'0 Illinois State Fair Steam Plow. A CttrTesDondeu.tbf the St. Louis Krmiltican wruing-ironL UemTalia, . - . . - . - - ----- where the fllinois State i'air wasjipiden I plueu la&f week, gives the following the exlijuiiio'i of the newly iuvented ing machine: m plowing machine, the only.,- one r( exhibition or cumpetion nuder this e ihveiitioa.of Mr Joseph W. Fawkes. , I'ii, and was aryZHuv50S. In constrnctioii he Boydell machine. much attention LiiXiuJujily one that lias tiU Wie-1 f jirci"TiejlWfcven an or- ks. The4Juyie!l plow at aqjtsiibjected to a very Lthoro lpdoijrtat r-rtti tlir liree ojible plows, in lowed an acre ng at the rale the cost in cre , . "Mtl Vs niaci'iiue e.cujjiar per now i sui:h favor arrie'ultura!' v tho It. llie fi in plow-, prefera- teifhis. del been ou ot its li tinnis coui.tr most persons interes iar with it. It wil weiiihs thirteen tons, r -i l : -. . 1. ij t li n ism m..- auu waicr wentv oac tons in i.in trnlnbild 80 IHUCll S w V Wheels sank into the earth to ' - 1 . I : . . . .. A lf.nil!H l 1 " I - I 1 . . . . .ui aim wuienwit w . 1 TTieTl , It Wlrue, ov Rues t culty. but then it must be obvious to every mechanic, that an arrangement so necesnni ily complicated must be easily deranged. It re quires ten men to work it, besides a horse in front to guide its movements. Now, to illnsnata the trauscwidence of Yan kee genius, con i J are it to Favvkes' machine. This only weighs, With fuel and water for hail a day's work, seven tons! The width of the machine is about six and a half feet, and the lensrth between 18 and 20 feet, iiieludintr the nlows and frame. aThe roilei"is an upright) tabular, of, we should judge, 23 Qjp24 horse power. The engines are horizontal, tf ordina ry construction, i. n I uiaks fourteen exhausts to one revolution of the driver. The league of the machine consists in the employment oft large cyliiidershaped something like a barrel, for the purpose of traction, which it secures to the utmost extent, at the same time dispensing with all the complexity of the Boydell machine, and preventing all siukinjr in soft soil, which cannot otherwise be so effectually done. The two front wheels are of iron, about feet in diameter and twelve inch face. These work oi; axle in the centre of the axletree, by means of a segmentary toothed wheel and screw, which are connected by chains with a steerin;, wheel, under the immediate control of the driver, who stand? to the left of the boiler. The left hand of the operator rests on the wheel, .i - : nun uis ngni ue can reverse me engine turow the driver out of gear, raise the safety valve, sound tli3 steam whistle, and, in fact, has the entire machine under his control, making it back, proceed in any direction and turn in a circle of 25 feet in diameter. The plows, six in number, are attached in an adjustable frame to the engine, and can be raised or low ered as occasion may rtcpuire, by simply raising a lever: Bjt two men arc required to work tlie whoa machine eight less than on the "Boydell" We should give a more minute description of the machine but for want of time ond space. The Tkial. The engine was brought in the ting at an early hv.ur in the t'ay, steam was raised in a few moments after the appointed time, and with a wagon attached, containing a band of sixteen musicians, playing popular airs, she started around the track amid the cheers of the immense crowd which had collected to witness llie performance. The evidence of the perfect control which the engineer had over it was eminently satisfactory to all. It was pro posed to have the plowing trial take place in the ring, so that not only the committee and press, but the entire crowd could have a fair opportunity of witnessing the operations, but the committee thought otherwise, and. there fore ordered it out of the ring to give place to some horses or jacks, much to the dissatisfac tion of the people. Why, the practical bearing which an invention like this has in the welfare and destiny of the human race is worth as many jackasses, the tails of which would make a rope long enouuh and strong enough to string all the plannets of the solar system together like onions in a farmer's kitchen. In the after noon the machine was taken out rnto the prairie, followed by an immense crowd, the plows, five in number, attached, and the work commenced. Many predicted a failure, and all were prepared to see one if it should occur. The ground was almost as hard and dry ai bone, the short silky grass was very sire, rendering traction nppearantly impossible; but the inventor, nothing daunted, made the start, amirl tliA a I nine! Iirpn t hl pvtifftltiriil nf t!i - , - - rnwd mtii ttip. mneliiiif miivfrl rtfT IIia rite. tancc of about one hundred yards, dragging "nehitid it five plows, each cutting twelve inches of the hard ground and turning it over 11. heavy ridges a shent was sent up long and 11 wijiiii. uci aim. id atui - .1 ... t. - i. -i. t;u i ; ... j roau prairies. leuiug me nr rxst. Iiiifreriiicr about tne coltjge oi m Tiandman whispering of peace, plenty ana a pirhor rlpst.mv and tir'oclaini ntr t lie glad tidings . o - . - . 7n ovpnt francrht with an importance ton greatest magnitude, throughout the laud. Plowing bv steam is a reality. Convict Shot. Two of the convict rppentlv made their escape from the 1Jiirr ("innal. havni"- been canturetl in lTtija- . . wha county, were brought Lack, and on Thurs day of last week, passed through Lexington, Va , on the way to the canal. The Gazette says: Desirous of making an example of them, Mr JVIoss, the Superintendent, had them brought out in the presence of the other convicts for punishment. On ordering one of them, John Valentine, to strip, he commenced unbuttoning his vest, then stopped, deliberately re-buttoned it, and asked Mr Moss, "What he intended to do?" Being told that he was to be whipped, lie stooped down, picked up with his right hand a bar of iron, about 18 inches long, remarking that 'he would allow no man to whip him," and drew it back as if to strike Mr Moss. Mr M. then ordered one of the guard, Mr Perkins, to drew his sword; unoii which Valentine shifted the bar of iron to his left hand and stooped down &b seize J a neavy nammc. ... o" hand and advanced on Mr Moss with the ham--ri;Bed. Mr Perkins then cocked his musket, i ui- M nrdered him not to fire: but the ei ill continuum to press upon Mr Moss !,h the hammer drawn back as if to strike, Mr Perkins fired, the ball passil g entirely through Elcam (TRjJI The iM tererl f J S5 the body of the negro, who died id twenty j jainntcs. t John W. Forney. From the Richmond South In its impression of yesterday, the Whig indulged its readers with copious extracts from a recent harangue, in which John W. Forney esssays to persuade the American people that the hwhest function ry of Gov ernment is the basest, villain in thejiation This is thetruth of the story: James Buchr vnvn and John W. Forney have been frienda" ever since the latter emerged from the obscu rity of a village printer t44he eon picuous eminence of pimp to a ply ac or. Mr. Buchanan took the destitute apprentice un der his protectio assisted him as -well, by iMterial aid as by friendly counsel elevated himaco a respectable position in society, com meni. d him racy, rejoice in adversity last crowned the lono- succession oUfenerons services tty an act of thJRJ&jlajjed affection. On the other hand, Hfgpj5pears to have appreciated the condScnsffir of his- patron, and a cred ulous public gave him the praise of fidelity i i . - . , . nosnin, uecause wtne zeal he clis- 11 f l VJV urunatuii srillUiW A lit w!;?:?'8 Wreathe insV Vffir" adventured, who hope- 1 - wie prosperous AartnnmJL KV lurfHrVrV . AFWU Mai. ordinary abilities, . imperfect education 'd equivocal character. Any employment of special trust or responsibility was quite beyond his merit, but the President could not dismiss him without a equivalent for his services. He aspired to a seat in the Cabinet. The President gave him the annointment of Consul to Liverpool. He i t reiected the offer, and straight-way set i himself to oppose and revile the Adminis tration. At last, in the phrenzy of baffled cupidity, he publicly impeached his benefac tor of the most atrocious offences personal and political moralitv. against Whatever political adversaries may think of Mr. Buchanan as a public ma ., all admit that his private character is without re proach. His entire life is an admirable illustration of virtuous endeavor. We know nothing to his discredit, except his friend- s.iipior xoniey, a m tuu wy ut- , among the amiable innrmities ot a tainuie ministration was the slime of Forney's sup port. No generous spirit wilFffproach Mr. Buchanan with the unworthy alliance at t ie moment when his bosom is torn by the fang of the treacherous beneficiary. Of Mr. Forney little is known, and the few conspicuous incidents of his life are no . torious for no other significance than as emi nent examples ot personal depravity. n the field of literature, the Forest letter is his most memorable production. In the prv- ince of politics, his most signnl ncheivement was a corrupt interpolation in the journal of the House of Representatives, an act of clever villiany, of which he escaped the pun-j lshment in expulsion trom olnee, through a defect of legal evidence. Is this the sort ot b. man upon whose word the President of the United States must be condemned to perpet ual infamy? The ingenuous expedient by which Mr. Forney once proposed to blast the reputation of a helpless women, suggests the probability of alike fabrication of false testimony against a generous benefactor. He is an aspiring individual, and we can not do him the injustice to suspect that he will stop short of the climax of his career. A n instance of the ' brotherly love " which characterizes some of the so called Christian Reformers," a reverend geiitlemau from Louis iana, was, by resolution, invited to take a seat in a Sabuth convention recently held in Cincinnati. He did so, but a few nioiuuuts af terwards a member arose and wanted to know whether by inviting a Louisiana preacher'auioiig them, they intei.ded to endorse slavery. The convention reconsidered the vote directly, and the Southern brother was excommunicated with out cieiity. If you want bigotry, ignorance, fanaticism or jaundice, 3-011 can find them all combined in the 'reverend" agitator of the North. As Hudibias describes him, he is "A creature of amphibious nature On land a beast, a lish in water; That always preys on gracu or sin A sheep without, a wolf within. -' Some moon-struck individual has been publish ing a book of poems, an extraordinary speci men of "hifalutiu," We shall not annoy cur readeis with citations or quotations from his verses, but will give the following taste""f his prose: "As the diamond is the crystalline Revelator of the acromatic white light of Heaven, so is a perfect poem llie crystalline Revelation of the Diviuei i. lucre is lust the tlinerence JieUwtiMi a em and one that is not. I hut ifiVJie.ispintua-cotHirelion of nere gfaciatior.f waterin- toce. is irradiuiicy of a diamond depends upo its diaphanous translucencv. so does the beauty of a poem upon its rythmical crystiliz.tion of the Divine Iilea Can the translncency, of individual ratiocina tion permeate the fixity of corporeal inteligences and as a revelator, irradiate them with its in candescent effulgeney? Answer, oh, crystalitie poet. Baltimore Dispatch. a . Attempted Murder in Court. A des perate fellow named John George was ar rested at about 5 o'clock yesterday after noon, charged with attempting to take the life of N. Rogers. auct;oneer at No. 194 William street, New York, in Justice Bed ford's Court. Accused was arrested on Monday last, on suspicion of having been concerned in a number of burglaries in Jer sey City, and the evidence of Mr Rodger's showed that accused had attempted to sell him some goods which had b en taken from the house of Mr Slater. On .Wednesday, George's woman endeavored to Induce. Mr Rogers not to appear as a witness, but he refused. Yesterday, while leaning over the table to sign his testimony, Geoge seized, a heavy inkstand and dealt Mr. Rogers a fear ful blow just benind the ear, inflicting a severe wound, and probably intending to kill him. After a complaint was entered, accused was handcuffed and taken to jail. Prince John Van Bureu was among the latfttt arrivals in Berlin. Bman. Fnrnnsnnu J"t?J X UM IT j W.Al or: 11 Beautiful WoniT The world-renowned traveller.,' lor, recently visited the.race-c saw, Poland. In describing appearance of the asseniblec he sajs. "VV rJai moSntted-m1 Cy'i "vrmv s IW- ufl lll V ill I .... tr claSST During Se not seen so yiCT ( ices as 1 snwj jjineV 'e dillicult tofiti'li aW. .. . ..1- n ...I 1 I ...I" " J j-ope-J Tiant W WlUMTTlie r w. i. " i i . nun Hum ne ui-hiiowieajrea loveiint adelphin, Baltimore, or Louisville. I uii Aiuerii-aii iuairvin;a 1 ol.sll lauvn the othejpdny, and I must cotniiind i1 1 hese mich of Warsaw are not onh blonde, "Wliosfieyi and hair--remit coris-fliweTs uiniiig ripe jfrain bin' yed Jeuiitioawith fv-Mof a full Su ups iourvjjLieucai-nose oi and a luTryvC)lde" iKjE-of, the coniioisseuj &au'fy. letter eoirtpa rfl jtK &l sn so trreau d mcijyWri Now, it is It'CI IMi;j be' -beautiful If theyfiuj ut- tli tar Oirili , i i py ui'e iTTrTsent from the cradl. b- rectly to tiie parlor, to dress, sit still, and look pretty. o, Lhey are t rented as children siould j be. During cplldhood; which extends through .' a period of several years, they are plah.fr aud loosely .lr.esse.1. and allowed to run roitfp. and play in the opci air. 1 hev take in uiishintj asdoesthe flower. Thev are not Wed down I girdled about, and oppressed every vay with countless frd's aud superabundant flounces, so as to be admired lor their milch clothing. Kor are they rendered delicate and dyspeptic by j continual stuffing with candies and sweet-cakes' as are the majority ot American children Plain, simple lood, free "and various exercise, and ubundant sunshine, durii.g the whole pe riod of childhood, are the secrets of beauty in after life. Mother, would you raise up to womanhood : a De-tuinui uaugiiier: i nen give ner piemy oi : SUII 1:1 me uays ui uer juuih. ouii&niur. nt:ii;ii ! thousands of American females seem to fear worse than the "lake of tire and brimstone," -indeed, the , lieautv of the coninlexion is as much dependent on ils influence as are the tints ol the ros-c or the fragrance of the peach. If women would cultivate beauty f person by preserving health,- all other graces would be added. They would soon have their ' rights," ! for all power would be in their hands. A man in the normal slate, as naturally bows uown to a truly beautiful woman, as he adores his Crea tor. Probably no man living has gazed upon I a greater number of beautiful female faces than Bayard Taylor. But here lannlianty does not ! breed contempt. He is as easily charmed now ,y a vision of female loveliness, as he was be - ! (ore one of the visions charmed him into - natri - ; mouy. He says: ! "At Grauiiz i we were charmed by a v.s.on of perfect loveliness wine shone cm us Ironi lime iu lime uum iuc u hi i...... mining iiraasioii. It wns a woman f tweut v - t wo. r rituijiii.l y--t tew!lT bcnu!y U.u.mrt ....... exquisiiely regular, complexion like a l! rose, large, soft eyes, rather violet than blue and a rippliugcrowa of iii.igmlicci.t hair, 'thrown in the shallow and gold in the sun." 1 confess to watching tins beautifu; creature for half au hour, through the window-blinds. apolhox & the LiEviatiia.v. tne lvupcror W rtl . upoieou is 111 ireatv tor the purchase of the Leviathan. The negotiations for the purchase 1 i. 1- .1 .1 . tie unci rupieu ny ins ueciaraiiou iiiui he might pssiOly offend the Queen of England Her Majesty is, however, understood to have re plied that the Leviathan was purely a i-o nmer cial speculation, with which the goverineiit has nothing to do. The negotiations were then renewed by the Kmperor, who is cxirenielv desirous to possess the big ship, which would be used us a tremendous sea battering-rani the bows would be reinforced bv tremendous iron beams, and girders of immense size uiiuf:-'J. strength, and sharpened, so that she nii-lil 5 cut down any ship by a collision. Tims armed Serious Loss The Rev. Dr. Potts, of New propelled by the combined forces of two thoiij York, who had been sojourning at Newburg, sand four hundred horses, her broad aeres of 1 h.st all Ids baggage, valued at $500, 011 his re cauvas spread forth to catch add, tional impetn! turn. Sme rascal presented a forged order from the winds, the sea Titan would insh lortli'l into the ocean in search of prey; and where is the ship that could either elude or resist a foe. of such magnitude? Itis ftuid, however, that the French ministry is opposed 13 the purchase pleading that the price asked, (six hundred thousand pounds sterling;' or about two-thirds of the sum believed to-have been expended on the Leviathan) would suffice to construct three or four frigates "cufasiess'," i. e.. frigates cov ered with enormous plates of -polished steel. which are-therebv rendered invaluable to shot 1 and shell and of which six have already been! ordered. ilieLmperor left for Biarritz with- out eomimr to anv dei-ision 01. tin- snliwwt I Liverpool Mercury. The Says the Recaptured Af r i cans . N. Y. Colonization Journal for October, We learn the A. C S. has provided for the instruction of these childreu of Africa for a year, and left it to the -discretion of President Benson to decide whether to have them divided to the'several settleiiihts. or .jrll -lo.-ate.l ; 1, jejitairajiu comity .- ... , - . - - . - - Sovernmcnt of thTm'trl t.o. .JtroMU""' ful:l apart to meet this" expense, but under tne tyus-Micy or mo case, the administration off' the sale of3.uuo c-. - - - Presrdent Buchanan did not hesitate to obevrfce-ts net, from the hooks. .li! I,1? . UP C"S'-ess foil w oa,mli8hin2 how "toddy" promotes hide- li-ilneil iv 1,.., .1 . . course of the government in this affair. Its decisive energy, promptness, and lihenJiiv arP . . . 1. ui 1 1 1 u l 111 I. ii 1 1 ! Ill I ! I II n . I, I we cannot but admire lh deserving the highest praise, and will huve th - liu.irtv sniittori fif nit e .1 ......j -i i""" uii i.niR oi me country. To complete this article we ous-ht to nn,, a description of the condition of these poor Af- rictus as reported by an eye witness, who went on liiOiiru me nav utrer n,u j r he Echo arrived in 1.: a ball in one of the large ton ed with uleers. 8ickSj,,,rhiid, replied, "No," I thank i space; the mere 'actDiike ta walze it makes me pukel Charleston naked, coverei J - , " .-p..ee, me mere acrtai;L-o to that in July. 000 were put on board the Echo at Kabenda tetiirii iu th inu, tuat only 259 were alive to return in the Niagara, and of ihese "were lieL to die on the voyage, being sick with various diseases, two thirds suffering from diarrhcea, andtoue-third from opthalunia," tells tho tale of horror. In the short space of little more than two months, 281 had died. What shall he done with the fiends, who for paltry gain, thus murdered the poor Africans, while disgracing our dag and defying our laws? I 1 i"l ' f n-nif7Tn.rft,." two dollars a year in advance.' 'on " --.- XtUNO alLJlBEB. Augustus Jioore, mem- . ber elect to the North Carolina Legislature from Martin county, i only;i his twenty-j first year. AsAeville News. I If any man has failed to estimate the af- fection of a true-hearted wife, he will be ! Hkelv to mark the value in his loss, when ! ha.rk vchlrh Lived him ia stilled hv Hf.it.h In Portsmouth, the other day, a cow orot her head into a hsoped skirt, dangling from a store door. After sundry shakes she got it over her neck, but could get it no further fact, says the Transcript. Foktcne. By the death of Mr Hobson, 0t Ualcutta, a youth now in the employ ot a printer at the West End, is suddenly put in possession ot more than $7,oO(J,000. It is s id the young man had no previous knowl edge of his relation, except as having once heard his mother say she had a brother in ; India. London Court Circular. Jewish Tsstimonial. -The Israelites of London intend, it is said, to present to Lady John Kussel a boudoir suit consisting ot a table and four chairs, made of solid silver as a mark of their sense of the obligation thay owe to her husband. The Lord's Prayer. The following ver- .sitication of the Lord's Prayer, the brevity ' and concentration of which we commend to : the attention of those who indulge in "much j speaking" when they pray, has recently been IMlbUsheci in London. It is composed as a due;; and harmonized for four voices, with . . l " " organ or piano L'rmt- 1 r. is- 11111- compreneimm, y iffl usiiJ'ro,u redundancy. The tnns c, simple nu iaeiuuiiuis, 13 sum 10 ut worthy of the ; ronls which run thus: Oar Iloavoiily Father, hear our prayer; Thy name be hallowed cvotywhere; Thy king lom come; Thy perfect will-'" In earth as heaven, let all fulfill; Give this day's bread, that we may live; Forgive our sins, as we forgive; Help us temptation to withstand; From evil shield us by thy hand; Now and forever unto Thee, Tne kingdom, power and glory be. Amen. Death from Anger. Last Thursday, at the nun Vernon Furnace, 1'eun., a cow broke imo a woman s garilen lor the tort v-seveiith :ie. Tlie provoked woman became so exas perated ut the cow, while turning iier out, at she, by 1 lie insanity of her passion, rup- hred internally a blood vessel, and before med ia! aid could be rendered bled to death. at the boat and carried off the whole. A uor- tiun of it has been recovered. Beef Cattle at New Orleans is selling now at from 15 to 30 cunts per pound. just Joshua Adwell, for murder, was executed at .Muufortiville, Ky., on the 3d instant. Miss March, author of the "English Heart and English hands," has undertaken a mission to the cabinet of England, with a view of their spiritual Welfare Alf.ed Holmes, from Delavan,"-III., a blind k..n t 1... ,,., , n r n ineiit, has been robbed of $2,000 in - New York city. Cant Marcv arrived at Washington from eu- ,sJ7tah. H made tlie journey i a !, tt first oiflcer returned since the army r iv w. . . - .r tertd Utan. The Brazilian war steamMaze, supposed to have been lost with all on uoard. has turned up! safe, but aaniageu in a s-.i,. The republic of San Marino, in Italy, has 1 J mnrl.-il to .V11SS .Uill la miiciieil. mc JlaW r V:.nt ticket. Mass. The Louisville Courier of Wednesday notes ..rimice. A i ...v..t... . -j r i I II II"" . . - - . : ,i iv or two since in ine gutter in very spin nrl.ail i 11 a rriAnrllv WAT tc f d manner, was advised in a friendly way tudi n"i Ls "flour was eoina up." "Let it to Vecoiiom I Aimtl 1 1 II I a " . . . high' as r..n " cai f r.icaiToTd bottlenose, MI km git as !up' hv dav." jup . . OM Aav Iflour ktu aHJ One of our exchanges says that a beautiful k.msel being asked to waltz by a gentleman beautiful . .. . towns in New you; I don't f . in settiiur up the line, V ..'ir-n h.tli no furv like a woman scorned." w.rsirht left out the , and made it "J read :.tiii l.th no furv likf a woman corned. A slight departure from the text, but none whatever from the truth. in TCnelish paper states that every general . in th armr of the American revolution Cui' - - w.. nArfuit AruAld. . was a tree-mssoui w-r' - pomsi hi Iit-iViv I?MTVcrlreyrf7Suiil 'presraf kn every measure that conies before ti tare, and the harmonious opposition should, with-' out looking into the merits or demerits proentedfor their consideratiooj determine that they will wait and see how democracy goes and then go the other way. But as it is not reasonable to suppose that , . . r e"ner Part7 can be unanimous .n its support of the aruH" measures that will come before the next LeSl--ilaturc' measures affecting the interest 6f th whole State; for instance, the "Revenue Law" "must be raised; the "State Bank" must be re chartered, or another Bank chartered to take its place; Internal improvement bills for advancing the interest and developing the vast resources of the State must be matured provision must be made to meet the liabilities already incurred by the State, to the payment of which the faith and , Credit, yea, the honor of the "Old North State'" is j already pledged. We say it is not reasonable to suppose that either party will be unanimous as to I the best method of protecting all these best inter ests, and accomplishing what every true North Carolina patriot and statesman should hold nearest , his heart, the best and dearest interest of his be- loved Slate; and we regret to see tho columns of so respectable a journal as the Register, a journal that stands high in the estimation of its friends- exerting an influence with its partv that is felt from the seaboard to the mountains, such sentiments as the following: "If we were honored w.m a tin. in iut urn urgiMiiiurr, our J.ollCV would be to watch the majority to bring them to witb a seat in the next Legislature. record votes on every question of tolerable impor- tance, and carefully abstain from amending or attempting 10 amend any of tneir bills, or inter posing in any of the difficulties among themselves, into which they are sure to fall." Now it is not our object to complain of the Register, for honestly stating what would be his "policy if he were honored with a seat in the Leg islature", or to dictate to him or fiis party friendH lii mi i j- -" but fjmply to give publicity to our reflection on reading the article above refered to. We hold that on the sub- ject of internal improvement, to say nothing about the currency, the credit the honor and prosperity of North Carolina, our representatives should know no party; we are all on the same ship, bound by the same laws, and bound to share in one com mon destiny, no interest, no section, no party, can prosper without every interest, every section and every party, sharing equally in that prosperity. The next Legislature will be by far the most im portant that has assembled for years if some thing is not done to develope our resources and add to our exchanges, the qustion may well be asked, how shall we be able to pay the interest on the State Bonds already issued, to say nothing about paying the principle, when the bonds them selves shall be due. It will require the united wisdom of all parties to provide for tho future without imposing unnecessary and heavy burthens upon the people, and yet, the opposition party are told to "carefully abstain from amending or at tempting to amend any of their bills." We are all on the same ship, there are breakers ahead, the man at the helm would avoid them if he knew it, but say nothing, if the "Gallant old Ship of State" is dashed and broken, and we all sink beneath the waves, "ice trill hold the majority re sponsible." Has it come to this, is there a party to be found iu North Carolina, whose motto is "rule or ruin"? Has the opposition party the 1 party that once boasted in having for its leader a man who proclaimed to the wor.d "that he would rather be right than to be successful" so far for- m.tten the leaeliinirs or the nast. anu become so 1 reckless of consequences as to sacrice every inter- est for a mere parly triumphl We are not wil h t WA UVCa VWkf Wll ling to believe it. We know that there are men to be found in the ranks of tho opposition too E?" InofiC. a. n 1 1 1 Iwi n n.i A..r of their ciuuntrj, tliej'r .r -r .ml . .null n r-nnrse. If the currency of our Statn i placed on a solid basis, and her credit preserved. they too must share in the benefit. If the resources of our State are developed, our produce carried to the markets of the world through our own ports, to enrich our own people and build np our own Towns, they will share equally with us, and we do most earnestly hope that every member of the "next Legislature" instead of looking to his politi cal promotion, or :he success of his party, instead of looking to popularity alone, instead of laboring to secure At re-election to the Legislature or some ' hiirher post of honor, will go Tor u- .ui-.i, w ...a .... . tiimeclf ha a- li n f State, let tne consequences they may. "The Democracy have a heavy majority in both branches of the Legislature," and if the opposition are satined that they have no part or lot in the important measures to be past, the "tremendous issues" to be met, let them act accordingly. Tbe . 111 Ul.t tllA VA u .nll.llilv democratic - - Ta T ' their weather-beaten but time-honored flag, will be borne by strong arms anu bu'ui of meeting from a generous constituency, tbe plaudit of "well done god and faithful servant." We learn from a correspondent in Bladen, that an extensive revival of religion ha been nroirressine at a protracted meeting held near r o - ti: I. . tl.ol 195 or 150 had lOllied . biiuiwiHvuio , - - - . it nrohable as many more i . r,.L I woald before me Close oi mo "".. - nd themany svniDtonn nf rmnnrt,. .1 - - - " V - -... cTiiivru in the South, has given great activity lately to this nefarious traffic. Even th MPtV,i;, i ...... Afisvupai Charch. in a late General Conference, passed a resolution saufctioning and licensing the trade,' designing it more to Convey a moral significance to their northern brethrenthan to take aiiy action' in the premises, yet lending a high authority" that! in its effects have been greatly prejudical to tne' cause they are seeking to propagate. The mjer of vessels Wcngnlsed and suspectod of beinfvrs in the last 3 months, are commit j ted by iCT exchange to exceed Forty, having pro- oaoiy in eac n instance a cargo of no less tharf three to four hundred negroes. This does not look like an abolition of the trade. The position of the South on this question seems to be equivQcal." lf it be a safe policy to revive the trade, we are uot opposod to it on any abstract prihcipfe of right but would recommend it only upon the exigency' of a dissolution of the Union. The action of the Charleston authorities recently in the dark enterprise is an index to the feeling in that community, not distinguished for Union-lov-iug sentiments or much conservatism. THE MORMONS, Mormonism is on the wane, "on its last leg." "Every dog has his day" is an old proverb, nicely adapted in its canine-sense to this blasphemous. i , . , , , . , j 14"lert community, and which must console them ,n t,,e,r declining greatness. Brigham Young, so latelv a saint, and invested with all the nrivTlo-oc nf this licensed order, has now to hide his diminished head' from the rifle balls of his victims, and what is probably more lamentable to him. is deprived of bis faithful wives, who have all sought the protection of the U. S. troops. We have often wondered how the natural in-- stinctH and cobM -be so pai"'" - aiyzeu anu subverted, as to become the miser,.ll 1 1 ii . I dupes of this abominable heresy; how even the in- tutuution ot religion could perpetrate such fraud upon their nature and their sex. The presence of the federal troops, may have' had a part in bringing about the great reaction which is threatening the annihilation of Mormon ism, at any rate, hundreds are abmdoning Utah1 and its associations and returning to their native lands, sensible of their folly and of the disgraceful part they have taken in this common outrage against decency and civilization. We may safely predict a speedy extermination of the lawless, godless set. The Philosophy of Love-Making. The Home Journal is responsible for the in structive piece of wisdom we copy below. It may be strictly correct as reasoning, and highly judi cious as advice, but we don't believe any man is competent to make a safe "platform" out of the subject. There is no calculating upon crinoline, is our experience. We have resorted to every plan human ingenuity could suggest, and adopted successively every system known to the art, bat with uniform unsuccess. There aint no ' wis dom" in the business: it's all Ivcki "I know that men naturally shrink from tha attei. pt to obtain companions who are their superiors; but they will find that really intelli gent women, who possess the most desirable qualities, are. uniformly modest, and hold their charms in modest estimation. j What such wo men most admire in men is gallantry; not the gallantry of courts and fops, but boldness, ii.ouruirp Hrvntinn decision, mid refilled i-irilitv ! A man's bearii.fr wins ten superior women where " - j Ilia IIUUlo HIIU "I nnio v hp vnv . m. lit Mil 0,Hjo t before a woman with respect for himself and fearlessness of her, his suit is half won. The j rest may safely be left to the parties most in ..mi'ii id i I tit' moKt fi. i til mud urree.-.lle rrvsmrt-, i tfjc? world, tt u tni wlio shows thai he has got a man's soul in him. If yon have not got the spirit in you to come op to a test like this, you have not got that in vou which most pleases a limh-souled woman. and you will be obliged to content yourself with the simple nirl who, in a quiet way, is ei.dcav oring to attract and faMtn you. "But don't be in a hurry about the blatter. Don't get into a feverish longing for marriage. It isn't creditable to you. Especially don't imagine that ai.y disappointment in love which takes place before you are twenty-one years old will be of any material damage to you. The truth is. that before a man is twenty-five year old he does not know what he wants, himself. So don't be in a hurry. The more of a man you become, and I he more manliness you be come capable of exhibiting in your association with women, the better wife you will be able to obtain; and one yr's possession of the heart and hand of a reallv noble sMcimen of her eex is worth nine hundred and i.inety-nine years' pom itiuii of iw j d uot. sweet creature with two ideas in ting new to say about either of them. "Betier fifty years of turope than a cycle of Cathay.' ,So don't be in a hurry, I say again. You don't want a wife now, and you have not the slightest idea of the kind of wife you will want by anri-by. Go into female society if yon can find that which will improve you, but not otherwise. You can spend yonr Liiiiti time better. Seek ine rocieiy oi goou men. .L . : r. ..call. 1 tn rnn than tho : i ii a i ia oi i c ii muic vi- j nthP and it is throueh that roostlv that TOO :n a M. ... tn ood female soci.tT.- - - j" i a - V