'1 'I ' TERMS, S2 00 TER ANNUM, "THE NOBLEST MOTIVE. IPPUBLIC GOOD." PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XX. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., &PAY' MARCH 12, 1859. NO. 1,033. TERMS OF ITBSCJUPTION. j Sin le copy, in advance, per annum S2.00 .? at the end of the year 3,(10 1 Single copies, live cents. No subscription will be received for less than six mouths. Iivtes of .Axlveirtising. Sixty cents pjr square of lt lines, or les, for the first, aiid :0 cents forcach subsequent insertion, lor any period under three months. For three months, . . . . -. $4 00 For sis months 0 00 For twelve months 10 00 Other advertisements by tlic year on favorable ' terms. Advertisers, are particularly requested to etate the number of insertions desired, ot herwise they "will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. ' JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and FRESH ARRIVAL. THE X0KT1L CAltO LIN IAN. FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. "i J " lniaWnancial policy, it ltBdS"ded bythe-act of wa3 strengthened "tided by the- act of 1824. and then a- FueSftW 1R98 whon t roofh.vl tlif 'Us insolent, unenual. and onnressive ac"" . V- -?:r nuo mere emanateii irom ?ongrS8 a measure so fraught with mischief, promptly"! SINCLAIR & PEARCE. J. W. .I.KTT HAS just received a large and Rental STUCK of Goods suited to the SPRING & bUM.MEK trade, consisting of a choice selection of Slat.le autl Fai.cy DBV tiOGOS. Boots and A.7jof,.with almost every thing desirable m that line. , , Prime Family Groceries always to be Had IT LETT'S. Goods sol.l at the lowest prices for CASII, or ex changed for country produce. August 2, 1S5S. ly pd NEW H iT AND CAP STORE. den It was instlv stvlpd the Hllfi npnrtlp ftIt. its toir- TI ' ll 1 .irFtnnlftiHiil 4 ....... ' r. . . , . der its .oppression : and ont of this .Ct CTew ft fiprpp milt Vet-tor cf rurpfrlp. facturers ? We of the South and West, and revulsion, it becomes one of special interest and. the frrifnlr.iirnl interest of the !North. Agri- importance. o importance." culture is emphatically the great business of Is there, then, a necessity for this increase our people ; it is the prime source of our wealth Has the present tariff been fairly tested Can and power as a nation. Our cotton is the great any one say that it may not yet meet all the motive power of trade ; it is the king of com- requirements of the Government ? It has been merce and manufactures ; it is the currency of jn operson only siuce the 1st of July, 18il, ntinr.s aliince !,. H..m,iiiH nlwavR redeemable ord t bis time has had to encounter all the sad in silver, gold, or what you willXWe ask lor it and our other products i!'oprotection ; but we ask to be let alone. Yet, sir; this great inteiest irrew a nerrs sinrt tv.ttor Ktrncro- fi nr.iv m ue ice aioue. lfil. srr. imaicui n n.1.1 . ft 1 - - 1 t I i.. ........1 .. : ,. . I . I t . j I ,,..,1 tnrr ..unrl in "D't "iiuoui a parallel iu our pouiicat ins-j '" pvujnc is m ue ikuvh-u auu umuiM In nA ...1 l. w ... . i i I - ! lull !.t .... 1. .... 1 1 J ..r lri II. rrv ' which 1 nm snre no nairior wonin liKe "u uiucii suiauer uur. aiiu ijiv.i . nave u o"s,'eied. cipally confined to oi:c section; thus repiidia- ; been fairly tested . w . . . tin., t i. .. . i . i . . i . v t h ii r i ' i srreatest trood to tne more important WRIGHT ATSD ATTORNEYS AND COUN Payettoville, FULLER. ELLORS AT LAW, CD. M.p.n.'T a. WIMOllT and 1A UTIIOI.' )-i r-V FL'l.LKil have associated tluinselvcs tu-. ther for the practice of their profession. Pr.-nipt atten tion idveu to all business comn-itted to their eluu -e. They will practice in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett. Sampson, Robeson and iiluden. Xoy. i:;. tf .J. A. SIMJ.IKS ATTORNEY AT LAW, TTENDS the Courts of Cumberland. Harnett, Extracts from the Speech of the Hon Alfred. M. acaies, 01 r . s can-ii ..a - Mr Scales said :-Mr Chairman : The recent ' KSr revulsion in tne commercial ivuuu, iiuCmUu .. it has been with diminution of our trade the depression of business, and the falling off in the revenues, added to the iucrea.ed expendi tures of a great and rapidly expanding coun- . . i i .v.o ork mnnv nrptextS for atram irv, nave uctum" j i . raising tlte oiu ciamui i"i "'S"F'""--. - nifately for mankind, the good genms 1 "'e principle 01 tne great fi duties. The friends of this system i-wjh pfesi(1 ' tho rloctiniAQ of this omul- ! tfreaiT-jt number, or that still i... Honi.-tprl in the most irloomy and dismaltiej t. , , . tr.i.i.j WH. principle of eouul and exact iustiee to all . Is colors the present condition or the coaniry.1 aisd .. ba(Je the raging tumult cease." j Ull3 sir, right ? is it justice? Will not such a i They point us to the exhausted state ot lnV TJoCnsels prevailed, and a compromise was j policy, in the future as in the past, meet with , Treasury ; the insufficiency of the revenues irv VlV,a was entered into in 1833. By j tlle indignant tebuke of the American people, meet he demands of the U over nment; that Jares adVoeate it in I erea of tlTubl.c debt ; the """P' eight yeafBT Aljec V JboYiittttfriertM; dissolution and ruin 1 ! meichants the suspension of the mai uct"es J graduated reduction, ntilTBut, l$?it is coniendect by sorrte of thrrfre ! the sad and destitute condition i of thousands of evert O an ; - I ; nrotI;cti011ist with more " zeal ! oneratives. without means, without worK, ana i t4? m,.nnf.,ii.i! i,r;., cnfPivi. i ti,a.. ,ia..r..t;n... ti.,.t tb !niv rlo not euhunce I without bread ; in hue, to the dt;1,-',ke 'por ! .f ,J nfl themselves or, a permanent foot- the price of the article. Need tiiis be answered ? which has settled upon every dass ot business , , I P d t we afford tQ be gener0USj and i Is it ,J0t absurJ ulJO Us filce ? j ,et the and with an air of triumph proclaim ine.e are , th J'adhesioil to a tariff upon strictly ; great advocates of protection speak for them .i... ,i rninrrm. duties and a tarifl lor fe1Ylu . , . ... u.. i? ... .. . ?.. ..,r., . 7 ... . . i ii una vx - rev,ue prjacipies. oucn was tne meiuornoie : selves, ivir. viay, iu iouo, sum : I i i , i V i, " i.,..r to revenue. confet an31 such was the sacred compact which 1 the old old stand ot " " S The President, in his annual message, and confc disunion and aeaiu shed la,-, st and best a sorted stock of Hats, Caps, Chil- the Secretary of the Treastny in l' theL0iiKt of peace and amity over our glori- 111111 . UUlll ll'l 8 9 I. T. i ;s, botn for 1S57 and 1858 have . .b y -T.rU.iUna Unio, which reviewed the whole suuieci, uuiu '-" !..r,f th-Powers of earth, and which no V ake and .lohn.-ton. ii T.mi.i.-T' llnrnett Co..X. C. .AUUH.., a,..-!"v-., - ' Feb. 1(J. lo(i. . "5-T ATTOilS ii Y A T L . W. Can be found at the Oiti-e formerly occupied bv 1):-. GiUiatil, o:i Bow Street. F 1 V E 1 1 E V 1 L t E i X. C. June 26, 1S5. tf dreu's Goods. Umbrellas, Canes. Ac., that lias ever been brou -lit to this market. In all his purchases he will be guided by a desire to ive his friends and custom ers" the full" benefit of everything which seems most invitiii;; iu style, l.nist substantial in manufacture, and must reasonable in price. 1.... t'utni'i. 'i.lvtM'ticlllOnt. . .. ' ..it . i u i .i i v . . ... . ... .... itro.ie i ii i u ... . A. McKIMMON- j ai-tMM,xt fAP mv nnrnose to show that there is no connection between me present lanu aim lcit,.vu - . finiii'IV Hie l owers Ol euiiu, anu wuieu uu ...... .i. ,.r r.iisp mav bd assicrned .: tanfitij . , "e r " ?. , l fiith r in the tariff u..lllowd hand dare ever pro.ane so ,ong as u ceriiiiuiy tauuwu v t I of 1846, or that ot isoi. inc oanw,, i.o Uone more into detail in this matter, and as it The attention of countrv merchants are invited to my Wholesale Department, l'ebruarv l'J. -tf LAW NOTICE. r III K Stn I ililS h ivia j a-s-oeiated themselves 1 lo'eth ! ia the pr ctice t' Law. mid r the name and st Tie of CAUK.tON & .SUA-., will attend the Couatv a id Sup -rior Courts of Moore. Montgomery. Aa-on. U:cUt:n.il.l and Rubesor.. All business eti-irii'-ted to theiii will receive their iruTUlt attention. Address Cam.-rou and .Si aw, Attoraev s at Law. Rockiuirl-.am. Richuioud county. N-C. Jn .. '.V. Camkuo.v. Jx. I- Shaw. M:iv 1, 1 ly TIME ANNIHILATED ! ! ! Cream Actually Frozen in Three Minutes. TORREY'S XhW 4 B2irvxitc Freezer. T ATTORNEY AND COUXSELLOli AT LAW. F A V L T T E V I L L E . X C . , OFFICE NEST HOOlt TO Utt'.S KOSWXSOX fl ST.UHS. --7-ILL practice ia the Courts of Robeson. Cum bcrlaud, Harnett, and Riehmuud. IF'T- Prompt atleution given to all business entrust ed to him. A . M. JOHNS IN, IXSrECXOU OF SPIR!'TUEP-XTIXE. EAlt TUK i'l.oCH WiUESlOl'SE, -and- Convenient for Wagons. . . . . will receive mv ail um:.-' ii.'.- ...... p. r.-onal and prompt aiteutioa at the U alehouse, tan n Johnson, GUiespie Street .March o, ISVJ. l'ATEXT Arl'I.IEU FOB. TIF. subscriber, after careful study and various ex lvriineiil". has succeeded in coustructuiit a rree- 1 . , i !,:... ..ml zer, wlneli tor .napucny, uura'niuv. ui""".1 quality of its production, is uncuuukd, and cannot, fail to become a uu'.ver.-al favorite. i To satistv the incredulous, there will be weekly ynX.Vc exhibitions of this Frvc.er. at No. 9 Piatt -tree, to ;i-ove it- a'.il'.t v to do ail that is claimed lor t. :.. fi-eiii :'. to ipiavts. S, nd for a circular.! Tii'; nud-i-si j; i I will d;s .e of his stock of -Mas- strs Freezer.-, ww on S-.a-.id. tipon favorable terms. j '. P. i .l.:;i-.l . .i.anutacturer. Xo. 'J 1'latt stn et. New York. Also Manufacturers" Wholesale Au'.-nt for the cele ated - Old Kuniinion " Oolfee and Ti a I'ots, and Arthur's '" patent self-sealing Cans and Jars. FeO"y (, 16'J. Im is no tiiuuti-i'"'. " - i . ..-..ic,;,. T will eontent mvself bv cri vinjr l u c i e v u - . a few extracts from the report on this particu lar head, which demonstrate bejond controversy the truth of my positiou. 1 quote from his last report, on page 6 : - " The revulsion was not confined to the United States, or even to this coutinent. It swept over the world, and was felt with equal, perhaps greater, se verity" in other countries than our own. These re sulis'have been too universal to have been brought about by a reduction of about twenty per cent, upon ..,. ,-ot.. f .lutv in the United State: being a re duction of about live per c.cut upon our importations. duction of about hve per c.cut upon our unpoi uuuus. -r " The foreign producer and manufacturer 1 pltut, their policy, upon condition I Hat, have not beeu benelitted by the reduction. At all j tjl eXjiration of eight years, it should be abi events they have not been preserved from th.; general , (jf j This, sir, with them, was a dying stl t , , I it nm it lio iiikeii ns n. rule that the duty upon an article forms a portion of its price." Mr. Adams, as chairman of the Committee on Manufactures, in 1832, made a report, lrom which the following extracts are taken : " The djctrine that duties of impost cheapen the iee ot the articles uDon which thev are levied, seems .'trtmifiii .I'lise. It is certainly contrary to the natural course of things that an addition to the cost should be a rcductiou of the price of an article." Again, sir, in the same report, he savs : ' Rut the dutv unou the article from abroad enabled ( the doine.-tie niodue.T to enter into ei.nilielitioii wiili the importer from abroad. So long as this competi tion continues, the duty operates as a bounty or pre- r. 1 he out v con- mas.- of the 15 v whom is it i.jid '.' O rta lily ..... ...... e ' ....... ailM V Sl. luigu iic ttii-intii-u . ....it.- ; i,y purcuascr oi tne arucie, im-iiii.-i in n.iv.-iii ui ii'Itur'S have flourished, but at our expense : ! domestic manufacture. Upon oue it is a bounty, up UT .- - i i.... - i ' tl.,. ., l..,...l., ami a r;-i.. !i! ..f llie t:l; must vol-rcenues lor a lime mcreaseu, out we puiu , " ' - - - , rrt,c ' 1 ! ooerate as an eiiuivalent reduction ot the price ol the .IK. .,v ... ..... ..... .- in " . . ... ' article, wlietlu r loreign or uome ',! friends of nrotection securea. lor me ....!. to t ro it.s pons l 1 1 in loiici I uuwers. una nrice ot me ariicien uuou which iney are ie iei, ti.Xi-ntP'rtioii of all alike, it does but aim at 1 conBict with the first dictates of common fei.s.-. V ltU svr. nhlOOtC lf it fAmiil.1. tiol. rill any one say, dare any one assert, that in 11 imp mere were no niuno, uu uuiutna, ..L.;utranr- ? Shall I be told that vour man IUtl'T'vv,J ufitiares flourished, that the revenues increased, 1 .. . . .1... mi um to the domestic manufaelurer. '1 lie duty con m rn riinn rv niir rr .i.n ..'....1. - PrrF'J . .Z. 1 ; "' :.' V. . stitutes a mrt of thenr ceof the wholi r, m. I. : 1 . n m tt .wi! C I allfU'tlF OC nill Mi ll I i . o Wst might have answered ;,, .1... ... .. l. i.i 1 our man-! t,v it. A MB 55 O TYPES I When not i'o.uiid at the store -Jul ega; of P. ed P. AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, FiVliirtVILLE, N. C. Xov. 13. l.-CS 1 . J A 51 K H I A ih, having l,--idel on permanency 1 e:itiiig in tiie Town f Favetteville, ve.-peettu'.l y ..ii.-rs his si-rxi-ces to tlie citizens of this place ali i sun-umdin-C.untrv. In all the various branches "t Ins I ro-fes-i,.ir, iiicltiliu- the m.iiiufaeture ot .MineraJ Teeth he i sati-hV-d.. ai'ter an extensive expen euce to which is added a thorough Dental educa tionthat he. can u'ivc entire s,itita-tion ns far as iu the p:wer ot dentistry, an "" f the Teeth treated m a proper an-i cnrenu man- well as diseases ot the moutit, -N one out 1 ,...1. lit tln V;iVhtli I ' l -11 1 ... - I 4-1, ..neritioiis. Charges will ne inooei.. o, ...n .... benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in tne . of the Teeth. ' IO li-e over Houston's Jewelry Store, iie'will be found at all times. Mav lo. 15S tf OVKll A. X. MMlONAl.H S VliUhll MOUC. Likenesses taken of ail sizes, singly or in groups. "I "Mit M long experience in the Art. our pictures are Jl not excelled by those of any operator iu the coun trv. Give us a call, examine our specimens, and judge for yourselves. Who likeness of those thev love ? Feb"v 19. tf would be without the 37 o i. , t-1. . -1 in j ..... . . calamity which lias come upon the producers and manufacturers ot similar articles ia i-ui i" om...,,. The importations for the tlscal year ending June :ti ISof. the first and only fiscal year of the present ..;. ....... ..nt. tn S2S-2.61S.150. beiii"' S78 -74.'Jl less t than the importations of the last year of the tariff of lSlo." Now, sir, the friends of protection alledge that the low duties of the tariff of 1S57 in crease our importations, bring the foreign iu competition with the domestic article, diminish its value, and thus militate against the interest of our home manufactures. This is their argu ment. If, then, as shown conclusively from tliw fm-no(l 6 srares. it be true that onr l rrrrt ;nnH"irreatlv" railenofr ;iTThis"l 1 . . . .' . r , . .- r i i een in tne importation oi iron ; u inere iius been a decline in price of articles, indifferently, whether imported in large or small quantities ; 1 i ..1 1 1 . 1 . i Ann nmnl .ltclrnco Hoc i-irnf UllQ laSliy, 11 nils uiiaui..ai uiouuu I. t.j oncp over all nations ; surely all will admit, that the tariff is in no way responsible, and that the cause of the revulsion must be sought some where else. The first tariff bill was passed in 1789. It at , ni.:. : I.A... ..-i. . il.-nif, L'tci,.,- The then recent elections showed that : days were numbered The people had J . . - - .. i. . . .1 : ,cen ; and their voice wis uoi to oe uimu- ied. Hence, they sought not to save but .rotmet its existence. Mr. Clav. the great ier aiid champion of protection, saw its ex mity, and, with a paternal anxiety, had ssed the compromise, as tue oniy means, oi prolonging life. He says : ic ovsti-m bp. maintained atrainst nutn- L- acainst the whole weight of the Administration. 4inst tne unitea oouiu, auu huhui. me . c . - . : i penaing uangers oi tun uii him n train at the same time, wnen ue nrejliillywxpresses nis purpose ana inc uujecia ol.the'ompromise : ' Now, give us time ; cease all fluctuations and ag itafons for nine years, and the manufacturers will -u-aiu themselves against all foreign competition. I ai anxious to find out some principle of mutual ac comodation, to satisty, as far as practicable, both Daries- to increase the stability of legislation, and at !,me future dav, but not too distant, when take int.. view the magnitude of the interests involved, to U-inedown the rate oi amies 10 me reeiiuet..u..u, Iu 1824, er loreliiU or uullierl.c Mr. Webster said : "To beirin with iron. The amount of our own manufactures is. I think, seventeen thousand tons. The present duty on the imported arlic'.e is fifteen dollars per ton : and as this duty causes, of course, an equivalent augmentation ia the price of the home Tii.iniififiiire. the whole increase of price is equal to 1 7".o Onii nnmi-illf which the consumer has to uav. over and above w'hat he could supply himself at with out the tax ; and this to support a business that can not support itself."' Again, sir, it is urged that we should not nnlv increase the hreseilt tariff, but that we I should return to specific duties. It is said that it is the only mode uy wiucii we can prevent The hrst tarill out was passea iu usu. it ur he down me raie UUt.. . ... - - -- .,, v.-j ,i.. I...1 ,, f,,vl,ieh our ODOOtients have so long contended. will oe reiueuiucicu mat nu j"".. (iuo.." i . 9 m , through the glorious vet long and bloody war! How, sir, was this compromise kept I Most of our'iudepcndence; that a heavy debt had faithfully on the part of those opposed to pro . !.. i 5 . .!... . V. oio-bt. lonn- vears: but when the oopnniiiiMTPfi iii)f in ti ii i i ill ua . iiitLL uu i uati jr- . ou. v-- o j it t o ii er. tlie wnere IF'a.otory, c- ,:7U H1L GEO. LAUDEIi, Two Doors above C. T. Ilaiuli & Sou's Store, Favetteville, S. C. Oct. 1, 1858. ly. zjssrss' SC2ZOOL WILSON, X. C. m HIS Inst tut "on comprises :-c hoots oi i.aniruaires i accumuiaieu ujioii um nanus , . ..a. .u. t,nUUi- lecuuu, -0"- - - i n fmii- 1 Mathematics. Natural Sciences. Music. Designs j cts ,iad been crippled ; our credit exhausted ; time expired, and they were to reap the trim, and Holies Lett res. It has a h.aithy location, ample and our nianufactnres just in their infancy, of their contract, thus faithlully performed on Faculty and commodious V.mil'uti' n "ue Here, then, were circumstances, if ever they ! their part, the profectiouists (and some of them eharaed lrom their entrance onlv . The stndeut in the .,.,. f - f. ,n who e ifht vears before, had Male Department have the military drill without extra . call occur, wmcu wiieu iuuu.j jj. "icu.uu . me """-' ,,.m:KP ron,,,n evp r.se. The voun- ladies board with the Rector s ' as tie boasted panacea ot all tinauciai ills, aud pledged tnemseives w famUv. For cfreulars apply "f- KADGL1FKE, ; , or)e of tne manufactures. Yet, sir, ' uteJ their part of it. , . . . Wilson. X. C. . ! .... ,i,.., wiP mi l. of that lnv aiiim.i.! a T have already intimatca, mis sysitm uc- I ted bv an eoual aud sincere regard for every ! mauds of the government a bounty or premium portion of the country, refused to build up onejfor the support of the protectee masses, y.ic.., interest at the expense of another; and hence, as I humbly conceive, is in direct violation laid a tariff solely for the purpose of raising a of the spirit of the Constitution and totally at revenue They saw that t he prosperity of the rar with the great objects for which the 1 ede- countrv depended upon increasing our trade j tal Union was established. and building up our commerce, and to this end thev endeavored, so far as practicable, to cot oil all restraints ana ciiccks upon u, aim wen did the effects of the revulsion. Business of all kinds has been greatly depressed ; onr trade has been crippled ; onr importatio is have fallen off ; and, as a matter of course, our receipts from customs have diminished. Then, sir, this tariff has not The Secretary admits this. Tim ieviilsi.nl iii now fast rinssiicr awaV. Trade everywhere is revivii.g ; a new life and energy seems to be in. using itself inf'j U classes of business. For the months of October and ro- from customs at the single port of New York have exceeded those for the same months during the year 1857, by nearly two million dollars. Will not these receipt? "till eflontiune to .increase, and may we t.i?" a frn'tritt rl.,. uMii, 7Tf!RI1 a'iJ fim reVuV-" sion have passed tjuite away, the prT&eiit tifriff J -.1 , 1, 1 1 f ... . ... "oil win yieiu an auuuuance oi revenue iu iut the necessary expenditures of the Govei ntnent ? Mr Chairman, 1 solemnly aver, here in my place to-day, that, if this Union is to be de stroyed ; if the members are to be unnaturally and ruthlessly torn from the body ; if anarchy and confusion are to take the place of law and order ; liberty to be supplanted by oppression and tyranny, and t'.is great Republic, greater than (J recce or Uome, is to become what Rome now is, it will be our own doing. And history will record the charge to our infamy that, "ti.ou, even thou, hast destroyed thyself." And I with equal solemnity declare that, in my opinion, iu this as well as ail other republican (Joveriiinei ts, one of the greatest clangers to no guarded against is the corruption which, spring ing up in the very henrt of the G .vi riiment, diffuses itseif like a deadly poi.-on through all the members and i.rteries of the I ovi rnmetit, until the whole Iv. ciy politic is uistused. Permit me to call tlie attention of the House to an extract lrom of Mr. J U' I son's message, in reference to economy. It breaths the spirit of purity and patriotism, ai.d will apply to us with equal, if not greater, force and propriety : " Considering the general tendency to multiply of fices and dependencies, to increase i x'.euses to the ul timate term or louden which the citizen can bear, it behooves us to avail ourselv- s of eery occasion which presents itself for taking off the surcharge, that it may never be seen here, that alter leaving to labor the smallest nortion of its earning on which it can buo sist. Government shall itself consume. the residue ot what it was intended to guard ;' If there was this tendency to extravagance during Mr. Jefferson's administrationthe purest and brightest period of our history which called forth from him such earnest remonstrance and such unceasing vigilance, i how much more are we ciMed upon at me frauds upon the revenues. Now, sir, if tins j lipapll. ,im .,.,, .,. ..... tnditures are greatly were true, still it would be entitled to but little ,icrettse(, a'Ild tUe opporn.uities for extrava weight, unless it could be clearly shown that I . ,rra.tlv multiolied. to watch with the advantages thus derived jwere. of more im- j - vigUilKtt tbe TvasUry, to investigate than the wrongs and injustice inflicted upon the tax-payer by a system of specific duties. A specific duty, as I understand it, is one that is levied upon a given class of articles, without regard to valuation. For example : will s.innosR a ouantitv of bioadcloths mi ..... -- I r V . . t .. , .,. . , - i -..M tl.c u . ,i ......i-i t ions i.iol lull off eve! V llol- ., o.i -IT1 "I' r lar which can be shown to be unnecessary ! I have been much gratified sir, to know that the President is with us iu this reform. He is a statesman of the Jeffersoniun school, and of larcfi exoerienee. He has urovvn no with tbo 1 ' . . . -,. i i c XieUUUHC, IUW alB ftCUllCIV I'itnus ilia , ported into the United btates wh.ch were of P appr.-cTation of the subject, different value, and ranging according to qual- ( i7lvited to a rigid scrutiny into ity, from one to ten dollars per yard: a duty , Departments, but promised us his best .-.r itn Up nor v.iril is lpvipil liniiii the whole : ' . ..' . ... .-. VI ,1 II I II.. . i- - ...... ... - I , . .... -1..1. I..1I...I. Feb. Ii -lm so that ten yards of the cloth at ten dollars would have to pay as much as, and no more than, the article at ten dollars per pard- From this it wilt be seen that were we, in rnisinrr revenues, to coufiiie OUl'SelvCS to Specific uein j o ,i i I duties, it would operate very unequally and un justly upon tlie consumer. iue poui man uu, for want of means, would pay a rax to uie Government of one hundred per cent.; while lm wbn bad the abilitv to purchase the hitrhest 15 ; F, 5';)itK AM) FISH. -I A Mess Peef; IU 15 do. Pork ; ;"(i do. Xo. 1 llerrinar : Smok'-d Salmon and Mackerel ; Cheese. Butter aud Crackers. ALsO r.'-d and White SCCPPEUXOXG WIN'E. For sale by C. E. LEETE. March 5. -2t ASilP.fi 5 ie: basy r.Y Tin: rsi: or TiiK CHEMICAL COLD WATER SOAP, 1 ) El 'E.PTS lot makinr the above valuable, labor ll. saving and economical SOAP, can be obtained of tbo Subscriber, who is t he general Afrent for Xorth Carolina. Several families in" Fayettevill- have tried it. aud are ready to give their testimonials of its effi cacy. B. W. SMITH. Shemwcll Uouse. March 5, iSf.9. -tf nirl T.r-r. ns iiAiir liiiii . AfLer exhortinir Con gress to the practice of the most rigid economy, he savs : " The objects of expenditure should be limited in number, as far as this may be practicable ; ami the appriations necessary to carry them into effect oujiht to be disbursed under the strictest accountability.' Again, sir, he says : -1 invite Congress to institute a rigid scrutiny to ascertain whether the expenses iu all the Departments . . .... .. . , , 1 . .. .1 T . u lt....,t cannot oe still lur.uer reuueeu , unu x iiu... in, . he who had the ability to purchase tne n.gucs, ; - ' -- i my power rparsiig tne iavestigation." priced article, would pay a duty -of only ten per , ia tJ VrPA.nt with us. with T tat, it. that no man can oe iounu ilio will dare assert that Congress has the pow . e tl revennes. whether collected by di- er iu - . - . , - ior any sticu iur lliiuiiiian auu . . v-- u... v.i i ci iv w hv imoosts. e result, prove mc ivimuiu men p"i icy . . reci iu""'"" -j . 0 - T I .. . " l . . . . .1. 1 Urt ,1 : i't I n.l i n M f In The highest rate of ad valorem duty imposed 'pose. ere, u.eu ' .uc ",0;V . n bv this tariff was only fifteen per cent., and thatjvbit does it consist ? It is true that the boun only on oue article. With this exception, the Ity or premium secured to the manufacturers -ot a ,.ni..r,L did not e-veeed ten nm-! not sro into the Ireasury ; but it is, nev- :ty CI i Li i ii ij vliai iin.i I. - -- uiv u . a. centum. ; I3v a reference to the debates on this tariff cent. It is universally conceded, that m laying u direct tax upon the people, it should be laid in proportion to the value of property ; aud no man would dare assert before the people, that the man who ownea a sman iractot iu.uu woim rPbtn sir v ith the President with us. with the cry on every side that there must be re trenchment, shall we not commence the work, and rid the Government of many, abuses which have been for years growing up, aud winch can i'. r. o it u a a 11 o 31 C AH HI AG K FACTORY. A. A.lrKETlIAN KEEPS constantly on hand a lar-e assortment of Vehicb s of every deseriptioa, which are well and faithfully made and tiuished in the i.hiutkst and ne.vtkst styh-i. II is facilities for doinji; carriage work are oue.ytkk than axv estahi.isumknt Soitu, which enables him to sell his work ou the most favor able terms. Xov. IX 1858. tf A Boy H tt : T t i t1 K Ac I5 AK tT t , UE just receiving a very fine Stoek of SP1MXO AM) sUMMEU GOODS, co .sriui; ot Mk.vs and Yoniis" IftllS. PtT.i.nS Al Vi-Sl'S. Also, a line assortment of Plain and Fancy Linen ;uid Marseilles Shirts, Drawers, Handkerchiefs, Ac, Ac. Ac., arraated to sell lower than anv Clothinir Merchant iu Fayetteville. Store, two doors above " Carolinian " Office. Fayetteville, March 5, 1859. -tf liJD S TEA l)S .hYJJ CIl.11 US For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store u-w. I.Vl'lt V rrinf.tl'ullv in forms his old friends and patrons, o,.t it will be seen that the leading and oriuia rv object of the statesmen of that day was rev enue, and not protection for protection sake. Northern and southern men alike declared, that such duties, and no more, should be levied, as would raise a sufficiency of revenue ; aiiu llifit Hi esc uuuca uugut oj i v. v a UOca O ' . .vjam nairi nnrl must oncrate as a tax upon the consumer. To afford this protection, the importations of foreign goods are prohibited, except at a duty that will so enhance the price of tlie foreign article as not only to enable the home Manufacturer to compete with it, but to ren!iiaUherefrotn large profits. The consumer, wheufght have obtained the foreign article, witt w duties, at a greatly reouceu iw, thai ftrced to purchase it at the price enhanced UIIU Vll.ll. iiii..- .. .. . . D - - 1 . , 1. 1. to bear as nearly equal as was pracucauie upon tun; faw i'"'"""- r" n .,., nil ci3e8. .d to effect them in proportion to bv hi higher duties ; and thus actually to pay i-ienda and patrons, . . . ... . r i.:. .i.ii,a nnl-..ti! nf i.hn manufacturer a tax, ay, that he still keens on baud ai'' p. f ""6 -T r-" - , , . an. .,,: stPEl'ii'it assoktmext of ; com pare i ne sen ii men is in us e.vpi e&seu uy men -o- - Saddles' Dridles, Whips. Trunks, ! whose patriotism was broad enough to lake iu tutionally levied for no purpose, save me ex- Traveling Dags, and Harness. tl)e eIltire Union and all of its interests, with'pfnses of the Uoveinmetu, ecouomicuuj un made ot the latest styles and best ;, llfi ,.;;,,, nf liti.rJnv stntesmpn sid Person street. March 5, 18o3. ijZ,'- quality he latest styles and best th and 0pii01,a of latter-day statesmen, for sale cheap, five doors . .... , . . , -,J - ,t' . ., : .1, mm nn itinn vision is b em in ill in hv the east of the Cape Fear JJank, south -Cm. ALL V Kit 31 1 ST.' Simiixg approaches, :s and IIoaciiks. oin their holes come out. And Mick and Kats, jide ot Cat-, sk:p about. kii Hi us bite in I ne niirht. s on the bed vou slumber, Ixskcts crawl ehainbf r and hall. DKAT1I TO As A XT 1 daily 1 A Tin In of Aug 21, 1853. A tf M. CAML'BELL,. ifiails without number. IT IS TUI LV WoMKRFUL WITH 1VHAT certainty Wats, Uonclns. .Mice. Moles. Ground Mice, l..,l 1..., ,.. t. ,1. . ml . 1-1 T .... ie..-.,.i, .v.ii.-,. iiihus. ..i.tij u , met., r leas, niseuis im l i Animals, in short ever-. siKcies of Vermin, are utterlv m his great SlieeCll 1 destroyed and exterminated by 1833. After Statin "Costar's" Rat, Itoafb, &e. Exterminator, "C star's" B d-niii t(trm:nato , "Costai's" Kli ciric Powder lor Insects. Supplied ilireet, by mail, to any address in the c mi in .--laies. as ionow whose liohtical vision is hemmed in by the boundaries of their own State, and whose pa triotism seems to be confined to the same nar row limits. This tariff continued in existence for many successive years, with a few slight modifications ; and I believe it was not until near the close of Mr Madison's administration that any ad valorem duty higher than twenty per cent, was levied. In the year 1816, we mav be said to have inaugurated, for the first li.nu tbo nilW-v nf nrrvtpctinii for nrnteetion v....., -t.-.j - - r. r i sake ; and here let me call the special atten- : tion oi those gennemen w no iook upon piuic--j rr me mv. .v-...o i tion as a sort of si-.e qua non in government, to ! pprter has to pay to the government i ... - r .i l. iho I tfl bIiiiw 1., u-lint ivtpnt this st stflll 1 ine sau cotiuiiion ui operation of that tari t.us than by quoti tne man wno owneu a sman inicivi imm uui j r-- - c, . i. ..... , :. .... I... nnlv live hv the sniietlon ot ConirfCSS f SOOU, Sliouiu pay as luucii iu.v upuu ii. m uu j -j -- --- - . , ,. who had one worth $5,000,000. .He would not Hut. sir it will be asked where we shall do it because, in the first place, it would be : commence 1 What shal we cut down ? I t.n wholly impracticable, as the tax might reach a swer. commence with those appropriations tor point so as to render the poor mm. utterly una- i which Congress is alone responsible ; those Die to pay it : and in the next place he would large and extraordinary demaiifis upon the not do it, because it would be obviously unjust Treasury which have robbed it of its substance and oppressive. ded so much to make up the large amount Now sir in laying imnorts. which are but a of the public expenditures. Enter with a bold substitute for direct taxes, aud which are, and and fearless step, the wide and undefined bound- must be, paid by the consumer, 1 suppose it win ; ary ui youi tu..t...Sv.. V nt bo nVmnrl ihev ouQ-ht to be so levied as to years has increased so much ; explore the al- approximate, as nearly as possible, this uuiver- most bounless field of appropriations for c aims lX . . '. - - . - i, . . i ...... -. cn . rr.plv bmorrv. ami fraudulent sally admittea principle in uirei:i- (.uauuoii. ii,.- " .......j B.- Jt -. - , then, this be so. it is iu direct violation of this claimants and their agents find pasture , i d principle to lew a specific upon article without ; roll in the riches which negligence and ex Uav a fegard to quality o value require him who , our pa rt Imve "e0 toypay Ute sanie'Tx to tovLmmtnt as Ung ; your exploring expeditions ; y.mr coast SHSs, was able and thought surveys; your .employes and t etr sala e ; KhuX" teqe ILnan '0? 1 pay just as much a si ,e taUh uullbor , a,.ies Lelfeu inv,stifr,,te all these. Let us with a tract worth f000.0" nrhich)le as ! prune with an unsparing hand; and when we To avotd this, and to apply the principle as pru 1 ; , ,- cuuiu ouv. : . e . :.. ;., ,,,-r.iinrI inn in lieu mi" - - - i Wis per yard is leviea anu cunaau , , :..-,.- nt noi;ev of an ad valorem tarm, wincti ; - - tieourse, will increase the price of the goods . f JliiJroportio.. to the vle of tUe : ter tins, we will then enter the Departments, titweuty-five cents per yard, the manufacturer ; ' ?ego"ba, t Slower the goods the lower ! and where ever there is an abuse, lop ,t off. clthe home article being thus enabled to demand , s Wherever there is a dollar unnecessarily spent, aid receive for his goods the same price, and, j J Jj. Jbe , , t ums our attention save it to the Ireasury Much can be done, b4i.,g no duty to pay, of course, in addition "Ul it js gcd by many who , even here ; but 1 cannot go so much into cle tj the profits that tli'article at twenty cents "'j Pn Q protect of a, specific du- tail. We have our committees who are be ter pr yaPrd would have afforded, puts into his JWJ. bexistsPa lire8eut necessity for its posted up on J ; nlu e the pub ppekets also the five cents duty which the im- ; jHCrease. The Secretary of the making such iciorms a will not injure the puu norter hae m noir tn thA ornverument. In order ; . ,. n Pnuirress. estimates ' lit-' service. ...... present tan J, curing amount, according to fTo illustrate this, we will suppose a cargo ot cton goods brought from a foreign port, which .if . 0 .... ,1J fFr,l In iue importer wiliiont any uuiy Cuum ouv.- nmiiitrv 11 n tn ttlftt. V. ...... . j " I ' - - - F , .1,.. :,i;n tn it bo fli.l nnt. nttrilmte to the J i.. j :u, arena low rates ol duty, ne proceeas 10 uesci iue ciaSges omxllttm. rt tbo nnnnlrir HlirilKT the eicrllt VeaTS .,, , to about fjftv- togethcr with the aud tniscellaiieons sum of $61,000,000. L uiieu Finn's, as luiiun.-. : On receipt of SI. no, a box of the Rat, Koach, &c. Ext.; On receipt of" S2.no. a box each of the Rat. Roach. &c. Kxt.. and Electric Powder, (sent postage paid) years .-iinieieiii 10 uesrroy iue ermia ou any premises. Sold by Drnjrists and Dealers every where. " Costak's " Principal Depot, 420 Broadway, N. Y. S. S. Circulars, terms, &c, scut by mail on appli cation. March 5, 1859. 6 ! tariff or by cutting down the expenditures, 1st two-thirds of the present tariff (of i tt... the alternative is presented ; ana iue " ""?",.". . ,,, t ' for all the not into the Treasury, but to the protected Here the course we shall adopt, be- economical y used w.l Le suflititnt lor a.i the ,u u uu. ..v rv...-. .- -- Qorc classes. Therevenue from imports last year exceeueu qumi.w.. . constituents ; purposes 01 iue u v.. .mcuk. condition of the country during the eight years .27.00o.onn. This, in itself, is a heavv burden ; but COmes of serious moment to our cons iiueuis v r Evidexck of Civii.izatiok. The Minesota aitures. "un-c.i, ..... - - - . - -.. , . , . . .., r ioi- ' i-anu, ui "i o . ,i . ,.ri . i, This ou"ht to ue suaicieiit,, auu, 11 piupcuy auu At last two-thirds of the oresent tariff (of 182) , i,0r.-..itive is oresented ; and the ; "i-" uu"' . , ..' r. :.n ,i. ?.aid into l.'u 1" .pllC.w BStinn as to which course we shall nstuueuts, ierious aud j ou 01 rais-: , - , . . . . xu snort, sir. 11 a were iu neicut uu, .ci - - - - ' .. . . , eameSb CU MUv""lu" 1 . nni,i.r siv lilt tlie llil lillS III trftl TtHri Ot I HO years since the adoption of the present Constitution j 000 are paid into the Treasury upon the imports and " " a llnou ,he yeople, of increasing papers say xnai tne j n uiis mi w hi pari oi inc which exhibited a ene of the most wide-spread dis-' $54,000,000 to the protected classeB ia enhanced lug the taxes upon e r all cirL.uni. country are being rapidly ClVlhzed, all those IU may and desolation, it would be exactly the term of prices of similar domestic articles." ; their burdens ; ana winie vet at the neighborhood ot the settlements drinking .wl.Uin.mUUi T.I-..00.1.W1 tl,n eutdll- ! t .i tl I.:U n nunc i t. WOllIll be Olie Oi Ueep I""-11" ' J .... . , i ,.1 1:.... .J jrain " .......v..v-. .-v. ugw, sir, tv uu mc iue Liiiueiijic cuiiiiiuuivm d""" - . ... w inst re- winsfcrv. iiitmui iuuhluj, 'j'tiiii oicuiiujr auu lishment of the tariflf of 1824." tn ' ;ora,lt.5p annuities . xtnrt.a bv len-isla- a time like this, when the country i J"-' , . ' Bn. . . man Having once ingrafted the protective system j t7e force, and paid to the northern mano- covering from the eQects oi tne evenue from imports .Ust year exceeded question , , , - constiluellts ; purposes tuiiuiwuii ui mc Luuuiij j .uuu.ooo. Tnis, in itseir, is a neavy ouruen , u comes ui mhuU ..:. ,,,i t . :tPcolT .,l.,floc io fnl InWR ; : ikn v.i . , j .1 l i. .numnt. i t ., r lm liil t tie mOSt SeriOUS UUU ui tne mi iu ui ioiv, aii-a i,uhliuuvo " - nine mx . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ;iri IF ia I.. . 1 11 . ... v. . . , , , , . i . 1 capiAiis anil i f the tariff of 1816, and concludes as loliows : , the whole tax imposed upon the people by the present j demands at our lianas tue mu r . . - f . i , . . A. n .-. I. ,X I 111 U nnt- l.Gia lllflll S.K1 ...... ...II. . 1 1 Willi". II 2IZ.I .J W. . .... II1K II. II lll..'v " v. .. - ia snort, sir. u i were 10 seieci but ici m ui "" """' - - - purnPSL consiutiauuu. 1- . f 1 4 '.A 1 If

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