A 1 74 1 1 I II I I I -II II TIIE NOBLEST-KOTIVK TUS TpLIC GOOD" TERMS, $2 00 PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. FAYETTE VILLE, NCaVAY, AUGUST 6, 1859. VOLUME XXT. NO. 1,054. - -" - .- g tm'fus . - ti ti:kms of suiiScmrTioN. Single copy, in advance, per annum S'2 00 at t he end of the year 3,00 Single copies, live cents. ?o subscription will be received for less tlmn six j months. Tint os of Adverl iiis;. Sixty cents, p-jr siinare of lti lines, or less, for tlit titid 'M oeuts !Vr e.icli subsequent iusertien, lor nay pcr;nd under three months. l"oi' three months, $ t 00 For fix months. i 00 For tv -'ve 'VK-i'h 1 tin ".(tiler udveriis-'i.T-tite livr the y.r on f;vvoraMi? t"rm. Advert' :;r! 'pur I U: i r rei.'ie-tcd t' slaie tti. iamiier of insertions desired, otherwise they ft'i ! 1 be i user ted until lor bid,, rui.I ehti i'. d a( lordingl x . ''-"" -;)ii WO UK of all kiu ls executed neatly and jiromptlv. SINCLAIR t PKAKCK. c L K V i". ? ' r (J. Vv' I G 1 1 T, TTrr AT f.-v-. Paycttoville, KT- G- " V.A. yvu-Vic in the counties of llladi n. Sanip- son and Cutiiliorlamt. Frompt attention g'n en all usiuess committed to his charge. Aprii 18.".s. tf - - """s"l K Us. AT TO 11 E Y AT LAW, T I'KN'DS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Vr.kc and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., X. C. Frh. Ui. !?:li. P5-y LAW A OTIC E. ".IliiKilS irtviiLr associated themselves k to -th in me pr etiee of Law ,,,.1 Tf. of i:.f.!i;.;on a sua. under lite name - 111 at tend the :l iT v" a 1 St;-rior Courts ot -Moore. .M t joinery . us.. n. Uiohnv.al ar.'l Iko'k-so. .i-t.--l to til-re will ree -ive tie d. Ire- Cameron and S. aw. All business en r to'-'mi't. attention. Atto:ues at Law. i. kiit'diam. Uiehmond county. N.C. .. W. v 1. Camkiiox. J.vo. V. Shaw. Vv S. (MiM E:T- kn::v a:.! covsnf.lc.ii kT law LUMIiEIlTON, X. C. ATT i AY t'n . Cut. County aud Super:or Courts. eilaiid. Idaden and C'olum ste.l to his care, will receive eiu t'aj Court Yiouse. :i -i .nt:o pr- Dili 1 V-W rHUIS P. FULLER, TTORN'LY AND ( '( L" N K L Ml AT LAW, II "II!. lirU'TF'F. in the Courts of Robeson. ftiiii .a.. I Lit mb'-vi .... Coiumb'ts and Lie.e.'tt on. 1,'oliesnn to., N. C. w.:.m. Ottic at Jt.lv Kso!. . .Denial Notice. R. Sf ; and OTT As pa rat u? of ifis-.-d the 1 - l'!R. He 11 id I'!:. o;i to an hi in'cii ot ti: rvices. '. Summer here. a:o' n.ay 1- fi 10 .111- formerly occui.i.-d by ..rs L i t cf the Mar1; -t. during :. :.on. 'j A. M. io 1 I'. M.. and : 3Gll, M KUCI1ANT, Com it; tGsion i U c r c ! ) a n t . WILMINGTON, X. C. ILL give prompt an 1 p-.-r-nnal attention AV to nil R -hi, Co-.i-iirnni-nts 01 --p 1 1 m pi. .n...... , Turn-iiCni". a..d a". c ' iM-y pr tor sale. . a, FFI' . K up stairs t ;v : win, of Mr Vie.t North Water 111 ail-1 join Lutle. Street. tine IS. 1 S.V.L tf X 33 JX "3? X S3 T 13 lh J A 5 i: S 1 A 1 S a v 1 n g 11 -rin ieei'.t ! v loca iin.i. 111 th Town of Fayettcvi t. ,'m "iti :r n s 1 '.' 1 up tl s". In a 11 t h lectl'ltilv ib-rs his .se t!..s ' lor.,. -11). t siiiT'iull1 various branches "f his 1 f,-si..ii. inc Teet'l. he is 'iv-e. to win ti 111. that ii' it is in tin- o !;. the manufacture ot .Mm- ral ri- - itislied, after an extensive expo 11 1 - added a t borough Dental f ill, give entire snli-i'iietion iis far i.ver or Dentistry. All lrregulavit es ot t 1,'. i eetu treateu ill a prope r ami i-aiom in..n if the month, -None but .i.-.r, n- well us diseases the pro: er inr-Ta'is .are 111 ule use ot in the various '.pcnitions. ('l.arges wi! be moderate, that the br-:in:its ; the I th'1 rr-'ich of nil iiesspm may be piucci .ii within in the '1 of nil who imiv teel an interest pr -s- hull ot tf.v- 1 t tn. yy. y.Vtcp over Houston's Jewelry he wii! be found at all times. Mav !", 1 y 5 S tf Store, where mi 15 Y GEO. Two I lours above C. T llaigii & foil's .Store, raycttevtile, . C Oct. l, ls:,S. ly- FOR SX-iTE- Jr. -T FLNT;iF.i. A St i'i-KLOi: SI 11.1. CAT and WORM to work flit-, mi Barrel, winch I Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply soon. JA.MK.s martini:. FavetteviR". May 10. Til w-tf J A M KYI. IZ IS NOW Rl'l KIVING LAEGS SUPPLY ID IB (&DvD3D3 II ATS, SIIOKS, BO LTI NO CLOTHS, kc, All of which will 1 e olf -red by Wholesale or Ketaii as low as tlie same, quality can be had in this Slate. Man 12. LS.9. -tf NOTICE. piIE LAW COPARTNERSHIP of TROY & FUL--i LEIt is d ssolved Ly mutual consent. Lumbcrton, N. C, July 5, 1809. Jy 7, 3t. A'. : -' " irrrnA'KKii A (;olMIsn N East Side of (rdlpie Street, Fa Th ttuvillk, N. C. Vov. 13. l-."3 - .-:-5 Fresh Arrival ! JS, c c O F Spring and Siiiuiiicr Goods ! J. A. PKMHIiKTOS TS now reeoivinjr his Second Stock of Spring and 1 Summer Goods, embracing all the NEWEST STYLES, Still AS SUMMER SILKS, O RE XA VISES, on(;ASJ)r.Es, ,yc, Vfith a pr-at variety of pew sH le ur-'ds for Travelling' Dresr.es ami Dusters. ls a conip.cie assoi tment ot .OU -. M .NC DIIFSS JOODS. A large and varied assortment of Silk and Lace Man tles, Chantiliy Lace l'oints, iilnek and White IJerage, .Mantles. Stella Shawl-. Ac. A few of those splendid French embroidered and Laee S ds. Collars an ! Sleeves. Douglas .V: Sherwood's. New Style Corsets, (with Hustle and !S!:irt-Suipoi ters attiiehetl.) A gat vat-iety 'jt'.ncu'lv!t! llo4p. . Skirts, .c-. A'sS. - -n '.-. "'l'.c' ; ::?!; ':e rt'.od a '.'eat r.ia:;.-' ro. Tv and desirable styles, just out. Tlie puiilic generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. l'EMBEKTON. April 23. -tf I. A;. V . McLAUU 1 A"iLH mirE TTUTlOS TO XEIR LAEtK I T and desirable Stock of a n o c e in e s. CONSISTING IN I'AKT OF 150 Rags of Rio. Laguara and Java Cotl'ec ; HID Iibis. aud lihus. Sugar (assented;) 2-V llhds. Molasses : SO Bacon, Side.s and Shoulders com Sacks Salt ; 150 Roxes good Tobacco : 12 Spt i n;. Adamantine and Tallow Candles ; fiO " Soap, (assorted ;) oil " Candy, 1 iHi. Hags Shot, " liH0 Li s. F.ur Lead ; an Ut.'.s. Suiirf, (Eagle Mills;) 25 Keas Soda : ' Nails; ALSO a larok A xi) ;kxkkai. AsSOKTMKNT of H A li l W A It K A X l ' 1' T I. K K V . F'ariniitg Vteiisils ot all d.-scriptions ; American. Lnglish. jswedes and l'eiuvian Iron ; Hlister. German and Cast Steel ; Rlacksm.th Tools ; Coopeis do.; Corn Shelh-rs and Straw Cutters ; Ruckeis. Rr.'Oin.s arid l'ai'.s Leatle-n Manilla ami Jute Rope, (all kinds and nuulitv :) Flow Lines and. Red Cords ; Ilo'iiow "Ware : Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at Factory Rriecs ; AH of which will be sold low tor cash, or on usuai time to prompt paying it.-t owners. Country merchants are l especi fully r quested to call and ci.aiui.ie oar Mock before purchasing else where. I. ,t W. Mel. AVKIN. March "i. lse!l. -tf AYER'S CUE It 11 Y PECTORAL v..;t tiik ;.viir cuke of 'T. v iev Dr.. .T. C. Avv.T. : I Ay 1 hnv- ev-.-r f-;a:. I f r i .ur.iai.t i d' . t ! L 1.- VOIR (.Tit KL 1 i'l T nt iw ju icy jn .n t ii 'j iiml my laittt - '. :.- v m: - L i-. -lioun it t i 't-io" I 'T T'i tr ntitt- iit ft li t' s. KliK.N KMUIIT. M. I). A It. M'UtTI.ry, K-j..nf I'Tl.-v. N. Y. v nir P: r l. im -t if An t in ni v in uily i. ffni-s v.-r in. i'. ;t:id .i-i:i-v.. ii rh.1 ts-t 111'-. li.-iin- i- -Y its pnr).e-.. With : Lilt . .1,1 1 -h..'i;.l s.hi. r l iv t-v. :uv.to- ti.jtLK' than .1i witfn-ut it. or t;..ve any otti.-i ivini.-.ty.'' Crouii, Whooping Cough, Itittucr.za. Si'F.TNio-i. i.t. -; i s., i, :.. 7. i -.-,1. P.- -rt!KH Avip. : I x i t i . rlii!l ....;-t!fv y.nii- PF. T T ii:. r..-.i.. tv vv.. p..-s ..s t-.i- til - i-ili.' ,.f tf ....-ii-. .;.'.;'i. f,..p, an.l :!-...t-h.iV .lic;t -J i'f i-hil'ln-a. ll'v , f ymirlV-it. niilv in rhg ? .i.tli iit-.i-i-iciul'.' y.iur ckill. an i ci.ihtii.mi.1 v- -ir nir..i. i!i t-i -nr p,,,,,.. IIIIIAM CO. Ki.I.N, M. l. AVlo.s T-l'.F. Ksct.. MNTl:r,irv. T writes. ..1 .Ian .. i.'.ie "I h i.l a r -.ii. .u.-. tTitlilu.-i. .1 liiili i-Lliliin-I rut- in .!,...- -i ii.r ks; t" k many ineilii iii..- .aii..-:r. i-.-li- f : hi,a'!y r a y-.m- Pi.-t. ul t,v tin. a-tvi' ,- oi' "ill- rlfci iri imin. Ti:,, first it . ivtiei. 'i tl.,1 .".ri-n...-3 111 my tlnnat iiti.l ll'.li-s; f tlian oil- !ia',l' III- li..tl liiiel- tuo 'i 1 1 j 1 . 1 1 .-1 y iv-U. V.'iir iii.-.tii-in-s ai .-. tti- rli'..ipe.t as w-jil a the t.-t iv- -Hii 1. ay. ami - .-t--ia y.ui, liuot-.r, Hli-i your r...ii'-..ai-s, as th- piiui- mail's I'iica,i., Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. Wf-T VI l.V.IIISTI P.. I'A.. -!. 4. ISJ8. : Your rnr.RRY Til. T .r.Ai. is p-i l'.,i-iiii:i iiiai-v. lli.iis enrr in tin, P-i li-.u. It lias ruli-vt-.l s-v, r:,I fr..m -ilfii niinKiiy m;.:- nig (.f i.n.-uliip'.i.iii. an-1 is n" .uri ne a man who lias luboi -.1 i u.ii r mi :y.-,-ti..ii ,.f tl.e iunxs f r IN- 1;,-I t'.-rtv yriu s. iilMiY L. I'AI'.kf, J.rc.'i Oil". A: A. RAMFET. M. I).. Al.m. Mivr.OE C-.. I'iw. t' Hi inv y. ar- ! Ii IV.- leiaei -pt. , ls;,j; " inn ing my pra-u T,"thiii -.pial t t ilKai'.Y I't'-roKO. t .r divine ea.-o fin i ns i-nls, ur -urin ciiK-h as ai- i-ural-1.-."' li-f tu Cuii-umi'tii. J We nii-jht aitil vulutnes of ovi-kiic-. tan the must coin ini.-inj; pi-oof of the virtued ol thia remedy is fuund :.u its iffc-ts upon trial- Consu mption. TrobabiV no one rci.ip.ly lias ever been kno-wnwhirh curel ro many ami nuch dan-crous ra s as this. Some no human ui.t can reach ; but even to those tlie ClitJiur Fuctoral aff.jnts re lief aud couifoit. Astor ITor3E, New Y'ouk City, Mar-h n. l-s".6. DOCTOR Ater, Lowell: I IVi-l it a duty and a pl-asur- to in form you what your Ciobrv Pectoral has done f..r my She hail been five months laboring undiir the .lanir-rous symp toms of Consumption, from which no aid we cul l pro-lire travc her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we have come for advice, recommended atrial of your medicine. Wc bless his kindness, as we do your .-kill, r"sbe has recovered trom that day. She is not yet ns i-troiie as 6ho used to be.bnt is free from her rough, and calls herselt well. Youis, with gratitude and rescard. OKLANliO SHK.LBY, OF SnELT.TTlLI.E. nmsumptire: do not d.-spair 'jll you have tried A TTaVs Oiiffrt PrcTOiiAL. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all found ua bespeak the high merits ol iU virtues. I'luUuiiljjIiia Ldycr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rTMIE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been tax-,1 I their inmost to pi-o.lu.e this he-.!, must perfect ptiifiaiive. which is known to man. innumerable proofs are shown that these Pll.LS Lave virtues which surpass in excellence the ordina ry medicines, and that they win napr-eci ,! titedly u;sm th-esteem of all men. They an. saf- anil pleasant to take, l.nt powerful to cure. Their penetrating propci ties stimulate thevilal a- livitics. cf the lMidy, .....move the obstructions of its organs, purify tho blood, and extH-1 disease. They pnme .nit the f..e,i hum.-rs which breed and irrow distemper, stimulate sluuisli or dis.,r.i-red or gans into their natural action, and impart heaithy t.aie v.ilh Bt.reierth to the wh.-le system. Not only do th-ycure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and danger ous diseases that have baffled the best of human sk i! 1. While tiir-y produce powerful eff--ts, they are, at the sain- time, in di minished doseft. the sat'-t and best physic that .an l,e emplovei for childi.-u. B-iiac suirar-coated. tln-y ar pleasant to talc..; and being; purely v-.-ihI'I-, are free from any rik of batm. Cures have l-en made which surpass belief were they not snli stantiated by men of su. h .Plaited position . ud ciiaracl-r as to lorbid the suspicion of initrutli. Many eminent clerjrvinen and T.hysic. .ns hae lent th-ir names to certify to the public the i-i-liability of my remedies, while others have sent me the assur ance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute im mensely to the relief of niy att:i, to!. sutTeri-, fellw-ni.-n. Tlie Aiient below nam-d is pleased to fm ni-h frntt is my Amer ican Almanac, containing itirei-tiens for their use, and certifi cates of their cures ot" the following cr mptaints : Contiveneps, llilious Complaints. Kheumatism. Prilpisv. llear--burn. Headache arising fr-.m afoul Stomach, Nausea. I n.heif. tion, Morbid Inaction of tlie Itowels.aud Pain arising th-r. Jioni, Ilatulencv, Loss of Appetite, ah I'i-erous and Cutaneous Ins eases which require an evacuant. Medicine, Scrofula or Kiuf-s Kvil. They also, by punryilifr the blood and stimulatiup the a tern, cure many cotni. taints w hich it would not tie supposed they could reach, such as Deafness. Partial Hliudness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Doraniremeiits of the Liver and Kidneys, Oout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low stale or the boUy or obstruction of its functions. Do not bo put off by unprincipled dealers w ith some other pill they make more profit, on. Ask for AVER S Pills, and taie noth ing else. No other they can Rive you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared toy Dr. J. C. AVE IE, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell Mass Pucz, 5 Ctb. m Box. FrvB Boxes fob $1. SOLD BY S. J. HINSDALE, Feb'y 19, 1859. ly Fayctteville, N. C. - I tiilW T!!-t y .a iuv.-iilt-.t .-v.-r 'Uf nut. .i.-llai-s fei a V; :vni n fnl rVf 4 TIIF riM'VTT 1 V N-C' . 1 L llAr. ff. v i7riPVIT AlTfinST I MOIiN LNVj, AybySv.j FAY I WEDNESDAY Mexico. , ; "Ion," the Washington correspondent vof --4 Dn turf vi'uu.iv , - that nnr -rith -referer tltat paper w , .ited regulation of Una T? Balt imore Sun, writes to that ! to the supposed contemplated i happy country. AVe cannot vouch for thoteliJ??.ter oftU" t. . t. . lM,f fmm tb UKlll MtlBfltliee" ' - . - !' I- ..." " 1 ..1 I UVUH U..-, . v 1 I 9 ' Ion," it may Imost be regarded as being ' ' - . .... .... I I I ... II " It is Relieved that a very extensive mUl.'j.dt ' prominent movement is now on loot W tow Juirif Q c vith the purpose of unitintr in a plan .for.f' iJncii ) t cration ot Mexico. About ten tnousunit ,t i -"irs bf al reach- been enrolled as 4 Knight Uri?V.nrA: &Ut' order ot tlie jMontczurnas. ;.i r unas ui' . mu ;. jot .. . . . i of war have been, or will be. fully. prorV.Aj 'rty -t enterprise. Loans based 0:1 --He ' reTirf J..'t&i ailennafe jvnienean hrm rilt. bo Ltci' .t T . ger.01 ) goveruriei.t, s. ouhi e ii unense. The nole debt, foreign and domestic, would be but a "doa bite," as Mr Disraeli would say, in comparison with the revenue to be derived from her vast mineral and agricultural wealth." I Fatal Accidext. AVe learn that an accident oc ! enrred at Letich's station on the AVcstern Rail Road I on Wednesday last by which a negro woman was I killed and a black man severely injured. AVe have ' been unable to learn the particulars, more than that I the hands were making an excavation and the dirt ' fell on the woman and man, smothering the former ' and severely injuring the latter. In endeavoring to j extricate them, Mr. Fooshee, a very estimable gen j ilemen, one of the overseers strained himself too ! much, from the etl'ects of which, we regret to say, j he i.s now very low. Removal, The I'ost Oilice i.s to bo romoved to tiie building one door west of Mr. George Lau der's Marble Factory. On and after Monday next the mail will be supplied from that place. Mr. Cook is entitled to the thanks of the public for this "movo in the right direction." Tlie following article we clip from a recent num ber of the Constitutionalist, It is well timed and appropriate, and is well worth a perusal : "The Democratic Paiitv. These are trite and true observations, and applicable to all things that it is much ea.-ier to lin.l fault than to remedy easi er to suggest reforms than to accomplish them and easier to bliiullv oppo.-e than to inteHigenlh' ami zealously coaperate. .vcitng iipon me j.rtiicipn that it is easier t oppose the measures of the Dem : ocr.itic party, than to suggest and sustain different j measures in a manner satisfactory to the prosperity : t.iei happiness of the people 0: tlie State and the 1 ! "111. .ti, the I'l l opponents of our party have organ ' i.eii tiieinselvcs under (he 11. line and stile of the op- j n p;,r;y. They urge mr.ny objections to the. j oiii and i..e;,sui i .' Lie Democracy; but they !a:e s.aeiois enough led to allow ibe people to i l.i.ow or examine tne pi im iphs which they desire j to see inaugurated in the place of those they op 1 pose. " ... - - T-,,.wr.tit .Jaiiiirs fr.ard S. . n -- : poiie-, it is. ia-n.iim.vu art frntfrr vy ' party, 1 iat',1 vtjiat may be 'the munts ot 01 i IUY. s-.it U S know that it ho.-iiiity T. xas into tli :nati! ; ; So'llth 1, id as a vidua priceless g for the new p.. '.ley. It is enough -to. it is a I ei.ioeratie, measure, to ensure fpr Win ii me.i.-uivs wcivadeplcd to bring the I ' i . 1 a i the opposition party were inir-, 1 when Texas v. as' admitted, and the i ned an important acquisition as welt !,!e future guarantee, and tne I. luoii a o,u to its galaxy, the opposition party ol '.lie country, lor a tune, hid iis bead i.i shame, t U'ih i- and all the lending- Kiea.-un of tiie Dcluo-. cr;. lie party have added value and renown to our countrv, an.l vet the senseless cry of opposition is still heard." - 4 I lVrL-nsnrm;, Va., July 27, 18oi'. Messrs. Eihtoks: Our community was startle this ni'.vning by the aiinmuiciiieiit that Mr. Reiij' mill 1 '. iliiaiuson, a place, had committed ! Iroin a v. iipiow of the T'l-oceeding to the hotel well known citizen of this uieide by throwing himself Rollinirbioke Hotel V'poti f learned that deceased had been taek bo: i.itr f r some ten davs past under an at- t i,ini(i. a not u, but yesterday was something! . bet'er and came out of his room and stayed some ties of her sex. 'time in the porch. Nothing wns seen of him froia late yesterday evening when he went to his bedim- State CakkIac;:i in the Skvextcf.ntii Cex til about three o.clo. k tins moriiino;, at which time TLuv. Elizabeth met her royal sister-in-law after ' oilieers .Mill, and Pillow of tlie watch who were j ner tempestuous voyage, abou: a mile from the ! nassjipj- in trout of the hotel heard a window raised ' ii...,. tu; l.ln.r the first time tliev ban pver i and immediately afterward a loud crash as if some j ! heavy body falling on the roof, they immediately ! v in tr th.. ri-ir ni' the hotel and discovered tin- de- : ! cciis. d lying upon the ground in the agonies of death; ! they instantly gave the alarm but before any assist j ance arrived" he expired. The window from which ! he jumped is in tiie lifth story of the building and but fr a shed which extended from the second stury i breaking the fall, he must have been crushed into a I shapeless mass; as it was, very little external injury j was sustained, but it is thought that nearly every : b. ue in his body was broken. j I leecased was employed as salesman in the whole- sale dry goods store of Hamilton & Graham until ; t ic first of the present month when he was dis , charged on account of his intemperate habits, since I that lime he has made two unsuccessful attempts to i commit suicide once by taking laudanum which j was tlis -overed before he had taken a sullicient quan tity to destroy bis life, and again by taking two ..... ... --. - ounces of chloroform as he thought, but as he was suspcoien oi ine uuemioii, ne as given mm. .......... instead. He was considered an excellent salesman and but for his intemperance could have done well. A -few months ago he joined the order of the Sons of Temperance and promised to reform, but the ap petite for drink strengthened by the indulgence of i-1 ... rs .if fro T i calion was too sironiiiv lonneu n it..,.. . ,, ,-,!,. i,rl-..i. ..rid iifier a short strutrirle he was borne down away upon the bosom ot that stream of donination and death which bears upon its crested waves the wreck of peiishing millions. AVell might tlia hard of Avon exclaim "Oh thou invisible spirit of wine, Had I no other name w hereby to will thee 1 wouid call thee devil." In politics.! circles there is not much change since ! my last. Most of the counties in view ot the nuin ! her of candidates for the seat of representative in ! Mr Goode's place are coming out in favor of a con j vention, and I believe that all the candidateSyire j willing to go into the convention except Col. llop I kins w ho prefer;, to take tlie chances before the great i body of the "sovereigns" than submit his head to the executioner's axe of king Caucus. The uppo sitionists have not yet brought out their man nor will they, ualess a convention is called and the de mocracy are united under one leader. In conscipieuco of fine rains w hich have fallen, vegetables aie beeomin-i quite plentiful and are now in the reach of all : watermelons are quite high as Vet, and briipj; from 20 to 50 cents apiece. wheat is coming, but the sales are very limited, the buyers not beine; disposed to pay the prices asked, feeling confident that the price must come down as low as $1.23, or perhaps lower. Yours, - .wauas Elopement . ' T A . C ' SfV' ,S.tsitfrJ- you?: Udy of thirteen years of , w. j,ok.tbeSa at Genoi a on Saturday afternoon1 jo If . .-v .' ''" here in the evening, m Woutsw o'clock yesterday (Sunday) mroniiur. the a , 0-clock yesterday (Sunday) nironing, tlfe k - rniSer residewce, on Mo- j - stveet, byfrtt uncle fthe girl, and information j :. t n ot the elopement. 1 Th Chief ImmedlnteW ; n j . o - . j 1 P1"0 once to the depot, and after 1 A U ?US 'nqBiry, vas com imed that the girl had J s ivett the night previou8,.and had been conveyed I YTi"icrut noxei in one 01 Caspar Cord s car- lJ1.Wf at one went to the American, ' ',n!tatwar'ot the book.;. Suspecting ! TP, W'ta6S..f the.Iittle. lady, he made ii:oniria I Ain.inii thu 4iamUixrivi!iiiK. ir....,,,i i ... i Z. . 1 ' WW...-,, am,. iuVi lll.u tliat rt. I Uhief went up o 81, knocked at the door, tte missing cheruV opened it and invited him e natl been eating her breakfast. The Chief ti finish hotTHreakfajiL but she said that I .last finiilnri her repast. The Chiefs eyes P'lrK'tJftUk optica- soon ascertained the " vs'; " '.4e.ivj aione oy ooservmg tViue," said he, "come, put on your thing-s, and ! go with me to the Mansion House to see your iuoth ; cr." "My mother!" exciaimed, she, astonished, ''is mother there" "Oh! ye?," said the Chief, "she came on the same train with your uncle." So the. little lady put on her things, and with the Chief and her uncle, proceeded to the Mansion, and there met her mother. The meeting was a pleasant one, and the Chief was overwhelmed with gratitude at his promptness and kindness in the affair. Tlie little lady told the Chief that she was bound to Detroit that no man accompanied or was tt ac company her and that no one had swindled her of money, of w hicb she had about $30. She had paid but 25 cents to be conveyed from the cars to the American, which fact is a compliment to the whole ystera of carriages in this city. All of her money was right. ' AV'hat her object or desire was in fleeing from her parents, she would not divulge ; but the fact of a young child of thirteen having the nerve and will to attempt such an act, and carry it out almost to completeness, is quite a sufficient eviience in our minds, that Young America has taken up its quar ters in the female sex. Buffalo Rtp. Romance Extraordinary. On Friday of last week, two individuals, calling themselves Jack and Charlie, made their appearance in Chambersburg, I 'a., anil while sauntering through that town the latter attracted much attention ap pearance, voice and manner seeming to indicate that itE could not justlyT claim to be of the sterner sex. His companion Jack had drank Very freely, and be come uprorous in a saloon, incurring the displeasure of the barkeeper, who compelled him to leave. Ch; rlie immediately followed, having been advised oy bmic one that " Sis" had better leave too, ami ne retreated, declared that he was no " .Sts." Short ly afterwards, Jack was arrested on the street for -wearing. Charlie lecame indignant at :his, declar ed a "knock down" would be the consequence, and that he would "stay" with Jack under any circum stances. Roth Jack and Charlie were arrested, and i uiiplaint having been made by a constable, tlie ma-gi.-trate was about to commit them to prison. Char lie became boisterous, threatened all sorts of vio lence with different kinds of weapons, and was ti nai'y searched. Xothing dangerous was found on bis nelson, or with which ne could execute his threats. Jack and Charlie went to prison, and Sjiej e being souie doubts of the sex of Charlie, the M . . -'"t; ' t . AJaaiifijiri ..nvuaiira, i-- xV6jijftT.faugTrtet o$ IMalta was Sl.,l"-. J T. jfc. 1 .v. - i . i i unu ixi.iiei iius&e-ioii, mit tiiu xacL was llls,clos.etl biat he was a woman. She gave a history of herself It would appear Mat she was born and raised in the town of Hum i icrset, in th's Sbate. Her name is Matilda Rush- aberger, and sle is about twent"-four years of age. About seven years ago, Han Rice's Circus was in Somerset. Her father, who is a blacksmith, did considerable horseshoeing f ir the circus, and from the visits of Rice to the shop, she became acquaint ed with him. Rice endeavored to get Ler brother to travel with him, but he refused. He then, she al leges, persuaded her to accompany him, and up to a short period, she has been in his employ. She donn ed male attire li um the time she started, and has been wearing it ever since. Her occupation in the circus vas equestrianism and vaulting, and no doubt she hgured among Rice's "stars" as " the celebrated Equestrian, Signor Somebody, from Franeoni's in Far s. and Astley in London. &ac says that sue is ! not the only female in male attire traveling with cir- , cusses in this country. Ol course, she is rou-rh in ; sneeclu and from her degrading and brutal associa- lions, seems to have lost all respect for the proprie- looked' upon each other, when they commenced a friendship which had little interruption during their 1: .ru .. u t,;,.t Vci;.,.,l.,.tn y-. mi's 1 till if li I ill v.iiiv.11 iiifei ..i... ..i.., e. . ceive her brother's consort was i i i- i ml ULUiuoi .liita iiiicci with crimson velvet ; not much according to our ideas of a coach, for it was really a wagon without springs. Glass windows had not yet been thought of; but it opened between the wheels with clumsy side doors, each having a leathern convenience for holding steps, called a "boot," on which individuals of the company that the king or queen delighted to honor were perched. A numerous posse of insides were nacked into this sociable conveyance. Sir Walter Scott most truly describes the coach of the seventeenth century, when discussing the family of Tillietudlem. On this occasion Henrietta Maria, after all em bracings and welcomings of herself and daughter were over, was placed by her sister-in-law on her vh.ht Imnil Kliy.abeth sat iv her: the Lilliputian I i vtr.irv nf Kmi-Uivl am. her little duiunv bride- coin, who is in his portraits the oddest punchin ello that ever inducted himself into a vast supera bundance of nether garments, sat opposite ; Itupert, who was already well known to his royal aunt, oc cupied one boot with his little sister Henrietta, god daii.rtter to that. XJoer-n : the Prince-of Orantre and the PHn.-rss Flisiaheth eldest dam-'hter of the Oucen of Bohemia, the other a happy family party of eight, all on excellent terms at that tune with each other. Yet several of them professed different modes of belief or unbelief. There were members of the Church of Rome, two grades of Dutch dissent, besides Rupert, whose utter disgust of the contro versies then prevalent had extinguished in his mind all sense of devotion. It was lucky that no theolo gical topic was started among persons of such close contiguity. An Austrian Detachment taken Tbisoners by a Railway Lnolneer. Among the many lighter passages of the war with which the Parisians amuse themselves we find in the Sport the story of the capture of a detachment of Austrians who were ta ken prisoners by the engineer of the railway. It appears that the Austrians were en route for Pes chiera to reinforce General Urban, when the engi neer, whose sympathies were naturally on the Ital ian side, " switched oft"," and conveyed the Teuton ic heroes into the allied camp. Here they were politely escorted from the railway carriages by the French soldiers who, with that amiable politeness, for which the nation is distinguished, saluted their enemies with " All those who are going to France will please change cars 1" The feeling of the Aus trians, on finding themselves taken prisons in so ignoble a manner, may b imagined but not described. Sea Bathing at Cape May. Theheaeh at Cane May presents an odd scene during bathing time.: It would seem as if a regiment of lliglil .nders were en joying a dip m Old Neptune's domain. T'.iere is no mark to dit.in.r, .. - .,n . ..v,.... l a common level. Here is an. o ld R-Uow with the dimensions of a Lambert, -ntf'.in awl blowing-, tsnd vainly endeavoring to drown himself until tlie idea that ho is m.in.r .-. i. r.,., v.... K i,..,..,V.,r - - - - .... iiia i nil 1. 1 . 1 1 . There is the fist younr mn fmm New York v ho seeks relief from the e. .Is of his dissipation in the briny water. Look ! there goes the dandy ou a de.d run Horn the-bath nouse to the water. He ren-.inds one of an ostrich. It is hard to know what object he has in taking a bath, as he has hardly life enough to feed a disease, an 1 is too nnsnHui n,,t f-.1 ,l... i. t u'.. 1 rv o, ..- . , , .,. ovi... 1. V' IW Ul V UllilULeS e TV :S K'l I S 1- I ish. the water, screaming, scrcat hing, co.igniiig and sneezing, and then suddenly there is a grand change a le Touare, for the bathing houses. The dip over; all hasten to the hotel, there to fortify themselves against the effects of any salt water they roay have 1 swallowed, by a little can de vk j The South Carolinian, published at Columbia, j contains a long and elaborate communication from ihe Jb-.11. K. VV.' Piekfcnri, mr prescxr Minist-or to . Russia, on several very important subject connected with the political history of this country. It was written to clear Mr. Calhoun and President Tolk 1 from certain sdlegations contained in Col. Reitton's ,' " Tbirt V Vvtr in t li. T Tnit.1 Sif.it pnntd " Vi.b. i inir I to the annexation of Texas, the Tariff, the visit of - . L,f.s f 1K' e MUSSiU 01 ssrs - may other matters ef interes this remardable "refutation" at an earlier period, but for the death of Col. Ben ton in tiie spring of 1853. As Air. Pickens was the original arid sole depository of the facts upon which Col. Benton's representations are alleged to have been founder), he deems it proper at this time to make public a full and true statement of everything that transpired in the visit alluded to by Col. Ben ton. S. Y. Day Book. Emplotment of Austrian Prisoners. The Oon stitutionel has reason to know that it is the inten tion of the French Government to employ the Aus trian prisoners in making railways in Algeria, It is also said that the prisoners will be let out to hire to agriculturalists and manufacturers svho may be wil ling to pay them. The officers are. everywhere well treated. They are free on parole, and may even obtain, without much difficulty, leave of absence from the places assigned for their residence. Those who are married may send for their wives. Tlie pay allowed them by the French government is fix ed as follows : Generals of divisions 4-OOOf. ; gener als of brigade, M0O0; superior officers 2100; cap tains, lieutenants and sub-lieutenants, 1200. Our Army Men Sent Back from the Seat OF War. The European governments are not disposed to communicate the secrets of their mil itary science tuid improvement in weapons of war to the Yankees. AVe learn from the Richmond Enquirer of the 13th, that private letters from the Continent of Europe intimate that tlie American officers who had been permitted by the United States to go to the seat of war in order to gain military insight into war tactics by observation of the contending powers, have been rcfusod pass ports to travel thither. They consequently return ed to Knghind to awnit further diplomatic consid eration of the matter and causes of objections. Moss. Blondix ix Sew York. At last our citi z -ns are about having an opportunity of witnessing this gentleman's performances upon the tight rope t.u . Jiai,rcr rTerr-rs orwr- ' - --- . It appears that arrangements have been made t stietoh a rope from the U .ts of Wehawkeu to the highest point of the "Mights," which will make u distance o'. -.bout one thousand feet, an ! an tier i tion of one hundred and fifty feet. Persons will be conveyed to the scene by the cars and omnibus, and by ferry c.id excursion steamboats the proprietors of which are expe 'ted to contribute toward defray ing the expense. Thus we are to have the great Rioudiu at last. AVho won L go to see him ? A Young Lady ox Drill. AVhile drilling re cruits, a Liverpool sergeant discovered among the awkward squ.ul a vry pretty girl disguised in male attire. She blushed and excited the sergeant's sus picion, who found, upon questioning her, that she. was endeavoring in this manner to reach a mar and dear relative in the rank and file of England's de fenders. Twenty-five shillings and some petticoats were given her, and she was sent, an unhappy mai den, back toher home in Dublin, to be corrected by her parents. Tekrific Gnat Storm. The Louisville Journal iys that a terrific storm of gnats prevailed in tiiat city on the night of the 6th ulu Places of amuse ment were rendered unbearable. They were snow ed on the hotel tables until the chandeliers had to be put out and lights placed at a distance. Streets, sanctums, and in all places where lights were visi ble, gnats prevailed. Eyes, ears and mouths were i exposed to the annoyance. Every body strained at j a gnat, if they did t swallow a camel. . t rw ..... . . riKST love. trie nrst giaa moments in our nrst love is a vision which returns to us to the last, and brings with it a thrill of feeling intense and special as the recurrent sensation of a sweet odor breathed in a far off hour of happiness. It is a memory that gives a more exquisite touch to tenderness, that feeds the madness of jealousy, and adds the lust keeuaess to the agony of despair. Adam Btde. Novel Mode of PrNisiiME CT. Jefferson county, Texas, h.is no iaih in lieu of which oersons sentenced j to confinement are fastened, night ami day, to a rock in the public satiare by a chain attached to tl ankle. If the prisoner's offence is light or he has previously borne a good character, he is allowed an umbrella to protect himself from the sun and rain. Shingles. The Scientific American Fays that the word "tdiinirlo" am appliud to thin, pieces of wood for covering or rooting houses, is peculiarly American, and is never used in such a sense in Great Britain. Shingle machines are also peculiar to this country, and there are few classes of machin ery on which more ingenuity has been expended. Activity of Napoleos. A private letter from , the scat of war, says that since the active work be- gan Napoleon knocks up two horses every day, being in the saddle from four o'clock in the morning; and some of his grooms have just reached Paris for a new supply from the imperial stud. His indefati gable inspection of all matters involving supply, commissariat and reinforcements, was the theme of the whole army. "saAVe acknowledge the receipt of an extra, from the bruiiswic.k (Ga.) Herald, announcing the acquital of Carey W. Styles, of that city, who was tried before Glvnn Superior court on the 1 1 th inst., for killing J. ! w Moore on the nieht of the 24th of December, ltSo7 -Constitutionalist. $W Large numbers of persons attended the sec ond " poney -penning" on the banks near Beaufort, last week. The number of ponies penned was large but few were sold, on account of the high prices asked for them. Wash. Despatch. " Mother, I heard sissy swear." ' What did she sav ?" " She said she was soinp: to wear her darned stockins to church to-morrow." The roots of a tree are hidden, so are sources of evil. the When M wall like a Ssh T When it is scaled. Italian Gikls. The idea of a girl in lialy is imlissolii' iy ooitnected with thut of a being devoid of all n sans., infallibly preferring wroi g to righi, aiid w!io can etily be kept from barm a- J evil 1 y the most iiicesstuil watchful ness. A mother's who!-1 purental duty toward I.er daughter s "em" tonsiflertvl in lt.i!" to bo comfireiic-iidi d in the one act of igiiiince. " My daughter has i.evtr been, sitiC. s!ie . as niiieyc'!irso!d,4oL't .fur si,'.it for mure than twen ty i'.iinut.es at j'. t:mt," ?t"d an La'iau ct ntess boastfully ; nml b his 'eei.ru I ton site aj pt-ar-t-d to think Ih it she -ucri :ci to .ai.o rank in I.fe in Itiiliy is practically h p' st : 'i 1:1.1.1 slie marries. In'o sccicty she mt.st in. t eater ; neither in the n) : ,;ii; fete, nor in tlie ev.'iiiijg dance is she-pe. mined to disp'ay hei L'l.artiiS and gr.nccs- Au occasional walk w:tl. father, or brother, or mother, is permitted ; out she mast not go outside of the house Unless accom panied by her pearest kindred. To be stn siloiie, - even but a few yards from her father's uour, would entail upon her the deepest dis jrtaee f nil l-eaviest cer.siri-.Iiept under, a perpetual surveillance, every lliii'g she wriies, ami every line she receives, are subjected to riid scrutiny. Life in Tusr.au v. " Ah, Tat, rut," said a sciiool mistress to a thick headed urchin, into whose muddy brain if '.- ,'she vas nttempting to beat the alphabet, I niu est. 1 he publication of . , , ', . ' . "would have been made jafrH 1,1 Tou will never lean, anything. .ovv H llill 3 LllUb 1CIICI, t:iJ i "Sure and I don't know ma'tn," replied Pat Thought you might have remembered lliat." " Why, ma'm V " Because it has a dot over the top of it." " Och, ma'm, I mind it well, but sure I thought it was a fly speck." " Well, now remember, Tat it's I ?" " Yon ma'm V ' No not TJ, bat I." " Not I, but vou, ma'm how's that ?" " Not, I, but'yon, blot khead." " Fool ! fool" exclaimed the pedagogues, almost bursting with rage." Just as you please," quietly returned Pat, "fool" or 'blockhead' it's no matter us long us yer free to own it." The happiest being in the world is supposed to be ' a nigger at a dance.' In our opinion this rule is too limited A ' nigger ' is not only happy at a dance, but in every position A dar key may be poor, bat he is never low spirited. Whatever he eanus he invests in fun and devil try. Oive him .a dollar, and in less than an hour he will lay seven shillings of it out in yel low neck-ties or a cracked violin. There is some thing in an African that sheds trouble as a duck will water. Who ever knew a 'cullid pussum' to commit suicide 1 The negro ia strongly given to love and jealously ; but he has no taste for arsenic, lie may loose his ali ; by betting against a roulette, but he don't find relief for Lis despair as white folks do, by resorting- to -?iiarcoal fumes, or a new bed-cord, hut by visitinsf de fair sex,' aud participation in the mazy iutVienee of the oceipu'.al couv tluiions. of der clariuett'. An OCT a Fjc;. "Pat tick, the widow Mwhmy teod me that you have stolen on of her finest p.Lrs. Js that so '" " Vis, yer honor." " What hare you done with it?', " Kiiled it and ate it yc honor !" " Oil, Patrick, Patrick, when you nro brought face to lace with the widow and her pig, on the Judgment hiy, what account will you be able to give for yourself when the widow ucc.ti.scs you of the theft. " Did j ix bay the pig would be there, yer riveruiice V " To be sure I did ?" " Well, thin yer yiveraiice, I'll say, Mrs Mo- Iony, there's yo .r pijjr ?" The Arti-t Out of an art a so trival you would mistake him ile at best, a grown iiif,.i,t his art and how high he soars ubo uu:etly he enters into a heaven ' in"n mny lie for tin itnbec I'vit I . iii. i'lto . vou ! H ow which he lias become a denizen, and, unlocking lie gates wish his golden key, admits you to follow, uu humble reverent visitor. Uulwer. Xavai. Or.DER-i. Commander Bcnj. M.Dove, has been detached from tiie command of the naval rendezvous, 15 dtimore, and ordered to the coniiii ind of the LI. S. store ship Ueliel, in piae of Commander Roger Perry, detached. Commander A. II. Kiltz has oeen ortleredt to the command of the naval rendezvous, Balti more. ." Where shall I put this paper so as to be sure of seeing it to-morrow ?" inquired a sister of a brother. "On the lookiug-giuss," va3-tLc prompt reply. Declined. Phe Standard says that Hon. Daniel M. Barring'jr has been tendered, by Mr. liuchanan. the mission to Central Ameri ca, which, says the same paper, that gentleman, has felt constrained to decline. Tarboro' Branch Railroad. The Survey of our Branch Road was commenced on Thurs day last, in this vicinity by Messrs. Henry Meliae, Jno O. Ashe, Ousion Lewis, and C. C. Le is. They are said to be progressing finely towards Rocky Mount. lawuuru Sou therner. Thomas R. Murray, late editor of the New -bern Gazette, is about to form a copai tin rshij) ' with a gentleman who has charge ol a weekly whig paper. A large daily will be s' aided us soon as the second party can sell and move to Newbern. The "Tealest instance of impudence on record . - v i. ...i . : It..!,.,., idle is that OI a iaiiKee vvuu, in uu iiun.... '., stopped a religious procession in order to U his ciar from one ot the noiy canuit-s. The Great Pedestrian. Mickey Free com pleted a walk of 110 consecutive hours at Brooklyn, N V , ou Saturday. He walked for a wager of $500, and is the sime person who ont ran a celebrated racing horse at or ueal Boston, a year or so ago. Hes-igno Captain Job Carson lias resign ed the situation of Oeneral Superintendent on tl.e Washington and Alexandria Railroad Mr Bayuton. the Conductor on the road, iu discharge the duties of that position. .A ht

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