NORTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTBVILLE, N C SATURDAY, November 13, 1858. TO OUR READERS. To the patrons and friends of the North Caro linian vre tender a cordial greeting on our acces sion to the labors and responsibilities of its edito rial tripod. In assuming this charge we feel that we have a work before us to which are attached both arduous duties and high privileges. Our duty will lie to vindicate the cause of truth without fear or favor, a.irl to aid in the advancement of educa tion and every available good ; and our privilege will be to feel that our means for 'usefulness are widely extended, and that we occupy a position whose influence may, if rightly directed, contri bute in some degree to the welfare of society and of our country. As we are not yet sufficiently familiarized with local ttffairs so as clearly to define our position in relation to them, we will at present limit ourselves to, a brief sketch of the general principles by which we will be guided in our editorial career. The Democratic banner under which the Car olinian has so long and nobly .fought will still wave, freelv as ever, to the breeze. Confident in the soundness of that political faith of which such men as Jefferson, Henry and Calhoun were the exponents, and which counts for its champions the wisest and purest statesmen enshrined in the his tory of our country, we feel proud to enroll our nitnes as its ardent supporters, believing as we do, that whatever is patriotic in the past, politic in the present, or desirable fur the future, owes a nurture. if not an existence to the free and geneious fount of Democratic institutions. In the discussion of politics we will endeavor to avoid all rancor or vindictiveiiess, and deal with each question that may arise on its own merits, without personal prejudice, and aim to impart to the paper a high toned gentlemanly spirit, not at all inconsistent with a warm regard for the party, md a hold and determined suupport of its principles. Hut while the Carolinian will be essentially a Democratic sheet, it will be something more, We propose to make it a valuable aid to the business man by the accuracy and fulness of our commer cial reports and statistics : to the farmer, by de voting considerable space to articles on agricul ture and the state of the markets, more especially such as have reference to the soil, climate, and production' of this region of the South : to the general reader, by a varied correspondence, by judieious selections from our exchanges, and relia ble local intelligence ; and to our fair readers by an occasional story, poetry, and an entertaining melange of wit and humor ; so that in the count ing house, on the farm, or at the fireside, the Car- the first place to drive much capital from the State for investment. : In several of the States it is per mitted to loan money at a much higher rate of in terest than six per cent ; consequently when money is scarce the lender can do better by sending his money where he can obtain for it, its proper mark et value. In this way money is carried out of the State in seasons of scarcity, when its abstraction from circulation here works the greatest incon venience. Moreover, there is in every community many persons who think it not wrong to evade the usury law. These loan their money at a higher rate of interest than the law allows, taking care however to evade its penalties. The scarcity of money brought about very often by the operation of the usury law compels the borrower to resort to this class, who are known as ' shavers." Now the " shaver is induced to charge an exorbitant rate of interest, first because money being scarce is necessarily high, and secondly because in evading the law he runs the risk of being made to suffer the penalties of usury. He charges.therefore an ad ditional per centage to cover the risk thus incurred. So that the borrower at least is taxed to indemnify 1 the lender for the risk he runs in evading the law. Now it will be generally conceded that the usury law is enacted to protect the borrower. It is mani fest however, that its operation is injurious to the borrower, inasmuch as it raises the rate of interest which he has to pay. When it is recollected, that excepting loans by Banks, by far the largest amount of money is loaned by note shavers, it will be evident how futile have been the attempts of the legislature to fix the price of monry. members. In the October election eigh; members were elected fifty-three RepuC and thirty-two Democrats. The election , , .. i vt V 1- XT, W iook place yesteroav in i-new aiiiw. no i Massachusetts. Delaware, Illinois,' iwiciijo- tj ..,i:.. tVto, rstiima rM I and in all nrrihnhilitv. roKiilted in the electiorf V has "t 1 one Republicans and fifteen Democrat lSSf. will Tnnlrn (ho etrinirt I 4 it the naltlpil Sll. x " - "I-!'" " I " L ted stand as follows : Elected in October. Do November, - The States yet to elect are Alabama? C ticut, California, Georgia, Kentucky. L Vnnec Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi. Ne Hsiana, shire, North Carolina. Rhode Island,, T& p&mp 1 exas, and lrginm, which elect eighty-f tessee, bers. In the present House they stand ai J mem- Dem. Iiepf. Allows : 67 7Am. Add already elected. - - 47 1044k 12 9-t M.t 111. a XT"T A . . II V JS nnkfnfDII tf fVi PAFO ttllv Ctnltlfv til ft BCtOfS j e i x ayenevuie sau vv c&lciu aiuuau. auurenugw, u , J - j - x "We are srlad to learn that the proper spirit m the farce, and must bring with them inevt T K II - V. .. .1 .... 1 n .-, r- ;.v krk Woctopn nnrtinn of the state, in regard to State aid to the Fayetteville and Coalfields Rail Road. We have heard bat one opinion upon the subject, which is that, under the circumstances the road is entitled to aid, as its completion will materially assist in developing the resources of our State. We believe the members elect from this county are favorably disposed to this enter prise. Salem Press. DO i THANKSGIVING DAY. Govornor Bragg has issued a Proclamation ap pointing Thursday 25th inst., "a day of solemn. and public thanksgiving to Almighty God for past blessings, and of supplication for his continual kindness and care over us, as a State and as a Na tion." The 25th has also been appointed as a day of thanksgiving by the Governors of Maine, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Missouri, ia those States. CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIR. As the columns of the Carolinian were closed before the conclusion of the Fair last week, we were unable to lay before our readers the particu lars of the exhibition. We now congratulate the officers and members of the Agricultural Society, on their success, as evidenced by the number and variety of the articles on exhibition. On the first and second days, the weather was all that could be wished for, and the grounds, especially on Thursday, were graced by the presence of a large number of the lovely daughters of Cumberland and the surrounding counties. The Fair was also visited by five military companies in uniform, under the command of Col. C. E. Leete, and Ma jors 11. M. Orrell and H. T. Brantly, accompa nied by the La Fayette Sax Horn Band, which discoursed sweet sounds," much to the gratifica tion of the visitors. Joel Williams, Esq., President of the Society, read the Annual Address, which was listened to with marked attention. The List of Premiums awarded by the several Committees and prepared for publication, by the indefatigable Secretary, John P. McLean, Esq., will be found on our third page. The receipts during the exhibition amounted to 114 111 In the States yet to elect, the Rent gain two members in Connecticut, and f rats will, in all probability, gain six met the South Americans nr Kentuckv, , Georgia, North Carolina, and Marylanc result will make the next Congress stal crats 118, Republicans 11J, South An In no contingency can the Republican control of the next Congress." Complimentary. We left New family on board the schooner "Ned, Henderson, and arrived at WTilmi rough passage of sev when our little ones were in a IfelpJ they were tenderlj' cared for by Cfci- Mates, Messrs Scarbrough and A table failure, disgrace and loss. Charleston Medical Journal, November. - - The Federal Courts. The Journal of Commerce, a high eu- Iciam upon the prompt and fearless administra- tion of justice in the f ederal uouns which ... nrnt9 in striking contract to the inefficiency f man f thi State Courts in the Northern J l Ul MIB J V mw . Tt h KP.n the fashion of many Republican nrinfc Binrf th Dred Scott decision, to indulge , l,Ti',. ged in gross vituperative aimcss upu eral Courts in an habitual strain of sneering disparasement. The injustice of these "ac9 is manifest to every one acqnainted with the personnel of the Supreme and District Courts and the conduct of public business therein. In inteTity. learnins, firmness and industry, onr cerninc the liie ana caretr ui fi, offer now these hurried and imperfect hints to invite attention to the noble record of art, and art commemoration, which the Art As sociation has offered to the memory of Jas per, and to awaken the attention and recol- lections of any oi our elder reauers. isnus. Courier. From the ireneral tone of our exchanges we are led to believe that a spirit pervades most of the country in favor of the State's render ing aid to the Fayetteville and Coal-fields Rail road. We are very glad of this. It is a work that onght to be poshed to completion as soon rut- rr.i. :..oc, rF thlc Stnte We h J almost said, of the Southern Atlantic states ; Federal Jndges are surpassed by no Judiciary 12 may emo- rsfiom snnessee. Such a Demo- icans o. have the demand this. There is doubtless treasure locked op in the Cape Fear and Deep River re gion of more value than all the gold of the n reka Stat. Let's have it in market at an early day, by all means. Iredell Express. A Handsome Present. The Presbyterian Church, in this place was presented with a handsom Rabtismal bowl on Sabbath last. The present was from the fair students of the Concord Female College. Ibid. thy sons of Maryland. Under the of the weather-beaten mariner we hearts as ever beat in human bo ' nature's noblemen." May their v life, though sometimes stormy, be er prosperous than rJorth For the North Carclinia Self-Made Men No State is more remarkabl Carolina, in the production of salf-made men. It generally happened that they income so after thev became citizens of other Stiles. One of the Senators of Tennessee, bornji our State, is a distinguished example. S Iitor Allen of Wfrr. Bible Agent. It gives us sincere pleasure Lafter a to announce that the Rev. Wm. H. Bobbitt, i;:Wh appo .hi "AE Cinri-.h. i n. toenail a"?,. oTe' Society, for the State of North Carolina. The friends of the Society and of the Great Cause which is committed to it, have reason to rejoice in this appointment, and we congrat ulate the Board on the wisdom of their choice, ilir Bobbitt is well and widely known in his own Conference, having occupied several of the most important stations in the State, and be is distinguished among his brethren for talents, prudence and experience. In this community, he is greatly esteemed by christians of all denominations. We understand that Mr Bobbitt will begin his Agency about Jan'y first. iV. C. Presb. an the hree wor- fo estpnor innd as kind three of through in the world. These qualities are to be seen trt the best advantage in the disposal oi crimi nal business. It is rarely that a culprit es- of Uncle Sam. The Grand Jurors are men of substance and position; the rtatit inrnra are eomrtoseu of the best men in thpoommnnitv. The trials are conducted with GnePd imnartialitv and dignity; the counsel are not allowed to "dawdle" away the time in im mnterial cross examination and prolix "sum- mings up." In a word, the judges do not fear the bar. the patties on trial or outside public opinion, and the result is that they jrive a prac til illnstration of the inst and fearless adram- :..: r lour . ' UOWts'WWiii'Uo'Y.";!? to imitate. Ohio is another, and the cataV But when five become so evv and well ;ue might be ep. extended by a number of othp we look for self made men who in our own State, we find but might the Poet say " How hard it is to clrmb the We know of none more eminently so than our well tried friend. W. Wa H olden. He was rocked in the cradle of'Jgrty. it is true, which some may sneer at; but, V) j dint of genius, application and, perseverance, ie has become the architect of his own for ,une. Without means, he struggled tor years against the ills of poverty. He toiled in the j nrsnit of his oc cupation both night and day, until his indomi table energy placed him whereha now stands. As a politician, we can truly sAy that he stands in the foremost rank. He hasfeerved the Demo cratic party with a zeal and Ability that few - j - can boast of. When our pa consternation and dismay. seen at his post, sustaining; lold gave back in n was still ng flag The Sandstone of North Carolina. The old North State has long been known to be rich in her minerals; but the development of these natural resources is due, in a great mea sure, to the exemplary efforts of Professor Em mons, the talented state geologist and mineral-oo-ist. At the late Fair in Ilaleigh, the utility of the North Carolina sandstone for architectu ral purposes, was highly reccommended, and the effect cf its use in building, we are pleased to see, has been well illustrated by William Percival, Esq., a Richmond architect of talent and education, who is becoming well known and appreciated in our southern states. We have long since advocated the taking advantage of the fact that there is more in Virginia and North Carolina Earth, than is dreampt of in our ('fogy') world's philosophy." Richmond Enquirer A Beautiful Building Material. We had an opportunity, while in Raleigh a few days ago, of inspecting some very beautiful brown Sand Stone. A specimen from Orange county was of a light brown, approaching a cream color ; this specimen was wrought, in one in stance, into the capital of a column ; well 1 " - 'M;rrQf lifting University of Alabama.. We are sorry to see that this institution of learning is so bad ly patronized by the people of our own State. With large and well selected libraries, with a chemical and philosophical apparatus f econd to that of no college in the Union, and with an able and efficient board of Professors equal to all the demands for a high collegiate stan dard of education, and yet we Snd by its cat alogue the number of its students this year amounts only to seventy-five, distributed as fol lows: Seniors twenty-six. Juniors twelve, Soph omores twenty-eight, and Freshmen nine. This marked decrease in the number of the students who enter the college this year speaks badly for our State pride and shows, we think a want of appreciation of a home education, where the influences that surround the student and the principles that govern him are those very influences and principles that he has been brought up under and which will continue to govern in the theatre of his future life and la bors. State Universities are a source of pride and an object of patronage in every other State where they exist more, it would seem than in Alabama. From Alabama we send an nually some 200 students to colleges in other States while to our own University we can at the opening of the scholastic year of 1858 furnish but the pitiful number ot nine Fresh man Mobel Mercury. uijiuwirw. .j uswuTTiuu will be made from time to of our sheet, so tnat it pleasing appearance ; commensurate agreeable, visitor. Important changes time in the typograr in. iv nresent. a clear an l ! 1 rouble, nor expense 'with our means, will be spared to render it equal, in point of mechanical execution, to any weekly paper in the South. Ti.n t,r,.linian is no new candidate for public fuvor. It enters on no ungenerous rivalry but to reap a harvest It fairly ith where it will ,i l If fi.rtv vonr' acouaiiuance w sow me M'ln- j- - a it has endeared it to the hearts of some of its pa trons, we trust the old ties will become more firm- lv cemented, and newer -i- . i .,-,,,,., . StiilHUIILT as ll ni'tss "o ' .. e i r.. relv on our Democratic irieuu iui embarked in this en- k OTJR NEW SENATORS It is not easy to guess what recommendation will be most influential before the next Legislature, in makiug a choice among the various candidates for Senators. If ability and genuine taiem, ... give more prominence to one name than another, Cumberland County is a fair competitor in the per Hon. Warren Winslow. If tOU OI - . 1 T ., g, i- theoarty should fail to unite upon any of its' North Carolina, snecial favorites for the distinguished position ot and vet stronger ones .-s, the organ of several Senator, no happier compromise than could be made counties, we i:i.......i i,..ti-.ii!iir. : we have terprie with afinu belief that the Democrats of our district are both able and willing to sustain a ell-conducted journal; and that in proportion vo will be our reward. ob- w our deservini v. t!,L-, this opportunity of expressing our u;!tlns to (i. W. Wightman, Esq., for the valu ulde and c Uic ient aid he has accorded us since our connection with the establishment ; to our breth ren of the press who have given us such flattering notices in advance, wc tender our sincere thanks, and trust that future acquaintance may ripen the flowers of esteem of which such promising buds are already apparent; and to our many friends whose cordial good wishes have crowded on us from all .,-,i V :o, onlv sav. that where such warm hearts are united with patronizing is no such word as fail.' macT. fiacea hi me vapn to withstand every shock levelled at the great pnncip He did it ably and gallantl himself the honors of a triump corded to him, whilst his oppo admire the boldness and abili r.,c ofbieved. o man had few have done as much, for 1 . .- ti: North uarouna. rn&numc as prominent before the clem naiioidsite for a seat in the 1 we can truly say that few ar that hirh position than W. understands our political relal none is better instructed in whilst at the same time, his rendered him familiar, in an t xtt aijht.tva Planter. Ve have wlti, tue wants ot tne peopi . , xt i ,Kor of this periodical, oonld not fail to take a high s received tuw u luhuti itiuwv . i i-c contains several well written articles on agricul- ate. et T he t a 1 4i., rt ntOfOCr T 1 I laiuivi i -- 0 - . - i i 1 4 Xf and planter. Published at ltauign, oy . m. , , wUh those of our mo1 .., , l..lT.t ,-iot onmim. I y . - , i . Gorman, at tne iov price oi uut- ------ lorg Us style good, nis iuea: r-jT From the same publisher, we have received er ' tlOH .Ald judgment not s' ..... -- ' . . . r UI copy of a Pamphlet entiUed A vinuioauou iiiat ne ,s a tavorue in ima roT Methodist Confekexce. The St. Louis Con ference of the Methodist Church Sonth, which met on the 11th, had reported to it by the Committee on Sabbath Schools, 104 Sabbath Schools 110 superintendents 231 officers, 668 teachers, 5, 170 scholars, 15,257 volumes of books in libraries. Concerning the appointment of agencies for Sabbath Schools, Bishop Pierce said: "T'lio QTgtom of Methodist Sabbath Schools to bestow this honor upon Mr Winslow, who in point of solid argument, experience ana ntness as a legislator, has no superior among the public men of the State. democracy. He won for cheerfully ac- ents could but -i -. y uy wmcn u done more and the democracy of s now considered icratic party as a . S. Senate; and more suitable for IV Holden. He ions at home, and if foreign policy, rsuits in lite have niiuent degree, Such a man ,nd in the Sen- on he stands Site. His ad sions, compare finished ora iclear. and bis ssed by any. : i l ion none win i. t Prnfflsslnn ncfunst the uniust accusa- ,unv. : A -i.w. Slivered bv William We often complain that the UOU5 UUllliliiicu in on I , - , F ,IJ T?ouf rollerrp. .riven trom US Oil account oi SIL aivc o 1 . . f,i r ven for lis operation. i ne niwl.vis- we are too ant to thill Hooner. D.D., I,L..D. in June, 1857. By ' An Advocate.' hands, "there THE USURY LAW. NO. I. More than seventy years ago, Jetemy Bentham. th tcret English reformer, demonstrated to the world the folly of attempting, by legislative enact- to tiv the mice to be paid for the use of mnnr Til A world however WB -,t tl condition to be convijfii- retain" " ' fififfT -"- r Progressive country, (witness the Atlantic cable and the Brit ish ocean steamers, which have already made in roads upou our carrying trade) has had the good sense to repeal the laws restricting the rate of in-teres-t, and money like any other commodity now commands in London or Liverpool, just what it is worth. The time has been when the price to be paid for the entertainment of 44 man and beast " was fised by law. In fact, 44 free trade," which means the right of every man to buy and sell to the l?st advantage, is a plant of very modern growth. It has scarcely yet, even in the most en lightened countries, attained perfection. In North Carolina, very little has been done towards ame liorating the law so as to allow free trade in money. The law restricts individuals from receiving more th.ui ix per cent interest, but allows Banks to take a fraction more than that, by permitting them to take interest on a loan hi advauce. Why the Banks should receive at the hands of the Legisla ture more consideration in this respect than indi viduals, it is difficult to perceive. Besides this, they are permitted to flood the country with paper promises to pay on demand, which are not always performed, as the history of the late financial cri sis willl show. The circulation of this paper ena bles the Bauks to make some eight or ten per cent per annum, whilst private individuals are restricted by law to tix. lhe effect of this restriction ij ua The Fourth Annual Fair of the Kobeon County Agricultural Society will be held at Ked rch y Springs on the 17th, 18th, and 19th inst. Uur Thls js ot the work of thanks are due to the Executive Committee for ' ;f , , ,jne Wl do right. nolitplv sendiner us an honorary badge, and an in- f , Jackdaw politicians, whJ i? vu?i- I....1 ....-;t ion tlifir chief obiect. alt VliailOll to unriiu in. i.... i aim piuoiv.--. w - . j. .i ft rw The Fourth Annual Fair ot tne sampm County Agricultural Society, will be held at Clin ton, on the 2d 3d and 4th of December next. We have received a like favor from the Execu tive Committee of this Society. The North Carolina Conference the M II o th December. i"ne South Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church will be held in Charleston, and commence on the 1st of December. Professor A. M. Shipp, of the North Carolina University, is expected to deliver an Address bcfoie the Historical Society of the Conference. The limits of the Conference includes the State of South Carolina, and a portion of our own State. THE RECENT ELECTIONS. The black flag of the opposition unfurled in Pennsylvania, now overshadows the North from the Kennebec to the Potomac, and the evil day so long predicted, when the North and South should stand divided upon a single issue seems to be at baud. The late elections in the States of New York, Massachusetts, Iowo, Michigan and Illinois, indicate that the Government must soon fall into the hands of the Black republicans. What action the South will take in such an event, will depend upon the magnanimity of its rulers. The Democracy have lost five members of Con gress in New York, fortunately they had none to lose in the other States, which will reduce the democratic majority in Congress to ten. Mr Douglas has succeeded in defeating the Black re publican in Illinois, and will undoubtedly be re turned to the Seuate. We annex an estimate from a Washington paper showing the complexion of the next Cougiess : 44 The House, including Orrg m, consists of 237 i.usii otneis out m u.uci w Our Legislature is about to Imve a I a rare democratic majority i Senators to elect. Upon wh bodv of the representatives of the stow this distinguished ho"p?f thv urn rat eaaam -TT-r i.oiuen", have done yecma deed, their hands are hard and t service of the party Every shaftj sition has been leveled at them. es mars them was received while ba1 cause. Large timbers were hewn secure breast-works thrown arouni cratic party by them, and behind' have Siood and fought for and wi and disconsolate, but now the gretf phant democracy. The questio crats in this Legislature to 'sol those srentlemen shall he rpwarY4 have it in vour power to pull a, of the Temple : but after doink some danger that the Temple mtv I he people have never failed to Reid whatever he wanted, and acter of the Charlotte Convention they are willing and anxious to do li to W. W. Holden. Others have claims as far as ability cerned ; but these gentlemen have lii r.t. " i . . coiiuuence ui ine peopie, logeiner wit4 tude of meritorious service. We won fore admonish the Legislature to weigt value and importance of these well tritl crats and look with ceaseless vigilanci cnoice ot tne people. MANY DEM OCR tive talent is limited sphere ason is quite that we have y Jrave just na intellect, line latter-day peonle, the is the work make place ivs tryiug to mselves in nvene : we I two U - will this eople be very nne Tnaeeu une'f than tnat i'rdm Orange, of a rich brown tint, and .susceptible of a very high degree of finish. These are believed to be tne mosi oeauuiui building material, of their kind, found in the United States, and is destined, we hope, to prove a source of wealth to both the proprietors and the State. Weldon Patriot. Ji-wor-, and k; in in the the oppo- scar that ; in our own, ana he demo- Jliem they the weak triuui- the deir.r,- whether t. lou pillars ere uot on us vid S. har- that honors Lis con ety. the inulti there ell the The Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1858. Our beloved city has again been scourged by the terrible pestilence, under which, for seveu .. , - ii J WT l vears. it nas ouiimaiiy suuereu. Sentember issue went to press, tne dumoer oi deaths from yellow fever had been so small, the infected district so narrowly circumscribed, and the diffusion of the poison so slight, that we thought it advisable to wait for further revela tious before noticing the phenomena of its ori gin and spread. Since that date it nas em braced the whole city within tne mesnes oi us inextricable net, and assumed a degree of ma lignancy seldom if ever before witnessed here ; it has spared no condition or raiiK, shown it self utterly careless of all distinctions of age, or sex, or race, and has occasionally even bro ken through the immunities, hereditary or ac ouired. which have hitherto been securely pur chased by birth and long residence The mor tality has already (October 25) exceeded that for the whole of" 1854 one of our hitherto most fatal years and more than six hundred victims have been swept off, within ten weeks, by it alone. It has presented, too, certain pe culiarities of type and feature which render it well worthy of special study; its steady march uninfluenced in a large proportion of cases by any and all forms of treatment, the absolute uncertainty of all prognosis, the insidiousness of its progress and suddenness of termination, as well as many obscure and curious anomalies which have been very generally observed, niake it one of tJiWJE8lAwfistiii!r. if melanciioiy. rcanioH-"1"-") 5"1H"J' " dentin the work to suprentend its econom;. Preachers are at fault as much as parents The Sabbath School is the ground work of household piety of Scripture discipline and government. An al - sence of this piety at the hearth ot nome oi this discipline and government is the origin of great evils in this world I is to be remem bered that one of the first principles of the Church is this that personal responsibility cannot be transferred to any otuer persons, whether it be parent, teacher or preacher. The Mayor of Portsmouth, a., hi mined put a stop to the habit of sw on the streets, for which indecency already fined a great many persons. out respect to rank or condition, and disastrous, epidemics by which we have ever been visited. We must leave detail for other pens, however, and we douOt uot mat before long its peculiar nistory wm ub o the sad collection wnicu u seems uu. hx forever to be enlarging Hitherto those who have fallen have ,been members of the lower and comparatively un oMn for classes. The gap has scarcely been v. c - . . . - noticed, and soon filled. 15ut death nas mib season robbed us of some who could illy be on.rpH the charmed circle ot acclimation nas DLFUIvw been unusually contracicu, auu nut a. little suspecting their, danger, have discovered, when too late, that they were oeyona us paic. The loss of valuable lives, or the fear of per sonal hazard, may perhaps awaken tnose wuo are in authority" to some lively sense of the danger and the remedy ; therp is yet a hop that a real protective quarantine, not a tniug of straw, a cordon sanataire too strong to break and too stubborn to yield, may save us from the serious calamities which the future threat ens. The present system has been proved over and over again to be rotten to the core ; crip pling and embarrassing commerce always, t hie nerer vet warded off the plague, and should tie re fore be at once forever abolished. Abso- i non-intercourse with all infected ports, or ee trade, is the only rational, the only legiti- ate and safe principle oi legislation up wo ust be upon a belief in the contagiousness ai he dreaded disease, and proceeumg th nniversal admission oi tins iruun, fficiency, not expediency, is the sole point at sue, so long as tney are anempvcu rccd. AU hair measures, au cuuiptui. Sergeant Jasper and the Flag. Our histories e-ive its but little informa tion concerning the gallant Jasper, whose well known and characteristic act of daring in rescuing the fallen flag of Fort Sullivan, is so worthily commemorated in Leutze s picture, now in possession of the Carolina Art Association, and on exiuuitiou m tutu gsllery. Eamsay's account is? in these words (p. lob :) " In the beginning of the action the flag staff was shot away ; Sergeant J asper, of the Grenadiers, immediately jumped on the beach, took up the flag and fastened it on a sponge staff. With it in his hand he mount ed the merion : and thongh the ships were directing; their incessant broadsides at the spot, lie deliberately fixed it. The day af ter the action President Kutledge presented him with a sword as a mark of respect for his distinguished valor." A note to Ramsey's account gives some particulars of the stand of colors presented some days aiterwarus to vui. iiiumuic oin tment, by Mrs. Rarnard Elliott, the worthy wife of one of the actors in this noble combat. One of these flags was resr led by Jasper, at Wi3Mh, with 3 dsring and a deliberate eonrao-e ennal to that displayed at Fort Sul W- 1 M f - , livan, and in his dying moments he recorded his satisfaction at the iulhlltnent ot the pledo-e which had been given with and tor , , ti .1 : : these colors, on Denait oi ment. Can any of our readers or friends give us any new information concerning the sword presented to Jasper, or the colors borne by him when mortally wounded at Savannah. The flag, according to a traditional and long accepted opinion, is in the Tower of London, but we have not at hand any direct testimo- nv on this nriint. What became of the ort OUlllvan uag, and on what other occasions, if any, Deiore nr after the action at Fort Sullivan, was that flae- or one of similar device displayed? - ?? - - - .... A i- A belief has also prevailed to some extent we know not at present on wnai au thoritv that tho tra ant Jasoer died witn J O . T T 1 . C. out. offsnnnjr. This is not correct, ne ieu two daughters and a son, the two former of whom married it is believed. The son died in early maturity, and Ms grave is marked in the cemeterv adioininorthe Bethel Metho- this city. The widow of Jasper, by a subsequent marriage was the mother of our venerable friend and fellow citizen, Samuel Jasper Wagner, whose recollections of the testimony and relations of his mother confirm the account here given. W shall endpavor to trace out and ar range all authentic records and reports con- The Election of Douglas What are the Prospects. The news of the Illinois election came to us when we were surrounded by the staunch rep resentatives of Virginia agriculture, from all quarters of the State. With perhaps a aolitarj exception among the many to whom it was naturally a subject of remark, the seutiment oi satisfaction at the result seemed universal. We' need not say for ourselves, we felt deeply grat-. ified to know that the place in the Senate ot the United States, once occupied by the author of the Kansas Nebraska Hill, was not to be' dishonored bv a man whose cardinal creed was bitterness against the South, and whose out spoken designs were to violate her rights and1 crush out her spirit. And yet we need not say, that Our gratinca-' tion would have been more intense bad Judge' Douglas been to us, in every respect, the same' Douglas he was twelve months since. Then he had no cause to suspect that personal ends could tempt him from the great cause of the Con stitution. Then we had reason to believe that he esteemed the safety of the country, the sanc tity of the Constitution, the unity of the Dem- oc -'3 uarty upon its platform of principles as fcenotfi . J--. .oiift:eiaLions. It is very different now. After his triumph,, we say what we should have hesitated to say before it, that we cannot accord to him much' more than that he was a choice of evils, until he has demonstrated, by some better evidences than he has perhaps had occasion to exhibit,, that he yet regards the unity of the party and the sacredness of Southern rights, under the Constitution. As Democrats, it is impossible to shut out from our affections a mau who has done such service as illustrates almost his whole record. As Virginians, we cannot forget that he broke down the Missouri Compromise. As men, we can feel only pleasure at his gallant bearing" against all toes, and at all times. Yet, at the most exigent period, he was guilty of contumacy forgot the great fact that the Democratic party was the only hope of the country, and toon sides witn tne worst ?oe at' the Constitution, the country, smtl the South.. The melancholy fact stands out against him that, on the main issue made by the North, or rather by the fanatical leader? of the North throughout an t-rftire session of :ugrcss, not a solitary vote of Douglas-' stands ri?vrded witln the representatives of the Sonth. Do we say this to rpro;ieh him, r to dis parage the value vf his triumph? Nothing is farther from our mind , We say it, if pcrchanoo what we siy ny reach him, to remind- him that there is ground for suspicion in the-South,, of being swayed by personal ends alone. We say it, because we believe the period has arrived, when he may settle at once and forever tl o question whether r not the Democracy may place their cutire and undivided confidence nu him? Any man mny be pTosd at the triumph he hns achieved. Whether justly r not, the Admin istration was charged with exeytiwg its influence against him and there can Vie no doubt that the strength of its apparent support was given to his opponents. Vet he has succeeded triuui- f il u- ily if, by a course of conciliation and self forgetful ness, he shows that he wishes to see its integrity maintained, then will he find no great difficulty in being restored to all the confidence he lost during the piist session of If on the other hand he use his triumph in a spirit of arrogance or conceit. and dictate terms of reunion with the great Democratic party, keeping alive the question which every dictate of a prudent policy suggests should go into the dead past, he may make up his mind to drop, if not all, at least the great part of the sympathy which was extended him from the South during the late election, lie must find friend in some other direction than among the people of the 'oiilh. Nor is the obligation ot fraternity and con ciliation upon Judge Doiglas alone. Th President owes it to the harmony of the Dem ocratic party, through which he has beeu clothed with the high honors he Jears. to do his part in the work of reconciliation. It in volves no sacrifice of principle to stop that semi official course of abuse with which the W ash iugtou Union has so long teemed against Doug has. It involves no sacrifice of principle to ex tend a cordial recognition to the servit-t'3 and abilities of the author of the Nebraska Kansas Bill. It involves no compromise of dignity or honor to forget a family jar, when every dis turbing cause is removed. We cannot blind ourselves to the fact that the enemies of the Democratic party are coun ting on division and discord in our ranks as the. sure pledge of victory to themselves. What that victory would prove to the country, un fortunately needs little evidence. As little is needed, to show that they hav a strength not to be despised. It is time we were gathering all our hosts, and planting our banner. In the name of the country, we hope for a cordial union of the Democracy, upon Jhe basis of those common principles held by ail in a generous tOHfoiifig and frstcrnei -spirit r-Wttb- such a union we are safe, and the country witn us. Without it, we are given over to the enemy. and the country is at the mercy of a recKiess and unscrupulous fanaticism. Petersburg Press. ii ' vt. . 1 1 ta"ke it at once into the great Democratic A Remarkable Operation. The report of a successful operation for removal of " Exostosis of the Orbit," contributed by Dr William E. Aikin, of Winnsboro, South Carolina, to the Charleston Medical Journal and Review, for November, is remarkable in many respects, and is, we believe, the first clearly recorded case of complete success in this operation. This case snows not, oniy patience, perseicr ancefand skill, but ingenuity and versatility of resources in the application of instruments under difficulties that would have deterred many older operators. Charleston Courier. MONEY THROWN AWAY. The last number of the "Spirit of the Aire" contains a statement of the amount of money spent annually in this State for intoxicot ng drinks, and reckons up the enormous sum ot two millions one hundred and ninety thousand hl lars, or an average of six thousand dollars prr day. What untold benefits would accrue fs iu a judicious investment of only a portion of the amount, by improving and elevating the moral condition of the poor of our State, instead of tliHS perverting its uses to the repletion of nr pauper houses, insane asylum and prison cells; rvt. as tliA nbnve nnnor cans MTToW lonfiT WOllld it take ns to pay off our State debt, if tins amount was annually appropriated to the pur poses? A very few years indeed." Salisbury yfatchman. I

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