FRESH ARRIVAL .. W. LETT Hasjustreceived a large and general STOCK OP GOODS suited to the FALL and WINTER trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple mid Paucy DRV GOODS. Boot and Shoes, with almost everythingdesirablem tha '. line. FrtlME FAMILY GROCERIES always to be had AT LETT'S. G jods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. August. 28. 1858. ly-pd KNIVES AND FORKS. WHITE IIASD, with 2 prong steel FORKS, at SI and 1 25 per Set; Do., with 3 prong do., SI 50, $1 75, and $2 per set; And a variety of others at 75 cts. to 2 50 per Eet Bome of which are of superior quality. Ivory handle Knives, with steel or plated Forks, or alone, at S3 to 6 50 per set or dozen. For sale at the "Crokery Store" W. N. TILLINGHAST. Oct. 2. 2m THE OLD DOMIJVIOJV COFFEE POT. DR. HALL, of New his Journal of Health for Ju'.y, 1858, says: '-We commend the Old Do minion Cufff, Pot to all lovers of good coffee, as we personally ku-w that it is one of the "new things" oiioreu to public in which no imposition is prac ticed, anc .. bich has the double vouchers of science and common sense." For sale at the Crockery Store. Prices: yUAUT, SI. 35; 1 QUARTS, SI .75; i QUARTS, $2.00; 3 QUARTS, $2.35; 4 QUARTS, $3.00. Buy one if you like good coffee. W. N. TILLISGHAST. Sept. 4. 2m FALL AND WINTER. JVEW GOODS! JYEIV GOODS.'.' cr o poe Is receiving the Largest Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry G-oods, Ever before offered by him, which embraces all the LATEST STYLES OF LADIES & GE3iTLEME.'S DUESS GOODS. Among them will be found. RICH SILK AND DELAINE PATTERNS, of the latest style. A large lot FRENCH MERINOS, together with every I sriaue or :-jl,iu ir,L.Ai. ivs. all wool. A large assortment of French, English and American PRISTS. DEB AGES, and other goods for Travelling Dresses. A large lot of HANDSOME EMBROIDERIES. A great variety of Ladies SHAWLS and CLOAKS, BOSNETS, French ARTIFICIALS, RIBBONS, &c. A handsome stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. KERSEYS, Neoko Blankets, and all other goods belonging to a Dry-Goods Store. AH the citizens, and everybody that visits the old Tuwn, will confer a favor by callipg on the subscriber and looking through his stock, whether they purchase or not J. C. POE. Sept. 25 2m $15 REwXrTK I! P unaway from the Subscriber on the lGth of JS B- July, last, the following nog-roes, viz: One Woman and Two Children. Said woman is 2i3 years of age, named Eliza. The children, Rob ert and Hiram, are ngwl one in his 2d year and tho other about :i. They formerly belonged to Alexander McCoHister, dee'd, and at his sale were purchased by the Subscriber. Said negroes are supposed to bo lurking in that vicinity, or in tho vicinity of Archibald .McLean's, Harnett county, who owns Eliza's mother. The above Reward will be given to any person taking un said negroes, and informing tho subscriber at Tei'sbiuth, Cumberland eo., X. C. DANIEL L. SMITH. August 23, 18.33. tf 1W JL9 JIIE Subscribers having associated themselves JL together in the practice of Law, under the name and style of CAMERON AND SHAW, will attend the County and Superior Courts of Moore, Montgomery, Anson, IJiclimond, and Robeson. All business entrusted to them will J'eceive their careful and prompt attention. Address Cameron and Shaw, Attorneys at Law, Rockingham, Richmond County, N. C. John V. Cameron. John D. Suaw. May 1, 1858. ly Coupon Bonds for Sale The Western Rail Road Co., have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers. &0 Ofin f the Coupon Bonds of the f U) WUU County of Cumberland, bear ing 7 per cent, interest, payable smi-annually on the 1st June and tho 1st of December, and run ning 20 years. S'JIMKJO of tho Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing (j per cent interest, payable semi-annually on the 1st January and the 1st July, and running 20 years. Those bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co , to pay the County and Town subscriptions, respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co is selling them) a better invest ment than any Bank Stock in the State. For term? apply to C. B. MALLETT, Esq, Pres't. or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western It. R. Co. March G. 1353. 92-tf READ THIS! a Hollander's testimony. Jacob Rinskes, living in the Holland settlement of Sheboygan, V isconsin.says: "Aftersufferingfor some time th'j misery attending an utter prostration of mind and body, I have been restored, by using Beeerhavc's Holland Bitters, to perfect health." The fact of this remedy being i n such high repute among the Hollanders in Wisconsin, Michigan. New fork, in fact in every Holland settlement in the United States agues much in its favor. Try P for Chronic or Nervous Debility, or any narvoiis or Rheumatic. Neuralgic affection CAN EPILli'SY BE CURED We think the following letter from a respectable citizen of Mississippi will answer the question, and remove all doubts from every unbiased mind; GiiKN-.vnA., Miss., June 5, 1S55 Dr. Seth S. Hance, Baltimore Md. Dear Sir: I take great pleasurein relating a case of spasms or fits, cured by your invaluable Pills. My brother J. J. Ligon, ias long been afflicted with this awful disease. He vas firstattacked while quite young, He would have one or two spasms at one attack at first; but as he grew older, they seemed to increase likewise. Up to the time he commenced taking your Pills. he had them very often and quite severe, prostrating him body and mind. His mind had suffered seriously; but now I am happy to say he is cured of those fits. He has enjoyed fine health for the last five months past. His mind has also returned to its original sprightliness. All this I take great pleasure in communicating, as it may be the means of directing others to the remedy fiat will curethem. Yours respectfully, &. W. P. LIGON. No person who is suffering from Fits, or Spasm, should neglect sending to Dr Hance, after this for s supply of his inestimable medicine. His prices are as follows: one box $:$; two 5; twelve $24 sent by mail free on the receipt of he remittance. Addre&s Seth S. Hance. 108 Baltimore. Md. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT As a remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Pidncy Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness. &c, has no equal Read he advertisement in another column headeff 'Uenil bold's Genuine Preparation. COPPER, TIX & SHEET IRON MANUFACTORS. JAMBS MARTINE, still continues to manufacture everything in the abovs line at his old stand on 11 ay Street. Job work done with despatch. Sept. 10 1858 3m. (Town papers copy 3m. ASSETS $230,326,28. This Company has been in operation more than five years, and has paid its losses, amounting to $19,125 So, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about J per cent. Policies issued to 1st of May, 1858,2769. Amount of property now insured, $1,474,922 34. Amount premium notes now on hand, $224,968 23. Cash premiums received, $32,317 41. DIRECTORS. Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, II. L. Myrover, S. W.Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin. A.E. S. T. Hawlcy, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethn, J. D. Williams, Jas.G. Cook, A. W. Steel; JasKyle, J. G. Shepherd, R.F.Brown, Wilmington, Hall. Wilmington. OFFICERS. GEO. JIcXEILL. President. D. A. Ray. Vive-President C. A. McMillan, Secretary. John Collins and C. C. McCrummeu, Traveling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 29 1858 1 y Congress Water, for sale by Aug. 15 63-tf S. J. HINSDALE. PROSPECTUS: THF SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY AMD Cape Fear and Deep River Advertiser. HAVING FAILED FOR THE WANT of patronage, in the publication of Stedman's Magazine," I propose to publish at Pittsbo rough, North Carolina, a Free and Independent (weekly) Paper, to be entitled, The Southern Confederacy; and Cape Fear and Deep River Advertisers To be devoted to Politics, Literature, Internal Improvements, Domestic and Foreign News, Agriculture, Commerce, Manvfactnres, Mineral Re sources the Markets, tyc, tj-c, tf-c, EMBRACING EVERY THING OF PtTBLTC INTEREST, I shall, with perfect freedom, discuss Fede ral Politics; all questions of State policy, and every issue in which the interests of the South are involved, untrammelled by Platforms ac knowledging no allegiance to any party, fur ther than redounds to the prosperity of North Carolina and the Southern States. I shall, with unfaltering energy, devote my self to the interests of my native State, (North Carolina,) whose dormant resources, if devel oped, would render her in point of wealth, the "Empire State" of the outh. The Southern Confederacy; and Cafe Fear and Deep River Advertiser, will be emphatical ly, in tone, what the former clause of the title denotes, and as indicated by the latter clause be a general advertising medium; and, devoted to the interest of North-Carolina, it will un ceasingly and earnestly urge the improvement and development of that portion of the State which is watered by Cape Fear and Deep Rivers. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION PVYABLE IN ADVANCE 1 copy for one year, 2 3 copies " " 5 6 " " " 9 12 " " " 16 To be issued as soon as the necesary arrange ments can be effected. A. J. STEDMAN, Pittsboro.' June 19 Editor and Proprietor. P.S. I would be plesse to furnish "The Southern Confederacy; and Cate Feer and Deep River Advertiser" to the subscribers to "Stedman's Aagazine," and especially to those who have paid their subscriptions. If, however, those who paid in advance for the Magazine do not wish to patronize "The Southern Confederacy; and Cape Feer and Deep River Advertiser" the amounts by them paid will be promptly returned, on the receipt of an order to that effect A.J. STEDMAN, Late Editor and Proprietor of "Stedman's Magazine." SliCOJ VOLUME OF THE BEAUFORT JOURNAL, A. Commercial & Family Paper, Published in Benufort, N. C . THE "Beaufort Journal" Commenced its Second Volume, on the 12th of April, 1858. The Journal being the only paper published on Beaufort Harbor, and the only one devoted to its interest, the editor appeals to all who feel an interest in that locality, to give their sup port to his paper. The Editor makes no hol low promises that his paper shall be the best in the country for the price, or that there will be any extra display of talent in its Editorial Columns, as is frequently the case in issuing prospectuses for country papers, but he does pledge himself to publish a good paper one worthy of a liberal support from the people of the 6tate. It is the design of the Editor to make the Journal a first class Commercial Pa per, to give reports of the Markets, Foreign and Domestic, the Latest News, &c. The Journal will continue as heretofore, In dependent on all subjects. It will take sides with no political party, but will advocate such measures as are thought best calculated to pro mote the interest of the country and of our State. As to the different localities in this vicinity, it is not onr object to show partiality, but to advocate the claims of Beaufort Harbor and leave Beaufort, Morehead and Carolina Cities, to stand on their own merits believing that more good can be accomplished in this wav. thau in discussing the claims or advan-' tage of localities; and we appeal to the citizens those interested, and to the friends of these places, to give us their support. The completion of the Atlantic & North Carolina Ilailroad is near at hand, and it is very important that the only paper published on this Harbor should be widely circulated, in order that its Commercial advantages may be come better knowu. Persons at a distance, who feel an interest in this place will find the Journal to be very interesting, as we shall be careful to give all local news of any importance. terms: One Copy one year, $2,00 Five Copies " 8,00 Ten " " 15,00 The getter up of the club will bo entitled to one copv gratis. Advertisements inserted at the usual rates. A liberal deduction made for yearly advertise ments. All communications most le addressed to JOHN NICHOSL Ed. Pro. Beaufort -tf C. June 26, 1858. tf NOTICE. The Subscriber wishing to move to the country of fers for sale a good Dwelling House; Barn, Stables & other Out Houses, with about 10 Acres of Land lying on Adam Street in Lower Fayetteville the above property will be sold cheap and on liberal terms Apply to j. DAVIS. fayetteville, Aug 21. tf REMOVAL STARR At WILLIAMS, HAVE removed to the two brick Stores in the West end of the Fayetteville Hotel building, where they are now opening their ' , " SECOND STOCK. -of G-oods for this Spring, recently selected by one of the firm in the Northern markets, which will be offered for sale to their reglaf customers on the usual terms. " . All persons who wish to buy Goods cheap at WHOLESALE, are respectfully invited to call and examine this stock, at our new stand, West end of Fayetteville Hotel building. r J. B. Stark. J. M. Williams. May 1st 90-tf ;s HOUSE, LOT, AXD NEGRO. TnE undersigned wishing to close p their old busi ness, offer for sale the HOUSE & LOT on Haymoant formerly occupied by Major Gilmbre. Also, a NE GRO BOY 14 years of age; having tried him for the last five months, we can recommend him as an excel lent servant, both for house or out doors, sold for no fault, but to close old bnsiness. ,v; F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS. May S, 100-tfv THE NORTH-CAROLINA AAD MAGAZINE OF USEFUL, INFORMATION. The undersigned proposes to publish in the City of Raleigh, a semi-annual Journal, of the above title, devoted exclusively to the dissemi nation of statisticall information. The want of such a Journal is felt by every intelligent citizen, who desires to become at all acquainted with the resources of the State, our present condition, future prospects, &c, and by none so much as by our Legislators. That we have no regular system of statistics, cannot be attributed to any want of material. There are large amounts of valuable and inter esting information scattered through our Legis lative and Executive Documents and Records, which, in their present situation, for all practi cal purposes, might as well be in the Chinese language. Besides what our Legislative archives contain, our newspapers often publish valuable statistical information, which is either lost, or if preserved by a very few, is so incon venient to find when wanted, that the facts are soon forgotten. 1 he same may be said of the Reports and Statements from time to time made by our incorporated companies and others engaged in Manufactures, Mines, Commerce, &c. To collect these various items of informa tion, and give them to the public in a shape easy of reference and for perpetual preservation, as well as to gather from all available resour ces, everything bearing directly or indirectly on our wealth, prosperity and industry, is the design of the Journal now offered for public patronage. So far as the plan for conducting the same has been matured, the pages of the STATIST will be devoted to the arrangement of such tables relating to our Population, Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Public Improvements, Manufactures, Fisheries, Mines, and Social Sta tistics generally, as will present their condition and our progress in each. It is also designed to contain the Reports (condensed) of the Public Treasurer, Com missioners of the linking Fund, Superintendent of Common Schools, and all other State Offi cers and Boards; as also, Statements and Re ports of the condition and progress of the vari ous Railroad and Navigation Companies. The Statist will be put to press as soon as a sufficient number of responsible names are ob ained to pay the expenses of public.iton. The numbers will contain each, not less than 150 pages closely printed matter, making a book of 300 pages, or more, to which will be added a full and complete index. Terms: THKF.E DOLLARS pkr assuji OXE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, for six months; payable when the first number is ready for publication, which fact will be duly announced in the public Newspapers. GPThose persons intending to patronize the Journal, will send their names to the undersigned without delay, as it is desirable to issue the first number as soou as possible. QTJENT. BUSBEE, Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 1, 185S. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! FOR THE TRADE OR PRIVATE USE. Furniture Manufacturers, OD BOWEllY, NEW V'OKK KK. H r5ce Only. 55 run nnrl Bnlil ' Terms Cash. Oie Ir5 exclusively at wholesale. We are now prepared! to offer a well assorted stock at retail, at a sa-W Tins of from twenty to thirty per cent, to the jd Con sum r1 Wo ha er. ave now Tor' sale 4 Mahogany Chairs, spring seals, lj upholstered in hair cloth, M from S2 25 to 6 00 ea. 3b.' J rjt Mahogany Sofas, spring seats, g?ri upnoistereu in uair cioiu, from l Mahogany Rocking chairs, D spring seats, upholstered j in hair-cloth, from U Mahogany easy Chairs, 13 09 to 26 00 5 00 to 12 00 " SI holstercd in hair cloth, 11 00 to 18 00 00 fej Mahogany Tete-a-tete, up 1? holstered in hair-Cloth, 15 00 to 35 Matrosranv Tete-a-tete Sofas, 3 upholstered in hair cloth 25 00 to 45 00 " fi MAKRIyE AM) MAHOGANY TOP Tables in great variety of styles, qualities and prices. H J BUREAUS. Half Marble and Wood Top, with f&ov without Glasses, with Wash -stands to match, rj Also, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Sideboards, Hali Stands, Book Cases, Lounges, Etegeres, Corner hi Stands and Book Shelves. fl OFFICE FURNITURE, Desks, Tables and Yx Chairs. ' ml All the above goods in black waluut or oak atM 3 the same prices. i a PARLOR SUITS, in Rosewood, UDholsteredLJ jrt in French Brocatelle, Satin Damask, Satin andM M piush. Aj The same in Black Walnut, the frames ofk W which are stained in varnishing, making a beaa-bq "tiful imitation, and upeolstcred in the same goods, make a sh wy appearance at a much low-ft 4 er drice. - H Q In our establishment can be found a great va-ki riety of Fancy Chairs, in' Rosewood, Mahogany. "1 and Black Walnut, Tnrkish Smoking Chairs, Re-W -Jclining Chairs, Hall Chairs, Voltaire Chairs O Uane lnairs, auu aiso iueijeieuraiea 6 SPRING BED. Known as Tucker's Patent This article we Bwoulu particularly recommena, it naving beenL fully tested, and found upon trial to be the bestm r Spring Bottom ever invented. fj U CONCLUSION. r? PI Parties who are not able to personally select LJ the goods they may want, can depend upon hav-W jjUng their orders filled with as much care, andtj Qj their interest studied, as though tney were pre-M a sent; and to such we also offer our services forH Mthe selection of anv Household Goods thev mmr . . .. , , , . . , . k, J j 7 Qwant. and as we should purchase from First r Hands, a saving will thereby be made which the uJ customer would have the benefit f. fl Aug. 1, lSi7. 61-ly A. j9 ARCHAMBAULT, PORTABLE STEAM E5CISE BUILDER, S. E. corner 15th and Hamilton nig ., Philad.,Pa. Portable Steam Engines, on large wheels, with a tongue for a team to be attached to move them about. These engines have two cylinders, making 10 to 30 horse power. Orders are filled in from 3 to 5 weeks. Engines always on hand for sale. These engines have been in use seven years, and in every instance have givengeneralsatisfaction. Descriptivecirculars will be sent when applied for. Jan. 10. 1857. 32-tf HELMBOLD'S GENUIXE PREPARATION or HIGHLY CONCENTRATE I COHPOCID FLUID EXTRACT B I C 11 1 . For Diseases of th Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Obscructions, Secret Diseases, Female Complaints, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Arising from Excess and Imprudence in life, and re moving all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long standing; giving Health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED !!! It cares Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and re moves all the Symptoms, among which will be foun 1 Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dim , ness of Vision. Languor, Universal Las- C "'"p of the Muscnlar System, and often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms Hot Hands, 1? lushing ot the body, Dryness of the Skin, Palled Countenance and Erup tions on the b ace, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, frequently Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, With Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight. Want of Atten tion, Gleat Mobility, Rest lessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Patients than Solitude, and nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. These symptoms, if allowed to go on whieh this medicine invariably removes soon follows Loss ot Power, Fatuity and Epileptic Fits in one of which the patient may expire. Wrhe can say that these ex ercises are not frequently followed by these direful diseases Insanity and Consumption? The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sod den and quite destitute neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. "With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.'" Debility is most terrible! and has brought thou sands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blast ing the ambition of many noble youths, It can be cured by the nso of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY". If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buchn will cure you. Try it and be convinced of its efficiency. Beware of Qnark Nostrum, and Qnack Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and saVe Long Suffering, Money, and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and Specific Remedy. It allays all pain and inflamation, is perfectly plea sant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its action. fleliiibolri's Extract Bucliu Is prepared directly according to the Rule of Pharma cy aud Chemistry, with-the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combina tion. See Prosessor Dewees' Valuable Works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. One hundred Dollars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa tient; and the testimony ofthousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years' standing have been effected. The mass of Voluntary VTesfimouy in possession ot the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative pow ers, is imense, embracing names well known to Science and Fame. 10O,000 Bottles bave been Sold and not a single instance of a failure has been reported! Personally appeared before me. an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, II. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation con tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. H. T. HELMBOLD. Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No vember, 1854 W. P. HIBBARD, Alderm'n PRICE: $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any Address, accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Cler gymen and others. Prepared and sold by II. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. No 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings, Phila. J-Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's Take no other. Cures Guarantied, une 13. J857. ly IR W. R. 31 O S E LEY'S Griffin, Ga.,56. All persons afflicted with Cancer, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, Scald-Head, Tetter, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Otorrhceo Ulcers of all kinds, together with all other chronic diseases, can avail themselves of Dr. Mosely's services at Griffin, Ga. Office on 8th st. JSrTERMS: All persons are required to pay their fees in advance, or give their notes with references. No case will be undertaken unless it can be cured or admit of relief. My mode of practice in Cancer and Cancerous affec tions, is without the use of the knife or caustic jmu4 is both local and constitutional, causing but very little pain, in most cases. All cases U of CANCER are required to be under tay immeciiiie cure auu supervision irom one to six weeks. Communications strictly private and promptly answered. Address W. R Mosely, M. D., Griffin, Ga. SCIRRHIJS BREAST CIS BE CURED!' LET THE PUBLIC READ. In mercy to the afflicted, and the gratitude and high opinion I eutertain of Dr Moseley, as a Surgeon and Physician, I deem it my duty to mention the case of my wife, hoping at the same time that allpersonssimi larly afflicted may be benefitted by it. In the fore part of this year, my wife had several small lumps to make their appearance in her breast ; they continued to increase in size, until the whole breast became a diseased muss, and very painful. I procured the best medical aid in the city of Rome, and notwithstanding the earnest and faithful attention of the most skilful physicians, she continued to grow worse and worse until they gave the case up as incurable, and advised amputation. I was advised by many of my friends, to visit Dr. W. R. Moseley, of Griffin, Ga., which I did, and, astonishing as it may seem, he had her entirely cured within one month! and she is now in good health!! I would advise all who are afflicted with Scir rhus and Cancerous affections, to visit the Doctor with out delay, as I am satisfied by experience and obser vation, that he is the mo ft skilful physician in the Southern States, in the treatment of that horrible dis easeCancer WM. H. MITCHELL, M. E MITCHELL, Daughter of J. W.Bradbury, Rome. June 20, 1857. ly The Approaching Fourth. Everybody is making preparations of some kind for the proper observance of the "Glorious Fourth." Some will go abroad, and some will stay at home, others will remain sober ; some will don military uniforms, while the great majority will wear such plain clothes as are lecomingto respec table and patriotic private citizens. Of course the great mass of these people will get their garments at the Brown Store Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 (new style) Chesnut street, above fc Sixth. - . July 11,1857. MEDICAL COLLEGE UF GEORGIA, AT AUGUSTA. The Twenty-Sixth course of Lectures in this Insti tution, will commence on Monday, the 2d November next. Emeritus Professorof Anatomy, G. M. Newton, M.D. Anatomy, H F Campbell, M. D. Surgery, L. A, Dugas, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, L. D.Ford, M.D. Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Medical Jurispru dence, I P Gravin. M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants, J. A. Eve M.D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, H. V. M. Miller. M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy, Alex. Means, M D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, R Campbell, M. D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, S.B. Simmons. M. D. Clinical Lectures will be delivered in the City Hos pital and at the Jackson street Hospital. Fee for whole Course, S105. Matriculation Ticket (to betaken once,) $5 For further particulars, apply to any member of the Faculty, or to " I. P. GRAVIN, Dean. Sept 5th, 1857. 66-tf SHEPPIRD'S GREAT BENEFACTOR THE GREATEST PERIODICAL REMEDY EVER DISCOVERED. 1,000 BX8,. Retailed Monthly. THE BENEFACTOR IS INFALLIBLE tor the im mediate removal of Obstructions lrrigularities, Pro lapsus Uter (falling of the womb) Leuchorrhea or Whites, and all the diseas es peculiar to females. This remedy has never in a single case failed in produciug the Menses. I have received many letters of recommendation, which all say. '-It is the best remedy we have ever used." Sickness at stomach, headache languor, debility, pains in the head, side and back, loss of appetite, costiveness, &c,, are some of the symptoms which attend irregular menstration. This remedy is certain t o remove one and all of these symp toms Be sure and get the genuine, which has my signi ture on each box. This remedy may be had by ad dressing J. S. SHEPPARD, West Fourth street Cin cinnati, and enclosing $1, and the remedy will be sent by return mail. N. B. Ladies who are pregnant should not use this remedy, as it is sure to bring on miscarriage, though no injury to health would follow. One box SI, three boxes $2. All letters of inquiry must contain a pos tage stamp to ensure an answer. J. S. SHEPPARD. Sole Proprietor, Cincinnati, O. August 1, 1857. 61-ly Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts!!! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER. At the Quaker City Publishing House ofDuane Rulison, Philadelphia. By buying a book for $1, or more, you are at once presented with a prize, worth lrom 25 cents to $100, consisting of Fine Gold Jewelry Watches, Scc, All orders by mail will be promptly filled, and the prize or prizes will accompany the books. Our list contains all of the most popular books of the day. and will be sold at the usualretail prices, many of them for less. Persons wishing any particu lar book can order at once and it will be forwarded witq a gift. A catalogue giving full information,, with a list of books and gifts, will be sent post paid by ad dressing DUANE RULISON. No. 33 S. Third Street. Phila. ""Agents wanted. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Circulation, over 100,000 Copies Weekly ! 25 WITxXESSES, or the FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR., Who has had 10 years experience as a Banker and Publisher and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle when for 10 successive nights, over ZS 50,000 Peoplc-'SS greeted him with Rounds of Applause, w hile lie exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and the surest and shortest means of detecting them! The Bank Note Engravers all say that he is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BAXK NOTES. Describing every Genuine Bill in existence and ex hibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation !! Arranged so admirably, that reference is easy and detection instantaneous. No index to examine ! No Titiircs to huntnn! But so simplified and arranged. that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can sec at a glance. English, French and German. Thus each may read the same in his own native Tongue. Most perfect Bank Note List published. Also, a List of all the Private Bankers in America. A complete summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edition, together with all the important News of the day. Also, a series of tales from au old manuscript found in the East. It furnishes the most complete history of ORIENTAL LIFE, describing the most perplexing positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever oftered to the public. Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at $1 a vear AH Letters must be addressed to J JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and proprietor, 10 Wall Street, New York. April 25, 185T. ly. PROSPCETUS OF THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER For the Year 1856. July to December. TWENTY-THIRD VOLUME. Tn issuine the Prospectus of the Twenty-Third Vol ume of the SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER, oommencinsr with the July No., the Proprietors rely csnlplv on the encouraging letters and promises of the fripnds of the Messenger to aid them in extending its circulation, and they beg to assure the public that no p-zertions will be remitted on their part to maintain the high character of the work, and to challenge the patronage of all who value sterling literary merit. For Twentv-One Years, the Messenger has endeavored to reflect faithfully the Southern mind, while disdaining all narrow and sectional views, ananas Deen aioue among the monthly periodical? of America, in defence f the PECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or in the direct form of anti-slaverv namnhlets. At this critical juncture, whilp nnr pnemies are envulovine literature as their most potent weapons of attack, the Southern people will surelv not withhold tbeir encouragement from a work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in their de fence. The Messenger will, as heretofe, present its readers with Reviews, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Novels, Tales, Travels, Essoys, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Navy and other National Subjects. With a view to ensure a larger circulation of the MESSENGER, the Proprietors though they intend greatly increasing the size of the work, have reduced the price of Supscriptioa, which is now only Three Dollars per. annum, in Advance, OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT PAID BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. CLUBS Remitting us Fifteen Dollars in one letter, will be entitled to Six Copies. The Editorial and Critical department of the Mes senger will continne under the charge of JOHN R. THOMPSON, Esq., And will embrace copious notes on current literature and reviews of all new American or Foreign works of general interest and value. The Editor's opinions will be always fearlessly and honestly avowed. The Business Department is conducted by the under signed, to whom all communications of a business na ture mnstbe addressed. MACFARLANE. FERGUSSON & CO. Law Building, Franklin direct, Richmond. Ta. Juae 1, 183 L. SCOTT & .CO.'S REPRINT OF THE BRITISH PERIODICALS AND THE FARMER'S GUIDE. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THE LATTER PUBLICATION. luhh??T,T CO NEW YORK, continue to pub lish the following leading British Periodicals, vis THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain-Whig, Tory, and Radical, but politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science. Literature, Morality, and ReligioB thev stand, as they ever have stood, unrivaled in the world of letters, being indispensible to the scholar and the professional man, while to the inteligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfac tory record of the current literature ot the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained' from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the Brit ish publishers gives additional value to these Reprints inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hnnds of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. Per ann. S3 00 For any one of the four Reviews t or aay two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews g 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 0t Payments to be made in all eases tn advance Money current tn the State where issued will be re ceived at par. CLIBBIXC. A discount of twenty-five percent from the above mKlitaa ..-ill Y'l ll oll.kll'Jwl . 1 . . , P. -v-o ij ii-s oruering lour or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus Four copies of Blackwood, er of one Review will -b. sent to one address for $9; four copies of 'the four Reviews aud Blackwood for S30; and so on. POSTAGE In all the principal Cities and Towns; these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. "When sent by mail, the Postage to anv part ol the United States will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a yeas for Blackwood and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. N. B. The price in Great Britain of the fire Periodicals above-named isabtvl $31 per annum. THE PARHE1HS GUIDE. To Scientific and Practical Agriculture. By Henry Stephens,. F. R. S., ol Edinburgh, an.l the late J. P. Norton Professor of ccientilic Agricul ture in Yale College. New Haven. 2 vol L'oval Octavo. 1000 pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings. This is, confessedly, the moet complete work ol Agriculture ever published, and in order to phe it a wider circulation the publishers have rcsolvtd to re duce the price to Five olltrs for Iic ino Yi'IrircF ! ! "When sent by mnil (post-paid) to California and Oregon the price v ill be 7 dol bus.-. To ,.u.rv (,iliei part of the Union, r.nd to Cai.iwin (post-paid : dollars. This work is not the old "!:- k of the l uim." Remittances for any nt'the above put lientii.i:s f-l.onM lways be addressed post-paid, to the I'liMis-l er LKbNAKI) SCOTT v Co. No. 5 I Gold-slice.. New York. Inliaia f ion in Cojim; u jt itm . RONCIUTIS. LARYNGITIS, and other Dis eases of the Chest anil Throat . siu-eesslu 1 1 v traf- ed by the Inhalation of Medicated Yapois aiai Pow ders, by absorption and constitutional ti aln;i n!. as practised at the rilu vesant Medical Institute, New York City. The unprecedented success which has attendtd litis? method of treating diseases of the Lungs and T hroat has induced us' to depart lrom cur usual course, and ourselves of the columns of the press, in order to bring it to the knowledge of such as- may be laboring under or pr disposed to such anectioiis". The dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Con sumptive; the doctrine of the incurability of ( t nsunip tion having at lenglh passed aw ay. Me have tniinbi table proofs in our pessosMon t'onsr mpf ien in all its stages can be cured! in the lirst. ly liibcictiiar ab sorption; in the second, by the 1 1 1 nsioi ma t ions of the tubercule intoehalky and calcareous concr t ions' in the third by cicatrices, or scars. T hose v!diV. to the opinions of the past may assert, that een now. consumption is incurable, such are be hind the a"e. To all, this great truth must be apparent, viz: that the medicines inhaled in the form ol apor or Powder di rectly into the Lungs, must be much more elective than that taken into the Stomach, where the disease does not exist. The advantage of Inhalation in Con sumption and Throat diseases is. that medicine in the form of Vapor is applied directly to the Lungs, w here the diseise exists; the stomach is thus left tree to aid in restoring health, by administering to it a healthv. fegiing food. There is no case so hopeless that In hamt;.on will not reach! The means, too. are brought within the reach of all. the manner of administering the Vapors being so simple that the invalid is never required to leave home, where the hand of friendship and atlection ter.cis so niucu 10 aid tiie physician's effort The Inhalation method is soothing, Fa.fe and readv nd consists in the administration of Medicine in such a manner, that they are conveyed into the I.ungs in the form of vapor and produce their action at the sc-t of the disease. Its practical success is destined to re volutionize the opinions oi the medical world aud establish the entire curability of Consumption. I earnestly appeal to the common sense of nil afflic ted with Lung diseases, to embrace at once the advan tage of Inhalation, and no longer apply medicine tothe unoffending stomach. I claim for Inhalation a place amongst the priceless gilts that nature and art hath given us. that "our day may be long in the land," and as the only ark of safety for the consump tive; a method not only rational, but simple and till cacious. Such of the profession that have adopted Inhalation have found it efficacious in the highest de gree, arresting the progress of the disease and work in" wonders in many desperate cases, in vcrdity, a signal triumph of our art over this fell destroyer of our species. Note. Physicians wishing to make themselves ac quainted with our practice, are informed that, our time being valuable, we ean only reply, as to ingre dients used, to such letters as contain the fee. The fee in all cases of Pulmonary affections will be $10. on receipt of which the necessary medicines and instruments will be forwarded. Applicants will state age, sex, married or single, how long affected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, and the symptoms generally. Let the name, town and State be plainly written. Postage for re turn answer must be enclosed. Letters, w hen regis tered will be at our risk. All letters must be address i to WALLACE MERTOUN. M. D. S, M. Institute, New York City Nov. 12, 15-Gm WHISKEEAND0. Warranted to force the Moustache and Whiskers to crow strong and luxuriant in one month, where lb re was none before. Itwill not stain or injure the skin $1 per bottle. Sent to all parts of the country on re ceipt of price. Receipt for making $5. Dn. S. P. SHELDON, ug. 8th, 1857. New York NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. This Great Journal of. Crime and Criminals is in it 13th Year? and is widely circulated thronghoii it t he country, 'it is the first 'paper of ; tb kind WnJ-cd in the United States, and is distinctive in it 8 (t TW ter. 7iti?l?,tsr;:n Matsell & Co, by whom it win nere u f K ed: Mr Matsell i was formerly X" of the York city, and he will no doub nnt Ils edito. most interesting paper . in tie alacter t, rials are Ton1 " Universal i-upport. Bhould nDdtiofnthrper Annum; $1 for Six TSU remitted by Subscribers, (who should te&ehmZi fown, county and state where reside, plainVyO MATSELL & CO. Editors and Proprietors of the National Police Gazette, New York City Jmae3,l8 X

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