T N011TH CAKOLINIAN. FAYETTEVTLLE, N C SATURDAY, January 1, 1859. E We have just re ceived the names of severa' new subscribers to the Carolinian, without being accompanied with the amount of subscription. We have added them to our list, and will forward the papers as directed, with the hope that the amounts will be speedily forthcoming. We are satisfied, from past experience, that the system of advance payments is the only successful method of publish ing a newspaper, the results of which will be as beneficial to the reader as the publisher. This plan has been adopted by most of the prominent papers of the Union with great success, while the credit system has been discarded as tending only to failure. The credit system requires a large capital, which we candidly confess we are not possessed of- It creates embarrassment and an unnecessary expense which we wish to oA'oid. There are few comparatively who come voluntarily forward and pay the printer. They look upon the amount they owe as small, without considering for a moment that the amounts due to the publish er of a newspaper are generally small that they are scattered among his hundreds of subscribers and over a large tract of country where it is im possible for him to visit, and the trifling profits ob tained will not justify the employment of a collec tor : hence the necessity for subscribers to for ward their respective amounts to the office. Wc have a great aversion to being in debt : we wish to pay up regularly all demands against us as soon as they become due, and so to improve the Caro linian that we may keep pace with the progressive spirit of the age. We will leave this subject for the present, hoping however that our subscribers will act well their part " there all the honor lies." We close by wishing them all " A Happy New Year." Report of Capt. Wilkes. We copy from the " Observer," the following highly important Letter on the subject of the lo cation of Naval Workshops. It was addressed to our Democratic representative in Congress, the Hon, Warren Winslow, by Capt. Wilkes, of the United States Navy, The Letter enumerates the vast mineral resources which lie hidden in the Deep Uiver Yalley, the development of which will create a new epoch in the history of North Carolina. Wasiiixgtox, Dec. 24, 1S58. To the Hon. Warren Wixsi.ow: My dear Sir : I take great pleasure in answering- your letter relative to the ex amination of the Deep River Country, which I am now enabled to do, as my Report is finished, and will be handed to the Depart ment for presentation to Congress after the Holidays. This, you understand, is unoffi cial, and will be a short synopsis, which will give you a correct idea of the result of my examination. Owing to the delay in receiv ing the specimens from the Deep lliver Country, the analysis of the coals and ores has postponed my official report much long er than I anticipated, and some time must still elapse after it is handed in, before it can be published by Congress, on account of the engraving of the Maps and Sections of the Geological formation. I need not point out to you the situation of the Deep River district, but you must be aware as well as I am, how little is real ly known of its geographical position as well as its valuable productions, and the apathy with which all improvements for accessibility to this district have been viewed, on the part of many in your State, and the preju dice which has existed against it, from the appropriations having been lavishly and uselessly expended in the construction of in efneient Dams and insecure Locks, which were found inadequate to bear their OWN weight, without the. force of the water. These mishaps and procrastinations have acted very unfavorably in preventing appro priations being made by the Legislature, as well as deterring individuals from subscri bing towards these great and useful works. I am sure that there are yet many who en tertain doubts, and are unwilling to give their money and exertions, or credence to the truth which has been fully brought to light by the well directed efforts of Mr Wm. McClanc in sinking the shaft at Egypt ; this fully established the existence of the veins of coal, and left no reason to doubt the ex istence of a coal basin and large quantities of the best bituminous coal as well as a great variety of iron ores which have been noticed by Prof. Emmons, the State Geolo gist, in many localities, and I can now add that it is fully confirmed by the recent ex aminations of the Commission : indeed, there are few places to be found in our country where there is such a concentration of ma terial, and which can be mined with so little toil and expense ; an abundance of the best fuel, consisting of charcoal and the mineral coals susceptible of being advantageously coked, in great variety and qnantityfor all purposes of the arts as well as domestic uses. Although these deposites of coul and iron in the Deep River Country will not bear comparison with the vast fields and moun tains of these minerals in our Western States, yet owing to their position, proximity to market and. adaptability to many purpos es of the arts, it is far before them in value of great interest to your State, and I con sider of National importance. The outcrop of the bituminous coal has "been traced 18 miles, and five seams of coal found at the surface. The shaft at Egypt is sunk to the depth of 460 feet and includes the lower coal seam, and by it we are as sured that theie are four coal seams, two having united as they descended ; the lar gest is there found to be 6 feet wide, sep arated from the others by beds ot carbon ate of iron known as the " Black Band." The coal has been proved to be of the best quality of bituminous coals. It is a shining clean coal, resembling the bt specimens of Cumberland; in ignites easily, burns with a bright, clear combustion, and leaves very little ash ; it swells and ag glutinates, making a hollow fire ; is a desir able coal for the parlour grate and for black smiths' use ; is well adapted for fuel, cook ing, and oil ; and is superior to most coals for the production of gas, for which it will be in great demand ; it is almost entirely free from sulphur ; its coke is light and por ous ; when rapidly burned, it inclines to smelt and flew, but when under slow com bustion it does not exhibit -this tendency, which is owing to the presence of larp-e quantities of bitumen ; it does not easily disintegrate' when exposed to the atmos phere. I think every one who visits this coalfield must be satisfied from the regularity of its seams, and. the diminution of the dip as it descends, (proved to be some 8 or 10 degs. in the shaft of Egypt, which is 1,500 feet within the outcrop,) that its seams conform to the shape of a basin, or trough; and I am satisfied that the greatest depth will lie on the northern side of the axis of the trough, and that this valuable mineral does not extend to such depths as to render its mining difficult, but, on the contrary, both easy and profitable. The ores of iron consist of the BlaOBand, in juxtaposition 'with the coal seams, and so situated as to be readily mined with the coal ; Specular, Hematitic, the Argillaceous and Magnetic ores are all found to be rich, and in quantity, and for their manufacture, be sides the mineral coal, there is abundance of wood for charcoal ; the uncleared lands of this district still have the prim itive forest growing upon them, and charcoal can be obtained in any quantity and at a cheap rate ; and there can be no question, but that the best quality of iron can be manufactured there, and that there is no locality in our country where a better and cheaper article can be produced. Five clays for refractory furnaces, building ma terials of sandstone, gneiss, and granite, millstone grit and fine sandstone, roofing slates, and sands for the manufacture of glass and porcelain clay, of which there is a large tract. There are also rich copper mines and quarries of soap stone and agalmatolite. Ihe proximity of the Deep River Country to market gives it great advantages, and I think insures its becoming at no distant day a populous manufacturing district. The bulk of coal and iron in its raw state renders its transportation expensive and will cause the erection of manufactories on the spot, which will be more economical and profitable. I am of opinion that when such is the case, very little coal can be afforded to be shipped, except it be for the production of gas, which may be able to afford the prices it will com mand for the manufacture of iron. I would however, remark, that all these minerals and materials are valueless, un less the routes are opened and every con venience afforded to reach the district, not only with easy and safe transportation, but m the quickest possible time from all parts of your State ; and unless this is effected they must remain entirely dormant. I think it must be apparent that it can not be expedient for the General Govern ment to establish machine shops for the construction of machinerr, &c, &c, for na val vessels, until this district is shown to be accessible from every direction. The com pletion of your Western Railroad and slack water navigation will tend in a g eat meas ure to give the facilities for speedy and sure transportation for both passengers and freight. To acquire some estimate of the quantity of coal, and allowing but half the width of the basin for the extent of the coal, we shall have an area of 75 square miles ; this gives an approximation to the quantity of mineral wealth locked up in this district. Surely no legislature can hesitate for a moment to ex pedite its development by any means in its power. Although we have no actual proof to offer, y et there can be little doubt that the extent of the coal must underlie the basin. I was desirous to place this beyond question, and had it been in my power I should have or dered boring to be made, considering it of great importance in a National point of view : but as there was no appropriation to meet this expenditure, it could not be made. Having thus given you a short synopsis, I will close, referring you to my official Report for the particulars of my examination and the conclusions at which I have arrived. Very respectfully, yours, CHARLES WILKES. Diplomatic Appointments. In another column will be found a list of the Consular and Diplomatic Appointments made dur ing the recess, and which have been confirmed by the Senate in executive session. The apportion ment of the different States is also given, to which we desire to call the special attention of our read ers. In looking over this list, we were led to ex claim where is North Carolina ? In the nine En voys Extraordinary she is not represented ; nei ther does she appear among the nineteen Ministers Resident nor among the fourteen Secretaries of Legation. Of the eighty-three first class Consul ates, North Carolina has one appointment. There are twentj'-six second class, and sixly-three third class Consulates, where she has no appointment Thus it will seen that in the distribution of Two Hundred and Fourteen offices. North Carolina, with a population of nearly a million, has received but oxe solitary fourth class appointment. Sure ly no one can complain of executive partiality to wards the Old North State. It will be seen by reference to our ad vertising columns that the Bank of Fayette- ville has declared a dividend of four per cent, out of the profits of the last six months. The Bank of Clarendon, the Bank of Char lotte, and the Bank of Cheraw have also de clared dividends of four per cent. The Wilmington Gas Light Company a divi dend of five per ceut. t a " r i i . xv. iuaciieu, iaie or A'etersburg, has set tled in vvarrenton, JN. C, and will carry on the architectural and building business there. The Legislature. " A little nonsense, now and then, ' Is relished by the wisest men." An eminent divine said, not long ago, that he did " not think much of that man who ffad noneof the boy lett in him." We perceive by the pro ceedings in the State Senate on Thursday of last week, which wo copy from the Standard, that our worthy Senators have still some of Young America leit in tnem. l ney were in quite a playful humor, and had a little fun in the Senate chamber nrevious to their departure from Raleigh to enjoy with their families the pleasures and exhiliratinjr influences of the Season. M&V thev loner l Krhni-Arl rk cnraA with delight the social and dome. circle ; may they return from their homes invigorated, and ready to perform the important duties to which the suffrages of their fellow citizens have called them, with honor to themselves, and for the best interests of the State. No business of any importance has been trans acted in either branch of the Legislature since our last issue. Hon. J. W. Ellis will be inai?... orated Governor to-day. The work of the L, islature will recommence on Monday. 3fesident Buchanan. S& ADMINISTRATION. The foIk t 7g extract from the " Sou. Caroli na Guardian," an opposition paper, is a candid acknowledgment from an unbiassed source. Our political opponents will sometimes express them -1 selves truthfully, especiallyin theseMatitudes : 1 " It is well known that the Guardian is not a champion of the ' Administration,' or of 'De mocracy,' but our journal is willing to accord to both, all the credit they respectfully de serve. We say that the Administration and the Democracy have not deceived the South. The Apstration has at its head, as we be lieve, alTaole statesman, a sound and reliable ' Constitutional ' President. So far as we have observed, in ail his official acts, in his recom mendations, he has Shown himself a true South ern mail. His Administration, from its forma tion to the present day, has had the whole co horts of Abolitionism, Freesoilism and Black Republicanism, leagued in bitter hostility to all its measures, and the savage fierceness with which they have ceaselessly assailed the Presi dent and the Cabinet, is of itself a strong evi dence that the government has been adminis tered on constitutional principles, and that in carrying out these principles, the President has endeavored to do justice to the South. Thus much we say for the Administration. The Democratic party, identified with the measures of the Administration, havefno for midable opponent but th? Black Republican party. That they have committed errors in policy and in some of its measures, our own columns have frequently testified to, but that the Democratic party is the only one the South can consistently act in unison with, is a fact as clear as the noonday sun." " We are not of that party; we owe it no allegiance as a party journal, or as the conduct ors of that journal ; we never received a dollar of. its pationage yea, more, the only party we could attach ourselves to as members or as journalist would be a "true Southern Rights party yet notwithstanding all this, if in the Union we are compelled to do battle for the rights of the South, from every emotion of pa triotism from congenialty of political princi ples, and last though not least, from gratitude from a reciprocity of fidelity to the many faithyf ful members of that party, ur and oTcrjr trust C . . , ,.ii?t fi.rtit- nritVi fVio Flnmrtora t ff 1 Democrats, antiquated Whigs and slippery Southern politicians and journals. It will take all these elements combined to make a decent fight against the Democracy, and the Whig knows as its endorser, the American, that when they call so lustily for a union of all the oppo sition, they of necessity receive into their mon grel league the Abolition and Freesoil hordes that now muster under the banner of Black Republicanism. ' We do not exchange with the Richmond Whig, and therefore cannot define its position on the politics of the present day. If, however the paragraph, extracted from its columns by the Baltimore American, is an index of its gen era! course, then it is a professing 'Southern journal, playing into the hands of the Black Republican party Ihe paper the article with commendatory the same like." that extracts remarks is of Hebrew Rights in North Carolina. Under this captiou the " South Carolinian ' has the following article. If the exclusion of these people from the business of Government, or a participation in the administration of the laws, is peculiar to our own State, it would seem that enlightened and liberal views not unlike those of our cotemporary, should remove this restriction. It is not the force of preju dice that has deprived this race of the common privileges of good citizens, but their infidelity which has oj '.osed itself so directly against Christian us.yl forms. The subject, we believe, has the attention of the present Leg islature : " The special arrangement by which Hebrews are prevented from acting as magistrates, mem bers of the Legislature, or in Congress, from the State of North Carolina, certainly infringes the active principle of toleration which tistin guishes our Government, and is the ground work of much RafJnl and national prosperity. The peopie of4re""fj nited States, through the Government, form treaties with the Japanese. Chinese, Siamese, Turks, the Emperor of Mo rocco, the tribes of the Barbary States, and Armenian aborigines. They have ministers resident with Roman Catholic, Greek, Luth eran, and other Protestant powers in Europe, whose subjects, of every condition and charac ter, are adopted as citizens among us without difficulty, and enjoy all privileges and rights as such. A slight infusion of the principles of Hebrew Law would not prove objectionable in any Legislature of this Union. Yet the Deca logue pleads for the Hebrew a noble system ofpractical law founded upon the elements of ancient science as exact now as when those commandments were first written, evidently designed to regulate, with a common advantage, the conduct of men in all conditions of life to their fellow-men of every nation and language, containing a sublime appreciation of the origi nal authority, from whom such useful precepts were "derived, filled with the spirit of benevo lence, jastice and liberality, which the con tracted malignity of neither friends nor foes have been able to disguise. The Hebrews, at this time, have no national authority ; but such peculiarity does not sanction a discrimina tion which has no example elsewere Method ists, Seceders, Baptists and Quakers are in the same predicament. There are no nations of either of these ; yet none now propose to de prive them of such privileges. They all re- ouUt..cl S" r-v speech admitted as spoken, and so introduced into party against all mongrel combinations againsi. , the reported debates. First, written speeches are it, composed of Black Republicans, recent wholly excluded , and next .neither house of parlia- spect the same ancient laws, an adherence to the instruction of which 'entitles them to an equal regard as good citizens. By the en couragements offered in the ancient Hebrew writings, the high purpose of our independent ancestors was sustained amidst the trying pe riods of revolution, and attained for s the liberty we enjoy We are specially indebted to Hebrew laws and to Hebrew writers for the many rights North Carolina now deprives He brews of. It is time so objectionable a feature, a rem nant of bigotry and of superstition, should be erased from the State Constitution. Hebrews may claim as high position throughuot the Uni ted States for intelligence,-honesty and worth, as any other people, varying in quality like all others among us. If a Hebrew does wrong, the penalties of the law of the land act equally upo.. him as upon others. If he acts-uprq htly he should enjoy without discrimination, all the privileges his fellow-citizens may please to be stow upon him, or in justice, he should be re lieved fr taxation. It is not presumed that many applicants will be found among this peo ple for the Court Bench, the Legislature or Congress, because their industry and incli nations lead to more profitable and quite as honorable pursuits ; but we cannot perceive any good reason why a child of Israel should not enjoy all the hopes and aspirations allowed to every other people's children, who are also strangers in this land. The Constitution of the United States plainly declares : " In or der to form a more perfect union, establish jus tice,Qge domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general wel fare, and Becure the blessings of liberty," "no law shall be made by Congress respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting ihe free exercise thereof." The members of the several State Legislatures are required to be bound by oath " to suppo4f' t Constitution of the United States." Nothing but a perver sion of the true intent of sr A provision can defend an intolerance, which the people o. the State oF North Carolina do not desire to have continued. Worth Imitating. If Congress would adopt the plan and rules -f the British Parliament, there would be more bus iness done and less necessity for increasing the rate of postage to meet the mail expenses, would like such a system inaugurated as the lowing in regard to unimportant speeches. We quote from the Philadelphia Press : "There is only one speech on record, delivered in either house of Parliament at any iime, which ever approached the longitudinal character of heavy Congress oratory, and that was delivered in the Commons, in 1A23, by Henry Brougham, on the subject of the administration of the law, in which he exposed its abuses, and suggested all the principal reforms which have since been made. That speech occupied over six hours in dei.very. O'Coimell, Peel, Lord John Russell, Palmerston, Roebuck, Cobden, Bright, and a few others, have made long speeches but these long ones ar. ihe exceptions. As a general rule, half an hour's speech is considered a very liberal allowance, and that only to a first rate man." Whoever of inferior standing, should attempt to waste the public time by diffuseness, would be coughed down, or silenced by ridiculous cries of Hear, hear.' As for any man's reading what he may call a speech, that is entirely out of the ques tion. In the first place, it is unparliamentary, and the man who attempted it would be put down with cries of Order,' on which the Speaker would have to tell the honorable member, in the gentlest manner, to ' shut up.' An extract from a book may be read in a speech, or a statement of figures, mt to read a speech itseli is impossible, vn o-"wo, iir-Li,, it is equally out or tne question tor a member of either house to have an undelivered ment has anj publication of its proceedings. Newspaper rivalry, in the first instance, and the private enterprise of Mr Hansard in the next, pro vides and prints adequate reports of all worthy of notice on record, that is done in the British Leg islature. The following advertisement comes from a north ern paper. It is no doubt very well adapted in its character and significance to the locality from whence it emanates : Wanted, one hundred and seventy-five young men, of all shapes and sizes, from the tall graceful dandy, with hair enough on his upper works to stuff a barber's cushion, down to the little upstart. The object is to form a gaping corps, to be iD at tendance at the church doors on each Sabbath, be fore commencement of divine service, to stare at the females as they enter, and make delicate and ,?ntlemanly remarks on their persons and dress. All who wish to enlist in the above corps will ap pear at the various church doors next Sabbath ' jing where they will be duly inspected, and :r names, personal iappearance and quantity of aius registered in a book kept for that purpose, and published in the newspapers. To prevent a general rush, it will be well to state that none will be enlisted who possess intellectual capacities a bove that of an ordinary well-bred donkey. General Scott. This veteran General is now making a military tour of observation of the con dition of the fortifications of Charleston, Key West, Mobile, and New Orleans. On Friday, 17th ult., he was received with marked respect by the in habitants of Charleston on his arrival there. Ad dresses were presented, a salute of fifteen guns fired, and other demonstrations of welcome, greet ed the old soldier on his entrance into the palmet to city. The Coast Survey. The Washington Union says that there are thirty-six coast survey parties in the field and afloat, eighteen of which are on the Atlantic coast. Of these three are on the coast. of North Caiolina, and seven on the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia. EIP The British people are full of grand designs for their American possessions. Already has their government taken the initiatory steps to carry out the projects named below. We hope the far-reaching policy of the British government will not be lost sight of by our statesmen ; but that measures will speedily be -taken whereby the op posite shores of our continent will be linked to gether by an iron band, on American soil, and the vast fields of commerce which the nations on the eastern shores of Asia and the Pacific Islands pre sent secured to the enterprise of our pecple : From the London Globe of Dec. 1. The time is not arrived, although at hand, for the construction of a railway to the Pacific ; but there is no reason why inter colonial railways should not be commenced at once, and with inter colonial railways must come federation that great desideratum of our North American colonies. British capitalists must be by this time pretty well sick of United States Railways, and our colonies have the advantage of offering a good investment in honest ventures, honestly conducted. Let us have by all means a railway to the seaboard thro' British territory, and a railway to the Pacific must follow when it is demanded by the requirements of trade. We quite agree ;gith Lord Bury, that these are political as well as commercial objects, but the North Americans will find that their inter est in them is not less than ours. To make the empire strong and compact is to give additional strength and compactness to British N,orth Amer- ica, and to draw more closely the bonds that knit , " iw ensure , lo our colonies not only a greater share in our glory, but in our wealth in commerce, art, and civilization. From the Liverpool Post. All we have to consider is the effect on the world of a strong British Stale, nominally a col ony, really a nation, loyal and yet practically a republic, rising " up there. The territory i as large as Europe. Its resources are inexhaustible. In fifty years it would be full of people. It would be a United States, and a United States clear of the curse of slavery. It is a prospect which every man of British blood would like to dwell on ; and, superb as it is, it appears to us to be the plainest prose, the natural and inevitable future. Correspondence. For the North Carolinian. Occasional Thoughts. " And Knowledge shall be increased." Dan iel 12 Chap 4 verse. The knowledge of Truth at first orally com municated, and afterward committed, to writing and preserved with wonderful care, then by the inventive skill of man, in the discovery and application of an art, destined to produce re sults, important, grand, reaching beyond terres trial limits, ending in a most blessed consum mation, diffused throughout the world, has made its recipients more respectable in their condition, more happy in their lives, better in formed as to their rights and privileges, their duties and tneir responsibilities. . It meets the fur-clad Esquimaux in his re gion of ice and snow ; it visits the inhabitant of the sea-girt isle, where " The sun with tropic ardor glows ; It arrests the Hindoo devotee when about to immolate himself beneath the ponderous wheels of the car of Juggernaut ; it places itself by the banks of the Ganges, and prevents the mother from exposing her infant upon its sa cred stream ; it enters the pagoda of the Chi nese, and puts to shame, their boasted claim to antiquity ; it raises its ' still, small voice' amid the loud alarum from the mosque of the Moslem ; ' Its sound hatb reach'd the Ethiop's wondering ear it climbs the vine-clad hills of France : it whis pers through the olive groves of Spain ; it falls with the silence of the snow-flake amid the Alps and the Appenines ; it rises with the suddenness of the blade of grass upon the plains of Etruria : it crosses the Pontine marshes al most with the rapidity of the electric flash, to illumine the humble abode beneath the shadow of the Vatican. It imparts to its inmates an insight into their condition and destiny. " Ye shall know the truth, and the tkcth shall make you tree !" And althongh armed empires ostensibly sup ported by, but in reality the support of mitred power, urged on by priestly pride, may arrest them, hurry them to the inquisitorial tribunal, thence ,o the shade and dampness of the dun geon, think ye, that the fetters which restrain the motions of their bodies can repress the as pirations of the mil-id, awakened mind ? De prived of the breath of ' heaven's sweet air,' and of a glimpse even of its blessed and cheer ful snnshine, think ye that the gloom of their prison, can seal in darkness their mental vision? lu the creation ot the world " the earth was without form and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and God said let there be light, and there was light." So, upon the dark chaos of their mental world the ray Infus'd by his own frowning smile atk first The broader glow ot lightnings, shed to aid In man's maturer day his bolder sight, 1'ours yet and still shall pour the blaze that can- uot fade." A S. A. For the North Carolinian. Letter from New York. Messrs Editors : Material for the composition of a letter, as well as the ability to compose it, are equally indispensable to a correspondent. Of the first there is a plentiful supply in Gotham all more or less interesting to dwellers in that city of the sea bnt whether such will prove so to your readers, this deponent sayeth not. Of the last, it becomes us not to say more than, that we seldom succeed to our own satisfaction. If " Music hath charms, to soothe the savage breast, To soften rocks and bend the knotted oak," then truly the millenium has commenced in Manhattan, since the advent of Piccolomini, on the boards of the Academy in 14th St. For such music, and so rendered, has not been heard for many a day " in all our coasts." But, and we regret to be obliged to come to this conclusion whatever truth and beauty, the words of the Poet may possess in theory, we cannot perceive that in practice the results des cribed have been obtained. As far as our own observations about town ' go and as you a- -ware, they are pretty extensive we find tne rocKy neart ot tne savage breast " re mains just as poof against " the voice of love" though we " play on " to infinity, as it was when you sojourned in our midst, and when Madame Piccolomini was scarce dreamt of. Certes. the lady herself cannot complain at this state of affairs, since she is successfully pocket ing the rocks," and doubtless prefers those of the hardest quality. Cosmopolitan philosophers as we are, we cannot conscieutiouslv say that JNew xork is worse in morals, manners, and government, than many other cities of the same size, in which it has been our fortune to reside. Where ever there are six or seven hundred thousand people such people as the world contains in this age there must and will be a considerable number of downright " hard cases " many hard " cases " and a larger number of " cases," of various kinds than could be described conven iently in a letter. In a congregation of such a number of " humans " cooped up within the limited " brick and mortar " boundaries of a city crimes of all shades, from the brutal " knock-down-and-drag-out " murder, to the more refined swindle and forgery will necess arily abound. Therefore is New York in these matters no worse than many other cities of like dimensions and population : while if we take into consideration the apparent impunity with which in many instances villiany and roguery are practiced here, comparison with the certainty of its punishment elsewhere, we shall find that in criminal statistics, it is much better than some of less pretensions in regard to size and num ber of inhabitants. Having for years resided in the country both on this continent and in Europe and having more than once gone " down to the sea in ships," we have experienced all the delight ful feelings inspired by such a life. Who does noc remember the beautiful works of Thomp son " through the neighboring fields the eower stalks, With measured step ; and liberal throws the grain Into the faithful bosom of the ground :" Or who that has enjoyed the delights of a rural life, cannot enter into his feelings, when he ex claims : " Hence let me haste info the mid-wood shade. Where scarce a sunbeam wanders through the gloom ; And on the dark green grass, beside the brink Qf haunted stream, that by the roots of oac Rolls o'er the rocky channel, lie at large, And sing the glories of the circling year." Where is the human being who has rode O'er the glad waters of the deep blue Bea" whether in calm or storm, and has not felt himself lifted up, above, and beyond the reach of the grosser elements of mundane life ? Who that has dreamily gazed into the glorious azure depthgof the Mediteranean, under the benign influence of a meridian noon when scarce the passing zephyr stirred the sails. Or who that has encountered a terrific gale on the foggy banks of Newfoundland, when the half disman tled bark had to fly before the rushing tempest, ike the frisrhtened fawn before the bellowing honnds. Who, we repeat, that has viewed the beauties of nature, and the " warrings of the elements" under such circumstances as we have faintly endeavored to describe, has failed to be impressed with ideas, and emotions, unknown to those whose misfortune it has been to be all their lives " cribbed, cabined and confined," within the narrow limits of an over-crowded city ? Will it be denied that " He plants his footsteps on the sea, And rides upon tjie storm ?" Far different my friend, are the feelings en gendered in th minds of those who have for years, many from childhood, engaged in "the battle of life," in a large city. There, art takt-s the plaoe of nature the mode of life is ficti tious and all the better principles of man lie dormant, or at least are only partially develop ed, in a favored few, who can steal from the demands of their occupation, a short time in the sumnvr, for that relaxation and recupera tion which only the beautiful country or the open sea, with all the real freedom, to be there realized, can bestow ; to be again covered up, buried, during the ensuing eleven months ' of the year, by the heart-wearing, brain-racking. soul-subduing drnderery entailed upon those who are doomed to have their brows wrinkled, and their energies prematurely crushed, in the strife for bread in a large city. .Landed be the name ot the man, or monster, whoever he was, who discovered the last gift in tne bottom ot the box ol old l'andora I With all our trials, troubles, and toils ; with all our sins, our sorrows and our worldly spec ulations, Hope forsakes us not to the last, its anchor is ever before us, and we hrpe, however vainly, and however long it may be in realiza tion, that we may yet," lay moored " in some secure haven in the lovely country, in safety from the rough blasts, of closely packed, and phantom pursuing humanity by which we are ,at present surrounded ; when we can again en gage in such a scene as Scott describes, when he says : " Up rose the sun o'er moor e nd mead ; Up with the sun rose Percy Rede ; Brave Keeldar, from his couples freed, Career'd along the ica ; The palfrey sprung with sprightly hound, As if to match the gamesome hound ; Ilis horn the gallant huntsman wound ; They were a jovial three But hark ! the Bell 1 Fire ! One ! The first District ! Wc must break off our feet epistle, and return from our aerial and castle building, to scenes in our every day, and night, life ; from the contemplation of what may never be, to that which wc know exists. Fire cap, shirt, and boots is now the word, and so for the present farewell 1 BIX. P. S. Just returned. The fire was i: the Bowery. The ' Odeon," has been totally des troyed its upper story has long been a " hell." A little less inquity in Gotham. D. From the Standard. The Harrington Iron Ore upon the Upper Cape Fear. It is some time since I called the attention- of the public to this locality of iron. It was described as a rich and valuable ore, and re garded as an addition to the resources of the. State for the manufacture of iron ore. Speci mens from the richest part of the bed were an alyzed and found to be free from any injurious substances as sulphur and posphorus. There are many remarkable points connected with this ore which are quite worthy of attention. The silex, for example, is diffused through the ore in very fine particles and is never excessive in quantity. It is unlike the New York ores, which contain the silex in a coarse condition and frequently in so large a quantity that it has to be washed. The centre of the bed is a nearly pure oxide, as it appears from my first analysis, but towards the outside of the bed or vein it becomes magnesian and calcareous. Now the presence of maganese, though it is not contained in the best of iron or steel, is still important and contributes some way or other to the production of the best kinds of iren and steel. Thus the Hoematites of Salis bury county and other localities on this range of ores, are associated with magancse ; and the iron has been nsed from time immemorial for the manufacture of rifle and gun barrels by government, on account of its softness, as well as toughness. The best of English cast-steel is prepared by adding maganese in the propor tion of about two per cent. It is supposed that maganese is important in the production of a proper slaig, by which the iron is purified and rendered tough and malleable. Now the Harrington ore is found naturally mixed with the oxide of maganese, and hence, the probability that this bed will become one of the most valuable in the southern States for the production both of steel and iron of the best quality. The ore itself appears to the eye, as if it would be refractory and difficult to work, but its composition shows the contrary. This bed being the largest in the United States, renders it possible to select that quality of ore which may be desired for any special purpose ; and being also, upon both sides of the river and easily accessible, the place bids fair to become one of the most important manufacturing points in the South, or upon the Atlantic slope. For puddling, this ore will also command a high price, for it is perfectly suited in its composi- tion and texture for this kind of furnace. In conclusion, I may remark, that were there no other kinds of ore, or no other products of j ths property could afford to make the river navigable up to this point, in order to secure the cheap transportation of iron and steel ore to the markets of the world. K. EMMONS, Geologist to N. Carolina. Sudden Death. Mr. Foster Hale, the In ventor of raised letters for the use of the blind, fell down dead on a pavement in Selma, Ala., November 26th. Upon his person was found a prayer-book, in which his name was written, and dated " Buford Co., N. C, July 16th, 1856." Ex-President Pierce proposes to pass the winter at Naples and the Island of Capri, and in the 6pring to visit Home. Mrs. Pierce is still an invalid. Gold Oee. Our friend. Woodward Allen, Esq., of Spartanburg District, showed us, last week, a specimen of gold ore found on his plan tation, near Cedar Springs. From this speci men, we would judge that the vein is a rich one. Greenville (S. C.J Patriot, Dec. 21. 4