1 ' V -J. . I J . . ,cr-stoiit3 -i ijatu1"'""- St. 1 TiTfiiir-i rtF 1 n 1 i.'iv.if ana From the N- Y. Post. I - j cross. .ur w A.R IN - The Cresern; . aWtf A. TT-' - from China " ; 1 e detai8 of the 7- n . ujw .rUd the r.e- -:- iVt, of eolh. ,;ersare in-r-of the races in the Tusn. re are cuouiv. lisions between the two From the N. C Pl' The Eartn w It 1. weU to .f,; H 8ible familiar with Juity in the soil, work out the pro em of and it is wise to learn the iygmfic.t "elf-conceUed wisdom, opne gap- nosea in - .r, " the moist earv L..,v.es his length on tne ' -wfood for suci.""" - 1. . nse tiimu mnrnins. is of much else nse f bait for the early bird or ch.cjeu - , fee foDnd hy the truant boy's fish hook f inveBtijir.to. V o-hn will take the p' 1 iborerT ' ,.f collisions uem counts 01 . . k;v, nnmrrme The uw" - s. iU(ial 01 icwi : .. . r,i..u;ah rtominio, " " er V Hied powers ore . - b of the races in me lu.. Afferent quarters, of the alliea p rossed the u .... ,!, 8 multaneousiy nf ,ter- pSSo and the mouth have kto P ft the. fat a'ical Mohar :.i,nn6 iuiw . . nr.orn Alliance. 1 milium" .. , 1 ,,, wiok wilh nn form us - nQWers oftlie w -. mp(lans of the ohi scuou. fl c w 1 1 ItOHIIC Vv r ... .,mt R 1 ft L 11 o . 1 - 4 , A iniTt'liailltL " L7.Tm.d and foolwn fniw.--- wUh a aIld jealousy npou-v ..... . Efforts and g -on mro.000 of hu- Christian power ,; - n , wui - - mnire ui , , order o induce that vas, i Se ill begin on -. YoBK.A.f- -Ter; t0, dV eclpse of Septevnu- Treenwich time) , ' e semblage ,01 dnCted by Lonfrom Aspu-- had 6aUed from -h ilh. '.k nd lonscitnue ceremonies uu. ... t in ruii mewiwif T 4norn. - .!". -Z .,n.tv. who were of the 1th- in tral eclipse at r te Ma80mc ": - 4, 4 w?'v c south ana .min latitude 5, 46 s nftt 3h 68m P- T1e " th lor.eitud- S "of forts and gnoais 000 of hu. Chriftia po.. ; "tl placed In a delicate r U1. omnire 01 ouu,""". i. I his ministers are i y nntKimure ftpnlv to bkj"." - . ote tor mei'" " , ,,, Mediterranea" - d.e. y...,,;i.to acqmre a tasie the Uf Asia and the Meu,tciU ot. nf the Sultan nal want; ana op?" "t- V t,loeP circumstances m Wa, dize wh.cn u.7 laa t0 people -C .. ,b,ilv more unsteady, am. . ' interior 01 vne- V'T, tn people w.tn wim.n u"- - involved in iresu H"- 1 Kn w uu i t . j i i ' 1 11 1 it v hccm-j ---- .r 1., itn r-nn- r ladies and g"";i ' ln waU arrivea ner: , - The ecTbse IT m. C Cfreenw.cn v 7 te . ,arge -0.0.- - condnCtea "v :Zf the West had sawe - , the earth ft 4 north and .onguu en The ceremo. - t u. -fee third with fi.o. of the 1th;u. a.-;- eclipse at y...-- - the Masonic r -Hornet9 jve . rfornis datea to tne . -wVat force; as we- - &- ....-- au River exc.teme... " iJK-f- OHte, led in ww . Wortv vessels .e. Alexander . --R foWi" as tr. o. " j.ositedi'-,r.u. had been , Tnen at itrat line of J. stJone a iist of th .office ;n officeTB ;ne Tree Dnft The To ts ne, Tto the Governor for a.", .pplyed to the" mlV.tary when ca led cm -" .mnnt in' hiuc "i f ;. LiOaSe "'" r " t the tOiua J Th l0er,,v" ' j ifaVins x 1 ,e Sun of sa'd ou PreBident off ,,,, VVesten , Tle";.ftnts decamped, leav g nere ik -- to ravia, iu .-f -- -j.lof loai . ,v n WhlK a"11 .. line ... j,,m a nnth. and near to ray miies wide . d copie8 ot - - v b. lf .nbscriber8 to .on. wlon among the dern ITii h- totally obscureu - -t wlU i-K . a liat of the nau.- amount3 1 , a 8trong 0ge8gion of "a A rinsr 59 seconu T; 60Ulh, alld v-- company. of the , - f " ..rilipnl I" .. .i .IB "'- " , leave tne - -n Brazll, tne c.i .if.liltnral i"ul C1 that he is ,!,u helin. those most workins early anu ... - , w0 does who help metu..- ' laUj. You rureiy n- not UVteio work 'jSg-Pni Pt the mm these -W!te3 ,IC'V Wift4 them. Towork them up , j the Walk over a rlcafofV-forttions that ,orins,ad thoX- thf-earth ?t.ronh they hve mida openin a(iJ br, mauy ihe9.,e,U",S '"tU-ohly worked im up from below a tl.o.o. J Qn the Enable earth, and placu.' . says: Surface. A nUvih is a "The burrowing ol etrvii asrTicul- exceediuy useful to tue re nseflll to turist; and these "X , b.jurious by man in this way. g" " y (T;ve a kind of jtrnvinff vesetables. - j, - - the same r tillage , to th. agatfc for the below gron;lltha;h,Lh C arable land, looaen garden. and the P Sj J u permeable to a.r tr the earth so as rend r . .vn l water. It ha? l-uciy n0ver.nat bn'" - wi'levenadlto, ea,y;;;i,ei.ve mnch' rather -lt illk ofrB,n,pathy and no .u .,vi no common m '., , with u.rj , .0nSof ntercouimu.i.v-"-- - concciva. . jr- arp t their ways, aim n whose wnj-"" , .U,, n,iah to Uio- '":k nesisrn tooBe.iQ o. would every hour be -d the most element-j f . . prejudices, i tlp most ousuii"'- - breeding, the mo their ecepts. and the nobw Quixotism is to be kL -omes daily more uusteaa - ..pation8 ofVfSrrofy 10th con- 1110 , r nea in Candia. to the otn, tain news from aea. haQ the distressing which is later DJ k " p7evion8ly received. In accounts from that c ty p population, as ll navts of the is'd 'he wr t v oou as informed of the or four e 11 ,a Democrat; a list 01 u.e amomns , ,hete iB tbe po8Ression o. 0Ulh81,d ihestockofthe company,' 'tn inBB of 1 ocrats of Californ.a tne V 1( be- wiH ,e ifiriUd ; eopy of the P. by-iaws ; -tlBg convent-o" The ?--rAVd7e obscuration contnme 11. - o a Copy of the the Ad-", 17 miles lul' .v,0 will cuii8C4---...j . .prion 01 . f tne , , ortv n"u" ' . ...,nmpr Ul'" station, lwccu Broderlc. , . . . n. and election of tne uaS party y 0:Blatnre hns i i'"- 7 from iuruH'r - n . h. the e.j ; out ot P'"' thus the varm- waS ttifirp. win 1 a etpnmeis ... .kumii seconds " ind during whicn to nroceedings 01 d h V" l0Sr olored . pvotuberance, and Pruh of officers ecjed- the reroa."-, oDiena than tnoae other phycal Pome doublfui whether anj h r)efrom.Euroccupya;T;rth mil , And tim Sa"" ot Engrvn taxpayers played off .?f : - Tztr.s.n x ici"i,v . " .- - ,.ic r-S cmolo eterpr. of Uflecl iUwan Ptal i.t wiurn nt3 , -1, II iiaua. 1 . - . i.-.wttai. r iu -- l 1 14 u " . , n . , ; .-. nun LUC ' - I tan--t o 1. I-.1F Now, on behau 01 " - demur to iehalf of outraged good ba that tUiswe forb d these o for chin,erical would entangle ns m a to. ij overnment is t tn niiti r . i h"? r It was absurd enough to bouna iu rHSin"lY wanieu c.o. send ships aiid s,am n Pr. 7 . orde where, acn nlo and nrropm . ponisl. the contumacy of l,.nto of Yeh. Wei . but Yeh s pi (n is taken, a lanar -..." ff of Bowrmg ;.- f the Lorcha. under sneran P. ?! Parkes; and what hascouie that h of soil ; covering obstinate mu.utu - - dog- . . : 1 n 1 :i Y i ji I ' , .v. t htv ltl c u--t-- 7 - sis L ..r t ri r TS Willi . .-.orl Willi iv.J mi , . no ii tunv " - . l . .,m,;'i "V marl, or cinders. isan 1 - - them It revolutionist.. threate...K tuu - six of they d.d not uibpe "-, -- f g mi, pacha, the ringleaders. 1 .' Jrtare from Con vw Governor, whose depariu 1110 v. - , - annouucei. vj 1 stautinople on the J" ' h great. impa- rr.e fO(, ade i brfng sclent tierce. It is loped tl.a t l.e J inUrrctioe reinforcements to prevent any J. of The Augabury i?ztle,;1 Ci,ristia..a f the the treatment to wh.ch t he . - istria ! Turkish province of os it, , -T-.l The have been :stia and Tt 1 r- i t ri' ill. v , iti p: uuv 1 1 iitiM - ill nrooauij . , .v.. wnew "nnnfessfn ' 1 A publication from that the people were opp; ofjhat l. rn m tVUYIt' i 1 J V. xu I- I IU w"- w it n .1 , It woum j t ,i,,8 time. 'lieve that h occaslons a. d at tl w .fi ,g isuredly go so5 exception, we consider. d Mr deUvered. t of the this e- f nnr0nriate and : tt:ne. tlally to be -are now busily eng-B - r g fo- r.Ar..inn Ol tlie '""r1" 1 . .'I iiii'.1 u , '1 'f". .ywrti1 Tlatti-i iw regreuea. F" - - o. at the nortuwaru -r f the naeri - t f the o 1 I i t n . . nr r. n in f r.OKD PESfATCHj . A-.-ccv. er.e..reP--- upon a PV? orP ttlle'fl. i - .An Tn ans were ' and too . ai of the Niagara- TPKfc xt M.-The tt i-r , .v:- oftnrnOOD ' the i Btea'nsWpW. V" I-jw 31. ix i.nmnn uaics " - . i? n Unuer - tlie fncnasui Parliament waBrv'u'J " Under the belief that an - -hou i P-s,dfnt o. commence-.--. ,o from England t ie fer 8tMlding an . Canard with ! T - ...; mnv expect "L'"'? n w- i ... .4 t hp nm.i.u..'" . i i iiui 1 1 ii i it' . r i i r ' t ikL' - SoSySe " . 1 Pl ompt'y. " tn the. rainless region of Pe. u being TVfi Sumner writes "lwitJ. He came in last bnt .one. 1 states iia "l . 1 Onnnt PTPT . The Goodwood CnpwMWCy -TV 1 .TtaA" . a. these III i "d'imii. r ;f rdr. .h.i; . W 1 VI 1CU arc in tune tuu.cu epirfttation. well adapted to he s P-- eonimon,y That tl.result.-w...ch t dowu attributed by fmners to the w y dM lo of the material wpp fr:n the l!ie action of tho. r h woJ n fact that m - l1Utlnru-shed ,itin., the Unitea o - ltt n.ii- Comply of New 1. Xrprom ' fiX off-d every facility ana a. commodate" at its command I d fay Suitable Histranients I have De Bache - Riinuar cav.v. ,.,,ipr jium 'ki-kish , ..... ..t Survey, ana oui""' , ,. " i diff-lty between the u s Observatory -. have , c... nouulations, - :.,,0 Hosnii, a m-tions ot tne equips --. tmnmnt mater Uerzegov.i.u, .--- r- Yieunata ccomp,,Shea a!,t.""-"- iaiiy for tne di-putatiouof ohr.t.answe t.0mpleted ; wbich otcasi0".'4 , ; Smithsonian Insti ,rlestdn. He came m im yu peWed Mr Editor -1 assnmes two tyM fnKHive8 were hemmed ,n - The rebel.' ..;utn sucn ait-- p . stiff, ana ei"'"" Kri.liant vicitory - , ot.ip wcui" ' . Fat stocN . ! na nn lrcuij ---The Cow Disease, A A n 04711 I fneiti ves were hemmeu .... -l,niiftnt vicitory near Lncknow. nos rai r (.nnBr l u-v r. lost &DOUK UU" of "worm-casts m iy .' ,i. i.idiirnatioil 01 'r us py iru " - ; ni iiiu v . c . . v, a u n r-s . . 1. ii f Will & "l.i rii..ira U.' Illl ilb . - . 1 . r . gains ana go " . frnaint lasii.o.. ltil.f.Ili,l9. threa.ei.eu - t i o t- merry vl . .. it ..over ' .1 ..fr,,rtc hi me 1 teasi, u -..wwiirn DevlW "V.'V ,. In spue 01 11.5 . the Tv jn.t as tui - or escaladed - Bciljlllaka and 12,00? battereu .- - , . .rinetlls. " r,.u . v.mmiss oner at - t.- ,lirliei all turopea.. '. -.,, r f:icts. iSow as p--;- ctinl!S. quiet, solid, .tn.,born -- pun, 1 . .- unnnssiir. i""" , . ier-- l.S lost about it all the syn'v' r -.. waV botii m x.w ll" . . on ..t..rl ill tUlS aJi cinor.RI T tw hundrea.au--- have not seea -, and Soutn ked. A po- annua. . . folir jraif'iiir , Epsom salts g... - ful of grou:.u .u:i, was added a tame .-iW.tpd a cure. win,... . with me cu . tins aii . .. re nia "-!.-. milk and tnree " i KOre 1 lift fnwn it n a..rk nnriiicuv V": , ".rxr t.to. They . m- amrti t believe .nlh. OniZll'"-o norl. Ol Of L lhe shedding 01 - sore Floor dalU oec nneu , ;;- nhls reil-- . i.i. .rP.rniSi nl,!lJlnliia 2U a - . .i WhRatfirm l. . Rlich SlUt Ik r 1 1 unouv.r nail ZO. " , and it usually n scn my al via New Orleans 22 2 d 6s. 2d; ai..ams i n and raurouu r- ' t nAio nm- three Year , d fflPSr, wDlLe os. 4.1. A nvnpnse miffut prove " " . ? u re, ..i nvi iluuiv... .: on t ic v - . - : 1 w " ' 1 w m it 1 1 1.1 ui 11 .1 .- t- o ( 1. 1 1 1 ll vw . . e n ri m uru 1 a r tii LDiuiK'" , - 1 1 1 nonc uuv - c . ..:-. ni u u he tenaeieu been turms. ea , rhe decayed aiu" ttll ir. ,- t nirica nsuui""""" - . :iri a 1 milium. - . irun 1 1 "T..s7itntion. which also u t ; "V : ' E -nd the 8ueU XVal fund for transportation inl.nu ana 7. olds reu" . stocU r IKIkill lllir J m , - 1 ; nllU II V 1 It i dental expense, ivuow.u . . , aa 11 ua-i CmvleaT.- . . . g lea Lxvkrpoou July "-T2Sc .ilatar took 2. uw' Sr and middling one " one-eigntu. marfeet closea -"7- on tne -j.il U-li Orleans t air i mu 7, ,..nf. 6 H-15. Ktoca in port - - American favcTaWe, he weather Mancnesi" was favorable tor crops. Baltimore and Floor quu ---- n. . via the JNortu si attack. i 4. Rbathern rea a-T." Amminul: liberality wtueu uau - . , fearing .tseu iu " "v. .11, bad sore raonius - tjm qu'""- , q,i Corn dun a :7l.ZL nd railroad companies, and year olds .n milk had so and hite 6s. 9d a Is 3d. i-orn cular teered to assume the euui ; " einent. solution . - reCovered i n th United- ale, r - rj oasiir sw; ...l,,",". . , !, iipeeSSllV 101 tiff lliai. 1 nok -.t .lime n" " " On the 26th 21th am - h, th -j tack was made on u.....; Bosnaf alld 0,ie. tbe United- S at trespassing districts 01 uu-, between the mpntiolied obviate tue hundred ant. t-ip-'J J efitl,-n were capturea. him. .,, r knowledge the ages ottwe. of July these; ' ln the hope of aaa.ng - he&tf . . .1 oiui. ai .imirj ouvi . ,1 . . At Dili. 1 i-r ui On tne oou. - rM.evVed. houses respecting tne - .F utftlPIICe wtio . m an , ...irr OUT .m' :".tion (lunar caustic to tne - . -ab, and they invanaj .y it te four hours f t o( service 10 uvc, ofsHver. Finding the.. Jt of .ho I publisn iiieiu w - q gurM- them. A- may u"- yellow 33 a 34 ; white 32 , . A weeU , says Corn has declined one shim. b Provisions q..ic. SS3S5 d9.6er,.986i-50,000 pound, in the B. Of Kngiami. in , England. TTalifax arc down aga Ihe lines east of liaiuax a. St.meat Catlbtoi- . 11 The sieuuic." ' Boston, Aug. 11. llision iapt night . Mohegan hlT damaged. io i,rPo,i was consideraDiy un.. b Mohegan was ft0th have aiTived. tigers niju."- T rU -The heathere yester Thorns. Aug it- x , . t ranu-ed ' Thp tneriuui"1" ,as excessive. "JJ" t Klp.. cases. tXroarrad. seven of which have OI SUU I. v v. 1 T JontVl to ' resultea tn uwv... acid- Atlantic TeWRraph. . . 1 i o. opi.'r message to-day . U'.iwT flooded by water. .'.mind. sterile." , ,.ive soil. says: L-'n,rrlt rteSCriUlUK . . . . - fi,-ct and Printline "It must-and this is the , ft st a a p necessity-possess a cru... m... ou h and this consistence ma t the operations of ti!U e favorable to term., this condit e-rowth g.inre ' ..lllfl,Pu well, or derived from gar mat a . k - caseex. from cahrcn, to lermeuw - . - b ruUaose1" oces of decompo.i ?."diVaceS the soil which may be very nun van.... D , . . d r ternieniBuu.., p.operly regarded as a kunj this Son.tribaVba t,t condition and how it dlV"'Tlectu maybe explained as fol V ' In the more tenacious soils the carbonic lows. In the mo.e J.1,n;tmn of humus, brtSe;rtheinne,,t,ation' of bread ren- derSf t Lt ffion of aniinalB. fiom the eaij fasorium, act in t.ie same . ; , since they - ; - roots of lilllts, directions; as Jo moreove . aUuwg lrrspre-d Th effect will be greatest in Sl Those drect ions where the soil is kept for a toni period undisturbed and in a uniform-state longperwu " . , exlsts uder -ce.t.!0.t"Uit r to n. clover, lucerne, fi0.i exnjo -x - for SOffie time gests uere. t. fine COndition pro- nr enrtace COVCI nift, ,. of animals from the e incons.,- riu.n." T's . " ninlK1(U that tent with thesugges uu shorved these -legions ' pa- . s bop drSrenia to nourM. a more di rectly serviceable form of life Let ns respec ?fwUhls!rtbno :l useless icnu" needlessly set foot upon him. i 31. Iai,ofParis,.stheon.;or. rJSTSTO Ssonian Institution, Dee" rnin. 'a. m.t him at Payta ana ieim vjim y advantageous confer with him JJ&tbm i KPcnnnir ail the lacis buuBu. T.lie vv 1; .. t - - iilij.il " o 1 1 ;ifi auus 1.1. - . rQirn . . . w""" , . o. ; the utmost i-ui" al inieuieHui ' r I. .. -VMIH 11 I 111 t . 1 1. T .-. n nU- of young Kennedy, i ,Uat all friendly . ' 1.;.. 1. w nublished a aay M on . . hav( J ' ...o a rnmi now early reminiscence of a distu deceased, who obtained life as "the boy preach- UU3b 1 relations be- on uus 7,.r-iS.,;aus have ceasea, u..u tPPii Turks and Christians 11 defence otwuis tor aw"- . Hmt. new oraii""""' a riMPnaicii are forming all over Ue troops under Kemal Effend, which f Pviana, have linjr the disturbances in llerze0 been ordered to Bosnia. . Tl ithout A Xewria of Vrmvg Wnlors the J,;.-As the Tdr; tuem with t,eacli i. objectionable in dryin r ,d i it 011, and as peeling nie - mdl his auditor. Mr. way- his pulfit tedious process, r tb frnit, a plan auv.B ...,. education, f these o two ago, suggests jruishea man notoriety in er . . -.!., Methodist Henry B Bascom. a B.8nop . , Church.'and for several years beioie m President of Transylvania - - ,e fenced preaching in taj bd 1 books, learning, except wh at he h-d ga.oe unaided by l.nng J f,,, cf Henry 0-r.nd fortune to attract me iiecaine - j . , Vi-m mere j Clay, whoporhpsp.onimence fop manor. f f a time his pu p. and then Uf the sweetest and best 01 wtions efforts, obtain . ""ed bis sincerity. vhich will obviate both ot ... 1' iSoiTrfs endship. the , d give us theed fru t s.o . iiui- "'.j j - . . t, these uoit.v. j niirt in Iilti ' " , accPD- iecessliry - ' coffer. aOQweiu ww The Knoxville Citizen pnMl.he. thw- in-list of counterfiet bant Dins banks: f ertth Carolina vli'erVe -d DV-r b. .fv ri.rtrn.it in right end en centre o. -v--f President o-ravmg wen uuc and Cashier poorly exeruwu. P--Ra..k of Augusta, ua. - o'n 'tzsz ?rpe,: S of Te,l d.'6g.r .bove ,.,,d e ,v signatures engravea u.... Tj..t rr Oeorsretown. S. C L.arge rives """" ,owe,. wimrs v- in. cen.S'tr 1 ";d. On right si uiM'l,r, " int. . nntmu unbap- r 7here is reason rntnev ; ; o pUy too f-d y red on that vine. cheecK any - f their graeeiu. who dreaa me s expalld,g into nut. ne in cur.es r--i -.. . i,heral . . r.t. so dreaaiui an ; t:ll. Ul " ' " " . . m V lie BCCUIU- p .lions of Tlneprj oo. ' , ;. of ?" ,7of .el? "Sc., All k-P nean... -- lhe-ir d,KCative pu'- themth.n w m j ah,mid be a warning: Portal gives .n easy circum- -A tew year-8.- fh. sbe Was very stances, enjoyed good 1 eaUh,d plump. " Bvr;8 i a polished ivory grouna blooming w.throes 0,, 1 work. o " ,1P. mother was very with suspiciu... u ilke her. fat and she was al.au. , o. a(J. AnrdinsrlV she consu.te.. - - r Vu A rlrink a g aSS Ol '""b"- - - - vised her to dr.nK . . B a,.d h r The yon"? She was delighted with plnn.pne u.- h 1egan tP expe..- the experiment but sue s fe glow feyer ence the ev, effect A Jf JthI . her body came on wuu - &w swelliug ot tier V WCUI. DESPATCH BY THE ATLA R"rCJELEGRAPH-1 L irri.nl of Victoria at Berlin. Paxace Royal Berlin, I August 11, 1853. J le from winsdor Castle last - d FkDE. is suffering much , w, th tcthhe. a atT.Bowl B Saloon. Albert nal absence at tne Bowl g mail hm lUe sends his love, ai.a aes re J ,A insdor nnrAss resrularly nereanei w Castle. Victoria. Forever yours, , i:ir mw visit to Cherbourg. I a-sure you. ct..i.nniir on suiciu .... j and give us the dried tru d1 Reside etum end ,emale holding spear in her "S in fact even better, is a desm end leftWell exe cuted for counterfeit, cessary means to accou.H. - 1 , " of -bicb would De vc. j r of tUe 0W plate, large v Rnoin r'eineu . 1 ""i -, t iA haDlt o1 t - v , ...r,- ite,,r Tra.isvlvania Univers.ij, all wnoai. ... fo table graduate " V raB a circuit preach- , r .ellent apd esiram. , ami - a ladv meim i i10 iena , nvr . 1 I nrD V lv I t-.J.., Inn-k H. 11 , IZ. . . c; CO'.UPII 111! l a VJ-. " er- ... :..infrS through tins 1 , - , - .mnllicatett it w Vignette, numa.. uBu. rt.rit On one of Mr. 1 ; ; . ve Qf Bascom j tt out anu ; H. Make . a toiVau ,ooking lhe ocean, fchip nu-u..- .; r- . ... Urt u;ac Til A II lCU ' j 1 : 1 I hPVP tlirnv j . , 1 U,-.ihnff Till trill I - 1 .4 Sit a(irire UUU for what he had done . - .7 ,itt,e f ever his earnest uj""-, - " . - . ..,. tie has don ' " 1 r the expei. . v. i1 s ow iee. TT r .'l he nnmoer ui ence the ul ofbathing; her body ACTSpfgn1s three thousandand six- terminated ner pine Wr of women. The average age a .rminated her me. , nine for ,-, io tWrtv-livo years. une.qunrwi v "K ruddy and let them "V reach the age of seven; one nan lT: "bnarein the habit 01 y... t,, lower left hand corner portrait o. fu, slininess anu VaV destructive to ' 0rft of seventeen. Of every one ... mi "w . f -i .nv tuii r ccuiiiv . 1 . 1 v nn ii'ir li-. ,i 111 nri tv , flsirable iruit . . . rht end DSr,,re nve in " " avoid vinegu. a rv friend of the writer has touno , ;sercnant8 Tfiank of Newbem j lieaU, A &dy mm. cated it to him. and he 1Uman figures seated on a rock, over- and commumcatt tollable ,v ,.. Ship in distance portrait himself, But to and God has done a vast .tea, u, Mr. Clay he did owe the opportunity V?"r"r S America, and Mr. he hU oui- ic "f r . . ... til-it he V, ",. r... ovurr-Ksed opinion was, that v,iay s , , . heard." was the oesi oraim Albany Journal tToca innT LIES. " . 1 -aoraori - the befit cured view or the misery """ f Tl. vear. it be for horses ai una itout andcom-u.. ;- & tolvMe will here de. he., by boUing them ou rigbt e..dSt. C strong lye with wooo . being b led irft hand i.onier in water; b ttwg it stanu bot. 1 o.:-w nntil the ashes seib: i1.irM. I Bumcii.-j . , 1 ben P"" ' torn when pour pft the .ye but not peaches to be dried 1 th ia, a arm , hotenon-hto .cook them any, a . . T ,nn taKRliUC"! in a while- : his process will them in clear com.. . d u take all tea. nectarines,with ..bftm as siuk 1.."- nfPana drv . . - .l,am 1 lieil t". a thin skin hl this way will be flS usual. reacu - , be d ess and romantic pauor, . - before tney reauu . ZTJ other acids destructive to . of seventeen. Of ?very on Kvmd vinejiu. -tu lanvhinc grace . , , i :. raoli tne afft? 01 d.vj i . .1.1. u.ul either ac-p- " . (is. duhui, vu., .,lf. roaches neaii" v.Ictnwe(i ou luc"., r. ..J nnt, nne in nve what namre n- , tenl c hablt8 yeai, -- - There are on tne . - mnnpr 1 trti i"" m . 1 i. i n rA rT piuiiut T - , practice p.-t - - dread, laae piemr .6- - - .... inhabitants. lo avoid what they ore mode- earth one thousand ' ee nundred nf exercise, be less indole. . as of these, thirty-three million tnr , .k-nnanity 01 A iottB j i.:.t.l.rfie thousand tnree """" raw . -1 . - v. act 1 v 1 1 v . auu iuuj . . t, much sleep 1-P rid. in the body, and thirty-three die .every ye loanaci'Biii"1" "- ;nnffatiu naoua pie- nd eitrbt nunarea uv , , the consequent depos tmno Hat Band e.g thousand seyen hundred and 1 . oneretlOll . A n .j. Oaji "uu . i : nv Tmrilllte. nisnoseu w . wouiu . 10 1 . . hnnr. ana biih r , l - .:oL mnre ooesitj, " . eiffnty vcj , - , rl7, haua, who --- m,osed Ol pieuvv v. - o - r. ovoru necontt. xneso . ;l.iM ;,, feeding, composea v J . or cne for every secouu wf births. Vfenette, F''",L Cf naoietude. "? T" aU. tW who observe : name per lett nana con.. y o - one seen wen ewcu " .1 , o rj ...ire.lH Bank of Hamburg,, S. C. vync . , , . ct nam hr.nl Viirnette. whart with scuoo..r. o-v- - Vigneiie, . f a,e on each eidp 01 viyrreite urn ' - t laiirWeL Oil Uci 11 vv, M r-ashier. name engrav- . I 1 1 ilill.nT.Uul r tj,.u. , . :m:tatinn of ed. very the test cuit-u- , Peaches arieu i " -j ; , v.o. as usual. tMt" , j v. o ho all the ad e yen... . , fn be very sweet, -- hooves all who can in any manner a eviaie rf not losingany by tne & them, or in any m."in cu - - . TPliT,2 as me r--, ,v-rr Caterpillars cn Trees. HOW TO , . c,.rvP.l several methods of destroy Bav...-v- - , trees in ing thecaterpuar-; - -. . wUhKfinS: couorund turpentine c. I Lr Wed to "ive you the simple and pertect reff ctral method practiced here. Take com lL S t oan and thin it with water, so that t will not si ppoff the brush, and a person may nestsw.th a common pa... tt. . bored through -one e do . .Ion- P n from a pme j ,ied it ,t touches .t ver few will escape when the nests are '""fhe worms are l.V the first appuc ; ch ffi0re per, it is eqnany c.u -A'v 11 . tUa wrtrms but iie 1 . J..lHiinT ff 141 tilt "- ' them or in any manner ada to me cu..uui. -il i'ioble animal, to take the largest possible -ni seize evry opportunity for the spread- r li'. benign influence. VYe tnere.or. inR of h.s ben'g liethod of protect lay before 'U 1 benign influence. e -,ur readers an old method of protect- ? v. the sweetest pa., v. . cess of Peel" S-. e u Wehave is general , j."" -- . heBr and eaten pastry -eaxei p j experience. can Bpea- " 1 my re- . .t v.o imrse oui 01 11 "Previous to lafcinji, ' , f revious . p decoction of SIS. K--irs; o nartu The - decoction is maae y sensitive parts. ineu considerable hoiling the leaves 111 wu. ,;".--, . p kerjt time, and bcir.g poisonous .. ...uu.- - carefully when not aesueu w , - r.T, . "L v. . rrevent.ve to. "is oenB 1 ills is oaiu .v 1 -. A I o to j JL LnrsP-flieS. A late c urn? una i uuveu .... i.i rt.La 1 .pisle- injurious to r I' v J tlie trees S. L- of the leaves of the -.lunt tree ai.oV.ed to horses and otner animal ":--- sting of all Insects 1 recomnjend for a serious aiiuoja., , their imniedhue trail. ,w "Did thee receive tJUAJvr-i"-"- , mittancc, Nathan my sou. , ,L ti .itt a new coat? .1 1, .t .Ii.in t Liit-c " . mymoi.ej in Mrt,inw commenda- h' thv econuiuj - . An. ij c , ' ,. , .t. denosit? Vile In what Dana, um 1 Die- v.r in which. 4.1 rlo not exactly reiu--..- . . . rtyi nnp. n il uau Wbe I kw it -,el m6 See lCaiist the cnn hanks are unsaie. "7 , i , remedies I hadSbeUer 5end for thy money immediately, recommend 1 n Cou2hing PelL I 1XAC w . nlentv OI pure u" , 1U Tens-Farmers' Bank, of N. C. Vignette free f-om aUA quietude . with whvs raised in a limb portrait of SLSiern Tower left corner, imitation of gen- Califorilia Lette! urnJe-the potrait of Taylor very oaa.y ev ented general appe- R c. 5mita- rr.. KanE OI vjreui ii1-" " -- . . portra.t ut -- ndthe en- fi.rnrfl 111 (lie WUU net - - ;tnreB of Fresiaein and uasuici - A. .-. a C! - A. 4 a. L U I to. O I- V lOfnRLbC. Ten-Bank ot scenes on eacn sme y Riackwood. I old Plate-engraviug namp euxi' tjas.c., "-- November 5th, I808. - -0-wZ"l J Cane Fear, new plate. Tens iiiu 1 . u china faodloor. Some of th. co-o- Vhia olate are newer others. The eyes and faces of females seen blurrea auu California i-e6. ":-"n A returnea""'- uintr He said amusing story, of letter wr and many 01 ma.-"-- -mirfaDie ta -.. :,. nnitP. U iu"" to write a lew-er h - in crossing a amn. a young man m . & vii uiic v , -. ,t nprisiicu i" Wl Vieeome lost r muuuiaiu i a. T.imii 11- fti an annum - aim . Women have more and industrious & rf rflwer after. The number of tnan me, ----- f -eventv five to marriges is m pruuv. 1 one nuuuicu. ove is ingen'ious in reasons or at least inpTetexts. Somet.mes tney -e - -Every body remember, the .ju b j the snow, ecayui-, - .- found 5 as a reason lor g - - d cinity 2dT4eeI eaten off. A she thought a wedding j little the head had entirely Dee fom , the .children." Here is .a friend of the young aP7 tnat it was btltabng equally as P"c': d Xo ber seavant ily, was told by the other miners ttt tfBrfe." .:V.0? S a .w. talk- 5 IT "'After some JUm iec on for want of practice n ":?Se7 no oDe"but dertakings. he conduded o devote th had a hS? o.e . Aniiin nun i.iiiiii.' liu .lv .ww i . . . MAmeK i L i. n wuv should gun. be called he? if- they have on breeches? Barney Octoolain ma am- not coma, aim w"S"" " I ..indeedl bow cornea 1 letTtI :SheK kiotaa J Bridget, -he has because son's head off. yoUHen Ty Boocher- been married once."