7 v -ST.- I -" ' " 7 " ' TEEMS, 62 00 PER ANNUM, THE NOBLEST MOTIVE IS THE PUBLIC GOOD." . PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XX. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1859. NO. 1,028. T H fi1 N(R TH IfH AH Of I MI AM H jljlal x M LL JILL :--.:J All UM 1LJIL1 NJilAllo TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, in advance, per annum S2,00 ' at t he end of the year 3,00 Single copies, five cents. No subscription will be received for less than six months. Iateis of Advertising. Sixty' cents per square of 10 lines, or less, for the first, and :S0 cents for each subsequent insertion, for auy pi'iiu'i unuer mrco moutns. For" three mouths, For six months, For twelve months. . $4 00 C 00 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertisers are particularly requested to state the number of insertions desired, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. 'T- JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. MARTIN & PEARCE. LEGAL XOTIOES. WRIGHT AND FULLER. ---ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A7 T.AW' Fayetteville, 330V C3, CLEMENT G. WRTGIIT ami BARTHOLOMEW FULLER have associated themselves together lor the practice of their profession. Prompt atten tion given to all business committed to their charge. They will practice in the counties of Cumberland, UariK-tt, Sampson, Robeson and Bladen. Nov. 1:5, lao8. tf ..J. A. Sl'RAUS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 4 TTEND3 the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, J- V'ake and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. 10. 1850. ' 85-y ' W. O. ELAM, i ATT0 25XKY AT Can bo found at the Office formerly occupied by Dr. Gilliam, on Bow Street. F A Y CTTE VILLC) . C. June 2'G, 1858. tf L AAV NOTICE. HHHE SUBSCRIflERS having associated themselves .1 together in the pr ictice of Law, und'-r the name and style of CAMEllON t SHAW, will attend the County and Superior Courts of Moore. Montgomery, Anson. Richmond and Robeson. All business en rusted to them will receive their prompt attention. Address Cameron and Shaw, Attorneys at Law, Rockingham. Richmond county, N. C. J NO. W. O.VMEKO.V. J.NO. D. SilAW. May 1, ItSo. ly ' -Z.. TtfL. C3ct3Ca.Tplcol.X, AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, F.VYKTIXVILI.K, N. C. Nov. 13, 18 AV. II TURLINGTON, General t'o n missi i ItS -i cnaui. NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, iV C, ,7" ILL give personal attention to Hie sale or ship ment of .ill consignments ot Naval Stores or other country produce, and any other business en trusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. April 18. 18.)7. ly sTTlt. .TAJIKS DAVIS, having ILjr decided on permanently locating in the Town of Favetteville, respectfully offers his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa tion, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in tin' power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner," as well as diseases of the mouth, None but the proper metals are made use. of in the various operations. C'harges will be moderate, that, the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. iSPOHico over Houston's Jewelry Store, where ho will be found at all times. May 15, 185S tf 'actory, Jin c;i:o. LAUDER, Two Doors above C. T. Haigli A: Sou's Store, Fayetteville, .'. C. Oct. 1, 185G. ly. C A R R I A ( I E FA C TORY. A. A. M'KETIIAN KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of Vehicles of every description, which are well ami faithfully made and linished in the lightest and XK.vrKsr style. His facilities for doing carriage work are i;ki:atk!: than aw KsrAi'.i.isuv.i;r South. which enab eshim to sell his work on the most favor aide terms. Nov. i3. 1808. tf TKTJST IY VIRTUE of a Deed of Trust to me, executed y by W. R. Uolto:i. for purposes therein mention ed, I will oiler ior sale at the Market House, at 12 o'clock on Tuesday, the 1st February, the following property : ItOUSE AND LOT occupied by W. R. Bolton. The House is two stories hih. contains 0 rooms, 4 fire-places ; and all necessary out-houses. One-half interest in the liailey Place, having on it one of the Lest Seine-holes on the Cape Fear river the whole tract will lie ottered ; 1203 Acres of Land on McPherson's Creek, (known as the Mill Tract. ) has :)". O'M Turpentiue Uoxes, also a Grist and Saw Mill in good order ; 2.j0 Acres of Land lying at the head of Carver's Creek, known as the Torrcy Land. ALSO . One Seine and Flat in good order. " 4 llorseAVagou, " 0 t ( " Cart, Rockaway and Harness. Carrvall it ALSO Corn and Forage, (a large quantity.) Fanning and Blacksmith Tools. Terms at sale. 0. E. LEETE, Trustee. January 15, 1859. 3t Ira.iDortiiit Trust A Rare Opportunity for Profitable Investment. 1)Y virtue of a deed of Trust executed by Daniel - Clark on the loth day of July, A D 1858, aDd registered in the Office of the Register of Cumberland County, in Book D No S, page 271, 1 shall sell to the highest bidder at the .Market House in Fayetteville, on Tuesday the 1st day of February, A. D. 1&5'J, One of the most valuable tracts of LAND in North Carolina, situate, lying aud being in the County of Cumberland, on the waters of Rig Rockfish, six miles from the town of Fayetteville, aud containing about Two Hundred Acres seventy-five or one hundred acres is swamp land, which for depth and fertility of I soil, and for easy cultivation, is lully equal to the i rich loam lands of the Mississippi valp?y ; the whole lract is highly improved, and, lrom the judicious course of husbandry the proprietors of this land have uniformly pursued, it is believed that there is no land iu this State which will yield to the farmer a more abundant return for his labor. There are on the premises, good woods, ways and waters, a comforta ble Dwelling and commodious out-houses. At the same time and place I shall sell, either as part and parcel of said Laud.. or separately, (as I may then deem moftf. flrltriaaLlo V iho pnloliwitml McNEILL. SAW MlfKTSfand Vkfhfruid :'IWoftha't Acres ot Land, adjacent and appurtenant thereto. These MflrS ai-e built on Big Rockfish creek, three miles, as the stream flows, from the Cape Fear River ; they are iu excellent running order, and the two saws cut four thousand feet of Lumber per day ; the sup ply of water is constant and never failing ; logs may be rafted from any point above directly to the mills' slide, and the Lumber may be put into the Wilming ton market in thirty-six hours after leaving the saw carriage. Taking into considerat:on the great natural advan tages and the very valuable improvements of the aforesaid property, this sale is recommended to the attention of all persons who wish to invest money in that which will produce large profits and give quick returns. Terms at sale. ROB'T AV. 1IARDIE, Jan. 15. -3t Trustee of Dau'l Clark. STAIE OF NORTH CAROLIXA, HARNETT COUNTY. ) Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, Dec. Term, 1858. rETITIO-V FOB PARTITION". Neill McNeill. Margaret McNeill, Turquill McNeill, vs. IIugliLashly and wife, Neill McNair and wife, Norman Cameron and wife. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants are nou residents of this State ; it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Jurth Carolinian, for six weeks, notify ing the above named defendants, to appear at the next Term of said Court, to be held at the Court House in Summerville, on the Second Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur, to the Petition iu this case, or the same will be heard ex parte and taken pro confesso, as to them. Witness, Benjamin F. Shaw, clerk of our said Court, at Office, the second Monday in December, A. I). 185S, aud in the 82d vear of American Independence. BENJAMIN F. SHAW, Cl;k. Jan. 22, 185S. Ct STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. j Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, Dec. Term, 1858. I. D. Caison Wm.A.Small. ) Original Attachment Levied on 1 1)0 iieves nt'I .un. ) Judgment conditional. IT appearing William A. to the satisfaction of the court that Small, the defendant in this case, is not an Inhabitant of this State, or conceals himself so that the ordinary process of Law cannot be served on him : It is therefore, ordered that publication be made in the JVorth Carolinian, for six weeks, for 1he said defendant to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held at the Court House, in the village of Summerville, on the second Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur, or judg ment will be made iinal and the land levied oa con demned to satisfy the Plaintiff's debt. Witness, Benjamin F. Shaw, Clerk of our said Court at office iu Summerville, the second Monday in De cember, 185S. BENJAMIN F. SHAW, Cl'k. January 15, 1S59. o'-t J. C. STEDMAN AND J. AAr. IIORNE, UXDEK T1IK N'AMK AND STYLE Oh" STEDMAN & IIORNE, JR, HAVE associated themselves together in a gener al Grocery, Provision, Liquor and Barter Busi ness, and .are now receiving a well selected Stock of Goods in their line, which they are willing to ex change for money or produce. Their stock consists in part of the following arti cles : Brown, Crushed, and Loaf Sugar ; Rio, Lao-nira and Java Coffee ; Latter, Cheese, and Crackers ; Lard, Pork, and AVestern Bacon ; No. 1, Mackerel, in Bbls, Hfs. and Kits ; Tobacco, Snuff and Ci-ars ; Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Next door to D. & W. McLaurin. Hay street, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov. 20. -3m JUST RECEIVED, VGOOD assortment of Kerseys, Blankets, Tweeds, Jeans, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Prints, Shoes, &c. ALSO 18 Doz. Hoop Skirts, 50 " Linen and Atarseilles Shirts. STARR & WILLIAMS. Nov. 27. -tf THHTIE SUCBSRIBER I S now receiving one of the largest and most care fully selected stocks ever ottered by him in.this market, comprising every style and quantity ot L.1DIRS GEJVTS, JflSSKS' J1JL BOYS' BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &,e. And, ix fact, everything uscali.y sold i.v his line. Planters and all others who desire to purchase a superior article of No. 1 BItOGANS, are respectfully solicited to call and examine his stock. Having just returned from the North, and exam ined my Goods carefully before purchasing, I flatter myself that I am now prepared to sell them upon as good terms as they can be bought iu this market. LEATHER of all descriptions, and for all pur poses, constantly on hand. The above articles will be sold cheap fou cash. M. FAULK. Oct. 16 tf SPECIAL COURT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1858. His Honor Romulus M. Saunders, Judge Presiding. a i is oruereu oy tne C Jurt, that a special Term of jl mis uoun, oe neia oa trie se- cornl Monday in Feb- ruary A. 1). S.9. Jurors, Witnesses, and suitors in Civil Cases are hereby notified to attend- Witness, John V. Baker, Jr.. Clerk of niirwl,! Court, at OtTi -e, the seventh Monday after the fourth ! -uouuay iu ibepiemoer, a. ii. JOHN W. BAKER. Clerk Nov. 27. tc $100 Ent.C5-7"XXc3.' T) UNA WAY from the subscriber, Thursday night. s J-tJ Dec 22d, a negro Man named BILL, between for i ty aud fifty years of age, dark complexion, about five , feet five or six inches high, very stout built, bow-leg-! gcd, has a scar on the inside of one of his ankles, ; which was lately made by an axe ; his hair and wbis ; kers a little gray, and keeps his hair very well conib j ed. He is a very good carpenter, and no doubt is making his way to a free State, either alone or with some white man. The above reward will be given for his apprehension and delivery to the subscribers, or lodged in any Jail where we can get him. Address, JOHN T. G HEATFIAM, or JOS. L TALCERT, Longmire's Store, P O, Edgefield District, S. C. Jan. 15. 5t-pd 10 ,000 BARRELS TURPENTINE at my Dis tillery for v,Uich Lhe hisrhest Cash prices will be paid. j. r. Mcduffie. January 15, 1859. 3-mo 1 WIST! to purchase from 50 to 100 head of Dry Cat tle, or take cattle to winter for 5 dollars per head, and return the Cows with young calves ; and in case they should die, no charge will be made. A deduc tion of 5 dollars will be made in all ca'tes where I pur chase poor cows, as it will cost that to winter them. For further information as to the value of the Cattle, &C, relets to W. H. Tomlinson. Jan. 7. 3t JNO. V. JONES. NOTICE TO COUXTY CREDITORS. VLL persons having claims against the Coun!y of Cumberland are requested to hand them to the Clerk of the County Court on or before the 1st day of February next, for the purpose of being passed upon by the Committee of Finance. Ry order of the COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. Jan. S, -it Observer 2 weeks. IMOTICE. A LL Persons indebted to me by Note or Account, JT.V ar arc earnestly requested to call aud settle the same. Those who have lona: standing acbountt, can- not expect further indulgence. Those who have accounts against me arc requested to present the same for payment. Jan. 8, lS5i). Jin J. A. PEMDERTON. JQff" CSIB TEL 3HI Z3 JOE: THE undersigned has transferred to Messrs. Mar---L tin fc Pearce, all accounts due to the North Car olinian printing office, and hereby relinquishes all claim upon the same. G. W. WIG11TMAN. Nov. 20. 1858. tf SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanner's OIL ; WHITE LEAD ; Burning Fluid ; Putty ; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. ALSO A fresh supply of Pond's Pain Dcstrover. For sale by JAS. MAR-TINE. Nov. 27. tf r 0TICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. fHlIIE'AVIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, JlL and the Widows of Soldiers who iiEr IN Service in the war ot 1812, can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision- for them. Give mo the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 19, 1858. tf Dr. Frank lf"tlliam?s llye JVhiskey. E MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to bo constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct. 10", 185S, tf LAND SALE. ON the 17th day of January, 1859. on the premises, I will offer at Public Sale, 209 acres ot Land, in Robeson county, on the west side of the Lowry Road, joins Cono'y, Cobb. McDonald and others. A description is needless as those wishing to purchase will examine for themselves. Terms at Sale. JOHN BUIE, Jan. I, 1859. 3t. for N. A. Graham. THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, 1 iUccklv) Paper, DEVOTED TO POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, AND LITERATURE. Terms. Two Dollars per Annum, in advance. r10 Merchants, Manufacturers. Farmers, and Busi L ness Men generally, this Paper will be found a val uable medium for Advertising. Cards. Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Pampu lkts, anil every description of Printing, done in the best style of the art, on leasonable terms. jpSf Orders by mail from udjoiuing counties will be punctually attended to. Kav. 27. MARTIN & PEARCE. SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL. Second "VoIiixrLO, Otli November, 1858. IN announcing a new volume of the Scottish Amer ican Journal, the Proprietor begs to call atten tion to those features of the paper which have already secured for it a large share of support, and which ought to commend it to me patronage oi a sun cior numerous class of readers. The special feature of the paper is that it is a Scot tish . journal, containing notices o'' every event occur ring in Scotland that can be regarded as of the least interest to natives of the country now residing on this continent. The news of the whole country is careful ly collected and condensed, so that no event which it concerns Scotchmen to kno v is ever omitted from the columns of the paper. Articles relating to Scottish subjects, original and selected, are also published from time to time aud the more special character of the Journal is sustained by literary features of national interest in the form of tales, historical and miscellan eous sketches, anecdotes and poetry. While thus national in its character so far. these special features occupy comparatively limited space in the eight large pages of which the paper consists, three-fourths of which are devoted to news and other general matter calculated to be of interest to all clas ses of readers, and not to Scotchmen alone. A care fully compiled epitome of intelligence from England, Ireland, the continent of Europe, and all parts of the world is given in every number, with extracts from the leading articles of the British Journals on the most interesting public topics of the day. With a view to increase the popular interest of the " Scottish American Journal," nd to add to its val ue as a family paper, arrangements have been made for a series of" attractive tales, founded chiefly on sub jects connected with Scottish life. The first of these stories, entitled Clara Howard : a tale of the Cri mean War," commences with the first number of the new volume. A considerable instalment of the storv will be driven in every number till it is completed, and it will form interesting reading for the winter evenings alike for old and young. It will be follow ed by a succession of other tales of equany pupii"" character. terms op subscription. One copy one year, $2 50 Subscriptions (invariably in advance,) received at the Carolinian Office, where specimen copies can ue obtained on application. Agents for North Carolina, Dec. 4. MARTLN & PEAUCB. CALENDER FOR 1859. cq g 3 h n a " 5 50 S - t- P O CO Z g t 1 p. S 5 g JAN.UA11Y 1 "V- 2 3 A b 6 T 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 & 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 I' 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 " - 30 31 FEBRUARY 12 3 4 5 C 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Jv' , 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 V - 27 28 -t - - 1TARCII 1 - 2 3 4 5 t; - 6 1 - 8 9 . 10 11 12 42-y : 33- J4 . .15 16 IT . 18 19 rfc. - , 20-21" 22 23 r36 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 i 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 L s 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 12 t 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ! 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 i . 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ' 30 31 NOVEMBER 12 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DECEMBER 1'2 3 ., 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3Vi:oTJi.xx"tXxx Scenery. Th& Scenery of Western North Carolina and Western South Carolina. BY HENRY E. COLTON. A WORK upon the scenery of the Blue Ridge and its fellow ranges of Mountains will be published early iu January. The following will be its contents : Chap. I Introduction. " II Asheville. " HI Routes to reach Asheville The Swa- nanoah Gap Road. Chap. IV The Hickory Nut Gap Road. " V The routes from South Carolina Salem Gap and Jones Gap, Flat Rock, Heudersonville, Ga sar's Head, Whiteside Mt. and Cashier's Valley. Ghap. VI A route via Wilkesuorough and Le noir ; the Valley of the Yadkin;. Wilkesborough ; Happy Valley : Lenoir ; Hi'brrtcn, ect. Chap. VII Morganton audits surroundings; the Piedmont springs ; Hawkrs Bill and Table Rock. Ghap. VIII Linville Falls ; the Gingereake Rock; North Cove and the Gave. Ghap. IX The vicinity of Asheville : the White Sulphur; the Million springs ; Pleasant Drives. Ghap. X The Black M Suit the Mountain House : Journal of a party Ghap. XI The Roan Mountain ; the Bald Mount. Chap. XII The French Broad River and the Warm Springs. Chap. XIII Pleasant Country Stopping Places; Carson's on the Gatawba ; Harris's at Chimney rock; Sherill's at Hickory Nut Gap; Pen land's at Flat Rock on Toe River, in Yancy ; Alexander's and A. E. Baird's on the French Broad ; Alexander's on the Swannanoa. Chap XIV The Western Counties ; Haywood, lackson, Macon and Cherokee ; Pigeon River ; the Nantihala ; Franklin ; a winter Trip ; Valley River; Cherokee Indians. Chad XV Productions of the West. Agricultural and Mineral ; Wild Flowers ; Tree Growth ; Wild Animals and Reptiles. Afpexdlx The Pilot Mountain ; Salem ; Piedmont Springs of Stokes; Shocco Springs; Kittr'ell's Springs; Letters of Dr Christy on Mountains of No Carolina The work will contain four views of Mountain Scen ery and a map of that section of" country, showing all Roads, Stage Lines, Stopping places ; noted places, etc- It will be got up in the best style of art, and sold at 60 cents per copy When sent by mail, 66 cts Persons wishing copies, will address W L Pomeroy. Raleigh, N C A liberal discount to those taking a. number of copies for sale or distribution A number of advertisements of Hotels, Liv ery Stables and Spriugs will be inserted upon fly leaves, if forwarded immediately 53- Papers of the State will confer a favor by giv ing this one or more insertions Jan 7, 1859 FURNITURE, FURJY1 TUREy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. H. P. DEdRAAF, 87 Bowery, (Wholesale Ware House,) and 462 Pearl St., (Retail Store,) New York. 'WTUEKE will be found the largest and most exten T sive assortment in the city. Bills of $25 lie tailed at Wholesale prices at the Bowery Store. All j Furniture guaranteed as represented. One hundred ' and fifty bands constantly employed in manufactur- j ing. All stock laid in for net cash. It comprises in part, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut Parlor Furni- ture, in r,rceade, Urocatelle. Delaine, Plush and Hair cloth. Rosewood, Mahogany and Enameled chamber furniture, in sets, from twenty to one hundred and fifty dollars. Also, cane seat and common furniture in great variety. A large assortment of Gilt and Ma- j bogany Mirrors, Spring and curled hair Matreeses, j Patent Premium sofa Bedsteads, with spring and hair Mattresses attached, fcc. Steamboats and hotels fur- J msnea. uealers will find it to their interest to give us a call. Jan 15, 1859 3m THE sale of the House and Lot lately occupied by Mr Robert Johnson, is postponed to Wednesday, lGtb February, at 12 o'clock. j Jan. 15. -t S. J. IAIN SD ALB, Trustee, 1 THE NORTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Japanese Questions. Frazer'a Magazine contains an interesting article on the Japanese, from which we make the following extracts : The middle classes in Japan are all well educated and highly intelligent, and inspired with.a thirst after knowledge, eqa ally respecta ble and admirable in a nation so long debarred from ail opportunities of self development. From their old friends, the Dutch, they, have already learned a great deal ; how anxious they are to learn more, is proved by the ' endless series of questions they are always propoun ding to those from whom they fancy they can obtain information. .. In order to prove what we say by more than manuscript placed in our hands by a Dutch gentleman, many years the chief of the Dutch factory, some,- of the queries addressed to him at different times by Japanese residents of Nangasaki, or other places. They are mostly written or rather painted, as the Japanese, like the Chinese, always use the brush in a bold, clerk-like hand, on Ja panese paper, in always intelligible, and often tolerably correct Dutch. QUERIES ON DIVERS SUBJECTS. What is the weight of the earth? Can it be ascertained ? Are the United States of North America likely to increase in power aud extent ? What are the revenues of England and Russia ? It is said that Turkey holds no maritime in tercourse with other nations. What are the means of subsistence of that nation ? Is there any land near the Sonth Pole ? Can one learn astronomy thoroughly without going to sea ? What difference is there in the rigging of a merchant-vessel and a man-of-war ? What sum is requisite for the building of a line-of-battle ship, a frigate, a corvette, a brifj, a bark, a sloop 1 What countries make use of steamers at present ? Are there still nations that wear armor aud helmets ? Have they not yet cut through the Isthmus of Panama ? The English are said to have attacked Den mark and Turkey in 1807, and to have fired nine thousand shots from their mortars. How many ships and how many mortars had they ? What was the calibre of their mortars? How do you obtain food in Europe when the crops fail ? The 2"Jorth Americans are asserted to be very industrious iu cultivating their soil ; do they introduce foreign plants, or only cultivate indigenous ones C What wars have been waged in Europe since those of the Himperor JN'apoleon r What means are best employed for closing the mouth of a harbor against hostile ships ? Who are the best soldiers, the English or French ? What land has the best system for the de fense of its coasts and ports ? Explain that system. I have been told that they have in Europe the means of preventing (the effects of) thun der and lightning ; what are they ? We are informed that all Europeans trade with foreign countries, and that they proclaim honesty, integrity, justice, &c, as the duty of man towards his fellow creatures. Neverthe less, they introduce opium, which is a univer sally noxious article, wherever it is wanted, and the trade seemes likely to be profitable. What is the reason of their so doing ? Do they care so much for the commercial interests of their own nation, that they do not object to prejudicing other people for their own advan tage ? Demands, too, were constantly made for scientific works of all sorts, from Dutch and English grammars and dictionaries np to the more abstruse branches of astrouomy and chemistry. Indeed, the latter, and all the exact sciences, seem favorite topics with these intelligent Asiatics ; aud well-read and clever foreigners, capable of and willing to afford them instruction, may be certain of a kind re ception among all the better classes in Japan. This is proved by the personal experience of all who have resided among them for any length of time as well by their real attachment to all Europeans whom they have learned to respect . The Arctic Firmament. The intense beau ty of the Arctic firmament can hardly be im agined. It looked close above our heads, with its stars magnified in glory, and the very plan ets twinkling so much as to baffle the ouserva. tions of the astronomer. I have trodden the deck wber. the light of earth seemed suspeuded -its movements, its sounds, its colorings, its companionships ; and as I looked on the radiant hemisphere circling above me, as if rendering worship to the unseen Centre of L?ght, have ejaculated, in humility of spirit, " Lord, what is man that thou art miudful of him ?" And when 1 tho't of the kindly world we had left, with its revolving sunlight and shadows, and the other stars that gladden it in their chan ges and the hearts that warmed to us there, till I lost myself in memories of those who are uot, and they bore us back to the stars again Dr. Kane. A Black Man Elected to a Canadian Council. The Detroit Tribune says that at a recent election lor councilmen in the towuship of Raleigh. Kent County, near Chatham, C. W., a colored man named Shadd was elected, beating his opponent, a white man, by a hand some majority. Shadd is " as black as the ace of spades," and figured prominently in a recent slave case as the harborer of the fugitive. A Threatened Cuba Massacre. The Hav ana correspondent of the Charleston Mercury says that the slaves, as nsual at the close of the New Year Holidays, took possession of the town, and there were rumors that they intended to close their jubilee by a general massacre of every white person they found on the streets. The Captain-General, however, had the city police and military patrols instruc ted, resulting in the arrest of some two hundred of them armed with long bladed and sharp pointed knives. A hardware merchant has also been arrested for selling them the weapons. A Chapter on Flattery. Flattery is the confectionary of the world. In polite society it goes by the name of ' soap,' and iu general it is designated soft sawder.' It prevails over all ; few are beneath it, none above it ; the 'court, the camp, the church' are the scenes of its victories. To lay it on is a sublime science. It may be laid on with the delicacy of a camel's hair pen cil, or with the thickness of a trowel. Some folk 8 like it one way, some another ; glazing a d plastering are only two modes of the sanxo thincr. ,.-' ' Flattery is like tickling: The person flat tered finding himself satisfied, and coiscious that it is to the flatterer that he is indebted for the gratification, feels under an obligation to him without requiring reason. Women are particularly fond of flattery, and you may lay it on with a trowel. But if you wish to be exceedingly delicate you may say, 'I hope you da not poll the bed clothes over you at night, Miss !' The lady will anxiously in quire, ' Why ?' For fear the brightness of your eyes will set them on fire,' is your reply. You may also hint, that were you and this lady united in the bonds of wedlock, you would require no tinder but the tender passion, and no lucifer-match cigar lighting machine, as her eyes would afford a light at all times. To pay a polite compliment is the very es sence of gentility. Talk to a man whose fath er was hanged, of public executions. To nn old gentleman with a red nose, of IJardolph's character. To a lady with false teeth, you may relate a story of a gentleman who was choked to death in swallowing them. To a gentleman with bandy legs you may commence a disserta tion on the analyzation of curves of double cur vature. To a lady with a large family you may eulogise King Herod. Camels Their Strength. We visited Par son's wharf on Tuesday to witness a feat of strength performed by one of Mrs. Watson's camels, of which there were near a dozen on the wharf, of all ages. The camel loaded was one of the largest. On the word of command being given, the camel lay down, ready to re ceive his load, which cousistcd of five bales of hay, weighing iu the aggregate over 1,400 pounds, which was firmly bound to the pannier placed upon the animal's hump. Upon the ut terance of commaiid by the native keeper, tho huge animal rose without any apparent extra effort to his feet, and walked off in a stately manner along the wharf and through the city. We were informed that the same camel had had 1,600 pounds placed upon him, with which enormous weight he easily rose. The animals are all exceedingly tractable, aud seem to pos sess much affection for any one who treats them kindly, as an example of which Mrs. W. informed us that one of them, a pretty white one, which she had petted, would always kiss her, when she was within kissing distance, which fact we really thought proved the animal to possess an excellent taste, as well as an af fectionate disposition.' In their native country the average load for a full grown camel is eight hundred pounds, with which they perform thtir long journeys over deserts, with little food or water. We doubt not that with the abundant forago found in all parts of Texas, and a full supply of water generally, the camel will improve iu strength and general appearance, and be able to transport larger loads, at a more rapid pice, thau iu his native country. Galveston Neics. An Indignant Woman. A lady thus expa tiates upon a delicate topic : A woman who loves unsought, deserves tho scorn of the man she loves.' Heaven forgive me I but may the man who penned that paragraph never see another bon net I May no white dimpled arms encircle his cravat, or buttons vegetate upon his shirt I May no rosy lips every press his mustache, and the fates grant that his dicky strings break short off every morning I May no woman's heart learu to beat faster except with indig nation at the mention of hi3 name, and may his stockings always need darning 1 And when his nerves are all unstrung by disease, aud his head throbs with pain, as though an earth-quake were brewing in it, may he have nothing iu bi sick chamber but boot heels, and see not ouo inch of muslin or calico 1 A Telegraph over Sixty Years Aco. In looking over our old files some days ago, our eyes fell upon the following paragraph, in the issue of March 7th, 1797 : " A curious piece of mechanism has been dis covered in London, and displayed at llydo Park. It is constructed so as to convey four different letters the space of a mile in one mii. ute, and return an answer iu the space of ouo minute aud a half." Can auy of our antiquaries inform us of the particular diameter of this machine, which seems subsequently to have become lest tc the world ? Savannah Republican. Tit for Tat. "Will you give me that ring?" said a village dandy to a lady ; " for it resem bles my love for you : it has no end." "Excuse me, tsir," was the reply, "I choose to keep it, as being emblematical of mine for you : it has no beginning." Why is an unwelcome visitor like a shady tree? Because we are glad when he leaves. "BEcoutcnt with what you have," as the rat said to the trap, wheu he saw that he had left part of his tail in it. Court Scene. In a court not more than three thousand miles from Vicksburg a Dutch man was recently called in as a juror. Myn heer objected, on the ground that he could not understand good English. "Take your seat," thundered the judge, "yon are not likely to hear any good English in this court." Mr Dutchman was compelled to 6crve as a juror. A young man in " these parts." who had speiit a little of his own time and a good deal of his father's money in fitting for the Bar, was asked after his examination how he got along. " O, well," said he, " I answered one ques tion right." " Ah, indeed I" said the old gentleman, with looks of satisfaction at his son's peculiar smart ness. " And what was that?" "They asked me what a qui tarn action was." "That was a hard one ! And youauswered it correctly, did you ?" " Yes. 1 told them I did not know." Youth flies faster than an April cloud. n