PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. TERMS, $2 00 TER ANNUMr FAYETTE VILLE, N. C, SATIfRDAY, JANUARY I, 1859. NO. 1,021. VOLUME XX. "THE NOBLEST MOTIVE IS f THE PUBLIC GOOD" TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, in advance, per annum $2,00 " " at the end of the year 3,00 Single copies, five cents. No subscription will be received for less than six months. Rates or .A-ilvertising. Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first, and 30 cents for each subsequent iusertion, for any period under three months. For three months, $4 00 For six months, 6 00 For twelve months, 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertisers are. particularly requested to state the number of insertions desired, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. MARTIN & PEARCE. LEGVL NOTICES. IV. A. MCLEAN, Attorney z,t Ijx "w LUMB ERTON, N. C, "V7"II..L. attend the County and Superior Courts of T Robeson, Richmond and Bladen Counties, and the Superior courts of Moore county. Dec. 9. lm. WRIGHT AND FULLER. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Fayettoville, 3NT. C2. CLEMENT G. WRIGHT and BARTHOLOMEW FULLER have associated themselves together ; for the practice of their profession. Prompt atten- I tion given to all business committed to their charge. J They will practice in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett. Sampson, Robeson and Bladen. Nov. l;, 1858. tf TROY & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors AT LAW. LUMBKKTOX X- C. F.UT E. TROY & JOHN P. FULLER I OI517 V fori have rmeil an association t'r the practice oi ineir profession in Ilolieson co.. only K. fc. 1 roy win alM att-Tid the Courts of I'.laden and Columbus, and J. P. Fuller those ol'Curnberland. Their Office in Liunberton will be kept open at all times. January 9. 1 858. 83-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW, TTKNDS the Courts of Cumberland, linrnett, itku and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. el. 10. lS5(i. 85-y ATTORNEY AT LAW. Can be tViuitd at the Office formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on 15ow Street. F IVETTEVULE, C. June 26. 1358. tf LAW INOTICE. T IIIE PUBSCRIUKR.S Iiavin associated themselves tcetlHT in tlie or ct;co of Law, und'-r the name and st le of CAMKRON" &. .SIIAv, , will attend the County and Sup. rior Courts of Moore, Montgomery, Anson. Richmond and Robeson. All business en rustcd to t'm'in will receive their prompt attention. Address Cameron and Shaw, Attorneys at Law, Rockinsrham. Richmond county, N. C. Jxo. W. Uameuox. Jxo. D. Shaw. May 1, 185S. ly AUCTIOXKKR & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, Faykttevii.le, N. C. Nov. 13. 158 AV. II TURLINGTON, Geiicrnl Coiniitissioirt Mercliam, NORTH WATER STREET, 'Wilmington, N. C, "TfTILL give personal attention to the sale or ship- men" of all consignments of Naval Stores or other country produce, and any other business en trusted to hi eat-e, will be promptly attended to. April IS 1857. ly U. .TAMES 13 AVIS, h aving .K.r on Dprmanentiv locating in uie T-.x-r. nf Fiivettville, rospeetfully offers his servi to the citizens of this place and surrounding .Ami(rV. Til all the various branches of his Pr rb.i." including the manufacture of Mineral Tpeth. he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence to which is added a thorough Dental cduca t5on that he can give entire satisfaction as tar as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities f tbr. Tooth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the innuth, None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges 'will bo moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within ,nh of all who may feel an interest in the nroorviitiou of the Teeth. rSOHice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1858 tf IMLrnVtolo Factory, IT GEO. LAUDER, Two Doors above C. T. Haigh & Son's Store, Payetteville, N. C. Oct. 1, 1856. ly. CASTORS (18 patterns,) Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Cups, Tea Sets, Goblets, Spoon Holders, Butter Dishes, Butter Knives, Mo lasses Cups, Napkin Rings, Tea Bells, Pie Knives, Sugar Tongs, and Spoons. TRENCH FORKS, AND SPOONS, of all sizes. For sale low at the "Crockery Store.': Oct. 2. -3ml W. N. TLLLINHGAST, fllLWli PMfll EANCY GOODS, TOYS, 3T"x-xx"t, Confection-' THE subscriber, is now receiving a laege supply of Goods in his line, consisting of : Foreign and Domestic Fruits, such as Raisins, Dried Figs, Prunes, Currants, Oranges, !N Nuts, and Preserves, together witn a large and well selected assort ment of Toys, Spices, Sar dines all of which the subscriber is deter mined to sell cheap for Cash A jrood supply of Groceries, kept constantly on II and. A genuine article of castile soap. Dec. 4. lm R. E. HE IDE. J. C. STEDMAN AND J. V. HORNE, UXiXKK 1UE NAME AXT WTYIJ3 STEDMAN & HORNE HAT AVE associated themselves together Grocery. Provision, Liquor and Barter ISusi ness, and are now receiving a well selected tetocK ot Goods in their line, which they are willing to ex change for money or produce. Their stock consists in part of the following arti cles : Brown, Crushed, and Loaf Sugar ; Rio, j Laguira and Java Coffee ; Butter, Cheese, j aud Crackers ; Lard, Pork, and Western , Bacon ; No. 1, Mackerel, in Bbls, His. and Kits ; Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars ; Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. iexi. uoor 10 u. a, . iiici-niinii. ( Nov '0 -3m nay street, r ayettevMie. it. i. f JUST RECEIVED, GOOD assortment of Kersi-ys. IMankets. T weeds. A Jeans, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Prints, Shoes, &c. ALSO 18 Doz. Hoop Skirts, 50 " Linen and Marseilles Shirts. STARR &. WILLlAAiS. Nov. 27. -tf USEFUL ARTICLES. FLUID, Oil and Lard L imps: Drittania and Brass Candlesticks; t Superior Steel Snuffers; Brittania Castors. Tea Pots and Coffee Pots; Brittania SPOONS and LADLES; Brittania Communion Sets Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; Planished Tin Coffee Urns and Pots, Tea Pots; Oyster and Beef Steak Dishes, and Dish Covers; Waiters, of all sizes and shapes. Fine Scissors; large for cutting, small tor embroid er; ; Razors and Pocket Knives; Baskets! Baskets! for all purposes; COFFEE MILLS, Iron and Stone Morters; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs. Pails, Churns and Bowls; Ovinvr Scales, to weigh i to 540 lbs; Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers; Hair and Wire Seives; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Bells, Music Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies' Leather Bags, (large;) White Satin Beads and White Cut Beads, for fancy work: Porte Monaies, entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric Polishing Powder; Boy's Saws; Corkscrews, a rnvnt variety of other useful articles, too tedious tn,mnt.i(in. Come i.nd soe for yourselves at the 'Crockery Store." W. N. TILL1NG1IAST. Oct. 2. -5m THIE STJCBSRIBER fS now receiving one of the largest and most care fully selected stocks ever offered by him in this market, comprising every style and quantity ot riniES'. GEJrTS. AIISSES' AJVD BOYS' BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &rc. Axi, IX FACT. EVERYTHING USUALLY SOLD IN HIS LINE Pia.nt.prs and all others who desire to purchase a superior article of No. 1 JJKOUAiNS, are respeetfully solicited to call and examine his stock. Having just returned trom tne iNorin, anu exam ined my Goods carefully before purchasing, I flatter mvstdf that I am now nrenar. d to sell them upon as o-ood terms as they can be nougnt in tins marnei. LEATHER of all descriptions, and tor all pur poses, constantly on hand. ... . , . - ( . 1 1 , . . . . . . . . lne auove ariicies win ue soiu mtAr run uami. M. FAULK Oct. 23 tf CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! II GRAHAM, is now receiving, a fine Stock of HEADV-MADi. CLOTHING, to suit the FALL & WINTER OF THE LATEST STYLES. He would solicit his customers and friends to give him a call, as he offers his Clothing low for CASH or on reasonable terms to prompt paving customers. GARMENTS CUT IN THE LATEST FASHION. He may be found east jam on Market Square. Oct. 9, 3m "WANTED, ITOR the year 1859. four young men and two women, . smart, active and cleauly, for Table and Cbaml r Servants; one good Cook, (a man preferred.) strong and healthv ; and also one sober, honest and indus trious fellow for Ostler. For such servants, (slave would be preferred.) liberal prices will be given, and wages paid quarterly. T. WADDILL, Fayetteville Hotel. FayetteviHe, N. C, Dec. 4. 5t PATENT CHEMICAL GREASE FOR AXLES, MILL GEARING, $c THIS Grease for Stages, Wagons, Carts, Carriages, Mill Gearing. IIeav Bearings, ic., is found to be the best in use. It is warranted to stand any tem perature. It combines the body and fluidity of Tal low. Beeswax and Tar, keeps the Axles always cool and does not run off. and is unsurpassed in durability. Manufactured by J. Headley, New York. A consignment on h nd, and for sale at the office nf the " Carolinian," Market square. In 21b. boxes, price 25 cents per box. .Nov- zu. 1MB. n CARRIAGE FACTORY. A. A. M'KETHAN T7" EEPR constantly on hand a large assortment of XV. Vehicles of every description, wuicu ami taitoiuiiy mauc auu ui ne atkst style. His facilities for doing carnage work are gkeatkb than axy establisumext South, which enables him to sell his work on the most favor able terms. Nov. 13. 1858. " THE undersigned has transferred to Messrs. Mar tin & Pearce, all accounts due to the North Car olinian printing office, and hereby reunqmsues an claim upon the same. G. W. WIGHTMAN. Nov. 20. 1858. tf BILL HEADS neatly printed, one, two, and three on a half sheet ruled for the purpose. Give us a call at the CAROLINIAN OFFICE. FRESII SUPPLIES OF OF GREAT VARIETY. TUTS, FRUITS, MUSICAL INSTRUMbMS, And all kinds of YANKEE NOTION. FIRE WORKS of every sort, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, of great variety, And KXICKNACKS of all kinds, tine article of Chewing and T noking TOBAC JO and SEGMIS. TOYS of all kinds for Children. A great, variety of Fine and Fauj CANPIES. - Call and examine, and you will doubtless be pleased. JAMES R. LEE, Hotel Building, Dec. 11, 1858. 6m II. Erambert?s old store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. GROCERIES. HARD WARE. HOLLOW-iV ARE, SADDLERY, BOOTS. SHOES, COTTON YARN, SHEETINGS. &c, To which thev call the attention of their friends and To which tne i customers genii x . C -m, ort i .1 . w. i- v.iot t TI -V' ! E. J. Lilly. i G- W. I. GOLDSTON'. A. W. Fuller. Town papers 1 m. Nov. 20. -lm f AMES MARTINIS is now receiving a large and ' general assortment of everything in the above line. ALSO A ptime article of Rio, Laruira and Java COFFEE; Crush'-d and Brown Sugar ; Sugar House Sj'rup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov. 27. tf 3PixiiLt;js, Oils, c&?o Sper: WH PERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanner's OIL ; 1TE LEAD ; Burning Fluid ; Putty ; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. ALSO A fresh supply of Pond's Pain Destroyer. 1 or sale by Nov. 27. tf JAS. MAUTINE. ' " aVi "E2fici23uP' .V. "t't I TIN-W AUK, &c kill O1 "V band, a Uirire assortment ot Box ana cook strvi.R : Tin-ware : Sheet-Iron : Lead Pipe. At so the " OSd Dominion C of arc Pot." for sale by tf JAMES MAUTINE. Nov. 27. L UTTERL OIF S LINE. CJTEAMER "'FANNY" leaves Fayettevine everj Monday and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise; and Wilmington, Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock, carrying paasengers and tretgnt. Stfnimor "SOUTHERNER ' with a lull comple ment of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circumstances may require. The accident to the Steamer "KUWAft" win uc repaired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. LUTTERLOII. Oct. 9. -if NOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. T HIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, and the Widows ot Soldiers who DIED IN SERVICE in the war ot 1812, can have their npnsions continued by callincr on the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision them. Give me the management of your claims, for and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JXO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 19, 1858. tf Dr. Frank M lUhnvi's Ihjc JVIusTcey. "I) MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. YXm Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all tunes, by wholesale or retail Oct. 10. 1858, tf SfOTTISII .AMERICAN JOURNAL. Second Volume, Otla November, 1858- N announcing a new volume of the Scottish Amer . ican- Jovkxai., the Proprietor begs to call atten tion to those features ot the paper wmcii nave aireauy secured for it a large share ot support, aud which ought to commend it to the patronage of a still mori numerous class of readers. The special feature of the paper is that it is a Scot tish, journal, containing notices o'-every event occur ring in Scotland that can be regarded as of the least interest to natives of the country now residing on this continent. The news ot the whole country is careiui- ly collected aud condensed, so that no event wnicn u concerns Scotchmen to kno is ever omitted from the columns of the paper. Articles relating to scottisn subjects, original and selected, are also published Irom time tn timt aiwl the more stiecial character oi iuu .Fonrnal is sustained liv literarv features of national interest in the form of tales, historical aud miscellan eous sketches, anecdotes and tioetrv While thus national in its character fo far. these special features occupy comparatively limited space in the eight large pages of which the paper consists, three-fourths of which are devoted to news and other sreneral matter calculated to be of interest to all clas ses of readers, and not to Scotchmen alone. A care fully compiled epitome of intelligence Irom England. Ireland, the continent of Europe, and all parts of the world is given in every number, with extracts from the leading articles of the British Journals on the most interesting public topics of the day. "With a view to increase the popular interest of the " Scottish American Journal," nd to add to its val ue as a family paper, arrangements have bet;n made for a series of attractive tales, founded chiefly on sub jects connected with Scottish life. The first of these stories, entitled " Clara Howard : a tale of the Cri mean War," commences with the first number of the new volume. A considerable instalment of the storv will be "iven in every number till it is completed. nnd it will form interesting rtading for the winter openings alike for old and young. It will be follow ed by a succession of other tales of equally popular character. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One copy one year, $2 50 Subscriptions (invariably in advance,) received at the Carolinian Office, where specimen copies can be obtained on application. Dec. 4. Airents for North Carolina, UiRTIV Jb PEARnB. or i " 1 WWt- .'- ?i&iisur!;riw:i . r . : . I are reniarnauie. r 1 1 ' on neon r-.oia ni v I nrrn ( i .finarrnprsHTi f l f ! . : t-1 .- . rfvn r, i : l . iinci a m rn Tin it a snrnnn! uuu i I , TTJ . nnincTHM PTTT l l'R 7 o-t.i r, ..t rear's Ci-eetfrPt aCUrkiHl ) uvuuoxvn , - . - THrtS. W. DEVANE. in 18Sb. B.Ut in a gener- ' And offer for sale a large and well selected stocK or v,u . . Rndand was r I WILL teach the common ENGLISH BRANCHES of learning, in the Common School House on Hay mounf. I will commence on the 3rd of Jan. 1859, and teacnfor a term of 4 months, and charge at the rate of sbuldollars per session for a pupil . One-fourth of the pay, I shall expect in advance. Dim 18, 1858. -tf CHE3TERFIEL.D BULLA. NOTICE. A EL persons indebted to tne ounscrioer, are re t: quested to make payment on or before the first of January next. All claims due me.-after that time. the Subscriber, are wille put in a trainof colIectiojnV Dec. 11, 1858. 4w -j, jjeshjte'rian copy 2w SHAW. ! Turpentine Gtill. a i j i lO.OOOSK&JK w,, Tlic doth ingrowing fast , the nufac--"-V7W a nt niMPRTfi i. hirdFc nr demandm? complete free trade in paia. - Oct. 1, 185C. tf eViii' White Lead aud Linsee lor sale by Au". S. J. 63-tf HINSDALE. 15, NOTICE. 1 STATE OF NOItTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. IN Pursuance of an order from the Court of Pleas and quarter sessions of Harnett county Dec. Term 1838. the subscriber as Adm r ot the estate oi Aiex. Clark, deceased, will offer for sale on the 8th day of Jan'y 1859, at public auction to the highest bidder, at Court House of said county at Toomer, the follow- in2 named negroes, viz : Nelly and child, Sandy, JMi- za, Violet. Jac b, Lewis and Elijah. The above ne- groes are valuable and are sold to pay liabilities oi the estate of saiil Clark, dee'd. A credit of six months will be given. Purchasers will be required to give bond with two good securi- i- ivn T ATVTKTO lies. a y . xj. ixiim.o, Dec. 18. -3t Adm'r. SPECIAL COURT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1858. His Honor Romulus M. Saunders, Jadge Presiding T T is ordered bv the Court, that a special term oi X this Court, be held oa the second Monday in eu- i i.i.' j - . - - J urors, v ltncsses, ana suitors in Civil Cases re hereby notified to attend. Witness, John W. Baker, Jr., Clerk of our said Court, at Olli'e, the seventh Monday after the fourth Monday in September, A. D. 1858. JOHN W. BAKER. Clerk. Nov. 27. tc STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. VlC!ourt of 1Icas an(1 Ql,arter Sessions, Oct. Term, " ' 1059. - M. T5. McRae. vs. Martin A. Malloch. ORIGINAL attachment levied on the defendant's undivided interest in 92 acres of land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant M A Malloch is not an inhabitant of this State : on mot tion, it is therefore ordered by the tion be made in the North Caroli- published in the Town of Fayette- iire weeks, notifying the said M Court that publica nian, a newspaper ville. for six successi A Malloch, to be and appear at our said Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County aforesaid, at the Court House i n the Town of Troy, on the first Monday in January next, then and there to be and appear to plead or replevy, or final judg ment will be entered against him to satisfy Plaintiff's debt, interest and cost. Witness. John McLennan, clerk of our said court at office in Troy, on the first Monday of October, A I) 1858, this Oct. 9th 1858. J U 11 JMCLiCi.M1! AW, Kj. j. s. Nov. 20, tit STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. T. Bostick, vs. James B. Malloch. 0X " iV Tr. V ri , iff tn the 'satisfaetion of the Court, that the defeudantrJ B Malloch, is not an inhabitant of this State : on motion, it was ordered by the Court that publication e maue m . r.-i f SssTve Te notHy inthe said J B Malloch To be and appear at our said Court of l'leas and Quarter Psinns. to be held tor the county atoresam, at tne Court House in the town of Troy, on the first Monday ad, interest and cost? Witness, John McLennan, clerk of our said Court at office in Troy, on the tirst Monuay oi uwouei, xj 1SA8 thisi uth Oct. 1858. john Mclennan, c. c. c. Nov. 20. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. Term, 1858. T. Bostick, vs. Martin A. Malloch. -I?lfiT'Ab attachment levied on the defendant s V7 undivided, interest in 92 acres of la'd. Tf i mno rinrr t ( the satisfaction of tbourt, that the dfendnt, I A Mallocl p iCvvnhabitant of this state: on motion, it was order by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolinian, a Newspaper published in the Town of Fayetteville. tor six successive weeks, notifying him to be and appear at our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county atoresaiu, at tne Trov, on the first Monday in January ne.i, iu v'y- ' . . , i ..i ...:n k A.,arri fiorsi nst him renievv. or nnai luusiueui m to satisfy Plaintiffs, debt, interest and cost. Witness, John McLennan, clerk of our saidCourt at office in Troy, on the first Monday oi ucwutr,. 1858, this 9th Oct., 1858. JOHN McLENNAN, C. C. C. Nov. 20. 6t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Oct. lerm, 1858. n. ti William Rinestaff and wife, "Williamson onappei. and wife Patience, vs. Muruocn u. land Chappell, Executors of Joseph BlaKe. Petition for account and Settlement. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Willi Rinstaff and wife, Williamson CMppell and wife Patience, are not inhabitants of this onmetioa, it ia ordered by the uouri n, n i?f,VS.,.iiViii;:for sis Bucces- uuuiisuku ILL Luc own v "J . rr" sive weeks that they be and appear at the next Term nf this? cnnrt. to ne held ior ine j the Court House in the Town of Troy, on the J confesso as to them. m ,A Witness. John McLennan, oier ui wur v. V IIQL'BS, JUim i"""--"" ' ----- --" j-, at office in Troy, on tne ;nr iionuy I 1858 I -TMV, OT. JO. 6t THE SOUTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Commerce Abroad. - -Last year Lord Clarendon requested those classed as junior members of .the diplomatic corps to send home reports touching the state of trade in various countries, and the result is a parliamentary document, just out, containing three reports. From these it appears that : Sardinia has a debt of 27,000,000, and that the work of tunneling. Mount Ceuis goes on successfully. Belgium within ten years has nearly doubled its foreign trade, the imports in 1857 reaching .27,160,009. The statistics from this country Take the coal trade. lu rdnced was A.500,000 tons 7,t7UUionsf, yue na j mrtort irm only 34,000 tons. The . cotton traAa has trinled durinir the last ten years. wnnl and are offerins to give up all protective ; , -. . duties if allowed to get the raw material they use free. It is stated that there is a strong and growing tendency towards free trade among the leading statesmen of Belgium, and a law on the subject, on liberal principles, has already w nnorl fnr snhmission to the Chambers. Switzerland presents marked evidences of of nrnoTPCS whinh is set down to the account political liberty and free trade. The falling off r oii0.. t.rffi whieh in former times drew awav a large portion of the population from industrial Dursuits, - . a . 1 is cited among the m;nrtP pansPS cf advancement. The present Rn:t;ch OTnnrts to Switzerland, which - -;m,tpj mostly taKe place mrou-ii x' iim-c, - o.. at J22.4UU.UUU JMore ousmess is suuu . have been done ot late years oy owuzenanu with the United States than with any other country, aud the crisis at New Fork last au tumn was consequently severely felt. In rail ways the country is behind most others, and the lines that exist are " not greatly to be admired." The total of nominal capital thus invested is about 12,000,000, of which a large proportion is foreign, the Paris Credit Mobiher being a great holder. In telegraphs there has beenmuch more progress, and the charges for ;i.tornl trfno-fs are extraordinary low, a- ti only to 2s. Gd. for one hundred words, irrespective oi uismutc. Denmark is steadily advancing in commerce, and the progress has been marked for ten years past ; and this, it is stated, has been materially assisted by the breaking down ol restrictions on trade. . ' Frankfort, among other things, contains a company which has met with singular success in preserving and compressing vegetables for naval, military, and other purposes. It was established with a capital of only 10,000, and is now doing much business with almost every nnrt. of thfi world. The first vear it made a return of 13 per cent.: the seeond, in conse quence of enlargements, it paid only 8 per cent., hut. then advanced to 15 per cent. It began y employing six work people, and has at pres- at tart i e"V i 't : -Austria occnpies a in commerce, and the report states that here, to-day, in this nion of the nineteenth century, flourish in their vigor, the " guilds and trades " system of the Middle Ages. These are full of monopolies, and those restrictions are allowed to-day to fet tnr and well nisrh subDress the industry of t nonulation of 38.000,000. Russia, with her sixty millions, is described as making slow but sure progress in commerce Turkey has free trade as to the foreigner, but is strangely restrictive as to her interna transit trade- sso production or the soil or manufactures of Turkey can be transported by sea between any two towns without paying 12 percent, on being shinned, and 1 per cent, on beinor sold for consumption : wVile a3 regards the tributary provinces, an average duty of 15 per cent, is levied on goods merely passing and repassing the frontier. As the country is de void of roads, the tax on sea carriage virtally applies to the only means of cheap transpor at command ; and the mode ot collecting rev enne is described being as barbarous as ever Portugal is described as being at a low state and the emigration to iSrazil to be large and constant. There is barely sufficient com grow to supply the wants of the population, for the ' eason that, owing to the want of roads, and the impracticability or expense of transport, the farraer merely cultivates sumeient land to snp- ply his own immediate neighborhood, anything beyond that remaining a dead loss upon his hands. The Sons of Robert Barns. Liverpool, Friday, Oct. 23, 1858. Last night, Thursday, Mr T. gave a dinner party, which I enjoyed so much, as yon will believe, when I tell yon that I went to the dinner table on the arm of Col. Barns, son of the celebrated poet, Robert Burns, and sat next to and conversed with him all dinner time. Next bnt one to him sat Willi" Tinrns the eldest son of the poet iKaI a -,l o i" tbfin bis brother. Col. Bnrns. al- though the latter appears to be very mncli older ; L.1JCIU IO. V v. - . - fi bnt tells me tnat ue win - - , month his hair ho fi4 vears old OOlV. next, moiun m uin i j white as snow, and ins nana iremuies very mnh His brother (the older of the twain) D Jo mne.h stoater. has hair not gray, and his step firm. I can hardly believe yet that he is the nldpr although Colonel Kurns assured me. himtflf was the vounser. He spoke of h father, of his mother, of Scotland had lived in India nearly thirty years, never during that time having had a day s sickness. He talks of and sings hisXfather's songs. He sang the air which Robert Barns wrote to his moth er, a very sweet thing, and "John Anderson my Joe." I felt so anxions to send you their autographs that when I found we were to meet them, told W. we must get them. He was detained ' at the office, and had Only time to stop at book , store, where they had not snch a copy Burns as he wished to send you, and he said he I j.j . ... . , . . r I did not like to ask them to write on a piece of : oDer mere v. JVir-T. naa a " isnrns." wrm th . t jt d 8?e.ned their naraes We' took oor copy (which he said be send yon) and they wrote the same in tnat. . , uol. Kurns further tOOK nr a piece oi apon which he wrote a verse ; 1 immeuiaiei made np my mind to secure it, a aud thought to njyself-now if I can only manage to. get names to that, I shall be all right. Tiie their ioe- niade t.l nanor wnc lain 111. On the table. 31)0 X in mv mind that, as chance offered, I would seize it, when V . stepped np i - took it, and placed it in the book, at the same time giving me a very knowing look. - Dinner Was announced, and Col. burns gate me his arm. After dinner, when rue genuemm had returned to the parlor. Mr Aiken, whom the Messrs. Hums are visiting, was talking mm me. (Mr Aikin's father was Robert Burns' most 'ultimate friend ; Mr A. is Col. and W ui.e Burns' most intimate friend ; and Mr A.a daughter Annie and CoJ. Bums' daughter Annie are most intimate friends.) I got np and took the book off the table, and took from the book th piece of paper, and said to Mm, "Now, if I only had their signatures, how glad I should be. 'Mr H. has their autographs "biat I wont them for mvself also." Mr A. call ed out, HergTrB rPm n.iUJk:ylj ? gen-. tleman came over to us, ami I 'hold ot. the paper, saying, Mr Burns, please sign, this for me ; I want your writing. t,o this is jour brother's." lie sat down by me, and wrote some remarks on the lines his brother had writ ten, and signed his name ; and then Col. Burns came over where we were, a id took ep the pa per, and signed his name too. Smiling he looked at me for ah instant and went on m:ikinx the curious hieroglyphics yon will notice on the naner. I said to him, "What is that?" He replied, " James G. Burns, in Persian" He speaks the Persian langmige fluently. Tie was an East Indian officer, of a different rank from his brother, for very many years. They now live in Chitfenham, having retired from the army. If Robert Burns were living, he would lie 100 years old on the aoth ot January tu xr, when the centennial anniversary of his birth-day will take place. The older brother remembers lis father's funeral, and that comprises noor.i ... it -rill all his recollections ot him personally, l snau preserve the paper and send it to yon ; it will be something to have and to show, which eveii one cannot boast of. Hce, the Printing Press Maker. BY GRANT THORNBCRX. In 1804, the yellow fever prevailed in New York to a fearful extent. 1 never leittne city on these occasions. I sat m tbe suop uoor, m ti. ..a1 r,f tb fbiv. I bi-held a man proxies?- n.r from the South : he 'walked in tl;e untune of the street, and was reading "ir . ' the names on the siprn boards. He stepped to my door. " Mr Thornburn," said he, " I nm just come . n -I 1 . TA - C I TT.i,-iii,l on snore irom tne snip iraper umn ui't'i am a carpenter by trade ; 1 enn t hnd work. Can't yon tell me where 1 can Hud noaru iui the fever is over? My nnme is i obert Hoe." He looked young, simjile, smtl honest. 1 knew the heart of the . stranger. I called my wife. - - - -- i ii My dear," says I, " this strnnqrer can-nei ther find work nor board; will you board him?" Yes' said she. If he takes the fever, will you Iiclp me nurse him ?" " I will." " Thank yon," said I ; "for this God will bless you." Before one week elapsed he took the fever. I procured an eminent physician ; my wife and myself nursed him. On the fourth tbiy of the fever he was under the operation of powerful medicine. The fever was coursing through his veins, and burning up his blood. I sat by his bed. lie fastened his eye on mine. Oil ! Mr. T., Mr. T, he exclaimed, " I i-.ii j: t T H 4 I.:., f sliail uie 1 1 can ut;tM Miinu iiii?. " Die, to be sure, Robert, we must f.ll die. I shall see you a master-builder in New York, and married to a bonny Yankee lass, and live to carry your grand-children in my arms yet. There was a lull in the fever when the medi cine commenced operation. He dropped asleep. From that hour the fever left him. When I held the cooling drops to his lips, and pressed his burning head between my hands, I little thought there lay the genii of a machine, that was destined to revolutionize the world of literature. At that time a common school Bible cost a dollar ; now they are sold for twenty five cents. His sons added several improvements to their father's invention ; they arc much esteemed wherever known. I was travelling in New Jejsey some ten years ago ; stepp'ng irom me car?, i noiu eu a ecent looking citizen among the spectator). Says I : " bir. my business will detain me a week in this town, I don't like to ston at a tavern, can you inform me where I can find a quiet, pri vate family where J may board ; " I can," he replied. " Come with me." We turned a corner. On a piazza, in front of a respectable dwelling, sat a comely matron. On her lap sat a child that might have been six summers. " Good wife," fiays my conductor, " this is Mr Thcrburn from New York. He wants irivate accommodations. Can'you board him for a week ?" "That I will," said she, "for a twelve month, if he says so. I have often heard my father tell how Mr Thorburn took him into his house and nursed him, when he took the yel low fever." is " What ws your father's name. I inquired. " Robert Hoe." "Is that your child ?" " It is," said she. " Madam, 'tis over forty years, when," chcer- insr Your father. I told him I hoped to carry ins grandchild in my arras. This day my predic tion is fulfilled in vour eyes. The elder Hoe died in 1835. The Hcmax Hair. It is stated that the somewhat tedious labor of eonntmg the num ber of hairs in the head, of four hundred differ ent colors blonde, brown, black and red has been successfully performed by a Gerniun sav ant who thus tabularizes the result : Blonde, 150.000 ; brown, 109,440 ; black, 102,962 ; red.' 88,140. ', ' , , The scalps he found to be pretty nearly equ:;! in weight ; and. the deficiency in the nun. her of hairs in the b-own, the black, and the red heads, to be fully counterbalanced by a corres ponding increase of bulk in the individual fi bres. ' o It is hard to bring out bred in the bone. of the flesh what is

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