' r FPTT TT TIT1 tlliferT,W?!:- Li M0JLL-J -X. N vL.- m Ldia ,( :? P 0 THE NOBLEST MOTIVE IS THE PUBLIC GOOD." TERMS, 82 00 r'EU ANNUM, PAtABK IN ADVANCE. . ......- FAYETTE VI LLE, N. p.,S AT1J11D AY," JULY 9-1 859 i VOLUME XXI. T1-I.3IS ()!' UIJSCKiPTlbiX. Singh, copy, in ndvai.cc. per annum $2 00 at i ho end of the your 3;)') Silicic copies, live cents. snWriptiua will b.o received for less than six IX & W. McLAUH IK Til:: W I A VET rUVlEEE N. C It-ites? oF Al'-i-ti.-!ii co-its u -i- sfi iari? of If, lines, or lux, for the and i t cents for e.ieb s iibsenuent insertion, for any period under three mouths. lii-sr o: t i:r" Uioliihs, For si v month For . ire)v- irv.iit.ss. . -Other jfli-ci-tis'-ta-iitf by tho terms. A.l vertisej s are. finttlc s t it e Mi - ii r. if. will in- iu-erh :r.'T- JOB . . . SI 00 . . . 00 . . . 10 til) year on favorable niarlv requested to 01LI UVITE ATIET10 TO T-EIH LAllfcE and desirable -Stock of j Gil OCE HIES. CONMSTING IN FART OF j 150 Bays of Rio. Laguara and Java Coffee ; . j 100 Bbis. and llhds. Sugar ( assorted :) j 2) ilhds.,i Molasses ; .50 ' Bacon, Sides and Shoulders 500 Sacks .Salt : l."0 Boxes uoo.ri Tobacco : 12" ' Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Caudles; was noon the wane after such ft'univcr: ,f . , I ! V 1 X ' A United Opposition The Springfield Repub iL . i i v Mj i A '2,yz$Z' lkan. on the importance of a united opposition, says The opposition party thai is to succeed n' lyon J-t will of necessity be an anti-slavery part'- I oecause Ax EtiiToK jn a Fix Newborn Daily Delta. OoMslioro n'-ry'C i1"'11 l0 piti'l ajrainst the Democratic poli.-v on WEDNESDAY MOIESING, J l'l th.nt subject, which has always l-en consistently t3 pn-slavery. opposition party will be neeessr- rily opposed to the exteution of slavery by the -en- CJti.T-l nvvivnin(nt and to the nrn:tihiiiAn '.f . ' . ' L ....... . . . , . 1 ' . LUC lit shoul.ihe factional administration to the service of sectionalism . . '.:.'? Sn oiir roarMM't -s It. WlP bo ill tbl' trim from fonrlndinr that the natrioti.nf of onr CilVW',, ' - t. a. nv tk . X iT of i rj .- --rt m;iis leir-Ml. ot beruise thev (ii until it. r bid. and ebarir 'tl ao-ordiniil y. Vt)ttK of all kinds evt-cuted neallr and SINCT.Alil t PEAUCE. rxvr. -xcr jam :s. CLEMENT o'. WJMCiUT, ATTOIINHY AT I.A'.V, W ILL r-actice in t'se-... iiii ; :.i ( 'ii mber la mi. it ; )f I laden. all busi ii''.-- c April . V-',- i 1'iiiiijit utteuiioii sunp it ell iisaiitted to bis chai se. .1. . sij: Jts, A TT O II N V, Y AT L A W , VTTK"lS tin- (.bmrts of Cuiiibcrhw.d, i a ke a nd J oh nst uii . Addrr;.. . Toomer. lh.riivtt Co.. N. C. Feb. 1 (J. 1 S.1C. h."..y IhtiiK'tt. 50 ' .Soap. (a.-s rted ;) 50 " Candy, I hi l!nar? Shot. ." 1000 Llis. Jar I-cad ; I'blrt. Snuff. (Ea-le .Mills;) 2.i Ke;rs Soda ; 2."l Nails ; AESO s A I.ARGK AND (;EN:!!AL ASSOIii MEXT OF II A 11 I W A Ii E A A U C V T 1 E It Y FarnMi? I'ti'iislls of all des. ridions ; American. Jinjrlisdi, Swedtj:- ntfl I'lfinii;;'. Iron l;'.s.ci, (ieriiiu ;iiid Cast Sl ei ; Jllaeksm th Tools ; Coopers' do.: Ctru Shellers and Straw Cutters ; liuckets. lir"Ois and I'ails ; LeatUeu Manilla ad Jute Rope, (all kinds, and quality ;) l'low Lines and Led Cords ; Hollow Ware : Cotton Yarns and Shectin.cs at Factorj- l'ricc s ; Ail ol wliicli will be sold bjw for cash, or ou usual time to prompt payinjr ciistonu rs. Country nierehants are respect fully refjuisted to call and examine onr stock before pui clia.-iny t l.-e-wiiere. D. & Y. McLAUKIN. ! March 5. IsoO. -If Ti3 Fourth )U . . . . o the Fourth was celebrate i by our ttx-, ral jiovei-nincnt, ana to tue prostitution of the n.t- izens in a very becoming inaimor. "W e : l.usens oi me luuuuns vfi me governiiieiit, the al tuut ouu-viiers af declaration ot independence, and of l At day break a saiutc was tired and at nine o rrcat statesmen ui me wti. vemury a national the inilihirv turned out the Independent Lt . Infan-J, Vy-' , lo a party insi-rea viui tui, principle, and the La Fayette Ft. Infinfy arid Cadets.- Brother Smith of the At a meetinz of the Stockholders of the Atlantic writes to that pnp r, front ana Xorth Carolina Railroad cohVpany oil last week, f . 1'- Directors and the followin-'-persons were annointed bv the Governor Uno went to look f..r it and fomid nn th. mi t r.f tb. ?fit T.! fV Tlnmond VL A. one, its counterpart i i nppenrnncp, or'Jefod it. to ' Tbnmnen -llor,,- V Ti.l Uminn It 1trrn owm uu -etM'U TO oppn it. will TIY Lis own Trrsi.m r.f tlt. .,1 ------- ic iiiriit'ti ii i. u - ti ri ojt f-k-v a actly and In. unit M-..M! to , tt..r' horror I 0n Frday resolutions were passed fixing the sal- and after some But here we Council Wooten, George S. Stevenson, and C E; Thomas. jtLJStVOLCU LUIS UfllUdr 'Ui ju.-v, "iiiiiii' u " Hfriitr rnf mwornnuMi . i ru iuv-..i it uat- ii ;iru iiitMi 1 - - . , . ... ... .. . . ..'"W- - f i. j, - Wi:ll vlll. nu.nd,,U I,.. 1 At ten o clock the procession formed, accoruing 'n i10S0 fidelity there is reason for conhdence. And ... n "". .'."i "eon a cm-umslanee to upon the business of to the pro;:.. June herelo.'ore given in our paper amfi've can trust such an auministration .iust .i.s niwy, to wlilt tii (1 ..--. if ,i - ,T S. D. Pool offered marcbeU to 1-armers' I Tdl. where the Declaration :el evvO lt-w uu"f'-lu' V "-"--j V ... V. - to,,k .,tV tho too.r.,,; in the case -wlurre I . . 4.1- ... ...(-! o.; in .iin i. t on a ni.iiiovm . - . . .-. i . i- Mirf oi independence to r.ad by JJ. It.. Hushc, Fs,, , UVnJi,ne,l 'nd sealed br the old miard of anli- r ,u'r " -V;' w!l '-1 of Tarta- the company adjust tear auia! i. voice, an-: in i;nOTvitkaa oi-jr: V.-u.-k .arijfiiiUi- iTiWirri- ' c ' - u.jLJk-. . wnru-nwl .or ,00(1, tha ten r,-.irV.- -Mr -.:T.vLo .:rft-'?T? .wiK7v-r' ...,." v,.-. -...,.,...-.1 ,.c .1 J '-on- iu y. ,1,,,,-t know win t nr it 1 t !hi lfenrv W. i!uliiu which in stvle. voice which in itsolf U pleasant to. listen to. , from the Federai district, or the repeal of the fuiri lsn then "ave an end'ion ' tive act, or any other specihe measure now agitated. ,. , , e , ,. uui ii ii puc me sovei iiiiieiu on m. n":iv n.ti.v matter and ir.oue of delivery was al- -, . .... ,u 9 . . .. . i '--n . n;n I. t:i rt it in thr rin-nt. hr-'tion sind Wl C CI1- most unexceptionable. We must confess that, owing tany 1 ri:ig that condition of things in which every to the oiith of Mr. Mr.Ilins. we v.-ere agreeably sur- ' just- and proper anti-slavery measure can he carried. : ... ,i i 1.4 i i,. , i,... .... ,i ...:,i. v. ....,.r..,....r. i e thin..: it is something to ilUKe il iiemniuirc, ami had pit a valieo hidoi.git g to a KkU . Qli; if v6u r' of the President of the Company at 2,000 the v.' il. l :i.nv rrt I f. f I I'l i , . . ..... I : . - vi . .-iv .l.n .- -. " l Wt.tn the company; a resolution staying prsceding judgment had been obtained by the citizens of Carteret county per cent; upon tb.uhseripti 3?- f it . I. ' . " . 1 1 11 was ever worn bv nnvbodv .ir t It b,.,t . r ' " v.11.u.iauWalgu,ii. more shape .r comfness thai, a briar hiish witli ant.ecu- this was adopted. the top cut oft. We tol,h-d it, and lai.l it back as The committee 6f Finah fepbrtid,- but the rc- cal-eful as possibh-, locked the conet-rn' and wont port is not yet in print. down and acoiiaiiit-d the lion 1 rather Barb am: lr r.Pr.. ..,A , , ; .. ' - - .----,,. " - v v ii iii iv niiiitT ii 'iii'i r L" c. 1'iTii-n in - - a va 1 V pnscu ami Pigmy pieasta wun tue penormance U'h.a the Oration was ended ltev. O. Front, of the. M. F. Chu-cli ' to reverse the whole policy ot the government n who is the Intel of the fa'-ts. W 1 1,1 1 ,1 , n , ( t. . I lie I lurrtied t us o i-t i... v , . i , . while. r,UHl . sew.o.t. l..,t.,i . , i. " " "vc" eireuiaiea where it was al- ! tlm l.-ivif- o!:ofio;- iiml those who tieelare that l!ll- pivnouneed the benediction and the- k, .s they ;...n llave thtir favorite meatures indors- E A Yvr ; n-: A OTIC E. li.iviai: as -(.'. iat e "i t aehisel ves ' ! ';:iiF-: hi tie- iir et ci' id' Law. und r the name nnd -i.leof i: V di-.:i) A-, SilA .. will attend the I'o l ily a l 1 Sup -r'lor Co il ls oi Mi.oj ... Mutgoinery. An-on. Itiehni l d and ltdies(,is. All business en rntid to tie'ia will rec-i ve liieir irompt- attention . Aildii--"; l.'iiiiii run and i ;iw. Ailornejs at Law. ' ! o k i -l.Lrhani . Ilichmoiiil ciinty. N. C Jo, V. thM:-;uiix. J.xo. Ib Shaw. May 1, is..s. ly j W . S. ,- I'M ' .NT. ATI i FM.Y ANI C I sNKId Ii 4.T LAW EUMJiEKTON, X. C. j A I i i-.Xi' in County a", I Sup r.or Courts, I ibi:-on . ' 'ii in'" ! -land. Bladt-n and Colnm-! i d l i n r i -1 i-d to iiis cue will receive j i'(! i. O li -.i-in the Court Uou.e. : ). 1-v-w 1 Boots and Shoes, OF EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY. T v:: b is. A i lli'O II' I ' ' 1.1: H I subscriber has returned from New York and is receiving his SPUING A SUM M ER STOCK ol i.OOT.S and Sli ES, to which lie would call the p irlieular attention ol' all in want of potxla in Lis line. Jlis stock consists in part as follows : (i nt.'s Patent Leather Loots and Shoes ; Ladies' Gaiters, with and w Mho ut heels, of al! styles and colors ; (Tdldr ns shoes of all k.nds with and without heels, (mound coarse : I'ov s Boots and Shoes ; Kid Skin Oxford ties and Gaiters; Fntent le-Ather French Gaiters, snd Gent's Ox- 1 slipper? ; French calfskin pump Boots ; French call skin per Boots ; Ladies' Congress Bop s. with and wiliout l.ecls : fo ' .jt Ladies" sppjier- l!i and ithout h ee DR. Ii Si.'OTT S Pii' eh is ,1 the SP'ck and A-paratusof Dt:. Bkmiow. and i! ith'l-s him-eif that he is prepared ati-fiction to ad in ii'-cil ot his .ervtees. nL. o irive expects to . at all t;...-'- 1'. KM'.oW. t I-e Ft:..r o ii- :; r. M. io .' April h;. e.id !:, ' :t. the r il lloOV:-. !n i r. Summer h-re. and may b- limml )o:n; !'orni "rly occupied by li!. Fast f the Mark;t. during the :k. m D A. "M. to 1 1'. and from I'. M. tf A lC Id' K Iv, t Nov. lh w Tar. glah,: . Ju OOMMiSsjoN M Eh CHANT, ,,f .H"sj""o ',,.!.;, V v:: r : v. il l.;:. N. (h 1 s a H ii HAII, Commission i U c r c I) a n t . WH.MlNbTOX, N. C. . .. .ii mnt fi'.'i-l ner.-onai arteniion io an Ladle.-' leafie r Louts, piinio and thick sole- : Misses". Coys, and Children".-; Boots. Shoes and Slippers of every ! sira'de style ; Gent's Pate"t Leather I'nmps ; Goat leather, Velvet and Fancy slippers ; Gent's Black Last'nir Gaiters; Gent's Bl ck and Liht Cloth Top Cougrefrs Gai ters : Gent'f Sev.i'd and Rented f'al f Congress Boots; Ladies" Clot:: and Velvet Slippers ami Ties : Ladh's" Sertr" and Kid Congress lb eh d l oots ; Ladf" Mo"i eeco ai d Serge But ton Binds : Ladies" M i oceo. Kid und Goat Polkas iiiei Pace Roots, aid everything usually k pt in a hisl cla.-s S'ice S'ore. ,h;ch he a 1 u ay s se 1 ! s at the r. v thai.ks tor par-l favors, you are rcpiest .iud eyi-miue his Stock before purchasing assembly adjourned. During the wHoie of the day the streets -were crowded with strangers, denizens and negroes the ed at the start, they had rather see the government remain in bad hands, assume a responsibility that we should not be wiliinj. to bear. Thev are as unreasonable and absurd as those who would allow i inn mi- uwilf r 1 j i -. . ii.. -, . . . , reipn t ri n t i . . Anro xt .t. .i i. : ...i , . e a ohishiiiy unmsi-i from brother i It x- lr. nuuseu wnue on a Sineh.ii-'s district, a.ul got the aiiair .-etth-.l ; the F'UI5 'V ' orw, naa their expenses paid by sweet little creator;-, like nurse If, endorsing the the company,- he prbnbunc&l shell a report infamous old maxim that . 4 ;i fair ox hai.ge is no robbery.' ly false. Gov. Morehead nked hini whv he lonk.Ml ;id regret we could put on at him. Green said, "because I heard von said it " - last named enjoying themseV.es in a way which j 1V) num woman or child to enjoy the privileges of could leave no doubt as to their happiness. In the evening, our citizens repaired to the Ar senal where C.ipt. Bradford had prepared a grand display of lirewoiks. The Capt. had every thing done up properly, and in a style which, would rc. ilect great credit upon any gentleman. The arsenal ground was crowded with ladies and. gertknien, all of whom we suppose enjoyed the scene very much. At about nine and a half o'clock the crowd began to retire to their homes. Ye must say that we never have seen a more or derly set of people than those who were in town oi that day, and although there were so many we iiav; not heard of a light or an accident every thing pass ed oil' quietly and pleasantly. chide to very to. I Li. '1W e pi Cons" e-iuneitts of Sn-.r.ts Turpentine, -.md a i 1 eon at ry -. H'l'l ; i: un st-drs over ii Lutb-rloh s v.haii. Aortli Vt at er SSreet. IS. IP - 0. With m: ed 1 o call els" where. B OTS est not'ee. April If. 1 it S3? Should the lite letter of Judge Douglas with re ference to the position V.c holds as an aspirant to th Presidency be a fixed f.tct, wo. will he forced to con 1.. t. lv..li..-i. t -.i-o tfir.:-s il'f .t,.-it Tlrvmvl-.c i reited, vain and egotistical and that h considers ' the democratic pai ty composed cf me.. who are not honest in the advocacy of their princi pies. upon himself to huti'.-n here is a e them. I have taken them, you must, waks you. lie manufactures a platforn. gre it est p;vibl.e joiyudfu c .hivittaih i.irtv to s -iid upon it or stand no wher i ie.i of hi-.nseif and the p.ower he is abl lie takt ople ,'. em or k- efeat iltld Wli I) t 1 iemocrati p.,o; thei ir a eiy to the America! -et of principles, t;d ti e Christian -hurch who will not swallow the tlm tv- nine articles, the concentrated essence of all that its authors knew of theology, as a preliminary dose.1' Ilovr do our opposition friends like the above Shows rather a nice little plan don't it? Of course they will continue to take pride in being called one of the oj position: A Deserved Compliment. The Ohristian Advo ;:ie in speaking of the resignation cf Flake pays ;im the following merited compliment: It is ascert.iir.ed that Mr. Blake will accept the 'residency of Spartanburg Female College, which - under the care of the South Caroihia Conference. ' s professor in Greensboro' College and Principal of '.lyetteville High School, Mr. Blake has secured a putalion in North Carolina, which will occasion eneral regret at his removal. Here he might have een increasingly successful, and could have been oubly useful by discharging duties as an instructor. Inch otherwise may detain minis tc-j z of the Gospel om their appropri ite calling. His loss to us may be a gain to the church, since se South Carolina Conference is far behind our own .! the matter id' Female education, s;nd needs such leu as Prof. Bl ake to bihi'rit up. The troo l wishes ad kind remembrances of troops of friends in tl dd North State will follow him to his new home Y ith ail the a la Curls a we askoj her ton tli-'usand pardon and each of us continue (so far as iX'e khowj 4 on . our way ri-joicmg i if .,,..... ;." ti,.. ... -.br !..b- e.,..'. f. trict she would be sweet hereabouts hlu.-l This is n wi re loigivf ii, n rxi i .u;. . ., i . .. . .... - - - .............. , 1,-av.ki-u, mm made some rctnarks about the $.i0,000 sacrifice on hidv were fioih biir dis- J tlie sales of bon(ls in New York, and saiddie was, wo" know of no others hot to be bullied out of his right Green replied d would presume that she l at such a strange occurrence. d the first young lady from our dis trict that has made brother Smith blush and cause the left side of his earca. water gruel, is it ? to become as weak as would and sai1' "nor was he to be lied out of his." Con fuderable excitement ensued, and some danger of broken noses was perceptable. The President will not be elected until Thursday of this week. The above we have compiled from the Newbcrij Progress. We would respectfully inform the Democratic Press that we have no sympathy for disorganizers, and less with such a man as Mr. Saunders, and we do not consider the man a Democrat who would Found Pead.; Alex. Dallis, an aged man who liv ed in Robeson County near Antioch Church, about twenty-four miles frofn town'; was fouhd some dis- th ii.',. v.V 41.:.. .1 i .J 1 u:- .! . c i i .. support him. But we do think that a creat deal , "l u'? ou,J,j:.1 of unnecessary talk has been made in that district j ast" He had beeri adicted to ihtemperance. He about the Thirty million bill, for the woll-bcii g of j was .."-turning home from town and was found in the road, his horse standing still: A Coroner s Jury the party throughout the State, and in fact, the would seem to us like fis! liner ior AND SHOES rn.-.a. tf a;:d rcpahed on she, 31. FAULK. rcsli Arrival ! Turpentine. Rosin. cod nee f ir sali'. Si ore of Mr Yon- ad j. : n i a . S3 Z? IMF i3 o F STOCE Spring and Summer Goods ! a u i lira ne lie inanutacture having : in the his servi- . -urrouniling : of his Pro of Mineral .J. A. I'KMIIF.IITOV S now receiving his Second Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing al! t lie l 1 . . 1 ..... 1 ' . r i . . : on i u i 1 1 1 a i ii i i i i " o . i j. To-v. of Fa vetteville, respect t u!ly od.i ,-,.s t: t!to eifi.ens of tins plaee c.iiutrv. In all the variou ('..sslo-i' iii'-hi liner tl Teeth, he i disfie 1, after an extensive expert-! to which is added a t I'Oiougu inunai eoio.i- i... l... -..i .'iv nt i re sat i-fact ion as far its i ' ibe p ever of l)oiitirv. All i rreguiai-i ties A large and varied assortment of Silk and Lace Man 'Teeth treated ill a proper and careful man- t les. Cha at ill y Lace Poi ut s. Black and White liiUirii.u, i ni a i i B.rage. M.uitles. Stella Shawl. Ac. 11 as iu.-e:i-e.- .o no o.., i a f..w ,,r tlow,- s d" tin made u- OMee, till. :t - ii ni i hi nor, a wi ib.. iiimiiiT metals e.ri ,15. ins. Coargos will ben !its of the Profession may the reach of all who may feel f .h.i -r....t! 'l'r'l v.i i 1 1 ....... : ) ii :e over H mston's Jewelry o will be found at all times. M iv lf. 1S5S SI CU AS SUMMJ-JR SILKS, GH.EJYADJXES, With a gf-at variety of 'new style goods for Travelling Dresses and Dusters. also a complete assortment of-- MOU Mft DIMISS G(M1)S. hi- to evert is not inferior to that of Napoleon. Yv' t- honhl not wonder if he -were to consider himself hi !': a live Finpemr! Certainly if he coul 1 lead the Democracy in this fashion, we will not wonder to hear shortly of Illinois greeting the little giant with the imperial salute of ric-n J-i Emperor. T?.g Warning ! Freemen of North Carolina, look at this. Is the " Daily North Carolinian" the only paper which should receive that 44 sujua nj .aid severe punishment" for cYying aloud against abolitionism or anything that tends to it ? Avn Slanekv in No:nn Cakoi.ina. A North Car olina oorresrionder.t writes to the Keening Post The 'Wilmington Journal is very poetic in s issue of Saturday last. The beauty of one of its i entanees is so lofty that we of the Carolinian, have 'eight ol ; !V;T"y;"rnr;" id pinions l.-ii- cnoug:! to soar to such rd if we can not "gild refined gold, paint the ii!!y nd i-'hl fresh perfumes to the violet." "We c.iu I i K'll the o-.lor of the perfumes lie gathers for the -j.eci.tl benefit of the Carolinian. Go on, Mr Journal the moon shines no less i. rightly wiien a low or-u i shall be f ouadrm.eds.b-.trk at her. Our course .st.-aight forward as from the first, and we sh..ll not deviate from it notwithstanding the whining of our chafed cotemporary. The Journal can hear with our foliy since wisdom is only found with it. We shall leave it for the present, where the British army left Si:' John Moore alone in his glory. course pursued some opposition lo it, by a continual and unhrmk ii:g advocacy when the measure was not attacked. Fvory Democrat should defend the administra- jlion. but to harp upor one ttmo continually spiiils i the fun. You know 44 variety is the spice of life." Mr. IJraneh is known ns a ''Thirty million" man, his nomination and election so far as that measure i - concerned, would he a tr umphunt vin dication of his course, and of a consequence, of his j 44 thirty million bill." . ,'cuww.-i . 1-t-f .". -..-! :-t-re-sl rj fx Tar as our hmuhic .-i lies can see, to meet oiijeerioiis "jerore they were brought, or argue it before it was j ut in issue. It is not so far as we can see for Mr. lh-auch to put this measure in issue, but for his op ponent ; when that has been done, as it appears it has now, cert ahdy Mr. 1. should defend it; V"e have not the -lightest doiibt of Mr. lj."'s re election, and were We there we should labor zeal ously to bring' it aboi was summoned and a verdict of death from intem perance and exposure was rendered: The SfciEiJTtFic .A MERfc.iv ; 't'ilifi excellent jj.urna! has changed it3 forni fidmewliat, amt has donned a neft dress: It is brie of the ablest and most intefesting papers in tlie country and we are pleased to (totice its continued prosperi ty. See Advertisement in another column. One of the latust items of sew.. One of our Europe, give, jfi describing it the following bit of ! news, viz : that poor little (Sardinia in invaded, by ihh grreit powers of France Austria and Itedi.' Poor little Sardinia, she can't stand it long certainly. The Ruthefrordton Enquirer is to be enlarged ami otherwise improved next week. - z IVe are requested to make the following appoint Of course he has no need ' ments for the 5th; Congressional District. of our lies. laboi.-s, littving such able and efficient al- V mouth, None but j c of in the various moderate, that the . be placed within interest in t he i Store, where spieude embroidered and O ith tf 37" a.ct I French Lace Sets. Collars ami Sleeves. Douglas v Sherwood's New Style Corsets. Bi:-tle and Skirl -Sumiorh.'-s attaclh'd. . A great variety ol new style Hoop Skirts. Ac, Ac. hi the above stock may lie found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The public geiu-rally a.re invited to call e-.u iy and examine for t li.'iusel ves. J. A 1 'EMBERTON. April 23. .tf (Abolition") as follows: "John A. Gilmer, of .the fifth district of North Carolina, is a candidate for re-election, and opposed by other candidates, one Whig and one Demo crat. His vote with the Flack Iopnhlicans on the Lecomptoii constitution, v.hile in Congress, has giv en offense, but there are a large number of persons in the district who sympathise with him in his views on the slavery question, and predict for him that, like Letcher, lie will be elected, though by a reduc ed maioritv. Cld Virginia has shown that the slave nower is on tlie wane there; and the Fifth district ! of North Carolina will show, 6 y the. flection of lr. CHwr, 1'nnt the tinti-s!o-vrrij men e,f SVorth Caro lina are ami doit-g in the o'd Xorth S'h'.c." We trust our friends of the S disbury Watchman will not accuse us of simply a desire to defeat Mr. An Old Doixn: in" Niav Qr aktiiiis. The follow ing paragraph will explain itself. We doubt r.ot the scamp alluded to is one of a posse which infest ed this region sometime since engaged in a somewhat similar business. Instead of trnfiking feathers in several instances they succeeded in palming off spn- s coin to some wnqfljwere so unlortunate ns to V" e hav extract fr town. T ty, and says : Hon. A. M think is very are not of e been permitted to make the following no a letter addressed to a friend in this , io gentleiiu.n writes from Davidson couu- ah chancp for re-election, I good inv opportunity for judging! I.,,. J I- I,.. ..-Ill rr..t :..m ' liil- .i.-.-i, . !'. ... ..... t. . , - r. , . ...... !,.., i ,t;.i i...r.i,.., '.....1 Mi'."' s Oiore, .'iVS I 111,. .. .II lll.tl IO- 1H .HU ...".,, ua... m o I !!' neighborhood, that he will get twice as with then. be a good thing man v the suggestion below could be car rion have dealings for the public ried out : ' "The Pslountsville. i Ala.l Pioneer warns its coun try readers against a man who is passing through ' tltsit. District, let it he Mr. Scales; his course in us he did two years ago." tire pleased to learn this, und trlst that Da- Saunders' PrCchiCt; CarthHSre. Ve tire pleased to learn this, uul trlst that Da- j praj,klrnsviile' yidson may only be rt sample of the whole district, j Ijonshhrg; If there is nhy one to be returned to Congress from Kail Road Shops; : Jamestown, S. E. Williams, Esq, the Democratic Candidate for Congress, will address his fellow citizens, at tho following places : Cain Creek, Alamance County; july Jtaywooii, Chatham, 44 John Newlin's, 4' W. D. Williams's store, Chatham, John Cheeks. Tally's Hitter's Muster ground; Moore Co.. Sheffiel's Precinct, Randolph, Montgomery, Moore; tl ' Randolph, Caswell, August, 1st. Alamance, tnd. Guilford, " 3rd. ! Duffies, ti Oth- 1 1 th; 15th. 1 lilt. 10th: 18th: 10th. 20th. 21 st. '-.Jhd. ao-h. i umer, because we p di the above, fof were !t that country proposing to give new feathers for old .. .. -.'ri... , : i.., 4. .t, d...-o i O.lCS tO renuii liic new ones io a'Mii iv i .-. j Pt-onle have been green enough to trust his promises, j and' some have let him take their last heel. Of ! course he does not mean to deliver the new feathers; The people thus deceived, would ilo well to mix a ittle tar with the next lot of feathers he gets. that body has reflected honor on his district and the State. .V-ff Two 11 Doors Gi-:0. Jj A V I)E R, iNOTICE TO SOLDI Ell S WIDOWS. ; 'SHIC WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, ! Hl. and the Widows of Soldiers who iin;i j IX SKKVICE in the war ot 1 8 12, can have their j pensions continued by calling on the undersigned, j Congress having made additional provision for i them. i Give me the management of your chums, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE. Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 10. 1S5S. tf Democrat who had the snme rem-irks made of him w . i - e puol them witn tn n. novvever. same al.ieritry. in saving that it An ivd bf the Cahawba. New Yi'KK, Jnly 3d. The steamer Calmw ba, from Havana, with dates to the 8th ult.. has arrived. The weal her was very warm and some rel- Wc learn, from the Wilmington Iferul 1, which ives a table of exports from that place that for the . e a e no ..e, ...e .,; n;cu'i, ' r ": year ending June 00, '5J, there U an increased ex- Mr. Gilmer is uinLrstood to represent the abolition i , . , .- sentiment, if any there be in North Carolina, we do port of 2,00. bids, turpentine over the same ume defeat, and if we can do last vear, and that for the quarter beginning -Janua- er the l' l I'l OU. l-Al- llOOS. i; MilMllU , , C t - 1. 1 . , . .... . . first six months of this year over that of fast. eomlwittina: Abohttomsm in the ; 1 J ,,4- ih...! ...win !.,-.,-.1.1.,. ..i-. I iii Rosin there is an increase in the hrz-t two I JH1 V.Ul H V i llj'Oll V 1,1 J Ki. J i 7 i I T i : 1 1 Sciiaot.. The closing exercises of this in- L-titution coinmcnced Tuesday afternoon. Exaini j nations were had in the primary department the i little misses acquitted themselves with credit to low fever hail appeared among the shipping. I themselves and their teachers. j The exercises of to-day will be interesting, all ' our c it izens should av.ol themselves of the opportu nity to be iresent. The Literary Address will be 1 delivered this evening at the Me.hc'dist Church, by R. P. Dick, Esq., of Grcerisboro' ' . Oct. 1. lSoS lv. aimvcu.T itaigii & 6ou's store, i Tiirpectiuc ! Tnrpciit iiio ! Turpentine ! F.i v-etteville, h . C. j on T FRF EN TINE BOXES on and near !0U,tH?U th I I'st nvKiit.'n sMiri.r .r? s'TfLL CAE and V OB'-l io work lifteeu r.arrels, which 1 will sell on .reasonable terms. Aoolv so;i.. Fayettevill:.. Jfay 10. ';,:). JAMES MAKTINE. w-tf A C AIJl). A Word To My Old Friends. X1IOSK persons for whom I hnvf b.-nn n 1 1 . n.l t n r tn '.a.iki.'.g businni;ss for v..:.i- I .:n i i7 . , . v. ... - . . uui .nil ..iiiiiii; to serv you ,vi h the s;un,. Tn.nnptae.s that I have al ways d .ue : and to others that rm,y wailt discount,. 1 eas.iei o.i .ie--. .1 tiler niy c t aiteutiou. J As a proiius June '. 1" services, wiib cook. tf e Rail Road, about to il miles fro in Fayetteville, will be rented on good terms to any j r so:i wishing to embark in the business Also. a. good SAW and GRIsT .VILE, and two Email FA U M S. Also, two of the RICHEST FARMS in the County of Cunilierland. one about one mile from the Market House, known as the Bailey place ; the other nhont nine miles from town, known as th- eclebrited Ashe Lands, which h s itoO or ".0 acres clean a land, which if properly cultivated, will produce an average oi :( bushels of Corn per acre. Those wishing to rent said lands must apply soon. or they cannot tie rented. For particulars ay ply to C. E. Leete, Fayetteville. who is authorized to rent in my absence. a. N: Mcdonald. Fayetteville, Feb. 8, 1859. -tf t.S5A 1 AM li 10,000 pgl.I. let. LBS. TALLOW WANTED. FOR which the highest cash pri'e will be A. M. CAURBELL. tf KVl.fi IS NOW ltK(l.lVIXG LAEGE SUPPXST OF II ATS, SIIOP.S, P.OLTIXO CLOTHS. & All of which will 1c off-red by VYtoiles i as low as the same quality can be had in tin March VI. l"y. Wraping; Paper OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT 50 CE per luuidreil. at the Daily Cahoi.inian Ofkh Line 17. 18.!. CENT." F1CI-. v-d I CAU1UAGK FACTORY. A. A. M-K ETHAN no, ivi- , r- .... . i V I A L ll.l i Ketail IV Vehtl?fanUy ,mn1 a ,ilre S s Stite nt r ; hr t ; er-v rtci ipttou, wh s oiaii . an. I laithtullv tnaitf. n...i k..: .i, . -tf assortment o' ,:l. ...11 -. . 1 1 . . - .unvu, i tj . ii ti u ri i u". ue sxinl tinwl....! ; ti. ....-.... KKlTKST Stvlfs IT-.o -..-,..- ' " -"""...- - - j - . l.-! liU'l HIliO . I . . I . . ,..,.,.1, ..- ., uuillg BILL HEADS neatly printed, one, two, and three which euableshira to sell his work a tl - r on a half ehcet ruled for the purpose. Give us able terms. 0u the moA favor callattho UAU0L1X1AN OFFICJS. 1 Nov. 13. 1858- ' tf t am carr iag most earnestly desire :;nvthinr lo ettei-t it we irive fair warnmsr he shall n.o.-r. .; ., on in,.,.n.,ci. r-.f n con bbls fo .-- . 1- V 'J-'. 11114 V. ...- .... (liVl ..il 1.1 .J. - i. -i. i ,.. e -. i t J ' ' o.i i e 1 1 :e i'iuui' "I'liui it ou . uuiii. it u mhuuii r-.'.':e poor work North, if we did no faced politician in the South, who meanly cringes to ' omarters of this year over that of '58 of 100.0. .0 that sentiment. Wo shall wait with patienTO to ! i,p,js Cotton has fallen off 2 000 bales comoared evening, to the young ladies of the High School. hear what Mr. Gilmer nas to s iv ot the charges ot , , . , ,. . , ti- t,...t :,. b.- ",, ! vera.- of foe m-d h inter of v .i . -o. ii ... ... - i :.... : to ili..fi.imc tune last vear. There mis been aeon- 111- text uas in loe, maurv ui .'J l;!'ll4U UI svnmai n v n.!i v oiiiriiiisni u iiicii aiu accuiuuiui- i - ,.,- t i ing against him. A. V. V a y Bool: siderable fallina off in Lumbc-r, Kice, Wheat and the Gospel according to John '!'.: . .-. ..... ..r .... ... . .. ....it , i.i.i ,i i,.-f ' Flour. . . . . j occasion, showing tue paramount necessity oi j.aug j Coltos's Map Of Italy. We are indebted to the ladies cultivating religion as the essential aeeom I publisher for a beautiful steel engraved colored map plishuient, of every one. The character of Mary i of Italy. It is well executed. " One portion of it was held up as one eminently worthy of imitation. sottfe 45 minutes, during . , ..i..,:Uj s mi' wnoie oi x-.urone. 1 tie oioei iui uu, .ia. i r - - - . DoCglaf. ANMi Filiaiork. The I-ouiv.!lp Cour- the seat of war Sardinia ustfi t Lombardv. Ven- so ul hern papers printed m New York -and altliougl Democratic in politics surely the opposition will listen to authority, and give the statement some consideration. nice, the States of the Church, &c. It !s published by Johnson & Browning, 172 Wil iam street, New York, price 80 cents. The Fourth. Monday next is the SOrd anniver sary of American independunee, and as it is not on- lly the duty of every Ollld ier stivs that Mr Senator lion -l is and Ex-President Fillmore w ere at a recent meeting- for consultation on political topics held at Cincinnati, and it thus spec ulates on tlie future : 44 FiIhnor ; and Douglas agreed th-d Kansas 'ought not to have been admitted into the Union as a slave State under the Lecoinpton Constitution. It is un- Ierstoo.1, moreover, toat 1 nmioreanU Oouglas also ; ly le privile:re but ellrph nvi'.io illidn th." ! .'Vrifnri i cnoctirir. T".r oo'if-i. mnr . - tlie country. I f these two leaders' avoe then. ' it '. OTTe to becm" patriotic upon that occasion, we w may not be very diilicult to" bring together their fol- remind our readers that we will issue no paper on The lo. lowers. Indeed, some f..r-seeing men have said that if the Know Nothings would take the Deiiglas view if the Territoi i.;l question, as they did Ids view ol the Kansas question, the two parties might be very formidable in making a President in lbbO ; and as the Know Nothing national platform comes so near uledging the party to the Douglas view of the Ter ritorial question, that the distinction is hardly a dif ference, it is thought by some that so soon as the -tate elections are over in the southern States, the Doughisites and Fillmoreites will get together in ne way or another." Perhaos so! We think, however, that the opposi tion would be acting in very bad faith with" their dlack Republican allies, were they to take the iuglas dough-faced democrats in their stead. North Carolina Bonds Advanced. We notice sales in New York, on the 30 ult, of -4000 North Carolina 6s. at 094. Va. is cjaoted at 97. I.-.K Tuesday r.ftcmoon, a wooden building occupied by M. A. Raker, gunsmith, a black smith shop, caught fire : there was a high' wind at tlie time an I the building was soon in a blaze, but the promptness of fhe gentlemen on the ground soon ouenched fhe flames by' water carried ht bucket-.. of the building was nothing; compared to' that day. From present indications, we are led to t,e ioss that might ensue by others catching fire the conclusion, that in Fayetteville at least, the event froai t, consequently, the old shop was soon de- wrll be celebrated in a becoming maimer: In some moiished with axes, &c. parts of the State there sceifts to be a manifest uis- i jt js but proper that wc should here notic.6 the position if not indeed a determination to forget the Tery tfficknt ...rendered by Engine No. ; (we day, and the deeds which called it into being as an i,ave forgotion her name and number.) The aid anniversary. rendered by this Engine was certainly very timely, 1 " , , .. and no d-tubt she would lvavc done more good could r 1 .... .. r, flii . f.iclii'fltinn n addition to the programim. ' 1 i.a ,linde to tbrnw a Rtrenm t,n feet, hifrh! W. cf the Fourth of Julv nublfhed th;s week, tnere I "" " . ' . me rourtn oi jiu. p" i presume she is voim"-. however, and lias not grown -ii 1 ... -ii,-i. . n,...i:,i,tw 'gt- tic . 1 c.' ' wiii oe a tbsnlav ot rire m-n-.s o "" , Sugars were dull and freights less active. viHi a declining tendency. Exchange on Lon don 15 a 1J. , The steamer Staf tit (he. S6uth, from Savan nah, broke her shaft on Friday night but cou tiuried tftitfct sail for N. York. On Saturday night she was striibk by lightning and her ni a if. fit nst was siiivered. One of tlie crew wag The Rev. A. Weaver delivered the Sermon on last Hl,j, wonmled t the same time. She was towed 16' this port and ufrired this eveiiing-.-New Vork, July 5 tit; 1359. ;Vhe St. Louts, Missouri, DitilDo? Eico'rtiSh ists came down on Sunday flft e.hnon; ffie Sit iust.. in Jefferson coU'itj, N;w York all well. ...i.s Killed At BE.vtjKOiiT riv Lightxisg. We nre infof-ined by ni pjtsseiiger from JJeaufort this niorn?ng, thrtt ji tiokvy gtb'rit of ra?nt thtmder and lightning. .passeJ fiver' lioitiifori I.-tst night; and a vessel lying in the harbor was track by lightning; killing onfe mari 6h board of her instantly. Di? not learn hi nanie.; , Vessel whs bat tdightly damiigd. Ntwbkrri Delta: It was a forcible and j able discourse fraught with counsel adapted to the , ., 1 - - 1 1 .,..i:..rl.-.. which time fie had the. lirwiuucn aii-iinmf u; o;.- audience. Daily Carolinian, till in.-t. Arsenal, commencing at 8J x'clock, p. m. The examination of the students of the Fayette- sufficiently to work as well as one more advanced in years. We consider these fire engines a disgrace to the ville Female High School will commence this alter- town ; one goon one would do three times tne labor, noon at 3 o'clock. The Annual Sermon will be j and no doubt we will get one after our town is preached to-night at tha Methodist Church by Rev. j burn 2d to the ground. This is generally the way of A. Weaver, . " 1 actin,;. . ; i! " Fixed or Ski mxO Woop Fkikts. At the lafo term of the .Circtiit Coiirt of Lawrence county Mississippi, Edward Langsfof-d wit.s iridieted for selling a hoop skirt to ft clave; without permission and Cued I (JJ oad tost of suit. Gexekai; tiEsUB Cosf3 hatl foft'gh-and-tiunble nAii on tho W of May, ith Mr. Henry T. nnfcin,4 in. the ihafnagt-rs' room of the Northren Hanfe, in l.cjingtonr Ky. Gene rt l Comlys punished his 'ftiiiagonist severely. The Oeneraf isl 72 ytati 613, afrt Mr. Pftncan ii over 60. Lord Claremlon, in a tate Parliamentary speech in reply to' Lord Malroesbury, gaiv ah admirably epi"xammatic description of the question' at issue iii Europe. This," sai l he, is the, real case. One despotic pbwef '(Russia) Concurs withamofe despotic power (France) in' endeavor iug to induce a still moro despotic power (Austria) to do what? Give lireedon and liberal institutions to Italy f ' Mr Henry Dexter, the well known sculpt6i haa received an order from a number of Mr Buchanan's friend4) in Boston to make a marble bust of the Presi dent, and haa gon to Wasbiogwa W azecute the ooowsiifiioc i ' "'

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