II FAYFrTKVlLI.K. IV. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JIAY 7. LOCAL NKWS, EronTED weekly rui: the nouth Carolinian. U. S. Arsenai at Fayettville. "With the exception of Forts Mmciui anil Caswell nnil the l'.r.incli . Mint at Charlotte, the United St;ites Arseiiiil at l"a yett ville, is tin? only memento of the nuiiiiiieenee of the General Govinmii'iit in North Carolinti. The Arsenal is beautifully located on Ilaymonnt. overlooking the town and giving the eve full si-ope to the river and to objects on either liand. for aheut two miles. 1 1 is one 'of the loveliest spots in Eastern Carolina. The arrangements, bnihlinr-. plots and appurtenances are in g..od taste and well adapted for the uses designed. It has been looked to as one of the best points for the location of an Arsenal of construction, bring above the influence of the saline atmosphere of the ocean. not easily a ,proacled by an enemy, yet sufficiently , ncec-sihle'to ocean navigation, and convenient to thi' mineral treasures of Deep River. For mauv years it has been used simply as a de pository for lire arms, but recently it has been sup plied with machinery for the structure if the im plements of war, preparatory to its being made an Ar-enai of construction. The Arsenal is under the command of CapT. Bradford, an oilier;-, we believe, who had charge of it some years ago, wlio-e gen- tlemanly and ottr'er-like deportment, and above all his many good ipialities as a citizen, e ndear him much to the people of Fayetteville. We heartily endorse rvorv sentiment expressed in the above article clipped from a recent number of tile Washington Dispatch. At this season of the vetii'IIaviiiount is one of the most picturesque nijd lovely spots iu r. w. .rid, and we can imi.giiie ) no pl.ic better adapted, in every p-.ivVu.uUu-, to tbe construction of a fortress, than the place at which our Arsenal is situated. We do hope and believe that the next session of Congress, with a knowledge of the vast and inexhaustible mineral treasures of th" Deep River region, will make this an arsenal of construction. The notice of Capt. James A. J. Br-eifor. 1 is a well deserve 1 compliment, i T as an ofiieer and gentlemen he has won the este m ot the citizens of our town, and indeed evi ry one with Till. 'in Ik.- has become acquainted. Western Railroad A new ci rl'.ie is expected to be here lv the first of June. It is built by B, We learn it is to be named liojmr of . ur County. Coi idwin cc C f I'hihi., he " Cmahi-i l.oel." in Ka er. ii:.- (. .1.1 i Ln- gineer and Superintrndenr. i- an exceli. lit officer. ana is .u-ln:i forward, i.i :tvle. I lie tr.i.-k will ! Th'- wdl b out and se( r.l.l t. ! 'XC lYl'lle Ui lent titne which by f.-r oi so-m Tu esday next. citizens to go th"- stream. til b-i'i !"FWeliae seen one of ShalerV patent Car pet Sweepers, which for .-iinplicity, cheapness and d'.ir.ii 'iiitv "- f.ir superior to any thing ot the kind we h i e ever seen. Ti.ey can be purchased ot Messr.-. J. II. Holicr's t: Co., at the ,-iand former ly .fen it'.l v K. V. Wilkinirs. Si. me persons h tV. tli i.. v a : e in tin g run, enen'iT tnau nrooms m t ic tact that they la.-t a great deal longer, and e ihlH leiice in the price is not very great. Ml iT.ir.Y. Ti e Independent Company and ivettevi!!,' Cadets were out on Monday last i:'; g. and looking remarkahl v well. We were ' f specially pleaseJ to see again. f'T we had really 1 it..-:, in :el. oung men. ar.iii'r with renev.-i-.l vigor :: z.-n- look to you as the town. the Cadet on nunc e gun to fear they had u inu-t buckle on your your friends ami mir 'ride and hope of vour. May Fhs i i vi rir.s. time wh. ii Spring, et ti. ci:iiie, falling ties oaite a lmin'.er of 1 i.e fir-1 t'.nv of May, the n r.-al ii.il Jiiess,"' is wont year on the Sabbath, "e'y i1.. en-els ami respeet iu m .'"i.m'' at MoN'eiii's . -routs j Mill, a f. -.v tlii litre : Otis. All ilio, both ir the i.aii miles foln Hi -kli-ii. and ilistdiit from . on t'.e S itunl iv previ veiit down from Favette- ut ten ni.io: .'ii-lrtratioii linls ;m.'! hisses. Ev.'ry pleased ; some anjoeil. : opcl jib -ut on .'ie "lijr'i! nml seemed to . few strolled fantastic toe," l,e lii of hrr.- an:l evorvihiiK ; was iloue to whi uway plousiintly the time. - Of all t'l-it dM clime; "t vrc a lo:i-' f.'-; io I' ll l X' th- .! iiiiccr- :i:i.l i!i,e-i- a:; i u'li v:i l:ie l)i.-Ii'j : r-it each nil- !p;y. aa 1 nil wa so fa:r. Tlmt day stole an ay. and niht canl.t th-.-iii tli re.?' Tlie yotmp: la. lies of the Fuycttevl.l; Female Il'irh Sc1kii1 Inn! a j'ie-nic upon the banks and braes of Cross Creek, where H." M.iv.t noiii wlot.il-. a-.'! lu'iuicv I'll, lorlh Mi'ir Inn1.-, u n '. A -. v, -s . iv de: -roves roes. ; 7 It ivits ;i jiloasant oeeasii n. of cour-e for hfuv cottlil it he otherwise ilui'inir ll ie comiiiiiiirun -f all that is fair ami Iovelv. Fl.ot r:. An iin:n-'.ise quantiiv of flour was re ceived in town on Thursday last, it is suhl from five to six liuii.ired barn Is. TJiri: Cur i;ini;s. AVe i Blake, K-rj., of this ;,!a-e wi r:pe cherries, .Ulekeil from ere 'presented by I. Ii a cluster of di-lieious lis orchard. This is t'u- fir.-t -f the season. We trust his orchard mav yiidd an ahuii-laiK-e of ail sorts of fruit. Irapsrtant TJtah ITaws. The Salt, Lake Correspondent of the St. j ijoms Il-pnbiieiiu, under da ! e of the Sth ult.. j says that ilie ( seitement there has somewhat ; .l.-.ti- l, und that this is nttvibiit.-d in part to! the knoleili;e the Mnriiiis lun-c ..r ii,-. o:,,:: tical workiiiir of the Jury law passed by lhe 1 ate L"g'isia:ii:e, it being a complete check to the pun is'i iioni of iinv crime committed by the Jl.lf.llOt.S. Under this law the clerk of tho Mormon Con ity Courts select the grand 1 petty juries . of the Federal CoiirK, andsucli restrict n,.s are imposed as ilisrpialif y every J entile in th-o Ter ritoiv. The rupitire between the Judiciary and Eseeiii 'v.-j iss'sited to be op-ot n'.'i irrecim cilable unless the (jloveriior yiidds-, which he will' not do ; and it' the A d mm ist ra t inn moves' in t he mat ler. detrimental t'1 the Judjes. they; wi'l resign ami publish si manifesto, disclosin-r , darker and bloodier scenes than an- herd ''fore : exposed. Jinlire Cradleb i ugh has ndjotiriied 1 the Court 'it I'rovo, being iiiiahie t o a cconi p! ish anvtliiug. Urighaiu Vonng in 1 1 ven (1 a temper-i ate discourse iu the lnbern;u Ie u the 7th. ' III- mr ( A 1(0 , I A.N. A meeting of the commissioners of the Capei'-e frost sufficient to kill fruit, but it is F-ar and D.ep River works was held on tlie i now, and fruit has sustained no dama" 2Tth, but did nothing of importance except to appoint, as Chief Engineer, Elmore Morris, E-t , of PeiinsyKauia. Mr Morris is expected to be on the works at: an early day. Henry A. London, E-tj., former Secretary aud Treasurer of I he company, was appointed Secretary mid Treasurer of the coiiiiiiis.sioii. For lhe foregoing information tve are indeb ted to iiraiiam iuvis, r,s(., rnvate Secretary to the Governor, who will please accept our thanks for the same. Unl. Standard. A general con vent. on of tla. colored voters of New England has been called to meet iu rcCuce'to he I es deuK ZZlZo i lUucuce to the pitsiduitul campaig,, of I860. J llimiiiii nn tio. let of a ti.rnri . ...i... :.!' For tlio Tscrtli C ' orcliniaii. Scraps cf Scottish History The Bass Rock. NO. II. Messrs Editors : The lJstss Rock wns the property of a private family until 1671, when it was, ut the sugges tion of the Earl Lauderdale, purchased by the Government, for the purpose of making it a "It "11 I I 11 1 1 1 LVi I'lv wl 1 i .1 IV' lllP!l hi! ri"" 111 1 i 1 1 M I 1 1 ?i . 11, toe.iUrce upon them a system of rehg.on, to winch they were in conscience opposed. they Ijiiixlerrfnle was creurei Duke in 1672, and obtained tor liunseit the nominal governorship i ...... i . ... of the H.iss KorU, at an annual saiarv of 100; w'nicli, with lines and confiscation of property under the pretext of treason ; enriched him, for years, f.itteninpr On the spoil, and sucking the life blood of a prostrate people. Rev. Dr. lletherington in his short remark on the Island of the Ij.isS, says : The plan, the purpose, the office and tne man. are all in dreadful i harmony." Nothing but the unfeeling and in ! human passions, which are engendered by the : spirit ot persecution could make that dreary iaiiddismil i.-l.indthe abode of human beimrs. lis li -i-h: above the level tif the sea at full tid-j is said to be 423 feet ; a certain writer who visi'cd it nearly a century ago, says: "The Bass, is a large r . k rising out of the sea to ' the dreadful heuht ol (J0i feet ;" the former in jasni e n nt is considered to be the correct one. Tne riol.m geese, a species of sea fowls, are its o dy teneanls. Thec fowls are as large as e.the'- tiie wild or tame iroose. they feed en- 'irelv mien iish. and t'le.r manner .f ea leliiug ii is i-ii'y pecuiiir. 'Jiei goes. on liis fishing voyage, 1 -211(1 leet in the air, and ther the Solan goose ! soars aloft some' he is seen "Tnlm"-! alonj with outstretched win-s tili his keen eye discover the object of his search, and then with the swTtuess of an arrow In: descends and plunges into the deep. Such is the certain! v m, IT , . 1 , : . , . . ' , ,. .. , . - The Young Democracy of the Union. witn wnicli he darts immi the unfortunate in-j 3 J habitant of the deep, 'thjt it .seldom escapes; It is but natural that the democratic cause with its life. It was once c msidered a dainty s',ol,hl receive the ardent and enthusiastic sup bv epicureans, and much time was spent in l'ol t of the young men of the United States, su ii ing its voiniLr, now however the Solan geese : J.ust entering upon the scenes of active life at a art! co'nMdered to have too fishy a taste for j time when the country is enjoying the blessing modem palates. of the wise, pure and vigorous Administration In mv foniicr commnireation, it was stated of President Buchanan, they can scarcely fail . . . . U ...... .-. 1 : . . C . ... . c a I. that the f .rtress of the dates back to the: year 140o. It is near the base of the over hanging precipice, and must at ail times have dweii a vciy. uncomfortable dwelling place for .is exposure to bicak s . g:..c., and Washed by the spray ( f the ungrv waves, particularly in winter, while it was ai-' dampened by the water in r.nnv seasons, tnat tvurcil iloni Irom til : sl.ipjing c.' ig above It. O m of -it? d;i:i"'eo!is is thus (l.-.e:ibcd : " All dism:il . . irelieil staircase leads down underground from the east can. ol the IMS' ie to f the cas'le to wh-it was formerly the Bastion, on arriving at winch the v t!ie visitor funis himself in a hideous cavern arched over head, daik, and dripping with an opening towards ot lls existence. Zealous to press forward in the sea." llow sad must have been tiie lot of t!'e march of improvement, which isthe charac the ni'isoners of this .Scotch Fatmos, in its teristic of the age and of this nation, they must "Joomv and ttark iii it eons, whose only I ii ! I I v wtif the roar of the ocean surge as it struck their rocky abode, an. 1 t lie noisy screams of t!r wild s-.-a fowl. The Bev. 'Jo'ni Black- i titia-r uvea tor live vears a prisoner in one oi these dungeons, and the Scottish Council of , State refused to liberati him although his health suffered so severely from the upgenia! air of the place as to eii'lrn.er his life He was at l.it permitted to come to lMiuburilh ; tint the oi d r ea :ne too late, lor Bluckndder Ini'l already died in his dungeon on the Bass. .After the llevolu t ion, the prisoners who were sent there, for consciei ce sake were set at liber- tv. Hit it is renmrkaUe however, tlmt the - H.is llock, SMia'l as it, was. was the last place iu Sc itiand which suo art let to the government j ot ilitaiu ill. Lie. .Metric teiis us tnat a i few ibirin-' Scote'iman who were taken nrison-1 .. . . , ers at Uromsdale and sent to the iass, lormeu i a plan tor surprising the place wnicti sneceeueu. I lieing supplied by provision from their friends; ii'i shore, and lic-iviiio- reinforcement from abroiil ; they severanee wm po :se:-io:i of t eoiiirived with prowess and per-, thy of a better cause, to keep , ,e Lian.l for several years. 1'iie sfovernmeat at last irritated at this per- : tin iiiev 'of the llass ii l.els, sent two ships ofjsions of confidence and approval, coming, up in wir. vvhic'.i with t he a .d of smaller vessels, cut : every section of the country, from town citv I tl I ! ;ir siiooiies, n:nl num-cu t lit in to tne uec-.'ss'" v of capitiil.itiusr. The Governor of the Islan.l or i-hi.-f fit' tin- ri-lii'ls sneeeedi il liv sM-itairem to obtain liberty on his own terms, It is said he had saved some few bottles of Fi- an h wine and biandy, with some fine bis- euit, and that he midj tliu commissioners sen' to treat, that th, unless ii render ; wiih him dri".!; pleat ifui 1 v, teliimr them re wis no s-areitv of provisions, lii 1 h s own teiais !i(i would not and ?ur- and a!'!'-r t'nev en goi.e, he or. lend : ail tiie coats ami hat' in lhe .irarrisou to be put on ! he mnz'es oi' musket the Id an. I wa fu i I o ui to make them believe upon whu ii their lords a;ps reiuri l to the council ami repoi ten inSected witn an me isms uiai plague and dis ho.v tiiey were trued, w h.cii induced them to grace New England, was not a whit behind her comply with the (Joveruor's terms. After the bicthein iu the other states in fidelity to the surrender as before stated, lie fortress was 'administration of which her own honored son dismantled, but the time may come w hen the constitutes so distinguished a member. Last government of i re-it lJr.tain will see the ne- ! of all came Pennsylvania, the most decided and i cessirv ol loi t.tvmg tlie lass i ci lui ;i lai diir-reiit purpose than that winch the unstable and puft persecuting l.aui.lerilale recommciiued us liase by the government of Charles Stewart. SCOTUS. Fi oiii the New Yelk Day IJook. Faykttkvii.i.k. April 20th 1S59. Jrli.lr,rs r f Jia y JS'X.I; : 1 nin iiawi in tl,i inland commercial . : I I V ... I . etnpo- i iiiiii oi lac o,u .mo in oiaic, wiiose pro?pcritv iias heeii on tne wane ior many vears, but the . j will im- present indications ure that business p, ,iv . a,,,, ,n, ecu , ne, e are more earns in irom .... 7: '.1.1. . f n-.. .'.O'.il 11... I. .... 1 MLVII ftJII IUI IliailV Cill St . past. The chief cou nt v, a mi so vera 1 lure, are turpent st'ip'e so nt if ' h alii m'ouuet tons of Cumberland o titers whose trade cent res , ie rosm and cotton, those ".V by tlie tree negro pro-, eiivitiesol Horrors c.iecie', am! I rt.uel ick Law-;,,,,. defi i n t Imstead. whoso boots have been ! blacked many a time bv a neero. wit iont anv I tl lanus. l lia ve no iii i;i,t. . . be is a fi t pom- ' - j f ,. ,. . , , . , ' . . , ; pamun of t ne . enegaiie who robbed Ins employer I and benefactor in around and wrote native Carolina. aiisijury, and then turned a book def'auiitory of his The weather for tlie past two days has been unusually cold, and was fearful there would milder i'e. 1 he breadth of wheat sown is large, and looks well, so do o.its. and rye, and there will be an abun dant yiefd, if nothing happens. The rice plan tations on Cape Fear River, I am told, look well. There are hardly any kinds of grain or fruits grown in any part ot the world that can not be raised in tiie old North State. In and about Favettevlllo m n.- iimn 1 seven cotton lactones in full operation, and the .surrounding counties have eight or ten more ', which would make from fifteen to eighteen that ' j- ''f?.!!'; i rl,ere ge ,1"a"tl" ! i,!. ork, the 6ur- 'eSe ,e''lc thilt Foduco tl,iB cotton and mve buiIt. these manufactories, and successfully ' "" r'"u"'" ier wnat is maniitacrurea operated them for years, are, in the opinion of your ensineer-in chief ol the Central Park, only Gt to be "hewers of wood and drawers or water" for such men as Greeley, Olmstead The United States Arsenal, located in this place, Capt. Bradford in command, commenced iiuni'ls OA ennrs nrro. has started the machinery, and it works well and smoothly it is the finest XIIC engine its valves are of a pe 'n of finish, unlike y of finish, rite shaftii -"", . .r',"" ,,..f,i r and l n 1 1 v lii i ii " i uVs from the estab- otiiiLiio . a tf a 1 1 ritinrrMrN it r . ,Vr. " .,m , r Philadelphia, """e..t o. y .... - - . auu are me ue.t 111 use, uuu " i... .11 ....... . 1 I o mul'llKT USe Ol such articles The wood shop is fitted witn the planers, tnortisers, baring machines, lathes, saws, and all machinery used for the construc tion of gun carriages, and are perfect gems in themselves. Iu the iron department is a pnncli and shears combined in the same machine, built expressly fo- this arsenal by Wm. Letters & Co., also a bolt cutter and vertical drill and lathe from the same firm, that far surpass anything I have ever seen in that line. There is a lathe from Gage & Campbell, Waterford, N. Y., that cannot be beat by any firm in this or any other country. Every kind of machine required iu the manufacture of ordinance is here put up and made available. Much credit is due to Mr John (J. Kelly, who has had charge of the put ting up of all the machinery under the direction of Capt. Bradford, from drawings furnished by Mr Hell, architect, since tlie commencemept oV tl.A .u .. t !.- r i ha 1 pcanul tin i lil I n era f f ..v..... U..,,...B. lvHl.v ,s Irtn the house ot Win. iseucrs ol Co., Philadelphia, whose turn tables are of world wide reputation. Jn a future communication, I will give you a history of the building of the Arsenal. YlXDEX. oe jocposesscu in laiurui tne parij, wuose history his career illustrates and adorns. Glow ing with the generous warmth of youth at the thought of the glorious position which their beloved country occupies among the nations, they cannot but feel grateful for the democratic principles and counsels under whose influence she has been thus elevated. Free from the ner- "Onai partialities and prejudices, the jealousies flint nrillt.nllMi... ..T 1 I. . .1 IT.': .1 11 "!' ui nucnueyeu poiu.'ciaus, iney ;lru prompted to attach themselve's to the party "- ose collected, deliberate, and enlightened lMe fjovernment of this great nation has een guided during by far the greatest portion necessarily belong to the true party of progress the democracy and give their cheering and support to the illustrious statesmen who are not to be deterred from acting up to the de mauds of the times and of the people by the clamor of the politicians of the "sland-slill" school ; but who, with proper circumspection, move onwards with the new combinations that surround them. Free in their choice, disinterested in their motives. ad ingenuous from their years, the young men of the Liiion may ever be expected' to rally around the cause to which their feel ofrs impel them, and which their reason and judgment approve ; nud we mny odd thnt soch iX " "lofl s now demanded of their patriotism. mcir laieuis, aim ineir services a- may never oe ; ,v,lJll;u "b:,u- oi'miBmiaii. A j i i iu0u.0COcit, wo. The recent response of the democratic masses I in support of the national administration is nn- ! niistukab'.e, and cannot fail to carry conviction ' to every unprejudiced mind that it has a strong j hold upon the hearts of the American people. ' lo say iiotliiuj; of the most emphatic esnres-! couniv, ana congressional -conventions, the re- solves of the several democratic state rnnnm. tions passed since the commencement r k. present year, demonstrate the truth of what we' iiilirm. Old Virginia led off in the expression J of tlie warmest approval, althonght the malcon- tents stoutly allirm that she would ifftiore or repudiate me man oi ner cnoice. Aest came ' .M icliiiiiin, groaning under the iron rule of sec-: tion iiism, to be sure, but bold and enthusiastic ' in her devotion to the administration which has! contributed so largely to cripple the enemy ! within her borders. Old Connecticut, too,! siirroutidetl ity u coraon ci abolition states, nnd -.. II .1 I t i coiiuuing ui ineiii an, ul-chuw ucsi co1nailitea with the ability, wisdom iititl patriotism of her favorite son, and the most sensible to any at tack upon his fair fame. Every where, with a single exception, there has been no hesitation or divided expression, but a full, free, frank and emphatic endorsement of the chief execu tive of the nation. Even in New Hampshire, where the mum policy prevailed, the election has proved that the road to democratic success does not lie in the direction of silence in res- l,ect t0 the policy of the distinguished head audA? standard bearer of the national democracy. ff, Before the firm steac1y ODWard step of the .1 ....... the efforts of factions are ItOnrlu ..t. ...... it. I .l n f ntn.' nfA i "It. Il iuvici I Cos . 113 u lOCVli ilttill liutca n..t.H. - , fi, i: ne tUo nll-nn- u.ril democratic masses. Captains there i:..,j : i.., i,i. .i .. , ,ith- rV.n ,, ', jt:t,t. to f.5i i. ti.;J nrin- .. . t. t i . en I 1 1 1 1'v initio iv ni r w . i i ir nao iiu.!1vm iirrii ov. -p . ' . , . ... , ., ' m j !, iney stoou uy vim uicKory, assanuu u. h , du :n ;.,, ': Bnrl riotinff iu the sunshine ot wealth and power, incji . . . - .. . rt"U.. too. stood bv James IT . Polk and carried him triumphantly through a war, not less violently opposed than the second war of independence. In accordance with this instinctive fidelity to their faithful public servants, they are now rallying around a favorite chief, not less distin guished in anv of the qualities of statesmanship than any of his predecessors. While this im pulse animates the democratic masses, tlio democratic party need not fear for results ; tor they are already achieved in the manifest des tiny of the people. Bepullican Journal (litl fisl Me.) Home. A man's house should be on the hill top of cheerfulness and serenity, so high that no shadows rest upon it, and where the morning comes so early, and the evening tarries so late, that the day has twice as many golden hours i. f ii.i.r mon ii ia tn be pitied whose house is in some val.ey of grief between the hills, with the longest night and ahortestday. . -c- The Mongrels in Council. Cameron ,of Tenness,, and Senator with other K Fenn!y,va"'a. re now in council ticians j', nT-Ntb.ngs and Abolition poli the ism," -?18 Clly' endeavong to combine all Snst the V 5?05,t,,?!, e,emeI,ts iH the country since in "e Aatlnal Democracy. A few weeks Conv'en,' pnrtolhe For,,ey and Hickman "d otl er?' Se"at0r SeW, rd'. ,of Xew York. aimofih g' for the 8a,ae purpose. The great discorn.!Se mongreI politicians isto bring the S "'n'""11' North and South, into th, t e Prea'dential question. To effect to be lVl0-Noth,nS'm is expected to consent extent ,ized and FoRXEY-'zed, to some - v- ' a'ld Abolitionism is to submit to a dose H- .W'Xotl,i,'Si8m . "l.n?an is understood to be in full conimn- r r'1 each branch of the combination ; his late Speech at Harrisburg unraistakingly identi . .Wlto I'im the extreme of sectional Aboli tionism ; Forney is to be permitted to indulge 1,1 A h'u "eaS,e flights on squatter sovereignty a"a . Knfalutin panegyrics on Douglas, until the tinie copes when he, Knox, Lauman, Cam eron i Co., think that the Press may strike its most effective blow against the Democratic party. . ?.nere 's nothing in the movements of these Doia .ana unprincipled politicians to alarm any Democrat or true friend of our glorious Union, lhe contest of 1860 is destined to be between Sectional Abolitionism on the one side, under the leadof JSeward, Greeley. Cameron, Bell, f7AMMAn r' . . i it..: ui hcjt, MjcKman ana Knox, onu umuu tionlifrjni the other, and we have no fears hbwff with theDemocracy upon ilie iSrond platorvof -the Constitution. Abolitionism strifes it the National Union, wars upon State R,i"ts nttli ties Constitutional guarantees, and, iifluence, is prejudicial to the great ma interests of Northern Commerce, Manu- fierBud Ijabor. It is impossible, in view of these considerations, that the people will ever inv&t it w'tn tne oontrol of the General Gov ernment. Yet Cameron, Seward, Bell, Gree rpvHickuian, Knox, Forney & Co., are con- V?" t: i. ,r....i..,. l. tllir tO urilig i u a.isLiwua irMllL upon the" country ; and it becomes aU patriotic, Union-loving citizens to be on their guard ngamst their, machinations and movements. I'ennsyl vania. BLkCS. " IIepublicas " Bott.s. Greely says he has no objection to support Botts for Trisi dent. D Joa ',ear t,,is' PeoP'e of Virginia ? Botts is the leader and great exponent oi Whig principles in the Old Dominion, and yet is ac ceptable to the New York Tribune. Any pub lic man whose principles will suit that paper of course must fully represent the doctrines it advocates ergo, the "Whig party of Virgina, must believe in the treasonable theories pro iiiu'otiteu by this odious Abolition sheet. Is it so ? We think the vote for Letcher, next month, will answer this question negatively in tones of thunder. JV. 1". JYctrj. That Platform. We are curious to know what sort of a IMatfonn will be adopted by the " Opposition" Pow-wow which is to assemble in this place on the I Sth hist., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress iu this District. Two of the plank, probably, will be something like the following : Resolved, That the democratic party in our opinion have controlled the government and taken care of the Treasury long enough to ,lrrrnrvt' the former nilfl lihln!iftnm-i tha !.. te- 8Ild it is time for the prpe to take those , institutions under tl.nir nuntn,,!,, that this government was formed for the benefit of ttyj yofle, and Ue ptitpfe should receive nil or "'"benefits ; that the public land be!onr 1 7 io me pfpir, nnu is one oi tiie tlnn'rs vrliiuli should he " kept before-'' there that the fear of the Tope is the beginning of wrsdom, and to iuciuh iu ,OM lhe nubMc cribf alItI thjI)k the lime hfls con)e tQ shuc. CQrn Resolved, That we (the opponents of democ M, , th, T rnPT-K Chnrlnlt, rmrrl - MARRIED. In this town, on the 2Sth ult.. bv tlie Fev. A. Gil chrint Mr. Alexander M. Johnson to Miss Kate M Keboi.si.v. daughter ul the lute George R. Fergusson In Alligator, Florida, on the 24th of Mareh. by the Re Mr Lanneau, Mr Jostrii G. IIoopkr to Miss :. , ' .u r i' f . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . , n . i. i .. . . . i i r.oelos. qui ii nn iin i ' j . . tin... J" YETT E VILLE MARKE T. coRRtXTKr wekkiv for the north caiiolinman rEMUEKTOX Ac SLOAX. MAY 7, 1S59. ". ir- 1213 ( MOI.ASSKS 29 a 30 Cuba. 2T' a 3fl New OrleaDH, 45 a oO 25 a 31 ( NAILS 4 50 a 4.T5 42 a 55 OILS IS a 20 Sperm. 0.00 a 2 OH ) Linm-nl. 0.0O a 1 U0 12 a 13'i 2 Tinm r'J. 70 a SO 14 a 15 POTATOES IS a 20 ) Irish. 1.50 a 2 25 Swert. OoatiJ lOValt 5 POIXTRV- 11 a WK I ( hickrua. 15 a 20 candles Ad'""""""!' T'ln,r- ko. L,air' cottoV- t Kair. MidJIin Ma 10; Ducka. 00 a 00 cotton BAGGINti Turkrjrs, 00 a 00 SALT Livcrp-tprrdark. 0 00 a 1.25 Alum j.er buichel. 00 a 50 SEED riaxSci-d. 1 'Via 115 Clover prr pound, 12 a 15 SHOT Common bag, 0 00 a 2.00 Bnrk. 8 10 a 2.15 SriHITS reach Brandy, 1.20 a 125 N. C. Apple, SO a 85 Northern. 00 a 75 COTTH'1 AKNS N-LltolO- 100.1.1O DOMFSTIC GOODS 10S a 11 45 a 50 FISH- ...ki ShaJ"r,oun1 Fl.Ol'P- 10 a $12 00 a 00 a 6.50 ( N V Whiskey. f.o a 65 a 6 25 Northern do., 3-7 a 40 a 6 00 i SL GAU a S 75 ! Loaf. ISairU-i C rushed. 12 a Porto Rico. Iu a 11 New Orleans, ValO TALLOW loall TURPENTINE Yellow Dip. 0 00 a 2 ".S Viririn. 0.00 a a . ill Scrape. oull 2S 1 .00 a 1 .05 ' 0 00 a 1 00 ! 00 a 65 60 a 1 00 0 a l.OO i 10 a 11 4 a 6a 7 Spmtfl per gallon. 41 a 4! WHITE LEAD Per pound. 9 a 10 WINDOW GLASS Kight by ten. 2 00 a 2 20 Ten by twelve, 2 25 a 2 50 WOOL ISal'O ' 6a 5 - 0a 4 12,'." a 13 S a 8 REMARKS. OTT0V Trineo ha hppn hut. Iltllo in market this wk. and we note a decline of uearlv 1 cent per pound. ' IPIRITJ TnooifXTivif TTaa 1alinni1 ami SnlfSI ! ! fl ' f I'locr Has arrived freely during the week and ne of 15 cents per barrel on all grades. ISetween ftnd HIT hnn.leu.1 ha.pi.lc neritrnd An ThtlPBtlaV. ,lARa-in demand. jUBA1N- Wanted at qoutatlons. ! Wilmington market, May 5. fCRPPv....n li . I . 1 i- ...... i.. 1.. . 1 l 7 ef57 do at for virgin, 3,05 for yellow dip aud ' for hftr.i ia 9ua n.o at8?-8178 tJRPEXTiNB" Sales yesterday of 100 bbls a cls 1? gaL No sales to-day that we have heard of. S0N" Sales yesterday of 200 bbls Tale at 5.50 lbs v bbl ' and of 3'600 bb,s com,noa at l35 1$ 0thinfff doin In-ilav in either irrade. 3 HI 1.VR Sales yesterday of 74 bbls at 1,75 bbl. biifci We note the rece'P1 of two cargoes, 3. "'00 the t i in al1' of wl,icl 1800 busliels were to order balance had not been sold when we closed euqui- ; KEW YORK MARKET. M&y 4. tin. buyan; middling Uplands 128c per lb. Dy ur advanced 10 cents ; Southern G,30 6,H0 per bu4 f?eat firm common white 1,70 y 1,73 per yell n buyant ald higher mixed 7c ; round tc W 91c Per bush- Sugar firm anl advanced T. firm; sales of 4.000 bbls. Spirits turpentine steady. Kice steady. Supi Kine. Jrp GRAI' -v Corn e Whew s Oat IV AmoitaD, NOTHING IMPORTANT BY THIS MORN ING'S MAIL. People's Ticket Successful. Philadelphia? May 4 In the municipal elec tion held yesterday, the People's Ticket was chos en by about 2500 inaj uity. ThV snine party al so secured a majority iu both boards of the City Council. American Medical Convention. Louisville. May 3. The American Medical Convention met here to-day, when Dr. Henry Miller, of Kentucky, was- elected President for the ensuing year. A "V" K 'X' T EVII.L K. T. C ARRIVED. May 1st Steamer 8outheren. Capt. Evan's, to K. M. Orrell. with mereliandize. " 3rd Steamer Hattie Hart. Capt. Peck, tc K M Orrell. with passengers and ncicnanrt zc " -4th Steamer Kowan, Capt. Mi Kae, to T. S. Lut lei loh. with merchandize. " 4th Steamer l-Vnny Lutt- rloh Capt. Elder, to T. S. Iut'eiloh, with passeugers and merchandize. " 4th Steamer Douglas. Capt. Banks, to Mas ter, with merchandize. " Sth Steamer Flora McDonald. Capt. Ilart. to Worth & Utlcy, with passengers and mer chandize. " 6th Steamer P.lack Kiver, Capt. Dickey, to D. & W. Mcl.aurin. with nierclntiidize. " . 6th Steamer Sun. Capt. Hush, to 1! 51 Orrell, with passengers and merchandize. 6th Steamer flattie Hart, Capt. I'eck. to It M . Orrell, with passengers and merchandize. 7th Steamer Fanny Lutlevloh, Capt. Klder, to S. T. Iutterloh, -with passengers and mi-rcbandize. -" 7th Steamer Southern, Capt. Evans, to R.Sf, Orrell, with merchandize. CLKARKD. May 2nd' Steamer Fanny Lutterloh. Capt. Elder. from T. S. Lutterloh, with passengers and produce. 2nd Steamer Flora McDonald. Capt, Hart, from Worth Jfc L'tley, with passengers and produce. " Srd Steamer Southerner. Capt. Evans, from K. M.Oarell. with produce. " 4th Steamer Hattie Hart, Capt. Teck. from li. M. Orrell. 'with passengers and produce. " 5th Steamer Fanny Luttei loh. Capt, Elder. from T. S. Lutterloh, with passengers and produce. " Cte Steamer Rowan. Cajit. Mcllae, from T. S. Lutterloh. with produce. ' 7th Steamer Flora McDonald, Capt. Hurt. from D. fc W. McLaurin, passengers and produce. " 7tb Steamer Dousrlas, Capt. Banks, from Master, with produce. 8th Steamer Hattie Heart. Capt. Peck, from K. M. Orrell. with passengers anil produce. " fih Steamer Southern. Capt. Evans, from K. M. Orrell, with produce. MOTHERS AND OTHERS INTERESTED would do well to look at the fancy C'assimrre Sacks. Marseilles do.. Linen do., fancy suits of various kinds. iic, for little hoys, now opening at O. S. BALDWIN & CO S. BISHOP, MYRON. LAPP. STRING. GAIiKOTE. Marseilles aud Linen Collars, at O S. BALDWIN & CO S. TTJt, COTTON, anT)MKRIXO nTvLl-Tr'sK. O at O. S. BALDWIN A CO S. i 7"ALISKS, rOKTMANTEAUS, PELLISIEIi Bags. f Ladies1 Hat Case's. Ac Ac. at O. S. BALDWIN ACQ'S. A DUSTER IS SOMTEHING A TRAVELER cannot dispense with. We are opeii'msr all the grades at O. S. BALDWIN & CO?S. SI LI S K WARP KIUBKD ALPACA FlIOCKS AND O. S. BALDWIN & CO S. SILK UN Thread, Cotton and Gauze Merino do., at O. S. BALDWIN &. CO'S. Mny 7. ROYAL HAVANAJdTiERY. 27,000 afUJIBEltS. OKKIXABY PItAW'I.VG. May 30, 1859. Jr.VE 30, 1859. 6 Prixes of $2 000 10 rrizrn of 1.O00 62 Prizes of 500 143 Prizes of 4 0 Prixe of rrne of Priit of Triae of $100,000 50.000 30 (NO 15 000 12.0O0 Prixe of 20 Approximations S.SO0 Whole Tickets. $20 ; Halves, $i0 ; Quuiltrf, $5. All communications aildreFseil to A. ANTOXI Si Co.. Savaiimih, Georgia, will meet with prompt attention- arsr-Lowcst Prize 400. Administrator's Notice- rpiIE SUBSCRIBER HAVING OBTAINED SPE I - ciai Letters of Administration upon he estate of An;-us Ray, uee'd., will otfur for Salt;, on Tusilaj-. the 24th int., at tiie lat-j resilience of the said Angus Iiay, all th-; perishable estate of the said Kay, con sisting of Hogs. Horses, Sheep, t'nws and Calves, Corn. Fodder. Bacon, and farming Utensils. House hold and Kitchen t urniture, A'c, on a credit ol six month?. At the same time and place, the Xejrrocs of said estate, consisting of Men, Women, and Children, will be hired out until the 1st -day of January, 18i(). Bonds wilh approved security will be required. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment. JOHN' S. RAY, Adm'r. FURTHKIt NOTICE. At the same time will be rented until the Ist of January 1SU0, Four Plantations belonging to said estate. Some fine farming lands already planted. JOHN S. KAY, Adm'r. May 7, 18."9. -ts. Presbyterian copy till sale. SUBSCRIBEXOW ! DO YOU WANT TIIE NEWS T IT VO-'J DO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NORTH CAROLINIAN, ruiNTKD IN FAVFTTEVH.I.E BY SINCLAIR PEARCE. IT WILL SOON BE ISSUED. SEND IN YOUU NAMES. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR FOR THE DAILY NORTH CAROLINIAN. THE WEEKLY NORTH CAROLINIAN. THE OLDEST DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN TIIE STATE. ONLY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. SEND IN YOUR NAMES EARLY. WEEKLY-TWO DOLLARS. DAILY SIX DOLLAS. ADDRESS SINCLAIR & PEARCE, . EDITORS NORTH CAROLINIAN, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. Sanford's Liver lnT-iortor. Compounded entirely Ureal Gum? Never deUiUlales ; A Spiinl Medicine. A Kainilv Medicine, A Good Medicine ; ruriQen the Blooil, Pnrifies the Blood. FuriHe lhe Blood ; Cures IJrer Connkinl9 Cam Sick Headache, Curos Dyspepsia. Cnrea C-ostireness. Cons Bowel Complaints. Sue advertisement to another ooluian . FABHI0MBLE CLOTHING: FOB Gents, Youths and Boys. - ALSO Yoke-Neck SHIRTS, Hosiery, SUSPEXDERS, STOCKS," CltAVATS, G LOVES, T R U N K S, ' VALISES, &C, MAY BE HAD AT A.J. WOODWARD'S OISE PRICK Clothing Store, Market Square, Two duors below HiijKlivlt-" Dnig Store, FA YETT KYI LI. E, X. C. NEGROES FOR SALE. : ALIKKLY YOUNG WOMAN about fi years of Se anl Child aliout a. year old. Any person veimhinx to purchuxo, will please onnly to M y 7. 2t HE.vnrV. joh.vso.v. CHANGE OFThVUK. ON and after Wednesday. Mav 4th. the Stpamer HATTIE HAIfT, will leave for Wilmington at C o'oloek, A. M. precis ly, until further notice nnd not at 8 o'clock heretofore advertised. Passengers will breakfast on Hoard. T. V. I'ECK, Ciipt. Mav 18.19. at. Georgia State .Lottery, For the benefit of the MONTICELLO Union -A.cacl0m.3r, Authorized by Special Act of Legislature, McKIXNKY & CO.. Managers. CAPITAL PRIZE MORK TIIAX ON"E PRIZE TO EVERY TZBJST TICKETS. Whole Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters J5J,50. MA GjYIFICEJ'T S CHEME. T O BE D It A W N EACH SATURDAY IS MAY, 1S59. CLASS 18, to be Drawn May 7, 185lJ. CLASS 19, to be Drawn May 14, 1859. CLASS 20, to be Drawn May 21, 1859. CLASS 21, to be Drawn May 28, 1859. 1 Prile of 60.000 in JC0.000. 1 rriip of 1.100 in f 1.500 Frizes cf 400 are 20.000 300 are 30 0OO " liO0 are 20.000 100 are 10.000 SO aro 6.000 1 " 10 000 is 10.000. 50 1 " 5.000 is 5.0O0' 100 1 ' 5.000 is 5.000. 100 1 4.000 is 4.000. 100 1 0.000 is 3 O0U 100 A PPROXIMA TIOS PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $400 approximating to $60,000 prize are $1 .600 4 Prizes of 300 approximating to 10.000 prizu are 1.2nd 4 Prizes of ir0 approximating to 5.000 prize ar 1 .000 4 Prize of 2'0 approxiujat itig to 5.000 prize are 1.00O 4 Prizes of 200 approximating to 4 000 prize are 800 4 Prizes of 3.30 approxiniHting to 3.000 prize are 600 1 Prizes of 100 approximating to 1.500 prize are 400 5.000 Prizes of 30 are ------ l.'0,000 -l,-lSi3 rrixes amounting to - - - - - iff330,10 Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowiug rates, which is the risk : Certiiicates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickels - $70 10 Half " 3". . " 10 Quarter " 18 " ' 10 Eighth " 9 IS ORDERING TICKETS Oil CERTIFICATES. Knclose tlie money to'our address for the tickets ordered.ou receipt of which they will be forwarded by fist mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any tigure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Orders for Tickets of Certiiicates, by Mail or Ex press, to be diiected to .McKlXNEV & CO., Savannah, Ga. Mav 7, 1853 -tf SEGABS. t An flAO SKOAUS of various Brands 1 lUU.UlU Sale. GEO. W. SPERLING. for April 31). Kerosene Oil. JIGnT colored, best qualify. For sale bv U ' S. J. HINSDALE. April 31. tf in Buckwheat Seed. JjOR sale by April 30. tf-in S. J. HINSDALE. Glue oA BARRELS Glue, for alu low by Z) S. J. HINSDALE. April 30. tf-in Cod Liver Oil Jelly, ND SVKUI OF PHOSrillTES. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. April 30. tf-in Congress Water. - FOtt Sale by P. J. HINSDALE. April 30. tf-in Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorative. JOU Sale by S. J. HINSDALE. April 30. tf-in Citrate of Macncsia,. KJti. saie uy April 30, I8.")3. S. J. HINSDALE. tf-in Podopliillin, Gelsemin, STILLING IX, LUPULIN, &c. &e. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. April 30. 1?C9. tf-in A. SI, JOHNSON, INSPKCTOU OF SPIRITS TURPENTINE. WIKEB01SF.S NEAR TUE FLOL'K WAREUOl'UF, -and- Convenient for Wagon. AM Business entrusted to my care will receive my personal and prompt attention. When not engaged at the Warehouse, tan be fuuud at the store of P. P. JohiiBon, Gillespie Street. March 5, IfeiS. -3u Warrants, CIVIL and State, just printed and for ?a!e at the " Carolinian ;' OUice. Feb"y.l9 tf 13 03 WORC EXECUTED IN F.VEHY STYLE 09 the axtt the CAROLINIAN CI'FICE.