"THE NOBL ST MOTIVE ISYTI1E PUBLIC GOOD. TERMS, $2 00 PER ANNUM, VOLUME XX. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Siugle copy, ia advance, per aunum $2,00 at the end of the year 3,00 Single copies, five cenis. No subscription will be received for less than six mouths. Hates of Advertising. Sixty cents per square of 10 lines, or less, for first, and 30 ccuts for each subsequent insertion, the for any period under three montns. For three months, $4 00 0 00 10 00 For six months, T ' t ... 1 ,nAnt1lC Other advertisements by the year on favorable terms. Advertises are particularly requested to state the number of insertions desired, otherwise they wiir be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. ?sS-JOB WORK of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. SINCLAIR & BANKS. CLEMENT G .WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1ST. C2. tt -1,VJ Li lit? XXJ.?, "VATILL practice in -the counties of Bladen. Samp- V son and Cumberland. Prompt attention given to all business committed to his charge. April 2, 1858. tf W. S. NOItMENT. ATTORNEY AND COUSNELOIt i-T LAW LUMBERTON, N. C. A ATILL ATTEND the County and Superior Courts, t Robeson, Cumberland. Bladen and Colum bus VU iniiK.s-i intrusted to his care, will receive prompt attention. Cilice in the Court House. July 1, 1850. t-y-w ,r OSIN 1. FULLER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW , -.-titt ii. iPTin; in the Courts of Robeson. Cumberland. Columbus and Bladen. Lumbertou, Robeson Co., N. C. Jul v 5, lo5i). v.:5m. Oflice at J2k M. Oo.xaca.xa'rooIX, AUUTIOXKKR & COMMISSION MERCHANT, East Side of Gillespie Street, Favkttkvii.i.e, 158 N. C. Nov. IS. " h:. gel aham, o m mis 3 i o n ill cr d) ant . WILMINGTON, N. C. T.L five prompt and phonal attention to all V Co.iSiiruuusnts of Spirits Turneutine, Rosin. Tar, Tu. p'-iit'nv. and a; 1 country pro.l.ice i.jr sai . . ... ..' i.' I : J i.'. nt afcurs over the Store ot Mr ou- "-A ... . .. -V' ...1. W. gkiliu anil joiuiu: Lutterlun s wnarr. -nohu n ain Street. June IS. 18.. 9. tf F A Y KTT K V 1 L L. K HO T i.L, T. V ADDILL, rROPRIETOR. I HIS. the mot eonni;o!ious iioi i E in Nc.ilh CaVxiliH. llol.lilifT sou "fret on Iliiv-aiul DonablM'U streets, is i. the centre of the business portiun .)(' t!i" town, nsui uud'd by nil the bank- iMtr houses, wholesale m.-i chants and pviucipal pro- l rrr-' i.usiness men will f.na the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stanes arrive and depart from tins Hotel. Vavetteville. Aj.ril 2. I.s5!. ly'r JfcO7"03, SllOOt-XlTOll TlX-H AlxIs c yvV 1, -in,! :i bii-K,. ;issor! DX'iit of I'o.xnnd cooking Stoves : Tin-ware : so the " 1:1 I)oiu.nio:i Nov. 27. tf Sheet -Tron : Lead Pipe. A 1- t'uffve i'o." For sale by JAMES MARTINE. notice: II AVINO RKCKXTLY I'URCil ASKD TT1 E of OmiricM Sc Meivf than, 1 am now carrying on 1 i... .: ... ,,,,,.;;v. !!:: mercantile uunif? .it iuu..i-n a mn. R II. LYON Aug lit - 1W!. w-tf TVIayloIo factory, GEO. LAUDER, Two Doors above U. T. Uui-U & Sou's Store, Fuyetteville, 2s. C. 1, 1858. ly. POR SALE- Oct. Xus FST FIX1SIIEO. A SUPERIOR STILL CAP and WORM to wo.-k litteen Uarrels, which 1 will f-ell on reasonable terms. Applv soon. JAMES MARTINE. Fayetteville, May 19, ?59. w-tf JEnnLtsif Oils, efce. SPERM, 11. fined. Lard, Linseed and T turner's OIL; Wlill'E LEAD; IJurning Eluid ; Putty; Window Glass and Susii of all sizes. ALSO A fresh supply of Pond's Pain Pestinver. For sale by JAS. MARTINE. Nov. 27. tf BEDSTEADS .'lJVD CH.JIRS For Sale at reduced prices, at the Auction Store of A. M. CAMPBELL. A -g 21, 1333. tf DENTAL NOTICE. BR- R- SCOTT offers his profesional services to the community and may be seen at his ftiee. two door East ot the Market. Sept. '.), 18.i 9. w-tf Reward. RAN AW A from the subscriber on the Sth inst. a n-'gro boy named M NUEL. Sa:d negro is a bout 2" years old, 0 feet I or two inches hi?h. He is supposed to be in the neighborhood of W. II. Brown in Robeson county, where he was last -een. I will ive the above reward of tweuty dollars for his deliv ery to me within sixty days from th s date. I will give an additional rew rd of S20 tor evidence suffi cient to couvict any white inaa of harboring said ne gro. JAMES McNATT. Aug 20, 1859. w-tf School Motice- MY School in the DONALDSON ACADEMY be re-opened on Monday, October 3rd. Teran per Quarter often vetks. will English, S7 50 Latin. 6sll) 00 Latin and Greek, S 12 5,1 Contingent, 25 A f ' v pupils can be furnished with board in the family of the Principal, on Hay Mount, J ESSE 11. McLEAN. A. M., Principal Aug. 13, 1809. w-lf ' Mrs r-sa. ; 1 .... j?yv:- TS now receiving his usual supply of Goods- among JL w hicfa Rich Silks, Col'd and Black ; French Merinos and delaines ; English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted ; Bed and Negro Blankets ; Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 10 ; j Ready-Made Clothing ; Boots and Shoes ; With a very large assortment of other Goods. All o V, T -U . V,., ,if tKa nallr!iar0 M f t.hf InWPKl which were purchased by the package at the lowea1 rice Those purchashing will please call and look at the Goods and prices, Sept. 16, 1859 w-tf IMPORTATIONS - FOB THE FALL OF 1859. t ' I TOJi subscribes navs receivea most 01 uieir pur- JL chases tor the. approaching ball lraae, emora cing a large and general assortment of. Cooecrles, Hollew-Ware, By the Ton or less ; Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findings. "With articles generally wanted for manufacture of Shoes: i a a 18t'V In greafariety. and SADDLERY HARD-WARE. They have also added largely by Direct Importation from the Manufactures in Europe to their IIARD-WAEE Se CUTLERY . Department, by which they are enabled to save to their customers the Northern Jobbers' Profits, and they are disposed to sell at a small advance on cost-on their usual terms. They solicit an examination of their goods by the Trade generally In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stork to be Found in North Carolina the undersigned are Sole Agents in this place for Mess. Wm. Carter & Sou. of Chatham Co., for the sale of their SUPERIOR BROCANS. Messrs. C. & Son are manufacturing Shoes from Leather tanner? by themselves except the outer sole; they have all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making A Shoe That Planters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever offered for sale in this section, and at a reasonable price. Call and see ! ! GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. August 9, 48'3 d-lt w-3m ON the last Thursday (27th..) of October, 1 8.1 9. t'.iere will le an election held at the several elec tion Precincts of Harnett County, tor the selection of the County site of said County. JAS. R. GRADY, Sheriff. S pt. lfi. 18")9. d It. w te. ' I HAVE ns50'iated with me. in this line. Mr John K. Dailey, and will style the tiriu CRKLLL &. DAILHY. - W e have purchased the Steamer Socthekner, and in a few days, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon pro'upt (U'spatiiuYby appiytcg to MrrlaHy or board, or to me at my office. R. M. ORRELL. R. M. ORRELL March 2. 18."9. JOHN K. DAILEY. -tf. LOST. DROPPED from my Sulky, on the Fayettcville and Centre Plunk Road in about 11 miles of Fay efcteville. my Medical bags, containing a pocket case of Instruments Ac. The finder will be liberally re warded bv addressing the ubscriber at Fayettevil'e. July 23d 1S59. JNO. M. McLEAN. AMES M A H TINE is now receiving a larue and general assortment of everything in the above line. ALSO A p! ime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed and Brown Sugar ; Sugar House Syrup and Molasses. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov. 27. tf A CARD. A Word To My Old Friends. liO.SE persons for whom I have been attending to banking businuess for years : I am still willing ! to serve you with the same promptness that I have al ( ways done ; and to others that may want discounts, i Pension business, dec. ic. 1 clfer my services, with i a promise of strict attentiou JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1559. tf .NOTICE TO SOLDIER'S WIDOWS. 'B1IIE WIDOWS OF MEXICAN Soldiery M and the Widows of Soldiers who niEU ix service in the war ot 1312, can have their pensions continued by calling on the undersigned Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims,' and the money shall conn? at once, or no charge. Agt. for Pensions. F ayetteville June 19. 1858. , tf CKOCKE Y, C Iain a, Gl ac s-Ware AND LOOKING-GLASSES. . W. W. Tl l.riXfiHAST, IS now receiving his FALL STOCK, which includes entire asortments of new styles of White Granite and Blue Printed Ware, Plain and Gailt China Tea sets; a good assortment "of Common Wares, ar"d stok f Glass-ware twice as large as usual .n aien"V're havil,g been imported to order, and the Glass bought at auction, at lei than manufac turers prices he is sure that he cau furnish Country Merchants with goods quite as cheaply as they can ripply theuiselues from the North Sept- 17'i859- d lt-v-tr F M. AVVTITMeadoAv's Tobacco. JUST RECEIVED 23 BOXES which I will sell lo 3 at reduced factory prices. J uly 27 1859v JAMES W. HORNE. J FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SA ASSETS 254,618 62. rpHIS Company has been in operation more than L JL six years, and has paid its Fire losses, amount ing to $23,524.87 without any assessment ; insurance averaging its members about i per cent. s Amount of property apw insured, $1,563,490.01 Amount premium notes now oujhiad, 247,738.08 DIRECTORS : : , George McNeill, S. TIHawley, W.5feriUiiigbast, A. A.cKethan. J. D. Wliliams, James G.jCook, A; W. Steel, James Kyle, . Hon. J. GjShepherd D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover; S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLauriu. x.x-. kJ i j r ii f ; OFFICERS: GEORGE McNEILL, president. D. A. RAT, VICE PRESIDENT. C. A. MCMILLAN, SECRETARY. J. Collins and C C. McGrummen. Travelling Agents, 1S The Company invite applications, May 19, 1859. wly'r MOEE NEW GOODS!!" I AM JUST RECEIVING MY SPRING STOCK GOODS ia my line. They were selected in the Northern ;itira by myself, with great care, sod bought on the most reaoonnble terms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest stock I ever be fore offered to the public, and to offer them generally AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. FRUITS KAISONS.FIGS. PRUNES. APPLES. LEMONS. ORANGES CHERRIES, CURRANTS, lie; PICKLES. JELLIES AND PRESERVES, A GREAT VARIETY ; PERFUMERIES AND EXTRACTS OF VARIOUS KINDS ; Fancy Soaps and Pomades ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FIDDLES. DRUMS. FIFES. FLUTES. BANJOS. GUITARS. &c WalkinCanes of every kind ; BA SKE T A ND W1L LOW WA R E ; Hobby Horses. &c; NUTS; FINE AND COMMON CANDIES; SARDINES FINE CIGARS ; SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO ; CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES; A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK PORT-.V1 ONA IES, SOME VERY NICE; FANCY ENVELOPES. AND FANCY GOODS. TOYS AND YANKEE NOTIONS; AN ASSORTMENT OF INDIA RUBBER GOODS. WHIPS, COMBS. FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine my stork. I baTe a great niany handsome things thut cannot fail to please. JAMES R. LEE. April 2. 1859. -tf Hotel Building. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. FOR TIIK RAPID CURE OF i Colds, Couglts, aud Hoarseness. Bkimfield, Mass., 20th Dec, 1S55. Dr. J. C. A . kh : I d not hesitate to say the best remody J have ever found for Coughs, Hoarsened, Influenza, aud the concomitant symptoms of a Cold, isjfyour Ciicrrt Sectoral. ' It. eimsT.u.it. cut In my practice ami mj fiuuity for the last ten yt-ars has shown it to possess superior virtues for the treatment of these complaints. KBEN KNIGHT, M. D. A. B. M OUT LEY, Esq.. of Utica, X. Y., writes: " I have used your Pkctoiial myself aud in my family ever timv you invented it. and believe it the best medicine for its purpose eter put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay tweiitv-flve d illaig for a bottle than do without it, or take any other remedy." Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. Spring hkli, Mjss.. Feb. 7, 1S58. Brother Ateb : I will cheerfully certify your Pectoral is the best remedy we possess for the cure of Whooping Ottigh. Usmip, and thechest diseases of children. We of your fraternity in the South appreciate your skill, and commend your medicine to our people. 111KAS1 CON KLIN, 51. D. AMOS LEE, Esq., Momtrrkt, Ia.. writes, 3d Jan., 1856: "I had a tedious Influenza, which confined me in doors six weeks; took many medicines without relief ; i nally tried your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman. The first dose relieved the soreness in my throat and luns; less than one half the bottle made me completely well. Your medicines arc the cheapest as well as the best we can buy, and we esteem you, Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man's friend." Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. Wbsi Manchester, I "a., Feb. 4, 1856. Sir : Your Cherry Pectoral is performing marvellous cures in this section. It has relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who has labored under an affection of the lungs for the Inst forty years. HENRY L. PARKS, MetrAanL j A. A. RAMSEY, M. D., Albion, Monbos Co.. Iowa, writes, Sept. 6, 1865: During my practice of many years I have found nothing equal to your Cherkt Pectoral for giving ease and re lief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are curable." We might add volumes of evidence, but the most convincing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found 'ii its effects upon triaL Consumption. Probably do one remedy has ever been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach ; but eveu to those the Chebkt Pccrofau. affords re lief and comfort. Astor rfousE, Nkw Yorb Citt, March 5, 1858. Doctor Atsr, Lowell : I feel it a duty and a pleasure to in form you what your Cherrt Pectoral has done fjr my wife. She had been five months laboring under the dangerous symp toms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we have come for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has recovered from that day. She is not yet as strong as she used to be, bnt is free from her cough, and calls herself well. Yours, with gratitude and regard, ORLANDO SHELBY, op Shblbtviixb. Cbnsumptivet, do not despair till you have tried Ater's Cherrt Pectoral. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all round us bespeak the high merits of its virtues. Jfiiludcljihia LtJger. Ayerfe Cathartic Fills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shun that these Pills have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordina ry medicines, aad that they win unprecedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, parity the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered or gans into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, bnt also formidable and danger ous diseases that have baffled the test of human skill. While they produce powerful effects, they aro, at the fame time, in di minished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being ragatcoated, th-y are pleasant to take ; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen aud physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the re liability of my remedies, while others have sent me the assur ance of their convict km that my Preparations contribute im mensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my Amer ican Almanac, containing directions for their use, and certifi cates of their cures of the following complaints: Ooativeness, Bilious Complaints, RhenmatisingDropsy, Heart, burn. Headache arising from a-foul Stomach, Nausea. Indiges tion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous ami Cntaneous Dis eases which require an eracuant Medicine, Scrofula or King's EviL They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the sys tem, cure many complaints which it would not be supiosed they could reach, such as Deafness. Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be pt off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Ater's Pills, and take noth ing else. No other- they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic rata or eurative powers. The sick want the best aid there is for them, aad they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. G. AEB Practical aad Analytical Chemist, Lowell Ksss. Price, 35 Cra. feb Box. Five Boxes for $1. SOLD BY S. J. H INS ALE, Fcb?y 19. 1859. ly Fayettevilie, N. C. Dr. Frank J William's Rye Whiskey. R MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr - Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, w hich can be had at nis store at all times, bv wholesale or retail., JLtDAY, OCTOBER -T TO" C1TV4- ' I itj itOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN lledidaeTaCilieEiicals. " Wefru Glusu faint , Uif, Uye-Xtuff V , DTfTAL AND SURG iCAL INSTRUMENTS, ZZ TfLVSSESi BRACES. SUPPORTERS ACES. SUPPORTERS .4 - Peru ' I .innar. fn VI a aU i tt- KtrteZS CtBUi, VARUCX Alto FUXto Stiis, Jtc. r i sa dUBSCKIUER is urw In : nt, nf h a Pall 6uppli8, and itifitex the'- ait.ii;nii nf i'l. vi.., JIwrohautMaua others to his large and select Vs Orders from the country promptly attended to. and satistactiou guarantied. JAS. N, SMITH. Druggist and Chemist. Sept 8th, d It. wtf. (wiit ttwiil JFiatcrt Swords, SicorU JBeits9 frpaulett., Milt aud Wooied Sashe, Bullous, Plume, Army Caps, Lace, Cord, Tassels, Stars, Bufflps, Belt Claps, Eiigles, Spurs, WEBBING DRUMS, DKUM-II GADS, MUSKET BALLS. AND GAPS. Now on band and for Sale at No. 11, Hay St i.ATCU AND JEWKLKY SOUK. W- PRIOR. Lost ! Lost ! ! OX Monday night the 26th of September,' ia the town of Ltunherton 1 roia JLerer JWutcH, JoUnson's Liverpol No. 51408, and a Pocket Book Containing two or threeBank Bills, and two or three notes of hand. one agtint.s Duncan Gilchrist, and Miilcoirib Mcliryde, for the sum of $1.00 and made payable to D. J. Johnson, with two credits entered on it, one January 1839, the other in Slay lK-i9, Also a uoiti ot hau l made to me byDr B K Person. for the snm of .l!3').0!. dated in April 18o(i or .57, and some other papers of no great value. A liberal reward will be l aid for the recovery of paid property or any part thereof. Addre.-s the Sub.- riber at Dundarroch Robeson county, N; C, or Warren Prior, Fayette vUle, N. C. MALCOM SHAW. Oe 14, w-2t d-2tpd Wegroes for Sale. BY virtue ot an order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. ofCnmberl nd County. I will ex pose for sale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on Tuesday of next Superior Court, Kin Scgroe 1 JIan, 2 Women and 6 Children, sa the prop rty of the late .lynies R Gee. on a credit of six;nionths. notes with approved security. Aa the same tim- "TTJhe Horse ; One Cart ; One Carriage and Wagon and Harness ; Household ahd Kitch 'ii Furniture. GEO W. GLE. Adurr. Oct. 15, w-ts CLX5-R1L OilDER SO. C. I load Quarters 33nl Regiment N. C. Malitia. Fayettcville. Oct. 14 1&"9. THE Com nissioned and non-commissioned officers of the 33rd Regiment of North Carolina Militia, are hereby ord-.-r.Ml to oppear at the Court House in Fayitteville. on Friday the 11th. Nov. at lo o'clock A. M., armed and equipped as the law directs, for Drill. Also to parale their respective Companies", at the same place on S iturday the 12th Nov. at 10 o'clock' A. M., for review and inspection. By or :cr of Brig'd Gen 1 DEAUGITAN, C. E. LEETE Col. THOS. C. FULLER, Adj't. Oct. 14. 1859. w-tin di t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. Court of Vitas and Quarter Scssiois jhizust. Term, It is ordered by the Court that thu following Tracts of Land be sold for the Taxes. The Owners being non-residents, of the County. Therefore Publication be male in the North Carolinian, according lo law Ford. Elias B-, 3 "0 acres on Aligator Swamp $2.73 Mclutyre, John C. 10 west of Aslipele fit Mclntyre, D. W. 1 5 " 73 From the Minutes. JOHN M. HARTMAN, Clerk. Oct. 12, Pr. Adv $3.1; 5-tw l-td STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - ROBESON COCNTV. Court of V has and Quarter Sessions August Term, 1859. Jacob Alford, Adm'r of Arcu'd McKay, dee'd, . Nelly McKay, and others. PETITION FOR ACCOUNT AND SETTLEMENT. Ia this case it appearing to the Court that Alex't McKay. Arch'd McPhauI. a.iiel MePuaul, Flora Mc P.haul. Alex'r MePhaul, Wilsoa Thammaad. and wife felizabetu, Hilliam McPhauI, aud Campbell, all re j side bvyottd the limits ot this State. It is therefore ,' ordered that Pabl eatioa. be made in the Norih Car- oliuian, for six weeks aotitying said Defendants, to ; appear ,t the next Term of this Court to be held at the Court House in Lambertou. there to plead answer or demur to said Petition, or Jugment pro eotiestt will be rendere I. and the same heard export as to them. Witness John M Hart man. Clerk of our Said Conrt at ottice in Luta'jertou the Fourth Monday iu August A. D. 1853. J M. HARTMAN. Clerk. $ 25, 5l-w ll-d Oct. 12 Pr Adv. PKICJbs IN Trifcl STATE ! T A now Kiving the highest prices f r No. 1 young NEGROES. Persons having any to dispose ot would do veil by giving me the first call, or write to me. stating the size, agtr, quality and appearance of their negroes. I :uay always be found at the Sherawell House, Fayetteville. JNO. O. ARMSTRONG. Aug. 12, 1559.-is w4f ClolMtip Store, 'North blast Jam Market Squrre. NEXT DOOR TO THE CAROLINIAN OFFICE IS the place to buy all grades and qualities of Beady Made Clothing. Coots and Shoes, ilats, and Uu brellas,.i Youths and fcoys lot ling, Gejilemen't Shawls, aud Over Coals aud every shiii-f. usually kept ,ay u witi 't patronage may rely ou get- j goods at the very lowest pr.c- as we are de- terraiieu to sell our gi-ods a as low figures as any ; other person or persous can sell. Call and examine 1 oul jmoc or youielves TtJ Oct 17, 5f rv 29, 1859. TlfE NOnTllJCAliOLtNail , Our Trip I7orth. After s day spent in . the groat .Metropofis, JTew York, we took oeeasioh ta call at the Bible House up- HTV 1 Tk " 1 iy engaged. He very kttdly eondw, edua through the extensive eatabli American Bible Society. It is a p " - ABKr,u,u ui.suuJ. i wgnuw I Bibles and is worthy the attentiou of any f ear ' f11"0118 Wh may .trVd Wy u " msivkUii Ul liiv: vmiuus i wins w c vua wwsmhv accomnanied bv Mr. M. to some of the Newspaper offices We visited the place from which ecaanates the New York Tribune. This is a mammoth estab- lishment the weeklv circulation f this paper be ing 87,000. We visited the sanctum of Horace, where we found him busily engaged writing, com pletely engrossed with his subject To a visitor ,, , ,. .a , , . . old person, a calm dumi fled appearance, while his deportment is that of a friendly, affable gentleman. ' He spoke familiarly of Fayetteville and of some wN may they hope that ultimately their infamous of our public men, and remarked that we had two banner of fanatical abolitionism will wave as proud honest men in North Carolina, Mr. Venable and J. by from the mountain top of the Old Dominion and A. Gilmer. He said "they would not steal." We ' North Carolina, as from the White mountains of asked him if he knew what we did with thieves New Hampshire and the green hills of Vermont in the Old North State ? he replied that he did not. ; We have in our own midst, men if we ,can ao WelL said we, " they are taken te the whipping post distort the English language as to call them by and receive thirty-nine lashes on the bare back, and that name who would and have advocated a un it that did not settle them they might get the even ion of the Northern Republican and Southern op number of forty immediately, by way of an addi- position. Of this stamp waa Brown, the ringleader tional infiuient to honesty." of this treasonable massacre, an Editor of a Black " -n"yJ?i,e "but you don't whip for govern- Republican paper in Kansas, and with him and hia ment stearrrig?" We acknowledged the justness of followers we find some of our opposition exchanges his remark, but would not doubt but Horace would advocating a union. These be your God?, oh, steal a negro if he had a chance. j opposition! These are your companions, and well After a short time spent with Mr. Greely, we left may you be proud of their distinguished K rvices. him and proceeded to the office of the Scottish Amer- j If there is such a state of guilt as princi pal mid ican Journal, where we met with a very pleasant ' accessory, the Southern opposition have been reception. This Journal is becoming very popular, made accessory to this infamous crime by their ad andjustlyso ; it ought to be in the hands of all Scotch- j vocacy of a union of this abolition element with men and their descendents. We were disappointed ; themselves, thus giving the power and conduct of at not meeting the worthv editor, he beint' absent at Nova Scotia. Immediately after leaving this establishment. Mr. M. and ourself together with a fine Scotch gentle- man, a Mr. King, proceeded to the Fair of the Amer- ican Institute, where we were greeted with the sight of many navel and interesting things ; the inventive mechanical skill of the nation was there represent- ed, from a steam engine made of glass to a Jive dol- lar sewing machine, both amounting to the same in point of utility. We also called upon the celebrated buffer, Awful aims urvi.ie tjraruner. ana were exceedingly surnriz- i ' ' ": ' --r- - rr- e- - - .. - ea to nna nun so perlectly gentlemanly and courte- ousin his manners. Orville was converted some two years since in a revival and is now keeping a religious reading room and colfee house at No. 26, New Bowery, near James street. This is a place of resort by a number of the clergymen in the city, who go there to read and partake of hot coffee. It is said that Henry WardBeecher makes it a place of favorite resort. We were sorry that our business prevented us Thk Fair. The sixth ""l exhibition of the from remaining longer with our very agreeable com- Cumberland County Agricultural Society, which is panions, Messrs. King and Martin. ! to be held in this place on Wednesday, Thursday Mr. Martini is in excellent health and has contin- and Friday, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of November next, ued to improve ever since his trip to North Carolina, promises to be the largest and most successful of any We are assured that our readers will be pleased to ever held. Our enterprising townsman, A. A. Mc hear of his prosperity and that of hia very inter- Kethan, Esq., who is first and foremost in all wor esting fami.y. thy - objects, . is manufacturing a very handsome Mr. Martin is one of the "hard" democrats of N. ; top Buggy' for exhibition. We have seen a very York, and battles manfully for his favorite. Mayor handsome set of double Harness, made by Mr. Wood, whom we are sorry to say, has been much ; Owen Houston, which he intends exhibiting. Mr. misrepresented in the South and elsewhere by one sided newspaper reports. But more of this anon. THE LATE INSURRECTION. No one can imagine the extent of the plans which were lain by the Northern 'Abolitionist, in this dreadful and unfortunate outbreak. That .their schemes were deep lain is certain, but, fortunately, the blow was struck at an unlucky time for the ae complisliment of their hellish designs. "' It now remains to be seen, whether Gov. Wise will demand the surrender of the parties who have, coutributed money to carry out this plot. It is a duty which devolves upon him, and he will be guilty in not exercising it. :' ; '' - Gerret Smith ought to be demanded in company with his associates, and should be delivered over to the hands of justice, to be dealt with according to his deserts. If the State of New York refuses to surrender him, then indeed will it be a good cause for the South to arm, from the stripling of twelve years to the sage of sixty. Iet her be up and do ing, for if she refrain from the pursuit of tlte path pointed out by the finger of justice and tinmanity, then indead, ought her dirge be sung, and the last spark of manly honor may well be said to have de parted from her sons t Let the ery g forth trm Maryland to Texas, wrong has been inflicted, her peaceful citizen have been batchered.tn eoid oioo L and should the South refine to at promptly, effi ciently andA in earnest ; should she be content to repose in trembling, anxious and humiliating secu rity at the feet of these Northern AbolitionLsts ' woe be to her future, for it is dark and gloomy in deed. -- 1 ir ' ' We weuld not indulge in wild and unreasonable braggadocio, but our earnest conviction ia expressed when we say that the South has mn absolute right to demand the surrender of "these men and that a refusal is tantamount to an endorsement of the ac tion; this being so, the IThmh" not worth a straw, and its continuance is a fare which has been played but too long upon the toe credulous, south em States.' ' ; V,W;-'. u x:: We would direot attention taihe advertise ment of Joseph Arey, Eo.r Tax list taker for Fay ettevfile bskT Ctobj Creek District. It U Iiepoft ant for all to vaSt up and pve in their tajwa. . This W InM ITe ; r' ; 1 -- - i" 4 A meeting F&e DemMtfe Nsmal Com mittee will bes heldflirfhe 3 city" r"'of Wasiungton at " tiocn a. m, on w euaesuay me 1 n uay 01 ite - cember next, to designate the time f holding the convention in Charleston. Thomas D. M 'twell, Esq., of Bladco, is.ibe rammit toe sua from North fcM ca vptm CidMKi b3 f Vitya- - To wkeea Ci we io& tm the aiders and aVetlcr f this jeftren 1 oeJts f Upoa whom shall th ! a blaoied be eaxia the Soath ! It is clear that tl.i 1 boid id -iralle outrage-a strike that !?" 7rr? ITi v..., would not haT been made had not the Northern.-, ,. fanatics seen tflndeiicj politioyjKn ui r aomthera 'jmm? Tby had noVdared to plant their foot np n Southern soii wkea die sentiments of the ' . Sonth srere united ; bat an encouragement is offer ed bwmaa nkrn politiciane, and like drowning men, thesa dbolitien feoatios catch at straws. No wonder &ai tw;'would nave courmge to enter bar a union is amadowjr saeh saen as Botts of Virginia, Bates of Missouri, aad Ac leading journals of the opposition in the Soath. Who bat they, hare con tributed to the bringing; about of this deplora ble calamity ? Who but they, hare been tto abet- tors, indirectly, of this infamoos plot 1 When the J . . L vt u c .: i v. l. CAti id .! oj? i the federal troons into the hands ot there ta- natics. Our exchanges which have been so blind as not to see the difference which exists between a Northern democrat and a Black Republican may now learn the difference by reading the orders of our worthy Chief Magistrate to the Commander of j the U. S. Troops, when he told them to take and pursue the conspirators into any and every State iu the Union, and bring them to justice, j To Jas. Bucha.ion are we indebted for the prompt and sudden overthrow of their infernal plan. . tt, nlo ;n tlm TriKnna r.f th lQiK inxt. W. .V VVV 1 -..v..v v. v-w ga- Qf Rrown and his compatriots : j .Let their epithets remain unwritten uniil the ' not distant day when no slave ftball clank bis shains in the f hades of Monticello or by the graves of Mount Vernon. Yet, Greely advoeatcs a union with the Southern opposition, and they in jetBrnd vocate a union with the Republicans. Our readers may judge for themselves. William Overby is also manufacturing a double set of Harness and Saddle for exhibition. We have seen a great many other articles which - ill he ex hibited, and from present indications we fec i q i;te sure there will be more on exhibition than there lias been at any previous Fair. We will publish a pro- ; gramme of the proceedings in ample time. - Pkesbvtebianim. We attended the ve J inter esting services of the dedication of the new Presby- teriao church at Galatia on Saturday. There were a number of persons froth town in attendance. The dedication sermon was preached by Rev. Jas. bin clair of Smyrna, who also preached in the morning. On yesterday (Sabbath) the sacrament was admin istered in the new edifice. Rev. Jaa. Sinclair preach ing in English in the fore and afternoon. The Pas tor Rev. J. C. Sinclair preached in Gaelic in the old church. The Rev. Nctll McDonald, Pastor at Lit tle Reostfish, assisted In the services of the commun ion. We have never witnessed so large a crowd at a place of the ' kind. " There were protMMy bouw twelve or fifteen hundred souls present. We cannot leave the subject without compliment ing the people of Galatla upa the splendid edifieo they have erected and dedicated to Almighty God. It is the finest country ehurosi we have seen in the State, and still better, it is nearly ill paid for. iST Mr. Brittao, the cCVer and talented Senior of the Charlotte BmlUtin, In speaking mf hie trip to Raleigh on the occasion of the State Pair last week pays" the following tribute to ear chief executive. 'doVcranrClIisT Viw' ' Hhi ExcellencT, Gov. Ellis, to whom he hsd the honor of en introdation; wee n regular attendant at the Fair, ad we were pin ill to observe tnac bis sasnnar and cordaal aalntatioua were entirely free from that peculiar, artstocratical air so frequently as sumed by gentlemen elevated to a similar position in some of our suiter States. st Gov. ' Ellis muv ie very property Vsgaried M type of the tnte Uemocrv ey. and ef all the mea who oave nlkvt t-e Ch ii. of the State in State in South Cardiaa,,..-.;,. .1 c odlection, none, (excuptii iir..-. ......t-: ;,i tnd Gist,) will compare with lum - lsn t ; ;4,. jve to wear the hunsrr o the higli p nation 4i; y.).c esptebty and with as awn dignity iiiis 7 aseaansctear w InJuiced u. t br wiU aueoasd the hTSi Vtm John Y. terafeFkafav-' ' .-.j, i.,? t - -,-t llm . Xx2S? i nsX tew been nwaenad as kja prahabU v arc i nieinea 10 3mr&i .T. rea iety. iienr- ni :- 1 surer or the Mecklenbur 1 . twi J through the EdSasn or the ?. . ? .'K' i ary tickets to the annual exhibit? u-r held ia the town of Charlotte, 00 i, Oct. 16, 185ft, tf vt w-tf U2t CaroluaV

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