" ' . ' " - ' . . " tv4EPrtA-i1.p ou:'ths .rights of tiii peopi?! . . THE HlKELOM OF TH K P II ESS I I1' - 1 .T- . , - - - -h-X J?aTETTEVJLL15, ciTSATUBDAl. AUGUST 21-1858 2 6er:e V A- TERMS OB iUUCHIPTIOSPd IB C i OU e'or a ia In .-..m v. if .laid iu advance, pet ado!, r" t &he oal of J iftoAibs, - o at the end of 6 nuathis, 3 00 attJediuftheyeAr, J So subscription w.H be tA l otUT Perlod thaa one year unless pall in advanee. - , tfitathe view of et;a ling tae drcuUUoa and en lancing tbe usefulness of Me pm, tte iboprietor of Msrs the following re narkably low . Vc . rttr RITES. f,VK4uiiu,';'"-V". IP .1 P...ni(a of the Caroliuiau, 1 year, 10 f 8 00 15 00 Itites f Adef thing t . ;i vty cents per square of 1 ti .ia . Or less, for he 6rst ,d SuYents for eh .awineut "" Ivertisenvnt is published for ui -re than two roaths, . hen it will be charged For three m.iths, - -For six months, - -For tw :lve mo iths. - - . ii .i t .is-m ;nts m nt have th-! .to is nrked on th ;m, orh t t. 11 rocnm ! 1 Cl irsl The following valuable real e ' ". Il.e E. C Hall d.!6'3. is 0sred lor sale and couit ol the 'Tde, rble place Wrtown as Ro.ric. "'"' about 260 art-8 with all the improvemoiits. 1 luj placJwillV SlJld entire or divided to suit pu it being prolMbly one of the bjst business stands m iv.rZmtrV.and i.". .-r i .-sirable to tho-e n.Bh. -g to enter wie c 9 tfrtt!- t near Olaren- id lor business. acant ItJts.iu Ja-ripbRllfoil. known in tuj 111. Hz, an halt 01 lot no. . lot. on riavnionni IV ANTED, T Able Sstro Men wanted by tne au. ' 25 1 to work O-u tll.i t-ayelteviiie r. . Jk i i u ... from r - itaii itoau aecnuus iu - - - ii-,.,r on I of whom the hi 'Lest price will be paid by cat imb A the Subscribers on the work. No 2, CotlsistS of a Ijdt and U ick J leutsj in Cambletdil on !Ji id-e atrc-ut on Bridge Mid is a vt'ry I jsirable staU MarcB 27 li.GMcDUFFlB: i tr ment don Bridge Xo 3, Is 3 nlnt. aaXos M)9, o 4, Is a dwelling houscan.t FOR SAliB OK RElJf ; The dwelling House and bot on Hay .1..... Aailemv io'mini; W J i atos And WU b - - . . -1 1 i . . . w i tj t a we i ely occupied by Hector mc.uiiiu.. , " - ft jo.,.1 water Oir.len iu front. It will . on ri:soui; J'S; MAllTINE. A very desira- . . $4 00 6 0 . i i(J oo le-ired ndni'-r of in- . . .. 1 an T vl ;e tn";.Y "Hi s V" aciorli-ijlly. SieiidJ ,,,e""'-" WM. F. WlfiHTMAN & CO. ' . 1 1 .Vimc 5t corner ot 1'iaiiKrouu uuu blc residence for thd frhole year R .. Vo ft I Com Mill and Steam Lnginea. d -ler. of 10 or 15 horse power. Th i- well worth the a -tention of tl.oe living where uer power .s not ai a.L- able, and will be soiu at s.ea ..,.. . For terms apntr to J. H- HAL.U. Aii?b't 1. 185'- tit late or water vjr ii i.i ttfthe barai . f tenf-d to good tenant on reaspnW.le t Also the Wo.SWW Ware House On Church St. near Presbyterian ChurCtt. April 24; NORTil CAKt LINIAN. FA YKTTtiVtLLE. X. C. ' Pa i lor Caughte- s. . . 'S'i." BY A BACHEIjOR. ' yonng ladies, ami if yiiil JiteaHe, nioth-el-8 too, just list Jh a iiiomeiit, foi 1 haven short lltrT in Tell vni.'i .,.,.1 i.ur ,nna ui t u r ncu of 1 Ulli: luuii 11 ju no" it i- Will fi,.l .. '..,..., 1 " ... it ...,rt. nrolougt-di Iirln ln-f t.Ut the hdtixe, . It Jou A few davs since I en ll d upon a young lady", wish it jrnad linsbnn'd, utid wisli l"o make t mnjr as wen say that, havinjr been i-ouSidefa "appy. a0" 1 ,,Hte 'U"eurk. J b'jr "itnesstd" . J her beauty ad . brilliant j I cot''rsatM'jr!i,veral evening sot'itl! purties, I ; had resulted Uvnrostcute the aconainiaiices ' 1 Mi..na m r 111 hi ii a bachelor, until I find an ilitellipjeiit glflj with domestic acromlisli IllCtsB,, ' y ' Is not this aeortlfridri-sense CrtncJosioii, ladies? WhfethCr it t of not, man if the most, desira ble young men for liUsbuutls aftt UiUs rcsolted, and mofe ure coiDin-; to'thiiik so. MORAtu ' ' ' , VrtHHtfliKl. if VriM . wish tour mother's ' life r -j y . . f . i, I in who i".if Jl I. you a Conipoav Fire. niOKW Foreman him the I B8-tf ASsignSi til-'ti 'MAT The Trustees of the "DOXALDSOfi,Ai'AUt MY" desire to lease the buildings mi Haymonnt DEALER TN ft Curious Mod of Cutting .A WifS. One. little ACt Of MdlUtteBB will sometimes pare i ne ioi- Vril.f Wit affli-nKit Hiere bad not floated Vaijue- : the way to fortune -Hud jerfernient lv attlin nit YLiit i-i rtnin nffdisiiiif rbSe Col- : lowing sketch illustfuteB tilts fact: ., oredJJJacheloP's feVBr'-es,'' iu which fi-ured A suiluC l!oughiy sallied, ( sati.itrtiii? throush the streets of iVuw UiieuitR) then in iieiir Faj-PttPV.l.e, which have been used during ;ntolhe parlor I sat ditwn, at the lust yet'r by Messrs Cuirua. and Robinsot"'' ' jnn Ittlpatienec tile Bipeara conducting their ciiOUl. The Acudehiy Is (r.j attention was soon nrre! ,.v,n,.tlr. hlid the natnmacre of the scho.1 .S ... . ...,,i' CLBJ1EST G. WRIGHT. Vltornry atUw, p.yettevineVN.C. lice at the corner of llow and Oreeh'streets. reb'v 3. Ia3ti. J. t. 'RAKS-. ITT J n V 3 V : At 1. AW., .fr J'J? th3 'Ji:t'rt4 6f Cumberland, Harne 3 TohhstOn-i . . V I lrai. too ta;'r, ttaraatt Co., X. C. ). IS. ISSfe. 85-y- Co tf;2 :.t 'on I. aricR, Perfumer- ies, j" Bread, Crackers of all Kinus .. . r - - tlv. Hlid the patronage n n o rt"d litHi al. Any gf ntlemaii FULLER, at Law, rl l n I v l1i!l CV f ivfirfaa'.'.".. r.. coasrtVttjfl it "lW Law Office of .Tese G. Sfcep --s I Fnot. Oct. or n. Nuts, Fancy Af 4 tides. and a vari ety of arti cles in'tha GROCSRV LINE llivrtiouut, Fay-.iteviilc, N. C 1857. 13-v h desires bii till thu 1st ot September. W. B. WHlGlHTi President f the Board of Directors, ihly 17, i856. 4t .4 BARGAIN CAN BE HAD. ?ni HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE M The Materiuls of tlie North Cnrohna Argils and Tl?uit nr..llllttlbhvl V ll.u V.u.l Ittlt.ir fii i..nf Mi., '. C-V ' rather damn condition from recent fain and tiie "Tthktsit mi.v T .-fllled ai.duei.. ushered . rise of the tide Turning the curiietr a innclccojeef - ' . - . .. . . - .1 1 1 - l. . 1 .....wl !., II. Up I -1 1 1 Inn T ..... UiudiiUfi w.t ii ; irnn!?ii.fii uui'ir iic uwnci. j" v .. . ... : . ;.i ......lv.t v. ui.i-.arf.iit.lv . i..nRlirii:AP nn nearaiu-e ot uie mnyi sianun'B, r'l"'"" "'i- . . J .1... . 4. ..n....l ... .. f .. Kulwani. Iii.r ttfin L rt. rl r. stea UY- VOifes in tue ue" ."V r .- Ul". ttiwflniiMninir fc'voVefe'iifVottWottnK vi;iie sailo, paused, for be s gfet admifef ..'Cotnpositol fid Alifdel' t ' Foreman -i-and help giaph, Hob What' Hob 'A I - . K,-- ..i jacnu, r.s ijtuaruia uoc'a, a.t hereby re . i. -iu s-.uruiu Ui'S :n a greai ...w.iOVTe.1 and trauferred theii sc.tuat our uigeui. u is ii ei..eiiU of llie en Sorser. " Vbh Turrit-;1' Pltirf a weak voiced "if f 011 Won only hive assisted ine three hoUrS It day, .this attiifk niisrht have been averted but now 'tis too late. I know that weeks IF liot mtttsttiS of ill ness, are hefore me. I am all liivd nilt ' "Why mother," replied a voice, almost petti lnntlv, (I had admired i the evening previdus I foi- its spirited yet amiable tone) "why mother 1 r.obodv doe? kitchen workflow at k-list; no Ihodv.' Just think of Mrs SlnVtlie, or Miss paper and job type. '1 he newspaper type are but . Qr Mrs goue assocmitinr with your very little worn ana uie in.gvi i,... ........ v , kit then-i ' I with her din-zy hamlS v ny, me Iltl t 12 Jiuunt: wi n i Tlie 5?tir j- Cowity fV nesilary hQ I P.!i,ti.,tr rlliieiii Tlie eftiibl t wo first rate Washington Pre -nllH'llt consists oj ses, one fcr news- on Gieen Slftt'. 1!). 18.MK -tf Oa ATTOlSilt AT be found at the Office formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliain, on Bow Street. lfHVETTETllf.fi, t June 2d, 1858. tf Persons .n.le.ifzU :o -j of the lioirs iii . -o. soectfahy iul'vir.ueu, t" majority of ins.; notes to the :i! -Silu ...i.... 1 ... t 111 1 111' l'tMl 1,3 i" '.. ..n..r.t ! sii.'i-di'v as possible. All those I compel iu- v..".-..- -1--- , indebted will therefore oUe us, a.J tliei.M by pavhtii "P iiiiux'.bat. !y. Me mut and J. r : ,..it '.-.:.-1 r. .I'll ; . ' . wiiereiiie uoue.. - . l-ilir.i;ittt. ..w. It" IS 1 .1 1 1' I ?jI . Sill V I" I" lt.. .1' - I lections were made by persons of much typograph ical experience and taste anu are us complete as anv in the State. . . Any person wism.ig to purchase cttii get a Bar wain ty an earlv Application to 3 11 DAVID MURPHY. Fayetteville, June, 12th lSjrf. tf. Ives too. will sue '.;..! cii 7. 1 A. 1 ) I!) nisiiN. : in -;CM :ti:isoNT. 40-tl NOTICE TO SOLDIEli'S WIDOWS. iilcii is :i1siiril: and besides I Well." replied the invalid voice. "1 ttou i know what wou'd have been tliD-t-lit. of yilr ?sisliliir me about the house a few t:Hl!i's each day but t do know ll-.nt r..l; the want of tliis lielj. I am now ill Y S. Carrie, for the want of yonr help I hare been obliged to overtask my self." MissE. soon fiiattelief hjibenhfin-e, with her winning smile, raylanrh1 siftd brilliant repartee hut somehow, the ilha&e of licr oveftasied ol 1312, can havti their: mother constantly came between her and my IIE'WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, mid the Widows of Soldiers who TUED MHT. B J.VRJl li -H iUSE. Vi- vi 'iscriber is now prcpAVCd to aecommo late i us. i.-isous with board, iu addition to the uuu'.u- r iiov iiA4. Cue guiding wuicli she occupies is ;j.iv-u.iiei.tly situated oa the Doualuson Lot, llay iiJiit. a.il is a if.io I l wation for a Summer ad Vi itjr residence. So p tins will be spared to make j.' ijn'Jrs cOirilbrtaiilCi - ..eijruar, . -MARTHA IIAUTMA.V. LiViirisiburali- N. C AT LAAY. joiin" r. F'J'.bEt the iilMCXC Oi -aeir iii).i:b 1 i . .. i i-iiv v .i ii iM' i Columbia, and i v svpvirn m the war 1 i.eiisions continued by calling on the Undersigned I Congress having made aduitioual- provision have J P ROM HUT IC. TROY Cr....... .1 :!! assOCiiltiVm t"l' sion in Um.e.-o.i co.. oniy t..!iii the ("ouVts rtf liUx ie Fuller those ot'Cum'-.e. iiui.i. , . Their Ollice iu Lumbo ton will be kept ope - at all. times. , January 9. 1S5S. 83-tf claims them. iv.t. tiie manairemont ot your the money shall come at once, or no charge. JXO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions, fi'vetttville, June 19, lS5d. tt for and HOTEL A.. M. J .upbellj ' J .MD.CISR COMMISStOS MB1VCHAST, iAst side of Gillespie street. FitntrenLtK, C. r. Vi ;r 1. lrt."5 y.i.iV OPP9 Oot. V II U L E fACTDRV, nv GK ). LAUDER. tP to ft. V .V.llkiii2s: Auction Store Favetteville, X. C. I. 1856. 'V. II. T U 15 M V a T O N, Oentrnl ''oin nlt-n M ercnant. n j it it Water street, vyill rive o'rsottl attentiot to the sale or shipment of ll a iSii-ints of M ival Stores or other country nl-A02, anl iiy otllr !i isi-ies emruswu ua vill be pro n'itl r attended to . April 18. 1857. iy !,000 IU". Till'MV Jtnte N For which the highest cash price will be paid, let. t. 1851? A. M. OA MPBEIiii. faYetteyille univt- V liOBEilTS. . &. CO , bavin? leased this 'Hotel, will be pleased- to see their f former patrons and friends, aSsdrimr them that , thev will use every exertion to please j IT X I!ol.ovts.1 f J Smith --" -- r Jan. 9, 1353. 83-tf Bl'ILDlNO M AT KII'ALS. CALCINED PLASTER; Hydraulic Cet"ei!t j Pat tent Lump Lime i rinsteiing Hair. V fresh supply just ree'd and for sale by D. UOSfc Julv 31. 9t Julv 31. Subscriber lias on hand and Tlie for sMile. . - v .s:... Vi7v. r,-.c S.') A- JS'tl,Aves, Thus, Sfioirrls, S.iinh.x, !,s, Trace- X'ltirrx. .VwW'.s, 1'' ' . ... t r,, f Fl . cW'.s, U.Vc.t A.;t?' K, T IT AT n'csnnt and most desirable Country -- i- . Re treat ! vniles front town, on the b ayettev.He - v..t,. l 'ank Road, isoftered for sale On ftlviil i Leather, N-gro S.t ILils, Bfattkt:fs A K' rsri: , ,"?,; v.v, )f 7;, Cftl,irs, Class t V" t'j, Cotton Ih :j;:ig, Mi.irUa Ro in; Wil li I. (I I, Cnii it m (tnd .fiti.i: Can PowJcfi ond ti.v and many articles .iot e.uii.. iiipplied as cheap as can ue ulh" terms-. July 31, A ''ply to BEVERLY ROSE, 3t dmiration: so. after a tew Ul-at-ease attehipts at cdnvers-.if ion, I took my leave. As I slowly walked away, musing, "A change came o'er the" spirit of mj dreams A dailgdlef who hateth house Work' to such a degree as to allow her mother to get "all tired out," ami ill, from being "overtasked,' could such a daughter become that most inestimable boon this'side of Heaven, a good wife? What if her husband had wenUh, and filled his house wi ll troops of servants; could he have a nniel, neat, well-ordered home? Would liis children have a true mother? No. A par lor daughter will make a parlor wife. Bril liant, fal'inatintt n fare and Costly Ornament ,Vlia!htiLin? th ntlrnil-alirih bf llie world it may he but never Ule ho! V pcoilrce and Centre ot the iHtHfort and peace wf her family As thus rudely my rose colored reveries wcFe t'(ii B.fl I o 50 ui life lined realities. I cirterned . : .... - . - - ii ... iiiia uiu; , w ,, ; iillIlT vmillirL liifllfs if , imr.I mi L tpajlf "heljis to their mothers" in domestic iif faiif ; lldiV mttny young ladi-s would not blush With ,hme lit bt'iiilr setMt tnakill? bread not fnktfj t.lit bread? How mallV Cclild .cook and .ret on the tabic a gomi tnitner. or snpei iiuejio such an umiei-takinir' now n:any fHHiHiiitl 'disltclotji' IS ilbt a of beauty, and certainly thri fair face that peeped Chap 'On the T from tiiideC tilts little chip hat, aud aubdl'il curls Foreman .Lav it . . . . .... 11 .... .1 I. riU v.. ,11 1 I h&t!lll' glossy ana uneonuueu ci drtiFs, rtlight tempt a cUl'10U9or admiring glance. Perplexed, the lady piit forth one little foot, when the gallnut sailor with characteristic im plilsiveneSS eXUiaimed; "That pielty foot, lady, should not be soiled with the filth or this lane; wait for a moment, only, and I will make you a path." So, springing past her into a carpenter's shop opposite, he bargained for a board that Stood in ' . . . - ..u ii. h k...;i;.,,r the rloorwiiy ana comnisr oac.i tu mc nuu... af( Who was jnst eotpietish enoHgll tfi aecet the services of Ule hamlsOnle yotiiljr Baib)!', he bridged the narrow black stream, and she tri)ped across with a merry "thank yon.'dibl a I'rtgilish smile, making l,er eyes a3 daiiifig us tliey' COiild Aloe nur rnntwr ftn ilor wsistlerfctitiv cnafriied AVimt Ue could mrtke liinicafcli Ui and shtjtilder the plank, and fallow' the little Watch through the streets to her home? She t witji! 'ielM'oniied the ceremony of "walking the plank," and each time thanking him with one of her elo quent smiles. Presently our yditiig het'O saw the y'oYnig hiiy trip up the mal'ble SlepS Of it place of a house, and disappear WiMiiil US l-oseood entrance. Uor a lull moiueui tie muuu jr tirtn with wondeftul bitr Ui iiiu t ;'- f'lvn, ...... -- - , turned away, disposed of his drawbridge, uiitl l.to ...,1. rt l.ifi ialiiit Wf IMlCil ll".- (Mill w I.--. , Tile neSt day he was astonished by nil order Of promotion from the Captain Poor Jack wits speechless with liniaiemerit. lie had riot dreamed of being exalted to the Station of the second Klate' office on biafd of One of the hipt- ?plW did shirts that Sailed out of the prrt ol Aew Oil leans. " He knew he was cOmricteilt; foi1 tusteild of spehdin his money for amusetUt'lits, viSi'tluar theaters and bowling alleys. On his felnr.i frn1 d books and became tpjit r. a si u- gave for able that you on thu table present, no room for it.' Compositor 'llow about those Municipal Candidates?' Forcitiaii'tlUn .etti in. What did you suy Sloclim?' .Slocuiil 'Shall I lead these 'M en of Boston? the1' ett.n 1a niifiolkQCl. fCH, ' i ' T " ' - i 1 41 III. IM'illll dent: hill he expected Veal's 10 lntei veue .iv.oie .( , .... f Queeir Kiixa belli, when a How jhis ambitious hopes would be l-enlift-Ui taught the art t-0 the English, who have , i niirtt?rittt! cHioers Seemed to on. rv ni.i. .1 ...... i,..,,,!.!. -: tlnv crrpatost ner leet loll . With leniency. Jinn gavejum maiy , i" ' ' trinity of gathering maritime Rifowleture; ami in a rear tne nanosome, gem leiiiinu miltti had aedliircit Hlinsiial faVoH iU t!!f vyes of awl direct to vv'i'rim I I'B old 'lioii'id S XJ .1ST DRIES , in rvegs or an i ,j ies; m ........ i; s, u an. I lOXJH, insreiner wun a "-eneral assornneut ot Also, extra No. Oct. 31, y r:icc , , ii i l I'hirg.ir, , i , : ! '. a u ,i nt ea.i bo ma.... i.l . .- niarUel . (. l 1 - iiOLbo Ti ..'. T4-t t Paints and i. 1 Itar S. .-! Adam of the best quuhty put in For sale by Julv HI. opal Varuirh nfine Candles : onlv of 21) los each, nmlesir B. ROSE. 3t Pttnibereri iti the long were not roreuiau io ; nicy aic mmu Compositor ' 1 )o Job Wutit a 'full face' head to Jenny Liiid's lamily?' foreman 'Nor; ut 'em in small caps. John i have yon got up that Capital Joke.' Jolin-'No sir, I'm otlt of sorts.' rirei!inn Well throw in this Million or Califol'ttUl Gold and, when you get thro' with it, I'll give you some more. Wilson have you liuished The Coalition?' Wilson 'Yes sir, the Coalition is nil up.' Editor 'What do you want uow?' Pfi Devil 'More copy, sir.' Editor 'Have you completed that Lloqucnti 'iNiunksgiving Discourse!' Pr. Devil Yes sir and I've jltst got to A Warm Winter.' Pixs axd XPEPhfiS. The manufBcll'tfe Of the bldigpi'nsihle little in was cOmutwi ved III the United State between 18 12 ahtl S2i; sinci? Which tiWe. the bWSiuess hn extendeil glcatlV i ami several patents for the manufacture of pins ' littve btieil taken Out. The tilaiiUuictuie in EngJ laud llild Othel' parts of Murope i conducted npOu iitiprovemcuts made htl: NotwitliBtand' ing lite cXlf.lit Of our own bd'uction, the U. States imported in 1850 pins to the value of gW.i55; the ittlpOttS liee'dtes into this coun try for tad!) amounted to $246,0fiO. Needles were first made ill England, ill llUi Htne ot Ihe1 bloody Mary, by ? UMgro from Spiliii; but as hti would not id'part his secret, it wus lost at his ileal h and not recovered again till lobbiu (i erulan since The c.inst r'tii-iiott "f needle requires, about 120 opera tious, bilt they are rajiidly and uninter ruptedly successive. White Lead and ;i1e by Aa?. 13, Bolting A constant supply of - i ita 1 Ge.mine An ker BdtPigClo-ttt all N ..., keptou band aud lor salo at the lowest prices by Jan 30, 13j3. lnt 5 m af e iw Linsfed Oil, for S. J. HINSDALE. 3-tf Cloth. j oox KBCXJXVEia AMD fdlt SAhA PlantingPotritoes ( P.uk Eye) and Hue Apples Also, a fresh supply of Raisins, Figs aiid ranSe6- R. E FIEIDE5. Oct. 24 73-tf foot of Iliiymonnt NOTICE. TI.u Subscriber having at Jlarch Term the (joiuity Co art oi Cumberland, taken ou tors of A Imi .istration upon tl.e Estate ot tl ifui. p. Wig i:-u i 'i i ,;y debted to Siti i est i having claim au i t tu." within tlie i.ine .-e.jai.:.i o be plead .11 i . ii l.i l n ! G. W. VV. March G, J -?5d. u irines an j i'lly'ill -nt. . 1IJ t pi-,': i l.t or this ri i.-n-- : '.-iy- i L i' :.I AN, . v 1 m i a i st ra t or y-i- i3.)S; Of ut let- le late rsous m- iii 1 tl.ose e.it them it'ice will ttce, HE uudersigne 1 has made arrailgeinent by .which he is prepared to furnish at short no il, -iy reipred iptantity of jyTj 2. PBRUVIAW liUAau, ill of w'i ich will be from direct importations, into the Port Wilmington, and warranted pure and Orders f.:.- the above excellent fertilizer are so-i- ..i ich prompt attention will be given. airicie wmti. v.,...-, .... .,...nb ,i lie, cash or its equivalent must ac A- this is being sol I on company ca Julv 17 ch o b'r. BEVERLY HOSE. i m p..sii.c,t.t'ull v i.il'orais ais l ieno - has Ut acu sai4,i. Uld otaad, expressly toi FRESH TIT RXIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH, UEI TOI, ENGLISH NDKFOLK, LARGE GLOuE, RUT A BAG A. lust received and for sale by S.J. HINSDALE. July 11. 1857". tf SALE. FOR II ;y l-t Beaver Creek Sheetings. Oe.Uv i arn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO, t j.t. '"icker, 'toller aud Lace LEATHERS. ils aal VI inufaoturer's Findings. . .Vi.it,. r st.rAiaeit. SDerm. Lard and Linseed Oils Sbuttlie's lsi i?lass, French Gluo, Emory, Roller Clotb and Glass Steps, , d. ii ALL, Pres. B. C.M.Co r Uv 2G. I85ff -t, ' . k.S i an.; .a'- jiuolic.tliat he Ciai iji icK .iuUiUiig.i at o is .naa.iiact.ti-iii"; Jari-ia!;s. I hanklul lortl.e ver i.lr ji.tbruiK.gi- lie nan receiveu for the last it years, 1 iioinjf y .iirict ittentioa iu business, with a de .ire to give sat.staotio.i, to merit a continuance of the flime. iic warrauiB u.s worn . oe made ot the oest inaiei mi s ' - , " " in each branch of the ousmess. itis worh. wu. compare favorably with any made iu the Uilitjd states, for neat ness and duraiuiii . , He is determimrd to sen anu uo a.ij o"v '"'".' on as good term,, m any won; cone ..?.. . .-.11 ,lno tie llOW IMS Oil .UUU, iiuikiico, c lain, VLrliRTAES,BAUC?UCnES. KOC.-A WAVS, AVii lUIG ilS. ever o.terr l in this place, and a very AMU l.uixrij. ,.-.;.... ,..1 ,.-l,:h ...-111 K ..1.1 large stock ot v. oric many ....u. v.. .. ... .,..... vi-rv low for Uastl, or on suoi . itui-: , unM.ii.- lT J -He has on hand move. than ONE HUNDRED xSD FIFTY Vehicles i iisln;d and iu course of cori- Btr&- .ll work mude bvTiiifi is wa-FrSnted 12 months with fair uare. and lion"ld it fail r.y bad workmanship or material will be n paired free of charge Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine fo themselves. Onler thankfully reccivedand promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea nonablp; terms. Fayetteville. Oct I Is ao.v roCJivi.13 " - s"i-i'y of liiiij:'' it !UV tilany couhl staruJi aud iron a siiiH-busolii or Collars so it.woilifl looK 1 r..ci,e tal.lv? Alas! how few could I recall who would liOt"proiei:iy bf t;.-t nf tliosB to whom . ib'f C . ... . ... ,.,1.1.. l v tti..l.l. i. ..! inT.;.fftes out ii ' "01 1. 1 ei v ii isi . ' I-;- w ... 1 1 ... . . , . - l-.h-J I s;iv i.l.isi ' tor it isa sua iwng 1 . it 1 1 ,J a. urit cf ill V for v.olnsf !iiimi, llif 'liture nusoauos of' these frail "lii i ies of ihe fierd," who "toil not neither ilo they spin," but to the daughters tlie:eiVPSi . , Look at theiii. look at yourSei ves, young dins. WhOre is t he round, plump, solid ..ml cheek of tnr grandmothers at you im. ,... i the 1 lower of endiirsi.ie. her antsoTit depressed by no circn itstances; her energV and self-reliance, equal to her emergency .,d wlietv, ill tin liHtlre. are you in ummu 1 strength to pass .iuseathed tllfd!i!i the perils ; of inateruity, as d'd she? . Eiok around ytlil Al the yoiing wives 'dud mothers; wluSl pitiable sjiecimens of leminine 1,.,-n .iiitv: tVhat. discouraged, disheartened ob- j.-cts of comihiser.ition; What irate.l Ot pain and illness are written upon theli shrin ken visages lw fore tlie nun auiversary 01 me ........j-. T.ook at the linhapiit ' ctlrtntenances .i. vonoir hiisb-incis Voa meet. Do 1 1 t ti .. . . the pOrtlvcommander, C.tpt. Itnme, wiidh.-ol at first taken the smart .little black ey"ed fellow, with his Heilt lill'-JJil'JliH 'and tidy HUmlle, as 1 il: Adt- L lie Ollll Cato's E-itra Prayer. A pious old nojrro, saytiio; grace at the table not billy used to ask a blessing upon his board, but I10 would also petition to have cabin nov. . . . r .. :.4. . I '...;.;! ... n tv 1 f 11 ri 1 i tbe omcerSi 1 ne 11 ig .1 1. in- j'"!1 1 ..... .., - - - -. .. . , was invited t ati entertainment nt the captain's soiti dehuens dish supplied. Une day it was . ti . n..A t.. Lie nstoi.ishment not. nf nnbitnpx. and stisnectinsr llB would la-arm age? exuber- bross cberv- etiseu to ucstovir thes nionr which aie Prints. Lawns, and f;.llfantc; Col'd and Black Silkn' t .. Tl,1i I us and Diaper. ; KaimL-i 's Linen. TwiUe.l and Plain; Casliinere a. id Merino Tv.J.Hs; Vhitdand Col d Cotton Hose; JToltiii!? Cloths. No. 0 to 10; Slik and Straw Konuets; Ac With almost every article ... the Dry Goods In.. . a,l ... 1. ,a...l i.v tlt naekaire 111 tin.' nt w ncll nas .n:t-u ,xn " .-v. v . - -. o V...V. 1 i.i-1 :tno 1 ... una Kte sales in Will I.K offered cheap lor cash or ou time to pav ngt vi v. -j (i . 'Jj-tt customers JAMES DAVIS, l,av",'e 1.. nr . - ...!,, t..f:tlllfr deCHieu on pviuiui " - " . ..Krvi . - . . -II . A ......ttnlltr ItTTt'lh HIT Town ot .-ayettev...e. .e, j..". 185f? P tints, i- ! by )ils, Varnish, M rushes, -for HINSDALE. . S.J. 63-tf ii. ..r tl. i idace and r.ountrv. In all the various branches of ' nu. fi,,. including the manufacture rAth. he is satisfied, atter of they net speak of pleasing anticipations, followed hynn pleasant realities? How ma-.y a husband, who in his bachelor davs foi-dly dreatrico 01 a oiiti.e i...... r.,1 .,t honsewife. whose lark-like song should testify cadi motmb. t!tiH household, du ties werf ft ellii iiig of plensnre nas louno, ..y ..'i s,5;..ii ' ti.A wide - difference" between j f'dmanee and reality? And how mai.y a yourtg man oi" marriageabV age aiid fliie prospects. seeing the rude d'speUi!!? f hi. or that com- 1 3 1 1 . . - - e warning, aiid holds himself stern.y mom irom all matrimonial entauglementsr 1 Know many a voting man. considered by calculating mamT mas and amiable danghters as decidedly a good match who in confidential conversation ,does not hesitate to say that he does rot care to wet married 'Whv.' said a voting man ofvealtb and pos k. "when 1 his astonishment (,ufc of potatoes. mo.ihted the hiilii'l ical steps iVl ftlilcli two years pray jfor some at dinner, a wag provided before had trioped the bright visiii he had nev- i.:m".plf with a smut! nieasu re of the vesrita- er forgotten Thump went his brave heart, as a((j UI1Jer the window which stood- he was ushered into the great paHor, and ike a neaf Miy table of Otir colored Christian. sledge hummer it beatSagaiil when Cant. I unle . lrewu a chair and commenced ..ii't.. for .i ftd'fe and drv walk honie." dtiit kindness condescend to His pv'h were all a Ulaie. and his i.iOvvn cheeks thino- before us, and be pi fldshed hdllV sis tlie Hi .hie capita lit Raiintered Urldrl us a few taters ' nwi.v leaving fair (Irdce ilrime at III Ri.le And ilere the potatoes were dashed upon In of. that assembly tflefe' WitS not Mt Hlhtlsonre n ttou breakinb- plates and upsetting the cdnjile as tlie gallant sanor auu tne p.vt., mustard pot. bulie." MUaii''1 "iJem's urn Lord," said Cato, looking It was oniy a year from that t h B ScHh.d i rndrs 8urprise. .otuy jes leff um down a leetle. trod the quarter deck second only lit fcomtnnn.l, -n rpri . y j and pSMiitrnei- with thb t-apttit., hcl.bi.ly iu hi? easier next time. gentle QraceHume who had a! ways cherished llovr I ' IT THAT GlRLS CAN TKLL A A1AU- resfi'ct, to say lidthing of love, for tllo Origin jm-D AX KROu A SINGLE USE.' 1 no lactv eyed sailor. . . Js Indisputable: Blackwood says, "the fact His homely, but earnest net of pointless to- f)f M(ittrnnonv or bachelorship is written so warn ins ctniu nun easeu !hb n ..mn'ii annearatice that 110 Jti- ett.i ejHpir;n.l it. Every where there .1. . ...... ,tt. t-nou- it not Wa? tilt? Cnttse tnoi.i j ...... ,A .pmi tv .i;S Rt't HfKtTjKtirin SO 1:11 now i.ue oiu niiii. t, n . . -. - , . . ,1 llaS reiSrea ifem business, iiarrjr Weils is dpt. ilK iHepl,cable in met that tells - 'ells, jtuf Grace Hume, according to polite tvltUlior an liiuivuiiai po.u .m. .c, w.-. M pa'ldi.'ce, Mrs. Captain Wells. Iu fact our honest and circutnetanc't'8 art totally unknown) be, SSiiior is one of he richest men itt I he Urtftecent rtr be not? f irried man. Whether it isr City, and he owes, perhaps, the greatest jiart of ,t juyjuetl Iddii, such as that which charac l.ia v tn his tact and r.Olituess in cross- tliw t;.... a lii-injiirorio. ail1''.- " ...... 1 , 1 v '. 1 " , . . . - - - . ( is -7 r'.'v iiyiio ... m. ...-----, 1 ing the stre et. of Mineral extensive expen A Snake. As the season is approaching WUSH JSnakeS are most in the humor -bf tillU.fj', it iS well enough for every one id be made nctjiialnted with'a simple and sure ai'tititi'te la Ih'tS Species of poison. We do iibt believe, f iii L liiiy body will ever die from the iiite Of ft SKSfee, ti matter how ,.n;.n,iii if immediate .li't'e'sS can be h.id to ; ! good Brandy or tttdskey provided it is taken I T.. o..(T.,.;i..,t oHatflif sav frohi one to two pints. lion to me. hut last weeK.. wnen 1 marry 1 . . H i.mi hout lu verg f ge . . , , - 1 1 1.:.. i.a " . . - . . want a home: nno 1 nave ot ." 11 , , bHten on the back ot the hand by OLD BILLS. T.T. n"rsis indebted to th concern of FRANK & F.UaV audi. H. ROBERTS CO., are requested ileum! forward all settle th'jir bills. If not settled v the la t of thism-nth. thev will Bud them in the ads of a Lawful Collector. J. H. ROBERTS & CO Hay 3, 1833 00-tf X 1 TO BENT. Y-i'r the balance of the year, a Dwelling House si.ulted ou Old Street, thelatelw oJJIn., lie 1 Perry, uec u. .' ' jv.y 3, tf : 7 DAVID McDCFFlK, B3ICK W.ISOS AND PLASTERER. it NY PERSON desiring work done in JM fee A 'stvle ia the above department, earf "?e Hi Wvices by a 1 lressing me at 1- ayetievu.e 1, , , 11,- J. MclJ., will taiif . --. " co i-ury, within 100 miles fro- T Mtteville, and prompt attention will be givei. to Ihe S t ne. Sop. 12, 1S57, T I1CU, Ullin uu , which is added a tborougli wemai - tioni'thnt he can give entire tlsfactuvii .as , tar as it is in the power of Dentistry. All 'W"1" of the Teeth treated 111 a proper an" b . ..lioinr the mouth, one out nei, as c - - , . t.n various last, live years for a wife, calculated by nature and education, to make a home for me, and a true mother for my children, but in vain, so far Is not h:ihh n'ded? but how can the -frail c u, it....!... Charges will be moderate,. J" benefits of the Profession may be P1" - . " the proper metals operations. oeiicuisoi i"u 1 - . in 1, ..11 wiioi mnv feel an interest 111. iuciu.. ' 1 ... " ' " ' ' . preservation of the Teeth. where L-iOtRceoverHoPstoii's Jewelry Store, nere he will be found at all times.- May 15, 1858 tf DISSOLUTION. The undersigned have this day ."W dissolved Uopartnersmp m luc'' , ,r y. JAS." BPwAN'IN. Western Kailroad, July 1st 1353. 3t-pd n lafife rattlesnake. The pain was so great that it near! deprived her of the pOwcr of Lo prfmotlon. Jief hand arotlnd the, spot where .,...,.... I,ail entered immediately began to lounger aud drawler, to whom the nnafffgnt . vffigh pufple and this was atten io,.. r,e ti.o ntanHnlipriornr more familiar than I u . 1 1.1 u'.v- , in. i.... . - - - - . the morning sun, have bealtbtfor herself or to beaueath to her children? Is not si cheerful . . 4 . disposition neeedr nut now can hub dp wr-qun-ed-or kept, by those whose lives itre but one constant round Of selfish frivoiffvf -How caff one gain habits of care and affhlicrttfon, witlw ont ever having etert ftVocare Of her' rfwif f6'omr How ran one superintend the .detain -or nonse- ... .,,(jfvai B;Vp. o,,.l the indications so tppninir so si's to minister 0' (he ' f'ttmtnrt of the "... i ... a until t household, to whom evfry ifem of that house keeping is i.of onlv ntlknown, but -prwitively hateful?' Xo. T tell vou Krert. aUhougit 1 may j .1 1. o Wi-.;.l nnd immediate swelling of the til l. II T ' . .. j.- - . . i.ai iiBli .into tli 3 Shorilder. A pint of raw Ahiskev was at once administered withotft o- j..:.,.. nercenteble effect, in the' course Of an hour another pint wax given a( i.tle'rvals . ii . ohtv nnniitpr- nv llliS lime mm' Oi a. .oil1. i -. ,,,i ...... 0 . K--.n td exfilldt RhjfTi Svrtiptomes of futox. r J ... . 1 . l.o r.aih hpfrail to SUPSIQC. lire arm it. cation. be able to snnnort ananimated parlor ornament. yet my taste does not run that way; and so I onnt lined to irnpn.ve when she was able t- run about than a week all traces 111 ' vanished rintil the second day as usual, and of tlie bite bad known this antidote tried repeatedly, and always with success. them frb'm the lords of th ctlnridt tell; but the truth is tively affirm." Not. n word ot trutli m til he e-irls cannot tell a niarrie si lisle one: If they could, till fewer convicts in our ptntej amyfor it is scarcely proi firl would marry a man, 31 1 time that he had one wite already. . -m Art Av.uiis cas Talk. At an airt ,f tl.M Association for the AUaiH . ..r c..;......o l.ul.l nt. Hostou. it was Bhol lUl-lli. ui ui.ivii. that- after all, there are no dumb beasts. tf nnun ituu .mj a lanaane of auiWtalS. He sa.rt tnat varietf of aMhn'.eil ueing p..rB3t.i means of inteHigiblS c'Orotnuiiication., I..., I... cnmuls f 8igHS Of COM UlClllUI v "J ....... c c.-e has a lauguawe tfiiderstood by kind, and sometime learned by oihj :.r ...,;,.... afT..et.oti OT fP .1I.I1R , . I U U 1 ' ' ' ' ( .. .- ratitude or gr?i'f are discloj tones or voice. Of by jnpress strut it cy ..fi... answered. Jiisei '.easts' thus epr latiiruages. signed. Heard and felt. He n stating familiar facts l tJ ' imals. Iff 1 . - s- -, . a ; , .....