' ,THE ni ERl o n OF TH JRRSS S j 31? 1 lit, id F ipn Tlta KIQHTS Ol Till, ,PBOPff .. . r EAYETTEYJLLE, IV. C, SATURDAY,-' ,A UfitfST 14 1858. t " S ....VOfJTHtR YT Vfi 1 nA r- TERMS i n : rr-roinii . . v ' .- r ui . .i.LU-.l..m . iagi copy, ii paia m au vau.ce, per annum, uu , . a't 'f ma.S8' i t " at the end of t months, 3 00 l v " - " ?d of Mw year, 3 50 han one jear ualess paid in advance. - .-ujjuoii oe reueivoa tor a suurwr perioa tvttnttie view of . .t :a ling t tie circulation and en laacmg th usefulness of U. paper, the proprietor of erg the foil, wing remarkably low c ctb r i tks, istva r;ably rjv advance.- copies r the Carolinian, X year, $8 00 10 " . 4 15 oo M.ertHngt vtjr cents per sqavre of IS lias, or less, for the Brat 1 1 30 jents for each suhsequeut insertion, unless the Ivertiflement is publishej for more than two m.nths, hen it will be charged - For three months, - - $4 qq For six months, - - . 6 00 ' For tw ve months, -"--. 10 00 , I vl v;rtismentsmait have the red numb r of in- to is narked on them, orth;rwie Mty will be in rtl t It forbid and ch.rjred iciorlia Special ''if ion is directed to. thigr reifni-iitian. t .ra.jjpiiHm.y--- CLE ET O. WRIGHT, 4tt9rDe)ratLa, FaycltcTlllcHiCt OfHce at the corner of Bow and Green streets. JeVy 3. 1656. I . A. SPKA us. T rORN"E Y" AT LAW, v P i' .-I'lS the -ourts of Cumberland, Harne -ko an 1 Johnston. , - ! lre-s.'To.- n ;r, Harnett Co., N. C. . i 6. 186. 85-y B.lRTfTlV FULLER, Attorney at Iaw, !" V K T r K V I 1, i . o.. lay Ue consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. erd. Esq., on Green Street. July 19. 1856. 7-tf Shep Wo C. SI. AM, ATTORNEY AT I. A W. Can ie found at the Office formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on Bow Street. rtTETTETILLE, lit C. June 26, 1858. tf j )mn d ii juse. ,i juo-crioer is ddw p'reftared to accontmodate ;.x persons with board, in addition to the number -tj .iow has. The building which she occupies is oouveiiiently situated on tile Doualdson Lot, Hay ii lilt, and is a good location for a Summer ad Vi iter residence. No pains will be spared to make .r loardurs cotTOrtatTl-i'--- .'ebruary, 6. MARTHA HART MAN. . ! Oaiupbeil, ri3.EI.K- COMMISSIOS .lIBRCHlSt, ist side of Gillespie street. Faybttbvillb, N. C. . iuer I. i55 URBLB BY GEO FACTOR V. LAUDER. i -iy opposite to E. W. Willkings" Auction Store Fayetteville, J. C. ,t. I. 185B. . II. T U -IVGTON, Ocaeral ''oii1mh1o Hcrcnam. NORTH WATER STREET, IVU Kington, V C, 11 tve personal a-tentlOll to me ai r Huipmeu. ui -niriimeiits of Naval Stores or othsr country 1 ic. -'id any other hnsiness entrusted to his care, .! 1 'e promptly attended to. Vpril 18. 1857. ly l ,000 lbs. Tallow "anted, or which the highest cash price will be paid. I. 185-: A. M. CAMPRE. V lite Lead and Li .-fed Oil, for nl" b v Vu ;. S. J. 3-tf HINSDALE. 15. Bolting Cloth. A constant supply of t-- itel Genuine An ker Bolting Cloth all Nos.. kept oo hand and for sale at the lowest prices by yjAfE MARTINE. Jan 30, 185. im 5mafe2w aoox itBCJaiVBO ANL) t'Oli bVll PI iiitiiigPotatoes Pink Eye) and fine Apples. fresh supply of Raisins, Figs and '.rage... R. E HEtDE. ') et. 2 - 73-tf foot of Haymount. FiiESH TURNIP SEED. 1 AT DUTCH, ASD TOP, SGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, . RUTA BAG A, lust received and for sale by S.j. lllNSDALE. tuly 11. 1857; If FOR SALE, t . wy l-i Beaver Creek Sheetings. i'i i" ira, Wrp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO, : !(,. ' ker, 'toiler find Lace LEATHERS. ) i . ul .nufaeturer'aFLadiugs. . . -Vi-it-r trai 1. .perm. Lard and Lirtiksed Oils. S i iUUe 's Ui iU, French Glue, Emory, Roller loth and Glass Steps. f. tt. .t.L.L. Ire8.B. CM. Co. t ilv 26. 185- Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for S.J.HINSDALE. 63-tf r liiltS, ile by Kag. 15. OLD BILLS. Tr Dersons indebted to the concern of FRANK & fposv andJ. H- ROBERTS & CO., are requested S forward a.il settle their bills. If not settled y thria of tWmoath,they wUl find them in the hands of a Lawful Collector. h roberts & CQ M?8,1868 ' ' WJtt vjr cy J UI J l o The following valuable real estate, the property o . " ?al1 aii0'u- i8 if for sale and coJ.?of the following tracts That desirable "place known as Rome, containing aoout oo acres witu all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the beat busiuess stands in the country, and is vry desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No 2, Consists f a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene ments,) in Cambleton, on Bridge Street near Claren . 1 ? .. T .1 ,., . ,1 : . . 1 - 1 -, ,. uuu unujc. i.uu 10 v.iji uemraoie siana tor business. No 3, Is 3 acaat lots ioGamobUon. known sn r.i plot asNos 09, 111. 112, an half of lot 1 IS . r i 1 ... .... , . .. .. . j - No 4, Is a dwelling houseand lot on Havmount corner of Plankroad and Adams St. A very desira- ble residence tor the whole year. o ., is a oru .11111 anu steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 1 5 horse power. This is well' worth the at- tention of those living where water power is not avail- able, and will be sold at a great bargain. rorrcrnu appiy u . a.. aa.uu. Assignee. August 1,1857. 6i-ti -r-. -. . . r - - DEALER IN C o nf.ction- aries, Bread, Crackers of all kinds, Fniis' K uts, -"- ,v w i " - .,JT : S f aucy Ar tides, and a vari etj of arti cles in the GROCERY TilXR Foot of n.-ivmouut, Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 2. 1851. .3-v NOTICE. Person indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as Guardia of the heirs of John Morrison, dec'd, are hereby re 1 spectfully informed, that said guardian lias in a gi-eal j majority of instances eudorsed and transferred their I notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent ne j cessities, apart from the reqi iremtuits of the en lorser, j compel us to collect as speedily as possible. All those indebted will therefore oblige us. and themselves too. by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A. l. MOP-RISOM. J. M. MOKRISCN X. A. MOIililSOM. Laurinburgh. . C. March 7, 1857. 40-tl TRtVY & FXJIlEU, Attorneys and Counscll.rs AT LAW. LU -BBaTOW . C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULI-ER. haTe formedan association for the practice ot their profes sion in Robeson Co.. only K. E. Troy will also at tend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus, and J P Fuller those of Cumberland. Their Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. January 9,1858. 83-tf FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. & CO , having FRANK X. ROBERTS. J,sed this Hotel,: will be pleased to see their - j-'" n ii i 1 1 i thev will use every exertion to please P. N. Roliorts. fJ. G. Smith Jan. 9, 1338. 83-tf The Subscriber has on hand and i 2. - o w, c o r l Coffer, Sugars, 1 ,:a,Mol.nsaes,SijrvpaU,lron; Steel, Naif, Horse Shoes cy JSails, Axes, Hoes, Shovels, Suidcs, Forks, Trace chains, Black Smith Tools, Brown soap, Candles, Candies, Sole Leather, Negro Shoes, Hats, Blankets Kerseys, Saddles, JVhips, Collars, Glass 1'wti, Cotton Barrrrinr, 2iIanUhi Rope, IV lute Lead, Common ami jine. Cigars, 4' Tobacco, Powder, and Shot, and Vinegar, and many articles not enumerated: all in waut can b uppli.d as cheap as can be bought, in this market. G. W. 1. GOLD .TON. Oct. 31, 74-tf NOTICE. The Subscriber having at Afarch Term 1838, of the County Coart of Cumberland, taken out let ters of Administration upon the Estate of the late Win. P. Wig r.inan, hereby notifies all persons in debted to said estate to make Payment, and those having claims against the same to present them witbin tbe time required by law or this notice will be pleaded in Har of their recovery. G. W. WIGHTMAN. Administrator. March 6, 1858. 94- A. A. Mclvt't lliili respectfully informs his friends aud the public, that he has .ult up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for minutaetiirin Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention t.o business, with-a desire te give satisfaction, to merit a eontiuuauce of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business?. His work will compare 'favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ness and durability. ' He is determined to set! and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as Well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest etock of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, ROC fAVV AYS. AND BUGGIES, ever ottered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low for Casn, or on short time to punctual custom ers. -He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AN!) FIFTY Vehicles Quished and iu course of con struction. All work made byliim is warranted 12 months .rial wlli b Vifflfre I7ew workraan8hlP al W'V 6 r. paired Free o f charge. with fai or mat Persons wishing to buy wonld do well to call and examine fo themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short nnticie and dn very rea sonable terms. Fayetteville. Oct 1 TO RENT, For the balance of the year, a Dwelling House situated on Old Street, the late residence of Mrs. Deze Perry, dec'd. WM. WARDEN Ex'r, July 3, tf DAVID iVlcDl FF1! K, BICK M .SOS AND PLASTERERi A NIT PHiftSOM desiring work done in the bes style in the above department, can secure mv services by addressing me at Fayetteville, N. C. Hr D. . Vic D., will take contracts any where In the cointry, within loo miles from Fayetteville, and j prompt attention will be given to the same. 1 Sep. 12, 1857, ly. MV WANTED -tt T Able Negro Men wanted by the Subscribers to work ou th. Fayetteville and Westeta Rail Road Sections 10 ll & 18 miles from Fayettsrilfe of whom the highest price will be paid by calling oi the Subscribers ou the work. 1 . G. & W. MCDUFFIE 1 March 27 94 tf . FOR SALE OR KENT. ue uweiuug uouse and lot on Hay Mount, near the Oonaldsou Academy ioininir VV J Vales and othe-S Tt 1 11- latHy occupied by Hector MoMillau Esq.,wUU a wli.Uft rfnl .5o -t. - - ' . xr lector Mc.vlillau Esq.,wUUax den in front. It will '' good tenant on reason U -1 1 1 i- , , , ,. . . . . , , - - ot good water & G.rde oiu; a OKI 5 tt 1 barS;i ' or rented to rms aPP'y to JAS . A IV J 1 Also the two . ory Ware House on Church St. near rresoyterian Church, April 24, 98-tf " . j TT Tt'lfa'riPTro JLM . S .I.lO.I . '. ; Tho Trustees of the DOVATnnV irAtift Mde..r. " iyuiititrrst- ?frT;.'"w,..i.i. :,. i conducting their Schonl. The Academy is situated conveni.iitly, , aud the patronage of the school U KkeTe .ituaa Sto"- FS . . J untill the 1st of Septmler. W. B. VV1.IGHT, President of the Board of Director.-;. July 17, 1358. At A BARGAIN CAN BE HAD. 1HE SUBSCRIBER OFFEUS FOR SALE The Materials of the North Carolina Areus Printitirr - Iffif rFli . -i ) .1 1 1 . i .m t ; . ........ . .u. . . . .iv. ....... 1 .... . .1 L. j. rii.;i. I .1 1 IJ two first rate Washington Presses, one fcr news- I :. . i . . . ' i' I . i . ptri aim juu ip. very are 1 1 . . 1 1 ical experience una taste anu are as complete, as any in the State. Any person wishiug to purchase can get a bar- gain by an earlv Application to " DAVID MURPHY. Fayetteville, June, 12tli 1853. tf. i - , NOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. i ii !... pnp. ij-p. are uui nimwus iiian ue Dees an oie luiiis-Duu am i Ded quil.s outen a bed chist. but she lett in little wru aud tbe largest portion ot job type I'lliheel-barrer him into Eternitr. n nl W.kUif. -if .,, new. It is uniiecesary to enumerate, the se- . . , PT " ' -...--....--.- .. ...,, . .HE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Sol.liers.ine nuffin now, an I'll tell you how I paid and t'io Wnlows of Soldiers who iiei x service in the war ot 1312, can have theii pensions continued by calling on the undersigned Congress having made additional provision f them. 7 Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or iio charge. ' JNO-. M. ROSE. . . Agt. for Pensions. Fayptteville, June 19, 1858. tf building iMatek'als. ; CALCINED PLASTER; Hydraulic Cement; Pat tent Lump Lime: Plastering Hair. ;' A fresh supply just rec'd and for sale bv R. Rose. July 31. 3t Oil.. ners' and l.mseea Uik; m tre.h si,,, rec d and tor sale in quantities to suit bv BEVERLY iZOSE. July 31. 3t "W"EiX GROVE. ryiHAT plesant and most desira'd Country Re JL treat, 24 miles from town, on the. Fny . ttevill e- rtvrttpville & Western Plank Kuad, is offered fi. snle on favor able terms. Apply to BEVERLY ROSE; July 31, 3t SUISTDRIES Mhire White Lead, in Kecrs of 25 and 50 lbs; X- window Glass, 8x10 and 10I3, together with 1 . i t f n . i i i i : . g.iieini i in uiii'ut in riiiiiis Him vomi U-Tiir.1 Also, extra No. 1 Bar Soap Adam ntine Candles of the best quality put in boxes of 20 lbs each. For sale by B. ROSE. July 31. 3t AUCTION. fW HE undersigned has made arrangements hy j B which ho is prepared to furnish at short no- tice, any reqired quantity of ! No. 1 PERUVIAN G-"CTAIS. O. ' all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure alid genuine. Orders for the above excellent fertilizer are so- lir .ir,l. to which oromot attention will be civ. n. As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or company each order. ... ..frrM. v ti"I.!it a" iii im RObE. July 17. JAMHSEYLE . Is now receiving his Spring supply of DE5- GOODS. Among which are Prints, Lawns, and Crilliantes; CoI'd and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; Cashmere and Merino Twills; White aud (Jol'd Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Slik and Straw Bonnets; Ac. With almost every article in the Dry Goods line; all of wiiich has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will be offered cheap for cash or bn time to paying customer.. March 20. 93-tf --wj T A Ttl DAVIS having! tlv locating' in t i Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his sfervi- ces to the citizens of this place and shrrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro- fession, including the manufacture of Mineral of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental, educa-J tion, that ne can give entire sausim - mr as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper- ahd cafe fill man ner, as well as diseases of the mouths None but the orouer metals are made use of in. the various Charges, will he. moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within operation the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. ElPOtHce over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1858 tf DISSOLUTION The undersigi-ed have this day by mutual consent dissolved Copartnership in their Contracts on the Western Kailroad,- J Cj LALEY. July l.t l5d. 3t-pd JAS. BBANIN, N 0 R T I f f! 4 I i ( I , I I A K v FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. - . . , From the Nifehrille Union and American. Sut Lovt ngood's Chest Stot y ' BY S 1, of TENS'. .-:'. I told you, George, tht v. ;;i. - , , v.. . 0 . .. . ; n f 1 si si fiin 1 :i , r.' -, 4- . 1 1 -, ! , -.. u ...... ,1 I Well in t te R mo voL'a. m snrni fta T bp. d .11 im. 1 11 1, u. . . v . m. uuau i tuuabr ni b ll .T UUV . o . ,' - o UIU" anQ woman could ever get as clost as man aud wife should, arter such a h 1 bye a fuss and hurtin as tuck place at ole Busns jth.it day. - Ty ; j.neyse all got a spite at mo yet about that ar trubil, an I swar I warnt to blame ..: .. r ... . - , . cl1 orter , maae efj Bii or .conven1an ofiJightnin rtnrned haslet cut niitDn himi BJ--Tr7rTr for him if I ketches him, for gittin me infer' troul.l, arter he did all the devilment, while : 1 f bar the blame. Now, ain't hit hard 1 A 1- B' 11 J 1 C T ma. u?iug a iiaierm uorn u i iouij s a jmi o cane, pac iuu ove ; wet powaer, witn owns lis, has to bar the blame of the doins the open aind towards his his hed, Now of an infunnel stumpy horn'd, curly, faced I meano tu lite hit, id start him on his hole iob bull; and that, too, arter I'd dun ! travels with a tree top fast to the swingle him a kindness, puttin the ba skit hndil over j tree but I thot I'd fust sneak tip to the house his Wns, so he could eat the corn while he ; and see what were agwine on, and what I war i travelini for I swar they'd a mauled saw altered inV nlans rmr.. lv. T snek I him rood ef they had kotch him a eatin ove 1 I " . J m V hit. He 's an ungreatful beast, and I'll du , I . ji i , n-i i i , - , i i' r . . : i . l I i.- r i j rts 101 oi.nj, ei . uaiui evt-u witu uer, von my jist nail my tonge to a tree, an then . gLer me tm l reels whole carcasg into L -i j. j i u . i l I amile ot tiing, and thar 11 be nothin lett I yit my bones on tu the toe nails, and per- : jjurns 10, mina ei 1 aon t. 1 and anaDer otlamD blac onto he till. In ps a sernpshun ot-la gs, and a pile ot rags ' sum supp r, an she wer mighty willin an pies nd har at the ee 'id of hit. She" dont owe in and broke on to the kitchen to grit hit in ud. It wiir about lavinsr by corn tim tim. when she married that hard face, mean fisted j w cus M t ag.nog time, I be?an to , , , 0 ? - 3 , , 1 see that he wernt her "arhnity, es a school I teaching oman called hit, when she wanted to circumvent me s tu git her wood cut and her mar cried. 'George, did you ever have a strong minded woman git arter you a real he oman.' 'No.' 'Well, if ever one dus, jist you fite her like she wore whiskers or run like hl; ef yon don't ef she dont turn you inter a kidney wormd hog what cant raise his bristles in less nor a month, you er more or less ove a man than I takes you to be. Ove all the varmints I .ver seed Iae feerdest of them. They haint human; theyse an ekal mixtry ove studhoss, black snaks; goose, pe.tcock, britches an d- d raskil. They wants to be a man; aud as they cant thev fixes up thar case by being devils. tact with a comit or a coal-porter lhaif"on. bve em eny time. Th.yll undermine your constitution. vv el1, matters rocked along, all hands doin es they pleasedj and I a watchin ove em -for 1 wur arter revenge ontil about the hosses begin to squeal an turkeys to gob ble, I discivered her 'affinity.' She wur running an oppersishnn line to the ole chick en eater, in cahoot with a man powfull with pills and squt3 Doctor Gua Fabin , . - . . i an they wur makin fast time, all connections, and the male vur kerried pufectly fust rate. But I dont much wonder; she never did feel i warm to ole Clap-haw; h t was the1 suckit riders charm whot foch her "again her will, j George, youse got a heap to lam y it. There 1 am three vartints what can charm wimmin an b'rds the suckit rider, the cat, and black snake They kin du it, an none ove em ever misses a change. Ef 1 had a pet mock- inbird and a darter, Id make war on all cats and suckit riders I'd fill the buryin o-roun with wun, and the big sink hole with the tuther; .m I'd he v a barrel full ove h.yme , , , i i. f i-:ii : i books an claws as u.edels of my skill in clost sllOOtin. I seed a loaded shot gitn once lyin , i , art I broadcast onto the counter, ove Cougdon gtore, there war a cat washin ove her face top ove a hat box, an a suckit rider wur a sceqliits cyUfseBy the lite ove the cane squib old r-entleman proved too much for him, f. tryin to git Cogdon tu gin sumethin to pay an the fox-fire, and every now and then the nb ent i0me and died in a fit. If mercha:. for 'over-edits for the puis Sepoys,' at tuther hoss fotsh a ye:l bit wan't a squeal, tit a bra o n t want td o-et rich too fast they shonl eend ove the room; and durnd ef it didn't , but sorter between the two, a orful sound. t,e tiareful uot to advertise." Cock hitself, and then twiirig rOiind like the ! Ive never hern eny live thing make jist that j needle ove a cumpus, fust towards and wun noise afore or sence and 1 swar 1 dout want td. 1 l p ri iiINIX(j to Demii A ft .' and then tuther, I dunrio hbw often, an at I thort I'd follow an see what went-with 1 months a- o a gentleman residing in the i. last went off-killed the caves ded as be the chist. Arter I'd went a tnil. iir so I sutereturn d from California, brin ; -d d, an tuther barrel tore off four faearn a voice up in the ar, say "mister, you'd J" llirn , m prattling Indian gl I jarus uve iu. hu.m. nu.a. w us vu ui. ct-iuiig ii un a luuiiiu. .iia.i o. an instink in shot guns about this thing sar- tin; f or you never see a sucket rider vith wun in his hand, nor a eat - what loved the smv 11 of gunpowder: j Well;' arter I larnt what road they run thar line over, and all the pints ove the case, I went tu wurk td gin both a skeea, and him ' t . T I ! : .. . . . 1 1,4. . V..I.IMH ' 1 1 . n ' iiuriiu. iutwi uo " ove em: the bovs call'd him Gut Fatty for Bnorti an he call'd em "imperdent, onedica- j ted d d jackasses' fur long. He wnr jist - t. -A,aa 1 . nr. w r tllAr "V , luu'u V" &' " :." His' eyes were like onto two huckelberries es - . tu color and size, stuck, deep inter a oigDau of red putty, ?f.ho'di been killed and biled in a hogshead of lye, hed a made soap enough to washed away the sins ove a whole Know nothing Congressional district Congress man, lawyers, wimmeil n all; He dressed himself to kill, and rid a monsous big black lirkaa ok r lc V rV , CkT Til Olltill VPT1 him his neroorshums wer chan2ed--he teen Vhen I got dun with warn't over i hight an ea lonu es one ove ole feet long ten hands Bulliu's sarmaintSi I hed gethered and hid a fust rate lot ore fox-fire all feddy td iise. Well, one night I found this long, black, king, hoss hitched to a w.ng.ii limb, in a -ole not far Mnd ole (. lapshaw hoiise store debts; so I tuck off the Doctors squar bod ed saddil bags and sarched em an tack all docterin truck outen the vial All A hnrpa. v.-, nnnroil ln'f f 1. 1f 1.11 .: u. i-i I "v u 1110 uau ivu uig UOLIU ove whiskey, siraek hit ttp good( and Jist i.i,.,i,,.j 4.i , , 0 . , i.r- .. . . -.- u.v7..Ua. j i.voo tt t 1, 1 . 4- , 1 t t-. P .1-. .1 ...v., m. ,0.1 spoymni. xi Wfr tne D1ffeSt mixtrv n.o ... W U.Z '. ; x- , J - . " . . j. . -.u . HiiiiH. a .. n ab mia i . J. uvv c 0- VJ 1HUII mviii try II I V HflJI IK. g?era outen the stable, an btifj von" tlite ole black 'patient,' now laborin onder - myp sciption (waru't bit beyant Common doct?ne?) U16 1 I tied lumps of fbx-fir U orer tie nafn ess' inter his mane, and onfcei-ears Hcloolted-ttie Ible blac devft d3ike onto hafn ess' inter his mnn tnd . bf.W, r , wiM.7S-w " " T ."T d - -- - ,&rfif & Ujytxed wth an o powfnllf J; vk'::aad hbt 1 rful siteer ! hattin. Then .plicen the ondereide ore his tail a big 1 n . , ... ; must a noise, for when I peeped through the I . - O J --.. ; crack at the door, thar wer Sicily a fliiiff out . . . , ... . ... .jumped rlH ratty in 1118 Snut tail one j slam'd the lid, turned thev key, and flung. on h d terrectly. I nocked a staggerin . . .. . , , """aa"" sorter onsartin lick and war so drunk I cud j scasely stand. I managed to ax Sicily for i - i - hopes the hopes that when I'd stuffed my carcass I'd go to sleep. When sh lef so did I, arter the ole thnshin mesheen cover ed with hoss hide and fox-fire. I foch him up clost to the door, and tied a stout rope to the handil ove the chist, an to the swingle tree. Thar war a new connection for Mas ter Doctor Gut Fatty's line. Now mind, he'd never sed me in all his born days, and praps never hearn ove me so while I wer making the hoss perfectly fast onto the chist he whispered "Sicily love, is he gone? Sez T, 'Yes; but do you keep still: sumthin orful is 8gviue to happen imejutly; that' signs and wonders in the above the comb of the mountain, an they all has eyes an nos es li e Mister Clopthaws, and theyse makin dredful months at me ail that's a thousand laig wun ontu the fence es iong esa close line hits body is red and streaks ove sheet litenin is playing among hits scales and hit have two ".V sr. s t-TlA h'in monf. ik ontn von ana me. x mn en ray nr aaau, J il .-j 1 .1 1 . - , ine yeartn, ana now inen an gins tnem a snak an great big drops ove fat cotlies ohteh ybiij and afore they draps to the groun they cetchs fire and bums lik turpentine. Oh Dordy! Guns! lovei we haVe ruinated our sefs! You begin rite in the middil of the biggest six hos prayer you know nun ove yer little 'now I lay me down to sleep.' brit a rale strong devil shurkiri pray.f. an keep on at it' fur thars vexashun bve spirit and bodily tribulatiou ahead fur us bof. I hearn him groan an he trimbled till he shuck the chist, but he sot in to prayin fur the heathen, mi sprend ove the gospil.like ahoss. I knowed that we had planted a big skeer an that hit would bar frute ofore moon down, sol jist snatched up a chunc ove fire oft eii the hath an toch off the powder onder the tail ove the ole hoss; 'Now I'll j,st be continentally an especially durned el that chist didn t go outen the dbor breast high, arid the fus time hit struck the yearte werefotty feet down the. hill fits thar the fust ove the aigsgot tharsefs basted ther nex time hit toch the yeartW wer. on tuther aind (an thar the ballanceof Sicilv's aiffs crin iid thor shells,) away belyw the stable, now th. .'. i s ; mtxtry begun: aigs, lamp blac, and ole Gut a Fatty. Th chist tuck down the rHoun.ain; t , utfuer not irave mucii iuruar mat course: TT 1. 1 1 1 . -, xi is uusteu pium open and tnis yere mountain's f 11 ove the devels. I wish I wer back itt ole North Calinaj" whar onst peple ken sleep ove nite..'" I looked up sorter skeered, jtn thai sot astraddil over a limb ave big red oke, a, long bony spe iment ove regular herrin me. sheen, in his shuttahis hi eyes shuied like, a mink's an the bottom ove ms leei tuuKfa sorter line a taier paicii in thr weeds: Sez I. Ttav vou crofe linuor lef. 0. M yei drunk at all, ur only & durned fool?' I aint nether (gin u a chew terbaeker) 1 :.. .. .!. efu' cu luuu,u tual wltu T Up by an awful yell, an here cum the devel a taring es big es a corn crib, an he had hell fire harness on an a knot on the aind ove hs tail es big es a turpentine still, an he ran over my horsses and upsot my waggin, an tuck thru my. camp Cre, inking the chunks, an sparks, an ashes fly es high es the trees, ri Oui ove site in a minit. The die hen an the chick; am scattered an I tiik this yere tree, an I'm gaine tu keep hit till mdrning. (Gin os a chew of tefbrtc.kef.) I'll tell yon mister, this yere TeuheSsee don't suit me. Such sites ove nites, an stich mouutais ove a day, will break down any man that was ever foulded and no her ringf or tar; dam the place. I'm gwine bS.k do yon here rafeon.?" F5e I, "spcctyon ha.1 Best go hack, and travel in t)iet tlmC for that. warnt thsrTseed, brtt thefoS KHier ior l'oie .. f ... .. ... J I U II E ir,'H ... -i , .. . . . "j, -an i r 11 e sees yo sr. oiu .orth vaiitiav ntir ver tnr ; kfn neither: stf 'Jon hed better fnihd.' 1 wein, on in 1113 camn, .in ihar n .,t -..- J t cfiat , ,'.. ti 1 7 PqiaiWVlltO U1S, hunkers, all alone, n?thiM' - , v 1 L?t JP ist 8; ..jfar Clever hilt np to mortal eyps HV he'd- a rolled wffn way ft e iiriji-r, ah he were everv color Weref every color ever iiiTentetTili shit wr sfucfe es tita'to him e.t fn pasted one, hewer peppered all over with U"oken shells.Wara piece 8 bitf es a o-r;:. ove Here wefe a black st.eake. aide-ed laf, then a mixed frfr.h ore all cullers, .the it corn. . -1 looked liks-lut h:ru Deen diped in thunderBml 7 liteti.ii) an skj Ida; he wus. no more like hunnu than dad'wheo he acted boss, an he out stunk a buizafd's nestj fur some ove the aigs wtrti sorter spid like, an sum wer almost ready in chirp. To look's t him an smell ove him yoTi corileii't think he ever thought of an oman, ni' that one would ever let him cum inter the lo' I think his nppitite far them wittals are a'? ..-"T -a. I A " .. .. ." gone. ez 1, w nat er yonx uo no,- v you snrii invenshnn to kare wimmeh an hossesV 'Do no.' 'Whnr you live?' Jo his sens"- seemed sorter tn cum, at ha aed how fur wi ' to the Hiwasse. coppef mine; fcez I, nevrr hearn tell ove hit." "Well, hit's in Polk Comi ty Tennessee.' 'Yoii am jist aliOut otle hnhdreil and fifty miles frnm thai-, on the n.th side oi' Tennessee River, iii Jackson County Alabnmf ' Is that fl fiiC, mister?' 'Snrtin,' sez I. H fotched a big breath. 'Well, I'v made the fn test time ever made by mortal man atween them pinfs. I 'se jest been about fonr ntinits a doin:- hit, but. hit has ni o-to killed me ' 'Now,' ... I, 'mister ef that is so, don't you tell hit her fur they'll tuke you fur the telegraph what . they've been looking fur with gnns fur a Ion . time, and they lieV yer scalp a durned site quit--er nor yon tatsde Je. fast tripj they don't b--' jieve in you hf the devil what invented ynii; don't wast time in pnttin another hundrt d mil. ! ol. so attyeeii vou and this here place. I f lowed the horse about seven miles by the u'c''1 tor'e truck what I'd give him, but I could'- ketch up. I never seed him nortlie chest tmr Gun Fatty arter that nite, on I don't care i dliru ef t lisvef da. "Wonder ef Bicilymisns him "Jce? Ole Clapshaw believes in witci;- wai lock, an long nebbed things,' more than ! does in Sicily an his growing skce r ovo ghcp' keeb3 hint at home o'nights I roilly think hi s ;: ,rt I)P a pl009 lirtft tlllK. -lr v ' wa ntt Him, iei-tif m ".. -,... . ." -.. lias nO roses on her cheeks !he cuiin"Tan.T and she won't cry. Huint hit orful In thir'c ove? Sav George, don't sum feller up yer tr ) nuike whisky onten norn and hot strike niiu ' Ei thar is, seiid iae wuid by the fust chance. A Very Hard Case. The New York Times tells the following "An eiit.prnrisino- vouncr man in Albar a few years ago who had, what he consider..! to be a valuable medicine, which he wishc t to seu for the benefit of mankind, prevail - upon an 0 fellow of his acquaintance t join him in business, and furnish him wi the necessary capital to go ahead with. I: ? came: to New York, and at once entf roi Upoh 'almost profligate and ruinous cour.-f .'i .:: ,. bb.b t lt exi itrd tin l ,.m nf the old o-entleinan in Albanv, win came down to" inspect the accounts of th i concern, and to his utter consternation V discovered that his prodigal partner hn : epeTlt his cntire capital the' first year in a-- ve.t.sino. fiut examining a little furthrv i. :...Li i, .,.,. . idiiil to h s .. .;, a t.ho amount t.f a -T.jiii. inxji nicm ,..- the .abif d he had furnished, as his ..hat ofthe rofita The astonishment of the po r . .. JnterestiiKr creatnre as ever provt a "well spring of pleasure," in a household. The gentleman for son:e reason did not CP' " to have the child remain in ha family, ai d brought her to this city and placed her i i the or han asylum, aud promised to c: and see her; For a few days the life sn; -rodndingher seemed to furnish sufficient t : tei tainment, but it was soon apparent th; something was l icking to satisfy her mi: T entirely a void which conld only be fillo ) by the presence of some one whom she ha-! learned to call "papa." She ' became li?' less and mei nclio.y, and the sports of th. children failed to please or interest Visitoi a to the asylum petted the little 'Pocahohtar.,' as she "was called, but their attenti: scarcely ever recalled her spirits. -;.-stantly ujibh lie. tongue was t'ie name o: "papa." She grew weary and tiredi a; ; graddaly dumb. There wag nd appart": -disease, but a perceptible wasting aw:i of the natural energies. The gentle in:; i who left her at the asylum had ne 1 called to see his little charge, although b! ' was nouried, and cared for with all t' l tenderness possible, she slowly drooped nu' i a few day, since when she died with tl. i last fleeting breath still murmuring the nai. of ' papa," as she had frequently done in v fae&vn9--Ciitc;.7inctiti Gazette A

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