'If-1 The Naturalization asd Protection Ques tion A native of Bavaria defends,- throno-h the Alexandria Gazette, the position ef Genf Cass concerning the protection- dne naturalized Ameri cans while visiting their native countries on the onuuent or tu:oK- The ioUow-itH? extract" his it;,-!,x ; ;,.t X - .i -7X A person can quit my native country. rCfut molestation afterwards if he remains tiillie is ltn one years of age, and takes his change a! at time, of bwug drawn for a teria of military si4. If he h-avas after he is.fourteen and befe s twenty-oii, he leaves with his future obli"on hanging over hwnv ?wid lie knows it. He ki?Jps if bo- sfrwords returns he must either ihec jtke lid ehaav.es from which he had escaped' or a substitute. These remarks apply to thos leave by themselves. If the father of a I1'1 wishes u emigrate, he is at liberty to take U,his children with iihi without ditfieuly, excepico are about twenty-owe years of age." and ever-fkS to t.iem the. ease imty be- adjusted. lint if a xuan over fourteen, who had been protected EY( the government and educated almost entirely 1 the public expense, sees lit to move off before -"has made airy return, and leave his father and 'n'r bphind to the pr ...te iion of strai.gerv. an' Ml he eh nj-es uftel-wards U, i.-iurn, .e is. i.cld to t f tioui wb.oh he hades-cape. . . f XuiiBr.R One. One hour lost in the0 Injr by Ivitiy in bed will put back all t ''' JiiiM- lifcss of the d iv 1 One hear gained by rising early ia v?c'b one month in a veur . m 4 One hole in the fence will, eoet ten ts&is as intuh as it will to fix 1 1 a ense.. ' One diisarsi' si iil spoil a Sock One unruly animal wiLI teach all o lers-1 a ll'ICKS J ami liic; hiuib sbvj v.jt. 1 .. . 1 . 1 . 1 : i. 1 . 1 1 . , sinner cletryetit One ci.-unl, "d much good."' ; tit keen a family ncr and mak them n.i-' r.'Wc. One v fe fnt is always tolling neighbor dresses, and H'w utlie how ffctfc She boi; will look pit aauter il thing e.'e. One !in!aud that is depi-'ft-s i.ii t,y.iv.- of as their ueih'.ors eij- sue a.i ' ; p?uui .ons- or necto.sary COfiifi y, :s not husband as he ought to One good newspaper be. is one good CVeij family, and Ono who dou"t take ft good for it, is an unworthy citizen, the best interest of his faisily. paper, ifl p and d -iegaid y I T,aiif.s O'. Kii-i'ii: s-inci Wiifx Travi JUno- In Dr. H.dl's admirable Journal of Heal ifefind the fidl. I'.vincr : M Our wives a id daughters lose three-! ninths (d the l.-f.swes of summer travel by tb-e- in CCSLisable orvers!-' iru-ft tr-ste a ad common -eiSse. in dressing UjV a rail car or a steamboat s if they wcrt goiE'g' to a court reception. C'annot .-fime few gentli-men have their iftwcy fcroace, .id, there by set the fashion by d?eip,g- tS-eir fan' tP for a nummor travel in plain, .substantial garr-sPffts. al io .ving no member anything beyond wl;tt saaali enrpet-liag would contain, which fliai tJbe the solo article which each one was tf tak fem e ot ? .Let us all "put ourselves upon pur 1 -kaivour" -n.i 1. ,ri ri oir dress. The fast is, the forks and pro erieu.TR of hotels, the captains of s iamboats j and the prouduevovs d' railroads see uie very first glanc th status of a trayelk ;j:'ie dul lest chamb'i"nr:,aidr the Jivost stupid cabi i'"TiPy, and the laziest, waiter, are neither dulU-:? t 4Id. mir Jazy, nor erring, either in the estimate Vay make tf poople, as if by iutuitiou. " A Divorced Wifk a Servant iiheh sband's Family A gentleman living in this cilfinrl well to-do, miavfied about ten years agv an tfter liv ing with' Ids wife some five years, ho e nSjuded to tt a ii'i", f"tf the uuh j Biuc.bb o their o'ometic relations. The wife- as ned, and he applied to the Courts and was sue year jswd, and he conclude I to vs more in the m-.'sl rivekonijil n .i-li ., Could wo find one' who would make hi.- e&ful A ttfre once home ban pier tbara the Mrsf. In this he was sue 'esful, and a short true after his divorcfd wifti app "ed. to him for wort tit his family in thir eapftcity jf wervant jrlrl. T.. situation was given her hii -she now does tlie work in the house of which' 1 wjis' once mistress, and beholds the endearmei 6 lavLshed upon another which were once bestowi t iffrion Fier. The husband daily takes his evening : ride with his second wife, while the lirst takes ( ire of the children during thf-ir rJsenee. Hotw t' e' dissb-and cm erdcrre to see his former wife thus Ireiniliated, an 1 the wife bear up under it, it is to u.- an ''enigma-. Cincinnati Times. ' A Young Hero. A few days noja little sou f.l' Mr, Gillingham, who resides fiear Al cxandiia, playing near the brink 0 nfwcll fell in. His mother hearing his crie J jave the alarm and in a few seconds, a setror 1 son some ciixteen years of age, leaped down lie.! stair of the house, ran into the yard and tak g hold of the rope slid some thirty feet to th jbottom of tlie wll, ind arriv d tiicre in time i clasp his legs around his littie brother, and liold ng on to th. i..cl:et "!tli his hands to 5 istnin him tin til assistance came and both were saved from drowning. The Sentinel says the 1 aids of the elder brother were ery much torn the rap id descent along the rope-. The yjnger sus tained onlv a slight bruise and a ery severe lright. " ? The Fastest Trotting Team in 'Uf World. Tht -Ledger in the Lead. We a uninformed that Mr. Uonuer, of the Ledger, raiisatL-fied with distancing everything in the two hemis phere in the literary line, has dett-nitned also to lead the extreme adv.-ee 111 the .ygy of pri vate trotting teams, a d with tin ts 4vi w has purchased, from Col. Hal', the celerteu trot ter Lantern and his mate, g'vlng :jrtl:e pair the roiiod sum of 10,000. Mr. .Bimi pr al ready owned a team tb.it was woi.l,hf between five and six thousand dollars, and wlach ?ou!d Fhow almost anything H-e w,y, but 1 Lanierii and his mate, in abandoning the oeoa for the road, could show him to the seco J place, he preferred to pass, ahead through tfijjjentle im pulsion of the above-named price. jTe should like to se anvthing now which can tike" Ro. - 11 er. K A iEMM-E v ampire-- A corr sbondent of A 1 "V" . 1 1 . . . ' ine -ew 1 oi k express says that a Jissolute fe male named Shea, recently attemj te3 the ruin of a clergyman at Hempstead, "L. '. j.-'py charg ing him with seduction. But the 1 yter beiiTg probed to its foundations, a neg J7e proved and the last shadow of a doubt di filiated, the clergyman was declared by his o a congrega tion and brother clergymen to be 1 e from the slightest taint of suspicion. He w-fortunate. Other clergymen and even laymen feny not be equally so. 1 bis nccojnt is publ j to put . . 1 men upon nieir guaru 'lhe Memphis Avalanche, pays " l,ftt no Dem ocrat who has lhe spirit even of ' Sl poy, can road Mr. Douglas's letter without filinrr' that it is an indignity offered him and party an attempt at dictation, which hM bound by every principle of personal and btftical inde pendence to spurn with contempt, a ijl resist by every means in his power." The I.'oftheru Ad ministration organs are very cajrkms. The Providence Post was at first iutijgd to re gard the letter as a hoax. , ! 1 Starving them Opt. There is a g of Meolr.';. the native East India General. His lower. took from the English a lot of hermetically sealed provisions, in tin cases, and not having seen anvthin-r of the kind before, he mistook then." fr-r canister "shot, :.ni -fired nothing from his guns for three days but Lesh lobsters, pickled salmon and other delicacies, thus supplyin.; the Uriti.-h ean.p (yr ich he w,? trjriog to starva into a surrender viti a ot tbe teosbeei ot English provisiocs. her ?ret, fome- 4 I zy, and ;,ti such Is 1 dc n''le 11 Afng in I 1 Terrific Gnat Storm. The Louisville Jour nal says that a terrific storm of gnats prevailed in that city on the night f the 6th inst. Places of amusement were rendered unbeara ble. They were snowed on the hotel tables lights-placed at a distance, btreet, sanctu0.3, and it all other places were Tights were visible, gnats prevailed. Eyes, ears ami mouths were exposed to the annoyance. Everybody strain ed at a gnat, if they didn't swallow a carnal. One of Marion's Men. At the Fourth of July celebration in Irontion, Missotsri, Capt. John Hall, one of Marion's men, was present. Ue 1 a native of North Carolina, and will be 99 years of age on the 21st of September next He supports himself by ma kins brooms ana baskets, and has never received a pension, hough he fought gallantly dining the Itevolu tionarv war, at d distinguished hiaiselt at the b;.ttje of Guilford Cowt Houe, ... C. 15. 1731. where he Was lieuttuant of a , Mar. cor. i.v Cr.RLEs SfiivFR A cain. A co'cempoT -vid-nt! V an i.rdi'iit admirer of fie a ass.ul.u- seits Senator, thus rejoices at tlir haniiv efJects produc d upon his shocked pystera by eminent s.irgeons in Euroe : ' We are pleased to learn that ITon. Charles Sumner is recovering. He is in I'.iris, where he had his spinal marrow taken oat, scraped, oaked in oil and replaced, his muscular mem, b runes operated upon, his nerves taken out aired! and repiaceil, and 13 in a fair way of recovery. lie will resume his Senatorial du ties he says." Ilis ory of the appearance of during a congressisMiar canvass distrie s of N. C TN " SHORP.IT METtTH He cogged he ducked he Sam's in one irhost of the squatted tie squiii.m lie paweu i 1 1 rr- lie squealeu hed he k'eltei .1 in snorted e p teh- tie rearo't 'ie nu:e ed hi surged he plurged lie brayed he roare-rl- ho growled r lie bleaf d lie rrinned .- lie flattered he cu-sed he prayed he sung he begged lie threatened lie stormed he raved he ; liundei ed lie swelled he mizzMed lie s T hot ui) l.ke a soarrow ne a ki lcUed like a lioppcrgrass and died mule. Jac k a Cp.o.s?inc the Mississippi on a Tight Rope. We understand, from what we consider an en tire!' reliable source, that Mens. Blondiu. who recently crossed th-; iNiagara river on a liyht rope, has determined to attsmpi the more diffi cult but 'ess dangerous feat of walking a rope to be st reached across the Father of Waters. The great feat will be performed, in all proba bility, next fall or winter, and it is highly pro bable that .Memphis will b the point ehosen hy Mot.s. I. for this second' great exploit of walking ncross a river on a tiu,ht rope. lUem- phis Aralaiic.e. Thunuer Storm. During the thunder shower whfcfc- passed over thus town yesterday afte rnoon, says the Wilmington Journal of the 0ih inst., the residence of George R. French, Esq.. was struck by lightnra-g. wliieh passed nlong the light ning tod at one corner, knocked of? some- of the plastering iaa jiarlor, thence passed to and through the gas meter,, which it put out of order, and stop ped olF the gas. Luckily there was w one in the end-of the house that was struck, and the whole amount of damage done appears to have been re markably small in view of the risk run. What is Ftiqitkttk mutter of feeling and Etiquette is mo re u em: veni i o: ui S';i:sc ,,' solaie rule. it alters propriety than .the abso with every generation and i.9 liirgely influenced oy local enston.s and mannei V hat is eti- ruiette 111 1 he mi. t r, .1 .! ;,. 1 I be affectation in 11 nwal district! Xf.w Mail mail route has to L'arlhlige, t'ia Route. A new semi-weekly been esiab!ilicd from Raleigh Newliill. llavvvood 0:,LlM,r,l Brancn, (jiulf, Caibonton, Watson's Riidge' ana entreville. Schedule lenves Rnlu ilii- I and M L-urthage I uesdav and Thursihiv !.t a A . th.Pomrh in , j... ib liours. Rtiffaionians ("X V.) on the The era I 4th, had a piece of fireworks rep?esentiuir the beanties of crinoline. When first illuminated it was glorious in expanded flounces and flow ers a little later and nothing but the skele ton hoops appeared .. Unique, that. The Fik.st Locomotivk. The -Old N'orth Sfate.71 the first 1. .com,, live for the Vi'ilm: .r ton, Charlotte dc iiuth.-rford Railroad was ujed' here yester lay from Philadelphia, per Schr. Ja::,cs Ravard. Things are being pushed forward. Wil. Journal. A KuoxviHe paper ?njs that a wife in thf.t neigliliorhood lias had three children at a birth. Her husband is entitled to a divorce. She is a very over-bearing woman. X ew Idea A Cincinnati paper has com menced the publication, on Saturday morning, of tlie texts of Scripture from which the several clergymen of that city propose to preach on the following day. A bo'.k about the United States has been published iri Germany, in which the author mention, among other equally interesting facts, that theives and so scarce in this country that a reward is often i ffercd for the discovery of one. A book about the United Sfatef ims been published in Germany, in which the antho' mentions, among other equally interesting facts, that thieves are so scarce in this country that a reward ia often cifered for the .discovery of one. A fop, just returned from n continental tour, was asked he liked the ruins of Pompeii ? "Xot very well," was the replv, "they are so dreadfully out of repair." During the shower on Saturday evening the lightning struck a herd af short horned Durham cattle belonging to N. W. C. ; Jamesan, of Antrim, N. H ., killing five valued at over $1,000. The yatifin.il Iu'ell'gencoT treats at lenr.th npou the temporal power of the Pope, arniing that it would be for the interest of the church for him not to be encumbered with the cares of State. It is rumored that Mr. Pryor, recently of tne estates, will get the nomination for Congress in the Petersburg District of Virginia, in the room of Mr. Goode, just deceased. The Secretary of the Interior 1ms fippointc-d Mr. Joseph C. G. Kennedy to superintend the taking of the eighth census of the United States. FinE. The Poor House of Martin county in this State, was burned to the ground on Thurs day last. Loss about $1,500. Fire acciden tal. I A woman purchasing cups and saucers, was asked Another fire occurred at Eaton. Ohio, on thelth Inst., destroying property to the amount of $10,000. The fifth Annual Conyenti-m of t,..- American Nor m il School Association is to l hfM at Trenton. N. J. on V"dnesday and Thursday, the 17th and IS of Au gut next. The crops ia Mitsitsipui are reprcwiiti! as irooueisg vcrji 1 AYER'S L Cathartic Pilfe" Invalids, Fat Philaiilliroulita. rou a lid judge of their Vir(wc TOR THJS CURE OF -' . ." Headache, Sick Headache, Foal Stomach. Pin BBUBn, Pa., May 1, IbU- Dr. J. C. Aver. Sir : I have been repeatedly cured of tw ..:, worst beadaohe any body can hav by a dose or two of your-- . Pills. 1 1 seems to arise from a SmI stomach, which they clean j at once. If tbey will cure others as they do me, tk fcet worth knowing. Yonrs with great rtspect. ; ' " - - 'r ED. W. PRKBLE, C ark of Steamer Carton. ; rtitions Disorders and l.iver Complaint. - , ittfUTllESTOFTHJEl STEKIOB, W ASHISOTOS, D. 7 Fb 1856,. Sip. : I hve used your Pills in my general and hospital prao ti-e ver since you niade them, and cannot hesitate to say they, ar the M catimitic we employ. Their regulating- actum 0 tbt li ;er is qii k and di cided, cf rHequntly ihey are an.adouia 1 rrmoly f-r dcniricDient of that organ. Indeed I hav scUciii t'..i:t. l a case of bilious (fisfMseso olistinats that it did BOw,. rea.iiiv viel.l Ut them. rratemaily yonrs, - - v .- u ALONZO BALL, 31. IX, Ptiysidcm of tlie Marine Hospital. i . v lysentery, Relax, and Worms., . . I Tt iltirmr 11 ISTI.4NR. I IV Oo M ICH fl. 1 ft. 1 PnSw' : J ir " . Tlx. Aval: Vour PU!a are the perfection of medicine, llieyff y. !.:..- .K.tie my wne nn-regooa tnaa lean u-n von, auenaq oe;p- Fi.i il piiiitiK away for months. Went off ta b doctored atf ...... .;i't b hij.li .n riTT-i'ii lior. lv ovt-IHii lurirl onintiKMi ...... ' . J . - " CT 1 ' . . of worms Unu) fiTHi her body. They afterwacic cared her aoA - ui;r .-iiii'i-ii -i .'ijwij ujin.j w ..j,u.j, ha.l it bail. :.nd niv wife oit-vcd-liiuiwiih t desetf yyiir Villi,''.,' ) ?. h:lf oili.-rarouiid us paid fiom to ttrenty dollart c ? f (trt" bills, and fc.st m.a-h time, without bvinR cured untircly V.i.? thu. Su.-li a n:-.lii ii:e as yr.nrs. whi H5tiacinaW poetf 4 1 f h.jii-!--t, will be princd here. 4um J. ilUkJflt Wivaifa IndigestSoit and Impurity tSlood I.' i .... 1' 11 y..re itw . Ailywtt (V.myA.. Httr.m lm. Ati.i : i have used your PilUwiUrextraoraiy snctiw sxtraor-Hnaiy sticcisa 1 1 1 iv mv i .nuivn'id :imon2 Uiose i am Ciiiiwi To l-i,i;.:iTO tlie OrtaillS of dijri stkui and purify llj4e - tbaic, I v I have ever known, ami l.'cati unJi", di-iiilv recvnimeuU tLcni to mv friend. Tours, 3. IIlMt-.S Warsaw, H'tomix Co., K. T4' Oct. iU. ' run Sin: 7 :vm using your C'1hartie Piiis in my practice, mijl find tii..).i .in cxtall-Mit uraativ to cleanse to Bystem aud pU JOHN G. 31KACTTAJI, 31. TV Ervsineias. Scrofula. Kins 's i:vil, Tetter,, i ii mors, ana saii imeuiu. r, rm a f'..rvvrti,:u Mr.chunl of ft. Louis, ft. 4 l.r.. Ttt. Aykr: Your Pills a rhe'iUB'spna of all that. Is Ki-eat ti, Tlitrv havecuied mv Utile Uautrltter OI iiciro.ion upon h r hand? and f-et. that hail prcv, d incurable ftr vcniij her mot her has been lunir p-ievously afflicted with blotctios anl niimil -s on lifr i-km ami in her hair. After otirvliilcl waucai: !,! trb-d mr Pills, and thev have cured lien.. ASA MOKGRIDGS.I Ilherimatism. Xenraljria. and Cout. Jfri'm the If. ii r. Jl ir of tlv JWiwil .W-. VI trrJ 1'I I.ASF.I Il'ilSK. SAVANN4H. 61, Jail, t), lfeiiU IIosnr.ED Sia : 3 should !. uiiKratefnl for rite relief your si has liiim -ht me if I did not r. nuit mv case to yoiu A cold , ti.-.l in my liini s unci tu-nuvht on excnwiaiinp iiei;ralK;a pnfil whicli end. il in chronic rlienmatisni.. Notwithstondun; 1 Yl... tl't- l.csi nhi.-i:t:.s. i lie diervspe rcw worse and worse, untilj U. the ..civile of y.i!r cxrcllcnr. rcnt in l;itHimoie. lr. 3lacketrL I iv.ni y.nir Vills. Tli. ir. eflects were slow, but sure. ly ptt : ssveviaij iu the use of then! 1 am now entirely well. - g Senate Chavbir, Uatox RofOE, La, 6 Pec, lS5.rf 4 Tip.. Ateb : 1 have beon entirely cmcd by your 1'ills of lluf : tnatic Gout painful disease that had .ifti ii ted me fi r year VI. CKNT PL1 lli-LlJ ' For lropsy, Tletliora, or kindred OW""1 jiiuiiiti iv.iJiiring an actire purge, tuey am au exctr. reniCLiy. Ftir t'otvfnes or Constipation, and Dtnnti Pill, they are agreeable and effectual. lent Fits. S!iiureision, Paralysis, Itiflamroat an.i cvtn l a I : sh and. Hwrlial liliniliicss, hav.j run-. i I.v the ait.-rative action ot tiiese t ins. M..Ht of the jiills in market contain 3Jorcury, whMi,ah!Pt a aluahie. rented v iu skilful hands, is dangerous iu apulilf'eeii from the dreadful consequences tnat inHiiwntqr iuiiow its I . , tious use. Iheso coutain no mercury or mineral Slillmjfh, :., whatever. -. , I pill.'.. beau- ' rS CHERRY-PECTOE auce FOB. TUE RAPID CURE OF COT GIIfS, COLOS, HfittRSENESS, ISF ZA, BKOSCH1TIS, WHOOPING CO CliOl'I. ASTIiajAISClPIEK'S Ml COSSIMPTION, a n..l fr tho relief of consumptive patfsnts in adTi of the Uin:i-e. We iKH-il not st.ak to the rtil'lic of its virtues, evn-v town, and ulniost every hamlut of the Amtf . , .- . i ...... i 1 T stages ltf, woml.'l-IKl (Miles oi iiuiinonurjr t:oiiijiniiji uiiw i-.-u.l .- ttmv.ii Xrv. few are the families in auv ghout trv "n this continent without some personal ex states, i-ffict: and letter jet the communities any wn it al- :. ccum- v oC its mt nin.intr them some living trophy of its victor; tie and duncerous d'seiises ot tlie throat and lun i'W most- powerful nntiilote yet knowu to man ti h have t.le and dangerous diseases oi the pnlmciuiry o ie snb- n the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be e ile it is .' lams and young persons. tarents wiunni naj nn i da- aj;aiiiwt tlie insidious etemy that steals upon tnT is also r ia- Rtor lred "" T e n..-e inn: ijiiau L f;n.niiiut i o. utile c luc vu pav-a iv. -r- n'res Sv t!jc roni:mn!ons it preven i-ui.-r.. IL. ep it liy you.anil ci.i-e yjur Cuius while1 lit', nor netlert them WTItll no iiutiui oxoratile canker that, fastened o the vitals, tats ! we.ft All know the dreadful fatality of lung disorder. w ura- . know ti the virtues ot this remeay. we need not a-Mne them it is still made the best it can be. mst. no care, no toil to produce it the most perfect, thus afford those who rely on it the bent agent, wil pnre than can lurnish for Their cure. spare co , ible, and . ,.l. SJ9r - rEEPAKED BY DR. J. C. ATE Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowe A JSTD SOLD bT S. J.. KIN nraw. i Fetry 19, 1859. ly Fayettev rVLE ;v , N. C. State of 2orti) Caroii ROBESON COUNTY. Court, of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1850. Henry Braswell and others ay Term. Wheat Braswell and others, Petition for sale of slave for Part, It appeariug to the satisfaction of th L. . Wheat llraswel!, Ashley Braswell, Lot tinn. and barling Braswell, are non-iesidents Q 2, t t. t Ir is therefore ordered that publication befjft? n v,..h n,ri;;., .. ..v.k.i, : )t ' Braswell, i., .i iu uiiiniiiiiiiii, c pujjci pauiimivru ill this State ta eiteviile, A. O., lnr six weeks, notirvi fendants to irinear at the next Term of this e injthe held at the Court House in Lumber ton. 'oif P Towa of ig said'de- Monday in August next, then and there f swer or demur to said petition, or ' jadgmre fesso will lx- rendered, and the same hear as to them. ' - Witness, John II. Hartman, Clerk of our at Otlioe in Lumberton, the 23rd day of ourt to be the fourth plead a 11- it pro eon- ex parte J. M. HARTMAN June IS, 18.19. -w-fit. pr. adr aid Court, lay, A. D Clerk, State if IMortl) (Earotirf ROBESON COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, I - t" h.'- - 1859. . -: , Joseph Thompson, Adniitistratd fay Term, vs. Alexander H. Fulmore andotherf . Petition for sale of Real Estate It appearing to the satisfaction Of the J Peter Hai lie. and wife Ann, Joseph Fulr MeTyer, and wife Caroline, the heirs at 11 beth Towiisend. and the heirs at law of Jo all reside beyond the limits of this State : Court that IreT .Kobert , ofEliza- fore ordered that publication be made in Carolinian, a paper published in the Town 11 ulmore, pt Is there lithe North Ville. N. C. for six weeke.--it-.tif3r. to be and appear at the next term of iu held at the Court llom-e in Lombert' Monday iu August next, then and the I swer or demur to said petition, or joO JifFwyette- If !Nt too 4tn j tr&Au w ui ue iciiucieu,. uaa i,ue SaOMs.. JJ1 J : 1 1 1 .. . . 1 1 - . .1 '-iTll v v to plead an- as to them, . - . Witness. John M. ITartman, Clerk of q at Office in Lumberton, the 23rd day 1 ". J. Al. llAKTAll r iM Court: June 18, -6w - pr. of ad l'.7i,A. D. ii tatc of ortl) Caroli ROBESON COUNTY." In Equity. . .' ; James Braswell. Solomon Butler and. wi 1 n.11 1 ' M- ii.ii . . . . .il uei iiiiier ami wue mniy. iiiiteoni 1 wife Nancy, Kenneth Braswell. Bel jje-ilfty, Sam Wheat Braswell. Lotty Braswelijy ad Darling Braswell, aud Allen Braswe Vr iiraawell, Aaron Braswell, the heirs at law of. D.-t. i deceased, whose names are-unknowi'-'.if-lS'". -at law ...f Susan Braswell, deceaaeaj-t?WTO,I are unknown. . : , rjttie Jieira It aiimjarinfi' to mv satisfaptinn tht An ;hee Barnes an.i iimiiosif n. i.r 11 .1. l t are unknown, and the heirs of Saftan Bnsr'ifc6n eu, who marrieti W Uliam Braswell. deceairl-ese names are unknown, are non-residents-Of. tfciji -oria i arouna. iney are nereny notinea.: app the next Term of the Court of EQaiiTiioW the county of Robeson aforesaid, at thrti in Lumberton, on the 4th Monday in Septf intiei and plead answer or demur to a Petition filed i. Court aarainst them." for the salt- of a trnrt rif f. and of whom sr-id plaintiffs and at law; fctherwise the same will he heard a decree be rendered pro con fmso again? K. S. FRENCH, G. Juno 18. 159.-wfit pr. ad Slanls. Warr UVIL State, just printed and for KJ " Camquxo' read their KOcM. . ;4 r i i (piecea 1 S. - -j ' 1 Tf "UOV I ) Site of 'eas at fid for ilourej jiet,-j nsaidi v ye. are neirs 1 I 1 , 1 iJyare and fthrm. f I1 ,jV' I l m. 7 prgia tate JLiOttery, 1 " For the benefit of the fj JASPER OUNTYr GEORGIA, orized by Special Act- Legislature, ? 111AM ONE Prtllc Itt tVRY TWO TiCiCtTS MeKINXEY & CO., Managers. Capital PRIZE mm . - - - -t--i 7,T?TC'T t-'.Hf-- J TNI T , fepXU. - r.. HALVES,, QUARTERS, AND EIGHTHS - is noi oitriox. - t rrI l" t- Til l W7 "XT' ; . J.U Xirj lJuAll A. A r1 ri s A VITJ7 D 4 V T V A T?G TrS TV 1859. - !" t-'-" - -u " " i! - - .-j- i . JJg TIIE uPity of Savannah, Ga. pCR J, . 2f TQ BE DKAWN AUG. 6, LASS 3r,TA BE DKAWN ', C?jAil KJ Tit hp FIrawv 1859. CliAtsS Z to be Drawn Aug. 13, CLASS 33, to bb: Drawn Aug. 20, 1859. 1859. 1859. XiS .34, to se Drawn Aug. 2i, MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. Priie of $60,000 is $.60:000. 5 PrUes of $1,000 are $5,000 2U.OO0 ;s 20.000. W .10.000 i3 10.01 0. 2 . 5.t)t30 is 5,000. 2 4.900 is 4.000 . 2 S OOO is 3.000. 50 2.000 is 2.000. 100 1.500 is 1.500. 100 1.100 is 1 100. 100 500 are 400 are 300 are 00 are 150 are 5.000 800. 60 U 400, 7.500 luo are 10. 000 95 ate 9.500 8a are 8.500 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prlies of $-J00 approximating to $60,000 prize are $8.00 4 Prizes of 15J. approximating to 20.000 prize are C.0U 4Prizcs ct laS. approximating to 10.000 prize are 500 4- Priaes of loO approximating to 5.000 prize are 400 8 Prizes of 80 approximating to 4.000 prize are 640 8 Prizes of GO approximating to 3.000 prize are 480 8 Prizes of 50 approximating to. ?,000 prize are 400 8 Prizes cf 4.0- apppoxiiuatiug to i.500 prize are 32o 400' Prizes of- 20 approximating to 1A)0 prio are S.OOo 25 ,000 Prizes of 8 are 200.000 85,828 Prizes amounting to - - $3660-10 Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol- lowing rates, which is the risk : Certificates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets - 560 " " 10 Half " 30 " ' " 10 Quarter " 1; - 10 Eighth " 7 50 : IN ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATES. - Enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered. on receipt of which they will he forwaided by ist mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers aud prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately alter the drawing. no r tea to coaaiSPOXDixrs. Those who prefer not Bendidg money hy mail, can use The Express Companies, wherehy'money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars and upward can he sent us AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where there is an Express Office. The money aud order must he enclosed in (.overumeni Post dire Stamped Envelope, Or the Express 'ompnnii'S cannot recnive them. All communications sirietly contidental Orders for Tickets or Ctrtiticates. by .wail or Express, to he di rccted to McKINNEY & CO., Savannah, Ga. -, Ju-ly 9, 1859. -tf STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. HE undersigned have been appointed by the General Commissioners in balLsbur3 to re ceive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Company, and have prepared a Subscription Book, wad ar readv to receive the same, on application to J. II. Rceey at the Rail Road Office. A. A. JNlClvLltiAJNr J. M. "WILLIAMS, J. A. AVORTII, JNO. M. ROSE, Commissioners. Fayetteville, N. C. July 2r 1859. tf NOTICE. o N FRIDAY, the 5th of August next, by virtne ot a Deed of 1 rust to us, mane oy jonu a. Mc Donald, lor purposes therein speciliea. w e win sen at his residence, all his property consisting of about Four Hundred Acres of Land, Stocks. &c, the Land is valuable without improvement some good swamp land ; up land good and well timbered, situated about 1 miles west of the Fayetteville and Coal Field Rail Road. 25 miles from Fayetteville. The sale is posi tive and made to close the Trust. Terms at sale. i). Mccormick, l. McN. Mcdonald, . July 7, 4t w SANDFORD'S LIVER iNVIGORATOli, r . SEVER DEBILITATES. IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known and ap- t,.t. and used in such quan proved by all that have Jl iitiesasto act gently on used it, and is now re- S the Bowels, sorted to with conUdencc H1 Let the dictates of your in all the disease for 50 judgment guide you in .-Viir-h it. ia recommended. M use of the Liver Invigo- It has cure thousands Orator, and it will cure Within tho last two years Liver Complaints. Ilil- who bd eiveu up all K lious Attacks Dyspepsia, hopes of relief, as the M Chronic lMarrucea, fcum O mer Complaints. Dysen tery, Dropsy, Sour Stom v ach, Habitual Costivcness Acholic, Cholera, Cholra O Morbus. Cholera Infan 50 turn. Flatulence, Jaun r . . , - numerous unsoncneu cer tificates in my posse sion show. The dose must be adop ted to the temperament of the individual taking .1- dice. Female Weaknesses ana may ue useu niuiw fil'l f g V'1 Orfnnrv Family Medicine. It will cure minutes, if two or three Teaspoonfuls are taken at commencement of attack. JAll who use it are giving their testimony in its favor. 4?Mix water in the Mouth with the invigorator, and swallow both together. I'rice one Dollar per bottle. ALSO. SANHFOIiD'S V FAMILY O atliartic Pills, COMPOUNDED FROM Pore Vegetable Extracts, and pat ap in CUSS CASES Air Tght, and will krep iu any climate. "the Family Cathartic! C The Profession well Pill is a gentle butactivej felnnow that different Cath- Cathartic, which the pro u artics HCl on luereui. prietor has used in his K portions of ihe bowels 1 n-1 . a : 1 . . . il practice more than twen ty years. ; The constantly increas ing. demand from those who have long used th Pill and the satiefact ioi which all express ia re gard to their use, induced me to place then: within the reach of all. fl 1 ne iniuiiy The family Cathartic 'Pill has with due refe ia rence to ihis well esiab- f a c t. been com O p. unded from a Variety w'ofthe purest Vegetable Extracts, which act alike C on every part oi me a- C limentary canal, and are CD good and sate in all cases whee a Cathartic is neec!e I. such a - derangetrents of the Stomach. Sleepiness. Pains in the Back and Loins Costiveness, Pain and Soreness over the vi hole body, from sudden cold, which frequently, if neglected, ends ia a long course of Fever, Loss of Appetite, a Creep ing Sensat on of Cold over the body. Restlessness, XI 1 acbexir. -axichtJiuth.e head, all mnammauiry jeuf-lWt-Jriner,of Ike Blood and many upases 10 vhicb flesh is heir, to" numerous to mention in mis ad vertisement. Dose, 1 to 3 PRICE TUB EE DIMES The Liver Invigorato-- and Famnily Cathartic Fills are retailed by Drnggest generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in a i the large ,.,uns tS. T. W. SAFOnD, M. D.v Manufacturer aud Proprietor, 336 E roadway, Kew York.. 1 1 XX of Good suited id .iJt GtMjS Cl-3 CVO CV? A HOVEL ST1ZXE OP iff i DEDICATED TO THE GREAT GUESS PLATER PAUL. MORPHY? FOR SALE AT THE "BAZAAR OF FASHION. A. McRlMNOS, FayctteTilTo, April 23. -tf rJbc. AMES M.AKTINE is now receiving a large and general assortment of everything in the above line. ALSO A prime article of Rio, Eaguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed and Browu Sugar ; Sugar House Syrup and Molaspes. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov.. 27, tf The Old Dominion Coffee Pot, TTAVING become indispensable to all who have 11 tested its value AFRESH SIPPLY ,4 Has been obtained, among which is a lower-priced ar ticle, viz : viz 2 qt. at 1 50 and 3 qt. 1 75. ALSO TRIVETS For this Coffee Fot (or boiling vessels of any sort,)at 25 cts., IRON COFFEE. TOT MATS, (or stands) at 15 cts. ' We record our own opinion formed only by d-ink-ing the coffee made in this Coffee Pot ; but those more immediately connecsed with its preparation, are perfectly delighted with the simplicity and economy of the process." Southern Guardian, Columbia, So. Ca. For sale at the CROCKERY STOHE. W. N. TIL LIN Gil A ST. May 141359. -tf ! rnllR very thing that was needed in Fayetteville a i sky lisiht Photoirrapbic ualery C. M. Vanorsdell takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Fay etteville and vicinity thai he has opened his splendid sky-light Salloon opposite C. T. IJaigh & Sons Store, where he is prepared to give as good likenesses ascan be made North or South, having had a long experience in the Photographic Art and being determined to let none but good pictures leave his galery. lie hopes 10 receive a liberal patronage Phonographs Ambrotypes Mellaneotypes, Cameotypes, &c. Those for whom our fond emotions cherish, Secure the shadow e're the substance perish. Come all ye fathers and mothers Come all ye sisters and brothers Come all ye lovers and friends, No longer now delay Come to Van's Saloon and get . Tour pictnre Before you are called away. Likenesses neatly set in pins, rings. Bracelets. &c. Instructions given in the Art. Stock for sale. Likenesses taken at short notice of sick or deceased persons at their residence. Also 1 udscapes and views. April, 30, tf FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. FOtt Gents, Youths and Boys. ALSO Yoke-Neck SHIRTS, Hosiery, x, SUSPENDERS, STOCKS, CRAVATS, j GLOVES, T RUNK S, VALISES, &C, MAY BE HAD AT A.J.WUODWAKD'S ONE PRICE Clothing Store, Market Square, Two doors below Hinsdale's Drug : - V I V FAYETTEVILLE, K. C. May 7, 1859. tf -Bethlehem' Male Academy. THIS INSTITUTION, located five miles west of Carthage, in Moore County, in a moral and social neighborhood, will be opened tor the reception of pupils on the Second Monday in July. Tuition. $7 50, 12 and $16 ptr session. Board $7 per month. July 2. N. D. J. CLARKE, Principal. A CAISD. A Word To My Old Friends. THOSE persons for whom I have been attending to Banking businness for years : I am still willing to serve ypu with the same promptness that I have al ways done ; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, Ac, Ac. I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention JAS. G. COOK. June 27. J55. tf KSOOURAGB HO 31 Fi ;ctfully iOi that he still keeps on, hand SUPERIOR ASSOliTMEST OT Paddles, Bridles, Whips. Trunks, Traveling Bags, and Ilaraess. made of the latest styles and best quality for sale cheap, live doors ciiit of the Cape Fear iiauk, &outh -Gnu Sic; Person street. Marcu 6, J ftUk t v 1 I 1 y rammtmme7nr rMn reDecl.'uli I fn. I HIS U 1 UI 1 I I I 111 U II MM FRESH ARRIVAL. L. hi' i 'V Tsreand treneral STOCK trade, consisting: of & selection of ta.pl and V Boots and Shoes, with a ptTtry thing desirable in that line. Prime Family Gro ?Hea ilways to be had AT Goods sold at the lov S prices for CASH, or cx- changed for country pr ?e.,-- August 28, 185S. m ASSETS h25l 618 62. THIS Company bAsp in. ipperation more, than six years, and hadri jjJ it Fire losses, araouut- averaging its member) but tper cent. Amount of property fe y insured, $ 1 ..r'l. 4.00.0 1 Amount premium-np4iow On handr 217,7li,s.08 DIM TORS : Georgre McNeilIr D. A. Ray. 11. L. Myrover: S. W.Tillinghaat, Henry Lilly, N.. A- Stedinan, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. I.utterloh, ST. llawley, WN Tillingliast, JU A. McKetliau. JI). Williams, James G. Cook, Ai AV. Steel, James Kyle, Hon. J. G. Sbp-pl.erd, B.F l' row n i I min rftrn. ui. Mclaurin, A.E. Hjki; Wilmington. 0T CERS : GEORGE JtiNJ (LL, PKESIDENT. P. A. RAYi J CE PRESIDENT. C. A. McMji. SECRETARY. . Collins and C C. .fajHrummen. Ti a vcllitip: A gents. figF- The Compaj" avite applications. Slav 19. 1859. f ivlv r rSWrJrt X UTTEm, t, Oirs L 1SK. TEA M EH 'FANBTi ,' leaves Fayetieville ever? S3 Monday and. ThtfrfrHV moruiuir. at. minutes after Sun rise; and Vffl lirigron. Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock. carrvliip paascngers and freight. Steamer -SOUTlEl NEK,"' with a full comple ment of Flats, m.ikei p re or mnro trips per week, ax circumstances may ieq ! ire The accident to ti; .Steamer "ROWAN" will b-.! repaired in a few daara. She will then t:ike her placfc in the line. I s T. S. LL TTEIiI.dll. Oct. 9. I -if :E A: 15 A It . 5.' M, I very fine Plo; k of M'l.'lNG 4 RE just receivilsr IL AND SUMMER GOODS, co s sting oi .Mi n Borsr and Yoiths' ftf iTS, PAATAMlOAS AM Vt.S'lS Alsoja'j-ne assortment of Plain and Kiufisyi Linen ad JNiaitei !.es rts. Drawers, ft 4 1 J-iaiiilkeichii'i's-. ki l Ac. Ac. A-c. Warranted to scll!ov?r than any Clothing Mi rehaat lai s'ayetteville. Store, two doorsJjfcK-ve "Carolinian " Office. Fayetteville, M.iraUd, 1859. -tf 1 . Stovoe'j'Slioot-Iroi. TfX'tU Ali I , c. hand, a larfy-sortment of l'o.v awl conk III!! Al lv Stoves; lin-wj.'; StieetJron : l.ewi i'i !--. so the " Old Ioltoi O Cofl'rr l u'." I nv mi!. Nov. 27. JAMF.S .V.i:T!N3: . i-i'i OPEIIM. Ii.fi.e.i lArd. Liiiseeil and 'I a 11 n r's n. O WHITE LEA i j'.urnfng t in;.! ; l-utiy ; Wiu-i-- -. Glass and Sash offiuisizes. f' '' j ALSO A fresh supjplv of Pond's liiu Def-trovrr. For sal e by J. S. -M A U '1 1 N K . Nov. 27. tf ' FAYlffkviIJ K "iI(iTI-.l.,' T. AVAjDMLL, PROPUIETtHl. rPH'iS. the most commodioiir- J I . L .Jl, 4 'i North Carolina, ti onting :tio 6i'uon Hay ami J)on.ild.-in sin 1 ts. is ificri.ed in tlie centre of the lusi nc-s nort.ion of the tobvuiand surrounded by nil the bunk- inr houses, wholteab merchants and l.rincii al i.ro duce dealers. t j 7fS Business fue will Ond the Hotel a con yen ie'j . se. uml comfortable lio All the Stagesmr ive ano uepari Fayetteville. An il 2, tis'.O. from this Ilrtel. 1 v'r Dr. Franfkf'iUiant's Hye Whiflty. Ii. MITCIIEfiM 'as made an iing liients villi Friink Wllttii.ns. to be constantly supiiTk il Dr. ilh his celebrated IEYJ ! WHISK El , which can he had at his Store at all iis, by vholesaie or retail. Oct. 111. lf5fcH J tf HcTlTftTfjcold and Silver TTOW to make j: easy and cheap. end a ."' cent i.L stamp. ac, i;et full particulars how to obtiii'i wealth. Addrato 11ANK1NSON. Chemisr. No 25 West l:';tii Street, New Yoik City. 4l-v'ly'r ! Agents wanfedi MORf NEW GOODS!! fel! - : I AM JUST RlJCtVINO MV SPRING STOTK OF (iOODS in my linr. "h y were fu-lei'tnl in tm- Ni.tln rn I iti. l.y mynrlf. with grc t cure, and t.outrht on the mit rcasinnbie tirins. hy which liiinabted to nfT- r tin- lar-juft Hli.rk 1 m r b fore offered to thfpi jlie. and to o.T.r thi-m gcnus-nlly AT GKE,LV li:i)tJCLl) PRICES. i FRUITS DA1SONS nr.tr l'SES..U'PLKH. I.KMUNS. Oli.VM.KS ElRIES, CLRIIANTS. iscc PICKLES. 0lUiLIES AND I'RESEHYES, fe ji GREAT VAIIIKTV ; PERFUMERIEA'I EXT H ACTS OK VAHIOIS KINDS ; faacy Soaps and Poinad-s : M U Bib A h 1 N ST I i U M E N TS fior.cca. Lnt.2ai jrf rty.f lutks.ha.jos: oliI a US, SuC. Wing Cant R of tTery kind ; BA SEE f: O IV WA II E ft ii Hobby liorfes. ; NUTS ; FINE J43 CO.V;VO CAMHKS: SARDl.NKS UNECIOAP . il UKlpn A MJ I II KV l.Mi' 1 OBAI I ft- CRACKER INEPOCKl-T KNIVES: A l.AlC;i. ASSORT E;3T OF lOll T-NiONAIES. SOME VERV FAN IfE; FANCY ENVKl.OCKS. AND fi.OODS. TOio AND YANKEE Nf. fWNS; AN A.SSORT.Vl .NT OK 1 IX KUUtlltiUUDS. W i 1 I S. C1BS. USHI.NO TA KLK. Tbe public ai pfcliol.y inTit-a to rait una rxiiminr mv stock. I hare to please. jlbt many LanJsoiui; things tba canii,t fail JA.MrS H LEE. Hot 1 Buildinp. April 2, 1859.1 tf NOTICE. Xukelft Voung Negroes Wanted. GENTLEI . Vou that have such property to dis pose iff fl do well to jrive me a call, oi addi-rs me at KayetCrle ; is weil understood that 1 pay exceeding irli.j,ri-e- JuiiiN j. Atiil STI)NG. March 19. a"- firm's T HAVE foliated with me, in this line. Mr John. JL K. Dail JU yle the firm ORliELL & DAILRY. We have pj biased the Steamer Southerner, and in il hf a New Flat employed with her. lil "',th their patronage may rely t J.espitch, by applying to Mr. Da'iley on J office. - K. M. OU HELL. a few days, Those favorj upon prom; R. M. OTtTlELLi March 26. 18'i9. JOHN K. DAI LEY. -tf. U E D S T EJ1 D S JJSTD C 11. UR S For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store of A-.M. CAMPBELL. Ag IU 1858. tf mr i & 1 , , " -Ti' : -- - - a r Y'c at me I I . Office 1 r :

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