"From the Memphis Appeal. The Future of anti-Slavery The South and the Northwest. There are in the commuuity two classes of extremists. One of these regards the question of slavery, about which there has been so much agitation in the public mind, and which has several times treated the integrity of the Union, as virtually settled. They adduce in support of their view of the matter, the fact that there is an evident softening of the back-bone of Ab olition a giving way and caving in on the sub ject as evinced in the late declarations of Horwin, Greeley, and others who are supposed to speak by the card, and to utter the true feelings of the Black Republican party, when they admit that Congress has uo right to refuse firlmissioii into the Union of a State, because the Constitution under which she applies recog nizes slavery. These philosophers, who are to be found chiefly among the leaders of the Southern Know-nothing faction, find in this belief cause for hopeful self-gratulation and rejoicing. They argue that the Northern op ponents of the Democracy, having thus shown a willingness to admit tiie right of a State to do what the Democratic part has always con tended "one hud a right to prevent, it argues a sense of returning conservatism on their part, wnich is sufficient ground to warrant the con clusion that they are tired of the long, and it must be acknowledged, not altogether unsuc cessful war they have waged upon the Southern section of the Confederacy and its rights and i ii s t i tu t io ns sick of conquest an dj? r ew illiiig ' irSfl'Treaily'woa "in tie cause of freedom." Whether they really mean to coneede the point, or this is only a ruse de gurrc to lull the South into a feeling of security, these hopeful leaders do not stop to inquire. It is sufficient for them that they make a show of peaceful intentions. They seize upon the occasion to declare the slavery question virtually settled that it must soon be finally settled. They see no reason why "good men" of all parties who are opposed to the Democracy may not mute upon a plat form of principles, entirely ignoring the slavery question, for the purpose of snatching the Gov ernment from the hands of the odious Democ racy. This union of the elements of opposition once formed, and everything appears coi'eur de rose. There is no danger to be apprehended from thus placing the Government under the control of Black Republican?. The future is all radiant with hope and promise. There is another class of extremists who re gard the aspect of affairs in quite another and different light. To them the present is dark still deeper lines of gloom. They look despoud ingly upon every thing. They have seen Ab olition, like a little speck iipon the far off Northern horizon, gradually growing and spreading until its dark shadow looms angrily up to the zenith and threatens to break with devastating fury upon the South. They regard a triumph of the Black Republican principles as inevitable and near at hand, and argue that having once gained power, the North will use it for its own aggrandizement at the expense of the South. They contend that having tri umphed upon the question of slavery, the next step will be to inaugurate an oppressive and unjust tariff system which will build np and enrich the North while it crushes out the ener gies and life of the Sonth. They look upon the defeat of the Democratic principle of equal rights to every section and the triumph of the anti-slavery, high-tarifi policy, as unavoidable and pour forth a lugubrious lamentation over the approaching degradation ud ruin of the foouth. Now while ail will readilv see that both of these classes of political philosophers cannot be right, we think that there is good reason to be lieve that neither of them is correct in its views, and that neither the result desired by the Op timists, nor that anticipated by the Pessimites is likely to happen. For in the first place, if the idea of the Optimists that the slavery ques tion is virtually settled, be, as we do not believe it is, conect, then we do not for a moment be lieve there is a remote possibility of the forma tion of an opposition party upon any platform other than that of democracy, which will at all likely to succeed in attracting to its support a majority of the people. For the population of all tiat vast retrion of country which we call the great Northwest, although deeply imbneJ with the anti-slavery sentiment, is apart from the slavery question, thoroughly democratic. The history of all their political struggles, an terior to the recent embittered controversy upon the subject of slavery, shows this. They knew that the principles and policy of the Democrat ic p'rty are b?st adapted to promote and pro tect their interests as nn agricultural people, and hence with the single exception, .we have mentioned, they are in feeling and sentiment as thoroughly and completely Democratic as the Southern States of the Confederacy. Take this question out of the way, then, and what reason is there to believe that they would not heartily unite with the South in support of the princi ples of Democracy? While therefore we do not believe that the question of slavery is set tled, or that its agitation will soon cease, we are still more sure that the hopes of those who look to a defeat of the Democratic party as a result likely to follow, are altogether unground ed and fallacious. On the other hand should any change ever place the Black Republicans in possession of the Government, no other or greater danger awaits the South than such as may result from their wicked and unjust anti-slavery policy. The same great Northwest which stood as a breakwater for the South against the waves of abolition fanaticism in the last Presidential canvass, opposes an eternal and impassable barrier to the inauguration of the high-tariff system which ihe Pessimists predict will fill up the "measure of Southern degradation and ruin. The'Nortliwest will never consent to be a party to a policy so suicidal . Identity of interests, resulting from similarity of pursuits, unites the South and the Northwest in common opposi tion to every restriction upon trade and com merce. And while we do not anticipate the happening of either of the contingencies to which vve have alluded, it is to the Democracy of the great and growing Northwest that the South must look for aid in the great struggle through which she is passing with the encmiee of her institutions. But in the meanwhile let us not forget that the danger is not past. There is a lull in the storm, but clouds still hang upon the political horizon. The foe still lurks in the vicinity and it is well to be weary and vigilant not giving way to despondency and gloom nor vauntingly proclaiming invincibility. But above all things let the Democracy of the South omit no opportunity to court a friendly alliance with those who are illustrating their devotion to the cause of the Union and the principles of the party by a manly and determined struggle against the foes of both. CgThe old nursery rhyme of Mr and Mrs Spratt has thus been improved by a suffering Benedict A wife, to dress in tbe mode, I gnrss, Picks a lmsbaud'e bones quite e'ean; And poor Mr Spratt will cry "no fat!" As his -wife will eri-no-line.' i From the Democratic (N. II.) Standard. Democracy Progressive. It has been one of the standing objections to Democracy with the opposition, that it occupies only for a limited time precisely the same ground. If the theory of Democ racy is correct, why should its measures change? or why the Democrats of to-day ignore the party measure of a past age, and frequently strike off on a new line of policy? To the unthinking those who, if left to themselves, would become mere pe trifactions and fossils these questions may seem to have force; but not so with clear headed, intelligent, and thinking men, Prin ciples, it is true, never change. Truth is eternal; an abstract right to-day cannot be come abstractly wrong to-morrow. Not so with measures the application of principles. The same act which would be to-day in ac cordance with established principle, to-morrow, under a new combination of circum stances, or under entirely new circumstances might be very unjust, and plainly violate the same principles which previously it had carried out. Every day adds, or should add to the world's stock of knowledge. Every day should furnish additional light to guide the statesman as well as the moralist and divine. In the world's progress, new wants new relations, new duties growing out of Jthef rcJations and new field&jDilJUbojc j are constantly being aeveiopeu aiimJygTtm-m and the party, political or religious, which should close its eyes to these facts, and blindly press forward in the same beaten path forever, would not only be unfaithiul to its high missions, but would outlive its use fulness, and should be wiped off from the fair face of creation. As the mariner pur sues his course, jjoverned by his charts, his observations, and his unerring needle, he constantly opens new objects to view, makes new headlands, and new stars rise above the horizon, while those behind sink out of sight; and although his general course may be precisely the same, all his surroundings are constantly changing, requiring the constant exercise of his judgment, and the most care ful vigilance to meet the exigences every day coming up in his progress. The states man is a navigator on the sea of political economy, and, no less than the literal ma riner, he is required to take constant obser vations, to examine his constantly changing relations with reference to surrounding cir cumstances; and while following the same great leading principles, he must look well to it that his measures are properly modified by the changing circumstances which ever surround him. There are but two great parties in the country, and always have been the Demo cratic and the Opposition. The Opposition has never been truly a yos'uice, but rather a negative party. They have never struck out for new measures, for new developments for progress. They have believed the oppos ite of the Democrats; and this has been about the extent of their creed. Democracy has asserted principles the Opposition has es sayed to controvert them. Democracy has contended for a strict construction of the Constitution the Opposition hu ridiculed such construction; still, they have changed just as often and quite as fast as the De mocracy, yet always keeping a respectful distance behind. Like the human shadow, the Opposition has followed the Democratic Party, yet always maintaining its true rela tive position, on the side opposite the greatest light. How the North Supplies the South with Literature. No little surprise has, at times, been mani fested at the want of success of every attempt to establish literary papers in the South, and at the failure of almost every weekly journal which has ever been issued Some have asserted that people of the South were not a reading people; that, absorbed, in business or devoted to pleas ure they neither had time to devote to litera ture uor inclination tor such relaxation, bucli an impression can only be entertained by those ignorant of the habits and the partialities of our people. The inhabitants of New Urleans ana ot the South are liberal contributors to Northern journals. Instead of nourishing those which have their origin here, ar.d would reflect boutli- ern opinion ana southern intellect, tney are regular readers of such as are published in Northern cities and contain the trashiest pro ductions of even Northern intellect. A brief summary of the weekly sales of Northern news papers in this city will establish this assertion. In the facts condensed it is also worthy of note that the New York Ledger a Journal that contains ouly the whipped syllabub of litera ture has the widest circulation. A few months since the following weekly sale of papers published in Northern cities was made in New Orleans; Harpers Weekly, 1500 copies; New York Ledger 500; Police Gazette 500; Frank Leslie 400; Ballou's Pictoral 350; New York Clipper 300; .New York Herald 150; and several other weeklies of New York and Boston, ranging in number of copies sold from 250 to 500 copies each, making iu all a total sale of 5800 copies per week. Household Words, by Dickens, is sold, to the number of 100 per month. The American monthlies, published at the North, reach a circulation of 5000 copies in New Orleans, of which Harper's has a circula tion of 3000 copies. The total expense of these publications to this community is $45,000 per annum. Here is the secret of the want of success of home journals of a literary character. The North has possession of the field. Thirty-two thousand of our population, allowing only four persons to a family into which these journals go, are brought constantly and habitually in contact Northern mind. We need not say that the character of most of these Northern journals, indeed, of almost all of them except Harper's is such as is ill-calculated to improve the taste, develop thought or purify the heart Still less do they communicate valuable knowl edge, or aim at any thing higher t'nau to cater to morbid sensibilities. If we desire to create a Southern literature we must first determine to foster home journals instead of those published in the free States, and nourish them into a prosperity that will react upon Southern mind and incite it to ac tivity. A comparison, which we are able to make, will give the views here expressed still greater force. Two first class magazines are published in the Southern States Russell's Magazine, published in Charleston, and the Southern Lit erary Messenger, published in Richmond. These will compare favorably with any Mag azines of the country. The latter has been regularly issued for twenty-five years. Of these journals there are but fifty-five copies circulated in mis city torty ot ltusstll's and fifteen of the Messenger. The fact is, the South has but little literature because it shows no liberality to Southern pro ductions, and is content, while beratinghe en croachments of the North, to pay tribute to every enterprise which any literary adventurer of the Free States may undertake. v The Comet What it i3. and is to be. The Washington Union lias a storv about the Comet (now visible, morning and evening) that tells all that need be known: "Notwithstanding the preseiiC3 of the moon, which materially diminishes the iM iliaucy of this celestial visitor, it is quite a conspicuous object, and multitudes of star gazers are uightly turn ing their gaze in that direction. It may be readily seen by the naked eye on any clear evening, from about 7 io 8 o'clock, although it is, of course, viewed to much better advan tage with a telescope, even of a low power, not magnifying more than 10 or 20 times.' It is now situated near the hind foot of Ursa Major, and is moving towards Arcturus; or, in other words, it is near the horizon, and ranging with the two stars known as the pointers, the comet being about as far to the left of the pointers as the North Star is to their right.' The JSail is tolerably well defined, aud about 3 degrees in length . . --j!kT This comet wafirst discovcrcda. , 'JPCV-. tuSC , uy i iuiV UONATI, 111 1 lOTtMlce, Italy. It was first seen in this country by Henry M. Parkhurst, of Perth Amboy, N.J., on the 20th of the same mouth, uo information having then been received here of its discovery m rope. One or two niirhts afterwards it jPq3. ,,.. discovered TVv Miss Maria Mitchell, of Nan- tucket, Mass., who also supposed that it had not previously lieen seen. Thus there were i - i j . i . : .. r . . . u" c 'uei" while :t was so f:ii it. nulv to he visible with g'iolnno or nlmiii. t.hf s;.e- nfnstar of thn eleventh ma-riiitude. A verv striking charac- istic of this comet, wheu it was first discovered was its extremely slow motion. The ereat distance of the comd, and the direction of its motion as seen from the earth, com- i.;pH t i-oiwW iia . nnon rn i, t ri.uiiirii' nw. f 1.1.1 raiT ci-iiM I iriiicoiiiiuiifui r small. In coi.senuence of this slow - ness of motion, it was very difficult for ; raiin was very nign. Mr nuicu resuivcu, at astronomers to fix upon its orbit with much ! a' early age, to devote himself to the editorial accuracy, and there has been considerable diff- i profession, and prepared himself with an eye erence of opinion upon that subject It has I single to that cud. His reading was very ex already been visible in this country ilirougli a ! tensive, and few men of his age were better telescope for two months aud a half; and ' not-j critical scholars. Of unwearied industry and withstanding the numerous observations that ; singularly matured intellect he accomplished have been made, it is doubtful whether or not j '""re than most young men. Besides occasion it has passed iis perihelion, or the point where 1 ' contributions to the newspapers of his native it is nearest the sun. According to the ele- j county, he very early published much in the mcuts as calculated by Mr. George Seakle, ; lolumns of the Boston Post, to which paper he assistant at the Dudley Observatory, it passed j has ever since been an occasional and welcome its perihelion on the loth inst., the orbit, as ; correspondent. Thus trained and practised, calculated at the National Observatory here1 j Mr Hatch left college with a brilliant reputa- . I:: : ! : i I - i . I . i gives a result nearly similar; according to tli orbit as calculated at the cambrid-'C 'Observa-.i torv. it should not reach its perihelion atitil ! about the 20 inst.; but Mr. Paukhubst assigns it a neriod about a week later than that. ,ilie ' .aid tuaii 1 11 .1 1 . . lie let will be approaching both sun until October, (or at i states that "the com the earth and the s least not materially receding from the sun,) ! an.l will not probablj reach its maximum ofcepted a situation in the editorial staff of the tiiAerenl brightness before tha middle of Octo- j Charleston Courier, where he has ever since ber. It will therefore continue to grow more J labored with marked assidnity. We leave his conspicuous until it begins to be again merged ' record there to abler and more intimate pens. in the twilight, lint il will very soon change I its course to the South, and . me-itatrpidly that it is not likely that it will be seen so late. My last observations seemed to indicate a de- j cidedly elliptical orbit." He thinks that the I orbit cannot be parabolic, as a parabolic orbit! wouid not correspond with the observed po-; sitious of the comet iu June aud July last. An j elliptical orbit, the ellipse being of moderate; eccentricity, wonld give a period of revolution ' around the sun much shorter than a parabola, j The elements correspond very nearly with I those of the first comet of 1827, and with those of the comet of 17G4. This would make the period of revolution about 31 years, and allow of two revolutions between 1764 and 1827, as a difference of half a year iu the period of rev olution may be readily accounted for by per turbations If this be the conect period, its next return may be expected about 1889 or 1890. Terrible Adventure of an Aeronaut, j The Detroit Tribune says: i "We have learned full particulars of the ! balloon ascension at Adrian, on 1 hursday, its ! subsequent descent, and us second ascens.on and runaway with the aeronaut wnue his control It is a biicf narative, but of' j . The hrst nscensiou took nlace about 9 o'clock ! in the morning. It was on the occasion of a j large Sunday school celebration at Adrian. : i'he balloon was a very large and well construc ted one, being about the height of a two-story building when inflated and ready to cut loose from its fastenings. Messrs Daxsister and . i . . i . . i ... i i... .i . 1HCRSTON iook seals ill ine car aiiiieneu io me n - , .. , n i a i ri, . ,i 0(i;i a f,0, figures is more elevatin than all the plays balloon and ascended safely and steadily. Alter , , . r . J remaining about 40 minutes in the air, sailing ?,ver wrc-ten. Take Shakespeer for instance, towards Toledo all the time, they alighted 1 coPle think he's grate things, but I con in the woods in the town of Riga, Lenawee tend he is quite the reverse to the contrary. County, near Knight's station on the Southern Road, distant about li" miles west of loledo Several men came to the assistance of ths ad venturers, and they proceeded to prpsrr:the balloon for packing, to be taken back to Adrian In doing this the monster balloon was t urned over and partially upside down to disentangle the netting and to reach the valve. To do this, Mr. Ira Thurston one of the aeronauts, took off his coat, and got astride of the valve block. He ihen suggested that the car be de tached from the balloon while he held it down with his weight. This proved a fearful calcu lation for no sooner was the still inflated body relieved of the weight of the car than it shot into the air with the suddenness of a rocket, taking Mr. Tiurston along with it, seated up on the valve ol the balloon, and holding on to the collapsed silk of the air-hip in that portion of its bulk! In this perfectly helpless condition the ill fated man sped straight into the sky in the full sight of his companions, more helpless than himself. So far as is known, there was no possible means for him to secure his descent whether safe or otherwise, 'ihe part of the balloon filled with gas was full twelve feet above him, so that there was no chance for him to cut its sides aud allow the gas to escape. He could only cling to his precarious hold and go whithersoever the currents of air should take huu. Without regulation or control of ary kind the balloon continued to mount upward, sailing off in the direction of this city and Lake Erie. The fatal ascension took blace about 11 o'clock and at a few minutes pass noou it was seen in the town of Bliss field, Lenawee Co., ap parently full three miles high and about the size of a star in appearance. It was still go ing up and on! At 1 o'clock it was dimly visible, going in the direction of Maiden, as ascertained by compass bearings taken by par- ties observing it. What is his exact fate baf fles conjecture; but that it is horrible, almost beyond precedent, there can be no doubt. There is not one chance in a million for a successful escape Mr Thurston was an experienced balloonist, having built several, and this being his thirty seventh ascension. He was formerly a resi dent in the vicinity of Lima aud Rochester, in Western New-York, but has lately resided in Adrian, wher he was extensively engaged in business r.s nurseryman. He leaves an inter esting da.) j Uer about 17 years of age. THE MISS NO .ERONAUT, THURSTON, HEARD FROM. The Detioit Tribune says: "We have made careful and extended inquires upon the other side sufficient to justify us in stating that the balloon has come to the earth, aud further, that in all probability it was emplyl From a gentleman who was at Baptiste Creek on Saturday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock, we learn that a large biloou was seen to descend to the ground in the vicinity of a large tract of woods, across a wide marsh, some three miles from the station, early in the afternoon. The balloon was seen at Chatham ttbout 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, so it was thought by the telegraph operator. It was about as large in appearance as a kite, and was thought to be such until the news of the affair reached there. It is a little singular that Mr. Bannister, comoaniou of Mr. Thurston at the time of this . -w. ars. aco mane an made an ascent from the same place, wlieo, throwing out uin. too freely, he almost immediately rose ont of sight, and was not heard from for two days. His balloon became unmanageable, and him- jself nearly perished with cold, having frozen i both hands and feet. He twice saw Lake Erie j Pass beneath him, finally landed in Pennsylvn- nia, near tfeaver, having made, involuntarily, the longest trip ever made in America. James Lewis Hatch. I . It is with deep grief that we announce the death of Mr J. H. natch, one of the editors of J the Charleston Courier. j Mr Hatch was a native of Oxford County, j 'n t'e State of Maine, and has deceased at the j early se of twenty-five years He was educa- i teil at Uowtloiii ooneirc, in u is native otate j where lie was graduated in ieo His college a wruer, inrn ms suusuijucci uisijry nas fui'j endorsed. His future promise was large. Mr Haich connected himself with the Charles- ton Standard in December, 1854, with which paper he continued about two years. It is but I ' - uw.v . - j . ' isu simple justice to say that the Standard was, during that period, at the height of its pros- pol ity and iufluciice. 1 n January, 1867, he ae in nis private cnaracier Air iiatcn was ot modest demeanor, great engergy of purpose, strong attachments and sympathies- Those traits which distinguish ar.d adorn the man were most conspicuous. He was of a genial temperament, and amid his friends most com panionable. The writer of these few inadequate lines knew Mr ilatchere lie had passed from the student to the man, and has known him, with but brief intermission, ever since. The mournful tidings of his death deprive the hand, th.it was never unconcerned in his behalf, of the 'lower it would fain command. Shows and Morality. Artemus Ward, showman, writes a letter to the Cleaveland Pla ndealer, in which he maintains that wax figures are more eleva ting than the drama. Hear him: "I'm travelin with a tent which, is better nor hirin halls. My show consists of a se rious of wax works, a panetamy called a Grand Mjvin Liarea of the War in the Cry- mcar, comic sonjrs and the Canoraroo, which last little cus3 continues to conduct himself in tle most 0utrageou3 styles. I started oufc tl H of makins, m show i ...... I i ..i , 4. I A .7 1 T .. . I t Jiurei utuKuiiruir, uub i in tuiupeiieu. IO sware so much at that air infernal Canaceroo that i'm fraid tnis desine will be flustrated to some extent. And while speakin of mor- amy renames me mat sum lolKs turn up their noses at shows like mine, saym they is low and not fit to be patronized by people of high degree. Sure I maintain that this is unlernal nonsense. I maintain that wax 'What sort of sense is there to King Leer who goes round cussin his darters, chawin hay and throwin straws at folks, and larfin like a silly old koot and making a ass of himself ginerally? Thare's Mrs Macbeth she is a nice kind of woouian to have, ain't she, a puttin old Mac, her husband, up to slaying Dunkun with a chees knife, while he is payin a friendly visit to their house. O it's highly morality i spoze, when she larfs widely and zez 'gin me the daggers i'l let his bowels out,' or words to that effeck i say this is all strickly proper, i spoze? hat Jack Fawlstaf is likewise a immoral old cus3 take him how ye may; and Himlet is as crasy as a loon. Thare's Richurd Thurd peple think he is grate things, but i look upon him in the lite of a monster. He kills everybody he takes a noshun to, in cold blood, and then goes to sleep in his tent. Bimeby he wakes up and yells for a hoss, so he can go orf and kill sum more people. If he is not a fit spesimen for the galleries then i should like to know ware yu find uin. Thare's lergo who is more ornery nor pizttm. See how shameful he treated that highly respec terble injun gentlemun Mister Otheller, making him for to beleave his wife was tu thick with Casheo. Obsarve how lergo got Casheo drunk as a biled owl on corn whisky in order to carry out his sneakin desines. See how he wurks Mister Otheller's feelings up so that he goze and makes poor Desdo mony swaller a piller which causes her death. But i must stop. At sum future time L shall continue my remarks on the drammer, in which i show the vast superiority of wax riggers, snaix and other fixins in a interlec- tooalpint of view'' BURNING OF THE AUSTRIA. Halifax, Sept. 27. The bark Lotus arrived yesterday with twelve of the sixty-seren pas sengers saved from the Austria. The Anstria sailed from Bremen on Satur day, the 4th instant, with a total number of passengers and crew estimated at between 550 and 600. Passengers report that on Monday, the 13th, a little after two o'clock in the afternoon, a dense volume of smoke burst from the after en trance of the steerage. The speed of the Tea se! was instantly checked one half, at which speed she continued, until the magazine explo ded, when the engineers it is supposed, were instantly suffocated. The fire next burst through the deadlights amidships, traveling aft with fearful and alarm ins rapidity. The ship was provided with eight of Francis' metalic !ife boats, each capable of holding fifty persons. One of these was now let down on the port side, but it was instantly crushed. Another which was lowered on the starboard side, was swamped from the numbers rushing into it. All the first cabin passengers were aft on the poop deck, exeepting a few gentlemen, who must have been smothered in the smoking room. Many of the second cabin passengers were also on the poop, but a large number were shut up in th? cabin by the flames. Some were pulled up through the ventilators, (lint the greater number-jmU 1 ... y. ...... ... ,i - ii: r.. rri aiiu aciv intir nupniiuiz iuic. tic iub woman drawn np said six had already suffoca ted. Several men and women on the poop, jump ed into the sea by twos and threes, prefering to drown rather thah be roasted alive. Some of the women who leaped into the'sea were already in flames, and others hesitated, till driven at last to the terrible alternative by the advancing flames and intolerable heat. In thirty minutes from the breaking out of the fire not a soul was left on the poop. The French baik Maurice, Capt. Ernest Reuard, came aTonr.side about 5 o'clock, P. M., and rescued forty passengers, who were chiefly takers off the bowsprit, but some were struggling in the water. At 8 o'clock, P. M., one of the metalic life, boats of the Austria, came up with twenty-two persons on board, including the first and second officers. Subsequently four men were picked up uoating on a piece ot broken boat Both the second and third officers are horri bly burKt Aiauy oi me maie frightfully burnt. passengers saved are Only six woman were saved, and three those shockingly burnt. of A Norwegian Bark went alongside the steamer next morning, and sent a boat out. The Austria was a new vessel, and one of the most magnificent on the ocean. Her passengers were chiefly wealthy Ger man merchants, returning from the Continent after spending the summer. The Austria's cargo was very valuable being made up al most entirely of costly silk and velvet fabrics. statemrnt of tiieo. g. glaubernkler. At about 1 P. M., September 13, being in my state-room, I heard the cry of "fire!" Has tening on deck, I saw the flames breaking through the middle deck The Captain was trying to get the people out of the second boat on the port side, to have it lowered. I hasten ed to the fore deck to keep the people from the bo-it. After a few minutes I turned around to go to the quarter-deck, Lut could not get through the fire. I remained on the forecastle of the ship, all the time going ouward against the wind. With the assistance of a sailor I cut down the jib sail to throw into the water to use in checking the progress of the fire, but the people on deck did not understand our in tention and merely threw them into tho water. I tried to discover something with which to save the passengers, but nothing was to be found. .The spars had been thrown overboard, and the buckets being near the pipe were all on fire. In about half an hour the foremast fell, and shortly after the mainmast, and at about the same time the engine appeared to stop. The ship, which thus far had been head ing west, gradually turned to the north, and finally to the northeast. Soon after the boiler seemed to collapse, and ten minutes after the magazine exploded. By the turning of the ship the flames and smoke drove me to the fore castle. The suffering then became intense, our only hope now being in two vessels in the distance, one of which afterwards proved to be the Maurice, approached us slowly; the other, further off, steering west, tock no notice of ns, although she was signaled to do so by the Cap tain of the Maurice. Having taken my stand on the chains on the starboard side, I gradually advanced forward to make room for others. At about 5 o'clock, the Alaurice sent off a boat, and as soon as it came near, I jumped into the water and reached it. Seven others were taken in, and the boat returned to the bark. Two boats belonging to the bark continued to ply to and from the steamer, picking np all they could, until the darkness made it impossible to find more of the sufferers. Soon after sunset the first officer, and about a dozen others, came to the bark, having saved themselves by a life boat. Later some Swedish sailors came in part of a boat, and Mr Brew and a German in part of another boat. .. Mr Glaubernkler' account -of the .origin of the Ore coincides with that of Mr lirew iu every particular. Preparations for the Railroad Celebra tion in Statesville, N. C. In pursuance of notice, the citizens of Iredell county met at the Court House on Saturday, the 11th inst., and on motion R. R. White was called to the Chair, and R. F. Simonton and P. C. Carlton appointed Sec retaries. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting was to consider the propriety of celebrating the completion of the Western North Carolina Railroad to this place, and if resolved upon to appoint the necesary com mittees, and make all needful arrange ments. R. F. Simonton offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adop ted: Whereas, The railroad will in a few days be completed to the town of Statesville, and it has been customary for each county in this State to celebrate such occasions: Therefore, be it Resolved, That the citizens of Iredell cel ebrate on the 14th of October the comple tion of this great work to this town. Resolved, That we will prepare a dinner for the guests attending the celebration, with public speaking, and other demonstra tions suited to the occasion. Resolved, That we cordially invite all the citizens of Iredell to unite, and that we have a celebration which has not been ex- celled in Western North Carolina. Resolved, That we cordially invito th citizens of the State to meet with us on this occasion. On motion of E. M. Campbell, Dr. Jno. Allison, L. Q. Sharp and E. B. Drake, were" appointed a committee to procure speakers for the occasion. Rosolved, That the following be a com mittee to solicit edibles, and to superintend the dinner on the day of the celebration: R. M. Allison, R. F. Simonton, A. M. Walker, H E Davis, R R White, M F Freeland, R N Freeland, M Stirewalt, Ja.s SRickert, J W Woodward, C A Carlton, H W Ayer, J C Barkley, $ R Adams Silas Bost, L N Alexander, Eli Bost, Thos Morrison, P Little, Lee W Morrison, II E Robinson, A Cl irk, Jacob Parker, Andrew Allison, Jr., Abs Sherrill, J W Long, J F Goodman, TLC Donalson, J M Lewis, J F Davidson, Moses A White, J A Kerr, E Burkhead, A F Mellon, R R Templeton, Thomas E Grey, J M Grey, J L Mills, H A Mills, A F Morton, Sidney Mills, Edwin Falls, J C Hargrave, George S Robinson, T A Patterson, M. H. Brandon, J F Cham bers, Dr. J R B Adams, J E Montgomery, Wilford Turner, Geo. A Eagle. R H Hill Wm M Allison, A B FGaither, John Dalton, W Linster. Rev. B CIeffff, P. Tomlin, K D xwiin.WJ Colvrt Jacob Fraley, Azel Deakens, J. W Williams H E Allen, Hufu Fiemster, W F Morrison, Silas Keaton, M Johnson, Dr. Long, Col Campbell, Col MRickert, Milton Graham, DrHllyburton A R Morrison; R M Brady, Mosses Reamer Thos. Woods. Resolved, That the Committee on Pro-" vissions meet at the Railroad Office, in States- ville, on Tuesday of the October Court, at 12 o'clock, to complete their arrangements On motion of J B Andrews, Resolved, That the officers of the Ind'pt Iredell Blues be a committee to invite the different military companies and the brass bands. On motion of R. M Allison, it was Resolved, That all the citizens of Iredell county are requested to furrish such provis ions (ready cooked,) as they may choose, and that they report to the committee on Provisions what they expect to contribute. On motion Col T A Allison was unani mously chosen Marshal of the day. On motion, Resolved, That these proceedings be pub lished in the Iredell Express, with a requist that other papers in the State copy or notice The Chairmun declared the meeting ad journed. R. R. White, Ch'm. R. F. Simonton, 0 , P.C.Carlton, Sec The Cable. Trinity Bay, Sept. 28. No signals yes terday. Electrical indications unchanged. The London Times tninks there are two fractures in the cable, near the abrupt deep water between two and three hundred miles from shore. Shares have declined. McL. McKay, Esq., one of the Commoners from Cumberland and Harnett, was here a day or two last week, and Maj. John T. Gilmore, the Senator from that dis trict, has been sojourning for several days past with his relatives near this City. Stand. The author of the following pathetic lines lft last week for Frzier river on a raft. When lovely woman veils hr bosom With muslin fashionably thin, What man with eyes could e'er refuse 'em From casually peeping in ? Anil when his ardent gaze returning. Tbe dry goods heave two deep drawn sighs, Would not his finger ends be burning Tc press his hat down o'.er his eyes T X-A.STID FOR S-A-XE. The Subscribers wish to sell their lands, situated on the west side of Cape Fear River, 12 miles below Fayetteville. and on Gray's Creek. There is two tracts; th 3 river tract contains Four Hundred and Twenty or Tiiirty acres, with a srood Dwelliuir house and all other necessary out houses, and a good new tnst mill on tiray's Creek a never failing stream, also about One Hundred acres of good Swamp land, and very easy to drain. The back tract contains Oas Hundred and Five or Ten acres, with good im provements in tbe way of newly cleared land, a good dwelling house and all necessary out houses, with a good black-smith and wood shop. It is an excellent stand for a good Blacksmith. For further infor mation addres either of the subscribers at Gray's Creek, Cumberland county. 11A.N L. BUTLER. W. BUTLER. Sept, 18. 3t-pd SEW FALb AXD WIVTEIl DRY OOOOS. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jh. HaS received and is this day receiving a large and desirable &TOCK OF GOODS, embracing all the newest styles of Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Basques, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, -: and Trimmings, of all kinds. FOR GENTL.EMEN. A very desirable stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassi- meres, Vesting, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c, &c. Together with many articles not deemed necessary to enumerate. Alt of which will be offered low for CASH, or on time to such as pay when called on. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. uayetteviue ept. za, i8. 4t WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE & RUTHERFORD RAIL ROAD CO. The Regular Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington, Charlotte &, Rutherford Railroad Company, will beheld in ihe Town of Wilmington, on Thursday, the 14th day of October next. H. W, GUION. Pres't. Sept. 18, 1858. tm CORN AND WHISKEY. 1000 BUSHELS good White Corn. 150 Bbls. Whiskey. 20 " Apple Braody. 15 " N. E. Rum. For Sale for CASH by E. F. MOORE & CO. Sept. 10 4t GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. InAVE just received in store my Fall Stock, em bracing the following articles, viz: 125 Bags Coffee. 65 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar assorted. 65 " Pork. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 15 " Candy. 30 4 Bbls. Snuff Eagle Mills. 75 Jjoxes Crackers. All of which will be sold for CASH, or cn short time to the best of men. E F MOORE & CO. Sept. 10. it