'r . . r.Jljrri3r- ,0 " .jj iijru'iifvs of W people. - rA'-- vj f OBER 9. 1858. 1 iTPx? J' 7 s 'II IT ivO' I on I II inMBVa d till forbid and charged arccordins.r? ention is direrird to thix requisition. WM. F. VVluli TMAA & LU. CI.E3IE.VT G. WUIGIiT. Attorney at Law, AytKeTille.S.C. O.'S.ee at tbe corner of Bow and Green streets Feb'y 3. 1656. .J. A. SPEAKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, A.TTKVDS the Courts of Cumberland,' 'j.ki an.l Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., X. C. Feb. .18. 1856. 33-T llarne BARTtPiV AtJnrrjcy FULLER, at Ijav, V Y K 1 X E V I 7 j T E , Jff , C . . Mav be consulted at tbe Law Office of Jest G. Shop hri. Es (.7 on Gre July IS, 1850. en Street. 4i ; g7) 'X?Tr -l TS' "T ATTORNEY AT LAW. Can be found at the OiTke formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on. Bp :v Street. F1YETIEVILLE, S. C. June 26, 1853. tf TROY & FULLER, Attorneys autl Cou.isrliui a AT LAW. LUMBEUTOX A'. C. ROBERT K. TKOV & JOHN P. FULLER, have ormed an association for the practice ot their profes- ""end tfio CourtsrrBiadea and Coltttcbas, aua T;i Fuller those of Cuinberiand. Their Office in Lumbertoii will be kept open at all times. . , Ja-iuary 9.1S5S. 'f A. -M. Campbell, VCT!OSEE!t & COMMISSION MEKCHA5T, East s:df of Gillespie street. FAYSrTEVIM.K. X- C. Oito ber 1, 18S5 .U A a It L K V A C T O It V. BY GEO. LAUDER. Vearlv opposite to E. W. Willkinjc Auction Store Faystteville. X. C. Oct. 1. IS5G. T w. II. T IJ li I s a T O X, General Cum mission Hercltain. NORTH WATER TrtEET, Wilniiiglon, N. C, Will i vp p3r.?onal attention to the sale or shipment r,X ill c - i?i :m9nts of Naval Stores or other country pro 1 tee. and any other business entrusted to his care, willbeproinpt.lv attended to, April 13. 1857. iy I O.OOO lbs. Tallow " anted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. Oct. I. IS.jf A. T.I . CAMPBELL. White Lead and Linseed Oil, for S. J. HINSDALE. 63-tf sale bv Aui- 15, Bolting Cloth. A constant supply of i.rr.nte.1 (.enuine An- f ker 13olting Cloth all No.-?., kept op hand and for j gale at the lowest prices by JAMES MAliTINE. I Jan 30, 1853. Ira 5 m af o w i NOTICE. ! The !-i:ttiseriber hnvmr at ,l7r,re'". Term 1R.').'3. o- tht cityunty C'tart of Otmiberlaud, taken out let tors of Admiui.stration upon tbe JKistite uf the site fVai. F. iVi g-fitinan, hereby notifies all jiersons in- debted to s'S.id estate to make Payment, ami those j having claims against the same to present them within the time required by law or this notice, will be pleaded in Har ot their recover'. G. W. WLGIITMAN, Administrator. March 6, 1853. Di F RE SIL TUBJXir SEED. FLAT DUTCH, KED TOP. ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, RUT A BAGA, Just received and for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. July 11. 1857. tf FOR SALE. neavy 4-4 BeVaver Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. ALSO, Belt, Picker, Roller and Lace LEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strained. Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. Shattlie'a Isinglass, French Glue, Emory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. $ H. HALL, Pres. B. CM. Co. July 26. 185S g-tf P -lints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for Sile by Aug. S.J. HINSDALE. 63-tf 15. PORK! PORK! ! K( BBLS. Prime Pork good article. Jnst re" tJJ ceived by E. F. MOORE & CO. Oct. 2, 3t frfs NOTION. r Persona indebted to Jas. C. MeEaehiu. as Guardian of the heirs of John Morrison, dec'd, are hereby!" re spectfully informed, liisftid iguardiau has in a greal majority of instaneeWnJtorsed and transferred thwii notes to the "undersigned. Also, that our urgent cessities, apart frora.lbejeqi iremeiits'Ssf the endorser, cotnnel us to collect us&ueedHY as possible. Alt those ': indebted will therefore -oblige i.s, and themselves too, 1 ivy riayittg'up imm(Hiiaeiy. ire itmi u where the monev is not forthcoming. . I. MORRISON. -"' J . MOitPJ.-CX "" A. MORKISON. Launnburgb. N. C -March. 7. 185". 4"-tl A. A, ScK ih?n respectfully inform bis friend.- and the pttbhc that he has jjiit uo Urge aistantial brick Kuiiutng nt Old Stand, expressly for muinUacturin Cai-riaijes j I ThanKful for the very tibernl patronage lit aas rtc-eiveu , for .; ?a--t 21 years, Ue hopes ly strici aiiem.on io business, with a desire tj give pat isfactio.i , to merit a oont'muubce of the same. lie warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen hi each branch of the lmsiness. His work will compare j favorably with any made itt the United States, for neat- j ness and durability. ' j He is determined to sell ana ao any w(.. m m iuc on as good terms a any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand,snnished, the largest stock of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, ROCKAV, A VS. ANl BUGGIES, ever ottered in this place, and a very larsre stock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual custom ers." .TTS-He has on hand more than ONE UUNItRF.D AND FIFTY Vehtoice finished and in course of con struction. ,T9AU work made byhim is warranted 12 months with fair usape. and should it fail ly bad workmanship or material will be repaired free ofehursce. - Persons wishius to bay would do well to call and examine fo themselves. .- Orders tlnnkf iliy received and promptly attended to . R-'patririsr executed at short notice a ad on very rsa sonable terms. Favetteville. Oct 1. 1R"P SCI1IEFFELIX, BROS. $ CO., drCgs, rAists;' iTFuirfe'trtT 170 William St.. Cor. Leokman, N. Y. Tii' ite the attention of Hie trade to their large and varied stock of DRUGS. PAINTS, OILS, PER FUME fiY, Ac. Iu addition to their regular importation of Staple Goods they are also rece.ivinpr. direct from the sour ces of production and manufacture, supplies of Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, Bronzes, forks, Mortars, Sponges. French and English I'erfumerp. Lubin's Extracts, and many other articles usually c-mbraced in iiruirjiists' stocks, which they are lso enabled to otf. r on the most advantageous terms. Orders, either iu person or by mail, will receive prompt attention. Sept, 4, ir-.")S. Cm-pd- ASH WIHMR We hate received -a -part, mul are thtibj expecting the balance, of our FALL AND Vi'iNTEli supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, Embracing a very large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ilats ami Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas. Readv-Made Clothing. &c A'c, &c. A.LSO- About 400 Cases of BOOTS aNI SHOES well sorted, all of which we are disposed to sell at as low prices for Cash or good paper. II & E. J LILLY, town paper copy. September 4, M Cw FALL IMF OR TA TIOXS .' We are now receiving the largest Stock of STAPLE & FANCY DK1T GOODS, LAIIES' CLOAKS. MAN TIE LAS, 11 OOP SKIRTS, KEADY-MADE CEOIIIIXG, HATS, CAP HOOTS, SHOE UMBRELLAS, Arc. i.ver ffered by us; which will bo sold at VI le- Sale ch at lor casu or on tjjo imi time tor S: WILLIAMS- proved aji'-r. " S'l'Al Kei.t. 11 lri."S. ' -tf Tf-IL MING TON C UA It LOT TE 4 It. UTIIFAlFOltD RAIL ROAD CO. TUo Koguiar Aiinn i! AlretKig ot the Stockholders of the Wilmington, 'JhanoUe iV, Rutherford Railroad Company, will he held in he Town ul' Wilmington, on Thursday, the 14th day of October next. II- W, GUIOX. I'resrt. Sept. 18, IcoS. till WANTED. O Abie Negro Men wanted by Cue Subscribers. 0 to work on the Fayettcviile ami Westi-cu Rail Road Sections 10 1 1 & it? miies from Fuyeiu viUe for whom the highest price will be paid by caliiiig on the Subscribers on the work. 1 . G . A. W . M c DU F FIE. March 27 1)4 tf JJTEVV PALL SO WINTER DIti' GOODS. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. HaS received and is this day receiving a large and desirable STOCK OF GOODS, embracing all the neweit styles of Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Basques, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, and Trimmings, of all kinds. FOR GENTLEMEN. A very desirable stoek of Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassi- meres, Testing, Hats, C'ips, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c, &c. Together with many articles aot deemed necessary to Enumerate. AH of which will be offered -low for CASH, -or on time to such as pay when called on. - ! ALEX. JOJJiNSOJN, IB., - ayetteville Sept. 26, 1858. 4t - - - ,w J imi ' ii ii imp mi. uuuim' turn" 1 1" w. dpaincof the large body of water by which it was fferet j"o"e covepea. i r.e ianu is appaicuny ich-i, being free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lands generally) whilst there is an abundance of fall, by which the rain water can be carried off by ordinary ditches. A small portion of the land lias been "in cultivation about 7 vears and those ner-ons wb.. have seen the crops, regard the land as eci'ual in fertility to any they have seen iu tins state or e neighbe-rlK elsewhere. the location is healthy, the j lood good, and the ace is to r ayettville I a good road 1 i and Wiloijn Inn casv bv means o mi tea in tenn-tti Wdintr di recti v to the river. Besides j itiis. it is within a miles of a beautiful little viilage, j np..u a high and healthy Bluff, at the river, with aj j Store, Wave-honst.- and first rate landing. All which j ! atfV, id ii;uiy conveniences to the neighborhood. As j several persons have spoken tf purchasing, this isj j deemed a proper time to call 'heir attention to the i subject, in ss much as there is a crop sow growing' upon & small portion of the land, by which they can j judge of iu production, jrsrlieasonable terms will j ; be given to the purchaser. j x0TICE TO SOLDI KK'S WIDOWS. rpilIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldier?, ML ami the Willows of SoWiers who mi:t IN service in the wur ot 1812, can have their pensions consulted bv t allmg en the undersigoei rn'irrrpcs br. .-!:." nrndo additional lro vision for! A ' j tho.'n. (xive me the maimeinent of your claims, an I tin- mot:ev eholl coiae at ouce, or no .'Large. .1X0. M- ROSK. At. for Pensions Favettovilie, June tf 13K U U V I A N G U A K lrulers'gueu s iiia if nrrangoments r-; whifiti he is prepare dtoiurnisn at snort li.i tire, anv veqnvd quantity ot . Ho. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, all of which will bo from direct importations, i the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure ; geouiue. ' Orders for the above excellent fertilizer at., licited, to which prompt attention will be given As tiiis is un article which does not admit July 17. 9 .",:""" i JAMES IS IT Z 33 t Is now receiving his Spring supply of DR GOODS- Among winch are Prints. Lawns, and Brilliantcs; v Col'd and BUck Silks; Irish Linensind L'iapers: f. Farmer's Line::. Twilled and Plain; Cash. uere and Merino Tuilis; White and Col'd Cotton Hose; BoUi-.m Cioihs, No. to 10; ! SLk and Straw Bonnets; Ac. j Wilh almost every article in the Dry Goods line; V! j of which has been pacehasfd by the package at -ie ! late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will U offered cheap for cash or on time to pavinor custom. r March 20. J3-lf . JA31J-8 DAVIS, i.avi;i deciJi-d on permanent 1 v locating in tl p i Town of FayetteviRe, respeetniily offers his sei-.i-ces to the citizen of this plaep ' and ns-roundiuj country. In all the yn$ious hranehes of his pru. fission, inclauinjr rhetnanufiieture of tinct:.! : Teeth, lie is satisfioH. after an oxte-nsivo oxperi ! enee, to which, is uibled a thorough Dental cdnea ! lion, that ho etui give entire satisfaction hs far s j it is in the power of Dentistry. All irrepubiriti of th-j Teeth treated in a proper mid careful man. ; per, as wi ll as diseases of the mouth, None In-, j the proper metals are made use of iu the vartou I operations. Charges wil! he moderate, that tli;. t benefits f the Profession jnny be placed withia the reach of all who may fee! an interest in the i preservation of the Teeth. i i3ri flRc over Houston's Jewelry Store i he be found at all times. wneri-1 xl.iy 15. 185 . tf BEDSTEADS .LVD CILlfRS F r Sle at reduced pjices, nt the Auction Store. of . A. M. tAMPjiEEL. j Auk it I, . - -tf - W "1ST. 8S no iv r. t vin- his Fall snnnlies of the above, article. He can supvdr Country Merchant's pn cs which he is suru will Tt.ulr. it t! cir interest deal with him xi a has lor sale. una tea-sets, 1300 Doz. 500 " 100 -s Common Cups and Saucers, rine do. Dishes, do. 200 Covered Dishes, 100 Doz. Pitchers, S00 " Plates, 1000 " Tumblers and Goblets, - TSO looking.g-lasses, Coffee Mills, Toy Locomotives, and Yan kee Clocks by the box. And other goods in proportion. - EF"In order to give time to have sroods WELL . ProeWv inpS'-r"7 mercbants Bhonld bu-y tne,r I ,, . - . I Kent. A r hi FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JUST received a largo and splendid Stock of Sta- i pie Dkt Goons, Hakdwajie, Boots, and Suoes, Hats, and Cats and Sadjery. v Oct. 2.' lm TILL C. E. LEETE. - t Oct. 2, GROCERIES Rio, LagS'rjji aiidTava t St.T ' . K Round Shave Stones 25 " Hacker-Files. 5 ALSO. A 'Large assortment of Cooper's Tools. 1 wiiild call the attention of untidirisers tit niv , IUl-boH. . . , -1 t "-v, '"J1-1 oi:;i c-.- uuu cirapurs, as iney. excel anv everoil'ered for sale in this market. Oct. 2. lm C. E. LEETE. FISH .LM) BJ2COJV, Bis. No. 1 Herrsng-; 50 25 Bbls. 2o i -2o " No. o .Mcckerel; do. do.; Pokk, Cheese. Lord, Butter, and Box Herrings. Oct 2. Ins C. E. LEE 'E. FALL AND WINTER. JVKW GOODS.' GOODS!.' J". O. "IPOj3 Is receiving tiie Largest Stock of Staple aud Fancy Dry G-oods, ver iiefoi-e olf.-red iy him. which embraces all the LATEST STYLES OF t,:ViiiK.ji iiaa-rjj k.h ex's ii goods. Among th.'ni will iilCII SILK ANi: be found. NI IfELAlNE PATTERNS, of the latest style. A Isirre lot FRENCH MERINOS, tosrefher with everv shade of SOLID 1ELA1JES. all wool. A large assortment of French, English aji-1 American PRINTS. DES AGES, and other goods for Travi.iiiiig Dresses. A large lot of HAND ;OMK K.'.rnROro'BCIES. A great varietv of Ladies SH AWI,S and CLOAKS, BOVN'ETS, French ARTIFICIALS, RIBBONS, tc. A handsome stock of ihS W5 il ATS, CAi-S, LilJO fS and SHOES. KERSEYS. Ni ono BL.4.XKFT3, and all other goods belonging to a Dry-Goods Store, j All the citizens, aad everybody that visits the old f W:i, will confer a fa by calling on the snbReriber .. t 1 1 ? t . 1 miuutfu.w Miji.;iir iwvwtfil11 YtV '" " -, - J. C. i'fJE. Sept. 25 2m NEW S- BEAUTIFUL GOODS! ' A. J. K'OOmVAEU HAS RECEIVED A VERY LARGE STOCK OF CliOTHlKG. E selected it in New York with great, care, and takes pleasure in informing iiU customers 1 and the public, that it is tue most coini-.H-.e mock ever j ottered in this market. He calls atteufU.n to his ex ' tensive stock of. j SHIRTS. CRAVATS. SfO'.:ivS, fn.OVES, ! SUSPENWERS, HOSIERY. Ac. ITe bought lhe.se goo Is low. ami will' pel! them low for rash or to those who proaiptlv pay their accounts, A. J. WOOIUVARD. 2 doors below 3. J. Hinsdale's Drag Sto;e, Sent. 2.1. :5t Lumbcrton ..Idvcrtiscment. "SHE subscriber begs leave io inform his customers that he is now receiving an excellent supply ot FATL A A" V WISTER GOODS. Consisting of a tali & complete assortment of all kinds of DKES3 GOODS, For Ladies' wear, such a Silks. Merinos and ileLalns. ' Al ;o, Cloaks, Mantillas. Bonnets ami Trimmings. Otmifcvtic :0(!s : For Family and Servants use; such as Calicoes, Ging lanis. Liiiseys, Striped II iraespjes. Tiekings. DriiUngs Kerseys. Flannels of ail colors. IUaached and Un bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, i B O O T S AND S II O E 3, i A full assortment for Men's and L ilies' wear; also Miss's. Girl's and Children s huo-s. HATS a- CAPS, ofall sorts and sizes. Jt KADV-.i A L t : CM)T 5 i 1 N J, Of superior make and good -materials. H!tlMVA51E A?i CUT Ij lill V , A largi; assortiiW... A Iso, ( : R O C 1C K U Y A N D fi R O c e r i e ?- - S. 4t W. ERRANT. L-.Hiiberton. N. C. Oct ! USEFUL ARTICLES. LUII), Oil and Lard L 'tnps: uriitanni aim irass canuiesiic&s; Superior Steel Sn-nSers; -Brittania Casters. Tea Pots and Coli'ee Tots: Brittania SPOONS and LADLES; Brittauii Communion Sets iiblets and Cups; -r-i ( Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; J- k Planished Tin Coflae Urns and Pots. Tea Pots; Ovster and Beef Steak Dishes, unit IiikI. iv-i.rf at :. " Waitbks.- o" all sizes and shapes. ' to I Fix-p Spruouo- lai.(ro-fj.,,t(;niT t.,., ; ' .. i r 1 er; ; K-iaors and Pocket Knives; Ilasfcets! Baslcets! for all purposes; COFFEE -WII-IxS, Iron and Stone Morters; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails, Churns and Bowls; Cotin'cr Scales, to weigh 4 to 540 lbs; Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers; Hair and Wire Seives; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Bells, Jlusic Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxps; Ladies' Leather Bars. Oarire:, j White Sa tin Beads aud White Cut Beads, for 1 A fancy work; ! Porte Monaies. entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric r-oiisning Powder; Boy7s Saws; Corkscrews. ' A great variety of other useful articles, too tedious i to mention, come , r.. and soe for yourselves at tne W N" TgL-iNGHAST' vroeKery score.' Oct. 2. BUTTER! BUTTER!! , A LOT OF PRIME GOSHEN V i A . For sale by - C. B. COOK -St NIAN. FAYETTE VI Rumor loves tho hop WSrTfl-.li X'v. mystery of half revealingr rjof is govp busy with the following sdnRiosvy Jutline&J which we give fh Anticipation of kno'M afaa earl,fTi;. ,ii-JrV mre into. i-aj.om,"ino,iVtva tue tnca was vouna: a el ever . object in : tar irjg'iiomt', wno na riage passing along that road; ""veFlic NORTH CAR . i t m m 1 v k. I 7 lixr,A mgns, is in itseu too.ornmon an obieetCc-1 ,ua2-rftt, attract attention; the peculiarity conte.Vf in ir.- ,1 v,Jf ? Adrmij ,.wiic1i hove b,,iiA T!.Q b,,Q 1,0,1 e i.' i .mis preoeuence as,ie nearest, tnntier Louse. The house had for sometirne been-: 8hip afloat . The u-ure-d - is the-doaWe empty, or was supposed to be so. Its usual : headed eagle of Russia, represented as grasping occupants, it was understood in the neigh- , two worlds. . J?f lie flags of the four leading- pow borhood, had left the place for a period to crs on earth; the United Sfales represented by seek health and enjoyment at one of the the unstained stars and strfpep; Russia by the numerous spots that sanatory considerations emblazoned cross of St. Andrew; England by or fashionable caprice, hav e- caused o be tiiat of St-George, and France by her tri color, selected as a resort for "the season." For : JJ,? d:sI',ayeat prominent points along the weeks the house had remained tio-htly closed ' fTu' j . . . , . ., ,1,, ,i j , , , , " 1 i 1 he da was aaspiQions, the river was smooth during the day, and dark and silent by ! nI1(j hale?7& Bnd giJy witll boats and crafti and night; the garaen-was running to weeds ; the sho-e II icd with spectators, when about the shrubbery was neglected and not even twenty minutes past eight the gun fired and the bark of a watch dog gave sign of life. j slowly and majestically the hull moved amid Before this house the carriage stopped. ; l'ie erash of nnuic and timbers .and the shouts Without a word spoken the driver descended ! of thousands of spectators. Gradually the rao and noiselessly let down the steps. i'roru !'1.."'caa':d ad with a stoop like the eagla the interior of the vehicle appeared a gentle- i hhe parson her prow, the General Admiral t. -j. .i ' r' . i & 7 swept into tiie water rippling alonjr until sho man, who, spite of the uncertain gloom, tue I(.OU4ht ,, ot far rronVthe entrance of Walla attentive and ujaseen observer felt satisfiea . )0ut J3a v. was a physiciai residing in the city. This irentlemar to the ground two ladies the outlines of whose forms and the rustling ff whoset dresses, showed them to be fash ionably and richly dressed. Not a word was spoken by any one of the party. The driver, as appeared by some faint sounds, put a key in the door and opened it, but no glimmer of light gave a glimpse of the in terior; all was obscurity and darkness. In the meantime, the gentleman and one of the ladies supported the second lady, who ap peared unable to walk unassisted, and from whom. Jla shp wa? liinvwl. iht anft nirrbt. ,-inrl K:,r.- 1 s..j ii" r the listener. Thus the 3 entered, the house. 1 1'kmiUar was closed, - U carriage turned, aud driven off rapidly in the direction of the city, and the house stood silent, lonesome, and apparently as deserted as before. Deep ly interested in these singular movements, conducted in the utmost silence, no word from any one of the parties having escaped, t ii n TiTinTw..-fi lrwibfiv nn liMirni-o.-l enmn. time, to discover if anything observable . J 0 ,. x. followed these mysterious proceedings. ISo sound, however, broke on the air; no opeji-; o . IT ti 1 i- x ? x ., ,, , ., ,-. Clluereni; poinis lu recounoitro luo uunainir, . c : but Irom no window, no crevice under or around the door or shatter, could he detect the" faintest "'ray of a light being used within. Puzzled and Pondering, he at length retired. The next day at noon, he again passed be fore the house. Quietude and silence, as before, enveloped the place; no stealthily opened window, no smoke rising from the kitchen chimney, no cover left carelessly open at the cistern, betrayed the presence of livino- beir.r3. The dust near the door snowetl the impression oi tne carriage waeeis and that lying on the steps bore the impress of feet entering the mansion, but l o a mark ' indicated that any one had come out of th? nouse- Some uncertain knowledge of these facts got rumored about the neighbot'lioott, and rumor added hat the suffering female be- came a mother m tne silent and deserted house, and that the unconscious offspring ot guilty passion was there deprived of life. How much of truth and how much of error there may be in these assertions, may afford as matter for speculation, btLiaidjHLby'. opposite. Pitt Canning, the-Dt iivestitrationpeciiIationajJjy visioiiaWfPflteatisfactOTfcv ZV pear to suppiy little or not hTrrtnrri to take hold ot. A party quietly entered a house which the neighbors supposed to be mocciipiea, and tney were noc oDserveu to leave it again, neither were any signs of their continued presence to be observed; these things may appear singular but they involve nothing unlawful, and it is probable that the nivsterv of the unoccupied tenement may never be solved. Exchange. The S. C. Conference. Tiie subjoined comramiicaticn from Bishop And lews, which we clip frora the columns f the Souiherii Christian Advocate, will be of interest to our Methodist friends: Mr Emtor: I have eceived two comma - nications from South Carolina, requesting me to change the lime of the season of that Con - ferenee. I have accordingly fixed the time for r.cu,v. ------- t,..""'!.--"' "T "l:j"c lis couimeiiccuieiii) w iwcuiutr ursi, insteau oi XovemUer 17, as originally pabHshed. All concerned will please take natice of tae change and g6vem themselTes accordingly. The law of the General Conference, pre scribing certain literary examinations for ap plicants for admission on trial, bas been so lately passed, that it is presumable raauy young men who have resolved to enter the Confer cnce wiH have scarcely bad time to prepare. j i therefore think it proper, in this way, to say. ' that as ine time oetween tue passing ot the law and the next session of the Conference is so ! short, I shall not in the Conference which I I shall attend, be as rigid in requiring attention to that part of tbe examination. Launch 4- On Tuesda' ate "Genemr jfcoi.S" S'.fSs Muichedf t-JML-Webb, nt tjjr Wver stid at truest Lhipyani of kMXtli streete Tver. sii aitrac 9ri I ThoiisaTnw tnense crow in tneB" mo .died : s-t!it n assemble "on f vange" to w ,ie rand he ItStWi of t ite oea?lSat wooden laidoi:?'!". a few of of tS' atx a,'il a frtirur par- y seen than was far- . k of the. miyl-".Lirii il i TloHwriftbT pursed RWt-etnusH n rarrvetricnl ,a v"frt graeCT .f-tec&rd, while the bfisv- Ut, Qget the Taffana rops and 3! aafeir tbe pHPsage-of; The General Athuiral is a propeller, her length 011 spr.r deck is oOT feet, breadth 55; length over all S?o. -SLe is pierced for forty four gnns. The t.'iip is built of live cak, and its timbers are uraccti 011 the cntsidc with iron straps seven feet api;rt, and is not surpassed in strength by any spetiiuca of naval architecture in the world. Tliers arc to be two engines, 7 feet diameter and 3 feet 1) inches stroke. They will be bulk at tbe Novelty Works. The pro peller fans are 1(J feet iu dii;ni.t.r, and arc of Griffith's p-itciit. The only accident which occurred was that of an old lady named Dessoye, residing in I Tweirtv-eijihth street, who fell down one of the hatchwavs into the Magazine apartment, and orOKC tier linn; uy ine exerouus ui me icnuti of the baud, the sufferer was placed in a situa tion as comfortable as cojld be extemporised, and was reruoveti to iicr iiome. 1 tie injury, happily, was not dang-erous. Iicr son also re ceived some internal injuries from falling into the same pit in looking after his mother. A mong the distinguished persons on board were C.ipt. ShartakolF, M. De Xotbuck, the Russian Consul, C;ipt. Shwailz, Lieut. Kolo- p"' baroN 1Jo.ve' I -Jler Cooper, J. McChesncy, Lsqrs , aud others m-....m . Defence of Fors! 'J'he New York Tri- oune speaks uie tollowino--o'oou Avord for a class that r.nJs tew defenders: vi,u.,. ! n - i V hat we ne. (i 111 I l eein. i-vr Mnrn iTi(! not fewer a-entlemau called fops men who dress with taste, are scrupulously clean, wear eye-glasses, if near-sighted, and use them as they choose, do not chew tobacco and spit in other people's faces at hotels, thea tres, rail cars and. steamboats. "A fop" is in the United States universally well-bred. We have never known an exception. Man ners with him are a study until they become polished, and dress a pursuit un till it be comes an excellence. Such arc often mod els of industry. If men of business, they are accurate, and to be relied on; if artists oi literary men, eminent, for their taste. No man who ever lived was a greater fop I than Wal 1 Jpr-:s ai'u ahington. lie ordered his clothes tailor with curious particularity, lie I .trss(,,l wij,h oxtri'ine caro. He was exact a,, eleo-ant with his horses, carrages, and j a COo-nate details. He was therefore, pro- j nortionatelv accurate in other thincs. Had ejeglaS3es been in fashion, as his age in- ! crca3ed, possiblv he would have sported j e ailJ looked across a table at tho iifllT i' -nin Charles Dickens, w TJVrfrTiTPfed fona bv vnlo-ar min. wom England and Uv e civilized world owes much is Brummt We king 0f fopg He found society oatra- , o-ecusiy ,iressed, and he felt it, so far fts ifci could imitate him, well dressed. He laid down as a rule fur a gentleman "fresh. irahAand plenty of it," when hardily a lf knew the luxery of a bath. Indeed, sVifrtrty and barbarous even was Xew York recently, that the Clarendon Hotel, not long since built, was the first hotel which had bathing rooms in connection with sleeping chambers; and the idea came from a fop, to our certain knowledge. We wish this coun try o worse luck than the multiplication of fops of men who are clean and elegant , in dress, mild in manners, eschew- nf filthv tobacco, gallant to the sex, and incapable of 1 conimittinar nn in5ult. jf they abounded, . ";:., j ,.x r: A.x, ' ?! tobacco pitting and street fighting would become incontinently obsolete; if they could be established Bowery and Five Points, liquor bars and rows would become unknown. Fowls, Eggs, and their Value. It ir e3timated that there are 103,500,000 laying fowls in the country, of which 50,000,000 lay one egg; and these, at eight 'cents per dozen, would be worth $121,669,666! 'eo-ga-actly." itdtrSaid a woman to an old maid, 'My husband is not so good a husband as he should be, but he is a powerful sight better than ntra:' r street, aort 4- 0W k 1-. T 1 i'

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