v- 27 -Pt A r 2 T' JL, . .r. W. LETT calved a larM and creneral STOCK Or ited to the FALL, and WINTER trade, ilTar or a choice selection of , . i . tm v finAne. and Shoes, with almost evervthinedesirablein Jn. line. i OCERIES always to be had mC- Goods sol GTT'it st prices lor CASH, or ex- changed fo uce. ly-pd s August OLZ) DOMWIOJr FEE POT. ofNew York, in hisonrna of Healt'1 1858, say: "We command the Old Do te Pot to all lovers of cood colfee, as we Ei'jytnoTOlJiat it is one 'fr,'new things" to tire piRJjc in which no impVVon is prac- wjyt-u uas me uouuie ouciiys oi science ii sense." 4 at the Urockerv Store, i'rices: RT. l35r li QUARTS. SI. 75; ' 2 QUARTS. 3 QUAlOte, S25. 4rWiTS, $3.0 Bay one if you like good etl. rrPsjrnA ST 15 R:E3W-.AJ unaway from the Subscriber pr on the lfr July, last, the followincr n m r . ... a II 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ii i -,TWy fonnerTy Ix-longee! to Alexander McCollister, doc'd, and at his sale were purchased by the Subscriber. Said negroes are supposed to be lurking in that vicinity, or in the vicinity of Archibald McLean's, Harnett county, who owns Eliza's mother. The aboye Reward will be given to any person taking ud said negroes, and informing the subscriber at Tejbinth, Cumberland Co., X. C. DANIEL. L. SMITH. August 23, 1856. tf FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. THIS SEMINARY OF LEARNING, :ne... riorated with Collegiate powers by the Legislature of the State, is provided with a full corps of expe rienced Teachers, new Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and the usual facilities for the acqui sition of knowledge. The Seventh Session will commence on the first Monday in October. For further information ad dress the Principal. WM. K. 13LAKE. Aug. 10, 185. 2m I SHE Subscribers having associated themseives -H together in the practice of Law, under the name ami style of CAMERON AN? SIIA."V, will iitteud the County and Superior Courts of Moore, Montgomery, Anson, IJichniond, and Robeson. All business entrusted to them will receive their careful and prompt attention. Address Cameron and Shaw, Attorneys at Law, liockingham, Richmond Countv, N. C". Joii;j W. Camekox. Joirx D. Shaw. May 1, 18.53. ly Coupon Bonds for Sale. The Western Rail Road Co., have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. 0 01)0 of the Coupon Bonds of the V ' County of Cumberland, bear ing 7 per cent, interest, payable s-nii-annuallv on' the 1st Juno and the 1st of December, and "run ning' 20 years. $90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 0 per cent interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st January and the 1st July, and running 20 yenrs- These bonds wero issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co , to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co is selling them) a better invest ment than aiij- Rank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. 15. MALLETT, Esq, Prt. or JN0. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. March G, lc 02-tf NEGROES AND LAND FOR SALE. The Subscriber having Concluded to chance his business, offers fur sale thirtv nee-rocs and the whole of his Lands. The negroes are nil young, and in families, and will be sold in families, or all together. i The lands lie on the East sMo ,f the Cape Fear River, ia Bladen County, twenty miles below Fav- ! ttteville; embracing (2,508) tvventy five hundred j and eight acres, which may be divided into four) niti-.is, nun iiupiovemejiLs in mo way ot cieured l.md and houses on each. The principal dwelling is large and comfortable, having eight rooms with a fire place in each. A man of large tnpitjil mav make a line investment here. Tlif-re is, a suffi ciency of cleared land to produce 7000 bushels of corn, and a large quantity of good land to be cleared. This property will be offered nrivateW until iW. first of Oct. If not sold by that time, "which will be indicated by a continuance of this advertisement till the 2nd day of Nov., when the whole will be offered at public auction at my residence commenc ing with the land on the 2nd dav of November continuing on from dny to day, till the above prop erty with a fine stock of cattle, hogs, horses, mules, and the entire crop are all disposed of. Terms liberal and made known at sale. W. D. PEARS ALL. Descrett P. O . Bladen co.. X. C, .Tni ai tf , - - . - . READ THIS! a. Hollander's testimox lacoD itinsKes. living in tne Holland seTTieinC E'wygan, vv isconsm.says: "Attersuneringforsoni tu i misery attenuing an utter prostration of m w-m am- MP ft w 1 r r w j i m . rv j -' . . 0 nt Kzmrny 1 A 1 L - j 1 - IT lion ot - PcecrhaJjKiependent r. tt I h ive leen curnrnil Tut ,tditi LSlfters, to perfect health." bth";s remedy boing in such high reputt IIUII HUW, MIUUUI.I n III II l1IIHBH I I I (TH II . IVI'W WVT. 11 , . I - - . . .... - . i orn,in wci in every no nana settlement l atue rniteti States a""fitues much in its favor. f iryi lor juronic or xxervous ueinlitv, I hut nervous or Rheumatic. Neuralgic afection CAN EPILirSY BE CUREI We think the following letter from a respectable citizen of Mississippi will answer the question, and remove all doijLts from every unbiased mind; fjA..GnKYADA. Miss., JJe 5, 1855 Dr. Seth S. iiSace. Baltimore Md. Djfr Sir: I take great pleasarein relatinga case of spasms or fits, cured by your invaluable Piils. My brother J. J. Ligon. has long been afflicted with this awful disease. He vas first attacked while quite yonng, He would have one or two 'spasms at one attack at first: hut as he prrew old;r. they seemed to increase likewise. Up to the time he commenced taking your Pills.be had them jjg-y often ami quite severe, prostrating him body and ilrTnd. His mind had suffered seriously; hut now; I .am happy to say he isiij"d of those' fits. He has ijoyert fiae health foituelast five months past. Hi fcm;)! has also returned to Us original snriehtliness 11 this I take great pleasure in communicating a ; ll will curethem. Ynnrsresnectfullv. A"S. n win 'iv L. senriinor to iir nance, alter tni rr- aunDWVTl nrTi'iestimahti TnArlie.inn. Tlis nririen n mail free on the receipt of he remittance. AddretP Seth S. Hance. 108 Raltimore. M. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLl ID EXTRACT A a remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, F idney'' 3vel. Dropsy. TTeakneFS. &c., has no equal Read h advertisement iq another column heiflcf Hem' bbl6?8 Gcnuiiifi Pretarati'bis. COPPSE, TIN & SHEET IRON MAN UF ACTORS. JAMES MART1NE, still continues to manufacture everything in the abovs line at his old stand on Hay Street. Job work done with despatch. -J- Sept. 10 1838 3m. (Town paperscopy 3m. - This Company baa been ia operation more than Ave years, and has paid its loases, amounting to $19,125 85, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about i per cent. Policiesissued to 1st of May, 1858,2769. Amount of property now insured, tl' ar "' Amount premium cotes now oa hand, $22 4 yo ' . , 1. rtm;,Q rMoivpd $oi,Oll 111 CllltUUiO w v v. , DIRECTORS. Geo. McNeill. O. A. Ray, H. Ij. Myrover S. T. Hawley. W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethau, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, S. W. TilliughasJ iicury jjiuy, N. A Stedman, S. J. Hinsdah?, T. S. Gutter) oh, Wm. McLaurin, A. W. Steel; Jas Kyle, J. (J. Shepherd. R.F.Brown, Wilmington, Hall. Wilm'ngton. OFFICERS- GEO. UrfclL?.. President. l. A. Ray. Vive-President C. A. McMillan. Secretary John Collins and C. McCrummeu, traveling Agents. The Company invite applications. Vl SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY AMD Car.e Fear and Ieep River Advertiser. HAVING FAILED FOR THE WANT of patronage, in the publication of Stedinan's Magazine," I propose to publish at Pittsbo rough, Noi tli Carolina, a Free and Independent (weekly) Paper, to be entitled, The Sct'THERN- CoNFKPERACY: AND CaTE Fear ax! Deep River Apvertiser; To be devoted to Politics, jMeralure, Jntcnial Improvements, Domestic, and Foreign JSeics, Agriculture, Commerce, jSlani'ftictnre, Mineral A's-soit-'ces the Markets, 6,-c, JfC, embracing every thing of IVblic interest, T slml! v.-ith nciTect freedom, discuss Fede ral Polities; all questions of Srate policy, and every issue in which the interests of the Soul!) are involved, untrammelled by Platforms ac knowledging no allegiance to any pany, fur ther than redounds to the prosperity of North Carolina and the Southern States. I shall, with ut'iaitering energy, devote my self to the interests of my natiTe State, (North Carolina.) whose dormant resources, if devel oped, would render her in point of wealth, the "Empire State" of thj Houth. The. Southern Ccnfcderacu; and Cave Fear and Veep River Advertiser, will be emphatical ly, in tone, what the former cianse ot the titie denotes, and as indicated by the latter clause be a general advertising medium; and, devoted to the interest of North-Carolina, it w ill un ceasingly and earnestly urge the improvement and development of that portion of the State which is watered by Cape Fear and Deep Rivers. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION rVYABLE IN ADVANCE 1 copy for one year, $2 3 copies " ( " 12 " " " To be issued as soon as the necesary 5 9 arrange- ttients can be effected. A. J. STEDMAN, Pittsboro,' June 19 Editor and Proprietor. P. S. I would be plesse to furnish "The Southern Confederacy ; and Cape Feer and Dekp River Advertiser" to the subscribers to "Steuman's AZagazine," and especially to those wlio have paid their subscriptions. If, however, those who pa'd in advance for the Magazine do not wish to patronize "The Southern Confederacy; and Cape Feer and Deep River Advertiser" the amounts by them paid will be promptly returned, oa the receipt of an order to that tfeet ' A. J. STEDMAN;" Late Editor and Proprietor of "Stedmati's Magazine." SKCOO VOLUME OF THE BEAUFORT JOURNAL, A Commercial & Family Paper, Published in Beaufort, JY. C . THE "Beaufort Journal"' Commenced its Second Volume, on the 1 2th of April, 1858. The Journal being the only paper published on Beaufort Harbor, and the onlv one devoted tu its interest, the editor appeals to all who give their feel an interest in that locality, to port to his paper. The Editor makes no lov.- promises that his paper shall be the in the country for the price, or that there will bo anv extra display of talent in its Editorial Columns, as is frequent ly the case in issuing prospectuses for conn try papers, but he does pledge himself to publish a good paper one worthy of a literal, support from the people of people of Editor to the"iXt, 'ffii the design of the ti!iJP".siTUets atest N?ws. &c continue as heretofore. In- all subjects. It will take sides with no political party, but will advocate such measures as ore thought best calculated to pro mote the interest of the country and of our State. .As to the different localities in thi.s -vTcinity, it is not our object to show partiality, dio n ivocate the claims or ueauiori. riaroor leave Beaufort, Morehead and Carolina Ciiies to stand on their own merits ueuevinjj that more nood can be accomplished in this way. thau in discussing the claims or advan tage of locaIities;-and we appeal to the citizens those interested, and to the friends of these places, to srive us thjiir support. The completion oTthe Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad is near at band, and it is very important that the only paper published on this Harbor should be widely circulated, in order that its Commercial advantages may be come better known. Persons at a distance, who feel an interest in this place will find the .lonrnal to be very interesting, as we shall be careful to give all local news of anj importance terms: '" One Copy one year, $2,00 V) Five Copies " 8,00 Ten " 15,00 ? The getter up of the club will bo entitled to one copv gratis. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. 1 May 29 1858 lj I , .1 llll I HWn 111 on A liberal deduction made for yearly advertise ments. All communications must lie addressed to JOHN NICHOSL Ed. & Pro. Beaufort -N C: June 26, 1858.- tf Tha Subscriber wishing to moveo the countj fers for sals a good Dwelling jiouse; liar a. other Out Houses, with about lb Acres ot i.ii on Adam Street in Lower t ayeu-eviue , nmne.rtv will lii sold ehean and on libera 1 J. HA. Appiy to Fayetteville, Aug 21. tf fc, MM STARR WIIIIU HAVE removed to the two brick Sttf$,i endof the Fayetteville Hotel building, w are now opening their SECOND STOCK, of Groods for this Spring. recently seated by one of the firm in t ho markets, wn'tch will be offered for sale tc -h costoir.cis on tue usual terms f All persons who wish " to buy GoiX wil(l.BSALE..are respectfoHy, invitej3 examine" this stock, at. ouiwy stand, Fayettevill' notel btui J. li. STAKK.J y-'f'W' - " B. Stai May 1st . i j mi w k. l j HOUSE. LOT,. AND N Va r uv. .iml.-rKirrfied wisliuisf to close p thoif .offer foralehe HOUSE & I-OT on Ilay -. nnnnii. 1 in- Mnbir Gilmore. Alo, a miwvjiiiv i4 .rA15B?f ,(f htiviri!? tried him tor ii fii o mnTuhs '-fcnimeu(l h as an ei. lent servant, fcoth ton noSse or out d :4, sold for ni.iD IdUurm: neR FUR lsTOHTH-CA no 1 ,1 N IX FORMA TIOX. The undersigned proposes to publish in the City of Raleigh, a seTis.i-annual3ocv.SAi., of the above title-, devoted exclusively to the dissemi nation of statistical! information. The want of such a Journal is felt by every' intelligent citizen, who desires to become nt all j acquainted with the resources of the State, our I present condition, futnrc prospects, and by none so. much as by our Legislators. - ! That we have no regular system of si afistics, j cannot be attributed ta any want of jiiaterial. j There are large amounts of valuable and lister esting information scattered tlitough 6nr Legis lative and Executive 1 'ocuments ana Keconls, which, in their present situation, for all pructi-: - C hinese eal purposes, might as well be in the language. Resides what our Legi-dativc archives contain, our newspapers often publish valuable statistical intorniation, wrucn is eit:-.c-r lost, or if preserved by a very few, is so incon venient to find wher. wanted, that the facts are soon forgotten. 7 he fame may be said of the Reports" and Statements from time to time made by oar incorporated companies and others engaged in Manufactures, Mines, Commerce, -e To collect these various items of informa tion, and Cive them to the pub.ic m a shape easy of reference and for perpetual preservation, as well as to gather from ali available resour ces, everything bearing directly or indirectly on our wealth, prosperity ana immsiry, is design of the Journal now odcred h Iuhlic ! patronage. So far as the plan for conducting the same has been matured, the pages ot the fc I Alia I 11 lie devoted to ti.e oiraiisement of such w tallies relatiiM' to our 1 u;u latiori Ani'icnlt ure. Oonimerce. E.lneiitiot i ,!;e I m prove men t's, :l il'i Social StO- thfir condition Manufactures, Fisneries, Mines, tistics generaily, as win present and our progress in each. ' It is also designed to contain the Reports (coodensyi') of the Public 'jfVwsnror, Com missioners of the .Sinking Fund, Superintendent of Common Schools, and all other State Offi cers and Eoard?; as also, Statements and Re port; of the condition and progress of the vari ous Railroad and Navigation Companies. The Statist v. i'.l be put to press as soon as : sufficient number of responsible names are ch ained to pay the expenses of publla that. The numbers w;!l contain each, not less than 150 pajres closely ninted matter, making a book of 300 papres, or more, to which will be added n fall and complete index. Terms: THREE DOELAIJS per avni m -ONE DOI-LAI; AND I-IPTY CAl VPS. f'.r sx MONTHS; av;iblp wiion tin.' tir-t number i.-s rt-udy for publicatiiui. wl-.ioh fact will be duly arii.uiscci': in the public New.-papers. Tho.sc liers.oijs nitcutiniir to patromz UiZO tin -rsiirne Journal, will sc-ud their name t- the uu without delay, as it is desirable to issue the number as soon as possible. QUENT. KITsr.I Ealeigh, N. C. Jan. I. lf.-8. ii rst FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! FOUTHB TI1AIIK UU 1'UIVJTK I'SB. F ii r n i tu re M an ufaei u rers. 3o P. iV IS. !i Yj -N K W : TO H.K.. Terms I ash. O; e Price Only. -i Heretofore we have tnARufacturcd and sold exclusively at wholesale. We are now prepared' to offer a well assorted stock at retail, at a sa-j viug of from twenty to thirty per cent, to the' Consumer. i We have now for sale ' Kahogany Chairs, spring seats. upholstu nt ir. hilir rlfil l a from S2 ."S Majiogany SoCts. spring seats, to G 00 g 1 from 13 00 to 26 00 i Mahoaanj id spring s Mahogany Roeki&g chairs. :ing seat, upholstercrt hair-cloth, from 5 00 to 12 00 tasy Chairs. ' on castors or rocivers. up- m bolstered in hiiir cloth, 11 00 tc 1 Mahogany Tcto-a-tete. np- 00 ii bolstered in hair-Cloth, 1 00 to 35 00 S Magogapy Tete-a-tete -Sofas, J upholstered in hair cloth 25 00 to 45 00 " MARBIiEAM) M AHOG A St Y TOP Tables In great variety of siyfes, tjualities and prices. Vi BtraEAUS. Half Marble and "Wood Top. with Cor"vitIout Glasses, wj--h Wwh -.-lands to niatch. Areo, waiorooes, i.uusii'uus, Miiei-oard.-;, Iliillfj Stands, Book Cases, Lounges. Etegeres, Coraia in. i . ., .. .1 I -. . , . i - I,..', ' OliiUlUS rtllU llVi-rfk. -Ill- g f OFFICE FU RN1TURE, Desks. Tables and h r- uuairs. . 1.11 biJ-j v gwjio (UAj-ittt wu'UUk ul Uk it 9 liack v Iffir?vVo' ! the same prices. rV f3 PARLOR SUITS., in vain French Brocatelle, Satin Da'iisk, Sa'-n.-J'-iiff Plush. . . .. The same in Black Walnut, the fraues ofk which are stained iu varnishing, making a hpau-d tiful imitation, anu upeoisicreu in the .--auie r.i goods, make a showy appearance at a much low-Sf, J CI ui ' " O In our establishment can be found a great v riety of Fancy Chairs, in Rosewood. Mahogany and Black Walnut, Turkish Smoking Chairs'! He jclining Chairs. IJall Chairs, Voltaire Chairs. MCane Chairs, and also the Celebrated S SPUING BED. " Known as Tucker's Patent This article M would particularly recommend, it having ,l fullv teste.!, ana tonnu upon trial to ne tne iie. Soring liOItom ever invtn CONCLUSION. select Erl Parties who are not able tc personally the goods thev mav want. can depend upon h:iv - ing their orders filled with a- much care, and thoiifh tr.pv were' r.vp - fl i. J ,..1. t,o otcn nlfcr linr utri.-in . fnv mtm Qh Election of any Household Goods fhey may. Hwant and as we "should purchase from First lr Hands, a saving will thereby be aiade which the w Aug- l.'lttT: 61-ly J T 1 53 rw T T&rf'.j -3-. i mmmw. t . . t i .ti i w. i ii ins t- w: . ,i..i. t-! UUIr.lwl'S t-. . W3 r x. i t i i - l. A KCil A l11t A FT r nr ORTABLE. STEAM RiS:ow E. corner bth and Hamilton ts.. Philad..Pa. ortauie Steam Enirines. on larmu .. - nrue foratcm t. ' . , "ueeis, wim a iih.Bp Pnmni,..., "7:. , memaooui Z " .l.V,"u,ers' making 10 to 30 wisa !".er. xraers are hlled in frm a -. rauu IOr Sale. TUo .nn-inou jave tieen :n use seven years, and in every instance jT.de ffivengeneralsatisfaction r. win De sent when applied for iescnptivecircaiara 32-tf ir.JIBQLD'S GEXUIiSE PREPARATION or RL CO!IC EXTRA TED COHIPOIIID vF'-CIB EXTRACT BECOli. uj teases at tiu s-i 7 T- - . . -j iith , i.iu.neys , irravet, erth.-aess, uoscnictwiu, Secret 1-emale Complaints, and all meaxes of tfi-e Sexual (ira-ni,. rom Excess and Imprudence inlifeand re 's 'Improper Discharges from the Bladder r P S.' MR I Ofrro no i-l - , - . f ' MALE OU FEMALE. FrWu whatever cause they may have originated, and ...aHn ui i,uwi.jiiS iiuang: giving Health and r.o tne irame, oloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFT.Tr.Tv.it tn ;ires Nervous and Dehui'tated Sufferprs nn.i 11 . 1 : ' . ... me isyinpioms, among wfeich will be foun 1 Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss oJIomory, Difficulty of Bi?Bgpg', Gen eral YVeaknessfbrror of Dis easji. Nerves. .Tremblin'o-' ijuaorror or ueatn, jiiht LTfia Feet, WaktralneTlW-- ' ' anguT, UniveffhJ L3 ,cnlar Systeiffainf often with Rysia!Rllj'?ai"-Js.,. ?lllng of the lody-,JDryness tiie Skiu. Palled Countenance and Irrup tions on the Face, Pain in the Back, . Heaviness of the Eyelids, frequently ISlock Spots FlyinfeJse fore the Eyes., With Tomuovary Suffirsion and -' Loss of SiVht. Want of Atten tion. Gleat Mobility, Rest lessness, witj Horror of Society. "". othir.T is more desirable to -such Patients than Sofitudc. and nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Kepose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. These svmptoms. if allowed to go on whieh this medicine invariably removes 00.. .iouow ioss 01 1 Tower Fatuity and Epileptic tits m one ot whicn ;: '. .xp;re. Whe can say that these ex- icwes are not frequently followed by these threlal 'i:8'"ics Inanitv aad Consumption? The records of Hie In-ane Asyluins. and the melancholy deaths by t:oii'niiTd.ion. Var ample witness to the trath of these .ec-Sons In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy xh-bHion appears. The count-nance is actu-slly sod- i-n i.'i' quite destitute neuni-r .viirui or unu ever visits it. 'should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely irtlov.iate. 'With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.' D'bi'.itvi roost terrible! aaa has brought hou i .uds upon thousanda to untimely graves, thus blast ! .-tbi- ambition of many noble youths. It can be : . .red by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY, i if you are suffering with any of tbe above distressing ' m nts, the Fluid Extract Buclnt willcure you. Try 1 . ..-,1 i,J vim-ii of its efficiency. Beware of On.ick v,tr..f. and Onat-fe Doctors, who falsely boast of am) references. Citizens know aud avoid ill ie ?ii-s. v.i v.n - - ai and save Long Suffering. Money, and ending or calling for a bottle of this Poj exposure opuiar and it ailavs all paia and inBamation, is perfectly plea. I sa-'t in its taste and odor, but immediate in its action. ! llelu'teoW Ii"xiittcl liucliu Is r.'-epaied directly according to the Rule of Pharma 'cv t.aU Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and ! f 'Vjiioal knowledge aud care devoted in its combina- i ) So Prosesor Dewee6 V aluaule Works on the . lice of Physic, and most of the lat Standard SS5 -A n- .. l u'idreJ Dollars will be paid to any Physician XV-vn prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa-t- and the tef-tinu.ny ci 'thousands can be produced ' '".'X i"it A us Treat .good. Coswjs of from one i t.- id ti.irti en years-' standing haie been effected. The mass of Voluntary fTesii.io'iy ia possession ot Proprietor, youchrng its i i iaiense, embracioj virtues and enrattve pow - names well known to ;. -ioe and Fame. -iob.000 P.ottts bare been Sold and not a s.ngle sni-.ce of a failure has bef-n report, d! "i-rsonallv appeared before me. an Alderman of the ' on'hilauelphia. H. T. HELMBOLD. Chemist, who .N.vaulv sworn docs say, that his preparation con ns no Narcotic, M'Tcary or injurious I'icg. but are i. iv Ycsrctatde. p ij. x. HEI.Ml'OT.D. Pole Manufscturc-r. , ubcribcd before mt' this 23d day of No- ,p,4 V. V. HIBBARD. -Mdernru i'PK'F.: si per Bottle: or Six for $5, Delivered to v- V idrss. accomp:' nic-d by reliable and responsible -;i.-t"frr.m Professors of Medical Colleges, Cler- U' li ai d oth.-rs-. Prepared and sold by Practicai and Analytical Chemist. So ;2 South Tenth St.. below Chestnut, AsserabW 'ild'lin'S, I'hila. 'v??r-F!eware of Counterfeits. Ask-for Ilelmbold's Take no other. Cures Guarantied. inn IS. IBR7. ly 31 OSELE T,S Griffix, Ga., 1856. ' All persons afflicted with Cancer, Tumors. Wvtis, Scrofula, Scald-Ifead, Totter. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Otorrho?o Ulcers ot ail liiuus. together with ail ther chronic diseases, can avail loselv's services at Griihn. Ga. themselves of Or. Office on 8th st. are required to gisT-TERMS: Ail persons pay their fees in advance, or give their notes with references. No case'-wiil be undertaken niiless it can be cured or admit of relief. Mv j ! mode of practice in Cancer and Cancerous affec- 1 ;.- r ... : t. r. V. e ncni A1 till! tltifinr miiif lin llOllS, la Itilwii i-ii iii- ' v. . u o l 1 1 , and is both local and Ctttistitutional, causing out very little pain, in most cases. All cases of CANCER are required to oe unaer my mediate t-ure t rwl KDervoi One to private W 1 Ooroinuriicatioira etrtctly answered. Adarcrs Sc'ly, M. D..'GrilB... Ga. proiup-'j 6flRBHC8 BREAST CAS BE CURED!! LET THE PUBLIC READ, x pvcv o the afflicted, aud the gratitude and high Tl euterlain of Dr Moseley, as a' "Surgeon ana i'V'1"; V;n 1 deem it my duty to mention the case ol 1 uysu ,lttilfi same tin.-: that all personssimi- inyV -Wicted may be benefitted by it. In the fore lai .y amCteu iu jr R-vcral small lumtis to parto . a j 'rar.p. in her breast ; they contiuned in si7e until the whole breast became a fpTa-edmasfi.and very painful. I procured tbe best ..usea-i." . r, and notwithstandina , l in 1 am m i " - --' r- earnest and faithful attention of the most skilful vUiiftns she continued to grow worse and worse tilaHey gave the case up a iucurable, and advised ' Ttat'or I "s advised by many of my friends, to al?r nA'W? -MoseJey, of Griffin, Ga., which I did, VIS. 1 '-' f ; ourr. t linil her ent.irfllv .V-i C.m ifoi-e nth! and she is now in good h-itth:! I w'OUla au . ise an woo are auiiuieu nun m-n- attVr:ons.to Tisit the Doctor with- Hhiit he is the moft skilful physiciaa in the a J .,,'. , t... ln'mont - f that KiIrilO i i- Suocer WM. II. MITCHELL, . . ftl. ti MlllyHIiLL, Daughter of J. W.Bradbury, Rome. Jur. - 20, 1857. ly - tuo. Approaching Fourth. Everybody is making ' nf cnmst-i-Kl for the nrniwr nhservance u nreoaritLi"." ------ . ;.f thp - Glorious Fourth." borne will go abroad, ana ,omc will stay at home, -ther will remain sober ; some uVvill don military unifoi ms, while the great majority EM ;ii arr snch rdaic clothes as are tecomsngto respec- I .1 nntriotic Drivate Citizens. Of COUTSe tbe !-pat massof these people will get their garments at the Brown Store Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilsorr, I fjoe603 and 605 (atew style) Chesout street, above tf-!T8. , 3k r MumuAfe UOLLEGE OF GEORGIA mi J course of Lectures in this Insti- ,uLiUUniwUuuiiueuc on Monday, the 2d November Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, G. M. Newton, M.D Anatomy. H F Campbell, M. L. Surgery, L. A, Dugas, 3t. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, I.. D. Ford.M D Materia Mediea, Therapeutics and Medical Jurienrn- Obstetrics and Diseases of Worn en and Intents, J. A. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, H. V M Miller, M. D. " ' Chemistry and Pharmacy, Alex. Means, M D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, R Campbell,' M. D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, S. B. Simmons. M. D. Clinical Lectures will be delivered in t.k rtittr tt pital and at the Jackson street Hospital. ree lor waoie course, $105. , Matriculation Ticket (to betaken once,) $5 For further particulars, apply to any member of the Faculty, or to I- P." GRAVIN, Dean Sept 5th. 1857. "66-tf SaKPPtaiS CttEAl fiEEFAt I'll E GREATEST PEHIOD lHENEDy EVER DISCftlBjE .000 bxs, RetaioTd M3? THE BENEFACTOR IS INFALLIBLE tor the im mediate removal of Obstructions lrrigularttics Pro lapsus Uter ffpiiics of the womb) Leucborrhea or uiiew, iiu an n-jiscas es Jjecmiar tTeniMls This remedy has never ia a sinri I ;i i.l .1 rr (Ii.. VI .i .... X. .. .. .. -n , .or recommjvviaiion. wincn all .Fnii- -iT4 ;i ti. recommcTgation. which all .fri medy wi.p!pPe evr nsed." l5i' adache luniruor. tfrtny.. tr. remei headache Linuriior stomaeii, mDlbms 'wwKAaTffeiid' irregular menstraTii remedy ts certain f o remove one iind all of thei coms Bo snre and get the .srennine, which has my signi ture on each box. This remedy may be had by ad dresMng J. S. SHEPPARD, West Fourth street Cin cinnati, and" enclosing $1, and the remedy will be sent by return mail. - N. B. Ladies who are pregnant Should not use this remedy, as it is snre to bring on miscarriage, though no injury to hoaith would follow. .One box $1, three boxes S 2. All letters of inquiry must contain a pos tage stamp to ensure aa answer. J. S. SHEPPARD. Sole Proprietor, Cincinnati. O. Ansnst 1. 1S57. bl-ly Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER. At the Quaker City Publishing IToiue ofDuane Eulisou. Philadelphia. Ey buying a book for $1, or more, von are at once presented with a prize, -worth Irom 25 certs to S100. consisting of Fine Gold Jewelry Watches, ic. Ali orders by mail will be promptly titled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most popular books of the dav. aad will besold at the usnalretail prices, many of them for less. Persons wishing any particu lar book can order at once and it will be forwarded witq a gift. A catalogue giving full information,, with a list of books and gifts, will be sent post paid by ad dressing DUANE RULISON. No. 33 S. Third Street. Phila. Agents wanted. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Circulation, over 100,000 Copies Weekly ! 25 WITNESSES, FORGER C0NV JOiiv S. DTK IS THE or lhc C T E D i AUTHOR. as a Banker Who has had 10 years experience as a Banker and Publisher and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle when for 10 successive nights, over $ZS 50,000 People- greeted him with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the manner in which nmmterfi-iters execute i heir Frauds, and the surest and lLi- ."" " .1.-lectin 1 - - . The Bank Note Engravers all any that he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING C0OTEBFCIT BASH. XOTES. Describing every Genuine Bill in existence and ex hibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation !, Arranged so admirably, that reference is easy aod j.iii lnet.ntMiou!i. No index to examine I via ia"es to huntnp! But eo simpiiueu aim i's. that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see at a glance. E:jW3H, Frexch axd German. Thus each may read the same in his own native Ton ""no JHr.st pereel Bank Note List published. Al -o a List of all the Private Bankers in America, v rnmvdcte summary of the Finance of Europe and nvrica will be published in each edition, together with all the important News of the day. Also, a series of tales f rom au old manuscript found in the East. It turi'Uhes the most complete history of ORIENTAL LIFE, describing the most perplexing positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that country have been so often found. Tkee Stories will continue throughout tbe whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. aBSL. Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at $1 a year. AH Letters must be addressed to J JOIIN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and proprietor, 10 Wall Street, 2sw York. April 25, 1851. ly. PliOSPCETUS OF THE SOUTIIEHJT LITERAHY MESSENGER For the Year 1856. July to December. f WEXTy-THIHlJ VOIiCME. -Ia issuing the Prospectus of the Twenty-Third Vol ume of the SOUTHERN LITERARY-MESSENGER, commencing with the July No., the Proprietors rely solely on the encouraging letters and promises of the friends of the Messenger to aid them in extending its circulation, and they beg to assure the public that no p-ri.rt.ions will be remitted on their part to maintain the high character of the work, and tc challenjj yhc- .....r....-.. '13-. vliu vul ue ti-rli.i(r literary mi'Pit. .-ti v it V file "K'r lit.n endeavored n reflr-ctfithfalIyMeSoi.tlKjriimiia.iiiortijoiriir,jr a,rnnal-vievvs, afiCha:- -v ;u alcn', all"""""""".. .si;l. nf lMwirAin nfmft amon. the moniniy pei " 'TAV Ti ' .ii r- of the ounm 1 1 k imsiiiuiiuic- . j-xj.. SOUTHERN STATES. T7m v ; To this office it will be devoted, and ViU b- prompt o repel adults upon the South, whether they -ome under the specious garb of fiction, Of n tl.-..;;,t .orw ...-.mr.hli ts. Ar us critical .jU.lCtUlP. -e -employing-literatuwsiup -ost potent weapons of attac. the will surely not wiianmu " -- rr-i, -v work whose aim it shall be to strike Wows iU.wr ue uc . ... , ,r :-..,. J-e,- The Messenger wiil, as nereio'c, with Reviews, mswrw. e.u.r, Skelefns. Novels, Tales, Travels, Assays, 1'oems, Critiques, and Papers $n the Army, Navy and other National Subjects. With a view to ensure a larger circulation of the MFSSENG'-'R the Proprietors though they intend greatly 'increasing the size of the iwork, have reduced the price of Supscription, which is now only Three Dollars per. annum, in Advance, OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT FAID BEFORE THE BURST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. CL UBS Remitting us Fifteen Dollars in one letter will be entitled to Six Copies. The' Editorial and Critical department of the Mes senger will continue nnder the charge of JOHM 11. THOMPSOB, Esq., a will pmbrace copious notes on current literature of alt new American or Foreign works eeneral interest and Talne." The Editor's opinions will be always fearlessly and honestly avowed. The Business Department is conducted by the under signedtto whom all communications of a business na- ture ?J$B,mGUgSoN & CO. i mw Bndif,FrakU Street, Richmond. T. Yoid l L. StJOTT & CO.'S KKPBIA'T OF THE BRITISH PERIODICALS AND THE PARJIFK'S GUIDE GREAT REDUCTION IK THF Vmrv . OF THE LATTER PCbLiCfATloN E L. SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK re lish the following leading Britlfh . Pfod?c'-l5.lib THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Ccnserv.tivc.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (WJ THE NORTH BRITISH REm THE WESTMINSTER JKYIEW(Liberai.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH vjch r,,,T (lory These Periodicals ably represenlthe ihrA. political parties of Great Bjitain-WLie t firC"i ! character. As Organs of the most t,?" , 01 b " ' .vi me 1 1 1 ; : v r r. o I .... . .. . mi isieiifsp. i.npritLui mr,r hit .. i v .. . - "111 L-fii Iflt.tPrR. hcintr inrTisiipnciV.Io i. . vii ;- o ' l" "f FCriOJflP anil rirATOccliVn a I m o it n hilu 4 n 1 . everyVlass they furnish a more correct tnd S! tory record of the current litfri,r, :f : 1 " throuchont the world, than ran .:,V' .e ?ay of the possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES me receipt of ADVANCE ish publishers givtss addition the Brit e Reprints tsmuch as they can now be hands of Buuscriiicrs aoout as soon as ns. acyatwo ol tue tour bevicv.8 For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood's Magazine For Blackwood and thfee Reviews For Blackwood and the four Reviews Payments to be made in oil cases Money current n the Stale u-here issued will ceived ot par. ciiisnm:. A discount of twenty -five per ceit from the aboVe prices will be allowed toCixns ordering four or ntorfe copies of any one or more of the abov works. Thu Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Rt- iow , will be sect to one address for $P; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $it0; and eo on. POSTAGE In all the principal Cities and Towns; those worl p will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sect by mail, the Postage to any part of tbp United States will be but TWENTY-KCt It CENTS a yeas ii i j i t 1 r t - , ii i -. lor ii;icKvoi:u auu urn, rutin Lt,i CHiS 1 i5 a yeai for each of the Reviews. N. B. The price in Great Britain rf the. f-e Periodical ahore-nuned isalivt $31 jer ennnw. THE FAI!MIiliS tllPE To Scientific ami Practical Agriculture. By Ilanry Stephens. F. 1!. S.. ot L'dinbui gh, and the late J. P. Nortonl'rofesscr of .cciei.tific Agricul ture in Yale College. New Hat en. 2 ols Iioai Octavo. 1000 pages, and numerous V.'cod ar.d Siki-I Engravings. This is. confessedly, th most complete work ol Agriculture ever published, and in cider to fcivc. it a wider circulation the publishers ha-j e rtsolvtd to re duce the price to Fle EefZ&rg for the tw o V..Iiiirs ! ! "When sent by mail (post-paid) fo California ard Oregon the price will be 7 dollars. To every ether part of the Union, and to Cai.ada (post-paid f, dollars. "54.. This woi k is not the old "Peck of the Fcrm." Remittances for any of the above puVlications should always be addressed post-paid, to the I'ublitl t rs, LEONARD SCOTT &. CO.. No. 54 Goid-Etri'f-t. New York. fnlmlulion in Consumption. BRONCHITIS. I.Ab YNGiTIS, and otht-r Lis eases of the Chest and Throat, successful !y fi iat ed by the Inhulaticn of Medicated Vapors and l ow ders. by absorption and constitutional ti eatuicct, as practineil at ttio Stuyvetant Mtdical li.ttituie, Kcw The nnprcceucnted success which has attended this method of treating dis-eases of the Lungs ar.d Throat has induced us to depart, irom Mr iifual course, and ourselves of the columns of the press, in order to bring it to the knowledge of si;ch :ss msy be lal.oi 'u g under Or pn disposed to stu n nficetU r.s. Il-.e rlsw n of a brighter day has at length avrivi d fcr tbe C.n snmptive; the doctrine of the incurability of f nmn p tion having at length pass-id away. AVc have ir.dubi table proofs in our popsesfinn that Cc-Esunnption in alt its stages can be cured! id the first, by tul crcular ab sorption: in the sccoi:d, by the treuhlormations of the tuberculc into chalky and calcareous concrclicns, in the third by cicatrices, or stars. Tlic-e v. tddfd to the opinions of the past may ns-fert, that, even now, consumption is incurable, such ore behind the fife. To all, this great truth mtist be apparent, viz: that the medicines inhaled in the l'cim ot vapor or Powder di rectly into the Lungs, must be murh more effective tban that taKen iiiio ii.e .iijii-ucn. wnere me ai;;tase does not exist. The advantage of Inhalation in Con sumption and Throat diseases is. (hat medicine in tlie form of Vapor is applied directly to the Lungs, where the disease exists; the stomach is ilius b it free to aid in restoring health, by arimmisterii g to it a healthy, lifegiving food. there is r.o case so hopeless that In l.T I the 9 00 10 0( advance ' be re hamtven will not reach: 1 he means, tto. are I rough t within tbe reach of all. the manner of administering the Vapors being so simple that the invalid is never required to leave home, where the hand of friendship and affection tends so inwh to aid the physician's efTortt- The Inhalation method is seething, safe ccd reedy and consists in the administration of l.u-d.cine in such manner, that they are conveyed into lie I.urifs ir the form of vapor and produce their ax-lien at the st-1 of the disease. Its practical success is destined to re volutiouize the opinions oi the medical world and establish the entire curability of Consumption. I earnestly appeal to the common sense of all afflic ted with Lung diseases, to embrace at once the advau tage.vof Iuhalation, and no longer apply medicine to the unoffending stomach. 1 claim for InhalaticD a place amongst the priceless gilts that nature and art hath given us. that "our day may be long in the land." and as the only ark of safety for the consnmp tive;'a method not only ratiosal. but simple and effi cacious. Suchoflhe profession that have adopted Inhalation have found it efficacious in the highest gree. arresting the progress cf the eiisease aiid vork iiiv wor.ders in many desperate cases, in vcrdity. a signal triumph of our art over this fell destroyer of our species. jCOTE. physicians wishing to masf inr mseivcs sc , . . le"1 witll our pri,,vtic ,,. i...ir. . ,,..!.. t j djiitu u l . toRiml I 'f r 1 I Tbe ft.e ,n n C..B vtice. are iniornio .met, our , i nil I Y ' ' - - mm I " c . " mt nti tno''" .the Ijj ' rfiilDiniiiir V nfir-f JV" will Iy& $1U. on receipt of which the necest-arv gines and ...Tiipnts v ill be forwarded. JP.'. AnwlicantR will state ape. sex. married or jglf, hoT long anecteu, ii -anj ; " family, and the symptoms generally. Let he name, towu and State be plainly written. Postage lor re turn answer must be enclosed. Le tters, when rtgis torpd will be at oar risk. All letters must be address- ed to. V AliLrtviJ i . j.' . 1.1. u . S, M. Institute, New York City NoV. 12, 75-Cm : - WHISE.EEAKDO ; Warranted to force the Moustache and Whiskers to grow strong and luxuriant in one month, where there ? .i r.. Ttwill not stain or injure the tkin u us 1 1 1 1 1 1 u in. - - -. .. .. SI per bottle Sent to all parts of the country on re- ccipt of price Receipt for maKing o. Be. S. T. SHELt ON. 8th, 1857. - ' -'- OTK . rc NATIOSAb POLICE GAZETTE. This Great Journal of Crime and Criu.jn.tf in , jt ,3tbYear,andU widely circula ed gbout tbP nntrv It. the MSI Rl'tr Ul "-. r- hai ac- : Ao ITnitPfl Slates. acO is umnuv.Mt ..... - - - - - . ,:.. .r. i n Jer Ith ely p-ed into the har-ds of Geo W. Matsetl 1 Co, byom it " ed: Mr Matsell was formerly Ch.el r? r1'" ' .u. York cy. and he will no doubt render it one o, ne most interesting papers -m the Jxblt rials are forcibly written and of "'t. Bhould ccm on-"""- ; g Subscriptions. z per m-, - ;rr ,A of writeKnVeranrth theyresideainlyO MATSELL & CO. Editors and Proprietors of the National Police Gazette. New York City jam :c, 1M at W.

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