i ; m MMIM3T r : r- ; ; r "THE NOBLEST MOTIVE IS -PUBLIC GOOD." PAYABLE IN ADVANCE; TERMS, $2 00 PER ANNUM, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SATURE LY, NOVEMBER 20, 1858. NO. 1,019. VOLUME X. '1 ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, in advance, per annum $2,00 " " at the end of the year 3,00 No subscription will be received for less than six months. Hates or Advertising. Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the ferst, and 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, for any period under three months. For three months, $4 00 For six months, 6 00 For twelve months, 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertisers are particularly .requested to state the number of insertions desired, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. MARTIN & PEARCE. LEGAL NOTICES. WRIGHT AND FULLER. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Payetteville, 13"- O- CLEMENT G. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW FULLER have associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. Prompt atten tion given to all business committed to their charge. They will practice in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett, Sampson, Robeson and Bladen. Nov. 13, 1858. tf NEW DRY GOODS. TV. MACINTYRE, HAS RECEIVED Cloths, Ca3simeres, Satinetts, Twedes, Kent'k Jeans, Kerseys, Linseys, Flannels, Blankets, Merinoe's Bomb'zines, Alpaccas Muslin DeLane3, Calicoes, Ginghams, Brilliantes, Marseiles, Silk Velvets, Sil Robes," Silk Dress Goods. Jaconets, Nain-sook, Swiss, Tarlton, Book Muslins, Silk Illusion, Lace Veils, Silk Traces. Edsrino-s, Braids, Tapek, Bon Ribbons, Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels, Diapers, Irish Linen Shirting, Sheetings, Bedticks Shawls, : Cloaks, Mantillas, Challices, Elastic, Enameled, and Ribbon Belts, j Bonnets, Col'd Flats, Ruciies, Artificials, ! Extension skirts, skirt cord, ( j Brass, spring, ratan, Whalebone. j Cotton seine twine, nett twine, j Cotton cards. Hats, Cap-, Boots, Shoes ' THIB STJCBSRIBBB IS now receiving one of the largest and most care fully selected stocks ever offered by him in thia market, comprising every style and quantity of T,JiniKS GEJVTS. MISSES' AJVD BOYS' L v Z 4 TTERLOITS LINE. FANNY" leaves Fayetteville every AND, IX FACT. .EVERYTHING USUALLY SOLD IX HIS LI1S. MU-iun, lu lumsi.jr .nuruiug, m Planters and all others who desire to purchase a ,wv v. . M n(1 Jrrwid.ht. oaitipp rfTHRRMER.'' with a full CC BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 8,-e. CJTEAMI s.' Mo THE XOilTIL CAitOLINIAX. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. supenui aiuu-: . 5!teamep O. 1 BKUUAISS, mentofFla are respectfully solicited to call and examine his stock. circamBtaa HairJnfr inst returned from the North, and exam- pkm 5r,a,i mir rinnls narpfullv before Dnrchasine, I flatter : 1 fringes, myself that I am now prepar d to sll them upon as in th ymi t good terms as they can De uougnt in inis market. LEATHEli of all aescripnons. u iur an pin- constantly on hand. XilcWvPOve articles win ue euiu lunar wn. tf 5 ni j Oct. 23 Oct. 9. j like The Avenger. FROM LIVES OF THE QUEENS OF SCOTLAND. THERNER.'' with a full comple- ' vo "uvaiiji. s oue or more trips per week, as ; Wh le Mary was penning, on the 24th of 3 T . ... . . JnniiArv. hpr ftantiitnd inanines as to the the. Steamer "kuwajn" win oe j . , T, dava. She will then take her place proceedings of the traitor envoy at the kng- T C T.TTTTP.RT.OH - x 1 Ji: TVT x. " nan i ,iiw n, iiir iit-r ueiiverY liibu juuihi d ii 1 l r a 1 r 1 1 . .-.,. .1 : nanus, uer lraieruui iuc uau oimvi n i ly and awfully cut oif, in the midst of his career of successful ambition and crime, by d owns a tract i 15 miles a- lu- :Brnuie cugruo ui i n.muo Cajn Fear-, on " of his injustice, and was then lHn cold, on 3 ofUSusan L. a e0uy Dier n the palace "of Linlitligow. Hundred and TT ..J -r, ,, i f i and Gaiters. TROY & FTJIER, Attorneys and Counsellors AT LAW. LUMBEUTON PT. C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice of their profession in Robeson co., only R. E. Troy will also attend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus, and J. P. Fuller those of Cumberland. Their Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. January 9,1858. 83-tf J. A. SPEAKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, narnett, Vake and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett to., in. . Feb. 10. 18')C 8-r,-v A w. o. AT TO USEY AT Xj AW. Can be found at the Office formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on Bow Street. FHETTEVILLE, X. C. June 2G, 1858. tf LAW NOTICE rrMlE SUBSCRIBERS havinjr associated themselves I ,!.... ;. tii.. nnctii-i' of Law. under the name :n.l stCu- of CAMERON' A" SHAW, will attend -ountv and Su. rir Courts of .Mt.ore. Montgomery. i;i.;l!:in'id and Kobeson. All business e:i "riistivl to tliem will receive their prompt attentio:!. Address CaimTon and Sbaw. Attorneys at Law, sr ,. arli ui U iflinioiid countv. N. C. ,Tf). V. Camkiiox. May 1-, 18.-.S. ly Oct. 23. tf USEFUL ARTICLES. FLUID, Oil and Lard L imps: Brittania and Brass Candlesticks; Superior Steel Snutlers; Brittania Castors, Tea Pots and Coffee Pots; Brittania SPOONS and LADLES; Brittania Communion Sets, Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; Planished Tin Coffee Urns and Pots, Tea Pots; Oyster and Beef Steak Dishes, and Dish Covers; Waiters, of all sizes and shapes. Fixe Scissohs; large for cutting, small for embroid ery ; Razors and Pocket Knives; Baskets! Baskets! for all purposes; COFFEE HILLS, Iron and Stone Morters; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails, Churns and Bowls; Counter Scales, to weigh h to 540 lbs; Familv Scales, to weigh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers; Hair and Wire Seives; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Bells, Music Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies' Leather Bags, (large;) White S;itiu Beads and White Cut Beads, for fancy work; Porte Monaies. entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric Polishing Powder; Boy's Saws; Corkscrews. ereat variety of other useful articles, too tedious to mention, inmc una soe iou yourselves at me 'Crockery Store." W. N. TILL1NG1IAST. Oct. 2. -m Jxo. D. Shaw. AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, F t VK'f TK VILLE , N. C. IILWll PLATES CASTOK8 (18 patterns,) Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Cups, l ea hots, (jroblets, bpoon Holders, Butter Dislies, Butter Knives, Mo lasses Cups, Napkin Rings, Tea Bells, Tie Knives, Sugar Tongs, and Spoons. W. II TURLINGTON, General Conunisi Mcrtliani. XORTH WATER STREET, Wil-KLinglon, JV. C, "TTTILL "-ive personal attention to the sale or ship VV nieiit of all consignments of Naval Stores or other cou.it.rv produce, and any other business en trusted to hisVare, will be promptly attended to. April IS 1 K") 7 . ly 11 GEO. LAUDER, Two Doors above C. T. Haili & Son's Store, Faj-etteville, C. Oct. 1, 1856. ly. iA AAALliS' TAbLUH Aiyir.if. vkj lU.UUU which the highest cash price will 1 Bald A. M. CAMPBELL. fiat. 1. 1856. tf FOU be Oct. 1. 1856. Soltizis Clotli. A CONSTANT supply of warranted Genuine An ker Bolting Cloth all Nos. kept on hand and for sale at the lowest prices by MARTINR lm afe2w Jan. 30, 1858. White I. pari and Linseed Oil, for HINSDALE. ale by Aug. 15, S. J. 03-tf FOR SALE. HE WY 4-4 Bover Creek Sheetings. Cotton Yarn, Warp ad Filling, Nos 5 to 10 ALSO, Belt, Picker, Roller and LacevLEATHERS. Oils and Manufacturer's Findings. Winter strained. Sperm. L.ara ana L.inseea uus. Shuttlie's Isinglass, French Glue, Emory, Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. J. II. HALL, Pres. B. CM. Co. July 26, 1856 -tf KNIVES AND FORKS. HITE II.W'D, with 2 prong steel FORKS, at SI and 1 25 per Set; Do., with 3 prong do., SI 50, SI 75, and $2 per set; And a variety of others at 75 cts. to 2 50 pei some of which are of superior quality. Ivory handle Knives, with steel or plated h orks. or aloxe. at s.i to i oo per set or uozeu. For sale at the "Crokery Store W. N. TILLING II AST. Oct. 2. 2m CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! GR ll AM, is now receiving, a fine Stock of RliAlV-IAl . - CLOTHING, to suit the FALL V WINTER OF THE LATEST STYLES. He would solicit his customers and friends to give him a call, as he otters his Clothing low for CASH or on reasonable terms to prompt paying customers. GARMENTS CUT IN THE LATEST FASHIOJN. He may be found east jam on Market Square. Oct. 9, 3m t lasu vinicn . . r Q r b x;..t;ma ed 15 miles a- mv icuiuio tcugruvc um. ... .. Kt.i.SHiiw' tn "est, smew u 1 Tanthunrs ' 0rtfefc7'- Join? .lne lanus i&ST' of BotWUhaugh, one of the : and the balance wfH timbered. Some fine swamp loyal gentlemen of that name who drew the lands, easily dramecu iernw inaue ea a.. sword in Queen Mary's cause at L.angside, ?tf muv iall nn me at. t.nf stnrp ot : J - . F. Moore & Co. f I had been admitted to quarter by the victo nous Kegent, at the termination oi tnatois astrous conflict, and liberated, among many others of the vanquished pa' ty, but was de Fayetteville, Nov. 6 1858. -vl JAMES BELL, tf set i U.V1 FOR SALE. rkB 1 JOHN T. dlLMORE.n ' fJ tor sale a portiojn ot his swamp lai JAMES E7LE Is now receiving his Spring supply of JOC- GOODS- Among which are Prints, Lawns, and Brilliantes; Col'd and Black Silks; Irish Linens and Diapers; Farmer's Linen, Twilled and Plain; Cashmere and Merino Twills; White and Col'd Cotton Hose; Bolting Cloths, No. 0 to 10; Slikand Straw Bonnets; &c. With almost every article in the Dry Goods line; all of which has been purchased by the package at the late sales in New York and Philadelphia: Will be oifered cheap for cash or on time to paying customers. March 20. 93-tf now offers Trirtiou oi nis swainD lauus m rmntv nf f jnniberlanoL. about 14 miles below Fay etteville. and about 1 miles east of the Cape Fear River. The entire swamp has been successfully drained of the large i body of water by which it was heretofore covered. 'The land is apparently level, beinf free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lands geuerall.t) whilst there is an abundance of fall, by which the', rain water can be carried off by ordinary ditches. ' A small portion of the land has been in cultivation about 7 years and those persons who have setn the crops, regard the land as equal in fertility to any they have seen in this Ktnte op plsewheve. oiThe location is healthy, the neighborhood good. Mid the access to Fayetteville nnfl Wilmincton easv by means ot a good roaa 14 miles in length leading directly to the river. Besides this, It is within 3 miles 01 a oeauinui nine vih;ikc upon a high and healihy Bluff, at the river, with a Store, Ware-house and first rate landing. All which afford many conveniences to the neighborhood. As several persons havtf spoken of purchasing, this is deemed a proper time to call their attention to the subject, in as much, as there is a crop now growing upon a small portion of the land, by which they can judge of its product ion. SReasonable terms will be given to the purchaser. Sept. 10, 1858. tf nrived of his estates. His lady flattered herself that Woodhouselee, being her per sonal inheritance, was not included in her husband' forfeiture, remained in her patri monial mansion. But the Regent paid small regard to the rights of personal prop erty. His confederate, Sir J ohn Uellenden the Justice Clerk, had performed much dirty work in the accomplishment of the revolu tion, and, like Sir James Balfour, expected large reward for his services; so the lands and tenements of Woodhouselee were be stowed on him in rart navment. When he FRENCH FORKS, AND SPOONS, of all sizes. For sale low at the "Crockery btore.'- Oct. 2. -3ml W. N. TILLLNHGAST. of FRESH TURNIP SEED. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP. ENGLISH NORFOLK, LARGE GLOBE, RUTA BAGA, Just received and for sale by S.J. HINSDALE. July 11, 1857. tf rriA EMPTY TURPENTINE BARRELS for sale ?)UU at my Distilery also Superior Turpenting Scrapers constantly on hand, NOTICE. The subscriber wishing to change his position will offer for saleion Thursday the second of December the following valuable property, viz : M4m ACItKS OF LAND lying 011 thev est side of the Cape Fear fifteen miles above Fayfleville, adjoining the lands of John C. Williams, aid others. Said land is level and healthy with convenient improvements on it; further descrip tion is unofcessary as the land will show for itself. It willbe IMd ail together or in small tracts, to suit fiWiiHiP J1 iih -ji iinr day I will offtr for sale my stock of Hdrses. Cattle, Sheep. Ac, one Timbei Wagon, two. Uoad -Wagon's, one Carriage, fanning iitencils. andother things two tedious to mention. The subscribed will take pleasure in exhibiting the land to any vpersons who may wish to visit them. Terms made known on day of sale. Oct. 30, ' tf- ALEXANDER WALKER. bad hitherto done, was abandoned. 1 he great object to the accomplishment of the tfeaty was thus removed ; but as Moray could do nothing without the sanction of his coadjutors in the Government, Morton,-Mar, Lindsay, Uuthven, Makgill, and their col leagues, they were convened to meet him in council for the final settlement ot this im portant matter, on the Sunday in Edinburgh. It was then Saturday, and Moray was more than one-half on his journey thither, exul-" ting in the result of the comerence at bur ling. At Linlithgow he was met by John Hume, one of his friends, and entreated not to ride through the High Street, for there was a villian lying in wait there to take his life. But the cavalcade had already entered the l6ng narrow street, and the"presstfre of the crowd, while it prevented Moray from changing his course, compelled him to rido slowly; and this enabled Bothwellhaugh to take his aim with unerring accuracy. The bullet entered the liegent's body below his doubtlet belt, and wounded him mortally. Bothwellhaugh leaped on hor.scback, and arrived unscathed at Hamilton, distancing all pursuit. Finally he took refuge in France, where, being offered a large re ward if he would undertake the assassination of Cohgni, he repelled the proffered bribe with noble indignation. " I have avenged myself on the villain who made my home desolate," he replied, " and I glory in the deed; but I will not condescend to the trade of an assassin. Coligni never injured me ; whv, then, should I seek his life "? When James VI. obtained some degree ot IrecUom and power on the fall of Morton, Bothwell- hauo-h ventured to return to Scotland ; ana ye ken the life of yon traitor, 1 had never lived to wear my own crown " One of Scott's most pathetic ballads celebrates the wrongs and revenge of Bothwellhaugh. Moray expired the same evening, in the fortieth year of his age. J. R. McDUFFlE. Oct 16, -Ct OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OYSTERS! (Fresh Norfolk and Spiced,) AT THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing and Furnishing Goods; Boots and Shoes; Hats and Caps; Trunks; Carpet Bags and Valises; Hardware; Cutle ry; Crockery; Musical Instru ments; Imported Havana and Principe Segars; for sale by the Box only. A large assortment Xerro Blankets, Mackinaws, &c, &c, &c. Comprising in all one of the la gest, handsomest and the most thorougn assortment 01 liooas ever exnioueu in this market, and will be sold cheap for Cash, or on time to those who pay their accounts at first presenta tion, i Our friends and the public generally are very res pectfully invited to give us an early call and secure a good bargain. G. & L. ilUA.NDT. South side Hay St., Fayettevilk-, N. C. Oct. 23rd. tit SECOND FALL STOCK FOR 1858. STARR & WILLIAMS ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SECOND SUP ply of STAPLE & FANCY DKY GOODS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, UMBRELLAS, AND READ Y-M IDE CLOTHING, With a great variety of articles not enumerated. This stock is very large and well assorted, com prising all the latest styles & patterns, and will be ottered to Wholesale Buyers on liberal terms, either for "CASH" or approved, paper J. B. STARR. Oct. 16, .hi -M Hi II rglllE subscriber begs leave to announce to the SL public that he is in receipt of his OYSTERS and will continue to keep them during the season. He also informs them that they can be supplied with Meals at his Restaurant, from 6 o'clock in the morning until 12 o'clock vat night. wit!i the very best the mark et can altbrd. Ho deems it superflous to say that he will spare no paiusH making his liestauraut what the imaginat ion of his customers mav desire. one of the most respectable; clean, comfortable Eating Sa loons that can possibly be put up anywhere. Families can be supplied with Oysters by the plate, quart or gallon. REUBEN JONES, Proprietor. Yellow Building. Green 'Street. Nearly oppositOShemwell House. Oct 30 -t TO PURCHASERS Groceries of all kinds, Heavy Hardware, Hollow-ware, Neo-ro Shoes Blankets, Saddlery, (some ver1 fine Mexican.) Sole Leathe Fine and common ; Tobacco. And in fact a very complete Stock of Goods line for sale low for Cash. Give me a call. Oct. tf G. W. I. GOLDSTO Towii papers copy and 1 V 1 my FOR SALE. THE following valuable real estate, the prop erty of E. C. ilall dee'd. is offered for sale and consists of the following tracts : That desirable place known as Rome, containing about 200 acres with all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchas ers, it being probably one of the best business stands in the country , and is very desirable to inose wish ing to enter the mercantile business. No 2. Consists of a Lot and Brick Store (2 tene ments,) in Campbellton.ou liridge Street near Claren don Bridge, Mid is a very desirable stand lor Dusmess. No 3, Is 3 aeaut lots in Citmpbellton, known in Oity plot asNos 0!, 111, 112, an half of lot 113. No 4. Is a. dwelling houseand lot on Haymount, corner of Plankroad and AdamsSt. Avery desira ble residence for the whole year. No 4, Is a Corn Mill aud Steara Engine and Boiler of 10 or lo horse power. Ihis is well worth the at tention of those living where water power is not a vailable, and. will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H. HALL, Assignee. Aug. 1, 1857. 61-tI LAND FOR SALE. THE Subscriber Offer- for Sale Seven Hundred Acres of GOOD TURPENTINE AND FARMING ijiSD, situated in Robeson county, directly on (he Southern I'bmk Road, twelve miles lrom 1-ayettevf lie. : If not disposed of privately by January 1st, it will lie sold at public Auction on or auout mat lime, 01 which due notice will be given. Tkrm-s will be made easy and aecommodatiug to the purchaser. Address the subcriber at Montrose P. O. NEILL SINCLAIR. . Nov'r 13, 1858. tJan 1 pd. . 1 . p 1 -i.: ii.ii came to taKe possession 01 ms new acquuo introduced into the royal presence, tie touna tae iaay 01 v knelt'aml Wored his pardon for the slangh- ud-upjiug -'"V" . . , r. ter of the lleirent Moray. " l'arc'on lor . vacate it, having only the day beloro orougn J 8lftno.hter j claimed he young monarch her infant m the world; but, regardless of " vivamtv: " God's blessinir on him . i t . . . r i :i. ,i ,i i " j7 - - tne common ieenngs oi uumum, uuu , , f hjl(l 1K)t ta to all remonstrances aim pruyeiss, uuw ted the sanctuary of the lying in chamber, and thrust the young mother out ot the house into the deep snow, undefended from the inclemency of a mid-winter night. The next morning she was found wandering through the woods in frenzy, which only terminated in death ! Who can wonder that her husband, infuriated by an outrage like this, resolved ,on avenging her sufferings and death? An appeal to the laws of Scot land would, he knew, be unavailing, so gross ly violated as they had been both by the liegent and the great law-officer who had committed the crime. Bellenden, at AVood- houselee, was out of his reach, for Bothwell haugh, being an outlaw, was concealed for safety of his life in the house of his kinsman Archbishop Hamilton, at Linlithgow. The Regent Moray, whom he regarded as the primary cause of what had occurred, cross ing his path in the maddening excitement of his rage and grief, was doomed to pay the penalty of a crime which appeared to place its authors out of the pale of humanity. Understanding that the Regent was to pass through Linlithgow on his way from Stirling to Edinburgh, on the 23d of January, Both wellhaugh made his preparations for ven geance and for flight, lhe house in which he was hidden fronted the High Street, and. bv the projection of a portion of the build-hio-, somewhat narrowed the thoroughfare. IMS ne Knew wouiu ue iu,oiiuic iUl thought was tier husband. The conversa- purpose, by impeding the passage of the Uon turned upon the health of her companion, cavalcade at that point where the pressure wuo was evidently a consumptive. TOIL. If thou wouldst reap the harvest thou must scatter The seed broadcast around; To idle hand pertains the empty platter And the unfruitful ground. Toil is the very life and pulse of Natnrc, The burden of her speech ; The fairest and the finest of her blossoms. Are ever out of reach To be obtained alone by patient labor ; Toil is the breath of life; The idler has no title to existence, And sickens in the strife. Oh! not in vain and vague and s-inful draaming Is life's high aim fulfilled ; The Earth is ready lor thee, light is beaming, Go dig, and mine, and build ; And uproot and destroy, for it is needed, The falsehood and the wrong : And bravely, brother, let the field be weeded, Se sa all the" wheat rise strong. T"ien up, and bravely do thy Maker's bidding, or thine own burden shink ; Nor longer let thy t alents slumber hidden ; But get to work ! Difference is Wives. Two weeks since" we were riding in the cars, when a gentleman came and spoke to a ladv directly in front of us, wno was seateu uesiue a Mi-my man, uum FRESH ARRIVAL. J. M. WILLIAMS. tf Paints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, for Sale by Aug. 15. S.J. HINSDALE. 63-tf SCHIEFFELIN, BROS. CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, &c. 170 William St., Cor. Beekman, N. Y. INVITE the attention of the trade to their large and varied stock of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PER FUMEliY, &c. . In addition to their regular importation of btaple Goods they are also receiving, direct from the sour ces of production and manufacture, supplies of Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, Bronzes, Corks, Mortars, Sponges. French and English Perfumerp. Lubiu's Extracts, and many other articles usually embraced in Druggists' stocks, which they are also enabled to offer on the most advantageous terms. Orders, either in person or by mail, will receive prompt attention. PERUVIAN GUANO - -. A 1 rWI HE undersigned has made arrangements Dy Jl which he is prepared to furnish at short no tice, any reqired quantity of No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure and genuine. Orders for the above excellent fertilizer ar, so licited, to which prompt, attention will be given. As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its equivalent must ac company each order. BEY EKLY KOSE. July 17. H J. . LK'IT AS just received a large and general STOCK OF UOODS suited to the FALL and WINi'Ett trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirable in that line. Prime Family Groceries always to be had AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASn, or ex changed for country produce. August 28, 1858. ly-pd of the crowd would cause the horsemen to ride slowly, and not more than two abreast. At the back of the house was a walled gar den with a wicket-gate opening into the fields, in the direction of the old Glasgow rnnrl. Perceiving that the wicket was too low to admit a horseman to pass at full speed he removed the lintel, and having saddled and bridled the swiftest steed in the Arch- DOBBIN HOUSE. Estabi $20 Reward. Runaway from me in July last my negro slave HENRY. Henry is a dark copper colored boy, 16 or 18 years old and was owned by Airs Arnold, in Buck horn District, Harnett Co. and is at this time lurking in that neighborhood. I will give the above reward for the boy Henry delivered to me in Fayetteville. JNO. WADDILL, Jr. Oct 30, 4t TO THE PUBLIC. THE Subscriber having rented the Extensive sta bles connected with the Dobbin House, is now prepared to board horses by the day or month. He has secured the services of an experienced hostler, and promises to give satisfaction to all who may pat- . r .. ..... a xv r tii"v ronize nis estaousnmeni. . xvx. Oct. 23rd. 3m JL oi boarders spare no painr at her house. quiet comfor to business nJ The stable Hotel, and tr, care, with th be bestowed Oct. 23rd, and well furnished shment was opened for the reception i me i.'ia mst. ine suoscrioer win to make all comfortable who may stop Regular boarders will nere hnu tne of home, combined with the advantages en of a Hotel. of Mr W. C. Troy are in the rear of the lavellers may entrust their horses to his assurance that the best treatment will lipon them. MARY ANN IrOl TEK. 1858. 3m WADDILL "Last winter." said she. " I went to Kansas with him. The winter before we spent in Flor ida ; and now we are thinking of removing to Wisconsin or Minnesota, for the benefit of his health." The gentleman expressed some thoughts relative to her hardships in thus going away from her home and friends, and traveling so much abroad. " O! " she replied, " I do not mind that at 1 n lie .ev hieVioh'a. stable in readiness to mount, he all if he can only retrain his health. barricaded the front entrance, and equipped England better than any other part of tho himself for the journey. Booted, spurred, country, for it is home ; but I urn wil.mg to and armed, he took his stand in a wooden gallery with latticed windows, that over-look ed the street, to await the coming ot tne Regent and his train. Having used the precaution of spreading a feather-bed on DR. JAMES DAVIS, having decided on permanently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his servi- cps to the citizens of this nlace and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa tion, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man- nfr. n wpll as diseases of the mouth, None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. EOffice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1858 tf BEDSTEADS JLXD CHAIRS For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store FAYl di cw tab isfaction to t S-Raleig arrive and i Salem Stasr Fayettet ai fici pensiorka.? Congress' if them. hvI Give mf the money si! x ayenevi. i HAS TAKEN CHARGE OF TUE ETTEVILLE HOTEL ith efficient aid in the erent ueparcmenis, ana nis supervision of the entire Es- ishment, he hopes to give sai- Fatrons of the House. and Warsaw four-horse lines of Stages part from this House Daily, and the ,ri-weekly. JN. C.Oct. 9, -3m a woouen 41 " '"" ,v" Her husbanu made no remarK as ne ueaiu these words, bat volumes were in his eyes. The incident, however, did not particularly impress ns until we stopped at a station about half an hour afterward. Then a friend entered thecnr the pavement of the gallery to muffle his aIU took a seat by our side. lie was troubled tread, and of hanging up a black, cloth to with a bronchial ami lung ciiiiicuiiy oi some years' standing, m course oi conversation recommended a residence in a certain Western State, to which he replied, in Fubstancc: "1 should have been there months ago if my wife had been willing to go. Hut alt her friends are here in Massachusetts, and no con sideration could induce her to leave for a resi dence so far away." We looked at once at the stranger woman, whose conversation we have cited. oble wife,'' we said. " One of a thousand, doubt less,' in this spirit of self-denial for her husband's sake." There is certainly a great umerence be tween these two wives. VO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. OWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, Widows of Soldiers who died 3 war ot 1812, can have their ed by calling on the undersigned made additional provision for management of your claims, and ill come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. KOrfE. Agt. for Pensions. June 19, 1858. tf Dr. Frj R. MITCJ Fra his cele of Aug 21, 1858. A. tf M. CAMPBELL,, .inisstc jf! Oct ink" William s Rye Whiskey. ELL has made arrangements with Dr Williams, to be constantly supplied with RYEWHISKEY, which can be had at times, by wholesale or retail. 8, tf prevent his shadow irom being observed as he passed the windows, he cut a small hole in the cloth, to enable him to take aim, iust laro-e enough to admit the muzzle of his harquebuss, which lie loaded witn ioui out lets. But though his preparations were thus covertly arranged, he had made no secret of his intention, having openly sworn to avenge the sufferings and death of his murdered wife " on the bastard ltegent. Predictions of Moray's cutting off by a vio- ent and sudden death had been rite in bcot- and for some time. Several of the unfor tunate old women, whom he had consigned to the flames on accusations of witchcraft, had avenged themselves by prophesying evil ao-ainst him. One of the name of Mc- Niven, at whose execution he presided in person, hearing him order a Dag ot gun nnwder to be placed by the faggot and tar- barrel prepared lor ner nnmoiauon, uuhtuj exclaimed : " What reed o' a' this wastry of powther; less than haif an ounce shall be PTiniio-ri for mv Lord of Moray. " This or acular denunciation was verified by the vengeful harquebuss of Bothwellhaugh, on tbeSd January. Business of ominous im port to Queen Mary had been transacted by the Regent that morninsr, at Stirling, with Sir Henry lates and Sirw imam xjrury Elizabeth's envovs for concluding the nego tiation for "their secret matter." The farce of demanding hostages and guarantees for the security of Mary's life, which, to save appearance to the world, Elizabeth The most remarkable case of indecision we ever heard of, was that of a man who sat up all night, because he could not decide which to take off first, his coat or his boots. An emigrant to Oregon, writing hmiie to one of his friends, says : " e are getting m finely here, and have already laid the touiiUa tion of a larger jui!." The distinction between liking and lorir. was well made by a little girl, six years nid. She was eating something at breakfast which, she seemed to relish very much. " Do you love it '" asked her anut. "'o," replied the child, -with a look of di's "nst : " I like it. If I loved it I should, kiss, it." Which is the. Rogue? Judge Jeffries, of notorious memory, pointing with his cane to a. man who was about to be tried, said : " There-it a rouge at the end of my cane. " The man to whom he pointed, looking at him !said: "At which, end, my lord? " r 1 JL

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