'V" f? f -. - .-,..;.,- vr :- ------ - ' V?-T; - - . . "-"- ... .-; . " " " j)" " ' . fa00 FEB ASNUM- . :p":r, ' WOBCT MOM ABMg .CTOTT : . , payable !x aciT . VOLUME XXI. ; YETTEVILLE, N. C.,iS VTURDAYj- AUGUST 13, 1859. NO. 1,G55. TtjMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single -opy, in advance, per annum $2.00 at the end of the year 300 i Single eopies, five cents. Nonbcription will be' received for loss than six mouth. . . . ' , . " ir Sixty cnts per square of 16 Unas, or less, for first, and 40 cents for each subsequent insertion, the for uj pencil under tbree montis. Kurbree months, $4 00 Fornix months, 6 00 For.woIve months 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertises are particularly requested to state the number of insertions desired, otherwise they will be inserted until forbid, and chargod accordingly. ;ES-JOB WOES of all kinds executed neatly and SINCLAIR & BANKS. CLEMENT G. WttlGUT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IPayettoville, T- CU- TILL practice in the counties of Bladen, Samp- T T sou and Cumberland. Prompt attention given to all business committed to his charge. April l, 1858. tf W. S. NORMENT. ATTOKXEY AND COUSKELOK IT LAW LUMBERTON, N. C. WILL ATTEND the CouiUyand Superior Courts, ot Robeson, Cumberland. Bladen and Colum bus. All business intrusted to his care, will receive prompt attentiou. Office in the Court Uouse. ju'.y I, 18,)9. 1-J-w JOHN V. rFlfiLLiER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, fTT'ILL I'RACTICE in the Courts of Robeson. W Cumberland. Columbus and Uladen. Office at Lumburtou, Hobeson Co., N. C. July 5. 159. w.:-im. Dental Xtfotice. ' IIP T? CI'ATT I'll. 1 1 - V I ' A HAS Purchased the St.icit and Ai paratus of Dr. iiExnow, and flatters himself that he is prepared 7o give 'atisfaction to all in need of bis services. He expects to spe.nl the Summer here, and may be found at all times at the rooms formerly occupied' by I)R. liti.vBow. two doors East of the Market, during the regular office hours from 9 A. M. to I P. M., and from 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. Apr.l 1. 18o9. tf - AX. Oamptoell, AUCTION KEli Si COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, Vatettkviij-e, N. C. Nov. 13. 18 ' H. GB AH L M , Commission iUcrcrjant. WILMINGTON, N. C. 15 7"ILL give prompt and pernal attention to all Street. June I1?. 1S .9. tf ,U. JAMES DAVIS, having f r ,.:a..a mTmnnpnt v locating in tbe liiM iuru " - . m . . . c r rpnpotfullv ofiVrs his servi- ce to the citizens of this place and surrounding country- If t!,e various branches of his Fro- - " ..i;.-. tht. manufacture of Mineral re-si;. ine". ..... Teeth he U satisfied, after an extensive expen- j MW. to which is added a tborougli Dental educa- ; ti 1 that he can give entire sauiuniu u .... it iin the p-.wer of Dentistry. All irregularities of the TVeth treated in a proper and careful man- ...'tl .1 ilio WOC AT the miuth. None but ner, ,intii-'-- - . . the proper metals are made use of in the various ; operation-'. Charges will be moderate, that the, ben-firs of the Profession may be placed within! the reach t all who may ieei an iiueicBL m tireserv.itioii of the Teeth. ' ) Hoe over Houston's Jewelry Store, -wnere be will he found at all times. May 15. 1858 tf " Martole Factory, liK GEO. LAUDER, Two Doors above C. T. Maigh & Sou's Store, Fayette ville, 2s C. Oct. 1, 1858. ly. FOR SA.LE- T I r.ST FINISH EH. A SUPERIOR STILL CAP and "VR.l to wrk ti!'teu Barrels, which I will sell on t..,w --v, A-wly aoon. JAMES MAItTINE. FayetteviTIe, May 19, r.r9. w.tf Ja n k 3S KYLE IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OP ID Ta IX c(D(D2gtt HATS, SHOEri, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c All of which will te offered by Wholesale r Retail as low a-i the simc quality caa be had in this Stito March 12. 1 .-!!. ' A SMALL BAY ll .H.-sii with black 1 mon, and tail, nl.out 8 years old. and in good work n,' coiid.tion. The owner will please com forwar.l prove property, and take hiui awav. r , ' D- IXOX", Kingsbury. Cumberland Co C August 6, 1859. w-3t. 5 13,000' VLBS. TALLOW WANTED. t.tt which the highest cash nriep will i... piid. A. M. OA&IPBELL. cot.i. ims. tt itt-tl SnriiiS Rolieson Co.. N. r; THE subscriber having recently made considerable n.Millnnu In hie V-ll i 1.1 i rl ... . . . ntinnnA "orrtairsovU.e Store of Mr Von ,aaaadioin;;gPLul.er...h's North Water hi i-i i -i ii "o - ' -.I ii-i iii.., 10 jjiciacu i v) aecom niodate v si tors daring the season, hese ce e r. ed Springs are situated at a distance of twenty cne miles from Lumbertoii and twenty-six miles from Fayette ville, in a healthy and moral neighborhood. 1 he water is celebrated lor the cure of iver Com plaint, Dyspepsia and Chronic Diarrhoea. Numei ous certificates might be produced of cures heretofor effected. UECTOB MtNEILL. July 21 d4t Fresh Arrival ! OP Spring and Summer Goods ! T. A. PpjinERTOS ISnowreceiviug his Secoud' Stock of Spring Mid Summer Goods, embracing all the - ' NE WEST STYLES. SVCH AS SUMMER SILKS, G R ENA DIJSE S. ORGANDIES. A-c. With a great variety of new syle goods for Travelling Dresses and Dusters, also a complete assortment ol MtU nXlSG Dili S GOODS. A large and varied assortment of Silk and Lace Man tles, Cliantilly Lace Points, Black and White . Berage. Mantles. Stella A few of thoae splendid French em broidere i;onrs and Sleeves. n null irpVPK wipwwnw . t--- - - a great variety oi new Bijte Hoop Skirts, sc., c In the above stock may be found a great many new and desirable styles, just ont. The public generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. P EMBERTON. April 23. -tf I. & V. .McL.AU it IN W01LD IXHTE ATTESTIOS TO TuElR LARCE and desirable Stock of GROCERIES. CONSISTING IN PAKT OF 150 Bags of Kio. Laguara and Java Coifee ; 100 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted ;) 2- Hhds. Molasses ; 30 " Bacon, Sides and Shoulders 5 1)0 Sacks Salt ; 150 Boxes good Tobacco ; 125 ' Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles ; 50 " Soap, (assorted ;) 50 " Candy, " 1 (Mi Bags Shot. 1000 Lbs. Bar Lead ; 30 Bbls. Snuff, (Eagle Mills;) 25 Kegs Soda ; 250 " Nails ; AT-SO A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP HARD W A 11 H A X 1 Cl'TLEKY. Farming Utensils of all descriptions ; American. English. Swedes and Peruvian Iron ; Blister, German and Cast Stiel ; Blacksmith Tools ; Coopers' do.: Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters ; Buckets. Br-'oms and Pails ; " Leathen Manilla and Jule Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords ; Hollow Ware : i - Cotton Yarns and Sheetings nt Factory Prices ; All of which will be sold low for cash, orsou nsual time to prompt paying customers. . Country merchants are respectfully requested to call and examine, our stock before purchasing else where. - D. & W. McLATJRIN. March 5, 1S59. -tf AYER'S Cathartic " Pills, Ixi vfillds, Ptlkcr, Mothers. 11 ytCi T l'llimumrou)!),, rod tlirlr KITcGts- tud Judge or their Virtues. FOR THE CCRE OF Headache, Sick Headache, Foal Stomnch. PinsuijRa, 1a, My 1, l-5o. TR. J. C Arm. Sir: T bATt been ivpt-utedly cuted of the worst head.f-hf any IxxJy dm have by dive or two of your Pills. It H?liiri to arise Jnm a tnul etomucn, winch tm-y eleitnM at once. If tbey will cure other aa they do me, the fiict ia worth kuooing. Your with great r.spect. ED. W. PKEBLE, Cert- f Steamer Carum. Bilions Disorders and Liver Complaints. lKPlKTMtyTOFTIIK I STERIOR, W ASHINGTOX, D.C7 Febl6. Sir : i have used your l-ills ill my gneriil and hospital prac tice ever ..if ice you ui3ile them, aud raiim hesitate te say they are th. best cxtharric -e employ. Their regulating actioa on the hrr i,iiuick and dideil, o nsequeatly they are an adnxira- -ble r.'mely for derartpemeola of Uiat oriran. Indeed, I have aelilnfii fnutiil a i-ase of biiiuus so olitiunte tiiat it did not readilv vielj to them. Fraternally vmirR. - ALOSZO BALL, M. riiysidan trf the Marine Hospital. Dysentery, Relax, and "Worms. Tost Offk-e, Haktland, .1.iv. Co.. SIleH., Not. IS, 1855. Dr. Ateb: Ymir Fills are the ier(ection of medicine. They have dune my wile ni re good than I can tell yon. Phe had been .. ii-k and pininir away frr numtks. Went oft to 1 doctored at great exTn-ns, int got no lietter. .She then conimenL-ed taking your i'ills, wliirh siwm cur-d her, ly exjieiiing large (juanlities of wtirnis (dca't from her tnijy. They afrerwai'ds curt d herand our two riiiMreu of bloo1y dysTtery. One of our neighbor li:id it ha-i, and my v it- o;rcd liiiuwilh two doses of your Pilia, aiiiie otlu-r ar-mud us jiaid fiom five to twenty dolhirs doctors' tilU, and lost mn'-h litiie, witlmut ling rnrrd entirely even t:n. Sin-It a medii ine as V' lirs. whirh is ai-tnally good aud h-ii.-v!, xviU Ik-prized here. "GEO. J. GUTFFIN, 1' iimasirr. Iiiui?etioii and Imparity of the Blood. '.... .': J. I". II..hS, J'uJ"r:f .X'lmit (V.ifrcA. 7i;jr.w. In. ATi.a : 1 hae u.Mf.1 your I'iltswith extraoniinarv success in my family and among those I am railed to visit in dintresa To r-gniate" Hie orsaiis of digi etion and pnrify the I.IkmI they are the verv U st rriu-lv I hare ever known, and I ran confl dtntly reoimuitinl liieni to my fiieuda. Y6ur, J. V. HJMl. Wir.ii, W iwnvc C".. N. T.. Oet. 2. US5. Prl- Sr: T am wini yonrCnthaltk- i'i ls in my prarlk '.amj fiti. I lli.-n an .x.-flleTit -urirarive to cleanse the sy-t-ni and nu r:f il l-imit.-uiis ot the bUal. JOnN G. MKACDAM, M. D. Fivsipelas, Scrofula, Kins's Kfil, Tetter, Tumors, and Salt Kheitm. FrtTn a F,rviT'nt-a -Mrirhnnt of X. Lfiiix. FtK 4. l.iA. Tr. Avfr- Your l-illa are the paragon of all that is areai in ni.-ii. iue. Thev have cured my little daiifcliter of nl'-en-ns sores epi ii b. r bHiids and fvt that had pniv. d incurable H.r years. Il.-r neither has l n long grievously afflicted with blotcnea and piuipli on her tkin ami iu her hair. After ur child ua-scuied, she also tried Jur i'iha, and they haie cured 1I,CRII)G E Rhetimatism, Nenraljria, and Got. r,o. the J;rr. Jfr. H-tw.r. lAe XH!IU .-- rc. flLA.KI IlOVJE. CAVANNAH. O ., Jail. 'S'1'- Homcni Sm: 1 should he ungralelul for the relief your s kiU has hro.i 'ht me if 1 did not rert my rase to you. A rold set tled it. mv limbs and lwnghton exci urialing .n 2K lj whi. h eu.1.,1 in chronic rheumatism. Notwilhstan.hi.g 1 had the best ,.hv-i.iai,-. the disease grew worse and ' the dvi.'. or vo.,r eKrellent agent in llalt.n.o.e, Iir. Slacken , I tried vmr Villa. Their eflecf were slow, but sure. By per aeveriUir" in the use of them 1 am now entirely .we.l. exA-ra t'n.vBEB. Hatos KotOE, l.A 5 Ter .. 18?5 TIR. Aria: 1 tan.-.umilin-ll rured by your I'llrs r n. u matic O'out a nainfui disease that had attli. teil me V1NCKNT fUbKl-L. For Dropsv, Plethora, or kindred Com- pla in la re.mii nig an active pm jje, Uiey al e u excellent remeily. For Cotiveness or Constipalion, and as a Dinner I'ill, they are agieeablc and ellcrluul. Fits, Suppression, Parulvsis, Inflammation, and even Deafness, and Partial BliliUMeas, Ueu oireil by the alteiative action of these Pilla. Most of the pills jn market eontaiu !Ucn-urT.whicli,allhnurh a valuable rennsiy in FKiifui hands, is dangerous iu a public pill, from the dreadful ronseriieurea that frequently follow ita incau tious use. These contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL 0E THE RAPID CURE OF 0 COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, INFT'EN ZA, BROKchitib, VVHOOPINU t'Ol'OH, CltOt p, ASTHMA, ISOIPIKMT CUMSUMPXION, and for the relief of consumptive patients in advanced stage of the disease. We need not snpH)j to the pnMc of t8 virtues. Throughout every town, and alniolt BVer hamlet of tbe AmeHean Stales, ita on dei in I cures ,lf p,llD)onary complaints have made it al ready known. iSa.v, f,., XTe tie familie in any civilized coun try on O.is eontitwnt without nIIII personal exrience of ita : effects; and fewer Jt.t 1B comnillIlit'ies any where which have not among them orae liT, trophy of ita victory over the snb tie and dangerous of the throat and lungs. While it i the most powerful amid,)ta t kuow to man for the formida ble and dangerous di,., f the pulmonary organa. it is also the pleaaiintest an(1 medy that can be employed for in fants and young persons. Parents -ehould have it in More against the insidious enemy that steals upon them unprelred. We have abundant grounds to believe the Cherry Pectobai m "Tf? the consumptions it prevent, than those it VJ . P, 'I'X.yo.and cure yonr colds while theyam eur Je, nor neglect them llntU no nuBllul skiU cin master the ln jZ fe-tened on tbe vitala, eat. your life away, know . Tt W "ty of lungdordera, and they , know utf the virtii,,. . . .T ao more than assure them it is cost no care, no toil to ree Vt tuTmosTSTtet polbkS i tie. W re i "furnish irSi OD the f-" mbCbOOT PREPARED BY DR. J. C. ITER, Mtcd aad Analytical ChemUt. toweU,3IM. Ayj SOLD UTi-: Feb'y 19, 1859. iy S. J. HISSL'AhB, TIIK N'OitTll 0 A it i) L I .V I A N. FAYKTTEVILLE. JV. C. "stV' WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1 0-f .r . ; '. r-M ' -- The Election. It is rprfninlv n relief lit tret nv tKa political campaign, we feel like taking a,good,.wi:Jf8ho"1lanyther Soger A Pryorbe elected smoke (?) now that tli labor is over, and are quietly emconsced in oar eur chair with ai much ease, elegance (?) and egotism J as possible- - - .s . .".. J . ... . How we Editors did fight, yes! we fottt a RreaC , gooa enug P "j place, and his place is not. . so manngeU t. outairi trom h.m o80 in money. , th,.ln Jn the rC;,lttlme however, thev are mal.: -fout, but havn.ir come over the race halo", whole fci, - ,,e Democr.Uc ranks. He is a Douglas ite. . upon t(,e sernr.ty of a "drafe" for $750 on a ; &u kind of inroads upon humanity, and nave 'spreJ? hearty, let's shake hands, and hung up';" fitUT ' - - wir . m anu now tnere i no use in'keepinjjnpaco snarlinir, and barking ataoli oflir ''S It, . k r - - - -- I T'Tn near us Irieiiu J luruul I vome Here B- w next campnisn. What say you r jf ,r. ' tFWe return our thanks to thj publvlier. Messrs Ilolden fc Wilson, for a neat paaiphl copy of an address delivered before the Frankt Literary Society, at Oxford in May last, by Frai J. Wilson Esq., associate Editor-Of th Standur It is a well written address, and contaius some e cellcnt advice to young men.-"" ' The Fever Raging. Steamer after Steamer brings to us continued inl telligence of the growing excitement and discontoni in Italy, and in fact, nearly all of Europe relativ to the lata peace treaty of Villa Franca. What tin result may be, we cannot tell, but we know thji there is discontent with all tht- nations concerne and even with the great neutral powers. Even N;i poleon's English fiddler, Lord Palmersion. is not con tent, and the whole English press U down upon tl Kmperor, consequently the French governmunt ha seized upon every English paper which comes' inl the Empire. Of a truth Napoleon must have comjl ?i. J i r , x. . il I milieu a grave en or wnen ioru I'amici stou fcn l i support him. : Victor Emanuel don't say a word, thinks silence is his best part at present, but oh!, how he would like to pch in again if he dared. Louis acknowl edges that it is a peace wrought about by expediency with which he is not content himself it would ap pear. The Emperor of Austria praises his arm v. and in bis soul acknowledges that they won't do ! Italy is in a blaze of revolution, (iari!akli ha sworn against an abandonment of his great object, the liberty of Italy. . The Pope is discontent and every thing wrong, and how long can peace last ? The discontent which now prevades tho whole ot 1 Italy must sooner or later "make itself manifest in 5, j universal, outburst, which will cause the throne o. Napoleon to bea still lajre uneasy sent for the ue- ' - . I' I 1 . . 1 ; is but another name for despotism and power. Hai d Sayings. Now that the election is over an 1 the rjr itemcnt consequent thereon, we feci as if an apolojrv wert due for certain things said by us hastily an.l for which we are willing to make all reasonable amends. In the beginning of the ditiioulty in this J lisirici we had occasion to make sonvj remai ks relative t a Democratic meeting in Columbus county. Tin article was written tinder the impression that tiv. primary meeting had been the final .me. and ia much as there had been no ar t of Mr Y"inshws. ! which any democrat could condemn, it was due M him that they should endorse his course. We tils) Considered that the North Carolinian had betri j slighted and hence the article which our Democra:-' ic friends in Columbus have seen through the a 'ei - , cy of the Journal. We woul J be sorry that su 'i ! sterling democrats as those- of Columbus simu l J take offence at that which was saiu by us whi! t j laboring under a wrong impression. We trust il,:' ; Journal, who is always willing lo do the clean , thibg, iiini'- copy this, that our friends iu Columbus ! in iv uiidi r.-tand in. tzattox. It is now an indisputable fu.-t! li.ii- tl,o Tl,.m..t: !..!. V,.,.ll, .,.,.1 becoming split u and disorcanizetl, not on account : '"'i mv. i '.imik lilLll. lliXIlV. MULll iUI III anu i.eu II ti rC lvateeJ.; HarrIsburP, a ono-hor.o town ait is call- , n concedct. to biw, but. lie ha out fsmwulvua ufiifW. T. , . ' tip in XTotTiS Tot riUrnriT-Tpat-rrcTTULi V' i in '' xei. ., , j.i.nlilii.ij , imd If I self this lime. The tirce ld.tve.l lv him upon tht ' c:u't-,i4-'nt f".'v,Tul medium, a 1 our fnands CAar IJuL'eti. .. . f ' f the great Frar.klin-oM glnce tor a moment at tho I ii..i;.,n - i, . l i . , ,i. .1 i ". . t" r . - i. r " woiii'l cotistili their own in teres'. -;l-v bearin"- hi. in state o" mundane afl'iirs;, rith what sunrise would , Italian has Wen too palpahle to he .ot hi jt.t of. evtn - Tlie Miami Indian lands in southern Kansas he contemplate the. rapid strides in the "art pre- I by his blinded serfs ofrmn-e. I n.ler Lotus liberty "" " " ' " .2 " were opened by mistake for pre-eniDt.oii. The" servativc of arts V" 1 .-tn-iibvir Union. of nm-disagreement as to the political issues whK!.itV(--' 1 , . . ltl"Mlru. "ot long . , ,. ' - i , , since, for not having his wash bo 1 ivroiifr are now agitaung the .'public mind, but wy.m . , ,r -, , . ,, - . .. . . ',,,..'- 1 side up,'rand for having "lyatct standing in it. purely personal grounds, and what isstdl worse sec- ,IJijs wa$ ror .two ,narks. A!I are iiUed to tional feelings, which unfortunately exist in different j mako an.itjftse before the mark is set asrainst localities. This state of affairs-is unfortunate, ami ! ,m -taSirl 'lie asked to be excnseil for tli'"wA. much to le regretted The only alternative which the party has left, to harmonize, and pie.the rants lisorganizers, and all others -who do "ftetj a " in of disorganizers, and all others -who do UfAj a eoncert wiUi tbe party from any eojiyvi.tinji oi but merely for the purpose of seeking and! personal aggrandizement, is to rcorgtu'lhd shall the forces together, those who jly; have poraily strayed oh ana got wanouipi "VviSlu..h nS tWjjrick, stone, and earth, and was party, by holding Conventions in every -W 1 ule j,, Fraiiee. Iu the distance stands the District and State in the Lnion. city, the houses.,, with their roofs and upper This is the only way in which an organization , 8tor;ea knocked ptF, presenting some such ap can be effected, and tho only hope for us to triumph . p(.a,..,ni.e as we might expect to lind on entering .... . J. I... nil fthll I ij I . C.- L 1 1.. . in 1 800 A Teat political crisis is now at uui, . i :i cim.imti men .Democrats as well as I IT, lL'HUtJVC; an .-vi. 1 i - , opposition to rally around the standard of democracy as the only redemption and hope of tne couu. Tho st.h mast present a bold front in the cainpn of 'CO and in this way ettecta glorious " V" -'-- ... I,. rtVlClT. s way effect a glorious tnuu.po the free soilers and fanatics of the North . t 1 The Treaty of Villafranca, according to . cj,i()ll 0-f'lhe best manner iu which editor of the Courier des Etals Unis, is not ta p ( r,L.it;olls for defence and attack, considered as a sort of accident ; on tlie crtntm . , j j,, yn jt the soldiers manning must exDect to see it assume the proportion . . i .i-.i.- r.i fVio noint f the greatesi event, oi uie cuuuuj, r- . 'rtv. rnni, nliovr "- The same intcB: view ol i ii.iii.ii .......j . 4- mrltpr tplls liskthat we mav be sure that gcuu ' - - . hind the Italian question, now apparantly setel will arise in a manner, more or less vehement,' English German question." , In other words, Waterloo has yet to be avenge ltir.GAGG Cabs. -Two, the first arrival of f ira.se Cars were received at the depot on 'Monila They were manufactured for the Railroad Comply . . rru v.tP Kn vinrchnse will " r in v irgiui. x iic uaiiuit.i:-ui . ii-- ij - - - ' rive in a few days. Fudge 1 ! Fudge ! ! -n 'correspondent of this Petersberg- Press is deeply Rested in the Dolitics of tBe Petersbare Coaares- district which has lately been opened up for various claims of nolitical stsDtrsnts bv the death f the Hon. V O n,wl The nominated by the distinct Convention soon to be should be wfing to let the country go il. . . . ue oarrt, did its. success depend upon rryor , U... :x - .. , - . i i l ji m wvriu v. one to give ine reasons wnv ue . WUfffo send'-fo Cono-ress.-'-: Of course after -stir. . . . --n urSument lr must be sent BfVV - .ninWHI S.erHMD W sutTifrZTtX t hearty nbAiu that srentlcmanly manner so characteristic j oiTStncrhluf . : TnB Next Pbesiijenov. The annexed para- j graph which extract from the "Baltimore Pat riot" is another exemplification of the shameful manner in which jhe opposition press speak of our chief magistrate. '. They know very wi ll that he has j expressed his determination not to become a can didate for the Presidency, hence their denuncia tory and opprobrious remarks about him. We can assure our cotemnorarv that it is no iipon the Fox and Grape principle that Mr Cuch- 1 unan has taken an innitiative iu this matter, but - on the contrary a knowledge of liis infirmity and advauced age has impelled him to the adoption of his present course. The attacks of the opposition press upou him avail nuthing whatever. " Tl.is resolution of our venerable chief mnaris trate, not takm hastily, we may be sure, or while there was ain- chance for an opposite coarse re- inuins one ot tlie-sclt-ienial ltlalea tiv ' lioz, in he Country-Curate, who, having n very "small . . . - . number ot friends, no inliiience at Court, mid beinsr i f no family, uxcept a very large one of his own, took a solemn vow that under no circumstances whatever would he accept the vacant bishopric, or permit himself to be' decorated witL. -the order of the Garter- JrsT L40K at it? At that card of J. J. Baker's who koep4 the best Hotel in the State. We al ways like Vrood eating and can find none better than it Baker's! But what wt were coming at was we wished to tell the folks that Mr Barnham is the su prriulendii.it the ! nest gentleman and most agrce ible comninirn we have ever met with. When you jo to loliboro' go and see them. To Ai.tEi;usi:i!s. We would remind Merchants, Meohuni.-i and all oilier.- who may Wish to let their bi;slne.-'5V? known to the public, that the Xvrth 'Jandir, ',tn circulates extensively in Richmond, The Spirit or the Ace. jurmrc and literary jourMl '.t-nth year of its existence. excellent tem. is about entnring the Tlrssr.i.L's Magazine. The August nu ruber of this v.duable periodical is now before us. It contains a choice selection of rca ling matter, and amply sus tains the reputation which it has justly acquired. Terms Three, dollars per annum, in advance. , " ". The Xew Youn: Dav Hook. This paper which is one of uur best exchanges, being a truly conser- vative paper, has come to hand in an entire new dress. If the Day Hook were to teceivj all the success wo wioli it, why then, it would be the paper tif the nation. Success be with it say we. Cn'iox Pemockat. This is t!;e title of a small weekly pc.pr-r, the pnblieatin of which has been recently con meiiced at Halifax, X. C, by Mr C. C. Xichnlson formerly associate Editor of the Mar freesboro Citizen. If we take th? number before us as a criterion, we may rely upon its doing much good for the principles of the party which it niain- ains. IIuMOP.S of West Point, Every cadet's room. is subject to inspection every five minutes. I It must never be left without everyihmg btin put to rights 'table set back-, books in their p-"!l)Cr P'.aces on it, wash bowl wrong side up. f . C. I ,..,.t..i- . . . . . ...l . i i ter stajiuing m it," as he was marked for its iiot tKMiig up side down ; had it been, the water WiwrYd not have been in" it. Jia3LoX tJlQ Jtittsii-- t j-oia. of tbe- And- mij; Hall is a plan of the fortieations surround ln" ikbesicged vity. " It is afjont ten feet-square, aud beautiful piece of workmanship. It is eonsfriwied of the materials which are used, s e oenasi opoi aucr us uuiuuai uinei i , oiiin on a small scale, the buildings being about live . - rt , . inches high. Uii the parapets winch surround the city could be. seen portions of it knocked away, and disabled gnns which would probably Weigh a- quarter of an ounce each, lying in sen tittered ruins. The fortifications which the hesiegers had erected were also considerably mured, and the whole was a perfect represeiitn- to erct furti It originally the miniature siege studs, stanutus: guard, . coosing uiei' . . . i . . . meals, &c, but the visitors commenced captur ing those nearest the front and placing them in It- their pockets, until the besieged (which they i ould not reieh) so far outnumbered the besieg ers, that it was not a good example of a soldier's courage, and they were all removed. In the Museum is a ease filled with targets, which prove the superiority of the Minie rifle. 1 saw one with a "Dull s eye as large aa a u "er dollar and a' ring aroaud it about fur i'K'hes-in diameter. Inside the ring were ten Wlet holes, the effect of ten successive shots at a distance of 400 yards, six of which were io the bull'-s eye. TIeavy Swindle.' A Dlanter from Xnrth Carolina, named Kivett, purchased In New lork, last weelr, a sewing tnacliine nnd other nrtitles. Lie carne to this vtr n Vwl..v anrl took up rqnarters et th Franklin House. Wl.ilo- hiV nrn obur,- r-.v.i . u.iu uihii..c.0 ana insiHuaunjr auareis, voinntee. ed to escort rum inrougn me cilj. Uil feaiarduy, they saying that it id remarkable for iis "agility .ind twu mot him, by appointment, to conduct hitn to blespme bite." Its that same " bite" wit troubles Fairmount. Then tht? old story was enarted . us indeed, rceus to trouble the whole torrn, for They produced a ball and safe, exhibited it to ever' ho iv - pen s to have asupply, an,i cfve.ybody . the r.stor.ished eves of their nnread victim, and ' ti,at :va iike 1 'e Iri-hmun wade tucy , ... . . ' know nr.. re tr.ev !.r tnev fintt)ut ti Cir nii-IlCt UpOIl :" vmi.ii!. nc s. i a n us h'l i L- : n it t . r- i.i 1 1 . . nn . . . 'I ' L, ..... .. i after permitted to win the difference. H chnprin , er was known before. A mosquito coaies buzzing . jean be imngined, whi, - on returning to his i around and gives notice of his intentions to make , hotel, he lonnd tTi draft to be mere wnste j an attack but these sneaking, blood-thirsty little LparTW lh.-mcmt of the wretches -' steal so gently oec" one and give SO ht-S!-VihMe.:- baiHtli Utti- ..r.,i.niiii. r tl token of their approach thai we have no patience- Permitted to win the difference. A ir- cnnrrin , " . ... . . . . . . . - I Urciim4TtST rHm JXZZlttrSn&m niiy. sooner or later, to deplete liis finances -' Blows North. A friend informs ns that an amnsiiin-" incident occured on the 3d ii slaiit, on the Railroad between Ili-h Toint and James- V, v. g h ' rPJ.1"!"'., . , . .. ,i. . ii i demand which he possesses over the hinureds of town. A gentleman pot on the cars nt 11,-h islets which form hi dominio proviied her Jiri Pomt, bearing a pole with a likeness on canvass tannic Majesty will pay his debts (about iO.OUO;, of the Hon. John A. Gilmer, wit !i several j and undertake to provide for the government of his inscriptions, sneh as "no North, no Snath, no 200,000 cannibal and his 50,000 non-cannibal snb Kust," &c. But before the cars had pone jects. The " Cotton Supply Association," of Lon two miles alon's? came a blast of Sourtern wind, ! d,on are most anxious that the British government an.l awav went the frentlemau with 5.ia nrinci- t ..t . ,i ..a ti,. i i .i j IIU "lUUIIU. t NC unillHl .)i3 ."l. blown North prontided, destined not to grace the Gilmer meetinz held that day. We trust his fall on the 4th was as complete, if not so sudden, as his fall on the 3d. Cincinnati. July 30. Kf..vtt-cky Politics Speech of Cassius M. Ci.ay. Cassius M. Clay spoke to a large and silent audience, at Covington, Kentucky. He . i . j ,i .... i. . ..u I Illl'if'k V ! F IP n s i: ,i . II: , ttIIIII- lican address, calling upon the tion slaveholders of Kentucky to prepare to taks a share in the National Republican triumphs next fall. M " ' v i ' " ' n i Arrangements lia ve just been complete for the publication, in Whashington, of a political and literary magazine, to be called The Na tional Democratic Review, under the editorship of Col. Florence, assisted by eminent contribu-j tors lti is intended to bcthe expositor 01 the present and all future Democratic Aclniiuistra tions. Awful Casualty: We learn throngh a passenger who arrived in this cit' yesterday, that on Thursday afternoon last a locomotive Boiler bursted -on the South Carolina Rail i oad near DranchvilleJ and that five gentle men, connected with the; -Road, were, literally torn in pieces. Parts o( the bo:Jer were collect ed some distance from where the explosion oc- peneit oy ars sa'tl to bo exceedingly men, anil attracted Many settlers. . They were s.ibseqivcntly with- drawn not, however,, until tne settlers hud made considerable iiiipiovemeitt. heen 'reopened for pre-emption, and instructions have tieen received f:om the department to dis regard any settlement pvior to the last opening. The citizens have called a nleeting to devise means of securing the claims of those who are njured by liiosj instructions. Emaxcipatiox of Slaves. Miss Bates, the sister of the Hon. Edward Bates, of St- Louis, recently em.iucipatcd the last of thirtv-two staves, who formed part of her '-inheritance, and tinued to oceuiy then- claims bv the sufleraiice "l. " "J? " ' "" g arunu, per- r .u r i- i .i f ' . j ceived that tbe poor lellow, wit ha liair of scissors of the Indians and the Government, miJ somei .,, , .:, i t i- --- ..... , . , , he had contrive ! to draw trom his liocket, was ol them have made large farms and erected I cattilIg f a iock of his preserver's hair to k eep as foinniodious residences. '1 lie tract has recently ' a "memento whom she has gradually set lice as they became i America assisted. We copy it briefly from a Cal prepared. to take care of themselves in freedom . j cutta ptiocr : "Mnv 1(, at Kuppurthalu, by t'co .Judge tates emancipated the last of liis slaves sever.)! years since. The N eoncl udod Y. Herald notes-a convention just between Mr. Wyke, British Charge u Allures in ij uatemaln, ana tlie governmeiit of that republic, by which Guatemala cedes to Great Britain theabsolute right of sovcreianty In and over the district of territorv hitherto known as British Honduras, or Belize. Graix Market. The news of the cessation of hostilities in Europe, has caused a heavy de cline of breadstoffs in the North. The price of cotton will no doubt go up. It will be gratifying to the friends of the Uni versity io learn, that Prof. Charles Phillips, has declined the Professorship tendered him iu the Union Theological Seminary, and will re main at the University. ChvUghrs im Nii Orleans. There arenfty- .. 1. ...... I ... ; .. ,1.A .. i i .r Vnar Hi! n i no fartT Mill; 1:IIU1L!IV3 III 1IIC tlO "I i't oih-iuu., ivivi T, t ii4V.i: Of 1-rOieSlllUL. HI1U llincieeo 1yoiih.m vaiuunv. V. the Protestant churches, fourteen are Mctho- dist. nine Presbyterian, eight Episcopal, and two Baptist. Dr. I'aimer's churcli (,1'resoyte- ria) cost $1C2,000. A correspondent of the St. Josephs (Mo.) Gazette asks Mr. Binir, the Abolition slang wauger, if negroes stand so much in the way of the 'advancement of Missouri, why ho doos not emancipate his own ? There could be no more forcible commentary upon the hollow-hearted-ness of the man, than this question implies. The Potato Crop. The New tiumpsnire papers and in fact, those from various sections of New England, speak of the potato crop in the most flattering terms. In New Jersey anu Rhode Island there is some complaint of the rot, but in the former State the crop will be large. On Long Island, N. Y the blight has also appeared, but the damage, so far, is not very serious. - AUGUSTA, Angnst 5th. Vessel on Fire. The barque Saragossa, now at New Orleans, loading for Philadelphia, Pa-.has been -burning all night m tne noiu. . all night m the hold. She wi!lprobably be saved. ' Foit.;AWjkSHIK6TO.i Information has oeen received Vthe Si ate Department, that steps have beeii taken by the Chinese Govorinnent to earry ito effect the arrangements made oy ex-Miniuter Reed, for the payment of the va- rious claims of, American citizens, amouuting to about $100,600. . ! FiA. A w ninn. . tKi. L : Le animal has suggested itself from tba ry lre- i quent complaints which we have overberu, Mt.-he many aemom-tration ot ilieir presence, wc lia' I iee"w,e migh audl ft around us. Welster , in.u eoswr was a mighty loio, vine man says i8 aa i;,sect of the genus pulex, and contirms the fact, that he does k:W something about it by memtcives an over iub tuv m su i ii . i . . : 1 . -. . r er was known before. A mosquito coaies oazzuig 1 1. t i V... i -i ..tn.a .-K ki it ... Hiv nit yTti i ' ' Ko Chnst.ai, VOuld undertake tba 7! I , ,r?fJ? ,'"f.rTO:"TV" tug coSTrarrruri; .'means to avert "a crisis." Hep ! ranrftZ' .and set over" to her Mil- lands finds that his finances are inn"inbal;ras5i adopt some speed v. proposes to " assign, laiestv the Queen of ?:l " 1 lne OI,er OI nls My ot tne uanni oai isiai.Hs, because they believe that under IJntisl icy believe that under British control the Feejee Islands could be made to produce great quantities of Cotton, and England might thus be partially relieved from what the London Morning Herald called " the intolerable duty imposed by the American Ilupublic." A New Telegraph Cable. A correspondent of the Utica (New York) Herald says that N. Parks, I Esq., of Mohawk village, but formerly of Rome, has invented and patented in England and the united States a new telegraph cable; he claims it can be worked any distance without the aid of any elec tric battery, the cable being of itself a perfect bat tery, consequently, the longer the wire the greater power in working will be obtained. It is said, that some capitalists are about taking it in hand, with a view of giving it a thorough lest. The Weather and the Ckofs. The hot wea ther, says the Eufaula (Ala.) Spirit, of the last two or three weeks, together with the occasional show ers which somewhat relieved its intensity, seems to i.ave had a most favorable etfei t on the crops, both of corn and cotton. In some neighborhoods there has been great -injury from drought, but the crops generally are certainly good. Evcu the poor lauds are producing wonderfully. "My brother had, in 1720 or 1721, began to print a newspaper. It was the second that appeared in Ameriva, and was called the New England Coi-uant. I remember bis being dissuaded by some of bis friends from the undertaking, as not likely to sue ceed, one newspaper being, in their judgment, enough for America." ' One newspaper enough for America ! Why, the idea is now the most ridiculous one that can be ad- A tough story is related of a Zouave, who had I picked up a -vnuiiiled Austrian and was carrying ! m." 11 olu 1 tne nn iee. As ne was trudging uong with the man upon his ba;k, he feh somi tliii.g cold Nfiv Bankin-g Hot se. We understand, says the Ral. Register, that a Committee of tho Direc tors of the H:ink oi North Carolina have bit rgai tied with Mr Jo'mi llutchins, - Agent, for tho lot (the property of Mr Love.) known- as the Coman's lot on Fayetteville St., for a site for the new Bank building. This is. perhaps, the best location for the new Banking House that could have been chosen. The price agreed upou is .7,000. There has been a marriage in India, nt which Rev. J. H, Wodside, A- M., of the American Mis sion. His Highness the Rajah Randliir- Singh Al lowalin, eldest daughter of the late Robert Hodges, of Kuppurthalu." Tom Thumb General Tom ThunVb has gone to his home, but not therefore, ro that absolute re- i tirement which implies repose, for we see that tho .Mayor anu principal citizens or lsriugeport huvh induced him to hold a public levee, and he has done it twice over, indeed, on the same day. The Gubernatorial candidate for California, Mr. Nugent, has resumed the editorial charge of tlie San Francisco Herald. It is reported that Sr. Irarrazabal, Chilian Minis ter in Peru, is to bo sent to Rome on i special mis sion. Don Rafael Valentin Vandcarcsco, Archbish op of Santiago, left for Europe. Henry Morford of the Leader has prepared for press bis " Rhymes of Twenty Years," and their ap- -' iK-aninre in a collected drui ay Le itictui in a. fortnight- " A. rje&atiful portrait on Bteel" is to em. belish. the volume. . , - , . - - There nopears to he a notion abroad that Mr. , tl,.Ur la llrh.ilnu novt e.lson hcreas i,c is engaged with Mr. John Owens j atthe 'Xtvv Orleans VarietFes, and takes the place of : jlr ijeorge Jordan The Dr. Winterbottom who was reported to bo " tho father" of the Medical profession in England his name standing first, in t: e new medical regis ter has died, at the respectable age of 9. years. Lady Charlotte Pepys tbe younger" is about to become an autlioi'ess, and " Female Influence" is pro perly enough to be her maiden theme. The ladies are crowding last on the path of professional litera ture. A Germnn, named Peter Arndt, living hear Free j port, 111., killed three of his children with an axe. ana wounaca tne lounu so uauiy inai 11 is 1101 ex pected to live. He made no resistance when arrest ed, and assigned no reason for the murder. rf A dispatch from Washington says that Win. II.Topping, Engrossing Clerk oi the i louse of Rep resentatives, resident at that city, and for many years correspondent of the Southern newspaper press died in Baltimore on Thursday. The Hon. G. W. Hughes, of Anno Arundel County, Maryland, has heen nominated for Congress by the Democrats of the Sixth District, in place of the Hon.. The Philadelpuia Journal 1 carps through private j advices, that it is feared that the reent horrible out- rflges comniitte4 at the massacre of Pcrngia upon Mrs Dome and' her daughter in-law, Mrs. Perkins, will result in the insanity of the former lady, j ' -ComplimV:vtaby. The girls in II dif.ix county Va are pronounced by a North Carolina editor , wy10 is said to oe a good judge of beauty, the pro i tiest in all creation. - J1 Kayettville, N. C. ' ' -' - . - - t .v -j " j " - '-

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