NORTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTE VTIjUEj 3 K. C SATTJRDA"3r, October 2, 1858. ' C. C. McCruxjien is oar duty authorized agant for the collection of all claims due this office. TO ADVERTISERS. . Persons desirous of the immediate insertion of their advertising favors mast hand them in by THURS DAY AFTERNOON, otherwise they will not appear until the succeeding week. jgjTo many of onr subscribers this issue will tlose the year of subscription to the North Car-, olinian. To each and all of these we appeal j r nf tl..f friendly support which has sustained us through the accidents of the-) u u5iiicu us js last twelve months. Without recurring further to those uncommon circumstances, which have blighted the success of the Carolinian, we point to its unfaltering zeal through all. and ask for the confidence and sapport of tlt 1 ,JfT party. We promise our patron for the future" a paper creditable to the party, to the press of the State and to the town of Fayetteville, re lying upon this and those strong claims which we have already urged the claims of a "good and faithful servant" for success. tThe Speakership of the Senate. As the session of ; the General Assembly ap proaches and public attention begins to turn in that direction, the questions are frequently asked, Who will be Speaker of the Senate? Who of the House of Commons? Newspapers may without arrogance discuss such questions, for although they have no voice in their decision, that being very wisely left with the legislative bodies themselves, yet by discussing the merits of particular claim ants, they direct attention towards these, and pre vent them from being forgotten, or inadvertently pretermitted. Wo have been pleased to hear the name of T. S. D. McDowell, Esq., the able member from the Senatorial district composed of Bladen Bruns wick and Columbus, frequently mentioned in con nexion with the Speakership of the Senate. No better appointment could be made. Mr McDowell has frequently been a member of the legislature and has acquired by service hi both the Senate and the House of Commons, a large amount of parlia mentary experience. When last a member of the Senate, he was frequently called upoa by the Speaker to preside as Speaker pro tern. This he always did in a manner highly satisfactory to all pirties Mr McDowell has recently passed through a most trying conflict, nadhas signalized his devotion to democratic principles in a manner which we cannot soon forget. Through that hard-fought battle he carried the democratic flag in triumph. By his efftnrte and tW-e of hia. friends, the nine teenth Senatorial district has been re-conquered from the enemy. In no part of North Carolina was the battle so hotly contested as in that district. And so doubtful had been the issue, that for some time after the day of election, it was impossible to decide who was the victor. When however, it was known that McDowell was elected the annouce meut was received by democrats all over the State, with the most lively satisfaction. We cannot of course forestall the action of the Senate, and we would not if we could: but we hazard nothing in Spying that the elevation of Mr McDow ell to the Speakership of that body would be a com pliment well bestowed on one who eminently de serves it. What must be done with the Free Negroes? The above question has for some years been the subject of much anxious thought among the people of North Carolina. The free negro population are of no advantage to the State, and could not under any circumstances be re lied on as such. On the other hand, they are really a drawback upon it. Their everlasting broils with each other, their aversion to labor, the low state of morals among them, all indi cate that they are politically and socially a nuisance and an unmitigated one. They add nothing to the wealth of the State, for in the aggregate they consume as much as they pro duce. They can add nothing to the military strength of the State in time of war, for who would be willing to rely upon such a demoral ized class for protection? Their association with our slaves, is an injury to the latter, both as moral beings, and as property having value. They are often at the bar of justice, and very fequently as paupers in such cases running the county in which they live to great cost. We are confident that we speak the public sentiment when we say that some amendment of the law in regard to free negroes is neces sary. It has been suggested that a law be enacted allowing all free negroes to leave the State within a certain fixed time, and reducing all who remain in the State after that time to a condition of servitude. Upon this proposition we are not prepared to express an opinion ei ther for or against it, saving that it looks a lettle too summary. Violent remedies for po litical diseases do not always act' well. They sometimes react, and by the very hardships which they superinduce, produce their own repeal. Another suggestion which we have heard on this subject, is to give the trial of all cases not capital in which a free negro is defendant, to a court composed of three magistrates whose jurisdiction shall be in its application to the free blacks, coextensive with that of a single magistrate over slaves, as the law now stands. This would remove many cases from our courts and would save the public much expense. Still another suggestion we have heard in connexion with this subject, is to substitute perpetual banishment from the State as the punishment of all offences of a grave character, and which do not come under the head of capi tal felonies. This plan would gradually rid the a,viatry of the worst of this population,, whilst I the more meritorious portion would not be affected by it. These remarks we throw out merely as noting the views of individuals or classes of the com munity. If they contain any suggestians of value, let them be duly considered by the as sembled wisdom of the State which is soon to sit at our Capital. We hope that something will be done in connexion with this subject. Judge Douglas. We confess, with much regret, that the course of Judge Douglas has become more exceptionable since we undertook his defence some weeks ago. Yet, for the same reason we urged on that occa sion, we desire his re-election to the Senate. His defeat will denationalize the democratic party of the North, and give to the Black T?ci.ablicans a prestige which may elect their Candidate for President in 1860. Upon all the principles of party organization, Mr Douglas has hitherto been relia ble and true, nor has his integrity or good faith as a national democrat, ever been impenohed, until the disturbing issues of Lecompton and Kansas M. , , : - m , ,, ... , , . ff ,. . . , . , it T. . (district Convention of the Illinois Democracy: Resolved, That we reaffirm our adherence to the principles of the national Democratic party adopt ed in the Cincinnati platform. Resolved. That we herehv renew our exnressions - eofnfMence hi "tHS puritv." integrity. and Democ racy of the national administration of Jalfles Bu chanan, and we heartily declarevur approval of his policy, particularly with reference to Kansas affairs. Resolved, That we refuse, as national Demo crats, to acquiesce in, or approve of, the action of Stephen A. Douglas in his unjustifiable course to wards the national Democracy in Congress last winter, deeming it unworthy of his exalted position and his consistency as a democrat. Resolved, That we wholly repudiate the heresies attempted to be forced by our Senator, S. A. Douglas, on the Democracy of Illinois, and par ticularly those promulgated in his recent Freeport Speech, believing the same to be anti-Democratic, and eminently calculated, if not designed, to sever the Illinois Democracy from the Democracy of the Union, and to demoralize and finally overthrow it. Resolved, That we hereby declare our unquali fied condemnation of the arrogant and impudent assumption of Stephen A. Douglas, in forcing himself upon the attention of the public as the democratic candidate for the United States Senate, when in fact he is not a nominated, but an uninvi ted, self -constituted candidate. These resolutions exhibit a foi ling of hostility to Judge Douglas, that seriously impair his chances for re-election. They embody no specific charge, nor point at any particular defection, but pluinly imply a total abandonment on his part of the dem ocratic party and their time-honored principles. Mr Douglas is undoubtedly pandering to the Black Republicans, which interest he conceives to be essential to his success. Yet, wo will deplore this necessity less than his defeat and the success of his competitor. We commend those sentiments in the resolutions which endorse Mr Buchanan; yet, it is hardly any better democracy than that ciinced by Mr Doug las, to overthrow the latter and thus contribute to the elevation of Mr Lincoln, who is an open and avowed Abolitionist, and is even in favor of amal gamation against every law of decency and com mon sense. ' , This Mr Lincoln, wbo will succeed Mi Douglass ' if the latter is defeated promises to repeal the Dred Scott decision, and overthrow the pro-slavery in terest in the Senate. His promises are no index to his ability to perform, it is true, yet, the' rep resent his principles and prove that Mr Douglass is a sounder and safer man. We are not disposed to repudiate Mr Douglas simply because he invites "foreign aid" from the Black republicans, atrocious as it may appear to the opposition. They do not hesitate to declare for a Black republican President in preference to another democratic administration. The Rich mond Whig, a bold and powerful partizan of the Know Nothing party has opened the campaign for Fremont or any other abolitionist that can defeat the democracy, tharcfore they can hardly have the impudence to censure Judge Douglas for his sym pathy with their allies. The following extract is a portion of Judge Douglas's speech at Freeport, to which the reso lutions above take particular exception: "Mr Lincoln makes a charge of corruption against the Supreme Court of the United States, and two Presidents of the United States and attempts to bolster it up bv saying that I did the same against the ashingtou Union. Suppose I did make the charge of corruption against the Washington Union, which was true, does that justify him in mak ing a false charge against nie and osiers? That is the question I would put. He says that at the time the Nebraska bill was introduced and before it was passed there was a conspiracy between the Judges of the Supreme Court, President Pierce, President Buchanan, and myself by that Bill, and the decision of the court to break down the barrier and establish slavery all over the Union. Does he not know that the charge is historically false against President Buchanan? He knows that Mr Buchanan was at that time i.i England, repre senting that country with distinguished ability at the Court of St. James: that he was there for a long time before, and did not return for a year or more after. He knows that to be sure, and that fact proves his charge to be false, against Mr Buchanan. "In a speech which I delivered in answer to the Washington Union, I made it distinctly against the Union, against the Union alone. I did not choose to go beyond that. If I have occasion to attack the President's conduct, I will do it in language that will not be misunder stood. When I differed with the President, 1 spoke out so you all heard me. "That yon did'" and cheers. That question passed away; it resulted in the triumph of principle by al lowing to people to do as they pleased, and there is an end of the controversy. ("Hear, hear.) Whenever the great principle of self-government the right of the people to make their own Constituiion, and come into the Union with slavery or without it, as they see proper, shall again arise you will find me standing firm in defence of that principle, and fighting whoever fights it. ("Right, right." "Good, good," and cheers.) If Mr Buchanan stands, as I doubt not he will, by the recommendation contained in his message, that hereafter all State Constitutions ought to be submitted to the people before the admission of the State into the Union, he will find me standing by him firmly, shoulder to shoulder, and carryiug it out." IpWm. G. Broadfoot, Esq, has received the appointment of Pension Agent, vice A. J. O Hanlon, resigned, and is prepared to attend to the duties of the office. Rob eson Superior Court. This Court was in session during the present week, his Hon. Judge Saunders presiding. The Civil Docket was a large one numbering some hundred aud odd cases. The State Dock et we are sorry to say would compare favora bly (in point of numbers) with any County in the State, and for variety, if one may be per mitted to use the expressieu, would satisfy the most fastidious, comprising every crime almost known to the criminal law from Murder down. A negro boy by the iiaiue of Bill belonging to John C. Baker charged with "Uurglarjjwas arraigned on Monday evening and remanded for trial on Wednesday morning, he is said to be one of the notorious "Big Swamp runaway's " A member of the bar proverbial for his wit and good humor when the prisoner was brought into Court, remarked "that the Court must be in debt for its bread," and when asked why, replied that "A Bakers Bill had been presented to it." The Civil Docket was taken up next and sev eral Cases disposed of by Tuesday evening. We were attracted to the Court room on Tuesday by the large crowed that seemed to be inter ested in the proceedings and found the Court engaged in the trial of a cause that commenced originally before a Justice of the Peace for ($7 50) seven dollars aud fifty cents;- and came by snccessive appeals to , this Court.": There were some twelve or Fifteen Witnesses in atteri-j dance from diferent Counties Some of whom had been attending since the commencement of the suit of 1853. The costs, weare informed, amounts to some thing over Four Ilundred Dollars. How much better it would be if such small claims could be settled without so much cost, and we might add, how much better it would be if all parties could agree to some reference of disputed claims to friends of botli parties, and thus save a vast amount of time and money to say nothing about the ill feeling that is too often brought about by long and vexatious law-suits. We found Twenty-eight'eases on the Trial Docket brought by the Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Rail Road Company against delin quent subscribers to the stock of said Company They were commenced before a Justice of the Peace and brought to this court by appeal. It seems that the defendants were induced to sub scribe to the Stock of the Company under the impression that the Road would be located on the South side of "Lumber River," at all events, that an "air line'' directly west from "Walker's Ferry" via Lumbcrton to Richmond county line, would not cross Lumber Kiver lire or six rton and "Floral Col- the GosIel who. Performs any portion of theso sol emn acts, exercises the "pastoral function" quoad id would, according to L, tm. . i r ., times between Lutnbe lege," and that the roa the representations made to them when called on to subscribe, run nearer to them, or at least, in a different direction from where it is located, and they resist the payment of the five per cent, ns required by the Chsrter, on the ground that they have been imposed upon. The notes being under seal the parties defendant have been driven to the Court of Equity for relief in the premises and the cost "all told, wo are informed will not fall far short of Four Thou sand Dollars. It will bear heavily on some of the parties if they should have the cost to pay. Would it not be better for the Railroad Com pany to compromise this matter, or better for all parties to refer it to soma disinterested party to settle it without a long and expensive investi gation at law. We merely make the sugges tion, we have no interest either way. The case of the State against Bill, was taken up on Wednesday morning, and for the absence of a material witness for the defendant, was laid over to Thursday morning. The case of the State against Lewis, a slave of Eliz'th McPalter, for the murder of Hampden McKay, was taken up. For the State, Solic tors Strange, and M. J. McDoffie. For the defence, N. A McLean, Esq., and Messrs Cam eron and Shaw. The case of the State against Cindy, the property of the late J. J. McKay, for arson, we understood would be tried on Thurs day after we left. Consistency. It is easy for some people to sneer at the seem ing inconsistency of others; but owing to unfortu nate antecedents it would bo difficult for some peo ple to prove that they themselves have always been consistent. Such persons are exceedingly fond of scrutinizing the motives of others, but if their own conduct was submitted to the same criti cal inquiry, they would doubtless discover that there were a few sore places upon their epider mises. Inconsistency does not mean a chango of action but a change of principle. A man may act dif ferently at different times from the same principle" or a man may not change his actions and still be inconsistent, for circumstances aro continually changing, and the principle that would prompt a man to act at one time in one way might at another time prompt him to act entirely different. When Henry Clay changed his position upon the Bauk question his apology which was considered per fectly satisfactory (we suppose even by Andrew Jackson Whigs) was that the country and not himself had changed. Clay was consistent, Jack son whigs were consistent, but "Wise, Faulkner, Cushing, Toombs, Clingman, and Stephens a mere hankering after office and spoils the last consideration of a real patriot." What a corrupt party the old Whig party must have been, if all those who supported James Buchanan for the Presidency were actuated in doing so, by "'a mere hankering after office and 1 spoils". And when we consider that if tho South had been divided iu the last Presidential election which might have been the case if the old whig party had supported Mr Fillmore that a Black Republican probably would have been elected, and the Union might have been dissolved, we are forced to concludo that the "last consideration of a real patriot" is a glorious consideration. Burning of the Austria. The details of this appalling disaster will be found in another column. Each accident of the kind seems to exceed the former in horror and fatality. Over 500 lives were lost upon this vessel, and only sixly-seven out of the whole number aboard was saved. can a Clergyman be arTZZZAxsr of the ueralAMribly? That no clergyman, or preacher of the Gospel, of any denomination, Bholl be -capable of being a member of either the Senate, House of Commons, or Council of State, while he continues in the exercise of the pastoral function. Constitution of N. C, Sec. 31. ' AU clergymen in tho exercise of the 'pastoral function" are disqualified, by tho Constitution of North" Carolina, from holding a scat in the House of Commons. In giving a construction to this pro vision of the organic law, it will be proper in the first palace to look for the reasons which led to its adoption. We find in the Constitution, and adopt ed at the same time with the section under consid eration, a prohibition of any religious establish ment. The mother country by her constitution, united Church and State, and allowed the dignita ries of her church to sit in one of the Houses of Parliament as Lords Spiritual. Our ancestors wished to guard against the union of Church and State. If such a union should ever occur, it was believed that it would be through the influence of the clergy. It was believed that this class so deeply, absorbed in tho welfare of particular churches, might not unnaturally desire to see their respective churches placed upon a permanent tem poral footing, by being connected with the Gov ernment. If clergymen entertainiug such ambi tious designs were permitted to occupy seats' in the legislature, facilities would be afforded to carry out thi-ir purposes. As a preventive against all mlW!H(, tho whole t!o of Dreacbera a-xer- rising the -prstoral fanetion" was excluded. A pastor is a minister of th gospel who has charge f a church and congregation. Do the reasons upon which pastors are excluded apply to any others? Undoubtedly they do. There is just as much danger to the particular feature of our gov ernment, to piotect which tho section under exami nation was inserted, to be apprehended from a de signing priest who resigns the charge of his flock for the sake of political preferment, as from one who continues in the office of pastor. The policy of the framers of the Constitution, was to exclude all who by reason of their relation to tho Church, raight be considered probable enemies to that com plete separation of State from Church, which it iras their purpose to ensure. So far then as we san perceive the reasons which brought about the xdoptiou of this section, they go to the exclusion from the business of legislation, not only of all pas tors having the charge of particular congregations but also of all who retain the rank mid cxereite tie authority of clergymen in their respective churches. The exercise of the "pastoral function" implies the performance of various duties. Among these ire tho preaching of the gospel, the administra tion of the sacraments of the Lord's Supper, and of baptism, the celebration of tho rites of matrimony and other acts of this class. Now a preacher of buese avis. a uj ti3iuiui luiicuou is 11KO ine function of thought, susceptible of various exer cises. The mind is a unit, but it may be employed in observing, in remembering, in imagining, and in judging. A man who employs himself in imagina tive speculations, exercises tho function of thought. When a man observes or remembers, he exercises the function of thought. Just so a clergyman, (though ho. be not a pastor) when he celebrates the rights, of matrimony, exercises the "nastcral function"'" To hold that the constitution excludes only pastors would be to make the word "function" equivalent to the word "office". There is a marked difference between the two. An office is the right to perform certain dutios and to enjoy certain cor responding advantages. The word function (from the Latin J'ungor to do, to perform) implies actual performance. . Iy the common Law a pastor might employ a substitute to perform his pastoral duties. This substitute is called n curate. This latter exerclsas the pastoral function, inasmuch as he performs such of the pastoral duties ns may be assigned him. But he does not hold the office of pastor, and is not entitled to any of the rights ap pertaining to that office. The pastor holds the office, but the curate performs the function. Would a curate bo eligible to a seat in the legislature? Clearly not. The reasons of the law are against him, and the language of the Constitution is also against him. To exclude pastors aud admit curates would be a refinement altogether beyond the ordi nary apprehension of mankind. Tho case of a curate docs not materially differ from that of a regularly ordained minister of the .gospel, who without having a church and flock, occasionally exercises the functions of his sacred office. Neither holds tho office, but both exercise the function of a pastor, and both, therefore, are excluded by the constitution from a scat in either Houso of the General Assembly. The Speakership. The Standard of the 29th contains an article recommending Hon. Bedford Brown, the Senator from Caswell, as a gentleman eminently qualified for the Speak ership of the Senate. Mr. Brown is a veteran democrat, a tried and true statesman, and well worthy the highest confidence of the party. And whilst we have in another portion of this paper expressed a preference for T. S. D. Mc Dowell, Esq., for that high position, it gives us great satisfaction to bear witness to the worthiness of Mr Brown, and his entire fitness for the Speakership. Mr Bridgers, of Edgecombe, is also recom mended by a correspondent of the Standard, for the Speakership of the House of Commons. Mr B. has served two terms iu the Legisla ture, and has acted in the responsible position of Chairman of the the Judiciary Committee He is, in the language of the Standard's cor respondent, "au experienced parliamentarian, a sterling democrat, and a highly educated and intelligent gentleman." Mr Settle of Rock ingham, Mr Badham of Chowan, and Mr Hill of Halifax, have also been mentioned in connex ion with the Speakership of the House. Any one of these gentlemen would fill the Speaker's chair with ability and tact, and we arc prond that the Democratic Party contains so many among whom the House can make becoming election. Whoever may be chosen to preside over either House, will hardly fail to give entire satisfaction. e nave received an invitation to be present, at the celebration of the completion of the Western N. C. Railroad, at Statesville on the 14th of this month, and were it possible would be most happy to be in attendance on that interesting occasion. DZBD At his residence i n Robnn rvtnniv l. atn. tart., after a brief but painful illness, John P. Fnl- uiurw iu me otna yeai or Dls age. H"" wan of aoMsumiing manners, kind and gentle disposition, of exemplary private character, and a cousisteut member of the M. B- Church. lie leaves a bereaved aod disconsolate widow (o mourn her irreparable loss. x KNIVES AND FORKS. Wnrrg HAID, with Z prong stkkl FORKS, at aud 1 25 per Set; Do., with 3 prong do., $1 50, SI 75, and $2 per set; ' And a variety of others at 75 eta. to 2 50 per ret; some of which are of superior quality. Ivory handle Knives, with steel or platkd Forks, or alqxk. at S3 to 6 50 per set or dozen. For sale at the "Crokery Store" t W. N. TILLIXGHAST. Oct. 2. 2m CASTORS (18 patterns,) Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Cups, Tea Sets, Goblets, Spoon Holders, Butter Dishes, Butter Knives, Mo lasses Cups, Napkin Rings, Tea Bells, Pie Knives, Sugar Tongs, and SpoO ns. FRENCH FORKS, of all sizes. For sale low at the "Cro-kirr Store Oct. 2. -3ml W. N. TILLIXH'GAST." BUTTER! BUTTER!! A LOT OF PRIMR GOSIIEN For sale by C. B. COOK. Oct. 2. FAYETTEVILLE PEMAIE HIGH SCHOOL. npHE Exercises of this Institution will he -- resumed on Monday next, tho 4th day of OCTOBER. J It is hoped that the general good health of the community during the summer, wtll secure a prompt attendance at the openioe of the Session. WM- K. BLAKE. Principal. Oct. 2. -It THE SIBSCBIBKH, HAVING TAKEN THE STORE RECENTLY occupied hy G. W. I. Gold.ton, Esq.. (one door West of II. L. My rover & Co.) oifeia a complete and carefully selected stock of F A MIL Y GROCERIES AND FARMERS' SUPPLIES. EMBRACHSTQ: COEFEE. SUGAR, (every variety) FLOUR, MOL ASSES, Svrup, (S. II.) Bacon. Lard. Bntter, Cheese. Vinegar, (White) Soap. Menl, Pep per, Ginger. Spice. Pickles. Snuff Candles, Vinegar, (Ci der) Fish. ROPE, BAGGING. SALT. NAILS, TOBACCO, Shoes. Blankets, Kerseys. Which I offer for cash, or on short time to prompt paying customers. Country produce taken iu ex change. I am determined to sell cheap; call and nee for yoar stlves. O. B. COOK. Oct. 2 -3t COMMON SCHOOL NOTICE THE Common School for District So. 2!, will com mence oa the First Monday in October at ' the School nouse on Gillespie Street. Fayetteville, latwUicU time and place the Schollam in Kaid District, from 6 to 21 years of age, are reqnexted to attend. J. M. COOK. JNO. BROWN. JOSEPH ARBV, Committee. Oct. 2. It BACOX! BACON!! I1IIDS, well smoked Bacon Sides. Just received by E. F. MOORE i CO. Oct. 2. 3t POItK! PORK!! BBLS. Prime Pork good article. Just re ceived by E. F. MOORE & CO. 50 Oct. 2, 3t Ltumberton Advertisement. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his customers that ha is now receiving an excellent Rupply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Consisting of a fall fc complete assortment of all kinds of DRESS O-OODS, For Ladies' wear, such as Silks, Merinos and deLains. Also, Cloaks, Mantillas, Bonnets aad Trimmings. Domestic Goods, For Family and Servants use: such as Calicoe. Gins bams Linseys, Striped Homespan3, Ticking, Drillingf Kerseys. Flannels of all colors, Blaachcd aad Un bleached Sheetings and Shirtings. BOOTS AND SHOES, A full assortment for Men's and Ladies' wear; also Miss's. Girl's and Children's Shoos. HATS fc CAPS, of all sorts and sizes. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Of superior make and good material. HARD IV Alt 13 AI CUTLERY, A large assortment. Also, CROCKERY AND GROCERIES. S. W. ERRANT. Lumbcrton, N. C, Oct 2, 4t FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JUST received a large and splendid Stock of Sta ple Drt Goods, Hardware, Boots, and Shoes, Hats, and Caps and Sadi.kky. Oct. 2. lm C. E. LEETE. GROCERIES. 50 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee. 25 Bbls. Crushed and Grauulated Sugar 50 Kegs Nails. 10 Boxes Starch. 25 Boxes Tobacco, assorted. 50 M Cigars $6 to $90 per M. ALSO, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Sugar House Syrup, Vinegar, Snuff, Butter, Water and Soda Crackers. C. E- LEETE. TURPENTINE AND .. BLACKSMITH TOO1.S. 25 Doz. Bryces' Hackers. 20 Hound Shaves. 15 10 10 25 Scrapers-Hacker-Stones. Hound Shave Stones. Hacker-Files. ALSO, A Large assortment of Cooper's Tools I would call the attention of purchasers to my nackers, Roand Shaves and Scrapers, as they excel any ever ottered tor sale in this market. Uct. z. lm C. E. LEETE. FISH AMD BACOJV, 50 Bis. No. 1 Herrsng; 25 Bbls. No. 3 Meckerel; 25 i " do. do.; 25 " Pork, ALSO Cheese, Lard, Batter, and Box Herring. Oct 2. lm C. E. LEE EE. AND fS, SPOONS, USEFUL ARTICLES. j FLUID, Oil and Lard Lamps: Brittauia and Braae Candlesticks; Superior Steel Snatfers Brittania Castors, Tea Pots and Coffee Pofe? Brittania SPOONS and LADLES; Brittania Communion Sets, Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Lad lex; Planished Tin Coffee Urns and Pots. Tea Pots; Oyster aad Beef Stenk Dishes, and Dish Covers; Waiters, of all sizes and shapes. Fine Scissors; large for cutting, smalt for embroid cr;; Razors and Pocket Knives; Baskets! Baskets! for all purposes; COFFEE MILLS, Iron and Stone Morter; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails, Churns and Bowls; Coun'er Scales, to weigh 4 to 540 lbs; Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers; Hair and Wire Seives; Table Mats; Fcatber Dneters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Bells, Music Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies' Leather Bags, ( large : White Satin Beads and White Cot Beads, for fancy work; Porte Monaiee, entirely of leather, a superior article; Kiectric I'oiisning rowuer; Boys baws; Corkscrews, .V great variety nf other usvfnl article, too tedious to mention Come i.ud soe for yourselves at the "Crockery Store." W. N. TILLIXGHAST. uct. r. -3m FALL AND WINTER. .VfiW GOODS! JTBtV GOOVS.'S It recaiviug the Largest Stock of .Staple JK3 Faney Dry GtoocLs, Erer before offered by hirn, which embraces all tinj LATEST STTLES OF I. VOIKS&OEIVTLEMES'S DBESS GOODS, Anion t!i cm will be fouud, RICH SILK AND DELAINE PATTERNS, of the A lare lot FRENCH MERINOS, together with every shade of SOLID DELAINES, all wool. A large assortment of French, English and American PRINTS. DEBAGK3, and other good for Travelling Dresses. A large lot of 1 1 ANPSOM E EM BROID ERI ES . A great variety of Ladies SHAWLS and CLOAKS, BOJNET3, French ARTIFICIALS, RIBBONS, &o, A handsome stock of REABY-KCAM OXiOXSZlTGr. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. KERSEYS, Neuko Blanket, and all other goods belonging to a Dry-Goods Store. All tho citizens, and everybody that visits the old TjWh, will confer a favor by calling on the subscriber and looking through his stock, whether they purchase or not J. C. TOE. Sept. 25 2n NEW 4- BEAUTIFUL GOODS! . A.J. WOODWARD HAS RECEIVED A VERY LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING. HE selected it in New York with great enre, an 1 takes pleasure iu informing his customers and the puhlic, that it is the most complete stock ever ottered iu this market. He calls attention to his cx teusivc stock of. SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, GLOVES. SUSPE.VDERS, HOSIERY. &c. He bought those goo Is low. and will sell them low Tor cash or to those who promptly pay their accounts, A. J. WOODWARD. 2 doors below S. J. Hinsdale's Drug Stoic, Sept. 25. 3t FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. CMber2, 1858. Co r rafted mceJdi for Ike North Carnl.iniat. Baco.v, 12J a 13 Deeswax, 25 a 00 Candles, r. r. 20 a 00 Adamantine , 25 a 28 Sperm 45 a 50 Coffee Rio 12 a 131 Laguira 1 4 J a 15j Java 20 a 00 Cot.'o.v, Fair to good 12 a 121 Ordinary to mid. 11 a 11 J, Cotto.v Bagcixo Gunny 17 a 20 Dundee 17 a 18 Cottoj Yarn Xo 5 to 10 20 a 00 Domestic Goons Brown Sheetings 8 a Osnaburgs 1 0 J a 10 Feathers 35 a 40 Fi.ocr Family a 5 85 Super. a 5 60 Fine a 5 35 Scratched a 5 10 Grain Corn 75 a 80 Wheat 90 a 1 00 Rye 90 a 95 Oats 40 a 45 Peas 85 a 90 Lard 13 a 14 Lead 8 a 8$ Molasses Cuba 31 a 33 JCew Orleans 50 a 55 Nails 4 a 5 On. Linseed 1 00 a 0 00 Tanner's 0 70 a 1 00 Salt Liverpool sack 1 25 a 0 00 Alum 0 60 a 0 00 Suot Com. per bug 2 00 a 0 00 Buck 2 12J a 0 00 Spirits P Brandy 0 00 a 0 00 N C Apple do 0 90 a 1 09 Northern do 70 a 80 N C Yhiskey 00 a 45 - Northern do 35 a 00 Si-gars Loat 15 a 00 Crushed 13 a 13J Coffee 00 a Hi Porto Rico 10 a 00 New Orleans 00 a 00 Tallow 10 a 00 Wool 11 a 19 Turpentine Yellow Dip, 2 45 a 0 00 Virgin 2 45 a 0 00 Hard 00 a 1 00 Spirits 41 a 43 Bctter 20 a 25 Chickens 1-5 a 20 Eggs 12J a In Beef Or the hoof 5 a 0 By retail 3 a 8 5 tons and upward, $63 per ton, I 0f oqoO br. A less quantity. 70 " REMARKS. cottos. There is a good deal arriving which finds a ready sale at 124 to 12 i for best grades, tome sales have been made at 12 cert. spts terpentine. Has advanced with sales at 4 to 43 cents ... flocr. continues in good demand with sales at an advunce of 10 cents last week. corn. There is a good supply in market aud pri ces are lower. ' WILMINGTON MARKET. Sept. 30, 1858. Turpentine advanced a shade sales of 270 hbl. at 3,00 fr Virgin and Yellow d.p and 1 50 for Hard, per 280 lbs. No sales to-day. spiritl-Hafalso advanced ic and we note sale yestPerdayof50bbUat47c;and to-day of CO do at "Ros-les yesterday of 2500 bbls Common at cXales yesterday of 19 bale, at ,2 a ,2c Der lb for strict and good miaaiing; ami 'rjJ Hies at IH e for middlin. to good middling.