TK-B GLOBE: THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CONGRESS. I SHALL publish the Daily Globe and the Cox (iKK.siiuiNAi, Gi.odi-; and Ai'PEXidX during the next session oi Congress. The Daily Gloiik will contain a report of the Debate in bulb branches of Congress a taken down by reporters ei(.ial, at lewst, to any corps oi short-hand nt-er.s in this, or in any other country. When the debates of a day do not piake more than foi-ty-fivc colutnuo, they shall appear in the Daily Gi.ohk ol the next morning, which will contain also, the news of the day, togi tln r with f-u h editorial articles as may be sugg.-.-teu l.y passing events. The Co.vuiiKssio.VAL (Jlohk ami Arruxmx will con tain a report of all the Debaters in Congress, revised by i he speakers, the .Messages of the President of the United States, the Annual Reports of the Heads of the Executive Departments, the Reports of Committees of Congress on important subjects ol general interest, the Laws passed during the session, and copious in dexes to all. They will be printed on a double royal sheet, in book form, royal quarto size, each number containing sixteen pages, averaging 2.397 words per page. The w hole will make between ITllC arid 2U')0 pages. ItM believed that no bouk has ever been pub lished at so low a rate. Last year I advertised in the Daily Glouk, for six months, and in about one hun dred otht-r newspapers in the United States, a reward of 2l. to be paid to any person who would produce a book published at so low a rate, and none was pro duced. The 1 rge number of copies subscrilied for bv ' 'o'.i ress enables me to atford the debates to sub sc ribvr.- so cheap. The UoNuiiKssioNwr. Glome and Ai'I'Kxkix pass free through th mulls of the UniUM States, as will be seen by reading the following Joint Resolution passed by Congress i he (itli Aul'u-I. 1)S."2. JOINT RESOLUTION providing for the distribu tion of the Laws ot Congress anil the Debates thereon. With a view to the cheap circulation of the laws of Congress and the debates contributing to the true in terpretation thereof, and to make free -the communi cation between the representatives and constituent bodies: Be it rcsnlvtd by the Senate and House of Repres entatives of t.'n'. Untied States of Jlinerica in Gon giess axxeiablal. That from and after the present session of Congress, the Coxoiuissioxal Glohk axi AiTHMMX, which contain the laws and debates thereon shall pass free through the mails so long as the same shall be published by order of Congress: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the circulation of the Daily Glome free of postage. TERMS. For a copy of the Daily Globe four mouths. $3 00 For a copy for a less time, (per month) 1 00 For a copy of the Congressional Globe and Appendix during the session 3 00 Bank notes, current in the section of the country where a subscriber resides, will be received at par. The whole or any part of a subscription may be re mitted in postage stamps, which are preferable to any currency, except gold or silver. Where bank notes under $5 cannot be procured, I will send two copies for i.. A paper will not be sent unless the money accom panies the order for it. I cannot atford to exchange with all the newspapers that desire the Gj.oiik; but I will send the Daily Gi.oisk during the session to all who shall publish this prospectus three times before the first Monday of next December. Those who may publish should send their papers containing it to me, marked with a pen to direct attention to it. The Coxckkssioxal Glokk ami Appendix will be stereotyped; and, therefore, I shall be able to send the back numbers for this session to all who may subscribe alter the session commences: but if the fust edition shall have been exhausted be fore the subscription-money is received. I shall charge SI additional per copy to pay the expense of putting the plates on the press. Subscriptions should reach mi-as early as the first week of December to insure complete copies at the prices advertised above. JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, November 13. 3t MISCELLAISTEOUS. $l Rt'MtXATiXG People The Louisville, Ky., Democrat says that the amount of tobac co chewed in the Circuit Court room in a day, during the criminal term, is estimated at 25 pounds! The reader may believe this if he chews. A New Hampshire man, who is at the gold diggings in Iowa, says that three days explora tion with a spade had enabled him to find "sev eral very small grains of gold, and several tons of cxaggerat ion." A noted physician says that one of the lest things to appease hunger is an opium pill. We wondor if the doctor ever tried a. beef-steak Hanked with several dishes of smashed "taters." AVe doubt it. A connoisseur happening to be in a celebra ted artist's studio, an animated discussion arose us to the eoler of immaterial objects. " Thus" said one, how would you color a tempest, supposing there were no clouds?" y.W'by," replied the artist, promptly and pleasantly, " I should say the storm rose and the wind blue." Ax Ai'Ology for a Leader. We select this paragraph from a Trinidad paper, in which the editor favors his readers with a singular apol ogy for a leader. Laboring under a fit of las situde, for which, perhaps, the climate consid ered, some allowance ought to be made, he writes : " Our dis-position for corn-position is restrained by indis-positiou. This de-position is no im-posit ton ; out we expect in me next number to be in a position to resume our ex-position." Cool. A man noted for imperturbability ami a scolding wife, was stopped in the woods one night by a uretended ghost. He only said "I can't stop, friend ; if you are a man I must request you to get out of the way and let me pass ; if you are the devil, come along and take supper with me I married your sister." Political Grammar. It is a curious fact, in the grammar of politics, that when states men get into place they often become oblivious of their antecedents, but are svldom forgetful of their relatives. Marriage resembles a pair of sheares, says Sydney Smith, so joined that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any one who comes be tween them. " Grandpa, have you been twice a child ?" " No, boy ; 1 haint reached second child hood yet, by a long ways !" " Well then, I wish you'd hurry np your cakes, for I want some one to play hop-scotch and leap frog with me !" Why are fowls the most economical things farmers keep ? Becacse for every grain they gi ve a peck. Logic. A dog coming open-mouthed at a sergeant on the march, he ran the spear of his halbert into his throat and killed him. The owner coming out, raved extremely that his dog was killed, and asked the sergeant why he could not as well have struck at him with the blunt end of his halbert. " So 1 would," said he, " if he had run at me with his tail." A youth who desired to wear the matrimon ial yoke had not sufficient courage to " pop the question." On informing his father of the dif ficulty he labored under, the old man replied, quite passionately. " Why, you booby, bow do you suppose I managed when I got married V " Oh, yes !" said the promising lover, "yon married mother, but I've got to marry a slravge girl !'' "The party has thrown me overboard," said a disappointed politician, but I've strength to swim to the other side!" Out-Door Sports Being chased by a mad ox, or collecting bills for printers. COMM03ST The President and Directors of the Literary income of said Fund, for the year 1858, among the several Counties of the StateK Schools, have directed the following tabular statement to be published, showing u Fall Distribution to each County, and the sum total distributed during the year.jJ I ho a in nnr.t r, l, Te 1 1 riirtHlK.i!.. ..rill 1 ' uuivmib ui liic x nil iiaii luuouii mil tj aiiuiicBiiuu i.u me ireasury xeuarnneni. The Counties of Jackson. Madison and Polk, distributed from the Counties out of which they upuiniuiu suiu uuiiiies, uuuer me taw oi uic Pulaski Cowper, Secretary to the Board. Counties, Fed. Pop. I Spring Dis. Fall Alamance, 10,166 $1,219 92 $1,219 92 $2,439 84 Alexander, 5,003 600 36 600 36 1,200 12 Anson. 10,756 1,290 12 1,290 72 2,581 44 Ashe, 11,539 1,024 68 1,024 68 2,049 36 Beaufort, 8,716 1,405 92 1,405 92 2,811 48 Bertie, 9,973 1,196 76 1,196 76 2,393 52 Bladen, 8,024 962 88 962 88 1,925 76 Brunswick, 5,951 714 12 714 12 1,428 24 Buncombe, 12,338 1,480 56 1,480 56 2,961 12 Burke, 6,919 830 28 830 28 1,660 56 Cabarrus, 8,674 1,040 88 1.040 88 2,081 76 Caldwell, 5,836 700 32 700 32 1,400 64 Camden, 5,17i 620 88 620 88 1,241 76 Carteret, 6,208 744 96 744 96 1,489 92 Caswell, 12,161 1,459 32 1,459 32 2,916 64 Catawba, 8,234 988 08 9S8 08 l,-94-i& Chatham, 16,055 1,926 60 1,926 60 3,853 20 Cherokee, 6,703 804 36 804 36 . 1,608 72 Chowan. 5,252 630 24 030 24 1.260 48 Cleaveland, 9.697 1,163 64 1,163 64 2.327 28 Columbus, 5,308 636 96 636 96 1,273 92 Craven, 12,329 1,479 48 1,479 48 2,958 96 Cumberland, 10,634 1,276 06 .1,276 06 2,552 12 Currituck, 6,257 750 84 750 84 1,501 68 Davidson, 14.123 1,694 76 1,694 76 3,389 52 Davie 6,998 839 76 839 76 1,679 52 Duplin, 11,111 1.333 32 1,333 32 2,666 64 Edgecombe, 10,018 1,202 12 1,202 12 2,404 24 Forsyth, 10,627 1,275 74 1,275 74 2.550 48 Franklin, 9,510 1,141 20 1,141 20 2,282 40 Gaston, 7,228 867 36 867 36 1,734 72 Gates, 6,878 825 36 825 36 1,650 12 Granville, 17,303 2,076 36 2,076 36 4,152 72 Greene, 5,320 638 52 638 52 1,277 04 Guilford, 18,480 2,217 60 2,217 60 4,435 20 Halifax, 13,007 1,560 84 1,560 84 3,121 68 Harnett, 7,089 "850 70 850 70 1,701 40 Haywood, 6,907 828 84 828 84 1,657 68 Henderson, 6,883 825 96 825 96 1,651 92 Hertford, 6,656 798 72 798 72 1,597 44 Hvde, 6,585 790 20 790 20 1,580 40 Iredell, 13,062 1,567 44 1,561 44 3,134 88 Jackson, Johnston, 11,149 1,337 92 .337 92 2,675 84 Jones, 3,935 472 20 472 20 944 40 Lenoir, 6,181 741 84 741 84 1,483 68 Lincoln, 6,924 830 88 830 88 1,661 76 Madison, McDowell, 5.141 688 9.2 688 92 1,377 84 Macon, 6,169 740 28 740 28 1,480 56 Martin, ' 6,961 835 32 835 32 1,670 64 Mecklenburg, 11,724 1,406 88 1,406 88 2,813 76 Montgomery, 6,166 739 56 ' 739 56 1,479 12 Moore, 8,552 1,026 26 ,026 26 2,052 52 Nash, 7,905 948 58 948 58 1.S97 16 New Hanover, 14,236 1,708 32 1,708 32 3,416 64 Northampton, 10,731 1,287 72 1,287 72 2,575 44 Onslow, 7,040 844 80 844 80 1.6S9 60 Orange, 14,957 1,794 84 1,794 84 3,589 68 Pasquotank, 7,708 924 96 924 96 1,849 92 Perquimans, 6,030 723 60 723 60 1,447 20 Person, 8,825 1,059 00 1,059 00 2,118 00 Pitt, 10,745 1,289 40 1,289 40 2,578 80 Polk Randolph, 15,176 1,821 12 1,821 12 3,642 24 Richmond, 7,936 952 32 952 32 1,904 64 Robeson, 11,080 1,329 60 1,329 60 2.659 20 Rockingham, 12,363 1,483 56 1,483 56 2,967 12 Rowan, 12,329 1,479 48 1,479 48 2,950 96 Rutherford, 12,388 1,486 56 1,486 56 2,973 12 Sarnoson, 12,311 1,477 32 1,477 32 2,954 64 Stanly, 6,348 761 76 761 76 1,523 52 Stokes, 8,490 1,018 80 1,018 80 2,037 60 Surry, 8,132 975 84 975 84 1,951 68 Tyrrell, 4,452 534 24 534 24 1,068 48 Union, 9,258 1,110 96 1,110 96 2,221 92 i Wake, 21,123 2 534 76 2,534 76 5,069 52 - Warren, 10,366 1,243 92 1,243 92 2,487 88 Washington, 4,780 573 60 573 60 1,147 20 Watauga, 3,348 401 76 401 76 903 52 Wavne, 10,311 1,238 09 1,238 09 2,416 18 Wilkes, 11,642 1,391 04 1,391 04 . 2,194 08 Wilson, 6,154 810 45 810 45 1,620 90 Vakdin, 9,511 1,141 32 1,141 32 2,282 64 Yancy, 8,068 968 16 968 16 1,937 52 152,542 $90,425 04 $90,425 0, 1858: 3t Nov. THE OLD ZDOZrvTIITxriLOIINr OODPDPEE POT. i. HALL, of New York, in his Journal of Health for July, 185S. savs: We commend the Old Dominion Coffee Pot, to all lovers of good coffee, as we personally know that it is one of the '-new things" offered to the pablic in which no imposition is prac ticed, and which has the double vouchers of science and common sense." A. SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED, of lk Quarts at 1 75; 2 Quarts at 2 00; a Quarts at 2 35 and 4 Quarts at 2 75, at the '-Crockery Store."' VT. N. TILLIXGIIAST. Oct. 23rd tf FALL AMD WINTER. JEW GOODS! JE1V GOODS.'.' J. O. ZROIE3 Is receiving the Largest Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ever before offered by him, which embraces all the LATEST STYLES OF LADIES &, GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. Among them will be found. RICll SILK AND DELAINE PATTERNS, of the latest style. A large lot FRENCH MERINOS, together with every - shade of SOLID DELAINES, all-wool. A large assortment of French, English and American PRINTS. DEB AGES, and other goods for Travelling Dresses. A lame lot of HANDSOME EMBROIDERIES. A great variety of Ladies SHAWLS and CLOAKS, BOJNETS, French ARTIFICIALS, RIBBONS, &c. A handsome stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. KERSEYS, Negro Blaxkets, and all other goods belonging to a Dry-Goods Store. All the citizens, and everybody that visits the old T -wn, will confer a favor by calling on the snbscriber and looking through his stock,' whether thev purchase or not J. C. POE. Sept. 25 ,2m Ocriqfress Water, for sale by Atfg. 15 63-tf S. J. HINSDALE. SCHOOLS- Office of the Literary ! Vd, Ualeigh, October 2btn, Fund,-bavins: made distribuU of the net . Common priug and Kortnirt in tho npnnilS e II T. 1 1, 1 Pi I LirV ptv w i' - " same, on e. will receive their portion onJ the amount were respectively formed; tbere j ting been no 'jcuciai asncu"";- ) t. President ex officio of the Lil ' ry Hoard. Dist. I Total Dis. I Deduct for; I Jaf & Dumb, P. L. Ray 7r 00 'o 00 15 00 R. Miller yM Wm. Coviri.cJ 1 J. WatsM M ns v atsour 00 liza Watso -J C. L. Fishtif L. Fisher, tl 00 Fisher, til Thos. Berry 00 15 1 S. C. Foos 75 ;row. , A Stxick- 300 00 J R Strack' Ellen Johnson, 00 Wm. Berrv. 15 00 150 00 j Mi I Mi Mary Burt, art ha Ada PS, Thos. Harding, M Flowers, E. Gurganous, M. M. Nickles, 75 15 75 00 00 00 15 00 ( A. R. Shields,' ( Chas. Shields, j C. B. Moris, Wm. Tilly, P. Pendleton, I , Shnffield, A. Craven, 150 00 B Watson. 15 00 00 J . Blanchard. y Hall, Kitty -, Jos'h Butler. ) 300 L. Snow, 15 00 225 00 75 00 15 00 Corne'a Saunders, Nar'a Dupre, Car oliue Witherspoon John Simpson, M. Perry, 84 $180,858 08 COPPER, TIN & SHEET IRON MANUFACTURES. JAMES MARTINE, still continues to mannfacture everything in the abovs line at his old stand on ilay Street. Job work done with despatch. Sept. 10 1858 3m. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. rgHE$E Scales are now IL regarded as the Stan dard For Correct Weight and are In use by nearly every Railroad Company, Merchant, and manufactur ing establishment through out the country. The re putation which these Scales have acquired has been of FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. stea'iy "gToVTa 'irom i commencement to the pres ent time, and is based ujpon the principle adopted f by us, and never deviated fi om of allowing none but i er- FECT WEIG1IIXG MACHINE S to go forth from our establ -slime nt. We have more than one hundred modifications of these Scalesadapted to the wants of every departn ient of business where a corAect and durable fccale is quired. re Call and examine, or sd nd I for an illustrated circul ar. I FAIRBANKS & COI 189 Broadway, 2s EW-i OBK. DAWSOX. Agts. J. &- F. CHARLESTON, S. C. Oct, 16th 1858. 4m-pd NOTICE. 3ERSONS indebted to Jas. C. McEaebin, Guar d, are I dia- of the heirs of John Morrison, decl hereby respectfully informed, that said gitardian has in'a great majority of instances eadorsj ed and transferred theii notes to the undersigned Also, that our urgent necessities, apart from ther require ments of the endorser, compel us to collectas speed ily as possible. All those indebted will Itherefore oblige us, and themselves too. by payinjg up im mediately, we must ana will sue whereT,he money is not forthcoming. A. D. MOFlRISON. J. M. MOIORISON. N. A. MORlRISON. Laurinburch. N. C. March 7.1857. J 40-tl VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tbs application al Assembly L will be made to the nxt G of North Carolina, for authority to end the lim- its of the Town of 1 ayetteville. thoriscpach Ward to elect their own Commissioner, id to 9 the power of the Mayor and Conrmissionel S and for other purposes. Nov.flj 1 808, ft.., i he ' 1 I 150 00 j- 150 00 j i 15 00 ASSSTS 3230.326,20. This Company has been in operation more than five year-, and has paid its losses, amounting to $19,125 85, without any assessment: insurance aver aging its members about i per cent. Policies issued to 1st of May, 1858,2769. Amount of property now insured, S 1,474,922 34. Amount premium notes now on hand, $224,968 23. Cash premiums received, $32,317 41. DIRECTORS, Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A Stedman, S. J- Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin. A.E. S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. "Williams, Jas.G. Cook, A. W. Steel; Jas Kyle, , J. G. Shepherd. R.F.Brown, AVilmington, Hall. Wilmington. OFFICERS. GEO. ncXEILL. President. D. A. Ray. Vive-President C. A. McMillan, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Traveling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 29, 1858 1-y Coupon Bonds for Sale- The Western Kail Road Co., have for sale amounts to suit purchasers. in &Ofi nnft of the Coupon Bonds of the ''v)vwv' County of Cumberland, bear- j-ing 7 per cent, interest, payable smi-annually on the 1st June and the 1st of December, and run ning 20 years $90,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town of Fayetteville, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually on the 1 st January and the 1st July, and running !iU years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County .nd Town suoscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co is selling them) a better invest ment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. MALLETT, Esq, Pres't. or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co March 6, 1858. 92-tf 315 ZFLZEATIFLID - UNAWAY from the Subscriber on the lGth of July, last, the following negroes, viz: One Woman and Two Children, baul woman is 26 years of acre, named Eliza. The children, Rob ert and Hiram, are aged one in his 2d year and tbA other about 3. Thev formerly belonged to Alexander McCollister, dee'd, and at his sale were Durchased by the Subscriber. Said negroes are supposed to be lurking in that vicinity, or m the vicinity ot Arelnoald .McLean Harnett county, who owns Eliza's mother. The above Reward will be given to any person takii mi said neuroes. and intorininsr the subscriber at O -- Tejbinth, Cumberland co., N. C. DANIEL L. SMITH. August 28, 1858. tf HHLJlBOLDIg GKXUI. I'llEPAKATIOJI or HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT B I C II I . For Disease of lh- Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Obstructions, Secret Diseases, Female Complaints, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Arising from Excess and Imprudence in life, and re moving all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE. From whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long standing; giving Health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED !!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and re moves all the Symptoms, among which will be foun 1 Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet. Wakefulness, Dim ness of Vision, Languor, Universal Las situde of the Muscnlar System, and often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms Hot Hands, r lushing ot the body, Dryness of the Skin, Palled Countenance and Erup tions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, frequently Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, With Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight. Want of Atten tion, Gleat Mobility, Rest lessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more desirable to such Patients than Solitude, and nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one question to an , other. These symptoms, if allowed to go on whieh this medicine invariably removes soon follows Loss ot Power, Fatuity andjEpileptic Fits in one of which the patient may expire. Whe can say that these ex ercises are not frequently followed by these direful diseases Insanity lind Consumption? The records of the Insane Asylum, and the melancholy deaths by Consumption. bearfampJe witness to the truth of these assertions. In Luaatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears! The countenance is actually sod den and quite destitute neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should A sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. S "With woful measures wan despair Low suLfen sounds his grief beguiled.' Debility ,1s most terrible! and has -brought thou- rtrr'"iite ii'wot-thousand8 to untimely graves, thus blast ne I , , i T t i.i 1 1. i r lngiue amuiLLUii ui iiia.uj nui j uubii.-, it uau ue cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, the Fluid Extract Buchu willcure you. Try it and be convinced of its efficiency. Beware of Qnack Nostrum, and Quack Doctors, who falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money, and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and Specific Remedy. It allays all pain and inflamation, is perfectly plea, sant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its action Heliubold's Extract Buclui Is prepared directly according to the Rule of Pharma cy and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combina tion. See Prosessor Dewees' Valuable Works on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late Standard Works of Medieine. One hundred Dollars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Pa tient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen yearsr standing have been effected. The mass of Voluntary Tesrimony in possession ot the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curativepow ers, is imense, embracing nams well known to Science and Fame. 100,000 Bottles have been Sold and not a single instance of a failure has been reported! Personally appeared before me. an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD.'Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation con tains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Vegetable. H. T. HELMEOLD. Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No vember. 1854 W. P. HIBBAKD. Alderm'n PRICE: $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any Address, accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Cler gymen and others. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. No 52 South Tenth St., below Chestnut, Assembly Buildings. Phila. . 3rBeware of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's To1ta nn nfior f!ni0& fin n r an t5 fi1 13,1857. ly L. SCOTT & CO.'S REPRINT OF THE BRITISH PERIODICALS AND THE FARMER'S GUIDE. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THE LATTER PUBLICATION. L.. SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK, continue to pub lish the following leading British Periodicals, -via 1 THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) 2 THE EDINBURGH REVJEW (Whig.) 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) 5 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain Whig, Tory, and Kadical, but politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivaled in the world of letters, being indispensihle to the scholar and the professional mau, while to the inteligeut reader ol every class they furnish a more correct and satisfac tory record of the current literature of the day. throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the Brit ish publishers gives additional value to these Reprint inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands o' subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews $3 0i For any two of the four Reviews 5 Of For any three of the four Reviews 7 on For all four of the Reviews 8 on For Blackwood's Magazine 3 on For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 0; For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 ( Payments to be made in all eases in advanct Money current in the State where issued tvill be n ceived at par. CLIBBINC. A discount of twentjT-tive per cent from the abovt prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $!); four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30; and so on. POSTING In all the principal Cities and Towns; these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a yea for Blackwood and but FOURTEEN CENTS a yeai for each of the Reviews. Ar. B. The price in Great Britain of the. fice Periodicals above-named is about $31 per annum- THE FA KMEH'S cillDK. To- Scientific and Practical Agriculture. By Henry Stephens, F. R. S., of Edinburgh, an., the late J. P. Norton Professor of Scientific Agricul ture in Yale College. New Haven. 2 vols Royal Octavo. 1000 pages, and numerous Wood and Sten! Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most complete work ot Agriculture ever published, and in order to give it a wider circulation the publishers have resolved to re duce the price to Five Dollars for the two Volumes!! When sent by mail (post-paid) to California and Oregon the price will be 7 dollars. To every other part ot tne Union, and to Canada (post-paid 6 dollars. SSU This work is not the old "Book of the Farm." Remittances for any of the above publications should lways be addressed post-paid, to the Publishers LEONARD SCOTT & CO.,' No. 54 Gold-street. New York. Inhalation in Consumption. RONCHITIS, LARYNGITIS, and other Dis eases of the Chest and Throat, successfully treat ed by the Inhalation of Medicated Vapors and Pow ders, by absorption and constitutional treatment, as practised at the btuyvesant Medical Institute, New I York City. The unprecedented success which has attended this method of treating diseases of the Lungs and Throat has induced us to. depart from our usual course, and ourselves of the columns of the press, in order to bring it to the knowledge of such as may be laboring under or predisposed to such affections. The dawn of a brighter day has at length arrived for the Con sumptive; the doctrine of the incurability of consump tion having at length passed away. We have indubi table proofs in our possession that Consumption in all its stages can be cured! in the first, by tubercular ab sorption; in the second, by the treusformations of the tubercule into chalky and calcareous concretions, in the third by cicatrices, or scars. Those wedded to the opinions of the past may assert, that even now, cousuiiipiiou is mcurauie, sue u are Denina tne age. To all, this great truth must be apparent, viz: that the medicines inhaled in the form of vapor or Powder di rectly into the Lungs, must be much more effective th an that taken into the Stomach, where the disease does not exist. The advantage of Inhalation in Con sumption and Throat diseases is, that medicine in the form of Vapor is applied directly to the Lungs, where the diseise exists; the stomach is thus left free to aid in restoring health, by administering to it a healthy, lifegiving food. There is no case so hopeless that In haiatvon will not reach! The means, too. are brono-ht within" the reach of all. the manner of administering the Vapors being so simple that the invalid is never required to leave home, where the hand of friendship 1 . i! A J 1. J - . . . . ' aim aureuuu ic-iius bo uiucu 10 aia tne pnysician s effort The Inhalation method is soothing, safe and readv nd consists in the administration of medicine in such a manner, that they are conveyed into the I.nngs in the form of vapor and produce their action at tli"sei of the disease. Its practical success is destined to r volutionize the opinions oi the medical, world and establish the entire curability of Consumption. 1 earnestly appeal 10 tne common sense of all afflic ted with Lung diseases, to embrace at once the advan tage of Inhalation, and no longer apply medicine to the unoffending stomach. I claim for Inhalatior a place amongst the priceless gifts that nature and art hath given us. that "our day may be long in the land," and as the only ark of safety for the consump tive; a method not only rational, but simple and effi cacious. Such of the profession that have adoDted Inhalation have found it efficacious in the highest de gree. arresting the progress of the disease and work ing wonders in many desperate cases, in verditv. a signal triumph of our art over this fell destroyer of our species. Note. Physicians wishing to make themselves ac quainted with our practice, are informed that, oui time being valuable, we can only reply, as to ingre dients used, to such letters as contain the fee. The fee in all eases of Pulmonary affections will be S10. on receipt of which the necessary medicines and instruments w ill be forwarded. Applicants will state age. sex, married or single, how long aiffected, if any hereditary disease exists in the family, and the symptoms generally. Let the name town and State be plainly written. Postage for re turn answer must be enclosed. Letters, when regis tered will be at our risk. All letters must be address ed to. WALLACE MERTOUN. M. D. S, M. Institute, New York City 75-6m Nov. 12, whiskeea. Warranted to force the Moustache and Whiskers to grow strong and luxuriant in one month, where there was none before. I twill not stain or injure the skin SI per bottle. Sent to all parts of the country on re ceipt of price. Receipt for making $5. De. S. P. SHELDON, ug. 8th, 1857. New York NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in its 13th Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It is the first paper of the kind published in the United Slates, and is distinctive in its charac ter. It has lately passed iuto the hands of Geo. W. Matsell &. Co, by whom it will hereafter be conduct ed: Mr Matsell was formerly Chief of Police of New York city, and he will no doubt render it one of the most interesting papers in the country. Its edito rials are forcibly written, and of a character that should command for the paper universal support. Subscriptions, $2 per Annum; $1 for Six Months, to be remitted hy Subscribers, (who should write their names and the town , county and state where they reside, piainlv.) To GEO. W. MATSELL & CO. Editors and Proprietors of tfce National Police Gazette, New York City Jane 29, Si ly ( THE NORTH -CAROLINA AJXD MAGAZINE OF USEFUL INFORMATION, The undersigned proposes to publish in the" City of Raleigh, a semi-annual Jocrxal, of the above title, devotett exclusively to the dissemi nation of statisticall information. The want of such a Journal is felt by every intelligent citizen, who desires to become at all acquainted with the resources of the State, our present condition, future prospects, &c, and by none so much as by onr Legislators. That we have no regular system of statistics, cannot be attributed to any want of material. There are large amounts of valuable and inter esting information scattered through our Legis lative and Executive Documents and Records, which, in their present situation, for all practi cal purposes, might as well be in the Chinese language. Besides what our Le-islativp archives contain, our newspap'ers often publish valuable statistical information, which is either lost, or if preserved by a very few, is 50 incon venient to find when wanted, that the facts are soon forgotten. The same may be said of the Reports and Statements from time to time made by our incorporated companies, and others engaged in Manufactures, .Mines, Commerce, &c. To collect these various items of informa tion, and give them to the public in a shape easy of reference and for perpetual preservation, as well as to gather from al! available resour ces, everything bearing directly or indirectly on our wealth, prosperity and industry, is the design of the Journal now offered for public patronage. So far as the plan for conducting the same has been matured, the pages of the STATIST will be devoted to the arrangement of such tables relating to our Population, Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Public Improvements, Manufactures, Fisheries, Mines, and Social Sta tistics generally, as will present their condition and our progress in each. It is also designed to contain the Reports (condensed) of the Public 7'reasnrer, Com missioners of the Sinking Fund, Superintendent of Common Schools, and all other State Offi cers and Boards; as also, Statements and Re ports of the condition and progress of the vari--ous Railroad and Navigation Companies. The Statist will be put to press as soon as ar sufficient number of responsible names are ' ob ained to pay the expenses of publication. The numbers will contain each, not less than 150 pages closely printed matter, making a book of 300 pages, or more, to which will be added a full and complete index. Terms: THREE DOLLARS per annum ONE DOLLAR' AND FIFTY CENTS, for six months; payable when the first number is ready for publication, which fact will be duly announced in the public Newspapers. CiPThose persons intending to patronize tho Journal, will send their names to the undersigned without delay, as it is desirable to issue the first number as soon as possible. QUENT. BUSHEE, Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 1, FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! FOlt TUB TKAHB OKI'KIVATK V'SK. H Furniture Manufnclurm, q 35 BOWEllY, NEW YOKKi W WE11Y, NEW YOKKi Terms C'asb. One Priec Ony. Heretofore we have manufactured and tld exclusively at wholesale. We are now prepared to otter a well assorted stock at retail, at a f K ving of from twenty to thirty per cent, to the 0 Consumer. 1 ' We have now for sale a Mahogany Chairs, spring seals, upholstered in hair cloth, from $2 25 to C 00 e&cS. U Mahogany Sofas, spring seats, upuuisiei uu 111 iiau tiuiu, M from 13 00 to 2(i 00 Mahogany Rocking chairs, spring seats, upholstered in hair-cloth, from 5 00 to 12 00 11 00 tc 18 00 Mahogany easy Chairs. on castors or rockers, up bolstered in hair cloth, Mahogany Tete-a-tete, up M I1U MMag ui holstered in liair-Ulotli, 15 00 to 35 00 gogany Tete-a-tete Sofas. pholstered in hair cloth 25 00 to 45 00 " MARBIEANi) MAHOGANY TOP Tables. .Bin greafvariety of styles, qualities and prices Ml BUREAUS. Hal alf Marble and Wood Top, with hi es, with Wiish -stands to match. U es, Jiedsteads, Sideboards, llallr Hor without Glasse Also. Wardrobes Stands, Book Cases, Lounges, Ltcgeres, Corner 3 Stands and Book Shelves. vi OFFICE FUIINITURK-Desks, Tables and K) fj Chairs. -j M All the above goods in black waluut or oak at r, M the same prices. M W PARLOR SUITS, in Rosewood, upholstered Wj r in FreDeh Brocatelle, Satin Damask, Satin and M Plush. i J The same in Black Walnut, the frames ofk El which are stained in varnishing, making a beau-M "tiful imitation, and upeolstered in the wmtK goods. maK 4 er drice. D In our es W riety of Fa goods, make a showy appearance at a much low- establishment can be found a great va-Li ty of Fancy Chairs, 111 Rosewood. MahoganyiT and Black Walnut, Tnrkish Smoking Chairs, Rc-Q adclining Chairs, Hall Chairs, Voltaire Chairs.' J BCane Chairs, and aleo the Celebrated SPRING BED. .6 Known as J ucKer's I'atent 'tniB article we M would particularly recommend. It having been D fully tested, and found upon trial to be the best spring uoiiom ever uiveuieu. CONCLUSION. Parties who are not able to personally select the goods they may want, can depend upon bav ins: their orders nueu wun as mucn care, ana lj j their interest studied, as though tney were pre-H m sent; and to sucn we aiio oner cur services lorn Hthe selection of any Household Goods they may want, and as we should purchase from First n r Hands, a saving will thereby be made which the ij lj customer wouiu nave iue i;eutuioi M; Aag. 1- 1857. 61-ly MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA, AT AUGUSTA. The Twenty-Sixth course of Lectures in this Insti tution, will commence on Monday, the 2d November next. Emeritus Professorof Anatomy, G.M.Newton, M.D. Anatomy, H F Campbell, M. D. Surgery, L. A, Dugas, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, L. D. Ford, M.D. Materia Medica. TheraneutiCB and Medical Junsoru. dence, I P Gravin. M. D. ' t Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants, J. A. Eve. M.D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, H. V. M. Miller, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy. Alex. Means, M D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, R Campbell. M. D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, S.B. Simmons. M.D. Clinical Lectures will be delivered in the City Hos pital and at the Jackson street Hospital. Fee for whole Course, $105. Matriculation Ticket (to be taken once,) $5 For further particulars, apply to any member of the Faculty, or to ' I. P. GRAVIN, Dean. Sept 5th, 1857. C6-tf A. Ls ARCIIA1IBAULT, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE BUILDER r S. E. corner 15thand Hamilton its., Philad.,Pa Portable Steam Engines, on large wheels, with a tongue for a team to be attached to move them about These engines have two cylinders, making 10 to 30 horse power. Orders are filled in from 3 to 5 weeks. Engines always on hand for sale. These engines have been in use seven years, and in every instance have givengeneralaatisfaction. Descriptive circular a will be sent when, applied for Jaa. 10, 1857. ' -

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