EAYETTEYJLLE VOLUME XX NO. 1,015 , P'-t - ll'T :' TERMS on iitncuprm i ia cvttousiAS Fwrajiagleoopy, if paid la advance, per aaauin, $2 OO " at tha --a1 of in mias, 2 o0 ' " at thread of m mtbs, 3 00 . t at 1 1 ,'iif of tlit! year, 3 50 So subscription will ba receive I for a shorter period ihaa oae year u iless pai 1 ia advance. - . Vith tha vi!rif ct !.i U.t x tf.ie circulation and en laasiti th u ef ibiess of tisjf i?er, th;proprictor of i ers tli8 following re n-vrkably low 'oaa h i rjs r v. i -triscvi v .1 d .vcb.- 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 . M " " ' '."'. 15 00 , . J ' " - cf I irtv uan ta nap n;i ira of IS lia or less, tor the nrav , i . Ti And 3n csats for eich siibwiuent nertio:i. unlsss tne i idvert:8iiTi ?dt is published for mireaathan two niauttis, , when it wi:l be charged ,'. " ' j " - j A. , ?TirrfJPWIGHTMAXfc CO. CLK 11EVT a. WltlGIIX. Attomej" at Law, F'ayetevilIe,N.C. OTice at the corner of Bow aud Green streets. Feb'y 3, l&ati. '.I. A. SPRA US. ATTORNEY" AT LAW, " ATTSVD 5 the Courts of Cumberland, Haruett, Wake ami Johnston. dJreasTo.o.-ner, Harnett Co., N. C. 'Sim. 6TT.5 :" v R - BA R TIP IV f L E (i AttoniPT at Law, PJTBTrBTll.'il!, TV. C ., Mav be consulted at the Law Office of Jese G. Shep herd. E.i-, on Green Street. Julv 19. 18')(i. 7-tf Wo C. 53 T ATTORNEY A T L1W. Can be fouinl at the Offn-e lonner'y occupied ; by Dr. Giliian), Oil liow Street. F1TETTETILLE, S. C. June 26, L85S. tf TROI & FULLF.R, Attorneys aud Counsellors AT LAW. LU.HBKiiTOX N. C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have " ormed aa association for the practice ot their profes, Ioa Robeaoi. ev., only W. 1 Troy" wilt ulso at end the Courts of Bladen aud Columbus, aud J P Fuller those of Cumberland. Their 0ce in Luruberion will be kept open at all. times. January 9, 185S. 63-tf A. M. Ciiupbeil, VUCTtOSEER Jfc COMMISSIOS l R IlClI. XT, East side of Gillespie street. FATGrcKni.M!, N. C. Oatober 1, IS". .11 .V It U L K PlCTOItr, BY GEO.. LAUDER. eat'ly opposite to. E. W. Willkings' FaStteyille, N. C. Oct. I. ISjG. - 1 y. - Auction Store j w.- Wf T u it. L i s a t o ,y,. --.;.f.jfrf VAER STREET, ' ' Will ?ive oro iii att -atioT to or shipment of all a mi i its of .vi - ....... . . .... ....lu.l r . ( ! r.i uri 1 is ;. i it ny other If .f tint u TV... . . . .... v , illTia nronotlv eaded to. rril 18 b ly Kr?lTl Hi. T-lI'w anted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. 0".t. I. 13.10 A. M. CA MPBELL. Wliite Lead and ?ale by Aug. 15, Linseed Oil, for S. J. HINSDALE. 63-tf Bolting Cloth. - A constant supply of i-.-titeJ Genuine An-j ker Bolting Cloth all Nos., kept on hand end for sale at the lowest prices by JAMES MARTINE. Jan 30, 1858. lm 5 m af e 2vr NOTICE. f The Subscriber baving at JWarcli Term 185S, o tho County Coart of Cumberland, taken out letf ters of Administration upon the Estate of the late 1 Win. F. Wightman, hereby notifies all persons in debted to said estate to make Payment, aud those having claims against the same to present them witbin the time required by law or this notice will be pleaded in Iar of their recovery. G. W. WIGHTMAN, Administrator. March G, 1858. 94- FRESH TURNIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, RUT A BAG A, Just received and for sale by S.J. HINSDALE. July 11. 1857. tf - .' ,i FOR SALE. . Haajry 4-1 Beiwer Creek Sheetings. '.Cotto'lt-uft MTarand Filling, Nos. 5 to 10. .i-j, --T-T. - ALSO, . .--..BeU;PIsrV.vv&Hr,itnd Lace LEATHERS. .y.-OiU a i l ! nafastureii' Findings. : Wint srHtra'ajl. Spernu Lard aid Linseed Oils. .ShatUVe'ii iil s. Freneh tjlue, Emory, RolleT Cloth and Glass Steps. 'V-.?. Jaly 26. 185S -tf Paints, Oils; Varnish,. Brushes for Sile by Aug. S.J. HINSDALE. C3-tf 15. - r?0RK! PORK!! ff BBLS. Prime Pork good article. Just re rilVM llV ' L' IP ,l. inn .-.a. Oct. 2, J . . JUiJVUUftUO. St . Th following valuable real estate, the property o E 13 Hall deu'd. is offered lor saleand consists ol the following tracts: ." . Thai desirable place known as Rome, containing about 200 acre wttu all tue improvement. IMI place will be sold eutire or divided. o suit pure hnseis, it oeing prooa.riy one ui "n - the country, and is v.;ry 1 jsirable to those wishing to euteiLthe mercantile business. No 2, Consists f a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene ments,) in Oamljlfion. o,i tti-idge Street near Claren don Bridire. .-.lid is a very desirable stand lor business. No 3 3 acant lots in Jampbrdlt.tn. known in City I .... I ml III I 1 hall fit lot 1 i o. JMO . IS tu UlveilKlJS uuilBroiiu.iu. "J r i i .i .i i.iu,s;f a rv il.-aim. corner ui i miiiivai " ' 1 - j - - si(iece ,. t,(. ,vi,0ie year. jj0 5 ja a Corn Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 1 5 horse power. This is well wortb the at- intention or ennse iivin-wiiern warer power is notavaiL- 1 ... . - i - - j,' . i NOT ICR. j " Persons indebted to Ja. C. MeEachitL, as Guardia I of the heirs of dohn Morrison, dee'd, are hereby, re ( spectfully iufvrmed, that said guardian lias in a greal majority ot instances endorsed ana lrar:n-rreu then notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urg-eui ne cessities, apart from Jhe rern ivenieiit.s of the en lorser compel us to collect as speedily as possible. All t!ne indebted will therefore oblige i.s. and themselves too. by paying np immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A. I). MORRISON. J. M. MORRRCN' N. A. MORRISON. Lanrinbnrgh. N. C March 7. 18"7. 40-tf' A. A. Uclu Oiiiii respectfully inlbrms his friend.- aad the public, that he has ii.lt uti urtf sii ist.mtial Brick Buildings at his Old Staud, expressly for uiaiiulactr.riii'r Carriages Thaukiul for the very liberal patronage he lias received fortiie last 2 L years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, lie warrants his work lobe made of the best material and by experienced workmen 1 in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with auv maile in the United States, for ueat- ness and durability. Us is determined to sell and do any work in his line Sij as good terms a- any work done elsewhere that is as WH done. He now has on hand, linished. the largest of CARRIAGES, BAROUCH ES. ROCKA WAYS A.ND BUIES- ,:v,.r ,Wro,x in tbis place. a!.d a verv large stock ot rk nearly linished. which will be sold very lowfor Casn, or o short time to pu -letual cn-tom-erS. Ul- -, "1 h,,",, m"- '1'"" ON-K HUNDRED itruction. A.n.ririi em-:ies n.ni.i.,,,1 .... , - , .iS-All work mfiitu lurliim ? w.. . . -w : r:,nU11 ' - months with fair ur.ce. and should it fail by ,a,i workmanslon ...:ll 1... ... f.... . r .).... I Or lllie.l 1 Itti "Mi ."t: i. j'liii. i ..1... Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and i examine fo themselves. i 0:-lr-t'i ikl':i!!v r c?:red in 1 ;ri'Ti;?l y a tended to. it ?n lirins executed at short notice and on very roa sonable terms. Fav-t,t.t'ville. Opt 1 ISSf SCIUEFFELIX, DUOS. CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, &c. 170 William St., Cor. Beeknian, N. Y. Iii' ite t'ae attention of the tv.iee to their large, and varied stock of DRUGS. i'AlVi'.s, OIL.-, PER FUMERY, &c. In addition to their regular importalion of Siaple Goods they are also r.-i- i v i :;g. direct irons the t-. in ees of production and !aa.ii;:actioe. Mippl e oi 1 . .l!i. Hair and Nail Brushes. Bronzes. . orks. MorOirs. Sponges. KreacU and English i'eri'i; niei p. .iiln s Extracts, and many other articles usi:hJi ennti aced in Druguists stocks, which I hey are asi. ei.abkd to off-r on t!ie most ailvantageous terms. Jlr lers. either in person or ly wail, w.n receive prompt attention. Sepf. 4, .S.")S. 6m-pd- ' "jVASTED. ble Nejfro Men wanted by the Subseribns & i to work on tl o Fayetteville and Western Gail Road Sections 10 ! 1 & 1 8 miles from Fayettevide r0r whom the highest price will be pa;d by galling on the Su'iscribers ou the work- D.G.tt W. McDUFFlE. March 27 !) i tf TURP E A T I A E A X D RtiACKMirill TUCiiS. 23 Doz. Bryces' Hackers. 20 " " Round Shaves. 15 " " Scrapers 10 Hacker-Stones. 10 " Round Shave Stones. 25 " Hacker-Files. ALSO. A Large assortment of Cooper's Tools I would call the attention of purchasers to my Hackers, Roaad Shaves and Scrap--;' s. excel any ever off -red for sale ui this Oct. 2. lm u-ket. C. E. LEETE: USEFUL ARTICLES. t TTTTA -.-.ln.,.! f -,1 T . ..- Brittauia and Brass Candlesticks; Superior Steel bniitteis; Britiania Castors, Tea Pots and Coflee Pots; Brittauia SPOONS and LADLES; Brittania Communion Sets Coblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Lttdle; . Planished Tbi Coffee Urns aud Pots. Tea Pots; Oyster and Beefsteak Dishes, and Uish Covers; Waitehs. of all sizes and shapes. Fixe Scissoits; large for jntting. small for embroid er. ; R zorsi and Pocket Kuivcs; Bak t! Baskets! for all purposes; CDPPKE MILLS, Iron and Stone Morters; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails, Churns and Bowls; Coun'er Scales, to weigh i to 54n lbs; Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers; ll.iir and Wire Seives; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Bells, Music Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies' Leather Hags, (large:) White Satin Beads and White Cut Beads, for fancy work; Porte Monaies. entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric Polishing Powder; Boy's Sans; Corkscrews. A great variety of other useful articles, too tedious to mention. Come und soe for yourselves at the "Crockery Store.'' W. N. TILL1 NGHAST. . Oct. 2. -ibn - GROCERIES. 50 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee. "25 Bbls. Crushed and Granulated Suar. 50 Kegs Nails. KJr.,J3oxes otarcn. 25 Hexes Tobacco, assorted. 50 M Cigala $q to $t)0 per M. Spice, Tepper, Gig Sijgar House . Syrup, Vinegar, Snuff,' - v Butter, Water and Soda Cracker. C. E- LEETE. REMOVAL. I THE Subscriber has Removed to the Store one'doo. t. . .. i. ... r nuic i lii.i-.. Iih lion s to meet al' V HSI UI 11. ft E. U JJIllJ T ........ r . , ..A his old fneuds aud to maie many licv 11 icuoo. i. f:iiinviii.. ! customer.-. j Augu t 28, lbH a. W -ti FOR SALE OR RENT. The duelling House and Lot on Hay Mount. 'J-' the Donaldson Academy join.. ,. laielv mi-imiwl liv Hector .McMillan Esq.. with a ' ..I I AV II i in runt. It Will - wi" barRai'i or reut-d to good ieaaut on reasonable term apply to J AS. MARTIN t- Also the two Sory Ware House on Church St. nenrj 'Presbyterian Church. . j April 24, ... s LJIJVJ) FOR SLE JOHN Ti GILMORR . mm mm L-m K - , .... . 'ii 'ik JiUiitoMi:'riw; wm '-iitiMc-tPfW..-Xhipo'i River. The entire swamp ha been successfully drained of the large body of water by which it was heretofore covered. The land is apparently level, beiug free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lauds generally) whilst there is an abundance of fall, by wh'ch the rain water can be carried off i by ordinary d.tches. A small' portion of the land has been in cultivation about 7 years and those . persons who have seen the crops, regard the land as equal in fertility to any tney nave seen in in:s . state or elsewhere. 1 he location is healthy, the ' neighborhood good, and the access to Fayetteville and Wilmington easy by means of a good road 1 miles in length leadiiig-directly to the river. Besides this, it is within 3 miles of a beautiful little village. ; upon a high aud healthy Blulf, at , the river, with a i More. Ware-house and first rate landing. All which f ail'oid many conveniences to thtj neighborhood. mAs" sevei al persons have spoken of purchasing, this" is deemed a proper time to call.' their attention to the subject, in as much as there is a crop now growing upon a small portion ol the land, by which they can '' judge of its production. .EReasoiiable terms will j be given to the purchaser. "' Sept. 10, ISoS. tf i, V7 I 1 I JJj I t 5U I. Kl rjV i 1 IIU Is. RIIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, or I T irn cm meixc ivinmir.. R and the Widows uf Soldier who died IX SF.itvicn in the war ot 1S12, can have their pensions continued by calling ou the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give mo the manngetnent of your claims, and the inoiiev shall come tit once, or uo charge. JXO- M. ROSE. Agt. fur Pensions. Fayetteville, June 19, 165ti. tf PICUUyiAN GUANO f HE unders'gned has made arrangements by H which he is prepared to furnish ut short uo- i tice, nny retpr.-d ipiuutity of I No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. j "l Jjwil'ch wl" be from direct importations, into ; the Port ot Wilmington, and warranted pure aud '. geiumio. ; Orders tor the above excellent fertilizer at, hc ited to wnicli lr.mit ,lUtion wiH-be given . ..-1" .r"Ji coinpnny each order. BEVEKLY ROSE Julv 17. Is now receiving his Spring supply oT jDR-v- goods. Among which aic lr;uii. Lawns, and Brilliantes; Col d iiikI Black Silks; . Irish Linens and Dhqiers; ! arm jr s Linen. Twilled and Plain; Cashmere and Merino Twills; White and ColM Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; SMk and Straw Bonnets; Ac With almos t every article in the Dry Goods line; all of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia-" Wm i. offered cheap for cash or ou time to paying customers March 20. W-tf n m m. .. t. m m -mT W , b i,a s . m . w i W .li,lixl on i.i.riiiuiii..l 1 .I " - .O ...v.. .... ........ jr , tl( : ot Fayetteville, respectfully offers his s?rvi Tow cos to the citizens of thi place mid surround;..,. country. In ill the various branches of his P. fcssiiui, including the manufacture f M mernl I ecth, be is satistn-d, utter an extensive ptn; ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa- ' tiou, that-he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper ami careful nmnl tier, as well as diseases of the month, None but tl,i ni-fini.r metals are m.nile nsf of iii tl. operations. Charges will bo moderate, that the heneliis of tho Profession may be placed wid,;,. tne reacn oi an who may icei an interest in tho . i c ii i. . r i . prescrvii'ion oi tne i eern L-xr jilicr ovt Houston s Jewelry Store, where? he will be found at all times. May 15, 1858 tf of A. Aug 21, 1353. tf M. CAMPBELL. W 3NT. TILLIN-QHAST "IS no a- r ceiving his Fall sunnlies of the above I articles. He can supply Country Merchants alH li v. , u iv. ii uy, i.- nui iii iniint: iii ii en iiiLeiCDii m deal wilhhim. He has for sale, 811 china tea-sets 1300 Doz. Common Cups and Saucers, 500 " Fine do. - do. ! 100 " Dishes, 200 Covered Dishes, 100 Doz. Pitchers, 800 " Plates, 1000 Tumblers and Goblets, TS looking-glasses, Coffee Mills, Toy Locomotives, and Yan kee Clocks bv the box. And other goods in proportion IrtTl n order to give time to have goods WELL PACKED, country merchants should buv their Crockery FIRST. Sept. 4 2m FALL AND WINTER GOODS. i JU-iT received a large and splendid Stock of Sta- pie Dry Goons. II akdwake. Boots, and Shoes. Hats. ami Caps aad SADi-Kar. 4 ot. 2. in, c. . LEETE. SECOND FALL STOCK FOI 1858. ' STARK & WILLIAMS n . 4J ' - A" 1 5 K Vl7 in .ts... -. v .. -: v.7 S I - """ '"'.vLiHiM, 1 JJElKiJSECOND SUP- rl ,A"E F.scrni!Y cnoiw. jrATS' CApS BOOTS, SH )E3, BONNETS, CJlBllKLLAS, AND READY-M VDE CLOnilXG-, l..Vltli a irreat rAriBtv .r a,.f a great varietv of art , ......,,i stock is very large au tne latest styles & patterns, and will be to. w'olesale Buyers xn liberal terms, either t X ASH" or approved; paper. oiAxn, iPct. 16, J. M. WILLIAMS. Bis. No. 1 Ilerrsn (j; " 25 bis. No. 3 Meckerel: 25 i . do. do.; 25 " Nv Pork. y , ALSO Cheese, Lard, Butter, and Box Herrings. s Oct 2 1 C. E. LEETE. IAuTXTID FOR SALE.' fWlHB 8ubscrib;r offers for sale his lauds in Rich-LM.- mond C, situated two mil. s east, of Lauren Wg. aud eight mi es we.-t of Floral College, and two jmles trom the.Depot on the Wil. Char &. Rutii. Rail Road-. The said tract contains TOUR HUJVDRED 1JD THIRTY ACRES. Tberf! is on the premises a good dwellii r. and all tecessary out houses, with a GIN HOUSE, and cverv l n g to reuder the Plantation convenient, and desir'a- f. Terms one. two and three yeirs credit. Oct. 9- lf-.r8 Ini JAS. R. McLAURIX. fWHE Subscriber has just arrived from the Nortb 'M. with one of the most handsome and best selec ; frd stock of i f over oJfereu in th"s market; reserves Pichlcs, Prunes, Dates, Xutts. and a tood supnly of ALL of which lie oilers at a verv low price for C-u ! A VhoNule or Retail. K I. fj I TK always k. ut on IbmI. May Street next door to Jas. G. "Cook. Ksn (ct. 9. IKi tf R. K. HEIDE- T. WAD3ILL HAS TAKKX CHAKUK Oi?" THE FAYETICV ILLE 'HOTEL. j With efficient aid in I lie Jii different deiartiiieiils, and his iffT l own supervision of the entire Es- !Js! thfnari tablishmeut. be hopes to give sat- ja&iS.,. isiictidi to the l'a irons oi Jhe House. 7 - .1 r n. .. .. .. , '. rhcnmi ujihii. iiinn mis .uuum: uauy, anu ine svtagi" I rt-weeKly. - L UTTERL OIVS L JXE. 3 TEAM KR -'FANNY'' leaves Fayetteville every Monday and Thursday 'iiorniiig. at. 15 miiiut's alter Sun rise; ami Wilmington, Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock. carrvinst paaseimers and freight. Steamer "SOUTH KRN Eit,"' with a rull comple ment of Flat, mik-is o ie or mire trips per week, as circumstances tr.av require. The accident to" the Steamer '-ROWAN"' will be repaired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTEIILOH. Oci. 3. -if General Order No. 5. ilClD ftOARTE:iS 33r.l IlEfiT. ) N. U. MILITIA Th'! Commissioned and non-commissioned Officers of the 3jrd Regiment of North Carolina Militia art hei-ehv ordered to appear at the Court llou-e in r ay ettevi'lleon Thursday the isth of Oct. is.".8 at u. o clock A. .11. armeu anu equ.ppeu as me law o.recis for drill. Thev are hereby further ordered to para e their repccted Companies at tin same place on Friday the ...... I n oVSi.ek A. l tor liatt.-illion Drill. " Bv order of C. E. LKKTE. Col. THOS. C. rLl.LEU.Adjv Cct 9. 3t '3. .n- m Ti' r i i i, i , t, -i r i n CASTOUS (1 patterns,) Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Cups, Tea Sets. Goblets, Spoon Holders, . Butter Dishes, Butter Knives, Mo lasses Cups, Napkin Rings, Tea Bells, Pie Knives, : Sugar Tongs, and i "Spoons. FRENCn IRKS, AND SPOOXS, wsllsizes. For sale i.ow at the '-Cro-kerv Store." Oct. 2. -3ml W, N. TILLINHGAST. FALL AiD WINTEi JVIilV GOODS.' JrJEJV UOOUS.'S j J" O- POB ? Is receiving the Largest Stock of Staple and Fancy Cry Croods, Evt-r before offered by him, which embraces all tin LATEST STYLES OF I.ADIES&G.JS rtBMIS-V'S UUGSS COOES. Among them will be found. RICH SILK AND DELAINE PATTERNS, of the latest style. A large lot FRENCH MEiilNOS. together with every shade of SOLID DELAINES, all wool. A large assortment of Freuch, English and American PRINTS. DEBAGES, aud other goods for Travelling Dresses. A large lot of HANDSOME EMBROIDERIES. A great variety of Ladies SHAWLS and CLOAKS, BOINSTS, French ARTIFICIALS, R1BEO.NS, &c. A hamlsome stock of H-VTS, CAPS, B ).) I'i aiid SU Ei. KERSEVS, Keouo Br.AXKErs. and all other goo is belonging to a Dry-Goods Store. All the citizens, aad everybody that visits the old T-wii. w"iH confer a favor by calling oa the subscriber and looking through his stock, whether they purchase or not J. c. PoE. Sept. 25 2m $10,00 ZR.ZETW-A.IFIID. ! na,l,t i" . 't..m,",,'ee The Tirt BMPTV TURPENTINE HARRCI.S for iale ' nnnil.. ,f ...,,. i..i ....... ' ...r,' ., ' . i iitt nniiiio I wll urirt ct-niiirAe n-lnli f,. . I yv: at iay l).stile-y ;teo Superior 'Turpenting ,,f frt.iliin-n. t:-..;. i;. , , . t ' j -pers couuntly oa Band. , 11 es,"n'V ''''l''"' " ilwy determined to ' . " ?..--?..-- -... R. McDUFFlE. I J'"'. ',(f f them with apprdpriate ceremonies. now of- TJct is. - , --fit . - I Iheiuniors, however, irot wind of thp i,rn..(.o,l;,.,r I' mm - I ' , 1 ' , "X t 'yywimrnwi'iin. i w t.wii . .i n i- tiuu.uA.i. m. ii r- - - ,,ove rew ard of SlO.Oll to any one who will arrest an" couGne her iu Cumberland Jail, so that lean get i heJ! JOHN T. W'UIGIIT. I . -8t NORTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, Amusements at Amherst Cniiir.r Fur sn,ne tillle r'ast tliu sophomore class of Amherst college, has been inclined to pycri'lsn ito n.n liar peroguti ves over the freshmen. tnal . onsent tliev rat m, Wednesday arteriiooticllted jn the highest stvle of the art the to "luiry tlie tiatc liet." iiiivinir nrevionslv nrr fiired Hie consent of the fnoultr. Sometime ilnriiijr the nnst vear the sonhnniornR took and determined tonoil their fnn hv VnV i n or the sidnrHble number of nien ase'b4fnWeirct day noon, ancl repmred to tlie7romf- suiaslied .1 A - 1 i , r . i . . , , : : ?T . . m ..v. Miniiiiiucuis nan iiet-i. oii.eeu Kir oniiai. Ilere thev were confronted" l,v a SonhomoreJ with a loaded rev - I i-olver, ami thinking prudence i the better part of valor, thev bent haetv re treat. At the do-.r they were met by a crowd : ganizatioii of the Methodist Church. In or of sophomores, and a general melee ensued hi '; der to raise some of the funds requisite for which cluV wej-e freely used, the juniors tearinjr such an understanding-, Mr Suiithson, has down a staircase to provide themselves with the 'made arrano-enients to have executed bv Mr :..l.....ni. . r . -- . " i,,.,.,,,,..-...., , wjuiare. I IP. fTllirPr IcrminntAfl lw thn onnPflftirifP committees from both classes to adjust 1 lie mut , . , . ter, mid after a conferenoe demanded flip "hone of contention." tin tliegrour.'l that it was a con traband article, pledging l is word, I ow v r, that t he juniors should not hnve- it. On tlds condition the sophnnorfs placed i in his custo dy. To make up for the loss they then pro cured the, other syriinrc ai'd proeceded v;tl their exercises after the oritrinal plan - The wo lower classes formed into a procession in front of the cinpc!, and marched to a crove whfre the inTnnienr of to'-tnre was buried with the customary rites. They then proceeded to the grove, snug nn appropriate hymn, and lis tened to :in oration by.To!in Dop. md fo a nn- em by Geo. W.Waite, nfrer which they f ar-! toon ot a n en terra unnetit provided for the oc rusion, snioked tho "pipe of peace," and dis persed. Sjirivgfield Hepnhlicnn. A Fever Freak. Grcnt Ercifrmeat on Camp St reft. A large and poweiful man, - 0 . , , ' ' ' . su.ui.iiu anu accotnplisluHl artists m this conn of president Stearns, who prop, sed to receive ... , l,,.. - crazed with yellow fever, broke out of the I the past, and awaking a thousand endear Infirtnary of the Young Men's Christian As-1 ing historic associations; while or. the plat- sociation, on St. Mary street, near Julia, i started down towards Girod, with noth-; 1 save a nether garment, last evening nooiKialt-past tour o clock. Arriving at photographs, engravings, and daguerrectvp Girod, he ran down to Camp Street, where es in possession of the i nravcr will enable ! . ... ... I he wheeled suttdenly and darted np and into rMoW3rsftJnTeetTOnary, Jiy tins time pnr- suit was friven, and sompthmjr ot a crowd had collected. A few minutes after his en tering the confectionary, he sprang out ao;ain into the street, ran across and entered : milliner shop at the pouthwest corner of Camp and Girod, causing the lady inmnt thereof to ntter shrieks r-nd screams, and . IT If f n uu.uui,!,, V.lllllWU rleoin dismay, lelhng from time to time, doubte.i that the emerprise will be crowned at the top of his voice; he ran into a back with success. This engraving will be furn- room and locked himself in. - ished at live dollars per copy" provided live The crowd of people pressed in and around thousand subscribers can be procured; which the oufer door, and just about the time that is just one fourth of i.s value. No work of preparations were about being made to so- the same size and finish could be bought cure him in the room, he wrenched the lock for less than twenty" dollars. It will be off from the inside, and yelling, sprang out larger than any engraving of the kind that itVthe crowd and darted up the street, the was ever before produced, crowd recovering and following. Upon It may be well to state that this enter reaching tke Bible House, on C.-non. ttinied into the door, ran back, climbed up on tin counter ami commenced vomiting. South. At tiie recent conference held at Several of the crowd rushed in and succeed- St. Louis, the subject" was introduced by ed alter a violent struggle, in securing him. Rev. Dr Parsons, who re .id a paper con He was under the impre sion that he w s cerning the condition of the society attached about ta be poisoned, and screamed terribly to the Methodist Episcopal Church South, to prevent beinrr taken back. A furniture in Washington City, and accompanied it car was dispatched for, and by the timely with some appropriate remarks upon the im assistance of several ot our citizens he was portance of tuis enterprize of the Southern placed in it and taken back to the Infirm- .... E. Church in the building of a suitable ary. He is a man of strong muscular de- church edifice at the national metropolis, velopments, (a fair chance to jud-e heinx hereupon the following resolutions were attorded,) and did not seem to be emaciated passed by the conference, at all by the disease. j Whereas the M. E. Church South did, The consternation of the inmates of the some years since, appoint a station in Wash shops into which he ran can be better ima- ington city, which as the metropolis of Jtho gined than tiescnbed X. O. D-ltd. j Union is rega ded as common ground, and mun ii I mm Dutch. Cheess against Cannon Shot. The greatest unminiiitinn lhaf we have heard of Inlely, was used by tlie celebrated Commo dore Coe, oflhe M'Mitevidmn iNmvt, who, in an engagemei.t with Admiral Brown of the IJuenos t ..- . 1 . . .. . .. 1 . 1 i vies service, men cvoy ui iroui ins locsets. - Ubatsbnii we ao, sir." asKeo n : s nrst nen- tenant?: "We've not a single shot ou board round, grape, canister, doubleheaded are all gone.' Powder gone, eh? ' asked Coe. . 'No sir. etoI. lots of that.' 'We had a i-oubiimfled nam cneese a rouml iPiitch ore for desert ntulitmer to-day, don't you remember it hey?' said Coe. 'I aught to I broke the carving knife in trying to cut it.' 'Are there any more on board?' 'Yes, about two dozen; vvu took 'em Irom dodirer.' 'Will they go into the 18 pounder?' 'IJy thunder, Commodore, but that's the idea, I'll try them,' cried the first lieutenant. And in a few moments the lire of old; Santa Marie (Gb's ship) which had ceased entirely, was re-opened and Admiral Brown, found more shot' -fly mis' over his lie id. Directly one of them struck his main must, and as it did so, shuttered and new in every direction. 'What the devil is that which the enemy is firi'iir?' asked Brown But nobodv conld tell. P n ctly another one cauie in thromrh n port nud killed two men who stood near him, then striking the bulwarks, burst into flinders. Bv Jove! this is too much; this is some new fannied Pn'xhan or other I don't like 'em at nil! ' cried Brown, ami then as four or five more of them cuiiie.vhip through his sails, he gave the order, 'fill away,' and actually bucked out or the fight, receiving a parting broadsido of Dutch cheese. This story is an actual fact Oar informant was fi.rt lieutenant of Con's ship. From the Vr'ashrns'on Union. New Church Bnterprise. A few week since vfe alluded to the fret that Wm. T. Sinitlisorif Esq., of this city, was ibout to isue a book of sermons by twelve or fifteen of the most eminent Methodist di vines, vitl beautiful steel plate engravings accurate likenesses of all of them exe- proceeds of which were' to be appropriated to the liquidation of a tlebt how clue by tho Iethoclist Episcopal Gimrch South, in Wash-ino-ton. The book 18 oot up in expensive sLyU , and is put at the low price of" $1 50 . ' , v per copy; and we have no doubt it will be . S. extensively patronized by our Methodist'.-.;. premren, as it Reserves to. bjlte:niltt?.j: tlc? prise, orio-inatino; from the sdmewmrceV "It is desired to Lave a handsome churbh odi- . j iir , , .. , . , , ,, face erected ,n IV ashn.o ton caty, Avhich shall 1 L u; . once tin ornament to the metropolis of the nation and worthy of the southern or- J (J Muttre. of Now loi-k. nnn n most. i n i t i . . i T , t 1111 oiri-wicitr -ii 11 I n. V 1 u i KJi LllU bishops and delegate of the General Con- ference of the M. E. Cluirch South, at their lat session in Nashville, Tennessee. The painting was made bv Mr Bellows, and i now in the hands of the engraver. A cor respondent of the Christian Advocate says that it is admirably conceived and hand somely executed. Ilere may bo seen tho venerable founder of Method'sm, John Vvre.--ley, occupying the pulpit, while just below on the platform stands prominently a full length, life-like representation of the equal ly venerable tsouie, the senior bishop ol the M - E. Church in America. Around him are his colleagues, each one of whom can be recognized at a glance. Ranged along tho wall; in the order of time from Wesley, avo the portraits of Coke, Asbury, AVatcoat, Mc Kendree, George, Roberts and others, of the old regime of Methodism liukin-r us with form and on the lloor are grouped nearly two hundred ministers cf the present day, many of whose faces are familiar to' us. The him to brym; out correct likenesses and hit Jjody The dftails necessary fo necessary "For the 'perfection oi tne won. l lie engraving wil cost six thousand dollars, and-must necessarily take a considerable length of time in its execu tion. As a work of art it will possess merits sufficient to secure for it a general interest and when con.-idered with reference to tho b HltOVllloilt. illio-ll ef ita iiit!iif. ;f ovm.f t-w general conferences of the M. E. Cluirch whereas said station has fallen into a condi tion of accumulated embarrassment, which for the honor of the cause should be sympa thized with by the whole church; and where- as the isrnitv 'of Southern Methodism 'de- nmnds a suitable representation at thecapi- I 1 tal of the United States; therefore, Resolved, That we recognize with entire approbation the action of the late general conference in reference to the great picture which is being produced by W. T. S-iiithson, E.q., of that city, for the benefit of said church, and that we will obtain subscribers for tlie-same among our people to the extent of our ability. Resolved, That we will also act as distri butors of the Book of Sermons about to o:- ii -i ! tf fi-nni tbfi c-- , n . yMiirpn nc fbo T-ib"tlir n i L .......l.UV A.VSI X. VI... Otl kill. ........ ... J i.- .1. 1.1... i .. v-l. anu lor ine same cause, anu wiai our uookl agent at St. Louis, be requested to negoti ate with the publisher for a supply of the same, that we may receive the work through him, aud that he be further requested to act as the distributing agent, to us for the picture when that work shall be issued. Fat. The late news about theParis 'fash ions' is somewhat startling.' Fat is tho rage. Ladies cultivate it. They are de vouring vast quantities of butter, mashed, rose-leaves, and such like. The Empress is quite corpulent, which accounts for the st3'le. The fashion will be here before long. We hail it with 'joy.' A new era is dawning. Our girls will stop eating slate pencils and chalk, and commence partaking, liberally of roast beef and baked beans. They will rise with the lark. They will exercise. Tuej will try on th wash-tub perhaps.

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