Crlcgrapljit " n Mm - - i'-.'-.- 1 1 TLlTlIl-JL2f 'i'wMM "i ! mi i "ni i'i ii 111 ii iii iHliiWl in "L " iJeaaaet"g.'-.J..-... LBAVNEWOfirii, JVUa- f V": F.'NIAI. ClO ufeATtON' OF THE SfWKNKi H uPi Arrival of the Uorth Star The Isthmus A t AMP TtiKY A AY. The miltv wav f.inxi t! p. f'rsthilest feature oftli nmnt l .......!.,,.!.. encircles the whole fabric of the skies, und .,!; it light down, upon us, according- to the l.ct''1 i -rrtWiitioiis from no '.-? s than e-ijehteen - miilin-ri-j f ! sans. Thesi are piand at raurious uistoiic". to 5. if. f. cx?rwsEu;0 .,, iu-M f'-a,-boc by (he En ov U discovered I iAv as sng-.-s- LitwipAPniR Tho Denver city i'"-:lUi'':l"W i i -ias Eo;ib V- Ivjtru th'-t tuc Kt- rntug wn ugF j---,r '! itur t'te uundrevUli ;iwrv.-rsfurv ol tut- latriug e to be UK'1'0 d th Crold Fever Subsiding Revolution in Carthaena. ' Xet York, Ai'g. llt!i. The steamer JNorlh Star, from Aspiir.vail lias a.iivyd, butSjiIugs iio news of importance. The excitement on the Isthmus ub-tt the mounds d goldou images v;i i dviu; . amcr ' Paniniaitee. bciore re lying on. the reef ui ar St. I ndian out. The English poi ted, wwas .st Thomas. . f Tlie U. S: si ? -!-of-var St. Mary'sl sailed from Panama on i fie ISth, for ReaJego; , Advices had beoii received of a revolutionary movement at Cartiuigcna On the '23d nit when i ue liberal parte pi ouourtceit acranvst rno au-1 ,,:;. f; ,t, i,...t;,-,,, ,r stntp fur - . ..7-.. T-. . -r ' - ii i if., nun stppoiuieu J'.x-u o veruor; .J u-ii tne vta iiu feebly understood; but : t'l' jv jifiif, !oc lnoi'imr; nteasuremont, ronu:res f-r its transit to our ;ni rx viods raiitting from tea i t s. th'iKsari'l yonrx. Such is tb .mu of tin; rtat i trufhs rvpa!t.-d to us y the two Jferehc-is, who. jwiih a ::?txl which m ohstaclo could daunt, have exj'Uired every iart of the prodiyiouss circle. Sir William Hi rehel, uftvt accomplishing his famous seetiiwi, believed that he had gaeced the milky way to its lowest depth, affirming that he could follow a cluster of .sfars with Li' telescope, constructed expressly for the investigation, as far back as would require three hundred and thirty thousand years for the transmission of its light. Unt, pre j sumptuous as it may seeiu, wo must be permitted to doubt this assertion, as the. same telescope, in t.".e same muster hand, was ot sufficiently power i fnl (o resolve even the nebula in Orion. Nor must I we forget that liiihf. our "only clue to those mi ' searchable reirious, exjumils and decomposes in its progress, ajul coming from a point so remote, its ! raidiant waves would be dispersed in space. Thus me renecuou js-ioiwu uion us, mat new clusters and systems, who.-e beaming light will never reach our earth, slid throng beyond; and that, though it is permitted to man to behold the immensity,- ho shall never see tlie bounds of creation. JMurcels of Science, ' Statk -Fairs. The fnllawing arc the times ap- thori J esc .N h-to proTiai ruler. ar lijj'J : ) Illinois, j . U. S. Agrir'l S...eiet Arrival K.-mui-ly.. v or ai c jut. Three Dvs Letter f-'om Fi:roue -5 the Seamit'J'.f'Oiry cf i5altiinr'e Steamship City of Baltimore arriled off : f: f !,ace yesterday, with ljiverpooi dltes to : (i,j0 Neirask Indiana. Free) iort. '. Chicago. - T.exington- AJuitain. ep. Tii the 3d inst., and by telegraph via (i;ioei?sto a to the evening of the 4th lust. llir news is uninipoi taut. There is l regarding the Teaee Coufcience. France is preparing for her naval d nieut. Her. army oil the Rhine is to f jived. ' New York, Aug. 13th lj Fr.cor Havana Tin: Yki.i.ow ' ed an The steamship Croaker City has arrive Havana, with dates to the Sth mst. The j-ellow fever at Havana had assu t jjidcuiic form . ISisgtirs were dull and lower. NSthing doing in Alo' thing j St. Louis (Mo.) j Wisconsin, anna-! Pennsylvania. je dis- 59. EVER. II fro in I Iowa. Canada AVest. Michigan. Xew York. New Hampshire. Tennessee. Georgia. Maryland. Alabama. Augusta. Sacramento. Zanosvillc. " Nclaaska City. New Albany. County Fair. Milkwaukie. I'hiladelphia. Oskaloosa.- Kingston. Intioit. -M any. i.ver. Nashville. A'lanta. Fi ' ilei iek City. Meatgomerv. 5 0 ftep- i - J Sep. 1317 Sop. MUi Sep- IS iS Sep. 2023 Sep. 1322 Sep. 20 23 Sep. 2123 Sep. 20-30 Sep. 2630 Sep. 2b HO Sep. 27 ao Sep. 2730 Sep. 2730 Oct. 4 7 Oct 4 7 Oct. 5 7 Oct. 5 7 Oct. 2428 Oct 2o 2S Nov. 1318 of the Mb. arriv ed here thia m y.iltl -ei.;hing'ifi penny wirigrits, Xeva-Ja (ie.lcti. Kioh tiiitaius l.tx ; Tht.-i limvetUi jiittin-at Auraria hal uujmirnea. r. i. a..,.. th,. f ntiirfts.! V-Iticli ai i Dot rvea JUS jjoumiariu .are utuv. 'dfjrr- V. ami tlie loncHude 162 degrees W . . . . Thura'is a diviioa oreit mient as to the ?propriety, of a stale organization. Tbe Convention voteu iu submit the fjaotion vi" a. Ti-rritorial or aute orgaui 2ation to save time. . Washington, Aug- 16. Pestiutctive Confi.agi:ation. The extensive ma chine, blacksmith" and sawing slxips of the Capitol Extension work, were burnt at Si o'clock this morn ing. The origin of the lire is unascertained, but it is supposed to have been accidental. The buildings were comparatively valueless, but the machinery was verv orm-nsi ve. including a lathe lor turning inmir'ii. tl.-.r.e i-iiimi ftj llle lailtlie bllddllliiS powerfol i'.oaii! engine, tools, and costly marble .tinislu- and unfinished. Tbe loss is variously esti matei at f-i-sM .Vr0W to 00, WO. No insurance. itt ttie rftsi'aence of her Qi ibe li tfi hi'.. itt ilt'f residence o) her sou, . lish 'xiuder VoU'j, SeplH?iber i tioa. sir yr, . eeasvt i. of 11. W. Koy, in tV; ted at the mectiiin- r.f the Maino i lil'lv tirsl venr .-f i .cr asce. torical Socii-I ,.!.? in P.j'iinswiek b.-l. wool... and 1 ' Wiitaiii" toil iw'uMt a ii ease copy, ths Society-thought, so favorably the '-e-r.p.-.- ' I,, Greti-bi- b' on Th Ml'tiy iisorUnir. A i"' I1 Hi, Ihe &-"n u In, i ... ,..u.t.;it-i. i.i:,:N::kf:iiul act ' vonn-.f-M-c'ii l-i ;.', f-nlv son' of. liev. 'A in. ll.TIoljbiit rnm yi 'mtim ,or run million. 1 ai'Hi o the subject." . -.' M'e war coro-nenced betwef ii the French l'" in wai ;,.sjfsil!v ha.rassir. r to the s-vt- OeciMsof Maine. V.'ith the fall of Quebec iirtbfi coiiitiei for tiu; ,oSseS(tioB vf which both command cr. A u(e and Montcalm, were slain the war vir tually closed, and the people of Maine were restored t0 thu A i enjoyment of the blessmgs of peace. Attemi tf.d Abduction of a Slave. tester lay morning KevAI. Kobbins missed from his iviiinre li. i.,v.t-..,i i..,t -L in,.,. ;, b rought ! How striking the. contrast ! 'The ? -vJ.0' September, 17o'., witnt-sstd one of the most muWiit and important acluevements of arms ; the l4h ef SejtemlH-r. !o. will witness the virtual a 1 acco-' ; j d i si l meii t of one of the irrr-stesl triumphs of me ails of peace the completion of the Victoria bndo ai,, extended lines of railway, of wiib ii ii is Homing link I '"-' proposition for a celehration strikes ih fu vorahlv. I'ortland is 711st tfce place for it, and ir eimist;in, e8 seem singularly to combine to give it i. of tin; N. O. Co.itei enee. , In tin.-; n:- ji,ty, ou Sunday hirt. Witivur iiilant sou e-f Joii;' ;ipiu and Douglas l. .a-:. At the !!e-Jt :.r i in Kobes.u ecu.ity.ou the Mumur, toil ol K. If. suid Susan M. Kiaui, iqjcj t-.vo vears a-ud uj month. FAY ETTLVILLE A1AKKET, JY PEMIiEirrON tV ST.O VX. BACON'.- p.-:kswax- l AMJLKS - A ,l".!ii;in : el S 1 l ui . '1 .1!. COi- FKK I'-iu. Iivi; I I ; l iJN - 1 :iir, .Ntiiiaiiti?. 4 2 a :" ' lia i;o 12 a 13 1 1 1 1 Iii J'J If .,' a 11' lU'i .1 10 '. Ill a luj. lis. 1: u no vv. a x y auk i:ts. Iii VK.r.l'EEI,., August 3d, 1 Cotton Sales of the pa:;t three clays r. 3 ,L0t units, e losing Urtii, bsiL dull. V Flour verv dull, aiid oCered at 10s 3,1. Wheat dn'!, and quotations barely mah:l; cd ; Southern noiuinal. Corn iriiiet, mi.ed and vellow 5s. 'Jd.'u 3il ; .liiiie 7s. a 7s. lid. iloshi steady at 3.s. Hd. SipiriUi Tnrj.ciitiiie dull at 33s. a 33s. Od. ,!:;'!. " Co:: sols lor nic: cy dosed at 01 4 a 95. j Tlirec 23a vs - Later frm Europe. Nlv. VoKk, August l'sth ed under the lloor of the cabin, where he had g'OA- ly gtiUlfC' -illfOO4 th JH!rr Tlie boy states that two negro seamen c.i board the schooner, named Bill and Tom, had prevailed upon hio by sundry promises to go North, and that he went aboard on Monda3' night about IT o'clock. The boy together with the two negro seamen referred to, were brought to town by .Messrs. . & S. and. are now lodg ed in jail. The oSTenee of abducting a slave is n capital felony by the laws of this State. These men will get a fair trial. If pioTod quilty we trust that no mawkish sensibility no legal quibble will be allowed to divert the law from its due course, for the evil has-grown intolerable, and patience has i ideed ceased to be a virtue. H il . Journal. IIenkv Wakd Cinxuu: on N kwspafers. Con- ii-o.Mi..K k,,:. ecorutng to tlie lio- sider how universal arc newspapers 111 America, inciter i- in .y.. one .Mr, Ueiave, he Who lately Thev penetrate every ne.k and corner of society, oflerrd to ligut iIo;i jm, la Heeuaii and Mor- No other tiement -of pow r has such a sphere. J lie j riscy, on the tijiit rope over the river, is matin" pulpit, tho court, the kvture, compared with the J arrangements fo beat the Niagara man all hof- ohed i newspaper, umc . ... uui .... r" OW, He a:H.ounccs that he will cross the 12s. S .... int,r).jl .. 1 . ... . i-t .1 i a t 1 1 - . 1 . t .. -i 10 .-....o nfi .inu snrniucancv. foriiaiiij- ... ;iin Bii.pyaru 111s negro 00 aonu, aooui 10 jw -,. ' ' icottiin BAfiGiXi-- i age, and from some circumstances, not noAV 4Jie (. inciunati Gazelle gives an account of ; irm.y. is a 20 necessary to state, he was lead to suppose that j a giant iu strength, named Frank Jlulfab?, a! i?",: wl'ii' the boy was on board the schooner Geo. liar- colored man, .who lived in that city in lb-40. 1 1 u .r'fo.y ap.xs- riss, cleared the precious (lap for New York. H&- was a man- of medium height, with, power-: i,o'fi.;s'rit!";oons a '' A l.ftllt 1-1 nVd.lfd.- Maeere .T f ! ful "6llf)lih!fi-a n,,A l.tu up, ,10 rnt, 1 u-I.Ml ll"i i:"W.iSli.--lii.Ks, S 1-4 a 9 1-2 and J. II. Flanner, with some other gertlemen , was stnndiug erect, several inthes below his 1 ck T"iiK.K.s--went- down tlie river in a boat. They came knee?. This mail once carried twenty-three l l!Ji., .rlw across the schooner about ten miles down the i feet a load-of 1.5&0 nouuds. A t another time , Ma .w .uud. river. After -examiner the crew, a through j he curried an" anchor, weighing 71 0 pounds, search was made, and the boy was found secret-1 from the water's edge, about 100 feet Uehe.v the i tV's&ain eo flea-hp use, ami laiUju;Qie i Genessee Rivr and Falls on a tight rope, on Tuesday next, the 15 inst. The Union says : East evenii g the main rope and the smaller ones for the grs were taken to the Falls Field, and this mornii:g the work of putting them in l;r:no jilTl"o. teed I ii infill . 1 .K-,nt ! , . - ww-v , attomptc.i, nice hundred b et long and only t,ue wh o ml 1: m ispeveiVIotrso. At another time, two men of reputed -Ylrengh came from the East with the expressea intention of having a "mill" with Buffalo.' . 'Frank, being of a peaceable disosi tion,' einfeavored". to avoid difficulty, and at-tua'Iy suffered himself to be knocked down several times before he would resent his injuries. They4 hail had their thee and now came his. Ieliber:::cly 'pulling off hi coat, he said, ,!i.-o awat white man, dis darkej' can't stand dat treatment any longer, no how." heediii ' hix warning, they struck him Kl.Ol I Kumily. Sie.,r Kin. -Whwit, IVu?, liye. 1 1 t:s AUGUST 2K fr,0. l;lal3K V MOf. VSSKS- . nbil. N'Alt.S OILS Spt-rm. 'I'ame'r's. roT.vroKS- Iria. Sowt. liickuns. Parks. 'V urkry5. SALT I.ivrrp'l i-.rra,-. Ahltil per busbl. SKKO - Mx S.l. I luvrr per' f .'l'-ll 1 SHOT onnuou !j;J, 1' urk. srniiTS lY'iii-h Kr:u..Jy. N. ('. Aplr, N.iv! hri-u. N ... H'llil;ry. -Niirtl.vni ii,.. SLiiAl; - . .out". . - . OS :t ".0 4 ji l i 0 0. 0 '"J O 0 1 OU T'J J 'J J : :i -2 i' U'l ii.1 1.1 1 0) in) :i U'l 00 00 ft o no l 1 35 lo,' a 1 1 4fi a 5t flu a fV2 1 of, n 1.15 10 :i 15 2 Oil 2 IS J. 12 i J 5 1 (. en a C 75 J ti.ixi a Ii -I'I ' e i,ti ii.5 .y Ou a e.uu I 1 2i) a 1 2.1 I D ', a 1.10 aa a Ou 1 : iij a i in ; l.i5 al.lll 11 t N.. H M-iiTsifr . !Vlf ni', - J i r ; te - If'OLLO V AY' iS V 1 L L N. THE EXCTIING OAL'SK OF SICKNESS. The l.lon.1 U the life-snslaini'ir ag-. l I'linns'.' es t!i.(:oaipoaa- of Ikh. 1...a. . t.-re and is. I;'mii.-:i:. The S!o.,..i,-h is i: lii.c utac'viy. tin 'W' ilsrtistrjii.ors. and tie' intestin-s i'.i" channel l!.-. e; wliieli Cm waste matter rejected in iis !'MU,. -' i-;,el!,..i l'.-.r M.H'sioiiiaeh. l!,- Jt.d o liouelc!, t!ie-e" i'tlls aft .HUiiiltaa'oii-! y. re!i-vi jfesUoii. purit'yiaj tiie il-iids, :!.! r.-go ! ' ... Cfetluus. TIIK XATJi'NiAT. COPr. i.iSb Pysp.'p:;ia is, t b tuo.-d e.cii.; classes in this country. ii as.-iUii-.-s anli--- tde primur j source of iji::.i -i .d-'-- o.i maUuies : hut wh.'U-ver Us lyp't -r stt.'ptt-i ever i.listitiate its t' Ms.amte to ni-dinary ii '--.i iivields readily and rapidly to litis s.-.uc:. Uael'lillg icinodv. lllld.b'fS AFFK- -Tb.lX- The caarlity a. id .pialiiy of the hile ai e in:-ortiim-e to l.eui'.!.. l".on tHiilivi r. the ;b w.ti. !.!.,. rni.1 . tl.-e I ills Ol.ei-ale SlU'CiflC fallil'lv .reetU'ving it-- in gul.n ili cttriuir Jaundice-. liiUonis Rroitta." ietiee o' l.seac L:;'ateu . di Iio P iial v l.'e !l l.y, iu- l etl'.-ctuallv IS. an t nil the va- r.ii'v.ii1.'1.: ui ... l co aoi i .on Ory. l ;. rn. IlKN -S mien. A n.rrican, l...aiisli. !. ; i) - ' Li.AU S a 10 4 a G a 7 5 a 5 0 a 4 14 a l i S., a Not o-ain, Frank "straightened out" on them was1 .t his . Iiind , . and iilfClf whereupon. w ith j hy'long anus, and one stroke npie enough. streched them both dead feet. Many times iu sport he woiiid go I a wagon, drawn by one or two horse catch"b-.ild of the back axle, and brace h so as to stop the horses. Many other f '.u pris- : in feat ; are related of him. lie died iu JSJ7. ' r.vnu IH;r,.. Jit.;, J New (IjienuS. ' If TAU.OW-- ' AalllO Tinil-KiNTiNF - 1 eilio Pio. O i0 a 0 -In Vhvia ' a - Jt Srr:lpe, " IJ 1 1J.J 't Siifil . p-i.T i.itl'-'U. ;;7 a U.J I V HITE 1. K A O J l'rr .u'.i:iil. 9 a 10 ! WIN HOW 111. ASS i, Kifrlit by ten. a.ll.i-3;20 Ten l.y twelve, 2 25 a 0 111 WOOL S a 0u Fi.ui k la the early part of the week there was hut little arriving uud sales were easily made at (j fo a S 7.1 for Super: on Thursday there was a good supply arriving with - sales as low as Ii 50 for Super, since then the latter figure seems to he the niai'ke- price. Srir.iTS Ti iU-T. Some sales early iu tie.- week at ::7 i afterwards, the market declined i cent. j:.cox. The arrivals of X. O. liming the w.'rk has been light, though luily -ijnal to the demand except iu Hams which ure much encjuired for. bAiii). , -In demand at quotations. Ci.i!. Xo change in price. S.'.'.x. W'v note an advance of iO cents V sack. llf.iWKl, COJII'L.US-Vs.. :.- Unless Hie l..'.vcj perforru liicir i'i nctioie. t''' t" t New hole body su:ier-. Teas of thou nid the am.-i-of Dysentery, I'iarrhuM, Ciironic Con.-! i i" i . other disease.-! of tUese. uaste pig;s 'if tin: ysiem. e'i'ect of the 1111 iij)!i all iutestiiiui di-"-. i s. v. ' er ca-aal or ejiidemie. is a phenomenon ie ie -,li. by following .ae print-d da' elioiis. the u..--i :.da! u cases of ho'icl coin plaint arc promply conuolicd. A WOKD TO FEMALLS. The local debility au-1 irregnlrritius v,h;, h the peeiul annoyances of tho wcafc'T s-, and !. when neglected, always r-iiorteu life, ar-- r -K'-v.'d the time heing. and pre'-euf-d fr the '.'' to eo 1-y s course ol thio u'.iid hiH thcroajjh aiieotive. in tkr u:orh! f'r lh C the l-.s 1 i 11 l, 1 ' '.dints It. A T. ,i t 1' v. it readies within and without, from surface to core; it travels i vervw here. rs bought by everybody, read l.y ail chiss'cs, and is wholly ojvmaily the only reading of '. more than half our popt Jaiien. Irs sei-vice to good i morals and to intelligence among tbe people is iri ' calculable. All the libraries of Europe are not of ' as much service to the nations of Europe as the i .i . .. i, : . I i i, T-Vi . " .. i ,:':..;; ,C.v ; quarters m dunncUr I . Id is, therefore, ' m.nai-.-l to drop her.-. If at dreainca of such trrowth and power as has Wen , as ,ollJ-' S the one used by ElLiuinie H-i-vn he went, a ui.-hu e. vi developed? P.ut the next twenty years will wit-.l while it 13 mncfi smaller in diameter, ilr. lc I puyeDicd, but not w;ha.y ness a trreater. The edit- . is to he the sehoolmastv r: lave would have preferred a rone slIH smaller j ov l , r '' avy blow in stn.vii ! The host tale.d will find it- highest sphere iu The in diameter, if one could be had of .suoiciit": i f;i'"C.j- te . ts.:nni, pres. :-!;iiu : 'c-.hto'iat room. Already that chair is more iidiu- i strcntrth to tc ke it safe. He ha- confidenrf-i , "''i"1;'.s'':'.'n,oJ i'oe:'-!'r , ny M'.utiv nun nun ."uiiit ii . r-.i gof tho feet- bless h-i 1 ere :s 1 : i' i. A C. 1 ' I crinoline' .tei na. in dred deaths by lire, it ht-.s a life. It happened in this w v : T ti-riluy a iaov on Carrol! stn . .. ample d .ueie expansion, w;.-:-,f pxtens'oii s1"jt, was .-taijd!i,g, iv wives v iii. o.- tho sill of a ' - lass on the OKI side; . A for the fun ot the tiiii: her hand on tlie i;r;Li .n -laliv si' y bt-f.-re 'partly, huing. ; .. . , : - ; i til cr.tial tliaii ihc l.rui h or t car, acl . .nr. s-.i:;, -;iite in. n i n fl'et tu Ceflll ke saiied .:, ac.-tu! i'..;-. 1- to a :.!:.)- ::',:(! a yes n an .-.tent . 'fise- the . -h. the , llOW "lit. the ling wn, l .ted I; ,-t ;4 Sor viroiu WIE.MINGTON IMA EKE T, Aug. 1 Tl!:i-kntink. Salas yesterday afteruuoii 1.1. is., and- this morning )u7 do. at so and vellow din. A 'im lbs. Xl. s;dc reported in Spirits Turpentine. K0.--1N. Sales je.-terday of 1 .!)n ?dds. Ci'inmn and Xo. 1 at .-si '2.1, a;id IdiOO do. Common at 1 O'.i :-'.! !.,. 'This rnnritiujr s lies ,f ! ii do. Xo. 1 at S2 to $.,t i ie.1., and 3idJ do. Xo. 2 at . I '15 ""uiu llw. Con-viK. Sales yesterday of (.7.1 hags i;i..atTIg to li;; cents per 11?.. as in quautity a'ld ijUHiiry. 4 mouths. II 13t hales Kasicru rujeivud and soli at 1 10U I'js., i-0 tia.. s. NEW A.OUiiia I ii.-, : Olll j Cl.Utlr. I I 1 is 'ero.-.l AiVcti'.rj j Jiirii Ii '.. . I . !T, le'SS ) I ly,j..-;,-ir. Ke.,,!:..-::- '.Y-iWUAl'Th'iX ! w.i.ili lloi'.evav Cernaljle as a '.V ttj dircctinus arou.ei . ti 1 ..tli..'ftiOll i -y 1 1, Ii li -n-a ility llli'ie:..,' lee r ai,,l L"ir I r L 1 1 I '.! s. C. . ,-:.kti. - " . ! -. l.i v.' . ' 'ii ,.- ,.i ail hi..-. ; pK.ia'y c':U oy s m. reward wi ! . I. i 'iivi',i:a ion as mj; or parties coin. .erf. same, himivii; g in tc I .S"Ll at Ihe M-iiU'.lact.orji oi 1 ro. ' 80 Maiden I.aac, New York, ami hy I'ruggits aatl L.eal-.-rs in Mediiiine l.'uli .d S;a'.es aoi' the civ ilia-id wm hi. e-.-nis. Ooi ceiils and S i t-ach. Th-T-v a ilit- i.y taking tl-.- i'.rger -i.-.'s. X. ii. - i ).r--et --on- ro:- iiie irtii,::iu'ii iiis- i- ..:!:N..d to each l..... I'i! - - Xon,-; are geii't: V -w Vork and bo --tit - rk in every l-a put or inn ; th iit;;. the leal to lii-.-. gi ,-- n to aiiy load IO tile Oteeti :tingtl.c ir.cdic' YORK MARKETS. -It ihi. close vest. Aug. IS. 1-rdavl 59. Th" .'o -.f 'I th ..f i 'a, . ii-;-'r-; u.-iel o. ... , arrive. L : . 4 :oirii.-!V.i .vith I.iverpoid dates -t the .-re this moriiiug.. was to have met cu the j I"" lilg p t iii t e:i so many as res- - .f the dait- of the ; iic veins At.i.Ki.rr, P.s A convict o! .-o pl.iil'orni. No T,ivin j which staaUs by tho i.aper. Ink beats lih-j i .' i:n. '' i ;;a:s ability t . line that will s.niE oi n-n LolIsvjm.i tne .isircrsonvule teni -.i t rr a urn on '()-. Meam.-h: i, j. real Kasiwn JlO'i lieiiVeT'e.i OV...;r I," . kLAi- u. aaaa-- 1 .1- sea iti th.- 1 '!!i ;:i-t. It" .'a v. idle sir iie- :-t'.lijS '. . . ,eV- i--,ti i,!itf lh. .ii in: ; - , -el j iu. :-. .-! ft.-.t . i:..- ci'iir.t t- ' '.or eet.t. ti - reported that r-n attempt h: oo t o pen-on of t lavi . ah!i. Ei'UiFKAN M.ltKr.T Er. ,.: :.. Atigits- Slow of sale ' 'i! prices mi: kh-ea.-hed -!-,. io.. bah-s. red iVeelv but. shovicd Ho ti-'Jj.iA,-. th.Jbttii I tAA.V: rformed f-'"t of no ordiniary mag ij-d J I.'.n!-a: ; Falls. I tentiary liitsde yesterday. Ho working with others j Jones, U. S near the Lowoii Afiii-. .;;ioi tired of convict J. jjuda ivrii.l lij J-- bljcrfv. lie ra- tbe river,, and that, tb .--o who confiutuce as he has in walk anywerc oir a horizontal tpport his weight, h.'id ac r.. ov ' str.. know liitn .have as ' ;' . i : w-.v ronuuts! 1, Tji: M tjtMofn or- i'E ---.-Tl- oV CorN'TKT.rr.iTFn. Ou Frid -y Dt-'put-y hrr ttstaig-tht.- stamii s- Marshal Satvier, of Ijiincombp delivered to M1' f Ktvr.etn is the 4th of A.: iae: tilt Iarslial, the ioly of Jackaoii 1 Wfyi iHieiis ouriosi.iy if 'i rout .vaitcd i ' i .- C'"t to-1 .1 i'T 1 lou; c jti .-en ; te-t the M ai.d dti i che-.-! ft-nt per lb. Jiidui Market steady, hut, ull p.s itu-.l: S.aiithern 1.50 a ; i pi.-ir. is ii-S have Wheat de- ac- :il:li.: :ht. :.!.-, llti.v : A h.OI a : part v :.U tie- .-..r II., ill resp. I,r(.,rl; in l.,.xei ui s onsid.- iid tl: pale 1 1- -. uues have deeiau-a mo- . : v is t-:;!r.ct be given for la'r ... '-'.it.' ;"-'.i:. .ons cannot 'al'-'jv ds of So.ia'herti ui- band id cu Spirit-- Turpeiviiiic -te .-'y at 4.:ji i'it gallon.- KosiiL diii! at ,...-1 "'-- I O J v:.,l. mis vi-u a on mi 1-' FRKSU A NiiCDV I N li Th l:N 1 1 -e raised UitS v-ur ny i : ad.-lphia, ; life, ' Stewart, forrrierly of Vaiu ey County, who. was t pve'aiiuiisof tlifc projsclor and 1; ;e s-'for ' l-tte?r hL ro h.-.-it m iSviutli-Cai ul!ia on a charge cuierpri.-;, sITe -riu to mst riimon t:.TT: iiigli! made his wav over ' ot cumteifc'thtg.-J t appears that Stewart l a" iAtmoromary revolutioir-.iti the breakers of the 'falls, and reached theJicop! forfeited his bail, escaped to this Slate ami was! revo.fiticu hi trui's-iorf n . !..,, V, ..MK-t-i. .,nro I ai,,lin n t ' t-l-r.i.! ml Tt. M.,--!...! 1 . 1 . . I ... !.-.- I ,,,l.. Ivhleti t:... iron rail n :i ! I sna-b-'. water swam to tne Jn .- atttcKv snore, lanuing at in rosicu. i i.e .uarsiuu icn" mm uetore .imtge . no doubt :i to answer 1 her rates for dis-1 foot of s, ,.,, (ue of tlie uanrfoi-1 Biggs, at Wiiiiamston, wh.o h I owe i- l-'air h h-ans r L "i lalfis 7 Co' tot! -f.,i !', ivc hobh-fi, "11 V I"...; ; 1.. lOd. t'l-i.i- d-.dl. r.rl-a-l-.-c!.:iti;M'.t Vr'l.f.-rt cry '..!-.! verv ihi't. I'vic changed f r Euroi.eaii. t. tid-'in. -. . Jeisiii Turp- :ti:ie steady Money uiiirkct slig C'ot.iols lor iiioncy, ISf.O In -red. At iiitig 1 the4ele.: i.i pursuit in a skift, and another crossed ' order ed him to jail in South -Carol ii .voback. Huuereds of persons witnessed the charge. S'andard ... . ... i ..i.i. i. ,.. . . i i r.ecitic ... ;;ni aiuiougii ice g.i - i -i-,, , t i ai l -t ol tne r-.'s-oal demanded their lutmi-, Kin -. .-eei..,- f i,;,i, f.-P - t.n. "i ..." terdiiy by being thrown from his baggv. i: he was driving from his residence in tiif ihspn.-ii.,.;i to -hi.; Middling () ica l oJd.; iliddliiig brands nil- stead ilai!. I'-ii'. av.d uti- on !..' the e. laut e (ration, justice'cU ms person. o tney aoprehctn.ed 1.5ra wii'.'ii he came out of the wa 1 tor, ui'd detained him and handed him over to ' his pursuers. Thev put him on the horse, tviug his legs for security, and thus in ignominy 4 . i - . .'.I... r . : -i ! OOtl veyou lillll WICK IO ine jieiiitcn uiary, una tin" severe penally which, according to the rules a 11C r. :: t,..' US ol lb... cfiecliii" na vi it ion . -a great f-- tl.. l noiivc effected i a twos us that he i- q:nte a? coiiiidout fis cvur.-l .at her liuai por! of destination, in carryiuo- ;tercoursc bttwce'i the two hemispheres, win Lj the Chesapeake lia )'.:::! Jiilford Haven, to which he is uncea- i.ron ra .i r. Dudley ifao ,t too. 'fl:ur.-dav the ,s i.i t ' o, f y (. I lie purpo-e ol n Aog. 2:c 1 'fUfi MAGISTRATES L'ottnty nr.- v--;..--a--!t feViirt- lionse, iii ', tli. of, next, 'w-irt.) at eletci .o',;I,j, lv cto; tne 11 - o;. i ' oi ii. a. a!o V,'-0t - -. "u Tl F : ;.. a 'i .-j.. Julv IS C.lilSlrtll DwlcV ii. EA.M d'tilO l;U r V -l.-,,- lltfivvvor," an.i iiil). hie i A: ;; Val i..l ii .- lli." -,,.! "f 7 bAT'J;ntc! : us; n -Cli'il C i,-e:il. WsWcr. ,,e i ,, -1 ii ,, i ;, ,,, vc duo The fii!fw's bohl ,-iet; out tpiotau.-.s un- , f rrecJon, aini0St entitled him to win : v i.-ii... i. .1 illl'il.lll -leady at iis. J.. a os. !ld. HJdrits the guerdon of success liiscVU Courier, ami market active at :;:js. :;4s. j -" 1 1 1 1 mere striimetit aad act.'c. closed at tl.'jl. " Nkv :hilt Yoiik, arrived Aug. here this The Ati-an'tic Tki.korapii Compaxy axd a New Caisle. The Atlantic Telegraph Com pany have decided to make the conductor of the next cable consist of six wires, twisted about six times the size of the old cable. There w ill be no outside covering of iron wire, except a few hundred miles ou each end. The new cable is to be laid down, as guaranteed in all respects, and expected to be iu order for ear ly next summer. th- Italian patriots to lloek to his standard and ar-! Vyrus v r leiu, r.s,,ui.-v tu.umns i n themselves under Victor Emanuel for theotaF of some of the New York evening papers with with (kites from l iver- i eve I fie stearnsliij) Vainu : morning from Sonlhaoipt... poo! to tbe ;'.id. The Eoii loii Herald savs it. has reasons to b!i that despatches from Washing!--i; have bee:la:,d ifere the llrilish Government, stating that th-"lriii-ted .State- have resolve-1 to abandon pi i vnteerit g. Il.i'v is extremely tin iniet. Garibaldi cails r ien; in.' pelidciice of llalv. ? The rest of her news is unimportant. E "Woi:r;-.TKK, Mass. .Vitg. I;!. Naurow Escape or a S.-!i....i The Statu Jterm Sehool at lYestboro', c.,.,::ii;iing over live hundred b..i s wa destroyed by tire last night, except g one wing and the tower. Fortunately no lives werejost. Sackvii.i.e, .July 18. b;o I-tatok Ci-f.;". There are well founded i nrs "b -ii lie. p'.saio crop throughout the proiuee id X-vv t'.! .i:.vik is i-'.-ri.iisly ull'cctcd by ther-ot. W.vsi'rrfiTOX, Aug. lit. Ti.' At.s 01- rKPAi.T:.:i-:ST. lion. Jacob Thompson, f;0.-r--f-ii-v of the Interior, has geae to the "White. i- . . . .... ir.... T..l. I! ,-.1 v.-,.,.,. ........ ,.f War, is now at the iJc-d Swe-t Solphur. -The wli,u tlc accounts, stated were not expected to hitter's health is improving. Thcte are now t-nlv i survive the injurios they had reeived. The losses three I... ids of the Heparimer.ts here: Mr Cass, ; by lire from the fiuid he estimated at upwards of a full statement of tlie affairs of the Company V understand the American public will have an opportunity to subscribe to the new stock, which is guaranteed by the British Govern in cut. What Burning Fluid n.s Done. Mr. E. Merlam, of Brooklyn, states that he lias kept a record of deaths, injuries, and conflagrations' resulting from the use of camphene and other l-ii rni fluiila ni:n,l T-.T. flirt ItlimnQP flf Ullimtltr.- tio, sfnee July '22, 1850. Since that date he has ! looked on and was spared a salute. recorded the ueutlis orTJiree . hundred aud seventy persons and the injuries of four hundred -eventy-sevne persons, maiy of the latter of part ot faiu county to a Depot on tlm "N ihuinp-ton :tnu Mitncliester Kailroad. His son who was with him when the horse ran away, escaped 1.3- jtunpin-' from the vehicle. Mr Kiug remained, and the huggy striking against a tree, was thrown out with such vh.h-nt-e as to cause his di-ith 1 y i o'clock iu the evening. Mr King was 01 years 1 mouths old. Journal. Public Taxes .We learn that Sheriff Austin, of Union, and Sheriff Cline, of Catawba, settled with the Comptroller on Saturday, and Sheriff Flynt, of Forsyth on Monday fast. The in crease of receipts we learn is about S5 percent, on the returns, la.t year. IV C. Stamlanl. Anotiieis C.mii;o. The British barque Flor ence says the Wil. Herald arrived this morniii" from Bristol, Eng., with another cargo of iron for the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. Fko Washjxcton It is utterly untrue as stated by the London Herald that our govern ment has abandoned the privateering principle on the contrary the Administration strictly adheres to its former position on the subject. Minister Appointed. Professor Dimitry has been appointed Minister to Costa Ilica and Nicaragua. The Emperor of Russia kissed the Captain who commanded the " General "Admiral" when His Majesty went aboard. Captain Comstock which f'xSly lower ! ccrtair ctiiig his c!!"nric-. It has been a by actual exj.-rimont, that eotU iay lo conveyed tatice as .ut-niphts to NoifoiK y rail irom :-e(-rei.iiV ..(Mare; Air 1... Navy, aiiilMrllult, Postma.- ie. . '. Secretary t.-r li-tii-ral. pt'.STRL'CTiyK 1 this ldace. Lawp.knck, Mass., Aug Fike. A great iao is The United States Ilote!the cfthe . 1. Til'lBg cue million of dollars. A Southerner Going IN'okiii to Liectuee. We learn that John R. Thompson, Esq., ed itor of the Southern Literary Messenger, has determined nnon civintr aeonrsn of Iecfnrfs nt and iew . tj10 North during the approaching lecture sea- Clairch Block, Unitarian church i oaru-i.ou.,eac a.-eauy cic.--i.oNeu. i nree -ucii : son . Mr. Thompson is well known as one of are rc-oric kiiicu. i uu city govcrumeit -uas t!ie ffi03t elegant and Dleasino- -rif ers nf t I.p ! C...11- - . - .-' , i? . " . ivatsng speaker, a gen- iraracter and varied ac- pliMiments. He will bring fresh themes nccd3 just telegraphed to Lowed for all the assignee South, is a fine and captivai that can be spared with eiig;n:s. 1 tle-rom nf r--rirliont-. r-hmr,. A second despatch states that, another church j cou'r.lishmetito lh will '' is destroyed, and another man badly hurt. ;lhe J and rotoan thought to anrofessiou that loss is nearly 1000,000. . j (an infusion of new life. 1 Sad Accii.EXT. We learn say, the Wiyton ! Mathematical InnA or Honor. A graduate Ledger, from a passenger .ou train jiasl 1 of a certain college gave another the liet aud a night, that a man by the name of Elisha-Utr- : challenge followed. The mathematical tutor of ring was run over on yesterday (Tuesday) a the College, heard of the dhhnto. nti fnr hort distance below Goldsboro', Dipfioultv Settled. Col. Fremont It is up-j yoatn, wii. told inta mo rt fight. "Why?" iiiwmicu rue nnineinaticiaii "lie L'tive me the - rove it. If he proves "an ijot p-ove it, he Ufa. another ? jet b;m .esed that he was intoxicated and fell asleep 5 "iil'2'-'1 Vle ""thematician on the Road. The train passed, over his had ' f"""" "i,'',r-v wcU h-t hiniy, crushing it terribly and killing him mstuiilv' ! U-.3'0",'1"1, 5 aahx V " " -. j v 11 v -should you shoot oiu I The AcADKJtr Fauhacks. The ceremony of lay ing the corner stone of the Barracks for the Hills borough Military Academy, was preformed in due Mtisonic .order on Saturday last, in accordance to the notice given. Quite a Medi.kv. A witty exchange serves up the following oncer hash to its numerous readers, viz : Unbnst ted ladies, pura arid undented Christians, disinterested friends, coiumf'ti honesty, sound pota tatoes, first-rate butter, unwatercd milk, and rich printers are scarce f" More Bai.i.oonacy. The Hon. Thaddeus Stevans has offered Mr. Wise sufficient pecun iary aid to build and equ'p a balloon for crossing Blossom retaliated by calling Lelaiid "a lima tic, a fool and a jackass,'' and by severely castigating; him' wah a hide: "Charlie my dear,' said a loving mother to her hopeful sou just budding into ineeches " Charlie, my iiear, come here and get some candy," "1 gusss I won't now. motii- 1011 i:iu 11 u, uiinuuu iui viwo.-ri.iii : - . . the Atlantic, on condition that Mr. Wise will!er' rl''"tu -uarhe, "I've got some tobacco. pay no attention to M. La Mountain's dial- j Romaxism. The Roman Catholics of Raleigh lenge to race lantic sea-board, great a tlts- , lirovid-od it can be sbpped Irom the hitter place at reasoiiablc rates to England. It is believed that the Great Eastern can afford to carry it across the Atlai.tic at two dollars aud fifty cents per Ixile IVmh. Sh:r. A notorious ruuiiin, known in South western Arkausus as Jack Cade, was recently killed by a woman whose husband he had shot. The widow challenged him to fight a duel, and as the riifl'a 1 dec'ined, she attacked him -jvith a re volver iind lodged three balls into his body, one of which parsed thrcugh his heart. Teati: er I-Anrr. Sr vNfoui. Lieut. Arthur 15. Stanford ' North Carolina, attache 1 to leviinie steam culler Harriet L-iro. died aft". "r . very sboi t illness, :i! the h e'e of Captain Ie . :.! ' t. a t '!'n;i:;i kinsville. K. I- Be- had laid a - ilgta attack of eiysiju'las. The FiESti-r in Texas. The election in Texas has resulted 111 the choice of il 1. 11 . Sam Houston, Independent Democrat, for GoverLor; F. R. Liibbtick, regular Democrat, Lieutenant Governor, m'd Francis M. White, regular ' Democrat, Land Commissioner. " The two Ju- j dependent Democrats for Congress are elected, j iroin tlie legislative u.stncts . wo have the 'XOJEL I TAYlVt; 1 .-:I Ti.Y l'l I.Cli A GOODS, oi' Ooiim ii ,t M. -hei-i.a'.i, 1 am now can incroautile husines at Council's bluff IJ. 1 Ai'j! V.K w-(f Greul ariety of ' I'ancy Ciottds no: and for sale'at Xo. 11 Hay Street. -.1- Aug 19. ill w tf Jt. h'i t :iv 1:5 1 .agn : V!:.M beat Globe. Seed .ri'oik ; JAi on the EYON. CITRATE MAGNESIA . iibTXiii: Al'EIMEXT : "5 coXGUi-iss "iVati::; : i'UKTHR -t 1 ) 1 ' For sab. by P A S. X. S Jiiiv u Ii Ai.K. ! ! TA. reeeiviiij l'RIOli. lCTi;Ui: YAHNIsIIKS. XUT OIL, Ti' 1 l-"or sale by Mil JAS. X. 1 y -' W-l 1 WoVTCIIES k JEWELRY. just jreceiat"e:d large and handsome stock of WATCH KS 4- J1A'- ll EEI. 1 of lab st styles, which I am - iliu-; very low at Mo. 11 Ihiy Siraot. W. I'iil' 111. Aug. l'J. ,i i w If j 1: OIL. Light 't)(.oi;i-:i- u iii:t i-.iie -,u tie!-. .iu.-t 1 ccived and for -ale by j JAN. X. SMITH $20 Reward. WHITE C.lSTILi: S(Kl Uli SALT .T.'.S. I AN A WAY from the subscriber on tin v negro Ik, y n:und AlANClih. Said n-irro is: !ie f "h inst a- t.out 2o year- "Id. t. feet I ov two inches hi i'i. He is ! supposed to he in the neiuhhorliovHl of W. lb brown j in Kobex.11 county, where he was last set 1 will ( i 1'f f lie 1 !.l VI' I'-llr.! f,T lll-untn .111 J. .. 1 . T . .1.-17.. I .. ...u.,,, IVUll lll.liililVi iJi.-.llll- ery to me within sixty days from this date. 1 will give an additional reward of $20 for evidence suth cient to eouvict any white man of harboring said ne ja o. JAMES M, X ATT. Aug 20, 1S3D. w-tf SXTI'ICE. : I Tihl'KAL"S liiiME'iy VOlt H'Al I I'ltEVENTATlViJ Ol-' C 11 oU-. t ! bv JAN. "Varni sues. retnrn nf 54 " members. 20 of whom aw in T ' .': ::'-.V" .i M, J,A,'"- .J ak.,. u,ui-.- . - - - i uoiumuK.. atienu t rue court. House n. li.emi nivor ot iiif 115-cicuiiou oi uen. isiini l tons to IEATHER. Japan, I' J Yaruish, for sale by JAn Mav X. .SMITH. h'HKA AXP ' V. J- ,.r sale X. SMITH. rind Pern .r . S.MITH. vv ',!' J IGHT c April 30. ton to U. s. Spate. - The Opposition "aiulitlalcs known to J elected number twenty. Mr. 'inland" orthc' Portland (Oregon) Ad vertiser jhas been cowladed for punning. He insiiniattl that a Mr Blossom, a respectable citizen of the nev." State, derived his cognomen from a "proboscisia: rum-flower," (whatever on the second M,,nday in September ne.t, lor the i T701i sal- '' trauoie. tin of Couniy business. I 1 ' pt-n -Aug. is, - d-ru-v SCerosotic Oil. .ilorcd, best iptalitv. 1'or .-a I-by "S. J. HlNsI'Abi:. tf-iu line Lvliout Sct'tl. s. j. "!'xs r.r. O'. -ot tf f" l iXE Article of French and C- gmic ,i-;md. l'orsa! by . J, ;. McHL'l TTE." G-luc. BAintELS Glue, l, r sab b.W l.T J HlXSDAEi:. Q1STJ LEERS GiXK. that is.) on his "facial frontispiece." Mr. Tor .-ale bv J . Ii". McDEFFIE. h from San Francisco to the At-have purchased the old Baptist Church, at the d, but turn his immediate atten- south-east corner of the Canitol Souare. for : . . . i . , i i-n i . i -i - a noil lur. aius tne grea,v JL.uropeau u)age. John R. Dowliug, convicted at the last term of the Uuited States District Court at Apala- chicola. for embezzling and nurloining a letter from the mail, has been sentenced to two year's hard labor iu the U. S. Penitentiary. Use or a Comma. A clergyman was lately depicting before a deeply interested audience prove ir. If you did lie, ; yOBr shooting 1dm . .. . .i,i i"i . - C oi.l. I illU 4 1 . n .. a . l -l ,1. . t - ... . . . . A jj nave oui-nu.i u ie niaiipofcu estate c.uUcu ly P"'v. i";.t you oiu not . r will it make poople We are assured on good authority that all .jts f lleyo that you did not?. If ie proves laiasolf a growing cut of them have been W.'iiidrvi ; I-11"' ",heing able to provo you one, nliy - shoot and the Colonel is about to erect u--v athiii 'U1 "iJie MOt suthemnby punished? lift hat ai quartz milio upon the river. (Joi. Freiu - - "ii , ..noi; una; - family aud housbho!d are encamped imnu .h- Xn-.v P-itsxTS. Araoa the iiatents Issned' dr4- iop of M.ouiit Bu ; -a- Val iibcVe tiue iu thy hottest weather Uiit Bullion, two thousand fee,' a'e -: "gthe hist month, we ;. ,tice one to n' 'down ley, and forty-five Lundr-.-I .tlj !':;1t"r ' !"r ;i ioclu t-booi, that won't open when a, ie water, wixiV thc'ivit u C0ttiortob- ' 1 ri sp,,t4'd- Wejudco it has. become very IKlt r iuaoii son-o ol i.ur Eubscribers. La!u tim alarming increase of intemperance w hen he astounded his hearers by saying : " A young lnan ia my neighborhood died very suddenly hast Sabbath, while I was preaching the gospel si ia a state of beastly intoxication I" The latest and most wonderful cere effect ed by a patent medicine is said to be the fol lowing : " A boy had t-wallcwed a silver do'lar. An hour afterwards the boy threw up the dollar, all ia email change, principally in five cent pieces. LKE DOMESTIC LIQUOKS. For sale 'by -S- J . It. IcDUl FIE. QCL FPEUXOXG arr.l METHil 1? V W1XE. 0 for sale by J. K. .MeUUFlTE. I ACOX i EACOX tf 11 AG OX !i! For sale ,v I i 20 April 30. if in Cod Liver Oil Jelly, VXD SYKUI' Ol-' I'll bSriilTliS. For : :,l- l.y s. J. lii.NNt.M.i;. AnriLSO. U-ii CKE CIDER YIXEGAU. J. li. McbL'i- FIT. For sale by J. Ii- -McDCFFIE. J. IllX-iiAI.K. S2.250 Col. Fremont is said to have settled the Mariposa estate difficulty. We are assured on good authority that all suits growing out. of them have been withdrawn, and the Colonel is about to erect new additional ouartz mills upon the riner. Col. Fremont's family ami house hold ie encamped upon the top of Mount Biilhoiii two thousand feet above Rear "Valley, nt forty-five hundred: feet above tide water, where the air is comfortable in the hottest reasons. An Irish paper, describing a late duel, says that ok of the comlv-itiifiti tt.,.!, Ii "ir: the jsby part ()r the thih bone." A GOOD AUTiCEE OF COD FISH. For h- bv 1. ' J. li. AIcDUFFHi. ! DAMAXT1XE and TAEEOW CANDLES. j For sale by J. It. McDb'FF E. j LrERRIXS ! HEKUIXS!! HEI.RIXS!!! L For sale by J. li. McDUFFIE. OUGAR. COFFER. TEA. MOLASSES, BVTT i'fi j O EAR:), TOUACOO, SXUFF, and manv tte r articles seiioruU kept iu the Groccrv line, lor pale by ! Juno i, tf-w J. U. McDL'i FIE. - i Silver Plated Castors. Silver Plated Spoons. Silver Plated Forks. V FRESH Sur.ply. received. An nsorfrrent al wavs OX H'aXD. at the -CROClCEfiV sTOKIi.' June I d-tf . w-iu-tf - W. X- TiEL.lNGl'.AST. Citrate of IVEaamcsia. IOli Sale by April 30. t in Mrs. Alk'u's Hair Kcelonni.r. "JOU Sale by Apri'l 30. !f-in S. J. AEE Congress Water T?OJi ?ale by 1. s. ,i: ;iiXs!)A:.r;. April 00, I Sol. tf-iu Podopliillin, Gelscrnin, QTIEE1XG1X, EIT'CEIX, &c. &v. Tor sal., by 10, is tf-in H. J. HINSDALE Srtnfurd g Livor liiTinrulei- i. i.inijounil. il Kiitiit'ly lrom i: Nut T i-'ebilltiil.- I l.iyi.- i.:vtin.: rtt w it si: ettcTill'J S-;If.'-'i;-iarle Pik MAIHUED. in --'.''J "J ' r :i n i r ii Ail . - , ..i " nil 1.111 Mi l 1I1WT liTT .. in 1 ft V,. t E : .McNeill ftD.I MissAlarv E. firaham! S A,,,.t.. ' 1 all of OOte county. IJofi.i Cci!F5T- A X X' i.; A E M E r. . ; N UIE ANN UA u MEETING of this Company v take i.lace at FrtvoUovia-i on J nnrwiay. 0ai . J C-j: L;ti.t C'.::Vt:i1t.B, c-urrp l-,-rt-ni Oi-,rl iH--,. Fr"V lli V.-r.J. . uriS,: lim f'.:..,t. 1 ji i.i.s tb- htw-ii. I August next.. J AS. G. COoK, I'rcet. 1 I lTf i,r.-.s V i C UI t-tf r .

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