1 NO TERMS, $2 00 PER ANNUM, " THE NOBLEST MO. IE'" PCJ3LIC GOOD." V ' PAYABLE IK ADVANCE VOLUME XX, FAYETTE VILLE, JJ.. 0.; OCTOBER 15, 1859. N0.; 1,065- ,jjlu w w -Ll L- M LLJ Ai UlPTJOiN. ft; n fit. copy, u) uvsvhuo-. per annum at iue tiiii ol ine jtar Single copies, five cents. No subscription will be received for months . less than eix ita.te.-s of Advertisings fir,ty.Ce,ta per uare of 16 lines, or less, for the ursc, and 30 cents for each subsequent insertion, for any period under three months. For three months, $4 00 Fo six months, , 6 00 or tvveJve months, 10 00 Other advertisements by the year on favoruble frma "A"dvertisers are Particu,ar,y requested tu mC number of insertions desired, otherwise they "Will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. JOB. WORK, of all. kinds executed neatly and promptly. SINCLAIR & BAXKS. LEGAL CLEMENT G. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fayottovillo, 3NT. CJ- WILL practice in the counties of Bladen. Samp son and Cumberland. Prompt attention given to all business committed to his charge. April l, 1858. tf W. S. NORMENT. ATTORNEY AND COUSNELOR VT LAW LUMBERTON, N. C. VITILL ATTEND the County and Superior Courts, IT ot Robeson, Cumberland. Bladen and Colum bus. All business intrusted to his care, will receive prompt attentiou. Office in the Court Uouse. July 1, 1859. 1-y-w OHN P. FULLER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, HiTILL . IR'JTIJE in the Courts of Robeson. IV CuaiWrrr. ,.',( Columbus and Bladen. Office at i i'ii iji-i tuii, Robeson co., N. C. July ", i:s"i. w.3m. M. C2 xxxioloesXX, AUCriONKER As COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, Favkttkhi.i.e, N. C. Nov. ',:,. I H H . a B. H A , j . n .i I 3 5 a n ill e r c !) n n t . WiLMlNi ION, N. C. A 7" ILL g:- v !.i..-ip( !t:nl rsrmal attention to all T T u"ui!-,u of :ts Turpentine, Ro.sin, T ie 'C'l; :i'jt! : u.jd i ,';.: ry produce for sale. -SA- iJ'f . up .t,ar iv -r tii.j blore of Mr Von ii iii-i .-iml jm ii : ii Ln'ji t"li's wharf. North Water sitroet. June H. iii. y. tf 1 Yi. I T! villi: iiotkl, T. WAI)1;II.L, PROPRIETOR. 'HI:;, th most commodious Hotel in North Carolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and Donaldson streets, is located n tlie centre of the business portion of the tow n. :nd surrounded by all the bank- houses, wholesale merchants and 'principal pi-o- duce dealers. -r Huin.'ss men will lind the Hotel a convenient and coiiitortable iiouse. AM the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. April 2. IS59. ly;r Stoves, Slieet-Iron TIN-WAKI &c. ON hand, a large assortment of I5ox and cooking Stoves; Tin-waie; Shi-ct-Iron ; Lead Pip. Al so the "-Old Dominion Colfte Po." For sale by Nov. 27. tf JAMES MARTINE. NOTICE. II AVING RECENTLY PURCHASED THE H2rx"ti.x"o aitocli. Ox aooDs, of Council & McKethan, I am now carrying on the mercantile business at '."ouncirs IJluff R. II. LYON. Aug 19. 1859. w-lf IMarlDlo Factory, O.;0. L1UDER, Two Doors above C. 'V. llaigii & Son's Store, Faycttevilie, JN . C. Oct. 1, 1858. ly. FOR SXjIE- Jus rST FINISiIEi. A SUPERIOR STILL CAP and NV'ORvl to work at'tL-eii Barrels, which I will sell on reasonable terms. Apply soon. JAMES MARTINE. Fayetteville, May 19, '59. w-tf Xxxxt;s, Oils, cfcc SPERM, Refined, Laid, Linseed and Tauner's OIL; WHITE LEAD ; Burning Fluid ; Putty ; Window (llass and rfas.i of all sizes. ALSO A fresh supply of Pond's Pain Destrover. For sale by JAS. MARTINE. Nov. 27. tf r n s vr:.fi os .v ch.iirs For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store .1 A. M. C'AMl'UELL. A-g,!l,l--'. tf Tj notice. D t W I s - i f f-'r his iirofcsional .-ervices to 'nil -ly and i'.asi ..j th. Ma may be seen ;it his mce. kt t, w-tf Reward. 11 b"'i t eh pi- A'A trora l.l. . I lit: su'iseriher o i the 8th inst.. a I i .NUEL. Said negro is a '' ! -r ' A-,j i!iehe. high. 1I. is ;i';-h'.. boo.! .' . H. Brown .-re lie was !a-t. een. I will 1 t uventy dollars for his deliv .tivH tromths dite. I will w i-.i f S2 lor evidence sulfi t i o ery lo mm tr'i i:i a i jj;e u i o ': LTO AugJO my w te mau of harboring said ne JAMES McNATT. w-tf Scfiool Notice- MY -chool in the DONALDSON ACADEMY will be re-opened ou Monday, October 3rd. TeiBM per uuarter f ten wtks. English, $7 50 Latin. $10 00 Latin and Greek, $12 5.i Contingent. 25 A fe pupils can be furnished with board in the family of the Principal, on Hay Mount. j esse k, mclua.x, A. A1-, principal 4ug. 13. 185?. W-tf l'is. J A .! M S Ii V M , IS now receiving his usual supply of Goods, among which are. Rich Silks, Col'd and Black ; French Merinos and delaines ; English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted ; Bed and Negro Blankets ; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 10 ; Ready-Made Clothing ; Boots and Shoes ; With a very large assortment of other Goods. All of which were purchased by the package at the lowes rice. Those purchashing will please call and look at the Goods and prices, Sept. 16, 1859 w-tf IMPORTATIONS FOE THE FALL OF 1859. rni!fi subsrcrlbfrs fttcTc received most of their pur chases for the approaching Fall Trade, embra cing a large and general assortment of (ieoccries, Hollow-Ware, By the Ton or less ; Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findings. With articles generally wanted for manufacture of Shoes: In great variety, and SADDLERY HARD-WARE. They have also added largely by Direct Importation from the Manufactures in Europe to their HAED-WARE &c CUTLERY Department, by which they are enabled to save to iWir i-nstnnuira t.hf Northern Jobbers' Profits, and they are disposed to sell at a small advance on cost on i their usual terms. Thev solicit an examination of their goods by the Trade generally In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stork to be Found in Xorth Carolina, the undersigned are Sole Agents in this place for Mess. Wm. Carter & Sou., of Chatham Co., for the sale ot their SUPKKIOR BROGANS. Messrs. C. & Son are manufacturing Shoes from Leather tanned by them-el ves except the outer sole; they have all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making A Shoe That Planters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever offered for sale in this sectioD, and at a reasonable price. Gall and see ! ! GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. August 9, 489 d-lt w-3m TREVSITKEH'S OPFIf'K, Wilmington, Cliarlotle &. Rutlierfforrt ltailron.fl. WiLMiNGTon, N. C, September 12, 1859. rpilE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE 4s -L STOCKHOLDERS of the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Com pany, will be held in the town of Charlotte, on Fri day 14th day of October next. D. S. COWAN, Seery Wadesboro' Argus. Fayettcvil'.e Observer, and Pres byterian, Charlotte Democrat and Whig, and Rnther l'ord Enquirer, copy weekly till meeting. Send bill to Treasurer's office. Sept. 14, 1856. d-lt w-tm KTCDIKKBIE ry th lt TimiUv (27th..) of October, 1959, V t'lftre will be an election biiat - w voai aio. tion Precincts of Harnett County, for the selection of the County site of said County. JAS. R. GRADY, Sheriff. Sept. 1(5, 1859. d It. w te. I HAVE associated with me. in this line. Mr John K. Dail. v, and will style the tirm ORRELL & DAILEY. We have purchased the Steamer SouTnKKXF.it, and in a few days, will have a New I- lat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. ' R. M. ORRELL. R. M. ORRELL March 2G. 1859. JOHN K. DAILEY. -tf. LOST. ROPPED from mv Sulky, on the Fayetteville and Centre Plank Road in about 11 miles of Fay etteville, my Medical bags, containing a pocket case of Instruments Ac. The Dnder will be liberally re warded by addressing tie ubscriber at FayetteviPe. July 23d 1859. JNO. M. M' LEAN. AMES MARTINE is now receiving a large and general assortment of everything iu the above line. ALSO A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed aud Browu Sugar ; Sugar Iiouse Syrup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov. 27. tf Fall and Winter Goods, 1859. E are now rcceiviner and by 1st September will e in store OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FALL A.D WINTER GOODS, comprising a large assort ment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Boots aud Shoes. Hats and Bonnets, ILK M)Y MADFiCLOTIil.VG, &., All of which we are disposed to sell at at the lowest uarkct prices for cash or good paper. H. i E. J. LILLY. Aug. 2(5. 1859. d-lt w-tH R. JAMES DAVIS, having decided on termanentlv locating in tlie Town of Fayetteville, respectfully offers his servi ces to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fes sion, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa tionthat he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the rnoutb, None but j the proper metals are made use of in tho various' operations. Charges will be moderate, that the i benents ot the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the reservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where e will be found at all times. May 15, 185 tf 3s r I JJJU T ia v ASSETS $254,010 CC. THIS Company has been in operation raoC" six years, and has paid its Fire losses, fcT ing to $2:5.524.87 w ithout any assessment ; ins averagiug its members about i per cent. - Amount of property now insured, $1,563,4? Amount premium notes now on hand, 24JZJ-1 DIRECTORS: George McNeill, D. A, Ray, II. L. Myrover; S. W.Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, S. T. Hawley, W. If. T'UingbafV A. A. IMeKetbas. J. D. Willianm, , James Cook" A, W. Steel. James KylevS WjnTMciaarj;-- wlttWitaiiRgtoiit A. E. Hall, Wilmington. OFFICERS: V GEORGE JIcXEILL, PRESIDENT. D. A. RAY, VICE PRESIDENT. C. A. MCMILLAN, SECRETARY. J. Collins and C. C. McGrummen. Travelling Agents. The Company invite applications. May 19, IS59. wly'r MORE NEW GOODS!! I AM JUST RECEIVING -MY SPRING STOCK OF GOODS in my line. They were selected in the Northern Cities by myself, with ereat cre. and boueht on the most reasonable terms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest stock I eyer be fore offered to the public, and to ofier them generally AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. -FRUITS- RAtSONS,FIOS. PRUNES. APPLES. LEMONS, ORANGES CHERRIES. CURRANTS. &c; PICKLES. JELLIES AND PRESERVES, A GREAT VARIETY ; PERFUMERIES AND EXTRACTS OF VARIOUS KINDS; Fancy Soaps and Pomades ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- KIDDLES. DRUMS. FIFES. FLUTES. BANJOS. GU ITARS.&c Walking Canes of every kind ; BA S KB T A ND WIL LOW WARE ; Hobby Horses. &c; NUTS; FINE AND COMMON CANDIES; SARDINES FINE CIGARS ; SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO ; CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES: A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PORT-MON AIES. SOME VERY NICE: FANCY ENVELOPES. AND FANCY GOODS. TOYS AND YANKEE NOTIONS; AN ASSORTMENT OF INDIA RUBBER GOODS. WHIPS. COMBS. FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine. my stock. I have a great many handsome things that cannot "fail to please. . JAMES R. LEE. April 2. 1959. -tf Hotel Building. AY ER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR TIIE RAPID CURE OF Colds, Coiiarlis, and Hoarseness. Rbimfield, Mass., 20th Dec., 1855. Dr. 3. C. Aver : I do not hesitate to say the best remedy I have ever found for Coughs, lloarseuess, Intiuenza, and the concomitant symptoms of a Cold, is your Cherry Pectoral. Its constant use in niy practice and my fnm-Hv T'r tlie lat ten v.-ars tins ;.-lv;v.';x..ir.l t--rr i r ror The m-nrmenT oi complaints. EitEN KNKJ1IT, 31. D. A. R. MOUTLEY, I?., of Utica, X. Y., writes: "I have Hsed your Pectoral mytclf and in my family ever since you invented it. and tx-liuve it tho best medicine for its purpose ever put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty-live dollars for a buttle than do without it, or take uny other remedy.1' Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. Sprinqfield, Mits., Feb. 7, 1858. Brother. Ayer : I will cheerfully certify your Pectoral is tho best remedy we possess for the cure of Whopping Lbugh, Croup, ' and thochest diseases of children. We of your fraternity in the South appreciate your skill, aud commend your medicine to our people. II 111 AM COXKLIN, M. D. AMOS LEE, Esq., Monterey, Ia., writes, 3d Jan., 1S56: I had a tedious Influenza, which confined me in doors six weeks; took many medicines without relief ; finally tried your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman. The lirst doso relieved tho fi-rcnusB in my throat and lungs; less than one half the bottla n;:ile me. completely well. Your mediciues are the cheapest as well as the best we can buy, and we esteem J'ou, Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man's friend." Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. West Manchester, Pa., Feb. 4, 1S56. Sir : Your Cherry Pectoral is performing marvellous cures in thu section. It has relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who has labored under an affection of the luugs for the last forty years. HENRY Ii. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, M. D., Ai.dios, MoxrtOE Co., Iowa, writes, Sept. 6, 1855: "During my practice of many years I have found nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for giving ease aud re lief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are curable." We miht add volumes of evidence, but the most convincing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in its effects upon trial. Consumption. Probably no one remedy has ever been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach ; but even to those the CiiERRr Pectoral affords re lief and comfort. Astor Houss, New York Citt, March 5, 1856. Doctor Ayer, Lowell: I feel it a duty and a pleasure to in form you what your Cherry Pectoral has done for my wife. She had been five months laboring under the dangerous symp toms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we have come for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has recovered from that day. She is not yet as strong as she used to be, but is free from her cough, and calls herself welL Yours, with gratitude and regard, ORLANDO SHELBY, of Shslbyvtllb. Cbnsumptiva, do not despair till you have tried Ayir's Cherry Pectoral. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all round us bespeak the high merits of Us virtues. Philadelphia Ledger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been faxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that these Pills have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordina ry medicines, and that tbey win unprecedeutedly upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered or gans into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they core the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and danger ous diseases that have baiHed the best of human skill. While they produee powerful effects, they are, at the tume time, in di minished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Beiug sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid Jhe suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the re liability of my remedies, while others have sent me the assur ance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute im mensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my A men. lean Almanac, containing directions for their use, aud certifi cates of their cures of the following complaints: Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, ITeart burn. Headache arising from afoul Stomach, Nausea. Indiges tion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, and Paiu arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cutaneous Dis eases which require an evacuant Medicine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the sys tem, cure many complaints which it would not be supjosed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and ITrvoaa Irritability, Derangements of the Liver aud Kidneys, Oout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Ayer's Pills, and take noth ing else. No other they can give you compares with this in its iptripsic value or curative powers. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have It. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell Mass. taica, 95 Cts. rra Box. Fivs Boxes woa $1. SOLD BY S. J- HINSDALE, Feb'y 19, 1859. ly Fayetteville, N. C. Tobacco. Kf BOXES from several Manufacturers at Factory tJ I prices", some very choice brands at wholesale or retail. PEMBERTON & SLOAN, 4-tw-is IH Aug. 26 ,1859 1 - "i t "IT If... . 'Cll 1 1 1 u VILLE. N; c. '5!rlJ??!?SiciHi-ivMt.. PPitioniats at the NnrtW '-- m found guilty of another foul trick which ky landed to practice upon tha members of the emratic party. The Democracy howeTer, have. t , .auch simplicity and ignorance about them, it .. enemies would appear by their action to -lite to them. Their last vile trick is that of -tingto distract the members of the Demo- rty by publishing antrue statements, said been uttered by certain prominent leaders party, concerning each other.. They doubt- 'aTV-hl t(V hud -bit nrmn an a,im;t.i 1 - - -si in 1 which to distract the party tnat OI arraying 01 arraying ifie most distinguished members against each other in consequence of sentiments purported to have Been entertained and spoken. But the game was too simple for intelligent men not tJ see it; the consequence was they were caught at il and branded as they deserved to be It is in this way, by this precise mode of doing thinss breaches are verv freaueutlv made in our ranks, and we conjure all good Democrats both North and South to keep a vigilant eye upon their enemies, esneciallv thnso who -n..ld W rilrv despicable an act as that of manufacturing untrue itatements for the sake of distracting our ranks. , , . ... - . . ' . We have innumerable just such persons to contend with, and the more sedulously they are guarded, te less disastrous will be the result. 4 The Practical Machinist. A very handsome folio sheet, bearing the above title, has just been l, received. It seems to be admirably adapted to the wants of Mechanics. T. II. Leavitt & Co., publish ers, New York City, at $1 per annum in advance. We trust the publishers will favor us with an txchangre. 3P"Hon. JeQvrson Davis has declined, in conse quence of ill health, an invitation to deliver an ad dress before the next annual exhibition of the Mis. sissippi Agricultural Society. i State Car and Machine Works. 1M1E undersigned having located in the town of Favett-jville, .V. C. and erected buildings uita-bl-; for Car and Machine Works, would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders for Cars of every description, also all kinds of .Machine work. sucb; as repairs of Steam Kngiues, Cotton. Mill and Mining Machinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spin dles, Cranks. &c, at short notice. By au arrangameut made, with the Boston Deltirg uompant we are prepared, to receive nrflc-raAg-- VVvted onf Enjrine. and Woodwork's Plan er are prepared to plane all descriptions of Lum ber and Scantling, which will be kept on hand for sale either in the rough or dressed, as parties may de sire. Contracts taken for the erection of Buildings, ma terials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dipatch. Counters and Desks made to order. Stores fitted. Sash. Doo s and Blinds manufactured, equal to any thing of the kind to be found in the Northern market. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct 3, 1S.39. diw t-f Large Sale of Real S state PURSUANT to a Deed of Trust to me executed by Beverly Rose, for purposes therein mentioned. I shail offer for sale at public auction, on Frhlay the 2 1st October, at the Market House, the VALUABLE RESIDENCE recently occupi. d by said B. Rose : also, his COUNTRY" RESIDENCE, 8 miles from town on the Western Plank Road, with about 50 Acres of Land attached ; also a large WAREHOUSE AND LOT m same street; also. 1 LOT ON HAY STREET, immediately West of the Dobbin House ; 1 Lot in rear of ditto ; 1 LOT opposite Arsenal, lj acres. -Also, at same time will be sold a large lot of hand some FURNITURE, 1 PIANO ; also 7 shares F. & Western Plank Road Stock : 1 Share F. Female High School Stock. Terms liberal and made known on day of Sale. E. J. LILLY, Trustee. Fayetteville, Sept. 20. d-ltw-ts Itockflsh Mill at Auction. WILL be sold at the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, at 12 o'c'.ock on Tuesday the 15th November next, it 1 e ng Tuesday ofNtv mbcr Tourt. the well known Mill on the North side of Big Rockfish. 7 miles from Fayetteville and 5 miles from th? mouth of Rockfish, the property of the late Jonathan Evans, and adjoining the Mill of Hector McNeill, Sh- riff. The Mill has two Saws in frame, one in excellent order, the other requiring some repairs. Logs may be obtained easily, and lumber conveyed to Wilmington at any season of the year. E. II. EVANS, Ex'r of Jonathan Evans. C. E. LEETE, Auct'r. Oct?r 4 w-4-t The Old Dominion HAVING become indispensable to all who have tested its value, AFRESH SUPPLY Has been obtained, among which is a lower-priced ar ticle, viz : viz 2 qt. at 1 50 and 3 qt. 1 75. ALSO litivtis 1? or this Coffee Pot (or boiling vessels of any sort,)at 25 cts., IRON COFFEE POT MATS, (or stands) at 15 ct3. "We record our own opinion formed only by d-ink-mg the coffee made in this fioflen Pm hut thntA more immediately connecsed with its preparation, are perfectly delighted with the simplicity and economy jjiuccas. sioutnern So.Ca. Guardian, Columbia, For sale at the CROCKERY STORE. W. N. TiLLLNGHAST. May 14, 1859. -tf FRESH ARIVAL. J. W. LETT HAS just received a large and general STOCK . . of Goods suited to the FALL & WINTER trade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple and Facr DRT GOODS Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirable in that line. Prime Family Groceries always to be bad :-vf..':" AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. -August t7, 1859. ly ST" Thursday Herald has at leng-.h reached u3 (we wonder if the delay of the paper was in conse- qxience of our friends' preparing their lengthy, yoI- ominous article concerning us.) Well to proceed- The Herald accuses us of misquoting it a little, WeU that uaounts to nothing. "It can tee no ma- terial rfsjrc between northern Democrats and Black Rep0"" We will illustrate this in order that our readers may readily see the difference bctween the politics of the Herald and the Caroli- nian- The Herald" can see no material difference" between Daniel S. Dickinson, a " northern Demo- crat who asserted in the Halls of Congress that he " woul1 suffer his blood to be spilt in defence of southern rights," and Wm. H. Seward, a " l.lack Republican," who says There is a higher law than r. :.,; n.k;.i. M.i....'...ti.Arit.. the domain. SLAVERY ncsx be abolished and we must do it! It sees " no material difference" between " north- .... -1 r 1 . 1 . em democrats wno stana nrmiy upon me uncin- Clnnatl Ptform, and who have never said that 1 "slavery will produce a dissolution of the Union unless tiod interpose to arrest 11s progress, men who have always stood up manfully, and fearlessly J v for the rights uf the South, and who love the Un- on lnwt to idolatry," and such men as the "Black Itepuuiican- liuaui x. " Union is ulie. ine American union I tre, a covenant with doath and an agreement witn hell. We are for its overthrow ! Up with the Hag of Disunion, that we may have a free and glorious Republic of our own." The Herald sees 44 no ma terial differance between such men and Horace Gree ly, who says, 44 1 have no doubt but the free and slave States ought to be separated. The Union is not worth supporting in connection with the South." Shame, shame upon a paper a southern paper that would "almost as lief vote" for such men as the national Democrats of the North. W e cannot believe the Herald would do any such thing in its its calm and unprejudiced moments as it says it would. Our readers can now see for themselves the politics of the Herald, and with reluctance do we write the article about a North Carolina paper. The Herald wants to know under what circum stances the Carolinian will support Stephen A. Douglas. We answer that we will support Douglas, if a candidate, in the event of the nomination of such men as Seward, Giddings, or any of their com patriots by the abolitionists of the North, and voted for by the Oppositionists of the South. Is the Her ald satisfied ? The October Elections. The first of the elec tions for this month took place on Monday last in Mississippi, Georgia and Florida. In the two former slate olUccrs and members of Congress were chot jsen'alsp maiStsrvttsar in Florida, in addition to members of tfie Legislature the people voted upon the question of annexing West Florida to Alabama. In Georgia, as was ex pected, the Hon. Joseph E. Brown, the present Gov. ernor was re-elected by a very large majority it will probably be 20,000 The Opposition candidate was Hon. Warren Aikin, a very worthy gentleman, but unfortunately for him the citizens of the Em pire State are sufficiently well pleased with Mr. Brown to re-elect him. We give all the particulars we have received from the election in another col umn. Tuesday the 11th instant elections will be held in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, and Mincsota. In all save Indiana State officers are to be chosen. Minesota in addition to the above will also elect two members of Congress. The returns will be published as soon as received. From Pennsyl vania, the accounts are highly encouraging. We have before us a private letter from a gentleman in that State, who asserts that 44 Democracy is right side up in Pennsylvania." The Episcopal. Convention at Richmond. The Convention on Thursday was chiefly engaged in re ferring amendments to cannons to the committee on cannons. Dr. Binney, the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, was formally introduced to the convention. A motion to hold the next triennial convention at Chicago occasioned a long debate ; and a motion to substitute New York for Chicago was lost. No final action was taken. The committee on new dioceses made a report recommending the admission of the dioceses of Minnesota. Documents relative to the election of Rev. Dr. Grigs, of S. C, to the diocese of Texas, were referred to the Committee on the election of Bishops. Rev. Dr. McMahon, of New Jersey, presented tho credentials of the Bishop of New Jersey, which were referred to the committee on credentials. Documents from Ohio, relative to the election of G. T. Betell, as assistant Bishop of Ohio, were pre sented and referred to the committee on the conse cration of Bishops. In the list of committees we find among the names of those appointed 41 on tlie State of the Church" that of Rev. R. B. Drane. On the 44 committee on the General Theological Seminary" Richard S. Ma son, D. D. Mr. Mason is also on the committee on the consecration of Bishops. Rev. Francis L. Hawks is on the committee on cannons. W. H. Battle, Esq., is on the committee on expenses. On the committee on unfinished business, A. A. Watson, and on the committee on the Prayer Book. Thos. Ruffin, Esq., all of North Carolina. FiLiBusTKRiNtf. A report reaches us from New Orleans that Collector Hatch positively refused a clearance ot tne steamer rnuaoe.pnia mr spinwan, in consequence of a report that had been extensively A . . circulated that Gen. Walker with two or three hun- heard louder complaints, nor see u longer visages dred men from Texas, Alabama, Tennessee and than are worn by that complaining set or maividu other states were stationed below the city of New ! "1": th&t there will not be half Orleans and prepared to start for Nicaragua. It U thought that the vessel intended to have left on Wednesday last the 5th inst for the Chiriqui diggings. The Collector's refusal to grant a clear- ance, agpi ar not to have checked the lawless gang, as they departed from New Orleans without troub- ling tbe authority Ont something be don, to prevent the " gray-eyed man of destiny " from per- sisting in his illegal business ? j Cy In the list of patents published in the Wash- ington Constitution, we notice one to J. W. How- lett of Greensboro', N. 0.. for an improved mode of, disinfecting feathers. " The Lords of the Quill have horn at us again with critical assaults." The Herald asserts that we are cgregiously mistaken" if we think its publication was delayed in coneeouence of its editor's having to manufacture a lenethv article conceminsr us. We are gaatified to know that we were not the cau sc of so much annoyance to their subscribers. Whether or not the Carolinian has been shrewd enough to out the exceptions in favor of Democracy," it js not our province to judge, but if in the IleralXl opinion we have done so, why will it still continue to use such expressions as it does T The Herald ad there are " some exceptions" but still ltcan seff no difference. We give its precise language: 4. Because we said we could see no material differ. ence between Black Republicans and Northern Dem- oorata. tlm Caroliniavn na.oa vm to. and elmost weena neraiir 00 on. viititui ia tha nitrtlt nrsvntiul n view wercannot help itT thCarolinian will have to find relief in tears. As a general thing we can see no great difference between one and tho rt rif frkoiitrK nf fnnrci rwr bm enmp AYMnt.tnna f Carolillian shrewd enough to point them. out. , Daniel S. Dickinson may be an exception to tha general rute, oui we asserx 11 ooiuiy anu wnnour. of contradiction that hen's teeth could hardly rw crarrr than XTsittshnstJ lin,,,- . Kawaa k.n,i ,i.: a vote for a Black Republican as a northern democrat. : T - ---t -t V w know. There is so much roU.nness- in Denmark that it is next to impassible to ct any thing sonndi oui of it." In charity shall we state that you r.u.ve been too precipitate and not suflk-ieutly humble to avow it. Well friends, we'll pardon you for ail you Lavtt said if you think you have bon too pr :,jritate1 and' blindfolded o greatly by prejudice that you coold see - 44 no material difference between Black Repub licans and northt-rn Democrats." The Executive oCinuiitteo of the opposition party of North Carolina have appointed Raleigh as the place, and the 22nd day of February as the time or holding their annual convention. Whataniiyr appropriate time ! Washington's birth day. The Chinese Difficulty. A report, we do not vouch for the truth of it, has been in circulation for some days past that the Emperor of China had sent a communication to the Governor of Shanghai in ' which he states that the firing from the forts at the mouth of the river Peiho upon the ships of the French and British nations was not done by his request or order, but by a gang of mandarins 44 whose heads he has ordered to bo struck off for the act." It is also statod that our minister, Mr Ward, has proceeded to Pekin, whilst the British: Minister, Mr. Bruce, has gone to Japan, where he in tends remaining until he receives further orders from head quarters. We can scarcely give credit to the above report Smm anvrral v? not, Hwr w laoamnt lac - lieve that the Emperor -of China would decapitate these Mandarins for having beaten the 4barbarians, although such might peradventure be the case. We would state for the information of tho Petersburg Intelligencer that our information con cerning it was obtained from the Press, a good and reliable paper, and so long as it claims the author ship of the article we saw in that paper we shall entertain the same opinion we did when we first perused it. Is the Intelligencer satisfied ? m Robeson County Fair. The fifth annual exhibi tion of the Robeson County Agricultural Society will be held at Red Springs on the 16th, 17th and 18th days of November next. The annual address will be delivered by Thos. D. McDowell, Esq., of Bladen. Common Schools. We invite attention to th advertisement of the semi-annual statement of tho distribution by Gov. Ellis, Ev-Ofncio President of he Literary Board, which we publish in another; column of to-day's paper. The sums allotted to each county may be ascertained by reference to tha 53 Some one has kindly sent us a pamphlet copy of an address on the Past, Present, and Fu ture of the American Party, delivered in Camden, N. J., on the 4th day of August last, by Com. R. F. Stockton. We presume the author or some ono else sent it to us to be noticed. We will gratify that person on to-morrow. gST" M. Blondin, the great rope walker, has pur chased a house completely furnished, at Niagar Falls for four thousand dollars cash which amount is a portion of the profits of his feats across the chasm, of the Niagara during the summer. We return our thanks to the Executive Committee of the Cumberland county Agricultural Society, for an inviU'i-i-.i to attend their next annu al exhibition on the 2d, 3rd, . .nl 4th days of No vember next. . The Printer far ii jten ;er is an excellent numr interests of tha oer. ana is uumn un -.p'.---i to t'i'j art;." j art pre.-crvai The Cotton Chop js Alabama. There is a section of country in Alabama, huwn as the Cane-, brake, one of ths richest cotton producing regions in the South. A corrf-sp'jiiueut of the Marion Ala.) Commonwealth Li- been in a portion of that section, and writes the !illov5ng discouraging let ter concerning the cotton crops : I have spent several days in the Prairie section of our countrv. and have mado it mv business to ob serve closely every field of cottou that 1 have pas- ecu; uuvt" t;i. mtiunt u oi uumili'is ii ba-Ia a. - ...... 1 . . 1 . . . .. . . . . regard to cr . g as u,;.1Viltil,11 goes 1 have never s-t-u am.ire uomohno failure and have never ning immediately South of renboro ana lunning. to Demopolis. thence East to "JjkJ jJJJJ-JJf tCtfe TRoiuidrBirie, &c, as mid last year . - . M .giA Yori Cbicao Bank Note Reporter : Bank of Commerce at Newborn, N. C, was or- ganized; its stock was all taken by citizens of New- North Carolina is the only State wher banks do not fail, a strong pr.w.f that its people ar upright and intelligent. Pa tuw feot troHBu mm uiuuu t:vi.ivu x- . . & '- l

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