' - -if ' "V S. - f tit $ , r ---- - ' .-.--v -- - :-V 1 i? & -9T 'Jj - 0 Mum . imii in .in. ..i,,it . -t .'f tERMS, $2 00 PER ANNUM, : i S te(e: noblest motive d: PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. nr. i" "fa!13e ,zwt jXmr&k&iSi-1859; - VOLUME XX. NO 1.026. w " is ''X. . " 1 i . - V I TV . ; 1 1.1 Ul I I 1 M ; L M H y.u U;, LI. U1L f- ...... . . v- , ' TtLUMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. o? 1 omgie copy, in ndvance. per annum. $2.00 at I lie end of the year Single copies, five cents. No subscription will be received" for months. 3,00 less than six Hates j: C. STEDMAN AND J. W. HORNE, ,,. , - CXER THE, XA MB AND STYLE OF ; STEDMAN & HORNE, JR, : "1 k AVE . associated themselves together iu a gener- Grocery. Provision, Liquor iand Barter Busi ness, and areasw receiving a well selected Stock of Goods in ifieir line, which they are willing to ex change for -money or produce. - . :.Tbeir stock consists in part of Jhe following arti cles:' " ' ' ' ' . ' of Advertisinir.V . . xtv c!t3 per square of ls iins, or less, for .the first, and 'An cents for each subsequent insertion, for any period under three mouths. - ' ' ' . -i For three months, . .' . ... ;." $4 00 Kor fix months,.' , .. .. 6.00 v;r For twelve nif.nths, . . . . 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable fterms. . . Advertieis are particularly requested to stiiie the iiumiier of insertions desired, otherwise they Will be inserted until forbid, and char. 4 accordingly. STSJOB WORK of all kinds executed, heatlv and promptly ; ' r . and Domestic4 j ncs and Lienors. NOTICE. ' rf WISH to purchase from 5U to 1 00 head of Dry Cai- r JL tie,' or .take cattle to winter for 5 dollars pvr head, . aud returd the Cows with young calves ; and in caae ' they should die, no charge will be made. A deduc- I tiou of 5 dollars will-be made in all cates where I pur-; chase poor cows, as it will cost that to winter tnem. For further iuioruaat ion as to' the value of the Oattie, fcc., refers to V. Ji. Tomlinson. ' - -Jan. 7. 3t - JXO. V. JONES. if Calender for 185 ; Bfown, Crushed, 6iid Loaf Sugar ; Rio, Laguira and Java Cofiee ; Butter, Cheese, and Crackers ; Lard, Pork, and Western "Bacon ; No. 1, Mackerel,! in Bbls, Hfs. and Kit ; Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars; Foreign lh:cajl, notices. Hay street. Fayefterille, N. C. J Nov. 20. -3m WRIGHT AND FULLER. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, CLEM E-NT O. 'WIUGIIT and BARTHOLOMEW FULLli'Athuve associated themselves together for the piC fjff their .rofe?sion. Prompt atten tion k'i veirV(rn business committed to their charge. They willjtactice in the counties of Cumberland, lIariiett,"SampHoii, Robeson and Bladen. Nov. 1:vjk.-j8. tf ' NOTICE TO C IJ 'iTlf . CREDITORS, .4 IAj tier so us liaviii" claims airaiiir-t the Counfy of J. Cumberland are requested to baud them to the (Jlui k of the County Court, on or itcfore the 1st day of .r February uext. for the purpose of being passed upoa . by the Couimitiee of Finance. By order of the - A COMMITTEK OF FWAJSGJSi?"' 1 ' ' J NOTICE. MAKtii .9 Ji' 16 r V- " 23 - V--..-" 1 3 10 n 24 31 a n H O as ' CD a 5 it: THE NORTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTE VILLE, N: i: ''teS tTHB Scn Flower as .4". 4 11 18 TROY & FULLKR, Atlomrys ami O'lnscIIors AT LAW. I ROBERT E. TROV & JOHN P. FULLER, have V " form -,-d an ;ssocia1 ion for the practice of their .profession in Robeson Co.. only R. E. Troy will also attend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus', and J. P. Fuller those of'Ciimberlaiiil. Their OiTice in Lumberton will be kept open at A t.i. times. January 9. 18.58. 83-tf .1. . SPEAKS. ATTOIIN'EY AT LAW, 4 TTENDS the Court of Cumberland, Hiiruett, a. ' aki: and Johnston. e Address. Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. 1;. lS.'li 85-y O. El ' A TT O'JNEY AT ti A TV. " Can be fotiml it the Oifi.-e formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on Uow Street. F I Y E TTEVILLE, i. C. Jnne-20. 185S. tf LAW iNOTICE. rpiin RU B UI B E i .S Ir.vvi n associated themselves I together in the pr ctlce of Law, und.-r the name and st . tc of C.VMEiiON" As SUA'., will attend the County ai 1 Sup -nor Co arts of .Moore. Montgomery, Ausoifc. Riehmo.id and llob-so;i. All business en- Address Cameron ati4 S:tw, Aitoraeys- at Law, Rockingham. Richmond county, N.C. J so. Wr. (Jamukox. J.no. D. Shaw. May X, IS.-.8. ly JUST RECEIVED, A GOOD asssortment of jt. Kerseys. Blankets, Tweeds, Jeans, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Prints, Shoes, &c. ALSO 18 Doz. Hoop Skirts, 50 " Linen and Marseilles Shirts. STARR &. vVILLIA.MS. Nov. 27. -tf USEFUL ARTICLES. ITLUID, Oil and Lard L mps: Brittania and Brass Candlesticks; Superior .Steel Snuffers; Brittania Castors, Tea Pots and Coffee Pots; Brittania SPOONS and LADLES; Brittania Communion Sets Goblets and Cups; Tinned Iron Spoons and Ladles; Planished Tin Coffee Urns and Pots. Tea Pots; Oyster and Beef Steak Dishes, and Dish Covers; : Waiters, of all sizes and shapes. Fixe Scissoks; large for cutting, small tor embroid er ; Razors and Pocket Kuives; Basket! Baskets! for all purposes; COPPKE HILLS, Iron and Stone Morters; Stone Crocks; Tin Ware; Cedar Tubs, Pails, Churns and Bowls; Coun'er Scales, to weigh 5 to 5-l() lbs; Family Scales, to weigh every ounce to 4 lb; Cocoa Dippers; ILtir and Wire Selves; Table Mats; Feather Dusters; Dust Pans; Curtain Pins; Hand and Tea Bells, Music Portfolios; Ladies Work Boxes; Rosewood Toilet Boxes; Ladies' Leather Bags, (large;) White Satin Beads and White Cut. Beads, for fancy work; Porte Monaies, entirely of leather, a superior article; Electric Polishing Powder; Boy's Saws; Corkscrews. A great variety of other useful articles, too tedious to mention. Come und soe for yourselves at the ' Crockery Store." W. N. TILL1NG1IAST. Oct. 2. -m A1; LL Persons indebted to me by Note or Account, are earnestly requestea to can anu seme me same. Those who have long standing acbountt. can not expect further indulgence. Tbo.-e who have accounts against me are requested to present the same for payment. Jan. 8. 1S.)!. Ira J. A PE.MBERTON. ..13 ;i4jv15 :20al 22, .1 8 15 22 29 Judicial Anecdote. Mr Reporter Jonesy ih-e utrmf!- Court of North Carolina, whose fan e m o xl i s ve with that of Cousin Sn D Hard.' - it lis the t "i Ci i fol'Owin with-iwiTaitji hie liBTJior, showing cit nr IIll; f J that some of the compeer? of .Ga-su,,,. Iluffi.,, of ten "d earson are mother slow at taking. Judge etc-A 'rS f-the Superior Court Ceuch,- ws once 12 -.1 ivnsUqrrespondent of the.Soil of the 'VllWp for trial in which rx-Jd.rucR 19-90 bSt place is ; Alabama Which -he fajwiousci;- A witness iu the - :.. named .31 -2a. 2 P9MX'J "J" ".V.V. - .vTJilSaFah' Mooney, was absent S:rs-irfrrase, v j t , - v- Jii? v. ' , a , ! ana staiea to the Conrt that lie ee-auj itot ti ..-2. 3,--4, Jcv8fc?"V' ;" Krz. ..,-;! ittto- tbe trial of the i-ase without cerenvvif Srwusr. We continue to see . faTorable sun flowers .as ' '"v.i ' made of the virtues of ' V w I -o-tires of bilioas ferer, chills'ahd feTera, etc; a : io'il 12 llis ner? Auseir wtUfi Bunetl (s ab Moonev) 16 At this fiullj 23 I :i9r,m ,cclB---" " -'i M oorst into a gisfgle or merrtmei.t. nse fervaM!f, f?1 bHd fr- hC- i was somewhat irritated, and- ken: 2-iX - OOXE'S p irkling GELATISi E. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. Dec. 18, 1S.38. tf SPEHM. Refined. Lard. Linseed and Tauuer's OIL ; WHITE LEAD ; Burning Huid ; Putty ; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. also A fresh supply of Pond's Pain Destroyer. For sale by JAS. MAKTIXE. Nov. 27. tf Stoves, Sliect-Iron, TLWtt Ali i :, &c. N hand, a large assortment of Box and cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron ; Lead Pipe. Al so the " Old lloniluioa CoB'te Po'." For sale by Nov. 27. tf JAMES MAKTINE. APRIL MAY I JUNE JULY O .l-nJi.i L UTTERL Oirs LINE. gjTEAMER -'FANNY"' leaves Fayetteville every Monday and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise; and Wilmington, Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock. carrvins paasengers and freight. Steamer '-SOUTHERNER,"'" with a full comple ment of Klats. m ikes o:ie or more trips per week, as circumstances may require. The accident, to the Steamer "ROWAN" will be repaired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOU. Oct. 9. -tf NOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. 'SnilE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, EL nud the Widows of Soltliers who died is service in the war ot 1812, can have their tjnnptLiailLuinJho Jidrgignfd AUGUSr 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER AUCTIONEER A COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, F VVK 1' TK VILI.K, N. C. "Nov. Hi. 8 W. II TUULINGTON, Ue,icil riinii!sii W ei enani. NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington , N. C, ... ..t TILL "ive personal attention totnesaic or snip- me tit of other country trusted t ,11 cousignments ot Naval Stores or produce, and any other business en- eare, -.vill be promptly atteuuea to. rPTJ CT! C IS now receiving one of the. largest and most care- Congress having made additional pftivis'ion Toe fu'.ly selected stocks ever oii'ered by him in this thc-m. market, comprising every style and quantity of j Give me the management of your claims, and LADIK S GEJVTS, MISSES' JUU JiUYS' BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &fc. NOVEMBER Vpril IS I 8m. x n; jsr z? x 5 -JL jlhl"t. . Jl M K S DAVIS, having d.-eided on nerinanentlv locating in the Ti-.v- f Favettevi'.U-, respectfully otters his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In U the various branches of his l'ro fesi.m, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is salisiie I, nicer an e. ni ence, t wliieh is i li at ! : ; r-ie : ver of Dentistry. All s '.veil as nsrase m un: iii"i.im, '" iM.'r metals are made use of in the various ti nts. (?:nirges will AND, IN" FACT. EVERTTUtXG USUALLY SOLD IX HIS LINE. Planters and all others who desire to purchase a superior article of No. 1 BROGAXS, Having just returned from the North, and exam- ineu my ooous eai eiiu i y ueiuie iiuiuinvfi iij;. i inner myself that I am now prepar d to stll them upon as good terms as they can be bought in this market. LEATHER of all descriptions, and for all pur poses, constantly on hand. The above articles will be sold cueap For. ca;-it. Al. FAULK. Oct. 23 tf the money shall come at once, or no' charge. JNO. M. HOSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 19, 1858. tf Dr. Frank I fill icon's Iiye Whislcey. MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct. 1(5. IS5S, tf BANK OF FAYETTEVILLE. Dlc. 29, 1858. TIIE Directors of this Bank, have declared a divi 1 dend of 4 per cent, out of the profits of the 1 st six months. Payable on and after the 1st Jan'y 1859. W. G. BROADFOOT, CaslTr. Jan. 1, 1S59. 2t LAND SALE. ON the 17th day .of January. i8f;. on the premises, I will oilVr at Puld c Sale, 209 acres ot Land, in Rob"?on county, on the west side of the Lowry Road, joins Conoiy, Cobb. McDonald and others. A description is needless as iho-e wi.-hing to purchase will examine (or themselves. Terms at Sale. JOHN nuiE. Jan. 1, 1S59. 3t. for N. A. Graham. 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 o 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 i 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 Km -x r 11 12 18 25 the whole Imr The .)ndge !y rtl uktu 10 17 24 31 V. F""'. 7 7 " " , the members or the Var fr'-r their want of ri for the difference in Ofenresl . jew uneans may ue fcuiruunui unnnt. ua .,,!,( v.,.c ,.r.l,M, 19 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 next sormg, oa by a cordon of snn flowers, that thej may -be j Str wnueren iiiiouirii even suiucn, un o 1 everv vacant lot in the city. o they may prevent yellow fever also ? The cor i e i respondent of the Soil of the South, says : iwy opinion its, inai iue sun humci, m rank growth, absorbs the very elements in the atmosphere that produce fever, or chills and fever, and what is the life of the sunflower is highly obnoxions to the health of the human family, nor do I believe that a man could ever have a chill, who would sleep in a bed of rank snn flowers. This, too, seems to be no new theory, as Lieut. Maury states that his gar dener a Frenchman informed him that their samtary influence had been long known in France. 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 16 23 30 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 1 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 17 24 31 The Different African Races. At a late meeting of the Boston Soeiety of Natural His tory, Dr Bodiehonj a resident of Algeria, in Africa, presented a paper of great interest on the races of that country, founded on his own observation. He stated that there were two white races ; one inhabiting the mountains, the Numidiaus or Berbers, and the Arabs. The former were small in stature, warlike, indepen dent, democratic, and polygamous. They dwell in villages and plant vineyards. They are tine soldiers, able to compete with Europeans. They are not governed by laws, but refer their difficulties to the first roan that chances to pass by. Dr B. considers them an indigenous race. The Arabs are a tall race, cf dark complexion, equestrain, nomadic, warlike, religious, poetical and polygamous. They divide their time, a bout equally, between fighting and praying. He also referred to a mixed race of Turks, and the women of the different tribes of the coun try, which not having the stamina of the pa rent races, are fast disappearing before the French. He found in the interior of Africa a Germanic race, with blue eyes and light hair, who are probably the descendants of the an cient Carthagenians. r They are polygamous, 'alt xrtrtTc-r-' natttm,- tter-iiunlts re-i sovereign, both iu famny and state. They also possess the characteristic superiority of white races the enslaving of the neighboring blacks. Chas. Courier. 7 s mm. The Jmite ni itiir d to cover j . r i . . c;n difl i,r,t w ,u. i.t.ii.t. ff Who knows but . , , t!' i .-,.. me juiii. ;ii me "- in."" i' "v,-" returned home, still ponderi:g u il.e .nnuuk of Mr Strange, and woiideritur-'wecrc ll.e. jrmn cotiid be ;-jut before he reached Lome, hw ever, the point occurred to him, :n;d lie cum-' menced laugiiing iinino''eraiely V!:eu ho entered his yriikl he was met by his wife, who was amazed at his cachinatory iif, which had not vet subsided. ' My dear husband !' she exclaimed, ' what can-be the matter ? aie jou beside v t.r;e f?r ' Well, my dear,' he answered, after he Imd become somewhat calm, 'at the- Cumberhit.d Court there was" an absent witness in one of Mr Strange's cases whose name is iMnry Aito.ny, and Strange remarked' that I12 conld not go into the trial without Mary Moony,' nud hero he relapsed into a hurricane 01 laniiliter. Why. Judge,' replied the gocd lady, Hon' t Efe nnvi hino- latiifhable in that ' " - - , j ' Well,' replied the Judge, sifter long jmuKe, '1 don't see the point just now myse.i, 1 um few minutes aaro, and you may depend npoii being a rich one if you will only discover ir;' just so ; if you could only see 11 1 the joke was not very smart, ,tnd the was very excusable fr .ot taking ; the the thing vyas the afterclap 1 remark . - a its Well, J tide fun of added a thorough Dental n ean irive entire satistaetion as : -.ver f Dentistrv. Pi-erh treated 111 a proper and caretul mail ed uea- far as irregularities be moderate, that the may be placed within ner. a (he om ra !.i,..!iu of the Profession reac'i of all who may teel an interest in the ii,.rva:i)!i of the Teeth. . . 1 ... IT ... T . 1 . v . . 1 . Q rifi 11- 1 1 nrn ho will be found at all times. M;iv 15, 1858 tf tli. pr. ;aiV-i lilt GEO. Two Doors above C. T Fayetteville, Js. C Oct. 1, 1S56 ly. LIUDER, Haigh & Son's Store, PATENT CHEMICAL GIIEASE FOll AXLES, MILL GEARING, -c. 11 1 IS Grease for Stages, Wagons, Carts. Carriages, 1 Al ill Gearing. Heav Hearings. &c. is lomid to be the best in use. It is w nrranted to smnu any tem perature. It combines thtf body ami flt'.idity of Tal low. Mecswax nd Tar. keeps llie Axles a!was cool aud docs not run elf. and is unsurpassed in durability. Manufactured by J. lleadley. New Vi rk. A consignment 011 ligiil, and for sale at the cfiice of the " Car.dinian." .Market square. In 21b. boxes, price 25 cents per box. Nov. 20. 1858. tf CAR UI AGE FACTORY. THE 2VOKTII CAROLINIAN, Ulcckli) Paper, DEVOTED TO POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, AND LITERATURE. Tkkm.s. Two Dollars per Annum, in advance. riO Merchants. Manufacturers. Farmers, and Dnsi X. ness Men generally, this Taper will be lound a val uable medium tor Advertising. Cahtis. R:i.t. IIkaos. Cikci-t.ars, Posters, Pamph lets, and every description of 1'kixtixg, done iu the best s vie of the art. on leasonable terms. :f8 Orders by mail from adjoining counties will be "punctually attended to. Nov. i7. MARTIN & PEAIICE. Mouxitaiii Scenery. The Scenery of Western North Carolina and Western South Carolina. . BY HENRY E. COI.TOX. A WORK upon the scenery of the Blue Ridge and its fellow ranges of Mountains will be published e.arly in January The following will be its contents : Chap. I Introduction. " II Ashe villo. " ill Koates to reach Asheville The Swa uauoah Gap Road. Chap. IV The Hickory Nut Gap Road. " V The routes from South Carolina Salem Gap and Jones Gap, Flat Rock, llendersouville, Gai dar's Head, Whiteside Mt. and Cashier's Valley. Ghap. VI A route via Wilkesborough aud Le noir; the Valley of the Yadkin; Wilkesborough; Happy Valley : Lenoir; Ilrbrrten, ect. Cbap. VII Morgauton audits surroundings; the Piedmout springs ; Hawk's Bill and Table Rock. Ghap. VIII Linville Falls ; the Gingercake Rock; North Cove ami the Gave . Ghap. IX The vicinity of Asheville ; the White Sulphur ; the Million f prings; Pleasant Drives. A Paragp.apij fob Mothers. A writer in Blackwood's Magazine considers the prevailing idea of toughening iufauts to enable them to withstand cold a disastrous and destructive treatment. Although it may be true, that young animals have a higher temperature than old ones, yet it is believed to be a faei that the younger the animal the feebler its power of resisting cold. The process of ' toughening " may be carried so far by cold water baths and exposures to cold air as suddenly and seriously to chill the vital current. "Exposure to the open air and the vicissitudes of the weather in Wasn't I There Too At a recent elec tion in this State, a lad presented himself at the polls to cla m the benclit of the elective franchise. Feeling a deep interest in a f ivorite enndi date, the father who was evidently opposed to the boy's preference, stood at the ballot-bo and challenged his right to rote, on the ground of his not being of age. The young man de clared that he was twenty-one years old, that he knew it, and insisted on his rght. The father, becoming iodigo.-nit. ai d wishing; as the saying is, to "bluff him off" before the fudges. saUl j.. , . ; " Now "iiofjj wiJPybfi'stand up f h re"atvdcon- tradietme? Don't I know how old you are 7 Wasn't I there ?" . . Bob looked his contempt for the old man's speech, as he hastily replied : " Tliunderation 1 s'pose you was, wasn't I there too ?" Tills vote. settled the sire, and in went ti c seioii'a Goon Idea. During the personal cauvnss of Mr Garnett among the electors of J-'alford, England, he and his friends ca'l ng at n I uek ster's shop found only a hoy, li, having leared their business, went to the foot of the stairs and called, " Mother, here's" man as wants your vote for him 't be a Parliament man." Well," shouted the mother, " tell them thy the process of 'toughening' ought not to com- faythui's not in, but if he'll chalk his name on menee until the child has obtained the free use ! the counter we'll inquire into Ins ctmiiieter." Ghan. X The Black Mountain House ; Journal ot a party. the Mountain XI The Roan Mountain ; the Bald Mount. XII The French Broad River and the Warm A. A. M'K ETHAN KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of Vehicb-s of every description, wlrch are well and faithfully made and finished iu the lightest and xeatkst style. His facilities for doing carriage work are cjueatek than any establishment South. which enables him to sell his work on the most favor able terms. Nov. 13. 1838. tf THE undersigned has transferred to Messrs. Mar tin & Pearee, all accounts due to the North Car olinian printing office, an 1 hereby relinquish" all claim upon th.t same. G. W. WIG.1ITMAN. Nov. 20. 1858. tf IN a 10 w, . i-i 1 . .1' . i.i i: 1. 11 j .i j i. ,1 .i .1 nam z&iM 1 ask raiaiJ,! ft 1 A W'UMI ft! 9 10,000 LBS. TALLOW WANTED. "OR hich the highest cash price will be A. M. C MP BELL. lf56. tf i -a Ik? (IS patterns,) Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Cups, Tea Sets. Goblets, Spoon Holders, Butter Dishes, Butter Knives, Mo lasses Cups, Napkin Rings, Tea Bells, Pie Knives, Sugar Tongs, and Spoons. White Lead and Linseed Oil, (or S. J. HINSDALE. 15, 63-tf sale by Aug. SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL. Second "Volnzne, Otli November, ISO. announcing a new vomine ot the cottish Amer- ax .loiTtNAL. the Proprietor bens to call atten tion to those features of the paper which have already secured for it a large share of support, and which ought to commend it to the patronage of a still more numerous class of readers. The special feature of the paper is that it is a Scot tish . journal, containing notices o 'every event occur ring in Scotland that can be regarded as of the least interest to natives of the country now residing on this continent. The news of the whole country is careful ly collected and condensed, so that no event which it concerns Scotchmen to kno is ever omitted from the columns of the paper. Articles relating to Scottish subjects, original and selected, are also published from time to time and the more special character of the Journal is sustained by literary feat a res of national intere-t in the form of tales, historical and miscellan eous sketches, anecdotes and lioetry. While thus nat onal in its eharncter so far. these special features occupy comparatively limited, space in the eight large pages of which the paper consists, three-foui ths 01' which are devoted to news and other general matter calculated to be of interest to all clas ses of readers, ami not to tcotciimen aione. a care of its limbs, so that his own activity may coun teract the exposure aud assist in the toughen ing process. Parents should not commence this system of ' toughening ' when the child is merely passive iu their hands. .The principle is that the child niust assist by its own activity in the process of hardening. This is the true line." Ghap. Chap. Springs. Chap. XIII Pleasant Country Slopping Places; Carson's on he Catawba ; Harris's at Chimney rock; sjherill's at Hickory Nut Gap; Penland's at Flat Reckon Toe River, in Vancy ; Alexander's and A. E- Baird s on the French Broad ; Alexander's on the Swan.:anoa. Ghap XIV The Western Counties ; Haywood, laekson, Macon and Cherokee ; Pigeon River ; the Nantihala ; Franklin; a winter Trip; Valley River; Cherokee Indians. Chad XV Productions of the West. Agricultural and Mineral; Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Animals and Reptiles, Appexoix The Pilot Mountain ; Salem ; Piedmont Springs of Stokes; Shocco Springs; Kittrell's Springs; Letters of Dr Christy on Mountains of No Carolina The work will contain four views of Mountain Scen ery and a map of that section of country, showing all Roads, Stage Lines, Stopping places; noted places, etc It will be got up iu the best style of art, and soiu at tu ce iis per copy v nen seui oy man, uu cis 1 . . . , 1, tod :,k: ..;J,. :ii ariA,.a w t. Vnmnmv i ticed in that connection, that not only here, iticuun niu'ug vtfjn-o, ni ..vv. v.. " - -. . -'j . j , . . , . , . OUL in liillgiauu, wueie tinea nic au uiguij puzr Inqnire into " character" would save us many a bad legislator. Dying for his Couxtky by Proxy. When Col. L was a candidate for Congress in Uiie of the North-weslern States, he was op posed to a gentleman who had distinguished himself in the war . ot 1812. Discovering, in the course of the canvass, that his oiduuieiit's ; - J I A A. Minister's Sons and Daughters. The sal- military reputation was operutii.g strongly to aries of the clergy of the United States do not! his prejudice, he concluded to let ti e people average five hundrad dollars a year, and yet as; know that he was not unknown to f.-ime as a a class, they are the best educated, the most J soldier himself ; aud .accordingly, in his next influential, the most active, refined, and eleva-j speech, he expatiated on his aehieverueiits in ted of the nation. With less culture, with less! the tented field as follows : mental power, there are men all over the land, jly competitor has told ymi of who earn from one to twenty-five thousand doN he rendered the last War. L-t lars a year. But look at the results, lafcmg them as they come, the biographies of a hun dred clergymen who had families show that, of their sons, one hundred and ten became min isters; and of the remainder of the sons, by far the larger number rose to eminence as profes sional men, merchants and scholars. As to the daughters, their names, are merged into others ; but there is a significant faet, which we do not remember to have seen no 1 he services me tell you in that ineiil of WVtr turn to Vv. ily to Raleigh, NO A liberal discount to those taking fc. number of copies for sale or distribution A number of advertisements of Hotels, Liv ery Stables and Springs will be inserted upon fly leaves, if forwarded immediately 53 Papers of the State will confer a favor by giv ing this one or more insertions Jan 7, 1859 offehs for sale FRENCH FORKS, of all sizes. For sale low at Oct. 2. -3ml W AND SPOONS, the "Crockery Store. N. TILL1NHGAST. SPCIAL COURT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1858. His Honor Romulus M. Saunders. Jadge Presiding XT is ordered bv the Court, that a special Term JL this Court, be held ou the second Monday in Feb ruary A v. 1859 GREEN AND BLACK TEA, BURNING FLUID. fully compiled epitome of intelligence trom England. ' Linseed Oil, White Lead, Ireland, the continent ot Europe, and an parts ot tne i French Zinc Tanner's Oil i. 1.1 la ir .-.in in .i .i -1- niimlipr Willi (.v ( rt Pi u fVrkTll ' of Jurors, Witnesses, and suitors in Civil Cases are hereby notified to attend. Witness, John vV. Baker, Jr.. Clerk of our said Court, at Cli-e, the seventh Monday alter the fourth , Monday in September, A. D. 1858. JOHN W. BAKER. Clerk. Nov. 27. tc Turpentine Still. rrHE subscriher is desirous of buying a second-hand ' J TURP-NTINE iSTliiL.. f or iurtner niiorma- ion address me at Gray's Creek. P. O., Cumberland -wttt TTr-trc. . , , , ., tion a nira j Tllos W DEVANE TILL HEADS neatly printed, one, two, and three Co ... N.C. 1UUS- w- X on a half gheet ruled for tbe purpo!5e, Give ua , lec. 2o. j Qall at the CAROLINIAN OFFICE. the leading articles of the British Journals on the most interesting public topics of the day. . :-'. -r AVith a view to increase the popular iuterest of th " Scottish American Journal,'' nd to add to its val ue as a family paper, arrangements have been made for a series of attractive tales, founded chiefly on sub jects connected with Scottish life. Tlif first of these stories, entitled Cb ra Howard : a tale of the Cri mean War," commences with the first immber of the new volume. A considerable instalment of the si or v will be riveu in every niiiiiber till it is completed, and it will form interesting r ading for the winter evenings alike for old and young. It will be follow ed by a succession of other tales of equally popular character. TERMS OF SCB3 CRIPTI0X. One copy one year, $2 50 Subscriptions (invariably in advance,) received at the Carolinian. Office, where specimen copies can be obtaiued ou application. Agents for North Carolina, Deo. 4. MARTIN & PEARCE. ed, and the possession of " gentle blood,' is a passport to high places, it is very often refer red to, as a matter of note, as indicating safety and respectability His mother was the daughter of a clergyman." We will venture the opinion, that three-fourths of the great men of this nation are not over two degrees re moved from clergymens families, or from fami lies strictly religious. When it can be said of a man or woman that the father, or grandfath er, was a clergyman, there is a feeling within us of a certain elevation of character, a kind of guarantee of respectability of blood, of parity and integrity. joble fiENTiHEXTS.-irconaemn no man tor not thinking as von think, .i-tt every one en joy the fall and free liberty of thinking for him- seli JLet every man use Ins own judgment, since every man must give an account of him self to God. Abhor every approach, in any kind of degree, to the spirit of persecution. If Ton cannot reason or persuade a man into the trnth never attemnt to force him iuto it. If CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! ! love will not compel him, leave him to God, GR4.IIAM, is now receiving, a fine Stock or tne .tnde of all. John Wesley A woman made application to Justice Uan- selman, in Cincinnati, on Wednesday, Patent Axle Grease, Matches, Eetosene Oil, Window Glass, Yeast Powders, Fine Chewing Tobacco, German Erasive Soap, Silver Gloss Starch, Scotch Ale in Jugs. For Sale by S. J. HINSDALE. - Dec. 4, 1858. tf READY MAO CLOTHING, FALL & WINTER OF THE LATEST STYLES to suit the for a He wonld solicit bis customers and friends to trive divorce, on the fffound that her husband was a him a call, as be offers bis Clothing low for CASH confotinded fool. The magistrate informed her Or ba reasonable terms to prompt paying enrtomerii ., . l. -lM ro.,c.. in . ,,ofK rrm t r, 7 m n.tTrkVT . LULL I. II lljab HCIC IJCIU t.V W awuv.. ... He may be found east jam on Market Square. Oct. 9, . 3m j law, half the married women f n the city wonld be legally entitled to a matrimonial separation. that I, too, acted an humble part orable contest. When the tocsin moned the chivalry cf the West the defense ot the tiutiai.al honor, l; leilow eitteens, animated by that patriotic Fj irit that glows in every American bosom, lui td a sub stitute for that war, and lle bores ihat man now lie blanching on the banks cf the lLiisiu I He was elected. Tiie English Laiisuags. From a report of one of. Hotu George Marsh's lectures on the English hmguage, we take the following interes'ing extract : The number of good English words in use by good writers could Hardly fall short of 100 000. But we knew these mainly as we kntw Greek, as book-words, and not as the lai guage of speech. Even if a man wp.k ub!e, on extra ordinary occasions, to bring into use in a wordy battla, half of thrtt nnuiber, he generuily con tented himself with far fewer. Ench individ ual used, in his daily life, a repertory of words", to some extent peculiar to himself, one which wonld furnish a key to his private history. Few scholars used as many as 10.000 Eeglish words ; ordinary people, 3.000. In H Shakes peare there was not moretliMii 10,000 ; in ail Milton, 8,000. Of the Egyptian hyeioglyphics there are but 8.0U0 ; and it was'snid that the vocabulary of the Itulhtu "opera ' scarcely greater. One man would say " u thoughtful heart another, "a grateful spirit," another " imagination ;" one dew-rihes his friends of a sanguii e tempeiaraent j another of a " hopeful dispositi n ;" one man "began to build," an other "commenced building ;" eueh ht:d his own words, and SI tick to them A man of controlled passion nsed plain word, while a passionate man dsed many inteiisives. Looe thinkers contented themselves with general ap plications for large classes of ideas, while .logi cal thinkers used more and more specific words. The arts demanded mere new werds than any thing else.

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