t ' xTRT J ':Ai,01JXIAN. ; FAYETTEVILLE., Jf- C 5 MM'liAIK Jfe- B.IXKS, Kililois. SATURDAYTAtigust 20, 1869. Cami Sv-ti: . - "tr c l'ith day- of Auntt ' "f: f""( 'i!'fcrtitions will be- re i ire '-'" Daily or II eelely Jorlh Carolinian,! ail per. v-U Ac i .- Auaejtatiou. - the Canadian;;, or jvt least a portion of the . in -haletants of Montreal aro anxious to have Maine ob literated from the Map of the- United States, and an mixed to their country. We arc not anxious to dispose of the litUe State of Maine, , bui on the con trary, it it is desirous to h-tve nr. annexation in sonic way, we will purchase Canada, probably, provided suitable arrangements could be ciiected. If " it would conduce largely and add materially ti the prosperty afcd vycaith." oi Canada to. liaVc Maine annexed, it would in like proportions deteri orate the interests and wealth of the Union. As for ' ourselves we want to see " no star erased or polluted, but all to keep and shine together ',p. one glorious constellation." "We would like to see our Ca.'iadin brejjireni living under our constitution and ckiiuiing their P'-wirsce to be one of the States of the model Re p.ib'io. Such a", event may transpire ; hyr scon or -I li , 1 1 . . T - . A 1 1 . . .-- hi iu etr.. it n'iv rp i i' : ean lei . in (,.'.( itvc uot vaui-. . ' - . . ... s'raken Jroni our wuu- 1 Jthere on II Hi roui ten, Nevr England Politics. "W e take the liberty of publishing the subjoined dui V. The Administration. publish in another column of to-d; J Sunu.ir-f, next. ' "'e ;'... l. - i i;.. :... "i . .. , r i tii it l;i lit 'ii wiue'i e ini i'n u t'litaiD itiiii his cslabUsfi-fi1 . 1 , . ' ,..- , ? ' written to one ot tho editors ot this paper, by an esteemed friend who is now eojoiiruiitg in ono of tho New England States. It would appear to indicate that the lilack Re publicans are Certain of being victorious in the nest Presidential oir.purgn, and upon tho either hand, that the Northern Democrats-: n majority of wh'-i have ahravs siood up manfurlry for tho party. It is an undeniable fact that the members; j South aro aiso determined, in tho campaign of : should take precedence over another tn tlstinguish- i,( the WiosUk.n paifi.r. AriK ' tlio camoaiiris ! 'tn to do tlir atmost to elect tho candidate of i in 5 ft high-toned,, honorable editor frodTKn it-bred '.'! ht eoe. -Imvs Ms. d unfair. uiiiiwlT" rrty. - . ; " "v4r -'-f"' ""'"ii"!-- -taW.ua. 's papery nu article from t!io pipiar.t pou ef the editor of ths: Administration organ at Washington, relative tu the almsi) of our Chief Magistrate uui his proctor hhip by tht1 Opposition press, and laen.bers c,f thatj ' "' Harnett' Connty. ..SSr'o (the Sr.) have jast returned from vhoro we hav) been for the past two dav a .s but little business doing at Court ; no inporianee nave oeen . up, ana luoro ii upon the State docket. ' '. " Our liiivrl Irtonil'j ixit ua.- .. .1. 2 - e. J - ' v. . uinu ii j,1L lilTa-teV Monday last, dwin to the fat that Jiid C&M weu laueu vo kmo ins appearance, 'f liij disap pointmout was however dispelled on fueiday at JO o'clock, a. in., the venerable Judge iaafc;n his appearance ainong the pines. He was very much fatigued, having ridden from Salisbury t gnmmer villo, IlarneU co., in a private conveyance and at tho rate of 40 miles 'per' day. Judge Caldwell is a pleasant gentle jj a long term as Judge of oir Superior Comf has ea dearedhim, the legal profession. f;; Thero apavs to be but Httlo excitement in Harnett county relative to the proposed County seat. We think tho people have muds p iheir i-iiid t; snake the change from Siimiaeyville to Iiiilington -two uiles to the Eastward eg the for mer plaoe. Indeed, were wo to judge from those who are known as the friends of Summeyville, we should regai-d thctii as unanimous in favor of the change. Parties most interested in the town of .-jvnnmervillo have, themselves, advocated the ehano. We trtst the question nia' soon be set tled, 'and let there bo peace bo it Summerville r LiKington. -.T If there is cnejact which L'lUTOUt.W. COUUTKSY !- n'l' .ui5 hy whiclt tftd"tpo were deceived, and tl,ti t-ii'otiini oi' ihi-ir owu'cuudjilates ensured. " ; The oue which was resorted to more than air , !iiers was that of viilifying the President, crying down his administration, and holding -it aecounta! hie for deeds never committed. Instead of. con t.-injing for honor upon principle, they have manuj fae'tuivd false charges against fiira und his admin? istrafioiK fi-r the purpose of yratifyin-j their insa? tia'o'e appetite for otiicc and novy-er." 'That part spirit and far in the; IVa are jjlad to see that tho uU..:ejates from the J of abusing and villifying tlieir brethrtCThoutjust a coy of the paper containg the lAtice.; It has recently been the fate of the senK -editor of this paper to get into one or two squirfjbies wii as many etlftors of political papers in this State. In these difficulties he has sought to act honorably.towards St?.te cf Maryland ni!I eo to the Charleston Co- ventKui uiipr'jmXiced, and hope that all others from the rest of the States will do likewise. When del egates aro appointed to represent their neighbors and party in Convention, it is taken for gjrautcd they an' the right kid of meix, and as suoh they .iliiioal warfare has carried them tots denunciation of our pvuic'idos. we cai n t deny, and we believe were they to retrospect tlieir course, now that a cairn exists in the politiei world, ti.ey nould see and -acknowledge that thr-r ba e u.nie v.-rert yijtv-Jice by tho cov.rsa hiv ih v have inr.-.cd ' ' t li is a ri'it the- propriety of vhie ;e,, -t: that f very freeman, rind esnr pui.tto journalist 1ms the liberty to scrutinize thi oom-s-e of the a hi.iiiisti atioi:, aui advise tie peop!?: .'!...:. i-. e. .,:..-. ;. ,, l , t .. t' ' . ,.i.:..S. ' ' " - ' - lt' ' lo- .-(llllL. L1111V, 111-11111 I is more c..--t.surable than using denunciatory latir j;'in;o and nvt'.eles vith.out iot-illation. ' Wi' cannot ciaiu. for r Chief Mayistvate, suci i -i.-iht:! :m v,-,n!.l reeil v. !"i!ir, this would be unnatnra'i; bt we do i.mist t::.--t his administratk"!! hi-s b".-eii an honorable t 5i i.iottcr n?, and as sr.cr. retaPit-.tss the cbaros lif -ri-jption nt:d extravagaut- that have, been so ix s-:v proiiouueou by tlio o;. position party. i should enter tho Convention vuitri;inmelled, and i them, as he certainly would bave all wuers act before s.-lectiug one name from tho utneher that Several papers, we mean two or tbrc?, have acea in a wrong and" dastardly manner towarte IwHn by may be in nomination, should hear and understand fedly tin- claims of the different asr-iwiitts." 'i'he article below was written tv a jrcntleciaa 8''h,S notoriety, and coinme-ntmfc uin any whose opinions are entitled tu kfreat weight I dieas ttl:lt he n,aJr havecommitte-l, w ith'ut- sending '1 daily haVo a opportunity to staiid up fr j a copy of th paper. We are not disposed to the SoutU whioia 1 am bo jnd to do with greater grumble at these persons, whomsoever they be, for ea tliaa when J nu at home, "pie people here nothing thev can say will effect us in tie least, Wt are strong ut tho faith believing that the Kepubli- j We raerciy intended to' speaK. of Hie pi. Ptiefy and cans will elect thoir next President. I '"tell them J . . 1 w.- " ... . h no on caa j nity, that the South wiil stand up as a "solid body, ) "wnlmess ot such a course. U hen one nun speaks oeciallv everi- a,ui t!i;lt t!le ortlll:1" dercocracy will stand by I of another behind hit, back" as the paying s, and J came yp on a boat with Gov Wi.:rcl, cf id.. j j,, so. he is generally regarded a cewardly man, who iv!.' tinder the impression that the Derrc-racv ... '. . , JV ' . i ... ...i.t.a, 1 i-i. t' ii. . .i ; v , . , ... . e ,n . . . .v.-.. . ' witnout oein-' possesseu oi tne iinucipico . I ut at tlie saino tune, iio-tumjr would elect their PYosnrent t-von wiHioit Jsew j 1 41 York and Pennsylvania. Jle Ptat.xl that his State, j constant a gentleman. would r;' down to the Charleston Convention" -ai- j We care not for tl wbwn-whams or mendacious prejudiced and prepared to work for the Union and statcmev.ti f thcc "several" editors, but merely democracy. I have heard Toueev snoken of bv I i . . ' . , . . . i , i i i letter linn n.r-npabm ot doing I some leadiiu: democrats as a nam that probably! " " "TV I, v. r would conummd a; stronger vot than any of the j l cy ocery, iie is not Ut tone tu u.w . inanj' as rants. I think that Wise and Uougtas j a pii.uc juuvoai: no wouiu oe guuiv oi .. are both ii;td. "TvluciPV bus always been a eoiiser- i of editorial couvtesv. and we feel sure a discrimin- .oii such a course. - here'r they fly, y every eye " Bon. Thos. Brage. ' We know of no man in the South, who occupies a more; prominent and. enviable position in the . ranks of thi ' Doinocratic Party than the gentleman -;w hose name il"thecaption of this article. Of, sni.all patri mony and humble pretentions, he has risen from the poverty and mediocrity hi which he was wthral lel,'and now stands' -before iu3 country an arche type cf a great acd good msn, rcficcting honor on his native State. ' Mr Bragg represented his native (Norfharnpten) County in the House ci' Commons in the year 1842, with great credit to lumsolf, and satisfaction to his constituents.. In the year 1850 he was elected v member of the Board of Internal Improvements of this State, and in April h? was unanimously nominated th democratic candidate for Covernor lie was cleciod Gci'ctnor for two tft-us, beating his fjprxnents Dockery a'ut Cjilnu-r hy largo majorities He presided over 'the, sL'fp of State wirh marked ability and honor. Ue yas elected United States Senator from "North Carolina by the last Legislature, and resigned the office he then held in order to accept it. Ilis ca reer thus far has beeff an honorable one. ad if we mistake p.o.t, he is destined to take a hlglicx rai.k than he lias 'ct attained in the history of his country. Like ai other public men, Mr Urag lias had ene mies, but we are p.roud to know the finger of cal umny and impotent wrath cannot effect hiiu in the least. The titles of ". time server, selfish partizan dem agogue," and other approbious epithets which have been applied to L'm by an enraged, infuriated sheet, sixteen weeks of aire, serves but to recoil unon the ueaus or ravsu tino ti uuiu ni i U,il - -I1L"-J- Tub Home Jol-mnai.! This excellent paper, pub lished fn Brcwnsvii!' . Tcnressccf-: comes to band s J this week handsomely uahclisbed with eagles, chick en cocks, and other cuts iadicating tlie state of it C'elings on account of tho election returns in that State and Kentucky. We congratulate our cotemporary on the victory which they have achk-ved, for it Ls but an index of tho triumph-which awaj ts the- coascrratiye democra cy in tho elections yet to be held. The Journal exclaims " Vincit omnia verftas, Vox populi, vox Dei, We have met the enrviu and they are ours ! The voice of a million freeing resounds through the hind. "jTith peans of praise- tc that tried r-able band, Who, when danger is nigh, rush en masse to their post, And with Liberty's: Banner unfurl' J, still " rules tlte roast." . Then follows a large steamer with this ins.-ription upon her : " The fast sailing steamer OPPOSITION on her way to Head QuartersSalt River ; she lias made the trig so often, we caii recommend her aa a safe boat." - 10th 185'J. apping spirit" ttteville. and some busirjes?. etcr was over a hun,' i i" nseioiis ot the c -ri-i.Liiu -s of our principled. are both u;tit. lvtucipy ins always been a eoiiser- o eiitirial couvtesv, and w vativb Hart orl wouVl" poll a splendid Northern alin. public wi!i u.V, sanetioi vote, ami tho South cannot ol(evt to him. I pre- ,. . .. , su.ne SevMrd wiU be tc noit" publican Candi- 0tii,ts alc "'aotKd w date, although sevfraf oth'erif ore strf.ken of as bo- But eagles ga::cd vpon 1 M-M-l'tii .iisiiii.--, v.-rite. : oiisti u ',,,1. -'i?.,' raid pat:-b.u.-!!i of .- ;i.o.i tli ho,... che -o!i- vhieh have been mail. -UlileCt aljOut r, life,?! il I v.-hi eh as lovers oi .ii it.; dor which wo live Mr Pncbaiian, tw.il withstand thj- tiiainst then:, wi- is a pleasure 'tiiier-iea we . bet dv ing b.uVi- champions in thtr"Jo ialled cause. Wilson sta-.i-i. high.". gtoriou,s iiid th' C.ix Commercial Relations, Uppt'r iittle River. The in.-: Kivetucut of this streaiw by dame and j other cuaiiges, Js destme.f tcroj up a large tract ."I" country as y:t ffsftled. t had a c uvgr.atvp vjjth Col Alexr Mttrchis- ; o-p t- wh-.sv energy ay.d per-cv-ranee may be at- t! John J. Jones has been nominated for Congress by the Democratic District Convention in' tteMrt-gia as successor of Hon. A. H. Stephens. Whig State ! dearth. Carolina, sin , e the rwrcat iliv'.tffl x-turaf L.IV,- been Tveeiv d bas been charactcrixt'd by some, j of the Opi i -itiou press as a ll'i'.if &Uit- This '. i-lww l :.ow -ii'd sl. --.unA the. test Fa.-t, Mr. Bragg isitui hontHrabiCj, upright iuau, af.d able statesman, anil as such it will require something of more weight than the bilingsgate and abuse which is being heaped upon him, to change the views of his countrymen with regard to him. '.IVioice, and turn y ansomed sinners turn, for Smith will save the couut.-y.''l--X," C, 'Times. Now wo feel at case, we feel that we can repose upon our " oars ' and slmubei a whiUs after so much excitement and fatigue, for our long wished and fondly cherished object has come at lust our country is safe." The crisis is over, the ' ru'ikon is passed," and we now feel, although we may have been shorn of the laurels, to which we insist we are entitled for oi exertions in endeavoring to. Liig abott this ultimatum, that we have not ujito oar duty. Had we known that it wt Mr Smith 'a pre determination to .'save 'ie ' viiutry hush the ciry of dissolution which has been echoed, from Maine to Cul&foruLw and bring all together in the bonds of fraternal love, we to, would have raised; our bumble voice for Smith a id the Un laiu Yt foel that wo have boon derelict to our duty, and by way of apology, wo would nbwWtate, in future we will guard well tho premises wpich may be taken by candidates for office. "3kSr;Saith tctW.savo the country !" What a noble, pa riotie object will he achieve, and how much should ive b indebted to hiiu for bis valuable services. Free Xkgroes is the Noktil! The New York Herald, the anti-slavery champion of the Union, contains the following sensible paragraph on the miseries and privations of the free negroes in the North. This is strange language to conae from such a source, bat nevertheless it is tme and only repre sents in a small degree the misery and ill-fortunes which attend this lass f persons when they "pitch their tents" with their northern brethren. W should think after thes,. remarks- tlie Herald would - 1" 1 111 ... fgniuin giiewt i'fi If such is tle true position and driemna in which a few have been placed, how much more pitiable would be the situation of the whole population if they were released from their bondage and allowed to wander about and provide for themselves and their faujlics : " Tli logical deduction from thesse facts is, that the Northern "States will return ' to- th enactment of the law3 establishing negro slavery, and sell all tlie free negroes into family -servitude. Humanity will demand this, to preserve them ' from being reduced to a state ot degradation terrible to contemplate, by be increasing competition of the white race." Pol icy will require it to save the community from the burden of hundreds o thousands of able-bodied For tho No.'.!- Carolinian MY FIRST TRIP ON i;IK CApE FR ,n lilSnOPVH t.B, . V-., All-' At last tho spirit moves, not the l:llf iini, lloit 5,i-itli. ,... ..11 , this nll.ee fin Tii. .T..C. ... , ! J sago on the Flora MelKmald boundCrWiW lT in cc'innanv with a le.in.i.er of .I,,. '"ir'-n Jl.-;il.. ?. :t.r. .... n 1,1 iav- ....v ... P-V.aitli, soiue pVas.ii e iutw:tusta'.UHiir the t'uenuoi.i iel and till t,r i, r.tt t... . , most iuteiiccly ith steam to our feet and tho scorching rays of th sun beaming on our he-il-yet our spirits kept up, and we had a Very lively time, and I for one felt sorry when the tiiuo ta-m-torus to part with our traveling companion: 'I for the scenery on Cape Fear 1 must say ;,, i.JlV places it was perfectly" beautiful, the growtVi lar und luxurious beautifully hitertnersad with ,1...' I preen corn bidding fair to enrich the farmers while the margin ol the stream was gorgeously bespangled with aquatic plants and mteresthig panacea" fur stui l.uriit -eyes. A-ft'T a refreshing lugb.t's fsiet-p' Wo were called on about sunrise to view- the. ;,iM.-r.iii-cent and tar famed magnolia tree, -w lion u-e al! ui(h one assent cried oat how beautiful it is nm,-h the largest I have cur seen. We next comm. i , looking out for Wilmington and disciissityr th- dis tance, when breakfast was announced ajiTt v,-,- an with' one accoiil t.x.k our seats ut the table well cov ered with the luxuries and necessaries of life to which we did ample justice. 1 was struck with the neatness and comfort of the boat and th.; p. .;iie at teution of the Captain and servants and I wou'd say to traveleis if they wivlk a pluaar.t and-fa A- trip tak th Steauier f'lora by all means. We reached Wilmington Wednesday liiC'i-niii.' at nine o'clock, stoj.pi'd at tin? City Hotel, where we had a line dinner and a pleasant resting place. About 4 o'clock we took a walk to view th beauties of the town, but the weather being very warm we returned to the Hotel about ioir, v.h-re v.e r. -Ud until seven vbu we soot tlie t.-..oi4u il l tit I.031 wliicb hui.hsd us at tli A . j; M. Depot, m U; o;n i . ii vrj: 2fer; w- Mpc.l i;ti.el- luttl" hour seated, in the cars surroiuideil t.y a m of hungry liiusquitoes, and about a doy.cn warn, dusty smoking lo(king passengers apparently not as uuu h life in all of them as one man shnuhl' b-ave bad le' fight successfully, the invading army that thronged the air. While sitting there as gloomy as you can well imagine, my attention was attracted" by the conversation of tw n?cs bclojigiivg to. a trad.-r who were discussing tie propriety of their masters, avocation. Tho woman said that "her master bad beer up in N. C, buying a whole car full vf tTash, jriving all sorts of prices aiid they rant worth a ei ut :i piece, and as for her-inul, she ha.d been tbr.'e tiin.-s in the Richmond Market in th last y-; yews she was- now on her way to New Orleans whb.-b was 1 : 1 . . . . . , , 1 1 .. .. C . ....... .1 . , ... paupers . m:.i can ii.a ... , "VV" , ' ' for vour satlsf.iction. I exnrct. to he h i lie negro lumselt will :isk it, in oraer tnat ne may 1 . , . . ' . -., . ' in society to which ""' "fa" " " """""a be restored to t'sat consideration! he is entitled as a man. J hey will then be absorb ed into our families again as servants, mechanics, husbandmen, and will be relieved from the social ban which now attends them in consequence of their doubtful position and increasing degradation." ne lumin nine sne nau taKea tout trip, out am. ack hen- U.out twelve months, and 1 will see you, boy ; I expect they will keep me hot traveling, but, mind 1 1 an write." As this interesting conversation betiWei-u our colored friends ceased the whistle blew and oil wo went, just at 8 o'clock, much to ray satisfaction As the breeze soon cooled the cars and blew off , - t ,1 -1- ' the mosquitoes, we worn very soon in. a comfort a- Corrcsponiitiirc of tcctrtlj Larolmwn. : bJ snoozo, wilich lasted until three o'clock ...u morning, when wo were awakened by the conduct or crjdug' out Lynchburg. W rubbed, oar eyes and crawled out on a ;latforrn nr the depot, where we met an old negro man and a sleepy headed agent, but very soon a friend wlio bad been wn'tiuo to receive us, boro us ori' safely to bis home, -at which place w reached iust at day-light, where we were met with a cordial reception by on- It appears stMutro to us t bear the nahie cf - - - with Doiineracy. Wo never and a sterlmt; RoCKBi'.iooi: -Ui m Si!tts.i:s, Va. " Augrt ath 185.it. Messrs. Editors :, ' The want of railroad facilities reaching 0113 own magnificent iiiHtntain eoantry, indcd m to sok a renewal of health in th invigorating atmos phere of Western Virginia. Traveling fioui N.. CafoKnii by w'.y f Ve!Joii and l'etershurg, y.m coin lyitlan six miles of tVis delig.Utful retreat by railrowU' T'eii you hiv; staging to t)ils place oV( r a good mountain turnpike, tti who!;,- time c-.u-siiiued between Wilmington and hero being about tweuty-eiirbt hours. Tlie crops along the" entire roi.te loouou '.it, amt a.inougn west vi ui i.iue t '.- ' 1 jU k--v.i-twci- Wu ah 1 j- the nrn --Jiirf.'ori rr!'T yvv Wi''" ' 't io.- nvt .. ,-Tn. - 1, - ( ,lt. fortunntc Etilt Ol a Half .iiouerci-il v.iation., with all the f..re;- V' us l,':a m!1 ' niHes of the stream, upwards froi4 v, iSts:Ul tak thj-vot at thela.t lcctiA, which ... . . . ? ...... i..:.,.,....! 1.1 1 1.. .1 "...t. c .11 '.. M it peac with the v.vld ; r.olhii!; i ' iu w i.. ie i.-lt wiigii nu an , is ,v nrt tav.kns criterion, on account .' 1:1 small nft I" .1 i. !:."-.". :is;iiit feelijis. .r hostile proeliviti.J .: t ;. I,.. ...in-'is of our foreign brethren tov.'ai'lJ -, aii. 1 v. e tic- t 0, at !-.-:. sing wiil ever occur to i:J rrupt ; mar those feelings of V.enctd.in vihieV: :ie Amerie-ins fondly desire. . 5 Viiaiev v iirjUu'-hauaii may not have 'lot.L. w fe. oe that t-. his prudence and discreet mana'."-nieiit t nation are indebted for the 1 1vsc.1t. state ii ,.!,:--b purjios-.s--. He has alavady shown that .r.w .'Xlst I"--1 1 will p..y hand jointly, were it to go ahead; awl we learn that a number of cur townsmen have tk-ti-r-ii'.'-'ed to take slock in the company formed for its Improvement. There is not the slightest doubt in our 11.in.ls but it will pay a L.c;L-Ome dividend, be sides give an excellent opportunity for irtvostiuortt in the lands on cttht-i' side of the river, which are 'ween 1ne11.:. :,nd al- ri,,1 c.-o a; a nmcn ioif pjjee inan tney win everu- earth. I'nder Mr iJ'u hanan'i ; U;UI.V !f'S shovm tne pro'ect rcvc tne liiour IV'-' illlil pan. H '.cd rin Ulel' ii.'ltl ..lis ..I. till: da.iidstratiou th st'ir stian-ded nsiirn of our ceun? ' agHtt its iiperta a?Kl value demaniis. iuin of ..in? rights hits been " J now ui I he sell Ot the country n excellent, and tliu pmes 1 respected even, where '' iu.d thii l-, mat it iinuiensely valcahfc as turpentine and tiut'ncr men to-dav do homatiu t j a ii -in b-j' bin!. Should it succeed, t. e., should it receive a wh..s guidance it has waved aloft, the emblem 0' fut'.ijfiit encottragenU iu the nature of fund.-, it the greatest Republic under which the sun Las ever;: will open up aryt-h source of wealth to the town and shone. 2 cc.unty, asA add iE,uch t,v, tl,e trade upci hc, C-ap Holten Again. : "ir 1L'l'r; This mean mortal who edits tin. Charlotte Whig.J JJie CQngregS. has again ' ecu abusing the S- uioi editor of thi.s N,,,f Uiat the elections are pretty wJl 0?cr we 1 '-'!"'' ,-an make a fair estimate as to tiie probable strength lie has put some q... .-Hons to us. v.iiih wer of tc vaI.wus j,JirtTes i . ret Congtss. Il.ey to cmo from a respectable source, w should 5 .,.1L. r,I1)0iition have now in Tennessee 0 mem-rdt.-nd toia a very summary way; but which, owing, (Cf . n they lyiveS; in Marylaivl 3 ; to too degiud,. :aid iyii,g scoundrel who has i-ade ;., Yir-inia 1 : in -North Carolina 4 ; in Louisiana 2; n (ieoi 'd'a 3, ToUl 24. II it , ln.r ni" votes Ai l.icfi were l.otfed. a'.'.d from the act that the opposition Ivul no car-jdidates in thyeef of the districts, arvl distarc-v theso sUteiucids, but it would bo siftiply a waste of words and tipie to at tempt such a thing. It is true they h) e mad gains in different portions of the State, hut they are not suflieiently large to overcome the Handsome majorities by which Messrs. Bragg and lliiis were elected Govornors. p We expected the opposition w ould afj mpt to make capital out of this small gain of vot s, but if they for one moment suppose the defeat o ' four of the democratic candidates for Congress w 11 insure their triumnh in th Gubernatorial contest they are happily deceived.. ' North Carolina is a democratic State, and her in luibitatits are two well versed in the principles and chicanery of the opposition party to allow them to wist democracy from its present position, and char, a. tcrizj her as a Whig- State. The opposition press would feign v With w'ssicnatc oaths and protestations, With siglis, smooth glances, and otticieus tones, Spreail artittcial mist before the cyvs Of credulous simplicity," Miein tve Hi!l not notice. J n is ijoiton, tile J.iiitor ot the Charlottes " iu... i .i!. mvm1rs 1 lie J 'll.HIV'lAl.l 11. U JIAVJ 'OIA ivf,uui .... . . Wh!;; ? A man that professes to boa Christian, af,.ola the South and 26 Trom the North, making liii-tn f ti:: Methodist 'Church, mid yet ma,l ninety two. ' There are sax in,dependcr.t democrats, vir'-i1"' 18 MAUl.IEI.. T0.,iIS VXmaking th full Democratic force 1W. A ' ' I Tl- lilack Republicans luvse 1 U members thus I or h.s onditcl be was expelled from the Mth-laakil) thenext hoa on a qlution organization oucst ChnreL. ovhich he wc.s a memoer. Sevcralstjln1 Dent0crats 8 ; SoutW Americans 24; Black tunes smc 1. t.ia to be re-admitted, hut no ! Kci,uhiicang 1U. Th South Aniovic will there t!,at Christ.au congre-t.tion in Charlotte would asf forc h(;,(1 thc balance of poW.w and we trust they s.,01. adimt to its fellowship tho master of a Turk- to t.0.operat9 y.ith the Black Republicans s er,-,s,io. He ,s shut out from ail rt-peetublo 3 , j 'W t,' nct to continue as e.-i lent. Th()!,i, ,,..,,f,-...,.i C f- T ,.f tKr.ni lie as- j 1111; ivy ,j 11 01 1:1 1.1, , l' ,', , V4 " society iii the town where he Oiind of uncli ii nl i ncss is on hii Ills n.'ii.er is tnhen hv f, i a .heie-( d ttiiv 1 ho goes. Kiivf.il 11.5.1 ..vnrv M.-t of tneii-s so. far as their fidelity paper is taken Uy :i tew, cud wy ! Hoeausc? . v 4. r- .. ,T. . Kl, .WW ..Irfuvd ... y . .-'.'.llll 1.-. iwivv..-., -. -,rv inein.-e ms cmiuieii wouim st;.ve. I oiruny llol-a his subscribers. ten is regarded as a pauper I A man who i- tl'il'v of in. est is unworth v of tmrSi wui couseijuei.'ly treat him as a vlluw -tit jre, and shall ceas to noti 29 hiiss liiee. w. 'raded cr 1:1 v mo all any Consideration. i in: 'i:o i s. Fr, ippciir that the Ce m present ijidications it woub; ton croiis in fieortriii. Alabama? M-ssissippi and Nouh Carolina, wilf the aruount yielded last summer; o much rain, unprecedented insomj , seims to be thc cause of this j ield. 'J he boll-yoinis have als5 growi..g .-rops ton mouia ful extent i 1 .v-sippi, Arkansas a,d the Westerji the (rn croi is looiiln.' line, an? 1 bountiful .-01 1 iat .'ely ii.ecea i d harvest is con f ident ic ..pe-t el. !;i Kastcrn, MiVlIe and a portion f W 1 .-ten; i..ii!i Carolina, an average yield of everj" '.on;' may be. neeled wbib-t i i ih" evfierne Weill ps are repre-.cntcd uz b'.Ing in a tlcplrabL' .' it'i (Janllina, '11 far short of 'i he fdlir.g ort. .al l- of the cOiil.trv iiiniliiilii'-ou in r-.e 'j'lie.! the rid.i. I ( "'. ! ,e l"i l! - lit 1 ' V. .h 40c ba aro i I d :id ei nves.-ily 'C.vy, r.nd -siu'dy, v.- v that rt.in.erice-! uett td to vis 'for s 1 c, a i - Seillil.j u. ord -i wiil 1 :UV US. i.u ;? O'lt bills ft) .bseriiitioti, ioi 1 br .JO ,..Ur lrii,nds will Sf5; thf.o. ilui- exjiendi'turi carry on cur busine-;? e compelled tO collect tl and the people will caily be made aware of apy trea:ion that shall te committed by thetn. Crf" W return oai. thonhJ, ti. the FayotteviU Independent Light liifwitry Company for nn in vitation to dimi with them on Tuesday next, the Sixty-Sixth Anniversary of the corps. AcceI'Tfi). Tlie professors in tho ucwPresW teriun University at Chisago, have accyptod. Their snlarics are .:0.00. each- lr- N. I llice accepts the professorship tendered hu, b'ft decynes, for tho present, the $3,000, Why Gkkely went to, thk Rocy Mocxtiss. Tlie Boston Courier is responsible for the, fol lowing : " 1 ' It w:Il be recollected that Mr .John C, Fremont's chief claim to the Presidency in lStiO-was based on the 'circumstances that he had' climbed fho Kocky Mountains. It is pretty generally krtowri that Mr Horace Greely is just now undergoing- a similar privatipn, and it is srpposed that he is qualifying himstlf t? become the Republican candidate of IfcCO for the Presidency. " ' '' - " v This brings to "our mind a remark or two made by an enthusiast here a few days since. Mr P.- , had been an enemy of his, for sometime but on eleeiio,, tj;iy he went'up grasped him by the hand ami a.-ked as a iv'v:l favor that he Otdd for give all past offences,, arw -bo friendly in future I for he icas a candidate. what mistaken us to the " nam of ih.nks co-.iiiec-ted with Democracy." T his o'c. hinvover. has not "foTsaken tho teachings ofliis old friends und ta ken up with strange gods,'' but on tho contrary a knowledge of their teachings bus induced him to adopt his present course. Should w apply for admissioa into thc Opposi- Ridg thvy s Ailerr:scyei-oly fm th rost of June I by our friend, Mrs. K., with a warm hcari j anus, uii'i jnsi nere. ici iue say I.anks- connected ' saw a U.Mika but what was a whi one at. that witness Jammie for instance. W ! -lth, thoy eecsft now fo have recovered. Th sea regret that Archy should have foi'Sakan tho teach ings of his old friends and taken up with strange gods. Well h may yet see theerror of his ways, and like the prodigal son retuiii for forgiveness. Whf-n he otnes w will bo read to take him iu." Herald. most hospitable families I have ever afternoon was speut in pleasant fnv!'!!.'!..ii, evening in walking through and about l.. ' - e(. beauties of Lynchburg. Friday niovning'. a friend kindly sent lis twenty miles ,. ti is p wIum.o wo nrrivod fu ni; cleMii o'c! . k, m. ! Th aim sou here. I sariHisc. is aboni as s'jovt as that of ! y wn iiec.rt, a Carolinian ot tho ngm IVnnsy ivaulc. (esccpt the m'iSiutain region of l'u.) Owing to this fact, tvhiicco. is -very little cultivated irutft of 1ilni fii.1.T t".,st of that, ran".' it is tho great staple. Thu rototi;n of crops there j iCJ-i-pviii.. y,: usually tobuc-eo, wIjI-r unJMcR Th ciivjr j'C'-- t.' - ist hah ten. '. v up. Mrs li.'s res-denee is j-isttv-itr miles trem I.ishop ville, which was l!fty vi:;'.r ago called Singleton's Cross Roads, hi i Tor the tiov y.' ;i' it Ut'- b.-eii August au.l s-ptti,'J , ji ;.Ui:s v.ry jirgely t th supply of av-ui!..i.o j.hmt hod, 'iii great value 01 green crov r. means of ferri'ity i bet ter anoreciated iy Vir::ntti than in o-.ii own Statn t...n.,iiiir tA ll r.i..,-i. ,.f l'r..tt,..J,- VS,,,.!., tt I .'.O-lLC lV.il fas I-.,:..-.... l ol , haV Mot t Cuiinr r-y- vill:lil-. l'ost Ijllice Hv.. fi,.us- -.mil ntwuit a .1 i."ii reside one church, two academies and one -arriae fa constitute the principal liuihliiigs of th. o. .. country is w el! ad.ipte . i i:i.' g.- ; th 1 pi'sent in .ps. I i Is not .tho CHiottiif. bL-utt of phiitt S. d i.' ii ..ij which makes it fertile. The- condr'i.m. !.- wbichi the h'meiits of fertiii.'y -exist has an iv.H" -rtaai ia fluence. Those elein- uts must f!i; he taken v.p tion ranks, we are gratified to know that w would 1 by' a lower order of plants, which having decayed. have so strenuous tn advocate of our claims as our friends. cf tho Herald.. Of course we world " then be received into the fold. Iu this connection wo would do injustice to our feelings did we not tendor our acknowledgeaauts to our editorial brethren for tho compVuneutary notices they have given us sine our connection with this office. They ure highly appreciated, and will be gratefully remembered. The Deep River Works. We publish an advertisement signed by thc cngi-. peer, -Mr1 Morris, ottering to engage laborers for the above works at "40 a month, at which price cer tainly a full one he has not as yet been able to employ a force. The proceedings of the Board of Commissioners we copy from the Standard together with the re marks of that paper. If it is really determined by parties in thc vicinity of the work to block the game, or get undue profit out of the small appropriation made, which, to do anything, mult be used cdonomic ally, it is just about time it was known. If such is not their determination, now is the tiiuejtosliow U, by co-operating in good faith and good jrttwith those who 'have the work in charge. By the way, w.e have, heard, though not directly, that it is the'intention of the Governor to visit Wtl uiingtvii at an early day, and consult' with those vrho; teel and express so dep an interest in the suc cess of this work, a measure in which he feels an interest scarcely less than those who feel the great est. It'll. Journal. . . ' ' " Mr. J. II. Callaher, one of the contractors, in forms us that he has had between 80 and 40 hands employed at Jones Lock since July last. The work is being pushed through rapidly. We do not know' what price they are paid,' but presume not more than the superintendent agrees to give. With the Journal, we trust the amount of money appropriated will not be spent extravagantly, but judiciously, in order that thc work may go ahead and as much benefit as possible be derived from the money expendd, jrf" We have received several letters from our weekly subscibers informing us that teir papers do not reach them regularly, in some cases not at all. We cannot account for these irregularities in the mail. The papers are all mailed punctually from our ofGce, and we cannot ac.a where the fault lies. Surely we are not to blame. If the Post Masters west of this place, would be more particular, in transmitting their mails, probably this evil would be remedied. v- Vance's official majority is 1695,. being 354 v,jtes S3 than he received two years ago. . Gilmer's official majoiitt' in the fifth District lis We see it anuouueed that General Walker, the Fillibustcr is fitting up another expedition for Ni caragua, and that al who intend to join it must reach New Orleans by the IbtU of September, A CciuostrY-W have before us nine apples all of which grew upon ono stem. They were raised in the orchard of Mr John Heme, in the lower part of this county, ad arc certainly the greatest curiosity we have ever seen in that line. Mr II. is entitled to our thanks foy a. basket of fine Isabella grapes. Ho has fruit trees and iues of various kinds for sale. Virginia Asfiuaxts fok the I'hesiukxct. 'The Old Dominion is on hand with candidates for the Presidency. For I860 she offers K. M. T. Hunter, Henry A. Wise, Jno. Minor Bolts, Win. L. Coggia and John Letcher. Tho tbrraer would dc., the second is too ambitious, the third is a free soiler, the fourth is defunct, politi cally dead, the latter is Gov-clect of Virginia, arid, we do not believe he aspires to the position- Tue SouTnEitN Litekakv Me.sskncek for August has been received. It is replete with choice reading matter. Being Southern in sentiment, tone and name it should receive thc patronage of tho scith ern com.mun.ity, L;ke or Steamers. Steps are being taken to csf tablish a line of steamers to ply regularly between Nevdbern and New Yoxk. A good idea, and we hope it may succeed. i' 2,assanf' what has become of the project which was on foot to establish a line between Caro-. lina City and New York ? It seems to be " tip and tuek?' with the Newbernians and the friends of Car-: olina City- We think both lines would pay, and hope they may be successfully established. ' We have received the first number of a weekly paper, iust started at Trempealeau, Wisconsin, call ed the Ty.empeaulean Times." It is published by Francis A. Utter, and we suppose it is thc smallest newspaper now printed in tho Union. It is demo. cratic in politics. - A Splendid STOck. Our towns wan W. Pxior," Esq., is now receiving and opening a splendid stock of new fancy goods, jewelry &c, selected by him elf in New York. . . - -- . ,.-:: Gen. Cass' letter on neutral rights is approved iu 1.S13 being a gain over hi s vote two years ago I the mam features oy the rresiucnt, ana will oe sent 93. : o ..'. " - I immediately to our ministtra. -.- '.';' tne inorganic matter rcnirneu to tne soil is prosrrt- sf.d, which means that it is put in a condition to be taken up by a higher order of plants. Hence the importance of green crops as a means of progres sing tho elements of fertility so that they may reudily enter iuto the cereals and other crops val uablo for food. The scenery of this region is very fine and the air bracing. Th water of the Rockbridge Alum Spring is highly reeonnaended for dyspepsia, scrofu lar, liver complaint and " various other diseases. There are about five hundred person ker.e,. and ac commodations for more. The place is well, improv ed, the buildings being irood and convenient and thc grounds tastefully laid out. The Ladies hece show, their good sens in wearing thir dresses soiAawhat shorter than the fashion requires. By this they not only get less of the mud in which the" country abo mils, hut are lss liable to be trodden off under thc unhallow ed footstcj.s of a certain biped usually seen hanging around. We have good music and a good ball room. Tlie amusements of th young folks seem to be flirting, dancing, strolling about to view the scenery, ten pins, billards, pistol shoot ing fce. The voluptuous dances so fashionable in our cities a,re by general consent excluded. Even the " impe rial waltz" which Byron has apostrophized so elo quently and ptetically lias nere no votaries. This" is a fine stock country. A good milch cow, one that will give two gallons per diem, is worth about thirty dollars. Mules are almost as high as with US, A good mule is worth a bundrod and scv or,ty Jive dollara, Down in the neighborhood of I,exiigtoii, about seventeen miles from here a highly improved section farms are worth about WJ per. acre. Yours truly, gCRIpsi. IIou-oway's Pills. New facts. Within the last few mouths many cures of surpassing interest and of the most marvellous character, have been accomplished by this all-potent remedy. We can say, on unquestionuble au thority, that new forms and complications; of ( disease, which had bagjed every effort of the faculty, have been subdened by the greatest facility. Bitious complaints, combined with affections of the lungs and terrible cnfceblemetit of the whole system, have been among thc cases which have yielded most readily to their action. They seem to be specially adapted to the cure of those disorders of the stomach, liv er, and bowels most prevalent, in this country PRESinEXT DlpciiAXAx The Washington cor respondent of the Philadelphia American (opposi tion paper) in announcing that President Buchan an will return from Bedford Springs early nest week, thus speak of his vuitiriug industry and regular habits : Few men could hay? stcuvd tho wear and tear so Hrell d uring the last two YpQvs, ad but for his ex cellent habit, which some of us wvy, ot sleepiug a given number ot hours, v.hetho? tu tnion whs safe or not at nightfall, he must have falhui a vic tim to. las high office, as others have don in my day. lie works harder and any drudge in tho oustrtouf- :ili warui-liearteil, blesseo v. 1111 ; 'bl I'Oitini of tiiis world's uoods,aii.A their is unbounded. V10:... Eiotn' Chii.okf.n' at A Branr. A letter from , son, Trumbull ccuaty, Ohio, to thc X. York Tri 'ohll- iiine. "ft the 2d of August, Mrs Timothy Bradley guv. birth to eight chililreii three hoys and ti.eniil :. They arc all living,, and are health y but p;ite sinaii. Mr. B.'s family is hieixasing fast. 11 was married six years ago to K.i;ee Mowery. who weighed pounds on. the day of the marriage. She. ha.- gi .eu birth to . two. pah of twins, anil now eight, :o..rt , making twelve children iu six years, ii. seen is strangei(4bafe nevertheless is true. Mrs.U. w as a twin. oC tViee,. her mother and father both being twins, and her grandmother the mother of five pair ot. twitis. Mrs. B. has named her boys after ni.te'' and. distinguished men : One 'after the Hon. Josl.ua li. C hidings, who has given her a splendid gold medal on after the Bev. lion.' Klijah Chaplin, who gave her a deed of 50 acres of laiul, and the other after Jas. Johnson, Ksip, who gave her a cow. Mr. I'.rad ley says it is profitable to have twins, as the neigh bors have clothed the others efi sil.ee 'Ai--,. wei born. Mr. B. is a poor, indusu ibus labou r, bi t says he will not-part with any of his; children, while, h is able to work. Capt,. Gautier, or th sclir. M'arinah N., arrived .-it this port last evening from At'ashington, X. ('., re ports that on yesterday, about 3- o'clock, came across a wreck, and succeeded in getting her top mast: he is satisfied that it was the Doiinv'l, as he has a inan'on. b ;ai d vi ho helped to rig her. Capt. G. states that she liis in 10 tat bonis water, to miles Eastward of Xcw Zkilvii Bar, and about 7 usAci, from ehore, in long. 77 by account, and hit. I, by observation; her must head is about 8 feet under water, ami therefore dangerous for vessels passing. The 1). and soli. Allen Crist were in company in the early part of July, when a-heavy squall came up. lasting about b.lf an hour, daring which io posed thc former capsized and went down, together with all on board. Wd. Journal. Wake County Tobacco SrrinviJic, Cas well, Person, and all the other Tobacco raising counties, must look to their laurels, else old Wake will bear them off iu triumph. We learn that Major llnske, of this county, soi l hi en tire cropjof TobacccririJIliclunoud, Ta., on. Wed nesday last, at an avcrnpre of $12 5 eta. jr cv.t., which was the highest average price ob tained that day for any Tobacco sold and tlie brnaks on that day, too, were the largest g any one during the year. Hal. liegister. I'otTAL Service. Notwithstanding the slrait .encd condition of the finances of the Tost Office Department the returns to the Inspection office show that for celerity, promptness, and general compliance with the conditions of contracts the mail service for the quarter ending June SOtli, JSiy,bas been qnite as well performed as that of r.sty quarter preceding. Constitutionalist. Bleu din's next feat at Niagara Palls is to be the most astonishing of all . He will trundle a wheelbarrow over the rope, taking the rope up and coiling it iu the barrow as he goes along:. I It is said that G, V. H. James, Esq., tho i novelist, has deternVined te-Ieave Venice and harder and more constantly than 1 return to ''Virginia, for tu3 purpose of making 10 public service, and pursues d-j that State his permanent abiding nlo . . - . . . , Z-Lt- . --Ii -l-.Lll. ----- Of tans even 10 mir inning conclusion. iiufrui, ue 1 ' . asserted with some degree of confidence that all L, 1 ?T.riT. Spurious o 's on the Commercial the- Presidents in twenty years have not real as 'p. ;im:ngton, N. C, are said tc be in circu- n.. nrWin .'V,, h 1, . j W-TO11 tn IKlTB. done, aad what is. more, appears to b.ava gained sfiviigtli by it. , " ' .. Sixteen fugitive slaves r..ciitly 'returned from - Canada' via. Cleveland, to thtir old Kentucky home. ST-ST ." I never coniplainod cf my condition," said tb(: Pvn-sian poet Sadi, "but on.'-, when hit feet wore br.re, and I had no money io buy shoes ;'but ' met a ju ut without feet, and becani contested"- i -' . s.y lot."; '.-tv . . i

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