POETRY. SWANNANOA. Dedicated to J. F. E. Hardy, M. D., fiW nanoa J J ill. ; Swannanoa, nymph beauty ;-".'.. - I would woo thee in my rhyme, "Wildest, brightest, loveliest river; Of our sunny Southern clime ! Swannanoa, well they named thee. In the mellow- Indian tongue ; J Beautiful thou art, most truly, And right worthy to be sung. I have stood by many a river, r Known to story iind to song Ashley, Hudson, Susquehanna, " fame to which may well belong ; I have camped by the Ohio, Trod SciotoV fertile banks, Followed far the Juniata, In the wildest ot lic-r pranks, But thou reignest queen forever, ; Child of Apalaehian hills, Winning tribute as thou flowest, From a thousand mountain nils, . " . Thine 13 beauty, Strength begotten, 'Mid the clod beinlcd peaks, Where thcP:-.til-u--l -r Uu; mountains, X Heavenward iv i.ny wav ;-.ef-ks. Through ti5 isun.ls un'i ilie L cchos, . ' iirigiit thy :-lhv.-v -u"-- r.-il'-limts, ' Sleeping no iu gidia!. b:vins, " Overhung by trailing vines, And anon careering onward. In the maddest lralio-mood, Waking with its sea like voices, Fairy echoes in the wood. Peaceful skip thy narrow Tallies, In the shadow of the hills, And thy flower enamelled border, ... All the air with fragrance fills,' Wild luxuriance, generous tillage, litre alternate meet the view ' Every turn, through all thy windings, Still revealing something new. Where, O ! graceful Swannanoa, Are the warriors who of old, Sought thee at thy mountain sources, Where thy springs are icy cold Where the dark browed Indian maidens, Who their limbs were want to lave, (Worthy bath for fairer beauty,) In thy cool and limpid wave ? Gone forever from thy borders, But immortal in thy name, Are the rod men of the forest ! lie thou keeper of their fame ! Paler races dwell beside thee ; Celt and Saxon till thy lands, Wedding Use unto thy Beauty- Linking over thee their hands. Swannanoa, well I love thee, Though a stranger on thy banks, Would my humble rhymes were worthier Of thy beauty and my thanks ; Swannanoa, mountain river, Would I had a lodge by thee, With a gentle wife to grace it Could a poet happipr be 1 JACQUES DTJ SUD. Swannanoa, in the Cherokee, signifies ueautiful. Black Mountain. SWANNANOA. Dedicated to Mhs. J. F. E. Hardy. If there be one who's sick and weak, With hectic rose upon her cheek, And wishes health, then let her go And taste thy waters, Swannanoa. Thy beauteous waters as they roll Than thy bright waters, Swannanoa. 'Twas here in the primeval dys, Amidst thy reeds arid blooming hays, The stately stag and bounding doe ' Drank thy waters, Swannanoa. 'Twas iu this beauteous western wild Reamed the Indian, nature's child ; Here on thy banks he beut his bow And drank thy waters, Swannanoa. There's beauteous shrubs and flowers and trees There's perfumes floating on the breeze, nd gentle gales of incense blow Upon the banks of Swannanoa. And beauteous fields of golden corn The valleys and the hills adorn ; There's mountains Lib mid low Upon the banks of Swauauoa. "With some fair maiden by my side, I'd launch my bark upon thy tide; Ailown thy waters I would row, And sing thy praises, Swannanoa ! ) If . . JAM K S DAVIS , having - 1 v. v t , iv;v (i 1 1 II ill UlC a own of 1- uyettevillo, respectfully offers his servi pes to the citizens of tin pl,n-e and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Pro fession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experi ence, to which is added a thorough Dental educa tion, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as it is in the l ower of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful man ner, as well as diseases of the mouth, None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. tOthee over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be found at all times. May 15, 1S58 tf The Old Dominion OoSToe Xo-t, HAVING become indispensable to all who have tested its value, A F It E S D SUPPLY Has been obtained, among which is a lower-priced ar ticle, viz : viz 2 qt. at 1 50 and 3 tit. 1 75. ALSO TRIVETS For this Coffee Tot (or boilin- vessels of .any sort.)at 25 ets., IKON" COFFEE POT MATS (or stands) at 13 ct.s. ' " We record our own opinion formed only bv drink ing the coilee made iu this Coilee Pot ; but those hiore immediately conuecsed with its preparation, are perfectly delighted with the simplicity and economy of the process.'' Southern Guardian, Columbia, So. Ca. ' For sale at the CROCKERY STORE. W. N. TILLING11AST. . May 14, 1859. -tf FRESH ARRIVAL. J. W. LETT HAS justreceived a large and general STOCK . of Goods suited to the' FALL & WINTER ttrade, consisting of a choice selection of Staple and Fahcy DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, with almosteyerythingdesirablein that line. Prime Family Groceries always to be had AT LETT'S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH,. or ex Changed for country produce. August 27, 1859. ij' 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes; J0,000 Negroes payed Yearly. Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacobs Cordial Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People Before Te People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, Diarrhceaj Colic, Colic, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum Cholera Infantum, Cholera Infantum, Flux. Flux. Flux. ItNever Fails. It .Never Fails. "It Never Tilla ALSO j 'also, . . ALSO, Admirably Adapted Admirably Adapted Admirably Adapted To Diseases of lemalcs, To Diseases of Females, To Diseases of Females, Especially Especially Especially To That Train of Ills To That Train of Ills To That Train of Ills Whose Whoso Whos e Monthly Recun ences Monthly Recurrences Monthly Recurrences Causp So Mucli Cause So Much Cause So Much Suffering. Suffering. Suffering. It Gives It Gives r - .... .v It Give Immediate Relief Immediate Relief Immediate Relief. Price $1. Price $1. Price $1. .W- W. BUS A rt.. Proprietors, 363 Broatfway, Kew Toi k. Vor xoTp i F"Wttrri.Ut hy The llfkeson County Agricultural Society will hold' its next Annual Fair on the ICth, 17th and 18th of November, next. Premiums liberal as usual. Sister counties respectfully Invited to com pete for premiums. Bs order of the Society. ' : 4 W.J. STUART, Sec'y. Sept. 20. d-lt w-tf BI1m' Dyspeptic Hemcdjr BUos Dyapeptie Uemcdjr Bllwt'' lybM-pt.ic Itemed Bliss' Dyspeptle Remedy BU DyPptl Itemed y Bllaa Dyspeptte ReauMly ' B1M Dyspeptle Renaedy Blln' Dyspeptic Remedy Bitas' Dyspeptle Remedy BIIm' Dyspeptle Remedy Has the Largest Sale Has tike Largest Sale Has Ute Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale -Has the Largest Sale - . Has the Largest Sale Has the Largest Sale v Of any Medicine In the World. Ot any Mertltlne In the World. Of any Mcdklne In the World: Of any Alec'U-lue in the World. Of any Metlclne In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Ot any Medlelne In the World. Ot any Medicine In the World. Of any Medicine In the World. Ot any Medicine In the Woild. 100,000 Pnchati 100,000 Par kaM IOO.OOO PnckagM 100,000 Packages I.X,000 Packages IOO.OOO Packages HHl.OOV Packages 10,000 Packages lOO.OiiO Packages lOO.OOO Packages Sold i Georgia ai.d ontSiCiroIrna Sold Iii Georgia and -onthCniUiia . Solfl In Georgia and SotxtliC&rollna Sold In eorgta and SonthCarollnaj Soll In Georgia and SonthCarollna Sold In Georgia and SoutliCnrollna !oll In Georgia antl Sotit lit'ai-ollijH Sold i Geoi'gia atxf Ssiki hCarolliw Sold In Georgia and SoiitliCaroilns Soisl In Georgia and SuutliCaruliiif In fourteen Months. " In fourteen 3IontlH. In KomlicH Iioii t lis. In PHm tcen Slontlts. tn FnBritcii Months. In Kani1.c(-n Montlis. In Fourteen Months',- - In foarlccn Months; ... In FuaHecti Tllontftii.' , Ih fourteen Months. - It is Warranted to cure . It Is It arrmitcd to Core It Is Warranted to Core It. Is Warranted to Cure It Is Wai ranted to Core a It Is Warranted to Cnre It Is Warranted to Cure It Is AVorrnnted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure It Is Warranted to Cure If Dircctlous are followed, if Olrections are Followed, if Direct ions are Followed, If Directions are followed, If Directions are Followed. If Direct ions arc f oliowed. If Directions are Followed, If Directions are Followed, It Directions are Followed, tf Directions are Followed, Any Case of D spepsla Any CnSe of Dysjscpsin A 11 y Chsc cf Oysiiepsla Any Case ot Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case ot Dj -spcpla Any Case of" Dyspepsia Any Case of Dyspepsia Any Case of Dypepslii Any Ciue ot Dyspepsia Liver Disease, Ijlvcr Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Disease, Liver Dlseosc, Liver Disease, Liver Disense, Liver Dl-.cns;, Ll'cr Dist-Hse, .lanilirj', Jaundice, Jamii'irc, .Tai5is?t--, ,lauiH(i e, .loitn!le, Jaui:t!rt-, . Jautidie.e, Jnuixi: c, Jaaix! ice. General Ii-llit.r, General l)-5iiiiy (iMi-ral 14 Si.i..v, Gi'iK-ini J-lji;itj-, General Di-liSHty, General It!ilit.v, tic-neral s-"i--i:s4 , (il'lflJ 13eiii i;V, (duct al l ii iii y. General Deldlity, PaJpliatlon, r'n ! it us Suii, l'ai:ItMtim, rpI-ltatloii, Palpitation, i-:'.ipitatioi Pal .llni.jii, ' - "'"Uiiruni Clkiuniic D5arrli?-5i, Clii!ic Dia i-vlior;a. Chronic Dlarilnva Chronic Diai-j Istva, Chronic Dnirrlm-a, Chronic Diiii -rlitca, - Chronic nian ha a. Chronic Il t 1 ;i Chronic Oiniih.ica, Glrtliiiess, iddineas, t.'ifl4!ilM-ss, t.-ttlc;i;;e.ss, Giddiness. C:i4iUi:SS, (.ilill4S.S, Gllllti ss, GltitUness. Depressed Spiiiis, De pi-CMScd Wj-ii-l t. Depress-il S lm. Oepresseil fspirets, D4iil-ese4l Sj-iri4s. Di'pi'4'ssed S-irits, I e pressed Siirits, Ii'ressed S.iiits, Depressed Si-lrlts, Loss of Appetite, Loss of ApjM-tite, luiss ot Appetite, Loss of Appetite, 7 liO-i of Appetite, Loss of Appetite, I.4JSS of Apjielltc, 1.4'ss of Appetite. I oss ot Appetite, Loss of Appctit4-t PssSn !: Side and Fneli, t'aln t; Slti ami Back, I'i.lsl tn HUHr mill Itack, l1;-.! iu Sid ami ilar k. I'nhi in liti 1 I'jtii itt l;ii i.i ste ami IJ .., Irie unit L5ii k. Hi !-t:? SJtnU. tn -!; Ri:d t":n U. i. SHI4- Ki.d I5neS.-, ll SillO tl!4l Buck. 1 in!!s- Af?:iste'4 So el 10 flaps.-sl to ;j) d to A-!i!;ste4 tit l'iajtc.: tO is 1 4 5 ": . ' ' . ; t . . -.. i- ,:.: ; i -. . . -a- jjif IU J' ts ; 1 v -ottip: -:is:iiv 4 fiiifIr-l ts ; l :e 4nllsit.ls ; Keiii:- iiinp'niiit ; K i:il o:n-U-.iiits ; f.t3!e t'o;iL:;ii:ts ; Ftiuale C'ompl;;iitts ; It Prodncra Tlotmifiltjr ot "orVn" "!."" It Priln es Ilotntidity of form ll Produces iSottindiSy ot Form it Prodn4'es ll.t tif4licy ot Form It Produces Ilotniiillty nt form 11 Produces i Jot in tl'.i y of Form It Pmw!uc-s lioticitciit y of" F"rni It Proluces !;liin Ity of form It I'kiiIiuis l:iiUm::!f j of Form It Produces Rotni.dii y cf Foun In Fem-iles of a Tliii and Sare IIu!14 In Female o" a XIiIm and Spare )aiit ! Females of a. 'l'Kiii anil pai - Tlahit In females ot a 1l:ln nti4l Spare Mai-it In Fiinales of a Tlin anil Spare liisl.it In Females f n Thin and Spair Ilaliit In FemalKS of a TJsisi and Sp;'rc ll;.Mt In Ft ma! s of n Tliin and paro H ,!,i In Fi'iuaieii 4f a Thin anil Spare i:a!l In Fesnales of" a liitn and Spare IlaLiit Fvery Invalid Should - J3 very Invalid SSiouM Kveiy InvItl Shoold Every Iiivr.a 1 Should Fvrry- itvn!it Sicnnld f.very Invalid ."!irttilr Every liiva'M shimiil Every I wall I Shonlit .Every In valid Shuuid T.-y One Try One Try One Tr One Try One Try Ooe Try One Try One Try One Pact- age. Package. Package. Package. Package. PaekHge. PaeKage. Pafkiiie. Package. Send a ricwge Stamp to the FroprieUrs f-.r thT PampUlcl on " rieoasts stomach auff Bowels." . V. W. KW -i A CO., Pioj rl t jrs, S. J. HIjfSDALE, . 5 Tlruggist. Aug. 1, 1859. BLANKS OF ALL KT- D5 Fft R.VLF . AT, Seventy-five C Jts per quire, any. number oVei five quires sixty cents per quire. At the ' ' CAROLINIAN OFFICE. tJi medicine of the million philosophy and fact. HOLLOW VY'S PILLS. THE EXCITING CAUSE OF SICKNESS. The blond is the life-sustaininff agent. It furnisB es the components of flesh, bone, muscle,nerve and in tegument. The Stomach is its manufactory, the veins itsTdistributors, and the intestines the channel threugh which the waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled. Upon the stoma h, the circulation and the bowels, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving indi gestion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the ex cretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all classes in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of inamerably dangerous rnalidies :m )ut whatever its type or symptoms, how ever obstinate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yiells readily and rapidly to this searching- and unerring remedy . . BILLIOUS AFFECTIONS' . The quantity and quality of the bile are of rite importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes the fluiil, these till? operate specifically, in fallibly rectifying its irregularities and effectually curing Jaundice, Eillious liemittants, and all the va rieties o' disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ . : BOWEL COMPLAINTS, Unless the bowels perform their functions properly, the whole body Puffers. Tens of thousand die annually of Dystmterv, Diarrhoe.i, Chronic Constipation, and other diseases of these waste pipes of the system. The effect of the Pill upon all intestinal disorders, wheth er casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon in medicine. By following the printed dir ctions. the most, alarming eases, of bowel complaint arc proniply controlled. ' A WORD TO FEMALES. The local debility and irregulrritits which the es pecial annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the time being, and prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild "out thorough alterative. Hollowais JPills are the best rcm-dij lenown in the world for the followiv dlSCilSCS Asthma Diarrhoea In liyrostion Stone and Gravi'l Bowi-1 Complaints Dropsy Ir,tlun.;i Si-conJary Syiup- Coiiiihs Debility Inllauiatioii turns Col'ls l-V(-r and .Ague Inward AV'eakfiess Ven ereal foctiiis 4 best Disa.: l'emiile Comi!.-xiiits Liver Com liluiiits - o i vent-: s Lowaess of Spirits W orms of all kinds DjSi4'lisi ! ' . ;i..l :ell .' File3 3,3,0 Ai'Ti'): : None are genuine unless the words-" ll-jlinway. New York and London. I are dis cernable a - a '.Va; .-r-aiark in o.very leaf of the bonk of direction-? arotiad ech pot or box ; the same may .be plainly seen by'hld-iing the leaf to the iiuht. A hand some reward v:.i! ' given to any one rendering such inlormat 4,a as aiay i "a I to the detection of any party or parties oo't.it'.vi'-.'itiug the 'iiedicines or vending the same, kiuj.ving tli' in tc be spurious. Sold at. the .Manufactory of Professor Ilolloway. 80 Maiden Lane. New York, and by aU respectable Druggists uiid Dealers in Medicines throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 2" cents, $-h cents and 1 each. There is considerable saving by taking the iorger size's. " - N. i. Directions for the guidance of patients in ev?rv IKsorder a.'fixed to each box. SANDFOIID'S LIVER INVKJORATO, . XKVEll DEBILITATES. T IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, 'and has bec.-aie an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known uud ap- t- it, and used in suchtjuan- proveu uy all tiutt have J lilies as to act gently ou i vised it, and is now re sorted to with C4n;idence in all the diseases for which it is reeoniineadeil. It haw cur,! 4 tUtisatids within the last two years who h i.l given up a H hones of relief, as the M the P.owids. M IjCt the dictates of your judgment guide you in H use of tbe- Liver Invigo-ritt-jr. and it will cure J Livi-r Complaints, i ii 1 Hons Attacks Dyspepsia, H. Chronic Diarrhoea, ,Sum O mer Complaints, Dysen-r-tery. Dropsy, Sour -Stom-? ach, Habitual Costivcness 3Choljc, Cholera, Cholra O Morbus. Cholera Inl'an 50 turn. Flatulence, Jaun ani may be used success numerous unsolicited cer-i titicatus in my posse sion1 show. The duse must be adop ted to the temperament of the indi vidual taking dice, Female Weaknesses fully as an Ordinary Family Medicine. It will cure sick Headache, (as thousands can testify,) in twenty minutes, if two or three Teaspooufuls are taken at commencement of attack. All who use it are giving their testimony in its favor. Mix water in the Mouth with the invigorator, and swallow Loth together, i'rice one Dollar per bottle. ALSO. SAXDFOUO'S FAMILY 4.1 ij.iLlijJL tjjS.Vv rfg. liiJl C OJIPOU N I) E D F R O ii Pure V-getabS Extracts, and put U in GLASS CASES Air T g?85, an;! wiil keep ia any climate. The Family Cathartic! Ol The Profession well Pill is a gentle but-active J know that different Cath h'artics act on (iiti'crent hi portions of the bowels. kZi The family Cathartic Cathartic, which the pro prietor has used in his practice more than twen ty years. Pill has with due ref'e- t 4 1. : ... 1 1 .. .. i P3 The constantly increas . i leucii li.i tiiir wen ing demand from those who have long used the Pills and the satisfaction which all express in re gard to their use, has iuduced me to place them within the reach of all. lished fact, been com Q pounded from a variety j. (if the purest Vegetable 2 Extracts, which act alike 17 on every part of the a trMimentary canal, anil are C3!nrood and safe in all cases where a Cathartic is needed, such a derangements of the Stomach, Sleepiness. Pains in the Lack and Loins Costiveness, Pain and Soreness 4ver the whole boily, i roin sudden cold, which frequently, if neglecteil, ends in a long course of Fever, Loss of Appetite, a Creep ing Sensation of Cold over the body, Restlessness, Headache, or weight in the head, all- Inflammatory Diseases, Worms in Children or Adults, Rheumatism, a great Purifier of the Blood and many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numorous to mention in this ad vertisement. Dose, 1 to 3. PRICK THREE DIMES The Liver Invigorator and Famaily Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggest generally, and sold wholesale by tka Trade in ail the large tdwns. . S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York. Turpentine! Turpentine i Turpentine 8fl iHil TURPENTINE EOXES on and near U, :- f U XJ the Rail Road, about 5 to t miles from Tayetteville, will be rented on good terms to any per son wishing to embark in the business. Also, a good SAW and GRIST MILL, and two small FARMS. - - ' . Also, two of the RICHEST FARMS in the County of Cumberland, one about one mile from the Market House, known as the Cailey place ; the other aoout nine miles from town, known as the celebrated "Ashe Lands, which his 250 or 300 acres cleared land, which if properly cultivated, will produce an average of 30 bushels of Corn per acre. Those wishing to rent saiu lands mast apply soon, or they cannot be rented. For particulars apply to o. tu. .L.eete, i- ayettevme, who is authorized to rent in my absence. . - a., n. Mcdonald. Fayettcville,Feb. 8, -tf Bacon & Fisli- 4000 LBS. WESTERN SIDES. 10 bbls. New MULLETS. For sale by - . J. K. Mcl)u r 1JS, Oct. 7, w-4w d-2t No-5 Green, Stv BRANDY & WINE. ffBBLS. Choice Apple Brandy. 2 bbls sCUPPER O NONG WINE. For sale by J. R. Me DUFF IE ' . ; Oct. 6 1 859., w-3m d-2t No. 5 Green St., ro for Sale. ; '"IilS undersigned oflF-rs for Sale a valuable Negro I 4( . .. I.t,, ., M 97rsnfaie.' ABV OUf - i .'I ,11 -JV..V.V;l ' TV., , - 7 - V , , il J ,t g til buy, can call on me peiweea iu uaj " jitar-iay, REUBEN' JONES. Oct. 12, W. M. & J. LITTLE R0CKPISH, N. C. r- r- DEALERS IN - " : FOREIGN, DOMESTIC, STAPLE & FANCY U "WJi bu , . J i ' 'i i ,y Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, Ready-Made Clothing Yankee Notions, &c. ' MATE on hand fresh from the Northern Manufactories and importing Hon i . of Ladies' and Gentleinens' furnishing Goods, consisting in part UOUSes a complete assortment Of Black Silks, French Merinos, all Wool Delanes, common plain, aud fio-ured do Grinhams, Prints, Jaconets, Swiss cross, Barred, Book and Mul , .uelins ; Embroidered Collars and sleeves in sets, Dress Trimmings in great variety, Flannels, Liudseys TlaitU and Stripes, Checks, Gloves, Hosiery, Belts, Combs, Pins, Needles, Thimbles' Hoop skirts, whalebone, rattan, brass and steei springs, bracelets at d necklaces,' french working cotton' pocket handkerchiefs, spectacles, bonnets and bonnet trimniinrS, enam eled morocco lasting and common leather, boots and shoes, jaconet edgeings and inser tions, black and white silk and thread edgings and insertions, shawls and bed blankets of a superior quality, brown and bleached linens, Hick's drills, table cloths, toweling, bleached and brown sheetings, alpacas, merino plaids and twills de beiges, velvet and moirantique, ribbons of all desirable widths, cambrics, bleached and colored ilrillino's green, blue and Brown berage, black silk veils, misses colored flats, artificial flowers and wreaths ' Made up coats, pants, vests, shirts, collars, neck-ties, suspenders, boots and shoes. hats and caps, hosiery, gloves, pocket handkerchiefs, buggy rugs, blankets, over-coats, trunks, carpet rugs, pocket knives, lead pencils, combs, brushes, pen knives, violin strings. , Concentrated lye, gum camphor, salts, copperas,, alum, salt petre, iiiJigo, Spanish brown, opedildoc, ess. peppermint, cinnamon, lemon, castor oil, sweet oil, British oil, Batimans drops, pain killer, nutmegs, starch, M' Lanes' Vermifuge, Strongh's, Hall's and Spencer's pills, spice, pepper, ginger, cologne, hair oils, musk pomades. Miscellaxieoiisi Shaving boxes, brushes, razors, straps, soaps, blacking, candy, snuff, 'segars, tobacco, candles, inks, pens, paper, Webster's spelling bcoks, powder, shut, caps, h ad, curry combs, cast hinges, screws, locks, saddle hacks, blank books, envelopes, shoe thread, sugar and coffee, coffee pots, dish pans, cup pans, wash pans, milk pans, pots, ovens, spiders, boilers, plates, cups and saucers, butter dishes, stake dishes, baker's do, knives and forks, spoons, molasses jugs, saltcellars, pepper boxes, pitchers, sui -ai dishes, cream pots, castors, coffee mills, sives, tumblers, bowls and pitchers, caudle sticks, lie. PERSONS U WANT OIF1 -AHXT2 OF TDE3HEJ ABOVE 1STA.IVIEID GOODS May c til with a certainty of finding them in this store in their usual varieties of styles and prices, which will be shown with pleasure, and sold as AS Til Y CAN BK BOUGHT IN ANY KHTAIL STOUT. IN THE STATE. Little Rockfish, N. C, Sept. 10, 1S59. n r A FiiESH SUPPLY HE PUBLIC ARE AWARE THAT I Lave been engaged in the manu facturing and selling of gentlemen's gar ments for 17 or 18 years, and with this long experience believe that I am as well calculated to make good selections. Jas any person or persons in this business. T'.?S. '. J Mv Stocfc is all KSlint bl At.1V and adapte4l to the trade, consisting ut 3S"o. 1 Dress Clotli Coats, yrock Coatn, (sing I.E AyU DOUBLE BIIEAST nits, consitstiny or SilU Mixtures, Harrison Cassiinere. I?ib Cassimere and Union Cassimere ; Fine Leaver, Felt Leaver, Seal Skin, and Union Cass. Over Coats ; Felt Leaver Talmas, a new garment never intro duced before this season. PANTS of all grades ranging in price from $2 50 to 5fJ 00. AN EXTRA LOT OF Velvet, Silk, Grenadine Silk; Cloth and Cassimere Vests, A l,AISGE 'ASSORTMENT OF lOlTRS' AXD CHILDUES'S f LQTIKTG (Gentlemen's Shawls, Morning Gowns, Gentlenien'sall Wool Uuder-Shirts; Ii'ail Poad Kugs, Blankets, Hosiery, fc-'nspend-trs, Nojioleon Ties. Gvav is. Stocks. Gloves, and Lindings. Cam. at the "ONE PRICE cLGiiiirG i-.iyn?cniriv.'." A. J. WUUDWAUJ). MVKKET SQUARE, 2 DOOIIS BELOW s. j. nix.soALE's. 1) Q PERSONS desirous of having their a suits made abroad cm call and leave their measures with me, and I will have them attend ed to immediately. Sept. 15, 2vd. wtf NOTICE. BY virtue of an order made by his Honor D. F Caldwell, presiding Judge, ot the present term wf our Superior Court of law, I hereby give public no tice that a Special Term Of said Court will be held for the County of Moore at the Court House in Carthage, on the Fourth Mon, day in November next, (which will be 28th day of said mouth.) when and where all Suitors and Witness es of the Civil Docket, are required to. attend by 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Witness, George S. Cole, Clerk of said Court, at office, the Monday before the last Monday in August, A. D., 1859. GEO. S. COLE, C. S. C. Sept. 28. w-Ct price of advr $6. HEW GOODS. TUST received per " Steamer," the largest and best J selected stock of DRY GOODS, HATS AND GAP, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Provisions Truss Hoops and Glue, Turpentine, Goopers' and Farmers' Tools. ALSO Herring and Mackerel, in kits and bbls.) Coffee, Sugar, Molasses and Candles ; Powder, Shot and Lead ; Segars, Chewing and Suoking Tobacco. In fact a large assortment of articles usually kept in a general stock. Thee Goods are from the Manufacturer; Importer and Producer, and consequently will be sold cheap for Cash or exchange for gooa taon nine jmpei , ui Country Produce. PFT1? Sept. 29, 3-td w-l-m CARRIAGE FACTORY. A. A. M'KETHAN KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of v,.k;i f Pverv descriDtion. which are well and faithfully made and finished in the lightest and .cr .tvw His facilities for doing carriage 1 - j -- - t-. , -!.- ara fiBKlTES than ANT ESTABLlSBJUl which enables him to sell his work on the most favor able terms. ' Nov. 13. 1858. " GOLDSTON & FULLER ABE NOW RECEIVING their Stock for the eu fuing fall and Winter , trade. Consisting mostly, nf Groceries. Hardware.' Hollow-ware, Cntlery, Sad dh-rv. &c. also a larse supply of Gottin Bagging, and rope- Boots & Shoes, all of which will be sold on as able Terms 'a anv in this market. Persons visiting this piacd will do well to give us a call before pnreb Jfung. "''-'-,- " G. W. I. GOLDSTOf A. W. FULLER. Aug. 12,. 1859, ' ? 3m-w (CaiiimerapiiJi, XrT AY. M. & J. CAMEltOX. w-tf Georgia State JLottery, For the benefit of the MOISTTICELLO Union A.cacLcm.3r, OF JASPER COUNTY, GEORGIA. Authorized by Special Act of Legislature, 25,828 PaiZES- MURE 1HAW 'OUt PK1Z iU V.RY TWO T.CK IS- MclXXKV & CO., Maxackrs. CAPITAL PKIZE TICKETS OKTL-Y" $10; HALVES, QUARTERS, AND EIGHTHS IN I KOlMlliTION. TO HE DRAWN . EACH SATURDAY IN NOVEMBER, lK.'j. IN THE City or Savann CLASS 44, TO BE IRAVN CLASS 45, to he Lkawn CLASS 4G, to be Prawn CLASS 47, to be Dhawn .-V. N o. N dv. .N ov. 1 , 27, 1 s ."!. 1 r: MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 Prize of $60.0'j0 Is $60,000. 5 Trizesi of $1,000 are 1 " 20.000 is 20.000. 10 " 600 are 5 .000 1 " 10.000 is 10.01 0. 2 400 are fct.o 1 ' 5.000 is 5;000. 2 " aoo are 600 1 4.000 is 4.00. 2 00 are 400 1 ' ; 3.000 is 3.000. 60 " 160 are 7:600. 1 " ; 2,000 is 2.000. 100 ' 100 are 10.000. 1 " 1.600 is 1.500. 100 ' 1)5 aie 9.500. 1 - 1.100 is 1 100. 100 85 are 8.5UO APriiOXIMA TION nilZLlS. 4 Prizes of $200 approximating to 4 Prizes of 150 approximating to 4Prizes of 125 approximating to 4 Prizes of 100 approximating to 8 Prizes of 60 approximating to 8 Prises of 60 approximating to 8 Prizes - of 50 approximating to 8 Prizes of 40 apppoximnting to 400 Prizes of 20 approximating to 25.000 Prizes of 8 are ' . $00,000 prize are i!0.000 priz are 1 0.000 prize are 5 000 prize ale 4.000 prize are 3.000 prize are , 2 000 priie are 1.5)o prizi are 100 prize are $8.00 o.oo 500 400 040 4S0 4 U0 C20 i)0(i 200.000 Frizes amounting to Certiflcdtt s i)f lacl-ases v. iil be kM ut tbe fol lowing rates, which is the- rifk : Certificates of Packages ol i0 Whole TicKtts - So't 10 Half " SO " " 10 Ouarter " l. " 10 Eighth 7 60 IN "ORDERING TICKETS OR CERTIFICATE.--" Enclose the m'ney to our address for (he tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets endins; in any figure they may designate. Tbe list ol drawn numuers aua prizes will le sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. NQTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Tbose who prefer not sending money by mail, can use Tbe Express Compm leg, whereby money for Tickets, in slims of Ten Dollars and upward-" can be sent us - AT OUR RISK. AINU LAfL.N&L, from any city or town where there is an Express Ofiice. The money and order mast De enclosed in a tivvernnenf Post Office Stamped Envelope, Y ine jxprese companies cannot receiye mexn. All communications slrietly conhcli-ntal Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to be di rected to . McKINNEY & CO., Savannah, (a. July 9, 1859.. -tf CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! TB HiVU TTTCT T? PT"TvTV Pit a 11(1 are now re ceiving.the best and finest Assortment of C.otn ing, we have ever exhibited in this Market. 1 nnci pally Consistiug of Common Working Coats, ,n.WSffiiiU Shirty Warseil. ..nn,lU,rHwerKA!.;, Uunder ;jj i.ocy w n i uii we , - Market, Vail and '.iv. , t? , Sept. 10, 1859. vv i,Ui

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