks; class no 2, stone; class no 3, yel low pine timber; class no 4, yellow pine lumber; class no 6, white pine timber and lumber; class no 7, lime; class no 9. saud; class no II, iron, iron nails, fcc; class no 12, steel; class no 14, Hies; class no lo, paints, oil and glass; class no 16, ship chandlery; class no 164' sperm oil; class no 17, hardware; class no 18, station-, ery; class no 19, augers and centre bits; class no 20, hay and straw; class no 21. provender; class no 22, charcoal; class no 25, pig iron; class no 26, iroa-roof, PENSACOLA. Class no 1, bricks; class no 2, granite; class no 3, yellow pine timber; class no 4, yellow pine lumber; class no 5, hard wood, timber and lumber; class no 6, White pine, juniper, cedar, and cypress lumber and timber, class no 4, lime; ciass no s, comem; class no 9. clay and Band; class no 10, slate; class no 11 ' iron, j iron nails, and spikes; class no 12, steel; class no 14, I files, class uo 15, paints, oils and glass; class no IS, ship chandlery; class no 16 sperm oil; cuts no 17, hard, warejclasa no 18, stationery; class no 10, firewood, claw no 20, hay; class no 21, provender, class o 22, charcoal; class uo 23. belting, packing, hose,4c.:clas no 2a, iron eastings; class no 26, augers. The schedule will state the times within which arti cles will be required to be delivered; and, where the printed schedule is not used, the periods stated in if .or unliveries most De copied in the bids. All the ar- i tides which may be contracted for must be delivered at such place Of places, iaclndititr to the place where used within the navy yards, respect uv nicie win oe received after the ttninits,n . i i : ii . . - " v- period specified in the schedules for the completion of ut...v.., uuion jrevsauj souiorized by the depart ment; and that no authority is vested in any other parties than those named in the contract, to modify r change the contract .either as to extension of time or 0 to quality or Quantities of materinta . lJt ia to be provided in the contract, and , tof be -dis- nurober of articles en ny meraTdfntiflftiiPiP'iVBttSa' "Mlscellan( ous," are specified as the probable quanti- iy wuicn may De requirea, as well as to fix date for determi am g the lowest bid; but the chatractor is to furnish more or less of the said enumerated articles and in such quantities, and at such times, as the bureau or commandant may require; such increase, however not to exceed one third of the quantities stated rand' ' :-t-VJT " r .J "U,L""1 u "y 'pe oureau, and re- I ? P.TC f. deemed i " "cvt.i enuine 30rn June, !8.-a;and whether the quantities required be more or less than those specified, the prices shall re main the same. All the articles under the contract must lie of the best quality, delivered in good order, free of all and every charge or expenses to the government, and sub ject to the inspection, count, weight, or mensurcnieut of the said navy-yard, aud be in all respects satisfac tory to the commandant thereof. Bidders are refer red to the yard for plaus, specifications, or samples, and any further description of the articles. Contrac tors for classes headed '.Miscellaneous, who do not reside nar the place where the articles are to be de livered, will be retuired, to name in their proposals an agent at the city or principal place near the yard of delivery, who may be called upon to deliver articles without delay when they shall be requtred. Approved jmreties in the full amount of the con tract will be required, and twenty per centum as ad ditional security deducted from each payment until the contract shall have been completed or cancelled, unless otherwise authorized by the department. On classes headed "Miscellaneous." to be doliv red as re quired during the fiscal year, the twenty per centum retained may, at the discretion of the commandant, be paid quarterly, on the first of January, April, July, and October, when the deliveries have been satisfacto ry, and the balance (eighty per cent) will be paid by the respective navy agents within thirty days after the presantation of bills, in triplicate, duly vouched and approved. No part of the per centum reserved is to be paid until all the rejected articles offered under the contract all have been removed from the yard, unless spe cially authorized by the department. j it win oe stipulated in the contract, that if default snau oe maue oy ine partie-- of the first part iu deliv ering all or any of the articles mentioned in any class bid for, of the quality and at the times and places above provided, then and in that case the said parties will forfeit and pay to the United States a sum of money not to exceed twice the amount of such clas; which may be recovered from time to time according to tbe act of Congress in that case provided, approved Morch 3, 1843. TUe sureties must sign the contract, and their re sponsibility be certified to by a navy agent, collector. uoSot It is to be provided in the eontract that the bureau shall have the power of annulling the contract, with out loss or damage to the government, in case Con gress shall not have made sufficient appropriations for the articles named, or for the completion of works estimated for, and on which this advertisement is based, and shall also have the power to increase or diminish the quantities named in the classes not head ed "Miscellaneous" in the schedule, twenty-five per cent, Persons whose offer shall be accepted Will be notifi fied by letter through the post office, which notiee shall be considered sufficient; and if they do not enter into contrrct for the supplies specified within fifteen days from the date of notice trout the bureau of the accept ance of thor bid, a contract will be made with some other person or persons, and the guarrantors of such defaulting bidder will be held responsible for all de linquences. Ail offers not made in strict Conformity with this advertisement will, at the option of the bureau, be re- jected Those only whose offers may be accepted will be no tified, and contracts will be ready, for execution as soon thereafter as may be practicable. JuJy 10, T 858 4t WANTED. 1 T Able Negro Men wanted by the Subscribers U J to work on the Fayetteville and Western Rail Road Sections 10 1 1 & 18 miles from Fayetteville of whom the highest price will be paid by calling on the Subscribers on the work. D.G.& W. McDUFFIE. March 27 94 tf FOR SAtiS OR RENT. The dwelling House and Lot on Hay Mount, near the Donaldson Academy joining W J Yates and others lately occupied by Hector McMillan Esq., with a well of good water & Garden in front. It will be sold a bargain or rented to good tenant on reasonable terms apply to J AS. MARTINIS. Also the two Sory Ware House on Church St. near Presbyterian Church. April 24, 98-tf r. The Trustees of the "DONALDSON ACADE MY" desire to lease the buildings on llaymount near Fayetteville, which have been used during the last year by Messrs Cairus and Robinson, iu conducting their School. The Academy is situated conveniently, and the patronago of the school is ample and liberal. Any gentleman who desires to take the situation may address at i? ayeiteviue untill the 1st of September. W. B. WltlGli 1, resident of the Bourd of Directors. July 17, 1858. 4t A BARGAIN CAN BE HAD, T MtK SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE The Materials of the North Carolina Argus Printing Office. The establishment consists o two first rate Washington Presses, one fcr news paper and job type. The newspaper type are but very little worn and. the largest portion of job type are new It is unnecesary to enumerate, the se lections were made by persons of much typograph ical experience and taste and are as complete as any in the State. Any person wishing to purchase can get a bar gain by an early Application to , DAVID MURPHY. Fayetteville, June, 12th 1859. tf. Js 0T ICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. rill HE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, JL and th Widows of Soldiers who died N Service in tho war ot 1812, can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned, j Congress having made additional provision for them. - j Give me the management of yonr claims, and the money shall come at once, or ao charge. JNO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, Jttne 19, 185o. , tf IT0RTII CAROLINIAN. ; fayetteville; N. c. -'"- ' -nf i Han's Beat Is aMllMr J?atoPoka. " The sobsUuce which -nourishes ooa animal af fords no iionrislimeut for. another, nor will any table of -"'ntutritilre , eon Talents? however iiuuc vi cuius aeiecuve reiauon uecweeu ii ana the orguuinm.- That one man's meat is another roan's,, pois is . a . proverb of . strict. verasftyiv There.arjt cr8oits, e4en ia iSufope; to whom a motion' chop would " noisoo. C 2he . celebrate! case of.Abbe de -Viltedieu ;s U! ; rarlt" not treaties oi nis parents nor the meiuc tutors could induce inm to overcome t reaching the age of thirty, on a regimen of etable food, he was over-persuaded, and tried the affect of meat sonps, which led to his eating both mutton and beef ; but the change was fatal plethora and sleepiness intervened, and he died of celebral inflammation. In 1843 a French soldier was obliged to qnit the service because lie could not over-come his violent repugnance and disgust towards animal food. Dr. Proat, whose testimony will bo more convincing to English readers, knew a person on whom mutton acted as a poison; "lie could not eat mntton in any form. The pecu liarity was supposed to be owing to caprico but the mutton was repeatedly disguised ani given him unknown; but uniformly with the sarre result of producing violeut vomiting and diarrhoea. And from the severity of the effects, which were iu fact those of a virulent poison, there can be little doubt that if the use of mutton hud bed persisted in, it would have soon destroyed the life . of the individual. ' Dr. Pereira, who quotes this passage, adds: know of a gentleman who has repeatedly hd an attack of indigestion after the dse of roasfe mntton. Some persons, it Is known cannot take coffee without vomitii-g; others are thrown into a general inflammation if they eat cherries or goosberries. Hahn relates himself that sev en or eight strawberries would produce convul sions in him. Tissot says he could never swalh w sucrar without vomiting. Ala iy persons arc unublo to eat eggs; and cakes or puddings, having eggs in their cot-position, produce serious dis turbances in such persons; if they ure induced to eat them under false useurantes of no oggrt having been employed, they are soon undeceived by the unnnstakeable effects Unt'er Its stri king forms, this different human beings, is fa miliar to us all; we see our friends freely indul ging with benefit instead of harm, in all kinds oflood which experience too painfully assures the attention of P rents and us, we can eat wiin oniy cfruiu '"j";- XT)THiM - sVould seriously be given, that by it they maf learn to avoid the pettle tyranny and folly of insisting on children eating food for which they have a manifest repugnance. It is too common to treat child's repugnance as mere caprice, to condemn it as siuu anu noncence," when he refuses to eat fat or eggs, certain vegifables, and '"wholesome pnnuing. Now even caprice in such matters should not be altogether slighted especially when it takes the form of a refusal; because this caprice is probably nothing less than the expression of a particular and temporary state ol Ins orgauisin which we should do wrong to disregard. And whenever a refusal is constant, it indicates a positive unfitnes for the food. Only a gross ignorance of physiology n ignorance tmnnp pily too widely spread can argue that because a certain article is wnoiesome io many. ii. must necessarily be wholesome to all. Each individ ual organism is specifically different from any other. Maxima to Guide a Youiig Man. Keep gocd company or none. Never be idle. If your hands cannot bo usefully employed, attend to the cultivation of your mind. Always speak the truth. Make few promises. Live Dp to your engagements. Have no very intimate friends. Keep your own secrets, if you have ay. When you speak to a person, look him in the face. Good company nnd good conversation are the very sinews of virture. Good character is above all things elrfp. Never listen to loose or idle conversation. You hod better be poisonod io your blood than in yonr principles. Your character connot be essentially injured except by your own acts. If any one speaks evil of yon, let yonr life be so virtuous that none will believe him. Always speak and act as in the presence of God. Drink no intoxicating liquor. Ever live, misfortune excepted, within your income. When you retire to bed, thiuk over what you have done daring the day. Keter speak lightly of religion. Make no haste to ba rich, if yoa would prosper. Small and steady gains give competency with tranquility of mind. Never play any kind of game. Avoid the temptation through fear that yoa may not withstand it. Earn your money before you spend it. Never run in debt, unless you see a way to tret-out ncrain. Never borrow if you can possibly avoid it. Keep yourself innocent, if you would be happy. . Save while you are young, to spend when yon are old. , m Never think that what you do for religion is time or money misspent. Always go to church when yoa cm. Read some portion of the Bible every daOften think of death, your accountability to uod. Read over the above maxims at least once a week. A man has a right to scold his wife about bis coffee when ba has sufficient grounds. , - -AW -.YJ" A - -f.

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