NORTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE, N CL SATURDAY, January 29, 1859. The Legislature. We refer the reader to the proceedings of this body in another column. Ia the absence of our correspondents' favors, we have availed ourselves of the reports in the Stand ard and the Wilmington Journal that our reader?, to whom we forward the " Carolinian " on Friday, may be kept advised of what is going on at the Capitol. A report has reached us that the Coal fields Bill passed its third reading in the Commons on Wednesday, but not in time for the particulars to have reached us on Thursday. We may receive confirmation of the truth of the rumor by the mail to-day, (Friday.) The Monroe Doctrine. We Lave frequently heard the question asked. " What is the Monroe Doctrine and what gave rise to it?" For the information of those ot our leaders unacquainted with the origin and bearing of this Question, re have prepared the following article : In the fall of 1822, a Congress of Sovereigns was held at Verona, consisting of the Emperors of Russia and Austria, the Kings of Prussia and Sar dinia, and the representatives of the respective majesties of Great Britain and France, together with the representatives of other kingdoms of Eu rope of Josser note. The attention of the Con gress was mostly occupied with the condition of Spain, at that time governed by a legislative body styled the Cortes, King Ferdinand having been de posed by his subjects. The monarchs present at the Congress, and the representatives of France were of one opinion, and took the ground that Spain under her then existing government, was an exam ple dangerous to the " divine right of Kings," and urged that the Cortes should be dispersed, and Fer drnand restored to the throne of his ancestors England protested against this proposition, but her protest was overruled. By the consent of the other continental powers, a French army invaded Spain in the spring of 1323, overthrew the popu lar government, and Ferdinand was re-established in all his power. The Spanish -American colonies were at this time in revolt against the authority of the mother countr', and in December 1S23, Spain addressed a formal invitation to the courts of St. Petersburgh, Vienna, Berlin, and Paris, invoking tlie aid of those powers to enable her to retain her sovereignty over her American possessions. Eng land strenuously opposed this proposition, and her prime minister, Mr Canning, informed the French minister in London, that England would consider any foreign interference, either by force or by menace, in the dispute between Spain and her col onies, as a motive for recognizing the independ ence of the latter without delay. At this juncture, Mr Canning applied to Mr Richard Rush, the rep resentative of this government at the Court of St, James, for an expression of the opinion of our gov ernment as to the policy of the allied powers. Mr Rush applied to the President, and in December 1323. Mr Monroe sent the message to Congress, which contained the " Monroe Doctrine," It af firms that this government had participated, nei ther directly nor indirectly, in the political affairs of Europe, that with the action of the allied pow it " r j -r- , . ers on me vonuneni oi i.uropo we womu not in terfere ; but if those acta affected the countries and governments in America, we must intervene to prevent such actions. Mr. Monroe declared at the same timo that any interference by European powers with the existing state of things on this continent would be considered as a " manifesta tion of unfriendly disposition towards the United States." England's remonstrance and the " Mon doetrine" had the desired effect. Bolivar and his compatriots triumphed. Subsequently, in tlie controversy then pending between this country and Russia with reference to our boundary and her's in the Northwestern part of this continent, Mr. Monroe again declared his famous doctrine, that the American Continents, in consequence of the free and independent con dition they had assumed and maintained, were henceforth not to be considered subjects for future colonization by any European power." This went a little further than England had anticipated. She regarded the doctrine with favor when applied to the other European powers ; but this universality of application was never dreamt of by Mr. Canning when he applied to Mr. Rives for an expression of the views of the American government. Such, in brief, is the much talked of and important " Monroe Doctrine.". The Broken Bell. The following paragraph appeared in a late number of Winner's European Times: "We regret to state thatfhe big lell. tho gift of C ardinal olsey, and the pride and boast ot Sher borne, terminated its career on Sunday evening in last week. As the ringers were ringing for service it cracked so that it is no longer fit for use." How many important vents have occurred, in England's history since the old bell was placed in the tower at Sherborne. The name of the giver, Cardinal Wolsey, forcibly recalls to mind the in stability of human greatness. Once the dispenser of fortune and office to hundreds, basking in the sunshine of royal favor ; but fortune and favor for sook him in the hour of his necessity, when on his death bed he said to Cromwell, "Had I but served my God With half the zeal I served my king, He would not in mine age Have left mo naked to miue enemies." The Right Way. Last week, when the news arrived of the final passage of tho Railroad Bill in the Senate, it was not received with any noisy demonstration on the part -of our townsmen. An enterprising firm laid a fine pavement of brick in front of their store a proceeding on their part both laudable and suggestive. The special term of the Superior Court for Pr.iven Count v met on Monday last. 'The New- bern Progress says, the cases of n. P. Whitehurst j against the North Carolina and Fayetteville Insu rance Companies are first on the Docket, and were probably token up ou Tuesday. i v Mr.Set7ard's Bill v " Mr. Seward has introduced a bill in the Senate amendatory of the' act which prohibits the slave trade. It would have been more consistent in the Senator had he left this matter in other hands. He could not vote for that constitutional and just meas ure, the Fugitive Slave Law, because it was not in accord with his peculiar views ; how can he ex pect to punish others who act unconstitutionally when they but follow his own example. He has certainly not forgotten the "old adage, "Practice what you preach." We give a short sketch of the bill from an exchange paper : This bill provides that, in addition to the vessels now employed, the President is authorized to em ploy fen steam .vessels, to be approved by the Secretary of the Navy, and to cause them to be properly equipped, to cruise on any of the coasts of the United States or Cuba, or the coast of Af rica or elsewhere, where he may judge attempts may be made to carry on the trade in contravention of the acts of Congress ; confers the powei on the Legislature of any State to pass liws prohibiting foreign slave trade within its limits, and to declare such punishments as they may deem expedient, consistent with the Constitution of the United States. No vessel is hereafter to. depart from any port in the United States for the Coast of Africa until due notice is given of the intended "voyage to the District AltomeV of the United States for thajt district : the district attorney shall cause an exam ination to be made, to be continued until her actual departure, to ascertain whether she be designed, directiy or indirectly, tor the slave trade. V esseis attempting to depart in violation of this act to be declared forfeited to the United States, with their stores and equipments. Any vessel departing without clearance to be forfeited. No vessel be longing to any citizen of-the United States shall on any pretext depart from any foreign port to the coast of Africa, when such vessel shall have been sold after her departure, without first returning to the United States and being duly registered and licensed anew in some port of the United States. Respectability. In England, where there is a distinctive line drawn between the various grades of society ; where a privileged class is one of the " time-honored institutions ;' where the titled nobility enjoy privileges more than the commoner though those exclusive rights are frequently questioned by the restless democratic spirit of the masses, neverthe less, they are tolerated as among the recognised institutions of the country. There are only cer tain employments which the scions of nobility will deign to accept as suited to their sphere. Prom inent among these is the army. Aristocratic Young England glories in an epaulette, although the mechanic's son, by deeds of daring in pres ence of his country s enemies on the battle-field, or for some other qualities which mark the charac ter of tho true soldier, may occasionally be re warded with a commission, and rank with him who is heir to an earldom. The mechanical pursuits, however, are considered improper fields in which to develope the genius of nobility ; it must have something speculative, ideal, dreamy. We expect to find a different state of things in our republican countiv, where every man is a sovereign in his own rirht: whei'e the law makes no distinction be tween man and man, and where the rapid advance ment of the country has been achieved by the stout arm of the mechanic, the indomitable energy ef the cultivator of the soil, the activity and en terprise of . the merchant, and the wisdom of men of practical mind, who have guided with steady hand and firm resolve the councils of the nation There is great fear that wealth and luxury are making sad havoc among tho sons of many of our citizens all over the country. There- is an almo universal desire among the youth of our land to avoid being employed, as their fathers were, on the farm, in the counting house, or in the workshop. where the country would be benefitted by their productive industry, from a preconceived notion of a want of respectability. Tho ranks of the learned professions are overstocked with many a youth, who, had his talents been exercised in the field of mechanical labor, might have proved an Arkwright, a Fulton, a Watt, a Whitney, or pos-r sibly a Franklin ; but whose talents, for lack of practice, have remained undeveloped, and the pos sessor spent the best portion of his manhood as a briefless lawyer, or a patientless physician. The army, too, (not the ranks,) has its attractions for the youtliful aspirant after respectability, and af fords another melancholy proof of the desire on the part of young men to avoid those employments which tend to increase tho productive wealth of their country. We have an illustration of this in the fact, that for the ten appointments of cadets to the West Point Academy at present at the dis posal of the President, there are more than five hundred applications on file. The list of appli cations is increasing daily, and will probably num ber thousands before March next, the time when the appointments will be made. We opine a false idea of respectability has more weight with these embryo heroes, than any " thirst for glory at the cannon's mouth." Verily, we live in a progressive age. Opinioxs of the Supreme Court. By Pear son, L. J. in Owens v. Kinsey, from Curri tuck, judgment reversed and venire de novo ; also, m uunes v. Jones, from Hertford, affirming the judgineut ; also, in Branch & Thomas v. Morrison, from Harnett, affirming the judg ment. By Battle, J. Tu Jarman v. Humphrey, from Onslow, affirming the judgment ; also, in Little v. Hornback, from Anson, affirming the judgment, also, in McKenzie v. Buchanan, from Richmond, judgment reversed, and judg ment that plaintiff take nothing by his motion. By Rcffin. J. In. llolton v. McAlister, from Richmond, affirming the judgment ; alsoj den ex dan Barbeeu. Taylor, from Wilson, affir ming the judgment. Ral. Standard. Dr. E. H. Andrews of this place, the collec tor of the queer, curious and wonderful in western North Carolina, has shown us an engraving of the Lord's Prayer and Ten Com mandments, written in a space easily covered vvith a sixpence. The art of cutting steel with such minuteness and precision is really wonderful. The engraver is an American. Charlotte Democrat. Duncan K. McRae, Esq. We learn that this g-ntleman has decided to remove to Knox ville, Tenn., where he has formed a copartner ship in the practice of law with Mr Baxter formerly of North Carolina. Ibid. A Model County. The county of Jones, has not a single person in its Jail or Poor House. No Nomination yet. Advices from Baton Rouge, 25th iust., state that no nomination for Senator has yet been effected. In the last ballot Air. Beniamin was dronned and "Mr Sandige lacked two of nomination, The total revenue of Maryland the past fiscal year, was $1,019,228,95, of which the sum of $434,141 31 Avas lrom the city of Baltimore. C o rrespo ndence. . 1 l-Voin our Washington CoIWSnmlnt , Washington- City, Jan'y 24, 1859. no. IV. Meaning of G. TV. C, attaclted to Treasury Documents in Mr Madison's day The adding of Sonora and Chihuahua will make us square as to Territory--St. Dof mingo in a row Spain may follow suit- Cuba ready to decare her independence: God grant her t,ucress Wilmington, ard N. C. interested Mr Brandis report made Counter move of Mr Ritchie How wilt the Blach Republicans move ? No doubt of the South. ' In vain wisdom. cries aloud1' Facfic Rail Road Douglas and Fitch. Pistols and coffee Blademfairv or bacTcl out Investigate W 1 , B aiion into the Nmii Depart- mcnt Diylomalic reforms " Cutting down and drag out "-Melancholy accident - good boys stay at home at nights. ' Following the programme laid down in my last, I shall commence with the news current here from abroad, then in Congress, then the Executive, and close with matters and things in general. If The recent rumors from Mexico have not asl yet settled as to tne permanency ot the power of the President rnlers. OF one thing we are certified, that as Mr Randolph used to say. of- the Treasury when Mr J. W. Campbell . presi ded over it and signed his official reports w only his initials, the government wants cash. and it is probable that the idea that we can purchase Sonora and Chihuahua whenever we desire to do so, has some foundation. Our northern border being now 49 deg. on the Pa cific, a lino due west from the month of the Rio Grande, in 26 deg., would give compactness and shape to our Republic. Of one tiling be assured, that Gen. Robles, when Minister from Mexico here, was ready to grant us this terri tory, because it was no nse to them, and they needed the money ; and his party are now in power. If Mexico continues her present distracted condition, with no commerce, no agriculture, she will soon lose her place as one of tlie family nations If this event occurs, and her political I sues, we claim the kgal right to ad- demise ensues minister on the estate as next and nearest kin and will not allow any strangers to intermed dle. The last steamer which arrived, brought news that a part of the government of the Island of St. Donrngo had changed rnlers, and that the empire of His sable Majesty, Faustin the First, had been ended by a revolution. It will be recollected that this Island has, since 1181, (when the negroes rose on their French mas ters, under Toussaint) been under black rnlers. Till 1844 the Island was under one govern ment, but the cruelty of the blacks drove tho.e of Spanish and Indian blood to revolution, and it now is divided into two separate States. Tlie west known as Ilayti, under tlie dynasty of Faustin Solouque, and the eastern portion a Republic under Santana as President. The state of Ilayti comprises one third, the Dominica Republic two thirds of the Island, which contains about 20,000 square miles : po pulation 800,000 of which Ilayti has 650,000 and Dominica 150,000. The climate of the Island is delightful. Its productions of coffee, sugar and tobacco have fallen off sadly, since the miserable and corrupt rule of the Black race which degrades and blackens every thing it touches. The English have rouch.ju.-i fluence by their consuls and other diplomatic agents. A few years ago Gen. Cazeneau of Texas, was sent down by the U. S. to secure a spot to establish a depot for coal for our Stea mers. He made a treaty, but as soon as it was known, the English and French Consuls interfered and prevented its ratification by the Dominican authorities. The news from Spain is that O'Donnel the present Minister of Foreign Affairs is furious upon the proposition to purchase the "ever faithful island" of Cuba, and that the Cortes or Congress are unanimous in backing him. It is also announced that when Mr Preston, our Minister arrives, he will not be received as the Envoy from the United States. AH this may come true, aud if it does, it will only hasten the event that sooner or later must come to pass. When the fruit is ripe, it will fall from the tree. Events are now transpiring in Cuba to make this consummation of her destiny. It is believed here, that the masses of the island are ready to revolt against the despotism of a government which, while it grinds them to the dust, denies, them " life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness." and it is said that a declar ation of independence is already written and ready to be promulgated. The old fogy idea of " What will England say ?" or " What will France do ?" has exploded. What did England say when we purchased Lou isiana or took Florida ? and Louis Napoleon is too shrewd to run counter to the Democratic sympathies in France for the United States to oppose it. It is only with Spain and Spain only we must deal ; and when she sees that that pos session is last but one (Porto Rico) of her once powerful possessions in North America, and that by the progress of the age will soon slip from her feeble and effete hands, this gem of the Atilles. The project for the acquisition of Cuba grows more and more popular. At the North the sentiment is one almost of unanimity. Indeed, considering the commercial results, the North has more interest in it than the South. Your own esteemed State, however, is nearly concerned. Wilmington will again realize, in that event, much of that profitable and impor tant trade, which so rapidly declined after the mad policy of England in the emancipation of the slaves in her West Indian Colonies. In re turn for your Southern flonr, lumber and timber Wilmington will receive rich returns in West India produce and cheap sugars. " Let us then, go to the death for the sugar." It has been attempted to create a ' public opinion" on the " ever faithful Island " antagonistic to the policy of Mr. Buchanan. It is said the army the people, and the " Senoritas" even have all joined in declarations to the Mother' Govern ment, of their loyalty and devotion to Spain and their abhorrence of a union with the de tested ' Yankees." Better advices expose the fallacy of such opinions. Not less to be admir ed is the supposed indignation of the people of Spain at the idea of " selling Cuba" their of fended pride. Offended pride, forsooth ! How often lias not Spain sold part ot her domain ! Did she not sell Louisiana to France, Florida to the United States, Jamaica, to England port with Portugal, and suffer Gibraltar to be wrested from her ? Can she be ashamed to do what Bonaparte did ? The idea of Spain taking offence at a proposition to purchase an isolated and insular part of her domain while she rests quietly under the subjection by England of a part of her own soil, and is content day by day to see the sun rise and set on the Cross of St George as it waves from the Rock of Gibraltar I "y it is very much like a poor and proud old gentleman, who patiently permits au intruder to occunv a chamber in his own domicil, while tO OCCUPY a enauiuei. m mo uy-li -llii.ii, he takes as an insult an offer of twice the value for a detached out-house whose repairs quite equal it tbey do not exceed its resources. The committee of Foreign Relations have, with singular unanimity of the Democratic wing, adopted Mr Branch's report. It will be pre sented to the House this week ; and be assured that you will read it with pleasure and satis faction. It will place the author among the first Statesmen of the nation. The better opiu- ion seems to be that this Congress will adopt the proposition and place the amount (30,000, 000 dollars) in the hands of the President. Mr SHdell, of La , made his report to the Senate to-day, The President has done his duty, he has placed the whole matter belorc the repre sentatives of the people. Let Congress do theirs. From the English and French papers, while eommentinir on the messasre. it is is asserted that - O - O f the sentiments of the Message of the President, are not tne sentiments or voice or tne .Ameri can people. Let the Congress respond and then the transatlantic powers will certainly know that we are in earnest. The minority of the committee, throngh Hon. David Ritchie, of Pa., and Mr Burlmgame, of Mass., and Mr Royce of Vermont, have made a counter re port, which makes an issue with the President on this question. The report is able and in genious. The National Intelligencer, in a leader this morning, takes the same opposition. So the issue is joined, and the case submitted. Is it not strange that parties, like some reck less individuals will not profit by experience ? he old federal party were demolished on the est ion of Louisiana. The Clay party defeit- ed on that f Texas, and the remaining squads disbanded on the acquisition of California. The report of Mr Ritchie alledges that " we have territory enough." So said the Federalists as to Louisiana, Florida, and Texas. It will be the great trump in the game of 1860, and no Dalghren bomb thrown into a camp of China men, could have produced more fluttering than thi3 has among the opposition men, black re- nnblicans. whisrs. and crowd. The Tribune of r 9 a w New York is frantic with rage. It " meets this guzzle at the outset." " The concoctors of this nefarious scheme are not idiots, as they would at first seem to be." " What, then," exclaim our free-soil philosophers, " is the mean ing of all this ?" " We answer, it is a dodge of Htical jrarabiersa bold n SQ0 frear them . stroke for triumph " It is not intended to acquire Cuba, but to diffuse among the ignorant, greedy, and unprin cipled portion of our people a notion that the acquisition of Cuba would be a capital thing if it could be accomplished That is enough lor the present purpose. How Tyler tripped up Yan Buren in 1843-44 by pressing the annex ation of lexas how Pierce swept State after State in 1852, through the secret organization and machinations of ' The Order of the Lone Star,' or whatever was the name of the fillibus- ter organization at that time our Slidells and Jeff. Davises understand right well. Let them only, with the help of sundry whiffling journals in this city and, inflame the popular lust of acquisition, and direct it toward ' the geni of the Antilles,1 and their battle for 1860 is half wen. This is a fair specimen of the manner in which the Cuba bill is received by the Black Republicans of the North. They have the sa gacity to see in the proposition an appeal to the progressive heart of the country, against which no party or politicians can stand. Whether Congress acts on Mr Buchanan's bill or not, at the present session, is of immaterial moment. Tlie issue has been made up for the country, ana tne acquisition oi tnoa nas now mounted to the crest of questions connected with the struggle of 1860. I shall now for the present, leave Cuba, promising to send you Mr branch's report as soon as it is published, which presents the question in all its important bearings. Enough has transpired to prove the correct ness of the opinion hitherto expressed to you that tho Pacific Railroad will not pass this session ot the foenate. mere is aouDtiess a maiority for the principle : but the conflicting interests will prevent anv one route beino- I - ml adopted now. It is reported that iq the exec utive .session ot tne feenate on t riciay last, a serious difficulty grew up between Mr Douglas and Fitch. Fitch charged Douglas with nt tering a falsehood and it is believed that he will call Fitch out, unless explained or apolo gized for. The House has raised a committee to inves tigate into matters in the Navy Department, as regards the letting of certain contracts for machinery, &c. But it will end in smoke. Gov. Toucey the Secretary is too pure a man to soil his hands with any thing wrong. Ihe strike at the diplomatic and consular list in the House yesterday was rather small business likely to result in no practical re form and only calculated to delay the action of Congress on.the appropriation bills. We spend less in diplomacy than any other civilized nation on the globe of half our population, and can well ailord to spend more than we do Probably it would be as well for those who are so nervous on expenditures, to aim at higher game. Surely there is plenty of it afloat, even for our microscopic marksmen. It is worthy of remark, that some of the gentlemen most active in tins crusade on the JJipIomatic bill, were the most zealous friends the late Pension bill had in the House " straining at gnats and swal lowing camels." Whai a farce ! The Diplomatic service of the United States is something as a auaint old author describes Jtoatrmtionj r ' v". - " Marriage is such a rabble rout, . ;r That those who are in, would fain get out' And those who are out would fain be in." Our Ministers and Consuls are the worst paid men m our service. The mistortune is that it is discovered too late. The Minister of France or England at Washington is paid more than our President. Our Consuls abroad get in debt because of the deficiency of their sal ary. It our triend Mac escaped at 1'aris :t is remarkable. Mr locker, Consul at Liver pool is here, and declares that the salary can support no one who discharges its duties, jvir Garnett of Ya., who has made this move, should consult his brother Virginian. The weather is intensely cold. John Woodhouse Heart, son of Mr. Heart once of the Charleston Mercury, dui now iea- nr at th. nnrner of G. near 15tb street, in this city, came by his death on Thursday night in a fearful and extraordinary manner. It appears that Mr. neart left the house oi his parents on Thursday afternoon, stating that he intended to spend the night at the house of Mrs. Walker, a relation of his, living on Lstreet, between 4th and 5th. Unfortunately, while on his way there, he was detained at the house of another relative to whom he paid a visit, and when he reached the house on L street he found that the family had retired to rest, and that all the doors were locked. He then went into the alley, and endeavored to gain admission by the stable door Over this door there was an opening or tran- som of sufficient width to admit his head, and havio.2 clitnhfifl nn i n it l. ... 1 ' v uuii uit juc- auu one arm throno-h ?n vo ....--.,.,. ,.. tng the bolt doing so his CI - - w v . I vfjp v I UlliUO bV li. .-- -. - - - nibiae, ami while in the act of feet slipned and he under thrfchm and on the back of the neck by a Tu OTe ancl w'ow, and was choked to death, and remained thus suspended until yesterday morning, when he was found bv a servant who had occasion to go to the stable. When the body was discovered it. woe. r..A that a part of the clothinar had heen tnm ffu a dog(not his own,) which attacked him while ne was suspended. NORTH. STATE. The Franco-Austrian Complication and Political 'Complexion of Europe. The cause assigned for the complications that have arisen between J? ranee and Austria, and the much commented upon scene between the Emperor Napoleon and the Austrian Minister at the New Year's levee is, as our readers al ready know, the rejection by Austria of certain propositions concerning reforms in Itally, and particularly the Roman States, for which pur pose the Yienna Cabinet had been asked to use its influence with the Pope and the King of Naples, France promising the withdrawal of her troops from Rome, on condition that the Austrians evacuate the places they hold. This explanation, we have not the least reason to doubt, is substantially correct so far as it goes, but it only touches the surface of things The traditional policy of France in reference to Italy is well known. It was, for a time, real ized under the first Napoleon who had conquer ed the Peninsula, and made it a dependency of France. His consolidation policy the Cabinet of the Tuilleries still pursues, and, as may re conceived the jiSjtrian ruhjn Italy is an ob struction in its way-which the present far-see ing and energetic ruler of France will spare no effort to remove, peaceably if he can, or should a favorable opportunity present itself, forcibly. Such an opportunity would be afforded, if, for instance, now that France has her hands free, the Italians, who do not love the French, but most intensely hate the Austrains and their weak and cowardly tyrannical rule, were to re volt against the latter. Such an event, consid ering the state or fermentation prevailing in the Peninsula, may be expected at any mo ment, and Napoleon who knows this well, pre pares himself for contingent events. The word "reform "from the Imperial lips, though it means nothing else in its ultimate object, than the substitution of the Imperial absolutism of France for that of Austria, sounds well in the popnlar ear, and the scene at the Tuilleries, the reproachful tone used by the Emperor to wards Uaron Von Mubner, were evidently in tended to surround him, in the eyes of the Ital ian people with the halo oi a champion of the rights of Italy. The Emperor courts popular ity with the Italians, as the Czar with the Christians in Turkey, and for similar reasons. He does not intend, perhaps, to encourage thereby the elements of discontent in Italy, so as to precipitate an outbreak, but only means to be ready for such a contingency. He can hardly have expected that Austria would com ply with his demands, and the failure of the negotiations, which procured him the opportu nity he sought, was probably all he cared for. These complications do not, indeed, in them selves portend war. They are merely the straws showing whence the wind blows, but even as such are full of significance. They in dicate the great political development which, for generations past, has been going on in the Old World, and which must be clear enough to the student of history and the intelligent ob server. The tendency of things is evidently towards consolidation of the three great domi nant races of Europe, each having, like the United States their "manifest destiny." Franco, the leading power of the Romani race, pursues a. policy which looks to the ultimate absorption of the Spanish and Italian nationalities, related to her by ties of blood and a common religion. Russia, representing the Sclavi race, labors to extend her influence and sway over the Sclavi provinces of Austria, and as the dominant Greek-Catholic Power over Turkey, Greece, etc These are the two great movements in the East and the West, between which Ger many is hemmed in as between two fires, and it is therefore that the latter, which represents the third or the movement of the Tentonic races, embracing Denmark and Scandinavia has, in all general European wars, as in the seven-years' war, the Napoleon. c wars, etc., al ways looked to an alliance with England. This general outline gives the clue to all minor po litical combinations, and also the present good understanding between France and Russia, the agitators of the one in Italy, the other in Ser via, and other parts of Turkey. They, have similar interests, which fact Napoleon I. spared uo pains to imoress Alexander, of Russia, with. When Napoleon III. allied himself with Eng land, and threw his forces into the Crimea to bid halt to the march of the Muscovite upon Turkey, it was not, as has since transpired plainly enough, to save Turkey, but rather to show what power there was in France, with the ultimate object of determining the condi tions under which each Power should pursue its own nolicvl The policy of both is hostile to Austria, who, vulnerable on two points, and otherwise weak, would long since have been attacked, and would have succombed. but for the German Powers with Prussia at their head, and England to sustain them in case of emer gency, and the dynastic as well as powerful monetary interests, which have thus far man aged to keep in check the aspirations of France and England. Whenever a conflict should take place between France and Austria in Italy, or eminent danger of it should present itself, we may look for a combination of Eng land, Prussia, the German States and Austria; for Prussia, thongh the successful rival of Aus- tria for the supremacy m Germany, is compell ed to stand by her, whenever the ascendency of France or Russia, or Loth together, should im peril the independence of Germany, and threat en to disturb, what is called, the European bal ance of power. Pennsylvanian. A letter from Paris, in the Independence Bel"-e represents that Prince Napoleon had stated to Lord Cowley, the British Minister, that the Imperial Government is ready to abandon the present system of negro immigra tion, provided Great JJntain will frankly un dertake to assist France in obtaining coolies for the French colonies from the British pos sessions. Great agitation still prevails in the Paris money market, and in political circles, in re gard to the Emperor's late remark to the Aus trian Minister, expressive of hi3 dissatisfaction with the Emperor of Austria. It is thought that Europe is on the eve of a general war. In a late debate in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies, Marshal O'Donnell declared that Spain would never abandon the smallest por tion of her territory. The following resolution was unanimously adopted: "Thft Cnno-r0c declares that it has received with satisfaction, the declaration of the Minister of Foreign Af fairs, and that it is disposed to give to the Gov ernment its constant support in order to main tain the integrity of the Spanish dominions." President's Message. To tie Senate of the United States : I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State in answer to the resolu tion of the Senate of the ISth instant, re questing the President, if not incompatible with the public interest, " to communicate to the Senate any and ail correspondence between the government of the United States and the government of her Catholic Majesty relating to any proposition for the purchase of the island of Cuba, which correspondence ha3 not been furnished to either house of Congress." From this it appears that no such correspondence has taken place which has not already been communicated to Con gress. In my late annual message I stated, in reference to the purchase of Cuba, that the " publicity which has been given to our former negotiations on this subject and tho large appropriations which may be required to effect the purpose, render it expedient be fore making another attempt to renew the negotiation that I should lay the whole sub ject before Congress." I still entertain tho same opinion, deeming it highly important, if not indispensable to the success of any. negotiation which I might institute for tho purpose, that the measure should receive tho previous sanction of Congress. JAMES BUCHANAN. Washington, Jan. 21, 1859. Washington, Jan. 24, 1S5. Senate. Mr. Slidell, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported a bill grant ing $30,000,000 to facilitate the acquisition of Cuba by negotiation, as recommended by the President. Tlie report assumes that the acquisition of Cuba is a fixed principle of American policy, and its accomplishment is only a question of time. Cuba might be acquired in three ways. First by achicv ing its own independence, in which case tho island would soon be annexed. Second conquest, vthich would involve oeneral war. Third by purchase, as now proposed. Tho President wants it only by honorable means, except in case of overruling necessity, as a measure of self-defence. The report urges Congress to sanction the proposed renewal of negotiations by passing the bill. House. Discussed the Consular Diplo matic Bill. Mr. Branch, from the Committee on For eign Relations, reported a bill similar to Slidcll's. The Committee hoped there never would be a necessity to seize the island, but if it should occur, it should be only on tho basis when all other means to acquire it otherwise had been exhausted. The Culture and Preparation of Cotton . At thejusual weekly meeting of the Society of Arts, held in Loudon, on Wednesday evening, the 22d of December, Thomas Clcgg. Esq., in the chair, the paper read was " The Culturo and Preparation of Cotton in the United States of America," by Mr Leonard Wray. The au thor began by dwelling upon the importance and magnitude of the cotton trade of this coun try, and its present state of dependence on the imports from the United States. This source of supply might at any time, by unforeseen cir cumstances, be cut off, and he was happy to 6nd that so much attention was now being di rected towards providing what seemed to be the natural remedy for such a state of things, by the encouragement of cotton culture m the numerous colonial possessions of Britain, in the negro territories on the West coast of Africa, and iu other suitable localities. The cultivation of cotton, however, was something new to the Brtiish colonist, aud, in deed, to the British nation altogether; and Mr Wray having had many opportunities of becoming acquainted with the subject, , hat thought that an account of it, more especially with a view of obtaining a tolerably correct estimate of the relative valne of free and slave labor, would prove interesting to tho society, and useful to the country at large. It was re markable that the cotton plant, with its well known product, also yields a very pure oil, sta ted to be equal to that of tbfc olive ; an excel lent, oil cake for feeding, and a fibre from the bark, which might probably be found to be of importance. The auxiliary products should certainly be borne in mind ; but in all calcula tions of produce from a cotton plantation, they seemed to have been almost entirely ignorant hitherto, although yielding, in many cases, as !arre a monev return to the planters as that from cotton itself. In giving his stated account of the vanoas processes involved in cotton cultivation in the United" States, Mr Wray drew particnlar at tention to the additional value which slave fa bor required from the constant and steady training which the negro undergoes throughout his whole life, in all the various branches of his employmeut, the result being that he be comes a most handy, skillful and efficient work man. He thought there could be no greater error than to say, as indeed has cften been said, that slave labor as it exists in the South ern States, was merely that of a set of barba rians, urged on Dy tne wnip ; labor which could be excelled by white men in the proportion of one of the latter to three of the former. On the contrary, he was of the opinion that if snch negroes could be had in our colonies, aud would work as they do on the cotton plantations, thev would be far more valuable than white laborers. We might, therefore, truly say that the Amer- can cotton planter Lad cheap labor, because it was really so well trained and so good, so incomparably superior to mere brute strength, bunglingly and wastefully applied. In reviewing the capabilities of some of the principal British Possessions for the growth of cotton, the author said be would abstain from touching upon India, as that would form tho subject of a subsequent paper, to be read be fore the society by another gentleman ; but he drew particular attention to the colony of Na tal, a residence of some years in which enabled him to say that there was hardly any other part of the world which combined so many ad vantages, or was so peculiarly adapted for cot ton cultivation. In conclusion, he pointed out the advantages which steam machinery might afford in carrying on this culture in our own colonies ; indeed, he thought it was principal ly by its aid that we might be enabled to main tain a successful competition with the trained slave labor of the Southern States of America. European limes. The London Times of the 8th inst., feels certain that the Emperor's speech was made with a view of learning how the great Powers would receive the project of a French interfer ence in Italy. The result of the appeal has been, happily, most decisive. This notion of proposing himself as the champion of Italiau independence is one of the greatest of his latest failures, throngh the increasing, suspiciou with I which the imperial policy is regarded.

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