- From the N. C. Planter. Rotation of Crops. This is an important subject, and one that cannot be too urgently pressed upon the consideration of farmers. A writer, who seems to be well acquainted with the sub ject, says. The word rotation, when applied to agriculture, signified a succession of diffe rent crops instead of a succession of the same crop. It is known that the preparatian of elementary substances that enters into the composition of plants, is not the same in all. Probably it is not precisely the same in any two plants. The soil containing the sub stances for the grow,th of plants, imparts them as needed, till nothing remains, when the plants will cease to grow. Supposing a particular ingredient for a particular plant, were line, it is evident that when the lime is all exhausted, or drained from the soil, that plant can no longer be produced on it So also of plants, and all other substances which compose them. . t r - . ' , ,, . , , It is stated that scattering a few lettuce seed in different parts of the garden is a rem- tdy for the cut worm The worms ret tin - der the leaves of the lettuce them, and do not touch any and live on other nlant. Scatter the lettuce seed freely, and wtfwn the plants get in the way, pull them up. General Direction for Preserving Fruit remaps tne present, season a lew gene- ral hints on preserving, for the use of a younsr housewife, may not be unacceptable. Several of the directions mav appear need- , , . i " - rr , less; but there may be some ine.xperienc d narcmic T.rv uT hnm thpv ni'l r Kai rmimf'fi 1 1 v.o.. - " v "v..v...... 1 T m-nni tilt n ' . i "i 1 ti.v 4 1 ......... - . . V. ' ucic.ujvm,,- ..u iu. uivjiuijjuac uc elean and dry especially bottles 2. Never place a preserving pan flat on the fire, as this will render the preserves liable to burn to, as it is called; that is to say, to adhere closely to the in tal, and then to burn; it should always rest on a trevet, or on the lower bar of the kitchen range. 3. After the sugar is added to them, stir the preserves geutly at first, and mor. quic ly towards the end, without quitting them until they are done; this precaution will pre vent their being spoi'ed. 4. All preserves should be perfectly clear from the scum as it rises. 5. Fruit which is to be preserved in syrup must first be blanched or boiled gently, un til it is sufficiently softened to absorb the sugar; and a thin syrup must be poured on ' it at first, or it will shrivel instead of re-; lnaininw plump and becoming clear. Thus. I if its weights of sugar is to be allowed, and boiled to a Evrnn. with a nint. f n-dor n the Dound. or.lv half the weight must I.p ta - ken at first, and this not to be boiled with ' --m the water more than fifteen or twenty niin- a utes at tiie commencement ot tbe process. a r Ai. : x , . j jjan, ui me .uiiauinig sugar must ue u- ded every time the syrup is ieboiled; unless it snould De otherwise directed in the re ceipt. 6. To preserve both the true flavor and thp enlr fif frmt. in fh iima xA cra 1 them rapidly until they are well reduced, i before the sugar is added, and quickly after! 1 j .1, . uiiw; mici 1 wards; but do not allow them to become so j much thickened that the sugar will not dis- ' solve in them easily, and throw up its scum. I In some seasons the juice is so much richer ! than in others that this effect takes place almost before one is aware of it; but the ' drop which adheres to the skimmer, when it 1 is held np, will show the state it has reached. : 7. Overuse tin, iron or pewW spoons or' - ' r, ., ! la Ui , skimmers for preserves, as they will convert j the color ot red tnut into a dingy purple, and impart, besides, a very unpleasant ! flavor. j 8. When cheap jams or jellies are required ! make them at once with loaf sutrar. but use ' that which is well refined alwavs for rre- serves in general. It is a false economy to nni-flliQaa n-n f .ttA rv. 1 - .... I . il.A i J""1"'1' """r"ul R,1'U' "s """e 18 great; waste from it in the quality of scum which it throws up. 9. Pans of copper or bell metal are the proper utensils for preserving fruit. When used, they must be scoured brio-ht with sand. Tinned pans turn and destrovt.hn olnr of the fruit that is nut into them. A stpwrmn - . . . . . J made of iron. rnntA . fi.- ; , Va for c ' and took all the stores i lie y then broke into HlXTS Ab:ut Making Preserves. It the cabin and took everything that they couid is not generally known that boiling fruit a lay their hands on. Such articles as they longtime, and skimming it well, without the wanted were kept and Lhe rest thrown over sugar, and without a cover to the preserving boai'd- pan, is a very economical and excellent way) .'1 ..... -economical, because the bulk of the scum rises from the f. uit, and not from the susrar H tne latter is good; and boiling it without a . - ..... . . . a cover, allows the evaporation of all the wa t.PTV Tin rt aa h art fwim tVio rra ac Vaarv 1 firm and well flavored. The proportions, are, three-quarters " of a pound of fruit. Jam made in this way, of currants, straw berries, raspberries or gooseberries, is ex cellent. To Preserve Fruits Without Sugar or Vinegar. At a meeting of the Horticultu ral Soci ty, Mr Lovejoy, butler to J. Thome Esq., of Mawljey House, South Lambeth, obtained a medal for preserving damsons, greengage plums, gooseberries, rhubarb, cherries, black and red currants, raspberries and mulberries all without sugar or vine gar. The specimens exhibited were as plump and transparent as when first gath ered. Thev were preserved as follows: Pick the fruit from the stalks; put them into the bottles. Put one. drachm of alum into four gallons of boling water; let it stand till it is cold; then fill the bottles with this liquor, bung them tight; put them into a copper of cold na'er and heat to 176 degrees; and then tie them over with bladder and seal them. Southern Cultivator. All should feel an interest in Agriculture. The Terrible Massacre on an American --- Whale Ship. Thrilling Retails Confession of the Murders Stents on Shipboard Sufferings of a wounded 'cer, &-e. ' Hnras announced by telegraoh yesterday tliat the mutineers of the whale-ship Junior, of New Bedford, had been committed for trial at Boston, and that five, of them had made written confessions, in which they exhonerate the rest. The names and apes of the prisoners are as follows: Cyrus W. Plnmer, of Providence, 24 j Jacob Wright, of New York city, 26; William Sampsoi., of Buffalo, N. Y., 27; Joseph Brooks, ofTJtica, X. Y., 23; William II. Cartha, of Albany, N. Y., 20; Adam Connell, of New York, "40; H Stanley, of Penfield, N. Y., 23; William Herbert, of Newark. N. J., 18; Plummer was the instigator and leader of the Mutiny 1 hose who have confessed their guilt are Plnmmer Hall Carthn Herbert and Burns the latter still at large The Boston Herald, referring to their appearance in court stiy";?. Ihe prisoners, who are all American, are not a very forocions looking set of men. riammer, the ringleader, has an evil eye, on close inspection of his aspect, bat hardlv any of them wonld be selected in a crowd as fit heroes for the "Pirate's Own Book." They were chain ed in conples by their wrists, and the legs of each were chained together. Plummer had hi? coat off and a blue flannel shirt on. The remainder were decentlv dressed and all looked clean and in good hsalth. They did not appear very anxious m regard to. their condition, but during the long delay before the commissioner took his seat on the bench, they talked and laughed with each other as if the rattling of 1 chains upon their arms and legs was a rather H plensant joke. . 7 " As regards the murders and butchery on board the Junior nothing equal to it can be . found in the annals of crime on the high seas. ; It appears from more detailed accounts than heretofore published that on the n'orning of Saturday, Decmber 25th 1857, every thing wore the usual appearance until about one (o'clock, when the cabin was attacked by five (men, led on by Cyrus Plumnvr, who shot the captain with a whnlinggnn . Ynree balls passed under bis ribs and entered theside of the ship , 1 ,,e captain sprang up in his berth and said, ! w,,at ,s tn,s? 1 inmmer replied, "Oo-ld-n yon, it is me He then seized the captain Iy Ins nair and crajrered him from his , hJrth ancaed tlie hers to cnt llinl I ...... . . ' . ... .. witn their hatchets, lie struck him three or with their hnteiii'ts TTi strnr-fc liiin . - . t . . tour times witu his hntciiet, and tlien let mm fall on the floor. The mate was shot by a whaling gun in the hands of John 1 1 .1 1 1 alias i Wm. J'ajne, at the same time the captain ; was. The gnn was so close to him as to bnrn the skin on his left cheek, and three balls entered his shoulder He was stunned, and ; when he came to himself he called the steward, who was met at the door by Hall, who threatened to cut him down. lie went into the second mate's berth and fcund him dressing himself. He had been shot also. The third mate was out of his berth on the deck, dying. He went to the captain's room and fonnd him ' self stepping in blood, and being barefooted this j natnrallly caused a thrill of horror. He called ! the boy to bring a light, and 'found the cap- tain lying on the floor dying. He got the cap tain's revolver and loaded it with the intention of si 1 ont in rr f li ri n crli-flfir-r. TMip mnfp foiiiiit the ship 011 fire in the cabin and called for help to see how many were cn the side. Nobody came, and he told the mutineers to come and Put out tne "re- They answered him with ' oaths and told him to come up on the deck or lthPy won,d snoot ;m- "e Eot a bnn? they wonld shoot h;m. He cot a bung borer ' and went into the hold to get some water, and , hoping to shoot thp ringleuder. He was two t be hold Sre davs when thev made nrosnosais 1 . . . . .w . . to lnm to taice the saip into port, ana lie ' accepted them, The third mate had the boarding knife run through him several times by (Corn!'us Burns, aud Cartha struck at the second mate with another boarding; knife. The mate cangl t t!ie J,niff.n,,dI bf"t. ,h.e P,?i"t,OVer, a XT" C"tll ' f,',.mf"' ,hTe b"nst w,,,h, " voc pistol. At this time I came on deck, saw the captain and third mate were dead, ad the second mate wounded. Between cue and two o'clock Saturday morning all the foremast hands, not engaged in the mutiny, were roused from their berths and informed by the mutineers t,mt the sfliP was in their possession, ard that the caP,ain ancl tl,ird mate were dead- 'l he """""rs then made the sailors come on deck andT temSeve.S m.vlf and he second mate. hen we came 011 d. ck tie rwoad mate waB scizL.d and pntin the fo ecaMle Pi nmmer set a watch over him. At this time there was a fire below, caused by the discharge of guns in the berths, and all liHiids except two at each hach, were sent below to extinguish il- As soon as the fire was subdued, a reef ! tukle was ,,e,lt te captain's ankle, the body was hauled on deck, ana then throwu over board. A ftpr H.psp mo ltrC had been disposed of. nlinimer ordered the shin to herd W. N. W ' thinking he was steering for Cape Horn, but he ! wasin fact heading for Lord Howe's Iland. ' After this the ship was steen d 'or Cape Howe, ! Australia, and made the land Jaunarj 3, 1858. ' Ou. the same day all hands were made to come J J .1 1 .1 . I I on uixk auu inrow overuoaru evrviniug j pertaining to the whaling voyage. The I noeers men oroKeout in mutineers then brokeout the slops m the shin 1 l,e exP'lle"ce ' tlie mate during the bve rlf) Vfi that 1 1 . U..IC- In tin.. Ixk'.l miic-t ham t-irw.n one. of the most fearful ever encountered by host all hope from any other power, he prayed 1 linn mi. Oil lie UL'U 111 liHV. WIltMl III" lllitl mortal. On the second day, when he had to uoa lor water, and heard a stick moving on a cask in such a way he thought there must be water in it. It was with great difficulty that he procured water, having to tear off his shirt collar, dip it into the water cask and suck it liy crawling about he found a cask of bread with the buu-r up. and extracted sustenance therefrom. His shoulder mortified from the effects of his wound. The wound was dressed, and his life saved by tbe mutineers in order to save themselves from destruction, lie con sented to work the ship iu order to save his own life, and the ship for the owners. When these bloody murders were committed the Junior was about four hundred miles from Australia, off the Cape of Good Hope The crew left the ship in two whale boats, taking everything of value they could find, aud I nded t oXinety Miles Btacb, where six of them left and went into the interior; the other four sailed for Twofold 13ay, where they gave them selves out as A merican on the voyage from Melbourne to Sydeney Suspicions being excited they were arrested, but for want of evidence were discharged. They continued in this locality some time, leading a gay and reckless live. Plummer, who culled himself Captain Wilson, became qjite a ladies' man and when arrested was on the eve of marriace When the men left the ship they imposed a n onth on the mate to take the ship:: 1 B New Zetland. Had he done this there wot have been much time elapsed for the men to look oat for their safety, but of course disregarding an oath thus imposed, he bore for tae( nearest port. He first shaped bis course tot Hobart Town, but meeting a vessel, was Jf ised to sail for Sydeney, and did so. On bis -arrival his story excited the deepest sympathy, snd by the earnest efforts of the English authorities all the men but two were arrested and given over to the A merican consul for transhipment to this country under the extradition treaty!; What could have led the mutineers to the commission of so fearful a deed doca bot fully appear, but they were probably , indneed to it by the machinations of the seaman-.TMummer, who had once before engaged in a similar deed, and passed part of his life as an Australian nushman, to which mode of living he probably wished to return, and induced .the others to join him. ? The English authorities a'e .. oken . of in terms of the warmest praise, as . the case has there been most thoroughly ex: mined and trans, niitted with an exactness extremely unusual. An English guard was sent over in tlter-ship which brought the mutineers to this country, and day and tiight have the prisoners been most carefully watched. They are manacled in the most heavy manner and have worn the same irons ever since theyltft Sydeney. Beside their confession, which appears to have been gratuitously given, there is ample testimony to convict lliemofthe crime. hv-; - A Slaver in our Tpxt. A slave brig, called the Eelgr' arrived at this port vesterday afternoon'fn i"- c charge of L.iewt. J. M. Bradford, U. S. NJUteut. Brad ford is a citizen of Atftbama,aiid Is'tiieuten' nnt on board the U S brig DoIfihiiV, Lieut. J N. Alaflitt commanding. Liieut. AlaQitt very kindly writes us that, the Dolphin captured this vessel, which he terms au American slaver, after a long chase, on the evening of the 21st inst., off the North Coast of Cuba, lat 23 30, long. 80 20. When first discovered the slaver was sailing under English colors, but perceiv ing the Dolphin, whom he took to be an English vessel of war, he hoisted American colors. When he discovered his egregious and fatal error, he made the most strenuous efforts to escape; but a few well-directed shots from the Dolphin brought him to reason, and he sur rendered at discretion. The slaver, still deem ing the Dolphin an Englishman, did not antici pate a search or visitation while he displayed American colors. Iiieut. Maffitt writes that their cruise has been anything but pleasant, as they find the yeliow fever prevailing wherever, duty calls. The following is a list of the officers of the U. S. brig Dolphin: J. N. Maffiitt, Ijieutenant Commanding; - J. y. Bradford, 1st Lieutenant; E. P. Williams, 2d Lieutenant; C. C. Carpenter, 3d Lieuten ant; J. M. Browne, Passed Assistant Surgeon; A. F. Crosman, Acting Master. Prom Lieut. Bradford we learn that the Echo had 318 Africans on board when captured twelve have since died, and the balance are suffering somewhat from dysentery. Suspicions were first excited by the Echo's suddenly haul ing off from the coast, and npo 1 the firing of blank cartridges, hoisting the American flag. V he Doiphin then gave chase, and proving her self the better tailor brought ' the Echo to Lieut. Bradford, with a force of sixteen men, boarded the Echo, and lound litr in the hands of a crew of nineteen men, Americans, English and Spaniards, neither v.f whom would ac knowledge themselves in command. A portion of this crow were transhipped to the Dolphin, who took them to Key West, whei.ee they will b S n to tl is port Ly steamer. - Lieut. Bradford, with Lieut. Carpenter, six murines and ten seamen, constitute the prize crew in charge of the Echo, and are now at quarantine in our harbor The cargo, generally speaking furnishes good specimens of negroes. Our thanks are tendered to Lieut. Maffitt and Lieut. Bradford for their kind courtesies. So far as Lieut. Maffitt is concerned, who has heretofore brilliantly identified himself with this port, bis many friends will deem this ex ploit ai sea as entirely refuting the opinion which the Naval Board formed of him, that as an officer of the Coast Survey he was unfit for du'y at sea. The event has caused is rrneh excitement in our community as the success of the Cable, and speculation, as to the result of ti;e capture, the fate of the cargo, and the general bearing of the affair, is great. Much curiosity Is also ex- 1 cited, and many are anxious for an opportunity to observe the African in his native state. It is fortunate for the -comfort of the officers in charge that the rigidity of the quarantine laws will spare tnem much importunity and annoy ance. Charleston Mercury, Aug. 28. YoUaG America. 'Young man,' inquired a puzzled traveller at a point of his journey where the way diverged in different direc tions, 'which of th?se roads will take me to Manchester?' 'Neither, sir but if you vrait nn hour the stage will be along to take you to town for n ii ti rt ir 'You appear to be a shrewd, boy, but not I ,. , V i i -xi I- u. ' particularly cuargeu wnu maimers. uuw ohl are you?' 'I'm hoe i' around my fifteenth year and as for being shrewd, they reckon me that away round here. I have knocked the spots off of old Dabol, and beat the schoolmaster playing 'seven up' and parsing, but when you talk about being charged with manners 1 m well loaded and rammed too! 'Have you any parents living?' ' Parents living? If you mean the old man and worn .n no I thank you, they slid and left me to play the thing alone,' 'With whom do you reside I mean with whom do you live?' 'Wellthar! if you call living being bound out till you're one and twenty to one of the meanest men ever set down to biled din ner, I live up the hill there the old Waggon er's who farms it with me and a yoke of roan stags.' My young friend, -your early culture seems to have been sadly neglected. Have you ever enjoyed Sabbath privileges? You'd better think so; there ain' to hedge hog nor a wood-chuck within three miles of here but Waggoner has the meat, and I have the hide and tallow. What may I call your name, my lad?' 'You can't make any mistake; call me what you have the most of; but my genuine name is Alph Chesbro for quick they call me cheesey. But I have wasted more time than common; I can hear the old man giv ing tongue, and I must worm off or the old boy will be h re and lick us both. So cap tain, consider me yours; and if you'll eddy around some Sunday I'll show you fun to pay the ruin! KNOW-NOTHING DECEPTIONS A FALLACY EXPOSED. It is said that every evil with which society is afflicted is imposed With a view of eliciting through its operations some corresponding bene fit. Hence tbe common expression that bles sings come in disguise. Shakespeare under stood this law even in its personal application. He says. -'Best men are moulded oat of faults And. for the most, become much more the belter For beiag a little bad." , We have on this principle, some hopeB of the know-nothings. They are just now bad and faulty enough incincere, deceptive, tricky; "Their siu's not accidental, but a trade." But the? must and will reform. Reduced as they are to a skeleton, diseased, deformed and on the brink of desolation one wonld suppose that the day of repentance had coiae that if we are ever to witness the blessings which their evil life has been permitted to conceal, they must soon appear. Their council at Albany the other day- "Resolved, That, beleiving in the principles that the will of the people constitutionally ex pressed is the supreme law of the laud, we have received with satisfaction the recent rebuke of the inhabitants of Kansas to the national nd- ministration, for its unjust and wicked deter mination to fasten a pro-slavery constitution on a people wishing to come into the Union as a free State, and upon an equal footing with the other States ef the federal government.' I, We take it for granted that the know-nothings, when they adopted this resolution, knew perfectly well that Kansas had no slaves, and that the question of slaves, was not, in any practical sense, involved in the Lecompton is- sue. ine objection, then that JTwas tlie de- termination of the. administration fasteo to a pro- Slavery constitution upon a people wishing to come into the Union as a free State,' was not only a gross irisreprefentation but a bold at temot to commit a fraud upon the people of tbe United States. II. The know-nothing council admit that the majority of the people of Kansas were op posed o slavery. They know that theoretical ly, under the Dred Scott decision, slavery exis ted in the Territory, and that admission into the Union under the Lecompton constitution was the quickest process by which they could prohibit that relation in Kansas. That being admitted the people had sovereign power at once to change their constitution and thus ive effi-ct to their opinions on the subject of slavery. In other words the Lecompton con stitution was presented to Congress early last winter. Had the State been admitted long ere this 29th of August, they could have framed a new constitution and been a free State de facto et de jure. The know-nothings and re publicans who were fully advised of these mat ters opposed admission, and thus prevented the people of Kansas from making a free-State con stitution. They did this knowing all the while that under the Federal constitution slavery was permissible in the Territory. III. On these facts is it not fair to infer that the republicans and know-nothings by their opposition to admission last winter intended simply to keep up the slavery agitation and defeat the will of the people of Kansas to make a free State? We admit that a large majority of that population are and were opposed to slavery, but we maintain that tbey had so managed by refusing to vote and by every other conceivable means of keeping up excite ment, that there was no other reasonable and legal way of solving the problem than to re ceive them iuto the Union thus compelling them to settle their own domestic affairs in their own way. This fair, just, and equitable meas ure a measure which proposed to confer all inmtr tijron tlio people of the new State Mr. Douglass, Mr. Trumbull, Mr. Seward, and all the northern and some of the Southern know nothings opposed. If they had been honestly hostile to slavery and sincerely desirous of ma king Kansas a free State they could never have opposed admission. We say the measure was fair, because if the people desired slavery thev could maintain it; if they opposed slavery, they had ample power to prohibit it. Washington Union. The Latest Fashion. A gentleman in this city has handed us for inspection, a letter written by a yonng lady who had been passing the winter on the Hudson. Among the other secnes, she had been pres ent at a private social dance near Albany, in which a iliiss N , a talanted, elegant girl of i twent', was also a gnest. 1 his young lady had been noted for ''leading the fashion" in the neighborhood, and having come home in the last foreign steamer her appearance was anx iously lookud for for it was calculated upon all hands that her wardrobe wonld display Par isian's styles "a little later than the latest. About ten o'clock the lady in question entered the drawing room, and as a matter of course, all eyes turned upon her. She was attired n a heavy "Pompadour," amply skirted, falling in long fluted folds; and describing a circumfer ence of some three yards around her pretty feet. Tlie dress was low to admiration had hanging sleeves open and slashed, with rich lace uudersleeves and chemise,- a diamond .onmcher ear-rings aud necklace and profuse diamond hair ornaments. She flirted demurlv with an iinmence painted fan, and occasionally dropped, for the amusement of the daugters, a lace monchoir. The dress was perfect admira bly captivating, even to the embroidered silk stocking, and the diamond-buckcled, red-heeled shoes. Curiosity was on tiptoe the forms of polite society were almost broke through, in eagerness to scrutinize, to examine and inspect the detail which constituted such a magnihcent tout ensemble. The night wore on still no words or look from the pretty fashion leader gave token that she was aware of the interest she excited. The pretty little diuiond buckled, red shoes trippled merrily throngh waltz and Scottish, quardrille and cotillion, but no sign of weariness no sign of consciousness was manifested, ine men were growing crazy with admiration the women with envy, when all at orce, in the whirl of the wbltz, a diamond buckle flew off, and tbe little shoe spun glittering to a distant corner of the room. A dozen emulous yeutbs sprang for it the foremost and most enterprising seized, aud gazing abstactly into its interior, where the warm pretty foot had so lately nestled, ex claimed; " Wendell Cordwainer, Albauy, 1769" The gipsey had been figuring in the wedding gear of her defonct great-grand-mother, and passing herself off all the while as a represen tative of "ihe newest French Style." Detroit Adcerttstt. A correspondent of the Cleveland Review, writing from Chicago, sys; "1 should say that every real estate man is mortgaged for five times what he can pay. As a general item upon this point, I will Etate, upon the authority of a friend who saw the records, that the assessed valuation of the taxable property of Chicago last spring was $36,000,000. while the amount recorded upon bond and mortgage, which it was pledged to secure, was over $109, 000,000. Extracts from our European Files. The Liverpool European Times, in an ar ticle headed Agricultural Prospect,' says: "Our reports from 11 qoarte s, North, South, East, and Wet speaks of the harvest as something splendid and prodigious. We do not hear of a failure ill the wheat crop in any direction. All ready the sickle is at work in many districts and with a few weeks of fine weather, the stackyards will be filled up with an amount of golden grain such, as they have seldom held and land blessed with a plentiful supply of home growth rarely seen and more rarely surpassed. Most earnest ly do we hope for fair and propitious skies that all in this good piomise may be fulfiled. A rich harvest makes a happy and conten ted people. It is good for the grower, Who finds himself repaid by the abundance of his crops for all his outlay of time and labor and money. It is good for the consumer. It gladdens the heart of the laborer, as it fills his cottage with joy And it is good for others beyond the grower and consumer-. The interests of classes are so bound up i o greater in atrading and commerc al country like this that all nourish togetner ana au suffer together. AV e have indeed, as it were but one interest although with many branch es aud subdivisions. Touch it in any part and every nerve in the whole body thrills a d is affected. We have not a doubt, then that the glorious harvest upon whicl we have just entered wi'l help greatly to place the trade of the country on the momentary part of the question. There will be no sud den rush upon the Bank such as in years of scarcity often shakes tbe country to its very foundation. On that point we shall be guar ded against danger and most thankful ought we to be for it-' The same paper of August 7th speaking of tbe harvest is going on most prosperous ly. All our accounts from all quarters speak most favorably of our fair prospects. That i3 of itself great news-for the poor -man. But a goud harvest is more than meat to this trading country. It begets commer cial security. And at this moment when we are still but slowly recovering from the mon etary panic which set in upon us last year this is a great point gained. All interest are so bound up together in this country that no one of them can be affected without all the rest feeling the influence. A good harvest induces a momentary calm which in turn, makes trade healthy, and strengh ens the hand of enterprise for its further un dertakings. This is the new aspect which the ever changing panorama of life presents to us at the passing moment. We only hope that as under such auspices of promise, the pent up energy of the nation bursts forth into new activity, it may not rush beyond the legitimate channels of legitimate busi ness into the wild Niagara torrent of mad and dangerous speculation. This has always punished itself, aud, we bvleive always will. The London Economist, in its "note on the crops,' says: "Harvest has now fairly commenced, and by the end of next week a large part of the wheat in the south of En gland will be cut. Complaints are made that the wheat is much laid and in such cases the straw is brittle and the grain somewhat mildewed. It is now certain that the great heat of June produced premature ripening, and that the ears are not well tilled in many districts. The gravelly soils have suffered the roost. Altogether farmers do not now anticipate more than an average vield of wheat.' The 'Mark Lane Express' Review says: Accounts differ much as to the probable yield of wheat, but by universal consent the light gravely soils have suffered by excessive heat; and the liberal use of guano in such localities will prove of little benefit. Spring corn, though amended by recent falis, will be under an average; beans and peas con siderably so. Looking at the prospects of the crops on the continent, in the wheat growing coun tries throughout the world, a rise, rather than any further fall in pricr, may be expec ted. The same Review states, in reference to the foreign crops, that "the general re ports leave the impression, that throughout h ranee, Belgium, Holland Spam, and Italy, they have been less favored in the wheat crop than here. In the Principalities of Mal dovia and Wallachia there is a diminished bulk of grain. Russia, though late, is said to have a fair promise, but in America the Jast year's abundance is not expected." Richmond Enguircr. Effect of Titles. The New York Evening Post, iu referring to the annual exercises of the literary institutions and the number of graduates thrown upon the country, gives the following illustration of the magical effect which tbe bestowal of titles sometimes produces: "This is the season, too, for sowing the annual crop of doctorates. In the morning many persons will arise men and in the evening will go to bed Doctors of Divinity or Doctors of Civil and Canon Law, There are some cases when the conferring of the degree of doctor of divinity does great good. It sometimes puts a sudden end to the complaints of a too fault finding congregation. The story is told of a clergyman in a New England village, who had beeu in the same pastorate for many years, and who found his influence at length sensibly dim inishing. His people desired a change they wanted a smarter man. .Some of his friends, however, signed a petition, carried it to New England college, aud finally the doctorate was conferred on the aged pastor. The degree worked like a charm, bis remaining years past in peace among his people, and they followed him lovingly to his burial." A dry old crust of a fellow, who was un happy with the preacher, because the "dry vine,' as Charlyle would call him, could not penetrate the thick ligament that covered the crusty man's soul, signified to the minis -ter his desire to have a pew nearer th e pul pit. "Can't you hear?" asked the good man. Yes," was the reply. "Can't you see?" "Yes." "Then, why do you change?' "Because," said the obdurate one, "I am so far off that when your words get to me Al n i , , , aa iney are as uai as aisn water. Very Tfeefui Iafok"inatio'4 5 . . r "A man died in Boston from e ats of growing in of a toe nail " Did be? We regret r hear ft. We re gret still more to hear that aiij one has lived to a matore age without learning how to pre vent "the growing iu of s toe nail, by which we presume is meant that frequent occurrence of the corner growing iuto tfce OTerlying flesfc inconsequence of wearing shoes or boots too tight. We have known cases of excruciating; suffering arising from this caused and prfly last week we rode down town in com-ftfy with a' snrgeon on his way to operate on a toe that had become inflamed from the corner of the nail, growing into the flesh. Now to prevest tbiV difficulty. Do not cut away the offendiug cor ner of the nail, as is usually done, very shert' but cnt a notch in the centre, quite down tor tbe quick and keep that notch there or til tbe difficulty is cured, which will sometimes be with the first cutting. The philosophy of the reme dy is that the cut breaks tbe arch, and natural ly changes the curvature of the nail, aud makes the corner turn up iustead of down. rion Isaac Toucey, Secy of the Navy. This sretitleman arrived in this city, from New York, at noon, yesterday. At one o'clock he visited the Navy Yard, escorted by the Navy Agent, W. Badger. Esq., and a number of other gentlemen. The usual salute of sev enteen guns was fired. He then visited the Lancaster, (now nearly ready for launching) the Dry Dock aud Shcps. He then visited the Receiving Ship, and expressed himself highly gratified with the efficiency and activity dis played by the men. On leaving the Receiving Ship the crew manned the yards, and gave him three hearty cheers. In the' evening, his room, at the Qirard House was crowded by gentlemen eager to ten der their respects. The Secretary looks re markably well after his journey, although very many taking advantage of bis presence in this city and New York, pressed him with business. 4 At ten o'clock last evening Secretary Tonccy was serenaded at the Qirard Honse; by the Philadelphia (Beck's) Silver Bar.d. There was an immense concourse of people, blocking up nearly the entire square from Eighth to Ninth iu Chestnut street. After several patrJ otic airs were played, the Secretary of the Navy appeared upon the balcony, in front of the la dies parlor, where he was introduced to the citizens present by Mr Florence, member of Congress from the First District. Secretary Toucey acknowledged the compli ment paid him, and said, breifly, he had deter mined not to make speeches on his visit, as it was one of official business, visiting the Navy Yards of the United States, in pursuance of a determination long formed and in fufilinent of a duty. He spoke of the high character for mechanical skill of our workmen, and of the splendid specimens of onr mechanics, now afloat anticipating the same success in the vessels now in course of construction. The Hon Thos. B. Florence and Wm. Badger, Esq.. being called upon, addressed those in front of the Qirard House, earnestly in commendation of the des ervings of our mechanics, and the advantage gained by the generous sympathy of the Secre tary of the Navy, and the present Administra tion, with our indnstrions and skilful toilers. The scene was highly interesting, and but for the lateness of the honr, we would gladly ela borate our notice. Philadelphia Pennsylvanian. . t& Lieutenants Bradford and Crawford with the prize crew of eight seamen and eight marines, put abroad the captured slaver V.thn, passed through here yesterday on their way to Boston, to rejoin their vessel, the Dolphin" Tbe Echo, aud the eaptnred slavers remain iu Charleston iu the custody of the Marshal Wil. Journal. ''I'm afloat! I'm afloat !" scramed a yonng la dy of powerful Jungs ai.d fingers to match, as she exercised both at the piauo. "1 should think you were," grouled an old bachelor, 'judging from the squall you are rais ing. IS no re ceiving bis Fall supplies of the above 1 artideR. Hf O.Hn snnnll t 'onntrir K.larl.ni a prices which he is sure will make it tteir interest to deal with bim. He has for sale, 80 china tea-sets, 1300 Doz. Common Cups and Saucers, 500 " Fine do. do. 100 " -Dishes, 200 Covered Dishes, 100 Doz. Pitchers, 800 " Plates, 1000 " Tumblers and Goblets, T50 looking-glasses, Coffee Mills, Toy Locomotives, and Yan -kee Clocks by the box. And other goods in proportion. t3FIn order to give time to have goods WELL PACKED, country merchants should buy their Crockery FIRST. Sept. 4, 2m SCIIIEFFELIN, BROS. y CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IU DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, &c. 170 William St., Cor. Beekman, N. Y. Incite the attention of tbe trade to their large and varied stock of DRIIOS. PATVTS nn a vru FUMERY, &c ' In addition to their regular importation of Staple Goods thev urn also rone! cini. A ; rani f.nm ik. , v. . .in ine .sour ces Of production and manufacture, supplies of Tooth, unit iuu in uiufues, Bronzes, corks, Mortars Sponges, French and English Perfumerp, Luton's Extracts, and many other articles usually embraced oner on the most advantageous terms rAt- : . ". . FCioou or oj man, will receive prompt attention. Sept, 4, 1858. 6m-pd- Medical Institution of Yale College. 'I1 course ot Lectures for 1858-'9, will . . . - -a0j, oeuwniuer 1010, and continue four months. Jonathan Knight, M. D., Prof, of the Princi ples and Practice of Surgery. Charles Hooker, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy and Fhysiology. J enry Uronson, M. Prof, of Materia Medic and 1 berapeutics. Worthinn-ti.n J-I.l.. lr r n - r . r Ai. . wi . O " - w.a7 , ill. AT ., X IUI, UL LU J. llCOlV and Practice of Physic. Beniamin fSlillfmnn T- r rt r-.. r -n : a g ..... a ., ia. mt a a.. a a- vumuBUT and Pharmacy. r-uny A. Jwtt, M. Prof, of Obstetrics. Lecture fees, $68 50; Matriculation, $5: Grad uation, $15. CHARLES HOOKER, Dean of the Faculty. New Haven, Sept. 4, 1858. 4t pd. ..... -.. 1

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