-o- 1 v-..3Jr 1 , v.? 6 IOli:TliY A Moving Girl in a Pet. VelT. i i him go. or b t him stay ! "T ilo not mean to lie! I tjnes that he'll lintl that I fan live 'Without him- if I try ! He thought to tighten me with frowns, So terrible and btank He'll stay awav a thousand years Uefore I ask him back ! He said that I bad acted wrong, And foolishly beside ; I won't forcive him after that I would' kit, if Idbd! If I was wrong, what right had he To be so cross w ith me ? I know I'm not an angel quite I don't pretend to be. lie had another sweetheart once, And now whet, we full out. He alwavs gays she was not cros, And that she did'ut pout. It is enough to vex a saint ! It's more than I can bearji I wish that girl of his w as Well, I don't care where I He think that she was pretty, too Was beautiful as good ; I wonder if she'd get him bock Again, now, if .the could ? T know she would ,and there she is She lives almost in sight. And now HV nfter nine o'clock Perhaps he's there to-night ! I'd almost write to him to come But then I've said I wont ! I do not cure so much but ske Shan't have him, if I don't! Besides-. I know that I was -w rong, And he was in the right ; I guess I'll teli him eo ; and then wish he'd come to-night .' The Young Widow. BY ROBERT JOPSEI.YN. She's modest, but not bashful, Free and easy, but not bold, Like tin apple, ripe and mellew. Not too young and not too eld ; Half inviting, half repulsive, Now advancing, now shy ; There is mischief in her dimple, There is danger in her eye, She has studied human nature; She has schooled in all her arts ; She has taken her diploma As the mistress of all hearts ; She can tell the very moment When to sigh and when to smile 5 O. a miid is sometimes charming, But a widow all the while. Are yon sad ? how very curious. Will her handsome face besome ; Are yiu ant. ry ? she is wretebud. Lonely, friendless, tearful, dumb; Are y..u mirthful how her laughter, .Silver-sounding will ring out ; She can lure, and catch, and play you. As anglers Uo the trout. Ye old bachelors of forty, Who have grown so bald and wise, Young Americans of twenty, 'rt'ith love-looks in your eyes j You may practice all the lessons Taught by Cupid since the fall, But I kno?- a little widow Who could win and fool vou all. Xiager Beer. Sometime nsro, 'ne rend an article in one of the leading; New York papers on the subject of Lairer Beer drinking ; one of the effects of which was stated to be an enlarpr ment, swelling or bloating of the neck and face. This effect we think must have been noticed in this city, in the case of some of the free drink ers of this best bever,ire. 3f the followinir state ment is correct abil judging from the liigS an ihority whence it emanates we jiFesuate that it is it is no wonder that our Lager Beer drink ers swell up : L age it Beer Adt-i.terations. TTnnt's Mer c-liu nt's M agizine enumerates no less than thirty tig-lit substances which ae employed to give poti-t'ey, flavor, consistence, and other desirable qualities to this detestable form of grog. Among them are chalk, marble dust, opium, to bacco, henbane, oil of vitriol, copperas, aiura, strychine, and other deadly drugs. Of all the agonies in life, that which is the most poignant and harrowing that whie! 5or the time annihilates reason, and leaves our whole organization one lacerated, mangled heart is the conviction that we have been deceived where we placed all the trust of love. Ihilucr Lyllon. House Khud r.v a Swarm of Bef.s, On Mon day last a horse belonging to Mr. Geo. Sj&ijhv of MiddienVld. Mass., was attached by a swarm of bees. Tlhe heos were driven off but the horse ap peared in intolerable pain, and entirely insensible to sum 'funding objects. His groans could be fiearei a quarter of a mile off. He lived in this condition tur five hours, when he died.. " You would be very pretty indeed" said a gentleman, patronizingly, to a young lady, "if your eyes were only a little larger." " My eyes may he vtry small sir bat ss-eh-peopie as you don't fill them." A Good Companion A young man step ped into a bookstore and said he wanted to get ii "Young man's Companion." " Well, sir, said the bookseller, "here's my youngest daughter."- Never pay a printer when he first presents Lis bill to you, for such an unexpected phe nomenon might cause a rash, of oJoo-l ta the head, and throw him into S's. Buttermilk. Pie. Three pints of buttermilk, two eggs, four table spoonfnlls of sugar, a tea ispoonful of flour stirred into milk, and half a nutmeg. Stir well together, and bake like a custard pie. Steamboat Burnetx The steamboat Gladia tor was partially burnt on Saturday night, in the Christiana, pel,, a short distance below the wharf f Harlan. Hbiltinjrswortb iSc Co.. to -.."r?fc longed. Her machinery had previously been ta ken out, so that the loss is not heavy. Servkd Him Rioht. A man named Fisher was tied to a post and publicly horsewhipped in the streets of Chnumoiit, N. Y., on Saturday evening last, for maltreating and abusing his wife. Several vessels bavo recently arrived at Liver pool direct from Cleveland and other lake ports ireigtiteu with, western produce. People turn tip their ncses at this world, as if they were in the habit of keeping company with a better one. There is a boy residing in Albany, N. Y. who xs but 17 years old, aud has a wife syid two chil dren. "Why does a sailor know there is a man imthe tnoon ? Because he has been to sea. Resigned. Lieut. John AleCulIom has re ; pigned Ids commission as an officer io the United States Jv'avy. Mortal things fade ; immortal things spring tmore freshly with every step to the tomb. tindness is the golden chain by which socie ty is bound together. The pen, in the hand that knows how to use it, is the most powerful weapon in the world. iHe who rums spy for pleasure, wouldn' hesi tale to be hangman for business. Let your wit fce your friend, yonrmind your companion, and jour tongue your servant. A thimble of powder will split a rock four feel square. i 0,w0 (i .Negroes U, mo-.) Xe-roes 1 ) ii'i Negroes ,.iwd Yearly. Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Oidv Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dj-sentery, In Dysenterv, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Colic, Colic, Colic, 3hol'3ia Morbus, 1 11 Cholera Morbus, ( Iiolera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Infantum, Flux. Flux. Flux. It Never Fails. It Xever Fails. It Never Fails, ALSO, ALSO, ALSO, A d in i r a b 1 y Ad a p t e d Admirably Ada pted Admirably Adapted To Diseases of lemales, To Diseases of Females, To Diseases of Females, Especially Especially Especially To That Train of Ills To That Train of Ills To That Train of Ills Whose Whose Whose Monthly Monthly Monthly Recurrences Recurrences Recurrences Cause So Much Cause So Much Cause So Much Suffering. Suifering. Suffering. It Gives It Gives It Gives Immediate Relief. Immediate Relief. Immediate Relief. Price $1. Price 1, Price $1. W. V. BI.T'S' A ro.. Proprietors. 3'i3 Hronrtway, Sfev Vcxk. For s'th' in FnitetfwilTr by S. J. HINSDALE, Aug. 1. l'85ft. OB WORK NEATLY EXECUTED AT 1 THIS OFFICE. Bits Lyi4pette Kftcty MtiV lyMM-t; K.-inljr Hti-W ly h ptie ltetauy tiAM' lii'iMHt H.-ntt-cty HA y Uysp- l Kiitty lysp-;tiv lUnitily iiH lysiJt-i 1c Iteint-rty llaa the Ljur k1 Sale lm lite liwf.nt. sale Hi llr l.artst Sale tlau tlie I a ryes t Sule ttie IJnis;'st Sni Uas tiie Lnrtt Sale Of rny Hlli-liie In tlie World Of ntiy .tt .lli - ii tiie Woi-ld. (?.. M-!U ltto it the World. iff any If'Uinc in te World, nny M"lIne In tli- WorM. Att nny In- Li t lie World. 1H iy M-lIc-tie in CI World, t my M-.ii' l t in lh WtrJd, f any EfJ2 1m In tin- World. iJt taiy Meiitritic In I ii Wuilil IU(t"l)0 Pafka'n i.),OiM I'i ii. li) l.iH-'O l'acHi;v lOO.OUO lni-kai;t- KH1 Olftl Pai . lOO.iKtO Pnikut;4 l(rt.0(XA Pnkat-a Sold In fieorjjltt ni.d boutliCiiroIlna Sld Iti :oi';ia ntid outhCnriUna Sold In toila and SoalliCMrollna. ftold In J-rs;ia nnd S-siitliCaioliita. $oI In Cii-oi t;iA and Smlltl. nrolliia 6l4l ! (turlii nnd out3i ftrolliia oltl In oil unit jntli aiollim Siil In ;t.oiia and SuuiIiCuioUiia Sold In iri;i and ouUiCaiollua oKl Lit Ciioiia and SouthCaioUn In Funrffen Montli. 1 1 Pouitteii UTonlH-. In Fomlren , In F.Miitfeu Motitli.3 I41 Fiiurlefit Montlu ( In I onrtrrn Moid ISA. 4n Fouvtt Dlontli , In l oartrtt ?4oili-V. 1o loiirteti Mon-ttv In l-'ow vt - lon&ti It 1-4 Wnrranted to t-are ll I t ariHufiil to Cm t t Wnrraiilil to lUtre It h Warianlnl to t in It I-t m ranted t ( lire It l Warranted to Cure ll Is Wark-antl lo t lire ll is Wairantrd to Cure ll I VniT;uitri to Core It Is WairimUd to Core if Dimlloni are FoHowpd, II iMr-i-ltii4 arc Kollowctl, ll rr IIoit are Folioved If Dim-lVmiK air FoilQwrd, St r-ltnd arc Followwl, ll lllrrrlioits are Followed, If DiiH tintisbre Kollowtd. If lirtrrli.ii are l'olloW4lt 11 Dirt ctliiiiN are Kol lowed. If Iii t c lions mix followed Any ( ast- of l ft-V4ia. Any Case of lysiesli Any se of lJyjpei.-ia Any t'ae f ly -jMp--ia. Any Case of !-! m A!' e ol l MMsia Aj.j ( an- of l)j!l Ai; h- oJ lsnepxla Aiy 'mm- oi ly-Ml.t AitV v u.s- nt Dyspepsia. 1j4 tr IIe:w, f A i 1)Ihb. I.ivt r ia', 1 .1 v r Ili-Ke, l.lver l.frr I)UniM I i rtr I 'l- np, X'ler IJseisc inlicefc Oii'liee. ti.niire, oiiiiee. mil timilt ek .Jinti'ii'e, .j(i:i'liec, -1 aiiiit!ee, Oc-ner:il ti hUltr C it if 1 u-i:iiy . id' ol'l y, .,..;-.! IP, 11 ity, .i::e.l Iit:iiy, t :: i hI if iMtlty, C.eti-iiit t ii;ti (.inurl Urolii t;k.4-.al l.iiilty& .t ntitil 1, :iU(y, FnZptlutl.ui, 5'n ! I'll . tan, Prtlj-rtnll'Mi, Hnli,iaiMn fal liatlon( I'nlillnllon, Cltrnnic Ilirr liora, Chroiiiv liarrhi!, , Clironle Dlarrhira, tlirlc Dinrrliwa, Hrontc Ihnrrhva, Clironlc lii iti'lio?n t hroitic liai lio-a, lironie linrrlio-a CUrottic liurrSiUL'a, ;icf f Iness. -id1Inev-v .lMli:esri, -CklodinexA, t- iildine3u 4-tt (tutu, -id(llti-sr OItUlii(rM)( DrprMd Splilts, l-ir3c9-d spirits, f-prc.-ed Splriln. 1 e reused N p 1 1" i t I-prt-jjied Spli its. I preM.st.-d J pi r 1 , Ifn!M(l Spirit, I e ire s?. d S l rl tm UrprcMed Spirits, Toisa of Appetite, 1 of Apfwtite, f.llfiN of ApM-tIte, lo4 of Appetite, Ios9 of Appetite, Kos of ApM'tife. Ios of ApteiKe Loss of Appetite. l.o of Appetite, Jos of Appetite. Piiln 1: Sl-Je and Rneh, Snli it- and ltndc, in Iti Slt and ita:l, l:ili Vi SHI atiff I ok, I'nln l.i !)- aod liea, I aiti In M. mid IJaelc, I'aln in Side and I!:m U, In Side, and Unrk, I'alti In Sitle antl Hark, I'nin In Side and Umk, It V KsfM-eVally Aonpterf Co It Iti r'.KH-lal!y Atnptel to It Is Hspeelaily Adapted to It in Kkpeelally Adapted to It Is fipec tally Adaptel to It Is Kteelally Adapted to If Is KMrlally Adapterl to If Ik KsjKClally A'LPe to It Is F-sp tally Arfapttd to Jit Im ICiipeclaily Adapted to FVmtsSe Complaint; Fi male Complaints; K'einale Complaints; f'nnalr CoinplMlnts; 1'eitiale Citinpli In t ; Kemale Complnluts ; Kemale Comu alnt ; FVmgl i OAiplalnts ; F male Coiiiplulnts ; Ke in ale CoBiplulnt ; It Pi'fKlurr Rotundity of 4 onn If Prnlu e Itotntidtly of F'oritt It I't-ottuees Haiumllty ot f'or m it Sf iL:i .otntitiy o t Tom li l-rMfoeeM Ktt nudity ot Konn It PriKtiui'M ICniundity of Puriti ll ProiiK-'fi Kotuitdily of Foriu It PriMlnces Ittt iitnUy of Koritt It Irifin -s I'otuitdity f Form It Prudum K.ot uttdlty of Foi iu In K iles of a Thin and. Spare Habit In Ke Turtle of a 'I'lilit ami Siare lf allt In Keinnles of a 'I'Hln and -pare Ilalilt In Keioaiesot a Tliln and Spare Ilanit In KVinnles of a Tln and Spit re Ilallt In Keitiil-s of a 'I'll in and Spare Hflltit In Kemnlcs o" a Thin and Sptsre llut.lt In iiihI m of -a '1'liln and Spare Ilnlit In FVmnlts if a Tlilti nnd Spnrtr fin lilt In Fcmalvi of a 1 liln and Spare llaltlt Kvery Invnllrt Should Kviry,livni. Slioo tt Every lnlhl Slionld Kverjr rnvall I Slionld Kvery Invalid Stiouhl Kvery Invalid Should Kvery Invalid Sliould Kvery InvalM Slionld Kvery Invalid Should T. y One Tit One Try One TO One Try One Try One Try One Try One Try Oxie Pnrh a;e. Pnekaie. fueWa4ffc. faelH;e. PncfeaK, Ia jkae. P.nkac. Prknke Package. Pend a Postairo Stamp to the Proprietors for thatr Pftmpuiet ou " Di3easc3 of Stomach and Bowels. AV, r. M.TSS & CO., ProprlMon, 303 Broadway, New York. For Sale in Faretteville by S. J. HINSDALE, Druggist. Aur. 1, 18.39. 331gt-re Vc. "Warrants, CIVIL ad State, just printed and for sale at the " Carolikiak " Officii Georgia State Lottery, For the benefit of the M03STTICELLO Union AcacleinF, OF JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA. Authorized by Special Act of Legislature, 25,828 PBIZES MORE 1HAN UNt PHlZi 10 LVRY TWO TlCKcTS- McKINNEl" & CO., Maxageks. CAPITAL PRIZE tickets onsmrsr g5xo HALVES, QUARTERS, AND EIGHT lib IS l liOrOKTION. TO BE DUAWX. HA CI1 SA TURDA Y IX A UG US T, 1859. IN THE City of Savaimaii, G-a,. CLASS 31, to be Drawn Aw. 0, 1859. CLASS 32, to be Drawn Ate. 13, 1859. CLASS 33, to be DiIawx Aug. 20, 159. CLASS 34, to be Drawn- Aug. 27, 1S59. 3L1 GjYIFICEJVT S C1IEME. 1 Priae of $00,000 is fcGO.600,. 1 " 20.(100 :s 70.000. 1 " - 10,000 ii JO.OlO. 1 . .' 5.O00 is 5.000. 1 a 4.000 is 4.000. 1 " 3.000 ia 3:000. 1 " 2.000 s 2.000. 1 " 1.500 U 1.500. 1 . fc 1.100 18 1 100. & frizes of $1,000 r.t" f.iiOO 10 2 2 2 &0 100 luo 100 ftuO a r. 400 are 301t ure 00 are 100 ar 5.000. soo. GUO. 400. 7.500, 100 are 1O.0U0. 05 aie 0.500. 85 are 8.500 ArrnoxiMA TIOX PRIZES. Prizes of $200 approximating to $60.U0O prize are 5-S.oo G.U0 000 4'iO 040 4 Prizes of 150 approxiiouting to 4Prizea of 125 apprttximuting to 4 Prizts of lt.0 appruxiaiating to 5 Prized of 80 approximating to 8 Prizes of CO approximating to 8 Prizes of 50 approximntinir to 8 Prizes of 40 apppoximatintr to 400 Prizes of 20 approximating to 25.000 Prizes of S are J25,.-i',S Prizes amounting to - 20.U0O pnzu ar 10.O0O prize are 5.0UO prize are 4-000 prize are 3.000 prize are 2.0011 prize are l.f00 prize are 100 prize are 4?.- j 4ti0 R.Oil,) 2OO.00O Certificates of lacVag s will 1-esold at the iVd- ' lowing rates, which is the risk : Cerliiicates of I'acka-e.s of ; Wlndu l icl.els - M ifa'.r " " 1:) (leaner " " " 10 Kiuhth '- r'.i'i IN ORDERING 1ICICETS Oil CiiKTIFIC A'l LS. Enclose the m'.nry to oar address for ihe tickets ordered. on' receipl of w hich they will lo foiv.'aid'd. by 1 kst mail. I'urchaseis can lnu e iekets eadliki; in I ary tinre uiey may uesignaie. Ihe list ot drawn immi':s ami i: Wi.l lie Se::.t to purchasers imuii;diate!y aller il.e tiruwiiig;. i .NOTICE TO to.tliy.s? i'!r:'is. I Those who pret'or not sen JU money Ly iti:iii. c:;n u.e ; Tiie T.vpress t Kisi-.ai.k-s, when?uynioney fur Tickets, iu aims of iVu Duiiars il l ui.v. ava. can be dent us AT OUK RKK AND KXPKNSP.. from any city or town where tliere is un fA-iru.-5 Cfiff. i noouey ani order unit be esscl.'-t d in i 4.oieruieiii I'ost Osi.ie !i:.iHk;:cd CuvcIo;e, ortha Kxpress ' "omptmi.-s c i mi t m-.-i.i- them. All communications sirietly e'.nnder:t;il Orders i'ur 'l icki-ls or v ertiiieHi.e. by -.iail or ;.xiress, to lie di rected to McKIXNKV & CO., Savannah. Ga. July !), 1?.9. -tf CAROLINA CITU STEAM NAVIGATIOJT COAIPANY. fHI UK iindersierned have been appointed by the H. (ieneral Coiiiioissioners in Salisbury. ' vc miv subscriptions teV the Caj.iuil Stock oft 3 le ; ! j . e Company, and have prepared a Subscription Look, and are ready to receive the same, on application to J. M. Hose, at the Kail Koad Otii. e. A. A. Mc K ETHAN, J. M. AVILL1AMS, J. A. WORTH. JNO. M. KOSF, (.'oiiimissioiiers. Fayetteville, N. C. July 2, IS.j'J. tf SANDFOUIVS LIVER liWJGORATOIJ, XEVKR DKB1LITATKS IT IS C'JMl'OUNDED KXTIKKLY FUOM GEMS, and has become an established lac!, a Standard iMedicine, known tniet ap- f it. and used in such ipian- proveet by all tout have used it, arid is now re sorted to with conlidence in all the diseases for 1 1 1 ics as t -a act 2 the I'.ow eN. sreutlv t7J Let the dictates of vonr judgment 4ide you in which it is recoimneadcd. It has cure I thousands within the last two years who hd given up all hopes of relief, as the! nv: morons n nnl ir-i 1 1. 1 001-- M use of the Liver lnvieo- j 3 rator, and it will cure ' Liver Complaints. Lil- i lions Attacks I'yspep-iii. ; H- Chronic Dian ho a. Sum- ; wmcr (yomplamts, I'vscn-: tihcates in my posse sioni tt-ry. Dropsy, sour :om show. ' ae-h . 1 1 ahil toil Cti-t i v-ness The dose must bo ndop-j "i (JhoUe, Cholera, c 1 oh a ted to the temperamei.; i O Morbus, (yhoicra Infan of the iikdividual takinp 50 tuin. Flatulence, .buin dice. Female Weaknesses ana may lie used success fully as an Ordinary Family Medicine. It will cure sick Headache, (as tliousan Is can testify.) in twenty minutes, if two or three Teaspoonfuls are taken at commencement of attack. All who use it are giving their testimony in its favor. Mix water in the Mouth with the invigorator. antl swallow both together. I'rice one Dollar per bottle. ALSO. SANDFOKU'S F'ASIIL.Y Cathartic Pills, C O M P OUXP K D FRO M Pare Vegetable Extracts, and put up in CLASS CASES Air Tgltt, and v. ill Keep in any climate. The Family Cathartic; C The Profession well Pill is a p-entle. butactive, know that ilitferenl Ce.t'.i Cathartic, which the pro-! i-Tartics act on - oilfevent p".ctor cos useit m h:? practice more than twen ty years. The constantly increas irtg demand from thus; who have long used the Pills and the satislactioi which all express in re gard to their use, ha induced me to place then rr: portions g The f J-tPill has Oi 1IJC i.f, iimily Cathart: with due reft 3 ti lished fact, been Coiti Q peunded from a variety jj'-ol'tlie purest Vegetable 2 Lxtracts, which act. alike on every part of the a ilimeirtary canal, and are CO'.SO'ul ami sale in all cases within the reach of all where a Cathartic is needed, such dei-unsereents ol the Stomach, Sleepiness. Fains in .h" back and Loins Costiveness, I'ain and Soreness over the whole benly. from sudden cold, which frequently, if neglected, emls in a long course of Fever, Loss of Appetite, a Creep ing Sensation of Cold over the body, besi'u -ssness. Headache, or w eight, in the head, all lutlamma'ei y Diseases. Worms in Children or Adults. Uheiinnitisni. a great l'uritier of tbe lilood and many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numorous to mention iu this ad vertisement. Dose, 1 to 3. PHICE THREE DIMES The Liver Iuvigorator and Famaily Cathartic Til's are retailed by Druggest generally, and sold 1 olesale by the Trade in ad the large towns IS. T. VV. SA FOli D, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 Broadway. New York. LOST. DROPPED fromtay Sulky, on the Fayetteville and Centre Plank Road in about 11 mileso! Fay etteville, my Medical bars. containing a pocket case of Instruments Ac. The finder will be liberally re warded by addressing the ubscriber at Kayeiievil e. July 23d 1859. JXO. M. McLEAN. -trtLANK CHECKS. FOURTEEN ON A SHEET Jy suitable for binding, beautifully printed, and "fer.t nonstantlv on band at the office of the r CAdlOLlXlAN. -S , , -f c- ij m m, P M, W ii i&t C!.-- ffV? C1- i; t t&i tW. m m m m if) -? cv--C m M m-i ii rjoirsi. STiriiE HKIUCATKI) TO TI1K (j K K AT CUKS.S I'l.AYKll PAUL 3SOI1FIIY; FOR SALE AT TUB " BAZAAR OF FASHION." A. Melt "JIM OX. Favetteville. April 2:5. -tf J A.MKS MAllTIXH is now re iviu a large and "oceial as iOftiiiwiit efevervtliin'' iu the above line. j ' A ALSO pi ime article of Rio. I,ai;ui a and Java COFFEE: ashed and JJrowit Sujrur : Suar Holiso feyrup ami jlasses. : All rd -.vlkieli if otTered on as good terms as can be .1 in Ih's market. Nov. 27. tf Tiie Old Doiuhiioii Coilco Ero-fc. AVIN'f; become ind:sieusable to all who have te.-led ii.- value. A t" ll i. S ii SIP? L Y i-eon o'lta'n'd. :inin:i; which is a lo'er-pi'iced ar vi. : viz 2 ot. at 1 ."i I aa l ot. 1 70. 1! T A !()- TUiVET F.'.r ll , .' .. Pot (or ! 1 '.s CUl-'F i'.ny sot t.la! (or ste.ini-) ; We ri-c.-' ;v; the ci1 j: i'Uf iAJS. i oj"!i:i-; fornv in t:,.s Cone: i: c- ! t it-.-imi.lici nit t' alt 1, ! i t For s.il - .if t'ie !av 14. IS.'O. a U . N. i li.l.INt.HAST. ml IK v 1 "-kv 1: v thi hi 1' d ;n l'aveti tak-- pb.-4ise.re eu-ville n:.d sk v-iiurkt :;il in - ; . n t Ih-: '.S O I V t t. pp.isiie ( llo -VI . -.1.:.- S ce.es-i s a lie expel i TMlll -t 1 lie hop where- he be in ole is pi-. Sol I ' Ii ei::i. httv had a I Al l .111.1 l.ei'n re- le-.ive his srah-rv in Hie I'ho ni):ie le.it e o l ,.' til r.-ceive alilierai p ni'i Mel'-aueoiTpcs. ('a tMe Those f,.i- wii.,1 S ' ill.' T he s i:v,'i- l'!e: !.vpes. oar fond 1(1. iV e'.-e .ographs Ainbroiypes : ens cber ilistanee sll. i;vrih. th C'o'ii i all i Come ai Come all N.. lor.- Come to .- bit hers and mo' h ye sisters and bro e lovers aii.l ft iene r now ,Ielay an"- Sulonn anil o-c i our t-tnre l.ctore yon : teness. s itt'ativset in pins, rin tl'UC.ions c;i.. in tho Art. ken esses taken at slmrt notice called HT3 s. bracelets. A t tock lor sale. 'I sic!; or d -ei'ii Li rsoiis at I lie April. :il. r res le-nce. Also 1 tf ndscapes and views. FA Sll ! O.N A Ii L i: CLOTH I N (I . ICR GlMlfS, Youths ami Bovs. -T 'if V -A I.St Vo SHIRTS, Hosiery, SUSrKNDKRS, STOCKS, CUAVATS, r GLOVES, T R U N K S, VALISES, &C, JIW HE HAD AT A. J, WOODWAHD'S ONE PUIUK Clolliin? Store, Market Sjc!i;ake, rJ'wi doors below I r ini-ii i;xlo"5 jr-n Store, 71 i : ' i I !-, FAYETTEVII.LE, N". C. , is:9. tf May A CAIiI. A Word To Aly Old Friends. f jHinOSE jiersoas for whom I have been a! I ending I o 3L Hanking busiimess for years : I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have al ways done ; and to others that may want discount-. Pension bus! ne-s. Ac Ac. 1 cller my services, wilb a premise el' strict attention JAS. O. COOK. 1 1 V'.?I. 0 ICR BIT respectfully in (onus his obi iiii'iii'.s anil pillions, that he still keeps on hand a STTM'RK'K ASSOllTMEXT I iF Saddb-s, Prid les. W hi s. Trunk.-, Traveliilr l'.aes. aid Harness, made of the latest styb s and best ipiality for salt? cheap, live door east of the Cape Fear Jiauk, south -Cm. ----;0 id' Person street. March Isfif. CAURIAGE F A C T O II Y A. A. M'KETIIAN s consiautiy on iiami a large assortment of hicb s ol every description, which are well every description, which are and faithfully made and finished in the lightkst and ke.vtkst styles. His facilities for doiii" eai-ria"e work are okkatek than ANT KST.VTlLISIIMF.XT SoiTn j which enables him to sell Lis work oa the most favor able terms. Nov. 13, 185$. tf i . one -i. I ii.i.i FRESH ARRIVAL. r -g KK'l 'I' HAS just received a largo and genora! STviCK of iiwvl suited to thu Si'IUNG &. SUM Ml' it tradu, coasistuig of a choice selection of Staple mill F-ai.ci- IJ II V UOOOS, Boots and Shors, v i t li almost every thing disiiable in that hne. l'ranc Family Groceries always to lie had AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. August 28, IMS. ly ptl " ' ""'" " " " - I rpill Coinpany has 'boon in oopration more than L six years, and has paid its l ire losses, amount in? to $2:?.:"24.hT wilhout any assessment ; iusurauce averaging its mcu-.ljevs ubotit i jut cent. Amount of property now insured, 1.503.410.01 Amount premium, notes now on hand, 217.7:1.03 rIRECTOKS: Geor-c MoN.-:!!, I A. 1,'ay. II . L. M vi nvr: S. Y". Tfllliiuhast Henry Lilly. N". A. Sleiim.'.n, S. J. Hinsiiale. T. S. Lutterloh, V.'m. AlcLaurin, S. T. Ilawicv. W. X TiDin'-h-st. A. A. MeKell.an. J. I). Williams. James (J. Ccoft, A. W. SI eel. James Kj le, Hon. J. G. Shepherd. U.F.Krou n , TiViiuiington. Hall. "vViltninaion. A. K OFI'ICEUS: lEORCE MrM:iI I.. l'HT illl'.NT. l. A. l:.v, vieii ruFsihKST. O. A. M' MII.I.AN, Si; UETAKV. Collins and C. MeOrumincn. Travellinp; Agents. Tf " The Company invite applications. May 19, 1S.VJ. iy-,. l utti:i; .lows lim:. TEAMK.'l -FAXXV 7 Monday and Th.;rsda' lives Fayitteville every av !i. oru i n lt. at . minute:' after Sun rise: and Wilmington, Tuesday anil Friday, at o'clock. carrying Tiaaseners and In iuht. Steamer -SOl'TH KUNil'v.'' with a full cnide. incut of Flats, mikes erne or more trios per week, as circumstances may reiprie. The accident to the Steamer '-ROWAN'' will le repaired in a few days. She will then t::Uo her jd;tc in Ihe line. " T. S. LUTTEKL01I. Oct. !. -If C;IKI-::TiiKI-' &: JiAi:XLT3I, VRE just receivinj? a very line Stock of Sl'KING AX1 SL'.MML'lt (iOoDS. co s'slin? ol Mkn's Lov.s' and Voi ti:' (.fi S, IMMAI.O0S .WD U.MSV Also, a fine itssoi tuieut of Plain and l aney Lii.eu and .ia:-se:lies .Shirts. j i ;-.iw rs. lia:. ikt vchie fs. .. e.. Ac Ac Vv'ari anted to sell "ovrer- than an v Cloi hiue--Me l alian : i n Fiiyetl e i lie. Store, two doors above CuryUkiiaii " Office. 1 avette i!le. March .. lfC.!. -I f i"0',Cr53, SIlO ct-lroix , c . of Li.. nnd cookintr : (in : Lead l'ijiv. A 1 1'or." 1 tr sole l.y TJr.N-W Ai I ON hand, a I: rue a-si-riim Stoves: Titi-uiue; Slui i.t I T so the "Old l!i'inii:;u toine Nov. tt JAMES MAllTlN'i:. L ' i' l-.l! A: . He,! I...: . i .ius mil "i a i iu : 1 Ll' 11. 7 Will Hi i.F.AU : bum in !.! an 1 --; li ot ;.i! i.es. A I d IV A fi si,;..:y s r ii.- For s Nov. M AI.'IIN i-;. tf f a i : ' i t i ; v 1 1 . u : i u ) ' 1 1 : 1 T. WAlib'TI l. rnoiM.-iETo;;, rI" U '-S. liie uiust. ceuiiiioiiicas Ileicl A'--V,t- S :u North Carolina. tini!i'ii :;ei) 3M:"t4lt- iV .t. on I lav iii.d 1 ion.t Mmoi stnets. i? j ' " located .11 the cciitre of the business I portion of tie- town, and sen oinnb 1 by ail ihe l.ank i ins: houses, wholesale mcrciiants aud principal pio- duce !ea Urs. j jft?r l'.u-iness men will Cud the Ilot-l a soavani:nt an t coiii tort a hie nonse. All the Stages arrive and depart frcm this ITolel. Fayetteville. April 2. U-.jl. ly'r J)j Frank If 'ill Hint's Jlir. MITCHELL has made arrange ff'hisli y. ifiits with Pr. TJ. Frank i!li:ims. to be constantly upplii d w ith his ceteiirate-a ll i U III1F , which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail, j Oct. Lb lcois. tf Ho ! for Gold and Silver i l TOW to make it easy and cheap. Send a " rot . 1 stamp, ard get foil particulars how to obtain1 . weal I h. Addk'!.- ' S. 1 1 A N K I S )N. Chemist , No -jr. West 1:1th Street, ! New Yoi k City. Agents wanted. 4-1 w ly'r M0I1E MM GOODS!! T .r.t.i'.'IT RF.( K.IVINli Ml SPRINTS STOCK OF HOOIS J io my Ho... Tlity were scl.-ctt-.l in tiie Northern I it-'u s I.y id;. -.11". w li h pr.-at r.iri. n.l tielit on tlieiii..t r. it i.ni. 1 I .' ti-rne iiv wl.i. li 1 am cTial.lt-tl le olT. r the t.tri.-t t..trk 1 evi r I--b.rf i.ll.-V. J lo Hie- public-, liml to l.ll'. r th.-m g.-licTally AT (JKKATLY KKDI'CKD P1MCES. FRUITS RAisoNS. r k;s. i-iu'Nes. appiks lemons. oiian.i.s C'i.EKJtlES. CL V.RAN'i'S. S-c; PICKLES. JELLIES AND I'llESERVES, A liUEAT VAlilET ; rERFL'.MERIES AXIl I .-ll!AI 'is OK VAHIOl'S KINDS; I miry Se.tps ituil t'oma U-s ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS KIUDLES. DKl'.MS.f'IFtS.I Ll TK BANJOS. OL ITAIiS. Ste. Wulkind; Cams of cvtiy kin. I ; HA S KE T A XD IV IL L O V YA 1! E : i'. Vi'.y flor-es. & : NITS - FINK AVI) O it ..N- A.M'IKS : SA BIll.N Li , (. ,.; I Hi Alls 1 SMI'IKIMI .4 NIX Ml. U IMI 'I ( II! A I I O ; 11 l KKiiS: IINE I UI b. r.T KNIVES: A l.-tlaiK 4SM1K1.MKNT F I O i. 'I '-." ) N A I t.S. Ml.VK Vtl! NH K: I-N' F.N 't I.OIt.S. AND KAN' (,1'XHis. TfU'S AND YANKEE NOTIONS: AN A S S O III V F N I OK INDIA RL Jim Ii (.OOPS. Wlllfj, OM11S HMIIMi '1 A k'l.K. Tlio ptiMic fire re-i . etfelly iiivil.-.l t.. ei'll iin.l ixnn.ino my -fork. 1 liitvi; a great many lia uti.-t.iuti things l hut can not lull to .lt'a-e. JA.MF.S R I.KK. April 2. lS.-fi. -tf - llot. l 'luil.Jit.g. Likely Young Negroes Wanted. J - V . fi EXTI. EM FN. Von that have such property to Jis- v po-e oi w i ii uo wen io oiv e me-a ca 11. oi ailoi ess i use at. r a'-ftteville- -as His we!! under"-toed thai 1 pay exeetding Wg srl: :lb. jlmIN" O. ARMSTIiiiNfi. March 19. ls.,9. fnio's I HAVE associated with me, in this line. Mr Joi n. K. Dailey, and will style the him ORbl.I.l. t DAIEEY. We have purchased the Steamer Sen thki;ki:. and in a few days, will have a New l-'lat employed with l.cr. Those favoring us with their patron.-ii'e may rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to. Mr. bailey ou board, or to me at ray office. K. M. OKI? ELL. R. M. OET.ET.L March 2f. I :'?. jor: K . PAILEY. -If. BRnsTK.ins .i.vi) r.v.s For Sale at reduced prices, at the Anrtion Store if A. M. CAMrULLL. A'-gl. 1608. tf t A.