r if The Record Continued. A7e presume our readers all know, Col. M. J. JIc Duffie, the same identical man who is now running : f.n-Congress - Avas elected, to serve the county of j ininant watesnhat there I UUlJCijlAU 1" "M3 JLiCIWmiB n Mll'i" I'lHIIIIIII "1" 'I .. J waseiecteu v y , learn ns at Political Discus t TTitttt-tt: at LlTMEEiS that Mr. McDuSlo addressed Lis fe)- T.naiberton on Wednesday last For the North Carolinian. ! democrats, are liko quarrels between lawyers, they TJroadfoot and others Mr. Cook s name was suggest- sjon Col. IvTcDuftle; and I don't amount to ilu?!i and are easily reconciled. e(j. AVinslow yielded to the general lavor I ooK s ttt,,.-. TT7-cri-rTT -rxr.1 My opponent says he is in lavor ot Convention?, i name seemed to command. j.a uie uy, n un . Wc-.ri-.ri vinsiOW, o.L w u- , , , c-DDosed M. McKay, who i i to be turned out why should not some other Col. Mcl) is m succession. NOKTII .&1WLINIAN. . 30, 1339. Til HID F.IGII COXGU ;SI0XAL DISTRICT roil cdNORESS, wiSlI t5" WINSLOW-, of crrjj IfeHiiAND. . 3fc - - Ui:MK l LYTIC "iNDI DATES FOR CON WESS. ist Distiietl-in'iT xi- siiaw. TIIC i3 RUFF1N. -VtAtroN WINS LOW. I 0 ' S ll R AN C 1 1 . - STEl ffEN E. AVI LEI AXIS. ATF 1Eif M. SCALES. -IIUH' W CRAIGE-. - jA V ' .COLE M AN - fit'. 7'th - f ' . Tick...!. A ' Vrc prepared to., supply ah AA'inslo? " tickets. Send in your "Warren VPjusIoav will address his JV-thel. C imberland county, Fridav "''" ' on coi ntj, Saturday 30th July? Slad'i to., Monday 1st Au- la. I.:. f.n '.V i ' ' fr, U ;.- Ou friends in the counties "i'ession district will confer a !ns3 Jjiii r.le account; of the ' dive j.-Kicts. 'The election lay nef t kth August, and if :.;t. us, w:9pe to be able to fur i'.'.i nearlA fed the returns bv the -in... the. Democratic party, and was. by that party regard,. ed one of the exponents of its political views in, and out of the Legislature. It has been charged upon. Air. McDuffie, and the assertion has never been con tradicted that whilst in Raleigh the sworn repre sentative of his constituent's will, he joined the Know Nothing party, and returned to them- advo cating political doctrine, altogether different from these he maintained when he was elected by them. This was bad enough ; the veil of secresy, at the. time wo;ild appear to Lave exten-u&t&d tha crime somewhat. The Col., however, seems to have for gotten himself upon one occasion. ?.!r. Badjliani submitted the following, resolution- : " AA'hereas, It U belieed that an order commonly cabled ' Know Nothings' exists in tb& Sta'e of N. i Carolina, secret in its crganijati.on, and political in its desigiips y be. it therefore, Resolved, That the secrecy with which sakV order clothes its proceedings and purposes, is anti-republican and dangeroas in it? tendencies." The bill was read and i(r. Outlaw moved, to, lay it on the table. The mcjioa was carried, ilr JIcDuQlu?, v&t ip.g in the affirmative. (Ibid" House Jouiial, and '55, p. 2SL). Tlr?s is only one of the many de ceptxn?, which this self-styled democrat has prac ticed atpon the people Elected to. the Legislature by the. democratic party, an.d voting fv.r a Know No thing political fjne-Uiiwi. Shame upon him ! If he would practice suck deception in' the Legislature, what, ruon the sano principle we ask, would he do in Congress, in the event of his election. But this is preposterous, to. think of. AVe. dismiss the sub ject, leaving it to the reader to determine whether or not Mr McDuffie is entitled to the support of any party in existence. His own acts alone condemn him. Like many others with a. Col. prefixed to his name, he too has fallen a martyr to. ambition, quiescat in face. .iov. v tnsio replied, sofXi all occasions, refuted every ward by Jlr. McDufiie. iCoheK T-UE Election. As there is -in the minds of soraie , with reg election, wfi would state that 2 Ath f Avgust is the dayX . -Xct e and do his duty. AVe want to polled, let the. consequences ho w I 0ar , tho Hon !'lia" miogtOU. - waft nominatfid hg a dpmri if fr.T? v-viggjp ' ,f- in turn, supply the member V - ,Ah ail tan mitmt. at r 1"lf Ti f" " "''-" ' Immt"- M "" "l1 11 T'iVlTl f 'i i n1 rrl Why take two "'"- 1 ' gmr--'e!l,VLm1--1 'U- p-.rK- 1 did not expect to he here to night, I hff Mota the same county ? rfinsiow replteu. tol. it, l naa beara, was a Lne apimiam tist: unc, uuu i aai uviu ui .y McLI. lost many votes oy cuiumg iu speaker -J was greatly disappointed. He has noj instance of frieihdjs.iii Duplin. Xly opponent claimfU tha principle "omnc 'igaotum pro ?nlrabile" hA pretensions to oratory ; is diffuse ami' illogical. TJejto.be a democrat and yet when a democratic mejn-Moud best have consulted" his interest by postpoa sadly huttereel Friscian's head, and " his speech . j ber of the Assembly in 1854 entered the Know! !Mr hivisit till after the election. I have no ip- ll to-the Col., but can t sanction lum tor congress .:r.o .w t.i, ;i.. t?ll 1U lnrd crrows." ,ii6 overthrow that awaits him will redound to his advantage ; he wijl return to his law books witt hzQ e.st, and may m the course of time acquire w nutation and a competency in hia profession. Id ? charity I say "so mete it be.' ' Ths 2e-jf York Dav Book speakkl ii Nortls Carolina says : J 0n the 4th of August the people olin?, will voe for eight representatayjp No election for State officers will" J year. The State is Pemocraticby ! jority. No regularly organized' The Democracy is the only party i. any definite platform, f those oppbji. guen ilia fashion,. as AVhigs, Amerif' ists, Independents, &c. The Coo' tion last year stood six Demacxal. cans. The prospects seem ejsrd' ing a' dean Democratic sweep In i tie First District the' late c M. &haw, Democrat, is' posed by. 3-q3V$ggig .'Pns Sj of I (he ay.:-: Car. e this abounded in what rhetoricians stylo sequiturs. He seems utterly devoid also of the. faculty of con densation. He made many charges against Winslow, charges which he, admitted he could not prove. It is lard for any man to establLsh a ne.iutive ; yet AV'uViiow easily and thoroughly refuted every charge. i need aoi speak of Mjr Ar's manner; every one knows, that he is ever cooLcoilected, vigorous and eloquent. On this "occasion Lr AVarf very felicitous, and his victory was complete ; I heard no one express, a con- Nothing Lodge at Raleigh, and received his degrees at the hands or Kenneth Rayner, tiiat high-priest of an order distinguished for its intolerant opposi tion to. our foreign citizens and its hatred of the democratic party. After the Clinton Convention that nominated me in '55, and the Bladen Conven tion that nominated Mi' Reid, Mr M. April 26 '55 applied by letter to AA"ri- II. Harrison for a with drawal from the order of Native Americans, statins; I cannot co-operate icith the order here, until trary opinion, though some could, not but pity his get m y withdrawal from your order opponent, Col. XL'begaa by saying that our ancestors met in convention to declare independence, to iorm tne Mv oppopent cliarges that I have sought office importunately, and that my constant applications i.4 j :, For the North Carolinian. . Hon. Warren Winslow. t ""hfs "tlistinruished ger.tl einan is daily gaiaing shut out all others : that I applied successively for i Sri -nda unions; thoso who admire virtuous talent fge ma- confederation and to .'ilaa the constitution of the i Chili and Sardinia ; but that 1 was so little esteemed t ia-i eminent abilities in a statesman. The oppo- ; exusts. United States, in, 17 (sic) ; that the Democratic by my colleagues that they would not recommend I lit n 'off cliques and d-magipu-s is more tlwvn ever Id with party had followed their example, and that Conven- ure . he further charges, that tho' I have so stated, I ! tuiviiig forth to the people hishiga-tonod patriot- never was tendered the Mission to foaruima. 1 i jjiri and bigh standing tlir.mgliout the nation. A ell say all these charges are untrue. Now for the proof. J tho third Congressional District be proud of b-htma? I tions were the settled law of the party. He said that osition- ; delcga-, 'Ameri- five counties had called for a Convention in this District -three expressly, and two by their silence upon the subject. He charged that Winslow, while pretending to support conventions and affecting a willingness to submit his claims to a convention, wis at "heart opposed, and that his organ, the Cai o- " 2S i liBian'arid his friends oyer whom he had control, Here is tien. Lass s letter tendering me the mission j spe representative to baruima oy instruction oi rue l'resiuent. anu nere is my declension. -Here is a recommendation in my favor for the mission to Chili, signed by both our Senators and all my colleagues but Dr. Shaw, who liibs, high social position at was absent. I did not s-ek this recommendation yfj:n td.his district, his St a AVcll may the t-igus of the tfca's indicate an ovcrv.ht lining niajorily over his utlriidv Vanquished et inpetitur! It is right that i tli. should be so. It is just that hi.-s exemplary V ashniirton, liis tle- 4ttrn td.ltis district, his State and to the South. fci Both candidates are. men to canvass has been warm ' and atfra- between Dr. Shaw and ah O is an eriuerice. - i-.,1 The second (Newbern) District' seiiicd for many years by' the Hori. His TiopuAarity and his majority are this year. .- ) The third (Fayetteville) Distriei e Hon. Warren Winslow, regular Re- ITecer Ay. .1 TiiG C'ainoaigri. i From the information which Ave derive from our bli? scurces, it would ap- exciiancs ind private rcua the XI. J. McDuffie, Esq., independent rl iow s majority in Io7 AA'as 4oJL..J,i In thsTourth (Raleigh) DistrictJ Democrat, is a candidate for re-eil Branch's majority in 1857 was 6,27f: Tlie fifith District has threa candi Oilmer, regular Know Nothing, fj Stephen E. AA'illiams, Democrat, am Xudjpc.ndent Know Nothin;. Th stood, Williams 4845, Gilmer 56t Gilmer 847. This district has been silion, but the course of Mr. Gilmer gross, and his rather, dubious r v th tlrs a rear that the contest for Congressional honors in the first, fifth, sixth &xA eight districts in this State at snf 'Unt. interest has not.j js.. waxing wari.nfr r.:,i farmer ss the election ',e commg election j appr&ucl. Ia tne otner districts, every Jung is j 4. Xhcv should workstr' ' ot will be polled. 1 comparatively calm, and quiet, save in our. own a . result CMr. A'iliiams is a fir: ! - . - .... ... . , T - . . it :ous th riatv. and strength- where, a u- tie wranchni' ana souabbimg, which a-1 wouia ac "rtoE to tne 01a rsortn r k 1 j: - I . . I .. i . . . . . . O'B. Branch, 4 let ion. Linn B. lso a candidate. -hiitS'Tho t berland was the first count- to nominate Vy that Cas" the recent j the nominating meetiag was a packed ailair f tlutr Bon editor Cook, wtio was no uemoerat, out an oiu line wnig. ' i a creature of s was tne head man in the aliair is hefef epre- j that four men managed every thing; that the offi .1ibiniufSn. i cers were "spring boned, spavined, hipshotten" oth verlarge, 1 -fellows ; that Cook and McKay had the halter of JQBp hilreturn j circumstances " about their necks and had been :-:,., , j clragged out 01 tiic wmg party ; tnat tne resolutions camjlssed bv- passed unan-.inoissly bv 4 votes only : tnat r)m,.r.nl anfl i was sustained bv 4 men onlr. who dictated to the mocat. AVins- reiauop.s aa iiii mv coiita- t.ta irrrat miiarnc in Ui- oineds ot the na- i i., i . c . . p:ii HCUiUi 1 wiiii Craige and Kattin, men of the highest iiiciit. is a letter irom (Jon. Cass in whicn tl tiiat 1 never nieu an application ior any i:n post Avhatever. (The If tiers and recommendations were exhibited and read."i Thus it arueuiariy avuii i -, i j st iiici it. 1 1 vre , th Con. states O; o r any diplomatic ! : -4iw3iTectly and openly opposed a 'convention, and ! an did not use it. Xly g.-.-tuiMM,lm --tw ... ""- lines armcuiuv mm incasaui, particularly wwi t Bhonhl -o nronci v aKiirecnilfu at home, eavy, and jculnasy, n!:d unscrupulous dc- on wjailil undiTiitc ami obscure :ais j-'hiiic" igh gUiiiili, s av a patriot .-tiiU-.-ni-.-ji. shqv) 1 all without distinctiou oi p:-rfy bo n4 nf '.tllfll 11 If UlTSI'll t:il ! U'. lb:.n ul,.i (liij tppears that 1 ha.As not sought office as 1 ( ;itti ,,. ,,,, ,..,.,. f:,;,i,fni. ,11r cnargea. 1 am content aiuprouuto oe your repxe- ; w ugfifuK Uh hOMrs aV(! vot in stor0 fl sentaiiA'e, anu lay own 111cr.nar.or1s were toniirmeu lm? uSHiu. lugit no'iors are A ct 111 store tor Ciir.li m t:ili-sm,ii ,,,,1 .-:u 1,;1.,.,. by letters from various parts of the District protest- . d;itin,tio4 in the State and hi th.- Republic. Theso mg against my abauconmg the house. lhe Abe i ,.i ,i.i.-,n, ..ssr-nimH. l,t tl, i.,. ,f lates. John A. late member, XI. Q. AA addelif vote m 18o7 majority for decidedly oppo- iu tbs late Con- lations ' Avith the nprn r xr rv - v."l 1 to elect their 4.Tfuoiisly for such t ri-r K-or . h-n r soLiit-i.ir y til nil t.-ii loiiku il w ;ls i i . - , . , . party. The officers of the Cumberland meeting j so absorbed in the study of the louse that he, could j "l, uwJf "l Vt 7. ! ' , , ' - were, I am informed, Joseph Arey, Chairman. Dun- thinU aud talk of nothing else. A lady inquired Vl 1 , I nv l Z can Shaw; Yice-Fre4iont, Wm. Cade and Jno. II. ono dav cf another wltv the Abbe Avas always talk- i "'gL'1' ll" (l t I V '"onths ago. Cook Secretaries. Committee to draft resolutions : ing of'lhe louse ?tho reply was - 'tis not'strange i f v" 1 ln 1 . , men.bc-r of tl o ATm. Mcli. McKay, P. J. Sinclair, R. M. Devane, man will talk of wlutt runs in his head." lou Lalu J in'. tl"J Hst c",ni' l""" , -i ?. - . .. .... t . . , Ave re l urtfiov. Winslow, as a statesman, bv that as. cook, ana Mierwooa iiony. can make the ; lid he was an application, it is my opponon head is all the Avlnie running on My oon .neiit charges that 1 appointed mv scar to i H I1-' imi office. Now the Bible says "he is a heathen who ; H'P" w does not provide for his own family." I don't think I "w ould have comr :e Tuocrats very jig; day Black Republicans,- give the Hirt: class man, and . iounueu nope max mey win oe enwytate at Washin At T - - ...JL 1 -. -1 t . 41. ' ..i-. -.i.l,:-. c-;. -n-ill ,t rlisnnlc tTio mf.nntAnr ton. . . ' : ' . . - . as an Act iition Tietorv by the J A T here of the times. In the first district, tne gallant lie nry - - nnn? P th,t J , linnns.icaitcns tl vofcmocracy. a l.i;;!i and weight " r sponsibility rest M. Shaw, is wantonly a-sailcd upon all hands. rat to i-fcsit himself on the j Treachery and artifice of all kinds is being brought .t l e -9ls i l4 ; do. his duty as a ' to boar by his opponents in order to' defeat him, but mer s suj is. pudiate tx ser I AATltmg to tl?'' that 'in. frxm presefct ndicatJon?r re av inclined to believe ant-slaverf the ' resent time, in one of our ' he will come off victorious on Thursday next. At i , d. cidedly Imocratic, that the : ail events, we siuceraly hope such may h the cas . on 9orrr tv advocating the i Williams in the fifth district is fairly T e;r own rr. m tue su is a candid Je has not takei nents of one of hi 5ton Tract Socio r's triumph will nents in the disf strict Alfred M. re-election, and i irly jftakir"- tlj'i,T XL LacTi, Opposition. Scales , " "f ,, i N.. two A ears a;ro by 729 votes, quake and ioe , i:l the seventh District the caaO .".11 t: It' (i u; t c-ra nttnii;.; "f !:,. t! frua ri isi-r 4-. . . ,. 1 .li-ct an o; I r t-. -x i, ..... f their own rr. tii and by th.-ir se- i toundation ot lA.noAv-OLiungiux !,.,, ,-V r -n acand 7:-ir.nd thus carry ' moguls and chaiyquons thereof trembie hke Criige, the last year's chivalrous r aa aspen leaf. The indomitable -Maurice t;., is can-' oca u. n aiuup, ivn&w JNq ei-ir, v, -Kcivw-T xv Hh i fC nnd mnrnw irU tiu:i have had considerable difS of his Avhich Ave really con derao.frakiMre found sleep. Id not be claimed ibune and its ilk, same-of "Mr. Gil i the iains to rc s supporters, who Jtyrs Journal, inti- be the triumph of rich '""'' Scales, Democrat, 3-opposed by Gen. beat 1'urycar, Is., idates are Burton ppresentative and Mr XL admitted Xlr W's ability, able lawyer aid polished scholar, and that he never expected to equal him. He said, however, that he had effected nothing for the District, in Congress ; that all he had done ws to distribute documents and seeds to favorites and that half the latter wouid lU-i come up. If the people would send him" heAvould j done so : but the supply them with e;ood seed. He said that no i ii.l not ' appoint him. ! Democratic papers had ever praised AYVnslow, but the appointment without my knowledge or consent. that the .National ln.telligerucer.iuta i.ayt ttevnie Uu server praised him ; that AV's sole care in Congres3 Avas to convince the members that he was a. great lawyer, and insinuated that he so acted because lie wished to be a Judge; that AV". hud Ecver taken a stared for Southern rights , that W. had given j J I the' offices, in his power to Cumberland, which v. as unfair, appointing his son and Fuller to valuable offices ; that AV. vas t-io busy looking out for num ber one. to be useful ; that his pertinacious applica tion' for every vacant post stood in the way of every NorthJ Carolinian Avhose name Avas sent in anil charged him with aspiring to the Chilian mission and that to Sardinia ; that Maj. Gilmora's applica tion Avas defeated because AV. pre-occupie-l the ;,f Tr i I Cabin-1 oQcf r. uur Mute iriJe Avas excitod in no & i litttfe d 'gT by thei-rriraiy bii'rat evidences shown. on ot tho higuest social aud political ell ho has at the Capitol. Anv unpre- iudiect vbfcir of the District will n-alizu this grati- nmitted an unpai'donable sin had I j 11! uty the leadmg memb.-rs - tact is, the charge is untrue. I j of CSp.jreii and other ohicmls at tU'.eut ot gov- The late Air. Dobbin made ernntriu:. . way then wun v, e oyi..,ut...n ... v ar- rcn Vkiislrr : li(-t us give nan a vow wort ha oi Tf .. i-.1..vl-i.-1i;i rtf -"il -T(1 ru.r annrtn . ft-Ar flio f tUO 093 i , a fl AA011UV U ,,113 .1 Vlv.l.V01il 1 i , .' u.iuiii. . v !mnnint:-ii f.t. xx-iiij n,;idt 1 did not. fl I'a'.h'd liiioiA to interfere. Ls there any- man here Avho would have i l-y a SpS tH, i!iti'ino.;rd si'-unst his oavii cnild .' iSy onnonent 1 1 t-1 n r!,iT..o' tlisf 1 Vi.:ivi oivf-n nil mv :ini loint ruon ts to the ti Cuniberlaud. I deny it. I have given but one to ke c f'u,,i!ini'l.inil xvliil f havf heslowiid SIX Oil Al'W , IK'H; .f the Cape Vea: nt tiiat Avo.r.hof.'.d bj repn .here h more o- for the Afe but 'one dem ore Vcssary is it. f -re.-ional d llct to be on our u tat es ? The few .! u .,u ... , ... a suuauie persoiv iq oppose crai nmenu. exposition oi u at the- f; end of tfo fi ht , Mr (Kilmers' course in Congress by his opponents ; honors of martyrdom.' A'oternj Aviil we think ensure his defeat antt the election of. scattering o3. Stephen.E. AVilliams, Se..rc,ote j.t be, An interesting contest is gora t-Cl TV! i.-.i- TI... t t' ,.1 . . ..."1 1, Vv...w.u.vy ..u.wl., VVM, All l8 nun MMi.ai, ioii, .-v. i Thomas L. t'iinn-n.an had 3 :d doubt defeat his competitor, the loquacious tt- r . t un.! r the , i.u t i ;r'. 1' ' : ii ? ir. i ! i- '.; disti t tr. .in en.: vrvs.t! l'ir:i o-'.t C! - h . '. -' ." ' r- (1 ;- i : cm his elevation to the Soaat lion took place. Col. '.jit two ounc may -,t ii'.ni'icr. nr-snlt which no ''i f ...i.i ' ti Tipaoh. The neonle of that district know and an- iirumsiam -svou a ui uouiu - , . -ixnsixinmi ami 7 li-j :o cTcmocra S,lhon as. a P-ecfat his talents too well not to return 1..,. to nd ! .iiei there be one ' newspaper .qu.ibblinj- to il contrary notwitstand- V,-x i!i-ir , jkn'tni unci 1 . ! inc. t' .o ming. . . 1 he opposi ulty in hunting up yL but Gen. AValk- Hanover and two on Sampsa. My opponent ob- jjtcts to ray appointment of li. Fuller, and calls him j an old line Avhig ; he. has been a lemocrat ever since j 1 knew him : lie was appointed because of his lit-' ness for the ofth-e. and was approved- bv the demo- j N crats of Cuuxherland. In the first instance, another j w gentleman had been thought of, in another county, is saidjin .he face District. d r . . . - . .... 1 .TV:.- m -, . an ot experiv iioo iwui aumi s. i ins -itiou of some, to turn out a man by as he-onu- used to his duti.-s, when us Avuii emcicnoy, is a ooeu uie i.ijir onse, and sluuiid not be tni.-r. tc.l fi iihii.I i-i-nri-si'iit at i ve hivt1 i . vi-rm .r wlettis keep him as long as we can, id pis- o.rsfiv cs. lover is ready tor tho -iiii oi ..-iigu.-t. oman Dtn,o J M strict couiu pun mi many votes ithiiihf - lov.n.Iaiies as Mr. AVim -low will. This but L was McD. says Post Oilic'J to p the in. ter from Mr. lit it in Cook becii ;or yan expressing refuting the charge. Mr. V,". then related ihe f..-llowing story : ai turned up for the 185Y Craige 0,394; k. tm us the eighth k i go, the invincible fority of 4,1)14. Up stf2ar:auew elec- ground ; that he did not believe ihe mission to Sar dinia Avas ever offered to AV., though AV. sai l so; that AV. would sell his District for a mess of pottage ; that should a lilack Republican be elected in lSt'.U, in his desire for office, AV. would " w hine at his feet like a whipped cur." Col. M. charged AA'. with voting for " Distribu tion," which was an anti-democratic vote. He said AV. had made three efforts in Congress and they were all failures, for his views had been defeated by j larce majorities ; that he had assailed the "Naval! Committee " because they had lopped oil his r.eph- . agent. When asked why he disc ow that, his snwrli on" the resolution to cxpell arer. the farmer replied that a f all that bus been said about a dorined tnac ne couni not accept, .ur. onniBiun ww cnnuiuun-. x -- " that I turned out J.E.Bryan from the i feekni4n this cmuity, audi know that lo- i- tl-.o ause the latter sustain- n-.ost nbn da-r candidate that could have ,h-;a u. .. Tr . 1- - , T 11...,. .1... cd me m the meeting in f uveticviae. i-ere is a let- or beea 1 ammateu. cei nine uiu i.i.- . i NTew rlfin ,vor f. el J tliiitliohas not omy In en friendship . ; aud ir beeA S"ew I tan but libarrtl to the lower end ot in- the Distriel, .1 cer- - she is maishaling her forces for an overwhelming tain man had an overseer who had served him faith fully and to his satisfaction for several years ; at last lie determined i.a dismi 1 1 i r ii ; lie however, gave him a letter of recommcad.it ion, stating that he had been a tiood overseer, a A'aluable and trustworthy ftrged a good man other wanted the vote fo b!m on the 4th of August, .) .:; Ni:av HaNoVir juiy 2o;s lafcy. nn was a failure1 ar.d so, also, his speech on Lie place, and iWtbw. Uli ompl-y-Kd a jn.nna r.n.l nno f thnk to iMmmodoro ior -inexuxJuva-cc.a m tne piaec ui uu u .ci-ickut.-.. n,.- ,Vlker. " ' ! then asked Avas the conduct of the farmer wisdom or that .-:,h tl. t t!. ,n : -I,.-w ti jurats are not We canSi-t say much for. the Mountain IVistricf. it !i:ev o or; th.' e united, one iiid inseparable ! ! 1 be result, is we fear uncertain Coleman lias animation am irtih disorgan- i- made a good . i-jipression A.hc-r-sver he has been. ! 17 i .. . ii woi l 1 that th yvill notproA-e ir fatl ra! Let them , i Li the- i; .i;?er i-f ,-ei n, rr i :. l.ie pm-post stroy the li es a too to , coi: Jd'-v it tli-"; duty d' the party t llevate them becan-e they thir.k so th.emseh-es 41 wha never have acf. J with the party when, th Jjr own indi "iuttal claims were forgotten.. . Let i-.e democrats of the 3rd Conj i-ssional dis-. ttiet g for ttie strongest and most in ilontial man, ;-. ma.i ing av po r ot to 1 re-? i , 1 1 Vance, his opponent, is personally popular Hie is s.o mitvi op politiss we can't tell whether his polit- polling largest vote i al vlf!,rs are popular or not) and his friends ;re r -iet tli. m Strike terror t aWl'uI tricksters. Some gross misrepresentations havo bet-n circulated in this district about Mr. Coleman's political and private character. AVhateyer may be the opinion of others we feel assured that North Carolina will send as many Cfsno-cratic representatives to Congres as she did I, ist year, and it, is not at all improbable the whole Z'1 ''3 ar to the hearts o. tiiforiranizers ! !u :. selv. s worthy -if She name of ;! "''" th-i-so rnei: tylio seek self ami who are att.inping l.y use democrati : candidate for gu'ling the people. Jet them.de- s f t men vho would ase the party lie themselves to of ae Men who by them, again w ho has stood ihmche of K.n-iw Nothingism !-- .the crusli- igaipst the delegation will be democratic.. AVou'.d that facts would establish our belief'- onfcacvount of sin unforttrc beearae involved "several ye' most unpopular man in th strange that he AA'as able to s' A'ance beat him badly, having can be no doubt, however that oughly Democratic. Mr. A'ance David, Coleman, a popular and is his opponent. North Carolina should presentl congress. Ihe Democracy are the majority, and if they do thei will not have cause to blush for gat ion Avhen the moment of trial must before the next tAVO years 7 Col. M. said he had aided m drafting tne . il.o.C.ho. AV. O. Ar R. R R.. and that the peord ' . . . . ,i. i. i . 1,:... '!-!..., eems very biil for of AVil i commu- follAV After en irsm m AVUOl course would von (Eorrespqnirtnft of ilje o Salisburat, N Cl Messrs. Editors : Since I hsf s.iaded from the scorching rays spend a fcAv brief moments in ti your readers. Yesterday in comnanv with"-1.4 v i - - i A visited the celebrated village, or iX it has received a charter from thai of Gold Hill. AVe left Salisbury in the morning, and after a hot l two hours Ave found ourselves at infatuat3 numbers when, tie ,iN-acv had in. the ,1 1. at'.- agai-:st ftes at hoafe'nd ene- n ,i,y l.i-io w In tact let the demoer igido their the imnm of AVINSLCind the an i wi'.u i a vietory will be theirs uueq. :tj(ld in the v .'i li " iti.-tnet E -J :i t! critical Blarney at, i cry Mail r., 1 I 'J4 recent w iten lAr a Ta 1,1, to have been -C-. a passings no; te at our ideation this1 wont rfiiL man a. "Ui. r. jLiung since Htf adniis- IJuchanar. $ Admi;:- Thtt he now opposes t!ie best representative this District has ever had ! That he - bfings Charges against Air AA'insIow that he had to swallow in Wilmingo.n when Mr AVinslow met him ! ' Tell The People That McDuffie ormoscs.the whole North Carolina delegation in Congress ! That he has never spoken a Avord for Dcmp.cracv jn his Avhole campaign! Tint he opposed one of North Carolina's greatest I Melton, and after having washed. A twe .T-.c r. T3nT,n,x.t ' i little Ave started out to view. the La Avnicn aj net so pleasant as it mn we had to endure the hot, scorchina wun the tnermpmeter standing at II shade Gold Hill is a village containirj inhabitants, who are chietfy s.upp mines Avhich ure Kitiirif-orl nil n, , , . ; - . . . . ... , . , ,i xnat he has abused the lScmocratis party and ; about sixteen years since fold Ava! reviled the k. n's whilst one of them! ln tbis locality, and since that timi That his sole aim is to elect Slalcom James Mc- Passed through a number of differ nine I .an to I illin-l-. rnor-ir.ll. rf ,11 itl...-,. i , . . J i.-,y. c -i --o"' j wno employ about, one hundred a panics; J here are at present tnree mines That he told a friei-d in r'aycttevillc thai " he j aiherent depths, the deepest being was with hyn in, opposing a Convention," because it ! 0Ll!ley two ,bel'nS 600 and 40Q feet would give him, an opportunity winch a Convention so rat.ch profit as they would be never would an opportunity to run for Congress ! i face. The ore when just brought domination Jlmajority. There uncGJiabe is ther- S ilUiil cl. VclllHllAO.lv, talented Democrat, an. united front in loverAvhelmingly in Y whole duty, they any of their deife comes, as come it lhave passed aAvay. rtt Carolinian. July .19, 1859. re found a place hf the sun, 1 will lying to entertain 16 bf my friends I tither town (since last -Legislature) Ibout nine o'clock (md , dusty ride of I the "Hotel of Mr. nd brusheil up a bns of the place, jht have been, as ; rays of the sun 1J3 degress m the g about 9 or900 rted ; by the gold &nd. It is now nrst aiscoverea I the mkies have i hands. They thern Company d fifty kands:' itX operation, of !ti6 fe!taiidthg espectivtly . At se wfouht yyith f nearer! the sur- but of tlie mines Ifrim xm to two be consistent should you turn me off. mington ought not t i oppose htm. J hat a cominu- j A . proceeded, McD. says he loved Do' a.m. yet. ni cation had aimeared in the Carolinian, pnrpirtirig ! ter rtutdincr lav, in his office, he opposed him Au to coi had said" C Col. mission to the that the admission of this State would be the cause of a Democratic defeat in lSCO. Col. AL said that silk-stocking "gentlemen h id governed the country to the exclusion of laboring men, but that now the mechanics and laboring men had taken tin the matter: that the mechanics of Fayetteville had subscribed $2.50 apiec S i Fop'-the North Carolinian. IMS -;- f Vv 1'ETV.usm-nu, Julv 21, ls.V.h Wryr- I 'I mis : The weafhr viotinuvs si iil to be tho tppi: of general conversation, Ave have had some tenf-ibr twelve days of unjirecedent ed bent, th,; thermomete- going up as bigh as ti7 in lh- liad: and r.f.tia reath of air to cool our fe-veved br.w. and but for hefrcmeivt l lowers of raiuwhi.-b ha-. lid have li:es hat l.-rjc oj ! Ailh-n it IS liinl Ml eonieet ore. wliat w e i-.m ne from AViluungton, but that be believed it j Legislature. McD. says 1 made three set speeches m i h,., nA- 1i.,.' t,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, p.,, v(, been concocted in Favetteviile. The writer ! Conres, that they Avereall failures, r.nd fell lifeless v.ltli ..i-i ,;,,;,-,. tl, , ;,, tb.-l-,... e i -m r ii j i.r-.i i:n j .i i .i. . . r t . -1 i . ... . - - - ' . - :ol. .U. cnuui na (iran :i i.i.i. I to tne ground, me ie.. s. o, ui..jnui.i oemg i ) ,,,;,. AVrb-fer-Ave still live " M. complained that Av . had vpted for the an- j against me. A hy Mop. -s ve-y ignorant ot political , sineo ..'Dliti.-al affairs have taken a.n.the, n of Oragon, thus admng a -- j.epnbhcan star events. He don't read tne papers. It is true that i f ,,n(iSfrk Oamnbell of XmloAv.-.y bavin- with national uafaxv ;" and thought it probable I voted for the retiring Navyiioard bill recommended ,i " ' , c,.,W.ifUo field ., ,. ,,,,i;,i.,t,." .'. , 7,,,, hut vyhen I found that many wor- moved, I made a speech in favor erf a bill for the re i.t- i , r ,,,o,.,:i r,,:r ir itin I Triiirin r... r iiiin.'.- .-riT. . - r . , i , V-i Mr. ICogcrryor mis announced !im,sc!t and.-, thv men, tne very flower of tne .avy, had bctn re- i, ,U.l ,n.P.!,v,i l, .,. .,,,...,- ii Col. Hopkins, Thomas V- to enable IV.miv-i 1 5r- - ..rtv.av i z ii-i in i , ,,ii, !,!:, ii v r i- i: i' in , .s ii . , ! tmm :i.i i i t i. ,, : " ".r -1 ' A : .. '. " - i tioode, oi aui riviciiuuig. anu i. -v. i'ror; in ayes nays oi. fcee Con. Uiooe l to. -otii Con. i th;s uPUto ;.hingsf Avill not long My second speech was ngamst D rooks expulsion, , u o i l ontim.o. :..' the matter is tTef j apt to he oecided by a convention, and Messrst. I ')od and Hopk ins will have thi-ir la-a'is him to canvass, being bent upon tne election oi mm- j it was a time ot wild excitement ; many anticipated j taken off hefi-e they Avill have time to say Lord cplf i renvesentatiA-e of their class. He annealed to , revolution. Mvohtpct avhs to divert attention from I v . ..! fV, ;,,., i i ,.i i --"--i, ii j -- -- . - . naiiiiui'i. iciiuiuo iiiuviuui.-iiit tvaiies.x anu young and old. particularly the former to sustain i the facts, winch could not be justified, to tho lav of j prvor wjll frf. i.ur next representative, him, j the case. The lion, Mr Cobb, nnd myself made! XeA'S i'eb'.d this'eitv yesterdav, of the d--ith d This part of Col. M's speech smacked strongly of j the legal argument. This effort was urged upon IIon J0lm fK.l'Nash,'" J udge of the" Circuit court fr demasotrufcism. A hy is he not now a raeehauioV i me from liiJi sources. The vote was for expulsion, t .i,:,. .vxu-i.0r.i '-lis death tlion-h not xvfw.l'v oo.-v. patio'of That he has never been anything but a uisorgan- i'avi... TI.l As la i.ie ;;.-"., a. nan ,t c:e; p.ppor. :tior V-' -t-,.th l.c of I i?cr, and has always worked upon his own hook $ or was eve iftercd. I his own s;ike, with no vilay to fhc interests or h$ j " - to, she av m.iir:Tahi. iiic ei.ii.er ;:i'.tu i is a, hi..-'.- a fabri the S-o:it:i s in a i . . . :. t is i . :i iit.i rai tv .T"ri . , i i n lilMUrt. lilt lC i-3 U.llitl. tl - til U tliitl t 1 K'i a. t . .i r : ii-. me:iau,e aai.. ,i oi iuu uua.ca dIvis;cin one that can hot bo heated one from ui.. have IutiC, i; indeed any, ..onor to neorde ! U.tammg her' hono fN are TELL THE TEOPLE That i they da not vote ii as. its mnaoua ta were v. - . - lOI 1 , Such men dis-runt : ator iuw of th Article 1, disappointed office .inkers. no -- vAxey arc bribed t abuse the party, whithey imigior v,r i.,. t3i but -which ; is ctiBally ashamcd to a0,vic , tkl.m y3 Fucn. " iiVItlgC Tiie Pittsburg (Pa.j ost. corner out in . rexr r.f Jes Uuchanan for the ,v, tJ- , x: . - J - " ivi:j; iiu'.i-., iiuiii oieji we tract : ,.- ...... ui rii ii j i i. tiiioiupTniv rew vy, the follow fi ex- is a corrnmn eround. cmlimtio dogr.i t or do.-trines. and a creat and tood mat record is he foe -. the eouatrv for the last half C ;pon which, and with whom, the National Pn;icy tan gloriously trimsph over their oppeueot iW. A J vmes UrcHAXAS be tlx- 4 nyoa bv the Cbui kBto2'Jn veatiou and place him up.oii ihs platibrm-wbere Vrfc-w l1 T' I -' , , , . 1 IT f I . v-Trtx- . . - . 1 , T 11 - - . w.,v. a.-xii- iic vo.vssriTwxiQ A.n inseparable.-- and the Xatioaal Democrac bave a platform xnd a candidate hicli have n i-n ... .1 n k iiw t nk Ann, ' r- " " ,v" j - - " v hhm i ui; c ex:rencies ot the mmt ni -t in ..ii . . K T . , ' i .. -4, b .1,1 11117 l, IM. Ji"t thf. ( ontonhii'i . : . xS . - ------- iinmiiiaii- ,ur m.Wlll iMef laistrnte, and re affirm and ie adopt tlieCiacitriii Yorrn. upon the r'octrines of which, with him a Ml ' - ...,: , ., . . . . pt i a which the party is not likely to recover for years i AxotUeu Mistake! If the reader will p.cry.se the comiiiuaicatioA.i of Mr. AATni. Alien, a ster ling democrat of the right stripe, which Ave pub lish in another column of to-day's issUjC, and not conclude that Col, McEhifiie is fhe most liable man to fall into error he has ever seep, we wih be great ly deceived. We need only c;(lf attention to the communication ; the author shws IJr McDuho in his true light. It is only for us to proffer a spirit of kindness and sincerity terenee to the wisdom cf the fjtntlcmaii to w-lmin we seek to g"iA-e it. Do not mke, a statement un til you are convinced of its truthfulness and above alif, never make an assertion which can be proven to be ineerrec. Ayith aU due dtf- FayTtevi,HiB Gas Company. By reference to our advertising columns, it willboseejtJtlft4 contractor. A .s i h r. tin Ml.".-r u -lel.-af : "J. '!''! ;n I,, t,,.. f-.'l'l vvif.l -'I,;! ; Avil. c -r.e up lit-e at i a! craiy no c Avon.d i; ? r-.-.ji. e, to ; ".id k yur' to r.oiiteiidoi; for a c uuii.on cause, ami a: ng i:i the inevitable victory p.ure. I'r 'er Dciaooral l 'J.ii! i.Ci . ! cf the country rpr o( w hic.ii i another ai' '411.1b;, hbar- mffience biying the pipes on he 15th of August The most of the pipes, have been received; St. tl.e baf.rir..ts- w-e been low- f ion. AVarr 'n AVi hijiped and wiil arrive soon. o-.v. avTiI is of a greenish color and is worth' dollars per bushel. The " modern ore is first ground into a palpablacwrde-r -,-A .,.. i-i- v -..j:..a.j"..' i luiiuo pt oujisi series ui yoxitei Avhich a stream of water is continWlly ri light sand beinsr carried awav bvYie water fine particles of eold beins retains Jv the silver which is placed in the groove of the.r l was sorry to learn that the mmelwere at barely paying expenses, which sthount' to 1 00 per montht although there isin Jindi( tne ore getting ricner. - . i .-,.: i The inhabitants of the village wefound in K t .a t e ( f fixrr.f pmPTif niririrn. f n lr,j.vtA i - - .... ......... v..!. sttu i.iu uumu- vi , taken place the night before. ' A n an by; thi of Gill having elcped with a, irs iichards 1 husband is at present in California. . '-.4-&' 1 The miners at work in the minesnre moatl' lishmcn and are excellent specimentaof 'tJkuhn and arc always ready to impart information to ge's, j - - ' i Salisbury is unusually dull 'at Ihia tttni person appearing to be prostrated ntfo.Jhc On Sunday night last Mr. Baker, the pastrd Presbyterian Church, presented his rcsighat. pastor, which was accepted by his ;ceagi -ur. uaser is, i Deneve a nauve otrllooespn 3 and has resided here for the last 15 or twerity during which time he has endeared hinsfeif hearts of all. He intends to remove with his iy, this fall to Fernandma, Floridar, Yours, E Tlie hich is through ving, the Vdthe Resent (about ipn of high tthad name ilvhos? f-Eng. ?ull," itran- levery f'Keafe Vf the W'as ition. unty, rears, )othe (fanii- - AVhy did he abandon his trade? Does he think lie has boon elevated by admission to the bar ? Has he never seen the oft quoted lines, "Honor and shame from no condition rise, Act well your part there all the honor lies." ln our country all arc equal, politically and civilly. AVhy divide us into classes, and array one class against another? The intelligent, upright and cul tivated mechanic penetrates when he pleases, in our society ; he is the equal of any man civilly and so cially instances are not wanting in our history. Col. M., surely, cannot be much of a meehaiiic. He is still young, and yet he has graduated at the University, studied law, and has been an Attorney, I think, several years. If mechanics really Avant & mechanic to represent them as a class they should select one who is now a mechanic, not a laicyer. I know several that would, in my opinion, make bet ter representatives' than Col. McDuffie. But all this is outside of the ouestion. AA'hat has a man's voca tion to do with his qualifications for the representative ? i - . .... . . a , i r 1 r . t. . 1 I -1 Have omitted to mention mat coi. cuaigcu that Winslow hud uirticd Air. Bryan out of the Fost Office at Fayetteville, to put in Cook, a creature of his'; and that he, Winslow, had not the support of his .colleagues ; thai they would not recommend hiin lor effiee. aud thence his failure to act office. One trick of ayes Ji, nays v.y, v. on. ui"o isi cession oi, o f Tw...t..,1 ...a ted sadness and sorrow to the heart page 1(5.23. The requisite majority not voting in i (f many v.fli 'jfriends in this city, who looked upon tho affirmative, Brooks was saved ffom expulsion : j bim as a r.'ibsi 'amiable and Avorthy gentleman. 1 ho then resigned and Avas promptly ro-elected hy learn that lib i'--s served for a number of years Li his constituents. Me. alleges that in my speech I j both houses mr State Legislature and w;"s at one did not speak cufbolilly for tho South. I am no bully, j time Prcsidint of the Senate. He was appointed I think your representative should ever maintain a i Juih'C of thi .strict in 18tS to fill the vae.mev oe dignified demeanor, i wished then and Avish now j casioned by fja. death of Ju.lge Ciholson, arid ui to preserve tho national democratic party as the j the new con-ttit -tion was adopted lie was re-elected sole hope of the Union. There are Northern dem- i by the peoplf,! Tie died at his residence in Poav ocrats there true as steel, ever just to the Snnt.li, j hattan counti'4i SunAiy iuoi-ning last, of Asthma, estimable in any point of view snch men as Cad- hi the 07th yfWB -of his age. There are already some A-allader, Florence, Diminick and Kelly. Why i th;ec or fouif gentlemen named as being likely to offend and estrange such men by ill-timed violence j become candidal for the place. r.nd injudicious taunts. " I This bei'-.glh third Thursday in the month, our Mv 3rd set sneech was on the resolution votiu.? ! reirula-.Hutir.frOfCOUSt.-as m session to-dav. 'i'li,. thanks to Com. Payblinir, I had sustained the ad- case cf Band. ministration in its efforts to put down filibustering. 1 of the late Di I opposed the iesolutiou because 1 thought 1 uu.ld- eu the chain!) ing had exceeded his instructions and viower. ! Hugh Nelson tried and rest tent to rob, ai n fi.TIrt 1...- I . . 1 . . ....- 4. ...... . . ICttcur, cliarged Avith having enter- a young lady at the house of Mr ij tlie Intent to ommit a rape, Ava-i ItHin'a verdict of guilty of an iu- e was condemned to ransooi ta- i;ig fUft-d l,y the court at J2i dol- i-c9iK.nrar lie would insult and then back out from it in one and the same breath for instance when he said W. would sell his district he went on mind -tout saj" it. but his antecedents justify me ia saying it his aotecedeiits say it he says it himself." , Mr. Winslow ill reply to a call made upon him now mounted the strand. After a terse and will con-.-eived exordiuni, he proceeded substantially as follows - Though Conventionshave not been the rule f this post of T ine resolution was tauieu i,y ayes v, nays y.j. House .loiirnal n.-iTO IjII lid ses!Ou ,i. I .on. A on see I am well cocked up Avith all the authorities. ' tion, his value hp Mc. wrong here again. Here is a letter from Mr ; lars. If ' Fulton, of the Journal, a gentleman for whoso i The Parker fy re entertaining our citiz opinions I have great respect ; he permits me to ! of the play KoidaSv. ith some excellent p.-rlbr read it. You perceive he sustains me in toy views i anew nt Phivnte -.air;int the weather is so op; r m-m-Hie. naval bill,' and Paulding's affair. i sive that the crftrjs are small. T votod f..r t in ndmt-.;,,!! ,,f tlrpwn it i rinl n XCWAVheat lSBO"'gtll M'w 1A ACT. aid. the pile Black Uc r.nldican Stntn nil its fCwc. smpn arn i range from 1.3o . , n - - Democrats, and among them is Joe Lane, a native ; of North Carolina, a hero and patriot, pure, true, ssiblA' the next democratic candidate for the office of President. ' McD. thinks that we will most probably bo de feated in lGiJ because of the admission of Oregon. I never admit that the democratic party can be District, there having been but two formed since the beaten. I never think of it as a possibility ; I al- JonifsONVTLLE, ''-N.CJuiy Messrs. Eoitoks: Hon. AVarren Wi Democratic candidate for re-election to aauresscd his fellow-citizens in this place io-ei.li, liiueai 10 me oaiisiuciion OI ait TiT- )..-, i .. ,1 1 nm . . ao vfii lure. a ne people m tins, aoc itil-i .f.1(lti,. c..t:fi-i -Uh u: x . - - , I l.l" , l 1 x - t . . . . 1 I I 1 i X - -. ..-,---..-. -- ua.w vuai III tl I xi i . i . c ix r. rt .x . ' uix.. u. iri i. r. 7'i iir.t Ki t a . ma ,i . . . v o ..ivu cut.i r. auv- U1U31 , .wkv,xu Vl aiwnuaA VAVMJnK ,M th nunlttu t,t the ,rnrJ- J L . nnl at 1 .Vl,-. " ' J J o- cu nc i i i v i X 5J,"tu(J Congress, t l o'clocL sent. lie ction are gross, and sent. , ' ABXETT. " foundation of the government ; yet I am in favor of them. I think they, should he called wnenever neces sary .-.to reconcile conSicting claims, to save the party from the peril ofdefcat ; or whenever the people de sire them. I reques ed Mr AVm. S. Ashe to insert a card for me in the Journal announcing myself 'as a Candidate subject to the actiox of a Democp.atic Dis trict Coxtextiox, should the party desire to call one. Th.it card has been a long time in the Journal. Avith iaj approbation and is there now. I deny that Cum berland first moved. I Avas first nominated by Duplin Cfaiaty,. distinguished by its staunch Democracy, and one whose unfailing majority of one thousand Demo cratic vot 8 should give it a potential voice. I de clined to accept the nomination out of my respect for Bladen and Columbus, until the 2."th of May. the time designated for the meeting of the Convention then finding there was no Convention, that the people did not desire one, and that my Avhcds official course had been endorsed by eyery county, while I had re ceived a direct nomination in a majority of the coun ties in the District, I determined to accept. -I have nothing to do with the quarrel between the C arol i n mnaudJjguxp l'ff" " JI'iereEvquwreV-with.--1 never quarrel with a cfc-rgA-man because I have no pulpit; I never qnar- 1.45 for ru'inf- red n-t,; i - .......... Corn is held tM-.0!?-;. Cotton 12 oenprrDut little doing. Tobacco activfajd advancing. In bacon the i?jkVs are unchanged. lours, (' ways hold a stiii upper hp. It is a queer Avay to encourage democrats bytalking of defeat. I nev er voted for the distribution of the proceeds of the sale of the public lands. I did however, for the bill depositing the surplus revenue with the States, it was identical in principle with the Dill signed by Gen. Jackson and was sustained by the whole delegation from X. C I voted for it reluctantly, think it now a bad vote and now, were it to do over again, would not A-otc for it. JifcD said at Duplin that the sole business of your member was to pack up seed, that he was able-bodied, understood Lhe business and wanted the salary. AVe, the members, generally employ some one to do this work for us, and pay them for so doing. AVe have not time to do it ourselves. I now make this proposition to McDuffie, if he will come on, and bring with him certificates of sobriety, integrity, and good conduct, I Avill procure for him steady em ployment m the business he affects. McDuflifiBMwa -V-Jludge, 4-c., &.C., dec. I have :6rgotten to mention that among many prl Snmt nf th Hev. Dm. D3 axd Barter. rt'e investi gation of the CJHrge and specifications, laid against Hev. AAlm,' Carter, M. D., by llev C F. Deems, D. & j before the session of the North Carol nif jvonference at Newbern in Dec'r last, and fofTred to tlie Presiding KMer of the Raleigh P.i..tnct com me need on Wed nesday the Gth, ii teriiiated on the 21st of the present monfi n Luisbur-g. The decision of tie ComniittQe sltould satisfy all parties. It c.area that the allegations made by the Hyj Dr Carter against Dr. Deems, in his f atlicalaon in the Richmond Christian Advoc3ei pS58, ' are -choly un true," but as the ytmniljUee could not discover sufficient evidenc"ir testimony, of the ex istence of malice fcDr Carter, promptirg liiq onursp tlie rhar"-i!a?ain8t hirn was not sustain- A' Delicate Reecke. Mr AYebsiter wrote, after continued provocation, to the editor of a newspaper. letters read by McD to sIioav he Avas sustained by j which referred to his private affairs, and especially t. iinmeriand uemoerats were letters irom xoiniims, to n;s nr,t payin"- his debts. pavimr nis debts, lie said punsiamninx rel with an editor because 1 have r.o pt.per ; i nev- t. AS Devane, Frank ilobt-rts. iVc, &r. 1 " If -, tril .f..,' i i,V(. nAf rdw-r.v r.aid mv deb s m-.rrol trith a wr.mHi br cause- sli av i 11 have two- j f have i,kn nf"'..,-td to state Mr. AVinslow rend a i - ...-it a a.., t Doe cause of last word. Quarrels with tcitors avuo ar' good p..tter f-igned A'i . C. Broadfoot. J. AV. Pearce, and J. tiUf. ;s tbat 1 have not pressed those avI.o owe nu ; , TT- TT - - i i h Starr to this effect that AA'insIow delaved and' for n'-ivnent -5 an instance of this, r era-lose your Of eoare it wil H ie nudersto. d tna i io ; opposed any change in tne Post Office in Fayette- fbWe m lue to J thirty years ugo, for money hU1C mrC lhaa P,Dta ' I ville as long as possible. After consultation3 with jtnioiZ his made are repoBted. ---".." a... Kespcctlufly, X '

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