- - Mm ,.r - - P.E-1 1 J OUT JL.N THE f;tro,f OF TH " Pli'S IS I VSEPERA BLFT f p l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEIIIEli 4 1858, VOLUME XX NO, .1,008; 7 ";- j TTT35 nrf2IT ftp TIIR TKTO . KT- f I 1 IZTZ- " - ft f If J TERMS OF JDBSCRIPTIOSPOR fHB CAROLINIAN or a single copy, if paid iu advance, per annum, $2 "' " " at the end of 3 months, 2 50 " " at the end of 6 months, 3 00 ", ' " " at the end of the year, 3 50 Xo subscription will be received for a shorter period nan one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of era the following remarkably low 'Lira RATES, INVARIABLY IJV ADVAJVCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 " " " " 15 00 W)M JUL Rates f Advertising i i tty cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first .id 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, unless tne Iverttseuvtnt is published for more than two inenths. 'hen it will be charged For three months, ------ $4 00 For six months, ... - 600 For twelve months. ----- , 10 00 - vll advertisements must have the desired number of in- ' ertlong marked on tham, ortharwl they will be in erted till forbid and charged accordingly. Special attention is directed to ihi requisition. WM. P. WI0HTMA.V St CO. aua-AXi tfOTXdES. TKo fWHowins valuable real estate, the property o E. C. Hall dec' d. is offered for saleand consists of the following tracts : . . . That desirable place known as Rome, containing about 260 aeres with all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the" best business stands in the country, and is vary desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No 2, Consists ef a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene ments.) in Gambleton, on BridgcStreet near Claren- - . . - I 1 .. .. . . .1 V. don linage, r.na is a very ueairuuic stauu iui uusiuc&h. No 3, Is 3 acant lots inUampbellton, known in; City plot as Nos 109, IU, 112, an half of lot 113. No 4, Is . dwelling house and lot on Haymount, corner of Plankroad and Adams St. A very desira ble residence for the whole year. No 6,- Is a Corn Mill and Steam Engineand Boiler, of 10 df i & horsepower. This is well worth the at tention ofthofse living where water power is not avail able, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H. HALrL. Assignee. August 1, 18j7. 'il-ts WANTED. T Abie Negro Men wanted by the Subscribers to work on l.h Fa.vtt.e ville and Western Rail Koad Sections 10 11 & 18 miles from Fayetteville of whom the highest price will be paid by calling on the Subscribers oh the work. D. G. & W. McDUFFIE. March 27 94-tf FOR SALE OR RENT. The dwelling House and Lot on Hay Mount, near j the Donaldson Academy joining W J Yates and others , lately occupied by Hector McMillan Esq., with a well i of cood water & Garden iu front. It will be sold a bargain or renUd to good teuant on reasonable terms apply to J AS. MAUTINE. Also the two Sory Ware House on Church St. near Presbyterian Church. ' April 24, 98-tf ; NOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. BHE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, NOR!?. I CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. TJ.', 7irst Ice Cream. Tbe follow! mouthful of coli neat,- anf s strong glass of Has a Schoolmaster tile Right to Pun- IB HEIDE, and the Widows of Soldiers who DIED in the war ot 1812, can have their CLEMENT G. WRIGHT. Attoriifcy t Law, Fayetteville, X.C. " Office at 'the' corner of Bow and Green streets. " Feb'y 3, i856. J. A. SPEARS. ATTORXEJf AT LAW, iT'TSlNDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harne rake and Johnston. Address, Toorner, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb; 16. 1836. 8?-y C o nfection- aries, Perfumer ies, Bread, Crackers of all kinds, n ART WW FULLER, Attorney at Law, K A YE T TE VI TT. K , IT, C lay be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. 7-tf ?erd, Esq., on Grecri Strfeet; July 19, 1856. Shep ATTORNEY it IiAW. Can be found at the Office formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on How Street. FAYETTEVILLE, S. C. June 26, 1858. tf DEALER Fruits' Nuts, Fancy Ar tides, and a vari ety of arti cle in the GROCERY LINE Foot of Haymount, Fayetteville, N. C Oct. 24. 185T. 73-v IN service in the war or lavz, can s pensions continued by calling on the undersigned. PnnifrjiM Yi vin mnrfa d i 1 1 1 m i 1 nTYiviomi for li ve me the-oARnsgment ot - your claims, ' and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 19, 1858. tf NOTICE. Persona indebted to Jas. C. AlcEaeuiu, as Guardian of the heirs of John Morrison, deed, art hereby re spectfully informed, that said guardian has iu a grea - i : . - 1 A 1 t .. ,1 V. .. : . majority ul lualaticca ruuuiacu uliu ira;:Mi'iuu tucu uotcs to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent, ne cessities apart from the reqi irements of the endorser, compel us to collect as speedily as possible. AH those indebted will theretore oblige us, ami themselves too. by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not iortncoming. A. u. jhjkkisu:n. J. M. MORRISON N. A. MORRISON. Laurinbnrgh. N. C. March 7, 1857. 40-tl BOARDING HOUSE. 1 he Subscriber is now prepared to accommotlate 1 six pirsoas with board, in addition to the number - she uortr has. The building which sneoccupiesi voaveaiently situated on the Doualuson Lot, Hay 'Hiant, aa4 is a good location for a Summer t Via tar residence. No pains will be spared to make 5t i-tc .oarders comfortable. -ebruary, 6. MARTHA HARTMAX. A. Caiiipbell, JCTIOSEER . C03IMISSION JIBRCHASTi East side of Gillespi street. Fatetteville, N. C. ctober 1, lSna ?4 A R B L G FACTORY, BY" GEO. LAUDER, irly opposite to E. W. Willkings" Aactien TROY & FUIilEtt, Attorneys and Counst-Ilors AT LAW. -LU1B K it TO X . C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice ot their nrotv-s sion iu Robeson co.. only R. K. Troy will also at tend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus, and J P Fuller those ot'Cumberland. Their Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. January 9,1858. 83-tf PGBUyiAN GUANO TH HE undersigned has made arrangements by I which he is prepared to furnish at short no tice, any reqired quantity of No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO', all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, aud wurrauted pure and genuine. Orders for the above excellent fertilizer are so licited, to which prompt attention will be given. As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, casn or its equivalent must ac company each order. BEVERLY KOSE. July 17. JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Spring supply of DRY GOODS- Among which are Prints, Lawns, and Brilliantes; Col'd and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; Cashmere and Merino Twills; White aud Col'd Cotton Ilo.c; Holting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Slik and Straw Bonnets; Ac. With almost every article in Hie Drv Goods line; all of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales iu New York and Philadelphia: " Will be ottered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers. March UO. 93-tf )ot. 1. 1856. to E. f-. Walkings' Fayettaville, N. G. Y Stort W. II. T UltM VGTO , General Comaitoa Mercuaui, NORTH WATER STREET, Wil ningloii, N. C, VW1 ?ive personal attention to the sale or shipment of V1 consignments of Naval Stores or other country iroluceratid any other bnsiness enttasted to his care, vill be promptly attended to. pril 18. 1857. ly I ,O90 lbs. Tallow Wanted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. Oct. I, 185P FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. FRANK N. ROBERTS. & CO , having leased this LTotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they wiil use every exertion to j!-ae Jan. 9, 1858. 83-tf f.I Cl. Smith TR. JAMES DAVIS, W .1 . 1 .1 i " J UtfClUfU H1 I if l lllillll'll tl V HIVHUIl NO TICK. The Subscriber having at Afarc ii Term 1353, of the County Court of Cumberland, taken out let ters of Administration upon the Estate of the late Win. F. Wightinau, hereby notifies all persons in debted to said estate to make Payment, aud f.iose having claims against the same to present them within the time required by law or this notice will be pleaded in Bar of their recovery Gr. VV. WIGHTMAN, Administrator. March 6, 1853. A. M. CAMPBELL. Vhite Lead and sale by Aug. 15, Linseed Oil, lor S. J. HINSDALE. 63-tf Bolting Cloth. A constant supply of trraitel Genuine An ker Bolting Cloth all Nos., kept on hand and for sale, at the lowest prices by JAMES MARTINE. Jan 30, 1858. 1m 5mafe'2w DECEIVED AN U FOB. SAL.iii PlantiugPotatoes (Pink Eye) and fine Apples. Also, a fresh supply of Raisins, Figs and Oranges. R. E HEIDB. Oct. 24 73-tf foot of Haymount. FRESH TURNIP SEED, FLAT DUTCH, It ED TOP, ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, RUTA BAGA, Just received aad for sale by A. A. McKctlian respectt'ally informs his friends and the public, that he has n.it up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriages. Tkaukluli'ortUe very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atteutiou to business, with a desire t give satisfaction, to merit a continuance -of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen iu each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neat ness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any wurk iu his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as ! well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock of CARRIAGES,B AROUCHES, ROC f.AW AYS. AND BUGGIES, ever ottered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual custom ers. J5-IIe has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles tinishL-d and in course of con struction. ;ffiSAll work made byhim is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and niamine fo themselves. Orders thankfully receiveclamt promptly ittenneu to. Repairing executed at short n-itiee and on rery rea sonable terms. Fayetteville. Oct i ixs havinc in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensivn experi ence, to which is added a tborotijh Oental educa tion, that he can give entirvHtiW-tir,n "a-Ttvr h s it is in tbe power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man lier, as well as diseases of the mouth, None but the proper metals are made use of iu the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within i the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. OPOtlice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1853 tf NOTICE The Subscriber wishing to move to the country of fers for sale a good Dwelling House; Barn. Stables & other Out Houses, with about 16 Acres of Land lying on Adam Street iu Lower Fayetteville the above property will be sold cheap aud on liberal terms Apply to J. DAVIS Fayetteville, Aug 21. tf rnrticle anoeared & fw ago in "The 1 jgQerreotype," a periodical of short-lived Xlist8nce, conducted by the Rev. Dr. BreeniBftiljiho died some time since, Bish op of Arkanso and Texas. 'tlV' w.f,Pn. or to what, to give creuit iui i louowin hit, we would certainly oo n. i. 7yjrs to as without any intimation of its origin, And we give it place as ludicrously characteristic ,. It purports to be "An account of Ethau Spiie's First aud Last Visit to Port land." , t v "Portland i the all-firedest place I ever seed. I was down tlw te-jn 33, to see a little about mj going tPUlp Legislature, and such a time as I had yoiMfever heer'd tell oh. Did I ever tell 70a abooprjir ice cream scrape I had?" I " We antwf f Jnbe lesative, and he re- three dy. pokin lalfevery hole, ai thot IM" seed everytliiifg thar was to be seen. 'But one day towads sun down I was goin by a shop iu Middle street that looked wonderfully slick there was all manner of candy an peppercnents and what nots at the windows. An then there wer signs with gold letters 011 them, hanging: round the door, tellin how they sold Soda, Mead and Ice Cream thar. I says to myself, I have heern a great deal about ice cream, and now if I dont see what theys made of. So I puts my hands in my pockets ai; walks in kinder cure less, and suys to a chap staiidiu behind the counter "Do you keep any ice creams here?" "Yes, sir," savs he, "how much will you have!" I considered a minit, says I "a pint, sir." The young fellers face swelled out, aud he liked to have laughed light out, but arter a while he asked "Did you say a pint, sir?" "Sartin,'; says 1, "but p'raps you don't re tail, so 1 doul mind taking a quart." 'YVal, dont you think the fellow snorted right out. Tell yer what, it made me feel sort a pisun an 1 gave him a look made him look so ber in about a minit; an when I clinched my Est and looked so at him (here Mr Spike fa vored us with a most diabolical expression,) he handed me a pint of the stuff as perlite as could be. Wall, I tasted a mouthful of it, an found it cool as the north side of Bethel hill in Jan- nary. I'd half a mind to spit it out, but jest then I seed the confectioner chap grinnin be hind the door, which riz my spunk. Gall smash it all, thinks I, I'll not lei that white livered monkey think I'm afeard I'll eat the plaguey stuff if it freezes my innards. I tell yer what, I'd rather skinu'ed a bear or whipp'd a wild cat, bat I went it. I eat the whole in about a minit. "Wall in about a quarter of an hour I began to feel kinder gripy here," eoutinucd Ethan pointing to the lower parts of his stomach, "an kept on feeling no better fast, till at last it sceuua bs tiirttgw i'a4roLa6teani -insren sawin shingles in ne. I sot down 011 a cheer, and bent mv self ud like a nut-cracker, thiiikiu I'd whiskey punch, and then go to bed. tie got the Bxins, which I took and went to. bed. But I tett yer what, I bad a ra' her poor nhrl t Sometimes I was awake groanin,' and when I was asleep I'd rather bin awake, for I had such powerful dreamy. Sometimes I thought I was 1 a -fc , . -r milium a uear anu men ot some nocastioeis ti. f..ir,.,r lZ?tV, I chanI5V otu.er"ldet00f,,'d tl,etar- The case was one in which a teacher had Tl I would be skinning me 8ucd . ad fo,. assan,t d fe whkn ,t i J -:?k VPhli ?f ZLii- 7" ffta? 's "nd. wa committed i" the school house. ...... uU Ha , u Jinrai- OtrmtHtewR road and & nun lueu ; litre Mie curs t ish. a Child? In the Court of Quarter Session in Philadel phia,, on Thursday,, a case af some interest, not ouly to parent and guardians, but to the teach ers ii public schools, was on trial. From a re port w tne ease 111 a .FuiIadelDhia paper Phoenix street. The everv i.r., .4 , . ,., , ? ..... j n. thing would get reversed a-inl was a loJ. Ti:: " ""J "' WV" . " g t - . .1' .,,1 ,1 , . . ... .,. . -;- me incner oj uie uuir ! 1110 W L? DP r l r ,a,,d- Viead, dragged her to the floor and otherwise P f h . . Wake.nP and screech and roar , lrmUreating her. This treatment created quit, .1 II 0 1 1 fn t.. .Illin A... , 1 . ak . ...... 1 A Ker naa run away with me or that father was whipping me or some other plaguey thing, till mornin.' . . . 'When I got up, I hadn't any 'appetite for breakfast, and the tavern keeper told me that if I was goin' to carry on screamin and - groan- in as I had the night afore tjny room was bet- an excitement among the si hollars, many of whom rao out of the room terror-stricken. The defence was, that the teachtt had severely pun ished a child of the defendant. This -child is about nine years of age, and has lost the use ei her right side; and, it is al'ged, that for talking in school, she was struck on - the head with - a, pieceofTattjui, which drew blood. This .coming.- 1 ham t,' Uttid -Mr. Spike, in concTQSioTiTrV;i.flH(,rt t th vel,nl anA'rommifi.dvltia' haint bin to Port and since but if I live to be assanltr though, in answer to a - qnestioi froiu , uiu u xvitriiiusseiein. i suaii never loriret iuai all-fired Ice Cream. "If I were a Man." BY A LADY. Don't I wish I were a mau! Wouldn't I set the beaver-hatted population an example of brillant perfection. Wouldn't I make myself generally agreeable to all the ladies, and talk to them as if they had souls above bonnets? What a glorious man I should make. I wouldn't stand on the hotel steps and iniff clouds of villianous tobacco smoke in the eyes of all the pretty girls that go past, nor spit on the pavement to spoil their little shoes and injure their temers. I woudu't set my huge hels down on the trains of their silken dresses, to tear 'em half off; and 1 think I'm not quite sure, but I think I'd knock down the first brate who dared to complain of the circumference of their garments. And when they come in the car or omnibus, I wouldn't stick my nose into a newspaper, or look abstractly out of the window, nor get tip grumbling, "Always the way with women!" Not a bit of it! I'd spring up like a patent India rubber ball and if the old bachelor on the right hand side, and the spruce clerk on the I left hand side, didn't compress themselves into I., ,. . . f me smallest possmie space, 10 msiae room lor the crinolines, I would know the reason why. And then, when I get married (for to what end was I created, if not to pay the milliner's bills of some blessed little bit of womankind) ' wouldn't I make a model husband! Do you , suppose I should bother her sweet life out of her, ;by grumbling because a paltry button had ! dropped off a shirt collar, or a siring off a dicky? Do you think I'd explode like a camuhene lamp every time 1 found a rip in my gloves? I'd like to see my sell stooping to any such littleness -i. would' t rnnsulLthe alamanc every time she bought a new bonnet, to see just how many wepks she had worn the old one: aud I wouldn't . -. . ...-it . gnu aud Hear it; out 1 couiuu 1 sei nun 1 snar i,ke a cross tiger cat whenever the conee twisted and sqirmed about like an angle worm , happened to be cold Or the breakfast raw, just on a hook, til! at last as the chap as gin me the 1 as if J wanted her to abase herself in dust and cream, who had been lookin on suiggerin says ; ashes; and burn up her rosy little face beiore to me. the kitchen fire, while I sat with my heel upon 'Mister,' says he 'what ails yer?' : the table, reading the paper the next room 'Ails me! savs I 'that ere stuff of your'u j wouldn't use profane language when she the jude. she stated she did not go for that purpose, but was exasperated by the teacher v telling her that she had whipped her daughter and woold do so again. As the evidence in relation to the treatment of the child was rnled ont. as no justification for the assault, and the defendant then plead guilty Judge Ludlow, in passing the sentence to the conn, said: ' "This case comes before the court nniler pe culiar circumstances, as it is intimately connec ted with the jrood discipline of our public schools The rule is no doubt correct, but the law, is that when a parent places a child within the walls of a school, it is to be nndcr the care and con trol if the teacher. This must be the case in any and everv school When the child is thus placed, thh first thing to be inculcated in its mind is obedience to the rules and regulation! of the school, and if it disobeys them, it must receive the punishment due to the offence. If p thnnld onc e b come understood that a moth er can go into a school room and interfere with the teachers, imperiling the lives of the schol larsby creating a panic, there would be an end to all order among the pupils. If there is any wronr done bv the teacher, the paretit lias a remedy; first by an application to the directors of tile school, and second, by a resort to the IW. "The evidence in this cassis that the punish ment was 1 ot unnecessarily severe, uut unuer no circumstances could the assault on the teacher be justified. 1 have therefore nothing to do but niaiiitiiiii the authority ot the leaeueis 01 the schools in the exercise of their duties; I regret exceedingly to be compelled to do so in this case, on accoaut of the mother, who ap pears to have been very much excited at the time of the assault. The sentence of the court, is, that the defendant pay a fine of one cent, and nndergo an imprisonment in the county prison for the term of twenty-four hours." Petersburg Express - . ,.. ..... ...,,.,, , .. What Tony Don't Believe. He don't believe that n man is any wiser for having A. S. S. or any other letters, attached to his name. He don't believe a lawyer is any keener be cause he wears a pair ot spectacles. He don't believe that schoolmasters, physi- FAYETTEVILLE FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. THIS SEMIXAAY OF LEARNING, int. . porated with Collegiate powers by the Legislature of the State, is provided with a full corps ot expe I rieaoed Teachers, new Chemical and Philosophical 1 Apparatus, aud the usual facilities for the uequi l silioil of knowledge. The Seventh Session will commence on the first ilouday in October. For further information ad dress the Principal. WM. K. BLAKE. Aug. ID, 1858. 2m WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A few Thousand bushels WHEAT, of good quality, for which the highest cash Jrice will be paid. BEVERLY ROSE, Aug 14th, 1858. -3t inly 11, 1857. tf S.J. HINSDALE. FOR SALE. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Greek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10, ALSO, Belt, Picker, Roller aad Lace LEATHERS. Oils aad Maaufaeturer's Findings. Wiotcr trained. Sperm. Lard aad Liaseed Oils. ShuttUe'a Isinglass, French Glue, Emory , Roller uioia ana ixiass oieps. J. H. HALL, Pres. B. CM. Co Jaly 26. 1856 8-tf Pdiuts, Sale by Aug. 15, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for HINSDALE. S.J. 63-tf ROSIN undersigned NO. 1 ROSIN T The 2500 IJBLS of Nos. 2 and 3 llosia Aug 2. WANTED. wishes to purchase Also, any quantity S, LUTTERLOH, -6w DAVID MrDlFFU, BRICK HASOV AND PI.ASTKRGR, NY PERSON desiring work done in the best l stvle in the above department, can secure my services by al lressiag me at Fayetteville, N. C. Jr D. McD., will take contracts any vh.'re in tne country, within 100 miles trom fayetteville, ana prompt attention will oe given to tne same. Sep. iz. lo. iy BEDSTEADS AND CHJ1TRS For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store of Aug 21, 1858. A. tf M. CAMPBELL. FOR THE JUS FALL AND WINTER 1858: T RECEIVED. (Call soon, secure a good bargain and save money,) One of the largest, hand aomeet and cheapest stocks of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' GAI TERS, satin and colored; Ladies' and Gents DAN $15 REWARD. All persons are forwarned from harboring, trading or in anv way unlawfully dealing with Jesse Butts, Dallas liutt, and Samuel Butts, who were bound as apprentices to me under aa order of Duplin County Court, as I shall enforce the full extent of the law upon all olfenders. I am informed that they are lui-kina- about in the Bounty of Hainett, in this State in the neighborhood of Jackson Williams', where their mother resides. I will give five dollars each, for their apprehension so that 1 can get tliem. JAMES M KINNEY. Aug. 14, 1858, tiw The Annual Meetiner of the Fayetteville & Albe marle Plank Road Co.. will take nlace at the Town Hall in Favettevllle. on Thursdav 25 iust.. at I 1 1 o'clock. JAS. G. COOK, Pres't. ' August 12, 1858. 86-tm OLD BILLS. VLL parsons indebted to the concern of FRANK A; JERRY andJ. H. ROBERTS A CO., are requested otcoiaa forward and settle thair bills. If not settled by the last of this month, they will fiad them in the hands of a Lawful Collector. J. H. ROBERTS CO. May 8, 1853 25 PER CEKTT S-AJVIESID THE WORLD WONDERS HOW IT CAN BE DONE!! Persons wanting i Turpentine Stills, I Brandy Stills, CING SHOES, of a new Copper Work or bheet-lron work ot any kind and beautiful pattern; can call on M. A. Baker, and get every explana- SIIOES and 1 tion to satisfy themselves tnat it is too true to and every make a joke of, 1 have a fresh supply of Copper ' on band to fill orders at the shortest notice. All work warranted to equal any that can be done in the United States. Call and examine for your selves give me a trial, and let the truth be known. Opposite the 1'ost utnee. YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S BOOTS. S GAITERS; INDIA-RUBBER SHOES, article in his line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyers will find it to tneir interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. M.FAULK. J6A11 who have lost their soles come for ward, andthey will he renewed for Seventy-tivr cei.ts aad upwards. M. F. Fayetteville, July 17, 185. M A. BAKER, tf is freezin up my daylights,' says I. j 'You eat too much,' says he. , '1 tell you I didn't, screamed I; 'I know whats enough and whats too much, without asking you, and if you dont leave oB snickerin : I'll spile yer face." j 'He cottoned right down, and said he didn't mean any hurt, and asked me if I hadn't better take some gin. I told him I would. So I took a purty good horn, and left the shop." 'Arter I got out,' continued Ethan, 'I felt better for a minute or so, hut I had'nt gone fur afore the gripes took me agin; so I went into another snop ana iuoi. some muic g" then 1 sot and sot, but I didn't feel a mite bet ter. I begun to think I was goiu to kick the bucket, and then 1 thought of father aud mother and of old Spanker thats father's hoss , and when I thought that I should uever see etti agin, I fairly blubbered. But then I hap pened to look up, and see a doeen boys griuuiu and larBn at me, I tell you what it ris my dander that had got down to nero rite up acrin. I soruutr at urn like a wild cat, hollerin out I'd shake their tarnal giszards out, aud the way the little devils scampered was a cau tion to uobody. But after the citement ov the race was over, I fell wns agin, and I could'nt help groauin aud screechin as I went along. "At last I thought I'd go to the theatre, but afore I got there, the gripes got so strong that I had to iro behind a metin house and lay down and holler, Arter awhile I got up and went into a shop and eat uall dollars worm of biled isters with four pickled cowcumbers. and wound up with a glass of Orandy. Then I Went into the theatre and seed the plays, dui I felt so bad that I could not see any fun iu i . 1 . 1 .1 : . . I I. . . .-. ... em, lor 1 aout iniiis me isters uu me ur enmbers done any good. I set down, laid down and ttood Up, but still it went on, gripe, gripe. I groaned all the utue and once in a while 1 was obi iced to screech kinder easy. Every body stared at me and somebody called out "turn him outl" once or twice. But at last just as the nigger Oi-thello was going to put the pilleronlus wife's face to smother ner, there cum sich a twinsr through me, that I real ly thought I was bustiii up aud 1 yelled out "Oh dear! Oh seizzore!" so loud that the old theatre run again. Such a row you never seed; the uigger dropped the piller, and Deauterono- my or what yon call her there bis wife, jum ped ff the bed and run, while everybody in the theatre was all np iu a minuit some larfin,' some swuriu. The upshot of it was the pel lice carried me out of the theatre and told me to make myself scarce.' "Well as I didn't feel any better I went in to a shop close by and called for two glasses of brandy; arter swallerin' it, I went hum to the tavern. I 6at down by the wiudow and tried to thiuk I felt better, but t'was no go: that blasted old engine was still walleriu' aw ay inside; so I went out aud eat a quarter's worth of isters and a piece of mince pie. Theu 1 went back aud told the tavern keeper I felt kinder sick, aud thought I'd like some Castor ile, a asked me to button up her sweet little gaiter boots, or fasten her gloves or even to carry ber parcels down Broadway, on a rainy day which. last I consider to be an infallible test of patience and meekness. I wouldn't gorge uiyseu wun wine, anu oysters, and cigars at a fashionable down town restaurant, while my wife dined at home on cold mutton, and then look as black as an overcharged thuuder cloud when the grocer's "little bill" came in; I wouldn't expend a small j fortune in diamond shirtstands, extravagant broad-cloth, and fancy canes, aud then mutter about "hard times," when she Ventured to ask me for half a doller to buy check for the baby's aprons 1 And I rather think I'd go shopping with her. too, wheu she hinted to that enect instead ot inventing excuses about Smith, Brown, or the club aye, and pay her bills too, without screwing up my mouth as if I had the cramp in my face! And if she looked into a shop window and admired a thirty dollar collar, I'd walk in aud buy it for her instead of feigning to be absorbed in the signs opposite, aud "for cetting to hear" what she said. When I came home at night. I would u't make a bear of myself, behind the evening paper and af swer savagely, when she timidly asked what I was reading, "women can't understand politics!" No, indeed! I would read her all the anecdotes, play with the chiMren, pull the pussy's ears, and tell her how becoming her new silk was. That's the way to keep the women good natured, take my word for it; and what prettier sight is there in all the world than a good humored woman? Mind, I don't ask the incorrigible old bachelors; first because it isn't any of their busiuess, second, because they're not judges ot the article, lsut put tne qnestion to any sensible fellow between the ages of eighteen as.d twenty-eight, and see wltat he'll sav. "I'd make a point of always asking my wife's advice before I went to vote and doing just as she said about it then I'd be sure to be always right. And if any bachelor friend of mine had the itnpuden t as me n ou ster snnner without including my wite iu the K 1 " scans, aud ministers, like to be contradicted a whit better than other folks. lie don't believe that all lawyers are rogues, any more than he believes an eel is a snake- lie dou't believe that the most industrious man likes to work except when he can't help it. Hd dou't believe tliut two young lovers like to be caught with their anus urouud one auoth er'S waists. He don't believe that a young lady ought to be married before she is twenty-one at least. Ile don't believe that young gentlemen should marry bct'oi e they uie able to support a wife. lie uon't btliev in getting up early in uie morning without going to bed euriy at niglit He don't believe a man a fool because Lu can't make a speech Uedou't believe that becanse both. wise and windy begiu with W, that they end in the same thing. He dou't believe that- a lady is much the worse for. wearing a bustle, thuu-h he decidedly prefers cnjlTee bags. ' In fact. he dou't 'jelieve iu a great man) things that; 01 hers believe in, and the result ia that ho is voted an oddity and a bore. Kiver, they had not having one ou tho (-OOU. Worse Than That. Some years ago as Oorw U .!" 1 hp Ktfwm-r Water-Witch, was passing down the Arkansas iiiessinir ueed of an axe, and board, at the first landing the boat rounded to. the Captain dispatched an Iribhinnn to nearest cabin in o lest of one. l'retty Patrick returned with an Hxe; but when, after having used it, the Captain oiucltd LIlU ti. return it, he refused point-blink. "But what is the reason?" urged Captain B . "Sure then an' I'll tell ye. When I went up X t the cabin 1 saw a white woman, ai.' I ax' Lei" ' neilitely fur the loan of an axe, aud she tilled ; . , . .i :..i.i :.. . me to ax her liusuauu in inecuni-ueiu, k. honor, I w ent up to the torn-held, and 1 buw u. biir black naarer a standing there, alio. J, sco him, ses 1 "an' w here's he. "I'm the luastnel ; afther having the loan ot mi antes.' ffet it invitation, do you suppose I'd go? Ask my mother-in-law about that. 1 wouldn't go to evening parties, and flirt desparately with other ladies, aud talk about "my poor, dear wife whose ill health precluded her enjoyment of society," when I knew very well that she was sitting at nome uione -iu. j the cat, aud crying her eyes out over one of my j ragged old coats. flood cracious! what a wide field for im- 1 provement there is among the benighted sons of j to I'm low Km !( ":'o dow n to tne house ana Well. 1 col the axe. Captain, an' as VOU1' " an Ull masther?" se6 1, ax lor a 1 wint by the door ses 1 to myself, 'bejabers but I'll give her a small bit of my lun.d." 60 I puked my head iu the door, and 6e I, -'aiu't ye ashamed of yerself to be Laving a black nager for a husband!" Au' ses she, "Law, uul I had a sister done worse than that;" an' tx I "what was that shure?-' an' ses she. "61 a married an Irishman. An' be dad, I'll be allher speaking no more to the baste, Captain, begging yer honor s pardon." The "Captain" laughingly excused him from Adam! It puts, me coinpli tely out of breath , so unpleasant, a uuiy. to think of half the reforms I'd mase. uni 11 I were only a man! WomarCi Advocate. Write your name by lundness, love and mercv, on the hearts of the people yon come ..1 1 1 Ml - J iu contact witn, year oy year, auu you win i this latitude, the meu are always ready to feavfc them that trouble A female correspondent of a St. Louis paper speaks of a sight she saw lately that made her smack her lips. It seems a pity that the ladies in that city have to smack their own lips. nerer be forgot teja. - -4 A