FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. BY PEMBERTON & SLOAN. OCTOBER 3. IS 59. B AC OX BE V.S WAX t-ANDLKS Adamantine, Spt-rm. Tallow. COKKEE Rio. Laguira, Java. COTTON air. MilJlinj. 13a 131-2, MOHSSES- 29 a 30 25 a 30 42 a 55 18 a 20 12 a 134 14 a 15 18 a 20 Cub 28 a 30 50 a 55 4.50 a 4.75 0.00 a 2.00 0.00 a 1.00 70 a 80 1.50 a 2 25 00 a 60 15 a 25 00 a 00 00 a 00 New Orleans, NAILS OIT.S Sperm. Linseed, Tanner's. POTATOES Irish. Sweet. TOULTRY Chickens, Ducks. Turkeys, SALT LiTerp'lpcrsiack Alum per bushel. SEED Mar Seed. TO a MM it 1-2 a 9 3-4 00 a 9 Ordinary COTTON BAfJGlNO tSinny. 18 a 20 Dundee. 17 a -M Burlaps. oo a 15 COTTON YARNS Nor. 4 to 10. 1 00 a 1 05 DOMESTIC liOODS- 00 0 : 00 i 1 50 50 1 05 a 1.15 r.rownShictings. 8 1-4 a 8 1-2 ! CloTerprr pound, SHOT 12 a 15 Osn.-ibure. lo;; a li FEATHEHS ISH M'krrel per bl.l Shad p?r pound "KI.OLTl VavtHj. ' ' row. tUlAIN nrn. Wheat, Oats. Teas, Rye. HIDES Dry. irtrcn. J RON A m?ricau, Koglinh, I.AKD CF.AD Common bag, Buck. SPIRITS 2 00 a 2.12 2 12 a 2.25 1.00 a 1 10 65 a 70 70 a 90 60 a70 35 a 40 12 1-2 12 10 a 101-2 8 1-4 'J 9 a 1-2 0 00 a 2.45 0.00 a 2 45 1M) a 1.25 CO 4Di 45 a 50 10 a $12 J 00 a 00 0 00 5 75 j a 5.50 ) 0.00 a .V25 0.00 a 5.00 I 1 10 a 1.20 l.Oo a 1.10 ( 50 a 60 ; :.o5 a i io ; 1 05 a 1.10 ' Teach Brandy, N. C. Apple. Northern. N C Whiskey. Northern do., SL'UAlt Loaf. Crushed. Porto Rico. New Orleans. TALLO W TURPENTINE Yellow Dip. Virgin Srr pe. Spirits pir gallon WHITE LEAD Per pound. WINDOW JLASS 8 a 10 4 a 6 lia 7 5 a 55, 0 a 4 13H a 14 a V 0 a 10 Kigbt by ten. 2.00 a 2 20 Ten by twelve , 2 25 a 2.50 WOOL 00 a 20 Cotton- There has been a fair business done, sales in the early part of the weak at JO J, afterwards varying down to 10 cents. We believe 10 J to be the highest market price. Fi.orit The receipts have not been so large this -week and there has been a brisk demand, we ad vance our quotations, some sales are reported to have been made 5 cents higher than above figures. Shts Tl-hpkxtixe Receipts light, market firm, with some sales as high as 4 1 cents. Cokx Receipts light with a good demand. JJacox Rut little offering, stock on market very light, with an upward tendency. Cattle 4 to 5 per lb. on fo t. J'.ekk G to 10 per lb. WIM1IXGTOX .MAUKET, Oct. 20 1859. Turpentine, Kales yesterday of 30 bbls at 2 95 for Virgin n4 Velio w Dip, 2S0 lb .4 being an ad vacce of 5 ct. Spts Turp. Sales yesterday of 2o bbls at 13 cts Kosin., Sates yesterday of 200 bbls at 2 jO for No. 1, aud 15:) lor opaque. NEW YORK MARKET, October '20th, 183.0. At Lite clone yesterday. Cotton firm. Flour unchanged. Wheat advanced 1 cent. Corn firm; Mixed $ I per bushel. Spirits Turpentine dull at 4(1 a 47 cents per gallon. Rosin dull at $1 5.5 per barrel. Rice firm at 3 a i cents ix r lb. LIVERPOOL MAUKET, Oct. 8th, 18.39. ' Ctsrrox. Sales for the past week reach 54,000 hales, of which :i,000 were to speculators, and 1 l,5f0 to exporters. Fair and Middling qualities iiave slightly advanced. Inferior qualities are un saleable. The Brokers and Manufactures strongly complain of the sand an l dust mixed with cotton and have memorialized the Chamber of Commerce on thi subject. They say, that in the past year their loss from this cause amounted to one hundred tho isan I bales no quotations receive'! Flour firm. Wheat firm but market quiet. Corn buoyant an I all qualities have slightly ad vanced under speculators purchases. Sugar active but slightly lower. Jlice firm. Jtosin firm at 4s. 2d. a 4s. 4d. Spirits Turpentine steady at .". 0.1. a :.s. 9.1. JonsoIs f r money closed at 15 j a l5i. AV 7E AM -: .i-:c LIVING IN AUDITION to cur ; present stock the following goods. s:' lias Colfee, It'o. Lauira and Java. ."! Bills mil Lllid-s S'lar, different grades. Io 1k)it So;i. asMirtetl qualities. 15 llll lUils Ivigle Mills JSiiult". in small bladders 20 Kixes and Kegs Super Carbonate- Soda. 2il " Stewarts Candy. li da ll.:-. A bun lain'; and Sperm. Si Bales Bagging. Dundee and Gunny. I Tous llolluwware. 201) Sauks Liverpool Salt-i -fm Lbs Bar Lead . -i0 Bags nb.it. IU0 Keft iiil-- A L $ O T I . VI I W'AIil-G AND CUTLKUY. Sudilli ry, Collars, Wiiips, S1IOKS AND SOLK LEATHER. G 1X1 ; Kit, PEl'l'EU and Sl'lCE Win low Glass. Butty and vVhitu Lead. Cigars, Green and Black Teas. Bale lope and Twine. Manilla itope, Sash Cord Ac. Broom. Buckets. Bails and ' itches. Cotton Yarns and Sheeting t .'uctory prices. And a good many other articles uu. mentioned, and expect to make such additions to our stock, as the trade requires. We will sell at wholesale or retail low for CASH ; or on tune to prompt paying custo mers, or exchange for couutiy produce. Persons wanting goods in our line, are requested to examine our stock belore purchasing. BEMBEUTON & SLOAN. K. I.. 1'KMHEKTOX" Oct 1. W-tf OKOIIOK SLOAN. IP ROPER TOIl flIIE subscriber offers tor sale on accommodating 1 terms. The Dwelling House and lots, near Mallett's Mill, formerly the property of Johu Cruso, with the jidji lining;. The lot adjoining the above on the North, for mery the property of James Ilollingsworth. The Stores and Warehouse on Gillispie street, at present occupied bv Mr, Jno. Murphy and Mr. Sani l II. Steel. The Lot on Gillispie street joining Mr. A. John son on the South, aud the Mumford property on tho North. The Hoii-so an l lot on the corner of Orange aud Chauncej' streets, formerly the property of Jona than Jessup. Also four vacant lots joining the above. If not previously disposed of at private sale, the ab vo property will be sold at Auction at the Market House, 011 Tues, loth Nov, at 12 o'clock, M. AV. JESSUP, A. M. CAMPBELL, Auc'r. Oct. 21. w-ts Ob's. A Pres. copy. I will offer for sale at public Auction, on the prem ises 011 Tuesday the 6th day of Nov. next, the Plantation on which I now live, containing I535 acres, together with all my Crop, Stock, Furniture, and farming ut'.nsils. Any person wishing to locate in old Robeson, for the purpose of farming or making Turpentine, could not do better than to buy my land as it is as good farmiug laud as any in the neighbor hood, and is well timbered with round Pine. There is a comfortable new dwelling House, on. the premi ses, and also, a Saw and Grit Mill and Cotton Gin. Terms for the land one fourth cash, the remainder one. two and three years, for the personal property. - M. McBRYDE. Rand all die Robeson CO., Oct. 22. 1359 w-ts BURETT'S KAUJSTON. AS a wash for the cbmpltxion it has no equa1 -, it is distinguished fornts soothing and piirif -ing effect, allay idg all tendency to- innamatien.- is also a powerfvl cleanser of the skin, removing ta with its refreshing and invigorating properties, ren der" it an indispensable requisite for the toilet of ev- Foiia'le by JAS. N. SMITH. Oct. 10, I8G9. w-tf MARRIED. In Wilmington, on Thursday morning, 2' th insst., by Rev. . Paul Repiton, Mr. Whitson B. Shemwell, of Fayctteville, to Miss Margaret E. Oldham, of Or ange co., N. C, We acknowledge the reception of the printer's fee. The happy pair have our best wishes for future success and prosperity. At St. Stevens Church, Goldsboro'. N. C, on the morning of the 18th. Mr. C W. A. Barham, and Miss A. G. Ballap.d. DIED. In Wilmington, about 3 o'clock on the morning of the 18th inst., after a liugering illness, OWEN HOLMES, Esq., aged 43 years and 7 mouths. COME TO THE. FAIR. The Sixth Annual Fair of the Cumberland Coun ty Agricultural Society, will be held at Fayctteville on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 2d, 3d, and 4th days of November next. The Annual Address will be deliver on Thursday by W. W. Holden Esq., of Raleigh. The Executive Committee takes pleasure in an nouncing that the Society is now in a more prosper ous condition than at any previous period of its his tory. No pains will be spared to make the ar rangements for the Fair comple; and we now appeal to the people of our Countey to come forward and prove that they have county pride enough, with in dustry, enterprise and public spirit to back it, to make this Fair excel any previous one and to rank far ahead of any other County Fair in the State. The importance of such an institution for advan cing the interests of the Farmer, the Mechanics and the Manufacturer, cannot be doubted. It has for its object the creation of an honest and laudable spirit of emulation among them, by increasing their efforts to excel in their respective departments. This is an age of improvement and progress, and it is the interest of all to keep pace with it. One important step in accomplishing that object is to build up and sustain exhibitions of industry and enterprise where all may meet together, view each other's works, compare notes, increase in knowledge, and take fresh courage in their respective pursuits. An in stitution hav ing such objects in view cannot fail to meet the approbation and support of all. AVe now invite our fellow-citizens to come and join with us, and to bring with them for exhibition every thing they may have; and we promise to do every thing in our power to make the occasion one of interest, profit and pleasure to every one. We trust that our citizens gencraly will exert themselves to make every department of our exhibition com plete. We look to the ladies to fill Floral Hall. Thcy have always performed this part well, and as the time is rapidly approaching, we hope they will be readj- again to prove that those who look to thein m a good cause never look in vain. We invite the citizens of the surrounding counties to come and compete with us for the premiums, and we assure them we will endeavor to give satisfac tion to all. A. A. McKethax, J. W. Peakce, J- Elliott, J. W. Powell, IIlgil McLean, W. McL. Mc Kav, David Mlhpiiv, C. li. Mallett, Jno. Kihkpatjuck, John Ulie, J.is. G. Cook, S. J. Hinsdale, Tueo. Evans, Randal .cDaniel, Jessee II. Hawlev, J. A. Worth, AVm. Aldekmax, J. AV. Strange, Akcii'd McLean, H. L. Mykoveh, John I. McLean, Executive Committee. Sept. 4th, 1S59. The Meson Comity Fair ! ! I EXPERIENCE proves that Agricultural Societies U properly conducted are invaluable institut'.ous and indispensable in advancing the interests of our Agricultural. Mechanical and industrial pursnits. K ibjsou County, rightly appreciating t-lie importance of such a stimuli!-3, succeeded in establishing a Socie ty upon a permanent basis, which is now in a pros oas co idition. T.i! Kiftii A uiu il K."r will he h-lI nt Ttcl Springs, 0:1 Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, the ICth, 17th and l.s h id' Nov. next. All are therefore re.-pect fully solicited to come for ward and furn'sh the various ilepartments. Agricul tural. Mechanical an l Artiricial; with their best speci mens. Wb know the ladies will furnish Floral Hall. Tiiey XKVEii fail to do their part. All the adjoining Counties are respectfully invited to come t'i-ward and compete for premiums. The Executive Committee take great pleasure in annnunc ng hat they h ive succeeded in procuring 1 the servtjes of 1. M. McDowell. Lsq., ot lilaclen. to deliver the Annual Address. Mr. McDowell is a prac- t eal !-r aer. and li:s A I dress w .1 be appropriate to the occasion. NL1LL Bl. Lv, NEILL BUI!, d.kc. McNeill D. P. SMITH, D. MeNKlLL. Ex. Com. jno. c. McMillan, j w-2t Oct. 14, 1869 Town Property For Sale at Public Auction. riMIl-l Dwelling House and Premises situated on l Old .Street, the lute residence of Mrs. Perry. Will be sold it Public Auctijn. to fhe highest bidder at the Market House on Monday 24th October, at 12 o'clock, M. Possession given immediately, Termscrcd it six months, with approved Negotiable Note. Also six Shares of Stock iu the Fayetteville and Western Plank Boad Co. AVM. AVATJD.EN, Exfr. of Beze Perrv. JOHN II. COOK, AucVr. Oct. 19, wts d-ts mlfcll limn o n V Smith I HAVE this day associate 1 with myself Mr. Michael Smith, who has had an experience of live years in the Hat and Cap business in the City of New York, and is thoroughly conversant with every department, there of. In consequence of this increased facility in pur chasing, coupled with the fact that our Goods will be bought exclusively for cash, we will be enabled to sell all goods, in our line, to the trade and the community at large, at as low tigures as they can be bought in the Northern Markets. A. McKIMMON. The Style of the firm will be in future McRimmou & Smith . A. MCKIMMON". Fayetteville, N. C, Oct 17, MICIIAKT. SMITH. w-lni d-lw MRS. GIBSON has Just received her Fall fash ions for Ladies and Children Dresses. The Ladies are requested to call and See them, at her residence, on Maxwell St.. between the Female High School, aud tha Fayetteville Hotel Sept, 15, 1599. d-(;w pd Groceries I Groceries I 150 Bbls Mess Butt Rump and Prime Pork; 20 Hhds West Smoked Bacon: 10.000 Lbls. N. C. Smoked Bacon; 10 Bbls West Lard; 20 Kegs do do. 100 Boxes Ad. Candles, 75 Bbls N S Herring; 50 Hlf do do 10 Bbls Mullets. Oak and Tine. 50 Bags Rio Coffee. .10 Boxe Cheese. 50 Bbls C Coffee and yellow Coffee. 25 Hhds Cuba Molasses. 2000 Sacks L G Salt. 75 Barrels Glue. 500 Empty Spirits Casks 30 Bales Cotton Bao-ine SO Coils Rope; ic. &c. wt ' J J- T. PETTEWAY, Co. WiImingtoBTN. O.-Oct.O, 1859. dw-2ra. Presb'y.TfaleighPapersi Tarbbro', Southerner copy 2 mos. and senT bin. - CONC B5TII ATi D BKNZI K . rpHE TJenzine removes all "iinds of Grease Spots &c, from SHk Ribbon, Clothv &e., &c. Cleans Gloves in a few. moments without affecting the color and for cleaning all kinds of wool or silk Goods is invaluable. For sale by JAS. N. SMITH. Oct. 10. w-tf. Mf. J0ns0it r., HAS RECEIVED and is daily receiving by far the largest and most desirable stock of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS, ever offered by him to the public. Not deeming it necessary to enumerate, he would say it embraces all the New Styles for the Fall, aud Winter trade. To which he would call the atteution of his old Customers and the Public generally. ALEXANDER JOHNSON Jr. Sep. 8, 1859. d w tt .GUOCKK I KS AT WIJOI.KSA L.E. I AM now receiving my Stock of Groceries for the Fall Trade, consisting in part as follow?, 15 Bags Coffee ; 50 Bbls. Coffee Sugar : 20 finds. Mousses ; 50 Boxes Tobacco factory prices 5 7 Adamantine Candles ; 3:) i Bbls. Snuff Eagle Mills ; 50 Boxes Candy ; 201)00 Lbs. Ira assorted j 50 boxes No. 1 Soap : 25 M Cigars : 502 Bags Corn : 75 Bales Eastern liny ; 15 Firkins Butter ; 2C Bbls. Leaf Lard ; 35 4 Bbls. No. I Mackeral ; 500 Lbs. Cod l;isb, &c, &c. Sept, 15, 1859. E. F. MOORE A LARGE QUANTITY of Cotton and linen! Rags for wuieli fair prices will be naid. DAVID MURPHY Aug. i, Ijt59 d-tf SECOND STOCK. Stair & Willliams, Importers -unl Jobbers of JForeiffft and, Domestic Dry-Goods. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Uumbrcllas and Heady-Made Clath ing. West end Fayetteville Hotel Building. A HE now receiving theirSecoud purchase of Goods, or the Season. This Stock is large and well worth the attention of buyers, who are invited to call and examine for themselves. J. It. STAUR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Oct. 13, 1859, d& w-tf DRESS MA.KINa i r A DIES CAN BE SERA'ED IN THIS LINE aud work done promptlv. by calling at A LEX' It JOHNSON, Ju's. Sept. 2G, 1859. d k w tf DESl A ABLE PROPERTY SALE AT AU TlOiV. i OR T 1 HE subscriber will offer for salf a desirable Dwtd" Iiit and lot on Harrington's Hill, known as I lie Crow properly. Said properly to l.e sold at the Market house, on Tuesday ot Nov. Court. K. A. BLACK. Sept. 29, d & w t-s Guano ! Guano ! ! 40,000 "us x" 1 Peruvian. For sale 1. E. F. M0 ORE. Sent lo MONEY WANTEI). . "IIE subscriber having suffered a heavy loss by l the tire of last night, earnestly requests all per sons indebted to him to make immediate pavnieui. Oct. . 1S.)9. dJtwtf M. MeKlNNON. I il i 1 i Bbls Spirits of Turpentine Wanted. LlUUU between the 1st of October and the 1st of January 18(J0. at the market price. PAGE & SURLES. South Corwcr cf Market Square next door to A. J. Woodwards Clothiujf l-jirim. - - - Sept. 10, iSj'.K d-Jt-w-4-W Dissolution of CojMirt ING to the death of Mr. Leon Bran t. who died on tue 1 ot 11 ot July last, tne tirm ot It. Y, 1. Brandt is from this day' dissolved. Th business will be continued as heretofore iu all its branches under theFiimof GEORGE BRANDT. Persons indebted to the Firm of G. & L. Brandt will please cal I and settle with Geo. Brandt immediately, as the business of the old tirm must be settled up. GEORGE BltANDT. The business will be iu future conducted by Ceo. Brandt. See Advertisement. Oct 1-j d w f-f Bagging and Hoop Iron. fA YDS. Gunny Bagging. 0VJilJ Hoop Iron and Rope, for sale by 7 E. F. MO015 E. mO Teachers or Common Schools in Cumberland Co-' 1 Teacher are hereby notified that an cxattdnatiun as to qualiticat'.ons to teach in the Common Schools in this county, will be held at the District School House on Gillespie Street, on Saturday, 29th inst., commen cing at 10 o'clock A. M. A. M. CAMPBELL, Churn. Oct It w-2t Bonnets ! Sonnets ! I A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BONNETS, trimmed or untrimmed, always on hand and sold low at Sept. 2tt. d & w t-f A. JOHNSON JR S. ED GLOVER HAS RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Mili tary Goods, THO which he invites the attention ot his " 1 customers and the public, and as sures them he will sell anything iu his line as cheap as can be purchased either North or South. Particular attention paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Sept 8, 1859. d w 3-m "Whiskev and. Brandy. 110 BBLS. Pure Com Whi.-key ; 25 - InnU I ,.1. - 20 " 20 " 15 For sale by Sept 15 N. E. Rum ; American Brandy ; Old Rye Whiskey. E, F. MOORE. Silver Plated Castors. Silver Plated Spoons. Silver Plated Porks. A FRESH Sunnlv received. An assortment al- JLX. Wi ays ON HAND, at the -CROCKERY STORE.' ; 4. d-tf w in-tf W. N. TILLINGIIAST. June Gold and Silver Watches. CLOCKS, & JEWELRY. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery. MILITARY AND FANCY GOODS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. JUST received in the above line, a large aud handtome assortment, to i aether with numerous other articles. Purcim-cis are invited to cull ana examine a Hay Street. v PUOB- -pEPAlRINGof Watches, Clocks, and Jobbing strictly attended to. . Atigi 26. d w tf F M. & W. L. 3Ieadow's Tobacco. JUST RECEIVED 25 BOXES which 1 will sell lo at reduced factory prices. ..nyw July 27 1S59. JAMES W. HORNE. Bonnets ! Bonnets ! ! Bonnels ! ! ! o F ANY MATERIAL or Style, made at short notice at A. JOHNSON, JR'S. Sept, 26. d W-tf (KedPo BraMt, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I3j ST&FUB AMD FAMGY DRY GOODS, FRENCH ARUFICIAIS, MAKTUI.AS, SORBETS. .DRIiSN TIUMMLNUS, Clothing and FURNISHING GOODS, AiD CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, AND VALISES, (DOJTlLIESffi BOOTS &MB SitOES, MI 8 Omjjsical -ISSTUMENTS OP ALL KINDS, HAVANA SEGARS, &c, &c, Comprising in all, one of the largest, handsomest and the most thorough assortment of Goods ever ex hihited in this market, and will be sold very cheap for CASH, or on time to prompt paying customers. Our frieuds. and the public generally are very respectful ly invited to give us an early call and secure a good bargain. t G. & L. BRANDT, South Side Hay Street, Fayetteville, N, C. Oct 14 d-lt TOSJPDR TSJtlEJW Powder-Flasks, SSiuC-BeSts ami Pouclies, Game-Ba, Dram Flasks, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Rods, Cap-Primers, JYipple . IVrcnchcs, Colts and Jlltens j Pistols, parlor Pis olsand Ball Caps, Musket Calls and Caps, J FISH HOOKS. LINES. CORKS SINKERS 1 AND REELS. I For Sale at the Watch aud Jewelrv Store. No. II, Hay Street, W. PRIOR, j Oct, 13, d-:it 2-t i HAY STIIK..T, f FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. PIRITS TURPENTINE. Cotton, Flour, Back Country Liquor. Dried Fruit. Flaxseed, Beeswax. Fallow, Tobacco, &.C.. Ac, purchased at the. highest Market prices. 1. aruonsigninents solicited.- .- GEO. W. SPERLING. Oct 15, 183.1. wlf (October J8d!l. fftlTE UNDERSIGNED herewith begs leave to ac- Ttir-, Distillers, and the inhabitants of t umbtrlumt , Sanjfseii , J01 nstoii . ll'irnett, Moore, Vhuthm.i, Rau 'to.'ph. R'ahinotid, Rob-son, Cjfumbtis ami 7i.'a- Ratto'ph ileu:4ad the adjoining Counties generiilly, tna. he hasjjst received his kXTJZJK'PlFE STOCK OF Fr,L. A N D WlNTKlt GOODS. l;itel,jpurcha.ed, which he oilers for sale at the lowest pricA Iklfeels proud to state that ho car. e hibit the hauimomcstiu best stock o( GENERAL M ERCHAN BIZl that was ever oifered in Fayetteville ; consisting In paAt of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods ; English an . Ifench Delaines. American and English Prints ; Maibi"o' Stripes. Kerseys, Li nseys. Kentucky Jeans, B T Satti-tts. Tweeds, Shawls in great varieties anil srvi.ii ; Blaukeis and Wrappers; Flannels and Ho se rys 5 Bleached and Brown Shirtings; Osnabiiigs aud Sortn-Caroliiia Shirting and Varus ; Irish Linen, Jackvtietts and Cambricks. Ac. Ac. Ae. Pins. Needles. Hooks and Eyes. Elastic Silk and Leather Belts : Snuif aud Snuff-Bo.ves ; Blackiug ; Gun und Pistol (J.ijis. Ac Ac. Alsma large and well selected stock of BOOTS and .SHOES, R'o-ans. and Ladies and Gentlemen's GAI- TEl!S.j A Lu ge stock of flats, Cap. asi;f Umbrellas, Coff'b, Sugar. Tea. Cheese. Butter, Salt, Bacon. Candle?,' Sap ; Mackerel and Fish ; Molasses; Paint; Wimlov Glass; Putty ; Butter and Soda Crackers; Powdertand Shot ; Woodonaud Willow-ware : Match es, Arc. .'Ac, Ac S weeds and American hammered Iron and best Cast Steel; Corn Shelters. Straw Cutters. Ploughs and other Agricultural implements. A spljndid assortment of Hardware, consisting of TABLE and POuKET CUTLERY ; single and double barrel Guns, some very fine' Rifles and Revolvers. Sfc If Collins9 .flxes. Ratchets. Sieel Spades and Shovels, Manure Fotks. Grubbing and Weeding Hoes. Drawing Knives, Gim blets. Hinges and Screws. Cotfee M lis. Frying and Stew-Pans, Cotton and Wool Cards. Nails, Water and Well Buckets, Tubs and W 11 Wheels. l'OTSr OVEN. SPIDERS, HORSE And Mule Shoes and Nails ; Wrapping Twine, Plough Lines and Shoe Thread. BEUNOS AYRES OAK TANNED SOLE LEATHER ; BAGGING and ROPE. 4f large Assortment of Liquor, consisting of OLD RYE, MONONGAIIEL.A DEW'.BROP ; an 1 NORTH CAROLINA Will SKY. and BRANDY, PUI FRENCH BRANDY, Scotch Whiskey. New England and Jamacia Rum. Pure Hol land Gin and Schedam Sohnaps, White. Brandy tor Wine, Mixing, Tenuaut Scotch Ale, and Freeman's London Stout, and many other articles too numer ous to mention. All of which 1 offer for sale at the lowest ntiCES for cash, or barter for country produce. Dried Fruit Flzwsecd9 Spirits Turpentine Cotton, Flour, Ifacfr country JJViislty and Rrandy. In. short, all kinds f Produce purchased atr me tughest JSlarket rates, cither For Cash or Barter. GRO. W. SPERLIN G Oct. '5, w-lm. Bmnaeete and A Large Lot, Beautiful Styles. Very CUeap. M Jo. IT iJtlarleet Sauare FAYETTEVILLE. B ACO N ! IS A CO N ! ! OX HHDS. Good BACON. Jut received and for JdO salet.y E. F. -MOOIiE. ffilbbons STATE CAR AND MACHINE WORKS- THE undersigned having located in the town of Fayetteville, N. C. and erected buildings suita ble for Car. and Machine Works, would give notice that they are prepared to execute all orders for Cars of every description, also all kinds of Machine work, such as repairs of Steam Engines, Cotton. Mill and Mining Machinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spin dles, Cranks, &c., at short notice. By an arrangement made with the Boston Belting Company, we are prepared to receive orders lor all kinds ot India Rubber Belting and Hose at their pri ces. 1 ) Having started onr Engine, and Woodwork's Plan- ' UV fce Prep.:lltd to P'e all descriptions of Lum- I !"an; Mantling, which will be kept on hand for ! sale either in the rough or dressed, as parties may de- t-M-filvi3- t,ak,Ca ff ho frcpHott of Buildings, ma- with no Cd',an;- faH kinds executed with neatness -and dispatch a",,, !'rSl? mwd"eto Stores fitted. Sash. Doo s and Blmds manufactured, eqnal to any taing of the kind to be found in the Northern market WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct 3. 1859. d & w t-f cuockbuyT Ciiina, Glass-Ware AN D LOOKING-GLASSES. W. X. Tlfl.lXCSIf AST, TSn X er nov receiving in s fALI, STOCK, which include entire asortmeuts of new styles of White Granite and Blue Printed Ware,Plaiu and Cailt China Tea Sets ; a good assortment of Com iu ; 11 Wares, and a stock of Glass-Ware twice as large as usu-..l Tho Earthen-Ware having beeit imported to order, and the Glass bought at auction, at less than manufac turer's prices, he is snrc'that he can furnish Counts y Merchants with goods quite as cheaply as they can supply thcmselucs from the North. Sept. 17, 1859. dlt-w-tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. Court of T 'If as and. Quarter Sessions AuguM Term, 1S59. Jacob Alford, Adm'r of Arch'd McKay, dcc"d, 0. Ncllv McKay, and others. PETITION FOR ACCOUNT AND SETTLEMENT. Iu this case it appearing to the Court that Alex?r McKay, ArchM McPhaul, Zhtniel Mcl'haul, Flora Mc Phaul, Alex:r M.cPhaul, Wili-o i Thammond, and wife Elizabeth, William McPhanl, and Campbell, all re side beyond the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that Publ cation, be made in the North Car olinian, for six weeks notifying said Defendant?, to appear at the next Term of this Court to be held at the Court House in Lumbertou, there to plead answer or demur to said Petition, or Jugment pro eotifesso will be rendered, and the same heard ex part as to them. Witness John M. Ilartman, Clerk of our Said Court at ouice in Lumberton the Fourth Monday in August A. D. 185'J. J M. IIARTMAN. Ci.ehk. Oct. 12 Tr-Adv. SG.25, 5t-w lt-d' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions iwrusl Perm, 1859. It is ordered by the Court that the following Tracts of Land b;; sold for the Taxes. The Owners beinjp non-residents, of the County. Therefore Publication be ma le in the North Carolinian, according to law Ford, Eli as B. 3 0 acres on Aligator Swamp $2.73 Mclutyre, John C. 1()5 " west of Ashpcle ttl Mclntyre, D. W. 15" " " 73 From the Minutes. JOHN M. IIARTMAN. Cj.kkk. . Oc t.l 2. Tr. Adv. !-;:). IS 5-tw I -td PRICES IN THE STATE! r AM aiM-fiiri.. ii.c iuiiti.i pi;?-rr l"o. I young JL L( R( ibS. Persons bavmg any to dispose ot wouj,i u-en j,y jriving sfatinr-the size are, x.. no,r,,s ' 0 me the first call, or write to quality and appearance of their negroes I may always Favetteville. Aug. 12. 18.9. be found at the Shemwell House, JNO, O. ARMSTRONG. is w-tf OX AND COOKING STOVES on hand at C. W. ANDREWS. Market Square. TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON AND IRON WIRE For sale by C. W. ANDREWS. Market Spuare. 1) LAIN AN D JAPT TIN WARETyTWHO LSSALE aud Retail by C.W.ANDREWS. Market Square. Sept. 17, 1S:9. 8 tw 3-td DRUGS & MEDICINE. Samuel J. Hinsdale, Is now receiving his Fall supply of DRUGS MEDICINE, CIIEMIGALS, Pain is, Oils, Dye-Slnlis. GLASS, PERFIIIEBV, PAFfciST JIEIHC1XES, kr., &c. To which he invites the atteution of Phy- I sicians and County Merchants. 733- Particular attention given to or-! ders. SAMUEL J. HINSDALE. Dnikeist. Havana Cigars. FEW tliousau.l superior HAVANA Cigars. F sale l.y " S. J. 1IIXSDLK. Glass and Putty- DOXIES WINDOW GLASS, for sale l.y S. J . HINSDALE. 200 White Lead, ZINC : qiANXKIJS' OIL A Sperm Oil , Neat.-ifV.ot Oil ; Kerosene Oil ; s. j. ihn.sdalt:. Linseed Oil : Lrd Oil ; Whale Oil ; For sale by Just Received- 4 VERY beautiful assortment ' of English and 1. French II A I It AND TOOTH liKUSUES, and BUFFALO HORN COMHS. ALSO Lubin's Extracts, Cermati Cologne, Pomades and Hair preparations. By S. J. HINSDALE. Kerosene Oil- KIIIT colored Keritscnc Ot I, best quality. S. J. MlNSDALfc. j sale by ftE.ERAL ORDER SO. 6. Head Quarters 33rd Regiment N. C. Malitiu. Fayettevillo. Oct. 14 1S"9. THE Commis-io:ied and non-commissioned officers nf tho ssivi llecinieot of North Carolina Militia, ire hereby ordered to oppear at the Court House in Fay'Jttevitle, on Friday the 11th. ov. at lu o clock A. M-, armed and equipped as the law directs, lor DlAUo to parade their respective Companies, at the same place on Saturday the 12th Nov. at 10 o'clock. A M., for review ar.d inspection. By orJer of Brig'd-Gen'l DRAUGHAN. C. E. LEETE Col. TIIOS. C. FULLEli, Adj't. Oct. 14, 1859. w-tm dl t Uocklisl. .Mill at Auction. ITTILL be sold at the Market Ilouse in the town of W Fayetteville, at 12 o'clock on Tuesday the 15tb November next, it being Tuesday of November Court, the well known Mill on the North side of Big RockHsh. 7 miles from Fayetteville and 5 miles from the mouth of Rockfish, the property of the late Jonathan Evans, and adjoining the Mill of Hector McNeill. Sh r:ff. The Mill has two Saws in frame, one in excellent order, the other requiring some repairs. Logs may be obtained easily, and luraber conveyed to Wilmington at any season of the year. B. H. -EVAN3; Ex'r of Jonathan Evans. 0. E. LEETE, Aact'r- Ocfr i -sy-lr ROBINSON & LAKE SOllMMMmGEBIE AND CIBCUS. On. II and red und Hrreuty Men and Horse. Ilnge Waterproof Firmament - Pavilion. THT3 ROBINSON, ft LA KB farailiea, each of them rafflclent attraction for any. CI rem Company in the world, comWnod in THIS GREAT ENTER PRISE for tho srasnn of 1859, with a view to givo uch an Entertainmant aa will defy criticism and overwhelm op- -position. T Fino collection of " RARt LIVING WILD NIM4Lf. Grand Operatio String and '. Brass Orchettra. KCMFBOrSSTi;nOHllCItLT-TAI!fB LOOPED, PCBFOBM1KO HOKUrB, rONlES, INO tDUClTID HCLXI. ;. Iall and f'oniitlrtn Traaft 1 of Kviaealrtana. flVE LADY RIDERS ARB BAHSEOttS. Three(ireatClownB. BILL LAKE, the Southern Ja. tr and Comio n.linA.tni. ,SAM. LOKO, the Vnivenwl Faror. im rihi Binrmg Motley. ARCH Y CAMPBELL, the Rnr Joker and Farmer' Almanac .l Fan. Madame IloblEfon. 5Tlle. Ap-nr, Mile. Alice, La Farie Kate, HUu. Bogenle Pe Lorme, from the prin cipal Theater! and Amphithentera of Europe and the I'Dited Stntwi, ,and Pike's Hrsnrl Or. r. If .Cincinnati. ' ML1E. AI.1CE, The moat delightful or EqueatHan T.&dire, In her brilliant Act of HoreemKBehip, beantiful, arracefnl, and daring. Riding backward with as much ease aa forward, flying through baloona and over banner, and forming picture of encn ele- er.-ince and grace, a to have rained rnr her the nohriqnet of Queen of Love and Beauty. LA FARIK KATE, From Pike'a Grand Otra Hon.o, Cincinnati, in all her. role of the New Ballet, pronounced ly tint Masters incomparable ; elio In Rplendid Double JDaiices with illle. Alio. . 9ILXE. AGNES. Tho Inrieible Wire Performer, whose brilliantly graceful positioiia upon a single wire, at a o.nsi.ler- oie elevation, from the ereuud. excite universal admiration. In rrnth, this simrularlv heautirni Parlor Entertainment is a caij which needs only to be known tj induce tuousauds to visit the Pa vilion for the purpose of seeing il alone. MASTER JAMES ROBINSON. Just returned from abroad, tl lTincipal equestrian in the world; the naked horse champion in all his wonderful achievements. MR. JOHN ROBINSON. In his great four horse Demon A rt, Theelerantlv f. fully marked, and highly trainej Arabian horse ABOA I.I.A IT, At each exhibition, will enact hla finely arranged and wouderiullj pleasing performances. MASTER JOHN ROBINSON, MR. W3I. OPELL. MASTERS DV CROW, PAR RfcL, FONTAINE, fe ANUKLD, with a host of minor Stars, will assist fn rendering the entertain. menu novel and brilliant. GRAND ENTRANCE INTO HE DEN OF WILD BEASTS. 'and terrific encounter with a fero cious Lion by the lovely, fascinat ing, graceful, j et dnriitir tUGENIE OE LORME. Witbsut xtrsi fliHi.t The great RCS8IAN ELK, 17 f t high, with immense antlers, "ai- nfHf aod rnmptf 'fry MR. JOHN BOBINSOJT. THE HORNED HORSE. The Iast of ltnor.. The Perplexity of Naturalist. BE WONDER OF TEE AGE. Splendid Performing Zebra. A PAIR OF FINE ARABIAR OSTRICHES. Liionn. Tlarers, Bears, Itlrda, iTionueys, jL.eonraa, etc. Forming a splendid and rare col lection of Wild Beasts. As the price of admission is that charged for a Circus Exnibi' tioit alone, this great xoolocicnl riixplay, as well as the daring teats of Mlle."EuRenie among the Lion, etc., may distinctly be considered Free to all persons who ohtnin a card of admission to ROBINSON ft LAKE'S BIG- SHO"W. The whole Exhibition, under one Mammoth Pavilion, construct, ed for Messrs. Robinson A Laka by Mr. Vandivere of Cincinnati, the head of his profession. Favilion brilliantly illuminated. I'shers at all times in attendants to seat Ladles and Children, Order at all times strictly main tained. .Admission Company witl exhibit at Wbitesville V hitesville, Monday, Cctober Sl(t. Wisrsrins' St.nrfi. or AVpstprn Prnurr T i 'Pt.r..l--. co J O - w. "v.-.j November 1st. Eliziibethtown, AVednesdav, Nov. 2nd. FAYETTEVILLE, Friday "and Saturday, 4th and otli of November. Lumberton, Monday, Nov. 7th, Oct. 21, 185'J. w-2t Jleyroes for Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions ofCumberl .nd County,! will ex pose tor sale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, ou luesday of next Superior C ourt, Xln Segroc I Jlao, t Women and ft Children, sa the prop rty of the late james R. Gee. on a credit of ni xjmont hs. notes with approved security. An the same time One Horse ; One Cart ; One Carriage, and Wagon and Harness ; Household ahd Kitchen Furniture. GEO W. GEE, Adm'r. Oct. 15, v-t3 NEWBEURY'S doming Store North Fast Jam Market Squrre. NEXT DOOIl TO THE CAROLINIAN OFFICE, IS the place to buy all grades and qualities of Ready Made Clothing. Uoot and Shoes, Hats, and Uu brellas, Youths and Boys clothing, Geutlemen's Shawls, and Over Coats, and everything usually Kept in a Clothing Store. Gentlemen those of you who may favor us with your patronage may rely ou get ting good at the very lowest prices, as we are de termined " to sell our g"-ods at- as low figures as any other person or persons can sell. Call and examine our Stock lor yourselves. Oct 17, w-tf d-2t JLost ! Lost ! ! o N Monday night tha 2Gth of September, In the town of Lutnbt rton ml Gold Lever IMatcn Johnson's Liverpool No. 94o8, and a Pocket Uook Containing two or three Bank Bills, and two or thrc notes of hand. oue aguints Duncan Gilchrist, aud Malcomb McBryde, for the sum of I.OO and made payable to I). J. Johnson, with two credit entered on it, one January 1839, the other in May 139, Aldo a note ot hand made to me byDr B F Perxon.ior the sum of $30.00. dated in April 15K or 57, and some other papers of no great value, A libral reward will bo raid for the rectverv. ot said property or any part thereof. Ad.lie:s the Sub- rioer at UAindarroch Robeson county, N; L' or Warren Prior, Fayette- V,Ue' N' C MALC0M SUA.W. Oct It, w-2t d-Hpd 1 A A ri?V ' U 'V v' A.TEI. FOR lUaUUU which the highest cash, price will bo paid. A. JI- UitPBEI.L., Oct4,lii36. tf Pi A 5 - - AT r -

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