T .vlr -V, X l 0 TERMS, $2 00 PER ANNUM, "THE NOBLEST MOTIVE IS THE PUBLIC GOOD." PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XX. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1858, NO. 1,022. 1 r. i u B U J ALJL W y JlA U 1 NJ ill Al O TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, ia advance, per annum $2,00 " " at the end of the year 300 No subscription, will be received for less than six months. Xtates of -A-l"v-ertising. Sixty cents per Square of 16 lines, or less, for the first, and 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, for any period under three months. For three months, $4 00 For six months, 6 00 For twelve months, 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertisers are particularly requested to state the number of insertions desired, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. ZPST- JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. MARTIN & PEARCE. LEGAL NOTICES. WRIGHT AND TUIXEU. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Fayetteville, 3NT- C C ELEMENT G. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW FULLER, have associated themselves together for the practice of their profession. Prompt atten tion given to all business committed to their charge. They will practice in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett, Sampson, Robeson and Bladen. Nov. 13, 1S58. tf TROY.& FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors AT LAW. LUMBEKTOX N. C. ROBERT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER, have formed an association for the practice of their profession in Robeson Co., only R. E. Troy will also attend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus, and J. P. Fuller those of Cumberland. Their Office iu Lumberton will be kept open at alt, times. January 9,1858. 83-tf J. A. SPEAKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, VTTENDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, V'ake and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. ; Feb. Hi. 18511. 85-y " W- C. EI.Altft ATTORNEY A T 1 A W. Can be found at the Ollice formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on Bow Street. FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. June 26, 1858. tf LAW IS OTIC E. rpiIE SUBSCRIIJERS having associated themselves 1 to'-thcr in the pr ictice of Law, uudi-r the name and st le of CAMKitO.V fc SHAH, will attend the County a id Superior Courts of .Moore. Montgomery. Anson, liiclitnoud and Robeson. All business en trusted to them will receive .their prompt attention. Address Cameron aad Sl-aw. Attorneys at Law, Rockingham. Richmond county, N.C J vo. W. Camkuon. Jno. D. Shaw. May 1, 1858. ly TSfSL. Oa3XL2plDell, AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov. 13, 1858 W. H TUltLINGTOX, Geiirrnl ( oniniiMsiuii Jlticliam. NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, JY. C, "XTILL frive personal at tention to the sale or ship- V luenl of all consignments of Naval Stores or other country produce, and any other business en trusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. April IS. 18."7. ly R . JAM K S DAY I S , having decided on permanently locating in the Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his scrvi- r-rs to the citizens t tins place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession", including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, be is satisfied, after an extensive experi 'iiee to which is added a thorough Dental educa tion that he rim give entire satisfaction as far as it IS 111 tlie power I ueiiii.-i i . ,vn u i i:i;iuiii n i-s of the Teeth treated iu a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the mmith, None but the proper metals are made use of in tho various operations. Charges will be. moderate, that tho benefits of the Profession may be placed within tho reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. iWi Mlice over Houston's Jewelry S tore, where lu will bo found at all tunes. May 15, tf T GEO. LAUDER, Two Doors above C. T. Haih & Son's Store, Fayetteville, X. C. Oct. 1, 1856. ly. in nnnLBs- TAu'ff wanted, for AyJvJVJvJ which the highest cash price will be paid A. M. CAMPBELL. Oct. 1. 1850. tf Vrliite Lead and Linseed Oil, for 6ale by Aup. 15, S. J. HINSDALE. t;3-tr CASTORS (IS patterns,) Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Cups, Tea Sets, Goblets, Spoon Holders, Butter Dishes, Butter Knives, Mo lasses Cups, Napkin Kings, Tea Bells, Pie Knives, Sugar Tongs, and Spoons. FRENCH FORKS, AND SPOONS, ol all sizes. For sale low at the "Crockery Store." 0ct. 2. -3m W. X. T1LHNHGAST. .TXT H I' RECEIVKD, BY ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY, AT THE 0E PRICE CLOTIIIXC STORE, A SECOND Sri'PLT OF READY ADE CLOTHING CONSISTING OF V LARGE supply of Pants, with side stripes and without. Also, a lot of plain front Pauls, suit able for old gentlemen. Business Coats, Over Coats, Frock and Dress Coats, all-wool Manuel Shirts, and Drawers, Yoke-neck Shirts, warranted to be extra, Marseilles B'-som Shirts. Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves. Hoisery, Gentlemen's Bu?r;ry Blankets, Valises and Trunks. All these goods will be sold reasonable for cash, or to persons who pay their bills when presented. A. J. WOODWARD. Two doors below S. J. Hinsdale's Dm? Store, Nov. 27. -3t .Market Square. JUST RECEIVED, 4 GOOD asssortment of Kerseys, Blankets, Tweeds, Jeans, Satinetts, Cassiincres, Prints, Shoes, &c. also I IS Doz. Hoop Skirts, 50 " Linen and Marseilles Shirts. STARR & WILtlAMS. Nov. 27. -tf , , , i Cliristmas ! Oliristmas ! ! A LAKUK AND WELL SKLKL'TED LOT 'OF Toys, ami F"jincy Article?, SUITABLE for the Christinas Holiday. jut re ceived and for sale by MRS. M. B ANKS. Dec. 4. 3t NKW DRY GOODS. W. MACINTYRE. HAS RECEIVED Cloths, Cassimeros, Sutinetts, Twedes, Kent'k Jeans, Kerseys, Linseys, Flannels, Blankets, Alerinoe's Bomb'zines, Alpaccas Muslin DeLanes, Calicoes, Ginghams, Brilliantes, Marsciles, Silk Velvets, Silk lobes, Silk Dress Goods. Jaconets, Nain-sook, Swiss, Tarlton, Book Muslins, Silk Illusion, Lace Veils, Silk fringes, Laces, Edgings, Braids, Tapes, Bonnet Bibbons, Table Damasks, Napk'ns, Towels, Diapers, Irish Linen Shirting, Sheetings, Bedticks Shawls, Cloaks, Mantillas, Challices, Elastic, Enameled, and Bibbon Belts, Bonnets, Col'd Flats, Bucnes, Artificials, Extension skirts, skirt cord, Brass, spring, ratan, Whalebone. Cotton seine twine, nett twine, Cotton cards. Hats, Cap-, Boots, Shoes and Gaifers. Oct. 23. tf USEFUL ARTICLES. FLUID, Oil and Lard L -mps: Drittauia and Brass Candlesticks; Superior Steel 'Sautters; W Brittania Castors. Tea Pots and Collee Pots; Brittania SPOONS and LADLES; Brittania -Communion Sets, Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; Planished Tin Cotl'ee Urns and Pots. Tea Pots; Oyster and Beef Steak Dishes, and Dish Covers; Waitkhs, of all sizes and shapes. Fine Scissoks; lai fre for cutting, small for embroid er ; R.-.zors and Pocket Knives; Baskets! Baskets! for all purposes; COFFUE MILLS, Iron and Stone Morters; Stone Crocks; Tiu Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails. Churns and Bowls; Coun'er Scales, to weiiih A to 540 lbs; Family Scales, to weifjh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers; ll.iir and Wire Seives; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Bells, Music Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies" Leather Bau.s, (larjre;) White Stiu Beads ami White Cut Beads, for fancy work; Porte Monnics. entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric Polishing Bonder; Boy's Saws; Corkscrews. A preat .variety of other useful articles, too tedious to mention. Conn; and soe for yourselves at the ' Crockery Store.'' "W. X. TILLING HAST. Oct. 2. -am THE STJCBSRIBER S now receiving one of the largest and most care fully selected stocks ever ottered by hiin in this market, comprising every style and quantity of LADIES', GEJVTS, MISSES' AJVD BOYS' BOOTS, SHOES, G.ilTERS, Sc. And, in fact, evkhytuinu cscally solo jn his line. Planters and all others who desire to purchase a superior article of Xo. 1 BROGAXS, are respectfully solicited to call and examine his stock. Having just returned from the North, and exam ined my Goods carefully before purchasing, I flatter myself that I am now prepared to sell them upon as good terms as the" can be bought in this market. LEATHER of all descriptions, and for all pur poses, constantly on hand. The above articles will be sold cheap kok cash. M. FAULK. Oct. 23 tf CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! GR illAM, is now receivinp, a fine Stock of KEADV-MADli Cl.O l illXCi. to suit the FALL cy WIXTER OF THE LATEST' STYLES. He would solicit his customers and friends to pive him a call, as he otters his Clothing low for CASH or oh reasonable terms to prompt payinp customers. G ARM EXTS CUT IX THE LATEST FASHION. He mav be found east jam on Market Square. Oct.'a, 3m WANTED, FOR the year 18o9, four young men and two women, smart, active and cleanly, tor Table and Chamber Servants ; one good Cook, (a man preferred.) strong and healthy ; and also one sober, honest and indus trious fellow for Ostler. For such servants, (slave? would be preferred.) liberal prices will be given, and wages paid quarterly. T. WADDILL, Fayetteville Hotel. Fayetteville, N. C, Dec. 4. " 5t PATENT CHEMICAL GREASE FOR AXLES. MILL GEARING, Ac rTAIHS Grease for Stapes. Wagons, Carts. Carriages, I Mill Gearing. Heavv Bearings. &c, is found to I be the Lest in use. It is warranted to stand any tem- ! ler:ltnri T. 1.: i i i . - i:.. ..V T..1 j i i in ue: nit: oou V ,111,1 milling u 1 jci- low. Beeswax and Tar, keeps the Axles always cool and does not run off, and is unsurpassed in durability. Manufactured by J. Headley. New York. A consignment on hand, and for sale at the office of the "Carolinian," Market square. In 21b. boxes, price 2j cents per box Xov. 20. 185S. tf NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS milF. Biitispribpra hA formprt Cnnartnershin under JL the name of GOLDSTON fc FULLER, And offer for sale a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, HARD-WARE, HOLLOW -WARE, SADDLERY, BOOTS, SHOES, COTTON YARN, SHEETINGS, &c, To which they call the attention of their friends and customers generally. Store one door East of H. & E. J. Lilly. G. W. I. Goldstox. A. W. Fuller. - Nov. 20. -lm Town papers 1 m. . - toe JAMES MARTINE is now receiving a large and general assortment of everything in the above liae. ALSO A prime article of Rio. Laguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed aud Brown Sugar ; Sugar House Syrup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov. 27. tf 3Etxa.t;j3, Oils, O WHITE LEAD ; Ruining Fluid ; Putty ; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. ALSO A fresh supply of louds Pain Destrover. For sale by JAS. MARTINE. Nov. 27. tf Stoves, Slieet-Iron, TIX-WAKi:, &c. ON hand, a large assortment of Cox and cooking Stoves ; Tin-ware ; Sheet-Iron ; Lead Pipe. Al so the " Old Dominion Coffee Pot." For sale by Nov. 27. tf JAMES MARTINE. L UTTERL OIVS LINE. 1 TEAM ER -FANNY" leaves Fayetteville every SZy Monday ami Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun-rise; and Wilmington, Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock. carrying paascngers and freight. Steamer "SOUTHERNER, ' with a fall comple ment of Flats, nukes one or more trips per week, as circumstances may require. The accident to the Steamer "ROWAN" will be repaired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S." LUTTERLOII. Oct. J). ' -tf House mid Lot for Sale. I WILL OFFER FOR SALE, on Saturday, the 18th of December next, JSIy House and Lot at X.n 1 1 T-i nbu r--l x . There are about 22 Acres of Laud in a fine state of cultivation. There is a line young Orchard, consist ing of about 50 PEAR TREES, 200 Apple, 200 Peach a few CHERRY, PLUM, and NECTARINE Trees' several young vines of the Scuppernong, Florida, Ca tawba, Isabella, and one of the Black Hamburg Grape. The House consists of seven rooms with galleries and passages, is very convenient and comfortable all the necessary out-houses, and a well of ood water. To a person desiring to open a store, a better oppor tunity does not otter. Laurinburg is one of the depots on the W., C. and Rutherford Railroad. I sold here in one year, over Twenty Thousand Dolllars worth of goods, and when the Railroad gets into operatioa. a much larger business can be done. No goods are kept here for sale now. Or to a person wishin"- to educate his children in a first class school, the place is very desirable ; it is within a low huudr'cd yards of Laurinburg High School. I will sell t he place on liberal terms to an approved purchaser. If not sold. I will rent it for the next year On the same day I will sell, to the highest bidder' the balance of my crop, all my stock, two -ood Horses, a good Milk Cow and two good Heifers, a" lot of Pork, i Rockaway nearly new, 1 Buggy in good repair, Farming Implements, Household and Kitchen Furniture. 1 good Cooking Stove. Terms : Six months, interest from date. DAN L C. McINTYRE. Laurinburgh, N. C, Dec. 1. 2t DOBBii HOUSE. HIS CONVENIENT and well furnished Establishment was opened for the reception of boarders on the 12th inst. The subscriber will spare no pains to make all comfortable who may stop at her house. Regular boarders will here find the quiet comfort of home, combined with the advantaes to business men of a Hotel. The stables of Mr W. C. Troy are in the rear of the Hotel, and travellers may entrust their horses to his care, with the assurance that the best treatment will be bestowed upon them. MARY ANN POTTER. Oct. 23rd, 1858. 3m T. WADDILL HAS TAKEN CHARGE OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL With efficient aid in the different departments, and his ;cwn supervision of the entire Es tablishment, he hones to srive sat isfaction to the Patfons of the House. ,i2Raleigh and Warsaw four-horse lines of Stages arrive and depart from this House Daily, and the Salem Stage Tri-weekly. Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 9, -3m NOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. ri HIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, and the Widows of Soldiers who died in sekvice m the war ot 1812, can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. HOSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 19, 1858. tf Dr. F ran 7c Jf'il'iam's Rye IVMskey. ill. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated R E WHIsKE , which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct. 16. 1S58, tf BILL IILADS neatly printed, one, two, and three on a half sheet raled for the purpose. Give us a call at tho CAROLINIAN OFFICE. i m m mm torn e an cy goods, toys, W-l. W, -'OIIIGCXI I puoscriuer, is now receiving a large sttpplt f Goods in big line, consisting of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, such as Raisins, Dried Figs, Prunes, Currants, Oranges, Nuts, and Preserves, together with a large and well selected assort ment of Toys, Spices, Sar dines all of which the ' subscriber is deter mined to sell cheap for Lash A good supply of Groceries, kept constantly on ffciand. A genuine article of castile soap. f Acc- - lm R. E. HE IDE. I C. STEDMAN AND J. W. HORNE, ' - CXDER THE XAME AND STXLE OF A-V fc-associated tliemeelves together In a gener-t 1 Grocery, Provision, Liquor and Harter Busi ness, and are now receiving a welfSelected Stock of Goods in tlielr line, which they are willing to ex change fojrjmoney or produce. Their stock consists in part of the following arti cles J . Brown, Crushed, and Loaf Sugar ; Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee ; Butter, Cheese, and' Crackers ; Lard, Pork, and Western Bacon ; No. 1, Mackerel, in Bbls, Hfs. and Kits ; Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars ; Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Next door to D. & V. McLaurin. ) Hay street, Fayetteville, N. C. J Nov. 20. -3m CARRIAGE FACTORY. A. A. HfKETHAN KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of Vehicles of every description, which are well and faithfully made aud finished in the lightest and neatest style. His facilities for doing carriage work are greater than any establishment Soltu, which enables him to sell his work ou the most favor able terms. Nov. 13. 1858. tf SPECIAL COURT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1858. His Honor Romulus M. Saunders, Judge Presiding. IT is ordered by the Curt, that a special Term of this Court, be held oa the second Monday in Feb ruary. A. D. 1859. Jurors, Witnesses, and suitors iu Civil Cases are hereby notified to attend. Witnt ss, John W. Baker, Jr., Clerk of our said Court, at OlTi'e, the seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in September, A. D. 1858. JOHN W.BAKER. Clerk. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. M. B. McRae, vs. Martin A. Malloch. O' RIGINAL attachment levied on the defendant's undivided interest in 92 acres of land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that ihv tfrrfctwl Mu.ll.wih Is not an inhabitant of this State : on motion, it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Caroli nian, a newspaper published in the Town of Fayette ville, for six successive weeks, notifying the said M A Malloch, to be and appear at our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court House iu the Town of Troy, on the first Monday in January next, theu and there to be and appear to plead or replevy, or final judg ment will be entered against him to satisfy PlaiutiiFs debt, interest and cost. Witness, John McLennan, clerk of our said court at office in Troy, on the first Monday of October, A D 1S58, this Oct. 9th 1858. john Mclennan, c. c. c. Nov. 20, (it STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. T. Bostick, vs. James B. Malloch. O' RIGINAL attachment levied on the defendant's undivided interest in 92 acres of land. It appear ing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, J B Malloch, is not an inhabitant of this State : on motion, it was ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolinian, a News paper published in tne town or r ayeiievuie, lor s-ix successive weeks, noiuying ine saiu j i .vianocli to be and appear at our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county aforesaid, at the Court House in the town of Troy, on the first Monday in January next, to plead or replevy, or final judgment will be entered agaiust him to satisty 1 laiutill s debt, interest and cost. Witness, John McLennan, clerk of our said Court at office in Trov, on the first Monday of October, A D 1858, this 9th Oct, 1858. JOHN McLENNAN, C. C. C. Nov. 20. Ct STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. T. Bostick, vs. Martin A. Malloch. R1GINAL attachment levied on the defendant's V- undivided, interest in 92 acres of land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, M A Malloch. is not an inhabitant f this state: on motion, it was ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolinian, a Newspaper published in the Town of Fayetteville, for six successive weeks, notityiug him to be and appear at our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the countv aforesaid, at the Court House in Troy, on the first Monday in January next, to plead or replevy, or final judgment will be entered against him to satisfy Plamtift s, debt, interest and cost. Witness. John McLennan, clerk of our 6aid Court at office in Trov. on the first Monday of October, A D 1858, this 9th Oct., 1858. JOHN McLENNAN, C. C. C Nov. 20. 6t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct.Trm, 1858. William Rinrstaff and wife, "Williamson Chappell and wife Patience, vs. Murdoch B. McKae. Row land Chappell, Executors of Joseph Blake. Petition for account and Settlement. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court that William Rinsrstaff and wife. Williamson Chappell and wife Patience, are not inhabitants of this State : on motion, it is ordered by the Court tnai puonoa tionbemadein the North Carolinian, a newspaper nubliahoa in ti Tnorn nf Favetteville. for SIX SUCCes Rive wpcl that thev be and appear at the next Term of this "ourt, to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court House in the Town of Troy, on the first Moaday in January next, then and there to plead answer to this petition, or the same will be held pro eonfesso as to them. . McLennan. Clerk of our said Court at office in Troy, on the first Monday in October A. D. 1858. Nov. 20. 6t JOHN McLENNAN, Clerk. Tins xoirni cauollmax. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. STATE GOVERNMENT, &c. OFFICERS. Thomas Bragg, of Northampton, Governor, salary, per annum, $3,000, and the use of a furnished bouse. Term expires January 1, 1859. " Pulaski Cowper, of Northampton, Secretary to the Governor, exclusive of fees, $300. R. II. Page.of Wake county, Secretary of State, exclusive of fees, $800. Daniel W. Courts, of Rockingham, Treasurer, $2000. C. H. Broprden, of Wayne, Comptroller, $1000. W. R. Richardson, of Wake, Chief Clerk to Treasurer, $150. Oliver H. Perry, of Raleigh, State Librarian. council- rTmrar--3i- n n v,.i. r n. ! . yj. jiiii ciiuii i, yji vurniuva, D. G. W. Ward, of Pitt, N. M. Long, of Halifax; J. Walker, of Mecklenburg, Patrick Murphy, of Sampson, W. D. Bethell, of Rockingham, CM. Avery of Burke. governor's aids, with the rank of colonel W. L. Kennedy, of Beaufort, John W. Cunningham, of Person, M. J. McDuffie, of Cumberland, John G. Yancy, of Madison, John A. Averitt, Jr., of Duplin. The General Assembly commences its session on the 3rd Monday of November, every alter nate year. The next election for members of the Senate and House of Commons, and for Governor, will be held on the 1st Thursday in August, 1860. MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE SESSION 1858-59. SENATE. 1 Pasquotank and Perquimans Jno Pool, opposition. 2 Camden and Currituck C W Williams, d. 3 Gates and Chowan Richard Dillard, d. 4 Hyde and Tyrrell Basnight, d. 5 Northampton Thomas J Person, d. 6 Hertford R G Cowper, op. 1 Bertie J B Cherry, op. 8 Martin and Washington D CGuyther, d. 9 Halifax M C Whitaker, d. 10 Edgecombe -H T Clarke, d. 11 Pitt E J Blount, op. 12 Beaufort R S Donnel, op. 13 Craven J D Fanner, op. 14 Carteret and Jones W P Ward, d. 15 Green and Lenoir J P Speight, d. 16 New Hanover W S Ashe, d. 17 Duplin W J Houston, d 18 Onslow L W Humphrey, d. 19 Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus T D McDowell, d. 20 21 22 Cumberland and Harnett John T Gil- more, d. Sampson A A McKay, d. Wayne W K Lane, d. 23 Johnston J T Leach, .op. 24 wake Moses A Bledsoe, d. 25 Nash L N B Battle, d. 26 Franklin M Lankford, d. 2? Warren T J Pitchford, d. 28 Granville C n K Taylor, d. 29 Person J W Cunningham, d. SO Orange Josiah Turner. Jr., Op. 31 Alamance and Randolph Jon Worth op 32 Chath am Straughan, op. 33 Moore and Montgomery A B McDon aid, op. 34 Richmond and Robeson W L Steele, d. 3J Anson and Union S W Walkup, op. 36 Guilford Ralph Gorrell, op. 37 Caswell Bedford Brown, d. 38 Rockingham Geo D Boyd, d. 39 Mecklenburg W F Davidson, d. 40 Cabarrus and Stanly Davis, op. 41 Rowan and DavieJ G Ramsay, op. 42 Davidson B C Donthitt, op. 43 Stokes and Forsythe J J Martin, d. 44 Ash, Surry. Watauga and Yadkin1 Jos Dobson, d. 45 Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander L B Carmichael, op. 46 Burke, McDowell and Caldwell E P Miller, op. 47 Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba F D Rein hardt, d. 48 Rutherford tnd Cleaveland L A Mills, d 49 Bunctrnibe, Henderson, Yancey and Madi son B M Edney, d. 50 Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jackson W II Thomas, d. Democrats 32 Opposition 18. Democratic majority 14. In the Senate of 1856-'7, the Democratic majority was 1 6. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Alamance J I Scales and B F Roney, dems. Alexander uurke, dem. Anson J A Leak and A J Dargan, op Ashe Allen Gentry, dera. Burke Tod R Caldwell, op. Buncombe J S T Baird, dem. Bladen J W Purdie, op. Bertie D Outlaw and P F Henry Beaufort Sparrow aud Windley Brunswick T D Mears, op Caldwell T J Dula, dem. Cabarrus Bums, op. Chatham Moore, Dem, G los, op. Cherokee Wm Walked Craven J Bryan and Cumberland and Ha C C Barbee, Chowan J C Badh Columbus J H S Camden D D Fe Carteret Saraur Caswell John Currituck B J Cleveland A Davidson H uavie bi uaii Duplin J B Ldgecombe- Forsvth F Frauklin Gaston Granville T Guilford- Greene A I Gates Hay wood j Halifax- Hertford W N II Smith, op. Henderson V Ripley, dem. Hyde Tilman Farrow, op. Iredell ARSimonton and A B F Gaither, op. Jackson T D Bryson, dem. Jones W A Cox. dem. . Johnston W II Sanders op, and B H Toin- finsou, dera. Lenoir N B Whitfield, dem. Lincoln A Costner, dem. Madison John A Fagg, dem. Martin A Moore, dem. McDowell A Higgins, dem. Moore John Shaw, dem. Montgomery Chambers, op. Macon Woodfm, op. Mecklenburg Pritchard and W Wallace, d's. Nash G N Lewis, dem. .New Hanover R K Bryan, G J Moore, dems. Northampton M W Small wood aud M W r: - Ransom, dem& JJUnw JiH lCTden I Orancc iTide Jones -an range iTiae J ones -ana l VJNOr n uuu, ucnrr Pasquotank Morgan, op. Perquimans NNewby, op. Pitt McCotter and Cox, op". " Person R H Hester, dem. Robeson Bionnt and Alex Watson, dems. Rockingham T Settle, F L Simpson, dems. Rowan N N Fleming and N F Hall, dems. Rutherford Benj Wasbburne and O P Gard ener, dems. Randolph Craven and Jesse Thornburg. op. Richmond O II Dockery, op Sampson F J Faison and Kirby, dems. Surry R E Reeves, dem. ' Stokes J F Hill, dem. Stanly W T Waddil!, op. lyrrell J A Benbury, bp. Union Wilson, dem. Wake G U Fairbault, F J Hutchins and E G Haywood, dems. Warren D C Hall and E D Drake, dems. Washington Jos. "Norman, dem. Wataoga Holdsclaw, dem. Wayne W T Dortch and A E Thompson, d's. Wilkes A W Martin and P Eller, op. Yadkin W II A Speer, op. Yancey Thos Boyd, dem. Democrats 82 ; Opposition 38. Democratic majority 44. At the last session the Demo cratic majority was 42. REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS 1858. SENATE. David S. Reid and Thomas L. Clingman. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. First District. Currituck, Camden, Pas quotank, Perquimaus, Gates, Chowan, Hert ford, Northampton, Halifax, Martin, Bertie, Washington, and Tyrell Henry M. Shaw. Second District. ' Hide, Beaufort, Pitt, Cra ven, Jones, Lenoir, Wayne, Greene, Edge combe, Onslow, and Carteret Thomas llnflin. Third District. New Hanover, Brunswick', Columbus, Bladen, Sampson, Cumberland, Robeson, Richmond, Duplin Warren Winslow. Fourth District. Wake, Orange, Granville, Nash, Franklin, Warren, and Johnsou L. 0'15. Branch, Tifth District. Person Caswell, Alamance,.. Chatham, Randolph, Guilford, Moore, and Montgomery John A Gilmer. Sixth District. Stokes, Forsyth, Rocking ham, Davidso... Davie, Yadkin, Surry, Iredell, Alexander, and Ashe A. M. Scales. Seventh District Catawba, Gaston, .Lin coln, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, Anson, Stanly, and Cleveland Burton Craige. Eighth District. Wilkes, Watauga, Cald well, Burke, Rutherford, McDowell, Hender son, Buncombe, Yancey, Haywood Macon, Cherokee, Jackson, Madison Z. B. Vance. WTiy so few Succeed. Life is a continued battle, in which defeat is suffered more often than victory is won. A long its flinty paths the foot-prints of disaster are everywhere seen, and by the way-side are thickly strewed the graves of the fallen. N hy is it that so few succeed ? Why is the hope with which youth set out so often desolated, and the goal of ambition so rarely reached t The strife is too often commenced without pre paration for the straggle. The young, impul sive and ardent think they have but to reacb r.u i,:- tn ninr-l? ibft fruit, that, like thfe armies of the Ilesperides, is only III III l.lll'll 11(11111 LU U ' to be era! nod ft.er the hitrhest endurance and the most natient nerseverance. Seldom does gen ius Tive the tonsrue of flame that secures dis-, ti nation nlmost without effort. Toilsome and persistent investigation and pat ment are the onlv raoaes oi to create, or even to re-con new elements to hamp as mental trainin plishment of li Iect is well often u

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