tU "THE NOBLEST MOTIVE IS THE PUBLIC GOOD." TERMS, $2 00 PER ANNUM, PAYABLE TN ADVANCE. FAYETTE VILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1859. VOLUME XXI. NO. L052. ruin T n M,fMlrTO ii i- i r - c 1 II Ml . J 1 I I II l . I h , 1 II MM- . IL iiiiiiJJ N VU'JL W IL AL1L. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, in advance, per annum $2 00 ' " at .be end of the year 3,00 Single copies, live cents. No subscription will be received for less than six months. Ilatea of Advertising. Sixty cents per square of 1G lines, or less, for the first, and 3) cents for each subsequent insertion, for any period under three months. For t.iree months, $4 00 For fix months. 6 00 For twelve mouths 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertiser are "particularly requested to state tbe number of insertions desired , otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. SINCLAIR & PEARCE. IIDOVT NOTICES. CLEM EAT G. AVRIGHT, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Fnycttcvillo, HVT- CJ- Tir r nvactlrii in the counties ol'IJladen. Samn- ,n,l I'mril.. -rlii ml VrnmTit. attention fiven t I nun hum u.." . - - 1 o 1 to all business comnnttea to ms cnarge. April 2, lSr.8. tf J 7 A. SFHAIiS, ATTOtlXEY AT LAW, VTTENDS the Courtsgf Cumberland, TIarnett, v alee and Johnston Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. 1-eb. 1G. 185(5. 85-y LAW KOTICE. ITIE SUBSCRIBERS having associated themselves JL together in the pr ct'.ce of Law, under the name and style of CAMERON & SlIAv,? will attend the County and Superior Courts of Moore. Montgomery, Anson. Richmond and Robeson. All business en trusted to them will receive their prompt attention. Address Cameron and Shaw, Attorneys at Law, Zlockingham. Richmond county, N. C. J.vo. W". Cameuon. J:o. D. Shaw. May 1, 1858. ly WTS. NOIIMENT. ATTORNEY AND COUSNELOR aT LAW LUMBKRTON, N. C. "tTflLL ATTEND the County and Superior Courts. TT of Robeson, Cumberland. Bladen ami Coluni Jjus. All business intrusted to his care, will receive prompt attention. Office in the Court House. July I, 185!). 1-y-w .3 OHN T . JT IT Ya t7EH ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, "IITILL PRACTICE in the Couits of Robeson. W Cumberland. Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton. Robeson co., N. C. July 5, 185lJ. w.:;in. Dental Hotice. - - 1 1 lJ DR. R. SCOTT HAS Purchased the Stock aud Ai paratus of Dir. Bb.vbow. and flatters himself that lie is prepaied fu ;nvc satisfaction to all in need of las services, tie ex ",-ct to sp.id the Summer here, and may be found at all times at the rooms formerly occupied by iht. Bkmiow tw. doors East of the Market, during the regular office lmurs from 'J A. M. to I P. M., and from 3 P. XL to 5 P. M. April 10, 1859. tf J., M. Camplaell, AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, F A YETTE VIL.LE , N. C. Nov. 13, 158 J H. GR AH A Wl, Commission iUcrcijant. WILMINGTON, N.C, "VTlLL give prompt and peroonai attention to all Consignments of Spirits Terpentine, Koain, Tar, Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. "lirSU OFFICE up stairs over the Store of Mr Von glalni aud joining Lutterloh's wharf. North Water Street. ; June IS, 1850. tf i It . ,1 A. M hi S I VIS, having SUf decided n permanently locating in the Town of Fuvettoville, respectfully offers his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding oountiy. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dentai educa tion, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the muth, None but the proper metals are made use of in the various Operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. IlfDilice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1858 tf MIsxx-Tolo Factory, li GEO. LAUDER, Two Doors above C. T. Haigh & Sou's Store, Fayetteville, N. C. . Oct. 1, 1358. ly. J UST FINISHED, A SUPERIOR STILL CAP and WORM to ork fifteen Barrels, which 1 will sell on reasonable terms. Apply soon. JAMES MARTINE. Fayetteville, May 13, '59. - w-tf 8?ew? S;EIt,xi-3r S;10,OOQLwthTtslN?e- " " I roi1 J r " AMES KYLE IS NOW RE EIVIXG A OP tf tt rtx rr cf tt HATS, SHOES, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c, All of which will be offered by Wholesale or Retail as low as the same quality can be had in this State. March 12. 18.59. " ' " " -tf - NOTICE. THE LAW COPARTNERSHIP of TROY &, FUL LER is dissolved by mutual consent. " Lumberton, N. C, July 5, 1859. Jy 7, 3t. i. & w. .MeLAUiUN OIX ISTITE ATTESTIO TO IVEia LARGE TT V V and desirable Stock of GROCERIES. CONSISTING IN PART OF 150 Bags of Rio. Laguara and Java Coffee ; 100 Bbfs. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted ;) 25 llhda. Molasses ; . 30 " Bacon, Sides and Shoulders 500 Sacks Salt ; 150 Boxes good Tobacco ; 125 Sperm Adaniantme and Tallow Candles; 50 " Soap, (assorted :) 50 " Candy, " 100 Bags Shot, " 1000 Lbs. Bar Lead ; 30i Bbls. Snuff, (Eagle M1II3;) 25 Kegs Soda : 250 Nails; ALSO A LAROE AXD GKXERAI. ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE' A ' I C IT T I. V. It Y . Farming Utensils of all descriptions ; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron ; Blister, German and Cast Steel ; Blacksmith Tools ; Coopers' do.; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters ; Buckets. Brooms and Pails ; Leathen Manilla ad Jute Rope, (all kinds quality ;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords ; Hollow Ware : and Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at Factory Prices ; lual All of which will be sold low for cash, or on us time to prompt paying customers. Country merchants are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where D. & TV. McLAURIN. March 5, 1859. -tf Boots and Shoes OP EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY. fI"MI E subscriber has returned from New York and X is receiving his SPUING it SUMMER STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES, to which Ue would call the particular attention .of all in want of goods in his line. His stock consists in part as follows : Gent's Patent Leather Boots and Slioes ; Ladies' Gaiters, with and without heels, of all styles and colors ; Children's shoes ofallLInds with and without heels, line aud coarse ; Boy's Boots and Shoes ; Kid Skin Oxford ties and Gaiters ; Patent leather French Gaiters, snd Gent's Ox ford slipper? ; French calf skin pump Boots ; - French calf skin pey Boots ; Ladies' Congress Boo's. with and wihout heels; Ladies' slippers, with and without heels ; Ladies leather Boots, pump and thick soles ; Misses', Boys, and Children's Boots. Shoes and Slippers of every desirable style ; Gent's Patent Leather Pumps; Goat leather, "-jrel5'et and Fancy slippers; Gent's Black Lastinar Gaiters ; Gent's libick aud Light Cloth Top Congress Gai ters : Gent'g Sowed and Pegged Coif Con ccress Boots; Ladies' Cloth and Velvet Slippi-rs and Ties ; Ladies' Serge and Kid Congress Heeled Boots ; Ladies' Morroceo and Serge Button Boots ; Ladies' Morocco. Kid and Goat Polkas and T nee Boots, and every thing visual ly kept in a first class Shoe Store, which lialways sells at the LOWEST IIiICli:! With many thanks for past favors, you are request ed to call and examine his Stock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS AND SHOE est not'ee. April 1(. tf laa-le aud repaired on sbort M. FAULK. csh Arrival ! JSTOC331 OF Spring and Summer Goods ! J. A. IMC Ml? UK TON S now receiving his Second Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing all the NEWEST STYLES, seen as SUMMER SILKS, GREXADIXES, ORGANDIES, $c., With a great variety of new style goods for Travelling Dresses and Dusters, a!?o a complete assortment of 310UKMXG DRKSS GOODS. A large and varied assortment of Silk and Lace Man tles, Chantilly Lace Points. Black and White Berage, Mantles. Stella Shawl-. &c. A few of those splendid French embroidered and Lace Sets, Collars and Sleeves. Douglas & Sherwood's New Style Corsets, (with Bustle and Skirt-Supporters attached.) A great variety of new style Hoop Skirts, &c, .vc. In the above stock may be found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The puMic generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. P EMBERTON. April 23. -tf NOTICE TO SOMHEK'S "WIDOWS. rfpiIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiers, JL and the Widows of Soldiers who died IN SERVICE in the war oi iei:i, can nave their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned. Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. KOSE, Agt. for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 19, 185S. tf Turpentine ! Turpenjinc ! Turpentine ! 80,000 TURPENTINE BOXES on and near the Iiail Road, about 5 to ti miles from Fayetteville, will be rented on good terms to any per son wishing to embark in the business. Also, a good SAW and GRIST .VILL, and two small FARMS. Also, two of the RICHEST FARMS in the County of Cumberland, one about one mile from the Market House, known as the Bailey place ; the other about nine miles from town, known as the celebrated Ashe Lands, which h s 250 or S0O acres cleared land, which if properly cultivated, will produce an average of 30 bushels of Corn per acre. Those wishing to rent sab5 lands must apply soon, or they cannot be rented. For particulars apply to C. E. Leete, Fayetteville, who is authorized to rent in my absence. a. n. Mcdonald. Fayetteville, Feb. 8, 1859. -tf FOR will be paid. A. M. CAMPBELL. ct. 1. 1853. tf O Wraping Saper. tSrf T,ri8E!,APEE FOB SALE AT 50 CENTS per hundred r tv,. r . . -j. June 17 ia VAKOlISOAir iJFFICE. UJ 7 . v-d CARRIAGE FACTORY- A. A. M'K ETHAN TEvI?,Cfantl7 " hand arge assortment o XV Vehicles of every description, which are wei ami faithfully made and finished in the lightest an neatest styles. His facilities for doing carria work are greater than axy establishment Socth which enables him to sell his work on the most favor able terms. Nov. 13. 1858. tf , THE NORTH CaKOLINIAN. . , VV , FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. ; WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 20. BT-Tb. WUmincton Jooml m "We iul 1 . ""'U'-"u 1.1 UU,-T ... yonvention ; we have heard ot nothing since inai, r,;m e v,- r,;rth bn, xi f then recocnized as standina-." " - - '- ,, , . . '!.;,. ,. , : . I wiMjiuuuouiic. sume, none win aispuio, ana ue is mere. ore tntiuea There has not been a portion of Mr McDnras 9 y listanding the scorching heat of the sijn we found Anniversary of the Declaration f Lnlenen- to a lair and respectful hearing." history clear of the charge of disorganising, from little journey of twenty mflcs excedingly pleas- dence Celebration in Fayrttetilh-Churches The above is from tbe Wibiungton J, ..nmL the time in whieh he began his political course npf.- The land gradually rises as you proceed west Xetrsffapers Banks Gas JVorks-IIcalth, That respected print beiog oruiuaviU exact u. it- to the present moment. J : - j Charlotte. To eyes accustomed to the flat lands A-c. - ' , information," and conservutivo in ils opiuions, it ist Since Mr MM),ffia w rWnf tr, tbt, Thar, " , , , . lotto Convention, haJMopenly and arowebly or- posed the nominees of -b&Q&rty'- Aye, more, in this very matter outstion fnow a dead isue, Mr McDufEe absolute- ? . -- - - . . . ly stated that he did not desire a convention trusted there would be mme-Jield because,' it would gin him an opportunity to run. This we. ran prove on Col. Malcolm James McDuffie, Esq. If all these things and more which yon will soon linn. tic f. k- 4 rwrrk t rfne cr fn ncnrn tVi n rkrUDri 'to go behind things of this kind,") be true, will the j journal then Journal then consider Mr democrat, or a disorganizer ? consider .ur lucuumie a lauuim -. r . . . . f ..l i-.i North Carolina Railroad. At a meeting of the Stockholders of this corpora- tion in Greensboro, last week, Chas. F.Fisher, Esq., was elected President, receiving 6,200 votes out of 8,000. This is a complete triumph for Mr Fisher, said. . and has proven to his enemies that it will not do to j TJe Rev- Dr- Dabney, Trof. of Ecclesiastical bis attempt, for political ends, to destroy the reputation, toryin the Union Theological Seminary, Va., was the of a gentleman whose integrity and worth is ac- preacher. lie took his text from Proverbs xi v, 2. knowledged by all who know him. The Company declared a dividend of C per cent, on the preferred, and 2 per cent, on the individual stock. We refer our readers to the communication of Cumberland," reviewing the course of Mr Mc Duffie. It is simply a piece of political history, the truth of which it is impossible to contradict. It will be seen that Mr McDuffie, by letter in '55, withdrew from the K. JTs, in Raleigh for the pur- pose of uniting with them in this place. It was (ac cording to his own statement) necessary to receive a. discharge Irom the order before he could be con- J compliment than to wish that it were published and sidered relieved from his obligations to it. Now : dilligently read by all young men ana many of the when ha ever Mr McDuffie showTn a discharge from : old. the order in this place ? Is it not clear that he is! Dr. Dabney is a man of fine appearance. lie still connected with that same body, and that he is J wouM not, however be called an orator by those who now- exercising the same deceit, attempted to be er;lay much stress on gesticulation and declamation, erc ised when Mr Eied was nominated. A man with But all stiflness in mannerism is soon forgotten by his such deciet should not be countenanced by either ; audicnce in the scholistic and philosophical manner nartv. - . in wHTch-KtrliTiTirtirs W i.. r,,f Cosmopolitan Art Journal. AVe have received the third number of this excellent Quarterly. It is devoted to the dissemmination of art and literature, and if we take the number before us as a criterian, it does not fail in its object. It is handsomely em belished with several superb stell engravings, and is well worth the subscription price, $3 per annum in advance. Address C. L. Derby, New York. Justice and the Justices." We have not yet I seen the pamphlet with the above caption which is being scattered broadcast over the State. We care not how many are issued, or how much artifice may be brought to bear in the matter, of one thing we are sure, and it is that all the pamphlets in chris-, tendom can do nothing whatever to extenuate the crime of which "a senator" was guilty at the session of the last Legislature. The people will never vindicate the policy pursued on the occasion in question. We would like to see what the gentle men say for themselves; and hope some one will send us a copy of the pamphlet. The Hon. Rufus Choate. This distinguished statesman, scholar and juris t is no more. He died at Halifax, N. S., on the 14th inst, of heart disease. He had left Boston for Eu-1 ine exception or a xew srores it is maae up or me : yearg shlCe ,,y thjs 8vilodhas a iari, e circula rope in search of health, and being unable to proceed ! CblSe buildings and Professor's houses so that tio in the gtatej aiKi is aby edited by the Rev. further than Halifax, remained there until death re- s et the village of Davidson College is very , George McNeill and W . L.Miller, lieved him of trouble. Mr Choate was one of Amer- sina11 In some respects this is not to be regretted. We have three bunks, two of them are ica's greatest sons, a man of towering intellect fit T1, morai of many a c,,,,eSe ynuth aro injured j branches. to take a position by the side of Webster, Clay and by contact with the practices of n heterogeneous j A gas company, too, has been organized 1 ' . I k : t....:,i l. . - i stock n 11 t.:ik-eo fsinil'i t nfntv-iivp t b i insa l ,fl ,iu,, - . , P , . . e tt ,. We give the despatch of h,s son, sent from Hah - fax to Boston to his bereaved family ; "Halifax, July 13.- All is over. Last evening J about G o'clock, after an unusually cheerful day, fa-. ! was seizea w.ltn, a neari ajiacit, anu ureainea his last at 1J o'clock this (Wednesday), morning. He was insensible through the whole, and suffered none at all." " We umderstand that CoL McDuffie in his criiirii at TC frmnRvill nn tbe 19,tb inatant: sniHthaf the Hon. Warren Winslow had caused the removal of J. E. Bryan from the office of Post Master of this ; town, now we know that such is not the case, Mr. Winslow had no instrumentality whatever in the mv.l . removal of Mr. Bryan. A project is cn foot to establish a line of packets between Boston and Petersburg. We regard it a good scheme and hope it may succeed. It is renorted that O. .Tenninrs Wise, (son of Ex- Gov. Wise,) of the Enquirer and Mr Aylett of the Examiner have "directed their steps to some se- nnpstpd rural snnt" to Rottl a ifficnltv between them. Warrants have been issued for their arrest! We have not yet ascertained tbe result. Sail Storm. un e noay loin, qune a storm oi nail occurreu about seven miles to the south of Raleigh, strip- ing the blades from the corn and doing a great deal ot injury. . New Military Company. There has beeoanew Military Company formed at Raleigh to be called the 'Umon Guards.' They nave elected W. W. Holden, Esq., Captain. We oave not learned whether he has consented to ac- ( u Ennt, and trust some step may be taken to se jept of the honor conferred. cure its publication. ' 1 1 " i i i i ; TntX AnmvaMaw A AAAa wn a la1ivFArl Pair Capt, ilmgsbury, ol uxiora, xs. u., nas oeen inSmoJy elected Pro of Mathematics, in David, r-il u fM.i rk tt tini si , . '-,-. t x-i esigned to take charge of the Military Institute at harlotte - ' ar ? . .: '' f c . We notice sales at New York on the 18th of 15,- OO0 North Carolina 6' at 95f cts. " ' ' KDirORIVT, COnnKSPOXDENCE. Davidson CotLEdpT'Tuesday. July 12. '59. rip from Charlotte Awearanrti nf the mr Sjprops, Dr. Dabneys Sermon ; his personal appearance, manners, Sp. Preachers. The auditor nearly in a box. VHaTing procured a Hood carnal dmwn Kv. r,ir r Having procured a good carriage drawn by a pair ooi - U J"ed SOn Of HiUn. I took, on -C-Astpnlnir T t V, took. ; . , J "," - ff m from Charlotte to Davidson Colleo-e in mmm. r ' with a pleasant-group of the fair sex. Not - .:fte eastern DortTon of thetateits'sandv soil and : I ... , ,.J3h--'.--.- . -.aoood Jb,tjdjilatiigoiintry of the west, deuces of thrift, are everywhere visible; all alon-j, L -J i ---i i. , . ; -.v..' 1 1 V -J "t" uuus.w" uai.ies, ana wen !,ept tences. in some places the corn and cotton seemed to have 'suffered for want of rain, but generally the CPS look weI1- Before we began to feel tired or wish oar journey, ded, we amved, it Davidson College. 0 e shall give you a discription of this Institution and of the v iiisiF'tf ill. ill-mi rniu i 1 1 4 " Ane large auuiencu raai naa come irom au parts oi the tountry to attend commencement was assembled in the Chapel. Although the services had com-j menced we were sufficiently fortunate to secure a great luxury upon such an occasion a good scat and one sufficiently near the speaker to hear all he When pride cometh then cometh shame: but with the Jowly is wisdom." His subject was Humility. He proposed to prove that humility was essential to the formation of just views of things and of the acquisition of all true knowledgs ; he showed that pride, self-inflation, was at the foundation of all errors in religion and phii .osophy, and that every true man in proportion as he gained knowledge would gain humility, for all true (knowledge taught man bis own insignificance. It w0uld be vain in me to attempt to give you such a sketch of this fine effort as would do the giant mind that produced it justice. I can pass it no higher t On this occasion Davidson is thronged with preach- ers. I do not know dear readers that I have any thing of a theological countenance, but certainly I was for the time being, taken for one of the prophets, I have often been in a box and was nearly being placed in a very narrow one when several of the brethren came successively to press my hand, strongly urging me to supply their Pulpits on the approaching sabbath ! Wonder what would Bro S. of the Delta do in such circumstances ? I of course declined the honor, being for the present otherwise , encaged. - x The exercises on to-morrow will be very interesl- i ing and I shall endeavor to furnish our readers with full reports. For the present I resign myself into the arms of Murphy. - Friends and readers good night. S. Wednesday Night, July 13, 1S39. The Village The Jete College Exercises iu the Ghapel Valedictory, Sfc. The Annual Oration -.v. Anniversary Address. Dear Carolinian: Bright and early thismorn insr I took a view of this village. It is situated on a high and healthv ridge of land 1n the centre of r- " , ,- . . . - xl 0i , me nrsi agricultural uisuai iu me oiaie. v mi . , ... r . -. - , n .t Hvi uiaiuiii. j nip I'laioD ui uarsusuy ue li saiu therein not a trrnrern within if nm t...l.'l ; is not a grocery within it, nor a houelnod with which a studept can not mingle with perfect v ., j, .o ...... ...w and three hundred, but at present we may substi- . tute thousands for hundreds .i -i j 1. i A n,u -" . , , The new College buildings are the largest and i "nest in the State, and they will compare in archi- teejjal beauty with any college in the Union. : At ten o'clock this morning the College Chapel ? was.cYded with spectators assembled to hear the "Mfeiy auuj-esses. - Mr' ATj tj -.M m..., i-i- -. r. .w.r, i!oni, vuarione, ui nvereu !T ""wjr.RuurP on ine ttliromc ey: Mr. Bnrwell me vaiedietorv addrp nn tl nrt r.F iha Pbilan. " r promises to be an excellent speaker and profound scholar. .. lie alluded most touchingrlv to the recent death pf one of the members of their society drawing tears frcrn many eyes .f'-V an saludatory on to-morrow morn- 1D' diViding the first honors with Mr. R. Bennet addv? of Anson county. Mr. J. Porter Graham, Kbwan county, delivered the valedictory ad- dress on behalf of the Eumenean society. The j annual oration was dehvered by William Eaton x.q ot Warrenton, N. C. It was altogether an excellent production, replete with conservative doctrine and . hio-h ton.! mnrslitv Suoerior ad vices were given to the young gentlemen inciting them to follow the example of the great statesmen scholars, and divines that have gone before them. We think that raanv of our public men would be mnrch benefitted by a rehearsal of this oration at soemoment wbn party strife carries them to ex- tremes I should lik to see Mr. Easton's oration . m f ' t.-- r, " . . . pPf rlnof Tt f " T EnKy Perseverence. It was forcibly de- liyeredwas very good, but a Lttl- to violent. , a,. . . . . - i 1 jning the exercises of the jamor class have comer off- goaie of- the speakers did very well everything has passed off quietly and pleasantly bo vr. : We must come to a close for the present. This Con ventionf; change. In the well tilled and extensive fields, evi- at intlej endencc, i lie"' town authorities You will hear from me again to-morrow, for tL present, good night. Yours, S, P- "5- A Lttlo difficulty occurred this morning hv the circulation of a littie pamphlet called thd Mirror, which cast some aspersion upon the char acters of the Soph, and Junior classes. There. m ef tk s.nl, ,i i,.,.;. . ti.... nrt.h o J'ul " ' Onr Mnrth r? - v.J. ' t..t.. . 10Ra u uij , iov - Editors Of SpmifBooki :: - nation- made suitable arraiigeiftent to celebrate in a becoming A. I, iw.l.l e..nc.1 K mn.,A o fl., r,. t, 1m lw.1,1 ciPD,! I1VI rrn .l ...... , ... v .j ll f-" Hi land. 1 he weather is aeiigniniiiy cooi, .a iresu nortueny ureeze is . CMUSinjr the corn fields to wave iheis tnsse.'ed I.l. , . . ..I I "I " mHitarv, whe are our in all their streng-tb. Ti ,.,v were aS.isted lv ' he Lafavette Comet ; Bnd, under the leatlsliip of John" W. Collins, . . . . ..... r r tL-inniiim r-r n n'l r.T inMi i nrntrv t e a iruivinnc r.r uiuni.in.s ...u.-,. ..s v.. ; tie procession, and the exercises in the Farm er's Hall, where ari oration was delivered by Mr. Henry Mnllins, of Fayetteville, N. C. a yo :ttg man of promise, and who, on this occa- I sten ueiu nis amnence cnuaucen oy ii- elo- j qaeiice liiisiness is improving-, and the I;'rs;e whole sale and retail business bouses are doing well. The firm of H & J. Lilly, dry goods, and Star & William, sell exclusively at wholesale, and are annnallv distiosini? oi' from one to two I hundred thousand dollars woith of goods each, Tj fi f Geo w vyillianis & Co.. dealers j in jjreceries and hardware, ate iiuporfnc direct from English manufacturers cutlery, files tc , also iron from Sweden. There are a vast num ber of other business men of various kinds that are successfully engaged in their various avoca tions, alike profitable to tiie.usv.lves ana bene ficial to the town. Our place is improving;, and amongst the rest is the .V erchants' Flouring Mill, being put up by Mr. McDaniel, on the site where cue was burned in gre t lire of 1 85 1 , opposite the ruins of the heroic Flora McDonald's residence. The Clarendon Hank ere getting materials together fnr tlvl lif.w ;i ii b i 1 1 rr IT.-vnco U; h i t h Jq t .-v I .' ..v. . . .11.. . Villi!!'. I. IV. .. la w.'i no f u in i. ,i ..,i .... . I high, and will be an ornament to Hay street. A religious and' miscellaneous book store is to be opened in a few days by Rev. George Mc Neill fc A.illerund J. C. Stedinan, a want long felt by the Presbyterian churches iu this por of the StaU-: Walton Si Harry h JVC erected the main building for their ear factory and machine slicp. It, is S4 x50, and two stories liigli : n addition they in J ' i tend to have a foundry and open a lumber yard. Mr, T. S. Lutterloh has nearly comple ted a now steamer, intended to run between this place and Wilmington, on the Cape Fear River. She is fitud up in better style than any now running, atiu will nave goou accom modations for passengers. We have sevn churches, viz : Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Bap tist, .Methodist, Catholic, African, and Prolest-aut-Melhodist In the latter there is no service at present held. The Catholic has but few members and no settled pastor ; all the other churches are well attended, for this is a chur.-h- ! Sou, community. About two years ago, a few gentlemen asso ciated themselves together for the purpose of vine-dressing, and purchased about thirty acres of land, five or six miles out of town, and are in hopes of making some wine this summer. Their Catawba grapes have been rotting some, and they attribute it to the late frosts. The North Carolinian Democratic Daily and v eekly, edited by Sinclair fc 1 earce, tsa staunch, i vve" deted paper, and exerts an inllnet.ee over a large extent of country. The North t. . , , 7 , i w. s t) ... . . - ' v. v . ...... t j UO iars ; tile COutfUCt lias Deeil made Wit 11 alet- el ,. t. , f tIlft w.orks. : to be completed by the first of November. The health of the town is . n!e ha!!n. aud colltcIltd. ood, and tbe peo Vixdex. The Tomato. Dr. Bennet. a Professor of sonic celebrity, considers the Tomato an invaluable article of diet, and ascribes to it very important medical properties . 1st. That the Tomato is one of the most powerful aperients of the liver ant liver and other or- . : t,l it i ..rol.nlilc . . , i ... . . . i , , ; one ot the most elective auu me leasi narmiui remedial agents known to the profess,on . 2d. That a chemical extract will be obtain- ed from it, that vvifl supercede the use of calomel in the cure of tVsease. 3d. That be has snccesstuiiy treated aiar- rhcea with this article alone. 4th. That when used as an article of diet it is almost sovereign for dyspepsia and indiges tion. 5th. That it should be constantly ned for daily food ; either cooked, raw, or in the form ! 0f catsup, it is the most healthy article now in ose. A YCCXG foj P about starting down to New e 1 to purchase a life preserver. t want it," suggested the clerk, Urieans propose Oh, vou'll no 'bags of wind don't sink." Valuable Cow. H. W. Goan, of Canaan, Con., has a Cow, pasture fed, which give in one week 200 "l -'--Sios. z oz, oi Dutter. The Democrats, says the AsheviUe News, were fully satisfied with the discussion on Tuesday last, and proud of their candidate's able and dignified bearing. The news from everv Quarter is cheering, anu u me aiscussions throughout the iistnct. nav lhe ne here' Mr Coleman wi" M ; opponent by a very heavy majority. and if the discussions throughout the District have his opponent by a very heavy majority. Gcios's Hotei Raleigh. Ibis Hotel, now oc cupied by Win. T. Bain, Esq., has been purchased by the Baptist of Raleigh, for $8,000, with a view of opening a first class Female School. Petersburg Express. For ilia Xcrlii Carolt: daii McDl'FFIE STAND UPON DI1MO- DOES MR. CRAilC PRINCIPLES V "M. J. MDufli.', Es.., of v-urn Zealand, who is Mr. Vin&low's coaipetitor, stands tirnuy, we believe, ! i vmwm pr. mae ..'. f.r. D .. r.t..i or lr..f ..m nnrl ""VSl.-T " . T . upon his own responsibility. 1J is abstract right, as a Democrat, to occupy hi present puie-, we pre- I the aat7 ; Uemuoraia. pf Comberland, ajoro aociwiilwl itMaeclot. tlie anticdoU ad politic at whereabout k. 0 Mp.r MeDumo. wt it riffht. arnVtojihatt ff so' inforouukm, orthr;amiubl.i eii.. w.-!iij5-cu.igjnijitdin,'o-to nriy one. fi"au n'u' coimilr,' rom mica a source, d( an injury 10 our laie aoie anu laitutul me lO OUF idle HOie UilU IU1 111 I Ul Oil I'.l I ti T O f t. . ! , JT , VS misiead t.reir !irtiu,r I )....,..,-., t ,,r, ,i..t . nH- , , , . , ' , " " ...1. viiiu t lllVj tun, Mr. Dobbin. In 18 PS or '4'J he entered upon bis. studies there. In 1852 Mr. Dobbin and .Mr. Pe- ocrats of Cumberland tor se.-.ts in the Legislature, and were elected. In ldo'-i it was 'not deemed ne- cessary to hold a convention as the l ite members had given entire satisfaction and v ere considered on ail bauds us the parly candidates. In this view Mr McDutlie uid not concur, lie pitched in "on his own hook," and attempted to secure his election by the defeat of bis iivic.ul und .li gai pre- ceptor. ile tiideil. J'.verv I uinbeil.tnd man eve ry one of tuo "old democratic fruard" remcinhcr-4 that contest, among other means' reported toby Mr McDudie to sve-uro his election was indulgence j at the county precincts in harsh abuse and U;i- seemly uuicule or the town ot rayetievnie wiu ro he was raised aud wiiere he lived. We remarked that he failed, and from this time he lo.t the coi iideuco and esteem of the democracy lit re. In 1854 one of the nominees of a convention having declined to accept the nomination, a:idit being too late to re-assi nible it, Mr MeDudie, who was de feated in the convention, as ho had "au abstrnct right to do" came lorwai'd ns a candidate, another gentleman also came forward. The democracy were compelled, having four cnudh bites in t he field, and violently opposed, to concentrate upon three d' these four candidates, and "the lot nil upon Mathias." Thus Mr. McDuMiu succeeded in bis object. Will it be credited.' that thus a listed 1 . th" Democracy, while at the General Assembly be deliberately went into tbe Know Nothieg Lodge at li'deigb, in compatiy with one of his late Vh:g opponents, and received tho '-third degree" 'at the bauds of tho lion. Kenneth Rainer. The fact is so however. When the Legislature adjourned m- , . Mr McDutiio set about endeavoring to get to Con l.n-ncc S.11 r.l.-li in llM.I "."1! .lt Ill.W ll.-.n ted tvill: t3,v" regard to Ids connection with the K. N inrt- vVheii charged with it he bi'ortj Ucnicd it pro nounced it a d d lie and o tie red to rive five U-1- .ars to any one who would prove it. It is hiuidhu chat with every one of that irty iu Fnyettevillo the Col. 'a double faced speeches. In the K N. L-i .ge on Saturday evening after the Clinton Convention v.'uicb lioauiiate.l M r. VV ins low in 1S,1.3, Mr McDulIiie's name bcit.g before that convention, althougit he was a K. N. at the time,) and on the eve of tho Elizathtowit Convention which nominated Mr. Keid, Col. McDullie made a most rantunkerous speech" denouncing the dem ocratic party. Said be understood all their ways, tricks and contrivances was fully posted and if the K. N. party woitM onlv nominate I, on, "throw the bridle over his head and frii'n him loose" he would beat and d -stroy them, be only asked that he might be permitted to pass as a tl nun-rat plevlgio"- himself to the principles .of the K. N. party. JIe called deuiocrats by name, denounced men who had grown grey in the service of demo cracy, spoke of them as spies in every assembly of tile people, even at the class m-je-ings to carry out the machinery of tho Democratic, party. Is if to be credited that hardly a day or two had elapsed, in another place, be declared he was not a member of that party never had been ie nouueed such uu accusation u slander, and indulg ed in abuse of that party in th'j lace of many who had beard the first speech. Yet there arc living eye witnesses of these facts, ready at any time to vouch them. When the Know Nothing convention in fail ed to nominate him, be turned tail upon them, and sought admission again into tbe denioi ratic ranks. He bad "the abstract right" to vote with us, but 1; failed to jret, and never w ill get tbe conrMeiue of dies democracy who know him ; in tbe succes.-ive nomi nations for two Legislatures be faik-d to get tbe noiu ination. Surelv upon this st.itement no democrat proper will vo.e for him. Can any member of the K. N... vote lor him? His treachery to them is, perhaps, as great, onlv that he deserted the democratic party while he was" their standard bearer iutne Legislature. He joined the K. N.'s, they failed to give him their nomination, be went into their councils, possessed himself of their coiilideiitial communications, bid for their support, upheld their principles, and when he could get no promotion from them, deserted and dnnouced them. llearw at the " North Carolina Argus" of July 2sth, l-oo, the organ of tbe Am ric.m party at the time, suhl about biui tin tiiat occasion, then vote for Lim who can. " M. J. McDi-ffik, Esq. As we hive hoard some of Mr McDuffie s friends deny that that gentleman ever belonged to the American order, we would re fer all sucn to the following let:-r, the original of which can be seen by calling at tliU oilice. Mr McDunie not only be.onged io tuc order ; but he has rnu'le some ot tliomost Imtu' si.cee!n:s u at:, st T. , r -..: .. i .i.at were. j evcr maue ouc n j.rvctteville. lie said ti.e j Demo-ruts nad no platform. They bid a majority; i and that majority w as . oidrolled by a ptircel of old i fogies, who pried into every man's secrets, oth 'to- lie and private ; but as to tin ii huving principle.- that was out of the question. But red the letter, and then say whether the writer is entitled to any great amount of credit : " Fayette viixe, N. C, April 0G, 1S.5. Wit. IL Haurisox, Esq. : : I wish vou to obtain for r.e a withdrawal a.. !kt.. ,.c -v., tire Atne.rirant in your city. You very well understand th it I operate with the order hero utitd I get ill . II Will lilt: 1HA A ran not co rny witb- uturea ! a:- lhe campa'gn is close on band her ! be able to act1 with the order in jl- l drawal from your order. I whdi you to see v . t. to iuime-ii.:-"ij . i .... . re, apt i uiusi. plac. Answer by return mail. Yours Respect., M. J. McDLFFIE.' I have no doubt the Wilmington Journal, v.hHi r ;neerelv desires the good of the party,and to have the district respresemea oy our ten men, will copy my communication, that its readers may I will copy my communication ' see both sides of the question. I amulcaoot inclined , to apologize for making the request. Cumberland. jgfDAKTEL Grant, Esq., a venerable and es teemed citizen of Athens, says the Augusta Consti tutionalist, died in that town on the tub, inst. llo was a native of Xortn Ctronua. J. J. Spencer of Pennsylvania has been ap pointed U. S. Consul at Dresden.

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