II O M E I WUD KNOTT DYE IN WDfTUR. FAD ID BOCA. ST THE OETHEB or THOKT3 w 'gray I mid not dye in v-intur, When whiske punchiz HO When pooty gals air skating O'er fealds ov ice & eno When sassidge meet is phrying & Hickeri knutts is thick! Owe ! who kud tliink of ever dighmg, Or even getting sick? I wud knott dye in spring ticm, &, mis the turn up green, & the pooty song ov the lettle frawgs, & the ski larks arly screems ; When burds begin thare wobbling, & titers gin to sprout When turkies go a gobblering, I wud knott then peg out. I wud knott dye in summur, & leeve the gard'n sass The roasted lain and butter milk The kool plase inn the grass ; I wud knott dye in summur When every thing's so hot, & leeve the w hiski Jew lips Owe know ! ide ruther knott. I wud knott dye in ortum, With peeches fitt for eating, When the wavy korn is getting wripe, & kandidates are treating. Phor these and uther wreasons, Ide knott dye in the phall ; & sense ive thort it over, -' I wud not dye a tall. . - - - - THE MERRY LAUGH. D 1 S 1 I iove to hear a merry laugh, Out-ringing wild and tree, A3 floats the music of the winds Across the sunny sea. The merry laugh goos hand in hand, With happiness and mirth ; And at its silvery toned command Joy nestles round each hearth. The merry laugh bespeaks a heart With noble feelings warm, One that will bravely do its part l.i sunshine or in storm. The music of a merry laugh Sots aged heart aglow. The smiles gleam o'er the wrinkled brow, Like sunlight on the snow. Then let the merry laugh ring out Upon the balmy air. And let its gladness put to rout The bold intruder Care. What is Folly ? Ilenr what Martin Luther s-ung, What Doctor Martin Luther sung, What the Revrened Martin Luther sung Who loves not wine, woman, and song, He is a fool, his whole life long. NEUTRAL ADVICE. Let France delight to go and fight, If 'tis her folly to : Let Austria cry for "territory !" With that we've nought to do. Our shout must be, "Neutrality !" To F.nglaril peace is sweet : But friends, that she may neutral be, Let's Man our Forts and t lect 1 Punch These Things akk a Ai i egory. V,e read tb e j following in a North country paper: "Cuiiousj Story of a Cat." In the village of Tottington, near j Bury, at the house of Mr Adam lirooks, sexton, may m ai Ltntetitri a. cuiinnc Lostance of -feline att;tehrucnt. A cat, which has a kitten three weeks old, about a week ago caught a mouse, but instead of devouring the little creature, according to the oi l established custon, she brought it to the kitten, and they are .11 linirnr f ,.; r on ilie most atfectionato terms. nil AnJ--'C,-'--'''-- .... Puss evinces an extraordinary affection for it, and appears disconsolate should the moue he out of her eight. It is delightful to witness the fearlessness wfth which the mouse trusts itself in the hands of its natural enemy, nestling iLodf for hours in it? breast, running up and down its body, and evincing the most unbounded confidence in its new friend ; whilst the cat, if possible, lavishes greater attention on it than on its own off-spring. Hundreds go daily to witness this curious exhibition, and go away sur prised and delighted." Surely the editor is palming off an allegory upon us under the guise of an anec dote. What can be plainer? The cat is Louis Na- Tin. t-itten is lctor-Lmniainici. i ne i lctor-Lmmanuei. 1 1 iiuiwn. . ' ,,l ii.i.. 'V.V,;..,. i-nr ovriici tbe. attni'b- 1 mouse is xtaty. v..... - . i ment of cat and kitten to tne mousey &o w-um , wait till puss is hungry. Punch. 1 The Queen of the Adriatic in Danger. Think -,f nbl Venice beinar bombarded ! It seems like cow- itrdice to fire at its crumbling old walls, its decaying palaces, and noisome, narrow streets, and its shab by old St. Marks Tlace. The Venetians, or rather, the Austrians, are nevertheless alarmed, and have taken measures to be ready Cor French frigates. The alarm is to be given by twelve cannon shots from Fort St. George. At this sign il all civilians are to retire instantly within doors ; the only exceptions being in favor of ecclesiastics in the exereise of their sacred functions, nod medical men. The gondoliers, and all passengers whom they may at the moment in questian have on board, are to place themselves instantly under the orders of the military. Should the alarm be given after dusk, lights are to he plac ed at the first floor windows of all houses, public or private. Poor old Venice ! It is rough treat ment for its old age. But if French cannon shot strike the hotel and knock down some of their scan dalous charges" there are many traveling Americans w ho will acknowledge and rejoice at Gallic superior ity. Boston Post. PIGEONS OF EASTERN VIRGINIA. It is estimated that 20,000 worth of w ild pigeons are caught in Essex county, Va., every season. As they sell for about Jl a dozen, this lawkes the num ber caught about a quarter of a million. Tbe Salem Observer gives this account of the way they are caught : The pigeons are attracted to particular parts of the wood by the strewing of grain in an open space cleared of the bushwood fr the purpose. In this way, they are not only tolled around the place where traps are to be set and familiarized with the ground, but are well fattened before being taken. They are fed for some time previous to the spreading of th nets. When a sufficient number have congregated to make it worth while to entrap them, their grain 5s sutiiMtwl with whiskv. which steals away their silly brains as it does silly men's brains, and they Vi.n'rvrrv va i 1 1 1 n irl v Rfrnrvi fipil victims of the trappers. The net is set in such a way that, by trie use oi voung saplings or drawing springs, it is made to jump over the dense flock of fuddled pigeons gath ered in front of it ; and when they attempt. to rise they are entangled in th m- sljes. Ihe pigeons, we are told, when enticed by the gram and whisky, w ill huddle together in a eompacttmass, as it lor the eratirication ot the trapper. ..v-vvv . . . - A 1VV nnoo r-rmirVlt in the net. thev thrust their j i 1 v ,eV,c rd the t ranner. bv UVil VUVV - - ' neaiu. iuum&u . -- "--t certain nressure upon tne necK, Kins tnem oie atier n7herPwtth Jreat rapidity, and with more dexteri- another with trreat rapidity, ty of touch than tenderness of feeling. The Italias Freo. The Committee for raising funds for the relief of the families engaged in the war for the independence of Italy, announce that $4,817 25 have been already received. Among the subscribers to this noble and patriotic eause we no tice the names of V. Bolta, $100; O. Fabbrieotte, $250; M. Pattasaldl, $250 ; Hon. Auu;. Belmont, $200; Mrs. James G. Bennett, $100; W. H. Aspin--wall, $100; Tufts & Cooley, $20; and a large nam ber of subscriptions. N. . Y, Day Book. The N. O. Chamber of Commerce is In correspon dence with simnar bodies in London, Liverpool, and i (he Uuitfcd States to agree on the proper weight ft barrel of Eoftin. fllAKEN FROM MY WAGON, on Wednesday even 1 iuir last, about sundown, by D. B. Roberts, a large HORSE, generally known as a flea-bitten gray I will give tDe above reward or ior me uenvcij of the horse to me at the Shemweli House, or at my shanty, twenty-two miles from Fayetteville, ori the Central and Albemarle Plank Road. D. B. Roberts went from this place to Wilmington, thence to Rich mond, Va., where he is supposed to be now." Any in formation concerning the above will be thankfuliy re ceived. Address . HOLLAR. June 11. (d-lw w-lm) Fayetteville, N. C r",UE next .! on. in this Instution will commence A. on Wednesday, the Kxh July next. The facul ty same as la.-t session. It is very desirable that all should coiije in promptly &t the beginning of the session. D, JOHNSON, Princ::al. June 25 4w V FINE Article of French and Cognac Brandv. J. R. McbUFFIE. J. V. For sale by ISTILLERS GLUE. For sale by J. R. .McDUF IE. 3 L RE DOMESTIC LIQUORS. For s-.ilf ''V R. Me DUE FIE. J. CUPPEIINONG and MEPEIRA WINE. R. MlI'U For sale by J. TIE. J)ACON! BACON" eagon::: 1-' r Sitl'1 )v J. l: . McL" L'i- i iE.. JURE CIDER VINEGAR. For sale by J. R. McDUFIIE. Y GOOD VRT1CLE OF OD FISH. For pale by J. R. .McDUF FIE. 4 DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES. j For sale by J. R. McDLFFIE. II' ERRIN.S! II FJRRIXS V. IIERHIXS !!! For sale ly J- R. MeL'L r i- lb. R. COFFEE. TEA. MOLASSES, BUTTER SUG l: Alii). TOiJACCO. SNLIr. aul many oilier articles geuerally kept in the Grocery line, 'or sale by June 1. tf-w J. R. McDUIFlE. TT1 i ,tv?. ? , 9 9 ,? FEMALE H 1 G II SCHOOL. TlIIE Examination Exercises will commence on Tii'-sflay July the 5ih. at o o'clock, 1. .M. The Annual S'.niioa will be preached at Light, by Rev. A. Weaver 1.',.!)? P Oleic. Esq.. of Oreoncboronch. will deliver the Literary Address on Wedio sd,.y v-uing. On 1'burstliiy at 1 0 o'clocV A. M.. tin? Graduating Ext rc'e 'vi'.l "lake place. In the evening, tin-re will be a Concert of Vocal a-id LtMrum.Mitai Mus o. WM. K. BLAKE, l'rine'pal. M iy 27. w-tf I HAVE associated with me, in this line. Mr Jolm K. Dailev. and will style the firm OR K I LL A. DAILF.V. We have purchased ihe Steamer Sot thfrnei:. and in a few dys. will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us w'.th their patronage may rely upon pro'n.it despatch, by applying to Mr. Bailey on board, or to me at my oiace. R. M. ORI! ELL. R. M. ORRF.LL I-larch 2C. 18:9. -tf. JOHN K. DAI LEY. li 4000 LBS NORTH CAROLINA BACON ; (JDUU lbs. Baltimore Sides ; 2500 25 25 25 500 15 Just received, June 10, 1m- ' Prime Leaf Lard ; Lbis. Mess Fork ; do. Extra No 1 and 3 Mackerel do ' " 1 iierring ; 11. s Extra No. 1 Cud Fish ; llhds. Prime Molasses, and will sell cheap for cash. W. C. TF.OY v.. TERY SUPERIOR SALMON. selected e.-p T for retallins- 25 dbz. Extra Beef Tongues. 3 Firkins Choice Goshen Butter. Just receied at W. C. TROY'S June 10. -I'n State of -XTcvtl) CTaroau, ROBi:r-ON COUNTY. Court of rieas and Quarter S( ssh-iis, 31 "J Term. Henry Bra.-'.vell and otLcrs vs. Vrheat Braswcll and others, Petition for sale of slave for Partition. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Wheat Brasw'ell, Ashley Braswcll. Lotty P.rav,eil, and Dailinir Braswcll. are non-iesid'iits of this Stat ' : It is therufore ordered that publication made in tiie North Candinian. a ptiper published in the To n of etteville. N. C. tor six wi.-eks. notuvuig sa;u ie- fondants t iji'ieur at the next 1 eriii o! tii.s onrt to be .urth . i uu- bt,w .Jt ri;urt !iVIf!,; in ijUIi, Monday in August tvxt. t!e-n a n rtoii. on the there t.i rb swer or di 'iiur to said i-ietiiion, or iu. lenient jwo ?un- fesno will be rendered, and tne saine heard tr jarte as to them. Witness, John II. ITartman, Clerk of our sail Couit. at Office in Lumberton. the 23rd day of May. A. D J. M. 1IARTMAN. Ci.eiik. June I A, 1S."9. -v-6t. pr. advr't $3.5. J5tate if jNTcrtl) Carolina, ROUESON COUNTY, Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, May Tern; 1-03. Joseph Thompson, Administrator, vs. Alexander II. Fulmore and others. Petition for sale of Real Estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thai Peter llatlie, ai d wife Ann, 'Joseph Fulmore, Uobcit McTyer. and wile Caroline, the heiis at law, ot E'.iza bethTowiisend. and the heirs at law of John liKiuore, all reside beyond the limits of this .Slate : It is there fore o: derod "siiat publication be made in the Norih Cai-.'.Wiiia:i. a paper published in ihe Town of Fayette ville. N.C. fi r six w et Ks, iM-tifying sail! d feinleuts tu be and appear at I lie next term ul this Cm it to 1 e beid at the" Court Hou.-e in Lumberton, on the -iih Mondav in August next, then and ihe re to plead an swer or demur to said petition, or judgment j ro eoi ftsso will be tendered, and the tame heard x p ite as to tii; in. Witness JohuM. Hartman, Clerk ot our said Louri. . ii... .-1..,- f- A I" A ! at, ()mce in Lumoenou, me "j1 - l8.-,g. J. 51. UAKT-MA.N. CLFEK. Jur e 18, -6w pr. of advr. $.5,25. tc of xsavll) Carolina, yiai KOBESON COUNT i. In Efj-a!-. Janes Bra-well, Solomo;? lbuier and wi"s Mary, Sam uel Butler and wile .MiUy, C'.ui on Yelmuton and wife N.incy, Kenneth Braswell. lienry Braswtll, Wheat Braswell. Lotty Braswcll. Ashley Biaswtll, Darling Braswell, and Allen Braswell, vs. Aaron Braswell, the heirs at law ot Darrl braswell, deceased, whose names are unknown, and the heirs at law f Susan Braswell, deceased, whose nanus are unknown. It appearing to my satisfaction tbr.t Aaron Braswell. and the heirs of D; vid Braswell. deceased, whose names are unknown, and the heirs of Susan Braswell. deceas ed, who married William i'-raswell. deceased. hose names are unknown, are non-residents of the State of North Carolina, they are hereby notified to appe?s at a the ne.t i erm ot tne court oi r-qui j to be heli; lor rtw fn.i3 t the Cnnrt . Ilmise . w-- - - - - in Lumberton. on the 4th Monday -bomber and nlead answer or demur to a Petition hied in said Court against them, for the sale of a tract of Land ly ing in the county of Robeson, of which Pegay Bras well late of tfeeeaid o nty. died egized and possessed, and of whom said plaintiffs and defendants are heirs at law ; otherwise tbe same will be heard expaTte and a decree be rendered pro confesso against them. E. S. FRENCH, C. &. M. EQ, Jane 18, lS59.-w6t pr. adv. 5.25. rifl-n ig "Warrants, CIVIL and State, just printed ar.d for pale at the r " CAKOLEStA" Office BLANKS OF ALL KINDS FOB kali, ai Seventy-five ceuts per quire, any number ovei of i five quires sixty cents per quire. At the 1 siii.JlX.iki,Li CITICE. (SUGAR COATED,) ARE HADE TO CLEANSE THE ELOOD AND CURE TEE SICK. liivnlUls, Fathers, Mothers, Physicians, FltilaulhrouUls, I ei their KflVcta, null judge of their Virtue. FOR THE Cl'RE tF Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach. llnsEURr., Pa., May 1, bob. Dr. J. C. Ater. Fir : I have been r jx-atcdly cured of the worst headache anj' ldy can have ty a dose or two of your Piils. It seem to arise from a foul stomach, wliii they cleanse at once. If they wiil cure otliers as they do me, the fact ia worth knowiug. Yours with great rvFpect, Er. VT. l'REBhK, C erk of Steamer Carion. J?il3ons Tisorders tind Liver Complaints. KSPAUTOTNT Of THE 1 TEPIOB, WASHINGTON, i. C, 7 i'eb.,lb55. Sn: : I h;ive ytmr Viil in my pnerat and hospital prac tice ever aiiie y --u i:tade thei;i. ai:d c:'.ii?iot h-sit:te to say they are the tet cntharrir w' t rripi'-y. Their reiruiiitiig action on tie brer is quick and di ckini, c nroquently they are an ailniir. ble remedy I t U( rar'tuients of that orcan. Indeed, I have gehi"iu found a rase of bilv us iitr me so obstinate that it did not readily vie! i to them. r ritteruaily vfois, AL:XZO BALL, 51. E., 11. yi,-ia n f Ike. Marine. HotyUdL Dysentery, SloiMXj and IVorms. I'OrT till' t. HiBiXANB, l.iv. . Mich , Nov. 16, ISfS. Ip.. ATt.K-. y-'iir i-iils ar..- the j-eriectton of medicire. They have iii'!e n.v v. il'.- in- r-- -.n : t'j-t!i 1 van iAl you. ?-iie had ten Fi.k Kiel .i-.rji aw ay i' r n..n;i.i. Wetit oft to loctr-d at prcat i'sj.eiw, hut r ;o ! letter. Mie Then c ni!noo.-fu i.i.yi'g yi.ur I ihs- i.j. ii of wurai- idindf f i. cuxi ii nt-r, I.J ex;ieliiE wi;i- i" 'i"i"' her U-H. in ui'ter:u-d-'cured lierand l.i .iv Jvsei.-. ry. of our noiiriibora ;jV. tuied i.im ih ov.. do.-es .f your Vuf , :.- ...-.id li.-m f.ve t twtnty doliars doctors' tii',.-, v. iUn.iit I -ims cured mitiii ly even oi:r tM. c!c had it !...":. : v;i- i.r';"!'? hi:!.-, and h llieli. .e..l , ... i alu : -Tee. n:i; a Iii-iitcitio a: ii ieil iic! e. ft: or :'-"l .-. .. r. v ins. vhiiii is aL:iia!y pooa ana til-:i. .'. URlI'FiX, !' ti master. iiinovity of the Hlootl. ar $;!!' -aiih extiaLr.iil:.'iry success Vl:. A IK: I iu my taiuii;. t'ei ,ii. Ti re.-::i:.'i- t'.i- O.-.'i are tie- V, ! -.-t rel ..-! I aui called to i.-it iu iin trees f diri stii.n aii.t .uriiy roe urnuo j , ';-. e ever Kie v. ii. and I can confi (iently tr.-uiljl thclli to 1JIV 'iVafsavv, Wy Tir-.B ?:m T am o m y-uri. lirid :!. -in ai, . xc iicut pur.i::' friends, lours, J. . til.'lt3. r- .. n. v.. tie I'iils!! Iwause toe t. 24. Iai5 firaet teiii e.i.u pu rify I..iiiit.".i.is cil trie u;uju- JOT! .f!)A5T, M. r. Prvsiaiias. Prrofula, Kins il, Tetter, Tumors, at:-.l S;i PVi.n a Wirtcur.it i.p A'-:'? Dn. Avt:a: Y-mr 1'iiis are. the .a i;!ic;n:i. x-. ...,,, n.. 4. 3? &6. n r.i' al) that i xifnt in .lighter ui ul; el. i;s -erea niedii ine. Tii-y c: np..n her baieis and t. Hei mother lias been ! arii hat i. id pieved inmrai'le fi.r years. :l .lisly alT irre.i w ; i 1 M. tehe a.lid her iiair. Afler i-itr ciiiid wa. cured, d tiiCV lliiC CUi .il hei. ASA Mt.'RORTBGE. pimj ii'S on her .hi she also tried 3 our u an 1 ; I'ili.-, I?heami tira? Neiirrl- , am: ? 11. (.v., .1 FI-IU ie A' r. I'r. r,1V: I ... lfI.A.-Kl iiiiL - N .A .'an. 0, lN")f.. lie! y ior skill n. A t id -.et- HnMOKFP PlR: tiitl::I be HI.; ;.!. :;; has t.:-(ur.rht mo if I lid net r ..-it :.iv . tied in my limr s and hren'iit -.n t s.TU which end.-1 in chreidc 1 iietin.e'i the best !l ici;;!is. l!:e liiHiisc tir.-vv v. i tile adi(x- ot yei.i eAi eil'-iir ae,i nt in I'. I tried y..or i iiU. '1'iieir etle' ts ' ...re sencring in the u e of them 1 am ia.w t SeSa'tR C!l-TDiR. JS -ON Ko: ii.r th. : t" la : iriny: reni-aivii. i.ains. ot i hshuiii:!'" 1 i.!. 1 se and wii ie. '.;:.Tii. t-V .;.ii... e. Ijc. Mm i keirie. -s. .w. hut sine, exitireiy Weil. l-r.E, ht.. f; Dec B j.er-,IK-5. Pi-.. Ayek: 1 have h, matic Gout a j ainiul 11 I'Y v an- l'ili.- of l;;.. u- that ha. t af.,ieted nie f V I.N ct; NT .-1 r v- a i ?. i (" i l l.. Fr I?rojsy, I'lethor!, or Ji:i!ied t o-i.s 1li;i:ts, lc-'iuhing an actle pur.e, tliey a;e an extLdieut reiii.-dv. For Cofivrress or Corstr.fiiis no a liifti2et' Fill, they are itreen! le and t :i'c. 1 n Fits, S; nrrrssiioii, I'nrriS vsis, It;!;: al. n;rr..'itiou, Sr.d ev, 11 in 1 3 ss s , ai:i lTe.itii;l ii93l,i31C; cured l.v ti:e alterative iic'i" 11 ol These 1'itjt,. a-, e in.eii M.n-t f the fiilii in market contain !M err urv. v. hicli, aihooph a valie.Me frnlil t!ie d tkiUH ue. elliedy in l-kiifu) iiallds. is .iHiitre.'- Hi ill a i-eddie .i.l, eadt'ui eiio.-e.ua lieeri ili..T I'reyaeT.tly f II nv its iiieail Tlieso contain no mercury oi' xuiuerai sulntauce whatvver. AYEFS CHEiunY PECTOBAL rOll THE RAi'ID Cl'Kli OF t'OI GIIS, CI.I?i, HOIKSESKSS, IXKI.T'ETJ ZA, CKOXCHITI!, AVIIOOPIXG COtGH, CiiOtI, ASTHMA, I5CIP1E5T COXStJIPTlO A , nn.l for the relief of cimsui-etive ia';eiit.s in nJ Tin ceil stages of the di-e:t . e. We th -.i nut pjienk to the puMie of ita virtue. Thioiiphor.t everv town, and ulmuHt every l.iiiulet of the .Vniei ie::n States, its Wonderful cures of pulmonary eomiilaints have made it al ready known. Kay, few are the families in any civilized coun try on this continent without some personal experience of its effects; and fewer vet the coniniuimies any where which have not amniiz them some living trophy of its victory cvi r the sub tle and daiic-rous diseases of the throat and hinirs. V. bile it is the most '-owerlul antidote vl known to man tor the f.irmeia Me dangerous diseases i f the pe.lllii.liary oi sms. it is also the p'.easaiitei-t .".ml safest remedy that can lie employ, d tor in fants and vounit persons. I'arcnis should have it in store against the "insidi. .us eneniv that steals upon them unprepared. We have ahundant ereunds to l. lieve the Ciiekkt 1'cctokai. saves more lives hy the coiisiinip'ions it .revent than those it rures. Keeji it ly you. and cure yt ur adds while they are ctira le. nor neglect them until no lmmaii skill can master the in- , exorahle canker .hat. fa.-t.-e-! on the vitals, eats your life away. All know the dreadful tataiity of lunft disorders, an4 as know too the virtues of this remedy, w Msd not to mer Until assure them it is still m.ido the best it can he. We spare-no cost, no care, no toil t . produce it the most prrfeet possible, and thus afford those who rely on it the best agent which our skill can furnish for their cure. TBEPARED BY DR. J. C. ATER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, 2Iasa. AND sold is Y Feb'v 19, i 1 1 lev i ui . N. C. o,rz. one FJFT Y TJIOL SA XI ticki: TS MURE GM PHIZ TG LVRY TWO Wlio St lottery i a For the 2vroisr LLO Autli ciril Act .f L-'irislaturiv onzeu o ; S;m McivJNNI Y A: CO., M.vs-GEns. CAPITAL PRIZE M i t o n i-: i' r, a 1 nACIl SATURDAY IX ix i.'in; TXE IS.'jD. City CLASS CLASS CLASS CLAS. Ga. 1S.j9. 1:j. , ISO 9. fe5 4 1 1 IS 22, ro ui-: 2o, to nr. ' . , Til C '. . 20, ro Di'.AW.V rJf 1 hiAWX .1 r : ' N K J L"- r. DrMW o ' O J - V 'T in: mi:. Pr:zc of $;'0 0. 0 IS $co.ono. U'-.l. If. i i o. 5-oOU. 4.01.0. 3 oeo. 2.000. l.o"'0. 1 lO'J. P-.b:e? of Sl.Oii.1 are $5.0HQ 10 500 are - 1U.0C0 is a.oOO is ' 4.000 U l. 3 000 ia " -2 eoe is 1.500 .i ' 1101 U 400 are 800. " S'.'O are 600. iOO are 400. 150 are 7.000. 100 are 10.000. or. are 9.500. 100 1 ;0 1C0 &o are S.OOO APPROXIMATION pr;2..s or" fj.i'l piroxini:iti;i;J to f ! Pr:-fs ..t'l .l 1. 1.' I'Oxi Ulll' i'-lri - PHIZES 00.001 j rize H r ;o i 00 i r;ze an J?.fi0 6.00 500 400 640 S40 400 3i0 8.000 20.060 4PrizeS Gl- approxinritin.. 4 Truts of 1-C a.';-rrxir,tiiiIr la t) 10. 0 J0 pr'ze 5 000 vrizc are ii'f 8 Prizes of 60 ar to 4 l 00 fi'ize are o.n-.io priz'i are i I '00 I r'ze tre 1- 'O0 Proze u'e 8 Fr'.ze- ot" 0.1 npr.i-oxlui.ilii to S Prizes of 50 anri-uii-.ritiLiz to S Prizes of 4,) aj i poxim.iliu 400 Prizes of iu are 23.000 Prize t i are to Pr! zi'S nooirat to - . - - - $3i36,040 ill be sold at the fol- Ortificatc lowiug rates. Certificates ; of I'acit! ii ich is the r. s w ,f i'aekaues f 1 0 W 1 de Tickets 11) Kail ' " 10 Qaartr " ' lu Eighth 30 15 50 IN ORDERING TICKET OR CEIITIFICATLS. Enclose the m-ncv to our 'address for the tickets ordered. on receipt of which they .will be forwarded by t let mail. Purchasers can harsticketa ending in anv figure thev may designate.' the list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly confidential- :, Orders for Tickets of Certificates, by Miil or Ex press, to be diieet3d to . aicKlXXEY & CO., Savaaaah,'Ga. May 7, 1853 -ti ,, "OB WOHK EXECUTLD IN F.VERf the art at the CAROLINIAN STYLE OT" OFFlCE.il TTLL HEADS neatly printed. nn Itta Mitt lhiwfc' vt XJ on a ti half cT(-t ruled for Lhe rmrnnpe. Give ua 1 call at tia CAROLINIAN QITICE. Tii iiii'l r& MKH BOUX. 1 v PROPRIETORS. . Ttt 'fe magnificent Hotel hus been enlarged to nearly V t e.Ki Fta ririnal size, an addition of eighty-eight fept bVing been added on Railroad street, thus pres enthTa imposing front .immediately in view t the Ab?verS of this Hotel (which is Hree stories .vr f towards the Ocean two hundred and flltffcj Ml.m J elghm. feet, affording a TleliIitfttl Promemde. t- h; ta.nd roint the beholder can scan the Ocerm F'W.tfrSne Sound in the South-west, the I? , :th"ati its shiooins. Fort Macon and three i . 'ir..i. in the South-east, affording a rauge of Liism "uc" Ocean centrj'. -hat ls scarcely else-where to be met with. I "hptitYt'viiitetHleace of tfus Hotel will be in tne !h4KfMrH. ER AM BEET. (f-d in rly of the Fay 1 ' ;,, i n ii.wp tas e ar.d skill so eminently vtbe. . . : ,v oil h.i irnpfita f ic 1 oc if tl.ci' qualifies him ior maivis, " j W TiietrmU tbe country coald afford have Ken secored-t 1 " . - .,, , , , - Tb wb stop with us wul never be at a loss for U Creation and Entertainment. O.r- teamboat will make regular trips to Beaufort r lilet the Fort, and often on extra excursions, ' while our BAND OF MUSIC Vfill i ever U'SCOUrS! ng svx ecu wiiiius "v. - 1 of 'hose who shall favor us with their company. Our "liA-Kv will furnish choice liquors of all kuids ; our IHliakp Room is in goo t order, and our BowLixa 'Ax i ky wilt be constantly open ftr the entertainment of tim'&S a taste for t"bese nealthful exercises J f-ipTfniagtizines. ar.d periotlicalspublished. 1 rr-i 1 Til 2 1 , ;-' inetu'K win niiu vuv IJA TISING HOUSES a matter of great comfort and a help to better health. We feel assured that 111 every respeci v e can give entire satisfaction , we sn tu. tu ie;it, l.lle uu ikuhs to do oar jWhole duty, that all our guesis may re- ceive all possible attention ! T.lKESOTItE! As the train arrives after dark each evening. r.orToas o-6ing to Beaufort will do well to stop over pio-'ht at" Carolina City, as they can be conveyed, wherever Ihey wish to go. the next day, in a steam- it or sail-boats, and tlius ue savea me irouuie ui a disagreeable night trip across the water. Carolina City, May 14, 1859 2m Turpentine! Turpentine! Turpentine! qa iWW TUB BENTINE BOXES on and near OU.U U U the Bail lload. about 5 to K miles from Fayetteville. will he rented on good terms to any per sun wishincr to end iark in the business Also, u oood 5AW and GUI ST MILL, and two small FARMS. Also, two of the RICHEST FARMS in the County of Cumberland, one about one mile from the Market House, known '-as the Bailey place ; the other about nine miles from town, known as the celebrated Ashe Lands, which h is 2.50 or lion acres cleared land, which if properly cultivated, will produce an average of 30 Lush-ds of Corn per acre. .Those wish in. sr to rent said lands must apply soon, or they cannot be rented. For'part icnlars ay ply to C. E. Lcete, Fayetteville, who is authorized to rent in my absence. a. n. Mcdonald. Fayetteville, Feb. 8, 1859. -tf JFOtt SALE- 9$ CST FINISHED. A SUPERIOR STILL CAr and tt'OBM to work fifteen Barrels, which I will sell on rta.-onuble term. Apply soon. JAMES MARTINE. i Fayetteville, May 19, T)9. w-tf 1 FRE8II ARRIVAL.. 5331 3 J. W. LKTT eeeitd a large and general Slot K it S ,,i ffl. m,Uofl rn thft Rl'RINfi A, SUM.MLli A XL. iy, KM Wl civaawiu - - trade;onststing of a choice selection of , Staple anil Pauey DK.Y GOODS, Boats and Shoes, with almost every thing desirable in that line. riimc Family Groceries always to be had AT LETT'S. Coods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. August 28, 1858. ly pd iLSSBTS 62. rpiII3 Company has been in operation more than L six years, and has paid its Fire losses, amount ing to S'i:.524.87 without any assessment ; insurance averaging its meirbers about i per cent. Amount of property now insured, $1,563,490.01 Amount premium notes now on nana, t ,t jo.uo DIRECTORS : Gcorie McNeill, D.A.Kay,, H. L. Myiovcr: S. W. Tillinghast, 1 lenry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale. S. T. Ilawley, V. N Tillinjjhasl, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, James C. Cook, A. W. Steel, James Kvle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd. R . F . B r o w n , W i 1 m i u s t o n . Hall. Wilmington. T. S AVm. Lutterloh, McLauriu, A. L. S OFFICERS: f C.KOIU'.K McNKII.Ii, PRKSIPEXT. f D. A. KAY, VICE PRESIDENT. V C. A. MCMILLAN, SECRETARY. J. Collins and C C. McCruinmen. Travelling Agents. The Oomnanv invite applications, ' iMay 19;;IS50. wly 'r SAN JPORDS R INVIGORATQR ! 'renartti hy ir. Sanfoul, CO'SPOUXDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, S OV52 OI M'HU BET Purgative aiid L.lver . Medicines now before the public. r One dose often repeated -all morbid M'ibad matter Pi 0 is a sure cure iorLhoiera Morbus and a preventive of Cholera. Oaly one bottle is need d to throw out of tbe system the effects of medicine alter a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sal lowncss or unnatural col or from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and makes the loud digest well. One dose, often repeat from the system, supply ing in their place a heal-1 thy flow of Uile, mvigo ratincr tbe stomach, cans- am food to" digest well, a. ii . . 9 ( , sfiviug tone and health rf to the whole machinery.! t reraoviu? .the cause of Of fj the disease effecting Uillious attacks are Q ter, prevented by trie occasional : fie of the Liver Iavigerator- One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve the stwmacb. and prevent the food from rising and souriu;?. inedese talven before retiih:g"prevents night 0 H H ed cures Chronic Diar rhoea iu its worst form, while summer and bowel nlaints vield almost to the first dose. i A few bottles will cure rmnsv bv exciting the mare, ej; Only one dose taken j al uirht !ooens the bow els gently, aud cures cnsl ivenrss. Outj3ose taken after: w . absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this mett icine as a preventive for Fever and Ague. Chill each meal will cure ds,s-i pepsia. - On:rdose of two tea spoonsfnl will alwaysre- Fever, and all Fevers of a fJillius Tpe. It op erates with certainty and H thousands are willing to testifv to its wonderful lieve Sick Ilradacne. Only oue dose imtnedi-, ately relieves colic while virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony MiTXti. in the Tnnutli with the Inviirorator, and swal both together Price One Dollar per bottle. DbX5akwrd, Proprietor, No. 345 Broadway, N. Y. . Ibi&ned bv all Drusreists. holO also dv f-T Dr S.J.HINSDALE, J. N. SMITH. Fayetteville, N. C. ; x ?ca zi ieoo. Li 1? t M $M ?M Q,-9 C WV? lzp 1 I I 1 Vx Si? l&A 5.' 5S" cy. s g3 ftg f0i 3- T A NOVEL STITIjE OP KBJT 3 en DEDICATED TO T11K GREAT CHESS PLAYER I? AXJL. St O II 1 II Y ; FOR SALE AT TUE " BAZAAR OF FASlilOX.- A. McKlIMt). Fayetteville, April 23. -tf dbo. l ik'TIVK is now reeeivinir a laru'C ana general assortrnt-nt of every thing iu the above lin ALSO A m ime article of Rio. Lakiiira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown Snjrar ; Sugar House yrup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can had in this market. Nov. 27. tf The Old Dominion HAVING become indispensable to all who have tested its value, IFItl'iSi! SCPP L Y Has been obtained, among which is a lower-priced ar ticle, viz : viz 2 qt. at 1 o') and o qt. 1 lo. A LtO TRIVETS For this Coffee Pot (or boiling vessels oi auy sort,)at 25 cts., IRON COFFEE l'OT MATS, (or stands) at 15 cts. " We record our ow n opinion formed only by d-iuk- inec the coffee made in this Coflee Pot ; bet thoe more immediately connecsed with its preparation, are perfectly delighted with the simplicity and economy of the process." Southern Guardian, CoiuiuVia, So. Ca. For sale at. the CROCKERY STOHE. W. N. TiL LIN Gil A ST. May 14,1859. -tf rjIIE very thing that was needed in 1'aveiteville a .. Vaii'M-sdell 1 sky liixht i hotogra; e. U:l talcs pleisnre ia aiiummc etteville and vicinity th:it ".r o the f :!iz'-!is of lay he has opened his splendid Sky-light Walloon oppos where he is prepared to e C 1. Ila'gii v; s.nis More, ive as coil likenesses ascan be made North or South, ha v in -had a long ; experience in the Photographic Art and beinj? determin d to let none but jrood pictures leave his galery. He hopes to receive a liberal p-.itronage- Phonographs Ainbrolypes Mellaneotypes. Camcotj-pes. Ac. Those for whom our fond emotions cheri.-h. Secure the shadow ere the substance perish. Come all ye fathers and mo' hers Come all ye sisters and brothers Come all ye lovtrs and friends, No longer now delay Come to Van's Saloon and get Your picture Before yon are called away. Likenesses neatly set in pins, rinses, Jlracelets. Ac. Instructions given in the Art. Stock Cor sale. Likenesses taken at short notice of sick or deceased persons at their residence. Also 1 ndscapes and views. April, 30, tf SUN1) 50 BAC8 nio, Lar.iri and Java (;oficc ; 10 BBLS. Reiiued Su'.rar ; 10 " Ein;le -M ills sunn ; 10 Hhds. Molasses ; 3D Boxes Soda and Butter Biscuit ; 10 ' Adainautine Candies ; ."() " Soap ; 10 " S. W. Collins Superior Axes ; 30 Kefrs Nails ; Grubbing and Wecdintr Hoes ; Spades, Shovels and 'Manure Forks ; Hatchets. Trac Chains. Brooms, Buckets and Powder and Shot. In Store and for'sale GEO. W. SPERLING. South Side Hay St.. at the Store formerly oeeup'a by Messrs. J . & T. Waddill. April 30. -2m FASH10ISABLE CLOTHING. FOR Gents, Youths and Boys. i V r ' ALSO Yoke-IS eck' Hosiery, SUSPENDERS, STOCKS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, T R U N K S, VALISES, &C, MY BE HAD AT A. J. WOODWARD'S ONE PRICE Clothing Store, Market Square, X wo doors below HLirLSdaile's Drug Stor-, rAYETTETILLE, K. C. May 7, 1859. tf LOOK AT THIS ! W x A tdSjA J WW IP Hi k.,7 1 A : IA i CONTAINS MIJJES of the precious metal bffore vhtcb the f 1 Onld of California sink, to innienifican'. A few months of well directed effort amon? the m is (implr to ownre fortune. Sh" has a beautiful climate, and a soil well adaptoil the growth of Cotton. Tobacco. Sugar or Coffee. As the Key to our Pacitic PoeaeKrions. and with her t'ormment in a slate of dissolution. Manifest Destiny clearly indicate nuotber star to be added to our banner. Kor all the defafls. with a history of l-'illibusters. the Cas Yrisarri treaty, a new and improTed nap of the country appropriately colored, and other matters of interest. read NICARAGUA : Past. Present and Future, by Pe ter F. Stout. Eq.. "late United States Vice Consul " It ia a handsome 12mo. olume. and willbesent to yoiir address pt)st-p-Ji- en receipt of th price ($1.26 ) .Agents will find it Terr pdkular. Send to JOHIV V.. POTTER, PnMUher, No. 617 Sanson St., Philadelphia. Pa JJy 18,1859. d-2mo' WJI. OVERSY respect tuiiy in forms his old Iriends and patrons; that he still keeps on band a SLTEEIOR ASSORTMENT F Saddlos, Bridles, AVhips. Trunks, Traveling Bags, and Harness, made of the latest styles and best ui;ic fr Katp rhean. five doors srta.u east of the Cape Fear Bank, souin side Person street. March 5, 1B59. -Cm. . . .......... . . 1 ' I. UTTER I. OIVS LINE. gJTE.UIEU "FANNY" leaves Fayetteville every Monday and Thutxlay morning, at 15 minutes alter Sim rise; and Wilmington, Tuesday and 1-uday, at o'elofk. carrying paasengors and freipht. Steamer '-.SOL'TH F.KN EK,"' with a full comple ment of FUU. m ikon imi or more trips per week, as circumstances mav require. Theaccidont to" the Steamer "HOAVAN'' will be repaired iu a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LL l'ltiiuun. Oct. 0. 1 . -tf E just rcceit ini; a very faie htotk ot M m-nv. AND SCMMKK GOODS, cm sisting of Men s and Yoi'Ti's' f 4! .IIS. PUTAI.OOVS AX1 VLSTS Boys" Also, a fiue assortment of rialn and Fancy Linen and Marseiilen Shins. " Drawers, i.? Ilaa.Ikerchiefe. Ac. Ac Ac. Warranted to sell lower than any Clothing Merchant in Fayetteville. Store, two doors above "Carolinian'7 Office. Fayetteville, March 5, 18.59. -tf -fc OX7-OJS, Slicct-Iron TIN-WAUK, &c. hand, a large assortment of Box and cooking Stoves; 1 in-ware; blieet-iron ; Lead 1 ip. Al' so the Old Dominiou CollVe rot." l or sale by Nov. 27. tf JAMES MAKTINE. Oils, tfce. SPEKM. Kofmed. Lard. Linseed and Tanner s OIL ; WHITE LEAD ; Burning Fluid ; Putty j Window Class and Sasu of all .-lies. A I. SO A fre.-h supp.y of 1 oud s l ain Destroyer. I'or sale bv Nov. 27. " tf JAS. MARTINE. $25 EBWAED. IS avaWAV on Monday night the Sth inctiitit, my Neo-ro man l'ETLR. He is'a fine f.npenter. and will nodoubt pass for a free man. He is very intelnLtnt lull six teet hiph. Lrioht en:ple.i n . t ittl.t r sb l.der 'ood te'rth'in frtnt, and l.ne eci.i i' t t.i.e. . 1 tit if friohteiied will indicate it in the eye had lull face of whiskers and busby head of hair, valher Miaipht and black ---dr s-es wi 11 m old elolh can v.hen he left. black ciotnino wen- .m He is frte to talk and well r ilculated to deceive, lie will prooaoiy ci 1 to deceive. He will probably change his name, as 1 believe Ins aim is in ne .ul. He may end. avor to escape wilh waggoners or w ith some whi'te man. The above reward will be paid on his delivery. JAMES H. March 15. ' McQUEF.N. -tf Robeson eonntj itv. N. C. FAYiyriiivitJ.i: iiotkl T. WAD DILL. PROPRIETOR. j rj-i!).s. the most commodious Hotel ina. iiontini; - U llil-ei, streets. 13 Centre of t'n'' l.e.siiils!" portion of the inii' houses, wl: once ib a iers. 1 ill- i li' a lid surr nii'led 1-y nil ibe bank- !e uieiciianis ;inu piiueiui jnw- ;s men W 1 I i d I'.ie Hotel a cnnveiiii nt ami e .All !e hie: c. es ai i i ve . Aj.ril Z the .'sla, il di part from this Hotel. Favetievilb i y TOI5ACCO ! TOIi ACCO ! ! L RJ-.K1 CO.SS VOA i Sl'f;t a nool snpi of Tobacco of various brand.-, at Mainline rers i rices. COLDSTON & FULL Tilt. Km on March 25, 1R.-.9. li E D S DS JlJYD CJM Hi S For Sale at reduced prices, at tlie Auction Store ,f A. M. CA.MIM5ELL. Anp-21, 1S08. tf BACOW- 1 fZ HIID. Sid-s ; ' ') r, llhds. sh'-ulders J t re 'm d and lot April i. --'m prime Srticle. S SPERLING. JI t i.-Z i ij. nent'- v. ill- I' Dr. Finnic lrifitm1 F II. MITCHELL ho- I'vub- Frank Williams, to be const an t ly supplied villi his celeliraied ll l'i V HI s K L V, w h ieii ca n be had at his Store al all tunes, by wholesale or retail. Oct. Hi. lfc5S. tf 4 TJ JLlllUH., rnioi.s'i i i 1 I AiXO I 'd .'r-J. WIL.MINCJ'ION, N. C. AM) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, R ESP EG TELL) A' inlbim the cdtiens of ville that th.i-y have opened a bran h I" a yet ot th establislmn nt in tlii- place, and :ue re.ui' 1 If lo all kinds of wtn'k in their line, such as LOCNCLS, SOFAS. Cll AlKS. or any kind of Cushion work. Spring. Hair. Moss. Shuck, and Straw Mattiasscs, made on tdtortcs.t notice, in the Lest manner and on reasonable ttiins. POLVOGT 'y IT.R1CI1. Next door to Ceo. McNei'l. Iq.. Foot of llaynxiunt. April 2:i, lOT.O. -f Ho ! for Gold and Silver IT OW to make it easy and clirap. Send a., rent t fuil particulars lmw to obtain S. H NK INS )N- h mi - . 2io 20 West j:n.b Street, New York City. 44'vly'r wealth Addn Agents wanted. MOKE KEW GOODS!! - AM JUST RE( KIVIN; MY SPBINfi STOCK OF GOOOS in my line. Tin y were si -lected in the Northern Cities l.y " niVM-lf with trreat cure, and houfdit tn the nKnt reat-onnLle rms hy which I am enabled to offer the l.-iru'ei-t stork 1 tti r he- fore offered to the public ami to cller tlit-m generally AT (illl'ATLV ju:i)LCi:d prices. FKUl'ls 11 AISO NS, FIGS. rUCNF.S. APri.l-.S. LI.mii?. OKA.NOi'.b, .Jl in Ninth (.urn f'.et iii! Il-.iv mid l1 Incited .11 t he town l'i.-.' Cr.FIUilKS. ILIUU.MS. Bi.c; PICKLES. JELLIES AM) PRESERVES, A OKKAT V A 11 1 F.T Y ; FEItFLMEIUES AND EXTRACTS OF VARIOUS KINDS; fancy Soar. and I'ornades : M US I C A L 1 N ST l U M ENT? FIDDLF.S. DRUMS. VI FES, FLUTES. B ANJ OS. O L'I TARS. &c W'alkins Canes of every kind ; BASKET AND WILLOW WAP.E; Hobby Horses. Ste ; NUTS ; FINE AND COMMON CANDIES; SARDINES; FINECIOARS ; SVOKINCS A NT) f HEWING TOBAfi O r CRACKERS: FINE POCKrT KNIVES: A LARGE. ASSORTMENT OF POl! T-i ON A I ES- SOME VEUV NICE ; FA N'f'V ENVELOPES. AND FANCY GOODS. TOYS AND YANKEK NOTIONS ; AN ASSORTMENT OF INDI A RUBBER GOODS, WHITS, COMBS. FISHING TACKLE. The public are refpectfully invited to call and examine my stock. I have a great many handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAMF.S R LF.E. April 2, 1859. -tf Hotel Building. to NOTICE- Likely Young Negroes Wanted. GENTLEMEN. You that bare Fuch property to dia-po.-e of will do well to give roe acall. or addref-s me at Favetteville-as H is weU Ddertocd that I pay exceeding .igh jrlsea. q. AESISTRONG. March 19, IS50. 6m0 I e i i r J