.- CAKOUMIAN CUECTI TERMS, 82 00 TER tAYABLE IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XX. ! '1 -1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1858. NO. 1,023. 4 & 1 JJJPj m TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, in advance, per uiBum $2,00 at the end of t'eyear 3,00 Single copies, 6a cents. No subscription will be rece ved for less than six months. 4 Sixty cents per square of 16 toes, or less,- for first, and :-!) cents for each guLGfjuent insertion, any periol under three month;. Il the for r or three months. . . S. . . $4 00 ror six months. . . f. . . 6 00 For twelve months, . . 'f. . . 10 00 Other advertisements by tl Tear m favorable terms. Advertisers are, part 3ularly requested to state the number of insertions Jiired, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, au arged accordingly. 7fS JOB WORK of all kin a executed neatly and promptly. "M-TIN & PEARCE. N. A. MCLEAN, A-ttornoy .a,"t 31it"w. LUMBERTON.'N.C., "T1LTj attend the County al Superior Courts of Kobesou, Richmond and Jladen Counties, and the Superior courts of Moore ctUnty. Doc. 0.1m. j AVRIGIIT AND ATTORNEYS AND COUNS FULLER. LLORS AT LAW, Fayotto vil le, TNT. CLEMENT V,. WKICIIT ai BARTHOLOMEW FULLKIl have associate.' themselves together lor the practice of their profc 4l'- Prompt atten tion given to all business comn tt'3d to their charge. They will praetiee in the cot dies of Cumberland, Harnett. Sampson, Robeson an- iSIuden. X ov. E5. IX If TROY FlIilEU, Attorneys ,inl Co nscllors AT IjAW X. C. P. FULLER, have . the practice of their - R. E. Troy will laud Columbus, and I. ilFbe kept open at : S3-tf R OliF.RT E. TROY&JOII formed an association fo profession in l.'obesori co.. on also at t end the dm rt s o f Blade J. 1'. Fuller those ol'Cumberlai Tio-ir Oi'iee in Lumberton AT,I. times. January 0. 1 .s.S. J. A. SPEAKS, A TT ( ) II X K Y AC : LAW, A TTENDS the Courts of C mbcrland, Harnett, iL V'ake an. I J. ToOIIle l s.m;. h I. -i on . r. Harnett C . Address. Feb. n;. c. v W. G. ELAM, TOHNEY AT LAW. found at, the Office formerly occupied 'an be by Dr. (J i Ilium, on J jvv Street. F 1 Y i: T T L V 1 L L I If. C. Tune 2C, !;. I'K LAW NOT-QE. . '"IIIK SriiSCK 1 1; ICRS liavins ssoeiat'-d themselves 1 together in tin' pr i t ice of aw, und'-r the name and st le of CAMEiioX & SI VV , will attend, the County and Sup'-rior Ciuirts ot Moure. Montgomery. AiiMdi. Richmond and Robesoi. , All business en-j-nsteil to tlnMii will receive ih ir prompt al tent ion . Address Cameron and Shaw Attorneys at Law, Rockingham. Richmond county N. C. J.vo. W". C mk::on. ; Jno. D. Siiaw. May 1, 1S5S. ly iL. IVt. Carci.ptoell, AUCTIONEER & COMMISS ON MERCHANT, 'Mast Side of Gillesie? Street, Faykttkvillb, -J. "C. Nov. 13. lSwS W. M TURLHGTOiV, Gc -I "mi mission TMci cliiniT. NORTH WATER TREET, WU miugl.on , j.T. C, AV ,t1-Tj give personal attend n to the sale or ship ment of ;ill consignment of Naval Stores or other coiiniry jiroduce. and ai y other business en trusted lo his care, will be pro vptly attended to. April IS LS.'iT. iy ; U. .1 A 3! F,S : AVIS, having' ilecidiMt on iiermanen lv locating in the Town of Favetteville, respect ally offers his servi ces to the citizens of this pla e and surrounding country- I" "'I tlio various 1 anclies of his Pro fession", inclu'ling the manu acture of Mineral Teeth, lie is satisiicil, after i i extensive experi ence, to which is milled a thoiingh Dental educa tion, that lie can give entire s tisfaetion as far as it is in the power of Dentist' 3JA11 irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proi u; iiml careful man ner, as well as diseases of the ni'iuth, None but the proper inotais are made u: jp of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession mar be placed within the reach of all who may feel au interest in the preservation of the Teeth. iJpOtliee over Houston's Jwolry Store, where ho will l found at all times. May !", tf 4 3M:rvxloXc5 TPi ictory, GEO. Jj Two Doors above C. T. lit Fayctteville, Oct. 1, 1856. ly. V1JDER, gij & Son's Store, T. C. TJ If f (IS patterns,) Cake Basils, Candlestick Cups, Tea Sets, Goblets $poon Holders, Jiutter Dishes, Butte-, Knives, Mo lasses Cups, Napkin Rings, Tea Bells, 'Pie Kj.ives, Sufljar Tongs, taad FRENCH FORKS, Spooni. I of all sizes. For sale low at yet. 2. -3m W. the "Crockerv Store. :r N. TILL IN II Or AST. EACY GOODS, TOYS, Fruits, Confection aries, cfc?c- THE subscriber, is now receiving a large supply of Goods in his line, consisting of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, such as Raisins, Dried Figs, Prunes, Currants, Oranges, Nuts, and Preserves, together with a large and well selected assort ment of Toys, Spices, Sar dines all of which the subscriber is deter mined to sell cheap for Cash A good supply of Gkockries, kept constantly on Hand. A genuine article of castile soap. Dec. 4. lm R. E. IIE1DE. J. C. STEDMAN AND J. W. IIORNE, TJXDER THE NAME AXD STYLE OP STEDMAN & HOME, JR, HAVE associated themselves together in a gener al Gjocery, Provision, -Liquor Hjuei" Bui nesrs, a,nd are now, receiving a well selected Stock of Goods in their line, which they are willing to ex change for money or produce. Their stock consists in part of the following arti cles : Brown, Crushed, and Loaf Sugar ; Bio, Eaguira and Java Coffee ; Butter, Cheese, and Crackers ; Lard, Pork, and AVestern Bacon ; No. 1, Mackerel, in libls, Hfs. and Kits ; Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars ; Foreign and .Domestic Wines and Liquors. Next door to D. & W. McLaurin. ) Hay street, Fayctteville, X. C. J Nov. 20. -3m axjs'r liPCEivEi), BY ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY, AT THE 0E TRICE CLOTimG STOKE, A BKUO.M) SUPl'LY OF READY )L11)E CLOTHING CoXSISTIXa OF LARGE supply of Pants, with side stripes and without. Also, a lot. of plain-front Pants, suit- able for old gentlemen. Business Coats. Over Coats, Frock ami Dress Coats, all-wool Flannel Shirts, and Drawers, Yoke-neck Shirts, warranted to be extra, Marseilles B'soni Shik-is. Stocks. Suspenders, Gloves, Hoiscry, Gentlemen's Buggy Blankets, Valises and Trunks. All these goods will be sold reasonable for cash, or to persons who pay their bills when presented. A. J. WOODWARD. Two doors below S. J. Hinsdale's Drug Store, Nov. 27. -'6t .Market Square. JUST RECEIVED, GOOD asssortment of--Kerseys, Blankets. Tweeds. Jeans, Sutinetts, Cassimeres, Prints, Shoes, &c. also 18 D'oz. Hoop Skirts, 50 " Linen and Marseilles Sliirts. STARR A WILLIAMS. Nov. 27. -tf USEFUL. ARTICLES. JLLTjID, OH and Lard j mps: Riiiiiinia and Ibass Candlesticks: Superior Steel Snuffers; Britlania Castors. Ten Pols and Coffee Pots; Iii il .an ia SPOONS and LADLES; Britlania Communion Sets Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; Planished Tin Coffee Urns and Pots. Tea Pots; Oyster and Reef Steak Dishes, and Dish Covers; Waitkus, of all sizes and shapes. Fixe Sctssons; large for cutting, small for embroid er;. ; Razors and Pocket Knives; isa$k! Ba-lie! for all pui poses; COPPICE triLo,??, Iron and Sione Morters: Slone Crocks: Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs. Pails. Churns and Kowls; Coun'er Scales, to weigh A to 540 ibs: Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers: Hair and Wire Seives; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Pells, Music Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies" Leal her Bags, (large;) White Safin Beads and White Cut Beads, for . fancy work; Porte Monnics. cnlirel.y of leather, a superior article; Electric Polish 5 ug Powder; Boy's Saws; Corkscrews. A great varieiy of other useiul aviieles, too tedious to mention. Come s.ud soe for yourselves av. the 'Crockery Sieve.'7 W. N. TI L L 1 N G II AST. Oct. 2. -3m THE STJCBSRIBER S now receiving one of the largest and most care fully selected stocks ever ottered by him in this market, comprising every tyle and quantity of L.1D1KS-, GEJVTS, MISSES' AJD BOYS' BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, S-c. AXD. IX F.YCT. EYKRVTHTXG USUALLY SOT,I IX HIS I.IXE. Planters and all others who desire lo purchase a superior article of No. 1 BEOGAXS, are respectfully solicited lo call and examine his stock. ( Having just returned Irom the North, and exam ined my ?oods carefully before purchasing, I flatter myself thai I ara now prepared to sell Ihem upon as good terms as they can be bought in this market. LEATHER of all descriptions, aud for all pur poses, constantly on hand. The above articles ill be sold cuEir for caph. M. FAULK. Oct. 23 tf CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! US Git HAM, is now receiving, a fine Stock of EAUY-MADH CLOTHING, to suit the FALL cy WATBIl OF THE LATEST STYLES. He would solicit his customers and friends to give him a call, as he offers his Ci.otuixu low for CASH or on reasonable terms to prompt paying customers. GARMENTS CUT IN THE LATEST FASHION. He may be found east jam on Market Square. Oct. 9, om WANTED, FOR the year 1859, four young men and two women, smart, active and cleanly, for Table and Chamber Servants; one good Cook, (a man preferred.) strong aud healthy; and also one sober, honest and indus trious fellow" for Ostler. For such servants, (slave? would be preferred.) liberal prices will be given, and wages paid quarterly. T. WADDILL, Fayetteville Hotel. Fayctteville, N. C, Dec. 4. 5t PATENT CHEMICAL GREASE FOR AXLES. MILL GEA RING. &-c. j j w , Tjf OCa X il HH 1 A i , jr. u c is 1. Ii c avails u k iij S COOl and does not run off. and is unsurpassed in durability. Manufactured by J. lieauley, New lork. A consignment on band, and for sale at the office of the ' Carolinian,'' Market square. In 21b. boxes, price 25 cents per box. I JSov. 20. LS08. tf I minacnonw fn, ctoo irnnl: f.iB fr-To c will be given in every number Mill n,,r;n tt. tv. f and it will form interesting Ua iho. l.nst ; Cn ?, ,,-,rmn)o,i t cta o-,. tnm- evenings alike tor old and yonn; FRESH SUPPLIES OF l j -ir' -EST C Gr O Q J S 3 OF GREAT VARIETY. "XTCTS, FRUITS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," And all kinds of YANKEE NOTIONS. FIRE WOKKS of every sort, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, of great variety, And KNICKNACKS of all kinds, bine article of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO and SEGARS. TOYS of all kinds for Children, A exeat variety of Fine and Fancy CANDIES. ZSS- Call and examine, and you will doubtless be pleaded. JAMES R. LEE, Hotel Building, " Dec. 11, 1858. 6m H. Er amber t's old store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. THE subscribers have formed CoartnershiD under I thonnmor,r i GOLDSTON & FULLER, And offer. for sale a large and yelleltLt' Gf EOCEKTES7 I1ARD-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY, BOOTS. SHOES, COTTON YARN, SHEETINGS, Sc, To which they call the attention of their friends and customers generally. Store one door Last of H. & E. J. Lilly. CI. AV. I. Goi.nsTox. A. W. Fuller. Nov. 20. -lm Town papers 1 m. AMES MARTINEisnow receiving a large and general asbortmvnt of everything in the above line. ALSO A pi ime article of Rio. Laguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed and Brown Sugar ; Sugar House Syrup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov. 27. tf Fetlzts, Oils, CJPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanner's OIL ; O WHITE LEAD; Burning Fluid Glass and Sash of all sizes. ; Putty ; Window - ALSO A fresh supply 6f Pond's Pain Destrover. For sale by JAS. MARTINE. Nov. 27. tf TIN-WAKE, &c. OX hand, a larre assortment of Box ami cookinjf Stoves; Tin-ware ; Sheet-Iron ; Lead Ptp. Al so 1 lie " Old Dominion Coffee Pot." For sale by Nov. 27. tf JAMES MARTINE. LUTTERLOirS LINE. TEAMER "'FANNY" leaves Fayetieville every Monday and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise: and Wilmington. Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock. carrying paasengers and freight. Sleamcr ' SOUTHERNER, with a full comple ment of Flats, m ikes one or more trips per week, as circumslances may require. The accident to the Steamer "ROWAN"' will be repaired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 9. -If iNOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. T HIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, and the Widows of Soldiers who iied in seiivice in the war ot 1812, can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayctteville, June 19, 1858. tf Dr. Frank J Til Ham's Rye Whiskey. R MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct. 16. 1S58, tf SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL. Second "Volxxaaa-e, Gtli Xovember, 18o8 IN ant ICAX announcing a new volume ot tne Scottish amer- cax jourxAi., inc i ronrietor oegs 10 can aiieu- tion to those features of the paper which have already secured for it a large share of support, and which ought to commend it to the patronage of a still more numerous class of readers. The special feature of the paper is that it is a Scot tisi. journal, containing notices of every event occur ring in Scotland that can be regarded as of the least interest to natives of the country now residing on this continent. The news of the whole eountry is careful ly collected and condensed, so that no event which it concerns Scotchmen to kno is ever omitted from the columns of the paper. Articles relating to Scottish subjects, original and selected, are also published from time to time aud the more special character of the Journal is sustained by literary features of national interest in the form of tales, historical and miscellan eous sketches, anecdotes and poetry. While thus national in its character so far. these special features occupy comparatively limited space in the eight large pages of which the paper consists, three-fourths of which are devoted to news and other general matter calculated to be of interest to all clas ses of readers, and not to Scotchmen alone. A care fully compiled epitome of intelligence from England. Ireland, the continent of Europe, and all parts of the world is given in every number, with extracts from the leading articles of the British Journals on the most, interesting public topics of the day. With a view to increase the popular interest of the " Scottish American Journal,'7 nd to add to its val ue as a family paper, arrangements have been made for a series of attractive tales, founded chiefly on sub jects connected with Scottish life. The first of these stories, entitled " Clara Howard : a tale of the Cri mean War," commences with the first number of the new volume. A considerable instalment of the storv till it is completed. reading for the winter ' It will be follow- i . TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION'. One copy one year, $2 50 Subscriptions (invariably in advance,) received at the Carolinian Office, where specimen copies can be obtained on application. Agents for North Carolina, nc. 4. MA4TL1M i" w, J NE W DR Y G 0 0 D S. W. MACLNTYRE. T OW priced SATINETTS, Kent'ky JEANS, JLi Colored Corset JE ANS. Canton Flannels, (extra heavy) Silk Front Merino SHIRTS ; Ribbon Bound Bed Blankets; a lot of Colored and White Extension SKIRTS with patent Bustle. s Dec, II, 1858. 3r Paxrticxilax 33o-toe. rHE subscriber begs leave to call the attention of :JL his friends aud.the Public generally that he wish- es to change his business, and desires them to call, as great bargains can be had either at retail or closing i out the whole Stock. . . ;: PL S. All persons indebted either by Note or Ac- ar.e. a?TyyJ outco to can ana settle. VJieC. 11,1858. 3t A. HOLMES, Jr. tvyetteville, N. C. Observer copy.;- WAO?.- FACTORY. A. A. M'KETHAN ' " KEEPS constantly on band a large assortment of "eeu ou.uuw. ; . Vehicles of every description, which are well Sonora is, beyond a doubt, the richest mine and faithfully made and finished in the lightest and ral region in the known world, blessed with a neatest styles. His iacilities tor aoing carnage work are greater than any establishment Socth, which enables him to sell his work on the most favor able terms. v Nov. 13. 1858. tf NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. TN Pursuance of an order from the Court of Pleas A and quarter sessions of Harnett county Dec. Term 18o-S, the subscriber as Aunrr of the estate ot Alex. Cla-k, deceased, will offer for sale on the 8th day of Jary 18a9, at public auction to the highest bidder, at Court House of said county at Toomer, the follow ing named negroes, viz : Welly and child, Sandy, Eli za, violet. Jac o, Liewis and JMiiab. The above ne- gres are valuable and are sold to pay liabilities of the estate of said Clark, dee'd. A credit of six months will be given. Purchasers will be required to give bond witb two-good securi ties J NO. L. ATKINS, Pec. 18. -3t Admr. SPECIAL COURT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Superior Court ot" Law, Fall Term, 1858. His Honor Romulus M. Saunders, Judge Presiding. 1 1 is ordered by the Court, that a special Term of J this Court, be held oa the second Monday in Feb ruary. A- D. leo9. Jurors, H ltnesses, and suitors in uivii Uases are hereby notified to attend- Witness, John W. Baker, Jr., Clerk of our said Coart. at Ofli'e, the seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in September, A- D. I808. JOHN W. BAKER. Clerk. Nov. 27. tc STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. M. B. McRae, vs. Martin A. Mai loch. VRIGINAL attachment levied on th defendaotY f undivided iuterest in 9-2 acres of land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant M A Mai loch is not an inhabitant of this State : on motion, il is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the .North Caroli nian, a newspaper published in the Town of Fayette ville, for six successive weeks, notifying the said M A Mallocu, to be and appear at our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court House i n the Town of Troy, on the first Monday in January next, then and there to be and appear to plead or replevy, or final judg ment will be entered against him to satisfy Plaintiff's debt, interest ana cost. Witness, John McLennan, clerk of our said court at office in Troy, on the first Monday of October, A D 1858, this Oct. 9lh 1858. JOHN McLENNAN, C. C. C. Nov. 20, 6t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. T. Bostick, vs. James B. Malloch. O' RIGINAL attachment levied on the defendant's undivided interest in 92 acres of land It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, J B Malloch, is not ah inhabitant of this State : on motion, it was ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolinian, a News- paper published in tne town ot fayetteville, lor six successive weeks, notifying the said J B Malloch to be and appear at our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county aforesaid, at the Court House in the town of Troy, on the first Monday in January next, to plead or replevy, or final judgment will be entered against him to satisfy Plaintiff's debt, interest and cost Witness, John McLennan, clerk of our said Court at office in Troy, on the first Monday of October, A D 1858, this 9th Oct, 1858. JOHN McLENNAN, C. C. C Nov. 20. 6t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. T. Bostick. vs. Martin A. Malloch. ORIGINAL attachment levied on the defendant's undivided, interest in 92 acres of land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, M A Malloch, is not an inhabitant ef this State: on motion, it was ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolinian, a Newspaper published in the Town of Fayetteville, for six successive weeks, notifying him to be and appear at our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county aforesaid, at the Court House in Troy, on the first Monday in January next, to plead or replevy, or final judgment will be entered against him to satisfy Plaintiff's, debt, interest and cost. Witness, John McLennan, clerk of our said Court at office in Troy, oh the first Monday of October, A D 1858, this 9th Oct., 1858. JOHN McLENNAN, C. C. C. Nov. 20. 6t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. William Ringstaff and wife, Williamson Chappell and wife Patience, t. Murdoch B. McRae. Row land Chappell, Executors of Joseph Blake. Petition for account and Settlement. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court that William Ringstaff and wife, Williamson Chappell and wife Patience, are not inhabitants of this State : on motion, it ta ordered by the Court that publica tion be made in the North Carolinian, a newspaper published in the Town of Fayetteville. for six succes sive weeks that they be and appear at the next Term of this Court, to Te held for the County aforesaid, at . . r r - rWoaoay in -January next, then and tnerewrpraf answer to tnis petition, or tne same will tie neia pro confesso as to them. Witness. John McLennan. Clerk of our said Court at office in Troy, on the first Mondav ;i October A. D. 1858. JOHN McLLmNAN, Clerk. Nov. 20. 6t THE NORTH - CAROLINIAN fc i- ' - , - - - : ..ii' ., ,- ... r ' FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Bonora and Chihuahua. The recommendation in the message of the President that the United States shoald assume a temporary protectorate over Sonara and Chibaahua is founded not only in just right of reprisal for aggravated and long continued oat rages upon American citizens, but upon princi ples of self-preservation, and upon humanity for the people of these frontier States. The condition of these States, although similar in point of misgovernmeat and oppression, is not the same in degree. Sonora contains fifteen millions of acres of land and a ' population of about 120,000 souls, including Indians. Of this number, a reliable authority estimates only Dve per ceut. as being able to read: and write - TW nBiiiber.Qfnhalitnts whB call themselves whiU "gentdde razon" does not probably fine climate, and in the valleys the richest soil. Sngar, cotton, wheat, corn, peas, beans, all the Irnits grow in a luxuriousness and profusion unknown even to our southern possessions. The people are naturally docile, and accustom ed to labor, caring only to be let alone to make the State rich and prosperous by their quiet toil. VV i tli all these advantages, Sonora is to-day in the most miserable condition . The whole State is the prey of the Apache Indians. AH culti vation, except in the immediate vicinity of the towns, is abandoned. The high roads are daily stained with the blood of the people. The whole mining region of the northern portion of the State is abandoned and the commercial world is deprived of the silver which it so much needs. From researches which will shortly be made public through the Indian De partment, it is ascertained that more than one- fourth of the Gila Apaches are Mexican chil dren who have been carried iuto captivity and Annually, hundreds of both sexes are captured. They never return except when familiarized ' with the Indian life. What is this to the United States ? And when s our authority to avenge the wrongs of assas sins inflicted upon a foreign population ? The answer is plain. These have their haunts in the XT niteu States north of the Gila river. From the valleys of its northern branches they descend iuto Sonora and Chihuahua : plunder. murder, and take prisoners, and return with their ill-gotten booty to their homes, where they remain until want or inclination again sends them forth. Secure in their retreat, when they have crossed our boundary line which the Mexican dare uot cross they pursue their way leisurely back. We, in effect, give shel ter to these predatory bands, and become par- liceps criminis in the despoiling of the fairest province upon which the sun ever shown. More than this : Arizona, which has been gradually growing in importance since its ac- qmsion, is made the high road of the despoilers and its development, which promises to auj ment in so great a degree the wealth of the world, is chocked ; our people, the sturdy pion eers or civilization, are robbed: our only mail communication over land to the Pacific through out the year liable to be stopped ; and we have no redress. This wily savage, the Apache, after a severe outrage upon our side of the line retreats into Mexico, where we cannot follow him, makes a temporary peace with the near est Mex'can authority and remains untilja great er temptation offers. Ihe Mexican govern ment affords neither protection nor redress. Our readers will observe that we have touched only one phase of this question. This alone would havejustined us loner since in establish msr military posts in Sonora and Chihnahna. We are assured upon competent authority that! protection by the United States from the A pa - ches will be received by the people wituagrat- itude which no woras can express. Statistics of Japan. uui vii 9 pi um j 0Lji;cak lug to a lai tc ioauu emnire in the North Panifie nff the const of China, consisting of an archipelago, comprising three large mountains, and volcanic islands Aiplion, Jsius, and oikok and an immense number of small islands. Of these lesser is lands tliA nrineinals Sndrt Tsnnsima A wndsi Tanegasima, Yki, Yakeuia, and Osima, with f f f 1 , the groups of Okisima, Gotnma, and Kosikisim, forming Japan proper ; and the large island of lesso, north of lyphon, and separated from it by the strait of Tsngar, or Matsno, with the south half of the island of Tarokri, Kinto, or Saghalin, and the larger or more southern Ku- rile islands, forming a dependency called the principality of Matsumae. The Bouin-Sima and Lew-Chew groups also form dependencies The following summary gives the extent of the Japanese empire, including all these dependen cies : 1 Area of Japan proper Area of dependencies 116,405 sq. miles 43,312 Total - - - - 159,111 The population is varioasly estimated at from 10.000,000 to 50.000,000 : the mean of the two estimates being, perhaps, nearer to the truth. The principal or more important towns of the empire are : On Nipho Yedo, (or Jeddo,) Mijako, (or Kio,) &c. On Kiusiu Nangasaki, Sagi, Korkurn, &c. On Sikuk Simoda, Kotsi, Takamutsi, &c. On Yessc Aokodade, Mk.sumae, &c. The interior of the country is unknown to foreigners ; but it is represented to be, in many parts, sterile agriculture being compulsory, and under a system of sumptuary laws long known to exist in Japan The natural productions Sf this rast. empire are various and valuable. Its mineral riches includes gold, silver and copper. Sulphur and nitre abounds ; coal is found in the greatest abundance ; and precious stones, including sap phires, agates, jaspers, cornelians, and even diamonds, are obtained in different parts of Japan. i . i j The mnj berry tree grows in the greatest per '- worms. Cloths, stuffs, cordage, &c.,- are 1 nfan- ufactured from ihe paper tree (Kadsi.) The ! varnish tree (cerust) yields a milky juice, em i ployed in varnishing articles an art which has i attained to such perfection in Japan that the ingnage has adopted the name, of the 1 elf signify the highest perfection in rvaraishingr Besides these, there are nnmerl Mother valuable trees indigenous m Japany,ong which may be classed the bay tree, jamphor tree, the Sg tree, the cypress tree, a?Lf which are made subservient to the wants tj t luxuries of the Japanese, and should commit il intercourse ever be freely opened with tt empire, could be made available in soPP'yrti most valuable export staples. Ilenp,; cotton, rice, and every variety of cerealaf!me of them abounding with superior farina p extensively and successfully cultiva ted. V&,i8tbe principal food of the natives, and thfl aised in Japan is said to be the best growtlpr all Asia The kg-'muslins, and cotton goods are manufay!t ired with superior skill. Indeed, in several anches of handicraft the Japanese have n&t vals. This is especially true as res peCtS fTE Tf tVJSxn 'ii nnd elegunt carving of wood, 1 -try," pearl and fishbone. Ziist of Appointments BY THK MRTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE FOR THE , ENSUING YEAR. Raleigh 3 list. D li Nicholson, P E. jUci City "L L Ilendren, Vic City Mission G Farrar. lIc Colored Mission James Ilciil, Idc Circuit T S Campbell, Taw I.r W M Jordan. 11 0 Maynard, Henrlerscti Benj F Long-, Person- Theo W Moore, GranvjUt quius P Moore, Hilsbrf Circuit Jon li Alford, f ITiIlcb ro' Station 1) C Johnson, 1 Chalel Hill A V Mangnm, I.onisbjbr,: Thos P Ricnud, Nashvfile Caswell W Kinj., Jno W Jenkins, Enoe OoJjred.Mfssion To be snind cd, North Ct rolina Advocate Rufus T Heflin, Raleigh Temale Seminary David R I5ruton, Greensbc-o' Dis N II 1 Wilson, P. K. Sdc Station L S BurUiead, Guilfodi Jircuit Moses J Hunt, Davidson Circnit Thos li Reeks, i r orsy ie lrcun t uumi, 1 Wirwtcn Circuit Jas F Smoot, Stokes!"C rcait Clarendon M Pepper, Wentvror Jj-iAlfred orman, Alamanc C II Phillips, Yancefvlle: Jno W Lewis, Frankliorvtlle Jos C Thomas, f Xorfna College fc High Point J B Cobbitt, 1 Ashelxro Beni F Guthrie, Leasbfrg Jos P Simpson, Wm l inger Agent a-Grccnsboro Fcmalo . College, Josepli B Martin Agent of Normal College, li urarew rresiaeni oi normal vvuiieijc, Salisbtfry Dist N F Reid, P. E, "I Station II L Hudson, RowanW Joseph Wheeler, East Bo ran bimeon L feeler, MockslU e M C Thomas, Iredell Svm C Gannon, W W Albea, bun. South r del I--Enoch Moore, Alexadr Mission, I Isaac W A vent, LittleRirer Mission, f To be supplied. Jonesrill -Chas M Anderson, Wilkeg Rob A Willis, Surry Ilarqnis L Wood, Blue Bit re Mission lo be supplied. Somertd'n -Mission j To be supplied. S H ebeck, Agent of Olin High School, Washfag on ist Ira T Wyche, P. E., i s Station Wm E Pell, Roanoke Win W Floyd, Warrln KOjbt liarrctt, Plymtat s E Mann, Williaaision-Isaac F Kerana, G reeitVil e Wm A Hester, Colunfa: F CI egg. MattatfesKMC H 11 Uibbons, Rth-Ll ' tV5AfPpM,nm 1 XeuseM- V 21 D Moore Tawborb Robert S Moran. xtp,ibi&H RiAh "V A Trnr.i-r Portsnao th 5& Ocracoke Mission Wm n t ' Wheeler, CaneHftter&s wm Ii ISo.whv. 1 r ----- - - KoanftKe LrJ)recl Mission P XV arrel Tar Rsitr Colored Mission W II Barnes, Newbtrt Dirt Wm Closs, P. E., Cemtenary James II Brent, Andrew Chapel Mis -W M Walsh, cuit Jno II Lous. &nPw 'L"fas " uoiley, . n ' w vv Pt Mt:v .AcKer. Content) eaiJMission Jere Johnson, SmitHBe iXiemon Snell. Goldstloio'-ii-y as 1 Fisher. Everots'il!ei-N A II Goddin, Kinsten Job S Davis. Jones-; uorliM Gunn, TrenWr-. oniJ ones, Beaufort Ani St Jos II Wheeler, , Pbbis Chanel J II Hill, Straitf-JnqR Brooks, S M rc3t,res't of Wayne Female College, J J Ilins. Airent. " Jno 2f J, ndirtws, Agent of Normal College, C P Jins3S, Agent of Book Depository, Wilrr4bigtoa3)ist C F Deems, P. E., fr :Front St Jno S Long, ' -T$ th St T W Guthrie, Topsaftr-Wflliamsoii Harris, OnsIotr--Jnd C Brent, DupliQ---Jes8e A Cunniggim, Saraptai: -Piul J Carrowav, Blad)-Wth B Richardson, Sou tiOers?M ission Da n'l Culbreth, ElizattrRobert P Bibb, WhitfjHe-f Geo W Heptenstall, Smitlii:le Alex D Betts, CapeJ?tar Miss M N Taylor, Nortf IastThos L Triplett, W H?Bbbitt, Atrer.t of American Bible So., igdon. Sec'v for the benefit or seamen, e me uist I'eter jwiid, x . e., ' -iSta Abram Weaver, Chlpel O J Brent, Circuit Geo E Wyche, CapefZtar Cpr J W Tinrnn, fHahr,tvTr Jno Tiilett, a ijauis, sup, '-'"Mis To be supplied, PittsfSr'TJas W Wheeler, DeepQTeW S Chnffin, ( Mcl ;omery Thos C Moses, lTrf?r-I -Dirby II Scovill, ham S D Adams, Menarric Henry Gray, Robeson David W Doub, R O Burton, R J Carson, P H Joyner, Jas IT Jefferson, and Sam'I Robertson, were transfer red to the Virginia Conference. Englii empira the art l?ayetj 4 L

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